Investigative Journalism at the BBC has been replaced by Editorial Guidelines set by secret seminars made up of people of unknown identity and qualifications.
The BBC must have got the idea from the Nazis or the Soviets or by just reading a book written by George Orwell. This could only be sorted out by the Government, if it had the guts to do it.
What is known of the BBC’s Climate Change seminar is that the people on it where as far as we can see. Mainly people whose jobs where dependent on the Climate scam, and those with a vested interest in the Climate scam. I am sure there was no Atmospheric Physicist posing the question “ As the suggestion that the effect of man-made carbon dioxide on Climate Change is only an assumption, and in science, once you make an assumption, you then try to prove the assumption right or wrong. Is it right that we censor science and scientist who inadvertently touch on the “trying to prove it wrong” bit of the argument?
Answer from the BBC: YES, because these scientists are the “ENEMIES OF SCIENCE”.
For the benefit of people on this site, the estimation for the 20th Century man-made warming is.
(1) IPCC assumption = 0.76 Kelvin
(2) Unified Theory of Climate calculation = less than 0.002 Kelvin
The bBC racism and double standards: Redhead says ginger comment is ‘akin to racism’ Redhead Laura Payton was offended when a bank clerk commented that she must be pleased that her three-year-old wasn’t a ginger, like her.Laura told BBC Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine that she was proud to have ginger hair, but felt that the comment made by the clerk was on par with a racist remark.
Wow the bBC highlights the racism that redheads experience in the Uk. Good on the bbC to bring this up. But hang on, on its flagship Paki comedy program ‘Citizen khan’ The Paki lead throws abuse at a ginger person for having ..Ginger hair. But then Muslim Pakistanis can never be racist can they?
I think you will find the colour is actually auburn, or as in my case’ the colour of ripening corn in the morning sunlight’ Well it was until about 20 years ago when it turned to Nordic Blond.
Nothing directly to do with the BBC, but this weekend’s Daily Telegraph Weekend section ran a series of advertisements for schools, open days and availability. Every school featured had girls in the picture, seven. The article on why GCSEs had failed and needed to be replaced showed two boys, and the advert for winter retakes for those who had failed the summer exams has a ginger haired boy!!
Subliminal and universal negativity for boys? Would anyone dare run such an advert featuring a EMB boy or girl.?
Coming to the BBC, exam results coverage invariably, shows girls and ethnic minorities when results are good and white boys at the end when they get around to those who have not fared well. Not always of course, but generally that is the pattern.
Two years ago, Midlands BBC ignored white boys in the ‘A’ level results but ran a whole item on drugs and crime in Birmingham and guess who they featured?
All I want whether it’s the DT or BBC is balance and accurate representation.
Whenever the BBC wants to support some left-wing education drivel it pops next door and films a class composed almost (if not actually) entirely of non-whites.
Whenever it wants to big up educational success it uses girls and whenever it laments failure it uses boys.
Whenever it needs to show how truely awful things have got (blaming Thatcher naturally) they go oop North and pick on some fat Northerner.
As to Gingers then it is without doubt (allowable) racism but whenever anyone complains the BBC inevitably state that it is anti-Celtic racism – all the fault of those nasty English. Of course the very idea that red-hair is only Celtic is somewhat diluted in England where the high proportion of ‘celtic’ genes mean that the English can be red-haired too.
Incidently I have yet to hear anyone get into trouble on the BBc for making ‘blond’ jokes.
I wonder when Lenny Henry will be asked to stop doing it?
nah can’t agree with gingerism being the same as racism.
This stupid (ginger) woman suddenly found herself in possession of the most prized asset of the grievance industry – leverage.
And she used said leverage to bully the bank employee, attack the bank, get on the radio and telly, and describe the offer of £150 ‘compo’ as an ‘insult.’
Next stop Lawyers4U.
I wish the bank employee had kicked her sorry ginger arse out the door of the bank and given her something proper to ‘grieve’ about.
She could always just have, you know, ignored the original comment.
Good God, the BBC are bad but, come on, do we really need channel 4 asking if the Taliban leaders are “cultured” and “intelligent”? My heart goes out to all those poor troops who have to come home to this type of snooty left wing nonsense. Disgraceful and idiotic!
No-one’s willing to call the Taliban backward, retarded, savages. But to be fair, slicing someone’s head off with a knife as burkha’d women sit on their legs is simply their way of expressing their wonderful, islamic culture that we all know is equal to western culture, and in no way sick, disgusting, or in need of eradication from this planet.
Mind you the amusing bit was they clearly couldn’t see the irony of arguing against a devious plan to get women back into the kitchen only to go to a later segment about women having their nails painted.
Because there was an Olympic medal winners parade today 10/09, the BBC assumed that Richard Branson’s appearance in front of the Select Committee today in the Commons would not be seen by enough people to get his message across, because as the BBC’s preferred bidder he HAD to get his message across.
So they showed his speech at length on the BBC news, in other words becoming his mouthpiece, while the other bidder, although he also had his time to speak in front of the Committee was ignored completely.
It is absolutely disgraceful that the BBC, who is just a broadcaster should interfere in due process to play cheerleader for Richard Branson’s bid for the West Coast line franchise.
They had spent the whole of one day pitching for Richard Branson when he disputed his bid not getting the franchise so the BBC together with the Labour party, got him his legal challenge and now they want to make sure that he gets the BBC’s full attention.
I wonder if Richard Branson paid them for that extra publicity!
Apparently 31% of London’s population is from an (visible) ethnic minority background although you’d never know it looking at the hideously white crowd at the London Olympic parade. Despite al beeb’s best efforts they struggled to find any efnics unless you count stewards (who were there because they were being paid) and schoolkids (who got the day off). So for all the multi-culti nature of the Olympics, the people most proud of the team and most willing to turn up to the parade were the white British.
It was much the same at the Last Night of the Proms. After a lot of searching I eventually found a headscarf. Otherwise the only faces of colour were in the orchestra, the rest being hideously white.
I know, better things to do. But it contrasts markedly with the breathless commentary on PM last night telling us how the Olympic parade demonstrated the modern, multicultural Britain. And in case we didn’t get the point, we were told it several times.
Glastonbury also appears to be equally ‘hideously’ white. So maybe the BBC should question the motivation of those inside their organisation who continute to promote such a racist event.
It is the same everywhere. The Great Dorset Steam Fair was almost 100% white. The exceptions being Japanese.
The inner cities and London have become different worlds.
Off topic, but I was watching Pointless and two of the female contestants worked for Citizenship Education. One said ‘I travel all over the UK and mainly train teachers in how to teach about politics.’ How interesting that politics teachers can no longer be trusted to teach politics. God forbid that politics teachers fail to tow the liberal/socialist/multi-culti line. This pricked my interest so I read the wikipedia page –
‘The National Curriculum for citizenship sets out teaching requirements that address a wide range of content including politics, parliament and government, the operation of the legal system, how the economy functions, the role of the media, human rights, Europe and international relations. Teachers use topical political and social issues to bring citizenship content to life and to help pupils develop key citizenship skills of research, discussion and debate, as well as to represent the views of others, think critically, evaluate and reflect. The Citizenship curriculum aims to develop student’s ability to participate in communities and wider society as informed, critical and responsible citizens. The purpose of “active citizenship” is to teach students to work together and take practical action, using their Citizenship knowledge and understanding to contribute to a better society. For example, after learning about human rights, diversity and inequality, students might decide to set up a project to address racism in their school or local community. Other examples of active Citizenship projects include starting recycling programmes, setting up student action groups to address bullying or promote fair trade or campaigning to lower the voting age to 16.’
Sounds like a load of nu-labour shite doesn’t it? I liked the bit about addressing racism in the community – how about a Rochdale moslem paedophile ring targeting underage white girls? Hmm .. despite all the pontificating about discussion, debate, knowledge and understanding, I’m pretty sure they won’t be addressing that in a hurry.
‘The purpose of “active citizenship” is to teach students to work together and take practical action, using their Citizenship knowledge and understanding to contribute to a better society’.
I think this used to be called parenting.
(Btw, have it on good authority ‘Citizenship’ – aka Socialist Indoctrination – is going to be binned.)
I know some of you won’t agree, but once I ignored the BBC and realised that it was actually OK to get on board, I really got into the Olympic spirit.
But 40 minutes into Newsnight tonight and they are really putting the boot into the feelgood factor. No legacy for them, the sour, ignorant, opinionated Will Self (‘the booing of Cameron was the equivalent of the Black Power salute’), an excess of Paxman and Stratton, Chucky Yamoney in glorious denial about Bombardier had me wanting to slit my wrists.
Is he really trying to compare an attempt to slow the rate of increase in the amount of money we p*ss away on the public sector, with the treatment of blacks in the southern states of America in the 1960s.
I’d like to set an alsatian on Will and send him on his way down the road with a firehose, just, you know, to introduce some perspective in his teeny tiny lefty brain.
The BBC is serial liar – and one of its biggest lies is that ‘a freeze in the license fee’ is the same as ‘cuts everyone boohoo cuts cuts CUTS BOOHOO!!!!!’
No it’s not – a freeze in the license fee is exactly that – a freeze.
Saw an ad for an upcoming Panorama about crappy estates with the soft-tone voice over “can they be blamed for their behaviour?”. Classic BBC.
Also, and ad for Andrew Marr’s (love the pictures in the DM, Andrew. Hand down the back of her jeans? Nice move…) ‘History of the World’. I’m looking forward to a love-letter to Marx and communism, and “the crusades were an unprovoked attack on poor, innocent Muslims, and that’s the reason they hate us now – it’s all our fault”.
BBC-NUJ-Labour’s Ms GURU-MURTHY versus Tory, Grant SHAPPS.
Who does BBC-NUJ-Labour get to write a hatchet-job ‘Profile’ of Tory Party co-Chairman, Grant Shapps, but its Ms Guru-Murthy, who is married to a script-writer for Tony Blair, a Mr Collins.
Note Ms Guru-Murthy’s political selection of Labour’s Mr Dromey (married to Ms Harman) as the critic of Mr Shapps on housing.
“Profile: Grant Shapps, Conservative party co-chairman
By Geeta Guru-Murthy.
Radio 4’s Profile”
I made the mistake of catching 10 minutes of BBC’s Citizen Khan last night.
Laugh, I nearly did.
I was a little bemused by the script. There were several exclamations of ‘Oh God’ and an ‘Oh My God’ from the daughter. Personally I’ve no problem with this but perhaps the Beeb might try – just for a laugh – to substitute an ‘Oh Allah’ or ‘Oh My Allah’ ?
Thought not.
bBC supports the teachers, without hearing the otherside. of the story. this item was timed at 10.52. The reply by Ofqal had hardly begun and is still on going at this very moment. Talk about made up their mind without hearing the evidence. The article gives the impression that Ofqal had answered, writing this at 11.25, it is still live on the Parliament channel.
