Egypt is proving to be a worked example of this: though it is highly likely things will spiral out of control, post Mubarak – as in all the colour revolutons – the dire warnings of the US right that this will lead to Islamism are a “meme” that has not taken off.
Paul Mason said that…and this:
Dictatorships rely not just on the suppression of news but on the suppression of narratives and truth. More or less everything you need to know to make sense of the world is available as freely downloadable content on the internet: and it’s not pre-digested for you by your teachers, parents, priests, imams.
I might add one more ‘pre-digester’… the BBC.
Another Open Thread……
the sooner this fascist muslim brotherhood islamist sharia law goverment in egypt is kicked out of power by the secular majority the better,nice to see the army backing the people against these vile muslim brotherhood fascists.but a word of caution,the far left in europe and england will do there best to back the islamists in the middle east countrys,are job is support the secular freedom fighters even if that means sending them arms to defeat the islamo fascists.
I think you are being too overly optimistic here. The Egyptian army is highly dependent on US aid and technology and we already know where the US and The Messiah stand.
Egypt is a financially failed country and the only thing that can prevent collapse is a massive infusion of capital from countries who consider the MB a threat, namely and mainly Saudi Arabia.
Be careful what you wish for, or your wish might be granted.
Very good article with lots of links by Richard Fernandez on PJM:
Thanks for the link. The ‘Captain Queeg’ reference to Obungler is telling.
There is no evidence that the majority of Egyptians are secular.
Indeed every sign that Egypt is overwhelmingly Muslim apart from the persecuted minority of 10% Coptic Christians. But the majority of Egyptians – suffer equally from Morsi’s incompetence, from the collapsing economy, from the ruthless way Morsi has pushed Islamism even though the original vote for him included many moderates and indeed secularists.
Stuart, the Muslim Brotherhood were elected democratically. If the army has a coup that is fascism. There is no such thing as a secular majority as the Muslim Brotherhood was elected.
Mubarak was secular and a socialist. His party was a member of the Socialist International an organisation of which our Labour Party is a member. So what we have is a secular dictatorial regime being overthrown by a democratic Islamist one.
Maybe the dickhead Liberal twitteratti should have thought a bit harder before protesting against Mubarak. Besides it was the army that removed Mubarak from power, not the dickhead Liberal twitteratti. Why? Because Mubarak wanted his son to be his heir as president, and the army wanted one of their generals.
And because the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate-in-Chief promised them the billions would keep flowing if they did.
It seems that some Egyptians have not been listening to Bowen on the Muslim Brotherhood or Mardell on Obama.
Another hack has been raped in Tahrir Square by demonstrators. This time they were liberals, protesting AGAINST the Moslem Brotherhood. Must have misinterpreted liberalism.
It’s 4:40am, and the BBC are still to bother reporting it, even though Jeremy Bowen has tweeted about it.
World class.
The Sun (evil Murdoch…boooooo hiss….ect) reported it over an hour ago, although it was tagged to the end of a the protest story:
“A Dutch journalist covering the demos was one of 43 women raped during protests.”
43???…Those crazy A-rabs eh?…full of springyness.
She was only a woman – Allah akhbar
it sounds a bit horrific when you hear “Dutch journalist raped”, but she was only white meat and probably deserved it. if she was wearing a burka and at home cooking dinner, this wouldnt have happened. she’s only got herself to blame. besides, she was only beaten lightly, she’s still alive, whats she complaining about? its the will of allah. silly infidels complaining about nothing. its racist. pure and simply racism against muslims
“Are you in Egypt? Have you been raping? What do you think about the current crop of white trash whores in the country? Please get in touch using the form below.”
At this moment Bowen is reporting from within the Morsi supporters. Some of them, he says, Have martyrdom on their minds’. I do hope this award winning journalist is safe. Now ‘martyrdom on the mind’ could be a song title.
At what point to journalists learn by experience?
More to the point at what point do the left acknowledge they are defending a feral mindset trapped in the dark ages. Sometime never it seems…
How can Mohammedians seriously talk about their plans for the global Caliphate when Sunnis and shiites absolutely loathe one another…Isn’t the ideal of an Islamic Caliphate, “unity” between all Muslims across the world?
It’s all all-right Channel 4 will be broadcasting the call to prayer every morning during Ramalamaladingdong…
I kid you not…
I’m sure they’ll be some stiff competition between the BBC and Channel 4 to represent the religion of peace. Although, according to Terry Sanderson, “the BBC devotes hundreds of hours a year to Christianity, and hardly any mention of minority religions”. One wonders what planet Mr.Sanderson lives on? Or maybe he’s adopted the same one-dimensional mindset the Beeboids have, where diversity is embraced and British culture is abolished.
looking at his wiki page, he’ll be one of the first people swinging from a crane in Trafalgar Square when sharia is implemented in this country
sorry last link doesnt work, this does tho
Can anyone confirm that this Terry Sanderson is a real person? Looking at the entry on wikipedia, it reads like some sort of caricature from Peter Simple’s column in the Daily Telegraph circa 1975. The article on the secularism website looks a bit suspect, too. It states that Channel 4 has a remit to produce programming for minorities who have nowhere else to go. Er, there are more than 2 dozen “Asian” channels available on satellite, including at least 8 with a specific Muslim theme.
“Sanderson has been accused of hating religion and confusing atheism with secularism.”
“Hating religion” eh?…well, apart from Islam, of course.
I think this exposes the true nature of secular fundamentalism .Not for separation of church and state, not pro-atheist, not even anti-religion but simply anti-Christian.
The BBC are the worst offenders I guarantee if you listen to a debate on BBC about atheism or secularism it will ,within moments descend into Stephen Fry style anti Christian rant
Clearly the Christian church represents some form of resented father figure ( I will let Freudians plum those unpleasant depths further as they wish ) But as a reasoned atheist I find the spite filled bile of secular fundamentalism embarrassing
The Left are attracted to evil like flies to shit.
Sympathy for the Devil. As long as it’s not their heads rolling.
Very simply, the Church represents another way of looking at reality that competes with the way the BBC wants the public to view reality.
Ministry of Thought or The Wholly Beeble
Is this some sort of EDL recruitment drive by Channel 4 !?
Ralph Lee, Channel 4’s head of factual programming, has openly admitted that this is “a nationwide tannoy system, a deliberate ‘provocation’ to all our viewers in the very real sense of the word”.
Wasn’t the banning of the two American bloggers/activists justified by the fact that they too were considered ‘provocative’ at a time when tensions were high, and their potential presence was deemed to be a threat to ‘community cohesion’?
Some provocations are more equal than others, obviously.
It is the bravery of the spineless.
Not the BBC, though.
According to The Express, Channel 4 are going to broadcast the muslim call to prayer everyday throughout ramadan.
This could lead to a liberal/leftist right-on “arms race” with the BBC to see who can most fawn to the enemy in our midst.
Muslims now get their UK Government (via Cameron-May-Warsi) to ban the freedoms which Muslims find offensive, such as a visit to U.K by Spencer and Geller, and a walk by two EDL members to Woolwich.
Will UK Government stop Channel 4 (and any similar action by INBBC) from broadcasting Muslim prayers, as it is offensive to many non-Muslims?
Or is the Islamic colonisation of Britain now too advanced and irreversible?
‘Express’ headline:-
“UKIP angry over Channel 4 broadcasting Muslim prayer.
“CHANNEL 4 is to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer every day for a month during the Islamic festival of Ramadan”
“Channel 4 exec: broadcasting Muslim call to prayer reflects how Islam is ‘flourishing’ in UK
Head of factual programming says Ramadan will have far more participants than the anniversary of the Queen’s coronation.”
Will INBBC be far behind Channel for in this embrace of Islam? After all, it is the flip-side of the Beeboid hostility towards Christianity.
He carefully selects the anniversary of the Queen’s 1953 coronation but NOT the much more important 2012 Jubilee = 60th anniversary of the start of her reign.
Did he hope people reading quickly would assume he meant the Jubilee and not the coronation anniversary?
“Head of factual programming says Ramadan will have far more participants than the anniversary of the Queen’s coronation.”
I’m sure public hangings would be well attended as well. Numbers mean very little.
Good point. I will find the alien call to prayer offensive so I want it banned. It works for the aliens so why not for me? I admit I am white and my family has lived here for at least 5 generations that I know of , probably another 55 on top of that. Surely it would be racist to deny my right as a citizen to ban anything that i find offensive.
Play it loud, open your windows, wake everyone up. Then watch the police arrest anyone who complains for racism
A hippy dippy snippet of ditty from Top of the Pops from the 1970s that the BBC won’t want to delete from the archive…
To the tune of the New Seeker’s ‘I’d like to teach the world to sing…. ’
(with harmonies)
We love to set the world to rights, spending your precious Licence Fee
We see ourselves as would-be revolutionaries – but we work for the BBC
(We’re not all on P-A-Y-E)
We’d like to build the world a home – and furnish it from Ikea
(Growth not austerity!)
