The article concerns the tragic death of a young cyclist in London, killed in a road traffic accident. She happened to be riding a so called “Boris Bike”. It is the first fatality since the scheme was introduced in 2010. Yet the article descends into an anti Boris Johnson rant.
” The bike hire and cycling superhighways are both Mayoral flagship transport projects and now someone has died while using them. This death will undoubtedly raise the temperature in the safety debate. It will also mean the Mayor will have to answer serious questions about the safety of his cycling schemes”.
I suggest that if it had been a “Ken Bike” scheme, the article would never had been written.
‘This death will undoubtedly raise the temperature in the safety debate.’
Undoubtedly? Maybe, if a Stuart Hughesian ‘campaign as reporting’ effort is mounted, yes. ‘It will also mean the Mayor will have to answer serious questions about the safety of his cycling schemes’ Will it?
From whom? ‘We don’t know the exact circumstances of what happened.’
So few details yet clear (but this has evidently not stopped the BBC reporter from abandoning watertight for some odd reason), however the odds of a person on a bike coming to a sad, tragic end at the hands of a motor vehicle do not seem to be such that this level of nonsense journalism is warranted.
It is also interesting to note few of the comments don’t seem too bothered by this aspect, but seem to have unfortunately fallen into car/bikist extremes.
The death of anyone is to be mourned, and indeed if there are safety lessons to be learned (yes, I said it too) they should be, but to move straight to agendas is pretty sick. When they become politically tribal it can only be a unique level the BBC can manage.
Also, the BBC has a ‘transport correspondent’ just for London? How many others are there on this specific beat?
I am also less than convinced that passing on tweets of this tonal nature are suggestive of objectivity.. Tom Edwards @BBCTomEdwards 3h
RT @rosslydall: If @LondonAssembly had any balls it should haul in Boris + TfL for urgent statement on Monday am re cycle death @markdemery
If safety does turn out to have been compromised by poor professional planning, perhaps by ‘pushing’ cycling to respond to clamour from advocates that I suspect include the BBC quite often, it is indeed for those responsible to address and clarify.
When zippy is known so far, ‘hauling’ in anyone on the basis of cojones hardly seems a call for a BBC reporter to be making…. even if by the weasel device of an ‘RT’.
We also don’t know yet if the painted blue lane of the Cycle Superhighway lulled the cyclist into a false sense of security.
Speculate about the dead woman, why don’t you. As long as long as it puts Boris and his blue cycle lanes in the the frame, it’s all good.
PS. In fact, both the bike hire and cycle highways were Red Ken ideas taken up by Boris.
Ken may be along shortly to explain how Boris cocked it up, there were nasty Toricutz etc, and no cyclist could have possibly died under the scheme he envisioned.
One of the sillier lines put about by the BBC is that it’s been too ready to allow its coverage of immigration and Europe to be dictated by politicians. The truth is that Auntie is the dominatrix in this relationship, whipping into line any MPs who say the wrong thing on its programmes. There are times when the Beeb behaves like a powerful unelected political party it its own right – while simultaneously gorging on public money like a government department that doesn’t have to answer to ministers.
The Keating affair tells us the Beeb’s folie de grandeur is taking it closer and closer to the boundaries of criminality. Indeed, it may already have crossed it. In a funny way, I hope it has. We need a proper scandal to reveal the rottenness at the heart of the BBC; only then can we begin the desperately overdue business of breaking it up.
…also at the same link…
Share a meal with Kirsty
Talking of BBC grandees, how touching that Kirsty Wark, the deliciously po-faced socialist millionairess, has taken to Twitter to endorse Shareyourmeal, an initiative that “makes it possible to share your cooking with people in your neighbourhood”. “A fantastic idea!” declares Wark. How about putting it into practice, then? Next time she hosts a kitchen supper in her “huge and beautifully furnished” home, as the Guardian describes it, she should invite Glaswegian heavies instead of cutting-edge arts bureaucrats. I love the idea of the Queen Bee of the Scottish media ladling out bouillabaisse to tattooed “Neds” in exchange for a swig of Buckie. ‘This response to an FOI inquiry sets a neat precedent – presumably the BBC can release the names of all interview panels on request. Go for it, boys and girls.’
Well, he has asked nicely.
While Egypt was falling apart the other day, Sec. of State Kerry was among the elitest, whitest of the elitest rich, on his yacht sailing around Nantucket. The State Dept. lied when a CBS News producer bravely broke ranks and tweeted about it. Then after lots of other evidence came out, claimed that he was only on his yacht “briefly”, but was on the phone 24/7 working closely with the President and everybody else trying to solve the problem. And then he went back out for a sailing trip.
BBC: ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz
Imagine if a Republican was in charge. The BBC would be freaking out. Back on the Labor Day before the US election in 2012, the BBC took the extra step to inform you that Mitt Romney celebrated the holiday at his lakefront vacation home, part of the “He’s too rich to govern, doesn’t care about you” agenda. Now that somebody far more wealthy than Romney – someone who was born and married into money, earned even less of it than Romney – is hiding out at an equally elite, white vacation spot, and not just enjoying a holiday but actually avoiding doing his job during an international crisis, the BBC has no comment. BBC = scum.
From the White House transcript, near the end of the record:
Q: And the wildfires?
THE PRESIDENT: Oh, thank you. See, this is what happens when I’ve got too many questions. Obviously, the news is heartbreaking. And our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the brave firefighters who are out there.
The BBC certainly is doing its best to mitigate the damage to Unite. I’m just watching news 24 and they are discussing the union election scandal and who do they get on the discuss the matter? Baby Moonbat Owen Jones, who is part of a “Think Tank” called Class they tell us. And guess who supports Class? Unite the Union. i take it this is was is meant by listening to those with extremist views. they say they got rid of the bias but al beeb is full of poo
“John Inverdale Says Womens Wimbledon Champ Marion Bartoli ‘Will Never Be A Looker’, BBC Apologises ”
such disgusting bias against ugly women should not be tolerated by the state broadcaster and Inverdale should be sacked
INBBC (and Channel 4): putting propaganda for Ramadan (starts Tuesday), above remembering and propagandising against the Islamic jihadists’ bombings in London, 7 July, 2005?
How come all the BBC employed top managerial dolphins think exactly alike, read the Guardian, support the EU, mass immigration and PC politics, are all overpaid and all scratch one anothers backs?
“Funny, isn’t it, how BBC bias always happened in the past but is never taking place now? A former director-general, Mark Thompson, recently conceded that the Corporation had a ‘massive bias to the Left’ 30 years ago. But not now. Oh no.
“Another BBC commissar, Helen Boaden, says it was biased on immigration eight years ago. But not now. Oh no. Miss Boaden’s remarks form part of an unintentionally hilarious report by Stuart Prebble, a nice, intelligent ‘liberal progressive’.
“Mr Prebble invited me to come and tell him about BBC bias. I did. I told him that the problem was that the BBC could never understand that it was biased, just as a goldfish in a bowl does not know he is a goldfish, or that he is in a bowl. This is because BBC people have no friends who disagree with them, and despise moral and social conservatives as morally evil people.
“He listened politely, though I do wonder what he said about me after I’d gone. And then he produced a report saying the BBC wasn’t biased.
‘This is because BBC people have no friends who disagree with them….’
Clever phrase given the knee jerks doubtless being drafted.
Bunker mentality is symptomatic of an end game, and such as Pollard & Rose clearly show that even ‘friends’, especially internally, are as reliable as fellow sharks if there’s blood in the water.
Then of course there’s how they pretend to listen to and respond to their customers via their risible complaint system.
Banning people with concerns may make some things go away, but they simply get stored up in the pressure cooker.