They should try looking at the real world
Many employers are providing remedial classes for school and college leavers, a major annual survey suggests.
A third of 542 firms surveyed for the Confederation of British Industry and Pearson were unhappy with youngsters’ literacy and numeracy skills.
The figure is barely changed from a decade ago when the CBI said 34% were unhappy with youngsters’ basic skills.
More than four out of 10 are unhappy with youngsters’ use of English, while 35% bemoan their numeracy skills.
Nearly 82% of small businesses in Wales have said they do not think school leavers have adequate numeracy and literacy skills, according to a survey.
The survey was released to coincide with teenagers’ GCSE results.
82% of small businesses in Wales say that young people aren’t being properly educated or prepared, while the BBC reports that the Welsh Government wants their students grades fixed back upwards. A disconnect somewhere, I think.
The BBC are simply toeing the (Labour) party line. I heard a shadow cabinet spokesperson trot out the ludicrous complaint that the regulator (Ofqual) had ‘interfered with’ the exam boards.
God forbid a regulator enforces standards in the sector it is meant to be regulating. What was all that fuss we didn’t hear on the BBC about Gordon Brown’s bank regulating FSA? I guess they were told not to interfere?
Of course, as they can always rely on a liberal self-important judge and a bevvy of lawyers, Labour/BBC are after a public inquiry to seek out proof that Michael Gove was being mean to the kiddies and those well meaning dedicated professionaly and ethicaly-minded teachers – who are at this very moment busy planning their strikes.
On Today this morning Prof Sir Andy Haines, climate change chief at the Health Protection Agency was dragged on to give us a scare by predicting that “climate change may increase the number of heat-related deaths in the UK from the current average of 2,000 to 11,000 by 2080″ [my bold].
The whole item was laughable. Prof Andy admitted that neither the extent of “climate change” nor its effects were certain although he sent shivers down the collective spine of the Today apparatchiks by claiming that the effects “could” be much worse than predicted.
I understand why the BBC gives this highly qualified and distinguished shyster airtime and why no-one was brought on to challenge this crapola: it’s the BBC demonstrating the changed meaning of “impartiality”. Even so, although the HPA does serve some useful functions I suspect – on little direct evidence except the observed tendency for public sector entities to be overloaded with bureaucratic parasitism and the reluctance of the HPA to disclose on its website exactly who works where and what they do there – that there is much useless and misdirected research being done of which the paper under discussion on Today this morning is just one.
I think that he can be confident that he will not be around in 2080 to face the consequences of his failed prediction, especially as he thinks that his prediction is better than that of the IPCC. He must have read the IPCC expose book “The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert” by Donna Laframboise. Before I joined Mensa, these people where only employed to walk around town with a sandwich board, now they are put in charge of Climate Change at a quango, and interviewed by morons at the BBC.
The shari’ah law of ‘slander and talebearing’ is alive and well, and being enforced rigourously in the UK by broadcasters and publishers. Otherwise known in the vernacular as ‘islamophobia’.
You must be joking they are currently looking through Allahs secret catalogue, at this year to die for [no pun ] fashions like the all over covering or bin liner for the most modest of wives to be forced to wear maybe the cropped infidel look where everything stops at the neck !
Or the BBC pick of the year the Jihad warrior a nice ensemble that has a scantly clad muscled jihady with Vaseline [caution improper use leads to death !] for the lens and rose tinted spectacles so large that they would make Elton cry !
Views his own, yeah. Note that the second part is for a JournoLista and far-Left writer, formerly of the openly partisan Think Progress, now of Slate (still partisan but no so openly). How cozy. Defenders of the indefensible are welcome to find me a tweet from a Beeboid endorsing a Republican candidate for anything other than trash collector or vivisection subject. How many of them are twitter buddies with Right-wing writers? Then tell me why it’s okay for them to openly endorse politicians but expect me to believe their bias doesn’t inform their reporting.
(Moved from Trade Union Trash thread, where I posted this by mistake.)
The bBC, its hatred of the US and not even half the story US ‘hushed up’ Soviet guilt over Katyn New evidence appears to back the idea that the Roosevelt administration helped cover up Soviet guilt for the 1940 Katyn massacre of Polish soldiers. Historians said documents, released by the US National Archives, supported the suspicion that the US did not want to anger its wartime ally, Joseph Stalin.
Shock horror the US are found guilty of war crimes. But hang on is the Katyn massacre as hushed up as the bBC makes out.
Well for a start the Nazis made huge stock of the fact in 1943 , in order to drive a wedge between war time allies US,UK and Russia. That is why the inquiry team they set up in which to investigate those bodies they found just happened to contain Western prisoners of wars. I quote from the link the bBC provides in the above article: An internationally-staffed medical commission organized by the Germans excavated the area in early 1943, with several American prisoners-of-war among the observers. This commission determined that the massacre occurred in 1940, when the area was under Soviet control-a determination which was then used as a propaganda tool intended to disrupt the alliance between the US, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. This effort was successful in part, as Polish intelligence sources immediately blamed the Soviets for the atrocities, leading to a break in diplomatic relations between Poland and the USSR.
followed by: The official American response at the time was one of non-involvement. In a June 1943 telegram to Churchill, Roosevelt expressed approval that the British approach to Stalin was grounded “upon the obvious necessity of creating the most favorable conditions for bringing the full weight of the armed forces of all the United Nations to bear upon the common enemy….The winning of the war is the paramount objective for all of us. For this unity is necessary.”
As for hushing up this mass killing, well I was taught about it at school during history lessons during the 70s.
Now if the bBC can wax lyrical about how spending money on Israeli forts may have prolonged the Second World War. I wonder why they didn’t mention that those Polish prisoners the Russians murdered in cold blood were captured when Russia invaded Poland and took the eastern half of it two weeks after Germany started WW2 by invading it from the West. So while the liberals love to shout out how the Russians won the war, they leave out, that actually they helped start it.
Mind you I do love to relate the tale how the Poles invaded from both sides by two different armies (German and Russian) lasted longer than France did a few months later when invaded by Hitler.
So while the Russians helped start WW2, according to the bBC, the Americans are actually the ones to blame for everything.
ERR bBC, in 1940 the US wasn’t even in the War.
Yup. Always amazes me how [according to the left] the baddies in WW2 were the Americans. Mention the Germans, Japanese or Italians and you’re accused of either ‘living in the past’ or even ‘racism’.
In their eyes the only real heroes were the Russians.
It’s true, in the US we learn that WWII was 1941-45. That stuff involving the Battle of Britain and the invasion of Poland and France and all that is what we call a prequel.
Not to mention the Battle of the North Atlantic – arguably the most tactically important of the war given the convoys were this country’s lifeline. The UK could have been starved of supplies and into submission and thence occupation – leaving America isolated.
Nice one, pounce. I was equally surprised that this was hushed up since I learned about it in high school. We all know why this non-story took precedence over real news: the BBC is seeking to create that big picture of US and Russian relations. It serves as a nice counter to US complaints about today’s Russia’s human rights record. The article is timed to coincide with Sec. State Hillary is over there now trying to get them to stop defending Syria’s Assad for the umpteenth time. See, the BBC is saying, the US has form in hushing up atrocities, get over yourselves.
I say it’s a non-story because, as you point out, it hasn’t been hushed up for ages. New evidence that an incident long ago was hushed up at the time, and continued to be hushed up as recently as 60 @$#%ing years ago, and the Russians admitted it over 20 years ago, isn’t really worth the time spent on reading the piece, never mind having a meeting and then taking the time to put this piece together.
On 9/11, eleven years on, INBBC’s Muslim Brotherhood bureau in Cairo
reports on violent Islamic, anti-free speech, anti-American riots by representing ONLY the views of:
a.)violent, Islamic anti-free speech, anti-American rioters;
b.) Muslim Brotherhood promoting, Obama government spokesperson.
It’s no coincidence. Has anyone noticed that nobody seems to know what film has these Mohammedans making such a display? The BBC report is pure hearsay, not even a second-hand source on offer.
Reuters just gets quotes from the angry mob, and says that an Egyptian mosque released a statement about the film, claiming it was produced by some anonymous Coptic Christians. Apparently this spooked the Church leaders who then condemned whatever they thought they were supposed to condemn so they don’t get beheaded this evening. Somebody is also claiming Pastor Terry Jones is involved, and Reuters points to a website which says he was going to do something, but there’s zero information about what that would be.
CNN has no more information than that, but at least they admit that it’s “unclear” which film is getting them all angrier than they were supposed to be. For some reason, the BBC is refusing to admit that nobody knows what film this is. I’m sure these crack media experts don’t want to ask if it’s a fake, just something the conservative and moderate Muslims at that mosque cooked up to celebrate 9/11.
We’ll find out in the next day or so what started all this. How honest will the BBC be if it turns out to be a load of BS? They’ll probably blame the Republicans or Sarah Palin for running a false flag scheme intended to make the President look bad before the election.
Thanks, pounce. You’re better than the five hundred Beeboids who couldn’t come up with this. Okay, so it’s real. Having seen this trailer now, I don’t know which is more offensive: the harsh criticism and mocking of Islam, or the god-awful acting, writing, and production values of this drek.
I notice my pathetic Government has spoken out against anyone using free speech to criticize another religion. Another reason to vote in November.
Most people in NYC would prefer to keep calling it The World Trade Center. Some still do when not referring specifically to the memorial. The subway station at the end of the E line is still called that. I don’t think anyone would dare rename it at this point.
Tues 9/11 Newsnight piece on Italian debt: Turns out profligate Italian local councils have been borrowing billions off British banks to finance their lavish spending and are now claiming they were ‘mis-sold’ loans in an attempt to avoid paying their debts. Needless to say the BBC produced a completely one-sided piece blasting the evil british bankers for lending while absolving the reckless Italians of any responsibility.
Just as the BBC will never do a programme on the mountain of private debt in this country, how it got so big and the consequences of interest rate rises in the future.
All the banks’ fault, of course, for forcing money on their unsuspecting customers and making them spend it on stuff they didn’t need.
i’m sure if there is a general strike, those involved will avoid Poundland, Poundworld and 99p Stores and, likewise, those employed at these establishments will come out in support and go to Tesco or if they’ll feeling posh, Asda
The phrase ‘Doing A Livingstone’ should become common parlance to describe the point at which left-wing politicians drop gays like stones because they realise that there are more votes to be had from muslims.
I am continually intrigued at the BBC and staff’s use, or not of ‘quotes’, or “quotes” or not.. Jeremy Vine @theJeremyVine
PICTURE of the “tasteless” party packs sold at or near the TUC conference to prepare for the death of Mrs T:
I suppose this is just journalistic watertight oversight (on a blog that seems oddly personal/own views at other times) in describing a quoted view? Or is it that he has some doubts as to the tastelessness of this latest left foot-shooter?
