This item is about Hollande telling Japan that the Euro crisis is over. No comment from any bBC journo questioning his sanity, his comment or whatever is he smoking.
Meanwhile French Air traffic controllers (salary over £150k each) currently on three days strike, paralysing airports and ruining tens of thousands of ordinary people’s (who earn a fraction of their salary) holidays. Hollande doesn’t notice. He’s a Socialist.
How can INBBC avoid outright condemnation of 6 Islamic jihadists sentenced today of plot against the English Defence League?
Easy: after Dominic Casciani’s court summary, get on Radio 4 ‘P.M’ programme, (at about 5:25 pm) one Matthew Goodwin, who writes for ‘Guardian’ and has a book, ‘The New British Fascism: Rise of BNP’) to spend most of his uninterrupted time to talk of ‘threat’ from ‘extreme right’, NOT to talk of deadly threat from Islamic jihadists on British people!
If the BBC/Guardian actually interviewed Fascists, they would discover that they agree with the BBC/Guardian on issues such as Socialism, but like all non-Italian Fascists, prefer to be called Nationalists.
I would not be surprised if Matthew Goodwin had not interviewed any of the so called “right-wing extremists” for his book. They may have objected to being called “right-wing” because BNP supporters are usually ex-Labour supporters who would never think of voting Tory.
I recall a Sunday Times Magazine article in the 1980s, in the “A Life in the Day of” series. There was a profile of a Labour-supporting man who was thinking of voting National Front. He described a childhood memory of being told to sit down in front of the TV to watch Enoch Powell “chew up” Robin Day on immigration. I doubt the BBC would want to “go there”.
It strikes me that a book on the BNP must be very hard to write for anyone, especially a Guardian or BBC type: there is no trust between the two sides, the BNP would be very secretive and the BBC would be frightened of a repeat of the Paxman v Griffin Newsnight interview debacle from 2009, where Paxo, having failed to discredit Griffin, was reduced to trying to associate the BNP with gas chambers at the very end of it.
Unless the writer has a mole inside the party, as with the case of Ray Hill and the book “The Other Face of Terror – Inside Europe’s Neo-Nazi Network” [Ray Hill with Andrew Bell, Grafton Books, 1988, ISBN 0-586-06935-6] there may not be much that’s new in the book.
how many muslims have the BNP or EDL killed in the last since 9/11 in the UK? and how many ppl have muslims killed since that time. BBC scumbags should think about that
The BBC does think about how many have been killed, but in a different way. They’re acutely aware of the number of Mohammedans killed in countries where British troops are stationed. It doesn’t matter whether or not the British troops actually harmed a single hair on anyone’s head on a given day. The point is that there are British troops in “Muslim lands”, and so by default all the blood of Mohammedans killed, period, including by other Mohammedans in the vicinity, is on their hands. They wouldn’t be killing each other like that if not for George Bush, you know. So 9/11, 7/7, Boston, Woolwich, and all the rest of it is entirely understandable from the BBC point of view. We hear it over and over. They don’t condone the violence, of course. They just understand it.
‘The BNP and EDL are irrelevant in this equation’ …. Yeah, but the BNP/EDL terms are constants in all of the BBC’s biased equations. If one had to find the subject of a BBC Islamic equation, it would be EDL/BNP/Right-wing every time!
Talking about soldiers, compare the respect the Canadians show for their war dead and what our soldiers have to put up with here, being abused and spat on by Muslims while the police just look on.
Mmmm…. and i strongly suspect that our dead flown back are landed where they are now to avoid the procession through Royal Wootton Bassett as it had become an embarassment to the government, all those bodies.
Mice Height, I appreciate this post which corrects the official version. But for God’s sake why is Prime Minister Cameron still allowing himself to be associated with the UAF?
and wants everyone to like him. It makes him “proud to be British”, when he gives away money he has first had to borrow, in foreign aid. Bit like Hollande saying it’s patriotic to pay more tax. Pair of deluded idiots in a bubble.
I noticed how many times Matthew Goodwin managed to get the words ‘far right’ into his interview – sometimes more than once in the same sentence – I had missed who he was at the beginning of the report but just knew he had to be a ‘friend’ of the BBC’s.
The BNP….So far left have they traveled on the BBC’s political spectrum, they have popped out of the other side of the political circle and become Right Wing…
Anybody else concerned about how the bBC are reporting the story of how 6 followers of Islam were jailed today, I quote from the article: As well as targeting EDL supporters, police officers and members of the public could have been caught up in the attack, the court heard.
I’m sorry , I just can’t my head around that snippet, I’m I the only one who feels that the bBC is saying that it is acceptable for Muslims to attack EDL. This the world renowned news Org (News Org indeed?) which berates the free world for taking out terrorists, is saying otherwise when it comes to the British EDL.
The “victims of British justice” had keening burkas in the dock, ullulating, and shouting “Allah Akhbar”.
The bigot that lured these vulnerable men( young?…and sounding a bit, er …Muslimmy), meanwhile shouted “God Save the Queen”.
6 of one, half a dozen of the other, bit of balance here-you decide who speaks more for Britain…text Dimbleby!
And the vote shows we need now to arrest Robinson for his hate-induced rant against the peaceful perpetrators of community cohesion!
Nurse…the screens if you please!
Certainly shoved the BNP off the top of the BBC’s (And other MSM to be fair) political hate agenda.
Perhaps it’s because they are genuinely Right wing?….or maybe, it’s because Griffin has proven the BBC to be liars on issues regarding Islam too many times for them to stomach, and know that he may well have the firpower to hit them back now (certainly in regards to child-rape cases that he highlighted, and was promptly arrested for in no small thanks to the BBC)
I, personally, do not like the BNP, left wing, and a very large brush, but, I hope to god, that one day, Griffin gets his revenge on the treacherous swines at the BBC.
This from the “Racist BBC” who, unlike the rest of European press, opted not to publish “The Cartoons” , thus depriving their license-fee payers of the opportunity to make up their own minds about how “offensive” the Danish cartoons were, and whether they justified the death sentence.
“To inform” it says on the charter. Or not , as the mood takes them. I don’t recall seeing a mission to promote social cohesion in the BBC Charter. May be I missed it.
What a “disgusting” organisation.
(The word “disgusting” is used with kind permission of the Labour Party Smear Department)
Got to love the bBC: Afghan Taliban ‘behead two boys in Kandahar’ The Taliban have beheaded two boys for spying in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar, officials say. The boys, 10 and 16, had been scavenging for food in bins near police headquarters when they were abducted.
And faster than you can utter ‘Allah Akba” in court the bBC post: But the Taliban have denied responsibility in this incident. Spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmadi insisted to the BBC the group had not beheaded any children in the area.
Err bBC, don’t you mean Spokesperson Ahmadi?
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism
Mark Mardell has written an article on racial tensions in Sanford, Florida ahead of the George Zimmerman trial. Rather than grey (or in this case brown) the literally black and white narrative Mardell wanted to write (before he arrived in Sanford, I’d suggest) he chooses to avoid the fact that Zimmerman is in fact Hispanic (it says so on his voter registration, and he’s a registered Democrat).
It was “the shooting of an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin, by a volunteer neighbourhood watchman, George Zimmerman” says Mardell. Not Hispanic neighbourhood watchman George Zimmerman, you’ll notice.
Mardell even includes a quote from a local museum proprietor which says the Hispanics are united with the blacks: “The old Sanford has controlled everything that has gone on for the last 100 years. At one point there were two communities here – black and white.
“But now there’s a third: Hispanic. And the Hispanic community and the black community have joined forces.”
But Zimmerman is Hispanic!
Mardell had a narrative to push. The fact Zimmerman is Hispanic complicated that narrative, so he ignored it.
(I notice the BBC have gone for the contrasting photo shtick that all the media used immediately after the shooting – Zimmerman looking as white as possible and Trayvon Martin young and angelic.)
Mardell is a disgusting race-baiter, and a dishonest journalist. He still hasn’t mentioned how NBC and ABC doctored audio and video to make Zimmerman appear racist in the former instance, and a liar in the latter. Nor has he ever mentioned that Zimmerman has a history of supporting black people.
Yet defenders of the indefensible harp on about piddling errors or side notes by people here, as if none of the above exists.
The BBC, (perhaps Mardell?) were equally guilty of race baiting. Their report stated (I paraphrase slightly) “the victim was black and Zimmerman complained that he was fed up of “these” people”, clearly implying that Zimmerman meant he was fed up of black people. Anyone who listened to the recording of the emergency call would quickly realise that that is not what he meant at all. The BBC deliberately misled in their reporting, like some American networks.
No, in this case the BBC is merely passing along the lies, distortions, and sacrificing of truth. Kind of like how they do it for White House talking points.
If anyone wants a more truthful picture of the 17 year-old muscular six foot tall Trayvon Martin there are plenty on the Internet, just not on the BBC site who like the vast majority of the US media continue to use the angelic image of a 12 year old who looks like something from the Cosby Show.
Similarly the reports and police photos of the facial and head injuries suffered by George Zimmerman on the night have somehow been overlooked by Mr Mardell and his editors. Who would have expected that?
It’s all about the Narrative. To be fair, though, one of the BBC’s “bespoke” video pieces about Martin shows him in a hoodie. Balance, got it about right, eh, BBC?
Quite right, guys. This was always going to be a race case. Why let facts get in the way of a good story? Can’t you imagine how Mardell is spitting that “Zimmerman” isn’t a Nordic, blond, blue-eyed white guy. But don’t worry in the Lifetime Movie he will be.
Where the hell is innocent till proved guilty these days?
At around 4:00 pm this afternoon I was in my dentist’s waiting room viewing BBC News 24 on the TV set generously provided. One item of news got some excitable coverage: apparently Thames Water made a £billion (or more) profit last year and paid no corporation tax.
In the subsequent incest interview we were given to understand that, due to Thames Water’s use of a “scheme”, tax on its profits was effectively deferred (to be understood as “dodged”) to a later date.
The scheme used? Thames Water’s £billions expenditure on redoing London’s Victorian water system will be allowed as “capital allowances” against the company’s profits. In other words, Thames Water is using legitimate expenditure against legitimate income to come to a legitimate earnings figure on which its liability to tax will be legitimately computed. As it happens, this year the expenditure allowed against tax under the HMRC rules exceeds profits and thus no tax is payable: not unusual with companies incurring heavy capital expenditure.
This was a non-news item only reported by the BBC “news” service in order to smear Thames Water in particular and private sector business (yes the “privateness” of Thames Water was mentioned) in general with tax dodging. The lefty bias and propaganda just keeps getting worse.
Of course the BBC is probably the only corporation that does not pay tax and do they reclaim V.A.T ?
What about ‘benefit in kind’ lavished on their staff and selected ‘guests’ ?
Still when hypocrisy is the modus operendi these matters are conveniently left under the carpet.
Ahhh….but….but….Starbucks will be using that water to make their tax free coffee, so, erm….Thames water are obviously aiding and abating the evil coffee shop…that…erm…most BBC employes used to use…um…and, Amazon, don’t get me started on their toilet flushing policy….flush, flush flush….all bloody day…using that same, tax free water…robbing precious resources from kiddies, and hard working families mouths…
So what? Just because a paper rag makes the same point as the statutorily “impartial” state broadcaster doesn’t invalidate the point that the BBC is running this “news” on the basis that Thames is abusing the tax system.
As a matter of interest, prices charged by Thames Water – the local water monopolist – are controlled by Ofwat. If anything this is a failure of regulation but I don’t expect the Mail – and certainly not the BBC – to make such a point (the Mail because it generally spouts ignorance and the BBC because, as a point of principle, it prefers state regulation to competition). Moreover, I don’t expect the Mail to publish anything except that which sells its paper. I don’t look to the Mail for a sensible take on anything. However, I can opt not to buy the Mail. Unfortunately, we are compelled by law to cough up for the BBC – bias and all.
A documentary about a blacklist that was operated by construction companies listing so-called “troublesome” workers. Being on this list, we’re told by the BBC, could “destroy livelihoods”.
So where was the BBC’s concern when many thousands of construction jobs were lost to cheap immigrant labour over the last 15 years. Construction as a career has been destroyed in this country. What was once an honest unskilled job with prospects and decent pay for a school leaver now no longer exists.
I know two skilled construction workers/contract managers who have seen their careers wrecked by labours opendoor immigration policy. And in one case his marriage too.
Where was the BBC’s concern when this was happening? Absolutely nowhere. It’s fine for peoples careers to be destroyed on the altar of multiculturalism, but if some nasty capitalist employer refuses to employ someone then the BBC is up in arms.
Let`s see if the Unions at the time get the pasting that they deserve for stitching up the enemy within their organisations.
Let me guess now…Eric Chappell, John Edmonds and other “right wing unions” will get a few seconds in the stocks.
But it`ll be right wing business groups, hopefully linked to the McWhirters or shady Tory grandees that`ll get the blame.
Cue Yorkshire ex-Marxists wanting trouble that were “blacklisted” for wanting strikes instead of jobs.
Ah, but it was a different time…works for John Peel doesn`t it?
Sorry, ChrisH I think I wrongly clicked “Report” Anywat, my point is that the BBC are pretty good at blacklisting those who have fallen from favour, such as Johnny Ball and David Bellamy who had the courage to challenge the orthodoxy on global warming.
BBC management and journalists blacklisting of causational or attributional climate scientists such as atmospheric physicists and solar physicists from giving advice to the BBC.
(1) BBC Journalists without scientific qualifications taking advice from environmentalists at Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth instead of questioning the relevant scientists directly.
(2) BBC seminar full of environmental activists which seemed to have blacklisted the relevant climate scientists from giving advice to the BBC.
(3) BBC Climate Change documentaries for the last decade have had not a single presenter with the relevant scientific qualifications let alone interviewed any causational climate scientists other than a prominent sceptic.
The BBC has blacklisted Johnny Ball and David Bellamy because they are scientists who have taken advice from causational climate scientists, and have talked about this advice at public meetings that they where invited too, this has caused some left-wing environ-mental morons to react in a very violently emotional headbanging manner at these meetings.
I may have mentioned before (bored you with) the fact that I used be an active member of the TGWU building and construction trade group. Then the so called ‘black list’ was held by an out fit called the economic exchange.
I was always a surprised that my colleges were so angry about this. Did they (I asked at time) think the employers were going to thanks us for organising their sites? (Amazingly some did) and in any case sometimes it could work in our favour. The major construction firms ,and their respective trade organisations were as much in competition with each other as we were with UCATT (byzantine don’t come close to describing what went on)
But we did our share of black listing (more accurately the SWP dominated ACCTS group did) not least of long term members who supported the ‘wrong’ political party. They were blacklisted out of the union despite the fact (as I reminded them at the time) that, until Jack Jones’ tenure, even ex-members of the British communist party (including my dad) were banned from holding office. The incongruity of it amused me at the time, had I known how things would evolve I would have been less amused
if nelson mandela and prince philip died on the same day,what a big problem for the bbc,which death would get the most coverage just to add,i hope nelson mandela and prince philip have a speedy recovery,
Probably the standard fee, which is about £140. It is likely to be the same amount that any guest gets for an appearance. As a frequent contributor to the BBC maybe David Vance will be able to answer your question.
If BBC employees pay their guests out of their own pocket it is their choice how they spend it, but if they take the money they spend from somebody else, it raises the question if the people from whom it is taken are free not to pay the BBC if they disagree with how the BBC spend it.
By the way your jibe about David Vance being paid by the BBC might have more validity if Vance expressed his support for the BBC. That people who earn their living from the BBC and/or share its Leftist advocacy of the Public Sector support the BBC goes without saying.
