Been away all week so no chance to detail BBC bias myself BUT the floor is yours! Off you go…let them have it if they have been annoying you with their bias.
What a brilliant article, this being one of the more choice paragraphs that hit the nail right on the head:
Life as a leftie is impossible without liberal doses of abject hypocrisy. The liberal assumption that the working class are knuckle-dragging racists is pure projection of their own dark secret. It is the liberals who move away from the immigrant areas, the liberals who have few ethnic friends, and the liberals who insist their children be educated in the culture they affect to despise while denying that type of education to the white working class.”
“The liberal assumption that the working class are knuckle-dragging racists”
By their definition, the working class are racists.
Members of the working class don’t enjoy the privilege of being able to enjoy multiculturalism in the form of a wide choice of restaurants or perhaps that nice Indian doctor whose children are ever-so polite etc
No, members of the working class get the s**t end of the stick and, being ill educated knuckle draggers, are prepared to say so in plain English. Shameful.
I would love to believe that the white working class would eventually snap but I have my doubts. Too fond of Eastenders/crap talent shows etc and no real unity.
I don’t know if this is abuse, exactly. I bet it’s more likely a test to see if they can make a case for charging the license fee for use of the iPlayer. A similar scheme is already in place on websites of quite a few US cable channels. Sports channels have been doing it for years already. In order to watch some (or all, with the sports) shows on their website, you have to sign in first and prove you have a subscription to a local cable or satellite TV provider.
Just another grab for cash, and a chance to stick it to those who don’t pay the license fee but watch on line.
‘a test to see if they can make a case for charging the license fee for use of the iPlayer.’
Typical. Just when I sent the missus a blog pointing out it was legal to watch this subsequently without needing a licence.
Let us hope that it is just a grab for cash bad though that would be. Knowing the Liberal Left Establishment they will be trying to gain control of the output of the various new forms of communication that their mouthpiece ,the BBC , doesn’t yet have a monopoly in.
This would be a very damaging move as new technology offers the best hope of breaking the BBC stranglehold on news and current affairs in the UK.
As I see it, the BBC would have to either severely limit access to iPlayer to set top boxes, which would be self defeating, charge for its use online, which whey won’t want to do either, or try to extend the scope of the BBC Tax to cover computers and streaming boxes which can access iPlayer.
The danger for the BBC is that it could inadvertently open up a new debate on the BBC Tax and alternative methods of funding.
Objectively, I don’t see what’s wrong with the BBC charging the license fee for watching on the iPlayer. It’s the same content, just a different medium, and only barely different at this point in the technology. I know the practical hurdles of doing so are too much to deal with, so they haven’t gotten it done yet. This new scheme could give them viewer data to prove that enough people are watching on iPlayer who don’t pay the license fee, which would be a reason to start charging for one when you buy a computer or streaming box.
Such a huge public grab might start a debate about the morality and purpose of the license fee.
The Ministry of (mis)Information seems to be trying to garner more and more power to itself – now, remind me – how did the BBC and its able assistants in the Labour Party describe News International and Mr Murdoch…..?
The BBC’s report on the LA gunman (mentioned by Louis and David P. in the previous open thread) ignored the praise he gave many Dem politicians – including Obama – in his “manifesto” and chose instead only to mention one politician, Republican Chris Christie.
I tweeted the following to the BBC’s LA correpsondent Alastair Leithead:
LA gunman’s manifesto praises many Dem politicians inc Obama but BBC article only mentions Christie [R]. Typical. @aleithead
You know how the BBC and defenders of the indefensible like to claim that it’s okay if the BBC left something out, but then added it later, because they’re only being professional journalists and updating their report as the story evolves? Well, it seems that the story about the ex-cop from LA who’s gone on a killing spree has, er, un-evolved. For some curious reason, the BBC decided to redact their carefully selected highlight of which celebrity and public figures the killer praised in his “rambling” (but not really, if you read it yourself), manifesto.
Check out the bit highlighted in red at the bottom the version on the left side of this News Sniffer page:
Here’s what it the piece currently looks like on the BBC website. Notice that all the rest of it has changed a lot as the killer’s movements and actions changed. No problem there – the story really has evolved dramatically, and they’ve updated the report accordingly.
However, as both Louis and I pointed out in the last open thread, the killer had lots of good things to say about several top Democrats, including the President and the First Lady, as well as Hillary and Bill Clinton (yet curiously he preferred Mark Mardell’s pet Republican candidate, John Huntsman). The BBC didn’t want you to know about this, so chose to tell you about the killer’s praise for Republican (for the moment) Gov. Chris Christie instead. The one high-ish profile Republican in there instead of all those top Democrats made it through the impartial BBC editorial process. Pretty obvious bias.
For some odd reason, the BBC has now thought better of it and just deleted the whole sentence. That part of the story has devolved. I bet they know exactly what they did, and somebody pointed it out to them. So, rather than admit the truth about the the killer’s political opinions expressed in his manifesto, they simply left it out altogether. I’m sure somebody will claim that it was removed for space considerations.
If you were going to pick one politician and one celebrity from the manifesto, purely on the basis of which are of most interest to a British audience it would be Obama and hero of the anti-gun crowd Piers Morgan. That Christie and Cosby were the examples selected instead is clearly down to the political bias of the journalist involved. He or she couldn’t bear to see the names Obama and Morgan associated with the story.
‘the BBC and defenders of the indefensible like to claim that it’s okay if the BBC left something out, but then added it later, because they’re only being professional journalists and updating their report as the story evolves?’
They do like to claim it, don’t they?
But like much else they say about what they do being about right… on the basis of no more than them saying so, it isn’t.
I don’t ‘do’ bias complaints as Hugs has a special fast-track for them, but if anyone does take a punt… do share the blowback.
You have been majoring in a big way on the hors meat scandal, and it is indeed a scandal that foreigners have been slipping horse meat into our ready meals. Particularly scary was that a trace of phenylbutazone, a drug once used on humans but now used only on animals, was found in a ready meal. I’ve checked this. Assuming a ready meal contains a trace, I would need to gorge on 1000 ready meals every day for a period in order to potentially come to any harm, and then only if I’m one of the 1 in 30,000 people who suffer an adverse reaction to phenybutazone. But thanks for bringing all this to my attention.
As I type, you’re still going on about the horse meat scandal. But there are scandals and there are scandals. When you’re ready, tell me which NHS hospitals are gong to kill me.
PS. Congratulations on tracking down a Labour spokeswoman, Mary Creagh, to give the government a slating about the horse meat scandal on the Livesey programme last night. How’s the hunt for Andy Burnham and Patricia Hewitt going?
Well said sir!
And we manage to go all around Europe…France to Poland to the UK… in the BBC quest for the meat is murder lobby that caused this …well is outrage a strong enough word?
And -somehow-not a word about EU Food Policy…as if the French would be averse to serving us horsemeat!
No-no connection possible as far as the BBC are did Findus serve mid-Staffs patients anything that may yet prove to contain horse DNA?
Now THAT will be a scandal…1200 poor souls killed by NuLabor?…collateral damage matey!
A legend in her own mind – an inspiration to fiction writers.
Remember ” I recall running from the helicopter, dodging bulllets all the while…..” And “What difference does it make ? ” when queried at the recent enquiry into Gaza about her comments regarding the attack having been the result of a spontaneous protest rather than a calculated attack, which had been foreseen, but support wasn’t provided – as a result of which 4 people died, and one of whom, the US Ambassador, was repeatedly raped before being killed. Yup, nothing to see here, move on, move on.
Must take more care – that’s the second post on which I’ve been trying to respond to a previous one, but it has linked to the main thread – apologies, the above was a ‘Hillary’ comment, in response to DB’s post.
The worst one – which marks Hillary out as America’s Harriet Harman…
“Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.”
Wow. The mere death of a man is nothing in comparison to the resulting grief of a woman. Will anyone remind her of that one next time she weeps crocodile tears for the unseen sacrifices of the armed forces whilst in combat and their almost invisible struggles on return. Men are disposable in the eyes of these ideologues of identity politics.
What a bitch. No wonder Bill had it off with Monica – you can even see it on Hillary’s frozen face. Wonder who Hormone’s hubby, Jack Dromey is shagging?
And don’t forget her multi repetitions of the ‘catch-all’ excuse “We live in a very complex and dangerous time..” blah blah blah!! Amazing no-one really challenged her lame reasoning, and that awful “what difference does it make?” Well for one thing those 4 brave men may still have been alive if the real threat had been recognised by her department. She never had to really explain why the US ambassador’s request for extra security and protection went ‘unread’ by anyone with the authority to respond!! She got away with it because the MSM let it go by.
‘Nearly’….. ‘Nearly’….. (splutter) what do you mean by ‘Nearly’ ?
Seriously, how very kind of you to say that. It is much appreciated.
And at the risk of being accused of a ‘circle-jerk’, or the equivalent term if necessary….I am happy to reciprocate…”(nearly) every post of yours is a gem…”
And if I knew how, the above would havve been interspersed with all sorts of ‘bold’ type and ‘smileys’. But you get the drift.
And I am sure you weren’t fooled (?), but the promise/threat of abandoning the site wasn’t quite honest… intraveinous life support is this web-site !
I actually watched QT last night (must be a masochist). Final question was from some gobby progressive fishwife about how evil the tories were because some didn’t vote for gay marriage.
After the Tory on the panel was ritually disembowelled by the disapproving Trots, the question was then passed to two Scots Nat worthies. (One a MSP I think, other a businessman). When these two obviously didn’t seem too keen on gay marriage either cue howls of lefty outrage.
Funny thing was, one was Muslim but he still fell foul of the mysterious victimhood hierarchy rules so beloved of socialists everywhere. Anyway I felt quite sorry for them, even though I associate the SNP with tax and spend policies just like Labour.
I’m not Scottish myself but at least they showed a bit of fight in the face of all the lefty vitriol.
The SNP are all for gay marriage, in fact it was them who were first in the UK to push for it.
Their problem is that they hate Scotlands Christian heritage and do everything possible to undermine it but this particular issue was also condemned by their beloved radical Islamist following.
So it had to be a balancing act, does their hatred for Christianity outweigh their love of militant Islam?….unfortunately the former prevailed despite a massive backlash from the churches of all denominations and as every opinion poll showed the vast majority of the Scottish people…but of course this obscenity of a law doesn’t affect the Muslim population.
Have you heard of Muslims being legally forced to perform same sex weddings in their mosques?….no?….either have I.
I see horse meat in a few cheap pies is the most important story of the day, far more important news than the Prime Minister reaching the first ever deal to constrain the EU budget in real terms. Cameron is No 2 in the web page running order, and I see that they give plenty of room to Labour – apparently it was all their idea.
The Telegraph calls it a Triumph for Cameron, so I don’t expect too much in the way of accurate reporting from the BBC
This is only in the Grauniad so far (but obviously the bBBC will copy it soon). The Conservative candidate in the Eastleigh by-election has been slated for telling the truth. In 2005 Mrs Hutchings said “It is the minority groups that have benefited from Labour’s time in office – the immigrants, the gays, the bloody foxes. In fact, it’s ironic that special needs children seem to be the only minority group that haven’t got something out of this administration.”
From the headline I was expecting to see some reference that there would be to the BBC. Instead I read a piece that is intended to show just how literate and erudite is the writer of it, using ten words when one would suffice, but has nothing of real substance.
