Sad to report the killings by a deranged shooter in Tucson, Arizona. From my perspective, he was neither right nor left, but rather mad. The net has seen the political left take advantage of this to try and blame Sarah Palin, or Barbara Bachman, or Jan Brewer. How do YOU think the BBC is dealing with it – wonder how it will develop?
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Mark Mardell is a prat of the first order. With his daft face grinning at us all from his stupid “thoughts blog”, feeds the frenzy of the loons. That there are idiots on both sides of politics involved in fantastical conspiraces is not what this atrocity is about. Just as the media play fast and free with any remote link between a murder and a suspect. So Mardell is playing his part in this trial by blog.
Facts are what the BBC should report and Mardell can keep his stupid “thoughts” to himself.
Very unfair
Mardell is proud of his fat face.
Just like he is proud of his intellect – can you hear it in his snotty tone ?
And his amazing skill to write stories that do not follow the left-wing Washington Post, New York Times or HuffPo line – the Journalista line.
Mardell would not even know what Journalista means. He is pure as the driven slush.
Just to add, watching BBC 12 MIDNIGHT news, implied suggestions that this was done by someone who might oppose Obamacare.
I wonder when the next brick is thrown at a student riot the BBC will report that it may have something to do with people who listen to Victoria Derbyshire?
Well Palin, Sharron “second amendment remedies” Angle, Bachman, Brewer et al certainly used a lot of gun-related metaphors in recent months. I do remember people expressing concern at the time that such language could encourage and enflame those who felt armed violence was a valid expression of their views, and those concerns being pooh-poohed by supporters of those politicians.
Certainly the Congresswoman herself had warned of the consequences of using gun-related metaphors when talking about politics, in comments related to the use of gunsights used on Palin’s website. I’d say it’s certainly an avenue that bears analysis.
Regardless of whether there turns out to be any link at all with any politicians, one would hope that today’s terrible actions would cause people of every political affiliation to stop and think whether using the language of armed conflict in the realms of democratic politics is sensible.
Ef you take a sword an’ dror it,
An’ go stick a feller thru,
Guv’ment ain’t to answer for it,
God’ll send the bill to you.
James Russell Lowell
Yeah its all the fault of the right wing, pin the blame on your enemies eh? Jump in and do what you do best it seems, you need to believe that the right is to blame, you need this badly and this is just what you have been waiting for, who needs facts eh?
This attack forgets that people are dead, they dont deserve to be exploited by political activists just itching for the opportunity to use this tragedy FFS some people have no shame do they?
Agree. Particularly a young girl. If she was my daughter I would be disgusted that her awful death was being used by bigots to perpetuate their hateful beliefs. The killer is just that. And he deserves to be punished according to the law of the land.
The socialist scum in this country and in the US ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Thanks Scott/Dez for taking a break from salivating over photos of Al Qa’eda terrorists to share your thoughts with us.
People who have advocated a crackdown on illegal immigration in Arizona have been demonized by the left and Hispanic Groups. Congresswoman Giffords was in favour of cracking down on illegal immgration. However Scott, I’m not going to wallow with you in your cesspit to make propaganda from such a tragedy.
The nutter who shot her was obsessed with education, so perhaps politicians should stop using ‘education metaphors’ in future?
Honestly, the fact Palin had targets on some US states doesn’t mean every nut job is going to go out an kill because of it.
Perhaps the left should take a look at themselves, they are the ones stoking up the hatred in America, the bile pumped out towards George Bush and Sarah Palin is beyond belief.
So Barack “If they bring a knife, we bring a gun” Obama was not a factor, eh?
Well there’s this clown on at the moment who’s accusing, in a roundabout way, the Republicans of creating this situation by their rhetoric. The left-wing parties have no morals at all using such a tragedy to make party political points. Perhaps George W. should have blamed the Democrats for 9/11.
At least we know how the BBC will play it – they have been given their lead.
The latest news in the U.S. is that the shooter appears to be a left wing nut job. His twitter messages are full of left wing rants against the U.S. government (e.g. education should be free to all students)and one of his favourite books was “The Communist Manifesto”.
I saw one of Mark Mardell’s reports on this incident and he mentioned “conservative” opposition to Giffords’ outspoken views on abortion, immigration and stem cell research,thereby intimating the shooting was committed by a right winger.
The left wing media in the U.S. (the New York Times, for one) is already trying to blame Sarah Palin and the Tea Party for contributing to the shooting. It will be interesting to see how the BBC- and Mark Mardell in particular – deal with the increasing possibilty that a left winger was responsible for this outrage.