Grow marijuana trees on social security – in some mega public spending spree
(We’re smoking the real thing)
We’re all Oxbridge ex-Guardian journos here, plus there’s Flanders Stephanie
And there’s a hundred hideous white guys too – all named Jeremy
(Such diversity….?)
So for you it’s daylong wheelchair racing, Muslim Driving School, with Welsh compulsory
(That’s our quota for PC!)
Climate change, tales of Tory Cutz, Food Banks and Horrible History
(Those are the songs we sing)
We only trawl the Guardian for our so-called news, then shoot off to Glasto VIP
Tweet our personal views, on the side book deals, I-Pads, I-Phones we get those free
(Never off your TV)
We’d like to see the world on benefits, but in first class we must travel free
(Call a taxi for me)
When we need to assuage our white-boy guilt we invite a black guy around for tea
(Lenny Hen-ner-ry)
For us it’s a diet of Scandinavian box sets, organic veg, and Mum’s Net, Comment is Free
(Our kids all have some allergy)
Social housing will do for the rest you, International Heath Service, and your schools must not be ‘Free’
(We love the N-U-T)
So let immigration rip, stay in love with the EU, and give to Charidee!
Drive hybrid cars, put no Wimmin behind bars, and we’ll holiday in Tuscany
(Polly Toynbee!)
We’d like to shake Obama by the hand and we swoon for his First Lady
Oh Michelle when we see your best dress we can’t help but forget Gitmo, drones and all
All together now – Peace throughout the World!
(We love the Licence Fee!)
That needs somebody with a guitar to create a YouTube video of it – just like that twat pushed a ‘the bbc is the best’ video out a couple of years ago which all the lefties in the blogosphere then had orgasms over.
Richard Littlejohn , could not beat that , you should e.mail it to him at the Mail. Absolutely brilliant though , doubles all round .
The response from Channel spokesman, Ralph Lee, was most telling. “This will provoke our audience,” he acknowledged. Well yes, that is clearly true, but why would you want to? The length and breadth of the country we have had trials of Muslim paedo gangs, a public beheading of a decent young British soldier, the EDL and their American supporters either banned or arrested. Free speech appears to be under threat, cultural tension is near boiling point and some silly old lefty thinks this is a good idea!
The old saying about children playing with matches…
Some people they don’t mind provoking. Others, well it might be bad for one’s health.
There seems to be a weird variation of ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ about the UK. Every time an Islamist atrocity takes place, the greater the sickening grovelling to Islam.
There are already plenty of Muslim channels on Freeview and Freesat, so why does C4 bother ?
Mind you, C4 have had previous with a Christmas broadcast from Iran’s Armoured Dinner Jacket. In fact the only good thing on Channel 4 is Countdown.
Strangely, there’s been no indignation as yet from Terry Sanderson and Keith Porteous-Wood of the National Secular Society.
After all, they are pathologically atheist, or are thay only anti-Christian atheist ?
Even more explosive evidence at the Zimmerman trial yesterday. The chief investigator at the start of the case, Chris Serino, in cross-examination by the defence attorney vindicated Zimmerman’s case – and his integrity – to the Nth degree, time after time. Serino was the most experienced homicide investigator on the Sanford police force.
Like :
Evidence you had all fit into self-defense theory, right?” Serino: “Yes.”
(In your later “challenge interview” with Zimmerman….the idea of such an interview is that such an interview) ….”Will either find a chink in story, or find he’s telling the truth.” Serino: “Yes, sir”
(After gathering lots of evidence and many interviews and re-interviews with witnesses as well as Zimmerma, with you as the key figure who had oversight of al the investigationg…..) …….”In this case you didn’t have much to hit him with, right?” Serino: “No sir, I did not.”
(As a challenge-interviewing ploy ……”You lied, right,, told Zimmerman you found camera footage of that night, what did Zimmerman say?” Serino: “He said, Thank God.”
“The last question of the day by the defence attorney, the last words the jury heard to take with them into the evening recess, could only be characterized as catastrophic for the State’s theory of the case. Looking directly at the man who had been the chief investigator on the case, who possessed access to ever bit of evidence of any sort,, who had interviewed, and re-interviewed, and re-re-interviewed–applying increasing from each interview to the next– O’Mara (the defence attorney) asked him:
“Do YOU think George Zimmerman was telling you the truth?”
Serino succinct answer: “Yes.” ”
Elsewhere in the evidence Serino had confirmed that he had come under increasing pressure (ie from race-hustlers from Obama down) to expedite the enquiry and try to bring charges.
Even some of the leftie commentators on US TV are saying that the prosecution case is looking very weak.
I would expect the defence will probe Serino further today on what the external pressures were – and the clear implication that Serino as chief investigator was satisfied by Zimmerman’s story, found it consistent and in his opinion truthful – so there was no proper case against him. In sum – Zimmerman had acted in self-defence – and that is a total defence against the charges.
It is perhaps very relevant that Serino, a very experienced cop, was later transferred to traffic duties. That is how deep the political race-baiting corruption has been in this case.
A pound to a penny the BBC will continue its “radio silence” – there is still now’t on the US page of its website.
After all the coverage the BBC gave the original incident, I find it quite inexplicable that I’ve heard absolutely nothing on the BBC about the trial.
I always caution against saying “never” on this site, because some defender of the indefensible usually comes along to provide an obscure example, so go on, DOI’s – what can you find? The most recent thing I can find is this, dated a week ago on 24th June at the start of the trial but I’m sure your Google skills are better than mine.
If it does not fit the narrative the BBC do not consider it news.
The 24 June article by the BBC was on the opening day proper of the trial – the opening statements by the prosecution and the defence. Since then the prosecution has been putting its case – and has moved through one disaster to another. So bad that it is almost as though the prosecution were trying to throw the case.
What will the BBC do if the case goes against the prosecution and – as many predict – there are very serious race riots on the Rodney King style ? Having been told by the BBC so far that Zimerman is a cold-blooded racist killer – the narrative Mardell et al seem to swallow and promote – presumably the BBC will tell its audience that the riots are justified and all-in-all a good thing. Giving little sense that Little Angel Trayvon was actually a vicious criminally-inclined wannabe “gansta”.
And no sense that the main sufferers from wanton rioting will be damage to black neighbourhoods and black people themselves – just like in LA after the Rodney King verdict. If riots do happen, there could be many deaths – mostly of black people.
Zimmerman and his family have been repeatedly threatened, so have witnesses that support the idea that Zimmerman acted in self-defence, and there is already a general supposition that the jury and indeed the judge are under duress to find a guilty verdict whatever the evidence may show.
The BBC will keep its leading place in the race-baiting industry ? To hell with the evidence, to the sworn testimonies (from prosecution witnesses !) which nearly all so far point to Zimmerman deserving total acquittal. “Whitey is wrong, blind black anger and mayhem is justified” ?
“What will the BBC do if the case goes against the prosecution…”
They will ask “Is the American justice system institutionally biased?”. They will produce guests on the Today programme to discuss the matter with John Humphrys at prime time. It will be the first subject on Question Time. Newsnight will devote a whole programme to it, with assorted talking heads all agreeing that the USA is hideously racist, with only Tommy Robinson disagreeing.
Exactly. Whenever the US Supreme Court handed down a non-leftist verdict the strategy was to do the same – claim that the Court was packed with evil right-wingers who were out of touch with popular opinion.
Strange how that never happened with last week’s ruling on sodo-marriage though, especially since it overruled both a previous law signed in by a Democratic president, and also the democratically mandated views of the Californian people?
The BBC has a lot of major stories to fit into a limited number of slots on the page. The deadly fire in Arizona must be covered from several angles – grisly, sexy details; human interest stuff; profiles of victims over which you can wring your hands; photos and videos to attract page views and ad revenue. Plus there’s an update on the vigil for St. Edward, the sacred right to kill unborn babies after five months is being threatened in Texas, and various other lighter stories all need to be
rehashed from news wire and press pool write-upsdiligently reported. Daniel Nasaw just can’t find room for a story they hyped to the gills across the spectrum of broadcasting when it first hit.The BBC’s US website is more or less as useful as that free paper shoved in your face as you head down the stairs to the subway, only without the ads, and you definitely have to pay for it.
From the Excellent UK polling site a poll on immigration which gives a very different picture to that the BBC and others want to portray:
The rest of the poll had some interesting questions on immigration. 56% of people think that immigration into Britain has been bad for the economy, with only 19% thinking it has been a positive factor. However, on balance immigrants are seen as harder working than people who are born in Britain. 32% of people think that immigrants who come to work here are harder working, 12% less hard working, 46% much the same.
Asked about various groups of immigrants, 70% of people think we should allow fewer (or no) low skilled workers to come to Britain, 59% think that we should allow fewer relatives of people already living in Britain to come here to join relatives. People are actually far more positively disposed towards other immigrant groups – only 28% want to see a reduction in high skilled immigrants looking for well paid jobs, only 27% want to see a reduction in foreign students coming to study in British universities. Asylum seekers split opinion – 42% want to see a reduction in the number of people fleeing persecution allowed to come here, 47% are content with present numbers or would allow more.
