This may be my only chance before I am silenced. I have been listening to a programme this morning made in the 1950s about indoctrination of BBC staff even then. It depicts a BBC in 1985, where staff are shown pictures of people on TV whom they are programmed to hate and are heard chanting ’I hate…. Later it is revealed how the BBC is to programme the peoples of the UK not to think for themselves anymore. The programme will be repeated ( if the subversives who got this past the Big Brother Corporation Censor have not been rounded up and the programme mysteriously pulled from the schedule.
Remember 7pm tonight Tuesday 27th on BBC R4 Extra .
Many a true word spoken in jest.
’Hello how did you get in? No,no, no I love Big Brother Corporation. It wasn’t me, but I’m not ratting on anybody…it was her’.
Just checking this wasn’t the goons and their utterly brilliant expose of the BBC hive mindset ?
The BBC are really just just N.K.V.D without the danglers to be honest about it !
‘Complaining that the BBC is biased in its coverage of climate change, I admit, is about as pointless as grumbling that Hamas are a touch anti-semitic. Even so, maybe one or two readers might care to let the BBC’s complaints department, what that term “denier” is designed to signify’
Presuming he has his own Staffel on duty ready to swoop, as that may need a tweak. Here, I have attempted what he probably meant to write: ‘Complaining that the BBC is biased in its coverage of anything, I admit, is about as pointless as grumbling that Hamas are a touch anti-semitic. Even so, maybe one or two readers might care to ask in this instance of the BBC’s complaints department, what that term “denier” is designed to signify’
That is, before getting banned when the BBC is unable to offer an answer.
Propaganda backed by censorship; the most winning of combinations.
Porting over the latest salvo to the BBC’s efforts on behalf of… well… wild guesses… ‘In an exclusive interview, US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel tells the BBC’s Jon Sopel it’s getting clearer that the Syrian government is responsible for a chemical attack on its own people.
He also said the US is “ready to go” if the order comes to launch strikes on #Syria. Watch the full interview throughout the day on #BBC World News.
So, given all the rhetoric of the last few days, as of 3 hrs ago we are ‘getting clearer’ on which bit of Syria to ‘strike’. Oh, well, in that case…
Tora, Tora, Tora!!!!!
Oops, that was her endorsement of John Kerry, not Hagel. It was Mardell who was pleased with Hagel’s appointment. He claimed at the time that Republican complaints about Hagel were actually aimed at the President, and they were upset at a Republican joining the enemy Administration.
I wonder if Hagel or Katty Kay will claim a war on Syria was done under the influence of the Jewish Lobby?
While anxious for the lives of people involved in any fighting, it is with some glee I admit to looking forward to BBC reporting of any coming conflict in Syria. The contortions of viewpoint and the use of selective language will be amazing. Think about it, they have to be consistent (anti bombing, anti west, pro Arab, anti-Israel) while maintaining the image of the President as infallible. Methinks the tone of reporting when Reagan bombed Libya will be quietly jettisoned in favor of the continuing adoration of Obama…this will be fun!!!
Looking at BBC News today (27/8), I get the distinct impression the Beeb is a touch uneasy at the way things are going with jingoistic Western politicians, led by a gung-ho David Cameron and William Hague seemingly intent on attacking another Middle Eastern country for reasons that have little to do with our national security.
Maybe they should have thought of that when they were agitating for western intervention -you know all those stories about courageous ,secular, rebels opposing Assad’s overwhelming force with little more than granddad’s shot gun
I did enjoy that interview, for the simple reason that I was surprised the BBC interviewer put some questions around evidence etc. and did not come across entirely warmongering.
James Delingpole in the Telegraph rightly having a pop at the biased BBC and Harrabin, for continuing to refer to those who do not accept the AGW myth as “deniers”:
‘Even once-respectable scientific journals like Nature have started using it, prompting this elegant put-down from Lord Leach of Fairford:
‘The use of the term “denier” does your journal a disservice, both for its vagueness and for its insulting overtone.
What does a “denier” deny? Certainly not Climate Change: nor global warming since records began in the late 19th century: nor the likelihood of human influence on temperatures. What, then?
A “denier” denies certainty on a complex and still young scientific subject. A “denier” questions assumptions about the near irrelevance of solar, oceanic and other non-anthropogenic influences on temperature. A “denier” prefers evidence to model projections. A “denier” tests alarming predictions against actual observations. In short, a “denier” exhibits the symptoms of a genuine seeker after scientific truth.
I wish the same could be said of “consensus” writers – or that they showed the same restraint and courtesy towards different opinions shown by sceptics such as Watts Up With That.’
Superb. Applies equally to the shamelessly biased BBC.
The BBC – how do they get away with it? Because they can.
If there is no proof for CO2 warming, then either.
(1) CO2 causes cooling: Have not met of debated with a scientist who believes this, however I have heard that there where scientists who believed that because cool Stars have large absorption lines, this proves cooling.
(2) CO2 has no effect: Also have not met or debated with a scientist who believes this, however this is the what the BBC believes that the sceptics believe. An assumption of a Zero effect is usually acceptable in all other scientific disciplines, if there is no proof to DENY.
(3) CO2 causes warming. Everyone I know, both believer, sceptic and denier, believes this, however lack of any proof means that it has been difficult to arrive at an accurate calibration of CO2 warming, the theory “Unified Theory of Climate” provides a formula for explaining the temperatures in all parts of the atmospheres of all the planets in the Solar System, including the Earth and the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Venus and Mars, and therefore this provides a calculation for a warming so small, it should and is undetectable.
‘BBC in Discovery of Management Principles Shocker’
Lord Hall says: “The problem is simple: we need to be so much clearer on how we take decisions and who is accountable for them.
“We will start by ensuring that, wherever possible, there is a single, identified person responsible for key issues and major projects.’
A commentator said ‘It sounds like they’re being dragged kicking and screaming into the 19th Century. However, I’ve heard 20th century management methods will be just an aspiration at this stage, but at least this is a start’.
Presumably, anything managerial (mostly bad) that has resulted in anything BBC (mostly bad) up until this point, or at least last week, can thus fall under ‘another time’?
If not, at £145.50pa/pp for the last several years, times 25M, the refund is going to be a bitch.
“rushing to hell in a handcart …..
bbc reports this morning
“The US and its allies are considering military strikes on Syria though Russia (Syria’s ally? … boo hiss 😀 ) has warned against this” – considering? hmmm
just replace Obama administration with George W?
and then the attitude of the msm?
In Syria: UN inspectors are mandated only to determine if chemical weapons were used, not who used them? – the decisive point.
It appears that the desired conclusion has already been reached,
of course “w-nkers r us” – Cameron, Clegg and co like the spineless, useless shameful, inadequate s they are, hilariously wriggle around trying to make their abject capitulation, look like some “moral”? issue …
wheres that “time of austerity” excuse book they ve abused for so long? eh!
Wee Wullie Hague, who seems to be talking in tongues these days, should get his tin hat on and an ak47 and get his butt over to Syria and join in with his pals, who he seems to support. Incidentally, I never heard ONE person on the bBC asking if we were going to bomb the crap out of your caring, sharing rebels if they were found responsible for launching the dirty bombs against civilians.
a really salient point …
could you imagine, Clegg … Scameron …
Osborne eh! Willy Vague, Eric/(the pies) Pickles? and a tin hat?
what a bunch of shills.
the latest news …. apparently the way to destroy this erm the Assad “chemical” weapon factory quickly, most efficiently
is by ….. a chemical weapon attack?!*?!*
you couldn t make it up
100% correct Douglas, and it folks like you that can actually make that happen.
However I have had to reach for the sick bucket listening to your boss Call Me Dave, and shortly after the Coalition was formed, Jeremy Hunt, telling us “they love the BBC” despite the fact their Party is sneered at and pistol-whipped every time they appear or are mentioned on the Beeb.
Often it’s worth looking at who benefits, or who may fear retribution most, when matching deeds to words.
Some simply seem happy to be beaten with a carrot.
Busy unfamiliar streets are being made a bit friendlier on the first day of school in Chicago thanks to hundreds of Safe Passage workers in bright neon vests.
It’s the most visible sign of what’s at stake for the nation’s third-largest school district after a number of schools were closed. The closures mean some students have to cross gang boundaries to get to their new schools.
Fifty-seven-year-old Rochelle Nicholson is one of the guards helping children in the Gresham neighborhood get to class on Monday. She says the presence of the Safe Passage workers will be reassuring for students.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who calls Safe Passage “a new beginning,” plans to join students on their walk to O’Toole Elementary on the city’s South Side.
As students go, many will be accompanied by some unfamiliar faces: A crop of newly hired workers in yellow reflective vests, Chicago firefighters and even the security guards from local public libraries, all of them expected to stand guard to ensure kids get to and from school safely.
That’s former Obamessiah Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, by the way, now mayor of His adopted home town, and where He cut His teeth as a community organizer. Black youths are being killed, often in cold blood, at an alarming rate in Chicago, a city with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country. Why isn’t this a major story for the BBC to follow? What sickening priorities do they have in their newsroom that this isn’t worth their time? No racial animosity to stir up, perhaps?
It’s their silence on this sort of thing which leads me to believe that the BBC values human lives according to who kills them.
Anybody able to tell me just why wee Dougie Alexander was the Today show at 8.10 blathering and meandering about just what HE`D do in Syria if he could.
It`s utterly pointless-that shameless goofball had his turn re Iraq and Afghanistan, and made the Labour pigs ear of anything that they touched.
There is no election until 2015, so Dougies views are irrelevant-mind you, if it reminds us all just how vacuous and self-serving the Brown BrownNosers are in any policy or discussion-then fair enough.
The Tory sounded sensible enough..the likes of Dougie and Naughtie are mere boy scouts in the sandpit dreaming of death and glory for the lower orders, whilst claiming to be leaders or opinion formers.
Put the likes of Dougie and Jim on the Syrian/Turkish borders to show us how brave THEY are when it comes to removing the likes of Assad…he`s a friend of Stings, but let`s not say too much about that.
The BBC sure won`t.
not particularly interested in hearing from a shadow minister on anything at all these days, they were all crap in office and they are still crap in opposition, but the bBC still wheel them out as if it matters, them and their “Think Tanks” which, by the way we can all assume are “Left Wing” unless named otherwise. ‘If the Public Accounts Committee stick with September 9 for their second grilling of the BBC about severance pay and other matters, they’ve now got less competition for coverage. The opening of the Old Baily trial of Rebekah Brooks, Andy Coulson and others has been moved to October.’
Wild guesses on where the ever-impartial BBC will see coverage being more required?
Oh, and there’s that word again, told often enough now it must be true, surely? ‘It’s important that people at the BBC trust me and recognise that, to an extent, we are all in this together.”
Guessing people outside forced to pay were always a lost cause, so a bit of ‘them & us’ is sensible in the circumstances. Spain & Argentina seem to think so, anyway.
Plays and players, and who is doing what, or not wanting them to, being all the rage at the moment, I simply share two stories that arrived in my in-box at the same time.
Sort of a power hierarchy thing….
It takes an awful lot for me to side with the Russians on anything, but…..
Don’t know if anyone here remembers a comic strip called “Bloom County”, but the very Left-wing creator really nailed this exact issue back in the early ’80s. Check out the link below and click through the next five strips and see how much life imitates art here.
A welcome reminder indeed, Thank you.
The image of Mrs. Limekiller, helmet pierced by a Russian harpoon, declaiming “Now, now fellas… we’re all basically Leftists, here…” seems a) funny, b) an apt metaphor for any Beeboid caught outside the hive in an area they have helped create and c) very funny.
I know what you mean, Dave. I was saying much the same thing to my wife. Even Kevin McGuire seemed to be talking sense about Western Governments, especially the Coalition’s, headlong rush to get involved in another Middle Eastern war. It shows just how naive and stupid our politicians and their “we must do something” advisers are when I agree with the Russians AND Kevin McGuire.
I believe all this war talk is because our politicians have no military experience and haven’t seen how painful, bloody and destructive combat is up close and personal. I’m sure they think war is just like a video game. An attitude not good for any of us. It seems the further away historically we are from major conflicts ( I’m thinking of WW2 and the like), the closer we get to becoming embroiled in another major conflict because our politicians never learn the lessons of history.