BBC 6.30 news No.1 story
Muslims fear backlash after four prisoned for attempted bombing … one can assume that backlash is supposed to be from the … ba ba BAAA! EDL … both absurd and unlikely in equal measure.
Only on the bbc/islam alliance can wannabe islamic mass murderers, create more victim mentality,(as if any more was needed), in the very supremacist community that spawned them …
scriptured mass murder is not the imperative of a “victim”
it is the imperative of a supremacist.
Eliminate the so called “scripture” that is used to incite them in the first place, and address the vast majority of future problems. remove that and so called leaders and scholars that peddle it.
The BBC – from apologising for describing someone as being ‘of muslim appearance’… to seeking out someone for comment who is ‘of muslim appearance’. You can’t make this sh!t up…
A few days ago I received a call from a producer at BBC World Service asking if I knew of a Muslim woman who would comment on a news story about the bikini being banned at the Miss World pageant in Indonesia. I promptly responded that I would and the producer asked me some questions which I answered (I think) quite intelligently; she said she was very impressed.
Then she asked, “Are you a Muslim? Your website photo doesn’t really show that you are.”
To say that I was flabbergasted would be an understatement. I fired back: “and how do you think I should look as a Muslim woman? Should there be a tattoo on my forehead, maybe I should have been in a niqab or a burka?”
The producer said she would call back. Half an hour later I received an email from her saying that while she is very taken by my comments, the editor has said they are not doing that particular story right now because of some breaking news that came up.
BBC – Breaking news – we’ve found someone who looks genuinely muslim! Probably, we’ll also claim that their willingness to comment so openly as a muslim female makes them ‘such a remarkable person’. *sigh*
Producer: Umm what exactly does that mean? What are we looking for? Aren’t Muslims extremely diverse in their ethnicities and way of dress?
Editor: Yes but you know the rules. We have to have an authentic Muslim voice so you have to find someone who wears the hijab or at least a burka, preferably no make-up, ethnic dress, intersperses her conversation with Inshallah and Mashallah, has an accent and should be well versed in the Koran.
You just know this is the way it probably works at the BBC – find someone who is genuinely muslim, not a fake one – you know, all westernised and reasonable and fully integrated into modern liberal society. No wonder the BBC seems to be infested with Islamist commentators, it appears to be the only kind of muslim they seek out – anti-West, anti-British and full of righteous anger – that’ll do the job . They actually do a great disservice to the quiet moderates who are trying to be heard over the ranting of the radicals.
The BBC – a national megaphone for extremists (selectively applied).
More casual dishonesty and censorship of important details from Mardell and the BBC, this time about their new hero, St. Edward of Snowden.
Mardell writes glowingly of his heroism, seeing distinct similarities to St. Bradley and Wikihacks. He cites fellow Beeboid Paul Adams’ newly coined phrase, “Rise of the idealistic nerd”.
Curiously, one of St. Edward’s idealistic notions was left out of both Mardell’s editorial and the BBC’s profile of him, which was mentioned in the very Guardian article linked to from the BBC’s profile (so Mardell knows about it):
Invoking the same principles that he now cites to justify his leaks, he said: “I wanted to fight in the Iraq war because I felt like I had an obligation as a human being to help free people from oppression”.
The BBC quoted the rest of the bit about St. Edward joining the army in 2003, but censored that bit because it’s an unapproved thought and contradicts the “idealistic nerd” Narrative they’re now trying to push.
A brief Guardian Q&A with St. Edward reveals that he actually voted for a third party in 2008. I don’t know if he voted for the Libertarian candidate, Bob Barr, but it’s hard to believe that someone with true libertarian views would have thought Candidate Community Organizer from Chicago was going to be some sort of centrist, freedom-loving, isolationist President who would run the most transparent administration ever.
The poor lad fell as hard for the Hope & Change stuff as any Beeboid, apparently, and is now sorely disappointed. Now the BBC’s beloved Obamessiah is after two saints, and the squirming at meetings must be very amusing indeed.
Mardell’s editorial explains his view of how this doesn’t make the President look so good. He sees it as this making Him look just as bad as Bush. Even here, though, he’s playing it down. The growing complaint now is that this President is actually worse on this stuff than His predecessor. That’s a big deal, and it’s not entirely honest of the BBC’s US President editor to mischaracterize it like that. As St. Edward himself told the Guardian:
It was then, he said, that he “watched as Obama advanced the very policies that I thought would be reined in”, and as a result, “I got hardened.”
Not “just as bad”: worse. And now St. Edward is hanging out with those bastions of freedom, the Chinese. Anyone who thinks he’s with pure Hong Kong freedom advocates with no connection to the Chinese government is going to be disappointed. As for St. Bradley’s similar idealistic nature, let’s not forget he worked with Wikihacks, whose own boss, St. Julian, has stated his purpose is to harm US interests. Although He turned out to be right that The Lightworker would use the Espionage Act to criminalize reporters for doing their job. Not just as bad as Bush: worse, BBC.
I don’t want Mardell to openly condemn either Manning or Edwards or their actions. I just want him and the BBC to stop being dishonest about what’s going on. He should keep his opinions to himself, but I accept that he’s a paid editorialist, and opinion-mongering is what he’s supposed to do here. Your license fee hard at work.
Whoops, St. Edward has apparently checked out of his hotel in Hong Kong and is rumored to be thinking about heading over to Iceland. The extradition treaty wasn’t quite as user-friendly as he thought. And he’s worked in the intelligence community long enough to know better.
I guess this whole “idealistic nerd” shtick is proving to be more difficult than we thought.
“Mr. Attorney General, I want to take you to the Verizon scandal and — which I understand takes us to possibly monitoring up to 120 million calls. You know, when government bureaucrats are sloppy, they’re usually really sloppy. Want to just ask, could you assure to us that no phone inside the Capitol were monitored of members of Congress that would give a future executive branch, if they started pulling this kind of thing off, would give them unique leverage over the legislature?”
Remember, phone conversations from the press box at the House of Representatives were collected when Holder was going after AP reporters for possible leaking. That’s all national security stuff, just like the NSA collecting Verizon records in order to track terrorist communication patterns.
Another week and another ITMA (it’s those men again) 5% of the population but never out of the news it would appear. BBc 3 Info (between more repeats of American Dad. How many times can the BBc repeat these) Men jailed for planning to attack an EDL rally. Not plan to murder EDL demonstration and if it had succeeded no doubt a number of bystanders with no connection to EDL. However if I complained about this wording I would be wrong. (Yet again).
definition : something giving rise or likely to give rise to BBC disagreement
So this morning Nicky Campbell introduces a story concerning a ‘controversial piano’. It seems that the keys are made of ivory and our Nicky is personally and politically an advocate for the supressing of the trade in ivory.
My point is this: I’m not in favour of the senseless killing of elephants – but I do find it very useful to now have this clear – incontotrovertible – BBC definition for the word ‘controversial’.
I look forward to checking future BBC headlines containing this loaded ‘dogwistle’ word.
What method of extracting shale gas is “Controversial”?
Next, what “Thuggish” street movement, known for knuckle dragging, skin-heads, union jack t-shirts and beer swilling, is “Controversial”?
Next, what “men”, in “a” community, are not doing anything controversial, at all, not ever, ever?
Next, what section of the scientific community are “Controversial”?
Next, what political party are “Controversial”?
And, your final question, name the only US president, who is not only NOT Controversial, but is actually, lovely, cuddly, angelic and always right?….may I also ad, he’s really cool, and quite sexy.
Well done to the Madrassa du Urdo for answering all those questions correctly.
definition: the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society – from a BBC multicultural point of view these can be compatible.
Except…. except… except….! For the sake of argument when debating with a Tory.
The Government spokeswoman is defending some proposed changes to GCSE arrangements from have-a-go-would-be-trendy-young-teacher Mr Campbell.
British standards are lagging behind those in Singapore.
But Singapore has ‘a very different culture’ whines our Nicky.
I’ll remember that for future reference.
Gosh, the BBC are giving so many hostages to fortune this morning.
Like India, I think that the cultural ideas of Education in Singapore are identical to that of Britain in the 1940’s and 1950’s. I think it has something to do with the fact that India and Singapore obtained independence from Britain before the Labour party was able to fuck up the education in the colonies.
Highlight of highlights presumably being the bizarre North Korean-style tribute to the NHS.
Little children bouncing with joy on their trampoline-adapted NHS beds. Nurses dancing joyously in unison (small ‘u’). Love, peace and celebration at our good fortune to be blessed with this ‘envy of the world’.
Not sign of the poor old giffers, dehydrated and starving, up to their necks in their own shit and piss.
BBC today 08:50 The EDL says the attract so many members because people will not give those who criticise Islam a voice.
So here we have the Muslim women’s movement! & John Denham
Tommy Robinson says that no one will give them a platform (Nor will the BBC !)
This is crazy because the BBC are saying the EDL are gaining members because no one will let them speak, and then prevents them from speaking. Are they now deliberately trying to increase EDL membership?
All the discussion was about Muslim interest, yet again the nasty white people were marginalised.
Then there’s the inevitable have you heard about more attacks – Oh yes, but its verbal or food thrown at them.
How can we stop the nasty white people from speaking?
Disgraceful bias of the very worst kind and in reality more anti white racism.
But this is classic intellectual dishonesty from the BBC!
The best way to “expose” Tommy Robinson or anyone else (assuming there is anything TO expose!) is to interview him, let him state his movement’s position and then question him fairly but rigorously on the detail and implications of any policy.
Instead, the line from the multi-culti Lefties is that his opinions are – self-evidently – so vile that he should not have a platform on the state media. We have to take their word for this, unless we actually bother to read any material the EDL have put up on the internet or leaflets from them. So we are told little of value about the EDL by the BBC but the EDL gains victim status in the eyes of some – because of the censorship! Meanwhile, Muslim hate preachers and apologists make their intentions ever clearer in interviews … so at least we know where we stand with them.
I welcome the decision to allow him airtime. He wasn’t exactly grilled yet he demonstrated perfectly why many think he is an inarticulate buffoon. And a violent one to boot (no pun intended)
The problem with these EDL idiots is that they are uneducated and do not stand up to media scrutiny. Their raison d’être is the real debate. Islamic fundamentalism is a cancer and such groups are an inevitability. They will always be rabble in my eyes. Violent convicted criminals, drug abusers and in the main treat their demo’s as a day on the piss.
Look at their Twitter feeds, Their FB pages. It is plain to see. Most of ’em are claiming benefits but if hate filled Muslims do that it is despicable.
My own conscience tells me that Chowdery, Hamsa et al are on the same mission. Albeit from the polar opposite side of hate.
We can’t preach free speech and make exclusions. If you don’t agree with the hateful rhetoric, then don’t listen.
I don’t agree with the hate filled rhetoric and I expect that Lee Rigby didn’t either, but that didn’t save him from two animals who did listen to the hate filled rhetoric.
And that’s the problem!
‘My own conscience tells me that Chowdery, Hamsa et al are on the same mission. Albeit from the polar opposite side of hate. ‘
And the EDL have blown up, hacked and stabbed how many people to death, exactly, Pob? How many EDL speeches can you quote which call for violence and death against those who will not follow their cause? And how many EDL terrorist plots have been thwarted by the security services?
Your use of moral equivalence here is shallow and, quite frankly, ridiculous.
PS You need to have a word with your ‘conscience’, it’s not serving you too well.
Agree 100%. “… an inarticulate buffoon” is grossly unfair to ‘Robinson’, who was impressive in a quiet, down-to-earth sort of way. Just because he doesn’t have the same RP accent as Sarah M, that does not invalidate the main thrust of his argument. “EDL idiots … they are uneducated” – what kind of education does Pob think would cure them of their supposed errors of thought? They are products of the wonderful British State system after all. A degree in PPE from Oxbridge perhaps? Or maybe a Madrasa.
Yes “inarticulate buffoon” is an interesting turn of phrase, I would normally associate it with sneering contempt of bourgeois liberal elites,for the lumpen proletariat so often demonstrated by the BBC , if Pob hadn’t told me what horny handed son of toil he is
I guess its the sort of term that he and his ‘working folks’ comrades use regularly while huddled round their computer monitor ,in their cloth caps, sipping their caffè lattes
Another day, another Toady classic. They’re interviewing Jeremy Hunt about the latest health Nazi initiative, but all the questions are about whether they should be doing *even more* to annoy and patronise the public.
The closest we got to any criticism was when he was asked if he would pledge to oppose any backbencher who shouted ‘nanny state’ at him. Why they would say that, and whether or not they might have a point was not explored. The whole point was treated as self-evidently absurd.
Apparently, at the ever diverse BBC, there’s not a single person who thinks that when the government starts trying to dictate mealtimes, it’s the state that’s too bloated and needs cutting down.
Apparently Hodge has been on her hobby horse about the BBC move, and instead of asking the searching questions many of us would assume a competent chair would ask, she goes off on one about the landlord not paying enough tax!
Not a chance of the BBC facing full investigation under Hodges distracted gaze.
“All Peel operating businesses, including Peel Media (the developers and owners of MediaCityUK), are UK domiciled for taxation purposes and pay the appropriate level of UK tax.”
Hodge has definitely lost the plot. She was on 5 Live last week railing against a tax advice firm called NT Advisors. “NT stands for No Tax”, said Hodge. Thus, 5 Live listeners will never know that the firm was founded by a man called Nikos Theodosopoulos.
Hurrah! Good news! There appears to be at least ten extra years of shale gas and oil available to keep us warm, keep us on the road, and keep the lights on!
But, Roger Harrabin wagged his finger, and suggested that “scientists believe” that we cannot burn much more than we are now, because it will “throw the climate into unbalance”.
Well, I never. So far, the “scientists” have come up with all sorts of reasons why we shouldn’t generate energy cheaply, from causing another ice age, warming/cooling the planet, making the sea levels rise, causing extreme weather, melting the polar ice, catastrophes from: floods/drought/hurricanes/tornadoes/tsunamis/earthquakes and volcanoes.
None of this appears to have occurred so far, despite their forecasts, so why should it happen now? It’s a sort of trick-or-treat, apparently.
Scientists work on facts and observations not belief, so I think that the “scientists believe” statement is proof that Roger Harrabin does not talk directly to the relevant scientists. There is a firewall at the BBC between the morons like Harrabin, and Climate scientists. The firewall is made up of environ-mental activists. The firewall filters most of the science and the scientists are pressurised into saying what the ecoloons want to hear, which is then passed on to the BBC as “scientists BELIEVE”.
BBC-NUJ + al Jazeera + Daily Mirror+ Labour Party, VERSUS
English Defence League.
BBC-NUJ must have dimly realised how very blatantly biased it is being against the English Defence League (EDL). So BBC-NUJ got Tommy Robinson on ‘Today’, if only to politically lambast him.
BBC-NUJ seems more at home in interviewing Islamic Choudary, or Islamic chums of British soldier murdered in Woolwich.
And given the response of BBC-NUJ’s leftist and Islamic chums such as Hasan of Islamic Al Jazeera, and Labour’s McShane, and ‘Mirror’s Maguire to even allowing EDL airtime, BBC-NUJ is likely to stick to NUJ’s officially oppositional position towards EDL.
The biased political tone of BBC-NUJ’s ‘Guardian’ chums in the ‘report’ below, suggests they feel that ‘Guardian’ NUJ branch should have been consulted before ‘Today’ did interview with Tommy Robinson.
‘Guardian’s politically anti-EDL line:-
“EDL leader’s interview on Radio 4’s Today draws fierce criticism.
“BBC under fire from MP and an al-Jazeera presenter over Tommy Robinson’s appearance on flagship programme.”
For a healthy democracy to flourish, I believe it’s important for The Guardian to dictate who we can hear, and for UAF/Hope not Hate to tell us how to vote.
We’d be lost without them.
