Victoria Derbyshire is in full on ‘Grandstanding’ mode today (10:40)…having a go at the Coppers as usual.
West Yorkshire Police have published their internal investigation into its relations with Jimmy Savile…and given themselves a clean record.
Derbyshire isn’t impressed and asks ‘How they can investigate themselves?’.
She asks ‘Don’t you think this is odd that the Force is investgating the Force…how can anyone trust the report?…there is a conflict of interest…how can anyone see it as independent, impartial and fair in anyway?’
Now of course those are perfectly legitimate questions..although an IPCC investigation is aslo possible and any organisation would naturally run an internal review of its own performance.
What is such a cheek though is that the BBC ran its own internal review…of its coverage of the Israel/Palestine conflict…and spent £300,000 hiding the final report.
At least West Yorkshire published theirs…imagine the BBC’s cries of outrage if they had hidden it away from prying eyes.
Why did the BBC spend £300,000 to keep the Balen Report under wraps?
What does it say?
Does the BBC’s coverage of the Middle East incite anti-Semitism?
Does it say ‘BBC News kills Jews’?
Any independent observer might conclude that that was the suspicion and the BBC were trying desperately to cover something up.
What does the new Director General have to say?
Alternate Headline: BBC Asks ‘Why Were We Free To Shield Sexual Predator’?
I think you’re missing an ‘s’ off that last word, DJ.
Derbyshire isn’t impressed and asks:
‘How they can investigate themselves?’.
‘Don’t you think this is odd that the Farce is investgating the Farce’
‘how can anyone trust the report?
‘there is a conflict of interest…how can anyone see it as independent, impartial and fair in anyway?’
Well for an irony-failure laugh, Ms. D has certainly made my Friday.
Might be worth running that set past CECUTT for comment.
They could then ask in Mr. Pollard, or Ms. Rose… then redact or FoI exclude any of the bits that keeping it in-house failed to screw the lid down tight enough.
As to the new all powerful DG and what Tone sez… his current outings are in danger of making Incurious George look like Maxwell Knight.
I have enjoyed this story getting legs throughout the day.
At 7am this morning it was a rendered old nag…nothing to see here in effect.
But by 8am the best that the BBC could throw at the police was their use of Jim to warn us all to lock our doors and windows, by way of Crime Prevention.
Presumably, the BBC the graspy lawyers, the charities and the golddigger victims weren`t up yet.
So-by 6pm tonight, the story has become a classic Beeb tapestry of lawyers, voiceovers, cobbled together attacks on the police using other stories casting doubt on the polices investigations of old(Morgan, RNCM etc)…a veritable string of pearls by the time the BBC had tacked it all together.
Classic BBC-and(of course) no mention of the BBCs role in covering up for old Jim…the BBC are transparently stupid and deserve all they get for this one.
Humphrys splenetic guff with some Robocop queen was great…blandishments and all piss and wind from Humph…gummy bears at dawn!
The one thing the BBC do really, really well is hypocrisy. They are world class.
West Yorkshire Police were (are still?) a complete shambles!
There is a case called A vs Chief Constable of W Yorks in which the CC decided he didn’t want to employ a transsexual as a Police officer. Despite losing at the employment tribunal he carried on with appeal after appeal until eventualy he lost at the house of Lords and had nowhere else to go. He never won a single appeal and the money wasted was truly eye watering.
Long have I believed that public servants should not have free access to the legal system without some kind of personal risk – after all very often those public services are oppressing the little guy who can’t afford to take them on so a 10% of costs risk seems reasonable. In this case a £100K bill for the CC might have made him act a little more reasonably!
As for the Police investigating themselves, well I thought we realised long ago that they never ever find themselves at fault in any real way and the only solution is outside independant investigators.
A bizzarre case was also mentioned today about a private investigator found dead with an axe in his head, in a car park back in 1987. His killers have never been caught, and there are allegations that he was about to reveal Police corruption. The case will now be investigated by a judge led independant team.
Funny though how the BBC can manage to report all this warts & all when they want to. Obviously the Police are outside the biased bunches favorites.
