Nice little programme on BBC1 at 9pm last night (Tues) called last Tango in Halifax. Premise is a couple of oldies meet up again after 50 years and plan to get married. Set in Yorkshire so some of scenery pleasant.
Last night out of no where we had the main characters discuss politics. The man gave a long speech about sticking up for the average man but then veered off into praising Michael Foot and Gordon Brown (much misunderstood). The woman was accused of being a Thatcherite and was suitably wishy washy with her opinions to give the impression that she did not know any better.
Well the BBC have been pushing the left wing line in the drama department since the days of Ken Loach. At least you knew whhat you were getting with old Ken.
However, the pushing of left wing propaganda in all manner of dramas, comedies, light entertainment, etc has increased greatly over the last 25 years.
I remember in one of the first episodes of Eastenders some character moaning “the spirit went out of the market when the Tories got in”.
Another crime from “Thatcher”. She killed the “spirit” of Albert Square.
some time ago I met a film producer based in Bath who had one too many and started off on one about dear old Comrade Ken Loach, his very large and agreeable house in Bath and various quangos’ habit of giving Loach money to “make stupid worthy bloody films that no-one bloody watches and which make no bloody money”
“the spirit went out of the market when the Tories got in”.
That spirit obviously returned to the market between 1997 and 2010, just like all those coal mines, so viciously closed by Thatcher and re-opened after 1997.
Errr…….pardon… mean none? Surely not!
More were closed in the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s but ALL of that never gets a mention. Worth noting that peak year for South Wales coal (perhaps Dysgwr_Cymraeg can confirm?) was…wait for it 1919!!!
And no doubt Owen Jones, Miliband, Harmen and friends would keep all of the pits open now, despite their desire for ‘green’ power generation, health and health and safety, etc., etc.
Maybe they could keep all of the miners gainfully employed, painting the coal white.
Maybe Owen Jones would, but the others you mention see miners as a bit too native working class male for their liking. And the beeb only tolerates miners because they didn’t like Thatcher, otherwise they’d relegate them to the ranks of wife-beating BNP pit-bulIs too. Ingsoc’s core voters are now the middle class left and the minorities.
Ken (yawn) Loach with his agit prop films influence only doe-eyed young radicals who yearn to be thought of as hip and chic. He is fashionable but not a force in the propaganda war.
The BBC is.
They follow the rules laid down by a previous generation of Soviet commissars. In the 1930s the Soviets instructed their pals in Hollywood to shun movies like “Days of Glory”, a 1944 film about a group of Soviet guerrillas fighting the Nazi invasion of Russia. It was meant to show that the noble communists were good guys. (Gregory Peck starred.)
A more effective approach, it was suggested, was to slip ‘suitable’ dialogue into hit movies – that way the message got through sublimely to mass audiences.
An example from “Casablanca”:
Captain Renault: In 1935, you ran guns to Ethiopia. In 1936, you fought in Spain, on the Loyalist side.
Rick: I got well paid for it on both occasions.
Captain Renault: The “winning” side would have paid you “much better”.
Good old Rick, huh? He chose the “right” side. No doubt we know who the scriptwriter thinks were the good guys.
It’s worth keeping a look out for this stuff. US TV dramas are full of it. (“Law and Order” is a particular offender)
It’s in a long tradition in drama (even Shakespeare did it as my friends in the Richard III Society (!) keep telling me) and demonstrates how the Left owns the mythology by embedding messages into the popular culture.
It seems the BBC’s “Last Tango in Halifax” was just another Trojan horse in a long tradition of Trojan horses.
Yes, reminds me of a recent BBC drama of Henry V, in which the Duke of York was played by a black actor?!!! Mentioned this on this blog and lo and behold, the stupid lefties that post on occasion berated me for even raising the matter. The D of Y was white, and i doubt if Will would have drafted anyone but a white man to depict him, lost on these pillocks of the Left.
Imagine the outrage if Muhammed Ali was played by Ben Affleck…
Martin Luther King by Stallone…
Malcolm X by Graham Norton…
I think the left (and everyone else to be fair) would be up in arms about it, the reverse role (black plays white) is no different to the black & white minstrels.
Much of the coal from South Wales was shipped to staging ports around the Empire like Aden, Singapore and Hong Kong- the Royal Navy and most ships ran on coal. Until Churchill engineered the takeover of oil reserves in Persia in 1909. After that demand for the South Wales coal was in decline.
Just like coal demand was in decline from the 1960s onwards. The coal industry when Thatcher took over was a shadow of its former self.
That’s how many BBC programmes work. The first part of a factual programme appears neutral and innocuous, and then the political digs kick in – usually with the intervention of some right-on name like Ben Elton or Stephen Fry.
Drip drip drip the bias just never stops and the BBC propaganda machine carries on educating the public to vote labour at the next election. Now if only the right-wing press could be curtailed and controlled to prevent educating the public to not vote for labour at the next election….
I keep on using this example but it tells you everything you need to know about the BBC.
When the Major government initiated a policy of employing people in wards whose sole function was to monitor day to day budget costs, the BBC programme Causualty (which is still going on I believe) had an unsympathetic harridan playing that role.
When New Labour came to power (and pursued an IDENTICAL policy) there was a cast change. The middle aged white harridan was replaced by a young sympathetic gay male Muslim. An identical policy, but a different political Party.
It is not only that the BBC is vaguely on the Left (to suit the tastes of Jim Dandy – the sort of bigots who object to sympathetic coverage of the pregnancy of the Duchess of Cambridge) the BBC is crassly in favour of the Labour Party (and for that matter the Democrats in the USA) in a way that directly subverts our democracy.
If they began each programme with a declaration that the following programme it is a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party I might have a little more respect for the BBC. But they don’t, and I don’t.
Even lifelong Labour Party supporters accept that Gordon Brown is a little pot of poison. So the BBC telling us how misunderstood he is (you know like all those endless BBC dramas telling us how sympathetic Thatcherites are) tells you that the BBC are not simply propagandists on behalf of the Left, they are not simply smug, greedy, parasites, they are actively pursuing the end of a one Party State.
I’m just trying to think of what it it was about Brown’s taxborrowspend country-wrecking binge that I misunderstood. I guess the BBC’s way of ‘understanding’ is to airbrush it from history.
‘gets his own spin off show.’
Set anywhere but the UK, as he seems to find the environment here professionally inclement usually.
Oddly, he seems to have given The Netherlands on a kicking off basis.
Definitely Clare Balding – a lesbian – as a typical mum! Proposed hubby Richard Bacon wouldn’t notice as he’d be off his head on coke. Minor characters could include Tony Robinson as the dubious scoutmaster, Fiona Bruce as Bacon’s flirty old mother-in-law, and playing herself in a cameo role, Anne Robinson, who sells her baby for a can of White Lightning.
The Indian Test Match
What is this Kolkata? Do the BBC mean Calcutta?
Is it something to do with the name being altered to fit local proununiation?
If so then why didn’t we get the Lahndan Olympics?
No, the reason is that the Indian Governments changed the names of various cities:
Calcutta = Kolkata
Bombay = Mumbai
Madras = Chennai
.. and so it goes.
Probably something to do with the legacy of British Empire etc…
ITW wrote: but the Germans don’t call munich “munich”
Exactly they call it ‘Munchen’ just as they call Cologne ,Koln. But the thing about the bBC getting some native Bombay speaker to report to the British in an accent you just cannot understand.
“Probably something to do with the legacy of British Empire etc…”
Quite true. Nasty colonialist oppressors naming places to make themselves feel at home. After all, these places were named after Calcutta in Devon, Bombay in Wester Ross and Madras which is just over the border from me in East Sussex (just past Flimwell). I’m not surprised the Indians were so affronted it that it took them a mere 48 years of being independent to get around to “Mumbai.”
Incidentally, here’s the recent obit of the main mover in the Bombay-Mumbai renaming (para 8). He sounds like a charmer.
Climate change discussed again on R4 this am – and UK paying billions to other countries to help them go green. Not only stated as fact that climate change is caused by man they are now placing blame on the men from specific countries – viz UK
The US is doing the same thing. The President has been sending billions of dollars to the same UN wealth redistribution agency, without really telling Congress just how much He’s handed over. We live in lawless times, it seems.
Ah, what is fair… what is not?
Seems that while some thing are not, others are merely bumps on the road smoothed away with OPM, like Newsnight blood money, DG double go-away bribes…
The BBC as a mechanism to take from the poor and give to the rich seems oddly uncricket too.
The Brown-Balls idea always has been that it is ‘fair’ to borrow, and fund current spending by getting our children and grandchildren to pay for it. But no-one, least of all the bBBC, ever asks why they think that is ‘fair.
The Apprentice is about egotism and back stabbing. In short it is about the BBC. It has very little to do with building a business – which is about the co-operative building of value, and subjecting yourself to market realities.
Dragon’s Den is about greedy obnoxious rich people. Again like BBC management. You are not meant to like them, you are meant to despise them.
Channel Four produces infinitely better business programmes – which focus on the hard slog, risk taking, and up and downs of building a business.
BBC drama is always written from the point of view of the envious loser. The idea of working class people becoming rich is truly abhorrent to them.
They would rather make a programme about a middle class wanker becoming a soviet spy. As I say the envy and back stabbing of Leftists is more their field of interest.
The wealth created, and for whom, as a factor of the investment and brand value of the PR would be interesting, especially from years of national programming.
On Dragon’s Den I can recall Reggae Reggae and that’s about it, plus the careers of a few less than stellar business egotists have blossomed into other lucrative areas outside the BBC as a result of the profile. Along with that of Evan Davies, who I am sure will speak for a modest fee on ‘business’, and how you conduct this without checking IP first – – or ‘encourage’ the public by lining up Colusseum TV fodder for ritual humiliation – ttp:// – or edit out anything that shows the programme, host or ‘stars’ up for the shallow creeps they are.
And if you really think ‘The Apprentice’ is anything other than a vehicle for SirnowlorAlan and his offsiders to score outside gigs and a selection of Martin Sixsmith spivs and Jo Moore peroxide sinks in high heels to get a year’s worth of Co-op store opening fees, you really must be a plant. Or a person seeded here to make the BBC look worse than it makes itself daily.
The Apprentice is a feed back loop. Suger donates to labour. BBC give income to Sugar. Suger donates to Labour.
Dragon’s Den is ‘bear pit’ TV like the X Factor. It has nothing to do with business, the pitching of ideas is just the audition section in X Factor. It’s there to entertain through humiliation. No wonder lefties like it.
Sugar and the Dragons hold all the approved thoughts, so they’re kosher. In these days of a kinder, gentler, Marxism, it’s okay for the nomenklatura and useful merchants to be wealthy. So long as they play along, anyway.
Actually as a dolelite myself and having been a single parent of a now grown up adult and not a large family living in abject affluence in the middle of london via benefits; as is oft the publicised view of the daily wail,
The “large” increase in welfare last year was nothing of the kind. That inflation busting rise of 6% (as I recall) was about 1-2 quid a week which when compared to the 30% increase in Gas and Electricity was nothing, the huge increases in the cost of basics such as bread, milk, beans, potatoes, etc; more than exceeded the 1-2 quid rise by at least 5 quid so I am now 6-7 quid a week worse off.
For the record I get 102 IS, 20 CT, and 98 HB a week.
For some reason here in Derbyshire there are limits to how much is paid to claiments, unlike london, and one of the more insidious is the under 25 one which is a maximum of 53 PW (the single room alowance) which I guess is ok for young people… but they have just increased the age to 35 now, so people who were renting a flat are now falling into arears and there is no “single room” stock in the LHA and what there is in the private sector is already full.
Inflation is, and has always been, a con its values are meaningless except to show a general trend and bare no relationship to the “subjective inflation” at various levels of society. I would say that my personal subjective inflation rate last year felt more like 35% and I don’t eat out, go to the pub, watch films at the cinema, put the heating on for more than an hour a day (I’m lucky my flat is quite warm so doesn’t usually drop below 12deg) and my one vice is my computer, till it dies, and internet connection.
So in this instance its not fair…
However the system is skewed towards large families, its not just the “child benefit” its the additional “childrens allowance” introduced under labior of 45 odd a week that is the nice little earner, or the WFTC to subsidise the low wages, and as an aside bring a whole group of working people onto the state books; dependent of it and voting for labiour, while systematically importing huge numbers of people from the rest of the world to suppress wage demands; of which the clever ones send as much back home as possible where its buying power is so much greater.