The BBC is so concerned about our free society that when the Labour/Liberal Party voted against bringing the size of constituencies in line with the number of voters (you know that democracy thing) the BBC talked about that scandal for months, except (of course) they didn’t, because that corruption of the system (surprise surprise) benefited the Labour Party.
BBC/ Labour are Stalinist twats, who love democracy only if it tops up the power and pensions of the nomenclature – not so much rotten boroughs as rotten souls. No wonder they hate England. A free society is everything they are against.
At least The Guardian gives us their official line on The Left’s idea of democracy. In other words, not a million miles from how things will be should the media be subjected to the full Leveson recommendations and groups like Hope Not Hate are allowed open season on any journalist, publication or programme portraying a negative image of Islam. In other words, censorship through fear.
The last thing that the EDL wants to do is enter the lion’s den. The Today programme was just a set up. Mr Robinson was worked into a corner and had no choice but to condemn the fire attacks. Failing to do so would have the Boys in Black knocking on the door at the dead of night.
I fear that the battle has already been lost. The BBC has such total control. Ever try searching for negative comments about the BBC on Google only to be directed to the BBC website and an unrelated story?
The majority of the population has been brainwashed by the BBC and they look at you incredulously if you try to explain to them the damage the BBC does.
All people care about now is bread and circuses or ready meals and television as it is called now. The people have been programmed to avoid confrontation and accept less and less everyday; be it wages, freedoms or living space.
The world has changed a lot since I was born. I have adapted time and time again but now I am at the end of my tether. My Rome has fallen. History is about to write a new chapter without me in it.
The BBC want you to despair – but the power of the BBC can be taken away from them at a stroke of a pen, and they know it.
That is why their propaganda is so obsessive, they know that it is only the Left who really support them these days , and that the Left have lost every argument, and that nothing remains of Leftist ideology except their manifest greed, love of power, and knee jerk nihilism.
If the defenders of the BBC on here are anything to go by it is pretty obvious that the entire function of the BBC these days is to prop up the Leftist Ancien Regime. The way they acted as PR agents for New Labour is in retrospect quite funny, they think that nobody noticed.
It is their arrogance I suppose – like X Factor singers who think they sing like angels but once taken away from the cocoon of their admirers and put in front of an audience discover that they can hardly sing a note in tune.
BBC journalism these days is a byword for lazy and self-serving political indoctrination by middle class parasites who know nothing about (and actively seek to know nothing about) life outside the bloated public sector.
“…like X Factor singers “…like X Factor singers who think they sing like angels but once taken away from the cocoon of their admirers and put in front of an audience discover that they can hardly sing a note in tune.”
Because, in an increasing number of cases, they use this:
Remember Pat Condell’s perfect description of BBC’s Apparatchiks:
“White Middle Class Left Wing Pricks”
Use it daily. No description has been more accurate at every point of contact.
Don’t despair! Sites like honestreporting have proved that if people can be motivated to complain it can make a difference at the BBC. It is a battle that needs to be fought. Influencing individuals who work for the BBC is a second way . Bombarding them with alternative information is another such as information found in to counter their pro Muslim anti Israel agenda.
Find out if your local MP is a member of the Media, Culture and Sport Select Committee, if so then write to them about the BBC. You may then influence future plans to abolish the licence fee which you should not pay for if you are still paying the licence fee.
My local MP is not a member of the committee and committee members are only allowed to correspond with their constituents, so I am told that members of the committee such as the chairman John Whittingdale a fellow Mensa member will write to their constituents about future plans.
So, being out of the loop, I am now waiting for further developments which will be reported in Mensa publications.
You and other BiasedBBC readers could also join in this, hopefully fatal attack on the BBC, by writing to a local MP, if they are a member of this committee.
What corner? The EDL has been pretty consistent in condemning the attacks. Did you want him to condone them? Why would he? Utterly absurd position to take!
I see that the Guardian does not allow comments on this article.
They state…
“critics on Twitter who questioned why Tommy Robinson, who is not an elected representative, was invited on the flagship programme at all”
I didn’t know that being an elected representative was a necessary qualification for being invited onto Today – I thought that the usual qualification was that you would happily promote the usual BBC liberal view of the world or allow yourself to be punchbag for the interviewer to show how “right on” they are.
Perhaps, by the Guardian’s logic, we can look forward to hearing more from Mr Griffin and Mr Brons on “Today” (they are elected MEPs, after all) and less from Lefty pressure groups or self-appointed moral guardians like Humphrys and his crew.
Remind me how many people turned up at Nick Griffiths recent rally? (150) He represents nobody as the EU elections will prove when UKIP kick him into well deserved oblivion. Having this buffoon parading his views will probably increase support for the rebels!
Ah those Twitter critics…those MSN Blackberry types that always have a kind word for Fry, the BBC and -of course-any soapbox for Dimblebys, Brands and Toynbees.
Hmm..unelected eh?…as opposed to Toynbee, Fry, Dimblebys and O`Farrells…who seem not to have risked humilation at the ballot box, before getting the BBCs conversation stone…that the Sharia party left unthrown.
Oh, except for John O Farrell…who was indeed stuffed into his own envelope at Eastleigh, like a postal vote that no-one chose to use.
Besides-who voted for Patten then since his last victory as a Thatcher politico in 1987?…or indeed for Tony(Stuart) hall for that matter?
Remember education has not been dumbed down. So said all Labour and the establishment including the bBC. Just like climate change, you had to be a believer, it was heresy to think otherwise. The propaganda machine helped by the bBC condemned anyone who said their was dumbing down and grade inflation.
The bBC have kept a low profile so far as public opinion is swinging and finally realise they were well and truly hood winked.
One of Chucklin’ Nikki’s pet wimmin, Cacklin’ Rosie, was interviewing the Health Secretary this morning. I say ‘interviewing’ but I really mean asking him very lengthy meandering questions to show how on top of the subject she was. I say ‘on top of the subject’ but I really mean she’d skip read the intern’s briefing notes in the dead air while The Chuckler was doing the previous piece.
Anyhoo having bored on (at length) about the differing mortality rates in Salford (worse than the Gaza Strip – booze, greed, drugs, obesity, idleness) and the leafy shires of the South East (ripe old age, playing bridge, watching the test match, reading Wisden) she turned to Hunt and said in a wimminy tone
‘Sowotchagonnadoabout it’?
Rachel, treacle, here’s a quote for you from Ronnie Reagan.
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’
You can never have too much government, eh, Rache, or by extension, too much BBC.
Still I should be grateful, at least she never managed to shoehorn ‘My husband and my children’ into the article.
!0 O Clock news on Radio 4 tells me that “teaching unions” are up in arms over Goves efforts to make the exam system meaningful once again.
I heard the NUT Blowhard earlier…too far, too fast apparently, and (of course) her hope that she`ll get a few years out of class for “consultations”.
The “unions” have sat on their arses quietly as Labour turned the exam system into a cesspool of competing ignoramuses offering dumbed-down ticky box questions that were always easy to answer-basically the non-white kids experiment was always the right answer to tick( Pamini, Trayvon clever-white chav thickie/fatty Darren or Kylie always made the errors!)
So it`s hardly news that the NUT would protest-end of their leeching off the clever at last!
I do take umbrage at the plural…it was the NUT moaning…or did the BBC go running round the other “unions for Labour” to get a soundbite for 1p.m?
As for all that “dumbed down worry”-turns out David Miliband was right…a golden generation has just come onto the jobs market and are now wiping the floor with the Chinese, the Hong Kongies and the Indians.
Oh sorry-not the floor…the arses!
See-Labour and the NUT DO care about jobs and standards!
Come on Gove-open up another water cannon on these teaching union scummers…wash `em out of schools and let us all learn something again!
Non-Beeb fodder to result!..end of license soon afterwards ,please God!
It’s about time the BBC challenged the NUT on its resistance to change, using our appalling international performance on education (we’ve plummeted down all the major subject leagues) as its starting point.
Funny you should say that because according to the teaching unions our brilliant wonderful amazing teachers are doing a brilliant wonderful amazing job under the most difficult austere toricutz conditions.
Victoria Derbyshire currently doing the usual victim hood nonsense regarding Romanians in the UK. Why doesn’t she ask them all to live next door to her, I’m sure she would love it.
BBC 5dead is shilling for the “poor”? Romanians with Drearybyshire … visiting Hendon the latest burgeoning shantytown. the police have to keep moving them, but they return in greater numbers.
They have an American spokesman, and the clear emphasis the biggest problem according to the bbc
is … wait for it ….. yep! the police!.
Reading between the pro immigrant bbc bullshine lines,
they get picked up in vans :-D, get to work full shifts in construction for £40/45 a day cash in hand, get pizzas/beer delivered, set oil drum fires to keep warm at night, and
send the money straight home, to build housing.
Leave the locals in despair, and sometimes in fear, of threat, theft.
NOT … i would say, a multicultural utopia, the beebot on site, wants to ask why they think they should stay … and is told by the spokeman thats a racist question.
I heard the Robinson interview on Today: bland wasn’t the word. Much to Montague’s evident disappointment Robinson came over as unhysterical and, worse, non-racist although he was not too enthusiastic about the application of sharia law enforced by sharia courts in the UK to British Moslem women. Robinson’s best line – which has not been quoted on the subsequent news items – was his remark to the effect that had the perps written “David Cameron” on the burnt-out building, would the BBC and the rest of the media have leapt to the conclusion that it was probably Cameron who’d indulged in this bit of arson.
Although, according to the Guardian and all points left “some” say that having Robinson on the state broadcaster was taking free speech and statutory impartiality a bit far, rest assured it’ll be a long time before Robinson (or anyone not signed up to the “Moslems are the real victims of the Lee Rigby murder” line) is given another outing by the BBC on this issue.
Historically the Left have only believed in free speech for themselves, a position which in vulgar non-Party language is called suppressing free speech.
Robinson’s best line for me when he corrected Monty. She assumed his earlier claim had been about the lack of a voice for the WHITE working class. No, he corrected her, his words were just working class
The problem for EDL was that it initially hoped to collect black, Hindu and Sikh support. However one look at the skinheads quickly reminded them that it mostly ex BNP members involved and after the Moslems, they’d be next.
Curiously, the Nazi right loath the EDL because it still plays the multicultural card.
This is the Obama pro-Islam ‘policy’ on the Middle East which BBC-NUJ attaches itself to:-
“Obama Middle East Policy: Wrong Team, Wrong Ideas”
By Barry Rubin.
“Western and American interests are not with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Tunisia, and Syria; not with the stealth Islamist regime in Turkey for which the Obama Administration just renewed a waiver on sanctions against Iran (!); not with the rejectionist Palestinian Authority, not with some ‘moderate Islamist’ faction of the Iranian regime.”
Was watching High Art of the Low Countries on catch up last night.
By the end of the programme I was left wondering why we were shown so many shots of wind turbines but then, thinking about it, we get lots in other BBC programming too, right across the spectrum.
Couldn’t be anything to do with ‘actions arising’ from their 28gate meeting with the world’s top climate scientists (you know, the ones who have got everything wrong so far) – subliminal messages and all that?
Interesting to observe the BBC’s discreet deceit on its website stories as with this one:
It is headlined “Pay has shrunk by 10% in parts of UK, TUC study finds” and went up at 7.25 a.m. (11 June).
Not a single opposing view or critical opinion was provided – only TUC text.
I complained at 11 a.m. saying that it was a biased and lazy piece of churnalism, pointing out also that they were calling the TUC general secretary, Frances O’Grady, a man.
‘He’ became ‘She’ yet the ‘last updated at 7.25 a.m.’ statement never changed.
Then at 14.15 the story was amended with an ‘Analysis’ by John Moylan, Industry correspondent, seven hours after the original ‘news’ story was posted.
He made half a dozen points that appear to emanate from ‘the government,’ long after anyone will read the story, and even adds one from the TUC report that is not anti-government.
However he does not say that reduced wages are better than redundancy since the former could never happen to a Beeboid, and the latter will be so generous that staff laugh all the way to the bank.
BBC inferences come thick and fast, (as to be expected)
far right/nazis etc … however, by Lennon sticking to fact, and the consequences of wilful ignorance, they are shown for what they are, hopeless mudslinging.
Don’t you mean Tommy Robinson?
He gave some very robust and clear answers to Sarah Montaskew’s questions.
When he started making some salient points he was cut off, ‘Ran out of time’ syndrome!
Compare the tone and content of BBC-NUJ ‘Today’ interview with Tony Robinson of English Defence League, with tone and content of BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’ interview with Abu Nusaybah, a couple of weeks ago, after Woolwich murder.
( Nusaybah was arrested immediately after the ‘Newsnight’ interview.)
He did very well didn`t he?
Much more polite and civilised than most of us on this site, and his sifting the sects of Islam for the education of Monty was great-not that the BBC would ever learn anything from this “chav”.
Reckon we`ve got a real star here, if he stays as reasonable as this-and his telling Monty he`d not spoken of “white” working class as she tried to imply for him will stand as monument to the BBCs game…and he spotted that whilst she rambled on.
Proof that he`s hit and hurt them will be evident in the Guardians, Indies, BBCs outrage at his not being…well cleavered, nail bombed..instead of putting the BBC in its wicca coffin for later burning!
Rock on Tommy!…the first Tommy in the trench at this rate!
Another immigration law sob story from Mardell. Once again, it’s all about how these poor innocents are made illegal by an uncaring government. At least Mardell mentioned the word “illegal”, for a change. But he keeps giving us examples of families who came here either illegally and are made to feel uneasy about it, or people who came here legally but then overstayed their visa for years. Either way, the message is: they just want a chance at the American Dream, is that so wrong?
Mardell’s perspective on the issue and biased use of advocacy language is given away by the way he closes his piece:
There is a question about who should share in the American dream, and when the drawbridge should be pulled up.
I asked one of those meeting with the state senator why she felt she should be allowed to stay when she came here illegally.
At first 17-year-old Ahslie Rosas, who came from Mexico with her family five years ago, disputed the premise – they had come here legally but stayed when her father’s visa ran out. But her final answer was eloquent.
“We might be breaking the law but we are seeking a better future,” she says.
“America is an immigration country. Americans came from Europe to this land. That’s us, too. “
Once again, Mardell offers a disgusting false choice. Who should share the American dream? Wrong question. This makes it seems as if those concerned about illegal immigration want to deny it to certain people – a certain group of people, if we go by Mardell’s past reporting on the issue (it’s always about race with him). In fact, even these brown-skinned Latinos are welcome to share the American Dream if they come here legally. Nobody is preventing them.
The last line is perhaps the most offensive to those of us whose ancestors came here legally. All those Europeans came here legally. I’d like to ask Mark Mardell if Latinos are somehow superior to my ancestors, deserving of special treatment, more deserving of a chance at the American Dream than my non-Latino forebears.
s it a melting pot of immigrants from many lands, some unwilling, where Korean and black and Hispanic culture is celebrated every bit as an English or German heritage?
Or should newcomers, bring no more than a few folk songs from their old home, and squeeze into a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant definition of what it is to be American?
Mardell is an advocate for amnesty for illegal immigrants, a position which by default declares that Latinos are superior to my family. La Raza would be pleased.
“We might be breaking the law but we are seeking a better future,” she says.
“America is an immigration country. Americans came from Europe to this land. That’s us, too. “‘
Billions across the planet could use that as an excuse. Has Mardell stopped to do the sums, do you think, or is he simply advocating totally open borders? The answer’s pretty obvious, and it shows he doesn’t give a flying fork for impartiality.
Good thing your own national treasure is protected by the structure of the license fee, eh?
Although I noticed that the report doesn’t say what happens to that extra 4.30 euros tacked on to everyone’s electric bill. Presumably it will continue but be paid towards something else, like paying off the interest on the first round of bailout loans? Stephanie Flanders was unavailable for comment.