I realise this isn’t about BBC bias but some things need to be said in these trying times.
just been watching news24 regarding the badger cull. beeboid reporter was dismayed by the lack of protesters at camp badger.
maybe if the anti cull activists said some nasty fossil fuel company was going to start fracking there, disturbing badger sets, maybe more people would turn up. sort of says it all about the green movement to me. anti capitalist and doesnt really care about nature
on a personal note, save the badger, cull beeboids instead!
but the balcombe rent a mob havnt turned up. where are they? they dont seem to be bothered about nature unless its related to the fossil fuel industry. eco socialists like wind power, it kills how many birds? they want tidal power. how many fish and marine mamals will that kill? they think the planets over populated, how are they going to control that apart from killing people off, oh right high fuel prices do that every winter. but so long as CO2 is eliminated theyre happy. its like theyre happy for every species on the planet to die, so long as BP and shell are put out of business
The small band of saboteurs were, as usual, given the lion’s share of the argument in the BBC news coverage tonight, leaving any BBC-dependent viewer with the impression that:
– all scientists say there is no scientific evidence for the cull
– the government is too tight to carry out a badger vaccination programme
– badger culling is something new in this country
– badgers are cute, passive creatures who like to come out at night
Then we had Our Evan this morning asking Owen Patterson how much did the government think a badger’s life was worth.
I`m not sure if this will work, but I`ve just returned from Belgium (Liege) and can very much see what`s coming…note the “Runnymede Trusts” definition of Islamophobia as used by the EU officer caste.
Note too the token liberal Christian and Jew ( Chartres, Neuberger) roped in to show that it`s not a Muslim snow job…when it clearly is.
Coming to a town somehwere near you soon then?
A really worrying read and something that is more than likely to happen in the UK in the not too distant future. We can thank apologists, especially the BBC, for perpetuating the vacuous term ‘Islamophobia’ to the point where those who have genuine concerns about the well-being of western civilization are scared of being tarred with the excessively utilized racist brush.
“The lawyer for a Florida man cleared of killing an unarmed black teenager has reportedly said he will ask the state to pay some of his client’s legal fees.”
‘”The verdict will not define Trayvon’s life,” his parents last week told the BBC’s Rajini Vaidyanathan’
How dare Zimmerman even think of claiming legal fees! He was found guilty wasn’t he? Oh…
The bBBC ‘news’ item continues their usual lies about ‘self-defence’, which was not part of Zimmerman’s case. The neighbourhood watchman admitted shooting the 17-year-old in an Orlando suburb last year, but said it was an act of self-defence.
I have just come across that article Rufus and all I can that the bBC is promoting here is: Racist,Racist, Racist”
I quote: The lawyer for a Florida man cleared of killing an unarmed black teenager has reportedly said he will ask the state to pay some of his client’s legal fees.
“The bBC is saying: “How dare this racist do so”
The attorney told a local newspaper he would ask a judge to authorise between $200,000 (£130,000) and $300,000 to cover George Zimmerman’s expenses.
“The bBC is saying: ” Never trust somebody with a Jewish name” Under Florida law, the state must cover the cost as Mr Zimmerman was acquitted, said the defence lawyer, Mark O’Mara.
“The bBC is saying: People who kill blacks and acquitted in a court of law, shouldn’t be able to claim expenses.
Mr Zimmerman, 29, was found not guilty in July of Trayvon Martin’s death.
“The bBC is saying: “Racist bastard
The neighbourhood watchman admitted shooting the 17-year-old in an Orlando suburb last year, but said it was an act of self-defence. The case fiercely divided the US.
And the bBC forgets to mention that when he shot the black thug dead, Zimmerman was on the floor getting a good hiding from that so called innocent school boy
The bBC, the traitors within our midst and instead of castigating the real victims should really be asking the question: Why are Black people so predisposed to violence?
‘Why are Black people so predisposed to violence? ‘
Its not really about being predisposed to violence. In my part of the world (Lancashire/Yorkshire), the traditional white population are really still basically Anglo-Saxons/Danes and they certainly possess the same predisposition towards violence that their ancestors did (I include myself in this assessment). Adding a bit of Irish stock to the mix in the last few centuries has not diffused the situation (lol). The main difference is that we have learned to conceal it under a fairly heavy civilized veneer because that is what society demands of us.
Certain people are chipping blindly away at that veneer though and they won’t like what they find underneath………………
Their skin color has nothing to do with it. It’s simply a feral underclass, created and perpetuated mostly by decades of Liberal ideology, victim-politics, and a corrupt and short-sighted local leadership.
thanks Pounce, yet the Today programme this morning still had a guest I presume it was Jim Wallis described on the Today’s running order as ‘a friend of Barak Obama’ whose constant bleat was to make Trayvon the ‘innocent’ and link him with Martin Luther King. The facebook link shows what a disgusting idea that is.
The caption states the photograph was provided by an activist and cannot be independently verified, but says it is “believed to show the bodies of children in Houla awaiting burial”.
We can’t verify it, but it was sent by an activist so let’s run it. Is that how it works in a BBC newsroom?
For some time now, INBBC (and, of course, BBC Arabic TV), have been portraying the Salafists of Tunisia somewhat sympathetically (as e.g. by Mr Whewell).
INBBC believed in the mirage of the ‘democratic’ Arab Spring, birthplace in Tunisia, 2011, but now it has to report:-
“Tunisia declares Ansar al-Sharia a terrorist group”
BBC trying to be impartial in its reporting o the Syria conflict but failing miserably. If they want action, give the BBC a compass and a map and they can sort it out themselves! Not our fight.
Does anyone remember “No Irish, no blacks, no dogs” signs or is this just an urban myth? It’s mentioned here which is why I’m sceptical. Was it widespread? I’m suspecting that it’s just become a useful shorthand for saying Britain was racist, and doggist as well.
A few years ago I was tasked to pop along to the local John Lewis in which to check out the Meile washing machines. While there, I got talking to a really old couple and she turned round and said:
“Well you people are used to washing clothes in the stream aren’t you?”
I was actually gob-smacked by what she said. So yes people from that era could be and still are racist. Not saying everybody fits that bracket, but there are people who do, nowadays life is a lot easier. Hell I was having a chat with a Col today and she invited me to visit her for a meal (we are friends).
Another Col bought me a bottle of single Malt when he moved to pastures new
I think the most neglected unit of the British Army is the Indian Army, all volunteers, which fought in the Second World War. I trust the First World War commemorations next year will remember the contributions of the colonies and Dominions.
No. All the images show ONE SIGN. However I suspect there were quite a lot of signs that said No Blacks or No Irish. It was the juxtaposing of that with No Dogs (that I suspect someone did as a nasty joke) that made that particular sign uniquely unpleasant.
Just think about it, the vast number of people looking for rented rooms in London and other big cities were not trailing dogs around, so there was simply no need for a ‘No dogs’ rule to be written on the sign, they would just have been told to their faces, along with other rules. It was the slight embarassment people felt in rejecting people of other ethnic groups, that led them to put the signs up.
It does not seem to have been endemic or widespread. It may have happened on occasion but I suspect the BBC is just giving credence to an urban myth in suggesting it was a commonplace. Malice, ignorance, laziness or mistake – the result of such reporting simply feeds a false narrative about Britain’s thoroughly racist past.
This particular version is obviously tranposed to an ‘anti racist’ ad but who is to say even the original version wasnt just a set up. I have never heard anyone (who claims this sign was common) actually claim to have seen it!
Yes there were ‘No blacks’ signs and ‘No Irish’ but not the poison combo of the three prohibitions.
‘Mr Kerry is of course right that most people will think as he does, simply from watching the TV pictures.’
Yeah, sure he is, you war mongering fool.
I think most people will have serious questions about whether Assad would have needlessly given the West the excuse it needs to bomb him, particularly after they were lied to about Iraq’s WMDs.
Mardell is as anti-war as it gets. He’s been rather open about it at times. He even questions his beloved Obamessiah’s intel on this and compared it in his previous editorial post to Sadaam’s WMD. That’s like the papal nunzio questioning something in the latest address from the pontiff. He’s doing it again here when he frets that too much stock is being put into “common sense” about whether or not Assad used chemical weapons. You can’t possibly read this as Mardell being pro-war. Honestly, as someone who’s been reading his drivel for years, no way is he a warmonger. He’s a fool, yes, but not a warmonger.
Of course, Mardell as usual is 100% wrong about the public wanting war on Syria. Earlier, I posted a link to a Washington Post article about a poll showing that only 9% of us want war on Syria. Okay, I guess that makes Mardell only 91% wrong. But he’s 100% biased.
‘Of course, Mardell as usual is 100% wrong about the public wanting war on Syria.’
Telling the public they want a war when they don’t seems pretty propagandistic to me in favour of those who do.
You may be right, and he’s trying to serve two masters; neither of which is truth.
Can somebody please explain why the bBC isn’t promoting this story as much as it did and still is the Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case. 2 Black Boys shoot dead 13 month old white baby after mother has no money to give them
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t bother reporting the colour of the young school boys who carried out this ghastly murder in the states. When is bBC going to report the Commander in chief as saying that it could have been him pulling the trigger? Here are pictures of the two boys which the bBC haven’t bothered showing. Gee I wonder why? De’Marquise Elkins,
If the BBC really cared about black lives we’d hear more about Africa. But reporting from Africa compared to the US has two drawbacks. One, you can’t criticise the US. Two, the room service is appalling.
How about the media “reporting” that the beating death of that 88-year-old man who survived Okinawa (the bloodiest battle of the Pacific campaign) could have been actually a “drug deal gone bad”– as if the old man were Walter “Heisenberg” White? (So the perps claim.)
There will be almost every attempt made to bend over backwards to chalk up any heinous crime committed by a black perp against a white victim as not necessarily having been motivated by out-and-out hate of white people. However, when the shoe is on the other foot (and in this I am referring not to the Zimmerman case, but in, say, the “dragging murder” in Texas some years back) there is never any attempt to call the crime for other than what it was.
When the victim of a crime is of a “favoured class,” as far as “victimhood” goes, the tendency of the media is to go straight for “John Ford’s Law” = “Print the legend.” Take the instance of the Matthew Sheppard case (gay man horrendously sadistically murdered). It has never been satisfactorily explained in and by the media why Matt Sheppard ever went with these men in the first place. It has never been claimed they kidnapped him, to my knowledge– he must have gone willingly, one would think. Was he out looking for a sexual partner that night, which is not a crime, and is no reflection upon him as being any less a victim thereby? The perps insisted they chose him in a “drug burn”– they said he was looking to buy (non-existent) drugs from them, and they looked to rob him and beat him senseless, figuring he wouldn’t yell “copper.” He was chosen not so much for being gay as for being 5’06”, under ten stone, they said.
None of what was said in the Sheppard case is nearly so preposterous as in the Okinawa vet’s case, but owing to the status of the victim and the race of the perps in the both cases, in the one case, any alternative explanation to the hate crime was swept away immediately and in the other, an alternative theory was proposed and promulgated practically on the spot. It may have been accompanied by “eye-rolling”– that’s possible, I haven’t seen all coverage, to be sure– but for heaven’s sake, it does nothing to mitigate the perps’ guilt to claim this sort of thing, just as it wouldn’t have done in the Sheppard case had he been an ecstasy-crazed screaming queen out cruising.
The other day we went to London by train in which to see a show. The train was late by an hour and we had to stand all the way there (it was 8am) on our return we stood all the way back and the trainw as an hour late again.
The very next day we travelled to a city (about 40 miles away) again by train the same thing happened again.
The rolling stock we travelled on is the very same rolling stock I travelled on 33 years ago. In fact at our station I had to inform the Polish couple that the doors didn’t open automatically but rather that they had to open the window and use the handle on the outside.
And yet the bBC tells me that HS2 isn’t needed. Really?
I take it the wankers who are complaining the loudest have never travelled by train.
Because of our moral outrage over Assad’s behaviour whose father was our ally during the first Iraq war (and just as bloodthirsty), we will end up taking in hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees one way or another. Think Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is this still in time for open thread Tuesday?! I’ve just read this article about the Liberals destroying the UK through multiculturalism … It definitely is division instead of diversity in my opinion!! Will the BBC ever be accountable for their role in this giant social engineering experiment?
Social engineering… an article on the BBC website describes the supposed success of a scheme to help young people who are described as NEET (“not in employment, education and training”). See Note the careful choice of picture, which might be more appropriate if the article was for a story from say, Africa or the West Indies, as all the girls are black. If the BBC’s view of this country was descriptive rather than prescriptive, one might expect approximately 1 face in 10 to be from an ethnic minority, as that reflects the broad demographics. Contrast with the recent story on Britain’s increasing population – due almost exclusively to immigration and its consequences – in which a photograph of white babies only was used to illustrate it in a crude attempt to hide the underlying cause.
In the Beeboid dreams they see a country of happy ethnic minority majorities guided and patronised by a mostly white elite liberal class. The indegenous natives do not figure- nasty uncouth brutes no self respecting liberal would mix with.
Remember the liberal is deranged and not really able to cope with reality.
The BBC is absolutely determined to find that the US is racist, even going so far as to say it is – without any supporting evidence at all.
Well the US is one of the most ‘multicultural’ countries in the world, and freedom has allowed those cultures to form their own independent cells, to reflect their ‘vibrancy’.
This time on the Today program one of the interviewees bit back saying that “there are those who want to find an America of 1963 in 2013 and it just isn’t like that”
You’d better get used to it BBC because this is exactly where the UK is heading.