Having, been to France many times ,when watching their news channels ,& a map of China or India comes up ,Peking is marked up on the caption as wait for it Peking! Likewise Bombay is Bombay , &, so on for Madras & Calcutta!! Bbc Pc crap n socialist Bulls**t !
Another point, from someone who has visited Bombay 12 times over the last 20 plus years:
Various road names from “Empire” times, Wellington Circle, Colaba Causeway, Ormiston Road, Marine Drive, all had name changes, but are still known by the old names amongst the people of Bombay.
There is a load of PC crap at the BBC as others on this thread have said.
During the footy World Cup (I think) I recall the BBC trying all sorts of mispronunciations of Côte d’Ivoire and wondering why Germany wasn’t Deutschland etc.
We use Seville oranges to make marmalade and most people have heard of the ‘Barber of Seville’ but according to the hearties at R5, the football team is called ‘Severe’.If we went by R5 footie correspondent usage, there would be controversy about a Torino shroud. I think it’s because they are not very well educated. In one telephone interview between two of them, I once heard, one of them did say: “You’re in Roma at the moment.” – so it could just be a holidaymakers’ affectation that’s got out of hand.
The Chinese forced western countries to change over by stating all press release would use the new names: people might manage to change whatever a Nanking or a Mukden are now called but I’ve a feeling they changed every damned place name in the country because it was all about transliteration as much as anything.I once heard a journalist refer to the old ‘imperialist’ names, which probably explains why those non-aligned countries with a chip on their shoulder about past domination, go in for that kind of thing. The BBC, who probably have similar feelings about our imperial past, are only too eager to fall into line.
do you remember “malvinas” being used again and again – during a debate from the falklands, to much anger, from the islanders –
drearybyshire and foglegity
just simply didn t, “get it” 😀 totally impervious …
bbc …. petulant pc traitors all
I noticed that George Osborne, when listiing the areas to get fast broadband, said Derry/Londonderry – It’s Londonderry, unless he’s a secret Republican.
@NotaSheep … The name Derry is an anglicisation of the Irish name Daire, Doire / Cholmcille meaning “oak grove”. In 1613, the city was granted a Royal Charter by King James I and the “London” prefix was added, changing the name of the city to Londonderry. Legally, the city and county are called “Londonderry”, while the local government district is called “Derry” and this has been the case since 1984.. To be honest, whether or not there is a `London` prefix to the name does not matter… It doesn`t make an apprentice boy any more English … Most of them are descended from Presbetyrian Scots anyway … I don`t mean to be picky… but i think that if they have lived in the province for over four centuries as far as I am concerned they are Irish!
Here`s an example of how much of a problem it is over there…
`Businesses, sports clubs and other organisations in the area will frequently avoid using Derry or Londonderry in their names. This is partly so that they can avoid alienating potential customers or users from either side of the community` Pathetic……….. Srsly….
Football team names can be more complicated than straightforward geographical names. AC Milan was founded by Englishmen in 1899, and is always known as AC Milan in Italy, never AC Milano.
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
Coming up shortly – @paulmasonnews on just how bad it’s looking for George Osborne ahead of the Autumn Statement.
Labour really couldn’t buy pre-sell like that.
amazing that bbc has own hashtag about Autumn statement. #bbceconomy . Where you can get all your favourite economists and business editors all on one page!
No need to look elsewhere…
It seems the liberal elites at al Beeb just cannot understand why the 180 million Muslims in India haven’t . taken up arms as they have elsewhere around the world.
Read how Muslims are oppressed in India,have the worse jobs in India and how (shock ,horror) have never had one of their own as prime-minister.
The bBC, the flag bearer for Islamic terrorism, paid for by your TV tax
I doubt if the Bee3b would ever bring up a documented conversation, in which Lee Kuan Yu, when prime minister of Singapore asked the Islamic scholar, Bernard lewis about this problem:
“Why is it that whatever we do to help our Muslims advance fails? We provide them with educational opportunities, give them financial incentives, and so on, but nothing works. They still remain at the bottom. Why?”
Lived there several years.
Aspects of Lee’s rule were ‘tricky’ to accommodate, but as a guest in the land I knuckled down to the rules and did OK.
Got a business and a wife out of the deal.
What I would say is the Malay/Muslim population there (especially my staff) were Singaporean first in all ways, including work ethic. And a nicer, more fun bunch it would be harder to have the privilege of working with. The higher echelons of government & business appear well represented (as opposed to over the Causeway where the Bumis get top slot no matter what) though I’d concede the 80% Chinese-origin population may look after its own more.
So I have to wonder if it’s less the people, or the race or the faith… or how they are lead and treated.
Yes the trains run on time, but also no one seems to have got away with blowing them up either.
That’s not to say there may not be some keen to have a go (the MRT is alive with warnings), but such coves either don’t get far or get heard of afterwards either.
There’s not much of a drug problem either. I recall a Dutch guy got stopped at Changi trying to smuggle in drugs (despite every flight letting you know on the approach what the consequences are). Queen Beatrix appealed directly to LKY. The smuggler was hanged within the month.
There may be a reason why there is not much of a drug problem in Singapore.
There is an unasked question here too: why is it that Indian muslims behave ‘better’ than muslims in other countries where they form significant minorities?
I suspect the (unpalatable to the BBC) answer is the credible threat of immediate retaliation by the majority population should they step too far out of line. The BBC paints this as ‘hindu mobs rampaging’, and takes great pains to find sympathetic muslim victims of said mobs, in a concerted effort to make viewers regard the majority hindus as the ‘bad guys’.
The real fear for the western liberals (including the BBC) is that if people understood how to contain islamic aggression in their own countries, they might actually start fighting back against atrocities commited by muslims.
By trying to deflect attention away from why islam is ‘contained’ in India, and demonising the majority culture there at the same time for ‘oppressing’ the poor muslims, the BBC is directly (partly) responsible for the increasing levels of muslim violence in western countries. They are traitors to the british way of life.
Just watching Ed Balls’ response to the chancellor’s Autumn Statement……..
Oh dear!!!!!!!! I think even Michael Foot would have been embarrassed at this performance.
No worries, by the time it’s on the BBC news listeners and viewers will be astounded by his statesmanlike oratory, poise and general brilliantness in dissing that evil Osborne.
Even Paul Mason said Balls was having a mare. “Balls repeatedly stumbling over still-falling deficit sounds like he cant actually believe it. Whole line of attack was re-rise of deficit”
Bet the BBC editing dept have some long hours ahead of them to stitch up a good montage from Balls for News at 10 tonight.
Rather than admitting Balls was having a bad day, I think Mason was unbelievable trying to insinuate that Balls was so shaken by the content of the statement that his emotions overcame him.
This is taking bias to a new level !!!
‘his emotions overcame him’
As they do.
If ‘tiredness’ gets in frame one might feel the ghost of Private Eyes past may be haunting our ever-impartial Anger and Protests Ed.
In the past when the Labour Party were in power the BBC always used to cut away back to the studio before the opposition Conservative spokesman had finished speaking. I am guessing (not having watched it) that because the Labour Party is now the opposition the BBC broadcast all the reply by the opposition benches – they made a policy decision to broadcast complete Balls so to speak.
As the BBC and its satellite glee clubs ComicalAlise the latest triumph of oratory from Hauptmann Balls, this also slips in…
Can’t think why, but where folk get the idea of brassing out massive hole excavations by rushing around other people’s turf demanding answers when they refuse to give any themselves is… not unique to Labour hypocrites alone, it seems.
They’ll be holding the breath til they turn… well, colour choice depends…
Although it’s not BBC bias it was funny to watch him bang on about this, that and the other and then have to try and keep shouting when Georgie came back at him with the theme of “go on then, tell us one thing you will actually do about it all”.
Nice little game playing by Balls as well when he tried to argue that GDP was 1/10th of that of the G20. Nice little deliberate pick that. That allowed him to let him include the BRICS countries that are carrying everone else. Had he gone with with the G7 that shortfall wouldn’t have sounded so impressive as most of them are in the toilet too.
Unbelievable, nothing at all about deficit reduction even though that has fallen again.(took me a good few minutes to find it on bbc website) can you imagine if the deficit had actually gone up? it would have been plastered over everywhere. !!
Milliband minor was clearly chewing. He should have received a clip round the ear and made to stand in the corridor. Behaving like that in front of grown ups…
Interesting to see Rachel ‘Forghorn’ Reeves getting a grilling from Brillo, only for Robinson to helpfully intervene to explain what ‘Rachel’ was trying to say and to then completely change the subject to announce the Lib Dems (now withdrawn) briefing that criticised the Tories. Robinson and Rachel share in the hilarity. Oh how they laughed….and Reeves is off the hook.
Nice one Toenails…you couldn’t have been more blatant if you’d tried.
Equally, Prole has the choice not come on biased BBC. Unfortunately for us, he never takes it. Still, a bit like Scotty, I think he gets quite upset, which is nice.
So don’t read them. You have the choice. Or watch Sky.’
That’s it… you are David Vance (Please, stop it, it isn’t necessary… we had Paul Mason on a few days ago!) and I claim my prize.
One year a pop?
That’s the kind of moral-Maths David P often raises.
If the BBC does get around to a report (never say never when the Cherries are circling, if erratically (lack of tail feathers will do that) at the mo’), you may find that in the same way a nurse needs the Tower for letting slip a Royal confidentiality while elder abuse is more a matter for retraining, ‘only’ trying to take out vast numbers of civvies is but naught to IDF targetting a school yar… or sorry… that was Syrians killing each other’s kids.
I see BBC Breakfast were trying to distort nature, this morning, to fit their warped gender equality agenda: ‘But why should a little boy not be able to dress in girls’ clothing or play with dollies…’ Bill and Suzy heckled.
Surprise, surprise… I see the ‘News’ at Six team is ripping the Osborne budget to utter shreds but somehow failing to highlight how Balls would improve the situation (which is useless socialist party created). Ed’s lamentable performance and response in the House was a clear indication of Labour’s cynicism and economic ineptitude but hardly any mention. Also, no mention of how Liebour’s open immigration policy has stretched the economy and infra-structure to almost breaking point in many areas.
Yes, immigration has made it all worse, not least because the immigrants are needed to do the jobs that workshy scroungers won’t touch. But, as bBBC has been showing us all day today, much of the welfare budget goes to support the immoral, single-parent ‘families’ with absent fathers or bed-hopping mothers.
All encouraged by loony lefties committed to undermining normal British society.
Well, when I walk through Bradford and the only clue as to my whereabouts is what remains of Bradford’s Victorian architecture, I’d say that is certainly not normal.
Maybe permission should be given to build this structure, but only on condition that, pace Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata etc, it should pay heed to native sensibilities by being named “Ye Olde Dog And Duck Mega Mosque Tavern, Off-Licence, And All-Night Casino”.
Watching ‘Supersized Earth’ on BBC1 just now. It’s basically BBC’s answer to the excellent ‘Mega Structures’ and ‘How it’s made’ programmes you can find on the Discovery Channel etc. Except – being on the BBC it’s weighed down non-stop eco-guilt and fear mongering eg. about how much food and water we need and how man is ‘changing the planet’ to provide it. Malthusian bollocks from start to finish. To top it off it’s dumbed down to the max – as if the commentary is aimed at pre-school children. Trouble is, this eco-propaganda works: I was talking to my 75 year old mum the other day and she was saying how great the programme was – apparently unaware that she had been watching an hour of insideous watermelon propaganda.
Yes, the inclusion of the windfarm array named “London” was trumpeted as this endless supply of energy, which will never run out. No-one mentioned what do we do when its mid winter, and there’s no wind. What then? No drawbacks included in their propaganda it seems.
I missed that bit. Couldn’t watch anymore after he’d patronizingly gone on about ‘the planet’ for the tenth time (queue a wide panning helicopter shot and surging orchestra) instead of giving us an interesting technical information about the projects he was looking at.
“Plans for new east London ‘mega-mosque’ rejected by local council.
“Proposals for Britain’s biggest mosque located near the Olympic Stadium were tonight refused planning approval amid fierce local opposition.”
Was looking at this mega-mosque story earlier to check how the BBC were covering it.
I noticed this picture in their article
Now when you think that so much of BBC propaganda has been invested to make those above a feature of the London and British society, and they called it ‘multicultural.
I would hope that any of those who have swallowed this hype will look at the picture below and ask themselves if they really see the ones above as something desirable, or something that is likely to integrate into our society.