Asked about specific government policies on immigration, views are once more the typical anti-immigration responses: 71% support requiring a £3000 bond for visitors from high risk countries, 84% support the idea of forcing benefit claimants to learn English or risk losing benefits.
On State benefits:
Finally there was an ICM poll in the Sunday Telegraph, largely covering recent benefit changes and the spending review. 87% of people supported stopping benefits if people won’t learn English, 53% supported making people wait 7 days for benefits. 64% support a cap on the cost of benefits that excludes the state pension, 23% think it should include the state pension. However, 56% would also support means testing age related benefits like the winter fuel payment and free television licence.
On some of these issues I believe that these polls show that the BBC is massively out of touch with the vast majority of peoples strongly held beliefs, it would seem that their propaganda is not working as well as they might like.
“only 28% want to see a reduction in high skilled immigrants looking for well paid jobs”
Given the number of unemployed graduates I find that very depressing – shows the Government propaganda IS working.
“BBC Pay Offs.”
By MAC.–BBC-pay-offs.html
“Channel 4 to broadcast Islamic call to prayer throughout Ramadan”
By ‘Cranmer.’
“Let us be clear about what is going on here: this is Channel 4 simply facilitating Islamic worship. By sounding the adhān, they are fulfilling the function of a muezzin in a mosque. Ralph Lee says: ‘The calls to prayer prompt Muslims to carry out quiet moments of worship, but hopefully they’ll also make other viewers sit up and notice that this event is taking place.’
“The objective is clear: it is proselytism.
“Amidst all the media coverage and widespread comment this story is attracting, there has been absolutely no religious analysis at all. And it is only in the religio-political realm that the significance of this decision can be understood.
“Firstly, let us dismiss the notion that the call to prayer is somehow the the Islamic equivalent of bell-ringing. Church spires with pealing bells are a British cultural manifestation with a thousand years of history, and the sound is theologically neutral. Indeed, it is merely audible symbolism. But the adhān belongs to quite a different culture: it is an unequivocally insensitive theological declaration with profoundly political implications, and is invasively ‘in-your-face’ and ‘down-your-throat’ (or whatever the audial equivalent be). It includes the words:
Allah u Akbar – Allah is the Greatest.
Ash-hadu allā ilāha illallāh – I bear witness that there is no god except Allah.”
Although this particular expansion of Islamic propaganda is being undertaken by Channel 4, it is the kind of propaganda which INBBC is inclined to favour too, over Christianity.
Not to worry, this will backfire. Channel 4 will probably be showing a red triangle movie just before the call to prayer. And then certain members of the peaceful community will then start to complain.
No one likes to see their culture mocked or abused. Channel 4 is too stupid to realise this.
Come to think of it, it would be the best time to buy advertising for booze.
Call to Prayer sponsored by WKD.
C4 are neither clever or edgy, just a bunch of wankers throwing fuel on a fire.
or Call to Prayer sponsored by Sheffield steel. 9 out of ten muslims, who expressed a preference, said they preferred machetes made from Sheffield steel to decapitate infidels
The cultural cringe that afflicts the liberal will make an interesting study for future historians ( if they are still allowed in 2050).
I find it inexplicable.
It can only be explained as a real (in your face) attempt to upset the majority or are the liberals now so contemptuos of us that they see no reason to hold back from actions like this.
Either way it is certainly not sensible or conducive to harmony.
This week’s Exactly What Point Are You Trying To Make? award goes to Gameshow Nikki.
On the rare occasions the droids are painted into a corner and *have* to mention P*ki****i / M*sl*m rape gangs out pops Nikki with his killer…
No, Nikki, as far as I am aware he wasn’t.
So that makes kidnapping, torture, and rape of teenage girls somehow better does it?
BBC Worldwide, in a bid to earn more of the magic beans they brand ‘The BBC’s Own Money’ have launched The Nikki Cammell Walkin’ Talkin’ Chucklin’ Doll.
If you pull the string on its back it comes out with variously,
‘Yerve only gorragoogle thatcher an paedophile’.
‘Woohoo everyone yer on radio5live woohoo’
‘Zanorayciss’ and
Careful though if you buy on ‘a well known US auction site’ because there are Chinese fakes doing the rounds, which if you inadvertently rap hard in the knackers, perhaps with yer boot, just go
which according to feedback is extremely annoying.
I can honestly say that I have never ever heard a Nicky Campbell chaired debate (TV or radio phone-in) when I have not been absolutely convinced of which side he supports.
eg. this morning : Organ donation – the Welsh State (?) is enacting measures to enforce a form of implied consent.
Our Nicky finishes up with this gushing comment
“Worra great call to enddon!”
I won’t bother to tell you what the opinion of that last caller was – it’s irrelevent because our Nicky shouldn’t be trumpeting his own opinion in this obvious way; what ever that opinion might happen to be – but he does.
The BBC have been wasting yet more Licence Fee Payers money. This time ensuring that senior managers in the corporation get massive pay offs even when they are leaving for another well paid job. This time they even breached their own generous guidelines about severance pay outs. It is obvious to everyone that , just as in the rest of the public sector, the BBC managers are just looking after themselves with OUR money.
Sooner of later those who foot the bill for this self serving corporation are going to demand that it is got rid of.
Corrupt is what it is – I’ll fire-hose money at you safe in the knowledge that at some stage in the future someone will fire-hose money at me.
What the sorry collection of polyversity Grants, trade unionists, Empty-Ed groupies, dripping wet libby-wibbies, UAF fascists, public sector workers and sundry other state-teat-suckers that make-up the average Question Time audience never ever ever ever understand is yes the private sector (gasp, shriek, howl) pays dividends to (gasp, shriek, howl) share-holders, but the public sector wastes £10 for every £1 the private sector pays out in dividends.
Not a hard concept to grasp, but they just can’t seem to quite grasp it.
Do try harder.
The LBO’s (LIES BY OMISSION) Craperation.
A piece on the TV Breakfast gossip programme this morning about Egypt.
Lots of nasty Egyptians are revolting and trying to get rid of the democratically elected President Mohamed Morci. Pictures of Tiara square covered in protesters followed with a report from ‘our correspondent’ at the scene.
No mention of why. Nothing to do with the Muslim Brotherhood and no mention of their (MB’s) headquarters being burnt and ransacked. No mention of the fact that Mohamed Morci is a senior member of the racist Muslim Brotherhood sect. No mention that the people got rid of the dictator Mubarak only to find that they have voted in another even worse dictator. The hope of a secular society has gone up in flames with a few Christians thrown on the fire for good measure.
They are so quick to give us a sneering analysis of anything that displeases them at the Craperation but not when the facts don’t suit them. Oh no, just grin at the camera & cross your legs Joanna, pull another long face Charlie and move on to the nasty Tory cuts and why a poor British woman cannot get her lovely Syrian husband into this country (yet).
The LBO’s (LIES BY OMISSION) Craperation rolls on and on.
They spoil my breakfast every day without fail.
INBBC, WEEKS LATE, mentions the Islamic jihad murder of young boy, for offending Islamic jihadists.
Why has INBBC been so reluctant to broadcast this:?-
1.) INBBC routinely censors Muslims as perpetrators of crimes and Jihad.
2.) INBBC currently gives its political supports to the Sunni Islamic Jihadists in Syria, as do Obama-Cameron, Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Al Jazeera.
So, late in the day:
“The boy killed for an off-hand remark about God – Sharia spreads in Syria”
And, of course, INBBC is not averse to Sharia law spreading in Britain.
‘Jihadwatch’ 11 June, 2013:-
“Syrian bishop: Murder of teen for blasphemy ‘shocked the entire population of the city, Muslims and Christians, who do not want an Islamic state in Syria'”
Supplementary, for Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
“Horrific video shows Syrian Catholic priest being ‘beheaded by jihadist fighters in front of cheering crowd'”
Saw this yesterday and my first thought was savages. Isn’t this one of the reasons Pamela Geller was banned from entering the UK., because she referred to Jihadists as Savages. Now if we can’t call this type of behavior what it clearly is, where do we go from here?
well, that’s the problem with those in charge at Westminster and the BBC. Their reluctance to call a spade a spade is nothing short of criminal!
even worse they want to arm these savages
For some odd reason the BBC broadcast a psuedo science show from Glastonbury. Monday afternoon R4.
Seldom have I heard such rubbish but then Brigstock was involved.
I remember an irrelevant but doubtless satisfying to him insult to Ukip and Nigel Farage. Little else
But I think I have found the reason for the missing last T at the end of a word .
It is the way liberal idiots identify each other. Miss out the T and tallk like Brigstock and your job is guaranteed and safe in the liberal world
Those who still use the T are either old or suspect, probably both.
Their lack of respect for their language is on a par with the lack of respect for themselves and their country.