1. Syria. The BBC seem on the verge of fainting with excitement at the thought of military intervention so I’m guessing they’re hoping it will be victory for the Musilm Brotherhood.
2. They’re still waffling on about Martin Luther King.
3. “Inside gay Pakistan”(the article is one of the most biased, pro-gay propoganda articles I’ve seen) .
4. “What was behind the Bristol bus boycott?”. Another case of “bad British white people” vs “poor downtrodden black people”.
i have metioned this sickening case, of a 3 month old baby beng shot, several times recently and finally the BBC acknowledges it. Not on the main news page and not even as a leading story on the US page where it receives far less emphasis than one reporting that George Zimmerman’s defence team might be entitled to some of their costs being repaid by the state (probably due to that pesky not guilty verdict).
Anyway the story is finally up but still there is something missing. We have photos of the murdered baby along with one of his mother but no photo of the accused De’Marquise Elkins (aged 18 now) Very strange.
To give people a clue if Barack Obama had a son he would probably look like De’Marquise Elkins.
Driving along Moston Lane, Manchester yesterday, I saw that police had cordoned off one of the side streets.
I asked my wife (a nurse) when she returned from work if she’d heard anything and she told me that there was “a big fight between English lads and Romanians or something”.
Looking for it in the news this morning, the BBC website comes towards the top of a Google search:-
The Manchester Evening News gives a more detailed account (especially in relation to the nationalities of those involved) in Their version.
In this area of Manchester, we have more than our fair share in indigenous nutters, allowing Romanian nutters to share the same space was never going to end well.
Seems one news organisation wishes to suppress any notion that there may have been a clash of nationalities going on here, though.
Whenever you read/watch/hear the BBC and there is no mention of the accused’s ethnicity, you know he is a minority. So when there is a mugging, for example, you get news like : “a white, middle-aged Christian fundamentalist blonde woman with blue eyes was seen arguing with a man”.
Do remind me BBC, there must be something special about today…. is it exactly 50 years to the the day that the world first heard those immortal words… ‘As it appens, boys and girls… hows about that then?’
There must be something special going on – ‘not on the BBC payroll’ Nicky Campbell is back in Salford. (Don’t forget to bang in your invoice luv!)
Much as I respect Martin Luther King Jnr – but this does it warrent such a fuss – and civil rights was an American issue – wasn’t it?
Fear not for MLK once visted New-cassel Uni. Joy of joys, get ready Nicky, let’s speak with the local “Labour MP”.
What a shame we don’t have any MPs who make such speeches!
Chuchill anyone? You could mention him BBC – he was half American!
One thing the BBC seems very reluctant to report on is the Christian message contained in MLKs speech. He was a preacher and know his bible inside out, more over so did his audience, almost to the point that many of the tracts were known by heart.
Amos 5:24 (NIV): “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!”
Isaiah 40:4-5 (KJV): “Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain….”
Psalm 30:5 (NIV): “…weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.”
Galatians 3:28 (NIV): “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
As in so many cases of black history the allusions to the bible contain a hidden message which may only have been clear to the target audience. Negro spirituals like ‘steal away to Jesus’ were all about escaping from slavery to freedom. While ‘didn’t my Lord deliver Daniel?’ is a song about emancipation.
So the BBC in all it’s left wing pomp believes it can bully its listeners into ‘appreciating’ what was a very fine speech, but yet it misses the fact that the speech is like an iceberg with most of it hidden from sight.
This is because the BBC despite all it’s bluster doesn’t actually want to get it’s hands ‘dirty’ it doesn’t understand the culture and it doesn’t want to understand. It can use the speech to tell everyone about it’s favourite bully word – racism, without having to even scratch the surface.
As such this is simply a tool to bully the public with more left wing propaganda, and not what the program should have been, which is the difference between what the majority of Americans heard at that time, and what his black audience heard, which is completely different.
As such it could be said that the fascist left have moved no further than those days in 1963 because the simply don’t want to. Their dream of ‘equality’ is nothing more than a veneer hiding seething resentment against them, simply because they believe their view of the world sounds nice.
This would be a fair point were it not for the fact that yesterday’s Thought for the Day, broadcast at the peak radio listening time of the day on Radio 4’s most listened to programme, was a Christian priest reflecting on the Biblical sources of MLK’s speech and their meanings.
Except for these fact:
Thought for the day is a mere 3 minutes long.
Contributors are often selected for the left wing bias but remain independent.
And the only comments made were that there were some Bible passages, no historical context, no examination of what resonances those passages would mean to an audience, nothing.
The piece merely stated that there were bible passages, and what they were nothing more.
And given the fact that the thought for the day slot on the Today program covered it, it makes it all the more baffling that the main programs failed to mention it at all let alone cover it.
No I think the point is actually reinforced by the thought for the day item, not diminished.
Feel a bit left out here as I refuse to watch/listen to most of the BBC’s output, having realised the messages in its content a long time ago. Therefore I’m unable to participate here an awful lot.
However I do enjoy ‘New Tricks’ and was looking forward to the arrival of Rodney Trotter last night. I really don’t know why I bothered, references to bi-sexuality, gay porn and was ultimately made to feel sorry for the gay murderer and how awfully is boyfriend was treated.
Was I surprised? Ummmm, no!
the bbc stops the presses, this morning to report on
what the Grand Ayatollah thinks in Iran 😀 about Syria.
… could you imagine, Clegg … Scameron …
Osborne eh! Willy Vague, Eric/(the pies) Pickles? rushing over with their ak47s, their tin hats? rushing their kids over there
what a bunch of clueless shills.
bbc reporting seems oblivious to the simple fact, who would gain most from a chemical attack? ….. Assad?
or the “good ole”, militant rebel islamic brothers “boys”
who happen to run large areas including those where chemical weapons were supposed to be stored?
who wouldn t bat an eyelid if 1000s got killed, and are well trained by “pallywood”
the latest news …. apparently the way to destroy this erm the Assad “chemical” weapon factory quickly, most efficiently
is by ….. a chemical weapon attack?!*?!*
you couldn t make it up
Thanks to BBC Parliament, I caught the July 11th debate last week around John Baron’s motion on Syria. I was wondering what is the expected outcome of the vote in the Commons on Thursday? What is the Labour Party expected to do? I haven’t heard any figures bandied about- like they usually do on the BBC.
What short memories we all have, Seumas Milne in the Guardian today writes:
“Three months ago, the UN Syria human rights commission member Carla Del Ponte said there were “strong concrete suspicions” that rebel fighters had used the nerve gas sarin, and Turkish security forces were reported soon afterwards to have seized sarin from al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front units heading into Syria.”
and this article in the Daily Mail wasn’t followed up by any BBC Newsnight journalists, or was it?
How is the government going to present credible evidence in Parliament on Thursday that Assad was responsible when the UN doesn’t even know? What dodgy dossiers will be quoted based on secret information? Will that convince our MPs, I hope they see reason.
and this article in the Daily Mail wasn’t followed up by any BBC Newsnight journalists, or was it?
It was followed up by Britam Defence Ltd with the Daily Mail.
We now accept that email was fabricated and acknowledge there is no truth in any suggestion that Britam or its directors were willing to consider taking part in such a plot, which may have led to an atrocity.
We apologise to each of them and have agreed to pay substantial damages.
well researched that man! So there appears to be no doubt , whatsoever, that the email was untrue. Thank you for clarifying the dodgy email. It reassures my humanitarian faith. So who was responsible for this dodgy email? A retraction by a newspaper is one thing under threat of legal action, we know how that works.
I guess that the statement put out by Walid al-Moallem
is untrue then? I suppose we had better not believe it.
Softening us up once again for stealth privatisation of the NHS with two articles in as many days. Funny how they’re so obviously biased to the left on immigration, Islam, feminism etc, but when it comes to something that the left actually got right and benefits the majority of the public, the BBC is all too happy to tear chunks out of it and try to convince us is a bad thing.
The contempt the BBC has for its own viewers is almost unmatched. State-funded propaganda.
The NHS is a well-disguised disaster for the UK. Whilst its aims when set up may seem laudable (particularly to those on the left), in practice it will (and has) led to a lowering of the quality of medical care available.
Leftists view the NHS as sacred for a reason – it is one of the best ways to infect a society with socialism, as its aims seem so desirable that the people are encouraged to overlook the costs on individual freedoms and choice.
I agree that the 2nd article linked to seems out of character for the BBC, but that doesn’t make it wrong. Peston has another article, along similar lines. Content like this from the BBC should be encouraged; it represents good quality journalism that looks at the facts on the ground and reports them in a relatively neutral fashion.
Peston on-message as always. He’s only happy when somebody’s profits he feels are too high are being reduced. Why anyone in the City still talks to this man is a mystery to me. Does he trade insider info with them or something?
I should also point out that the reason I call Peston’s article relatively neutral is that he’s got the ‘solution’ to the problem wrong. He thinks the best way forward is to regulate private health groups so as to encourage new competition. However, this almost never works, despite being the statist’s method of choice when it comes to fixing things – if the only tool in your box is greater governmental control, every problem looks like it should be solved with more regulation.
Instead, there should be further deregulation, in particular making it easier for newcomers to compete with both the NHS and existing private providers in the supply of medical services. This reform would be much harder, as it would involve taking a close look at the closed shop that is professional medicine (in particular the monopoly that doctors enjoy when it comes to prescription of drugs as well as treatment).
agreed … example from today
private health care is too expensive whine! whine!
what to do? … get many more private hospitals and quick … hurrah! (clinking of champagne glasses).
now where from? hmmm …
ah yes! where are all those handy media reports
we ve been bombarding the press with?
with tory boys banging the table, and much tut tutting
as they slyly eye up the last cash cow
Many readers may not be aware that the BBC is actively giving free legal help to wannabe immigrants. During the next half hour an immigration lawyer is holding a advice line on Nihals show on the Asian network!
I don’t usually listen to it, but Nihal said that the lines are usually mental when he comes on – so it appears this is a regular free service run by licence fee payers!
Also Asian network has twice repeated Jamie Oliver making racist anti British stereotypes about workers! Disgusting – imagine the contrast if he had made these racist remarks about Mohammedans or blacks!
The BBC Asian Network is a complete waste of our money, Its bad enough having to pay for the PC dross the BBC pump out, let alone also having to contribute for some minority groups to have their own ‘network’.
That particular demographic is more that adequately catered for in the upper reaches of both the Freesat and Sky EPG’s, fact anyone with a bit of time on their hands should check the stations out, you’ll be surprised, said demographic also have much larger dishes to pick up their more ‘local’ stations.
How long before we get an Eastern European Network? long before we get an Anglo Saxon Network I would wager….
An interesting piece on the news that the UK will be tabling a question at the UN requesting the backing of the assembly for military action.
This we are told is as a direct result of the input of the (amazing fantastic ooh isn’t he handsome swoon) Ed Milliband.
This appears to be the biased bunch bigging up the ineffective Labour leader who has come on for much criticism of late.
Odd but they haven’t out this on their headline story on the interweb.
I get the impression the campaign to replace Miliband has gathered pace and the BBC are ‘on-board’ with the idea. Bizarrely the more Conservative-supporting press (not many of them about though) seem to think Ed is a dead duck too. I’d have thought he was the Tories’ greatest weapon, or am I missing something?
Its all about timing I guess.
A bitterly fought labour leadership battle in an election year is Cameron’s best, perhaps only, hope of scraping a victory from the jaws of defeat.
It might even, if bitter enough, allow him to make a pact with UKIP.
That’s why, I suspect, the BBC is trying to get shot of Milliband ‘sooner rather than later’.
The whole ‘egg throwing’ stunt looked so contrived I even think Ed is in on the plan to get rid of himself! Presumably brother David will ride back in to the rescue over the winter. It’s not looking good for the Tories – or the entire country come to think of it.
Crack BBC journalist misses small elephant in room… article on BBC website explores possible Russian reaction to Western military action in Syria ( Apparently “Some commentators predict that Moscow may increase weapons supplies to Damascus, forge closer ties with Iran and reduce co-operation with Washington in different areas.” Anything else? Nope. No mention of the fact that Russia is the world’s second largest exporter of oil, that it’s five largest customers in 2011 were Germany, Holland, Poland, China and the United States, that it is looking to export more to Asia and less to Europe. Nope. You can’t expect any sort of in-depth analysis when an impoverished broadcaster only has about £4 billion to operate on.
I can see Putin turning the gas off until higher prices are met. Its a shame we don’t have a vast untapped resource of gas in this land we can get to. Umm….
The USSR supplied gas and oil to the West throughout the Cold war and never turned it off. Russians are pretty pragmatic. Putin won’t bugger up the Global economy over Syria as it’ll undermine Russia so its not an issue. Unfortunately its the USA who seem hellbent on buggering us all up.