Hopefully it will cut through the Brainwashing British Citizens output.
One just has to look at the attitude of these aggressors in the top photo. Angry, brainwashed and anti everything Western. We should hand all heretics the Bible, and pray that they come over to the only true faith, that of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
The first question anybody with the capacity to think for themselves would have to ask is ‘Why did they want to come to this country in the first place?’
Everything they want is back where they came from, therefore their only purpose in coming here is to try and take over. They’re not interested in integration or whatever ‘multicultural’ has to offer.
Does this show just how ludicrous and traitorous the BBC truly are?
hmm how important to one section in particular?
bbc – Mother killed son over Koran studies
‘He never complained’ …
In police interviews she also confessed to beating her son for no reason and that her anger often led to her being out of control.
She and her taxi driver husband had enrolled Yaseen in advanced classes at their local mosque as they wanted him to become Hafiz – an Islamic term for someone who memorises the Koran.
The court heard Ege become more and more frustrated with her son’s inability to learn the passages he needed to.
She told officers: “I was getting all this bad stuff in my head, like I couldn’t concentrate, I was getting angry too much, I would shout at Yaseen all the time. Ege insisted that both she and Yaseen had been beaten by her husband, adding he had been violent throughout their marriage.”
Lessons not learnt from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Libya, Syria, etc, and indeed lessons not learnt from the tenets of Islam by the West’s ‘leaders’.
Although I believe he was married, he always seemed to want to physically touch the men. He would put his arm around eddy Waring who tried to shrug him off. One time when it got too much for Eddy, in the middle of a live broadcast, he just shrugged and shouted at Hall “Gerroff!”. Funnier to see than to relate, especially for those who remember Dewsbury’s Finest.
I caught the tail-end of Radio5 Live show late one night last week. Unfortunately, I don’t have the exact details but the show had a UKIP guest on it from a phone-line and a LibDem guest in the studio. As I say, I didn’t catch the beginning of the show but basically the idea was to discuss the LibDems demise and UKIP’s rise as the country’s third party. Half way through the show it was clear that the UKIP guy was pretty much on his own here, with a radio show presenter who was obviously biased, siding with the LibDem guest on every point of view and he constantly interrupted and mocked the UKIP guest at every opportunity. The programs presenter eventually ended his show with a mocking rant about UKIP’s promise of a free university education and just prior to this he allowed the LibDem representative to get away with describing UKIP as nothing more than ‘ BNP in suits’ (whatever that means?) – because the UKIP guest said he opposed the current mass uncontrolled immigration policy of the current government. I was surprised by this attempt to smear UKIP with racism live on air – especially via the BBC – because we had just had the shocking news of a social worker removing kids from a UKIP couple based the social services prejudiced view that UKIP members were all closet racists. If their aim was to attempt to discredit UKIP that night then it didn’t work. In fact, my sympathy went out to the poor UKIP guy whoever he was – if you ask me, the shows presenter and the LibDem guest just come across as couple of rather rude and self-righteous liberal/left type snobs. This wasn’t at all a sensible and mature debate you would have expected, neither was it impartial, it was like witnessing a couple of playground bullies picking on the new kid in school. Sadly, I’ve come to expect this kind of one-sided debate from a BBC that today seems to be nothing more than a propaganda machine for every liberal-eco nut in the country. Fortunately, the secret is now out – dear old aunty Beeb is really psychotic killer Norman Bates dressed up as his mother. Keep up the good work guys – thanks to you there a growing number of people who are now getting BOTH sides of the BBC propaganda story.
” If their aim was to attempt to discredit UKIP that night then it didn’t work.”
The whole strategy of the INBBC is that it doesn’t have to work on you. But it sure as hell will work with enough of the people e nough of the time. That is ALL they need, to fool enough folk.
It’s that drip, drip, drip that works so well with the plebs, and they KNOW it.
So they played the exact same “objection to one aspect of an immigration policy equals opposition to all immigration, full stop” game as Evan Davis did with Nigel Farage? What a coincidence. Not.
The bias is institutional. Or will Jim Dandy be telling us this was another moment where the BBC was biased in favor of UKIP and allowing them to put clear blue water between themselves and the BNP?
I have followed the bbc on the Autumn statement on and off through the day and I conclude they are now conflicted. The Eds fell off a cliff, the man in the street to a large degree were in favour, and the unions were off the scope somewhere. Nick and Robert stared at their laptops and kept largely quiet.
The BB Messaging service will be on overdrive through the night to get the responses lined up tomorrow. Nikki’s phone in will be ready on speed dial. Ed and Ed will be pre-scripted for the fray. The suspended execs will be putting their tu’pennyworth in to the script for Today. Humphries will be on early call.
Yesterday someone posted a story about a linesman dying after being assaulted at the end of an amateur junior football match in Holland. He said this seemed rather unusual behaviour for Dutch teenagers – was there something we weren’t being told? (tumbleweed). I’m afraid I can’t seem to locate the comments but I googled an image of the team and replied they all looked like normal Dutch youths to me.
The latest BBC report is here:
There was nothing in the English papers, but Esmeralda Weatherwax, at the New Review has found a Dutch source: it was three Moroccan youths playing for he team who assaulted the linesman – not that you would know from the BBC or UK MSM.
Strange, aint it?
When you suspect that the BBC are with holding something crucial, they almost certainly ARE, and always, with holding it for a reason.
Yes, the BBC does know about this. Two days ago, Shelagh Fogarty interviewed a journalist from the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf. He told her that the youths involved were of Moroccan background. Furthermore, he told her that their team had been warned and fined earlier on this year for threatening a referee.
The German newspaper they quote from goes on to state ‘That the attackers who have been arrested were three Moroccans, according to the “Algemeen Dagblad”, certainly does not make the case any easier. According to an Interior Ministry report from November 2011, 40 per cent of all Moroccan immigrants aged between 12 and 24 were arrested, sentenced or charged within the last five years. In city districts where people of Moroccan descent form a majority of the inhabitants, youth criminality already reaches 50 per cent’.
Now can you imagine what the statistics would have to reach here before our BBC would start reporting on this, if ever?
God forbid the police would start monitoring suspects or suspicious activity from any ‘minority’ for fear of being accused of racism.
If this situation is not ludicrous already, with no sign that it is going to change any time soon, and the BBC will continue their agenda with few of the suckers who swallow their tripe able to see just how stupid they really are.
Whatever you do, don’t watch episode 1 of the BBC’s “Inside Claridges”. Predictable sh!t-stirring class-war agitation from the director (who I think was the off-camera person asking rather juvenile class-war questions of the hotel staff and guests). It was so relentless, I offer a drinking game: take a drink every time the woman asks a negative question about luxury or wealth. You won’t survive the hour.
Clearly a bad day for Ed Balls.
He seems to have been excised from all radio clips, and just the one soundbite on the news…add to that, Rachel Reeves wandering around the studios, where normally we`d get nothing by Blanket Balls.
As for his role in the shambles, the intensely relaxed approach, the end of boom and bust…the culpability of Milibands bosses Brown and Blair?…cue tumbleweed and sound of windchimes….NOW!
Heres the news from the Treasury: Av working family £125 pa better off after the Statement – will that be on BBC Online I wonder?
Here’s a challenge to Jim Dandy and the rest of the BBC PR dept. Prove her wrong! The BBC news website is telling us this morning that ‘Labour says plans to squeeze benefits announced in the Autumn Statement will hit working families’ (yesterday’s news, one would have thought!). Will they show a little balance?
As far as I’m concerned the website is irrelevant. Every item on the Today programme (for example) reaches the ears of 6 million-plus listeners. It would take a helluva lot of BBC News website users to balance that up on an item per item basis.
Breakfast will be talking to JLS about their “Sophisticated” new sound. Ha ha ha, sophisticated as a brick.
Yea Labour attack is working families will suffer. Well if labour hadn’t flooded the country with migrants which had the effect of lowering wages as they would work for less increasing the buy to let housing market which at the end of the day had a massive negative effect on the housing market. I remember sat in the rest room at Tesco a decade ago on pay day (which was fairly well paid) and listening to the blokes with kids talking about how much tax credit they had loaded on their wages. Let us also not forget who started twisting the screws on benefits and raising pension ages.
BUT … if we had al bbc stylee, i should imagine it would go like this 😀
bbc news – Dudley Council mosque refusal is ‘Islamophobic’
or like this …
“plan to build the UK’s biggest mosque in Stratford, east London, has been rejected by councillors. – bbc highlights …
‘Extremely let down’ 😀 (just who exactly? ….
probably the bbc? seeing as they highlight it),
mind you they manage to end the report with …
ta ra!
This group has said it “refrains from political or controversial activities and stands for democracy and freedom” and that it “promotes social and religious integration”. 😀
one has to ask the bbc … is that like the “secular, conservative and moderate” muslim brotherhood?
the erm … freedom and justice party?
“Newham councillor, candidate for mayor of London, Alan Craig, complained he had been PREVENTED BY THE BBC 😀 from describing it as a ‘separatist Islamic group’ in a party political broadcast.”
” a mega mosque with eight flats for visiting clerics” hmm clerics?
“Tablighi Jamaat and terror links”…/tablighi-jamaat-and-terror-links-b…
“16 Sep 2011 – Tablighi Jamaat Is a silent recruiting wing of the Taliban, Al Qaeda “
Not much about Saran Ege either as she battered her little boy for not being “hafiz” material>
No doubt Labour and the BBC think that his primary school should have signed the home school agreement to give the family a Welsh version of the Qu`ran…so it was the fault of Dyfed Council.
How could a Muslim murderess ever be wrong…and, in her favour-like Stephen Twigg, he approves of cultural methods of raising standards in our madrassas…sorry, “schools”.
Poor vulnerable lady just went a bit far in her understandable passion and enthusiasm for learning…that`ll be Goves fault then!
bbc – Mother killed son over Koran studies
‘He never complained’ …
In police interviews she also confessed to beating her son for no reason and that her anger often led to her being out of control.
She and her taxi driver husband had enrolled Yaseen in advanced classes at their local mosque as they wanted him to become Hafiz – an Islamic term for someone who memorises the Koran.
The court heard Ege become more and more frustrated with her son’s inability to learn the passages he needed to.
She told officers: “I was getting all this bad stuff in my head, like I couldn’t concentrate, I was getting angry too much, I would shout at Yaseen all the time. Ege insisted that both she and Yaseen had been beaten by her husband, adding he had been violent throughout their marriage.”
another example of the enrichment and rainbow tapestry of cultural diversity
where all faiths, ethnicities live together as equals, in pluralism and harmony.
Dear BBC, please find enclosed my 500 page tome which I am sure you will be more than anxious to turn into a major new TV drama.
Everyone knows me, I’m JR Hartley. I’ve written a string of blockbusting manuals on angling. My fishing books have been enormously popular – so obviously now I’ve turned my hand to fiction it is bound to be a great hit.
Oh you might want to know what it’s all about.
The title is The Casual Complacency.
It’s about this apparently idyllic English broadcasting corporation which below the surface is wracked with political bias, hypocrisy and graft.
The story begins with the death of a much loved employee who had formerly lived a secret life of evil to which his friends and colleagues turned a blind eye.
I want to leave behind writing about the world of keep net and floats so my work concentrates on some very adult themes such as institutional child abuse, fabricated smears against political opponents and perversion of the truth motivated by corporate self-interest.
I am a donor to the UKIP political party, so I know you will feel my new novel is ideal as a BBC production.
The deal that I’m looking for will cost you something in the region of the price of paying off two or three of your failed bosses.
BBC 5 Live now talking about benefits to a group of ‘single mothers’.
My first thought (considering this is not 1919) is where have all the fathers gone? Don’t expect the BBC to delve into that conumdrum.
So what about these benefits then? Well, says young lady number one, I get housing benefit so if I lost that I would suffer. Not entirley sure that has been proposed anywhere but hey this all about emoting not about facts.
Young lady number two is Ms Dracula from somewhere east of the River Oder. She gets benefits ‘a’ ‘b’ and some ‘c’ and ‘d’. Why is she a single mother? We already established this is not a factual exercise.
So says the BBC bod, to coin a phrase – some people might say – why are you in Britain not in Romania?
My daughter she is born here – this is her home.
Now I’m sure I recall Labour ministers backed up by BBC talking heads telling us the influx of EU immigrants was due to our booming economy and that once that boom was done they would toddle off back home.