Jeremy ‘Phone In If You’ve Ever Been Stuck In A Russian Nuclear Submarine On The Bottom Of The Barents Sea’ Vine is a prime beneficiary of the BBC’s We Pay Them A Million Pounds A Year Because We Can policy.
I’d love to see his ‘market rate’ tested in the … market.
INBBC has quickly shifted away from reporting Muslims tearing up American flag, and violently attacking American Consulate in Cairo in Islamic jihad onslaught.
Here is a non-INBBC analysis of the significance of this attack on America and on free speech :-
The United States still has an Embassy in Cairo; it’s the American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya where the Islamic jihadists killed an American official yesterday.
So much of the West assisting in the liberation of Muslims from Gaddafi regime.
In the following INBBC report, for ‘militiamen’ read ‘Muslims’:-
“American killed as gunmen attack U.S. consulate in Libya… as radical Islamists in Cairo tear apart Stars and Stripes flag in protests over film attacking prophet.
One American killed and another injured as gunmen storm U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
A fire has also been set inside building
Protesters in Cairo scaled the embassy walls and took down an American flag from a pole and tore it to shreds.
All the staff had left before the embassy was breached, a U.S. official said.
American writer, director and producer of anti-Islam film calls the religion ‘a cancer’.”
uh oh! ….
deja vu – US embassy Bengazi attacked, over Egyptian film that erm … “offends islam”
mon sharia amour eh! …
“offends islam” hmm,
over 1000 (highly orchestrated) complaints
closely followed by
“Channel 4 cancels Islam documentary screening after presenter threatened”
Unrepentant gameshow host Nicky Campbell this morning clearly signals his disinterest in the story about archaeologists search for the body of Richard III. He is in typical dismissive mode when not personaly interested and – appropriately enough – corpsing at his own jokes.
In contrast Campbell is most anxious to get to grips with gay marriage.
Why doesn’t BBC 5 Live give up the pretense of covering a broad range of news stories and simply focus on Politically Correct Issues.
Then we would all know where we stand.
And by the way, on the day after Bigot-gate mark two I’m reluctant to call people names but Nicky Campbell is an Anglophobe.
How do I know?
I know damn well that were we talking about the search for a lost Scottish, Irish or Welsh King – then we would have due respect from Campbell and the Beeboids.
Aye Gameshow Nikk, the sanctimonious twat’s sanctimonious twat.
Attended every day of the ‘proper’ olympics but couldn’t be arsed doing any more than about 3 or 4 days at the para olympics.
Didn’t stop him when he was at the paras gushing forth with … tremendous privilege… absolutely honoured to be here… remember to my dying day… blah blah.
Meh so honoured I’ll give it a miss for the next four days or so.
2 Is the BBC mentioning the fury in America over the US Embassy’s statement that criticised the makers of the obsrure film – but did not criticise the attack, or the Egyptian authorities for allowing the forewarned attack to proceed. The White House has had to contradict the embarrasingly spineless Embassy statement. But the spinelessness is the mark of Obama’s State Department and his whole policy towards the Islamic world.
3 As context is so important – has the BBC referred to the increasing persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt ? I gather 100,000 have left Egypt since the troubles started.
All this great Arab Spring stuff is far more serious than the BBC spins it. Even now – when it is being reported that 4 Americans have been killed in Libya including the ambassador, there seems to be very little on the BBC website. ,
When I visited Egypt in the spring tourism was already down 90%. This puts the lid on any recovery in tourism, which was a large element of the economy there.
Incidentally – in large placard lettering across the front of a mosque near where I live are the words “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammed is his prophet”
Isn’t that an open insult to other religions hereabout ?
time to go over there john, rip it down and say how “offensive it is”.
i should imagine you won t, and therein lies the problem though,
would you be assaulted? …
maybe even arrested?
just shows that threats work pretty well especially when backed up by
ahem! P.C. ( play on words – sorry 😀 ) plods, doesn t it …. you would probably be immediately vilified too.
by insane “inversion of fact/truth” council or local media … maybe the even the bbc ! …
after all you would have ahem “deserved” to be attacked eh!
… “hater” …??? i know … what has it come to?
US President editor Mardell is on the case. He copies out the White House statement, then the subsequent weak-ass walkback, along with their excuse for it (we didn’t approve it before it was sent out) presenting it as a cold foreign policy issue for the President. He says critics will be critical, then reprints Romney’s criticism.
Because this is Mardell, his personal bias compels him to close with an open swipe at Romney:
The attack is also likely to prompt a debate about President’s Obama’s support for Nato’s military campaign, which led to the downfall of Colonel Gaddafi.
At the time, Mr Romney accused the president of dithering, but didn’t say whether he was doing too much or too little.
& from the bbc news page
Time correspondent Ashraf Khalil describes the scene on the ground in Egypt and concludes the reaction to the film was “essentially a case of an American group of fringe Christian fundamentalists successfully provoking and enraging a similar group of fringe Muslim fundamentalists”.
“MB s spokesman asked for a formal apology from the United States government and warned that events like the video were damaging Washington’s relations with the Muslim world” ???
“….essentially a case of an American group of fringe Christian fundamentalists successfully provoking and enraging a similar group of fringe Muslim fundamentalists”. Usual thoughtless, dangerous, appeasing Leftie moral equivalence. I’m sure these leftie rags and broadcasters and their hangers-on can provide plenty of evidence of ‘fringe Christian fundamentalists’ attacking a Muslim country’s embassy in the West and murdering its inhabitants when similarly provoked.
Yes indeed I predicted exactly what fruits the Arab spring would bear as soon at started. After all it wasn’t too difficult to work out what was going to happen, was it kids.
The MSM keeps trying to tell us that this hurts Romney more than the President. So it’s only natural that two of the four US media excerpts the BBC features in the “US media reaction” inset for this report are about condemning Romney for criticizing Him.
The BBC manage to turn its report on the Islamic demonstrations in Egypt as some kind of interfaith protest against the offensive US film makers:
Egyptian protesters condemned what they said was the humiliation of the Prophet of Islam under the pretext of freedom of speech.
“Both Muslims and Christians are participating in this protest against this offence to Islam,” said one protester, according to Associated Press news agency.
The BBC doesn’t have to look for a way to blame the US for it: the US Government has already apologized for being a country where someone made such a film. Oh, and as an afterthought have condemned the attack.
As others have said – this is all so reminiscent of the attack and takeover of the US Embassy in Teheran in 1979. Mob attacks with the Government forces standing idly by.
You thought you were joking, but MSNBC just announced that the President is sending drones to Libya in the search for terrorist activity. Plus 50 US marines are going in to reinforce, er, whatever hasn’t been trashed and burned.
He’s taken us into war with yet another country. How many countries is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate allowed to bomb before a Beeboid raises an eyebrow? Where’s the anti-war crowd? Where are the human shields who wanted to protect Iraq?
Questions being asked.
Answers… may not be so forthcoming.
One is sure Newsnight will mention it, but having popped over to their FaceBook page to see what they make of it so far, since Friday it would appear nothing has happened, until the last few hours and this.. ‘Children’s author Alan Garner tells Newsnight’s Steve Smith about some of the childhood inspirations for his works including The Weirdstone of Brisingamen and The Moon of Gomrath and why it took him so long to add the new work, Boneland.
I can only presume collective watertight oversight is in action until a unified front can be assembled to put what has happened in a form that is more suitable for the viewing public to correctly grasp how to respond.
But so far, a lot of what I am seeing from the MSM suggests those that presume to speak for the nation… um… aren’t.
There are about half a dozen blog posts on the Telegraph… not a paper usually noted for its liberal bent… mostly spinning wildly, and getting nailed. Some massive whoppers already being called out too.
This will not end well on any basis, with pragmatic statesmanship in government and support for free speech in most media being the first victims in the sights of our current politico-media establishment.
– INBBC filters everything via its Obamessiah;
and censors graphic nature of Islamic violence against West.
In contrast:-
“US ambassador and three staff ‘killed in rocket attack’ in Libya just hours after radical Islamists stormed embassy in protests over film attacking prophet”
Of course, Beeboids’ (and NUJ’s) main political enemy in all this is the English Defence League, which opposes Islamic jihad, Shariah law and Islamisation.
For a start listening to the BBC is a waste of time. The attacks and the killing of the Ambassador to Libya happened on the 9/11 anniversary. This is what it is all about. To humiliate America.
I object to the media useful idiots and the craven politicians who ignore reality in order to peddle their fantasies to the rest of us. Any old story will do to keep us from understanding the reality of the situation in the ME.
Just watched RT (always interesting for a take on US foreign relations) and an interview with a rep from London from British Civilians for Peace in Libya, they have just published on facebook images of “the wahabbi Libyans lynching the US ambassador, exactly as they did to Gadaffi.” They are saying : Don’t believe the mainstream media lies about his death through an RPG. I guess it’s not the sort of stuff that BBC or Newsnight will even consider….
Christopher Stevens seems to be covering his mouth with his left hand? There are a number of reports of him having “suffocated”. Other pictures show him as unconscious. What exactly happened? I guess we will discover the truth later.
Another piece of Mark Mardell worth remembering. The attacks on the embassies in Egypt and Libya, he writes on line, are ‘also likely to prompt a debate about President’s Obama’s support for Nato’s military campaign, which led to the downfall of Colonel Gaddafi. At the time, Mr Romney accused the president of dithering, but didn’t say whether he was doing too much or too little.’
Mardell stoutly defended the President at the time. He kept advocating on behalf of the President’s inaction.
It may be grown up, it may be sensible in the long run, but it is so unfamiliar that to many it will look like dithering, not deliberation.
That’s Mardell’s personal opinion, not journalism. But he’s a titled “editor”, so is apparently allowed to write op-ed columns. My critique of his work is here (with source to the above quote), then here. And here’s Hillary Clinton proving him wrong.
But wait, they mention Geert Wilders in the article, and obviously in BBC-land he’s an evil racist, so they have to slander him, en passant.
Mr Wilders wanted to turn the election into a referendum on Dutch membership of the euro and the EU, denouncing the heavy burden carried by Henk and Ingrid, his Dutch stereotypes of Mr and Mrs Average. His campaign backfired when a real-life Henk with a wife called Ingrid attacked and killed an immigrant.
The implication obviously being that the nasty racist Wilders actually PROVOKED a racist attack.
Except of course this isn’t true – Henk, Ingid and the ‘immigrant’ were feuding neighbours, and Henk killed him in an argument, when he pushed him to the ground.
Relevant perhaps in an article about the PVV’s fortunes, but to stick it in to an article about the euro? Hardly.