Disruptions to gas and oil supplies, or even just the threat of them, is enough to increase prices. A temporary shortage does not necessarily impact a supplier like Russia as the increased prices compensate for the reduced volumes shipped. Putin has no problem with disrupting the market in this way, as he did in a minor dispute with Ukraine several years ago (see
The disgusting Mark Mardell is in his element today: writing about how the US is still totally, indelibly racist, and black people are still suffering as if it was still Mississippi 1963. It’s been his number one theme ever since he got off the plane from London in 2009. He displays poor pensioners and the low-paid working class as evidence of endemic racism and oppression (the only evidence being that they’re poor, nothing about how racism caused them to be so), and presents a series of vox pops complaining that they still have a general feeling of the boot on their necks every day. There are no racist incidents presented, just feelings. But as these people have absolute moral authority, only a racist would question that this is the reality for the millions of black people who aren’t professional athletes, hip-hop artists, or the President. And apparently they all face racism in the end anyway. Yes, Beyoncé is so popular among whites, but only while she’s on stage shaking her money-maker. She’s viewed as Aunt Jemima, keep to your place, once the show’s over, right, Mark?
This closing vox pops sums up Mardell’s worldview and logical faculties:
Judith Hawkins says not enough has changed since King marched.
“We can sit in the front of the bus and we don’t have to go to the outside water fountains,” she says.
“And people would say we’ve come a long way because Barack Obama is president. It’s almost like he’s the panacea, but I mean with the recession it’s really real here.”
“It’s like, ‘OK, you get a president, you get nothing else. You got him so you don’t need to eat, you don’t need education.’ It’s just almost worse, it almost made it worse because of the backlash.”
Many of those at the events to mark the march’s 50th anniversary will not just be on the streets to mark past history, but to proclaim that King’s struggle is far from over, his dream not a reality for many.
The recession is proof of racism? In other words, until the majority of black people are magically transformed into being at least middle class, racism is still a problem.
This sort of delusional hand-wringing by privileged white people in positions of power and influence (like the media) is partially responsible for keeping black people down. The concept of race is used to divide and control, even as the people doing it claim they want the exact opposite.
bbc 5 deads afternoon chimp Bacon
has the “one that got away” ex SAS Chris Ryan
in, asks him about Syria, 😀 oops! immediately spanks
the al bbc/obama narrative …
so Bacon continuously interrupts hardly letting the guy get a sentence out? hmm who to listen to?
lets weigh it up … ex SAS who actually was in Syria, after his operation, real time war experience, on the ground military
man, or ….. Guardian, reading cokehead, lefty gobshite, excrutiatingly embarrassing pseudo intellectual,
errr let me think
This week Bacon is all pumped up with BBC B-Love for Obama. Yesterday he went toe to toe with Menzies Campbell advocating just the same Devil – how can Obama, that great drawer of red lines in the air, how can HE have possibly dropped a boo-boo? Menzies quite reasonably pleaded with Dickyboy to be polite enough to let him finish an answer before weighing in with another screeched question. Menzies then dropped the bombshell that his cab driver had asked the MP not let us blunder into war. Bacon practically snorted – ‘you can’t let people like that, like cab drivers decide!’
I remember some years back that Bacon got a recently sacked Jon Gaunt on his show, I can only assume on the premise he would give him a good roasting on air – great radio as Gaunt destroyed him and exposed the fact that Bacon was having to be fed with a spurious selection of counterpoints by the producer which he grasped and delivered without understanding them in complete paic – radio gold.
If the words nuanced and narrative aren’t used at least once by Bacon each day you can bet it’s an impostor.
Skin crawling reverence to King today too. Bacon made the sweeping statement that, though 50 years on, King’s dream has not yet been realised – Bacon being an expert you see, having loads and loads of practical experience in this field……………erm?
Also spouted some stat that black 24 year olds or under were 50% more likely to go to jail than a hideous whitey.
Nowt to do with them committing 50% more crime you understand. They just round em up and jail em if they have dark skin.
Yes, a bigger see you next Tuesday than Bacon you will be hard pressed to find.
Bacon is right that Dr. King’s dream has not yet been realized, but he’s using the wrong criteria with which to judge. The utterings of people like him and especially Mark Mardell are evidence that people are still judged by and assigned to comfortable little boxes according to the color of their skin and not the content of their character.
Dr. King would be ashamed of the people presuming to carry on his legacy.
prime example Trayvon Martin …
where the colour of his skin was the ONLY point from every member of MSM right up to Obama himself …
ignoring all the other facts appertaining to the case …. oh! … did his parents actually get to grandstand at the memorial.?
I might be wrong but I think MLK would have seen the tragedy in the Martin killing and the many other violent deaths of young black men which seem to be drug or gang related. I like to think he’d see the big picture and the fraying social fabric in too many black families. Along with the lives wasted in prison. MLK wanted justice, not vengeance, hope not hate, and revival not revenge.
A Harley Biker is riding by the zoo in Washington, DC, when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion’s cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the collar of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to eat her, under the eyes of her screaming parents.
The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch.
Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly. A reporter has watched the whole event.
The reporter addressing the Harley rider says, ‘Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I’ve seen a man do in my whole life.’
The Harley rider replies, ‘Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as anybody would have”
The reporter says, ‘Well, I’ll make sure this won’t go unnoticed. I’m Mark Mardel from the BBC, you know, and tomorrow’s News will have this story on the front page… So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?’
The biker replies, I’m a U.S. Marine and a Republican
Mark Mardel leaves. The following morning the biker checks the BBC News to see if Mark Mardel has kept his promise,and he reads:
..and THAT pretty much sums up the bBC’s approach to the news these days…
The bBC, Islamic human rights and not even half the story Sylvie Beghal loses airport questioning legal challenge The wife of a convicted terrorist has lost a major challenge against the British police’s power to stop and question people at airports. Sylvie Beghal was held at East Midlands Airport under anti-terrorism laws. The High Court ruled that schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 did not breach human rights.
All well and good with the bBC’s reporting of the above, then they express their bias:
It comes weeks after the partner of a Guardian journalist was stopped under the same power, prompting a legal battle with the government. In his judgement on Wednesday, Mr Justice Gross said the stops were “neither arbitrary nor disproportionate”. Lawyers for Mrs Beghal are expected to appeal and try to take the case to the Supreme Court.
Ah so, even with the news that this woman failed in her attempt to be allowed to enter the Uk without being stopped and asked just what she is up to, the bBC make her into…A victim. Mrs Beghal, a French citizen who lives in the UK, was stopped in January 2011 after arriving at East Midlands Airport on a flight from Paris.
Police officers told her she was being held under schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act, a power that allows them to hold someone for up to nine hours and question them about whether they are involved in terrorism. Mrs Beghal’s husband is an Algerian man who was convicted and jailed in France on terrorism charges. Djemal Beghal claims he was tortured and that his conviction is unfair.
Wow, all these terrorists who claim to be tortured, hand’s up if you have seen one of these so called innocent victims showing their injuries to the media?
Next, what the bBC’s Dominic Casciani doesn’t want you to know about this woman.
The above woman is the wife of Djamel Beghal, here is what the Guardian had to say about him in Oct 2001: Paris plot reveals link to terror chief The alleged leader of an Islamist fundamentalist group in Europe has confessed to investigators that a plan to attack US targets in Paris was approved by one of Osama bin Laden’s top lieutenants.
Judicial sources said yesterday that Djamel Beghal, 35, who was extradited to France from the United Arab Emirates on Monday, told the investigating magistrate Jean-Louis Bruguière that he had visited Bin Laden’s base in Afghanistan and discussed the plot to carry out suicide attacks on the US embassy and an American cultural centre.
One of nine suspected members of the cell under arrest in Paris, Beghal, who holds joint French and Algerian nationality, has been placed under formal investigation – one step short of being charged – for criminal association in connection with a terrorist act.
The sources said he had confirmed to judge Bruguière what he told police in Dubai, where he was arrested in July carrying a doctored passport: that an Islamist group with members in France, Holland and Belgium had detailed plans to blow up the Paris embassy, and that Abu Zubeida, a top Bin Laden deputy, had given them the go-ahead.…. But the judicial sources said earlier that according to Beghal’s account of the Paris attacks, which were due “some time this year”, one of those held in Belgium, a Tunisian former professional footballer called Nizar Trabelsi, was to enter the embassy strapped with explosives. At the same time, a van packed with explosives was to explode outside a US cultural centre on the nearby Place de la Madeleine.
Belgian police found bomb-making instructions at Trabelsi’s home in a Brussels suburb, as well as 50 litres of acetone and 65kg of sulphate – which could be used to produce a crude but highly effective explosive device – in the cellar of a restaurant run by one of his friends.
Beghal grew up in the Paris suburbs but from 1997 to 1999 lived with his wife and two sons in London, where is believed to have recruited Muslim extremists. …… French police say Beghal had spent more than a year in Bin Laden’s Afghanistan camps when he was arrested and was probably returning to western Europe to activate his cells. He is the second person extradited to France in connection with the alleged plot.
Kamel Daoudi, 27, also a French-Algerian, was arrested in Leicester last week and extradited from Britain on Saturday. Thought to be Beghal’s number two, he escaped the French police swoop that netted seven suspected Islamist terrorists on September 20. Daoudi, described by former employers at a council-run internet cafe outside Paris as a quiet and intelligent man who “went off the rails”, lived in Beghal’s apartment in Corbeil while the alleged terrorist ringleader was in London.
And what about the woman in question; Here are her own words as given to the bBC’s fav Islamic terrorist charity Cage Prisoners
CP: Let us go back few years back. Could you explain us why your husband and yourself decided to leave Europe to live in Afghanistan at the beginning of the 2000’s? UH: After several years of war, the country was getting slowly rebuilt and it had been proclaimed “Islamic emirate”. As Muslims, we decided to try moving there. It is important to state that we went there in times of peace and that my husband was arrested before the 9/11 attacks.
CP: Then, in July 2001, your husband was arrested. Could you explain us the circumstances of his arrest? UH: He was arrested in Dubai while he was coming from Pakistan. He was accompanying a friend’s family. One of their children was sick and could not handle the life in Afghanistan anymore. As the passport of this friend had expired, he asked my husband to take his family back to Morocco.
(Pounce reveals, he was actually caught 2 months before 9/11 travelling on a false passport)
And here what she had to say when she was asked why she moved to the UK: CP: Why did you leave France to live in the UK? UH: Mainly for religious reasons. I wanted to educate my children surrounded by Muslim brothers and sisters. It wasn’t really possible. I wanted help for my children. I wanted them to live in an Islamic environment. It is not possible in France since we cannot really live in community. Most of all, I was asked to remove my headscarf to work. For me, it was unimaginable. I was not ready to make that kind of compromise.
Funny thing is ,before she and her husband lived in London and now she has relocated to Leicester, the same place her husbands number two ran to when the french police were after him and where he was arrested in 2001.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism and the traitors within our midst
“She also backed the deputy leader of Rotherham Council Jahangir Akhtar’s decision to stand down temporarily.
I just think its disgraceful. The people that did know need to hang their head in shame” – ‘Jessica’
Mr Akhtar resigned after the Times newspaper reported on Friday he was related to Jessica’s alleged abuser – referred to as Ali – and aware of their relationship, which dated back to 1999.
Jessica said: “He [Mr Akhtar] was aware of it.
“He should have done something and it’s inappropriate that he works for a council”
I have been listening to BBC news, following announcements, and analysis of events in Syria and here is an impression which could be wrong. The BBC was firmly in favour of the rebels, but now seem to be back peddling with regard to punishments for Assad’s regime. I have the impression that Cameron and Bomber Hague are being gradually ditched. Now that Labour have a wait and see what the UN inspectors say policy, this could appear to be a position the BBC are inching towards. Maybe they will put their cards on the table should the great community leader in Washington make a decision. But on the 6pm news tonight there was a distinct impression that Blair’s disciple might not be entitled to full support.
Just back from a day out paintballing. The warm glow is more from the 50-odd swelling bruises, but is was great fun and worth it.
Except…. I come back to learn that out politico-media establishment has been busy, and after the Regulars, Territorials & School CCFs, if Bomber Hague runs out of cannon fodder to send to Argentina, Spain, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria, he may yet come for any with a ‘most shot’ certificate from Delta Force.
Still, most of the ‘action’ seems to be kicking off ME-way, so where better to see a new broom installed on holding folk to account?
Just… despite top and tailing his bio with as much ‘I am the BBC’s voice in the Middle East! The BBC!’ as possible, he slips in the immortal weasel…. ‘Comments my own. Not the BBC’s, etc, etc….’
I’d be fascinated by what that ‘etc, etc…’ might actually include, given the BBC’s man in the ME is basically saying whatever he says is nothing to do with the BBC.