Really sad to hear of this, and hope he`s innocent.
Unlike Savile or even the likes of DLT(both a bit creepy even at the time), I was brought up on regional news where Hall was a brilliant presenter-and his radio5 stuff at its best is wonderful still.
As I say-I hope he`s cleared, and at 82….no-one can take pleasure in this.
I spare the BBC in this case for now.
Wholeheartly agree that I hope this is a mistake and that it has more to do with ‘victim’ bandwagoning than with truth. Interesting that BBC news reports are not naming ‘due to legal reasons’. Gosh what a movable feast that is.
Have to say I have only fond memories of this bloke whereas I always found JS an embarrassing and overbearing creep. So much for BBC endorsed national treasures eh?
mo farrah ….. and we love mo farrah … oh talking of sports personalities – how about mo farrah hands on his head eh! fantastic … the bbc sports personality of the year … mo farrah at the olympics holds his baby ahhh!, his tears,
oh just time to fit in an olympic athlete who respects … mo farrah.
coming soon on the bbc sports personality of the year…
What are the chances of anyone else winning the title with this level of ‘push’ coverage. Even if the ‘votes’ are correctly represented, the voters are self selecting, Plus the BBC really gets narked when the public give the wrong answers…..they wouldn’t even let kids select a name for the Blue Peter cat .
Anyone remember the famous ‘peoples’ law’ initiative by the Today programme that wanted an ‘opt-out’ to mandatory organ harvesting. Despite massive bias in favour of the BBC’s selected project the whole initiative collapsed when the public insisted on the right to defend themselves from burglars. It hasn’t stopped frequent advocacy by he BBC of organ harvesting
It is done to soften your hard heart in readiness for Victoria Derbyshire and the come on my show supposed victims from everywhere and say whatever you like without fear of challenge, question or contradiction.
Here’s a link to an interesting article in Standpoint magazine – about the ‘liberal’ press and BBC (is there a difference) and their response to honour murder and their tolerance of unspeakable behaviour in the UK and Norway
Quote from that article: After the Jimmy Savile scandal, the British have looked back on the 1970s with self-satisfaction. How could our predecessors have been so indifferent to abuse back then, they ask. How shocking that we once ignored suffering and pretended that it did not exist. Couldn’t happen today, of course. No, no, no, we are a better and kinder people. Not when it comes to women and children with brown rather than white skin, we aren’t. When a 15-year-old white schoolgirl runs off to France with a teacher, the story leads the news. When the parents of a Pakistani girl pull their daughter from class and force her to marry an old man from the other side of the world—that is, when they organise her abduction and rape—polite society stays quiet.
‘If the British look back in 2040 and wonder how their “anti-racist” predecessors tolerated genital mutilation, kidnap and murder, a change for the better will have come about because of the lonely work of women like Deeyah and DCI Goode, not because of anything done by those cowardly little s***s, who call themselves “liberals” today.
……it won’t be ‘the British’, in any sense of the description we know, looking back.
Version 4
Egypt crisis: Tanks deployed after fatal Cairo clashes 2012-12-06 11:40:41 UTC
The Egyptian army has deployed tanks and armoured troop carriers outside the presidential palace in Cairo after clashes between supporters and opponents of President Mohammed Morsi left five dead and 644 injured.
Version 5
Egypt crisis: Army clearing presidential palace area
2012-12-06 12:56:07 UTC (about 1 hour later)
The Egyptian army has begun to clear demonstrators and media organisations from outside the presidential palace in Cairo.
Ali Bongo’s Ol’ Snackbar! (as Victoria Wood might say)
Did I hear that right? BBC Cairo correspondent on a crackly line to Salford Central just said President Morsi is finished. Muslim Brotherhood leader likely to be ousted by the army?
only last week!
more, more, morsi,
how do you like it, how do you like it? ….
answer – obviously not very much
BBC – Egypt crisis: Army clearing presidential palace
Re: Evan Davis’ “robust” interview with George Osborne over the Autumn announcement: I’m struggling to recall a time when Davis or anyone at the BBC challenged Gordon Brown about how shifting the PFIs off the books – a much more serious offense – similarly enabled him to claim the deficit looked better than it actually was.
And funny how Evan Davis – described by Jim Dandy, I think – as a ‘brilliant economist’, never spotted the Everest-rivalling piles of public and private debt as a threat to the economy (unlike the truly brilliant Jeff Randall), never questioned Brown’s outrageous claim of ‘abolishing boom and bust’ and has never challenged Liam ‘all the money’s gone’ Byrne on joking about a f****d-up economy.
I never noticed Robert Peston or Stephanie Flanders fretting about it either. Of course, Peston wrote a book about how great Mr. Brown’s economic vision was, so maybe he noticed but saw nothing wrong.
The BBC also has form on shifting blame for the problems caused by PFIs.
Not one mention of Brown, plenty of references to the Tories and blame for the mountain of PFI debt on city wide boys who had infiltrated the (i.e. Brown’s) Treasury.
History re-written in the most pro-Labour, anti-Tory (and City/private sector) way that would even give Winston Smith palpitations.
Not BBC-related, but important information relevant to certain discussions here: MSNBC top talent (excluding Chris” Thrill Up My Leg” Matthews) met with the President yesterday for a strategy session.
Attention defenders of the indefensible: I don’t want to hear another goddamn word about Fox News, ever. Okay?
Donors get star treatment by all Presidents. Especially when they’re stars themselves. This is big media we’re talking about, an entire broadcast network apparently dedicated to becoming an arm of the White House machine. Fox News never did this.
ZephirFeb 23, 07:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Sickening, As is the ability to wilfully ignore their sheer murderous brutality and genocidal instincts.
Guest WhoFeb 23, 07:53 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bet that image inspired tears in the eyes of the lads and lasses of JezBo’s unit.
ZephirFeb 23, 07:02 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Some sense at last: “Ukraine war : Like the equally bird-brained Iraq invasion, it was the desire of a militant…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Or this: “Illegal immigrant who stabbed wife to death wins right to stay in Britain after arguing he might have…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 And, no doubt, another item the racist, sexist bbc will be hiding: “Syrian refugee who stepped in to stop Islamist…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
Nice little programme on BBC1 at 9pm last night (Tues) called last Tango in Halifax. Premise is a couple of oldies meet up again after 50 years and plan to get married. Set in Yorkshire so some of scenery pleasant.
Last night out of no where we had the main characters discuss politics. The man gave a long speech about sticking up for the average man but then veered off into praising Michael Foot and Gordon Brown (much misunderstood). The woman was accused of being a Thatcherite and was suitably wishy washy with her opinions to give the impression that she did not know any better.
Completely unnecessary and out of context.
Well the BBC have been pushing the left wing line in the drama department since the days of Ken Loach. At least you knew whhat you were getting with old Ken.
However, the pushing of left wing propaganda in all manner of dramas, comedies, light entertainment, etc has increased greatly over the last 25 years.
I remember in one of the first episodes of Eastenders some character moaning “the spirit went out of the market when the Tories got in”.
Another crime from “Thatcher”. She killed the “spirit” of Albert Square.
some time ago I met a film producer based in Bath who had one too many and started off on one about dear old Comrade Ken Loach, his very large and agreeable house in Bath and various quangos’ habit of giving Loach money to “make stupid worthy bloody films that no-one bloody watches and which make no bloody money”
“the spirit went out of the market when the Tories got in”.
That spirit obviously returned to the market between 1997 and 2010, just like all those coal mines, so viciously closed by Thatcher and re-opened after 1997.
Errr…….pardon… mean none? Surely not!
They also, conveniently, airbrushed out of history that Tony Benn closed more pits than the Thatcher government.
Many more.
More were closed in the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s but ALL of that never gets a mention. Worth noting that peak year for South Wales coal (perhaps Dysgwr_Cymraeg can confirm?) was…wait for it 1919!!!
And no doubt Owen Jones, Miliband, Harmen and friends would keep all of the pits open now, despite their desire for ‘green’ power generation, health and health and safety, etc., etc.
Maybe they could keep all of the miners gainfully employed, painting the coal white.
Maybe Owen Jones would, but the others you mention see miners as a bit too native working class male for their liking. And the beeb only tolerates miners because they didn’t like Thatcher, otherwise they’d relegate them to the ranks of wife-beating BNP pit-bulIs too. Ingsoc’s core voters are now the middle class left and the minorities.
Ken (yawn) Loach with his agit prop films influence only doe-eyed young radicals who yearn to be thought of as hip and chic. He is fashionable but not a force in the propaganda war.
The BBC is.
They follow the rules laid down by a previous generation of Soviet commissars. In the 1930s the Soviets instructed their pals in Hollywood to shun movies like “Days of Glory”, a 1944 film about a group of Soviet guerrillas fighting the Nazi invasion of Russia. It was meant to show that the noble communists were good guys. (Gregory Peck starred.)
A more effective approach, it was suggested, was to slip ‘suitable’ dialogue into hit movies – that way the message got through sublimely to mass audiences.
An example from “Casablanca”:
Captain Renault: In 1935, you ran guns to Ethiopia. In 1936, you fought in Spain, on the Loyalist side.
Rick: I got well paid for it on both occasions.
Captain Renault: The “winning” side would have paid you “much better”.
Good old Rick, huh? He chose the “right” side. No doubt we know who the scriptwriter thinks were the good guys.
It’s worth keeping a look out for this stuff. US TV dramas are full of it. (“Law and Order” is a particular offender)
It’s in a long tradition in drama (even Shakespeare did it as my friends in the Richard III Society (!) keep telling me) and demonstrates how the Left owns the mythology by embedding messages into the popular culture.
It seems the BBC’s “Last Tango in Halifax” was just another Trojan horse in a long tradition of Trojan horses.
Yes, reminds me of a recent BBC drama of Henry V, in which the Duke of York was played by a black actor?!!! Mentioned this on this blog and lo and behold, the stupid lefties that post on occasion berated me for even raising the matter. The D of Y was white, and i doubt if Will would have drafted anyone but a white man to depict him, lost on these pillocks of the Left.
Imagine the outrage if Muhammed Ali was played by Ben Affleck…
Martin Luther King by Stallone…
Malcolm X by Graham Norton…
I think the left (and everyone else to be fair) would be up in arms about it, the reverse role (black plays white) is no different to the black & white minstrels.
” (perhaps Dysgwr_Cymraeg can confirm?)”
Sorry guys, can’t confirm that, though I did grow up amongst the mines in South East Wales.
I can, and I was too late…it was 1913!! I couldn’t find my blog-post this morning but here it is:
And one of the sites with good info…
Da iawn ti!
Croeso 🙂
nawr te, rwyt ti’n ddealus!
Much of the coal from South Wales was shipped to staging ports around the Empire like Aden, Singapore and Hong Kong- the Royal Navy and most ships ran on coal. Until Churchill engineered the takeover of oil reserves in Persia in 1909. After that demand for the South Wales coal was in decline.
Just like coal demand was in decline from the 1960s onwards. The coal industry when Thatcher took over was a shadow of its former self.
That’s how many BBC programmes work. The first part of a factual programme appears neutral and innocuous, and then the political digs kick in – usually with the intervention of some right-on name like Ben Elton or Stephen Fry.
Drip drip drip the bias just never stops and the BBC propaganda machine carries on educating the public to vote labour at the next election. Now if only the right-wing press could be curtailed and controlled to prevent educating the public to not vote for labour at the next election….
I keep on using this example but it tells you everything you need to know about the BBC.
When the Major government initiated a policy of employing people in wards whose sole function was to monitor day to day budget costs, the BBC programme Causualty (which is still going on I believe) had an unsympathetic harridan playing that role.
When New Labour came to power (and pursued an IDENTICAL policy) there was a cast change. The middle aged white harridan was replaced by a young sympathetic gay male Muslim. An identical policy, but a different political Party.
It is not only that the BBC is vaguely on the Left (to suit the tastes of Jim Dandy – the sort of bigots who object to sympathetic coverage of the pregnancy of the Duchess of Cambridge) the BBC is crassly in favour of the Labour Party (and for that matter the Democrats in the USA) in a way that directly subverts our democracy.
If they began each programme with a declaration that the following programme it is a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party I might have a little more respect for the BBC. But they don’t, and I don’t.