Yes, thank god we have the BBC to hold the police to account.*
* Unless the police say that yet another gang of Pakistani men gang-raping pre-pubescent white English girls has no racist or cultural aspect, in which case they are to be treated as speakers of unquestionable truth and are not to be exposed to any scrutiny.
The BBC are busy using the report by the West Yorkshire Police as a cover to distract people from the fact that not only were people at the BBC well aware of what Savile was doing, and indeed where he was engaging in his activities, but were actually complicit in facilitating his outrageous behaviour and did so over a period of decades.
The BBC had plenty of evidence and witnesses as to Savile’s activities and had they made that evidence available to the police he would have been put in prison decades ago. They then have the cheek to wag their fingers at the Police and try to imply they were the ones colluding with Savile. It’s a nice trick if you can get away with it and one the BBC excel at.
Why did the BBC not publish the Balen report?
This question really pisses me off. There is an answer to theat question, you know what the answer is, and its in the public domain.
If you disagree, tell us why. Tell us why you disagree with the courts decision. But please. Please stop asking the same stupid question. Its lazy.
Hahahaha new here ? well we have been asking for years and others have been asking for years, many question s many times! but your puppet master just keeps sticking
it’s collective fingers in it’s ears and shouting “art /news/ journalism” hiring lawyers and spending money that isn’t theirs !
A whole generic foodstuff aisle. That speaks to the level of upset alone, but the rest is duly noted.
With the passion clear in each word, punctuated so robustly. And apostrophes are so Lynne Truss.
This ‘us’ you refer to.. who is this?
Personally I’d still be interested in seeing the contents of such a report, but it must surely by now be so out-dated as to be only of historical interest.
Also there’s the suspicion it is being held back to ‘release’ when needed to show… ‘ta-da’… the BBC gets it about right! What was all the fuss about?
However such as Rose or Pollard, even if still internal and looking more like zebra crossings, are more topical, tangible insights into the calibre and coherence of market rate management and editorial.
And the plain facts shared near daily by such as BBC Watch are enough to reveal a very odd disconnect between BBC reporting and accurate, objective education and information. Balen, if negative, would merely show it has been institutionally-ingrained a long time.
That, in a supposedly impartial, most trusted world media organisation is not just lazy. It is something much worse.
And that the BBC is supported by the UK Court system rather places it in explicable but seldom excusable company these days.
The judge’s actions in 28Gate – – were frankly extraordinary, redolent more of a CECUTT secret Star Chamber kangaroo court than British Justice.
And the fact that this unholy politico-media-judicial cabal is moving more and more to no questions (calling them stupid based on no more than that’s what your opinion really is the equivalent of nailing your colours to the bow of the Yamato) allowed to be asked… when more and more of them need to be held to proper account… vexes me more than a little.
But if this is the calibre of defence of BBC performance and censorship to be expected, please… continue.
Ah, I see. Thanks for making that clear.
The courts are in on it too then. Wow, you really do have your work cut out for you. At least the world has the lone ranger GW, fighting the good fight…on blogs.
Blimey, it’s like being savaged by the entire Linda McCartney budget range.
‘Thanks for making that clear.’
You are most welcome.
‘The courts are in on it too then. Wow, you really do have your work cut out for you.’
It’s an uphill struggle, true. And your faith in the UK justice system on matters of public sector establishment inquiry is touching. Maybe a job as a BBC investigative press release retyper beckons?
‘At least the world has the lone ranger GW, fighting the good fight…on blogs.’
Not just blogs. But thank you. Bit worried that you seem to be suggesting there are other avenues I could explore. If not incitement to illegality, do share.
Good fight. Good men (and women). Not doing nothing. I can think of a worse side to be on.
Don’t fancy the one you have opted for much, though.
Haha Marvelous This web page is wonderful. I go
to see it every single day. Please keep up the very good work.
I do love how VD (Verbal Diarrhoea) who has no problem attacking the old Bill, doesn’t mention the paedophile club of an elephant in the recording studio.