And given what he writes will be seen by most as very much from the BBC, the most trusted, impartial…. etc, etc, global news monopoly, and what the BBC spins has the power to start wars these days, I find that freaking scary, actually.
Propaganda. Censorship. Zero accountability. And a £4Bpa one-way megaphone to the world in the name of Britain.
popeyeMar 28, 17:09 Midweek 26th March 2025 Zephir, my sister thought LOL was Lots of Love. Unfortunately when I mailed her (in Oz) that Mum had died…
ZephirMar 28, 16:55 Midweek 26th March 2025 I have just heard the guy who invented predictive text has died. His funnel is tomato.
Fedup2Mar 28, 16:47 Midweek 26th March 2025 I looked up how much a querty keyboard was going to cost once … I thought IMHO was a North…
MarkyMarkMar 28, 16:34 Midweek 26th March 2025 2015…. “She said: “They felt they were fearless and untouchable. They laughed and said they would never be punished. “The…
ZephirMar 28, 15:47 Midweek 26th March 2025 Appropos of nothing, or maybe because it’s Friday: I told my old mum that WTF means: “Wow, that’s fantastic” Her…
Fedup2Mar 28, 15:47 Midweek 26th March 2025 Was quite an achievement for the Marxists to release some vermin early who murdered on the same day …
ZephirMar 28, 15:42 Midweek 26th March 2025 It’s one rule for them… I wonder what would happen if Laurence Fox tried that on Wimmin’s Hour ? I…
moggiemooMar 28, 15:29 Midweek 26th March 2025 Leave the inmates in the jail and just add the MPs and Lords.
MarkyMarkMar 28, 15:25 Midweek 26th March 2025 Empty the jails – fill them with 650 MPS and 800 Lords!
ZephirMar 28, 15:21 Midweek 26th March 2025 RE the latest far left nazi persecution of Laurence Fox. We have had Partygate, I propose we call this one…
This may be my only chance before I am silenced. I have been listening to a programme this morning made in the 1950s about indoctrination of BBC staff even then. It depicts a BBC in 1985, where staff are shown pictures of people on TV whom they are programmed to hate and are heard chanting ’I hate…. Later it is revealed how the BBC is to programme the peoples of the UK not to think for themselves anymore. The programme will be repeated ( if the subversives who got this past the Big Brother Corporation Censor have not been rounded up and the programme mysteriously pulled from the schedule.
Remember 7pm tonight Tuesday 27th on BBC R4 Extra .
Many a true word spoken in jest.
’Hello how did you get in? No,no, no I love Big Brother Corporation. It wasn’t me, but I’m not ratting on anybody…it was her’.
Just checking this wasn’t the goons and their utterly brilliant expose of the BBC hive mindset ?
The BBC are really just just N.K.V.D without the danglers to be honest about it !
…don’t answer the door if you’re alone late at night!
James Delingpole having a pop at the BBC, and Harrabin, for constantly portraying AGW sceptics as “deniers” at every opportunity.
‘Complaining that the BBC is biased in its coverage of climate change, I admit, is about as pointless as grumbling that Hamas are a touch anti-semitic. Even so, maybe one or two readers might care to let the BBC’s complaints department, what that term “denier” is designed to signify’
Presuming he has his own Staffel on duty ready to swoop, as that may need a tweak. Here, I have attempted what he probably meant to write:
‘Complaining that the BBC is biased in its coverage of anything, I admit, is about as pointless as grumbling that Hamas are a touch anti-semitic. Even so, maybe one or two readers might care to ask in this instance of the BBC’s complaints department, what that term “denier” is designed to signify’
That is, before getting banned when the BBC is unable to offer an answer.
Propaganda backed by censorship; the most winning of combinations.
‘That is, before getting banned when the BBC is unable to offer an answer.’ – I can vouch from personal experience that that does happen…
As an aside, they also once had a go at me for reproducing one of their emails in this forum. It’s good to know that they are readers of Biased BBC…
Oh, they read. They just don’t listen.
Porting over the latest salvo to the BBC’s efforts on behalf of… well… wild guesses…
‘In an exclusive interview, US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel tells the BBC’s Jon Sopel it’s getting clearer that the Syrian government is responsible for a chemical attack on its own people.
He also said the US is “ready to go” if the order comes to launch strikes on #Syria. Watch the full interview throughout the day on #BBC World News.
So, given all the rhetoric of the last few days, as of 3 hrs ago we are ‘getting clearer’ on which bit of Syria to ‘strike’. Oh, well, in that case…
Tora, Tora, Tora!!!!!
I wonder if Katty Kay approves. She certainly endorsed his appointment as Sec. of State.
Oops, that was her endorsement of John Kerry, not Hagel. It was Mardell who was pleased with Hagel’s appointment. He claimed at the time that Republican complaints about Hagel were actually aimed at the President, and they were upset at a Republican joining the enemy Administration.
I wonder if Hagel or Katty Kay will claim a war on Syria was done under the influence of the Jewish Lobby?
While anxious for the lives of people involved in any fighting, it is with some glee I admit to looking forward to BBC reporting of any coming conflict in Syria. The contortions of viewpoint and the use of selective language will be amazing. Think about it, they have to be consistent (anti bombing, anti west, pro Arab, anti-Israel) while maintaining the image of the President as infallible. Methinks the tone of reporting when Reagan bombed Libya will be quietly jettisoned in favor of the continuing adoration of Obama…this will be fun!!!
Looking at BBC News today (27/8), I get the distinct impression the Beeb is a touch uneasy at the way things are going with jingoistic Western politicians, led by a gung-ho David Cameron and William Hague seemingly intent on attacking another Middle Eastern country for reasons that have little to do with our national security.
Maybe they should have thought of that when they were agitating for western intervention -you know all those stories about courageous ,secular, rebels opposing Assad’s overwhelming force with little more than granddad’s shot gun
Have a heart.
The #lawofunintendedconsequences can be a teasing minx.
Still, it seems to have cleared the sky of Flokkers… for a while.
Probably waiting for guidance on the party line from common purpose central
Oh don’t worry, they will emerge with an attack strategy. Well organised !
Albeeba meetings happening as we speak.
Probably, the fact that Jew-hating islamists look set to take over Syria being neither here nor there.
Which makes it all the more foolish for the Jewish Lobby to have pressured the US and UK governments into going to war, er…..
Sorry, I probably need to lie down in a dark room for a while.
I did enjoy that interview, for the simple reason that I was surprised the BBC interviewer put some questions around evidence etc. and did not come across entirely warmongering.
James Delingpole in the Telegraph rightly having a pop at the biased BBC and Harrabin, for continuing to refer to those who do not accept the AGW myth as “deniers”:
Good link OG.
‘Even once-respectable scientific journals like Nature have started using it, prompting this elegant put-down from Lord Leach of Fairford:
‘The use of the term “denier” does your journal a disservice, both for its vagueness and for its insulting overtone.
What does a “denier” deny? Certainly not Climate Change: nor global warming since records began in the late 19th century: nor the likelihood of human influence on temperatures. What, then?
A “denier” denies certainty on a complex and still young scientific subject. A “denier” questions assumptions about the near irrelevance of solar, oceanic and other non-anthropogenic influences on temperature. A “denier” prefers evidence to model projections. A “denier” tests alarming predictions against actual observations. In short, a “denier” exhibits the symptoms of a genuine seeker after scientific truth.
I wish the same could be said of “consensus” writers – or that they showed the same restraint and courtesy towards different opinions shown by sceptics such as Watts Up With That.’
Superb. Applies equally to the shamelessly biased BBC.
The BBC – how do they get away with it? Because they can.
Don’t quite know how or why this got posted twice – my apologies.
…because it’s worth it! 🙂
If there is no proof for CO2 warming, then either.
(1) CO2 causes cooling: Have not met of debated with a scientist who believes this, however I have heard that there where scientists who believed that because cool Stars have large absorption lines, this proves cooling.
(2) CO2 has no effect: Also have not met or debated with a scientist who believes this, however this is the what the BBC believes that the sceptics believe. An assumption of a Zero effect is usually acceptable in all other scientific disciplines, if there is no proof to DENY.
(3) CO2 causes warming. Everyone I know, both believer, sceptic and denier, believes this, however lack of any proof means that it has been difficult to arrive at an accurate calibration of CO2 warming, the theory “Unified Theory of Climate” provides a formula for explaining the temperatures in all parts of the atmospheres of all the planets in the Solar System, including the Earth and the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Venus and Mars, and therefore this provides a calculation for a warming so small, it should and is undetectable.
‘BBC in Discovery of Management Principles Shocker’
Lord Hall says: “The problem is simple: we need to be so much clearer on how we take decisions and who is accountable for them.
“We will start by ensuring that, wherever possible, there is a single, identified person responsible for key issues and major projects.’
A commentator said ‘It sounds like they’re being dragged kicking and screaming into the 19th Century. However, I’ve heard 20th century management methods will be just an aspiration at this stage, but at least this is a start’.
Presumably, anything managerial (mostly bad) that has resulted in anything BBC (mostly bad) up until this point, or at least last week, can thus fall under ‘another time’?
If not, at £145.50pa/pp for the last several years, times 25M, the refund is going to be a bitch.
Sounds like a blatant case of mis-selling to me.
Between the lines- Beeboid Ms K.Kay still demands top job for herself, and ‘Tweets’:-
“@KattyKayBBC via Twitter
This isn’t about PC but effectiveness. MT In Obama’s Top WH jobs, the Scales Still Tip Twd Men”
What language is she attempting to communicate in?
Klingon – but it’s a pidgin form, as far as I can tell…
How’s that hopey-changey stuff workin’ out for ya now, Katty?
“rushing to hell in a handcart …..
bbc reports this morning
“The US and its allies are considering military strikes on Syria though Russia (Syria’s ally? … boo hiss 😀 ) has warned against this” – considering? hmmm
just replace Obama administration with George W?
and then the attitude of the msm?
In Syria: UN inspectors are mandated only to determine if chemical weapons were used, not who used them? – the decisive point.
It appears that the desired conclusion has already been reached,
Obama (no change there) again sides with Islamist supremacist interests ” from last OT
the BBC now has an interview with Chuck (i m itchin and ready to go) Hagel, on 5Live Drive?
of course “w-nkers r us” – Cameron, Clegg and co like the spineless, useless shameful, inadequate s they are, hilariously wriggle around trying to make their abject capitulation, look like some “moral”? issue …
wheres that “time of austerity” excuse book they ve abused for so long? eh!
U.K political class (inc, it seems, BBC-NUJ) ready to send in British support for anti-Assad Islamic forces.
A salutary warning-
“Immature advisers, moral indignation and the folly of wading into this bloody morass”
Wee Wullie Hague, who seems to be talking in tongues these days, should get his tin hat on and an ak47 and get his butt over to Syria and join in with his pals, who he seems to support. Incidentally, I never heard ONE person on the bBC asking if we were going to bomb the crap out of your caring, sharing rebels if they were found responsible for launching the dirty bombs against civilians.
good point
a really salient point …
could you imagine, Clegg … Scameron …
Osborne eh! Willy Vague, Eric/(the pies) Pickles? and a tin hat?
what a bunch of shills.
the latest news …. apparently the way to destroy this erm the Assad “chemical” weapon factory quickly, most efficiently
is by ….. a chemical weapon attack?!*?!*
you couldn t make it up
If he’s not careful he’ll be getting a call from Dave who’ll have had a call from Tone about ‘support’ and all the backs that need scratching to get it…
“Wasteful, self-serving and cumbersome. The only way to change the BBC is to scrap the licence fee”
100% correct Douglas, and it folks like you that can actually make that happen.
However I have had to reach for the sick bucket listening to your boss Call Me Dave, and shortly after the Coalition was formed, Jeremy Hunt, telling us “they love the BBC” despite the fact their Party is sneered at and pistol-whipped every time they appear or are mentioned on the Beeb.
Often it’s worth looking at who benefits, or who may fear retribution most, when matching deeds to words.
Some simply seem happy to be beaten with a carrot.
While the BBC has been carrying on for the last couple of days about the situation of black people in the US, here’s a story that should concern them:
Hundreds of ‘Safe Passage’ workers guard Chicago streets to ensure students crossing gang boundaries arrive safely to school
Busy unfamiliar streets are being made a bit friendlier on the first day of school in Chicago thanks to hundreds of Safe Passage workers in bright neon vests.
It’s the most visible sign of what’s at stake for the nation’s third-largest school district after a number of schools were closed. The closures mean some students have to cross gang boundaries to get to their new schools.
Fifty-seven-year-old Rochelle Nicholson is one of the guards helping children in the Gresham neighborhood get to class on Monday. She says the presence of the Safe Passage workers will be reassuring for students.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who calls Safe Passage “a new beginning,” plans to join students on their walk to O’Toole Elementary on the city’s South Side.