Even lifelong Labour Party supporters accept that Gordon Brown is a little pot of poison. So the BBC telling us how misunderstood he is (you know like all those endless BBC dramas telling us how sympathetic Thatcherites are) tells you that the BBC are not simply propagandists on behalf of the Left, they are not simply smug, greedy, parasites, they are actively pursuing the end of a one Party State.
I don’t object. I said I liked Brenda and her brood. And I do.
Then don’t refer to Her Majesty as ‘Brenda’ then you clown.
And the little shit wonders why he gets so much flak.
I typed “Her Brittanic Majesty” but the spellchecker changed it to “Brenda”
I’m just trying to think of what it it was about Brown’s taxborrowspend country-wrecking binge that I misunderstood. I guess the BBC’s way of ‘understanding’ is to airbrush it from history.
I hear the BBC has just commissioned a replacement for the popular teatime comedy My Family.
With a nod toward the US hit Modern Family the BBC will unveil My New Family.
Set some where near Salford Laurie Penny is the sassy gothy daughter and Owen Jones the chavvie but right on elder son.
Richard Bacon and Clare Balding are cast as the typical mum and dad.
Trevor Phillips runs the cormershop and Shami Chakrabrti lives next door.
Giles Fraser is the gay vicar, Paul Mason the odd uncle with the catchphrase ‘It’s kicking off everywhere’.
I’m guessing Mason could be what the Yanks call a ‘breakout character’ who gets his own spin off show.
I’m guessing Mason could be what the Yanks call a ‘breakout character’ who gets his own spin off show
FFS don’t give the little shit any ideas! 😉
‘gets his own spin off show.’
Set anywhere but the UK, as he seems to find the environment here professionally inclement usually.
Oddly, he seems to have given The Netherlands on a kicking off basis.
.. a miss.
Definitely Clare Balding – a lesbian – as a typical mum! Proposed hubby Richard Bacon wouldn’t notice as he’d be off his head on coke. Minor characters could include Tony Robinson as the dubious scoutmaster, Fiona Bruce as Bacon’s flirty old mother-in-law, and playing herself in a cameo role, Anne Robinson, who sells her baby for a can of White Lightning.
The Indian Test Match
What is this Kolkata? Do the BBC mean Calcutta?
Is it something to do with the name being altered to fit local proununiation?
If so then why didn’t we get the Lahndan Olympics?
if they’re going to do that,they’re going to have to start doing it for every city
etc etc
not just the trendy pc ones
oh,and of course for “west bank” read Judea and Samaria
don’t hold your breath for that one
It’s the same as the way that Pakistan all of a sudden became “Paaaaaaaarkistaun”
Milano, Roma, Livorno, Padova…
and the BBC always calls Venice —Venice, and Florence…Florence.
As a native Mancunican (in exile in Watford for my sins) that is how I pronounce it…
However, Manc has changed, and for the worse, have any of you had the misfortune to see Piccadilly gardens recently?
More like Gambia than Gorton.
No, the reason is that the Indian Governments changed the names of various cities:
Calcutta = Kolkata
Bombay = Mumbai
Madras = Chennai
.. and so it goes.
Probably something to do with the legacy of British Empire etc…
Very appealing to the BBC.
but the Germans don’t call munich “munich”
the french pronounce Paris as Paree
it’s all a load of pc crap
right on,brothers and sisters
oh,wait….that’s sexist or something……isn’t it?
and another thing!
I’ve never once heard anyone ordering a chicken chennai
I feel like chicken chennai,like chicken chennai
could be quite catchy!!!
Bombay = Mumbai
So Indian cinema is Mollywood?
Nor Mumbai Potato
Beijing Duck anyone?
INBBC are just edging towards installing ” Malvinas” !
Traitorous twats.
As I said – very BBC
Pronunciation isn’t the issue.
Why are Vienna, Bangkok, and Dublin fine on the BBC but Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta not?
ITW wrote:
but the Germans don’t call munich “munich”
Exactly they call it ‘Munchen’ just as they call Cologne ,Koln. But the thing about the bBC getting some native Bombay speaker to report to the British in an accent you just cannot understand.
“Probably something to do with the legacy of British Empire etc…”
Quite true. Nasty colonialist oppressors naming places to make themselves feel at home. After all, these places were named after Calcutta in Devon, Bombay in Wester Ross and Madras which is just over the border from me in East Sussex (just past Flimwell). I’m not surprised the Indians were so affronted it that it took them a mere 48 years of being independent to get around to “Mumbai.”
Incidentally, here’s the recent obit of the main mover in the Bombay-Mumbai renaming (para 8). He sounds like a charmer.
Good god, not another Thacker’ 😛
Funny that Bal Thackeray had the same surname as an English novelist – guess it was just place names that bugged him.
Quick Google suggestsFox news uses Mumbai, Kolcata, Beijing. Myanmar is the acid test. It’s Burma.
Oh, dear. I do hope that’s not a criticism of the US President.
Kolkata sounds like the German pronunciation for the toothpaste Colgate… “English Cs, German Ks”
Them folks in Alabama would be mighty obliged, though, if you’d pronounce the name of their city as Birming-HAMM.
Birming’um city council liked the skyline of Birming-Hamm so much they used the picture in their leaflets…on the ball…
Climate change discussed again on R4 this am – and UK paying billions to other countries to help them go green. Not only stated as fact that climate change is caused by man they are now placing blame on the men from specific countries – viz UK
Only “men”, of course.
You won’t tempt Jim with that debate. He’s yet to explain the lack of bias in the BBC’s secret activities with AGW activists.
The US is doing the same thing. The President has been sending billions of dollars to the same UN wealth redistribution agency, without really telling Congress just how much He’s handed over. We live in lawless times, it seems.
BBC 5 Live phone in this morning,
‘5 live Breakfast Your Call, Autumn Statement
Is it fair to cut welfare?’
So the name of the debate ‘It’s not fair’ just happens to be the Labour Party soundbite that is going to be fired off later today.
Ah, what is fair… what is not?
Seems that while some thing are not, others are merely bumps on the road smoothed away with OPM, like Newsnight blood money, DG double go-away bribes…
The BBC as a mechanism to take from the poor and give to the rich seems oddly uncricket too.
The Brown-Balls idea always has been that it is ‘fair’ to borrow, and fund current spending by getting our children and grandchildren to pay for it. But no-one, least of all the bBBC, ever asks why they think that is ‘fair.
“a mechanism to take from the poor and give to the rich”
The Leftist establishment in a nutshell.
Once upon a time it was called feudalism, but these days the political elite call it socialism.
Let us hate wealth creators, and force everybody to pay for a broadcaster which ignores the rampant thievery and incompetence of the Leftist elite.
BBC hates wealth creators? Must be news to Alan Sugar and the Dragon’s Den.
Must try harder
The Apprentice is about egotism and back stabbing. In short it is about the BBC. It has very little to do with building a business – which is about the co-operative building of value, and subjecting yourself to market realities.
Dragon’s Den is about greedy obnoxious rich people. Again like BBC management. You are not meant to like them, you are meant to despise them.
Channel Four produces infinitely better business programmes – which focus on the hard slog, risk taking, and up and downs of building a business.
BBC drama is always written from the point of view of the envious loser. The idea of working class people becoming rich is truly abhorrent to them.
They would rather make a programme about a middle class wanker becoming a soviet spy. As I say the envy and back stabbing of Leftists is more their field of interest.
You need to distinguish between politics and entertainment, my friend.
You mean Alan Sugar – Labour donor, enterprise tsar to Labour PM Gordon Brown, now Lord Sugar, appointed by the Labour party – that Alan Sugar.
Can’t understand why the BBC approached HIM for that gig.
The wealth created, and for whom, as a factor of the investment and brand value of the PR would be interesting, especially from years of national programming.
On Dragon’s Den I can recall Reggae Reggae and that’s about it, plus the careers of a few less than stellar business egotists have blossomed into other lucrative areas outside the BBC as a result of the profile. Along with that of Evan Davies, who I am sure will speak for a modest fee on ‘business’, and how you conduct this without checking IP first – – or ‘encourage’ the public by lining up Colusseum TV fodder for ritual humiliation – ttp:// – or edit out anything that shows the programme, host or ‘stars’ up for the shallow creeps they are.
And if you really think ‘The Apprentice’ is anything other than a vehicle for SirnowlorAlan and his offsiders to score outside gigs and a selection of Martin Sixsmith spivs and Jo Moore peroxide sinks in high heels to get a year’s worth of Co-op store opening fees, you really must be a plant. Or a person seeded here to make the BBC look worse than it makes itself daily.
The Apprentice is a feed back loop. Suger donates to labour. BBC give income to Sugar. Suger donates to Labour.
Dragon’s Den is ‘bear pit’ TV like the X Factor. It has nothing to do with business, the pitching of ideas is just the audition section in X Factor. It’s there to entertain through humiliation. No wonder lefties like it.
Sugar and the Dragons hold all the approved thoughts, so they’re kosher. In these days of a kinder, gentler, Marxism, it’s okay for the nomenklatura and useful merchants to be wealthy. So long as they play along, anyway.
Actually as a dolelite myself and having been a single parent of a now grown up adult and not a large family living in abject affluence in the middle of london via benefits; as is oft the publicised view of the daily wail,
The “large” increase in welfare last year was nothing of the kind. That inflation busting rise of 6% (as I recall) was about 1-2 quid a week which when compared to the 30% increase in Gas and Electricity was nothing, the huge increases in the cost of basics such as bread, milk, beans, potatoes, etc; more than exceeded the 1-2 quid rise by at least 5 quid so I am now 6-7 quid a week worse off.
For the record I get 102 IS, 20 CT, and 98 HB a week.
For some reason here in Derbyshire there are limits to how much is paid to claiments, unlike london, and one of the more insidious is the under 25 one which is a maximum of 53 PW (the single room alowance) which I guess is ok for young people… but they have just increased the age to 35 now, so people who were renting a flat are now falling into arears and there is no “single room” stock in the LHA and what there is in the private sector is already full.
Inflation is, and has always been, a con its values are meaningless except to show a general trend and bare no relationship to the “subjective inflation” at various levels of society. I would say that my personal subjective inflation rate last year felt more like 35% and I don’t eat out, go to the pub, watch films at the cinema, put the heating on for more than an hour a day (I’m lucky my flat is quite warm so doesn’t usually drop below 12deg) and my one vice is my computer, till it dies, and internet connection.
So in this instance its not fair…
However the system is skewed towards large families, its not just the “child benefit” its the additional “childrens allowance” introduced under labior of 45 odd a week that is the nice little earner, or the WFTC to subsidise the low wages, and as an aside bring a whole group of working people onto the state books; dependent of it and voting for labiour, while systematically importing huge numbers of people from the rest of the world to suppress wage demands; of which the clever ones send as much back home as possible where its buying power is so much greater.
Never mind, mate – we’re keeping Abu Qatada in the luxury to which he has become accustomed.
Having, been to France many times ,when watching their news channels ,& a map of China or India comes up ,Peking is marked up on the caption as wait for it Peking! Likewise Bombay is Bombay , &, so on for Madras & Calcutta!! Bbc Pc crap n socialist Bulls**t !
From the horse’s mouth:
“Bombay – everyone in India calls it Bombay, you’re told, only foreigners call it Mumbai.”
Ah, but… educated and informed foreigners.
Not the other kind.
A bargain at just £4Bpa.
Another point, from someone who has visited Bombay 12 times over the last 20 plus years:
Various road names from “Empire” times, Wellington Circle, Colaba Causeway, Ormiston Road, Marine Drive, all had name changes, but are still known by the old names amongst the people of Bombay.
There is a load of PC crap at the BBC as others on this thread have said.
During the footy World Cup (I think) I recall the BBC trying all sorts of mispronunciations of Côte d’Ivoire and wondering why Germany wasn’t Deutschland etc.
We use Seville oranges to make marmalade and most people have heard of the ‘Barber of Seville’ but according to the hearties at R5, the football team is called ‘Severe’.If we went by R5 footie correspondent usage, there would be controversy about a Torino shroud. I think it’s because they are not very well educated. In one telephone interview between two of them, I once heard, one of them did say: “You’re in Roma at the moment.” – so it could just be a holidaymakers’ affectation that’s got out of hand.