When they fall back on claims of ‘waste’ or ‘saving the licence fee payer money’ whilst the news is alive with their squander addiction, they simply get shown up as barking.
But, of course, still unaccountable.
There is now nobody of a conservative disposition ( not at all the same as being a Tory MP) who believes the BBC is neutral in the culture war for this land’s future.
The only sensible course is to refuse to engage in argument with it’s creatures. Their views are identical so why bother?
At the moment it remains powerful but like all such oligarchies it is tottering on the verge of collapse.
Greed and arrogance the usual suspects.
If it were not for the quite unwarranted affection that we are told most of middle England has for it it would collapse sooner.
BBC weather presenter Wendy Hurrell’s gaffe is part of a long and fine tradition
One moment Hurrell’s face was a picture of joy, the next – as she rolled her eyes the second she thought her segment was over – it was a study in stroppiness.
That article was written by a ‘friend of the bbc’ Cathy Newman one time co-presenter with Channel 4’s Jon Snow who insists ‘Lest anyone accuse me of anti-BBC bias… blah blah’
A more neutral take on the gaff is that there could be ‘trouble at mill’
BBC London weather presenter Wendy Hurrell was caught apparently rolling her eyes at a co-worker whilst still on-air
As the camera lingered on her longer than usual before switching back to news anchor Riz Lateef, Ms Hurrell was caught rolling her eyes and swishing her hair in obvious annoyance.
She tweeted: @WendyHurrell: “Bad computer that wouldn’t let the director direct! And I already had technical problems to roll my eyes at!”
Mind you, Twitter statements by BBC employees (either ‘freelance’ or on PAYE) are only BBC official arse-covering are do not represent their true opinons.
Emmeline Pankhurst among banknote campaigners
Caroline Criado-Perez, from Rutland, Leicestershire began a petition to see more women on notes after it was announced Sir Winston Churchill would replace Elizabeth Fry on the £5 note.
[A supportive report from the BBC helping the campaign and failing to tell us quiet how extreme a Leftist Ms ‘Caroline Criado-Perez, from Rutland, Leicestershire’ is. By the way , she supported the actions of that Aussie jerk who jumped in the Thames last year spoiling the Boat Race]
Gosh I wonder how Leftist the BBC used to be – you know in those bad old day before they sorted out all that Leftist bias?
I still haven’t seen anything about this gruesome attack on the Beeb. Mind you they’ve got their hands full trawling through the endless Lawrence enquiry. This bloody thing has gone on longer the The Archers! Just when you thought there couldn’t be any further revelations there are. And the Beeb led with them on last night’s news. Extraordinary! A twenty year old murder case is given prime attention yet a recent vicious attack is completely ignored.
Can’t think why…
“‘Islamists throw youths off roof in Egypt.
’Clip appears to show Muslim Brotherhood supporters brutally killing a teen who celebrated Morsi’s ouster.”
I would not suggest that BBC-NUJ show video of this gruesome act in Alexandria, but surely Beeboids should not avoid reference to it, online.
BBc 1 12:20-12:50 The muslim premier league ” To mark the start of ramadam…” What? Why?
Somebody tell me how bad this is I won’t be watching. Even if our license toll has been used to make it.
‘Sarah Dunant takes a look at gender imbalance in literature and the media, as well as the misogynistic depiction of political figures such as ex-Australian PM Julia Gillard.’ –
I didn’t read beyond this – If I wanted to read the Guardian, I’d buy the Guardian…
What with Garry Richardson performing his Alan Partridge impression to a bemused Andy Murray then John Inverdale doing a masterclass in upsetting the Lefty Twittersphere with lines such as ‘she’s a good tennis player – but you wouldn’t, would you?’ [I paraphrase only slightly].
But if you really want an insight into the true scandal that is the state of the dumbed-down Lefty-PC teeth-itchingly crass true awfulness of the BBC in 2013 then listen to just 5-or-so minutes of Colin Murray and Edith Bowman on Bump Club. Colin by the way is the BBC’s idea of a ‘bloke’. Yes a sport-loving regional origined young guy invited into the Mum’s net knitting circle of right-on-BBC PC wonderful-ness.
The hypocrisy and sheer cant are overwhelming.
1. The show is named ‘Bump Club’. Murray then apologises to the listener for certain elements of frank discussion around the issue of pregnancy and warns that the show will contain some direct language. May I remind Colin that the show is called BUMP CLUB!
2. Obviously the naming of the bump is a major issue. Murray enjoys chewing the fat about this. The name Harriet comes up. ‘Well when I hear that name I think of Harriet Harman’ says the poor mum to be. ‘Well she just happens to be in the BBC building right now’ You could have knocked me down with a feather. So I’m guessing this is coming from a London studios and not Salford as 5 Live likes to pretend?
3. There is reference to the name Constance. Oh no no no. Colin don’t like that. Too posh.
4. Some weird ethnically imported name is suggested that I can’t now remember. Oh Colin likes that. How could he not?
5. Teenage pregnacy. ‘Why is there still a stigma?’ muses Murray. Well let’s have a little think about that Colin. The age of consent, the fact that teenagers are unlikely to be in stable relationships and the issue that they are most unlikely to be self-supporting financially. How’s them apples for starters? But hell why have a stigma. Anything goes dude right?
6. We get a little teaser jingle for the teenage mum’s section – no mention of fathers of course – one girl actually refers to how she ‘Fell’ preganant. No frank talk of how one gets in that delicate condition there then? Gosh, chuckle, someone got a bump!
6. Murray muses about the jingle. ‘Funny how whenever there is a reference to teenage pregnacy it is accompanied by a bit of hip-hop soundtrack – I wonder why that is?’ Colin I expect that were you being honest you actually as much idea as we do – but you ain’t going to bloodywell say so!
7. Colin is musing again. ‘Fathers are nearly always at births these days – something changed’ Ah the non-stoppable march of that BBC ‘do you know this is 2013?’ lovely progressiveness and it’s PC-ward, Leftward, Leftward, Left Left Left …
I turn off.
As I say, teeth itchingly awful: so very typical BBC
You really need to go to Spec savers. Wait until the viewing figures come out. Of course if you don’t like tennis, hate Scots and despite the Umpire being ‘one of them’ then I suppose in your padded cell it must seem pretty bad!
The Murray match could hardly fail to draw a large audience given the circumstances.. Nothing to do with the BBC ‘s abilities or the lack of. The BBc just happened to show it.
Wyre Davies reporting from Tahrir Square and the pro-Moris protest on the News Channel just said that there was no violence there today. He said that it wasn’t like Friday’s protests where 31 people were killed around the country. No mention of the 91 sexual assaults. Why not? Is it BBC editorial policy that sexual assault in certain cultures doesn’t need to be reported?
Good point. As that MCB mouthpiece told Huw Edwards after the murderous riots when that Florida pastor suggested burning a Koran, it’s only natural that Mohammedans would want to kill after spending time in religious contemplation.
BBC News using the deportation of Abu Qatada as an opportunity to press Teresa May on whether or not the government should think about withdrawing from the European Convention. The useless May waffled around, the usual “nothing is off the table…..we need to think about our relationship….etc.” committing to nothing, yet the Beeboid kept asking about the the most drastic step.
But human rights groups, insisted the Beeboid, say that you might have been sending him to be tortured. She keeps pressing from the perspective that the UK Government needs to bow down to other groups on this. May at least had the wherewithal to reply that they had addressed all those concerns by now (she didn’t mention the new treaty outright, but I assume that’s what she meant). The Beeboid was clearly concerned that the Tories might use this as an opportunity to think about breaking the EU yoke. As if that would mean Britain would return to some pre-Enlightenment barbaric state.