So you thought the BBC had covered every possible ‘Glasto’ angel?
Think again
‘Why bring your bump to a festival? Edith Bowman meets mums-to-be at #Glastonbury this Sunday on BUMP CLUB.’
‘But first she and Colin Murray want to know what YOU think. Have you been to a festival while pregnant? How did you cope? And what about afterwards – are festivals the place for kids?’
Apart from the fact that I find the term ‘Bump’ such a typically and apallingly limp liberal dumbed-down-media nod to Mum’s Net word – surpassed only by the phrase recently heard on the BBC ‘preggie hormones’ – I think Edith has already made up her mind about the questions asked. As per usual with the BBC the answers will be the most ‘right on’ formulation spotted on Twitter. Of course Glasto is for kids – whatever their actual age.
‘Bump” “Kids” Liberal patronising of the worst sort. These people are idiots.
Does Western Civilisation deserve to survive ? Sometimes I really wonder.
You see Glastonbury and all you can do is turn away. It is how a great culture ends. In irrelevancy and drivel.
Have you been to a festival while pregnant?
Some of them were only pregnant for the latter half of the festival.
I heard the Brigstocke piece as well. It was both painful and predictable. And his snide “jokes” about Nigel Farage and UKIP were typical One Show crap. But then what do you expect with someone like Brigstocke. The man is a pompous, self absorbed, egotistical and talentless prig.
Please excuse spelling…
“Please excuse spelling… ”
Sorry, I’ve read your comment about Brigstocke three times and can’t find “cnut” anywhere!
Farage does get his own back to a degree though in The Telegraph article: Nigel Farage: The bloated BBC bullies those who disagree with its liberal bias
‘…if you can’t do it Nigel, then we won’t cover it’
Interesting, given this is often trotted out as ‘proof’ of BBC balance… possibly even here on occasion.
Maybe those who have used this may like to raise the matter with the BBC and share the outcome with us?
Looks like at least one Tory is prepared to stick the boot in.
Fingers crossed eh?
The police could be called into investigate whether any fraud was committed by BBC managers who allowed one in four of their colleagues to leave with bigger payoffs than they were entitled to.
It would be nice to think something might come from this, but I fear the worst. Those greedy pigs at the BBC will doubtless be allowed to get away scott-free, claiming it was all somehow contractually legal and above board. Meanwhile, Newsnight will carry on bashing the bankers and demanding someone (anyone) goes to prison.
I despair.
Why doesn’t INBBC beat Channel 4 to it in the promotion of the Islamisation of Britain, and broadcast from East London Mosque?:-
“The East London Mosque: A Place For Hate”
And now Al Jazeera’s pitched in with a month of ‘Church Bells from the English Shires’. Where are the beeboids, still in a post-Glasto stupor?
BBC-NUJ and English Defence League (EDL) reporting.
The next EDL demonstration is scheduled for 20 July in Birmingham:
“Why We are Coming to Birmingham”
Will BBC-NUJ discard it policy-mandated opposition to EDL for once and present a straight report?
And will BBC-NUJ chum Chakrabarti of ‘Liberty’ monitor this EDL demonstration, as she did for TUC?:-
“In March 2011, at the invitation of both the TUC and the Metropolitan Police, ‘Liberty’ provided around 130 legal observers for the March for the Alternative.”
BBC-NUJ: be warned –
“Frenzied boycott calls begin after ‘deliberate provocation’ from Channel 4 Islam decision”
That’ll be the line. “Frenzied” boycott. Not a neutral “boycott” and certainly not a “concerned boycott”. Oh no. It must immediately be implied that any boycott is wrong and racist. I forecast great use of the “Islamophobia” word.
So the ‘hate crime’ at a Liverpool mosque turns out to be nothing: a Danish student playing a prank. But after yesterday’s headline news and links to yet more propaganda from the Islamophobia industry, today the bBBC is letting it rapidly fall down the local news, doubtless to be replaced by yet another non-story about Hillsborough.
Because of all the misleading and dishonest reporting the BBC has done regarding the nationality of various protagonists in stories like this, I was suspicious of the nature of this so-called “Danish” person. I was wondering if he was Danish in the way that the cast of “Borgen” are Danish, or if he was Danish in the way that Binyam Mohamed was a Briton.
Guess what:
Police confirm man cautioned after bomb alert at Liverpool mosque is Somalian NOT Danish
A man arrested after a suitcase was left at Liverpool’s main mosque is actually Somalian and not Danish, as police previously stated.
Merseyside Police have just confirmed that the 22-year-old man, who was cautioned and released following the incident, is in fact from Somalia not Denmark.
I’m shocked. Not. Can’t wait for the BBC story to “evolve” on this one. I guess he might have had a Danish passport or something?
Good catch! I’ll get my sick-bag ready, or perhaps a bucket, and watch this evening’s bBBC Northwest ‘News’ to see what they have to say about the
SomalianDanish ‘man’.Interesting Was it not a Somalian that attacked other worshipers at a mosque last week?
Could their be some theological motivation that the BBC isn’t telling us about ?
Surely not
I blame Toxteth foreign policy and inequality in the Muslim community.
Better still, you can blame Frau Thatchler and her jackbooted junta, who caused the Toxteth riots in 1981, “the effects of which are still being felt even today” zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzzz.
Fear not, the somalian will more than likely be referred to as “a man in his 20’s”
Perhaps he had a penchant for Danish bacon? Or perhaps not ……….
Are BBC-NUJ and Chakrabarti’s ‘Liberty’ (sic) interested yet in this case of the banning of freedom in U.K?:-
“Lawsuit to Fight the British Ban of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer”
A reprise of CARTOON:-
“How dare they try to show their faces over here…?”
Compare and contrast
The Times: Bush wins popularity contest as Obama visits Aids centre
… perhaps surprisingly for a president whose father was born in Africa and whose election triggered a wave of euphoria across most of the African continent, the prospect of meeting Mr Bush in Dar es Salaam has got many people remembering the previous era rather more fondly than the present one.
That is because Mr Bush … is credited with introducing the President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief, a multibillion-dollar programme that is thought to have saved at least 1.1 million lives.
Mr Obama cut the programme’s funding in 2009.
The bBBC: Obama Africa tour ends with Tanzania bombing tribute
As expected, the grovelling biased-BBC makes no mention of the Messiah’s visit to the Aids centre.
The BBC makes a gesture towards hinting that Bush does something or other in Africa.
Mr Bush was in Dar es Salaam for a conference on African women sponsored by the George W Bush Institute.
Whatever that means, right? As an alternative to BBC censorship, here’s a bunch of photos of what Bush is actually up to elsewhere on the continent. Renovating a women’s clinic as part of his Pink Ribbon-Red Ribbon cancer foundation in Zambia. No pictures of him looking foolish, so no fodder for BBC News Online.
Talking of US Presidents
James Buchanan: Worst US president?
By Tom Geoghegan BBC News, Washington
I guess they were itching to mention George W somewhere.
Still this is just the thing to set a BBC heart a flutter…..
‘Was he the first gay president?’
Yes I was wondering why they were bothering with this bit of revisionist history till I read this sentence:
“You have to bear in mind that popular history in the late 19th and early 20th Century was written by conservative nationalists…”
Oh conservatives…right. A byword for deceit in the BBC. And they’d like us all to think the same, in their impartial way
Owen Jones popped up on a Good Read this afternoon!
Ah, that cultural Titan..that man of many letters…C, H A V, S among others.
Boy, his view on current literary trends and his sagely take on pre-war English novels was worth…well, who`d put a price on such pearls?
Let`s hope that Marine Le Pen gets HER chance now to tell us something about the “nouveau ouave” of French literature now by way of balance.
The BBC seemed rather pleased that the EU wants to lay her open to “hate speech” charges, once they`ve given Anjem Choudhury the correct forms from WH Smiths to send in to them.
Free speech…well, for Owen Jones when its lefty drivel, and the BBC want to employ a chummy northern accent ex Oxbridge.
But not for a feisty female leader of a growing mass movement in France…Allahs will, no!
Bonhoeffer called this “cheap grace” before the Nazis executed him…but he was a Christian, so expect THAT to be expunged before Sharia Blair etal become EU “Xenophobe-Finders des Generales eh?
Would that be this Owen jones
Bloody heck: you’re not suggesting there are others ?
What do you think ‘common purpose’ are really up to?
@ james i agree with you, iraq, libya,egypt were are allies against al qaeda in that region until them bums bush and blair set the middle east on fire with there wars,but a word of caution james,just because the muslim broherhood was democraticaly elected that does that mean its right,dont forget,adolf hitler and joseph stalin was democraticaly elected and we all know where that ended up.
For the consumption of BBC Arabic audiences, but not for your eyes:
Protests Istanbul: Turkish Jews are expressing their fears because of being accused of involvement in the unrest
Linking Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey between “Jews in the Diaspora” and the recent turmoil anti-government witnessed by the country, and the Jewish community have expressed fear of lead to targeted because of popular anger.