Just this bizarre refusal by the liberal media to face reality. Sometimes I wonder just what it will take to make them change their minds.
The politicians are nearly as bad.
Not just the BBC.
I’ve been watching SKY over breakfast for 45 mins now and they have barely mentioned anything about it all (just a brief slot from Cairo on how it’s all going to kick off over the cartoons and this ‘clip’ is much worse, deeply insulting, etc) and the ‘newspaper review’ currently underway appears not to have noticed either.
This seems an extraordinary level of disinterest across the MSM for what is surely, by any account, of some global significance.
I wonder if ‘the word’ (not that one) has gone out, and if so by whom and about what?
All it serves is to make one rely, and trust them less and less.
OK, SKY has muttered a bit more on it, but the focus is still all on Cairo. The murder apparently having been decided as being a direct consequence of this film.
At least their Bowen equivalent has mentioned a few relevant facts, namely that no one has actually seen this thing, and it was only the imams stirring it up at prayers (an odd religious ‘leader’ function in any religion of peace), no one actually seems to know who made it and it has in fact be around for ages.
However, rather than focus on how some folk seem rather easily worked up (the Western media in no way playing their part on top of some less than coherent messages sent out by political incompetents) the odd focus appears to be on trying to stuff Pandora back in her box.
Good luck with that.
Correction duly noted. Point taken (as mine I think still stands). Head hung low. On the bright side, you have preceded (but if not prevented… often they cannot resist dashing in late for a dig) a series of less gentle grammar nazi taunts. I shall in future ensure my genie is in the correctly attributed bottle:)
Prosecutor asks the accused; What gave you the right to rape this poor girl?
Accused; You should have seen the clothes she was wearing, she was just asking for it.
Prosecutor asks the victim; Was your appearance provocative?
Victim; It is my choice to wear what I want and not be molested or raped for that choice.
In a civilised society the Judge would find the defendant guilty of rape as he had no right to do what he did.
In an uncivilised society (perhaps even a Muslin society) the judge would find the accused not guilty and have the victim charged for inappropriate appearance and at a subsequent trial would find the defendant guilty of indecent behaviour and death by stoning (see Afghanistan).
To all our media; Please make up your mind. Attacking someone for their appearance, their thoughts or their opinions is abhorrent to civilised people and should and must be condemned and sanctioned in the strongest possible way.
‘To all our media; Please make up your mind.
The problem seems to be that many are in at least two, depending on geography, demographics, ideologies, etc.
The constant seems to be that if it’s a BFF they’re for it, wherever it is, and if one from ‘the list’ they’re agin it no matter what.
I’m just intrigued how they are going to stop many heads exploding at the BBC if the big O does something (even more) counter-M for electoral purposes than slotting OBL, despite their ability to apparently inhabit two states of awareness concurrently.
And I do think Barry might need to. Because if this was just a spontaneous uncontrolled feral mob then quite how he figures he’s going to track down and hold those responsible to account (per sound bite) I don’t know. I doubt there’s quite the CCTV cover there was in the London riots.
Or maybe he knows this was a planned assault timed to complement a kicking off (Israeli, Coptic Christian or ‘other’-assisted), in which case a bunch of commentators already knee deep in omelette are going to have some further explaining to do for what they have rushed out so far.
Here’s a take in the MSM you don’t get often (and is still rare even for the Telegraph)…. ‘The attacks were billed as the spontaneous action of mobs of righteous Muslims offended by an obscure movie about Mohammed that virtually no one had heard of. This interpretation is absolute nonsense. These attacks have all the earmarks of prior coordination, with the film serving only as a cover story.
He also seems even-handed in his critique and apportioning of culpability.
The BBC could learn from that.
The BBC did have two analyses of an issue side-by-side not too long ago. When they had a Left-wing activist singing the praises of homosexual marriage after the President said He supported it, the BBC paired it with a Right-wing writer admitting conservative defeat on the issue.
Not really the same thing, but that’s good enough for our defenders of the indefensible.
Tub of Mardell has weighed in…
Oddly, given some choice statements and invoking his ‘fellow’ media in support, he seems to have disconnected the opportunity to comment.
Throughout the MSM, it would appear there is one meme to push here and one alone.
That is propaganda backed by censorship.
Mardell displays his blind partisan foolishness with this statement:
If you want to know what the commentators think of Mr Romney’s strategy you can choose between “noxious and indecent”, “rash and shameful”, “craven and ill-advised” or “unfair and hyperbolic”.
Although the latter is from Senator McCain’s former chief of staff, conservatives have a point when they say most of the condemnation comes from liberals in the “mainstream media”.
There are those who defend Mr Romney, but in the last two years of following him I can’t remember such unity of scorn from the media.
Really? Was that “unity” the same kind as we heard yesterday from the White House press pool when they were coordinating the angle of attack on Romney? And why does Mardell think their opinion is worth a damn?
All the media are outraged, eh? Who cares? Why should their opinion matter to his readers? They matter to Mardell, that’s clear. Which is very revealing, and proves what I’ve been saying about him all along.
And he’s never heard such “unity of scorn” against Romney in two years of covering him? Gosh, Mark, think it might have anything to do with the fact that we’re much closer to the election now, and the press knows that this could be an albatross for the President?
The rest of it is amusing for watching Mardell squirm over his beloved Nobel Peace Prize Laureate rattling the old sabers. “His version of American exceptionalism”. LOL Mardell. It’s a sneer at conservatives and at the same time an expression of disappointment in the President. The bias is strong in this one.
“Pentagon sending warships to Libya following death of ambassador killed in ‘co-ordinated al Qaeda revenge attack by terrorists who used Libyan Mohammed movie protest as cover'”
If, as we are being instructed by some, this murder was just a coincidental baying mob collateral action on a certain day that a daft movie that’s been around for an age suddenly got important to some folk, what exactly are a warship and terrorism special specialists expected to achieve?
The best one could surely hope for in ‘holding the perpetrators to account’, as claimed and promised, is rifling though any CCTV there may be, per London riots.
Unless the President knows something that will make many who have leapt to his defence on certain bases look a bit silly.
So Thursday morning BBc Breakfast. Still banging on in interview with two para olympic “superhuman” “heroes”. Plus a vomit inducing interview with Mary Robinson to promote her book. Situation normal.
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I liked this comment on Delingpoles Blog:
Investigative Journalism at the BBC has been replaced by Editorial Guidelines set by secret seminars made up of people of unknown identity and qualifications.
The BBC must have got the idea from the Nazis or the Soviets or by just reading a book written by George Orwell. This could only be sorted out by the Government, if it had the guts to do it.
What is known of the BBC’s Climate Change seminar is that the people on it where as far as we can see. Mainly people whose jobs where dependent on the Climate scam, and those with a vested interest in the Climate scam. I am sure there was no Atmospheric Physicist posing the question “ As the suggestion that the effect of man-made carbon dioxide on Climate Change is only an assumption, and in science, once you make an assumption, you then try to prove the assumption right or wrong. Is it right that we censor science and scientist who inadvertently touch on the “trying to prove it wrong” bit of the argument?
Answer from the BBC: YES, because these scientists are the “ENEMIES OF SCIENCE”.
For the benefit of people on this site, the estimation for the 20th Century man-made warming is.
(1) IPCC assumption = 0.76 Kelvin
(2) Unified Theory of Climate calculation = less than 0.002 Kelvin
The bBC racism and double standards:
Redhead says ginger comment is ‘akin to racism’
Redhead Laura Payton was offended when a bank clerk commented that she must be pleased that her three-year-old wasn’t a ginger, like her.Laura told BBC Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine that she was proud to have ginger hair, but felt that the comment made by the clerk was on par with a racist remark.
Wow the bBC highlights the racism that redheads experience in the Uk. Good on the bbC to bring this up. But hang on, on its flagship Paki comedy program ‘Citizen khan’ The Paki lead throws abuse at a ginger person for having ..Ginger hair. But then Muslim Pakistanis can never be racist can they?
The bBC, the traitors in our midst
I think you will find the colour is actually auburn, or as in my case’ the colour of ripening corn in the morning sunlight’ Well it was until about 20 years ago when it turned to Nordic Blond.
Nothing directly to do with the BBC, but this weekend’s Daily Telegraph Weekend section ran a series of advertisements for schools, open days and availability. Every school featured had girls in the picture, seven. The article on why GCSEs had failed and needed to be replaced showed two boys, and the advert for winter retakes for those who had failed the summer exams has a ginger haired boy!!
Subliminal and universal negativity for boys? Would anyone dare run such an advert featuring a EMB boy or girl.?
Coming to the BBC, exam results coverage invariably, shows girls and ethnic minorities when results are good and white boys at the end when they get around to those who have not fared well. Not always of course, but generally that is the pattern.
Two years ago, Midlands BBC ignored white boys in the ‘A’ level results but ran a whole item on drugs and crime in Birmingham and guess who they featured?
All I want whether it’s the DT or BBC is balance and accurate representation.
Spot on.
Whenever the BBC wants to support some left-wing education drivel it pops next door and films a class composed almost (if not actually) entirely of non-whites.
Whenever it wants to big up educational success it uses girls and whenever it laments failure it uses boys.
Whenever it needs to show how truely awful things have got (blaming Thatcher naturally) they go oop North and pick on some fat Northerner.
As to Gingers then it is without doubt (allowable) racism but whenever anyone complains the BBC inevitably state that it is anti-Celtic racism – all the fault of those nasty English. Of course the very idea that red-hair is only Celtic is somewhat diluted in England where the high proportion of ‘celtic’ genes mean that the English can be red-haired too.
Incidently I have yet to hear anyone get into trouble on the BBc for making ‘blond’ jokes.
I wonder when Lenny Henry will be asked to stop doing it?
nah can’t agree with gingerism being the same as racism.
This stupid (ginger) woman suddenly found herself in possession of the most prized asset of the grievance industry – leverage.
And she used said leverage to bully the bank employee, attack the bank, get on the radio and telly, and describe the offer of £150 ‘compo’ as an ‘insult.’
Next stop Lawyers4U.
I wish the bank employee had kicked her sorry ginger arse out the door of the bank and given her something proper to ‘grieve’ about.
She could always just have, you know, ignored the original comment.
Isn`t it quite common for Muslims to dye their hair Ginger, apparently Big Mo said it was OK? and he himself dyed his hair ginger, allegedly.
Good God, the BBC are bad but, come on, do we really need channel 4 asking if the Taliban leaders are “cultured” and “intelligent”? My heart goes out to all those poor troops who have to come home to this type of snooty left wing nonsense. Disgraceful and idiotic!
No-one’s willing to call the Taliban backward, retarded, savages. But to be fair, slicing someone’s head off with a knife as burkha’d women sit on their legs is simply their way of expressing their wonderful, islamic culture that we all know is equal to western culture, and in no way sick, disgusting, or in need of eradication from this planet.