Before the disclosure of PRISM, a handful of European politicians were trying to amend data protection regulations to shield against suspected sweeping secret U.S. surveillance programs. The politicians’ concerns seemed to fall on deaf ears. However, the disclosure of PRISM has provided a level of confirmation that the suspicions were not rooted in paranoia, and the importance of this cannot be overstated. It has finally jolted senior European officials into action. Viviane Reding, vice president of the European Commission, the EU’s executive body, said in a statement Friday that “a clear legal framework for the protection of personal data is not a luxury or constraint but a fundamental right,” suggesting that the commission may support the introduction of more stringent privacy safeguards Europe-wide in response to PRISM.
Actually, this couldn’t have come at a better time for the President. This is being played as a “the US is wrong”, not as a scandal of His Administration. Bush started it, etc. And bonus, as Mardell so cleverly noticed the other day, He can do the strong-on-national-security pose, always good for a boost in polls and media fawning. So the IRS, Benghazi, and the DoJ (never mind Fast & Furious, the EPA, the Drone Wars) all get put on the back burner and quickly forgotten by the media and – they hope – the public.
Since the executive producer of BBC World News America has already expressed his concern that the President’s accomplishments are getting overshadowed by these ‘scandals’ (his scare quotes, not mine – he doesn’t think the word is appropriate) it’s not hard to imagine how the BBC is going to cover all of this.
Mardell and the Zimmerman trial – Mardell’s biased take on the case was in much of the media at the time – but was then steadily exploded by new facts. And millions of people grasped that those new facts put the case in a different light.
In most bars or shops in America, if someone spouted the old biased case – it would be challenged. “No that is NOT what the recording of the police call said”, “No Trayvon was not some chubby innocent-looking sprite”…. etc etc.
Even in this country where the case is not well-known, there are still plenty of people who can readily challenge the clapped-out Mardell version.
So why are there no such people at the BBC ? Are they all blind to the fact that there are competing narratives ? No – it is DELIBERATE bias that riddles the whole BBC, so Mardell can get away with his rubbish, without being queried by his colleagues or editors.
And we are FORCED to pay for all this endless bias.
PLUS his nice little jolly down to Florida. Scandals galore in Washington, but more fun by the seaside ?
-do not use British people’s licence fee money to give support to this gruesome Islamic jihadi side in the Islamic jihad war.
1.) ‘JihadWatch’:
“Syrian bishop: Murder of teen for blasphemy ‘shocked the entire population of the city, Muslims and Christians, who do not want an Islamic state in Syria.'”
[Warning: include gruesome Islamic jihad video clip.]
“The President of the United States ought to be speaking out for these people, instead of abandoning them to the tender mercies of the Sharia.”
As INBBC appears to naively not realise (or not care?) the oppositional Sunni Islamic jihadists (including many from outside Syria) are all inter-mixed with jihadists of e.g. Jabhat Nusra.
INBBC should stop playing a ‘war game’ to support Obama intervention for one particular type of Islamic jihadist rather than another.
The BBC should realise that its broadcasting duty is not to play that political game at the British people’s expense.
Sky News earlier, a reporter live in Istanbul reporting on the riots with live video.
Contrast the BBC, talking to an “independent journalist” (blogger?)On the telephone; “can you tell us what you can see around you?”.
I read recently that the BBC has 7000 journalists, sky has less than 50 (anyone confirm?). How come sky always seems to beat the BBC to a story? Just where are these 7000 BBC journalists? At home sunbathing with their taxpayer funded champagne? (Sorry sparkling wine).
The same BBC which moved at a glacial pace to report about the Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the IRS, and DoJ scandals suddenly can’t wait to file report after report about the NSA snooping, and now the State Dept. staff fiasco. I wonder what could be different to cause such a profound contrast?
BBC R4 – File on 4 tonight,’Are young grooming victims getting the help they need?”.
A few horrific details, e.g. a girl who was horribly abused by The usual culprits, and now has a 13-year-old daughter who is also being abused. Another small case study where “names have been changed” featuring the details of a victim called Zeinab – yeah right, I suspect her real name wasn’t Asian at all, just a little bit of BBC racial deception.
Onto the main topic of the program, do I really have to spell it out, no they’re not getting enough support, and it’s all down to those evil Tory cuts.
Well the police and social services didn’t do anything to tackle the gangs for fear of the offending muslins when Labour was showering them with taxpayers cash, so how can they do any worse?
Austria has begun withdrawing its soldiers from the Golan Heights after nearly four decades of monitoring a UN buffer zone between Israel and Syria.
The Ministry of Defence in Vienna said that the decision was taken as violence from the conflict in Syria spilled over into the ceasefire area.
“The first 60 to 80 soldiers will land in Vienna tomorrow afternoon,” said a ministry spokesman.
The full Austrian withdrawal will be completed within a month.
More than 900 UN soldiers form the mission, known as the UN Disengagement Observer Force (Undof), monitoring the demilitarised zone between Syria and Israel, including Quneitra – the only open crossing between Syria and the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights.
The withdrawal of Austria’s 377 peacekeepers will leave the Philippines as the largest contributor. India also has troops based in the Golan, but Croatia, Canada and Japan have withdrawn their contingents because of the conflict in Syria.
Huh. All those troops in “Muslim lands”, and Austria never seems to have had a jihadi problem. Same with Croatia and Japan. India and the Philippines have their own problems, of course.
As usual, though, we get the BBC’s patented “1967 is Year Zero” Narrative.
Syria’s deployment of tanks in the demilitarised zone violates ceasefire agreements in place since the Arab-Israeli war of 1973, but sources have told the BBC that Israel will not react.
Israel captured part of the plateau in 1967 and later annexed it in a move that has never been internationally recognised.
Why was Israel in a position to capture that plateau in ’67, BBC? Still, thank heavens the Jews aren’t going to try anything, so need for the peacekeepers to stick around, right?
Still, it’s funny how peacekeepers are happy to be there when there’s peace – or Jews to look down upon – but when there might be an actual reason for them to be there, they’re out. Why is this different from their original purpose for being there? Can’t wait for the BBC analysis explaining how Mohammedan lives are valued only according to who kills them.
The history of Arab/Israeli wars is slowly being re-written by the BBC, that is when they even get a mention, which is rare.
Suits a certain narrative, which is why the BBC aren’t going to portray Israel as the victim in any circumstances, despite the three wars waged against them by their Arab neighbours in the short space of 25 years. ‘Wipe Israel off the face of the map’ – not a phrase you’ll hear on the BBC.
BBC 5 Live has a secret remit to shoe horn leftist campaign politics into the sport schedule whenever and wherever possible.
So licence payers – such as myself – who have fled the continual left-liberal prattle on Radio 4 are faced with endless trailers for this up coming event :
‘The six-time All England Club champion talks to BBC Sport in Tuesday’s 5 live Sport Special “Billie Jean King and the Day Sport Changed Forever”, on the 40th anniversary of the formation of the WTA (Women’s Tennis Association).’
‘As for the women, their complaints about sexism at tournaments and appalling comparative prize money had fallen mainly on deaf ears.’
‘On the 5 live Sport Special, Billie Jean King, plus friends … tell the story of the day female athletes demanded to be taken seriously, the day which built the platform for women such as Serena Williams and Sharapova, plus superstars from other sports, to make a living from playing sport and become commercially successful.’
‘The WTA, now a thriving professional tour with events in 33 countries and prize money of more than $100m (£64.3m), was born that day.’
I’m pleased for them. ‘The Day Sport Changed Forever’ – no, I don’t think so!
Don’t take much interest in tennis, but is it still best of 3 sets for the ladies and 5 for the gentlemen? Do they charge the same entrance money at the major tennis venues?
If so, did any of that get challenged by the BBC as ‘inequalities’?
On the midnight news and now repeatedly on the Today programme the BBC is banging on with eulogies for the radio newsreader Rory Morrison who has died from cancer aged 48.
Yes, this is a young death, yes it is sad, for his family and friends – but it is NOT major news. Most people will hardly have heard of him, he was not at the BBC for that many years anyway, he was not in the same league of familiarity as Charlotte Green let alone someone like Alvar Liddell.
The BBC being typically self-focussed. I would prefer more time to be spent on the troubles in Turkey – or on questions like “If the Greeks can chop the state broadcaster down to a fraction of its size because it is so extravagent, why can’t we try it here too?”
I have not seen ONE comment from the British ‘political class’ (inc Tories, Lib Dems, Labour, MSM, CBI, TUC, NUJ, etc), which all campaign for 80 million Muslim Turks to get entry into the European Union, now saying: NO – we must oppose Turkey’s entry, given the Islamising action of Erdogan’s AK Party.
“‘Model’ Muslim State Turkey Accelerates Towards Tyranny”
Interesting country Turkey. It’s history reveals , since the 18th century,this continual tension between Islam and modern Western style society. I think printing was not really allowed until the influence of the French revolution and Napoleon finally woke the Sultans up.
It is quite unsuitable to be part of the Eu which is the reality. Our liberal elites are once again out of step with this. Idiots.
Given the history of military coups in Turkey in the last 50 or so years (1960, 1971 and 1980) I put the following question: what are the odds of the massive Turkish armed forces stepping in to sort out Erdoğan and the AK Party?
But Erdogan has falsely imprsoned a lot of the army generals, and replaced them with compliant Islamists. (The BBC does not tell us about this much – or the imprisonment of large numbers of journalists and judges. Just like the pattern in Muslim-Brotherhood Morsi’s Egypt.)
So it is hard to expect the Turkish Army to intervene on the old pattern unless it is led from below – a Colonels’ uprising aimed at returning Turkey to the secular aims of Kemal Ataturk. Enough grounds for intervention might develop – chaos through widespread street disorders, police brutality and inability to restrain the chaos,, more denial of media freedom – plus damage to the stock market and the tourism trade.
All this depends on Erdogan overreaching himself. But just like Morsi, he is likely to get his Islamist street mobs out, and this will deepen and embitter the rift with secular Turks – the Turks who make the economy run.
I’m not up to date with Turkish schools under Erdoğan but I know that, less than a decade ago, school children were taught and graded on the subject of “Atatürkçülük” i.e Atatürk Studies or, if you prefer, “Kemalism”. What I don’t know is how well rooted this is in the Eastern expanses far from Europe.
I’ve always wondered when you get Muslims in this country complaining about our armed forces killing their ‘brothers’, what do they call the Muslim killers of other Muslims – still their ‘brothers’?
Just one of the many Islamic riddles that the BBC won’t help you to answer.
atlas_shruggedFeb 22, 22:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Years ago, in Brighton, a chap had just parked his white Rolls Royce under some large trees. Right on que…
JohnCFeb 22, 22:40 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It’s a common trick at the BBC and they usually get away with it. The outrageous editting of the clip…
JohnCFeb 22, 22:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 ‘Trump hasn’t got any plan’: Russians speak to BBC after three years of war ‘Oh’ I thought, why are…
atlas_shruggedFeb 22, 22:28 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Matt Goodwin Digging up some UK ‘DOGE’ flagged payments in bonkers Britain:
Guest WhoFeb 22, 22:25 Weekend 22nd February 2025 1️⃣ In 2007, the BBC faced an internal crisis over a misleading edit of Queen Elizabeth II walking out…
NiborFeb 22, 22:15 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Nick Robinson Radio 4 Political Thinking 5.30pm He interviews Heidi Alexander , the minister for railways . She says she…
Guest WhoFeb 22, 22:12 Weekend 22nd February 2025 She probably thought this would help. As a former @BBCNews journalist, I’m appalled at the decision to remove ‘How…
Fedup2Feb 22, 21:37 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Jeff the whole month has been 47 and his Cabinet explaining what they are doing – particularly with regard to…
Lefty WrightFeb 22, 21:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Fedup2 Who were the authors of said report. They need to be severely TRUMPED! This item is about Hollande telling Japan that the Euro crisis is over. No comment from any bBC journo questioning his sanity, his comment or whatever is he smoking.
Meanwhile French Air traffic controllers (salary over £150k each) currently on three days strike, paralysing airports and ruining tens of thousands of ordinary people’s (who earn a fraction of their salary) holidays. Hollande doesn’t notice. He’s a Socialist.
The Greek equivalent of the bBC has been cut back by getting rid of many staff.
bBC – Cameron take note and copy.
ERT currently employees 2,800 people.
Is that it?…That don’t even cover the staff needed for “Newsnight”
In fact, the Beeb probably (see, I said probably, not stating a fact, just presuming for our local trolls) employ more trolls than ERT employ staff.
How can INBBC avoid outright condemnation of 6 Islamic jihadists sentenced today of plot against the English Defence League?
Easy: after Dominic Casciani’s court summary, get on Radio 4 ‘P.M’ programme, (at about 5:25 pm) one Matthew Goodwin, who writes for ‘Guardian’ and has a book, ‘The New British Fascism: Rise of BNP’) to spend most of his uninterrupted time to talk of ‘threat’ from ‘extreme right’, NOT to talk of deadly threat from Islamic jihadists on British people!
INBBC’s politically complicit interviewer was: E. Mair.
If the BBC/Guardian actually interviewed Fascists, they would discover that they agree with the BBC/Guardian on issues such as Socialism, but like all non-Italian Fascists, prefer to be called Nationalists.
I would not be surprised if Matthew Goodwin had not interviewed any of the so called “right-wing extremists” for his book. They may have objected to being called “right-wing” because BNP supporters are usually ex-Labour supporters who would never think of voting Tory.
I recall a Sunday Times Magazine article in the 1980s, in the “A Life in the Day of” series. There was a profile of a Labour-supporting man who was thinking of voting National Front. He described a childhood memory of being told to sit down in front of the TV to watch Enoch Powell “chew up” Robin Day on immigration. I doubt the BBC would want to “go there”.
It strikes me that a book on the BNP must be very hard to write for anyone, especially a Guardian or BBC type: there is no trust between the two sides, the BNP would be very secretive and the BBC would be frightened of a repeat of the Paxman v Griffin Newsnight interview debacle from 2009, where Paxo, having failed to discredit Griffin, was reduced to trying to associate the BNP with gas chambers at the very end of it.
Unless the writer has a mole inside the party, as with the case of Ray Hill and the book “The Other Face of Terror – Inside Europe’s Neo-Nazi Network” [Ray Hill with Andrew Bell, Grafton Books, 1988, ISBN 0-586-06935-6] there may not be much that’s new in the book.
how many muslims have the BNP or EDL killed in the last since 9/11 in the UK? and how many ppl have muslims killed since that time. BBC scumbags should think about that
The BBC does think about how many have been killed, but in a different way. They’re acutely aware of the number of Mohammedans killed in countries where British troops are stationed. It doesn’t matter whether or not the British troops actually harmed a single hair on anyone’s head on a given day. The point is that there are British troops in “Muslim lands”, and so by default all the blood of Mohammedans killed, period, including by other Mohammedans in the vicinity, is on their hands. They wouldn’t be killing each other like that if not for George Bush, you know. So 9/11, 7/7, Boston, Woolwich, and all the rest of it is entirely understandable from the BBC point of view. We hear it over and over. They don’t condone the violence, of course. They just understand it.
The BNP and EDL are irrelevant in this equation.
‘The BNP and EDL are irrelevant in this equation’ …. Yeah, but the BNP/EDL terms are constants in all of the BBC’s biased equations. If one had to find the subject of a BBC Islamic equation, it would be EDL/BNP/Right-wing every time!
Talking about soldiers, compare the respect the Canadians show for their war dead and what our soldiers have to put up with here, being abused and spat on by Muslims while the police just look on.
