There should be a law against it…oh yeah, there is…it is illegal for the BBC to take sides in any political debate….their own Charter also precludes it.
Never mind, rules are made for breaking…and if the Democratic process doesn’t get the result you want….well a little rule bending must be OK in the interest of the ‘common good’.
The BBC have gone for broke…and indeed broken just about every rule in the book today filling the airwaves with pro-Obama rhetoric.
Last week the BBC produced a poll that claimed the whole world, bar Pakistan, wanted Obama to be re-elected…..a poll almost certainly designed to give their hero a lift in the polls and boost his failing foreign policy credibility.
Today, the day of the election…and remember the BBC is listened to and watched all around the world as the BBC reminds us itself…..we have quite blatant pro-Obama electioneering and anti-Romney diatribes.
Can it be a coincidence that on the day of the election the BBC start a programme looking at Alistair Cooke’s ‘Letters From America’ and they begin with the death of JFK?
No it’s not…and you realise that as you listen you are being softened up for ‘The Message’……..Alvin Hall is the mouthpiece for this political broadcast….the politics start about 10 minutes in…..
Hall: ‘I recall everything that the death of John F Kennedy represented….as an African American I saw him as a person who could help lift the prejudice and bigotry in America…his death made all of us wonder what was going to happen….
Alistair Cooke: “They were victims of a huge disappointment…his death will especially be felt by the young for he’d become for them a symbol of what was possible….with intelligence and will. Many thoughtful men were beginning to wonder if the President’s powers were not a mockery of his office as he can be thwarted in getting any laws passed at all by being obstructed by a dozen chairmen of Congressional committees.
There is a deep feeling that our youth has been mocked and the vigour of America paralysed.”
Hall: I hear those words in terms of the promise we all felt about Barack Obama’s election four years ago. What we saw was the same optimism that Alistair Cooke talks about…a new generation of people wanted things to change, they wanted there to be a new Hope.
Obama is bright, intelligent, articulate and persuasive.
Barack encountered people who no matter what he did, no matter how well he spoke, no matter how much he showed he was willing to compromise and work together with them ‘They’ were not going to work with him, and ‘They’ were determined ‘They’ were going to defeat him.
For me this election on this day is very much about America giving him a chance to realise that promise.’
Not much need to ‘Fisk’ that lot….quite clear what he is saying on the License Fee payer’s shilling.
Jim Naughtie complained earlier on ‘Today’ that the Republicans had taken against Obama personally….is he suggesting it is his skin colour they have ‘taken against’?
I don’t remember him complaining when Bush was the target of far worse abuse.
Jane Garvey, standing in for Jeremy Vine, went the other way, opting to allow on a woman who was supposed to be answering the question ‘Why should we in Britain care about the US election’ but strangely turned out to be a rabid anti-Republican (about 24 minutes in)….
Which candidate would be best for Britain?
Some people question why we should care about the US election but here’s Cathy from Liverpool and you do care Cathy…tell us why….
Cathy: “Yes, it’s an issue that the British media have entirely overlooked….Romney is supported by corporations and the GOP has been completely taken over by religious fundamentalists. He’s a climate change denier…he laughed at Obama when he said he wanted to heal the planet and stop the rise of the oceans….the man wants to drill, he wants the Keystone Pipeline……….he does nothing for the planet…he’s a dangerous, dangerous man and he’s owned by oil.
He’s anti-women, he vetoes all bills in favour of women’s health, he’s against marriage equality…a lot of people are very scared about what will happen in America (under the Republicans)…. it is these people (Reps) who believe that rape is a legitimate form of conception.”
Jane Garvey: “Thank you for expressing your passion on the subject….we appreciate it…..we welcome all opinions….but here’s Malcolm who wants an end to global capitalism and the nation state…….” ‘
Yep, I bet the BBC do appreciate it….or is it just luck how many pro-Obama, anti-Romney, Socialist callers manage to get through on the phone lines?
Let’s see how they are tomorrow. I’m sure that with their virtually unlimited resources they are recording at least three different commentaries depending on the first results to come in. That way they are sure to be in the right.
How many callers were vetted before “Cathy” was allowed to vent her Green/Lesbian spleen? (where DO the BBC find them?) Preceded by very loud pro Obama yank… least it will be over by tomorrow….won’t it?
They’ were not going to work with him, and ‘They’ were determined ‘They’ were going to defeat him.