To my ear, May sounds exactly like Penelope Keith, so I closed my eyes for some of this and imagined it was Margo instead. It wasn’t any funnier.
Okay, tommy, I see you’re unable to defend the BBC for mostly ignoring the story, and so resort to personal attacks. I also gather from your reply to Dave666 (which also included a personal insult) that you feel the 7/7 anniversary isn’t worth bothering about. How do you know you speak for the nation?
No doubt for reasons beneficial to Putin, Russia Today is broadcasting a hatchet job on BP & its former chief John Browne.
I hope the BBC will ride to the rescue both for the good name of Britishish Petroleum & to support the only fat cat to whom the BBC are sympathetic, due to his homosexualist orientation?
Something is puzzling me – it seems absolutely ages since these pages were graced by the likes of Scott, Dez, Albaman, Colditz et al. Where on earth are they all? Have they gone into Purdah for Ramadan?
Can’t speak for the others but since upsetting Alan the only way I can comment is through a proxy server or by using my work laptop and thier VPN connection.
So nothing to do with “Purdah for Ramadan” but all to do with Alan’s definition of free speech!!
I thought the purpose of this blog was to show you that the regular contributors are above the Guardian (not sure where that came into things) and the BBC. I guess what you are saying then is that Alan is no worse (or better) than the BBC and as such he must be biased as well.
The original purpose of this blog was to highlight and dissect bias at the BBC. I brought up the Guardian because of the highly-moderated Comment Is Free, which allows far less free speech than this blog, and because it’s amusing to include them with the BBC which is also far more intolerant of dissent.
In any case, it’s you defenders of the indefensible who like to hold us to a higher standard than you do the BBC.
“it’s you defenders of the indefensible who like to hold us to a higher standard than you do the BBC.”
No, we just want you to have some standards. You act like you’re better than anybody else, but behave worse. And you get all prissy when people have the nerve to call you out on it.
When you have people like David Brims and the Beebinator out and out lying about this the BBC has or hasn’t done, who know they were lying, but who just don’t care because they know that other, just as stupid individuals will lay into anyone who dares stand up to to them – well, it all gets a bit wearisome.
So, generally, if Preiser and his ilk want to feel better about themselves by conning a few simpletons into thinking that they’re authorities on something, let them. Anybody who knows US politics will work out quite easily why Preiser hangs out here, where people are too ignorant to call him out.
And Vance will keep going, using the bigots and racists on here to bolster his ego, keeping them content by feeding them scraps of ill-thought-out anti-BBC hatred with one hand while pocketing appearance fees with the other. And then throwing a strop every time someone has the affrontery to not brown-nose him.
*Cue seventeen paragraphs of nonsense from Guest Who that everybody gives up reading after the first because it’s the same tedious bollocks that he always posts*
‘seventeen paragraphs of nonsense.. that everybody gives up reading after the first’
Well your latest six, devoted to playing only people, suggest a logic fail at best.
Amongst a few others.
Heck of an effort to return with, btw.
*trying to pre-render your posts immune from comment.. Cu(t)e.. but if you mention a person it’s really more of an invitation*
It is just not good enough to attack personalities rather than ideas .Mr Preiser states that the CIF and the BBC routinely censor views they find unpalatable. At the very least this is worthy of a discussion.
I do not hate the BBC. I just think it is a remnant of the past and outmoded by technology. A bit like the stagecoach in the railway age. It’s business case needs a serious looking at and it’s renumeration of it’s executives and talent is well overdue an overhaul.
In a society where “rights’ have become sacred it seems to me absurd that the BBC is funded by a compulsory tax levied by threats of imprisonment. But then liberalism has never been very good at dealing with reality.
Scott M refers to “simpletons”, “bigots” and “racists” on here, making personal attacks on five contributors to this site. He seems to think he’s better than others here and does not need to explain.
Well Scott, just for starters, what do you (yes, YOU!) understand by racism? Come on, let’s have some examples … like Diane Abbott’s preference for people of her own race perhaps? Or the bogus idea of the “Black community”? Or President Obama’s prima facie support for Trayvon Martin based purely on skin colour?
He seems to think he’s better than others here and does not need to explain.
David Brims said that the BBC did not report a controversy within the British Taekwondo team because one participant was white. In fact, it had reported on it multiple times, but any evidence was dismissed with “oh, if it’s on their website it doesn’t count”.
He lied. And then tried to wriggle out of it by saying that he just got the story from a website – one which was also complaining that a US company had had the temerity to include a mixed race family in one of its adverts.
David Brims is a lying racist.
The Beebinator complained that there were no white male presenters on BBC3. I provided a list proving him wrong. He dismissed the list by claiming – and if you can parse this into anything resembling sanity, you’re unique in the world – that they were just “people who presented BBC3 programmes, not presenters of BBC3”.
I asked him why he would have a problem with women or black/minority ethnic people presenting programmes in the first place. He has yet to reply on that one.
The Beebinator is a racist simpleton.
And anyone with half a brain can find posts on nearly every thread here which makes blanket assumptions about people based on their gender, their skin colour, the faith or a presumption of their faith, their sexuality… it’s called “bigotry”. And the administrators of this site, be it Vance, Preiser or (the seemingly more trigger-happy) Alan, let the same people get away with it time and time again, because those same people fuel the admins’ egos.
This site is fuelled by bigotry and ego. And the people who fuel it think that because it’s not paid for, that’s okay.
I wonder, how much would people have to pay for the site to be run by adults with a sense of maturity and responsibility, instead of the current pathetic shower?
“nearly every thread…makes blanket assumptions about people based on their gender, their skin colour, faith or a presumption of their faith, their sexuality… it’s called “bigotry”….And the people who fuel it think that because it’s not paid for, that’s okay.”
Since when did people have to apply to you for permission to express views with which you do not approve?
My impression is that is you who is the intolerant prick, and your bitchy replies hardly shatter the stereotype about homosexual men.
Most comments on here focus on the Leftist bias of the BBC, on the understandable grounds that they are forced to pay for it, a debate to which you contribute nothing, except that your evident desire to silence views with which you do not agree hardly refutes the charge that the BBC is a sustained attack on our free society.
BY the way given that you are a homosexual man I find you urge to defend the Muslim religion quite nauseating. The people you hate are precisely those who are seeking to defend your freedoms, except you are too much of a malignant narcissist to know or care.
Since when did people have to apply to you for permission to express views with which you do not approve?
I didn’t say they did, and never have done – although it’s a canard that Biased BBC commenters always fling around when people challenge the poor quality of supposed debate on this site. I guess it’s easier fighting against fantasies of your own creation than it is engaging with the real world.
My impression is that is you who is the intolerant prick, and your bitchy replies hardly shatter the stereotype about homosexual men.
Bless. I really don’t care what you think of homosexual men, or any other group of people you clearly don’t belong to. Maybe if you can demonstrate you have something valid to contribute, I may change my mind.
BY the way given that you are a homosexual man I find you urge to defend the Muslim religion quite nauseating. The people you hate are precisely those who are seeking to defend your freedoms, except you are too much of a malignant narcissist to know or care.
Funny, I didn’t mention Muslims at all. It’s perfectly possible to be against all violence against people regardless of their gender, sexuality, religion or any other factor without being a turgid little Islampohobic arsewipe, you know. You should maybe try it some time.
So if there really is a Scotland referendum in a couple years, and it does go independent, will that mean Andy Murray is no longer the first British player to win Wimbledon in 77 years and the drought is back in place? I saw Salmond waving a Scottish flag behind Cameron’s head.
No matter what way the vote goes Britain will still exist and Murray will remain the first Scot to win Wimbledon and the first Britain to win in 77 years.