Like with this paragraph: Anyone bent on introducing Nineteen Eighty-Four to a contemporary audience has two tasks: to explain some of the bygone detail which is now in danger of getting obscured, and to unravel Orwell’s personal journey through this labyrinth of betrayal, back-stabbing and paranoia.
My initial reaction to his article was to make this comment:
Apparently the writer of this piece seems unable to see the forest for the trees.
Does the fact that Orwell worked for the BBC, and came up with the concept of ‘Ministry of Truth’ seem too remote or ‘obscure’ for you?
Either you are angling for a job with the BBC or have friends working there, that you want to maintain their ‘cover’.
Then I Googled the author of this piece, and now his agenda becomes clear, and how come the BBC is not associated with his piece on Orwell
Makes me want to vomit. Anyway, Orwell certainly saw him coming.
Now seeing an upcoming BBC programme on Orwell, I have no doubt that the above piece in the Telegraph was orchestrated by the BBC with the intention to remove all trace in what was probably their role in causing Orwell to formulate 1984.
The BBC asks this question: What led avowed socialist George Orwell to write a novel beloved of the Right?
I’m sure most here will have answered that in 3 letters as a starting point. I’m no expert on Orwell, but knowing he worked for the BBC for a time and had direct experience of ‘leftist thinking’, I would imagine that had a lot to do with it.
So now we are going to experience the BBC manoeuvre themselves out of history by explaining it in every other way but themselves.
Here’s what the BBC tell us about their programme:
What led avowed socialist George Orwell to write a novel beloved of the Right?
David Aaronovitch traces how a decade of political chaos shaped Orwell’s vision of a totalitarian future.
He explores how, after the war, the threat of the new atom bomb played a crucial part in the birth of Nineteen Eighty-Four – and how Orwell coined the term ‘cold war’ in the process.
He traces the impact on the novel of the provocative ideas of an American ex-communist, James Burnham, who predicted a world dominated by three tyrannical superstates.
He finds out why Orwell saw some form of Western European Union as the best way to prevent Britain being swallowed by Big Brother.
And he asks why, if Orwell was an English socialist, the totalitarian party ruling ‘Oceania’ in Nineteen Eighty-Four is called ‘IngSoc’ – which is short for ‘English Socialists’.
‘He explores how, after the war, the threat of the new atom bomb played a crucial part in the birth of Nineteen Eighty-Four – and how Orwell coined the term ‘cold war’ in the process.’
Nothing to do with Orwell’s abhorrence of Stalin’s murderous totalitarian state, then (the inspiration for IngSoc maybe).
This from Wikipedia on Big Brother A spontaneous ritual of devotion to Big Brother (“BB”) is illustrated at the end of the “Two Minutes Hate”: At this moment the entire group of people broke into a deep, slow, rhythmic chant of ‘B-B! …. B-B! …. B-B!’—over and over again, very slowly, with a long pause between the first ‘B’ and the second—a heavy murmurous sound, somehow curiously savage,
Do you think he was hinting at something here, waiting for people to ‘get it’? Let’s see what do we know that starts B-B?
Interesting quote from Orwell that shows how the Beeb’s facile ‘right on’ liberalism simply serves to render people ineffectual when faced with genuinely hostile forces, such, I might suggest, as an Islam on the march:
“The energy that actually shapes the world springs from emotions — racial pride, leader-worship, religious belief, love of war — which liberal intellectuals mechanically write off as anachronisms, and which they have usually destroyed so completely in themselves as to have lost all power of action.”
as quoted in an essay: ‘Illusions of Progress’ by Fergus Downie
That will be the once in 6 months, ultimately harmless, bit of anti Labour humour sneaked into the schedules which can then be called up to defend any future accusations of bias by stating that their comedy output always knocks both sides.
“While Dreams from My Father was about the father who returned to Kenya when Barack was a baby, undoubtedly the strongest influence on Obama throughout his childhood was his mother. A truly extraordinary person, Dunham was an anthropologist who devoted her life to the study of small-scale industry in rural Java, while also working as a development economist and raising two children. When Barack was six, he and his mother moved from Hawaii, where he was born, to Jakarta, the Indonesian capital, where he spent the formative years of his childhood. It was in Java where Obama learnt and adopted the cool, calm, unflappable personal and presidential style that has earned him the nickname ‘No Drama Obama’. It’s a genuinely Javan ideal.”
Wow! A Javan inda guy? Not Kenyan then? Or American? The left are hilarious.
“the father who returned to Kenya when Barack was a baby, “
One way of putting it, I suppose. Personally I’d have gone for “Buggered off like the feckless chump he always was.”
“….that has earned him the nickname ‘No Drama Obama’. “
Didn’t The One actually (and bizarrely and rather worryingly LBH) give himself that nickname ? Not sure how that counts as “earning it”, nor what it has to do with Java unless the Javanese are known for their extreme narcissism. and penchant for awarding themselves admiring sobriquets ?
I see DB has already noticed and teased him over it, but Mark Mardell, the BBC’s US President editor, has tweeted his readers a link to a new publication in the ever-growing field of Obamessiah hagiography. This time, it’s a lengthy article explaining that He’s so awesome because He learned to be cool from growing up in Java. Not only that, but He’s never taken on a political fight He hasn’t already won.
The piece then takes a scarier turn. Apparently the President rules in the manner of traditional Indonesian kings. But that’s just another reason why He’s so awesome. Oh, and He might be related to a sultan. Which elite blue-blood status will not detract from His coolness in any way. He certainly won’t be expected or required to act embarrassed about it like certain comedians/ennes favored by the BBC are about their own backgrounds.
Mardell calls this “fascinating”. I’m sure he feels that he now knows his beloved Obamessiah just that much better, and is closer to Him for it. Only among true worshipers would anyone suggest in a positive way that there’s an ideal kingship of any kind.
It’s a good thing the murderer is running around on the Left Coast and not here in NY. As a reaction to the Sandy Hook tragedy, the Lower Hudson Valley Journal News recently published a map of where all the gun owners in the area live. As one might expect, hilarity ensued. News of which the BBC censored, of course. Worse still, the @#$%ing NY Times tried to do the same thing. Fortunately, the courts have blocked them so far.
Just imagine if a crazed ex-Navy Seal/cop was running around armed to the teeth knowing which homes had guns and which didn’t. All thanks to professional journalists who were trying to speak truth to power and inform the public about where danger lies.
This week’s Private Eye media news said that the gossip was that she was deliberately being kept in place to be the fall guy, when the second wave of indignation broke after the forthcoming publication of the evidence submitted to Pollard.
Perhaps they have realised that their little wheeze has been rumbled and have come up with some sort of plan B.
Listening to the BBC today, they were discussing the NHS scandal, and that there must have been many within the NHS who knew what was going on and chose to look the other way. The BBC discusses this in a very hypocritical and sanctimonious manner, especially considering their own Savile scandal.
One has to wonder at our own society that not only has failed to react to the BBC complicity over all aspects related to Savile, but even allowed nearly everybody involved to keep jobs within the corporation, if not their old positions. Even Entwistle who ‘left’ was still given a massive payoff, despite his pure incompetence.
Case in point here is Helen Boaden, head of news, who receives a salary of £340,000, and was found to be ‘wanting’ in her handling of the Savile affair, not to mention that through the BBC grapevine she almost certainly was aware of what Savile was doing.
But so far she has kept her job. When one thinks of what happened with News International and News of the World, not to mention the arrests that followed the far less serious hacking scandal, one can only be amazed at how stupid and idle our society has become. Content to let this insidious evil corporation continue with business as usual.
Despite talk that Boaden may be moved to radio, at a slightly lower salary, it really doesn’t go far enough. Heads should roll, and that’s just for starters, with prison lurking in the background.
Unfreaking real. Even Mitchell’s six months of gravy train until his forced retirement on full golden pension seems draconian by comparison. She’s not even being busted down to private. What a joke.
Have a complaint filed about you for bullying, and it’s the sack. Spend years running the world’s biggest news organization into the ground, twiddle your thumbs while your employees cavalierly and routinely violate your social media policy, then turn a blind eye while your flagship program soils itself, and finally pull out all the stops in an attempt to shift blame, and you get slightly demoted – but still in a top management slot, as a testament to your management skills – and have your lawyers negotiate about the loss of less than one percent of your salary.
What a culture. Another inquiry and a few new rules put into place is going to change this?
BBC’s Labour Newsnight tonight seemingly was another example of now you see it, now you don’t.
Remember the fuss about the London mayoral candidates and Livingstone’s challenge for all of the candidates to disclose their earnings and tax…and all of them did, except for one of them, Livingstone. Did Newsnight pursue him. No. Nothing from them…silence.
And then the strange case of Andrew Mitchell. Remember how Labour’s Newsnight mercilessly pursued him. Kept the story alive long after it should have died down, but the moment it emerged that he may have been the victim of a criminal conspiracy. Nothing…silence. Silence until someone poked them then a few nights later they caught up, not with an analysis but a simple report.
And McAlpine
And this week Stafford, where in a passing 20 minutes they gave the Tories a hard time and labour an unchallenged chance to justify themselves.
And tonight. A ‘historic’ settlement in Europe is met with silence. This is Cameron’s achievement by the way, Cameron who has month after month been Newsnight’s target of their cynicism and smears and accusations of being isolated. Even the paper review, that mentioned this agreement was caveated, describing the FT’s report of Cameron’s ‘success’ as ‘their words’ grudging or what?
Then, amazingly, with the clock ticking down and the review show introduced…a very belated, last second mention of what was an ‘historic agreement’. If you want to, read all about it on Mark Urban’s blog we were advised.
This didn’t feel like an afterthought or an oversight. This felt like another example of BBC wilful blindness. It left me wondering if the late, late mention was as the result of representations or some change of heart that had taken place behind the scenes. I have a feeling that we might not have heard the last of this.
There is something rotten with this discredited programme
The whole BBC has long been discredited in my eyes. But what I just can’t understand is why successive Tory governments and this coalition have allowed them to get away with their blatant bias across all of their output for so many years. Even the most stupid politician must know that the BBC is Labour’s friend and the Tories enemy. So why when in power haven’t the Tories moved to correct the bias or throttles the BBC? By not doing so the Tories have allowed the BBC to bring to power several Labour administrations which have cost the country dear.
I can only come to the conclusion that the Tories believe that it would cost too much political capital to take on the BBC . In other words the BBC’s near monopoly of news and current affairs makes them untouchable and de facto the real power in the land because governments can only do what the BBC approves of.
It’s partially them being afraid and knowing the BBC is too powerful, but it’s mostly the whole “national treasure” thing they can’t get past. Until the News division is separated from the rest of it, nothing can be done.
‘Mr Kerry’s knowledge of French prompted scorn from the right-wing US press during his unsuccessful bid for the presidency in 2004, due to the souring of US-French ties over the war in Iraq. ‘
I find it hard to believe that any serious commentator would scorn someone for their ability to speak French.
I think that the BBC are being a bit liberal with their interpretations here (in both senses). Perhaps they are interpreting gentle mickey-taking as scorn, or maybe criticisms by a few fringe right wing commentators mean that the Beeb feel entitled to paint a picture of widespread scorn.
Question for David Preisser – Do you recall Mr Kerry being scorned in the right wing US media for his ability to speak French?
Apparently the French ambassador, sitting next to the elder George Bush at some banquet or other in the nineties, was astonished when the president started speaking to him in fluent French. Being able to speak a foreign language brings a reputation for elitism, over-sophistication and snobbery with so many of the American public that politicians think it’s worth keeping such things a secret.