The above is a link to a Google-translated page, so if that doesn’t work, here’s the original BBC Arabic for those who either can read it or want to use their own web translator.
In any case, it’s pretty obviously a rehash of this Reuters report. Notice that the BBC leaves out the part where the Jewish community rep says that Atalay’s remark is also an insult to all the Turks who’ve been protesting and have genuine grievances. An especially glaring omission in the BBC version is the fact that the ruling AK Party has its origins in a banned Islamist movement, and the mayor of Ankara recently tweeted that the Gezi protests were “a game of the Jewish Lobby”.
So the BBC will report to its Arabic-speaking (mostly Mohammedan) audience that those Jews are whining about being blamed, while the report closes with a reminder that the evil Israelis killed some Turkish activists trying to save Mohammedans in Gaza, lending support to Erdogan’s statement that Zionism is a crime against humanity.
Jews – not Israelis, mind, but Jews living elsewhere – will be endangered by these remarks. BBC Arabic audiences will understand why they should be, and the rest of you will just end up being surprised when something happens because you had no idea just how much anti-Jew hatred is being stoked by Turkish leaders. Unlike Mohammedans, Jews around the world are expected by the BBC to take hits for the sins of their co-religionists elsewhere.
Yes, INBBC Arabic TV service is politically insidious: –
gullible non-Muslim BBC licence payers are financing it from next year, but just as Islamic Al Jazeera has two faces-‘soft cop’ Al Jazeera English (staffed by soft pro-Islam ex-Beeboids), and ‘hard cop’ Al Jazeera Arabic (taking a more overt pro-Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood line), so too with INBBC Arabic in English, and in Arabic apparently.
It seems that INBBC Arabic TV service puts out what Muslims want to hear. And we pay for it.
it seems that morsi is a islamist and a far left socallist as well,i say that is a good reason to get rid of the bugger
It’s interesting that one former BBC Controller who received £376,000 as a pay-off after working there for 29 years, has now returned the amount he got after tax.
Roly Keating, a former BBC2 controller, received a £376,000 pay-off when he left the broadcaster after a 29 year career last year.
However, last month he sent back a cheque for £187,500 – the sum he received after tax – to the BBC’s director general Lord Hall of Birkenhead.
He was given the money last September even though his post was not being made redundant.
He was awarded a “termination payment” of £250,000 and six months’ pay in lieu of notice of £125,000. Mr Keating’s new role at the library has a salary in the £140,000 to £145,000 bracket.
The BBC had agreed to pay the money “on the grounds that it believed the individual would not otherwise have accepted the job offer, which had a lower salary”, according to the National Audit Office.
What I find curious is why he left a job where he was making £250,000 for one where he was only earning £140,000, especially as his existing post wasn’t one that was being made redundant.
Could it be that life within the BBC world isn’t so fulfilling, despite the inflated salaries?
I can understand anybody feeling dirty while working for them.
A top Beeboid with a proper moral compass? No wonder they shifted him out of such an influential position. A rare treat, I think, and good for him, since it’s an awful lot of money to give up like that.
But a few dozen other mandarins have a contract promising two years’ salary if they’re let go? Amazing. Mark Thompson’s legacy just keeps on giving.
“A top Beeboid with a proper moral compass? ”
Possibly, but I suspect its more a case of he knows he’s been rumbled in what might be a shady deal bordering on criminal, sand he’s desperately trying to mitigate the damage he fears is heading his way.
How many more cases like this?
He wouldn’t be up on any criminal charges for it, though, would he? It’s the BBC bosses responsible who’d face scrutiny.
Criminal charges? Hmm, possibly ‘retaining wrongful credit’ – 1968 Theft Act, ie accepting money he knows he’s not entitled to. Best defence tactic… pay it back asap.
Just to add, reading Keating’s letter… it has the tell-tale fingerprints of sound legal advice all over it.
“There must be no cover-up, no whitewash in the White City.”
Earlier this year I wrote to the National Audit Office offering any assistance they might find useful from me in connection with their study for the BBC Trust of senior management severance payments and benefits. I met with the NAO last month to share what I understood about the facts in my case, and to review the relevant draft section of their report for factual accuracy.
This week I was concerned to receive from the NAO a significantly revised final draft of this section incorporating new evidence, of which I was not and could not have been aware, concerning the BBC’s internal process for approval of the payment to me. This evidence has led the NAO to observe that the process in this case was “seriously deficient”.
You will understand that as a matter of principle I would never wish to benefit from a payment that could not be demonstrated to have been fully and appropriately authorised. I therefore enclose with this letter a cheque payable to the BBC, amounting to the full sum I received as severance payment after tax was deducted by the BBC at source.
I can understand the usual scepticism of morality among Beeboids, but so far I can’t see any wrong doing on his part – not over this payment at any rate.
Teddy – the suspicion is that BBC senior managers are all awarding each other fat salaries and fatter severance payments, sometimes beyond what is contractually agreed. ‘Here’s your severance cheque, and we’ve added 300k to buy that farm in France we all stayed at last year. Don’t forget the invites wot, haha. See you at Glyndebourne next week. Mwah’
Keating’s eagerness to hand back his 350k is … surprising.
Without a doubt you describe the pay ‘culture’ present at the BBC very accurately, and he probably didn’t give it a second thought when he was awarded his own – it was just ‘the done thing’. But just going on the few facts I have read – that he left to pursue another career at a loss of over £100k per year, and when the severance payments was called into review he went independently to have his own checked, suggests his conscious was troubling him about that ‘culture’.
I’m happy to give him the benefit of the doubt until proved otherwise, but I can really understand anybody being cynical about BBC morality when we see the day to evidence of corruption and immorality present within.
Just there may be some who really entered it with good intentions and over the years realize they have been corrupted by it and eventually want to free themselves. It’s not often we have examples of it. He may be one of those.
Bear in mind he left a job after 29 years at the BBC where he was finally making £250,000 for one where he was only going to earn £140,000. Considering his existing post wasn’t one that was going to be made redundant clearly he had other reasons for leaving.
Other reasons like Ed Stourton’s “other projects”, or like Helen Boaden’s reasons for changing jobs?
Did anyone hear Robert Peston and Stephanie Flanders on “PM” a little after the headlines at 17:30? Two “experts” for the price of one? In your dreams! More like one half-wit for the (very considerable) price of two.
There was very little insight, a grudging admission that the economy might be picking up (but only a bit!), no mention of any year before 2010, plenty of silly lightweight personal stuff about Peston and Flanders themselves and an unfunny sort of Punch and Judy gag, all presided over by that great Boris-slayer Edward Mair.
Is this really the best that the rotten and useless BBC can do?
Yes. Probably three-quarters of a million pounds in salary on display right there.
In other news, it has been reported that a Chinese Lantern has caused another major fire.
A BBC spokesperson at the scene reported: “At this moment in time, we should not be jumping to any conclusions. All we can confirm is that a lantern of unknown nationality was responsible.”
blah blah EDL blah blah danger of right-wing backlash against the Chinese community blah blah playing into the hands of Nick Griffin blah blah the lantern was born and bred in Britain blah
This response from our wondrous Government has a familiar ring, no ?
As someone famous once said, “You couldn’t make it up.” 🙂
A “British” lantern, you mean.
People who knew the lantern are said to be in total shock.
Albert Scroggins, 75 from a nearby village said, “We’re all in total shock. He was such a nice lantern and pretty much kept himself to himself. You’d never have had it down for this kind of thing.”
William Blarney, from the Institute for Studies, said that this was a symptom of the growing income inequality among lanterns.
Charles Wellington-Smythe of the Institute of Common Bloody Sense comments, “This was entirely predictable. If you introduce a match to flammable materials and then let them float freely around the country with no knowledge of where they will end up then sooner or later, one is going to land where it shouldn’t. The lantern was simply acting according to its nature.”
At which point the assembled crowd became angry and began shouting “Lanternist!”
Surely this Chinese lantern has simply missunderstood the point of Chinese lanterns – which is essentially non-inflammatory.
It’s all down to interpretation, apparently.
The instructions are in Mandarin but the lantern was made in England.
Mandarin eh??? Best to avoid Mandarin related products, remember the safety issues regarding the pips which could easily choke anybody with an oesophagus with a circumference of two centimetres or less ….. !? “Luckily” as we are currently part of the EU it`s possible to purchase a Spanish Satsuma for twice the cost which have no pips… Also by opting for a Satsuma instead of an Orange you can be sure that your money won`t be added to any Zionist coffers if you mistakenly purchase one stamped with Jaffa!! (OMG!) ….. So remember to always buy a Satsuma when you are bending over and NEVER EVER attempt to “peel back the skin and greedily suck out the juice” as you might find that even with a Satsuma it is still possible to choke on something with an impossible amount of girth which is always a danger when the EU are fucking you in the a$$!!