The vote is about whether Scotland remains part of the United Kingdom, a political union, and has nothing to do with the geography that means Scotland and England are both part of the British Isles.
Are you sure about that, Albaman? Everyone was holding up the Union flag. As Salmond was demonstrating, Scotland will no longer be part of what that represents. So, depending on what Murray does with his citizenship, he either will or won’t be a Briton. Of course, with the likely tax situation, he’ll probably just move to Monaco like the rest of them….
“Everyone was holding up the Union flag” ….. some of those Union Flags looked suspiciously like Saltires and Lion Rampants but then again what would a mere Scot like me know!!
“As Salmond was demonstrating, Scotland will no longer be part of what that represents.”……………… As I said David, no loner part of a political union (as represented by the Union Flag) but still part of the geographic land mass that is the British Isles.
David, you original post states:
“So if there really is a Scotland referendum in a couple years, and it does go independent, will that mean Andy Murray is no longer the first British player to win Wimbledon in 77 years and the drought is back in place? ”
To clarify, every Scot is also British in the same way that every Englishman is also British. As such no matter what happens in 2014 Murray will still have been the first Briton to win in 77 years. It’s not a difficult concept to grasp!!
I watched the whole game David and there were a number of Scottish flags (and people in Scottish colours) evident throughout the match as there has been in every game that Murray played in the tournament.
“Of course, with the likely tax situation, he’ll probably just move to Monaco like the rest of them…. “…………………. are you aware that he currently lives in England?
Albaman I give you joy of your countryman’s victory
Truly. It is a great achievement, and well deserved
I cannot say, however, I feel engaged with or by it. Any more than I would by , say a Somalian wearing a union jack t-shirt wining or the 10,000 yd. dash, or any more than Mr Murray would by an England football victory
There is one difference though I, unlike Mr Murray would, not be not be rooting for his opponent simply because he was not Scottish
So what’s the most important story ..Egypt? Syria? No Scotsman wins a tennis match. Sorry he won so he’s British. Yawn I so don’t care. Wall to wall on BBc news. ” ranks with England winning the world cup in 1966″ Really? Really? I think not.
5 Live Beeboid : Were you here last year? (when Murray lost)
David Cameron : Yes, I was.
5 Live Beeboid : Did you think you would be a jinx this year?
Didn’t catch the Beeboid’s name. Let’s just call him Wanker No.2, being the second Beeboid to come out with the Cameron jinx hypothesis on air. Dave, mate, give these people something other than a non-existent jinx to worry about.
Oh I see. The BBC is now a slavish follower of the Mail. Can’t say I’ve noticed that in much else of the BBC’s output. Perhaps it’s only when the occasion suits, and a dig at Dave would certainly suit.
Just heard the toothless tiger of a “BBC audience forum for discussing BBC output”-Feedback(Sun 7/7/13 8.00p.m).
Why do the BBC choose to refer to Stuart Prebble, as ex head of ITV, when he also got his first jobs at the BBC(and indeed has had his grumpy old men crap made into BBC shows?).
He was Mike Neviles stool groomer up on Tyneside as I recall in the late 70s/early 80s…so he`s a former BBC hack and gofer who relies on the BBC to franchise his commissioned ideas.
Asking HIM what`s wrong with the BBC is a joke…so do give it to Marcus, poor unfunny limpit needs one!
Prebble unsurprisingly thinks the BBC is just grand-and that opinion will have cost us all alot of money.
Wonder what Stephen Fry thinks of the BBC?…maybe he could do the next inquiry into why the BBC gets it right at all times…it just does!
Gryff Rhys Jones propagandising about West African & Indian troops fighting in Burma during WWII fair enough that their stories should be told, but his smug face to camera with the words that people aren’t aware just how many black & Asian troops fought on our side gave the game away.
The BBC needs a rating system like films have, based on the amount of left wing bias with the very worst being banned from broadcast altogether. there should be enough fat in the licence fee to fund it !
I think it’s fair to say that a lot of people are unaware of the role that Black and Asian troops played in defending Britain and the Empire in the Second World War.
As you say, their story should be told. What then is the problem with this documentary?
Perhaps it’s just me, but is anyone else sensing BBC sympathy for that piece scum Abu Quatada? They’ve had countless leftie human rights lawyers on today bemoaning Teresa May’s suggestion that a withdrawal from the EU’s human rights treaty might be on the table. We all know where the BBC stands on this one.
But in contrast, INBBC is politically content with British ban on American freedom fighters Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, who don’t get the INBBC ex-Gito Muslim, Binyam Mohamed lionising treatment. On the contrary.
Geller and Spencer in particular are far too articulate and well informed to be taken on by the liberal left mindset of our media. Whether or not you disagree with them they are a formindable pair . Far easier to ban them. Cowardice is almost a defining feature of our media liberal elites.
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RichFeb 23, 11:19 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The aptly named Taig. ‘Polemecist’ apparently. Translates as ‘Professional Gobshite’. Ireland is full of them especially, unfortunately, ‘the North of…
tomoFeb 23, 11:02 Weekend 22nd February 2025
I was listening to Mark Radcliffe’s “The Folk Show” on Radio 2 and was struck by the words of his final song, “The Blackleg Miner”.
What a nasty little song it is.
For myself, I wouldn’t want it banned, but imagine the furor if similar songs about certain other social groups were written and broadcast.
Boris Bikes.
Check out this dreadful piece of journalism, if you can call it that, on the BBC News Website.
The article concerns the tragic death of a young cyclist in London, killed in a road traffic accident. She happened to be riding a so called “Boris Bike”. It is the first fatality since the scheme was introduced in 2010. Yet the article descends into an anti Boris Johnson rant.
” The bike hire and cycling superhighways are both Mayoral flagship transport projects and now someone has died while using them. This death will undoubtedly raise the temperature in the safety debate. It will also mean the Mayor will have to answer serious questions about the safety of his cycling schemes”.
I suggest that if it had been a “Ken Bike” scheme, the article would never had been written.
I think that you’ll find that that was drafted 3 years ago – the BBC just hoping and waiting for an opportunity to use it.
‘This death will undoubtedly raise the temperature in the safety debate.’
Undoubtedly? Maybe, if a Stuart Hughesian ‘campaign as reporting’ effort is mounted, yes.
‘It will also mean the Mayor will have to answer serious questions about the safety of his cycling schemes’
Will it?
From whom?
‘We don’t know the exact circumstances of what happened.’
So few details yet clear (but this has evidently not stopped the BBC reporter from abandoning watertight for some odd reason), however the odds of a person on a bike coming to a sad, tragic end at the hands of a motor vehicle do not seem to be such that this level of nonsense journalism is warranted.
It is also interesting to note few of the comments don’t seem too bothered by this aspect, but seem to have unfortunately fallen into car/bikist extremes.
The death of anyone is to be mourned, and indeed if there are safety lessons to be learned (yes, I said it too) they should be, but to move straight to agendas is pretty sick. When they become politically tribal it can only be a unique level the BBC can manage.
Also, the BBC has a ‘transport correspondent’ just for London? How many others are there on this specific beat?
I am also less than convinced that passing on tweets of this tonal nature are suggestive of objectivity..
Tom Edwards @BBCTomEdwards 3h
RT @rosslydall: If @LondonAssembly had any balls it should haul in Boris + TfL for urgent statement on Monday am re cycle death @markdemery
If safety does turn out to have been compromised by poor professional planning, perhaps by ‘pushing’ cycling to respond to clamour from advocates that I suspect include the BBC quite often, it is indeed for those responsible to address and clarify.