They are cultured and there are no doubt some intelligent ones. Obviously.
Unfortunately the culture is despicable …
How is it that we can spend so much on a licence fee and the BBC still have to copy the narrative that the Democrats are peddling across the pond:
Driving to a meeting today I ended up catching today’s episode of womans hour, which brought us the TUC’s new leader.
What did we run with – the coalition’s war on women!
Now where might have we been hearing that recently?
Mind you the amusing bit was they clearly couldn’t see the irony of arguing against a devious plan to get women back into the kitchen only to go to a later segment about women having their nails painted.
Because there was an Olympic medal winners parade today 10/09, the BBC assumed that Richard Branson’s appearance in front of the Select Committee today in the Commons would not be seen by enough people to get his message across, because as the BBC’s preferred bidder he HAD to get his message across.
So they showed his speech at length on the BBC news, in other words becoming his mouthpiece, while the other bidder, although he also had his time to speak in front of the Committee was ignored completely.
It is absolutely disgraceful that the BBC, who is just a broadcaster should interfere in due process to play cheerleader for Richard Branson’s bid for the West Coast line franchise.
They had spent the whole of one day pitching for Richard Branson when he disputed his bid not getting the franchise so the BBC together with the Labour party, got him his legal challenge and now they want to make sure that he gets the BBC’s full attention.
I wonder if Richard Branson paid them for that extra publicity!
Bear in mind that Branson’s Virgin Media is the main competitor to Rupert Murdoch in Pay-TV.
“My enemy’s enemy is my friend”
How much dosh has Branson and/or Virgin given Labour and friends over the last 15 years I wonder?
What happened to Labours max £5k donation before we make it public pledge. Oh yes F1 blew that on fag advertising didn’t they …
Apparently 31% of London’s population is from an (visible) ethnic minority background although you’d never know it looking at the hideously white crowd at the London Olympic parade. Despite al beeb’s best efforts they struggled to find any efnics unless you count stewards (who were there because they were being paid) and schoolkids (who got the day off). So for all the multi-culti nature of the Olympics, the people most proud of the team and most willing to turn up to the parade were the white British.
I saw a brass band made up of black people…
Zemplar – Are you sure they weren’t white people covered in coal dust?
It was much the same at the Last Night of the Proms. After a lot of searching I eventually found a headscarf. Otherwise the only faces of colour were in the orchestra, the rest being hideously white.
I know, better things to do. But it contrasts markedly with the breathless commentary on PM last night telling us how the Olympic parade demonstrated the modern, multicultural Britain. And in case we didn’t get the point, we were told it several times.
Glastonbury also appears to be equally ‘hideously’ white. So maybe the BBC should question the motivation of those inside their organisation who continute to promote such a racist event.
It is the same everywhere. The Great Dorset Steam Fair was almost 100% white. The exceptions being Japanese.
The inner cities and London have become different worlds.
Off topic, but I was watching Pointless and two of the female contestants worked for Citizenship Education. One said ‘I travel all over the UK and mainly train teachers in how to teach about politics.’ How interesting that politics teachers can no longer be trusted to teach politics. God forbid that politics teachers fail to tow the liberal/socialist/multi-culti line. This pricked my interest so I read the wikipedia page –
‘The National Curriculum for citizenship sets out teaching requirements that address a wide range of content including politics, parliament and government, the operation of the legal system, how the economy functions, the role of the media, human rights, Europe and international relations. Teachers use topical political and social issues to bring citizenship content to life and to help pupils develop key citizenship skills of research, discussion and debate, as well as to represent the views of others, think critically, evaluate and reflect. The Citizenship curriculum aims to develop student’s ability to participate in communities and wider society as informed, critical and responsible citizens. The purpose of “active citizenship” is to teach students to work together and take practical action, using their Citizenship knowledge and understanding to contribute to a better society. For example, after learning about human rights, diversity and inequality, students might decide to set up a project to address racism in their school or local community. Other examples of active Citizenship projects include starting recycling programmes, setting up student action groups to address bullying or promote fair trade or campaigning to lower the voting age to 16.’
Sounds like a load of nu-labour shite doesn’t it? I liked the bit about addressing racism in the community – how about a Rochdale moslem paedophile ring targeting underage white girls? Hmm .. despite all the pontificating about discussion, debate, knowledge and understanding, I’m pretty sure they won’t be addressing that in a hurry.
The biggest mistake in education that the Tories made was to implement a National Curriculum. It would only end in tears.
It was a green light for the left to pour their crap into every kids ear once they returned to power. And that was exactly what they did.
‘The purpose of “active citizenship” is to teach students to work together and take practical action, using their Citizenship knowledge and understanding to contribute to a better society’.
I think this used to be called parenting.
(Btw, have it on good authority ‘Citizenship’ – aka Socialist Indoctrination – is going to be binned.)
I know some of you won’t agree, but once I ignored the BBC and realised that it was actually OK to get on board, I really got into the Olympic spirit.
But 40 minutes into Newsnight tonight and they are really putting the boot into the feelgood factor. No legacy for them, the sour, ignorant, opinionated Will Self (‘the booing of Cameron was the equivalent of the Black Power salute’), an excess of Paxman and Stratton, Chucky Yamoney in glorious denial about Bombardier had me wanting to slit my wrists.
Normal service has been resumed.
Will Self – cocky, arrogant, smug twat.
Is he really trying to compare an attempt to slow the rate of increase in the amount of money we p*ss away on the public sector, with the treatment of blacks in the southern states of America in the 1960s.
I’d like to set an alsatian on Will and send him on his way down the road with a firehose, just, you know, to introduce some perspective in his teeny tiny lefty brain.
Excellent article in The Commentator
The BBC needs reform, not a bigger budget
The BBC is serial liar – and one of its biggest lies is that ‘a freeze in the license fee’ is the same as ‘cuts everyone boohoo cuts cuts CUTS BOOHOO!!!!!’
No it’s not – a freeze in the license fee is exactly that – a freeze.
…and I can only hope, if Mad Gordon MacRuin really was cheered at the Paras that the crowd was stuffed full of public sector workers on a duvet day.
If the voters in general think Mad Gordon worth a cheer – and they didn’t at the last election – then God help the country.
Saw an ad for an upcoming Panorama about crappy estates with the soft-tone voice over “can they be blamed for their behaviour?”. Classic BBC.
Also, and ad for Andrew Marr’s (love the pictures in the DM, Andrew. Hand down the back of her jeans? Nice move…) ‘History of the World’. I’m looking forward to a love-letter to Marx and communism, and “the crusades were an unprovoked attack on poor, innocent Muslims, and that’s the reason they hate us now – it’s all our fault”.
BBC-NUJ-Labour’s Ms GURU-MURTHY versus Tory, Grant SHAPPS.
Who does BBC-NUJ-Labour get to write a hatchet-job ‘Profile’ of Tory Party co-Chairman, Grant Shapps, but its Ms Guru-Murthy, who is married to a script-writer for Tony Blair, a Mr Collins.
Note Ms Guru-Murthy’s political selection of Labour’s Mr Dromey (married to Ms Harman) as the critic of Mr Shapps on housing.
“Profile: Grant Shapps, Conservative party co-chairman
By Geeta Guru-Murthy.
Radio 4’s Profile”
“Our blueprint for Britain”
by Grant SHAPPS
Remembering 9/11.
“Eleven Years of the Same Mistake”
by Bruce Thornton.
(2-page article.)
Will INBBC be featuring 9/11 prominently today?
“Eleven Years On”
No mention of Jihad, Muslims, Islam in INBBC reports on 9/11
America still the target of 9/11 jihad.
Obama’s weak response increases threat”
I made the mistake of catching 10 minutes of BBC’s Citizen Khan last night.
Laugh, I nearly did.
I was a little bemused by the script. There were several exclamations of ‘Oh God’ and an ‘Oh My God’ from the daughter. Personally I’ve no problem with this but perhaps the Beeb might try – just for a laugh – to substitute an ‘Oh Allah’ or ‘Oh My Allah’ ?
Thought not.
bBC supports the teachers, without hearing the otherside. of the story. this item was timed at 10.52. The reply by Ofqal had hardly begun and is still on going at this very moment. Talk about made up their mind without hearing the evidence. The article gives the impression that Ofqal had answered, writing this at 11.25, it is still live on the Parliament channel.
They should try looking at the real world
Many employers are providing remedial classes for school and college leavers, a major annual survey suggests.
A third of 542 firms surveyed for the Confederation of British Industry and Pearson were unhappy with youngsters’ literacy and numeracy skills.
The figure is barely changed from a decade ago when the CBI said 34% were unhappy with youngsters’ basic skills.
Too many young people are leaving school without adequate basic skills, a survey of business leaders suggests.
More than four out of 10 are unhappy with youngsters’ use of English, while 35% bemoan their numeracy skills.
Nearly 82% of small businesses in Wales have said they do not think school leavers have adequate numeracy and literacy skills, according to a survey.
The survey was released to coincide with teenagers’ GCSE results.
My five year old niece says her favourite subject is “ Person of the Day”.
82% of small businesses in Wales say that young people aren’t being properly educated or prepared, while the BBC reports that the Welsh Government wants their students grades fixed back upwards. A disconnect somewhere, I think.
Doesn’t the BBC care about young people?
The BBC are simply toeing the (Labour) party line. I heard a shadow cabinet spokesperson trot out the ludicrous complaint that the regulator (Ofqual) had ‘interfered with’ the exam boards.
God forbid a regulator enforces standards in the sector it is meant to be regulating. What was all that fuss we didn’t hear on the BBC about Gordon Brown’s bank regulating FSA? I guess they were told not to interfere?
Of course, as they can always rely on a liberal self-important judge and a bevvy of lawyers, Labour/BBC are after a public inquiry to seek out proof that Michael Gove was being mean to the kiddies and those well meaning dedicated professionaly and ethicaly-minded teachers – who are at this very moment busy planning their strikes.
Yes, the BBC have been on at Gove to ‘intervene’ against the independent regulator for a while now.
How things change…
The old coal dust trick? You watched ‘Scum’ last night, didn’t you! “3747 Carlin’, Sir!”…
On Today this morning Prof Sir Andy Haines, climate change chief at the Health Protection Agency was dragged on to give us a scare by predicting that “climate change may increase the number of heat-related deaths in the UK from the current average of 2,000 to 11,000 by 2080″ [my bold].
The whole item was laughable. Prof Andy admitted that neither the extent of “climate change” nor its effects were certain although he sent shivers down the collective spine of the Today apparatchiks by claiming that the effects “could” be much worse than predicted.