This is exactly what Mardell has been saying for the last three years. Poor President, trapped in a world He never made.
So “we” built that, not Him?
FFS!! how the hell did Obama get a second term??? Don`t the U.S. public pay any attention to the instability his Middle East policies have caused?? I honestly don`t believe that the non white voters actually looked at any of his politic aims… They just voted for him becouse he is black… I am not a racist by any stretch, but to me Obama has done nothing to justify a second term and his committment to spending money the USA cannot afford is surely going to cause financial chaos… I suppose he will now get another Nobel Prize just for being black, Like he did four years ago when he was given the award even though Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson were the ones who placed him in the Whitehouse… The liberal bias in the media has a lot to answer for… I am now dreading the next UK elections…
16 Trillion and counting…
God knows where it will be after ‘four more years’.
You forgot to factor in the costs incurred by Moochelle Obamas expenses….
…ah yes – USA – prepare for downgrade! 🙂
…actually 🙁
Common sense lost
From the BBC news website, the following demonstrates a rigorously objective and impartial approach to the election coverage:
The cheering from Boston and the cheering in Chicago briefly merge, or am I just being sentimental? @BBCNewsUS #election2012@BBCPaulAdams
Why is that biased? Purest bipartisanship surely!
Jim –
Are you being ironic? For a BBC presenter to be writing about how sentimental he is about the result of a US presidential election is hardly unbiased!
Obama takes to the stage to “signed, sealed, delivered…I’m yours…”
The vanity and narcissism continues…
Just coincidence Steveie Wonder is black (genuine black, I’d guess, unlike the half-white heritage-denying Obama).
Great soundtrack for unifying the nation.
While a huge story, SKY again going off as it appears to have decided that there is no other news worth leaving a camera running to ‘cover’.
‘if the Democratic process doesn’t get the result you want….well a little rule bending must be OK’
At least, no matter how flawed, it was allowed to proceed in some form.
With the BBC, a provider of hardly essential ‘news’ and ‘entertainment’ services, the people of the UK are given no choice, backed by compulsion. Not vote. No say. No accountability. Year on year. Decade on decade.
‘That’s why we have elections’
I have no idea whether Mr. Romney would have been any better (I got the impression he was more interested in the debt left to future generations that the President referred to rather quaintly as an aspirational achievement – also hard to see that being addressed by swelling ranks of those who have amazingly opted for an economic model based on the purchase of votes as a matter of state dependency over the generation of personal wealth by encouraging the purchase of goods and services as a result of personal labours), but that seems the state of politics today, we simply, with unique exceptions even to this, the option of supporting the least bad.
The American people have spoken, and the future will tell how that works for them.
I am minded of that Chinese proverb: ‘Careful who you vote for; you may just get them’.
They now have a second term President, and the excuse of what legacy was left won’t cut it much longer (interestingly, the BBC appeared to feel Labour’s never had any influence even after what they inherited and managed in 13 years to revise).
In making voting decisions one can only rely on the information you are given. It seems extraordinary that I have to pay to be fed propaganda and when questioning it, see vast censorship shutters slam down.
The twitter feeds of BBC ‘views my own’ employees will be, as ever, educational.
Just put SKY back on to see if there was any news, to get a chap telling the anchor ‘Mitt Romney ran out of white people to vote for him’.
I am unsure if that is quite the message that an inclusive culture can spin easily as anything other than, well, racist.
It also offers an insight to policies of gaining votes by means that depend on matters other than policy.
US. UK. The repetition of history. Lessons being learned. Maybe not the right ones? Or just the wrong leaders learning only to well what works for them at the expense of those they aspire to lead? For a while.
Gone surprisingly quiet .
Alas poor Mitt. His final speech accepting defeat was the first time the real Mitt turned up for a few years, a decent man forced to renounce his own views to get the support of the Tea Party. The real Mitt had a chance, anyone embraced by the carpet chewers of the Right will lose.
One stat the racists here should consider. Over 50% of kids aged up to 8 are non-white. America is moving away from the white only majority into a mass of minorities. The future for GOP is to embrace the real America not some distorted lens that excludes too many people.
Gone surprisingly quiet . It’s early and in the US it’s very early so what would you expect?
Anyway, another stat is that the number of votes was won by a difference less than 1.5%, surely within the margin created by voter fraud, intimidation, dodgy voting machines etc. Then consider that 85% of the US press are so bias towards Obama and it’s not so impressive.