Tristram Lunt from the institute of equality and diversity, said, “Those of us who have studied the instruction book that comes with this lantern know that it is a peaceful book that promotes love and harmony among all gods creatures and in no way encourages the burning down of infidel fields and houses. This lantern has a twisted view of its instructions that IN NO WAY reflects the values of all the decent, law abiding Chinese lanterns that so enrich this country.”
Dr Lunt, who took up his £195,000 per annum post last year, went on to say that “This terrible incident is an attack on all Chinese lanterns.”
“Lanterns are all innocent, and some are being trafficked by dastards,” said Gayne Jarvey, 58, of no fixed personality. “I blame the Patriarchy.”
The lantern community must now be living in fear of a backlash.
But all it needs is an enterprising young lantern intern seeking Ch4 levels of provocation (not the Spencer/Geller kind, so Ms. May can rest easy) to spray Everyone Douse Lanterns on a peaceful place of lantern release, and the BBC will have this incident up to an ‘attack’ before the police spokesperson can say ‘all measures are being taken’.
However, if said intern gets fingered, expect the wall to wall coverage to quietly get archived and probably not even updated with the actual subsequent facts.
It’s how you build cohesion & trust.
I have discussed this case with my lantern, but he has been refusing to leave the room until I convince him that no evidence from tortured tea lights from the other branch of the Lighted Community will be used against him.
My Tiffany Lamp has offered him billions to get out by Sunday…but the BBC do fear so that he`ll not get a fair trial, so hope we can keep him a while longer.
A Tiffany lamp? See, that’s the kind of inequality I was talking about….
“A top Beeboid with a proper moral compass? ”
Possibly, but I suspect its more a case of he knows he’s been rumbled in what might be a shady deal bordering on criminal, sand he’s desperately trying to mitigate the damage he fears is heading his way.
How many more cases like this?
Yerrrr, it’s not like the money just turned up in his Coutts account out of the blue. He could always have refused it ahead of time and saved a whopping tax bill for the BBC.
Though as far as we are concerned it doesn’t really matter who pisses away his tax bill; the government or the BBC.
INBBC: getting Muslims to decide how Islam is to be broadcast to non-Muslims in Britain.
INBBC’s Radio 4 ‘The World Tonight’, just now, with political predictability, has just had on just two people, two Muslims predictably, who were given total freedom to discuss how Channel 4’s decision to broadcast the ‘adhan’ every day for 30 days should be sold to we non-Muslims.
To listen to/watch the many such BBC programmes, it is difficult not to be overwhelmed by the constant cultural and political bias, and not to feel colonised.
“BBC to screen ‘The Muslim Premier League’ show”
give. me.strength
“The programme will be aired on Sunday, July 7 at 12.20pm.”
July 7th…now why is that day familiar?
(Other than it being my birthday, of course…any donations to my Jack Daniels birthday fee, greatly accepted, btw)
Isn`t it Ramadan then?
Maybe it`ll be the one time that the fans will need energy drinks…the players will be snoozing, spitting and yelling at the fans surely…too tired to kick a ball unless its towards the pie stand.
Halal of course.
Why are the liberals so obssessed with Islam?
Are their lives so arid and meaningless that they crave the certainties of that faith?
Liberalism has bought them what exactly?
The ability to be kings of their own brief lives and satisfy their wants.
Whatever sexual needs however expressed. Drugs and alchohol abuse. Abortion. The inability to make any judgement as to the merit of art or of morality. The worship of ersatz rights and the denial of obligation without which no civilisation can prosper,.
These people are ripe for the supposed certainties of Islam. They just do not know it yet.
The rest of us, the nonliberals, hopefully will be immune.
Islam ,by itself , cannot bring down Western civilisation. As always it will be destroyed from within by those who no longer believe in it. This is why we are in a culture war. It is not with Islam but with the liberal destroyers who lacking of any centre to themselves wish to deprive us of our culture and our future.
Many have commented on the liberal hostility to Christianity. Hardly surprising. Christianity stands directly against all that modern liberalism stands for.
because like them it’s anti-Israeli, anti-semitic and anti-American – “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” is their belief, which will come as a shock if they ever actually bother to investigate the Salafist attitude to homosexuality, alcohol, women’s rights, free speech and so on
Supplementary on Channel 4 and ‘adhan’, which includes a critique not found on INBBC.
“An insult to all faiths: Channel 4’s plan to air the daily Muslim call to prayer during Ramadan is a divisive and cynical stunt”
A rare BBC-NUJ report from CANADA:
“Two held in British Columbia ‘Canada Day bomb plot'”
“Two” what?
Ah , but dare anyone say whether this bomb plot has anything to do with Islam? Al Qaeda is mentioned, but dare anyone say that Al Qaeda has anything to do with Islam?
“Canada: Two Muslims arrested in jihad plot to murder thousands on Canada Day”
Re- UNITED STATES and Jihad:-
Of course, there’s nothing from BBC-Democrats online about the re-opening of Fort Hood case, so it’s necessary to turn to ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Leftist-Jihadist alliance: Ramsey Clark offers to represent Fort Hood jihad mass murderer”
‘Atlas Shrugs’:-
[Opening excerpt]:-
“’These individuals were inspired by al-Qaeda ideology.’
“Media doublespeak. Translation of ‘al Qaeda inspired’? Islam. Man, how they turn themselves inside out to turn a phrase…. just so as not to have to utter the truth. It was jihad.
“Born in Canada, male and female Muslim converts intended to blow up the British Columbia legislature during Canada Day celebrations on July 1st. Maximum crowd, maximum bloodshed. These bombs were designed like the Boston pressure cooker bombs — to tear through flesh and bone and in this case, wound or kill thousands.
“Most of the news articles (including the one below) don’t mention the fact that they were converts, let alone the M word.”
Muslim converts … I might have known.
I blame British Columbia’s foreign policy, racism and inequality.
Defenders of the indefensible will dismiss it out of hand having come from Geller’s blog, pretending that it’s not an actual story from the National Post, right? No, they’ll remain silent and pretend this doesn’t exist, while waiting for someone to claim the BBC didn’t mention something when in fact it was reported once.
‘Daily Mail’ front page:-
“Qatada ‘to be booted out by Sunday’: At last! Britain deals with hate preacher as farcical bid to deport him finally nears its conclusion”
We shall see. But will BBC-NUJ and ‘Liberty’ run a Binyam Mohamed type campaign?
Nicky Campbell’s catch-weight ner-ner ner-ner-ner tag team were laying into Jeremy Hunt this morning.
The Minister’s thoughts on discouraging Health Tourism were a little within a burgeoning overall NHS budget were underdeveloped since he spent the entire time alloted fending off blows from the BBC.
The BBC line was simple and clear: the savings will be insignificant and you are only doing ‘cos of Nigel Farrage.
Mr Hunt was calm and reasonable considering he was in the lion’s den where his name is almost literally cursed.
He introduced a story of a worker in a London A&E who judged 50% of those seeking free care were foreigners.
‘Oh anecdotes’ chuckles the chuckle king Campbell.
But wait – every time the BBC discuss any social or political issue they are awash with anecdotal backup which we Licence Payers are supposed to take as fair and typical.
Benefit controls? Over to Sharon in Salford – hardworking army widow and mum of one. Bedroom Tax? Over to Wayne and Waynetta – we need the psare room for Spudulika’s iron lung! NHS spending? Cue little Ryan in a wheelchair – Olympic gold medalist. Euthenasia? Poor old Lionel on his deathbed. State organ harvesting? Poor young Florrie needs a kidney.
So suddenly ‘anecdote’ is a dirty word?
Oh here’s a really jolly wheeze, Nicky has a quick one-to-one with the shaddow health bod.
And the BBC line with Labour?
I should say ‘whine’ because Campbell remains consistent in his argument but his tone is more impatient
‘aincha gonna attack this rotten Tory policy?’
(I paraphrase only slightly)
But wait – every time the BBC discuss any social or political issue they are awash with anecdotal backup which we Licence Payers are supposed to take as fair and typical.
Absolutely spot on, with 5 Live as masters of the art. And of course we know that at least sometimes they are not all they appear to be.
Can we now dismiss all BBC vox pops with a haughty, “Oh, anecdotes…”? I say yes, especially when Rule #1 comes into play.
Even the ‘Daily Mirror’ has:-
“Why should we pay out for BBC’s huge pay-offs?
“We are footing the bill for these fabulous farewells through the £145.50 annual licence fee we have no option to pay if we want a TV.”
By Alison Phillips.
One of the things I REALLY HATE about the fascist left is the sanctimonious holier than thou attitude they have. The pretence that they are bullying others in the hope of progressive equality and political correctness gets blown out of the water every time they meet a real person who they purport to support, but who refuses to use the correct bully words.
Take this mornings interview with Lionel Jefferies son, with Libby Purves on ‘Midweek’ Radio 4. Ty Jeffries is perhaps better know as the drag act ‘Hope Springs’ who plays the piano & sings. During the interview he describes himself as a ‘queen’ only to be corrected, by the left wing politically correct twat – ‘Oh we don’t have ‘queens’ here’.