When zippy is known so far, ‘hauling’ in anyone on the basis of cojones hardly seems a call for a BBC reporter to be making…. even if by the weasel device of an ‘RT’.
A dreadful piece. Worst bit
We also don’t know yet if the painted blue lane of the Cycle Superhighway lulled the cyclist into a false sense of security.
Speculate about the dead woman, why don’t you. As long as long as it puts Boris and his blue cycle lanes in the the frame, it’s all good.
PS. In fact, both the bike hire and cycle highways were Red Ken ideas taken up by Boris.
Ken may be along shortly to explain how Boris cocked it up, there were nasty Toricutz etc, and no cyclist could have possibly died under the scheme he envisioned.
I remember some beeboid (it may have been on HIGNFY) bitching that Boris had taken credit for Ken idea
Damian Thompson at The Telegraph…
One of the sillier lines put about by the BBC is that it’s been too ready to allow its coverage of immigration and Europe to be dictated by politicians. The truth is that Auntie is the dominatrix in this relationship, whipping into line any MPs who say the wrong thing on its programmes. There are times when the Beeb behaves like a powerful unelected political party it its own right – while simultaneously gorging on public money like a government department that doesn’t have to answer to ministers.
The Keating affair tells us the Beeb’s folie de grandeur is taking it closer and closer to the boundaries of criminality. Indeed, it may already have crossed it. In a funny way, I hope it has. We need a proper scandal to reveal the rottenness at the heart of the BBC; only then can we begin the desperately overdue business of breaking it up.
…also at the same link…
Share a meal with Kirsty
Talking of BBC grandees, how touching that Kirsty Wark, the deliciously po-faced socialist millionairess, has taken to Twitter to endorse Shareyourmeal, an initiative that “makes it possible to share your cooking with people in your neighbourhood”. “A fantastic idea!” declares Wark. How about putting it into practice, then? Next time she hosts a kitchen supper in her “huge and beautifully furnished” home, as the Guardian describes it, she should invite Glaswegian heavies instead of cutting-edge arts bureaucrats. I love the idea of the Queen Bee of the Scottish media ladling out bouillabaisse to tattooed “Neds” in exchange for a swig of Buckie.
So they’re not just lying to you now: they’re lying to each other. Classic.
‘This response to an FOI inquiry sets a neat precedent – presumably the BBC can release the names of all interview panels on request. Go for it, boys and girls.’
Well, he has asked nicely.
While Egypt was falling apart the other day, Sec. of State Kerry was among the elitest, whitest of the elitest rich, on his yacht sailing around Nantucket. The State Dept. lied when a CBS News producer bravely broke ranks and tweeted about it. Then after lots of other evidence came out, claimed that he was only on his yacht “briefly”, but was on the phone 24/7 working closely with the President and everybody else trying to solve the problem. And then he went back out for a sailing trip.
BBC: ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz
Imagine if a Republican was in charge. The BBC would be freaking out. Back on the Labor Day before the US election in 2012, the BBC took the extra step to inform you that Mitt Romney celebrated the holiday at his lakefront vacation home, part of the “He’s too rich to govern, doesn’t care about you” agenda. Now that somebody far more wealthy than Romney – someone who was born and married into money, earned even less of it than Romney – is hiding out at an equally elite, white vacation spot, and not just enjoying a holiday but actually avoiding doing his job during an international crisis, the BBC has no comment. BBC = scum.
File this one under “The Nuance of His Finely-Tuned Brain”:
Obama Forgets to Mention AZ Firefighters, Blames Journalist
From the White House transcript, near the end of the record:
Q: And the wildfires?
THE PRESIDENT: Oh, thank you. See, this is what happens when I’ve got too many questions. Obviously, the news is heartbreaking. And our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the brave firefighters who are out there.
The BBC certainly is doing its best to mitigate the damage to Unite. I’m just watching news 24 and they are discussing the union election scandal and who do they get on the discuss the matter? Baby Moonbat Owen Jones, who is part of a “Think Tank” called Class they tell us. And guess who supports Class? Unite the Union. i take it this is was is meant by listening to those with extremist views. they say they got rid of the bias but al beeb is full of poo
Can BBC-Democrat, Obama supplicant, MARDELL tell us:-
“John Inverdale Says Womens Wimbledon Champ Marion Bartoli ‘Will Never Be A Looker’, BBC Apologises ”
such disgusting bias against ugly women should not be tolerated by the state broadcaster and Inverdale should be sacked
Oh dear….But to be perfectly honest what’s wrong with honesty?
John Inverdale was the very same Beeboid who made some ridiculous Lefty remarks the other day in conversation with John Pienaar.
And Twitter users said…. zzzzzzzzzzz
This is how the BBC is willingly pushed further and further to the Politically Correct Left by their favourite medium.
INBBC (and Channel 4): putting propaganda for Ramadan (starts Tuesday), above remembering and propagandising against the Islamic jihadists’ bombings in London, 7 July, 2005?
How come all the BBC employed top managerial dolphins think exactly alike, read the Guardian, support the EU, mass immigration and PC politics, are all overpaid and all scratch one anothers backs?
Common Porpoise
Remembering LEE RIGBY.
Will INBBC give prominence to this on 7 July?:-
“Memorial for a hero: Monument to be built in tribute to Drummer Lee Rigby in his home town”
Peter Hitchens, today:-
“Funny, isn’t it, how BBC bias always happened in the past but is never taking place now? A former director-general, Mark Thompson, recently conceded that the Corporation had a ‘massive bias to the Left’ 30 years ago. But not now. Oh no.
“Another BBC commissar, Helen Boaden, says it was biased on immigration eight years ago. But not now. Oh no. Miss Boaden’s remarks form part of an unintentionally hilarious report by Stuart Prebble, a nice, intelligent ‘liberal progressive’.
“Mr Prebble invited me to come and tell him about BBC bias. I did. I told him that the problem was that the BBC could never understand that it was biased, just as a goldfish in a bowl does not know he is a goldfish, or that he is in a bowl. This is because BBC people have no friends who disagree with them, and despise moral and social conservatives as morally evil people.
“He listened politely, though I do wonder what he said about me after I’d gone. And then he produced a report saying the BBC wasn’t biased.
[Scroll down]^editors_choice
‘This is because BBC people have no friends who disagree with them….’
Clever phrase given the knee jerks doubtless being drafted.
Bunker mentality is symptomatic of an end game, and such as Pollard & Rose clearly show that even ‘friends’, especially internally, are as reliable as fellow sharks if there’s blood in the water.
Then of course there’s how they pretend to listen to and respond to their customers via their risible complaint system.
Banning people with concerns may make some things go away, but they simply get stored up in the pressure cooker.
When they fall back on claims of ‘waste’ or ‘saving the licence fee payer money’ whilst the news is alive with their squander addiction, they simply get shown up as barking.
But, of course, still unaccountable.
There is now nobody of a conservative disposition ( not at all the same as being a Tory MP) who believes the BBC is neutral in the culture war for this land’s future.
The only sensible course is to refuse to engage in argument with it’s creatures. Their views are identical so why bother?
At the moment it remains powerful but like all such oligarchies it is tottering on the verge of collapse.
Greed and arrogance the usual suspects.
If it were not for the quite unwarranted affection that we are told most of middle England has for it it would collapse sooner.
…and, ironically, it’s that ‘middle England’ for which the BBC has most contempt.
NB The BBC via their pal Keith Vaz have a little carp at the end of the report – and try to blame this current government for the problem
So lame!
Date Abu Qatada deported: 7/7.
The coincidence of this seems lost on much of MSM (inc INBBC).