I understand why the BBC gives this highly qualified and distinguished shyster airtime and why no-one was brought on to challenge this crapola: it’s the BBC demonstrating the changed meaning of “impartiality”. Even so, although the HPA does serve some useful functions I suspect – on little direct evidence except the observed tendency for public sector entities to be overloaded with bureaucratic parasitism and the reluctance of the HPA to disclose on its website exactly who works where and what they do there – that there is much useless and misdirected research being done of which the paper under discussion on Today this morning is just one.
I think that he can be confident that he will not be around in 2080 to face the consequences of his failed prediction, especially as he thinks that his prediction is better than that of the IPCC. He must have read the IPCC expose book “The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert” by Donna Laframboise. Before I joined Mensa, these people where only employed to walk around town with a sandwich board, now they are put in charge of Climate Change at a quango, and interviewed by morons at the BBC.
11 September:
Latest Islamic jihad threat to Tom Holland brings censorship to private screening of Channel 4 programme on Islam’s origins-
“Channel 4 cancels Islam documentary screening after presenter threatened”
It’s like clockwork, isn’t it?
The shari’ah law of ‘slander and talebearing’ is alive and well, and being enforced rigourously in the UK by broadcasters and publishers. Otherwise known in the vernacular as ‘islamophobia’.
Good time for scottnickdez to appear and tell us we’re all nasty right-wing bigots for objecting to this fascistic act of censorship.
You must be joking they are currently looking through Allahs secret catalogue, at this year to die for [no pun ] fashions like the all over covering or bin liner for the most modest of wives to be forced to wear maybe the cropped infidel look where everything stops at the neck !
Or the BBC pick of the year the Jihad warrior a nice ensemble that has a scantly clad muscled jihady with Vaseline [caution improper use leads to death !] for the lens and rose tinted spectacles so large that they would make Elton cry !
BBC News feature writer in the US, Daniel Nasaw, had this to tweet about Bill Clinton:
Views his own, yeah. Note that the second part is for a JournoLista and far-Left writer, formerly of the openly partisan Think Progress, now of Slate (still partisan but no so openly). How cozy. Defenders of the indefensible are welcome to find me a tweet from a Beeboid endorsing a Republican candidate for anything other than trash collector or vivisection subject. How many of them are twitter buddies with Right-wing writers? Then tell me why it’s okay for them to openly endorse politicians but expect me to believe their bias doesn’t inform their reporting.
(Moved from Trade Union Trash thread, where I posted this by mistake.)
The bBC, its hatred of the US and not even half the story
US ‘hushed up’ Soviet guilt over Katyn
New evidence appears to back the idea that the Roosevelt administration helped cover up Soviet guilt for the 1940 Katyn massacre of Polish soldiers. Historians said documents, released by the US National Archives, supported the suspicion that the US did not want to anger its wartime ally, Joseph Stalin.
Shock horror the US are found guilty of war crimes. But hang on is the Katyn massacre as hushed up as the bBC makes out.
Well for a start the Nazis made huge stock of the fact in 1943 , in order to drive a wedge between war time allies US,UK and Russia. That is why the inquiry team they set up in which to investigate those bodies they found just happened to contain Western prisoners of wars. I quote from the link the bBC provides in the above article:
An internationally-staffed medical commission organized by the Germans excavated the area in early 1943, with several American prisoners-of-war among the observers. This commission determined that the massacre occurred in 1940, when the area was under Soviet control-a determination which was then used as a propaganda tool intended to disrupt the alliance between the US, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. This effort was successful in part, as Polish intelligence sources immediately blamed the Soviets for the atrocities, leading to a break in diplomatic relations between Poland and the USSR.
followed by:
The official American response at the time was one of non-involvement. In a June 1943 telegram to Churchill, Roosevelt expressed approval that the British approach to Stalin was grounded “upon the obvious necessity of creating the most favorable conditions for bringing the full weight of the armed forces of all the United Nations to bear upon the common enemy….The winning of the war is the paramount objective for all of us. For this unity is necessary.”
As for hushing up this mass killing, well I was taught about it at school during history lessons during the 70s.
Now if the bBC can wax lyrical about how spending money on Israeli forts may have prolonged the Second World War. I wonder why they didn’t mention that those Polish prisoners the Russians murdered in cold blood were captured when Russia invaded Poland and took the eastern half of it two weeks after Germany started WW2 by invading it from the West. So while the liberals love to shout out how the Russians won the war, they leave out, that actually they helped start it.
Mind you I do love to relate the tale how the Poles invaded from both sides by two different armies (German and Russian) lasted longer than France did a few months later when invaded by Hitler.
The bBC. the traitors in our Midst
So while the Russians helped start WW2, according to the bBC, the Americans are actually the ones to blame for everything.
ERR bBC, in 1940 the US wasn’t even in the War.
Yup. Always amazes me how [according to the left] the baddies in WW2 were the Americans. Mention the Germans, Japanese or Italians and you’re accused of either ‘living in the past’ or even ‘racism’.
In their eyes the only real heroes were the Russians.
It’s true, in the US we learn that WWII was 1941-45. That stuff involving the Battle of Britain and the invasion of Poland and France and all that is what we call a prequel.
As the sage might say, “War-time ally, my arse!”
Not to mention the Battle of the North Atlantic – arguably the most tactically important of the war given the convoys were this country’s lifeline. The UK could have been starved of supplies and into submission and thence occupation – leaving America isolated.
Nice one, pounce. I was equally surprised that this was hushed up since I learned about it in high school. We all know why this non-story took precedence over real news: the BBC is seeking to create that big picture of US and Russian relations. It serves as a nice counter to US complaints about today’s Russia’s human rights record. The article is timed to coincide with Sec. State Hillary is over there now trying to get them to stop defending Syria’s Assad for the umpteenth time. See, the BBC is saying, the US has form in hushing up atrocities, get over yourselves.
I say it’s a non-story because, as you point out, it hasn’t been hushed up for ages. New evidence that an incident long ago was hushed up at the time, and continued to be hushed up as recently as 60 @$#%ing years ago, and the Russians admitted it over 20 years ago, isn’t really worth the time spent on reading the piece, never mind having a meeting and then taking the time to put this piece together.
Here’s a little something I listen to when not watching Al-Beeb.
‘It’s a question of your honesty ….’
‘the words on the prophets are written on the studio walls’
Could be made for the BBC. 🙁
It looks like Cleggover’s put his foot in it again!
Torygraph has it as headline news.
BBC – headline news at, err, 22.20 Hrs.
It probably got a mention because it has been all over the web this afternoon, not to mention the dead tree press.
On 9/11, eleven years on, INBBC’s Muslim Brotherhood bureau in Cairo
reports on violent Islamic, anti-free speech, anti-American riots by representing ONLY the views of:
a.)violent, Islamic anti-free speech, anti-American rioters;
b.) Muslim Brotherhood promoting, Obama government spokesperson.
Alternative, censored by INBBC:-
“Today in New York: SION’s World Freedom Congress to combat the war against free speech”
I would have thought it too much of a coincidence this happening on the 9/11 anniversary
The intention is to humiliate the USA. This is the reality.
It’s no coincidence. Has anyone noticed that nobody seems to know what film has these Mohammedans making such a display? The BBC report is pure hearsay, not even a second-hand source on offer.
Reuters just gets quotes from the angry mob, and says that an Egyptian mosque released a statement about the film, claiming it was produced by some anonymous Coptic Christians. Apparently this spooked the Church leaders who then condemned whatever they thought they were supposed to condemn so they don’t get beheaded this evening. Somebody is also claiming Pastor Terry Jones is involved, and Reuters points to a website which says he was going to do something, but there’s zero information about what that would be.
CNN has no more information than that, but at least they admit that it’s “unclear” which film is getting them all angrier than they were supposed to be. For some reason, the BBC is refusing to admit that nobody knows what film this is. I’m sure these crack media experts don’t want to ask if it’s a fake, just something the conservative and moderate Muslims at that mosque cooked up to celebrate 9/11.
We’ll find out in the next day or so what started all this. How honest will the BBC be if it turns out to be a load of BS? They’ll probably blame the Republicans or Sarah Palin for running a false flag scheme intended to make the President look bad before the election.
Here’s something I made earlier which may answer your question:
Thanks, pounce. You’re better than the five hundred Beeboids who couldn’t come up with this. Okay, so it’s real. Having seen this trailer now, I don’t know which is more offensive: the harsh criticism and mocking of Islam, or the god-awful acting, writing, and production values of this drek.
I notice my pathetic Government has spoken out against anyone using free speech to criticize another religion. Another reason to vote in November.
Brad Pitt says big Hollywood salaries ‘don’t work now’
what are the poor luvvies going to do?
Ground Zero….now to be called The World Trade Center and the National September 11th Memorial and Museum…or Ground Zero for short
Most people in NYC would prefer to keep calling it The World Trade Center. Some still do when not referring specifically to the memorial. The subway station at the end of the E line is still called that. I don’t think anyone would dare rename it at this point.
Tues 9/11 Newsnight piece on Italian debt: Turns out profligate Italian local councils have been borrowing billions off British banks to finance their lavish spending and are now claiming they were ‘mis-sold’ loans in an attempt to avoid paying their debts. Needless to say the BBC produced a completely one-sided piece blasting the evil british bankers for lending while absolving the reckless Italians of any responsibility.
Just as the BBC will never do a programme on the mountain of private debt in this country, how it got so big and the consequences of interest rate rises in the future.
All the banks’ fault, of course, for forcing money on their unsuspecting customers and making them spend it on stuff they didn’t need.
Big Apple Pizza in Fort Pierce…avoid at all costs
Shadow Olympics Minister Tessa Jowell steps down….thank god or allah or the great turd
Who once said,
‘I would throw myself under a train for HIM’.
‘HIM’ of course being Saint Tony, the Saviour of the World.
Brainless bitch.
…shame the opportunity never arose.
Betsan Powys, BBC Political Editor, Wales….what’s the betting that she’s a socialist and a Labour Party supporter
… or possibly a supporter of the welsh socialist party whatever they call themselves. Might be Cwm something, but I neither know nor care.
On Anglesey they are know as the ‘Cwm over hear and say that ‘!! party
i’m sure if there is a general strike, those involved will avoid Poundland, Poundworld and 99p Stores and, likewise, those employed at these establishments will come out in support and go to Tesco or if they’ll feeling posh, Asda
BBC-NUJ interested in the (Islamic) persecution of homosexuals;
-not so much in the Islamic persecution of Christians and Jews.
“Witch-hunt in Iraq”
Yup, you beat me to it. It’s all about Iraq, see?
Got that? Iraq. IRAQ.
Yes, I wonder how gays are fairing in places like Eygpt, Lybia, Tunisia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran et al ad nauseum?
And what, pray, do they all have in common?
Does the BBC know or care?
The BBC only cares when minorities help them advance the socialist cause.