Multi-lingual ability is pretty classy, and potent, especially if used by an English-language leader with a host.
The only exception I can think of was Ted Heath, who could speak French, but did so in an accent designed to restart the 10 year war.
I can understand Mr Kerry not wanting to speak in French. Partly because he may have given the impression of showing off, and partly because he may have ended up saying something that wasn’t intended!
Jeff – Actually, seriously scorned? No. As a joke, yes. Plenty of Right-wing radio talking heads and writers occasionally described Kerry as “haughty French-looking” or similar. I don’t really remember it, but I’m sure some of them also used the French duplicity as another way to show him connected to enemies of the country. That would be on top of Kerry’s very real sympathy with and activism for the North Vietnamese/Chinese Communists.
It was one way they ridiculed him. Nobody ever seriously said he was unfit for office because he spoke French. Certainly nobody ever scorned Kerry for speaking French the way Beeboids have scorned Sarah Palin for speaking plain English.
BBC Breakfast this morning at 7:15. They’re reading out newspaper headlines at the start of the newspaper view segment.
Female sofa presenter holds up a newspaper front page (not sure which, it doesn’t matter) upon which is written, in very large type, “Cameron’s victory in Europe”. So what does she actually say to camera? – “Cameron’s so called victory in Europe”.
The segment is there to inform the viewer of the newspaper’s take on the news, it is not there for you to give the viewer your own personal view (or the BBC’s view), although this little slip-up does clearly show the BBC’s usual bias and how much they yearn for the Tories to be out of power with their beloved Labour back in.
Subtle & quick but still bias. Every little chance it sneaks in.
5 Live are still doing horse meat. They are now referring to it as ‘the horse meat crisis’. They have now devoted substantially more time to this than the Mid Staffs scandal. NHS killing people – not a crisis, horse meat killing nobody – a crisis. Sport will be taking over for the rest of the day and we’ll only have 5 Live’s news bulletins to keep us advised as to how ‘the horse meat crisis’ is unfolding. I fully expect full coverage to resume this evening and carry on tomorrow.
Andy Burnham and Patricia Hewitt are still missing.
Most of the article was reasonable enough except his final suggestion that had Orwell lived to see the disowning of Stalin by Kruschev and the rise of McCarthyism he would have made noises more palatable to the left and less so to the right. He talks about his parents’ attitude but you get the impression that that inludes him – at least in part. Such historical might have beens are mere party games but it shows how a lot of Brits are anxious to have him on their side.
Not too bad an article , to be fair.
Yet I do find myself thinking about the over-representation of Commie spawn in the higher echelons of the media-and the BBC in particular.
Aaronovitch and Sayle…the self-replicating lefties like Steel and Thomas…let alone the kids of the nomenklatura like Toynbee, Benn,, assorted Milibands and Straw…all dong rather well out of their white guilt tripping are they not?
And don`t get me started on Prescotts, Kinnocks etc…at least Blunketts phantom kids are unlikely to end up telling the rest of us to keep on ploughing, as they ride side saddle nearby…
No big surprise’s once again with the nolan show on friday morning.
While discussing the decision by the psni watchdog to investigate alleged human rights abuses by the psni towards union flag protesters he was voicing the opinion that maybe it was a waste of valuable resources in these difficult times.
Quite a departure from his normal toeing of the bbc line when human rights abuses involve the “other side ” and he wants no stone left unturned regardless of cost.
Haw Are Ye Naw was at the grief farming last night again.
‘Phone in if yes’ve ever been abused. Ah want to put ye’s on the air for twenty minutes, say ‘that was very important radio that there so it was’, repeat it several times, and finally win that Sony Award.
‘grief farming’…. wonderfully incisive phrase – media thriving on finding the negative (with the BBC prominently to the fore) precisely and aptly described. I have to say that I find this web-site to be a mine of useful phrases like that.
On Tuesday Mark Mardell is doing a Twitter Q&A (#AskBBCMark). It’s supposed to be about the SOTU address, but the BBC can’t stop you asking any question you want. Join in the fun.
Yesterday was the fifteenth anniversary of the death of Enoch Powell.
If anyone was to read his views on devolution, on the coming Euro Superstate and its implications for Parliamentary sovereignty, on defence, on devolution and the economy…they could not deny his cold prophetic clarity.
No wonder the liberal media choose to harp on about his tone re immigration…for they themselves cannot deny that his factual projections about how many non-whites who despise this country prove to be correct to the nearest thousand or so. No other state efforts of projections even come close.
And yet…there will always be the liberal media and BBC around to regard a David Ennals or a Fred Mulley as being of more “significance” tahn Enoch Powell…for they remain terrified of Powells truths, his integrity and his speaking now as much to us as he did then.
Say a prayer of thanks for Mr Powell…and don`t let the race stuff put anybody off.
Gay marriage is just another Frankfurt school technique so the cultural Marxists can get their Marxist world government.
I wouldn’t like to be these people on judgement day.
Being left-wing is a mental disorder.
They are following a system that has never worked and always failed.
Whatever happens the lefty’s will lose if not in this life definately the next.
Go find somewhere else to ply your wares, Earls Court. You have never once made a single contribution to the discussion of BBC bias. Your venom is tiresome.
“Gay marriage: the French connection.
The issue provoking the biggest Tory rebellion in decades was also prompting a similar row in the French National Assembly. Why? ”
“Government spending is always good for somebody-and large amounts of Government spending are good for large numbers of people”
So said Enoch Powell…and if that does not sum up the current BBC/unions/NHS agenda and their need to cream it all off now before any kids from 2040 onwards have to stump up for their Tuscan villas, private security, prep schools, New Statesman subscription…then I don`t know who else has said it so clearly.
Apparently, not even George Orwell-who seems to have been an early EU cheerleader according to the BBC (Archive on 4, 9/2/12 8p.m).
Clearly a man of the left…just a bit befuddled eh ?
So sad to see such deluded ex-Commies as Aaronovitch. so resolute in giving us Uncle Joes account.
Orwell worked for the BBC…and its pretty clear who the Ministry of Truth are these days, surely!
St Margaret of Hodge on the Marr sofa, dis ussing the paper headlines. She is eulogising about companies not paying taxes, and keeping a straight face! Well well!
Saw that. A free swipe at anyone she felt like – even a clip of her being ‘masterful’ (i.e. dishing out platitudes to people no more guyilty than herself of any wrongdoing).
The thing that worries me most about these programmes, though, is that anyone not from the left is so damned nice ! Tim Montgomerie (editor of Conservativehome), obviously brought in to demonstrate how the BBC is so ‘balanced’, basically came across as balanced in his views, both being critical of, as well as supportive of, not just the Conservative elements of the government, but the Coalition.
Jeremy Hunt, on later, was the epitome of a ‘balanced’ politician, fighting his own corner, but nary a word of condemnation for the Labour Party and their failings, particularly on Stafford Hospital.
Margaret Hodge, on the other hand, had no compunction whatsoever in trying to score political points against the conservatives in just about everything she commented on.
If you want to beat Labour – calmly point out what has happened during the 13 years of Labour rule, do that up front on absolutely every interview, so that you always get it into the record, don’t accept the BBC trying to stop you – tell them that you’re simply explaining how this situation has arisen, and that there’s no point in talking about a solution unless you clearly define the problem – and don’t let the BBC bait you into anything. Tell them what YOU want to tell them.
But – whatever you do, don’t imagine that you will be recognised and credited by the public for being wise and ‘balanced’. Because that will be negated 10 seconds later by the BBC allowing a Labour spokesperson free rein to give you a kicking on twenty different fronts without rebuttal, serious questioning, or any honest reporting.
Since when has any Tory looked like they wanted power and were willing to level with the British people?
Since Norman Tebbit….not one.
The Tories consigned themselves to slow strangulation when they rejected David Davis in 2005.
Even a broken backed-shameless, thick bunch of lavender lefties who screwed the country over for 13 years-took us into wars, burned out the family car and left the taps running when they were eventually jemmied out of office in 2010…even THEY are being made to look hungrier to finish off the country, than the Tories are in trying to cure it.
Peter Hitchens says it better, has said it for longer…and is right in his analysis.
Maybe a million man march for Norman Tebbit…or else we`ll be needing Stephen Lennon out of aspic…
“This gay affair is just an excuse for a Tory divorce”
[Opening paragraph]:-
“Why is David Cameron so keen to trample on his own party and its most loyal supporters? It is a gripping mystery, but as usual the political experts of the BBC and the grand papers have not noticed it, because they are interested in gossip rather than in the future of the country.”
‘Jeremy Hunt, on later, was the epitome of a ‘balanced’ politician, fighting his own corner, but nary a word of condemnation for the Labour Party and their failings, particularly on Stafford Hospital.’
This country doesn’t understand ‘decent’ any more, so the Tories are not only wasting their time, they’re signing their own death warrant.
You might have been forgiven for thinking that sports broadcasters would be the last bastion of what we used to term ‘male chauvanism’ (Of course these days if you say anything even slightly blokey it is deemed a full blown hate crime).
The BBC have it cracked: on 5 Live where sport meets left-wing policy agenda. This morning we hear an interview with England Rugby newcomer Billy Twelvetrees.
We witness grown men with BBC microphones wet their silk knickers over young Billy’s ‘boy band looks’ then hear how his use of his mother’s unusual surname is ‘the last bastion of women’s equality – taking the name of the maternal line’.
TV channel “Challenge”
Freeview 45 Sky 125 Virgin 139
Wheel of Fortune is back with multiple shows broadcast early evenings.
So far I’ve only seen episodes with BBC Blue Peter’s ‘first Scottish’ presenter John Leslie – a man who ‘admitted that he “had never learnt how to treat women with respect”.
In October 2002, Ulrika Jonsson wrote in her autobiography that a television presenter had raped her at the beginning of her career when she was his junior.
Shortly afterwards, several other women made accusations relating to indecent assault by Leslie.
I have my fingers crossed that they show some of the c126 episodes hosted by Nicky Campbell.
Regretably he may earn some small kickback.
But I think a greater good would be achieved. A younger audience ought not to be denied the opportunity to see Nicky at the top of his gameshow.
He is of course now a trusted and serious BBC journalist. And an arch feminist to boot.
Thirteen years of treading sewage and effluent under New Labour now means that SOMETHING has got to be done about social care costs for the elderly…pensions have got to reflect what we have actually earned as opposed to what our kids may be robbed for….and our EU payments should take into account that the accounts have never been signed off in our lifetimes, so pay for Kinnocks, Mandelsons and Pattens sine die.
And yet-as the Tories come out with some tentative plans for social care…no matter how small, how crap or stupid…all they get are sneers from the BBC and the same Labour lefties that had us all treading sewage or kicking problems into the future pampas for our great great grandchildren to stump up for.
It`s as if the BBC rather like the idea of mid-Staffs and of Harold Shipman….but with a little more taste and refinement.
The shitehawks that write this crap or peddle it on the BBC no doubt have managed to put their houses in trust, like Benn and Miliband do-and did.
As for Hodge and Toynbee?…no doubt they`ll be looking for another vehicle for their affairs , now Barclays will be removing the go-faster stripes…but not much more…how the hell would Hodges, Benns ,Milibands, Toynbees cope, otherwise?…
P.S Happy Plath Day to you all for tomorrow….can it EVER be happy?
move along – nothing to see
anyway, too busy reporting this (hot?) “fashion news”
“Decoding facial hair in the Arab world”
Ashraf Khalil shared his thoughts with the BBC World Service programme The Fifth Floor.