Who the fuck are you to start correcting perfectly reasonable happy people getting on with their lives and calling themselves what ever they want to.
I’ve known for a long time that left wing political correctness is everything about bullying those people who fail to conform and has no positive attributes what so ever.
I’ve heard some PC twat come between people of different races and getting on with the usual banter between those comfortable with each other, and telling one member that he/she should be offended and report their friends for waycism.
They really are totally and completely detestable.
after WW2 and the defeat of the Nazis the Left has declared that it has a monopoly on moral virtue – it is impossible to the liberal mindset that any sensible person can hold right-of-centre views and so anyone who does is by definition evil and selfish, if not actually deranged
“After WW2 and the defeat of the Nazis the Left has declared that it has a monopoly on moral virtue…”
Amazing, when you actually stop and consider the actual history. Setting aside the fact that Hitler’s National Socialists (the clue is in the name) embarked on a huge program of nationalisation when private firms across the Reich proved themselves unwilling or unable to re-arm Germany fast enough for Hitler’s looming war, I always wonder how it is that today’s smug Lefties always somehow manage to ignore the cold stone fact that Stalin, that demigod of the socialist Left, was a much more accomplished murderer and genocidal maniac than Herr Hitler and his cronies.
Still, history is written by the winners, as they say.
The UK propaganda ministry thought that the populace would be too confused by two different leftie factions at war with each other, especially as uncle Joe Stalin was on our side and allegedly our friend and ally. Therefore Hitler and the Nazis had to be given the right wing tag, which the fascists of the left found highly convenient in the following years.
But being anti-Jewish is not left wing is it……..Oh wait. But Nationalism is not left wing is it…..Oh wait. But the Nazi Party were not anti-Capitalist were they…..Oh wait. But they were not anti-Christian were they….Oh wait. But surely we can agree that the Nazi Party were conservatives who opposed revolution and believed in tradition and a free society……..oh wait.
Nicky Campbell’s wonderful and strange Twitterverse
Mixing animal rights, social commentary and gameshows….
The Ecologist @the_ecologist 21h
Investigation: Is your margarine killing Asia’s rare elephants?
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 1h
@MattKeefe ah. well evolutionary biology is a deep interest of mine so it is not superficial but in three mins you can’t quote papers.
Matthew Goodwin @GoodwinMJ 15h
Why @Channel4News are right to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer during #Ramadan –> … by @ImranELSS #Islam #census
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 15h
@GoodwinMJ @Channel4News @ImranELSS As I understand it, the broadcast will be at 3am. so ‘Deal or No Deal’ will be unscathed. Alas.
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 1h
@MattKeefe Matt. Surpised a man of your intelligence doesn’t know about last 25 years research on theirs. Cetaceans..Dolphins.
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 13h
Am sitting in rainy Salford watching next weeks #longlostfamily eyes filling up #bigwooss
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 2h
@RylanceStJohn complex social structures and intelligence..seen the slaughter? watch the Cove
Imran Awan @ImranELSS 14h
@NickyAACampbell @GoodwinMJ @Channel4News LOL!!! Yes Deal or no Deal! As long as your programme Nicky is not interrupted 🙂
[Ah… community relations soothed]
But hooosh mon….. is there a stirring in the Highlands?
Richard Jobson @richardjobson 11h
Brilliant news there’s another Nicky Campbell tv show on the BBC – how much does this guy make from public purse
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell
@richardjobson always been a huge admirer of yours Ricky. Don’t quite understand yr point. N
[Yep scientific papers on cetaceans are everyday fayre but excessive BBC pay just does not compute. And as for Jocko on Jocko attacks – that’s just not fair play!]
@richardjobson or as he is known to his friends – Big Jobby.
@NickyAACampbell or as he is known to his friends – oh wait, he doesn’t have any friends.
Has INBBC stopped reporting ‘Femen’ protest group because it is critical of Sharia and Islam?
INBBC doesn’t have anything like this online:-
“Femen activists sneak into Swedish mosque to stage topless protest after throwing off their ‘burkas.’
Gained entry to Stockholm mosque on Saturday by wearing black robes.
Slogans written on body: ‘No sharia in Egypt and the world.'”
Today programme this Mornning (Wednesday). Interview after the 8pm news was with Jeremy Hunt re collecting payment from NHS patients from abroad. Whole interview was done by the Montague woman with a sneer and a desperation to get the Minister to say something he didn’t mean, to use in BBC news bulletins throughout the day. I think Hunt did very well as he kept referring to the cost in terms of numbers of doctors not employed or hip operations that could be funded if this money was reclaimed. But haven’t yet heard any bulletins to hear if the Today team managed to get an anti-government message from what he said.
I fully concede all media are at it (SKY wheeled out some N. London Father Theresa doctor whose entire day is spent dragging dying infants back to life in the waiting room), and extremes of tribal political outrage will milk anything at the drop of a hat, but when it comes to media it may be interesting what the stances are (and guests invited, vox pops quoted, etc) decrying the administrative costs/nightmare of overseeing this proposed UKIP-stalling punt to capture those entering to take from what they have contributed zero, vs. the careful skirting of say, means-testing pensioner benefits to those who have paid in all along.
It always intrigues when public sector staffing and costs are deemed wonderful… and not.
By sheer coincidence, on matters of equivalence, the vast but still small by % of total sums being talked about around health tourism imposing on the NHS, does not seem too different to what a forced-funded TV station appears to blow on senior management payoffs.
Monty , of course uses BUPA, so we little people can scratch all we like about getting pushed to the backs of queues with no English-speaking staff…she`s alright, as is her Jocasta!
What a creeping hypocrite she is.
She uses Clare Gerada-the Beebs favoured lefty in the NHS-to warn us that we`ll all get TB if we charge the poor lambs that cough as they dodge the non-existent Border Agency cardboard cut-outs to get to the GP…our GP!
But as Hunt said-how come all the rest of the world manage to charge, and avoid TB/AIDS etc?
The BBC are truly despicable…Monty only cares if its all Californians who are coming here for free dental polishing…and not the rather more presssing problem of thousands of health tourists from “authoritarian countries” where regrafts and sewing severed limbs seem to be required more than normal.
So I screen-capped a early version of the bulletin on the Shipley stabbings, made after arrests, saying “Officers had earlier said they were hunting for a white man in his 20s..”
So the police had suspects already but we needed to stress that the suspect was white. Hmmm, compare and contrast with the tedious amount of time it took for the Beeb to reveal who were involved in the grooming cases…
A simple argument against the left in the UK is to take all their quotes about ‘equality’ ( a “mirage” anyway, as recently deceased Kenneth Minogue rightly put it) and then look at the number of times leftists will allocate different rules for Muslims/Christians, men/women – and the dishonest pretexts they use: trying to avert racial hatred, trying to achieve equality by positive discrimination, Diane Abbott can’t be accused of racism because she’s black, and so on.
You don’t need a brilliant bullshit detector to see what’s going on. It’s inverted racism & sexism, business as usual in the dirtier side of politics
Whenever there is an open thread, it fills up to overflowing so quickly. Does this mean the rest of the site is a bit lame and useless, or that there is a flock of free spirits out there who just want a rant?
Couple of things many on this site don’t have the time to write up whole threads on the bias we find so the open thread works just fine if some what quick to fill and as for the other threads they already have the facts in the title so we can add only the little that trickles out from other sources or bat off the pro BBC chorus girls and hit and run cowards, so they can be a bit thin !
the Montague woman with a sneer and a desperation to get the Minister to say something he didn’t mean, to use in BBC news bulletins throughout the day.
Absolutely spot on again. In the run up to election purdah last time, Stephen Nolan interviewed retiring Conservative MP Nicholas Winterton about expenses. Regretting limitations on reimbursement for first class train travel, Winterton went on to say of standard-class passengers
“They are a totally different type of people. There’s lots of children, there’s noise, there’s activity. I like to have peace and quiet when I’m travelling.”
But the BBC didn’t just use that on bulletins throughout the day, 5 Live kept it running for days. Well, there was an election coming up, and with Winterton’s help the BBC was more than happy to push Labour’s message that the Tories are a bunch of out of touch toffs and not like you, Mr Average Voter.
Publicly owned Channel 4 is really going to town with their Muslim scheduling. Look forward to :
Gordon Ramsey’s M-Word
Friday Night No Dinner
My Big Fat AK47 Wedding
There’s a reprieve for controversial edgy comedian Frankie Boyle’s Taliban Nights
Remember style gurus Trinny and Susannah? They’re back with Boom to Bust
No need for any change to the reality and documentary shows Terror in the Skies, One Born Every Minute or The Year Britain Flooded
Noel Edmunds compares a new look Ransom Deal No Ransom Deal
Davina hosts Britain’s biggest prize show Million Migrants Drop In
Sharia as Folk is bound to provoke controversy as it follows the story of a group of men living in Manchester
(The Channel’s digital off shoot will of course now be Mo’4)
Dylan Moran and Bill Bailey are to be joined by Salmon Rusdie for a return of Banned Books
Tommy Robinson will take on Time Team and ask why they dig the middle ages?
