Always remember than BIAS is in their genes. Consider the thoughts of Katty Kay, the BBC’s Washington correspondent on the Tea Party…
“And the Tea Party is saying we don’t care about whether it’s in the country’s interest, in our foreign policy interest, in our economic interest necessarily to deal with the President. What we want is to be the party that obstructs Barack Obama. Many of them ran specifically on stopping and on checking Barack Obama, and so that is their priority. And the establishment is going to have to either listen to them or try and find a way to overcome that energy.”
What could be more fair and balanced than this, I ask you? The BBC despises the Tea Party, just as it loathes Sarah Palin, and never missed the opportunity to blatantly misrepresent what these people believe. To Katty Kay the Tea Party are nihilists.
Hat-tip to Big Journalism.
1. If that’s what they were elected on so what?
2. The BBC didn’t care when people were obstructing George Bush (whatever happened to the anti war protests then?)
The simple facts are the Americans like Barry as a person but hate his policies, they were hoodwinked in large part by the lame stream media who spent far too much time (like the BBC) digging up lies about Sarah Palin 9when was the last time in a US election people were bothered about the VP pick?)
….and like most people, Americans don’t like beong conned. Obama conned them, and the likes of the BBC were complicit in the fraud.
Talking of Sarah Palin, the BBC’s unhealthy obsession with her (at the expense of anyone else in the Republican Party) continues with two new articles about her up on the website today.
One is the anonymous article Sarah Palin launches nationwide tour to push new book, which ends with “While she is a hero to the anti-establishment, fiercely conservative Tea Party movement, Ms Palin is seen in general as a polarising figure, and surveys indicate a majority of Americans deem her unqualified for the White House.”
The use of the word “polarising” suggests it may be by Washington correspondent (and Biased-BBC reader) Iain MacKenzie – no fan of Sarah Palin, as his tweets (as revealed by DB) – showed. (Incidentally, is it proper for the BBC to call her ‘Ms Palin’?)
The other is Will Sarah Palin run for president? by Katie Connolly. One of her two expert witnesses is Scott Conroy of Real Clear Politics, who just happens to be one of her closest friends on Twitter.
Katie Connolly’s keen interest in Mrs Palin goes back to her Newsweek days, as this video shows:
Katty Kay is singing the same tune as Mark Mardell: the President’s policies are correct, and those who oppose Him are wrong.
Funny how Labour is a strong opposition when they oppose the nasty Tories, but when Republicans oppose The Obamessiah, they’re dangerous obstructionists who don’t care about what happens to their country.
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism, except when it’s dissent against Him.
Come see the bias inherent in the system. All Beeboids covering the US should be sent back home immediately. They are unprofessional.
“They are unprofessional.”
True, but would their replacements be any more professional? In fact, could any BBC journalist be considered “professional” beyond the fact that they are paid for what they do? Could you name one BBC journalist who appears to have what used to be known as “professional ethics”? Among other things, professional ethics implied a devotion to the truth and the conveying of facts no matter how uncomfortable those facts might be in the light of the (religious, political or moral) beliefs of the journalist in question – or his editors.
Who said anything about replacing them?
Good point – never thought of that. The rubbish they spout could just as easily – and much more cheaply – be constructed in London as in Washington.
It’s the shallowness and stupidity of it that gets me. Where is the analysis of WHY they want to stop him…er…Him? Could there possibly be a reason? Could it possibly be germane? Could it possibly be that they believe it to be necessary in the interests of their country?
She’s just a merchant of black propaganda masquerading as journalism, like so many of her colleagues. They know exactly what they’re doing. They must be laughing their heads of that they get away with it so easily.
I don’t follow American politics ever so closely but I watched much of the BBC’s coverage leading up to, and immediately after, the mid-terms and they seemed to concentrate all their efforts on negative reporting of Sarah Palin and the woman that once claimed to be a witch.
I watched a video that someone had posted on here last week of the excellent Colonel West and this was the first time I had ever heard of him.
I guess a man like that flies in the face of everything that the BBC choose to tell us about the Tea Party.
What does Katty do next !
Well if Newt Gingrich has his way she will become nothing more than a “time keeper”.
The Republicans have had quite enough with the liberal / left wing TV media fawning over the Democrats and being so openly hostile to them.
Sounds familiar ?
The Tories could well take time off from appearing stupid and have a break from dealing with mess Labour left behind and tune into the TV.
And as much as it pains me to say this : BBC Parliament at 1.00pm on Sundays should do the trick.
In a reciprocal arrangement with C-Span, Washington Journal, hosted by Steve Scully, is aired live for two hours.
OK, Newt was plugging his latest book but went on to answer questions about the political scene.
He could not have been more erudite about left-wing bias in the media.
Lest we forget our American cousins don’t face a prison sentence for not having a TV licence.
So the suggested roll for Katty and her ilk would be no more than that of the announcer of “seconds out ! – round One” in a poltical boxing match.
So thank you BBC for inadvertantly in Greek Tragedy mode airing on a Sunday, ideas which will resonate very well with the great unwashed.
We’ll do the scorecards, not You BBC.
Of course the purpose of Kay, Mardell and the other “reporters” in the US is to hide the true extent of Obama’s unpopularity, including among not just Republicans and Independents but also many Democrats.
Demonise the Tea Party and Palin – and ignore the real evidence of why Obama is being rejected :
“Consider the thoughts of Katty Kay”…
Was this broadcast by the BBC?
Is it on the BBC website?
Was Katy speaking on behalf of the BBC?
So has this got anything to do with the output of the BBC?
You forgot the question:
Does this prove her to be impartial as a representative of the BBC?
Not impartial, just representative.
Only representative of the left-wing and people who are stupid and gullible enough to be taken in by the BBC paranoid lies and propaganda.
Dez is routinely desperate in the way he tries to mask BBC bias. She was invited onto the Chris Matthews Show *because she is a BBC ‘reporter’ (and no dbout because she can be relied on to churn out the standard fare of LINO nonsense).
You’ll find Dez that Ms Boaden has asked BBC staff not to hang their political dirty underwear in public on Twitter. I doubt hanging it out on the TV does anymore to hide how ingrained BBC bias is. Nice try though Dez. Your contributions are always welcome. You can be depended on to highlight just how biased the BBC is with your non-sequitars.
Is that Hillhunt who used to put a full stop at the bottom of his witterings?
Wow, the paranoia of some people here is quite revealing. Seems like anytime anyone posts something contradictory to the BBBC cult; there’s some one claiming it’s some one else with a different alias., or it’s a fifth columnist from the BBC! Such is the power of the cult.
Does this show how Katy thinks?
IS Katy repreresenting the BBC
“”BBC’s Katty Kay: Tea Party Flouts Country’s Best Interest To Go Against Obama”
Is Katy flouting BBC Guidlines?
“Presenters, reporters and correspondents are the public face and voice of the BBC – they can have a significant impact on perceptions of whether due impartiality has been achieved. Our audiences should not be able to tell from BBC output the personal prejudices of our journalists or news and current affairs presenters on matters of public policy, political or industrial controversy, or on ‘controversial subjects’ in any other area. They may provide professional judgements, rooted in evidence, but may not express personal views in BBC output, including online, on such matters.”
The Kay’s of this world are of the ilk that do not want you to think for yourself, be they be on the left or right.
There is no focus on principles, lest the true motive behind a policy is revealed – usually one that enchances the size of the nation State at the expense of the individual.
Principles are obfuscated in all the guilt-trip inducing clap-trap that presents “Joe Bloggs” as someone who will suffer if policy X is implemented (usually an overweight single mother of many (innocent) children with no father(s) in sight – where do they find them?)