Listen back to the programme here, via BBC iPlayer
as he said, if saddam were alive and he did that he would be a dead man. what do you suppose will happen to him here….coucil house upgrade, extra benefits to help him cope . always makes me wonder why they still come here if they hate us so much cos i for one dont want them here whatever the bbc likes to force down peoples throats about british tolerance.
Love the way Mr Salmond and his cronies are trying to dictate the discussions to their own ends.
Those in charge of the ‘No’ campaign, i.e. against independence, should respond as follows to his demand that ‘both sides discuss what happens after the referendum’.
This is a single-question referendum, no ifs, buts or maybes. That’s what The SNP wanted. Now, if the referendum takes place with a view to Scotland becoming independent on, say 16th March 2016, and results with a results in a ‘No’ vote, then NOTHING will change from the previous day, So, in terms of the referendum, the situation is totally clear. Nothing different happens, because that’s precisely what will have been voted for. End of story.
However, if the referendum results in a ‘YES’ vote, then virtually everything will change for Scotland, and it is encumbent on the SNP, whose referendum this is, to explain clearly, and in depth and in detail, just what will change and how. And we’re not talking about any delivery process or intermediate period here – we’re talking about how, after 15th March, lives in Scotland will change. No ifs, no buts, no maybes. Becuase that’s precisely what the referendum will have caused in this case.
Great Desert Island Discs featuring Julie Burchill.
A joyful one-woman antidote to everything that the purse-lipped Kirsty Young and her highlighter monkeys stand for.
A great Friend of Israel…she`ll not be getting asked back too often, so do enjoy it, whilst it`s still available!
I had Phil ‘Poly’ Williams inflicted upon me this a.m.
He was interviewing (if I can choose to dignify it with that term) some Labour harpy who’s doing the rounds and trying to turn horseburgers into a party political issue.
‘The Tories didn’t even invite Findus to their summit’, she shrieked.
‘Just to be clear’, retorted Poly in mock horror, ‘the Tories didn’t invite Findus to their summit.’
Understanding English as I do, what she said was perfectly clear to me in the first place. So Poly was not really attempting to make things ‘clear’, rather he was just reiterating the anti-Tory message in a bid to ‘please the big boys’ at the BBC.
I call him Phil ‘Poly’ Williams, but he’s so thick I can’t believe a Polyversity in the country would have let him thru the doors.
Just watched an episode of Porridge on Gold, a channel part owned by the BBC. It was the episode where Godper is trying to pass an exam and Fletch arranges for the paper to be stolen.
It’s also the one where the line ‘they have wonderful rhythm’, aimed at a black character, is said to have been ‘censored ‘ by the BBC. In this broadcast the line came out in full but, interestingly, the laughter after the line was expunged. You can actually hear, if that’s the right word, the blip where the sound is suddenly muted and restored.
The episode is interesting for a number of reason in addition to that though. It revolves around the moral choices involved in cheating. At one point Fletch lectures Godper on why he should cheat in an exam. His parting argument, delivered with force, is that Godper can have all the honestly gained qualifications he likes but will always lose out to someone who hasn’t been inside. It’s a fair assessment and, in many cases, probably true, then and now. Given that this is the BBC it is surprising, looking back from 2013, that this isn’t played up to more but it is, in 197? just left hanging. An example of allowing the viewer to come to their own conclusions, i.e. if you want a good job don’t be a criminal or people who have been inside should be given more credence when they claim to have been reformed. An example of how not to be biased.
I wonder how the BBC would cover this subject today?
The BBC have kept remarkably quiet about the ethnic origin of Aamir Siddiqi’s killers, the Cardiff sixth former, who was bumped of in error.
Indeed as the two hitmen both have British names, they have been more than happy to allow the default assumption that these men are ethnic British. They have chosen to keep equally quiet about the ethnicity of the even mor eevil man who paid them.
This turns out, hardly surprisingly to be a foreigner, a Musssslim. And when you look at the pictures of the two heroin addicted no hopers who did the deed, Ben Hope and Jason Richards, its clear they are mixed ethnicity, or of some kind of southern European descent, Maltese maybe (Cardiff has a very old Maltese settlement), or Gypsy, but certainly not entirely ethnic British
‘They have chosen to keep equally quiet about the ethnicity of the even mor eevil man who paid them.’
First thing that was glaring by it absence in all coverage at the time, when it was pretty wall to wall with carefully-edited segments of victim’s family and thugs.
No argument these low lives deserve all they get (doubtless not much, as it would appear they too are victims of society to have turned to the drugs that addled their brains), but only in certain worlds do the crime monkeys get the spotlight and not the organ-grinder. Or at least joint billing. Even Bond movies save the chief toe-rag for the big bang.
This was, after all, the person who inspired the whole sordid business for reasons of terror, profit or both.
RiP the deceased. RoP my…
Just seen a bit of “People Like Us” on iPlayer…a BBC3 show about Harpurhey in Manchester.
Does this “diverse” range of white trash ever stay sober enough to see that the BBC just love their chavvy prostitution of all that the white working class once stood for?
The Beeb probably only paid them in White Stripe and weed…but will get weeks of sneering , joyous condescension and patronising in return.
I would not be surprised if this Kyle crap is being sent down the pipe to Brussels so we can have a technocratic “Government of all the talents”-Huttons, Toynbees, Mandelsons and Kinnocks instead of these creatures that Blair and Brown foisted upon us all, by way of diversity and celebration.
Coming from Manchester?…this is a class-based disgrace….and only hope that the working class white trash that years of Labour and Major produced get detox, rehab or whatever…or else we`ll deserve to get Qatada.
Wake up England!
Someone kindly shared this, which I only just got round to reading:
Two paras resonated; from posters: ‘If, indeed, it is “the envy of the world”, the question of why the world seems so reluctant to imitate it is one well worth asking but to do so is to risk exposing the fact that it is a bloated parasite in need of, at the very least, reform if not abolition and replacement’
…followed by…: ‘Yes, I know that. And you know that. Most Americans know that. But would the truth get in the way of the left-wing chattering classes for whom the NHS is a religion?’
OT(ish), but as this thread’s toast by now I simply flout the rules…if there were any..
Horses for courses (as it were), but I made a beeline for the frozen bargain bin to see if there was comedy gold to be had.
Or money, the eBay ‘limited edition’ pack was a corker.
BBC animal lover Chris Packham doesn’t believe a child was attcked by a fox in London. He says we should always doubt these stories. He says the Countryside Alliance have a hidden agenda (to reintroduce fox hunting).
Yes, it’s actually quite disgraceful. Callers insinuating that the mother made the story up with no evidence to support their claim. One calling for forensic evidence and another claiming that ‘we only have the word of one anonymous person’. The mother isn’t anonymous.
Nicky let this all slide until right to the end when he made a comment that to the effect that they, the BBC, are not suggesting the mother made it up. Really ? Then don’t let ‘fluffy foxy woxy could never have done this’ nutters on your programme.
JohnCMar 31, 05:41 Start the Week 31st March 2025 The BBC ‘incite hatred’ every day by presenting their lopsided rhetoric stuffed with their lies by omission. Granted it’s never…
taffmanMar 30, 23:48 Start the Week 31st March 2025 JohnC “The BBC protecting terrorists yet again.” Well, you you all know how to “de-fund” them . It’s easy. Although…
JohnCMar 30, 23:42 Start the Week 31st March 2025 On the BBC: ‘Wounded Palestinians dying over lack of supplies, US surgeon who worked in Gaza says’ Not on the…
pugnaziousMar 30, 23:34 Start the Week 31st March 2025 BBC ignoring this story which has been out all day…. ‘Hamas tortures protester to death and leave him on doorstep…
StewGreenMar 30, 23:27 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Blimey note his tweet handle @PeaceIsSolution This is his last tweet Israel is nothing but barbarian animals who loves to…
StewGreenMar 30, 23:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Director of Oxford Islamic Centre Dr Sheikh Ramzy GBnews put him on for clicks He said nutty things before…
DeborahMar 30, 22:32 Start the Week 31st March 2025 But the BBC were promoting wood burners for years. It used to be that every home shown in Escape To…
FlotsamMar 30, 22:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 An anti woodburning stoves campaign has started in London.
FlotsamMar 30, 21:58 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I’ve just listened to a ‘debate’ on GBNews regarding Smarmer’s blessing for Moslem Eid: “As the holy month of Ramadan…
We’re not quite getting the unvarnished truth about the EDL from the Beeb.
Here’s a great analysis of the Paxo/Robinson confrontation in: “Don’t Push It!” at:
What a brilliant article, this being one of the more choice paragraphs that hit the nail right on the head:
Life as a leftie is impossible without liberal doses of abject hypocrisy. The liberal assumption that the working class are knuckle-dragging racists is pure projection of their own dark secret. It is the liberals who move away from the immigrant areas, the liberals who have few ethnic friends, and the liberals who insist their children be educated in the culture they affect to despise while denying that type of education to the white working class.”
“The liberal assumption that the working class are knuckle-dragging racists”
By their definition, the working class are racists.
Members of the working class don’t enjoy the privilege of being able to enjoy multiculturalism in the form of a wide choice of restaurants or perhaps that nice Indian doctor whose children are ever-so polite etc
No, members of the working class get the s**t end of the stick and, being ill educated knuckle draggers, are prepared to say so in plain English. Shameful.
I would love to believe that the white working class would eventually snap but I have my doubts. Too fond of Eastenders/crap talent shows etc and no real unity.
You aint wrong Mr Cheese.
Sleepwalking into extinction…Still, “Splash” is on at 7:30, all is good.
I’m not sure that this is bias, but it is a further abuse of their tax-funded power.
The BBC Trust has approved a 12-month trial which will see selected BBC TV shows broadcast online ahead of their scheduled TV transmission. The trial will see up to 40 hours of programming across a range of genres initially available on the BBC iPlayer.
I don’t know if this is abuse, exactly. I bet it’s more likely a test to see if they can make a case for charging the license fee for use of the iPlayer. A similar scheme is already in place on websites of quite a few US cable channels. Sports channels have been doing it for years already. In order to watch some (or all, with the sports) shows on their website, you have to sign in first and prove you have a subscription to a local cable or satellite TV provider.
Just another grab for cash, and a chance to stick it to those who don’t pay the license fee but watch on line.
‘a test to see if they can make a case for charging the license fee for use of the iPlayer.’
Typical. Just when I sent the missus a blog pointing out it was legal to watch this subsequently without needing a licence.
Don’t you just hate it when….
I think it maybe a way for them to try and force licensing of the internet as a whole by using the excuse that you can receive live TV on it.
Let us hope that it is just a grab for cash bad though that would be. Knowing the Liberal Left Establishment they will be trying to gain control of the output of the various new forms of communication that their mouthpiece ,the BBC , doesn’t yet have a monopoly in.
This would be a very damaging move as new technology offers the best hope of breaking the BBC stranglehold on news and current affairs in the UK.
This should be interesting.
As I see it, the BBC would have to either severely limit access to iPlayer to set top boxes, which would be self defeating, charge for its use online, which whey won’t want to do either, or try to extend the scope of the BBC Tax to cover computers and streaming boxes which can access iPlayer.
The danger for the BBC is that it could inadvertently open up a new debate on the BBC Tax and alternative methods of funding.
BBC greed could be its undoing.
I hope you are right.