The phrase ‘Doing A Livingstone’ should become common parlance to describe the point at which left-wing politicians drop gays like stones because they realise that there are more votes to be had from muslims.
I am continually intrigued at the BBC and staff’s use, or not of ‘quotes’, or “quotes” or not..
Jeremy Vine @theJeremyVine
PICTURE of the “tasteless” party packs sold at or near the TUC conference to prepare for the death of Mrs T:
I suppose this is just journalistic watertight oversight (on a blog that seems oddly personal/own views at other times) in describing a quoted view? Or is it that he has some doubts as to the tastelessness of this latest left foot-shooter?
Jeremy ‘Phone In If You’ve Ever Been Stuck In A Russian Nuclear Submarine On The Bottom Of The Barents Sea’ Vine is a prime beneficiary of the BBC’s We Pay Them A Million Pounds A Year Because We Can policy.
I’d love to see his ‘market rate’ tested in the … market.
The “impartial” BBC.
INBBC has quickly shifted away from reporting Muslims tearing up American flag, and violently attacking American Consulate in Cairo in Islamic jihad onslaught.
Here is a non-INBBC analysis of the significance of this attack on America and on free speech :-
“Islam’s Black Flag Flies over Egypt”
by Raymond Ibrahim
The United States still has an Embassy in Cairo; it’s the American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya where the Islamic jihadists killed an American official yesterday.
So much of the West assisting in the liberation of Muslims from Gaddafi regime.
In the following INBBC report, for ‘militiamen’ read ‘Muslims’:-
“US official dies in Libya consulate attack in Benghazi”
‘Daily Mail’-
“American killed as gunmen attack U.S. consulate in Libya… as radical Islamists in Cairo tear apart Stars and Stripes flag in protests over film attacking prophet.
One American killed and another injured as gunmen storm U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
A fire has also been set inside building
Protesters in Cairo scaled the embassy walls and took down an American flag from a pole and tore it to shreds.
All the staff had left before the embassy was breached, a U.S. official said.
American writer, director and producer of anti-Islam film calls the religion ‘a cancer’.”
Read more:
uh oh! ….
deja vu – US embassy Bengazi attacked, over Egyptian film that erm … “offends islam”
mon sharia amour eh! …
“offends islam” hmm,
over 1000 (highly orchestrated) complaints
closely followed by
“Channel 4 cancels Islam documentary screening after presenter threatened”
(yawn) anyone see a pattern emerging … AGAIN
it is the religion of peace … isn t it?
And they’ll kill anyone who says it isn’t!!!
tom holland? yep!
definitely deja vu
“Report: Maker of anti-Islamic film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ goes into hiding,” NBC News
Unrepentant gameshow host Nicky Campbell this morning clearly signals his disinterest in the story about archaeologists search for the body of Richard III. He is in typical dismissive mode when not personaly interested and – appropriately enough – corpsing at his own jokes.
In contrast Campbell is most anxious to get to grips with gay marriage.
Why doesn’t BBC 5 Live give up the pretense of covering a broad range of news stories and simply focus on Politically Correct Issues.
Then we would all know where we stand.
And by the way, on the day after Bigot-gate mark two I’m reluctant to call people names but Nicky Campbell is an Anglophobe.
How do I know?
I know damn well that were we talking about the search for a lost Scottish, Irish or Welsh King – then we would have due respect from Campbell and the Beeboids.
Aye Gameshow Nikk, the sanctimonious twat’s sanctimonious twat.
Attended every day of the ‘proper’ olympics but couldn’t be arsed doing any more than about 3 or 4 days at the para olympics.
Didn’t stop him when he was at the paras gushing forth with … tremendous privilege… absolutely honoured to be here… remember to my dying day… blah blah.
Meh so honoured I’ll give it a miss for the next four days or so.
In its reports on the attack on the US Embassy in Cairo – has the BBC been saying :
1 that the black flag of Al Qaeda was raised there. That’s the Al Qaeda that Obama claims to have largely destroyed
2 Is the BBC mentioning the fury in America over the US Embassy’s statement that criticised the makers of the obsrure film – but did not criticise the attack, or the Egyptian authorities for allowing the forewarned attack to proceed. The White House has had to contradict the embarrasingly spineless Embassy statement. But the spinelessness is the mark of Obama’s State Department and his whole policy towards the Islamic world.
3 As context is so important – has the BBC referred to the increasing persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt ? I gather 100,000 have left Egypt since the troubles started.
All this great Arab Spring stuff is far more serious than the BBC spins it. Even now – when it is being reported that 4 Americans have been killed in Libya including the ambassador, there seems to be very little on the BBC website. ,
When I visited Egypt in the spring tourism was already down 90%. This puts the lid on any recovery in tourism, which was a large element of the economy there.
This Sky report sounds a lot more rounded – and much more of a warning – than the BBC stuff :
Incidentally – in large placard lettering across the front of a mosque near where I live are the words “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammed is his prophet”
Isn’t that an open insult to other religions hereabout ?
time to go over there john, rip it down and say how “offensive it is”.
i should imagine you won t, and therein lies the problem though,
would you be assaulted? …
maybe even arrested?
just shows that threats work pretty well especially when backed up by
ahem! P.C. ( play on words – sorry 😀 ) plods, doesn t it …. you would probably be immediately vilified too.
by insane “inversion of fact/truth” council or local media … maybe the even the bbc ! …
after all you would have ahem “deserved” to be attacked eh!
… “hater” …??? i know … what has it come to?
Can you imagine a similar banner outside a Christian church proclaiming God and Jesus (whilst mentioning Allah)?
Nope, me neither.
And my Government apologized to the murderers!!!
US President editor Mardell is on the case. He copies out the White House statement, then the subsequent weak-ass walkback, along with their excuse for it (we didn’t approve it before it was sent out) presenting it as a cold foreign policy issue for the President. He says critics will be critical, then reprints Romney’s criticism.
Because this is Mardell, his personal bias compels him to close with an open swipe at Romney:
The attack is also likely to prompt a debate about President’s Obama’s support for Nato’s military campaign, which led to the downfall of Colonel Gaddafi.
At the time, Mr Romney accused the president of dithering, but didn’t say whether he was doing too much or too little.
does U.S. Embassy in Cairo condemns” murderous Muslims?
hell no
“religious incitement” actually?
& from the bbc news page
Time correspondent Ashraf Khalil describes the scene on the ground in Egypt and concludes the reaction to the film was “essentially a case of an American group of fringe Christian fundamentalists successfully provoking and enraging a similar group of fringe Muslim fundamentalists”.
“Anger Over a Film Fuels Anti-American Attacks in Libya and Egypt,”
“MB s spokesman asked for a formal apology from the United States government and warned that events like the video were damaging Washington’s relations with the Muslim world” ???
“….essentially a case of an American group of fringe Christian fundamentalists successfully provoking and enraging a similar group of fringe Muslim fundamentalists”. Usual thoughtless, dangerous, appeasing Leftie moral equivalence. I’m sure these leftie rags and broadcasters and their hangers-on can provide plenty of evidence of ‘fringe Christian fundamentalists’ attacking a Muslim country’s embassy in the West and murdering its inhabitants when similarly provoked.
Well, who could have seen this coming during the glorious optimism of the Arab Spring?
Actually, more or less anyone on this site. But not the BBC, where it was portrayed pretty unreservedly as A Good Thing.
Yes indeed I predicted exactly what fruits the Arab spring would bear as soon at started. After all it wasn’t too difficult to work out what was going to happen, was it kids.
The MSM keeps trying to tell us that this hurts Romney more than the President. So it’s only natural that two of the four US media excerpts the BBC features in the “US media reaction” inset for this report are about condemning Romney for criticizing Him.
The BBC manage to turn its report on the Islamic demonstrations in Egypt as some kind of interfaith protest against the offensive US film makers:
Egyptian protesters condemned what they said was the humiliation of the Prophet of Islam under the pretext of freedom of speech.
“Both Muslims and Christians are participating in this protest against this offence to Islam,” said one protester, according to Associated Press news agency.
I’m wondering what form of words Aunty will use to blame America for the murder of its ambassador.
This started in Cairo when a mob stormed the US embassy.Then they tore down the stars and stripes, replacing it with a black Al Qaeda monstrosity.
What we will do with that flag tells you all you need to know about the trajectory of this thing.
More at:
The BBC doesn’t have to look for a way to blame the US for it: the US Government has already apologized for being a country where someone made such a film. Oh, and as an afterthought have condemned the attack.
Sad photo of Ambassador Stevens’ body being dragged through the streets. Bloody animals. :
As others have said – this is all so reminiscent of the attack and takeover of the US Embassy in Teheran in 1979. Mob attacks with the Government forces standing idly by.
(1979 did for Carter, of course.)
I wonder how many more drones Obama will order to be launched in pursuance of his assassination foreign policy.
You thought you were joking, but MSNBC just announced that the President is sending drones to Libya in the search for terrorist activity. Plus 50 US marines are going in to reinforce, er, whatever hasn’t been trashed and burned.
He’s taken us into war with yet another country. How many countries is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate allowed to bomb before a Beeboid raises an eyebrow? Where’s the anti-war crowd? Where are the human shields who wanted to protect Iraq?
Questions being asked.
Answers… may not be so forthcoming.
One is sure Newsnight will mention it, but having popped over to their FaceBook page to see what they make of it so far, since Friday it would appear nothing has happened, until the last few hours and this..
‘Children’s author Alan Garner tells Newsnight’s Steve Smith about some of the childhood inspirations for his works including The Weirdstone of Brisingamen and The Moon of Gomrath and why it took him so long to add the new work, Boneland.
I can only presume collective watertight oversight is in action until a unified front can be assembled to put what has happened in a form that is more suitable for the viewing public to correctly grasp how to respond.
But so far, a lot of what I am seeing from the MSM suggests those that presume to speak for the nation… um… aren’t.
There are about half a dozen blog posts on the Telegraph… not a paper usually noted for its liberal bent… mostly spinning wildly, and getting nailed. Some massive whoppers already being called out too.
This will not end well on any basis, with pragmatic statesmanship in government and support for free speech in most media being the first victims in the sights of our current politico-media establishment.
EGYPT and LIBYA jihad violence:
– INBBC filters everything via its Obamessiah;
and censors graphic nature of Islamic violence against West.
In contrast:-
“US ambassador and three staff ‘killed in rocket attack’ in Libya just hours after radical Islamists stormed embassy in protests over film attacking prophet”
Read more:
“In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man.”
Of course, Beeboids’ (and NUJ’s) main political enemy in all this is the English Defence League, which opposes Islamic jihad, Shariah law and Islamisation.