As students go, many will be accompanied by some unfamiliar faces: A crop of newly hired workers in yellow reflective vests, Chicago firefighters and even the security guards from local public libraries, all of them expected to stand guard to ensure kids get to and from school safely.
That’s former Obamessiah Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, by the way, now mayor of His adopted home town, and where He cut His teeth as a community organizer. Black youths are being killed, often in cold blood, at an alarming rate in Chicago, a city with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country. Why isn’t this a major story for the BBC to follow? What sickening priorities do they have in their newsroom that this isn’t worth their time? No racial animosity to stir up, perhaps?
It’s their silence on this sort of thing which leads me to believe that the BBC values human lives according to who kills them.
Little hope of much change (for the better ) there then?
Anybody able to tell me just why wee Dougie Alexander was the Today show at 8.10 blathering and meandering about just what HE`D do in Syria if he could.
It`s utterly pointless-that shameless goofball had his turn re Iraq and Afghanistan, and made the Labour pigs ear of anything that they touched.
There is no election until 2015, so Dougies views are irrelevant-mind you, if it reminds us all just how vacuous and self-serving the Brown BrownNosers are in any policy or discussion-then fair enough.
The Tory sounded sensible enough..the likes of Dougie and Naughtie are mere boy scouts in the sandpit dreaming of death and glory for the lower orders, whilst claiming to be leaders or opinion formers.
Put the likes of Dougie and Jim on the Syrian/Turkish borders to show us how brave THEY are when it comes to removing the likes of Assad…he`s a friend of Stings, but let`s not say too much about that.
The BBC sure won`t.
not particularly interested in hearing from a shadow minister on anything at all these days, they were all crap in office and they are still crap in opposition, but the bBC still wheel them out as if it matters, them and their “Think Tanks” which, by the way we can all assume are “Left Wing” unless named otherwise.
Wee Dougie – the pretend foreign secretary. He can’t even fly to Paris without going cap-in-hand to Red Len for the fare (and permission to go)
‘If the Public Accounts Committee stick with September 9 for their second grilling of the BBC about severance pay and other matters, they’ve now got less competition for coverage. The opening of the Old Baily trial of Rebekah Brooks, Andy Coulson and others has been moved to October.’
Wild guesses on where the ever-impartial BBC will see coverage being more required?
Oh, and there’s that word again, told often enough now it must be true, surely?
‘It’s important that people at the BBC trust me and recognise that, to an extent, we are all in this together.”
Guessing people outside forced to pay were always a lost cause, so a bit of ‘them & us’ is sensible in the circumstances. Spain & Argentina seem to think so, anyway.
Plays and players, and who is doing what, or not wanting them to, being all the rage at the moment, I simply share two stories that arrived in my in-box at the same time.
Sort of a power hierarchy thing….
It will be interesting to see, in the new world order, who supports whom, and whose power will prevail… corporate or state?
It takes an awful lot for me to side with the Russians on anything, but…..
Don’t know if anyone here remembers a comic strip called “Bloom County”, but the very Left-wing creator really nailed this exact issue back in the early ’80s. Check out the link below and click through the next five strips and see how much life imitates art here.
A welcome reminder indeed, Thank you.
The image of Mrs. Limekiller, helmet pierced by a Russian harpoon, declaiming “Now, now fellas… we’re all basically Leftists, here…” seems a) funny, b) an apt metaphor for any Beeboid caught outside the hive in an area they have helped create and c) very funny.
I know what you mean, Dave. I was saying much the same thing to my wife. Even Kevin McGuire seemed to be talking sense about Western Governments, especially the Coalition’s, headlong rush to get involved in another Middle Eastern war. It shows just how naive and stupid our politicians and their “we must do something” advisers are when I agree with the Russians AND Kevin McGuire.
I believe all this war talk is because our politicians have no military experience and haven’t seen how painful, bloody and destructive combat is up close and personal. I’m sure they think war is just like a video game. An attitude not good for any of us. It seems the further away historically we are from major conflicts ( I’m thinking of WW2 and the like), the closer we get to becoming embroiled in another major conflict because our politicians never learn the lessons of history.
I realise this isn’t about BBC bias but some things need to be said in these trying times.
just been watching news24 regarding the badger cull. beeboid reporter was dismayed by the lack of protesters at camp badger.
maybe if the anti cull activists said some nasty fossil fuel company was going to start fracking there, disturbing badger sets, maybe more people would turn up. sort of says it all about the green movement to me. anti capitalist and doesnt really care about nature
on a personal note, save the badger, cull beeboids instead!
That’s the albeeba recruiting for the cause again, as they did so well for Balcombe.
but the balcombe rent a mob havnt turned up. where are they? they dont seem to be bothered about nature unless its related to the fossil fuel industry. eco socialists like wind power, it kills how many birds? they want tidal power. how many fish and marine mamals will that kill? they think the planets over populated, how are they going to control that apart from killing people off, oh right high fuel prices do that every winter. but so long as CO2 is eliminated theyre happy. its like theyre happy for every species on the planet to die, so long as BP and shell are put out of business
The small band of saboteurs were, as usual, given the lion’s share of the argument in the BBC news coverage tonight, leaving any BBC-dependent viewer with the impression that:
– all scientists say there is no scientific evidence for the cull
– the government is too tight to carry out a badger vaccination programme
– badger culling is something new in this country
– badgers are cute, passive creatures who like to come out at night
Then we had Our Evan this morning asking Owen Patterson how much did the government think a badger’s life was worth.
Nuff said.
how much is a badgers life worth? £75 quid on ebay
“Then we had Our Evan this morning asking Owen Patterson how much did the government think a badger’s life was worth.”
I have it on excellent authority that as far as what the Government think, Badger don’t give a shit.
I`m not sure if this will work, but I`ve just returned from Belgium (Liege) and can very much see what`s coming…note the “Runnymede Trusts” definition of Islamophobia as used by the EU officer caste.
Note too the token liberal Christian and Jew ( Chartres, Neuberger) roped in to show that it`s not a Muslim snow job…when it clearly is.
Coming to a town somehwere near you soon then?
A really worrying read and something that is more than likely to happen in the UK in the not too distant future. We can thank apologists, especially the BBC, for perpetuating the vacuous term ‘Islamophobia’ to the point where those who have genuine concerns about the well-being of western civilization are scared of being tarred with the excessively utilized racist brush.
“The lawyer for a Florida man cleared of killing an unarmed black teenager has reportedly said he will ask the state to pay some of his client’s legal fees.”
‘”The verdict will not define Trayvon’s life,” his parents last week told the BBC’s Rajini Vaidyanathan’
How dare Zimmerman even think of claiming legal fees! He was found guilty wasn’t he? Oh…
The bBBC ‘news’ item continues their usual lies about ‘self-defence’, which was not part of Zimmerman’s case.
The neighbourhood watchman admitted shooting the 17-year-old in an Orlando suburb last year, but said it was an act of self-defence.
Glad the BBC keeps reminding me that Martin was unarmed. Otherwise I’m sure I’d forget.
I have just come across that article Rufus and all I can that the bBC is promoting here is: Racist,Racist, Racist”
I quote:
The lawyer for a Florida man cleared of killing an unarmed black teenager has reportedly said he will ask the state to pay some of his client’s legal fees.
“The bBC is saying: “How dare this racist do so”
The attorney told a local newspaper he would ask a judge to authorise between $200,000 (£130,000) and $300,000 to cover George Zimmerman’s expenses.
“The bBC is saying: ” Never trust somebody with a Jewish name”
Under Florida law, the state must cover the cost as Mr Zimmerman was acquitted, said the defence lawyer, Mark O’Mara.
“The bBC is saying: People who kill blacks and acquitted in a court of law, shouldn’t be able to claim expenses.
Mr Zimmerman, 29, was found not guilty in July of Trayvon Martin’s death.
“The bBC is saying: “Racist bastard
The neighbourhood watchman admitted shooting the 17-year-old in an Orlando suburb last year, but said it was an act of self-defence. The case fiercely divided the US.
And the bBC forgets to mention that when he shot the black thug dead, Zimmerman was on the floor getting a good hiding from that so called innocent school boy
The bBC, the traitors within our midst and instead of castigating the real victims should really be asking the question:
Why are Black people so predisposed to violence?
‘Why are Black people so predisposed to violence? ‘
Its not really about being predisposed to violence. In my part of the world (Lancashire/Yorkshire), the traditional white population are really still basically Anglo-Saxons/Danes and they certainly possess the same predisposition towards violence that their ancestors did (I include myself in this assessment). Adding a bit of Irish stock to the mix in the last few centuries has not diffused the situation (lol). The main difference is that we have learned to conceal it under a fairly heavy civilized veneer because that is what society demands of us.
Certain people are chipping blindly away at that veneer though and they won’t like what they find underneath………………
Their skin color has nothing to do with it. It’s simply a feral underclass, created and perpetuated mostly by decades of Liberal ideology, victim-politics, and a corrupt and short-sighted local leadership.
Anybody seen this, well worth watching:
thanks Pounce, yet the Today programme this morning still had a guest I presume it was Jim Wallis described on the Today’s running order as ‘a friend of Barak Obama’ whose constant bleat was to make Trayvon the ‘innocent’ and link him with Martin Luther King. The facebook link shows what a disgusting idea that is.
No that is how journalism could be. Thanks for posting this…we might as well invite the leadership of al qaeda to stay here as well
The caption states the photograph was provided by an activist and cannot be independently verified, but says it is “believed to show the bodies of children in Houla awaiting burial”.
We can’t verify it, but it was sent by an activist so let’s run it. Is that how it works in a BBC newsroom?
For some time now, INBBC (and, of course, BBC Arabic TV), have been portraying the Salafists of Tunisia somewhat sympathetically (as e.g. by Mr Whewell).
INBBC believed in the mirage of the ‘democratic’ Arab Spring, birthplace in Tunisia, 2011, but now it has to report:-
“Tunisia declares Ansar al-Sharia a terrorist group”
BBC trying to be impartial in its reporting o the Syria conflict but failing miserably. If they want action, give the BBC a compass and a map and they can sort it out themselves! Not our fight.
Despite Mardell:-
“Obama Doesn’t Go to War to Protect Civilians,
He Fights Only For Islamists.”
By Daniel Greenfield.
Does anyone remember “No Irish, no blacks, no dogs” signs or is this just an urban myth? It’s mentioned here which is why I’m sceptical. Was it widespread? I’m suspecting that it’s just become a useful shorthand for saying Britain was racist, and doggist as well.
Well to be honest, I can remember being thrown off a bus during the 60s along with my mother for been Asian.
That should read ‘Being’
A few years ago I was tasked to pop along to the local John Lewis in which to check out the Meile washing machines. While there, I got talking to a really old couple and she turned round and said:
“Well you people are used to washing clothes in the stream aren’t you?”
I was actually gob-smacked by what she said. So yes people from that era could be and still are racist. Not saying everybody fits that bracket, but there are people who do, nowadays life is a lot easier. Hell I was having a chat with a Col today and she invited me to visit her for a meal (we are friends).
Another Col bought me a bottle of single Malt when he moved to pastures new
So much for the racist British Army.
I think the most neglected unit of the British Army is the Indian Army, all volunteers, which fought in the Second World War. I trust the First World War commemorations next year will remember the contributions of the colonies and Dominions.
No. All the images show ONE SIGN. However I suspect there were quite a lot of signs that said No Blacks or No Irish. It was the juxtaposing of that with No Dogs (that I suspect someone did as a nasty joke) that made that particular sign uniquely unpleasant.
Just think about it, the vast number of people looking for rented rooms in London and other big cities were not trailing dogs around, so there was simply no need for a ‘No dogs’ rule to be written on the sign, they would just have been told to their faces, along with other rules. It was the slight embarassment people felt in rejecting people of other ethnic groups, that led them to put the signs up.
My dad told me about a sign that was on a guest house in a area around the dockyard where I grew up,it stated No dogs No blacks No boilermakers.
No written or photographic evidence for that sign has been recorded.
It does not seem to have been endemic or widespread. It may have happened on occasion but I suspect the BBC is just giving credence to an urban myth in suggesting it was a commonplace. Malice, ignorance, laziness or mistake – the result of such reporting simply feeds a false narrative about Britain’s thoroughly racist past.
The only pics I have ever found online are variations of this window:
This particular version is obviously tranposed to an ‘anti racist’ ad but who is to say even the original version wasnt just a set up. I have never heard anyone (who claims this sign was common) actually claim to have seen it!
Yes there were ‘No blacks’ signs and ‘No Irish’ but not the poison combo of the three prohibitions.
Mark Mardell tells us (
‘Mr Kerry is of course right that most people will think as he does, simply from watching the TV pictures.’
Yeah, sure he is, you war mongering fool.
I think most people will have serious questions about whether Assad would have needlessly given the West the excuse it needs to bomb him, particularly after they were lied to about Iraq’s WMDs.