Objectively, I don’t see what’s wrong with the BBC charging the license fee for watching on the iPlayer. It’s the same content, just a different medium, and only barely different at this point in the technology. I know the practical hurdles of doing so are too much to deal with, so they haven’t gotten it done yet. This new scheme could give them viewer data to prove that enough people are watching on iPlayer who don’t pay the license fee, which would be a reason to start charging for one when you buy a computer or streaming box.
Such a huge public grab might start a debate about the morality and purpose of the license fee.
The Ministry of (mis)Information seems to be trying to garner more and more power to itself – now, remind me – how did the BBC and its able assistants in the Labour Party describe News International and Mr Murdoch…..?
The BBC’s report on the LA gunman (mentioned by Louis and David P. in the previous open thread) ignored the praise he gave many Dem politicians – including Obama – in his “manifesto” and chose instead only to mention one politician, Republican Chris Christie.
I tweeted the following to the BBC’s LA correpsondent Alastair Leithead:
Rather than acknowledge that any Dems appeared in the manifesto, the BBC has chosen to remove the reference entirely (final para):
Great minds, DB. LOL.
Nice work, DB. They just can’t help but be scum sometimes.
You know how the BBC and defenders of the indefensible like to claim that it’s okay if the BBC left something out, but then added it later, because they’re only being professional journalists and updating their report as the story evolves? Well, it seems that the story about the ex-cop from LA who’s gone on a killing spree has, er, un-evolved. For some curious reason, the BBC decided to redact their carefully selected highlight of which celebrity and public figures the killer praised in his “rambling” (but not really, if you read it yourself), manifesto.
Check out the bit highlighted in red at the bottom the version on the left side of this News Sniffer page:
Here’s what it the piece currently looks like on the BBC website. Notice that all the rest of it has changed a lot as the killer’s movements and actions changed. No problem there – the story really has evolved dramatically, and they’ve updated the report accordingly.
However, as both Louis and I pointed out in the last open thread, the killer had lots of good things to say about several top Democrats, including the President and the First Lady, as well as Hillary and Bill Clinton (yet curiously he preferred Mark Mardell’s pet Republican candidate, John Huntsman). The BBC didn’t want you to know about this, so chose to tell you about the killer’s praise for Republican (for the moment) Gov. Chris Christie instead. The one high-ish profile Republican in there instead of all those top Democrats made it through the impartial BBC editorial process. Pretty obvious bias.
For some odd reason, the BBC has now thought better of it and just deleted the whole sentence. That part of the story has devolved. I bet they know exactly what they did, and somebody pointed it out to them. So, rather than admit the truth about the the killer’s political opinions expressed in his manifesto, they simply left it out altogether. I’m sure somebody will claim that it was removed for space considerations.
Your license fee hard at work.
If you were going to pick one politician and one celebrity from the manifesto, purely on the basis of which are of most interest to a British audience it would be Obama and hero of the anti-gun crowd Piers Morgan. That Christie and Cosby were the examples selected instead is clearly down to the political bias of the journalist involved. He or she couldn’t bear to see the names Obama and Morgan associated with the story.
‘the BBC and defenders of the indefensible like to claim that it’s okay if the BBC left something out, but then added it later, because they’re only being professional journalists and updating their report as the story evolves?’
They do like to claim it, don’t they?
But like much else they say about what they do being about right… on the basis of no more than them saying so, it isn’t.
I don’t ‘do’ bias complaints as Hugs has a special fast-track for them, but if anyone does take a punt… do share the blowback.
Dear 5 Live,
You have been majoring in a big way on the hors meat scandal, and it is indeed a scandal that foreigners have been slipping horse meat into our ready meals. Particularly scary was that a trace of phenylbutazone, a drug once used on humans but now used only on animals, was found in a ready meal. I’ve checked this. Assuming a ready meal contains a trace, I would need to gorge on 1000 ready meals every day for a period in order to potentially come to any harm, and then only if I’m one of the 1 in 30,000 people who suffer an adverse reaction to phenybutazone. But thanks for bringing all this to my attention.
As I type, you’re still going on about the horse meat scandal. But there are scandals and there are scandals. When you’re ready, tell me which NHS hospitals are gong to kill me.
PS. Congratulations on tracking down a Labour spokeswoman, Mary Creagh, to give the government a slating about the horse meat scandal on the Livesey programme last night. How’s the hunt for Andy Burnham and Patricia Hewitt going?
Love it 🙂
Well said sir!
And we manage to go all around Europe…France to Poland to the UK… in the BBC quest for the meat is murder lobby that caused this …well is outrage a strong enough word?
And -somehow-not a word about EU Food Policy…as if the French would be averse to serving us horsemeat!
No-no connection possible as far as the BBC are did Findus serve mid-Staffs patients anything that may yet prove to contain horse DNA?
Now THAT will be a scandal…1200 poor souls killed by NuLabor?…collateral damage matey!
Check out this gushing tweet from BBC Washington reporter Suzanne Kianpour:
If Clinton does run in 2016 the BBC will be right there, fighting hard on her behalf just as it did with Obama.
OMG, how many of them are there in my country? This goes way beyond being a national treasure with orchestras and excellent documentaries.
Another one for the list.
What difference does it make?
A legend in her own mind – an inspiration to fiction writers.
Remember ” I recall running from the helicopter, dodging bulllets all the while…..” And “What difference does it make ? ” when queried at the recent enquiry into Gaza about her comments regarding the attack having been the result of a spontaneous protest rather than a calculated attack, which had been foreseen, but support wasn’t provided – as a result of which 4 people died, and one of whom, the US Ambassador, was repeatedly raped before being killed. Yup, nothing to see here, move on, move on.
Must take more care – that’s the second post on which I’ve been trying to respond to a previous one, but it has linked to the main thread – apologies, the above was a ‘Hillary’ comment, in response to DB’s post.
Don’t forget the Russian “Reset Button” fiasco, the brilliant handling of the Arab “Spring”, and the excellent caving in to China.
Hillary has been a good soldier for the patriarchy during her time perched on this stepping stone, yes indeed. That’s all she ever meant to do.
The worst one – which marks Hillary out as America’s Harriet Harman…
“Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.”
Wow. The mere death of a man is nothing in comparison to the resulting grief of a woman. Will anyone remind her of that one next time she weeps crocodile tears for the unseen sacrifices of the armed forces whilst in combat and their almost invisible struggles on return. Men are disposable in the eyes of these ideologues of identity politics.
What a bitch. No wonder Bill had it off with Monica – you can even see it on Hillary’s frozen face. Wonder who Hormone’s hubby, Jack Dromey is shagging?
And don’t forget her multi repetitions of the ‘catch-all’ excuse “We live in a very complex and dangerous time..” blah blah blah!! Amazing no-one really challenged her lame reasoning, and that awful “what difference does it make?” Well for one thing those 4 brave men may still have been alive if the real threat had been recognised by her department. She never had to really explain why the US ambassador’s request for extra security and protection went ‘unread’ by anyone with the authority to respond!! She got away with it because the MSM let it go by.
Oh, hell – must take even more care…..Gaza = Benghazi in my ‘Hillary’ post. Think I should probably give up – far too much BBC garbage to deal with.
Don’t give up Richard D (nearly) every post of yours is a gem, and unlike the BBC you give it for free.
‘Nearly’….. ‘Nearly’….. (splutter) what do you mean by ‘Nearly’ ?
Seriously, how very kind of you to say that. It is much appreciated.
And at the risk of being accused of a ‘circle-jerk’, or the equivalent term if necessary….I am happy to reciprocate…”(nearly) every post of yours is a gem…”
And if I knew how, the above would havve been interspersed with all sorts of ‘bold’ type and ‘smileys’. But you get the drift.
And I am sure you weren’t fooled (?), but the promise/threat of abandoning the site wasn’t quite honest… intraveinous life support is this web-site !
I actually watched QT last night (must be a masochist). Final question was from some gobby progressive fishwife about how evil the tories were because some didn’t vote for gay marriage.
After the Tory on the panel was ritually disembowelled by the disapproving Trots, the question was then passed to two Scots Nat worthies. (One a MSP I think, other a businessman). When these two obviously didn’t seem too keen on gay marriage either cue howls of lefty outrage.
Funny thing was, one was Muslim but he still fell foul of the mysterious victimhood hierarchy rules so beloved of socialists everywhere. Anyway I felt quite sorry for them, even though I associate the SNP with tax and spend policies just like Labour.
I’m not Scottish myself but at least they showed a bit of fight in the face of all the lefty vitriol.
The SNP are all for gay marriage, in fact it was them who were first in the UK to push for it.
Their problem is that they hate Scotlands Christian heritage and do everything possible to undermine it but this particular issue was also condemned by their beloved radical Islamist following.
So it had to be a balancing act, does their hatred for Christianity outweigh their love of militant Islam?….unfortunately the former prevailed despite a massive backlash from the churches of all denominations and as every opinion poll showed the vast majority of the Scottish people…but of course this obscenity of a law doesn’t affect the Muslim population.
Have you heard of Muslims being legally forced to perform same sex weddings in their mosques?….no?….either have I.
The SNP, like the Liebour party is all for mass immigration, multiculturalism, cultural marxism.
So it makes Scots independence a bit pointless when the country will end up looking like Mecca / Timbuktu.
“some gobby progressive fishwife”
What an image!
I see horse meat in a few cheap pies is the most important story of the day, far more important news than the Prime Minister reaching the first ever deal to constrain the EU budget in real terms. Cameron is No 2 in the web page running order, and I see that they give plenty of room to Labour – apparently it was all their idea.
The Telegraph calls it a Triumph for Cameron, so I don’t expect too much in the way of accurate reporting from the BBC
They missed a trick…
“Cameron expands Tory Cuts to Europe – impoverishes already desperate continent”
Would have been a two for one – they’re slipping.
What’s wrong with horsemeat?
When you think how delicious haggis is, lovely bits of offal tied in a sheeps stomach and boiled, horsemeat is a delicacy.
This is only in the Grauniad so far (but obviously the bBBC will copy it soon). The Conservative candidate in the Eastleigh by-election has been slated for telling the truth. In 2005 Mrs Hutchings said “It is the minority groups that have benefited from Labour’s time in office – the immigrants, the gays, the bloody foxes. In fact, it’s ironic that special needs children seem to be the only minority group that haven’t got something out of this administration.”
Yes heard it today on the BBC.
A few weeks ago there was an article in the Telegraph by D J Taylor that sparked my curiosity to see what he had to say about it.
George Orwell uncovered: A guided tour of the Ministry of Truth
From the headline I was expecting to see some reference that there would be to the BBC. Instead I read a piece that is intended to show just how literate and erudite is the writer of it, using ten words when one would suffice, but has nothing of real substance.
Like with this paragraph:
Anyone bent on introducing Nineteen Eighty-Four to a contemporary audience has two tasks: to explain some of the bygone detail which is now in danger of getting obscured, and to unravel Orwell’s personal journey through this labyrinth of betrayal, back-stabbing and paranoia.
My initial reaction to his article was to make this comment:
Apparently the writer of this piece seems unable to see the forest for the trees.
Does the fact that Orwell worked for the BBC, and came up with the concept of ‘Ministry of Truth’ seem too remote or ‘obscure’ for you?
Either you are angling for a job with the BBC or have friends working there, that you want to maintain their ‘cover’.
Then I Googled the author of this piece, and now his agenda becomes clear, and how come the BBC is not associated with his piece on Orwell
DJ Taylor: All hail Patten, champion of a clever BBC
Makes me want to vomit. Anyway, Orwell certainly saw him coming.