‘Daily Mail’ update:-
“US ambassador killed in ‘co-ordinated al Qaeda revenge attack by terrorists who used Libyan Mohammed movie protest as cover'”
Read more:
Just on the BBC 6 o’clock news, reporter talking of the US embassy in Libya:
“whatever the motives of the heavily armed men who stormed the embassy, it does seem baffling…”
Over to you, fellow BBBCers…
For a start listening to the BBC is a waste of time. The attacks and the killing of the Ambassador to Libya happened on the 9/11 anniversary. This is what it is all about. To humiliate America.
I object to the media useful idiots and the craven politicians who ignore reality in order to peddle their fantasies to the rest of us. Any old story will do to keep us from understanding the reality of the situation in the ME.
Just watched RT (always interesting for a take on US foreign relations) and an interview with a rep from London from British Civilians for Peace in Libya, they have just published on facebook images of “the wahabbi Libyans lynching the US ambassador, exactly as they did to Gadaffi.” They are saying : Don’t believe the mainstream media lies about his death through an RPG. I guess it’s not the sort of stuff that BBC or Newsnight will even consider….
Christopher Stevens seems to be covering his mouth with his left hand? There are a number of reports of him having “suffocated”. Other pictures show him as unconscious. What exactly happened? I guess we will discover the truth later.
Another piece of Mark Mardell worth remembering. The attacks on the embassies in Egypt and Libya, he writes on line, are ‘also likely to prompt a debate about President’s Obama’s support for Nato’s military campaign, which led to the downfall of Colonel Gaddafi. At the time, Mr Romney accused the president of dithering, but didn’t say whether he was doing too much or too little.’
Do you need a definition of ‘dithering’, Mark? Romney was accusing Obama of doing NOTHING! God, Mardell, you’re an arsehole.
Mardell stoutly defended the President at the time. He kept advocating on behalf of the President’s inaction.
It may be grown up, it may be sensible in the long run, but it is so unfamiliar that to many it will look like dithering, not deliberation.
That’s Mardell’s personal opinion, not journalism. But he’s a titled “editor”, so is apparently allowed to write op-ed columns. My critique of his work is here (with source to the above quote), then here. And here’s Hillary Clinton proving him wrong.
an article here about dissatisfaction with the euro in Holland:
Nothing biased about that surely?
But wait, they mention Geert Wilders in the article, and obviously in BBC-land he’s an evil racist, so they have to slander him, en passant.
Mr Wilders wanted to turn the election into a referendum on Dutch membership of the euro and the EU, denouncing the heavy burden carried by Henk and Ingrid, his Dutch stereotypes of Mr and Mrs Average. His campaign backfired when a real-life Henk with a wife called Ingrid attacked and killed an immigrant.
The implication obviously being that the nasty racist Wilders actually PROVOKED a racist attack.
Except of course this isn’t true – Henk, Ingid and the ‘immigrant’ were feuding neighbours, and Henk killed him in an argument, when he pushed him to the ground.
Relevant perhaps in an article about the PVV’s fortunes, but to stick it in to an article about the euro? Hardly.
-more competition from Glenn BECK to BBC America, etc
No INBBC updates on Islamic jihad murders in Libya.
Is INBBC on strike? Or simply censoring? Or waiting for Obamessiah’s next speech?
‘Fox News’ update:
“US officials investigate whether strike on Benghazi post ‘coordinated,’ timed for 9/11 anniversary”
Read more:
Predictably, INBBC blames what it calls a ‘murky’ film, not Islamic jihadists for murders of US Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.
INBBC censors out reports that there was an Islamic jihad murder plan for this anniversary of 9/11.
INBBC: fulfilling its role for Islamisation.
Just this bizarre refusal by the liberal media to face reality. Sometimes I wonder just what it will take to make them change their minds.
The politicians are nearly as bad.
Not just the BBC.
I’ve been watching SKY over breakfast for 45 mins now and they have barely mentioned anything about it all (just a brief slot from Cairo on how it’s all going to kick off over the cartoons and this ‘clip’ is much worse, deeply insulting, etc) and the ‘newspaper review’ currently underway appears not to have noticed either.
This seems an extraordinary level of disinterest across the MSM for what is surely, by any account, of some global significance.
I wonder if ‘the word’ (not that one) has gone out, and if so by whom and about what?
All it serves is to make one rely, and trust them less and less.
OK, SKY has muttered a bit more on it, but the focus is still all on Cairo. The murder apparently having been decided as being a direct consequence of this film.
At least their Bowen equivalent has mentioned a few relevant facts, namely that no one has actually seen this thing, and it was only the imams stirring it up at prayers (an odd religious ‘leader’ function in any religion of peace), no one actually seems to know who made it and it has in fact be around for ages.
However, rather than focus on how some folk seem rather easily worked up (the Western media in no way playing their part on top of some less than coherent messages sent out by political incompetents) the odd focus appears to be on trying to stuff Pandora back in her box.
Good luck with that.
Pedant’s corner: Pandora herself was never in the box. 🙂
Points of order always welcome.
Correction duly noted. Point taken (as mine I think still stands). Head hung low. On the bright side, you have preceded (but if not prevented… often they cannot resist dashing in late for a dig) a series of less gentle grammar nazi taunts. I shall in future ensure my genie is in the correctly attributed bottle:)
Don’t you mean dzinn? 😉
1.)INBBC Arabic TV* & Sky Arabic News**.
It seems that both outfits want to be pleasant to their Arab viewers, and not criticise Islam.
* Political control to be transferred from FCO to INBBC soon.
** Saudi Arabia interests are second largest owner of News Corp.
Links to above:
‘To educate, inform… and obey’?
Not sure what SKY’s ‘news’ mantra is.
This all reminds me of the rape trial;
Prosecutor asks the accused; What gave you the right to rape this poor girl?
Accused; You should have seen the clothes she was wearing, she was just asking for it.
Prosecutor asks the victim; Was your appearance provocative?
Victim; It is my choice to wear what I want and not be molested or raped for that choice.
In a civilised society the Judge would find the defendant guilty of rape as he had no right to do what he did.
In an uncivilised society (perhaps even a Muslin society) the judge would find the accused not guilty and have the victim charged for inappropriate appearance and at a subsequent trial would find the defendant guilty of indecent behaviour and death by stoning (see Afghanistan).
To all our media; Please make up your mind. Attacking someone for their appearance, their thoughts or their opinions is abhorrent to civilised people and should and must be condemned and sanctioned in the strongest possible way.
‘To all our media; Please make up your mind.
The problem seems to be that many are in at least two, depending on geography, demographics, ideologies, etc.
The constant seems to be that if it’s a BFF they’re for it, wherever it is, and if one from ‘the list’ they’re agin it no matter what.
I’m just intrigued how they are going to stop many heads exploding at the BBC if the big O does something (even more) counter-M for electoral purposes than slotting OBL, despite their ability to apparently inhabit two states of awareness concurrently.
And I do think Barry might need to. Because if this was just a spontaneous uncontrolled feral mob then quite how he figures he’s going to track down and hold those responsible to account (per sound bite) I don’t know. I doubt there’s quite the CCTV cover there was in the London riots.
Or maybe he knows this was a planned assault timed to complement a kicking off (Israeli, Coptic Christian or ‘other’-assisted), in which case a bunch of commentators already knee deep in omelette are going to have some further explaining to do for what they have rushed out so far.
Here’s a take in the MSM you don’t get often (and is still rare even for the Telegraph)….
‘The attacks were billed as the spontaneous action of mobs of righteous Muslims offended by an obscure movie about Mohammed that virtually no one had heard of. This interpretation is absolute nonsense. These attacks have all the earmarks of prior coordination, with the film serving only as a cover story.
He also seems even-handed in his critique and apportioning of culpability.
The BBC could learn from that.
Of course, in the spirit of ‘balance’…
Can one imagine the BBC having two sets of such analyses running side-by-side?
And one seems pretty much like reporting with a bit of opinion added on top.
While the other comes across as naked opinion with zero factual basis and a bunch of wishful thinking added in.
The BBC did have two analyses of an issue side-by-side not too long ago. When they had a Left-wing activist singing the praises of homosexual marriage after the President said He supported it, the BBC paired it with a Right-wing writer admitting conservative defeat on the issue.
Not really the same thing, but that’s good enough for our defenders of the indefensible.
Tub of Mardell has weighed in…
Oddly, given some choice statements and invoking his ‘fellow’ media in support, he seems to have disconnected the opportunity to comment.
Throughout the MSM, it would appear there is one meme to push here and one alone.
That is propaganda backed by censorship.
Mardell displays his blind partisan foolishness with this statement:
If you want to know what the commentators think of Mr Romney’s strategy you can choose between “noxious and indecent”, “rash and shameful”, “craven and ill-advised” or “unfair and hyperbolic”.
Although the latter is from Senator McCain’s former chief of staff, conservatives have a point when they say most of the condemnation comes from liberals in the “mainstream media”.
There are those who defend Mr Romney, but in the last two years of following him I can’t remember such unity of scorn from the media.
Really? Was that “unity” the same kind as we heard yesterday from the White House press pool when they were coordinating the angle of attack on Romney? And why does Mardell think their opinion is worth a damn?
All the media are outraged, eh? Who cares? Why should their opinion matter to his readers? They matter to Mardell, that’s clear. Which is very revealing, and proves what I’ve been saying about him all along.
And he’s never heard such “unity of scorn” against Romney in two years of covering him? Gosh, Mark, think it might have anything to do with the fact that we’re much closer to the election now, and the press knows that this could be an albatross for the President?
The rest of it is amusing for watching Mardell squirm over his beloved Nobel Peace Prize Laureate rattling the old sabers. “His version of American exceptionalism”. LOL Mardell. It’s a sneer at conservatives and at the same time an expression of disappointment in the President. The bias is strong in this one.
i wonder if there be any new ‘straight acting’ male professional dancers on SCD this year?
are the BBC, National Geographic, the Discovery Channel and E! part of the same gay liberal media?
Update for ‘9 to 5’ only BBC-NUJ:
‘Daily Mail’ –
“Pentagon sending warships to Libya following death of ambassador killed in ‘co-ordinated al Qaeda revenge attack by terrorists who used Libyan Mohammed movie protest as cover'”
Read more:
If, as we are being instructed by some, this murder was just a coincidental baying mob collateral action on a certain day that a daft movie that’s been around for an age suddenly got important to some folk, what exactly are a warship and terrorism special specialists expected to achieve?
The best one could surely hope for in ‘holding the perpetrators to account’, as claimed and promised, is rifling though any CCTV there may be, per London riots.
Unless the President knows something that will make many who have leapt to his defence on certain bases look a bit silly.
So Thursday morning BBc Breakfast. Still banging on in interview with two para olympic “superhuman” “heroes”. Plus a vomit inducing interview with Mary Robinson to promote her book. Situation normal.
“BBC presenter accuses broadcaster of depicting Christians as ’lunatics’”