The left wing MSM needs the killer to be right wing, its what they pray for. The BBC will pile on because they relish the thoght of attacking the right and this would be a prime attack route.
So far the leftist MSM hacks have all been proposing a link with the right, they are salivating at the prospect of attacking Palin, its a golden opportunity, no matter that people were killed.
Now IF the facts about the killer and his political views turn out to be different than the BBC hopes and desires what then? How will the BBC filth react do you think?
Oooh yes, we know exactly how they will react and exactly what they will do, the killers politics will be left alone, the killer will become a deranged loony with no discernable political aims. The BBC filth want a right wing nutter and if he doesnt turn out to be a right wing crazy then he will just be a simple crazy, geddit?
Like so many other stories before this one, the leftist MSM hacks jump straight in before the facts are known, they know the facts before they know the facts, they know the motives before they know the motives. You can easily imagine the pure joy of the leftist filth when news came in, they have the story of their dreams and its all Palins fault!
The BBC filth will use the tragedy just as they use other tragedies, to the BBC filth its simply another political tool to attack their enemies.
Sorry for going on but this perfectly highlights te difference between left and right, people are dead, its a tragedy that innocents are dead and lives ruined and all the left can think of doing is using the tragedy to attack its hated political enemies, using dead people and the agony of the victims to score points.
They must be so proud of themselves eh?
“…all the left can think of doing is using the tragedy to attack its hated political enemies…”
Not just the left, it seems…
Thank you Scott for conceding that the Left have used the tragedy to attack its hated political enemies. Well, let’s be fair, scumbags like you on the left – there are people on the left who do value their self-respect.
I’m a scumbag? Thank you for showing your usual colours, hippiepooter. At least you’re consistent in your unpleasantness.
I’m sure it is unpleasant for you to have it pointed out that there are people who hold left-wing views who dont plumb the depths to make political propaganda over tragedies like this. No, like I said, that’s down to scumbags like you. You can go back to drooling over pictures of Al Qa’eda terrorists now.
Oh, nice to see you’re not posting anymore under your fake nic ‘Dez’ anymore 🙂
hippiepooter – I can see now that I can repeat the truth that I do not, nor have ever, posted as Dez or anybody else, and you won’t believe me. You’ll continue to claim that I do, even though you have no evidence, and can have no evidence, because none exists.
If you want to continue to claim that I post under multiple aliases, fine. I’ll continue to call you a stupid liar, because that is what you’ll be.
Oh well, at least you dont deny your a scumbag for joining in with your fellow ghouls at the BBC to get propaganda mileage out of the attempted murder of Congresswoman Giffords.
I thought you more integrity Scott I really did, is your hatred so intense for Palin and other right wingers that you would stoop to using dead people to attack them?
Palin and others didnt invite this crazy to kill, you know it and I know it. This crazy killed innocents because he is…well…crazy, you would have to be mental to be able to purposely kill unarmed women and children. There is no excuse for it, none nadda zip end of story and anyone claiming such political provocation to murder in such a way is lying, they are evil psychopaths nothing more.
If you want evidence of political provocation to violence and hatred the left are f*cking experts at it, a never ending torrent of demonisation oozes from them every day AND its getting worse. If you want to see cynical tricks to enrage and polarize then simply look to your own side first.
In America it is the custom,every now and again,to kill a politician to encourage the others.
Here´s a few links on the alleged killer, which, to my mind confirm him as a complete nutter. Nothing to indicate if he’s a left-wing or a right wing nutter, just freelance from what I can see. Congresswoman Giffords was a Democrat who advocated, according to what I have read in the Daily Mail, strict immigration controls. So, go figure.
According to what the Huffington Post managed to capture from his Myspace page before it was yanked is that amongst his favourite reading was ‘The Communist Manifesto’ and ‘Mein Kampf’. Obviously a very open minded guy.
I concur DV. This insert in the BBC piece you linked to really does show what utter vermin are stalking the news corridors of the BBC:-
“She upset Arizona conservatives by supporting Mr Obama’s healthcare reform bill last year.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, a conservative Republican, placed Ms Giffords on a list of politicians she wanted to remove from office in mid-term elections last November.”
There is no excuse for putting those two paragraphs together. What bastards the bBC are,
The BBC will “deal with it” in the usual way…
Take some half-facts, apply the required degree of spin and bias, together with just a soupcon of “let’s cover our backs, a bit” unguent, re-apply a dash of bias (just in case), with a smidgen of “personal” opinion and release it to the world as the gospel truth.
Nothing changes…
An excellent piece here by Toby Harnden in the Telegraph on the usual evil-mindedness of the left hate machine in the wake of such a tragedy.