OK, in the Electoral College he won ‘easily’ and that’s what counts.
With just Florida still to come:
George Bush shouldn’t have been President then. I wouldn’t push that line.
LOL, pushing a line? talk about deflection. I was answering YOUR comments about embracing the Real America!
That was the constant line pushed by the BBC and other left-wing organisations for four years after Bush won. “Bush stole the election, bwaa haaa haaa haaa.”
I think Republicans taking a leaf out of that book would be totally expected and justified. I’m not a Republican but I’ll start it anyway “Obama stole the election!”
I’ll bet the BBC won’t use that line considering they used the opposite ad nauseam.
It was a stupid line then which was reported by the BBC just as they are reporting the same stupid line today. Does that make the biased against Obama or, god forbid, objective?
Funny how Prole’s internationalist wet dream rapidly gains traction in the democratic countries of the world (in the most undemocratic fashion, of course, courtesy of the fascist Left so eloquently represented in this country by the likes of the UAF and the BBC) whilst the intolerant monocultures and autocracies he and his leftist fellow travellers defend at all costs descend into chaos and the worst kind of human rights abuses.
Funnt how Prole thinks spending trillions on combating non-existent AGW will somehow save the world, when the US is about to go over a ‘fiscal cliff’.
Funny how Prole believes that there is a bottomless pit of debt into which America and Europe can sink to pay for state spending which he thinks we have some kind of automatic entitlement to.
It’s a funny old world, the world of Prole.
the bBC got their man.
a good day not to listen to radio or watch tv.
I’m sure the hoardes out there will be able to scam another weeks holiday on post-election analysis however.
Over at The Commentator…
BBC Bias: Slip up on Radio 4 Today exposes inherent bias
The Today programme has given us an insight into the minds of BBC news presenters. Impartial indeed…
Listen to the audio clip for a real Freudian slip!
On BBC bleakfast this morning they went to a diner where they had 2 ladies, one from Democrats and one from Republicans.
Anchor says to the Democrat so what do you think Obamamesiahs priorities should be?
Top item is global warming because we need to stop hurricanes like Sandy devastating the East Coast. Second women’s sexual rights.
When you hear someone speaking like this then one really has to wonder if they really deserve a vote with that much intelligence.
With a global financial meltdown due shortly, poor wheat yields and Obama in charge we have the recipe for the perfect storm.
God help the US of A and God help us all. Perhaps a popular revolution against these morons will be inevitable.
I can believe this entirely: last time around all through the Midwest the ‘only’ factor was pro-life/pro-choice, everything else was incidental.
‘Top item is global warming … Second women’s sexual rights.’
Well over at SKY, Dermot handed over to Adam Boulton to sum up wot won it, and after a bit of bluster he appeared to settle on gay marriage being the clincher.
Now, when voting I would certainly opt for tolerance and rights vs. any restrictions, but in toto, come the next election here, that will not be my primary bellwether.
If it is for others, all Labour’s hard work might also run into a slight hiccup if the BBC can’t find a way to distance any support they have in this area as they woo all the new vote-dependents and their swelling broods to the voting both from other, less tolerant vibrant cultures.
Not just the BBC but try reversing some of the pro women and pro black bias to realise how much there is in our daily lives.
Woman’s Hour – that is fine – but could there be a Man’s Hour?
It is fine on the BBC to suggest that people be racist and not voting for Obama because he is black?
But to suggest that black people could be racist and not voting for Romney because he is white?
Examine why women are not breaking the glass ceiling – fine. Examine why there are less men studying medicine, to be vets etc – or indeed why there are less men at university that women are not acceptable quesitons.
Or republicans not voting for Mia Love because she is a black mormon.?
“WOMENS HEALTH” a comparatively new term, actualy a sanitised term for abortion. And there’s me thinking it was all about hip replacements and cancer care.
There’s a ‘Men’s Hour’ on Radio 5:
Your not the arsole that taught at Scott Hall ?
Yeuch – “Each week in our crusade to overcome men’s fear of fiction, we ask our guests to recommend a must read book for men. ”
Plus pictures of gays and asians. This is all the masculinity the corporation can tolerate – sensitive wrist-flappers with off-white skin. The rest of the male population can go to hell.
I don’t suppose you have a transcript of Malcolm’s inevitably tedious Socialist diatribe, do you?