Now seeing an upcoming BBC programme on Orwell, I have no doubt that the above piece in the Telegraph was orchestrated by the BBC with the intention to remove all trace in what was probably their role in causing Orwell to formulate 1984.
The BBC asks this question: What led avowed socialist George Orwell to write a novel beloved of the Right?
I’m sure most here will have answered that in 3 letters as a starting point. I’m no expert on Orwell, but knowing he worked for the BBC for a time and had direct experience of ‘leftist thinking’, I would imagine that had a lot to do with it.
So now we are going to experience the BBC manoeuvre themselves out of history by explaining it in every other way but themselves.
Here’s what the BBC tell us about their programme:
The Road to Nineteen Eighty-Four
What led avowed socialist George Orwell to write a novel beloved of the Right?
David Aaronovitch traces how a decade of political chaos shaped Orwell’s vision of a totalitarian future.
He explores how, after the war, the threat of the new atom bomb played a crucial part in the birth of Nineteen Eighty-Four – and how Orwell coined the term ‘cold war’ in the process.
He traces the impact on the novel of the provocative ideas of an American ex-communist, James Burnham, who predicted a world dominated by three tyrannical superstates.
He finds out why Orwell saw some form of Western European Union as the best way to prevent Britain being swallowed by Big Brother.
And he asks why, if Orwell was an English socialist, the totalitarian party ruling ‘Oceania’ in Nineteen Eighty-Four is called ‘IngSoc’ – which is short for ‘English Socialists’.
Watch the Ministry of Truth reshape history 🙄
Ah, I get it now: Orwell wasn’t predicting anything bad, really. He was simply very brilliantly perceiving the eventual need for the EU!
Can I have my own R5 show now, BBC?
‘He explores how, after the war, the threat of the new atom bomb played a crucial part in the birth of Nineteen Eighty-Four – and how Orwell coined the term ‘cold war’ in the process.’
Nothing to do with Orwell’s abhorrence of Stalin’s murderous totalitarian state, then (the inspiration for IngSoc maybe).
This from Wikipedia on Big Brother
A spontaneous ritual of devotion to Big Brother (“BB”) is illustrated at the end of the “Two Minutes Hate”:
At this moment the entire group of people broke into a deep, slow, rhythmic chant of ‘B-B! …. B-B! …. B-B!’—over and over again, very slowly, with a long pause between the first ‘B’ and the second—a heavy murmurous sound, somehow curiously savage,
Do you think he was hinting at something here, waiting for people to ‘get it’? Let’s see what do we know that starts B-B?
LOL! very good. B..B…see?
Interesting quote from Orwell that shows how the Beeb’s facile ‘right on’ liberalism simply serves to render people ineffectual when faced with genuinely hostile forces, such, I might suggest, as an Islam on the march:
“The energy that actually shapes the world springs from emotions — racial pride, leader-worship, religious belief, love of war — which liberal intellectuals mechanically write off as anachronisms, and which they have usually destroyed so completely in themselves as to have lost all power of action.”
as quoted in an essay: ‘Illusions of Progress’ by Fergus Downie
Credit where it’s due!
Well I suppose the fact it’s worth reporting the bBc taking the rip out of labour is evidence of the bias in itself!
The News Quiz several rather amusing digs at Ed Milliband being pretty useless and doing very little.
Toksvig – 2 points for anyone who can tell us what Ed Milliband has been doing this week? Needless to say no points were awarded.
Following the Chris Huhne scandel Ed Milliband made immediate political capital – he went to the shop to buy a Creme Egg.
Unusual to even hear a dig at Labour let alone the leader, so worth reporting.
They’re only criticizing from the Left, being upset that he hasn’t used the scandal to Labour’s advantage like they want.
That will be the once in 6 months, ultimately harmless, bit of anti Labour humour sneaked into the schedules which can then be called up to defend any future accusations of bias by stating that their comedy output always knocks both sides.
Methinks Mardell is seriously in love: he recommends we all read this article:
“While Dreams from My Father was about the father who returned to Kenya when Barack was a baby, undoubtedly the strongest influence on Obama throughout his childhood was his mother. A truly extraordinary person, Dunham was an anthropologist who devoted her life to the study of small-scale industry in rural Java, while also working as a development economist and raising two children. When Barack was six, he and his mother moved from Hawaii, where he was born, to Jakarta, the Indonesian capital, where he spent the formative years of his childhood. It was in Java where Obama learnt and adopted the cool, calm, unflappable personal and presidential style that has earned him the nickname ‘No Drama Obama’. It’s a genuinely Javan ideal.”
Wow! A Javan inda guy? Not Kenyan then? Or American? The left are hilarious.
Preisser – We both posted at exactly the same moment.
Sorry about the duplicated effort, Louis. That’s two for me today. I need to take a break, I think. Assassin’s Creed 3 beckons.
Thank goodness I didn’t post my triplicate version.
Mardell knows he is being WATCHED!!!
Javanese???!!!!??? Don’t you just love the pudgy little fella?
“the father who returned to Kenya when Barack was a baby, “
One way of putting it, I suppose. Personally I’d have gone for “Buggered off like the feckless chump he always was.”
“….that has earned him the nickname ‘No Drama Obama’. “
Didn’t The One actually (and bizarrely and rather worryingly LBH) give himself that nickname ? Not sure how that counts as “earning it”, nor what it has to do with Java unless the Javanese are known for their extreme narcissism. and penchant for awarding themselves admiring sobriquets ?
I see DB has already noticed and teased him over it, but Mark Mardell, the BBC’s US President editor, has tweeted his readers a link to a new publication in the ever-growing field of Obamessiah hagiography. This time, it’s a lengthy article explaining that He’s so awesome because He learned to be cool from growing up in Java. Not only that, but He’s never taken on a political fight He hasn’t already won.
The piece then takes a scarier turn. Apparently the President rules in the manner of traditional Indonesian kings. But that’s just another reason why He’s so awesome. Oh, and He might be related to a sultan. Which elite blue-blood status will not detract from His coolness in any way. He certainly won’t be expected or required to act embarrassed about it like certain comedians/ennes favored by the BBC are about their own backgrounds.
Mardell calls this “fascinating”. I’m sure he feels that he now knows his beloved Obamessiah just that much better, and is closer to Him for it. Only among true worshipers would anyone suggest in a positive way that there’s an ideal kingship of any kind.
BBC West Coast producer Regan Morris reports on the latest developments in the hunt for LA gunman Dorner:
Say what? No panic among the well-armed populace? Well I never.
So a well armed populace then, not something you would find here in the uk.
It’s a good thing the murderer is running around on the Left Coast and not here in NY. As a reaction to the Sandy Hook tragedy, the Lower Hudson Valley Journal News recently published a map of where all the gun owners in the area live. As one might expect, hilarity ensued. News of which the BBC censored, of course. Worse still, the @#$%ing NY Times tried to do the same thing. Fortunately, the courts have blocked them so far.
Just imagine if a crazed ex-Navy Seal/cop was running around armed to the teeth knowing which homes had guns and which didn’t. All thanks to professional journalists who were trying to speak truth to power and inform the public about where danger lies.
Beeboids are rarely fired; they’re usually given another job.
“Helen Boaden offered BBC radio job.”
This week’s Private Eye media news said that the gossip was that she was deliberately being kept in place to be the fall guy, when the second wave of indignation broke after the forthcoming publication of the evidence submitted to Pollard.
Perhaps they have realised that their little wheeze has been rumbled and have come up with some sort of plan B.
Listening to the BBC today, they were discussing the NHS scandal, and that there must have been many within the NHS who knew what was going on and chose to look the other way. The BBC discusses this in a very hypocritical and sanctimonious manner, especially considering their own Savile scandal.
One has to wonder at our own society that not only has failed to react to the BBC complicity over all aspects related to Savile, but even allowed nearly everybody involved to keep jobs within the corporation, if not their old positions. Even Entwistle who ‘left’ was still given a massive payoff, despite his pure incompetence.
Case in point here is Helen Boaden, head of news, who receives a salary of £340,000, and was found to be ‘wanting’ in her handling of the Savile affair, not to mention that through the BBC grapevine she almost certainly was aware of what Savile was doing.
But so far she has kept her job. When one thinks of what happened with News International and News of the World, not to mention the arrests that followed the far less serious hacking scandal, one can only be amazed at how stupid and idle our society has become. Content to let this insidious evil corporation continue with business as usual.
Despite talk that Boaden may be moved to radio, at a slightly lower salary, it really doesn’t go far enough. Heads should roll, and that’s just for starters, with prison lurking in the background.
I absolutely love that photo.
At least Dave loves both the BBC and NHS.
“Over three centuries we have built world-renowned institutions like the NHS and BBC…
Unfreaking real. Even Mitchell’s six months of gravy train until his forced retirement on full golden pension seems draconian by comparison. She’s not even being busted down to private. What a joke.
Have a complaint filed about you for bullying, and it’s the sack. Spend years running the world’s biggest news organization into the ground, twiddle your thumbs while your employees cavalierly and routinely violate your social media policy, then turn a blind eye while your flagship program soils itself, and finally pull out all the stops in an attempt to shift blame, and you get slightly demoted – but still in a top management slot, as a testament to your management skills – and have your lawyers negotiate about the loss of less than one percent of your salary.
What a culture. Another inquiry and a few new rules put into place is going to change this?
BBC’s Labour Newsnight tonight seemingly was another example of now you see it, now you don’t.
Remember the fuss about the London mayoral candidates and Livingstone’s challenge for all of the candidates to disclose their earnings and tax…and all of them did, except for one of them, Livingstone. Did Newsnight pursue him. No. Nothing from them…silence.
And then the strange case of Andrew Mitchell. Remember how Labour’s Newsnight mercilessly pursued him. Kept the story alive long after it should have died down, but the moment it emerged that he may have been the victim of a criminal conspiracy. Nothing…silence. Silence until someone poked them then a few nights later they caught up, not with an analysis but a simple report.
And McAlpine
And this week Stafford, where in a passing 20 minutes they gave the Tories a hard time and labour an unchallenged chance to justify themselves.
And tonight. A ‘historic’ settlement in Europe is met with silence. This is Cameron’s achievement by the way, Cameron who has month after month been Newsnight’s target of their cynicism and smears and accusations of being isolated. Even the paper review, that mentioned this agreement was caveated, describing the FT’s report of Cameron’s ‘success’ as ‘their words’ grudging or what?
Then, amazingly, with the clock ticking down and the review show introduced…a very belated, last second mention of what was an ‘historic agreement’. If you want to, read all about it on Mark Urban’s blog we were advised.
This didn’t feel like an afterthought or an oversight. This felt like another example of BBC wilful blindness. It left me wondering if the late, late mention was as the result of representations or some change of heart that had taken place behind the scenes. I have a feeling that we might not have heard the last of this.
There is something rotten with this discredited programme
The whole BBC has long been discredited in my eyes. But what I just can’t understand is why successive Tory governments and this coalition have allowed them to get away with their blatant bias across all of their output for so many years. Even the most stupid politician must know that the BBC is Labour’s friend and the Tories enemy. So why when in power haven’t the Tories moved to correct the bias or throttles the BBC? By not doing so the Tories have allowed the BBC to bring to power several Labour administrations which have cost the country dear.
I can only come to the conclusion that the Tories believe that it would cost too much political capital to take on the BBC . In other words the BBC’s near monopoly of news and current affairs makes them untouchable and de facto the real power in the land because governments can only do what the BBC approves of.