Uuf, DB posted his piece above at the same time I posted this!
“…is your hatred so intense for Palin and other right wingers that you would toop to using dead people to attack them?”
I have done no such thing. All I said was that, given there has been so much gun-related rhetoric in US politics recently, I think that looking at whether that has been a factor here deserves analysis.
But well done you for deciding that I have no respect for the families who have lost loved ones. Of course, in doing so you make yourself guilty of what you accuse me of, but hey. Who says the laws of human decency should apply to you?
So there was also influence from those burning American flags, like in the YouTube video this nutter liked, I take it?
Scott where is the evidence that any so called ‘gun rhetoric’ has caused this mass murder?
This guy was clearly a nut job, if you’ve bothered to read anything on him you will know he was coming off the hinges a long time ago.
The fact that someone who was clearly mentally unhinged could buy a gun so easily is perhaps the question that should be asked.
Oh dear, our dear friend Scott rowing backwards now he’s exposed himself for the scumbag that he is.
On this site there is a wealth of evidence of BBC news staff trying to exploit the attempted murder of Congresswoman Giffords to demonise Sarah Palin and the right and our dear friend Scott doesn’t have a word of condemnation, just echoes the slimy innuendo used by his fellow ghouls at the BBC that they think makes them look oh so clever.
A photo of an Al Qa’eda terrorist may give you the hots Mr Matthewman, but I’m relieved you no longer post your pic here. After your moral monstrosities the sight of your face would have made me vomit.
Scott – any comments about Obama saying people should bring a gun to a knife-fight ?
Simply not true Scott, not true and you know it!
You implied motive other than insanity, you implied directly that Palin and others were responsible, the post is clear to read.
It appears, in fact, that this man was on the left, politically. That was the suggestion of some that knew him, as well as being supported by his liking of left-wing literature (The Communist Manefesto, Mein Kampf, Siddhartha)
Since the left tends towards political violence far more than the right this is not entirely surprising. However I would put this man down as a lone nutter, rather than seriously suggesting his action had any connection with any left-wing group’s violence or rhetoric.
I’m sure the BBC will do exactly the same after they realise their hatefest against the right has no legs. In fact they’ll bend over backwards to make sure they dont draw the reverse conclusions they’ve been trying to make the public draw on this about the right.
Here’s some violent gun rhetoric from the Left, targeted against a Republican politician in Arizona:
Here’s a link to a page comparing Sarah Palin’s infamous “crosshairs” map with a nearly identical one from the website of the Democrat Leadership Committee. Yet, Scott and his kind would never, ever bring this up if a Republican had been shot, and certainly never thought before that the Dems might actually be inciting violence. It’s very convenient to profess concern about both sides now, after the fact.
Here’s a campaign video ad from a Democrat using violent gun rhetoric (and a real gun) which even the BBC happily broadcast. No fretting at all if he was a racist inciting violence against a black President, or anything of the kind.
We all remember these same Beeboids bending over backwards not to speculate about Islamic jihad being the motivating factor for….let’s see now, how many incidents? That Palestinian bulldozer guy, the Murdering Muslim Major of Ft. Hood, 7/7, the Times Square Bomber (whom Mayor Bloomberg publicly blamed the Tea Party). I’m sure I’m forgetting some, but this is just off the top of my head.
How about it, defenders of the indefensible? Would you have proclaimed that, considering the violent rhetoric so common amongst Mohammedans that it was “worth considering” whether or not Muslims were behind these acts of violence in the same manner you defend the BBC’s rampant, libellous speculation now?
The hypocrisy and blind prejudice of these people couldn’t be more clear.
If anyone needs proof that the left in the U.S. (and to some extent,G.B. too) then have a surf through the blogs of both left and right.
From what I’ve seen the conservative or right wing blogs are condemning the shootings and commiserating with the families of those killed or wounded, and the left wing blogs are in the main making hay with political attacks on the Republican Party, Sarah Palin in particular and the Tea Party.
The evidence is there online of the political opportunism and, in my opinion, disgusting behaviour of the left. Remember what Obama’s spin doctor, Rahm Emmanuel, once said “Never let a crisis go to waste.”
The left are having a field day with this, all their agents and workers are out in the field doing what they do best, stir the filth and spread the smears, its gutter politics at its very worst and the left are experts at it.
Its all out dirty war now, these leftists are gleeful and happy, can you imagine the moral centre of people who could do this?
The BEEB still inserting the words “tea party” and “Sarah Palin” into it’s news reports: Hoping to induce guilt by association into the minds of the great unthinking masses.