The Chinese forced western countries to change over by stating all press release would use the new names: people might manage to change whatever a Nanking or a Mukden are now called but I’ve a feeling they changed every damned place name in the country because it was all about transliteration as much as anything.I once heard a journalist refer to the old ‘imperialist’ names, which probably explains why those non-aligned countries with a chip on their shoulder about past domination, go in for that kind of thing. The BBC, who probably have similar feelings about our imperial past, are only too eager to fall into line.
do you remember “malvinas” being used again and again – during a debate from the falklands, to much anger, from the islanders –
drearybyshire and foglegity
just simply didn t, “get it” 😀 totally impervious …
bbc …. petulant pc traitors all
I noticed that George Osborne, when listiing the areas to get fast broadband, said Derry/Londonderry – It’s Londonderry, unless he’s a secret Republican.
Derry, British Occupied Ireland
to be precise.
@NotaSheep … The name Derry is an anglicisation of the Irish name Daire, Doire / Cholmcille meaning “oak grove”. In 1613, the city was granted a Royal Charter by King James I and the “London” prefix was added, changing the name of the city to Londonderry. Legally, the city and county are called “Londonderry”, while the local government district is called “Derry” and this has been the case since 1984.. To be honest, whether or not there is a `London` prefix to the name does not matter… It doesn`t make an apprentice boy any more English … Most of them are descended from Presbetyrian Scots anyway … I don`t mean to be picky… but i think that if they have lived in the province for over four centuries as far as I am concerned they are Irish!
Here`s an example of how much of a problem it is over there…
`Businesses, sports clubs and other organisations in the area will frequently avoid using Derry or Londonderry in their names. This is partly so that they can avoid alienating potential customers or users from either side of the community` Pathetic……….. Srsly….
Coat Deeve Wahr. Sorted it out for them.
I wonder if they’re given phonetic spellings in their scripts? Could have interesting consequences.
Football team names can be more complicated than straightforward geographical names. AC Milan was founded by Englishmen in 1899, and is always known as AC Milan in Italy, never AC Milano.
Along with Athletic Bilbao in Spain, Grasshoppers and Young Boys in Switzerland etc.
I thought ‘Young Boys’ was in Spain not Switzerland. I could have sworn I heard a beeboid taliking about Young Boys and Saville …
During , the Euro championship ,Canal +, had the running score,team caption ,in English ,at all times, TF1,had it only in French !
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
Coming up shortly – @paulmasonnews on just how bad it’s looking for George Osborne ahead of the Autumn Statement.
Labour really couldn’t buy pre-sell like that.
amazing that bbc has own hashtag about Autumn statement. #bbceconomy . Where you can get all your favourite economists and business editors all on one page!
No need to look elsewhere…
My brain has turned to jelly- 13:00 news the “hunt” for the missing lottery ticket in the style of the Sun.:-(
How the bBC tries to fan the fires of Islamic terrorism in India.
Why al-Qaeda finds no recruits in India
It seems the liberal elites at al Beeb just cannot understand why the 180 million Muslims in India haven’t . taken up arms as they have elsewhere around the world.
Read how Muslims are oppressed in India,have the worse jobs in India and how (shock ,horror) have never had one of their own as prime-minister.
The bBC, the flag bearer for Islamic terrorism, paid for by your TV tax
I doubt if the Bee3b would ever bring up a documented conversation, in which Lee Kuan Yu, when prime minister of Singapore asked the Islamic scholar, Bernard lewis about this problem:
“Why is it that whatever we do to help our Muslims advance fails? We provide them with educational opportunities, give them financial incentives, and so on, but nothing works. They still remain at the bottom. Why?”
Lived there several years.
Aspects of Lee’s rule were ‘tricky’ to accommodate, but as a guest in the land I knuckled down to the rules and did OK.
Got a business and a wife out of the deal.
What I would say is the Malay/Muslim population there (especially my staff) were Singaporean first in all ways, including work ethic. And a nicer, more fun bunch it would be harder to have the privilege of working with. The higher echelons of government & business appear well represented (as opposed to over the Causeway where the Bumis get top slot no matter what) though I’d concede the 80% Chinese-origin population may look after its own more.
So I have to wonder if it’s less the people, or the race or the faith… or how they are lead and treated.
Yes the trains run on time, but also no one seems to have got away with blowing them up either.
That’s not to say there may not be some keen to have a go (the MRT is alive with warnings), but such coves either don’t get far or get heard of afterwards either.
There’s not much of a drug problem either. I recall a Dutch guy got stopped at Changi trying to smuggle in drugs (despite every flight letting you know on the approach what the consequences are). Queen Beatrix appealed directly to LKY. The smuggler was hanged within the month.
There may be a reason why there is not much of a drug problem in Singapore.
There is an unasked question here too: why is it that Indian muslims behave ‘better’ than muslims in other countries where they form significant minorities?
I suspect the (unpalatable to the BBC) answer is the credible threat of immediate retaliation by the majority population should they step too far out of line. The BBC paints this as ‘hindu mobs rampaging’, and takes great pains to find sympathetic muslim victims of said mobs, in a concerted effort to make viewers regard the majority hindus as the ‘bad guys’.
The real fear for the western liberals (including the BBC) is that if people understood how to contain islamic aggression in their own countries, they might actually start fighting back against atrocities commited by muslims.
By trying to deflect attention away from why islam is ‘contained’ in India, and demonising the majority culture there at the same time for ‘oppressing’ the poor muslims, the BBC is directly (partly) responsible for the increasing levels of muslim violence in western countries. They are traitors to the british way of life.
So life was fab before the Empire displaced the mass-murdering moghuls….
Just watching Ed Balls’ response to the chancellor’s Autumn Statement……..
Oh dear!!!!!!!! I think even Michael Foot would have been embarrassed at this performance.
No worries, by the time it’s on the BBC news listeners and viewers will be astounded by his statesmanlike oratory, poise and general brilliantness in dissing that evil Osborne.
Even Paul Mason said Balls was having a mare. “Balls repeatedly stumbling over still-falling deficit sounds like he cant actually believe it. Whole line of attack was re-rise of deficit”
Bet the BBC editing dept have some long hours ahead of them to stitch up a good montage from Balls for News at 10 tonight.
Rather than admitting Balls was having a bad day, I think Mason was unbelievable trying to insinuate that Balls was so shaken by the content of the statement that his emotions overcame him.
This is taking bias to a new level !!!
‘his emotions overcame him’
As they do.
If ‘tiredness’ gets in frame one might feel the ghost of Private Eyes past may be haunting our ever-impartial Anger and Protests Ed.
In the past when the Labour Party were in power the BBC always used to cut away back to the studio before the opposition Conservative spokesman had finished speaking. I am guessing (not having watched it) that because the Labour Party is now the opposition the BBC broadcast all the reply by the opposition benches – they made a policy decision to broadcast complete Balls so to speak.
…and still waiting for the BBC to challenge Balls as the co-architect of ‘no more boom and bust’.
And dont forget his lifelong friend: PRUDENCE!
Gordon Brown kept taking about prudence and his moral compass because both were conspicuous by their absence.
Son of the Manse ya see! The epitome of moral rectitude and truth. As seen on bigotgate!
As the BBC and its satellite glee clubs ComicalAlise the latest triumph of oratory from Hauptmann Balls, this also slips in…
Can’t think why, but where folk get the idea of brassing out massive hole excavations by rushing around other people’s turf demanding answers when they refuse to give any themselves is… not unique to Labour hypocrites alone, it seems.
They’ll be holding the breath til they turn… well, colour choice depends…
Comments are a treat too.
Starts with Hodge and then becomes utter Balls.
Karma… you minx:)
Although it’s not BBC bias it was funny to watch him bang on about this, that and the other and then have to try and keep shouting when Georgie came back at him with the theme of “go on then, tell us one thing you will actually do about it all”.
Nice little game playing by Balls as well when he tried to argue that GDP was 1/10th of that of the G20. Nice little deliberate pick that. That allowed him to let him include the BRICS countries that are carrying everone else. Had he gone with with the G7 that shortfall wouldn’t have sounded so impressive as most of them are in the toilet too.
Australian radio pranksters make call to the hospital where the Duchess of Cambridge is a patient.
And coincidentally I hear Brian Leveson is now doing a lecture tour downunder.
Quote from someone on the BBC payroll: Richard Bacon:
‘I argue the call itself was quite funny’
a vacuous, brain cell singular response as always
no thought – no consideration – no surprise
re bacon ;-D
But not quite so funny had it happened to him – we might then have had some bleating about phone-hacking relativism. Only guessing, mind.
Is Bacon going to do another documentary about harassment now?
I wonder if he still thinks the call itself was quite funny ?
R.I.P. Jacintha Saldanha.
BBC appear to be ignoring Ed Ball’s apalling performance in the Commons. Meanwhile BBC commentators are busy doing the opposition’s job for them.
@PhilShanksSays: “edballs is about as compelling as a shadow chancellor as my puppy…”
@TAFKASBS: “Good God, is Ed Balls having some sort of mental breakdown live on tele?”
@TeddyCHolmes: “Ed Balls’ ability to string a coherent sentence together has been reduced by 20% in real terms.”
@LordPrestonEsq: “Need a campaign to keep Ed Balls as shadow chancellor. He’s the best secret weapon the Conservatives have had in years.”
Unbelievable, nothing at all about deficit reduction even though that has fallen again.(took me a good few minutes to find it on bbc website) can you imagine if the deficit had actually gone up? it would have been plastered over everywhere. !!
Polly Toynmeeee currently ranting on BBC live coverage
what a f king suprise!
Go back to your haciendas.
She was just spouting her usual class-warfare, about as incoherent as Ed Balls.
Absolutely priceless that the best the BBC can get of Balls statement is this. Check out Ed Milliband’s face 20 seconds in.
sorry ! here is link
Was Ed Miliband chewing on a wasp? Or was that bubble gum?
I think he puked up in his own mouth on hearing what Balls was saying.
Milliband minor was clearly chewing. He should have received a clip round the ear and made to stand in the corridor. Behaving like that in front of grown ups…
Interesting to see Rachel ‘Forghorn’ Reeves getting a grilling from Brillo, only for Robinson to helpfully intervene to explain what ‘Rachel’ was trying to say and to then completely change the subject to announce the Lib Dems (now withdrawn) briefing that criticised the Tories. Robinson and Rachel share in the hilarity. Oh how they laughed….and Reeves is off the hook.
Nice one Toenails…you couldn’t have been more blatant if you’d tried.
That’s ‘foghorn’ btw
This is the Shadow Chancellor? The one who would be in charge of the economy if there was a general election tomorrow?
Watching the autumn statement today i noticed we were subjected to real time tweets from the likes of Pesto and Flounders and Rubbishson.
Personally I would have preferred drawing my own conclusions without guidance on my thought process.
So don’t read them. You have the choice. Or watch Sky.
I wasn’t expecting them and it’s hard to unsee what you have already seen.
And since I’m compelled to pay for the BBC I may very often choose to watch, and reserve the right to bitch about it, smart arse.
Equally, Prole has the choice not come on biased BBC. Unfortunately for us, he never takes it. Still, a bit like Scotty, I think he gets quite upset, which is nice.
But WE are not forced to pay for f*&^%$
sky are we!
So don’t read them. You have the choice. Or watch Sky.’
That’s it… you are David Vance (Please, stop it, it isn’t necessary… we had Paul Mason on a few days ago!) and I claim my prize.
“New York: Muslim gets ten years for plotting to blow up ten synagogues.”
-BBC-Democrat, in its Obama-parallel universe, doesn’t report the above.
One year a pop?
That’s the kind of moral-Maths David P often raises.
If the BBC does get around to a report (never say never when the Cherries are circling, if erratically (lack of tail feathers will do that) at the mo’), you may find that in the same way a nurse needs the Tower for letting slip a Royal confidentiality while elder abuse is more a matter for retraining, ‘only’ trying to take out vast numbers of civvies is but naught to IDF targetting a school yar… or sorry… that was Syrians killing each other’s kids.
As soon as the night shift begins, Dez will provide a link for it.
I found a link to the arrests, but not (yet) to the conviction.
Thank you Jim.
Pity they only mentioned one synagogue. All the same they quoted the DA’s use of the word “synagogues”, whilst leaving out the “churches” bit.
Yet again you are using the BBC website as proof of balance for its broadcast coverage.
It isn’t, so stop the deceit.
‘I found a link’
I saw this, and thought of you.
I see BBC Breakfast were trying to distort nature, this morning, to fit their warped gender equality agenda: ‘But why should a little boy not be able to dress in girls’ clothing or play with dollies…’ Bill and Suzy heckled.