After 2015 the Tories will never have the chance to do anything about it ever again. Their one and only chance was in 2010/2011. They didn’t take it.
It’s partially them being afraid and knowing the BBC is too powerful, but it’s mostly the whole “national treasure” thing they can’t get past. Until the News division is separated from the rest of it, nothing can be done.
‘Mr Kerry’s knowledge of French prompted scorn from the right-wing US press during his unsuccessful bid for the presidency in 2004, due to the souring of US-French ties over the war in Iraq. ‘
I find it hard to believe that any serious commentator would scorn someone for their ability to speak French.
I think that the BBC are being a bit liberal with their interpretations here (in both senses). Perhaps they are interpreting gentle mickey-taking as scorn, or maybe criticisms by a few fringe right wing commentators mean that the Beeb feel entitled to paint a picture of widespread scorn.
Question for David Preisser – Do you recall Mr Kerry being scorned in the right wing US media for his ability to speak French?
Apparently the French ambassador, sitting next to the elder George Bush at some banquet or other in the nineties, was astonished when the president started speaking to him in fluent French. Being able to speak a foreign language brings a reputation for elitism, over-sophistication and snobbery with so many of the American public that politicians think it’s worth keeping such things a secret.
Multi-lingual ability is pretty classy, and potent, especially if used by an English-language leader with a host.
The only exception I can think of was Ted Heath, who could speak French, but did so in an accent designed to restart the 10 year war.
I can understand Mr Kerry not wanting to speak in French. Partly because he may have given the impression of showing off, and partly because he may have ended up saying something that wasn’t intended!
Jeff – Actually, seriously scorned? No. As a joke, yes. Plenty of Right-wing radio talking heads and writers occasionally described Kerry as “haughty French-looking” or similar. I don’t really remember it, but I’m sure some of them also used the French duplicity as another way to show him connected to enemies of the country. That would be on top of Kerry’s very real sympathy with and activism for the North Vietnamese/Chinese Communists.
It was one way they ridiculed him. Nobody ever seriously said he was unfit for office because he spoke French. Certainly nobody ever scorned Kerry for speaking French the way Beeboids have scorned Sarah Palin for speaking plain English.
Remember Poupongate? Wasn’t that Kerry and Obama?
As I’ve said before, if there was nothing wrong with Jean why has he changed it to John.
BBC Breakfast this morning at 7:15. They’re reading out newspaper headlines at the start of the newspaper view segment.
Female sofa presenter holds up a newspaper front page (not sure which, it doesn’t matter) upon which is written, in very large type, “Cameron’s victory in Europe”. So what does she actually say to camera? – “Cameron’s so called victory in Europe”.
The segment is there to inform the viewer of the newspaper’s take on the news, it is not there for you to give the viewer your own personal view (or the BBC’s view), although this little slip-up does clearly show the BBC’s usual bias and how much they yearn for the Tories to be out of power with their beloved Labour back in.
Subtle & quick but still bias. Every little chance it sneaks in.
Drat, “newspaper view segment” > “newspaper review segment”!
5 Live are still doing horse meat. They are now referring to it as ‘the horse meat crisis’. They have now devoted substantially more time to this than the Mid Staffs scandal. NHS killing people – not a crisis, horse meat killing nobody – a crisis. Sport will be taking over for the rest of the day and we’ll only have 5 Live’s news bulletins to keep us advised as to how ‘the horse meat crisis’ is unfolding. I fully expect full coverage to resume this evening and carry on tomorrow.
Andy Burnham and Patricia Hewitt are still missing.
Sometimes they don’t even try to disguise the blatent bias
Most of the article was reasonable enough except his final suggestion that had Orwell lived to see the disowning of Stalin by Kruschev and the rise of McCarthyism he would have made noises more palatable to the left and less so to the right. He talks about his parents’ attitude but you get the impression that that inludes him – at least in part. Such historical might have beens are mere party games but it shows how a lot of Brits are anxious to have him on their side.
Not too bad an article , to be fair.
Yet I do find myself thinking about the over-representation of Commie spawn in the higher echelons of the media-and the BBC in particular.
Aaronovitch and Sayle…the self-replicating lefties like Steel and Thomas…let alone the kids of the nomenklatura like Toynbee, Benn,, assorted Milibands and Straw…all dong rather well out of their white guilt tripping are they not?
And don`t get me started on Prescotts, Kinnocks etc…at least Blunketts phantom kids are unlikely to end up telling the rest of us to keep on ploughing, as they ride side saddle nearby…
No big surprise’s once again with the nolan show on friday morning.
While discussing the decision by the psni watchdog to investigate alleged human rights abuses by the psni towards union flag protesters he was voicing the opinion that maybe it was a waste of valuable resources in these difficult times.
Quite a departure from his normal toeing of the bbc line when human rights abuses involve the “other side ” and he wants no stone left unturned regardless of cost.
Haw Are Ye Naw was at the grief farming last night again.
‘Phone in if yes’ve ever been abused. Ah want to put ye’s on the air for twenty minutes, say ‘that was very important radio that there so it was’, repeat it several times, and finally win that Sony Award.
‘grief farming’…. wonderfully incisive phrase – media thriving on finding the negative (with the BBC prominently to the fore) precisely and aptly described. I have to say that I find this web-site to be a mine of useful phrases like that.
On Tuesday Mark Mardell is doing a Twitter Q&A (#AskBBCMark). It’s supposed to be about the SOTU address, but the BBC can’t stop you asking any question you want. Join in the fun.
Yesterday was the fifteenth anniversary of the death of Enoch Powell.
If anyone was to read his views on devolution, on the coming Euro Superstate and its implications for Parliamentary sovereignty, on defence, on devolution and the economy…they could not deny his cold prophetic clarity.
No wonder the liberal media choose to harp on about his tone re immigration…for they themselves cannot deny that his factual projections about how many non-whites who despise this country prove to be correct to the nearest thousand or so. No other state efforts of projections even come close.
And yet…there will always be the liberal media and BBC around to regard a David Ennals or a Fred Mulley as being of more “significance” tahn Enoch Powell…for they remain terrified of Powells truths, his integrity and his speaking now as much to us as he did then.
Say a prayer of thanks for Mr Powell…and don`t let the race stuff put anybody off.
If Enoch Powell was still alive he would be saying I told you so.
Sir David Attenborough gets a mauling from academic….because he’s ‘ignoring’ all the gay animals in his BBC nature documentaries–hes-ignoring-gay-animals-BBC-nature-documentaries.html#ixzz2KPj1mzb5
“Dr Brett Mills, head of media studies at the University of East Anglia…”
All we needed to know, really.
Gay marriage is just another Frankfurt school technique so the cultural Marxists can get their Marxist world government.
I wouldn’t like to be these people on judgement day.
I wouldn’t like to be these people on Day 1 of the Islamic rule that is the inevitable corollary of their idiocy, never mind Judgement Day.
Being left-wing is a mental disorder.
They are following a system that has never worked and always failed.
Whatever happens the lefty’s will lose if not in this life definately the next.
Is that you Earls?
Yes indeed
Go find somewhere else to ply your wares, Earls Court. You have never once made a single contribution to the discussion of BBC bias. Your venom is tiresome.
Christopher Booker:-
“Gay marriage: the French connection.
The issue provoking the biggest Tory rebellion in decades was also prompting a similar row in the French National Assembly. Why? ”
“Government spending is always good for somebody-and large amounts of Government spending are good for large numbers of people”
So said Enoch Powell…and if that does not sum up the current BBC/unions/NHS agenda and their need to cream it all off now before any kids from 2040 onwards have to stump up for their Tuscan villas, private security, prep schools, New Statesman subscription…then I don`t know who else has said it so clearly.
Apparently, not even George Orwell-who seems to have been an early EU cheerleader according to the BBC (Archive on 4, 9/2/12 8p.m).
Clearly a man of the left…just a bit befuddled eh ?
So sad to see such deluded ex-Commies as Aaronovitch. so resolute in giving us Uncle Joes account.
Orwell worked for the BBC…and its pretty clear who the Ministry of Truth are these days, surely!
Powell and the EEC -(common market)
the BBC don’t want a statue of Margaret Thatcher….see related stories
This is a good one from my local rag – – note the name. I wonder whether he’s got his TV license?
is he a lefty?? it’s laughable innit
St Margaret of Hodge on the Marr sofa, dis ussing the paper headlines. She is eulogising about companies not paying taxes, and keeping a straight face! Well well!
Saw that. A free swipe at anyone she felt like – even a clip of her being ‘masterful’ (i.e. dishing out platitudes to people no more guyilty than herself of any wrongdoing).
The thing that worries me most about these programmes, though, is that anyone not from the left is so damned nice ! Tim Montgomerie (editor of Conservativehome), obviously brought in to demonstrate how the BBC is so ‘balanced’, basically came across as balanced in his views, both being critical of, as well as supportive of, not just the Conservative elements of the government, but the Coalition.
Jeremy Hunt, on later, was the epitome of a ‘balanced’ politician, fighting his own corner, but nary a word of condemnation for the Labour Party and their failings, particularly on Stafford Hospital.
Margaret Hodge, on the other hand, had no compunction whatsoever in trying to score political points against the conservatives in just about everything she commented on.
If you want to beat Labour – calmly point out what has happened during the 13 years of Labour rule, do that up front on absolutely every interview, so that you always get it into the record, don’t accept the BBC trying to stop you – tell them that you’re simply explaining how this situation has arisen, and that there’s no point in talking about a solution unless you clearly define the problem – and don’t let the BBC bait you into anything. Tell them what YOU want to tell them.
But – whatever you do, don’t imagine that you will be recognised and credited by the public for being wise and ‘balanced’. Because that will be negated 10 seconds later by the BBC allowing a Labour spokesperson free rein to give you a kicking on twenty different fronts without rebuttal, serious questioning, or any honest reporting.
Since when has any Tory looked like they wanted power and were willing to level with the British people?
Since Norman Tebbit….not one.
The Tories consigned themselves to slow strangulation when they rejected David Davis in 2005.
Even a broken backed-shameless, thick bunch of lavender lefties who screwed the country over for 13 years-took us into wars, burned out the family car and left the taps running when they were eventually jemmied out of office in 2010…even THEY are being made to look hungrier to finish off the country, than the Tories are in trying to cure it.
Peter Hitchens says it better, has said it for longer…and is right in his analysis.
Maybe a million man march for Norman Tebbit…or else we`ll be needing Stephen Lennon out of aspic…
Peter Hitchens today:
“This gay affair is just an excuse for a Tory divorce”
[Opening paragraph]:-
“Why is David Cameron so keen to trample on his own party and its most loyal supporters? It is a gripping mystery, but as usual the political experts of the BBC and the grand papers have not noticed it, because they are interested in gossip rather than in the future of the country.”
‘Jeremy Hunt, on later, was the epitome of a ‘balanced’ politician, fighting his own corner, but nary a word of condemnation for the Labour Party and their failings, particularly on Stafford Hospital.’
This country doesn’t understand ‘decent’ any more, so the Tories are not only wasting their time, they’re signing their own death warrant.
Rugger buggers
You might have been forgiven for thinking that sports broadcasters would be the last bastion of what we used to term ‘male chauvanism’ (Of course these days if you say anything even slightly blokey it is deemed a full blown hate crime).