Mmmm…. and i strongly suspect that our dead flown back are landed where they are now to avoid the procession through Royal Wootton Bassett as it had become an embarassment to the government, all those bodies.
Good account of BBC techniques, from an ex-soldier, here:
Mice Height, I appreciate this post which corrects the official version. But for God’s sake why is Prime Minister Cameron still allowing himself to be associated with the UAF?
Because he is weak.
and wants everyone to like him. It makes him “proud to be British”, when he gives away money he has first had to borrow, in foreign aid. Bit like Hollande saying it’s patriotic to pay more tax. Pair of deluded idiots in a bubble.
I noticed how many times Matthew Goodwin managed to get the words ‘far right’ into his interview – sometimes more than once in the same sentence – I had missed who he was at the beginning of the report but just knew he had to be a ‘friend’ of the BBC’s.
The BNP….So far left have they traveled on the BBC’s political spectrum, they have popped out of the other side of the political circle and become Right Wing…
Amazing stuff.
Anybody else concerned about how the bBC are reporting the story of how 6 followers of Islam were jailed today, I quote from the article:
As well as targeting EDL supporters, police officers and members of the public could have been caught up in the attack, the court heard.
I’m sorry , I just can’t my head around that snippet, I’m I the only one who feels that the bBC is saying that it is acceptable for Muslims to attack EDL. This the world renowned news Org (News Org indeed?) which berates the free world for taking out terrorists, is saying otherwise when it comes to the British EDL.
It does seem as though the English Defence League still ranks as INBBC’s No 1 political enemy, globally.
‘We are simply carrying out National Union of Journalists policy, your honour.’
The “victims of British justice” had keening burkas in the dock, ullulating, and shouting “Allah Akhbar”.
The bigot that lured these vulnerable men( young?…and sounding a bit, er …Muslimmy), meanwhile shouted “God Save the Queen”.
6 of one, half a dozen of the other, bit of balance here-you decide who speaks more for Britain…text Dimbleby!
And the vote shows we need now to arrest Robinson for his hate-induced rant against the peaceful perpetrators of community cohesion!
Nurse…the screens if you please!
“Good, here’s a million quid under the censorship act. And remember to blame Sky for global warming”
Certainly shoved the BNP off the top of the BBC’s (And other MSM to be fair) political hate agenda.
Perhaps it’s because they are genuinely Right wing?….or maybe, it’s because Griffin has proven the BBC to be liars on issues regarding Islam too many times for them to stomach, and know that he may well have the firpower to hit them back now (certainly in regards to child-rape cases that he highlighted, and was promptly arrested for in no small thanks to the BBC)
I, personally, do not like the BNP, left wing, and a very large brush, but, I hope to god, that one day, Griffin gets his revenge on the treacherous swines at the BBC.
This from the “Racist BBC” who, unlike the rest of European press, opted not to publish “The Cartoons” , thus depriving their license-fee payers of the opportunity to make up their own minds about how “offensive” the Danish cartoons were, and whether they justified the death sentence.
“To inform” it says on the charter. Or not , as the mood takes them. I don’t recall seeing a mission to promote social cohesion in the BBC Charter. May be I missed it.
What a “disgusting” organisation.
(The word “disgusting” is used with kind permission of the Labour Party Smear Department)
Disgusting, as a weapon, can sometimes misfire and cause damage to inexperienced users. As in the case of Rutter the Nutter, on inbbc QT.
Got to love the bBC:
Afghan Taliban ‘behead two boys in Kandahar’
The Taliban have beheaded two boys for spying in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar, officials say. The boys, 10 and 16, had been scavenging for food in bins near police headquarters when they were abducted.
And faster than you can utter ‘Allah Akba” in court the bBC post:
But the Taliban have denied responsibility in this incident. Spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmadi insisted to the BBC the group had not beheaded any children in the area.
Err bBC, don’t you mean Spokesperson Ahmadi?
The bBC, the propaganda mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism
Oh good, not “in the area”…!!!
I guess the other islamists have that franchise..
I like the way the Taliban have a hotline to the BBC, to deny any inconvenient accusation.
In the interests of balance, perhaps the EDL should have a hotline too.
BBC Have your say:
Are You in Kandahar?
Have you been beheaded?
Send us your stories.
Mark Mardell has written an article on racial tensions in Sanford, Florida ahead of the George Zimmerman trial. Rather than grey (or in this case brown) the literally black and white narrative Mardell wanted to write (before he arrived in Sanford, I’d suggest) he chooses to avoid the fact that Zimmerman is in fact Hispanic (it says so on his voter registration, and he’s a registered Democrat).
It was “the shooting of an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin, by a volunteer neighbourhood watchman, George Zimmerman” says Mardell. Not Hispanic neighbourhood watchman George Zimmerman, you’ll notice.
Mardell even includes a quote from a local museum proprietor which says the Hispanics are united with the blacks:
“The old Sanford has controlled everything that has gone on for the last 100 years. At one point there were two communities here – black and white.
“But now there’s a third: Hispanic. And the Hispanic community and the black community have joined forces.”
But Zimmerman is Hispanic!
Mardell had a narrative to push. The fact Zimmerman is Hispanic complicated that narrative, so he ignored it.
(I notice the BBC have gone for the contrasting photo shtick that all the media used immediately after the shooting – Zimmerman looking as white as possible and Trayvon Martin young and angelic.)
Mardell is a disgusting race-baiter, and a dishonest journalist. He still hasn’t mentioned how NBC and ABC doctored audio and video to make Zimmerman appear racist in the former instance, and a liar in the latter. Nor has he ever mentioned that Zimmerman has a history of supporting black people.
Yet defenders of the indefensible harp on about piddling errors or side notes by people here, as if none of the above exists.
Yes – the media’s wilful and malicious misrepresentation of Zimmerman stoked racial tensions. A half-decent journalist would address that.
I also like this from the opening sentence:
“nestled among the dark, green lushness of Florida’s fauna.” Fauna? Piled high with frogs and alligators?
Not piled high with them – it’s just his perspective. I’ve heard that Mardell is lower than a snake’s belly, but never realized it was true…..
The BBC, (perhaps Mardell?) were equally guilty of race baiting. Their report stated (I paraphrase slightly) “the victim was black and Zimmerman complained that he was fed up of “these” people”, clearly implying that Zimmerman meant he was fed up of black people. Anyone who listened to the recording of the emergency call would quickly realise that that is not what he meant at all. The BBC deliberately misled in their reporting, like some American networks.
Yes I had forgotten about all that.
The BBC does not hold a monopoly on lying, distortion and sacrifice of the truth in favour of remaining on message.
No, in this case the BBC is merely passing along the lies, distortions, and sacrificing of truth. Kind of like how they do it for White House talking points.
From the comments under Mardell’s article, where some have pointed out Mardell’s omission that Zimmerman is Hispanic:
“for a ‘hispanic’ he has an awfully jewish sounding name. just because someone in america has olive skin, doesn’t make them hispanic”
Well done, BBC North America editor. Job done.
In comments section reminded about to brit tourists stripped and murdered in mugging at same time. What was out come of that?
Why is the BBC using a picture of the victim aged 12 when he was, in fact, aged 17 at the time of the incident?
If anyone wants a more truthful picture of the 17 year-old muscular six foot tall Trayvon Martin there are plenty on the Internet, just not on the BBC site who like the vast majority of the US media continue to use the angelic image of a 12 year old who looks like something from the Cosby Show.
Similarly the reports and police photos of the facial and head injuries suffered by George Zimmerman on the night have somehow been overlooked by Mr Mardell and his editors. Who would have expected that?
Here you go:
It’s all about the Narrative. To be fair, though, one of the BBC’s “bespoke” video pieces about Martin shows him in a hoodie. Balance, got it about right, eh, BBC?
Just saw Mardell’s report on the news. Unbelievably biased and frankly, a disgrace.
Quite right, guys. This was always going to be a race case. Why let facts get in the way of a good story? Can’t you imagine how Mardell is spitting that “Zimmerman” isn’t a Nordic, blond, blue-eyed white guy. But don’t worry in the Lifetime Movie he will be.
Where the hell is innocent till proved guilty these days?
Mardell’s journalism reminds me of Charles Manson’s ideas about wanting a race war.
At around 4:00 pm this afternoon I was in my dentist’s waiting room viewing BBC News 24 on the TV set generously provided. One item of news got some excitable coverage: apparently Thames Water made a £billion (or more) profit last year and paid no corporation tax.
In the subsequent incest interview we were given to understand that, due to Thames Water’s use of a “scheme”, tax on its profits was effectively deferred (to be understood as “dodged”) to a later date.
The scheme used? Thames Water’s £billions expenditure on redoing London’s Victorian water system will be allowed as “capital allowances” against the company’s profits. In other words, Thames Water is using legitimate expenditure against legitimate income to come to a legitimate earnings figure on which its liability to tax will be legitimately computed. As it happens, this year the expenditure allowed against tax under the HMRC rules exceeds profits and thus no tax is payable: not unusual with companies incurring heavy capital expenditure.
This was a non-news item only reported by the BBC “news” service in order to smear Thames Water in particular and private sector business (yes the “privateness” of Thames Water was mentioned) in general with tax dodging. The lefty bias and propaganda just keeps getting worse.
In other words, normal business practice. Doesn’t the BBC have a high-profile, well-credentialed business editor to sort this stuff out?
Of course the BBC is probably the only corporation that does not pay tax and do they reclaim V.A.T ?
What about ‘benefit in kind’ lavished on their staff and selected ‘guests’ ?
Still when hypocrisy is the modus operendi these matters are conveniently left under the carpet.
Ahhh….but….but….Starbucks will be using that water to make their tax free coffee, so, erm….Thames water are obviously aiding and abating the evil coffee shop…that…erm…most BBC employes used to use…um…and, Amazon, don’t get me started on their toilet flushing policy….flush, flush flush….all bloody day…using that same, tax free water…robbing precious resources from kiddies, and hard working families mouths…
Maybe they went along to Al Beeb Mosque for advice on tax avoidance. After all, they’re the experts.
That left wing daily, the Daily Mail doesn’t agree with you. Nor anyone else.
So what? Just because a paper rag makes the same point as the statutorily “impartial” state broadcaster doesn’t invalidate the point that the BBC is running this “news” on the basis that Thames is abusing the tax system.
As a matter of interest, prices charged by Thames Water – the local water monopolist – are controlled by Ofwat. If anything this is a failure of regulation but I don’t expect the Mail – and certainly not the BBC – to make such a point (the Mail because it generally spouts ignorance and the BBC because, as a point of principle, it prefers state regulation to competition). Moreover, I don’t expect the Mail to publish anything except that which sells its paper. I don’t look to the Mail for a sensible take on anything. However, I can opt not to buy the Mail. Unfortunately, we are compelled by law to cough up for the BBC – bias and all.
Panorama, tonight; “Blacklist Britain”
A documentary about a blacklist that was operated by construction companies listing so-called “troublesome” workers. Being on this list, we’re told by the BBC, could “destroy livelihoods”.
So where was the BBC’s concern when many thousands of construction jobs were lost to cheap immigrant labour over the last 15 years. Construction as a career has been destroyed in this country. What was once an honest unskilled job with prospects and decent pay for a school leaver now no longer exists.
I know two skilled construction workers/contract managers who have seen their careers wrecked by labours opendoor immigration policy. And in one case his marriage too.
Where was the BBC’s concern when this was happening? Absolutely nowhere. It’s fine for peoples careers to be destroyed on the altar of multiculturalism, but if some nasty capitalist employer refuses to employ someone then the BBC is up in arms.
Christ I despise them.
Let`s see if the Unions at the time get the pasting that they deserve for stitching up the enemy within their organisations.
Let me guess now…Eric Chappell, John Edmonds and other “right wing unions” will get a few seconds in the stocks.
But it`ll be right wing business groups, hopefully linked to the McWhirters or shady Tory grandees that`ll get the blame.
Cue Yorkshire ex-Marxists wanting trouble that were “blacklisted” for wanting strikes instead of jobs.
Ah, but it was a different time…works for John Peel doesn`t it?
Sorry, ChrisH I think I wrongly clicked “Report” Anywat, my point is that the BBC are pretty good at blacklisting those who have fallen from favour, such as Johnny Ball and David Bellamy who had the courage to challenge the orthodoxy on global warming.
I did that the other day (apologies to Prang Wizard). Reply and report comment are too close together.
BBC management and journalists blacklisting of causational or attributional climate scientists such as atmospheric physicists and solar physicists from giving advice to the BBC.
(1) BBC Journalists without scientific qualifications taking advice from environmentalists at Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth instead of questioning the relevant scientists directly.
(2) BBC seminar full of environmental activists which seemed to have blacklisted the relevant climate scientists from giving advice to the BBC.
(3) BBC Climate Change documentaries for the last decade have had not a single presenter with the relevant scientific qualifications let alone interviewed any causational climate scientists other than a prominent sceptic.
The BBC has blacklisted Johnny Ball and David Bellamy because they are scientists who have taken advice from causational climate scientists, and have talked about this advice at public meetings that they where invited too, this has caused some left-wing environ-mental morons to react in a very violently emotional headbanging manner at these meetings.
To say nothing of the BBC’s apparent policy of not employing any journalist to the Right of Polly Toynbee. Now that’s what I’d call a real blacklist!
I may have mentioned before (bored you with) the fact that I used be an active member of the TGWU building and construction trade group. Then the so called ‘black list’ was held by an out fit called the economic exchange.
I was always a surprised that my colleges were so angry about this. Did they (I asked at time) think the employers were going to thanks us for organising their sites? (Amazingly some did) and in any case sometimes it could work in our favour. The major construction firms ,and their respective trade organisations were as much in competition with each other as we were with UCATT (byzantine don’t come close to describing what went on)
But we did our share of black listing (more accurately the SWP dominated ACCTS group did) not least of long term members who supported the ‘wrong’ political party. They were blacklisted out of the union despite the fact (as I reminded them at the time) that, until Jack Jones’ tenure, even ex-members of the British communist party (including my dad) were banned from holding office. The incongruity of it amused me at the time, had I known how things would evolve I would have been less amused
if nelson mandela and prince philip died on the same day,what a big problem for the bbc,which death would get the most coverage just to add,i hope nelson mandela and prince philip have a speedy recovery,
Phillip would get the veiled slagging off for not being PC enough.
When Phillip does die, they’ll have to find another target for Hugh Dennis on Mock the Week.
I wonder how much the BBC pays Andy Choudary for his appearances?
Probably the standard fee, which is about £140. It is likely to be the same amount that any guest gets for an appearance. As a frequent contributor to the BBC maybe David Vance will be able to answer your question.
“Probably the standard fee, which is about £140.
If BBC employees pay their guests out of their own pocket it is their choice how they spend it, but if they take the money they spend from somebody else, it raises the question if the people from whom it is taken are free not to pay the BBC if they disagree with how the BBC spend it.
By the way your jibe about David Vance being paid by the BBC might have more validity if Vance expressed his support for the BBC. That people who earn their living from the BBC and/or share its Leftist advocacy of the Public Sector support the BBC goes without saying.
He will of course tell the social about any extra income being the just, upright and honest citizen that he is.
BBC 6.30 news No.1 story
Muslims fear backlash after four prisoned for attempted bombing … one can assume that backlash is supposed to be from the … ba ba BAAA! EDL … both absurd and unlikely in equal measure.
Only on the bbc/islam alliance can wannabe islamic mass murderers, create more victim mentality,(as if any more was needed), in the very supremacist community that spawned them …
scriptured mass murder is not the imperative of a “victim”
it is the imperative of a supremacist.
Eliminate the so called “scripture” that is used to incite them in the first place, and address the vast majority of future problems. remove that and so called leaders and scholars that peddle it.