Surprise, surprise… I see the ‘News’ at Six team is ripping the Osborne budget to utter shreds but somehow failing to highlight how Balls would improve the situation (which is useless socialist party created). Ed’s lamentable performance and response in the House was a clear indication of Labour’s cynicism and economic ineptitude but hardly any mention. Also, no mention of how Liebour’s open immigration policy has stretched the economy and infra-structure to almost breaking point in many areas.
‘Wetting themselves with joy’ as Mr Vance might have it? Or is visceral anger what’s coming across?
Yes, ‘thanks’ for that really interesting comment, Jim.
Jim had a Damascene moment this morning, when he admitted, ‘I makes no sense at all’. Commendable honesty.
Yes, immigration has made it all worse, not least because the immigrants are needed to do the jobs that workshy scroungers won’t touch. But, as bBBC has been showing us all day today, much of the welfare budget goes to support the immoral, single-parent ‘families’ with absent fathers or bed-hopping mothers.
All encouraged by loony lefties committed to undermining normal British society.
What is normal British Society?
Love to know.
One that hasn’t been hijacked by the policies of an extreme left establishment (you know, the one that educated you).
Keep up with your Biased BBC re-education, lad, or we’ll have to make you re-sit your first year.
Well, when I walk through Bradford and the only clue as to my whereabouts is what remains of Bradford’s Victorian architecture, I’d say that is certainly not normal.
In other news, or when reporting it gives way to becoming it (not the best of things), I have learned…
‘In short, the age of austerity is going to last longer than the government hoped.’ –
What bloody austerity!?! Even according to the BBC’s sister organisation, the Guardian, public spending is significantly higher now than at any time under Labour!
ROP running true to form:
Comments on line that planning permission for the “mega mosque” has been refused and possibly a demo starting. If true how will Al BBc report it.
Maybe permission should be given to build this structure, but only on condition that, pace Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata etc, it should pay heed to native sensibilities by being named “Ye Olde Dog And Duck Mega Mosque Tavern, Off-Licence, And All-Night Casino”.
What, no lap dancing?
Watching ‘Supersized Earth’ on BBC1 just now. It’s basically BBC’s answer to the excellent ‘Mega Structures’ and ‘How it’s made’ programmes you can find on the Discovery Channel etc. Except – being on the BBC it’s weighed down non-stop eco-guilt and fear mongering eg. about how much food and water we need and how man is ‘changing the planet’ to provide it. Malthusian bollocks from start to finish. To top it off it’s dumbed down to the max – as if the commentary is aimed at pre-school children. Trouble is, this eco-propaganda works: I was talking to my 75 year old mum the other day and she was saying how great the programme was – apparently unaware that she had been watching an hour of insideous watermelon propaganda.
Yes, the inclusion of the windfarm array named “London” was trumpeted as this endless supply of energy, which will never run out. No-one mentioned what do we do when its mid winter, and there’s no wind. What then? No drawbacks included in their propaganda it seems.
I missed that bit. Couldn’t watch anymore after he’d patronizingly gone on about ‘the planet’ for the tenth time (queue a wide panning helicopter shot and surging orchestra) instead of giving us an interesting technical information about the projects he was looking at.
“Plans for new east London ‘mega-mosque’ rejected by local council.
“Proposals for Britain’s biggest mosque located near the Olympic Stadium were tonight refused planning approval amid fierce local opposition.”
Oh dear. Islamic riots in London, supported by their socialist allies, now on Islamising agenda?
They say a picture is worth a 1000 words.
Was looking at this mega-mosque story earlier to check how the BBC were covering it.
I noticed this picture in their article
Now when you think that so much of BBC propaganda has been invested to make those above a feature of the London and British society, and they called it ‘multicultural.
I would hope that any of those who have swallowed this hype will look at the picture below and ask themselves if they really see the ones above as something desirable, or something that is likely to integrate into our society.
Hopefully it will cut through the Brainwashing British Citizens output.
One just has to look at the attitude of these aggressors in the top photo. Angry, brainwashed and anti everything Western. We should hand all heretics the Bible, and pray that they come over to the only true faith, that of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
I hope as many Muslims as possible become Christians.
Because if they don’t they have a one way to ticket to the lake of fire.
The first question anybody with the capacity to think for themselves would have to ask is ‘Why did they want to come to this country in the first place?’
Everything they want is back where they came from, therefore their only purpose in coming here is to try and take over. They’re not interested in integration or whatever ‘multicultural’ has to offer.
Does this show just how ludicrous and traitorous the BBC truly are?
“The Role of the Mosque in Society”
By: Robert Spencer. (2011.)
hmm how important to one section in particular?
bbc – Mother killed son over Koran studies
‘He never complained’ …
In police interviews she also confessed to beating her son for no reason and that her anger often led to her being out of control.
She and her taxi driver husband had enrolled Yaseen in advanced classes at their local mosque as they wanted him to become Hafiz – an Islamic term for someone who memorises the Koran.
The court heard Ege become more and more frustrated with her son’s inability to learn the passages he needed to.
She told officers: “I was getting all this bad stuff in my head, like I couldn’t concentrate, I was getting angry too much, I would shout at Yaseen all the time. Ege insisted that both she and Yaseen had been beaten by her husband, adding he had been violent throughout their marriage.”
not the religion of peace … by any chance?
The mention of the Koran is a bit of a giveaway, really.
P.S. I’m surprised no one has been hauled over the coals for not using the spelling Qur’an !
West’s political class (inc INBBC) apparently supports these Islamic jihadists who want to kill us!
“Syrian rebels vow to conquer Israel, Iran and Spain”
(inc video clip).
Lessons not learnt from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Libya, Syria, etc, and indeed lessons not learnt from the tenets of Islam by the West’s ‘leaders’.
Bloody depressing….
It’s A Knockout TV presenter Stuart Hall, 82, arrested on suspicion of ‘historic’ rape and indecent assault offences
Read more:
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Although I believe he was married, he always seemed to want to physically touch the men. He would put his arm around eddy Waring who tried to shrug him off. One time when it got too much for Eddy, in the middle of a live broadcast, he just shrugged and shouted at Hall “Gerroff!”. Funnier to see than to relate, especially for those who remember Dewsbury’s Finest.
The BBC is pleased to announce that insinuations of homosexuality have been disproved by the Hall charges. All the alleged victims were female.
I caught the tail-end of Radio5 Live show late one night last week. Unfortunately, I don’t have the exact details but the show had a UKIP guest on it from a phone-line and a LibDem guest in the studio. As I say, I didn’t catch the beginning of the show but basically the idea was to discuss the LibDems demise and UKIP’s rise as the country’s third party. Half way through the show it was clear that the UKIP guy was pretty much on his own here, with a radio show presenter who was obviously biased, siding with the LibDem guest on every point of view and he constantly interrupted and mocked the UKIP guest at every opportunity. The programs presenter eventually ended his show with a mocking rant about UKIP’s promise of a free university education and just prior to this he allowed the LibDem representative to get away with describing UKIP as nothing more than ‘ BNP in suits’ (whatever that means?) – because the UKIP guest said he opposed the current mass uncontrolled immigration policy of the current government. I was surprised by this attempt to smear UKIP with racism live on air – especially via the BBC – because we had just had the shocking news of a social worker removing kids from a UKIP couple based the social services prejudiced view that UKIP members were all closet racists. If their aim was to attempt to discredit UKIP that night then it didn’t work. In fact, my sympathy went out to the poor UKIP guy whoever he was – if you ask me, the shows presenter and the LibDem guest just come across as couple of rather rude and self-righteous liberal/left type snobs. This wasn’t at all a sensible and mature debate you would have expected, neither was it impartial, it was like witnessing a couple of playground bullies picking on the new kid in school. Sadly, I’ve come to expect this kind of one-sided debate from a BBC that today seems to be nothing more than a propaganda machine for every liberal-eco nut in the country. Fortunately, the secret is now out – dear old aunty Beeb is really psychotic killer Norman Bates dressed up as his mother. Keep up the good work guys – thanks to you there a growing number of people who are now getting BOTH sides of the BBC propaganda story.
The Lib Dem felt comfortable smearing the UKIP guy on the BBC. Speaks for itself.
” If their aim was to attempt to discredit UKIP that night then it didn’t work.”
The whole strategy of the INBBC is that it doesn’t have to work on you. But it sure as hell will work with enough of the people e nough of the time. That is ALL they need, to fool enough folk.
It’s that drip, drip, drip that works so well with the plebs, and they KNOW it.
So they played the exact same “objection to one aspect of an immigration policy equals opposition to all immigration, full stop” game as Evan Davis did with Nigel Farage? What a coincidence. Not.
The bias is institutional. Or will Jim Dandy be telling us this was another moment where the BBC was biased in favor of UKIP and allowing them to put clear blue water between themselves and the BNP?
I have followed the bbc on the Autumn statement on and off through the day and I conclude they are now conflicted. The Eds fell off a cliff, the man in the street to a large degree were in favour, and the unions were off the scope somewhere. Nick and Robert stared at their laptops and kept largely quiet.
The BB Messaging service will be on overdrive through the night to get the responses lined up tomorrow. Nikki’s phone in will be ready on speed dial. Ed and Ed will be pre-scripted for the fray. The suspended execs will be putting their tu’pennyworth in to the script for Today. Humphries will be on early call.
Neutralise, neutralise.
Yesterday someone posted a story about a linesman dying after being assaulted at the end of an amateur junior football match in Holland. He said this seemed rather unusual behaviour for Dutch teenagers – was there something we weren’t being told? (tumbleweed). I’m afraid I can’t seem to locate the comments but I googled an image of the team and replied they all looked like normal Dutch youths to me.
The latest BBC report is here:
There was nothing in the English papers, but Esmeralda Weatherwax, at the New Review has found a Dutch source: it was three Moroccan youths playing for he team who assaulted the linesman – not that you would know from the BBC or UK MSM.
How depressingly predictable.
Strange, aint it?
When you suspect that the BBC are with holding something crucial, they almost certainly ARE, and always, with holding it for a reason.
Yes, the BBC does know about this. Two days ago, Shelagh Fogarty interviewed a journalist from the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf. He told her that the youths involved were of Moroccan background. Furthermore, he told her that their team had been warned and fined earlier on this year for threatening a referee.
Islam vs Europe noted the same Global Media Conceals Fact that Football Players Who Beat Dutch Referee to Death were Moroccans
The German newspaper they quote from goes on to state
‘That the attackers who have been arrested were three Moroccans, according to the “Algemeen Dagblad”, certainly does not make the case any easier. According to an Interior Ministry report from November 2011, 40 per cent of all Moroccan immigrants aged between 12 and 24 were arrested, sentenced or charged within the last five years. In city districts where people of Moroccan descent form a majority of the inhabitants, youth criminality already reaches 50 per cent’.
Now can you imagine what the statistics would have to reach here before our BBC would start reporting on this, if ever?
God forbid the police would start monitoring suspects or suspicious activity from any ‘minority’ for fear of being accused of racism.
If this situation is not ludicrous already, with no sign that it is going to change any time soon, and the BBC will continue their agenda with few of the suckers who swallow their tripe able to see just how stupid they really are.
Whatever you do, don’t watch episode 1 of the BBC’s “Inside Claridges”. Predictable sh!t-stirring class-war agitation from the director (who I think was the off-camera person asking rather juvenile class-war questions of the hotel staff and guests). It was so relentless, I offer a drinking game: take a drink every time the woman asks a negative question about luxury or wealth. You won’t survive the hour.
Clearly a bad day for Ed Balls.
He seems to have been excised from all radio clips, and just the one soundbite on the news…add to that, Rachel Reeves wandering around the studios, where normally we`d get nothing by Blanket Balls.
As for his role in the shambles, the intensely relaxed approach, the end of boom and bust…the culpability of Milibands bosses Brown and Blair?…cue tumbleweed and sound of windchimes….NOW!
Tweet from Claire Perry MP:
Heres the news from the Treasury: Av working family £125 pa better off after the Statement – will that be on BBC Online I wonder?
Here’s a challenge to Jim Dandy and the rest of the BBC PR dept. Prove her wrong! The BBC news website is telling us this morning that ‘Labour says plans to squeeze benefits announced in the Autumn Statement will hit working families’ (yesterday’s news, one would have thought!). Will they show a little balance?
As far as I’m concerned the website is irrelevant. Every item on the Today programme (for example) reaches the ears of 6 million-plus listeners. It would take a helluva lot of BBC News website users to balance that up on an item per item basis.