The BBC have it cracked: on 5 Live where sport meets left-wing policy agenda. This morning we hear an interview with England Rugby newcomer Billy Twelvetrees.
We witness grown men with BBC microphones wet their silk knickers over young Billy’s ‘boy band looks’ then hear how his use of his mother’s unusual surname is ‘the last bastion of women’s equality – taking the name of the maternal line’.
I saw a typical piece of pro EU propaganda on bbc breakfast yesterday(saturday)
David davies on doing the papers,and referring to a real terms cut in the Uk contributions to the EU,Davies comes out with-
“who is to say that the UK paying less is necessarily a good thing,and who is to say that paying more is necessarily a bad thing”
the zombies in charge,Charlie “Catatonic” Stait and Naga Munchetti sat smiling dreamily into his eyes and said nothing
Word to the wise.
TV channel “Challenge”
Freeview 45 Sky 125 Virgin 139
Wheel of Fortune is back with multiple shows broadcast early evenings.
So far I’ve only seen episodes with BBC Blue Peter’s ‘first Scottish’ presenter John Leslie – a man who ‘admitted that he “had never learnt how to treat women with respect”.
In October 2002, Ulrika Jonsson wrote in her autobiography that a television presenter had raped her at the beginning of her career when she was his junior.
Shortly afterwards, several other women made accusations relating to indecent assault by Leslie.
I have my fingers crossed that they show some of the c126 episodes hosted by Nicky Campbell.
Regretably he may earn some small kickback.
But I think a greater good would be achieved. A younger audience ought not to be denied the opportunity to see Nicky at the top of his gameshow.
He is of course now a trusted and serious BBC journalist. And an arch feminist to boot.
Thirteen years of treading sewage and effluent under New Labour now means that SOMETHING has got to be done about social care costs for the elderly…pensions have got to reflect what we have actually earned as opposed to what our kids may be robbed for….and our EU payments should take into account that the accounts have never been signed off in our lifetimes, so pay for Kinnocks, Mandelsons and Pattens sine die.
And yet-as the Tories come out with some tentative plans for social care…no matter how small, how crap or stupid…all they get are sneers from the BBC and the same Labour lefties that had us all treading sewage or kicking problems into the future pampas for our great great grandchildren to stump up for.
It`s as if the BBC rather like the idea of mid-Staffs and of Harold Shipman….but with a little more taste and refinement.
The shitehawks that write this crap or peddle it on the BBC no doubt have managed to put their houses in trust, like Benn and Miliband do-and did.
As for Hodge and Toynbee?…no doubt they`ll be looking for another vehicle for their affairs , now Barclays will be removing the go-faster stripes…but not much more…how the hell would Hodges, Benns ,Milibands, Toynbees cope, otherwise?…
P.S Happy Plath Day to you all for tomorrow….can it EVER be happy?
I wonder why this hasnt been newsworthy:
“U.S diplomat Paul Bremer attacked in U.K parliament by Muslim man”
move along – nothing to see
anyway, too busy reporting this (hot?) “fashion news”
“Decoding facial hair in the Arab world”
Ashraf Khalil shared his thoughts with the BBC World Service programme The Fifth Floor.
Listen back to the programme here, via BBC iPlayer
as he said, if saddam were alive and he did that he would be a dead man. what do you suppose will happen to him here….coucil house upgrade, extra benefits to help him cope . always makes me wonder why they still come here if they hate us so much cos i for one dont want them here whatever the bbc likes to force down peoples throats about british tolerance.
BBC website-
Photos from the public on the subject of ‘Tradition’
Only one religious tradition included. Guess which one.
I noticed something when I was reading this article:
Israel football club Beitar Jerusalem office torched
The offices of Israeli football club Beitar Jerusalem have been damaged by fire in a suspected arson attack.
The blaze came a day after four fans were charged over racist chanting against the club’s recruitment of Muslim players.
No-one was hurt in the blaze but the club’s administrative offices suffered extensive damage, police said.
Last month Beitar Jerusalem signed two Chechen players, breaking a tradition of not signing Arabs or Muslims.
Breaking a tradition? Just because they never had before, since when dies that infer a tradition?
I know what the BBC is trying to infer though- at least they’re true to their own biased traditions.
BBC-NUJ and political SCOTLAND.
BBC-NUJ has a political dilemma on this.
1.) It is inclined to support Salmond over Cameron.
2.) Scotland ‘independent in the E.U’ (a contradiction), would probably mean a Tory government in ‘new’ UK.
“Scottish independence: David Cameron launches defence of UK”
Love the way Mr Salmond and his cronies are trying to dictate the discussions to their own ends.
Those in charge of the ‘No’ campaign, i.e. against independence, should respond as follows to his demand that ‘both sides discuss what happens after the referendum’.
This is a single-question referendum, no ifs, buts or maybes. That’s what The SNP wanted. Now, if the referendum takes place with a view to Scotland becoming independent on, say 16th March 2016, and results with a results in a ‘No’ vote, then NOTHING will change from the previous day, So, in terms of the referendum, the situation is totally clear. Nothing different happens, because that’s precisely what will have been voted for. End of story.
However, if the referendum results in a ‘YES’ vote, then virtually everything will change for Scotland, and it is encumbent on the SNP, whose referendum this is, to explain clearly, and in depth and in detail, just what will change and how. And we’re not talking about any delivery process or intermediate period here – we’re talking about how, after 15th March, lives in Scotland will change. No ifs, no buts, no maybes. Becuase that’s precisely what the referendum will have caused in this case.
Great Desert Island Discs featuring Julie Burchill.
A joyful one-woman antidote to everything that the purse-lipped Kirsty Young and her highlighter monkeys stand for.
A great Friend of Israel…she`ll not be getting asked back too often, so do enjoy it, whilst it`s still available!
I had Phil ‘Poly’ Williams inflicted upon me this a.m.
He was interviewing (if I can choose to dignify it with that term) some Labour harpy who’s doing the rounds and trying to turn horseburgers into a party political issue.
‘The Tories didn’t even invite Findus to their summit’, she shrieked.
‘Just to be clear’, retorted Poly in mock horror, ‘the Tories didn’t invite Findus to their summit.’
Understanding English as I do, what she said was perfectly clear to me in the first place. So Poly was not really attempting to make things ‘clear’, rather he was just reiterating the anti-Tory message in a bid to ‘please the big boys’ at the BBC.
I call him Phil ‘Poly’ Williams, but he’s so thick I can’t believe a Polyversity in the country would have let him thru the doors.
Just watched an episode of Porridge on Gold, a channel part owned by the BBC. It was the episode where Godper is trying to pass an exam and Fletch arranges for the paper to be stolen.
It’s also the one where the line ‘they have wonderful rhythm’, aimed at a black character, is said to have been ‘censored ‘ by the BBC. In this broadcast the line came out in full but, interestingly, the laughter after the line was expunged. You can actually hear, if that’s the right word, the blip where the sound is suddenly muted and restored.
The episode is interesting for a number of reason in addition to that though. It revolves around the moral choices involved in cheating. At one point Fletch lectures Godper on why he should cheat in an exam. His parting argument, delivered with force, is that Godper can have all the honestly gained qualifications he likes but will always lose out to someone who hasn’t been inside. It’s a fair assessment and, in many cases, probably true, then and now. Given that this is the BBC it is surprising, looking back from 2013, that this isn’t played up to more but it is, in 197? just left hanging. An example of allowing the viewer to come to their own conclusions, i.e. if you want a good job don’t be a criminal or people who have been inside should be given more credence when they claim to have been reformed. An example of how not to be biased.
I wonder how the BBC would cover this subject today?
The BBC have kept remarkably quiet about the ethnic origin of Aamir Siddiqi’s killers, the Cardiff sixth former, who was bumped of in error.
Indeed as the two hitmen both have British names, they have been more than happy to allow the default assumption that these men are ethnic British. They have chosen to keep equally quiet about the ethnicity of the even mor eevil man who paid them.
This turns out, hardly surprisingly to be a foreigner, a Musssslim. And when you look at the pictures of the two heroin addicted no hopers who did the deed, Ben Hope and Jason Richards, its clear they are mixed ethnicity, or of some kind of southern European descent, Maltese maybe (Cardiff has a very old Maltese settlement), or Gypsy, but certainly not entirely ethnic British
‘They have chosen to keep equally quiet about the ethnicity of the even mor eevil man who paid them.’
First thing that was glaring by it absence in all coverage at the time, when it was pretty wall to wall with carefully-edited segments of victim’s family and thugs.
No argument these low lives deserve all they get (doubtless not much, as it would appear they too are victims of society to have turned to the drugs that addled their brains), but only in certain worlds do the crime monkeys get the spotlight and not the organ-grinder. Or at least joint billing. Even Bond movies save the chief toe-rag for the big bang.
This was, after all, the person who inspired the whole sordid business for reasons of terror, profit or both.
RiP the deceased. RoP my…
Just seen a bit of “People Like Us” on iPlayer…a BBC3 show about Harpurhey in Manchester.
Does this “diverse” range of white trash ever stay sober enough to see that the BBC just love their chavvy prostitution of all that the white working class once stood for?
The Beeb probably only paid them in White Stripe and weed…but will get weeks of sneering , joyous condescension and patronising in return.
I would not be surprised if this Kyle crap is being sent down the pipe to Brussels so we can have a technocratic “Government of all the talents”-Huttons, Toynbees, Mandelsons and Kinnocks instead of these creatures that Blair and Brown foisted upon us all, by way of diversity and celebration.
Coming from Manchester?…this is a class-based disgrace….and only hope that the working class white trash that years of Labour and Major produced get detox, rehab or whatever…or else we`ll deserve to get Qatada.
Wake up England!
Someone kindly shared this, which I only just got round to reading:
Two paras resonated; from posters:
‘If, indeed, it is “the envy of the world”, the question of why the world seems so reluctant to imitate it is one well worth asking but to do so is to risk exposing the fact that it is a bloated parasite in need of, at the very least, reform if not abolition and replacement’
…followed by…:
‘Yes, I know that. And you know that. Most Americans know that. But would the truth get in the way of the left-wing chattering classes for whom the NHS is a religion?’
“the left-wing chattering classes for whom the NHS is a religion”
…and, for many of those types, something that is for ‘other people’ to use. Like all those BBC’ers, who have provision for private health insurance.
OT(ish), but as this thread’s toast by now I simply flout the rules…if there were any..
Horses for courses (as it were), but I made a beeline for the frozen bargain bin to see if there was comedy gold to be had.
Or money, the eBay ‘limited edition’ pack was a corker.
BBC animal lover Chris Packham doesn’t believe a child was attcked by a fox in London. He says we should always doubt these stories. He says the Countryside Alliance have a hidden agenda (to reintroduce fox hunting).
Gosh, blimey, commentators with hidden agendas?
Is it because I is red?
Nicky Campbell on urban foxes ‘…they are a rather beautiful sight, aren’t they?’
Oddly several callers into his BBC phone-in don’t seem to believe the fox story. Perhaps prompted by Beeboid Chris Packham.
Yes, it’s actually quite disgraceful. Callers insinuating that the mother made the story up with no evidence to support their claim. One calling for forensic evidence and another claiming that ‘we only have the word of one anonymous person’. The mother isn’t anonymous.
Nicky let this all slide until right to the end when he made a comment that to the effect that they, the BBC, are not suggesting the mother made it up. Really ? Then don’t let ‘fluffy foxy woxy could never have done this’ nutters on your programme.
“BBC spends £2m shuttling staff between London & Manchester.”