But don’t worry there’s still smutty but lovable schoolboy humour with the Intifadas
Since everyone is Bhurka clad these days there will be plenty of Peep Show
Sadly Father Ted has been axed
And he won’t have the been the first Roman Catholic priest to have been ‘axed’ in the last few days. Er, ensh-Allah, wink-wink…
And the greatest horror of all – Rachel Riley would have to wear a burka on Countdown. Mind you, she’d be axed because she’s a Wej, although a non-religious one.
More bias from Campbell on R5 this am – different topic though. Two interviews on whaling – one v hostile with Jap who was defending it and another fawning over some eco-scientist (probably lefty too) who was anti. Im not really in favour of whaling but surely purpose of interviewer is to treat both sides equally rather than pin their colours to the mast so blatently
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I’ve never been in any doubt on which side of any of his debates Campbell stands.
Of course fwuffy diddle animals are one of his personal interests – that shows the public what a very big hearted good bloke he is: hence much BBC presenter left-wingery.
if you think Campbell’s prejudices are obvious, just try listening to Richard Bacon.
“Report tells the BBC to listen to public more than politicians”
By Jonathan Prynn.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“The BBC ‘missed’ the rise of widespread public concern about immigration because it was too reliant on interviews with mainstream Westminster politicians, a major report concluded today.”
‘“Report tells the BBC to listen to public more than politicians””
B…but… they do!
It says so at the end of blogs and tweets and broadcasts.
OK, the only views they seek are from any ‘public’ whose mobile is pre-programmed into producer iPhones (‘Single mother needed for cuts story on Today’!), or if actually fielding the great unwashed live and interactive it’s through a battery of filter researchers to ensure the message is ‘on’, but that couldn’t skew their world view, surely?
“BBC’s ‘deep liberal bias’ prevents it from reflecting public views on immigration, says former corporation news director”
Note how Beeboids use misleading headine in their biased approach to latest Report on BBC political bias!:-
“BBC should reflect more ‘extreme’ views”
“BBC did not reflect public view on immigration because of ‘deep liberal bias’, says review”
By Rowena Mason.
Set up specifically to act on the public’s behalf, [the BBC Trust] has clearly failed
The National Audit Office report into the size of BBC “severance packages” was damning. And the corporation’s current management is right to have admitted to a “fundamental failure of control”.
Let’s call it what it was — an utterly immoral, insensitive and indefensible plunder of monies paid directly by the British people to support their own public service broadcaster.
The stark truth is that the pre-Hall Corporation was infected with the same attitudes that prevailed across a whole strata of British society during that snout-in-the-trough era in which people thought they were living through an eternal economic boom.
BBC Trust must answer the awkward questions over payoffs
You’d think, but maybe Mr. Greenslade is unaware that Lord Patten has clearly put all on notice that they ask and don’t GET asked anything… or BIJ /*Newsnight ‘do’ a story on you.
*That’s the outfit that a ran an ‘interview’ t’other night with ‘we don’t talk to anyone but our own’ senior management in the form of Lord Hall’s also sensitively considered Labour hire Purnell, whose answers seemed to be… and accepted as such… that ‘Tony can do what he wants’.
This may soon change.
The stark truth is that the pre-Hall Corporation was infected with the same attitudes that prevailed across a whole strata of British society during that snout-in-the-trough era in which people thought they were living through an eternal economic boom.
Pre-Hall –
Oh yeah, like anything’s changed.
I think that “public sector snout-in-the-trough” is rapidly becoming the official historical designation of the Blair-Brown era of Labour government.
John Inverdale picks up the Radio 5 ball and runs with it – mixing sport and Lefty comment.
I paraphrase only slightly…..
‘Hey John Pienaar, David Cameron talking about Labour’s union links….. that’s all a bit passe – isn’t it?’
John Pienaar is an old stager and doesn’t quite fall into the Lefty hero storm trooper for PC right on kids listen to me bash the Man Beeb presenter category – ‘Well, I suppose that depends who you are’
Nice put down, John. You go up in my estimation.
Johnny Inverdale picks up another ball and tries a second serve to the left of the court:
‘The PM found time to Tweet good luck to Andy Murray today. He has also Tweeted Laura Robson and The British Lions – he’s a bit of jinx isn’t he?’
Now this is no sort of question to put to your political correspondent.
Quite apart from the fact that the concept of of jinx is TM Guido Fawkes and Gordon Brown.
“‘If you complain about the BBC, you’re blacklisted'”
By Sean Thomas.
“‘If you complain about the BBC, you’re blacklisted’”
It will be interesting to see if, or when the currently anywhere but here DOTI Flokkers turn up to say this is not the case.
Because there may even be folk who frequent these threads who can set them right on Aunty’s nice little line in censorship and suppression of critics.
Which, given her less than awesome reputation currently by any measure, they must be praying doesn’t get added get added to the quaint ways of doing business and ‘handling’ people with public money being aired daily.
That is a great article. An excerpt, to save those reading on crappy mobiles like mine the bother of linking:
“A stupidly cynical part of me even wondered how ex-Labour minister James Purnell landed his BBC job, unadvertised, by appointment, as chief-explainer-of-BBC “mistakes”, on a BBC salary of (no joke) £295,000 a year. And yet no one asked questions?
In fact, for a tiny, crazy second I was tempted to write a blog post on the Telegraph mentioning all this, explaining why the BBC is, for all its wonders, actually an outrageous, malign, monopolistic force in British broadcasting, like a kind of vast, retarded toad, squashing the life out of the little guys in the media, especially with the BBC’s 70 per cent dominance of UK TV news consumption, but then I remembered that I am journalist, in a struggling industry. I’m a writer with kids to feed, in a media world destabilised by the internet, where, all-too-often, the only secure employer is the BBC.
So then, like many others before me, I thought better. Because the truth is, one day soon I might need the BBC to give me a job…”
“I remembered that I am journalist, in a struggling industry. I’m a writer with kids to feed, in a media world destabilised by the Internet, where, all-too-often, the only secure employer is the BBC.”
Which of course is exactly the way the Left like it.
Reality has forced the BBC to report on one of the major problems ObamaCare is going to cause, yet they still spin it from the White House point of view.
US delays introduction of key healthcare provision
Why the delay? Because businesses are raising holy hell that they’re going to be screwed by the costs and penalties imposed on them. So the President decided to postpone the draconian mandate until after the 2014 midterms.
The BBC presents it mostly from the White House perspective: they’re listening, He understands their pain and will give companies time to get it right. Not that the law is an ungodly mess, badly written, or anything, but that the delay is blamed on the companies being penalized. BBC correspondents, of course, admit that this “may also help” the Democrats in the 2014 midterms, but they don’t dare say that’s the reason behind the postponement. No, that’s just a possible happy accident. The Obamessiah knows what’s best for the country, and is just doing what’s necessary to ease businesses into this brave new world.
I’m on record here for years saying that ObamaCare was going to harm businesses, something which the BBC refused to acknowledge until now. And even here, apart from one brief opposing view from Sen. McConnell near the end, they’re going with the White House talking points rather than admit what’s really going on.
Notice, though, how the BBC is forced to report the reality of what ObamaCare actually does, in contrast to how they censored these facts, misrepresented them, or just plain got it wrong back when this was initially mooted, and then again when it was challenged at the Supreme Court.
You can read all about how the BBC got it wrong or fibbed here and here, with links in there to more.
That bBBC article includes the comment that Tuesday’s delay to the introduction of the so-called employers’ mandate does not affect another part of the healthcare law that requires all individuals to have their own insurance or pay a fine.
How many of the fit young Americans, who don’t want healthcare insurance, will actually pay annually for insurance, rather than paying for occasional treatment if they’re unlucky enough to need a doctor? And if they don’t, how will the insurance companies keep down the premiums for the unhealthy and older people to whom Obama pitched the reforms?
If the young and healthy don’t buy health insurance – which will be unaffordable to most of them anyway – they’ll be fined. By the IRS. Whose top mandarins visited the White House more than 150 times in the last three years. It will be enforced by a division which is now run by the same person who was in charge when the IRS was targeting Tea Party groups.
Insurance companies have already raised premiums in many areas, and will continue to rise, in some cases by more than 100%. The President was either lying or seriously misinformed when He said premiums would go down. Even the HuffPo admits it’s going to be an unmitigated disaster, and if it’s in the HuffPo, we know the Beeboids know about it.
My bet is that He lied, because the whole point of ObamaCare is to destroy the health insurance industry, paving the way for socialist universal health care. At best, He wants, as VP Biden has stated to control the insurance industry. How many industries can you name that work well when being controlled by government? This is destruction plain and simple, and the BBC has instead spent the entire time selling you the White House talking points, and in some cases (like Mardell), even ridiculing people for not agreeing with it.