No prizes as to guessing whose side the BBC are on… what a load of Balls!
An article that isn’t quite a tearful farewell to the Kyoto protocol:
Breakfast will be talking to JLS about their “Sophisticated” new sound. Ha ha ha, sophisticated as a brick.
Yea Labour attack is working families will suffer. Well if labour hadn’t flooded the country with migrants which had the effect of lowering wages as they would work for less increasing the buy to let housing market which at the end of the day had a massive negative effect on the housing market. I remember sat in the rest room at Tesco a decade ago on pay day (which was fairly well paid) and listening to the blokes with kids talking about how much tax credit they had loaded on their wages. Let us also not forget who started twisting the screws on benefits and raising pension ages.
Blinky balls has just been on talking bollocks. Low pay on £20k worked how much minimum wage is on a 16 hour a week part time job Balls? Anyone to put an alternative view forward …No? Suprise!
Haven’t seen a story on this yet from El beebo
the daily mail too …
Islamic sect refused permission to build mega-mosque with four times the capacity of St Paul’s Cathedral
BUT … if we had al bbc stylee, i should imagine it would go like this 😀
bbc news – Dudley Council mosque refusal is ‘Islamophobic’
or like this …
“plan to build the UK’s biggest mosque in Stratford, east London, has been rejected by councillors. – bbc highlights …
‘Extremely let down’ 😀 (just who exactly? ….
probably the bbc? seeing as they highlight it),
mind you they manage to end the report with …
ta ra!
This group has said it “refrains from political or controversial activities and stands for democracy and freedom” and that it “promotes social and religious integration”. 😀
one has to ask the bbc … is that like the “secular, conservative and moderate” muslim brotherhood?
the erm … freedom and justice party?
“Newham councillor, candidate for mayor of London, Alan Craig, complained he had been PREVENTED BY THE BBC 😀 from describing it as a ‘separatist Islamic group’ in a party political broadcast.”
” a mega mosque with eight flats for visiting clerics” hmm clerics?
“Tablighi Jamaat and terror links”…/tablighi-jamaat-and-terror-links-b…
“16 Sep 2011 – Tablighi Jamaat Is a silent recruiting wing of the Taliban, Al Qaeda “
Not much about Saran Ege either as she battered her little boy for not being “hafiz” material>
No doubt Labour and the BBC think that his primary school should have signed the home school agreement to give the family a Welsh version of the Qu`ran…so it was the fault of Dyfed Council.
How could a Muslim murderess ever be wrong…and, in her favour-like Stephen Twigg, he approves of cultural methods of raising standards in our madrassas…sorry, “schools”.
Poor vulnerable lady just went a bit far in her understandable passion and enthusiasm for learning…that`ll be Goves fault then!
bbc – Mother killed son over Koran studies
‘He never complained’ …
In police interviews she also confessed to beating her son for no reason and that her anger often led to her being out of control.
She and her taxi driver husband had enrolled Yaseen in advanced classes at their local mosque as they wanted him to become Hafiz – an Islamic term for someone who memorises the Koran.
The court heard Ege become more and more frustrated with her son’s inability to learn the passages he needed to.
She told officers: “I was getting all this bad stuff in my head, like I couldn’t concentrate, I was getting angry too much, I would shout at Yaseen all the time. Ege insisted that both she and Yaseen had been beaten by her husband, adding he had been violent throughout their marriage.”
another example of the enrichment and rainbow tapestry of cultural diversity
where all faiths, ethnicities live together as equals, in pluralism and harmony.
or … or is it the cult of islam again
I’m sure our defenders of the indefensible will find an example of an ultra-orthodox Jewish mother doing the same thing. Right?
Not that hard to find:
It is also dated prior to the article in the Telegraph.
And how many people read this?
Dear BBC, please find enclosed my 500 page tome which I am sure you will be more than anxious to turn into a major new TV drama.
Everyone knows me, I’m JR Hartley. I’ve written a string of blockbusting manuals on angling. My fishing books have been enormously popular – so obviously now I’ve turned my hand to fiction it is bound to be a great hit.
Oh you might want to know what it’s all about.
The title is The Casual Complacency.
It’s about this apparently idyllic English broadcasting corporation which below the surface is wracked with political bias, hypocrisy and graft.
The story begins with the death of a much loved employee who had formerly lived a secret life of evil to which his friends and colleagues turned a blind eye.
I want to leave behind writing about the world of keep net and floats so my work concentrates on some very adult themes such as institutional child abuse, fabricated smears against political opponents and perversion of the truth motivated by corporate self-interest.
I am a donor to the UKIP political party, so I know you will feel my new novel is ideal as a BBC production.
The deal that I’m looking for will cost you something in the region of the price of paying off two or three of your failed bosses.
Funding from the Savile Estate, and to be given its premiere in the John Peel Wing…can I be the first to make an opera out of it, by the way?
Sorry to disappoint but Danny Boyle has already bagged the rights to the opera version.
BBC 5 Live now talking about benefits to a group of ‘single mothers’.
My first thought (considering this is not 1919) is where have all the fathers gone? Don’t expect the BBC to delve into that conumdrum.
So what about these benefits then? Well, says young lady number one, I get housing benefit so if I lost that I would suffer. Not entirley sure that has been proposed anywhere but hey this all about emoting not about facts.
Young lady number two is Ms Dracula from somewhere east of the River Oder. She gets benefits ‘a’ ‘b’ and some ‘c’ and ‘d’. Why is she a single mother? We already established this is not a factual exercise.
So says the BBC bod, to coin a phrase – some people might say – why are you in Britain not in Romania?
My daughter she is born here – this is her home.
Now I’m sure I recall Labour ministers backed up by BBC talking heads telling us the influx of EU immigrants was due to our booming economy and that once that boom was done they would toddle off back home.
Ah, but that would mean asking questions from a right wing point of view.
It’s a BBC Knock Out.
BBC sports reporter Stuart Hall charged with three counts of indecent assault against young girls
Really sad to hear of this, and hope he`s innocent.
Unlike Savile or even the likes of DLT(both a bit creepy even at the time), I was brought up on regional news where Hall was a brilliant presenter-and his radio5 stuff at its best is wonderful still.
As I say-I hope he`s cleared, and at 82….no-one can take pleasure in this.
I spare the BBC in this case for now.
Wholeheartly agree that I hope this is a mistake and that it has more to do with ‘victim’ bandwagoning than with truth. Interesting that BBC news reports are not naming ‘due to legal reasons’. Gosh what a movable feast that is.
Have to say I have only fond memories of this bloke whereas I always found JS an embarrassing and overbearing creep. So much for BBC endorsed national treasures eh?
mo farrah ….. and we love mo farrah … oh talking of sports personalities – how about mo farrah hands on his head eh! fantastic … the bbc sports personality of the year … mo farrah at the olympics holds his baby ahhh!, his tears,
oh just time to fit in an olympic athlete who respects … mo farrah.
coming soon on the bbc sports personality of the year…
What are the chances of anyone else winning the title with this level of ‘push’ coverage. Even if the ‘votes’ are correctly represented, the voters are self selecting, Plus the BBC really gets narked when the public give the wrong answers…..they wouldn’t even let kids select a name for the Blue Peter cat .
Anyone remember the famous ‘peoples’ law’ initiative by the Today programme that wanted an ‘opt-out’ to mandatory organ harvesting. Despite massive bias in favour of the BBC’s selected project the whole initiative collapsed when the public insisted on the right to defend themselves from burglars. It hasn’t stopped frequent advocacy by he BBC of organ harvesting
“The public have spoken, the bastards”
Why does the ‘last comment’ on Dame Nikki’s show always involve an angry left winger ? Twats.
What sort of left winger were you expecting?
Er, someone like Scott?
Oops, yes – see what you mean….
It is done to soften your hard heart in readiness for Victoria Derbyshire and the come on my show supposed victims from everywhere and say whatever you like without fear of challenge, question or contradiction.
Here’s a link to an interesting article in Standpoint magazine – about the ‘liberal’ press and BBC (is there a difference) and their response to honour murder and their tolerance of unspeakable behaviour in the UK and Norway
Quote from that article:
After the Jimmy Savile scandal, the British have looked back on the 1970s with self-satisfaction. How could our predecessors have been so indifferent to abuse back then, they ask. How shocking that we once ignored suffering and pretended that it did not exist. Couldn’t happen today, of course. No, no, no, we are a better and kinder people. Not when it comes to women and children with brown rather than white skin, we aren’t. When a 15-year-old white schoolgirl runs off to France with a teacher, the story leads the news. When the parents of a Pakistani girl pull their daughter from class and force her to marry an old man from the other side of the world—that is, when they organise her abduction and rape—polite society stays quiet.
Good find, but I fear…..
‘If the British look back in 2040 and wonder how their “anti-racist” predecessors tolerated genital mutilation, kidnap and murder, a change for the better will have come about because of the lonely work of women like Deeyah and DCI Goode, not because of anything done by those cowardly little s***s, who call themselves “liberals” today.
……it won’t be ‘the British’, in any sense of the description we know, looking back.
News Sniffer reveals the BBC has cleaned up their previous report on the troubles in Egypt.
Version 4
Egypt crisis: Tanks deployed after fatal Cairo clashes 2012-12-06 11:40:41 UTC
The Egyptian army has deployed tanks and armoured troop carriers outside the presidential palace in Cairo after clashes between supporters and opponents of President Mohammed Morsi left five dead and 644 injured.
Version 5
Egypt crisis: Army clearing presidential palace area
2012-12-06 12:56:07 UTC (about 1 hour later)
The Egyptian army has begun to clear demonstrators and media organisations from outside the presidential palace in Cairo.
Nice job camouflaging those tanks BBC!
Now (16:29 update) the bBBC is mentioning tanks again, probably because they saw that Al-Jazeera’s headline is Egypt deploys tanks outside Morsi palace.
Christmas comes early…
Ali Bongo’s Ol’ Snackbar! (as Victoria Wood might say)
Did I hear that right? BBC Cairo correspondent on a crackly line to Salford Central just said President Morsi is finished. Muslim Brotherhood leader likely to be ousted by the army?
only last week!
more, more, morsi,
how do you like it, how do you like it? ….
answer – obviously not very much
BBC – Egypt crisis: Army clearing presidential palace
egypt – army not to oppress crowds
Will the BBC be crying “foul” that this is a coup? They approved when the army got rid of Mubarak.
Re: Evan Davis’ “robust” interview with George Osborne over the Autumn announcement: I’m struggling to recall a time when Davis or anyone at the BBC challenged Gordon Brown about how shifting the PFIs off the books – a much more serious offense – similarly enabled him to claim the deficit looked better than it actually was.
And funny how Evan Davis – described by Jim Dandy, I think – as a ‘brilliant economist’, never spotted the Everest-rivalling piles of public and private debt as a threat to the economy (unlike the truly brilliant Jeff Randall), never questioned Brown’s outrageous claim of ‘abolishing boom and bust’ and has never challenged Liam ‘all the money’s gone’ Byrne on joking about a f****d-up economy.
Funny that, from such a ‘brilliant’ economist.
I never noticed Robert Peston or Stephanie Flanders fretting about it either. Of course, Peston wrote a book about how great Mr. Brown’s economic vision was, so maybe he noticed but saw nothing wrong.
The BBC also has form on shifting blame for the problems caused by PFIs.
And there was Panorama’s brilliant piece of ‘world-beating investigative journalism’ on PFIs:
Not one mention of Brown, plenty of references to the Tories and blame for the mountain of PFI debt on city wide boys who had infiltrated the (i.e. Brown’s) Treasury.
History re-written in the most pro-Labour, anti-Tory (and City/private sector) way that would even give Winston Smith palpitations.
A bloody disgrace.
Enjoy this – John Bolton, US ambassador to the UN, telling Dimbleby to fire BBC reporter :
Brilliant. About time UKIP and the Tories did the same.
Not BBC-related, but important information relevant to certain discussions here: MSNBC top talent (excluding Chris” Thrill Up My Leg” Matthews) met with the President yesterday for a strategy session.
Attention defenders of the indefensible: I don’t want to hear another goddamn word about Fox News, ever. Okay?
coincidence but didn’t all the big donors have dinner at WH too
Donors get star treatment by all Presidents. Especially when they’re stars themselves. This is big media we’re talking about, an entire broadcast network apparently dedicated to becoming an arm of the White House machine. Fox News never did this.