BBC weather presenter Wendy Hurrell’s gaffe is part of a long and fine tradition
One moment Hurrell’s face was a picture of joy, the next – as she rolled her eyes the second she thought her segment was over – it was a study in stroppiness.
That article was written by a ‘friend of the bbc’ Cathy Newman one time co-presenter with Channel 4’s Jon Snow who insists ‘Lest anyone accuse me of anti-BBC bias… blah blah’
A more neutral take on the gaff is that there could be ‘trouble at mill’
BBC London weather presenter Wendy Hurrell was caught apparently rolling her eyes at a co-worker whilst still on-air
As the camera lingered on her longer than usual before switching back to news anchor Riz Lateef, Ms Hurrell was caught rolling her eyes and swishing her hair in obvious annoyance.
She tweeted: @WendyHurrell: “Bad computer that wouldn’t let the director direct! And I already had technical problems to roll my eyes at!”
Mind you, Twitter statements by BBC employees (either ‘freelance’ or on PAYE) are only BBC official arse-covering are do not represent their true opinons.
Thousands turn out for St Pauls Carnival in Bristol
The procession theme was Migration – We Deh Ya to celebrate the history of migration to Britain
[A completely celebratory report by the BBC. No coverage of the social, cultural, enviromental and financial costs of mass migration to this country]
Emmeline Pankhurst among banknote campaigners
Caroline Criado-Perez, from Rutland, Leicestershire began a petition to see more women on notes after it was announced Sir Winston Churchill would replace Elizabeth Fry on the £5 note.
[A supportive report from the BBC helping the campaign and failing to tell us quiet how extreme a Leftist Ms ‘Caroline Criado-Perez, from Rutland, Leicestershire’ is. By the way , she supported the actions of that Aussie jerk who jumped in the Thames last year spoiling the Boat Race]
Gosh I wonder how Leftist the BBC used to be – you know in those bad old day before they sorted out all that Leftist bias?
I still haven’t seen anything about this gruesome attack on the Beeb. Mind you they’ve got their hands full trawling through the endless Lawrence enquiry. This bloody thing has gone on longer the The Archers! Just when you thought there couldn’t be any further revelations there are. And the Beeb led with them on last night’s news. Extraordinary! A twenty year old murder case is given prime attention yet a recent vicious attack is completely ignored.
Can’t think why…
“‘Islamists throw youths off roof in Egypt.
’Clip appears to show Muslim Brotherhood supporters brutally killing a teen who celebrated Morsi’s ouster.”
I would not suggest that BBC-NUJ show video of this gruesome act in Alexandria, but surely Beeboids should not avoid reference to it, online.
Warning: graphic violence-
“Egypt: Morsi supporters, one carrying al-Qaeda flag, murder two foes of Morsi”
[Graphic violence video clip]
Ah, the cultural enrichment we can gain from savage barbarians like these huh?
BBc 1 12:20-12:50 The muslim premier league ” To mark the start of ramadam…” What? Why?
Somebody tell me how bad this is I won’t be watching. Even if our license toll has been used to make it.
‘Sarah Dunant takes a look at gender imbalance in literature and the media, as well as the misogynistic depiction of political figures such as ex-Australian PM Julia Gillard.’ –
I didn’t read beyond this – If I wanted to read the Guardian, I’d buy the Guardian…
‘as well as the misogynistic depiction of political figures such as ex-Australian PM Julia Gillard.’ No mention of Margaret Thatcher, then.
Or Sarah Palin.
Np true beeboid regards lady Thatcher as a woman. More a she devil who eat babies.
The BBC have had a bad Wimbledon.
What with Garry Richardson performing his Alan Partridge impression to a bemused Andy Murray then John Inverdale doing a masterclass in upsetting the Lefty Twittersphere with lines such as ‘she’s a good tennis player – but you wouldn’t, would you?’ [I paraphrase only slightly].
But if you really want an insight into the true scandal that is the state of the dumbed-down Lefty-PC teeth-itchingly crass true awfulness of the BBC in 2013 then listen to just 5-or-so minutes of Colin Murray and Edith Bowman on Bump Club. Colin by the way is the BBC’s idea of a ‘bloke’. Yes a sport-loving regional origined young guy invited into the Mum’s net knitting circle of right-on-BBC PC wonderful-ness.
The hypocrisy and sheer cant are overwhelming.
1. The show is named ‘Bump Club’. Murray then apologises to the listener for certain elements of frank discussion around the issue of pregnancy and warns that the show will contain some direct language. May I remind Colin that the show is called BUMP CLUB!
2. Obviously the naming of the bump is a major issue. Murray enjoys chewing the fat about this. The name Harriet comes up. ‘Well when I hear that name I think of Harriet Harman’ says the poor mum to be. ‘Well she just happens to be in the BBC building right now’ You could have knocked me down with a feather. So I’m guessing this is coming from a London studios and not Salford as 5 Live likes to pretend?
3. There is reference to the name Constance. Oh no no no. Colin don’t like that. Too posh.
4. Some weird ethnically imported name is suggested that I can’t now remember. Oh Colin likes that. How could he not?
5. Teenage pregnacy. ‘Why is there still a stigma?’ muses Murray. Well let’s have a little think about that Colin. The age of consent, the fact that teenagers are unlikely to be in stable relationships and the issue that they are most unlikely to be self-supporting financially. How’s them apples for starters? But hell why have a stigma. Anything goes dude right?
6. We get a little teaser jingle for the teenage mum’s section – no mention of fathers of course – one girl actually refers to how she ‘Fell’ preganant. No frank talk of how one gets in that delicate condition there then? Gosh, chuckle, someone got a bump!
6. Murray muses about the jingle. ‘Funny how whenever there is a reference to teenage pregnacy it is accompanied by a bit of hip-hop soundtrack – I wonder why that is?’ Colin I expect that were you being honest you actually as much idea as we do – but you ain’t going to bloodywell say so!
7. Colin is musing again. ‘Fathers are nearly always at births these days – something changed’ Ah the non-stoppable march of that BBC ‘do you know this is 2013?’ lovely progressiveness and it’s PC-ward, Leftward, Leftward, Left Left Left …
I turn off.
As I say, teeth itchingly awful: so very typical BBC
A bad Wimbeldon!
You really need to go to Spec savers. Wait until the viewing figures come out. Of course if you don’t like tennis, hate Scots and despite the Umpire being ‘one of them’ then I suppose in your padded cell it must seem pretty bad!
The Murray match could hardly fail to draw a large audience given the circumstances.. Nothing to do with the BBC ‘s abilities or the lack of. The BBc just happened to show it.
A bad Wimbeldon!
Nice event, pretty pictures but I’m talking about the BBC presentation mate – or did you miss the gaff prone BBC commentators?
Wyre Davies reporting from Tahrir Square and the pro-Moris protest on the News Channel just said that there was no violence there today. He said that it wasn’t like Friday’s protests where 31 people were killed around the country. No mention of the 91 sexual assaults. Why not? Is it BBC editorial policy that sexual assault in certain cultures doesn’t need to be reported?
didnt they even make the link between friday prayers and friday violence?
Good point. As that MCB mouthpiece told Huw Edwards after the murderous riots when that Florida pastor suggested burning a Koran, it’s only natural that Mohammedans would want to kill after spending time in religious contemplation.
BBC News using the deportation of Abu Qatada as an opportunity to press Teresa May on whether or not the government should think about withdrawing from the European Convention. The useless May waffled around, the usual “nothing is off the table…..we need to think about our relationship….etc.” committing to nothing, yet the Beeboid kept asking about the the most drastic step.