The BBC – from apologising for describing someone as being ‘of muslim appearance’… to seeking out someone for comment who is ‘of muslim appearance’. You can’t make this sh!t up…
A few days ago I received a call from a producer at BBC World Service asking if I knew of a Muslim woman who would comment on a news story about the bikini being banned at the Miss World pageant in Indonesia. I promptly responded that I would and the producer asked me some questions which I answered (I think) quite intelligently; she said she was very impressed.
Then she asked, “Are you a Muslim? Your website photo doesn’t really show that you are.”
To say that I was flabbergasted would be an understatement. I fired back: “and how do you think I should look as a Muslim woman? Should there be a tattoo on my forehead, maybe I should have been in a niqab or a burka?”
The producer said she would call back. Half an hour later I received an email from her saying that while she is very taken by my comments, the editor has said they are not doing that particular story right now because of some breaking news that came up.
BBC – Breaking news – we’ve found someone who looks genuinely muslim! Probably, we’ll also claim that their willingness to comment so openly as a muslim female makes them ‘such a remarkable person’. *sigh*
Producer: Umm what exactly does that mean? What are we looking for? Aren’t Muslims extremely diverse in their ethnicities and way of dress?
Editor: Yes but you know the rules. We have to have an authentic Muslim voice so you have to find someone who wears the hijab or at least a burka, preferably no make-up, ethnic dress, intersperses her conversation with Inshallah and Mashallah, has an accent and should be well versed in the Koran.
You just know this is the way it probably works at the BBC – find someone who is genuinely muslim, not a fake one – you know, all westernised and reasonable and fully integrated into modern liberal society. No wonder the BBC seems to be infested with Islamist commentators, it appears to be the only kind of muslim they seek out – anti-West, anti-British and full of righteous anger – that’ll do the job . They actually do a great disservice to the quiet moderates who are trying to be heard over the ranting of the radicals.
The BBC – a national megaphone for extremists (selectively applied).
More casual dishonesty and censorship of important details from Mardell and the BBC, this time about their new hero, St. Edward of Snowden.
Mardell writes glowingly of his heroism, seeing distinct similarities to St. Bradley and Wikihacks. He cites fellow Beeboid Paul Adams’ newly coined phrase, “Rise of the idealistic nerd”.
Curiously, one of St. Edward’s idealistic notions was left out of both Mardell’s editorial and the BBC’s profile of him, which was mentioned in the very Guardian article linked to from the BBC’s profile (so Mardell knows about it):
Invoking the same principles that he now cites to justify his leaks, he said: “I wanted to fight in the Iraq war because I felt like I had an obligation as a human being to help free people from oppression”.
The BBC quoted the rest of the bit about St. Edward joining the army in 2003, but censored that bit because it’s an unapproved thought and contradicts the “idealistic nerd” Narrative they’re now trying to push.
A brief Guardian Q&A with St. Edward reveals that he actually voted for a third party in 2008. I don’t know if he voted for the Libertarian candidate, Bob Barr, but it’s hard to believe that someone with true libertarian views would have thought Candidate Community Organizer from Chicago was going to be some sort of centrist, freedom-loving, isolationist President who would run the most transparent administration ever.
The poor lad fell as hard for the Hope & Change stuff as any Beeboid, apparently, and is now sorely disappointed. Now the BBC’s beloved Obamessiah is after two saints, and the squirming at meetings must be very amusing indeed.
Mardell’s editorial explains his view of how this doesn’t make the President look so good. He sees it as this making Him look just as bad as Bush. Even here, though, he’s playing it down. The growing complaint now is that this President is actually worse on this stuff than His predecessor. That’s a big deal, and it’s not entirely honest of the BBC’s US President editor to mischaracterize it like that. As St. Edward himself told the Guardian:
It was then, he said, that he “watched as Obama advanced the very policies that I thought would be reined in”, and as a result, “I got hardened.”
Not “just as bad”: worse. And now St. Edward is hanging out with those bastions of freedom, the Chinese. Anyone who thinks he’s with pure Hong Kong freedom advocates with no connection to the Chinese government is going to be disappointed. As for St. Bradley’s similar idealistic nature, let’s not forget he worked with Wikihacks, whose own boss, St. Julian, has stated his purpose is to harm US interests. Although He turned out to be right that The Lightworker would use the Espionage Act to criminalize reporters for doing their job. Not just as bad as Bush: worse, BBC.
I don’t want Mardell to openly condemn either Manning or Edwards or their actions. I just want him and the BBC to stop being dishonest about what’s going on. He should keep his opinions to himself, but I accept that he’s a paid editorialist, and opinion-mongering is what he’s supposed to do here. Your license fee hard at work.
Whoops, St. Edward has apparently checked out of his hotel in Hong Kong and is rumored to be thinking about heading over to Iceland. The extradition treaty wasn’t quite as user-friendly as he thought. And he’s worked in the intelligence community long enough to know better.
I guess this whole “idealistic nerd” shtick is proving to be more difficult than we thought.
Submitted to remind everyone what’s getting swept under the rug with all the fuss over St. Edward’s heroism.
Sen. Mark Kirk pokes at Eric Holder: Did NSA spy on Congress?
“Mr. Attorney General, I want to take you to the Verizon scandal and — which I understand takes us to possibly monitoring up to 120 million calls. You know, when government bureaucrats are sloppy, they’re usually really sloppy. Want to just ask, could you assure to us that no phone inside the Capitol were monitored of members of Congress that would give a future executive branch, if they started pulling this kind of thing off, would give them unique leverage over the legislature?”
Remember, phone conversations from the press box at the House of Representatives were collected when Holder was going after AP reporters for possible leaking. That’s all national security stuff, just like the NSA collecting Verizon records in order to track terrorist communication patterns.
Not the same as Bush, BBC. Worse.
Another week and another ITMA (it’s those men again) 5% of the population but never out of the news it would appear. BBc 3 Info (between more repeats of American Dad. How many times can the BBc repeat these) Men jailed for planning to attack an EDL rally. Not plan to murder EDL demonstration and if it had succeeded no doubt a number of bystanders with no connection to EDL. However if I complained about this wording I would be wrong. (Yet again).
ITMA – It’s Those Muslims Again – my thoughts when I see limbs and bodies scattered all over the place.
definition : something giving rise or likely to give rise to BBC disagreement
So this morning Nicky Campbell introduces a story concerning a ‘controversial piano’. It seems that the keys are made of ivory and our Nicky is personally and politically an advocate for the supressing of the trade in ivory.
My point is this: I’m not in favour of the senseless killing of elephants – but I do find it very useful to now have this clear – incontotrovertible – BBC definition for the word ‘controversial’.
I look forward to checking future BBC headlines containing this loaded ‘dogwistle’ word.
BBC University Controversial:
Starter for 10,
What method of extracting shale gas is “Controversial”?
Next, what “Thuggish” street movement, known for knuckle dragging, skin-heads, union jack t-shirts and beer swilling, is “Controversial”?
Next, what “men”, in “a” community, are not doing anything controversial, at all, not ever, ever?
Next, what section of the scientific community are “Controversial”?
Next, what political party are “Controversial”?
And, your final question, name the only US president, who is not only NOT Controversial, but is actually, lovely, cuddly, angelic and always right?….may I also ad, he’s really cool, and quite sexy.
Well done to the Madrassa du Urdo for answering all those questions correctly.
definition: the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society – from a BBC multicultural point of view these can be compatible.
Except…. except… except….! For the sake of argument when debating with a Tory.
The Government spokeswoman is defending some proposed changes to GCSE arrangements from have-a-go-would-be-trendy-young-teacher Mr Campbell.
British standards are lagging behind those in Singapore.
But Singapore has ‘a very different culture’ whines our Nicky.
I’ll remember that for future reference.
Gosh, the BBC are giving so many hostages to fortune this morning.
Like India, I think that the cultural ideas of Education in Singapore are identical to that of Britain in the 1940’s and 1950’s. I think it has something to do with the fact that India and Singapore obtained independence from Britain before the Labour party was able to fuck up the education in the colonies.
How to apply for a free all expenses paid holiday to Rio de Janeiro
Only BBC employees/free lancers need apply
Rachel Burden and Nicky Campbell make their joint application this morning.
[I paraphrase only slightly]
‘Whenever Rachel thinks back to her Olympic Park experience she goes all misty-eyed’
‘Yes, it was the highlight of our professional careers’
Oh come on Nicky. You did some fine work on Wheel Of Fortune.
‘‘Yes, it was the highlight of our professional careers’
Standing on a first floor balcony in the Olympic park and shouting at the passers-by
‘Woohoo, everybody, yer on Five Live’.
f*** me if that’s the highlight, I’d hate to see the lowlight.
Highlight of highlights presumably being the bizarre North Korean-style tribute to the NHS.
Little children bouncing with joy on their trampoline-adapted NHS beds. Nurses dancing joyously in unison (small ‘u’). Love, peace and celebration at our good fortune to be blessed with this ‘envy of the world’.
Not sign of the poor old giffers, dehydrated and starving, up to their necks in their own shit and piss.
Please don’t remind me – I’d almost forgotten the sheer hideousness of that.
BBC today 08:50 The EDL says the attract so many members because people will not give those who criticise Islam a voice.
So here we have the Muslim women’s movement! & John Denham
Tommy Robinson says that no one will give them a platform (Nor will the BBC !)
This is crazy because the BBC are saying the EDL are gaining members because no one will let them speak, and then prevents them from speaking. Are they now deliberately trying to increase EDL membership?
All the discussion was about Muslim interest, yet again the nasty white people were marginalised.
Then there’s the inevitable have you heard about more attacks – Oh yes, but its verbal or food thrown at them.
How can we stop the nasty white people from speaking?
Disgraceful bias of the very worst kind and in reality more anti white racism.
But this is classic intellectual dishonesty from the BBC!
The best way to “expose” Tommy Robinson or anyone else (assuming there is anything TO expose!) is to interview him, let him state his movement’s position and then question him fairly but rigorously on the detail and implications of any policy.
Instead, the line from the multi-culti Lefties is that his opinions are – self-evidently – so vile that he should not have a platform on the state media. We have to take their word for this, unless we actually bother to read any material the EDL have put up on the internet or leaflets from them. So we are told little of value about the EDL by the BBC but the EDL gains victim status in the eyes of some – because of the censorship! Meanwhile, Muslim hate preachers and apologists make their intentions ever clearer in interviews … so at least we know where we stand with them.
I welcome the decision to allow him airtime. He wasn’t exactly grilled yet he demonstrated perfectly why many think he is an inarticulate buffoon. And a violent one to boot (no pun intended)
The problem with these EDL idiots is that they are uneducated and do not stand up to media scrutiny. Their raison d’être is the real debate. Islamic fundamentalism is a cancer and such groups are an inevitability. They will always be rabble in my eyes. Violent convicted criminals, drug abusers and in the main treat their demo’s as a day on the piss.
Look at their Twitter feeds, Their FB pages. It is plain to see. Most of ’em are claiming benefits but if hate filled Muslims do that it is despicable.
My own conscience tells me that Chowdery, Hamsa et al are on the same mission. Albeit from the polar opposite side of hate.
We can’t preach free speech and make exclusions. If you don’t agree with the hateful rhetoric, then don’t listen.
I don’t agree with the hate filled rhetoric and I expect that Lee Rigby didn’t either, but that didn’t save him from two animals who did listen to the hate filled rhetoric.
And that’s the problem!
‘My own conscience tells me that Chowdery, Hamsa et al are on the same mission. Albeit from the polar opposite side of hate. ‘
And the EDL have blown up, hacked and stabbed how many people to death, exactly, Pob? How many EDL speeches can you quote which call for violence and death against those who will not follow their cause? And how many EDL terrorist plots have been thwarted by the security services?
Your use of moral equivalence here is shallow and, quite frankly, ridiculous.
PS You need to have a word with your ‘conscience’, it’s not serving you too well.
Agree 100%. “… an inarticulate buffoon” is grossly unfair to ‘Robinson’, who was impressive in a quiet, down-to-earth sort of way. Just because he doesn’t have the same RP accent as Sarah M, that does not invalidate the main thrust of his argument. “EDL idiots … they are uneducated” – what kind of education does Pob think would cure them of their supposed errors of thought? They are products of the wonderful British State system after all. A degree in PPE from Oxbridge perhaps? Or maybe a Madrasa.
Yes “inarticulate buffoon” is an interesting turn of phrase, I would normally associate it with sneering contempt of bourgeois liberal elites,for the lumpen proletariat so often demonstrated by the BBC , if Pob hadn’t told me what horny handed son of toil he is
I guess its the sort of term that he and his ‘working folks’ comrades use regularly while huddled round their computer monitor ,in their cloth caps, sipping their caffè lattes
Another day, another Toady classic. They’re interviewing Jeremy Hunt about the latest health Nazi initiative, but all the questions are about whether they should be doing *even more* to annoy and patronise the public.
The closest we got to any criticism was when he was asked if he would pledge to oppose any backbencher who shouted ‘nanny state’ at him. Why they would say that, and whether or not they might have a point was not explored. The whole point was treated as self-evidently absurd.
Apparently, at the ever diverse BBC, there’s not a single person who thinks that when the government starts trying to dictate mealtimes, it’s the state that’s too bloated and needs cutting down.
Apparently Hodge has been on her hobby horse about the BBC move, and instead of asking the searching questions many of us would assume a competent chair would ask, she goes off on one about the landlord not paying enough tax!
Not a chance of the BBC facing full investigation under Hodges distracted gaze.
And the landlord says
“All Peel operating businesses, including Peel Media (the developers and owners of MediaCityUK), are UK domiciled for taxation purposes and pay the appropriate level of UK tax.”
Hodge has definitely lost the plot. She was on 5 Live last week railing against a tax advice firm called NT Advisors. “NT stands for No Tax”, said Hodge. Thus, 5 Live listeners will never know that the firm was founded by a man called Nikos Theodosopoulos.
Hurrah! Good news! There appears to be at least ten extra years of shale gas and oil available to keep us warm, keep us on the road, and keep the lights on!
But, Roger Harrabin wagged his finger, and suggested that “scientists believe” that we cannot burn much more than we are now, because it will “throw the climate into unbalance”.
Well, I never. So far, the “scientists” have come up with all sorts of reasons why we shouldn’t generate energy cheaply, from causing another ice age, warming/cooling the planet, making the sea levels rise, causing extreme weather, melting the polar ice, catastrophes from: floods/drought/hurricanes/tornadoes/tsunamis/earthquakes and volcanoes.
None of this appears to have occurred so far, despite their forecasts, so why should it happen now? It’s a sort of trick-or-treat, apparently.
Scientists work on facts and observations not belief, so I think that the “scientists believe” statement is proof that Roger Harrabin does not talk directly to the relevant scientists. There is a firewall at the BBC between the morons like Harrabin, and Climate scientists. The firewall is made up of environ-mental activists. The firewall filters most of the science and the scientists are pressurised into saying what the ecoloons want to hear, which is then passed on to the BBC as “scientists BELIEVE”.
Funny, that, Richard. What you just said there about the BBC could equally be said of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Coincidence or magic? You decide.
A left-wing political process called public relations, so a coincidence of design.
BBC-NUJ + al Jazeera + Daily Mirror+ Labour Party, VERSUS
English Defence League.
BBC-NUJ must have dimly realised how very blatantly biased it is being against the English Defence League (EDL). So BBC-NUJ got Tommy Robinson on ‘Today’, if only to politically lambast him.
BBC-NUJ seems more at home in interviewing Islamic Choudary, or Islamic chums of British soldier murdered in Woolwich.
And given the response of BBC-NUJ’s leftist and Islamic chums such as Hasan of Islamic Al Jazeera, and Labour’s McShane, and ‘Mirror’s Maguire to even allowing EDL airtime, BBC-NUJ is likely to stick to NUJ’s officially oppositional position towards EDL.