Mardell is as anti-war as it gets. He’s been rather open about it at times. He even questions his beloved Obamessiah’s intel on this and compared it in his previous editorial post to Sadaam’s WMD. That’s like the papal nunzio questioning something in the latest address from the pontiff. He’s doing it again here when he frets that too much stock is being put into “common sense” about whether or not Assad used chemical weapons. You can’t possibly read this as Mardell being pro-war. Honestly, as someone who’s been reading his drivel for years, no way is he a warmonger. He’s a fool, yes, but not a warmonger.
What Mardell is doing here is exactly what I predicted: that he’d find a way to shift blame away from the President and rehash his previous defense of Him on Libya: the public wants war, and those ugly United Statesians, always “want an unapologetically aggressive America storming ahead, out front, leading those who have the guts to follow.” It’s not His fault, you see: it’s the public forcing a Reluctant Warrior to act.
Of course, Mardell as usual is 100% wrong about the public wanting war on Syria. Earlier, I posted a link to a Washington Post article about a poll showing that only 9% of us want war on Syria. Okay, I guess that makes Mardell only 91% wrong. But he’s 100% biased.
Fair enough, I stand corrected. 🙂
‘Of course, Mardell as usual is 100% wrong about the public wanting war on Syria.’
Telling the public they want a war when they don’t seems pretty propagandistic to me in favour of those who do.
You may be right, and he’s trying to serve two masters; neither of which is truth.
Can somebody please explain why the bBC isn’t promoting this story as much as it did and still is the Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case.
2 Black Boys shoot dead 13 month old white baby after mother has no money to give them
I wonder why the bBC hasn’t bother reporting the colour of the young school boys who carried out this ghastly murder in the states. When is bBC going to report the Commander in chief as saying that it could have been him pulling the trigger? Here are pictures of the two boys which the bBC haven’t bothered showing. Gee I wonder why?
De’Marquise Elkins,
Dominique Lang
The bBC, the leftwing political news-agency which only reports the news as it see fit.
Seems like the BBC values lives according to who kills them.
If the BBC really cared about black lives we’d hear more about Africa. But reporting from Africa compared to the US has two drawbacks. One, you can’t criticise the US. Two, the room service is appalling.
How about the media “reporting” that the beating death of that 88-year-old man who survived Okinawa (the bloodiest battle of the Pacific campaign) could have been actually a “drug deal gone bad”– as if the old man were Walter “Heisenberg” White? (So the perps claim.)
There will be almost every attempt made to bend over backwards to chalk up any heinous crime committed by a black perp against a white victim as not necessarily having been motivated by out-and-out hate of white people. However, when the shoe is on the other foot (and in this I am referring not to the Zimmerman case, but in, say, the “dragging murder” in Texas some years back) there is never any attempt to call the crime for other than what it was.
When the victim of a crime is of a “favoured class,” as far as “victimhood” goes, the tendency of the media is to go straight for “John Ford’s Law” = “Print the legend.” Take the instance of the Matthew Sheppard case (gay man horrendously sadistically murdered). It has never been satisfactorily explained in and by the media why Matt Sheppard ever went with these men in the first place. It has never been claimed they kidnapped him, to my knowledge– he must have gone willingly, one would think. Was he out looking for a sexual partner that night, which is not a crime, and is no reflection upon him as being any less a victim thereby? The perps insisted they chose him in a “drug burn”– they said he was looking to buy (non-existent) drugs from them, and they looked to rob him and beat him senseless, figuring he wouldn’t yell “copper.” He was chosen not so much for being gay as for being 5’06”, under ten stone, they said.
None of what was said in the Sheppard case is nearly so preposterous as in the Okinawa vet’s case, but owing to the status of the victim and the race of the perps in the both cases, in the one case, any alternative explanation to the hate crime was swept away immediately and in the other, an alternative theory was proposed and promulgated practically on the spot. It may have been accompanied by “eye-rolling”– that’s possible, I haven’t seen all coverage, to be sure– but for heaven’s sake, it does nothing to mitigate the perps’ guilt to claim this sort of thing, just as it wouldn’t have done in the Sheppard case had he been an ecstasy-crazed screaming queen out cruising.
The other day we went to London by train in which to see a show. The train was late by an hour and we had to stand all the way there (it was 8am) on our return we stood all the way back and the trainw as an hour late again.
The very next day we travelled to a city (about 40 miles away) again by train the same thing happened again.
The rolling stock we travelled on is the very same rolling stock I travelled on 33 years ago. In fact at our station I had to inform the Polish couple that the doors didn’t open automatically but rather that they had to open the window and use the handle on the outside.
And yet the bBC tells me that HS2 isn’t needed.
I take it the wankers who are complaining the loudest have never travelled by train.
Because of our moral outrage over Assad’s behaviour whose father was our ally during the first Iraq war (and just as bloodthirsty), we will end up taking in hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees one way or another. Think Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is this still in time for open thread Tuesday?! I’ve just read this article about the Liberals destroying the UK through multiculturalism … It definitely is division instead of diversity in my opinion!! Will the BBC ever be accountable for their role in this giant social engineering experiment?
Social engineering… an article on the BBC website describes the supposed success of a scheme to help young people who are described as NEET (“not in employment, education and training”). See Note the careful choice of picture, which might be more appropriate if the article was for a story from say, Africa or the West Indies, as all the girls are black. If the BBC’s view of this country was descriptive rather than prescriptive, one might expect approximately 1 face in 10 to be from an ethnic minority, as that reflects the broad demographics. Contrast with the recent story on Britain’s increasing population – due almost exclusively to immigration and its consequences – in which a photograph of white babies only was used to illustrate it in a crude attempt to hide the underlying cause.
In the Beeboid dreams they see a country of happy ethnic minority majorities guided and patronised by a mostly white elite liberal class. The indegenous natives do not figure- nasty uncouth brutes no self respecting liberal would mix with.
Remember the liberal is deranged and not really able to cope with reality.
The BBC is absolutely determined to find that the US is racist, even going so far as to say it is – without any supporting evidence at all.
Well the US is one of the most ‘multicultural’ countries in the world, and freedom has allowed those cultures to form their own independent cells, to reflect their ‘vibrancy’.
This time on the Today program one of the interviewees bit back saying that “there are those who want to find an America of 1963 in 2013 and it just isn’t like that”
You’d better get used to it BBC because this is exactly where the UK is heading.
Groundhog Day(week?) at the BBC……(again).
1. Syria. The BBC seem on the verge of fainting with excitement at the thought of military intervention so I’m guessing they’re hoping it will be victory for the Musilm Brotherhood.
2. They’re still waffling on about Martin Luther King.
3. “Inside gay Pakistan”(the article is one of the most biased, pro-gay propoganda articles I’ve seen) .
4. “What was behind the Bristol bus boycott?”. Another case of “bad British white people” vs “poor downtrodden black people”.
The “British Broadcasting Corporation”……
i have metioned this sickening case, of a 3 month old baby beng shot, several times recently and finally the BBC acknowledges it. Not on the main news page and not even as a leading story on the US page where it receives far less emphasis than one reporting that George Zimmerman’s defence team might be entitled to some of their costs being repaid by the state (probably due to that pesky not guilty verdict).
Anyway the story is finally up but still there is something missing. We have photos of the murdered baby along with one of his mother but no photo of the accused De’Marquise Elkins (aged 18 now) Very strange.
To give people a clue if Barack Obama had a son he would probably look like De’Marquise Elkins.
BBC, half the story (at best) most of the time.
In the interests of accuracy can I state that the murdered baby was 13 months old, not 3 months as I typed above.
Bloody small keyboards!
Driving along Moston Lane, Manchester yesterday, I saw that police had cordoned off one of the side streets.
I asked my wife (a nurse) when she returned from work if she’d heard anything and she told me that there was “a big fight between English lads and Romanians or something”.
Looking for it in the news this morning, the BBC website comes towards the top of a Google search:-
This is their version.
The Manchester Evening News gives a more detailed account (especially in relation to the nationalities of those involved) in Their version.
In this area of Manchester, we have more than our fair share in indigenous nutters, allowing Romanian nutters to share the same space was never going to end well.
Seems one news organisation wishes to suppress any notion that there may have been a clash of nationalities going on here, though.
Whenever you read/watch/hear the BBC and there is no mention of the accused’s ethnicity, you know he is a minority. So when there is a mugging, for example, you get news like : “a white, middle-aged Christian fundamentalist blonde woman with blue eyes was seen arguing with a man”.
Do remind me BBC, there must be something special about today…. is it exactly 50 years to the the day that the world first heard those immortal words… ‘As it appens, boys and girls… hows about that then?’
There must be something special going on – ‘not on the BBC payroll’ Nicky Campbell is back in Salford. (Don’t forget to bang in your invoice luv!)
Much as I respect Martin Luther King Jnr – but this does it warrent such a fuss – and civil rights was an American issue – wasn’t it?
Fear not for MLK once visted New-cassel Uni. Joy of joys, get ready Nicky, let’s speak with the local “Labour MP”.
What a shame we don’t have any MPs who make such speeches!
Chuchill anyone? You could mention him BBC – he was half American!
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee’s back.
Supeelooba ramofonly omalmegs
(some people look back rather more fondly in Malcolm X – I think)
A prime example of the normal droid conflation of ‘supeel’ with ‘we at the BBC’ or ‘me and Paul Mason’
Just fuck off back on holiday mate will yer.
(Apologies for the bad language but I’m just not araldite enough to come up with anything better)
Araldite? That’s OK, Uncle – just get “stuck in”!!
I think Uncle meant ‘erudite’ !
One thing the BBC seems very reluctant to report on is the Christian message contained in MLKs speech. He was a preacher and know his bible inside out, more over so did his audience, almost to the point that many of the tracts were known by heart.
Amos 5:24 (NIV): “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!”
Isaiah 40:4-5 (KJV): “Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain….”
Psalm 30:5 (NIV): “…weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.”
Galatians 3:28 (NIV): “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
As in so many cases of black history the allusions to the bible contain a hidden message which may only have been clear to the target audience. Negro spirituals like ‘steal away to Jesus’ were all about escaping from slavery to freedom. While ‘didn’t my Lord deliver Daniel?’ is a song about emancipation.
So the BBC in all it’s left wing pomp believes it can bully its listeners into ‘appreciating’ what was a very fine speech, but yet it misses the fact that the speech is like an iceberg with most of it hidden from sight.
This is because the BBC despite all it’s bluster doesn’t actually want to get it’s hands ‘dirty’ it doesn’t understand the culture and it doesn’t want to understand. It can use the speech to tell everyone about it’s favourite bully word – racism, without having to even scratch the surface.
As such this is simply a tool to bully the public with more left wing propaganda, and not what the program should have been, which is the difference between what the majority of Americans heard at that time, and what his black audience heard, which is completely different.
As such it could be said that the fascist left have moved no further than those days in 1963 because the simply don’t want to. Their dream of ‘equality’ is nothing more than a veneer hiding seething resentment against them, simply because they believe their view of the world sounds nice.
This would be a fair point were it not for the fact that yesterday’s Thought for the Day, broadcast at the peak radio listening time of the day on Radio 4’s most listened to programme, was a Christian priest reflecting on the Biblical sources of MLK’s speech and their meanings.
Except for these fact:
Thought for the day is a mere 3 minutes long.
Contributors are often selected for the left wing bias but remain independent.
And the only comments made were that there were some Bible passages, no historical context, no examination of what resonances those passages would mean to an audience, nothing.
The piece merely stated that there were bible passages, and what they were nothing more.
And given the fact that the thought for the day slot on the Today program covered it, it makes it all the more baffling that the main programs failed to mention it at all let alone cover it.
No I think the point is actually reinforced by the thought for the day item, not diminished.
The BBC doesn’t write the script for ‘Thought for the Day’ so can take no credit for its content.
Also, the BBC has dropped ‘Reverend’ from MLK’s name.
Feel a bit left out here as I refuse to watch/listen to most of the BBC’s output, having realised the messages in its content a long time ago. Therefore I’m unable to participate here an awful lot.
However I do enjoy ‘New Tricks’ and was looking forward to the arrival of Rodney Trotter last night. I really don’t know why I bothered, references to bi-sexuality, gay porn and was ultimately made to feel sorry for the gay murderer and how awfully is boyfriend was treated.
Was I surprised? Ummmm, no!
the bbc stops the presses, this morning to report on
what the Grand Ayatollah thinks in Iran 😀 about Syria.