But human rights groups, insisted the Beeboid, say that you might have been sending him to be tortured. She keeps pressing from the perspective that the UK Government needs to bow down to other groups on this. May at least had the wherewithal to reply that they had addressed all those concerns by now (she didn’t mention the new treaty outright, but I assume that’s what she meant). The Beeboid was clearly concerned that the Tories might use this as an opportunity to think about breaking the EU yoke. As if that would mean Britain would return to some pre-Enlightenment barbaric state.
To my ear, May sounds exactly like Penelope Keith, so I closed my eyes for some of this and imagined it was Margo instead. It wasn’t any funnier.
A full hour of BBC News channel, zero mention of 7/7. Maybe if Andy Murray wasn’t having the “historic moment”, they’d find a few seconds for it.
Great, a right wing Yank is telling us what we should watch. As if the Americans not just content with reading everything we write as well!
Okay, tommy, I see you’re unable to defend the BBC for mostly ignoring the story, and so resort to personal attacks. I also gather from your reply to Dave666 (which also included a personal insult) that you feel the 7/7 anniversary isn’t worth bothering about. How do you know you speak for the nation?
It took me 30 secs to find a BBC story on 7/7 dated today:
Pity you didn’t bother to look before trotting out more guff.
For information-
“Never forget”
Nice change from self righteous ,bourgeois , ersatz socialists telling me what to think.
About the INHS for instance
Typically you attack the man rather than argue the point.
Shape up a bit.
No doubt for reasons beneficial to Putin, Russia Today is broadcasting a hatchet job on BP & its former chief John Browne.
I hope the BBC will ride to the rescue both for the good name of Britishish Petroleum & to support the only fat cat to whom the BBC are sympathetic, due to his homosexualist orientation?
Something is puzzling me – it seems absolutely ages since these pages were graced by the likes of Scott, Dez, Albaman, Colditz et al. Where on earth are they all? Have they gone into Purdah for Ramadan?
hopefully the government stuck them on the same plane as abu qatada
Can’t speak for the others but since upsetting Alan the only way I can comment is through a proxy server or by using my work laptop and thier VPN connection.
So nothing to do with “Purdah for Ramadan” but all to do with Alan’s definition of free speech!!
And the Guardian’s definition, and the BBC’s……
I thought the purpose of this blog was to show you that the regular contributors are above the Guardian (not sure where that came into things) and the BBC. I guess what you are saying then is that Alan is no worse (or better) than the BBC and as such he must be biased as well.
The original purpose of this blog was to highlight and dissect bias at the BBC. I brought up the Guardian because of the highly-moderated Comment Is Free, which allows far less free speech than this blog, and because it’s amusing to include them with the BBC which is also far more intolerant of dissent.
In any case, it’s you defenders of the indefensible who like to hold us to a higher standard than you do the BBC.
“it’s you defenders of the indefensible who like to hold us to a higher standard than you do the BBC.”
No, we just want you to have some standards. You act like you’re better than anybody else, but behave worse. And you get all prissy when people have the nerve to call you out on it.
When you have people like David Brims and the Beebinator out and out lying about this the BBC has or hasn’t done, who know they were lying, but who just don’t care because they know that other, just as stupid individuals will lay into anyone who dares stand up to to them – well, it all gets a bit wearisome.
So, generally, if Preiser and his ilk want to feel better about themselves by conning a few simpletons into thinking that they’re authorities on something, let them. Anybody who knows US politics will work out quite easily why Preiser hangs out here, where people are too ignorant to call him out.
And Vance will keep going, using the bigots and racists on here to bolster his ego, keeping them content by feeding them scraps of ill-thought-out anti-BBC hatred with one hand while pocketing appearance fees with the other. And then throwing a strop every time someone has the affrontery to not brown-nose him.
*Cue seventeen paragraphs of nonsense from Guest Who that everybody gives up reading after the first because it’s the same tedious bollocks that he always posts*
‘seventeen paragraphs of nonsense.. that everybody gives up reading after the first’
Well your latest six, devoted to playing only people, suggest a logic fail at best.
Amongst a few others.
Heck of an effort to return with, btw.
*trying to pre-render your posts immune from comment.. Cu(t)e.. but if you mention a person it’s really more of an invitation*
It is just not good enough to attack personalities rather than ideas .Mr Preiser states that the CIF and the BBC routinely censor views they find unpalatable. At the very least this is worthy of a discussion.
I do not hate the BBC. I just think it is a remnant of the past and outmoded by technology. A bit like the stagecoach in the railway age. It’s business case needs a serious looking at and it’s renumeration of it’s executives and talent is well overdue an overhaul.
In a society where “rights’ have become sacred it seems to me absurd that the BBC is funded by a compulsory tax levied by threats of imprisonment. But then liberalism has never been very good at dealing with reality.
Scott M refers to “simpletons”, “bigots” and “racists” on here, making personal attacks on five contributors to this site. He seems to think he’s better than others here and does not need to explain.
Well Scott, just for starters, what do you (yes, YOU!) understand by racism? Come on, let’s have some examples … like Diane Abbott’s preference for people of her own race perhaps? Or the bogus idea of the “Black community”? Or President Obama’s prima facie support for Trayvon Martin based purely on skin colour?
He seems to think he’s better than others here and does not need to explain.
David Brims said that the BBC did not report a controversy within the British Taekwondo team because one participant was white. In fact, it had reported on it multiple times, but any evidence was dismissed with “oh, if it’s on their website it doesn’t count”.
He lied. And then tried to wriggle out of it by saying that he just got the story from a website – one which was also complaining that a US company had had the temerity to include a mixed race family in one of its adverts.
David Brims is a lying racist.
The Beebinator complained that there were no white male presenters on BBC3. I provided a list proving him wrong. He dismissed the list by claiming – and if you can parse this into anything resembling sanity, you’re unique in the world – that they were just “people who presented BBC3 programmes, not presenters of BBC3”.
I asked him why he would have a problem with women or black/minority ethnic people presenting programmes in the first place. He has yet to reply on that one.
The Beebinator is a racist simpleton.
And anyone with half a brain can find posts on nearly every thread here which makes blanket assumptions about people based on their gender, their skin colour, the faith or a presumption of their faith, their sexuality… it’s called “bigotry”. And the administrators of this site, be it Vance, Preiser or (the seemingly more trigger-happy) Alan, let the same people get away with it time and time again, because those same people fuel the admins’ egos.
This site is fuelled by bigotry and ego. And the people who fuel it think that because it’s not paid for, that’s okay.
I wonder, how much would people have to pay for the site to be run by adults with a sense of maturity and responsibility, instead of the current pathetic shower?
“nearly every thread…makes blanket assumptions about people based on their gender, their skin colour, faith or a presumption of their faith, their sexuality… it’s called “bigotry”….And the people who fuel it think that because it’s not paid for, that’s okay.”
Since when did people have to apply to you for permission to express views with which you do not approve?
My impression is that is you who is the intolerant prick, and your bitchy replies hardly shatter the stereotype about homosexual men.
Most comments on here focus on the Leftist bias of the BBC, on the understandable grounds that they are forced to pay for it, a debate to which you contribute nothing, except that your evident desire to silence views with which you do not agree hardly refutes the charge that the BBC is a sustained attack on our free society.
BY the way given that you are a homosexual man I find you urge to defend the Muslim religion quite nauseating. The people you hate are precisely those who are seeking to defend your freedoms, except you are too much of a malignant narcissist to know or care.
Since when did people have to apply to you for permission to express views with which you do not approve?
I didn’t say they did, and never have done – although it’s a canard that Biased BBC commenters always fling around when people challenge the poor quality of supposed debate on this site. I guess it’s easier fighting against fantasies of your own creation than it is engaging with the real world.