The biased political tone of BBC-NUJ’s ‘Guardian’ chums in the ‘report’ below, suggests they feel that ‘Guardian’ NUJ branch should have been consulted before ‘Today’ did interview with Tommy Robinson.
‘Guardian’s politically anti-EDL line:-
“EDL leader’s interview on Radio 4’s Today draws fierce criticism.
“BBC under fire from MP and an al-Jazeera presenter over Tommy Robinson’s appearance on flagship programme.”
Lisa O’Carroll
For a healthy democracy to flourish, I believe it’s important for The Guardian to dictate who we can hear, and for UAF/Hope not Hate to tell us how to vote.
We’d be lost without them.
The BBC is so concerned about our free society that when the Labour/Liberal Party voted against bringing the size of constituencies in line with the number of voters (you know that democracy thing) the BBC talked about that scandal for months, except (of course) they didn’t, because that corruption of the system (surprise surprise) benefited the Labour Party.
BBC/ Labour are Stalinist twats, who love democracy only if it tops up the power and pensions of the nomenclature – not so much rotten boroughs as rotten souls. No wonder they hate England. A free society is everything they are against.
At least The Guardian gives us their official line on The Left’s idea of democracy. In other words, not a million miles from how things will be should the media be subjected to the full Leveson recommendations and groups like Hope Not Hate are allowed open season on any journalist, publication or programme portraying a negative image of Islam. In other words, censorship through fear.
The last thing that the EDL wants to do is enter the lion’s den. The Today programme was just a set up. Mr Robinson was worked into a corner and had no choice but to condemn the fire attacks. Failing to do so would have the Boys in Black knocking on the door at the dead of night.
I fear that the battle has already been lost. The BBC has such total control. Ever try searching for negative comments about the BBC on Google only to be directed to the BBC website and an unrelated story?
The majority of the population has been brainwashed by the BBC and they look at you incredulously if you try to explain to them the damage the BBC does.
All people care about now is bread and circuses or ready meals and television as it is called now. The people have been programmed to avoid confrontation and accept less and less everyday; be it wages, freedoms or living space.
The world has changed a lot since I was born. I have adapted time and time again but now I am at the end of my tether. My Rome has fallen. History is about to write a new chapter without me in it.
The BBC want you to despair – but the power of the BBC can be taken away from them at a stroke of a pen, and they know it.
That is why their propaganda is so obsessive, they know that it is only the Left who really support them these days , and that the Left have lost every argument, and that nothing remains of Leftist ideology except their manifest greed, love of power, and knee jerk nihilism.
If the defenders of the BBC on here are anything to go by it is pretty obvious that the entire function of the BBC these days is to prop up the Leftist Ancien Regime. The way they acted as PR agents for New Labour is in retrospect quite funny, they think that nobody noticed.
It is their arrogance I suppose – like X Factor singers who think they sing like angels but once taken away from the cocoon of their admirers and put in front of an audience discover that they can hardly sing a note in tune.
BBC journalism these days is a byword for lazy and self-serving political indoctrination by middle class parasites who know nothing about (and actively seek to know nothing about) life outside the bloated public sector.
“…like X Factor singers “…like X Factor singers who think they sing like angels but once taken away from the cocoon of their admirers and put in front of an audience discover that they can hardly sing a note in tune.”
Because, in an increasing number of cases, they use this:
Good article here.
Yes, even The Guardian has its uses!
Actually, I linked to the wrong version of Auto-Tune, but you get the idea.
Remember Pat Condell’s perfect description of BBC’s Apparatchiks:
“White Middle Class Left Wing Pricks”
Use it daily. No description has been more accurate at every point of contact.
“No choice but to condemn the fire attacks”? Are you suggesting that Robinson should have been approving it instead?
Don’t despair! Sites like honestreporting have proved that if people can be motivated to complain it can make a difference at the BBC. It is a battle that needs to be fought. Influencing individuals who work for the BBC is a second way . Bombarding them with alternative information is another such as information found in to counter their pro Muslim anti Israel agenda.
Find out if your local MP is a member of the Media, Culture and Sport Select Committee, if so then write to them about the BBC. You may then influence future plans to abolish the licence fee which you should not pay for if you are still paying the licence fee.
My local MP is not a member of the committee and committee members are only allowed to correspond with their constituents, so I am told that members of the committee such as the chairman John Whittingdale a fellow Mensa member will write to their constituents about future plans.
So, being out of the loop, I am now waiting for further developments which will be reported in Mensa publications.
You and other BiasedBBC readers could also join in this, hopefully fatal attack on the BBC, by writing to a local MP, if they are a member of this committee.
What corner? The EDL has been pretty consistent in condemning the attacks. Did you want him to condone them? Why would he? Utterly absurd position to take!
I see that the Guardian does not allow comments on this article.
They state…
“critics on Twitter who questioned why Tommy Robinson, who is not an elected representative, was invited on the flagship programme at all”
I didn’t know that being an elected representative was a necessary qualification for being invited onto Today – I thought that the usual qualification was that you would happily promote the usual BBC liberal view of the world or allow yourself to be punchbag for the interviewer to show how “right on” they are.
Perhaps, by the Guardian’s logic, we can look forward to hearing more from Mr Griffin and Mr Brons on “Today” (they are elected MEPs, after all) and less from Lefty pressure groups or self-appointed moral guardians like Humphrys and his crew.
so far neither left wing commentators on web or BBC are not sure how to respond
Presume party line will be established in time for 6 o’clock news
Remind me how many people turned up at Nick Griffiths recent rally? (150) He represents nobody as the EU elections will prove when UKIP kick him into well deserved oblivion. Having this buffoon parading his views will probably increase support for the rebels!
There it is
Hmmm….So, I wonder what borough Andy Chowdry represents in the eyes of the twitter warriors?
Ah those Twitter critics…those MSN Blackberry types that always have a kind word for Fry, the BBC and -of course-any soapbox for Dimblebys, Brands and Toynbees.
Hmm..unelected eh?…as opposed to Toynbee, Fry, Dimblebys and O`Farrells…who seem not to have risked humilation at the ballot box, before getting the BBCs conversation stone…that the Sharia party left unthrown.
Oh, except for John O Farrell…who was indeed stuffed into his own envelope at Eastleigh, like a postal vote that no-one chose to use.
Besides-who voted for Patten then since his last victory as a Thatcher politico in 1987?…or indeed for Tony(Stuart) hall for that matter?
Remember education has not been dumbed down. So said all Labour and the establishment including the bBC. Just like climate change, you had to be a believer, it was heresy to think otherwise. The propaganda machine helped by the bBC condemned anyone who said their was dumbing down and grade inflation.
The bBC have kept a low profile so far as public opinion is swinging and finally realise they were well and truly hood winked.
One of Chucklin’ Nikki’s pet wimmin, Cacklin’ Rosie, was interviewing the Health Secretary this morning. I say ‘interviewing’ but I really mean asking him very lengthy meandering questions to show how on top of the subject she was. I say ‘on top of the subject’ but I really mean she’d skip read the intern’s briefing notes in the dead air while The Chuckler was doing the previous piece.
Anyhoo having bored on (at length) about the differing mortality rates in Salford (worse than the Gaza Strip – booze, greed, drugs, obesity, idleness) and the leafy shires of the South East (ripe old age, playing bridge, watching the test match, reading Wisden) she turned to Hunt and said in a wimminy tone
‘Sowotchagonnadoabout it’?
Rachel, treacle, here’s a quote for you from Ronnie Reagan.
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’
You can never have too much government, eh, Rache, or by extension, too much BBC.
Still I should be grateful, at least she never managed to shoehorn ‘My husband and my children’ into the article.
!0 O Clock news on Radio 4 tells me that “teaching unions” are up in arms over Goves efforts to make the exam system meaningful once again.
I heard the NUT Blowhard earlier…too far, too fast apparently, and (of course) her hope that she`ll get a few years out of class for “consultations”.
The “unions” have sat on their arses quietly as Labour turned the exam system into a cesspool of competing ignoramuses offering dumbed-down ticky box questions that were always easy to answer-basically the non-white kids experiment was always the right answer to tick( Pamini, Trayvon clever-white chav thickie/fatty Darren or Kylie always made the errors!)
So it`s hardly news that the NUT would protest-end of their leeching off the clever at last!
I do take umbrage at the plural…it was the NUT moaning…or did the BBC go running round the other “unions for Labour” to get a soundbite for 1p.m?
As for all that “dumbed down worry”-turns out David Miliband was right…a golden generation has just come onto the jobs market and are now wiping the floor with the Chinese, the Hong Kongies and the Indians.
Oh sorry-not the floor…the arses!
See-Labour and the NUT DO care about jobs and standards!
Come on Gove-open up another water cannon on these teaching union scummers…wash `em out of schools and let us all learn something again!
Non-Beeb fodder to result!..end of license soon afterwards ,please God!
It’s about time the BBC challenged the NUT on its resistance to change, using our appalling international performance on education (we’ve plummeted down all the major subject leagues) as its starting point.
Funny you should say that because according to the teaching unions our brilliant wonderful amazing teachers are doing a brilliant wonderful amazing job under the most difficult austere toricutz conditions.
Victoria Derbyshire currently doing the usual victim hood nonsense regarding Romanians in the UK. Why doesn’t she ask them all to live next door to her, I’m sure she would love it.
BBC 5dead is shilling for the “poor”? Romanians with Drearybyshire … visiting Hendon the latest burgeoning shantytown. the police have to keep moving them, but they return in greater numbers.
They have an American spokesman, and the clear emphasis the biggest problem according to the bbc
is … wait for it ….. yep! the police!.
Reading between the pro immigrant bbc bullshine lines,
they get picked up in vans :-D, get to work full shifts in construction for £40/45 a day cash in hand, get pizzas/beer delivered, set oil drum fires to keep warm at night, and
send the money straight home, to build housing.
Leave the locals in despair, and sometimes in fear, of threat, theft.
NOT … i would say, a multicultural utopia, the beebot on site, wants to ask why they think they should stay … and is told by the spokeman thats a racist question.
I heard the Robinson interview on Today: bland wasn’t the word. Much to Montague’s evident disappointment Robinson came over as unhysterical and, worse, non-racist although he was not too enthusiastic about the application of sharia law enforced by sharia courts in the UK to British Moslem women. Robinson’s best line – which has not been quoted on the subsequent news items – was his remark to the effect that had the perps written “David Cameron” on the burnt-out building, would the BBC and the rest of the media have leapt to the conclusion that it was probably Cameron who’d indulged in this bit of arson.
Although, according to the Guardian and all points left “some” say that having Robinson on the state broadcaster was taking free speech and statutory impartiality a bit far, rest assured it’ll be a long time before Robinson (or anyone not signed up to the “Moslems are the real victims of the Lee Rigby murder” line) is given another outing by the BBC on this issue.
Best described as liberal tokenism?
Historically the Left have only believed in free speech for themselves, a position which in vulgar non-Party language is called suppressing free speech.
Robinson’s best line for me when he corrected Monty. She assumed his earlier claim had been about the lack of a voice for the WHITE working class. No, he corrected her, his words were just working class
Tut, tut. Lazy racist assumptions.
The problem for EDL was that it initially hoped to collect black, Hindu and Sikh support. However one look at the skinheads quickly reminded them that it mostly ex BNP members involved and after the Moslems, they’d be next.
Curiously, the Nazi right loath the EDL because it still plays the multicultural card.
will.duncan, you still haven’t explained what the courts should decide over at the Zimmerman thread.
Alternatively he’s telling the truth when he says he’s not a racist
My GP is ex BNP!
INBBC relegates this, as it is critical of INBBC’s pro-Obama line of supporting Islamic jihad ‘rebels’:-
Does INBBC politically prefer these jihadists to EDL, which is opposed to them?
This is the Obama pro-Islam ‘policy’ on the Middle East which BBC-NUJ attaches itself to:-
“Obama Middle East Policy: Wrong Team, Wrong Ideas”
By Barry Rubin.
“Western and American interests are not with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Tunisia, and Syria; not with the stealth Islamist regime in Turkey for which the Obama Administration just renewed a waiver on sanctions against Iran (!); not with the rejectionist Palestinian Authority, not with some ‘moderate Islamist’ faction of the Iranian regime.”
Was watching High Art of the Low Countries on catch up last night.
By the end of the programme I was left wondering why we were shown so many shots of wind turbines but then, thinking about it, we get lots in other BBC programming too, right across the spectrum.
Couldn’t be anything to do with ‘actions arising’ from their 28gate meeting with the world’s top climate scientists (you know, the ones who have got everything wrong so far) – subliminal messages and all that?
Interesting to observe the BBC’s discreet deceit on its website stories as with this one:
It is headlined “Pay has shrunk by 10% in parts of UK, TUC study finds” and went up at 7.25 a.m. (11 June).
Not a single opposing view or critical opinion was provided – only TUC text.
I complained at 11 a.m. saying that it was a biased and lazy piece of churnalism, pointing out also that they were calling the TUC general secretary, Frances O’Grady, a man.
‘He’ became ‘She’ yet the ‘last updated at 7.25 a.m.’ statement never changed.
Then at 14.15 the story was amended with an ‘Analysis’ by John Moylan, Industry correspondent, seven hours after the original ‘news’ story was posted.
He made half a dozen points that appear to emanate from ‘the government,’ long after anyone will read the story, and even adds one from the TUC report that is not anti-government.
However he does not say that reduced wages are better than redundancy since the former could never happen to a Beeboid, and the latter will be so generous that staff laugh all the way to the bank.
Under Brown and Blair the country was living the life of a rock star on window cleaner’s wages.
The fact we are now having to adjust to reality should come as a shock to nobody.
Mr Lennons Radio 4 interview, 1hr 35
BBC inferences come thick and fast, (as to be expected)
far right/nazis etc … however, by Lennon sticking to fact, and the consequences of wilful ignorance, they are shown for what they are, hopeless mudslinging.
Don’t you mean Tommy Robinson?
He gave some very robust and clear answers to Sarah Montaskew’s questions.
When he started making some salient points he was cut off, ‘Ran out of time’ syndrome!
Compare the tone and content of BBC-NUJ ‘Today’ interview with Tony Robinson of English Defence League, with tone and content of BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’ interview with Abu Nusaybah, a couple of weeks ago, after Woolwich murder.
( Nusaybah was arrested immediately after the ‘Newsnight’ interview.)
11 min video clip of ‘Newsnight’ interview-
Compare ‘Tommy Robinson’.
With BBC-NUJ, the EDL gets the ‘third-degree’,
but Islamic jihadists get the ‘psychiatrist’s couch.’
“What Choice Do We Have?”
(inc BBC-NUJ radio interview with Tommy Robinson, 6 mins)-
He did very well didn`t he?
Much more polite and civilised than most of us on this site, and his sifting the sects of Islam for the education of Monty was great-not that the BBC would ever learn anything from this “chav”.
Reckon we`ve got a real star here, if he stays as reasonable as this-and his telling Monty he`d not spoken of “white” working class as she tried to imply for him will stand as monument to the BBCs game…and he spotted that whilst she rambled on.
Proof that he`s hit and hurt them will be evident in the Guardians, Indies, BBCs outrage at his not being…well cleavered, nail bombed..instead of putting the BBC in its wicca coffin for later burning!
Rock on Tommy!…the first Tommy in the trench at this rate!
Did anyone see the absurd paen to single parenthood on Newsnight last night?
I thought I was watching ‘The Day Today’ or ‘Brass Eye’.
No. You need to tell us more.
Another immigration law sob story from Mardell. Once again, it’s all about how these poor innocents are made illegal by an uncaring government. At least Mardell mentioned the word “illegal”, for a change. But he keeps giving us examples of families who came here either illegally and are made to feel uneasy about it, or people who came here legally but then overstayed their visa for years. Either way, the message is: they just want a chance at the American Dream, is that so wrong?
Mardell’s perspective on the issue and biased use of advocacy language is given away by the way he closes his piece:
There is a question about who should share in the American dream, and when the drawbridge should be pulled up.
I asked one of those meeting with the state senator why she felt she should be allowed to stay when she came here illegally.
At first 17-year-old Ahslie Rosas, who came from Mexico with her family five years ago, disputed the premise – they had come here legally but stayed when her father’s visa ran out. But her final answer was eloquent.
“We might be breaking the law but we are seeking a better future,” she says.
“America is an immigration country. Americans came from Europe to this land. That’s us, too. “
Once again, Mardell offers a disgusting false choice. Who should share the American dream? Wrong question. This makes it seems as if those concerned about illegal immigration want to deny it to certain people – a certain group of people, if we go by Mardell’s past reporting on the issue (it’s always about race with him). In fact, even these brown-skinned Latinos are welcome to share the American Dream if they come here legally. Nobody is preventing them.
The last line is perhaps the most offensive to those of us whose ancestors came here legally. All those Europeans came here legally. I’d like to ask Mark Mardell if Latinos are somehow superior to my ancestors, deserving of special treatment, more deserving of a chance at the American Dream than my non-Latino forebears.
Of course, Mardell has previously given us a disgusting false choice on that score:
s it a melting pot of immigrants from many lands, some unwilling, where Korean and black and Hispanic culture is celebrated every bit as an English or German heritage?
Or should newcomers, bring no more than a few folk songs from their old home, and squeeze into a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant definition of what it is to be American?
Mardell is an advocate for amnesty for illegal immigrants, a position which by default declares that Latinos are superior to my family. La Raza would be pleased.
‘But her final answer was eloquent.
“We might be breaking the law but we are seeking a better future,” she says.
“America is an immigration country. Americans came from Europe to this land. That’s us, too. “‘
Billions across the planet could use that as an excuse. Has Mardell stopped to do the sums, do you think, or is he simply advocating totally open borders? The answer’s pretty obvious, and it shows he doesn’t give a flying fork for impartiality.
Ai WeiWei:
NSA surveillance: The US is behaving like China
Both governments think they are doing what is best for the state and people. But, as I know, such abuse of power can ruin lives
Not as bad as Bush, BBC: worse.
The BBC is usually happy to report pronouncements of this kind from the famed human rights activist. Let’s them do it now.
Oh for some real austerity…
Greece suspends state broadcaster.
Good thing your own national treasure is protected by the structure of the license fee, eh?
Although I noticed that the report doesn’t say what happens to that extra 4.30 euros tacked on to everyone’s electric bill. Presumably it will continue but be paid towards something else, like paying off the interest on the first round of bailout loans? Stephanie Flanders was unavailable for comment.
In Light of PRISM, Furious European Politicians to Fight Back Against U.S. Surveillance Overreach
Before the disclosure of PRISM, a handful of European politicians were trying to amend data protection regulations to shield against suspected sweeping secret U.S. surveillance programs. The politicians’ concerns seemed to fall on deaf ears. However, the disclosure of PRISM has provided a level of confirmation that the suspicions were not rooted in paranoia, and the importance of this cannot be overstated. It has finally jolted senior European officials into action. Viviane Reding, vice president of the European Commission, the EU’s executive body, said in a statement Friday that “a clear legal framework for the protection of personal data is not a luxury or constraint but a fundamental right,” suggesting that the commission may support the introduction of more stringent privacy safeguards Europe-wide in response to PRISM.
Frau Merkel is expected to grill Him on this next week as well.
Actually, this couldn’t have come at a better time for the President. This is being played as a “the US is wrong”, not as a scandal of His Administration. Bush started it, etc. And bonus, as Mardell so cleverly noticed the other day, He can do the strong-on-national-security pose, always good for a boost in polls and media fawning. So the IRS, Benghazi, and the DoJ (never mind Fast & Furious, the EPA, the Drone Wars) all get put on the back burner and quickly forgotten by the media and – they hope – the public.
Since the executive producer of BBC World News America has already expressed his concern that the President’s accomplishments are getting overshadowed by these ‘scandals’ (his scare quotes, not mine – he doesn’t think the word is appropriate) it’s not hard to imagine how the BBC is going to cover all of this.
Very interesting: it can be done:-
“Greece suspends state broadcaster ERT to save money”
Yes, I can see the headline now:-
‘Britain suspends state broadcaster BBC to save money.’
Just think what that £4 billion could do for the economy if it was put back into people’s pockets.
And that’s £4,000,000,000 every year.
Mardell and the Zimmerman trial – Mardell’s biased take on the case was in much of the media at the time – but was then steadily exploded by new facts. And millions of people grasped that those new facts put the case in a different light.
In most bars or shops in America, if someone spouted the old biased case – it would be challenged. “No that is NOT what the recording of the police call said”, “No Trayvon was not some chubby innocent-looking sprite”…. etc etc.
Even in this country where the case is not well-known, there are still plenty of people who can readily challenge the clapped-out Mardell version.
So why are there no such people at the BBC ? Are they all blind to the fact that there are competing narratives ? No – it is DELIBERATE bias that riddles the whole BBC, so Mardell can get away with his rubbish, without being queried by his colleagues or editors.
And we are FORCED to pay for all this endless bias.
PLUS his nice little jolly down to Florida. Scandals galore in Washington, but more fun by the seaside ?
Should POTUS be brought up in court for prejudicing the case? (Contempt of court)
Seems as if there could be a good prima-facie case for it.
Aleppo, SYRIA.
Warning to INBBC:
-do not use British people’s licence fee money to give support to this gruesome Islamic jihadi side in the Islamic jihad war.
1.) ‘JihadWatch’:
“Syrian bishop: Murder of teen for blasphemy ‘shocked the entire population of the city, Muslims and Christians, who do not want an Islamic state in Syria.'”
[Warning: include gruesome Islamic jihad video clip.]
“The President of the United States ought to be speaking out for these people, instead of abandoning them to the tender mercies of the Sharia.”
2.) INBBC:
“Syrian opposition condemns killing of boy in Aleppo”
(Of course, the boy was assassinated by a part of the so-called ‘Syrian opposition’.)
As INBBC appears to naively not realise (or not care?) the oppositional Sunni Islamic jihadists (including many from outside Syria) are all inter-mixed with jihadists of e.g. Jabhat Nusra.
INBBC should stop playing a ‘war game’ to support Obama intervention for one particular type of Islamic jihadist rather than another.
The BBC should realise that its broadcasting duty is not to play that political game at the British people’s expense.
“Don’t throw a flame into Syria’s tinderbox.”
Sky News earlier, a reporter live in Istanbul reporting on the riots with live video.
Contrast the BBC, talking to an “independent journalist” (blogger?)On the telephone; “can you tell us what you can see around you?”.
I read recently that the BBC has 7000 journalists, sky has less than 50 (anyone confirm?). How come sky always seems to beat the BBC to a story? Just where are these 7000 BBC journalists? At home sunbathing with their taxpayer funded champagne? (Sorry sparkling wine).
The same BBC which moved at a glacial pace to report about the Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the IRS, and DoJ scandals suddenly can’t wait to file report after report about the NSA snooping, and now the State Dept. staff fiasco. I wonder what could be different to cause such a profound contrast?
A question for BBC-NUJ on anti-G8 violent demonstrators:-
-are they not ‘EXTREME LEFT-WINGERS’?
(-not if you secretly support them.)
you can bet a large proportion of the scruffy gits are UAF also
The BBC just gets worse.
BBC R4 – File on 4 tonight,’Are young grooming victims getting the help they need?”.
A few horrific details, e.g. a girl who was horribly abused by The usual culprits, and now has a 13-year-old daughter who is also being abused. Another small case study where “names have been changed” featuring the details of a victim called Zeinab – yeah right, I suspect her real name wasn’t Asian at all, just a little bit of BBC racial deception.
Onto the main topic of the program, do I really have to spell it out, no they’re not getting enough support, and it’s all down to those evil Tory cuts.
Well the police and social services didn’t do anything to tackle the gangs for fear of the offending muslins when Labour was showering them with taxpayers cash, so how can they do any worse?
So typical:
Austria begins withdrawal of Golan UN peacekeepers
Austria has begun withdrawing its soldiers from the Golan Heights after nearly four decades of monitoring a UN buffer zone between Israel and Syria.
The Ministry of Defence in Vienna said that the decision was taken as violence from the conflict in Syria spilled over into the ceasefire area.
“The first 60 to 80 soldiers will land in Vienna tomorrow afternoon,” said a ministry spokesman.
The full Austrian withdrawal will be completed within a month.
More than 900 UN soldiers form the mission, known as the UN Disengagement Observer Force (Undof), monitoring the demilitarised zone between Syria and Israel, including Quneitra – the only open crossing between Syria and the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights.
The withdrawal of Austria’s 377 peacekeepers will leave the Philippines as the largest contributor. India also has troops based in the Golan, but Croatia, Canada and Japan have withdrawn their contingents because of the conflict in Syria.
Huh. All those troops in “Muslim lands”, and Austria never seems to have had a jihadi problem. Same with Croatia and Japan. India and the Philippines have their own problems, of course.
As usual, though, we get the BBC’s patented “1967 is Year Zero” Narrative.
Syria’s deployment of tanks in the demilitarised zone violates ceasefire agreements in place since the Arab-Israeli war of 1973, but sources have told the BBC that Israel will not react.
Israel captured part of the plateau in 1967 and later annexed it in a move that has never been internationally recognised.
Why was Israel in a position to capture that plateau in ’67, BBC? Still, thank heavens the Jews aren’t going to try anything, so need for the peacekeepers to stick around, right?
Still, it’s funny how peacekeepers are happy to be there when there’s peace – or Jews to look down upon – but when there might be an actual reason for them to be there, they’re out. Why is this different from their original purpose for being there? Can’t wait for the BBC analysis explaining how Mohammedan lives are valued only according to who kills them.
The history of Arab/Israeli wars is slowly being re-written by the BBC, that is when they even get a mention, which is rare.
Suits a certain narrative, which is why the BBC aren’t going to portray Israel as the victim in any circumstances, despite the three wars waged against them by their Arab neighbours in the short space of 25 years. ‘Wipe Israel off the face of the map’ – not a phrase you’ll hear on the BBC.
BBC 5 Live has a secret remit to shoe horn leftist campaign politics into the sport schedule whenever and wherever possible.
So licence payers – such as myself – who have fled the continual left-liberal prattle on Radio 4 are faced with endless trailers for this up coming event :
‘The six-time All England Club champion talks to BBC Sport in Tuesday’s 5 live Sport Special “Billie Jean King and the Day Sport Changed Forever”, on the 40th anniversary of the formation of the WTA (Women’s Tennis Association).’
‘As for the women, their complaints about sexism at tournaments and appalling comparative prize money had fallen mainly on deaf ears.’
‘On the 5 live Sport Special, Billie Jean King, plus friends … tell the story of the day female athletes demanded to be taken seriously, the day which built the platform for women such as Serena Williams and Sharapova, plus superstars from other sports, to make a living from playing sport and become commercially successful.’
‘The WTA, now a thriving professional tour with events in 33 countries and prize money of more than $100m (£64.3m), was born that day.’
I’m pleased for them. ‘The Day Sport Changed Forever’ – no, I don’t think so!
Don’t take much interest in tennis, but is it still best of 3 sets for the ladies and 5 for the gentlemen? Do they charge the same entrance money at the major tennis venues?
If so, did any of that get challenged by the BBC as ‘inequalities’?
On the midnight news and now repeatedly on the Today programme the BBC is banging on with eulogies for the radio newsreader Rory Morrison who has died from cancer aged 48.
Yes, this is a young death, yes it is sad, for his family and friends – but it is NOT major news. Most people will hardly have heard of him, he was not at the BBC for that many years anyway, he was not in the same league of familiarity as Charlotte Green let alone someone like Alvar Liddell.
The BBC being typically self-focussed. I would prefer more time to be spent on the troubles in Turkey – or on questions like “If the Greeks can chop the state broadcaster down to a fraction of its size because it is so extravagent, why can’t we try it here too?”
Big Brother Corporation and their EU-SSR comptrollers must be smacking their lips over the Turkish government’s reaction to current protests.
Surely Turkey’s admission to the EU-SSR must now be accelerated.
How can a country which apes the EU-SSR’s lack of democratic principles remain on the border of the EU-SSR. Turkey should be within the border.
Plenty of cheap Turkish labour to replace the current wave of cheap migrant labour.
A secular country just like the countries of Europe. Everyday, 90% of the Turkish population celebrate their secular status in mosques.
This is a win/win for non-indigenous working Europeans. Write to your MEP (whoever they are) and demand that Turkey enters the EU-SSR!
I have not seen ONE comment from the British ‘political class’ (inc Tories, Lib Dems, Labour, MSM, CBI, TUC, NUJ, etc), which all campaign for 80 million Muslim Turks to get entry into the European Union, now saying: NO – we must oppose Turkey’s entry, given the Islamising action of Erdogan’s AK Party.
“‘Model’ Muslim State Turkey Accelerates Towards Tyranny”
Interesting country Turkey. It’s history reveals , since the 18th century,this continual tension between Islam and modern Western style society. I think printing was not really allowed until the influence of the French revolution and Napoleon finally woke the Sultans up.
It is quite unsuitable to be part of the Eu which is the reality. Our liberal elites are once again out of step with this. Idiots.
Given the history of military coups in Turkey in the last 50 or so years (1960, 1971 and 1980) I put the following question: what are the odds of the massive Turkish armed forces stepping in to sort out Erdoğan and the AK Party?
But Erdogan has falsely imprsoned a lot of the army generals, and replaced them with compliant Islamists. (The BBC does not tell us about this much – or the imprisonment of large numbers of journalists and judges. Just like the pattern in Muslim-Brotherhood Morsi’s Egypt.)
So it is hard to expect the Turkish Army to intervene on the old pattern unless it is led from below – a Colonels’ uprising aimed at returning Turkey to the secular aims of Kemal Ataturk. Enough grounds for intervention might develop – chaos through widespread street disorders, police brutality and inability to restrain the chaos,, more denial of media freedom – plus damage to the stock market and the tourism trade.
All this depends on Erdogan overreaching himself. But just like Morsi, he is likely to get his Islamist street mobs out, and this will deepen and embitter the rift with secular Turks – the Turks who make the economy run.
I wonder if Dopey Dave Cameron still is rooting for Turkey’s accession to the EU ?
We really need 80 million more in .
Quick answer – Yes
I’m not up to date with Turkish schools under Erdoğan but I know that, less than a decade ago, school children were taught and graded on the subject of “Atatürkçülük” i.e Atatürk Studies or, if you prefer, “Kemalism”. What I don’t know is how well rooted this is in the Eastern expanses far from Europe.
Any left-wing protests about the ongoing, horrendous Islamic jihad massacres there?
“Iraq: At least 73 murdered in wave of jihad attacks”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“A never-ending cycle of violence incited and encouraged by beliefs rooted in Islam. ”
2.) BBC-NUJ:
“Iraq crisis: Dozens killed in day of Iraq attacks”
I’ve always wondered when you get Muslims in this country complaining about our armed forces killing their ‘brothers’, what do they call the Muslim killers of other Muslims – still their ‘brothers’?
Just one of the many Islamic riddles that the BBC won’t help you to answer.
muslims dont kill other muslims, because when a muslim kills a muslim, theyre not really a muslim!