My impression is that is you who is the intolerant prick, and your bitchy replies hardly shatter the stereotype about homosexual men.
Bless. I really don’t care what you think of homosexual men, or any other group of people you clearly don’t belong to. Maybe if you can demonstrate you have something valid to contribute, I may change my mind.
BY the way given that you are a homosexual man I find you urge to defend the Muslim religion quite nauseating. The people you hate are precisely those who are seeking to defend your freedoms, except you are too much of a malignant narcissist to know or care.
Funny, I didn’t mention Muslims at all. It’s perfectly possible to be against all violence against people regardless of their gender, sexuality, religion or any other factor without being a turgid little Islampohobic arsewipe, you know. You should maybe try it some time.
“The original purpose of this blog was to highlight and dissect bias at the BBC.” ….. If that is the case it has lost has seriously lost its way.
Given that you don’t seem to dissent from BBC worldview ,it hardly seems reasonable of you to complain about ,alleged, loss of focus.
Does it?
So if there really is a Scotland referendum in a couple years, and it does go independent, will that mean Andy Murray is no longer the first British player to win Wimbledon in 77 years and the drought is back in place? I saw Salmond waving a Scottish flag behind Cameron’s head.
“…and it does go independent…”
I think Scots’ enthusiasm for that option will have been well ‘fracked’.
No matter what way the vote goes Britain will still exist and Murray will remain the first Scot to win Wimbledon and the first Britain to win in 77 years.
The vote is about whether Scotland remains part of the United Kingdom, a political union, and has nothing to do with the geography that means Scotland and England are both part of the British Isles.
Are you sure about that, Albaman? Everyone was holding up the Union flag. As Salmond was demonstrating, Scotland will no longer be part of what that represents. So, depending on what Murray does with his citizenship, he either will or won’t be a Briton. Of course, with the likely tax situation, he’ll probably just move to Monaco like the rest of them….
“Everyone was holding up the Union flag” ….. some of those Union Flags looked suspiciously like Saltires and Lion Rampants but then again what would a mere Scot like me know!!
“As Salmond was demonstrating, Scotland will no longer be part of what that represents.”……………… As I said David, no loner part of a political union (as represented by the Union Flag) but still part of the geographic land mass that is the British Isles.
Sure, but is the designation in question about political union or geography? I kind of doubt it’s about geography.
David, you original post states:
“So if there really is a Scotland referendum in a couple years, and it does go independent, will that mean Andy Murray is no longer the first British player to win Wimbledon in 77 years and the drought is back in place? ”
To clarify, every Scot is also British in the same way that every Englishman is also British. As such no matter what happens in 2014 Murray will still have been the first Briton to win in 77 years. It’s not a difficult concept to grasp!!
So you do admit that it’s about political union after all? Will still have been. A temporal Britishness to suit the moment. Sounds familiar somehow…..
Clearly you didn’t watch the match.
I watched the last couple games, and except for the Dunblane crowd, the flags were Union, excluding Salmond’s.
I watched the whole game David and there were a number of Scottish flags (and people in Scottish colours) evident throughout the match as there has been in every game that Murray played in the tournament.
Your personal bias wouldn’t have anything to do with this, would it?
No more biased today than I was yesterday when watching the British Lions win in Australia despite the fact only one Scot made that squad.
“Of course, with the likely tax situation, he’ll probably just move to Monaco like the rest of them…. “…………………. are you aware that he currently lives in England?
Yes. It was a joke……
Albaman I give you joy of your countryman’s victory
Truly. It is a great achievement, and well deserved
I cannot say, however, I feel engaged with or by it. Any more than I would by , say a Somalian wearing a union jack t-shirt wining or the 10,000 yd. dash, or any more than Mr Murray would by an England football victory
There is one difference though I, unlike Mr Murray would, not be not be rooting for his opponent simply because he was not Scottish
Go back and watch the whole interview. Henman made a joke about Scottish football and Murray responded in kind.
Yes I know context again
So what’s the most important story ..Egypt? Syria? No Scotsman wins a tennis match. Sorry he won so he’s British. Yawn I so don’t care. Wall to wall on BBc news. ” ranks with England winning the world cup in 1966″ Really? Really? I think not.
Just shows what a total out of touch tit you are. Or how news value is judged.
This site complains about the BBC not deserving the ‘British’ part of its name.
A British man wins the most prestigious tennis tournament in the world, the first one to do so in 77 years.
Someone here complains about the BBC making a big deal of it.
Make your mind up.
yes there’s a whole spectrum of opinions on here ,great isn’t it?
Maybe the BBC could try it
Shortly after Andy’s win:
5 Live Beeboid : Were you here last year? (when Murray lost)
David Cameron : Yes, I was.
5 Live Beeboid : Did you think you would be a jinx this year?
Didn’t catch the Beeboid’s name. Let’s just call him Wanker No.2, being the second Beeboid to come out with the Cameron jinx hypothesis on air. Dave, mate, give these people something other than a non-existent jinx to worry about.
“Oh no, has deadly Dave just cursed Murray? Jinxed PM sends good luck message to Andy for Wimbledon clash”
Hard to blame the BBC for something started by the Daily Mail. A story that George R must have failed to point out to readers of this site:
Oh I see. The BBC is now a slavish follower of the Mail. Can’t say I’ve noticed that in much else of the BBC’s output. Perhaps it’s only when the occasion suits, and a dig at Dave would certainly suit.
Ah Albaniaman,
Wee Nappy got criticised today for not showing any class in waving the West Albanian rag in the Royal Box at Wimbledon.
I’m not with the critics on this one.
I mean did they *expect* Salmond to show class.
Just heard the toothless tiger of a “BBC audience forum for discussing BBC output”-Feedback(Sun 7/7/13 8.00p.m).
Why do the BBC choose to refer to Stuart Prebble, as ex head of ITV, when he also got his first jobs at the BBC(and indeed has had his grumpy old men crap made into BBC shows?).
He was Mike Neviles stool groomer up on Tyneside as I recall in the late 70s/early 80s…so he`s a former BBC hack and gofer who relies on the BBC to franchise his commissioned ideas.
Asking HIM what`s wrong with the BBC is a joke…so do give it to Marcus, poor unfunny limpit needs one!
Prebble unsurprisingly thinks the BBC is just grand-and that opinion will have cost us all alot of money.
Wonder what Stephen Fry thinks of the BBC?…maybe he could do the next inquiry into why the BBC gets it right at all times…it just does!
Gryff Rhys Jones propagandising about West African & Indian troops fighting in Burma during WWII fair enough that their stories should be told, but his smug face to camera with the words that people aren’t aware just how many black & Asian troops fought on our side gave the game away.
The BBC needs a rating system like films have, based on the amount of left wing bias with the very worst being banned from broadcast altogether. there should be enough fat in the licence fee to fund it !
Gave what game away?
I think it’s fair to say that a lot of people are unaware of the role that Black and Asian troops played in defending Britain and the Empire in the Second World War.
As you say, their story should be told. What then is the problem with this documentary?
Perhaps it’s just me, but is anyone else sensing BBC sympathy for that piece scum Abu Quatada? They’ve had countless leftie human rights lawyers on today bemoaning Teresa May’s suggestion that a withdrawal from the EU’s human rights treaty might be on the table. We all know where the BBC stands on this one.
But in contrast, INBBC is politically content with British ban on American freedom fighters Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, who don’t get the INBBC ex-Gito Muslim, Binyam Mohamed lionising treatment. On the contrary.
Geller and Spencer in particular are far too articulate and well informed to be taken on by the liberal left mindset of our media. Whether or not you disagree with them they are a formindable pair . Far easier to ban them. Cowardice is almost a defining feature of our media liberal elites.
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