… could you imagine, Clegg … Scameron …
Osborne eh! Willy Vague, Eric/(the pies) Pickles? rushing over with their ak47s, their tin hats? rushing their kids over there
what a bunch of clueless shills.
bbc reporting seems oblivious to the simple fact, who would gain most from a chemical attack? ….. Assad?
or the “good ole”, militant rebel islamic brothers “boys”
who happen to run large areas including those where chemical weapons were supposed to be stored?
who wouldn t bat an eyelid if 1000s got killed, and are well trained by “pallywood”
the latest news …. apparently the way to destroy this erm the Assad “chemical” weapon factory quickly, most efficiently
is by ….. a chemical weapon attack?!*?!*
you couldn t make it up
Thanks to BBC Parliament, I caught the July 11th debate last week around John Baron’s motion on Syria. I was wondering what is the expected outcome of the vote in the Commons on Thursday? What is the Labour Party expected to do? I haven’t heard any figures bandied about- like they usually do on the BBC.
What short memories we all have, Seumas Milne in the Guardian today writes:
“Three months ago, the UN Syria human rights commission member Carla Del Ponte said there were “strong concrete suspicions” that rebel fighters had used the nerve gas sarin, and Turkish security forces were reported soon afterwards to have seized sarin from al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front units heading into Syria.”
and this article in the Daily Mail wasn’t followed up by any BBC Newsnight journalists, or was it?
How is the government going to present credible evidence in Parliament on Thursday that Assad was responsible when the UN doesn’t even know? What dodgy dossiers will be quoted based on secret information? Will that convince our MPs, I hope they see reason.
and this article in the Daily Mail wasn’t followed up by any BBC Newsnight journalists, or was it?
It was followed up by Britam Defence Ltd with the Daily Mail.
We now accept that email was fabricated and acknowledge there is no truth in any suggestion that Britam or its directors were willing to consider taking part in such a plot, which may have led to an atrocity.
We apologise to each of them and have agreed to pay substantial damages.
well researched that man! So there appears to be no doubt , whatsoever, that the email was untrue. Thank you for clarifying the dodgy email. It reassures my humanitarian faith. So who was responsible for this dodgy email? A retraction by a newspaper is one thing under threat of legal action, we know how that works.
I guess that the statement put out by Walid al-Moallem
is untrue then? I suppose we had better not believe it.
You asked if it was followed up the BBC . It wasn’t. I did find the Daily Mail’s follow up and showed it to you. That’s it.
Softening us up once again for stealth privatisation of the NHS with two articles in as many days. Funny how they’re so obviously biased to the left on immigration, Islam, feminism etc, but when it comes to something that the left actually got right and benefits the majority of the public, the BBC is all too happy to tear chunks out of it and try to convince us is a bad thing.
The contempt the BBC has for its own viewers is almost unmatched. State-funded propaganda.
The NHS is a well-disguised disaster for the UK. Whilst its aims when set up may seem laudable (particularly to those on the left), in practice it will (and has) led to a lowering of the quality of medical care available.
Leftists view the NHS as sacred for a reason – it is one of the best ways to infect a society with socialism, as its aims seem so desirable that the people are encouraged to overlook the costs on individual freedoms and choice.
I agree that the 2nd article linked to seems out of character for the BBC, but that doesn’t make it wrong. Peston has another article, along similar lines. Content like this from the BBC should be encouraged; it represents good quality journalism that looks at the facts on the ground and reports them in a relatively neutral fashion.
Peston on-message as always. He’s only happy when somebody’s profits he feels are too high are being reduced. Why anyone in the City still talks to this man is a mystery to me. Does he trade insider info with them or something?
I should also point out that the reason I call Peston’s article relatively neutral is that he’s got the ‘solution’ to the problem wrong. He thinks the best way forward is to regulate private health groups so as to encourage new competition. However, this almost never works, despite being the statist’s method of choice when it comes to fixing things – if the only tool in your box is greater governmental control, every problem looks like it should be solved with more regulation.
Instead, there should be further deregulation, in particular making it easier for newcomers to compete with both the NHS and existing private providers in the supply of medical services. This reform would be much harder, as it would involve taking a close look at the closed shop that is professional medicine (in particular the monopoly that doctors enjoy when it comes to prescription of drugs as well as treatment).
agreed … example from today
private health care is too expensive whine! whine!
what to do? … get many more private hospitals and quick … hurrah! (clinking of champagne glasses).
now where from? hmmm …
ah yes! where are all those handy media reports
we ve been bombarding the press with?
with tory boys banging the table, and much tut tutting
as they slyly eye up the last cash cow
just despicable … beneath contempt
Many readers may not be aware that the BBC is actively giving free legal help to wannabe immigrants. During the next half hour an immigration lawyer is holding a advice line on Nihals show on the Asian network!
I don’t usually listen to it, but Nihal said that the lines are usually mental when he comes on – so it appears this is a regular free service run by licence fee payers!
Also Asian network has twice repeated Jamie Oliver making racist anti British stereotypes about workers! Disgusting – imagine the contrast if he had made these racist remarks about Mohammedans or blacks!
The BBC Asian Network is a complete waste of our money, Its bad enough having to pay for the PC dross the BBC pump out, let alone also having to contribute for some minority groups to have their own ‘network’.
That particular demographic is more that adequately catered for in the upper reaches of both the Freesat and Sky EPG’s, fact anyone with a bit of time on their hands should check the stations out, you’ll be surprised, said demographic also have much larger dishes to pick up their more ‘local’ stations.
How long before we get an Eastern European Network? long before we get an Anglo Saxon Network I would wager….
An interesting piece on the news that the UK will be tabling a question at the UN requesting the backing of the assembly for military action.
This we are told is as a direct result of the input of the (amazing fantastic ooh isn’t he handsome swoon) Ed Milliband.
This appears to be the biased bunch bigging up the ineffective Labour leader who has come on for much criticism of late.
Odd but they haven’t out this on their headline story on the interweb.
I get the impression the campaign to replace Miliband has gathered pace and the BBC are ‘on-board’ with the idea. Bizarrely the more Conservative-supporting press (not many of them about though) seem to think Ed is a dead duck too. I’d have thought he was the Tories’ greatest weapon, or am I missing something?
Its all about timing I guess.
A bitterly fought labour leadership battle in an election year is Cameron’s best, perhaps only, hope of scraping a victory from the jaws of defeat.
It might even, if bitter enough, allow him to make a pact with UKIP.
That’s why, I suspect, the BBC is trying to get shot of Milliband ‘sooner rather than later’.
The whole ‘egg throwing’ stunt looked so contrived I even think Ed is in on the plan to get rid of himself! Presumably brother David will ride back in to the rescue over the winter. It’s not looking good for the Tories – or the entire country come to think of it.
Crack BBC journalist misses small elephant in room… article on BBC website explores possible Russian reaction to Western military action in Syria ( Apparently “Some commentators predict that Moscow may increase weapons supplies to Damascus, forge closer ties with Iran and reduce co-operation with Washington in different areas.” Anything else? Nope. No mention of the fact that Russia is the world’s second largest exporter of oil, that it’s five largest customers in 2011 were Germany, Holland, Poland, China and the United States, that it is looking to export more to Asia and less to Europe. Nope. You can’t expect any sort of in-depth analysis when an impoverished broadcaster only has about £4 billion to operate on.
its ok, we have windmills….
Vlad to EU: “Hey guys, want less gas at higher price during the upcoming winter? Sure, it can be arranged.”
I can see Putin turning the gas off until higher prices are met. Its a shame we don’t have a vast untapped resource of gas in this land we can get to. Umm….
Being dependent on Russian gas and Saudi oil is not as bad as fracking. Everybody knows it. Da!
The USSR supplied gas and oil to the West throughout the Cold war and never turned it off. Russians are pretty pragmatic. Putin won’t bugger up the Global economy over Syria as it’ll undermine Russia so its not an issue. Unfortunately its the USA who seem hellbent on buggering us all up.
Disruptions to gas and oil supplies, or even just the threat of them, is enough to increase prices. A temporary shortage does not necessarily impact a supplier like Russia as the increased prices compensate for the reduced volumes shipped. Putin has no problem with disrupting the market in this way, as he did in a minor dispute with Ukraine several years ago (see
“Attacking Syria: The UK Media and Western Opportunism”
Better get the nukes primed.
Will BBC-Democrat report this?:-
“Washington Post Attacked as Terrorist Mouthpiece”
The disgusting Mark Mardell is in his element today: writing about how the US is still totally, indelibly racist, and black people are still suffering as if it was still Mississippi 1963. It’s been his number one theme ever since he got off the plane from London in 2009. He displays poor pensioners and the low-paid working class as evidence of endemic racism and oppression (the only evidence being that they’re poor, nothing about how racism caused them to be so), and presents a series of vox pops complaining that they still have a general feeling of the boot on their necks every day. There are no racist incidents presented, just feelings. But as these people have absolute moral authority, only a racist would question that this is the reality for the millions of black people who aren’t professional athletes, hip-hop artists, or the President. And apparently they all face racism in the end anyway. Yes, Beyoncé is so popular among whites, but only while she’s on stage shaking her money-maker. She’s viewed as Aunt Jemima, keep to your place, once the show’s over, right, Mark?
This closing vox pops sums up Mardell’s worldview and logical faculties:
Judith Hawkins says not enough has changed since King marched.
“We can sit in the front of the bus and we don’t have to go to the outside water fountains,” she says.
“And people would say we’ve come a long way because Barack Obama is president. It’s almost like he’s the panacea, but I mean with the recession it’s really real here.”
“It’s like, ‘OK, you get a president, you get nothing else. You got him so you don’t need to eat, you don’t need education.’ It’s just almost worse, it almost made it worse because of the backlash.”
Many of those at the events to mark the march’s 50th anniversary will not just be on the streets to mark past history, but to proclaim that King’s struggle is far from over, his dream not a reality for many.
The recession is proof of racism? In other words, until the majority of black people are magically transformed into being at least middle class, racism is still a problem.
This sort of delusional hand-wringing by privileged white people in positions of power and influence (like the media) is partially responsible for keeping black people down. The concept of race is used to divide and control, even as the people doing it claim they want the exact opposite.
I’m not sure, but doesn’t the US have a President who’s black? Surely not if Mr Mardell is saying the US is racist.
I should have read more closely – I see now that the President being black proves there is racism against black people.
Apparently black people think He’s a token. Who could have imagined?
Isn’t Barack Obama a white-black – just as George Zimmerman is a white-Hispanic?
subject to context
bbc 5 deads afternoon chimp Bacon
has the “one that got away” ex SAS Chris Ryan
in, asks him about Syria, 😀 oops! immediately spanks
the al bbc/obama narrative …
so Bacon continuously interrupts hardly letting the guy get a sentence out? hmm who to listen to?
lets weigh it up … ex SAS who actually was in Syria, after his operation, real time war experience, on the ground military
man, or ….. Guardian, reading cokehead, lefty gobshite, excrutiatingly embarrassing pseudo intellectual,
errr let me think
This week Bacon is all pumped up with BBC B-Love for Obama. Yesterday he went toe to toe with Menzies Campbell advocating just the same Devil – how can Obama, that great drawer of red lines in the air, how can HE have possibly dropped a boo-boo? Menzies quite reasonably pleaded with Dickyboy to be polite enough to let him finish an answer before weighing in with another screeched question. Menzies then dropped the bombshell that his cab driver had asked the MP not let us blunder into war. Bacon practically snorted – ‘you can’t let people like that, like cab drivers decide!’
I remember some years back that Bacon got a recently sacked Jon Gaunt on his show, I can only assume on the premise he would give him a good roasting on air – great radio as Gaunt destroyed him and exposed the fact that Bacon was having to be fed with a spurious selection of counterpoints by the producer which he grasped and delivered without understanding them in complete paic – radio gold.
Pseudo intellectual is so apt.
If the words nuanced and narrative aren’t used at least once by Bacon each day you can bet it’s an impostor.
Skin crawling reverence to King today too. Bacon made the sweeping statement that, though 50 years on, King’s dream has not yet been realised – Bacon being an expert you see, having loads and loads of practical experience in this field……………erm?
Also spouted some stat that black 24 year olds or under were 50% more likely to go to jail than a hideous whitey.
Nowt to do with them committing 50% more crime you understand. They just round em up and jail em if they have dark skin.
Yes, a bigger see you next Tuesday than Bacon you will be hard pressed to find.
King may have been a good man but a 50th anniversary is not really news
Bacon is right that Dr. King’s dream has not yet been realized, but he’s using the wrong criteria with which to judge. The utterings of people like him and especially Mark Mardell are evidence that people are still judged by and assigned to comfortable little boxes according to the color of their skin and not the content of their character.
Dr. King would be ashamed of the people presuming to carry on his legacy.
prime example Trayvon Martin …
where the colour of his skin was the ONLY point from every member of MSM right up to Obama himself …
ignoring all the other facts appertaining to the case …. oh! … did his parents actually get to grandstand at the memorial.?
And they had to manufacture a skin color for Zimmerman in order to make him fit their Narrative.
I might be wrong but I think MLK would have seen the tragedy in the Martin killing and the many other violent deaths of young black men which seem to be drug or gang related. I like to think he’d see the big picture and the fraying social fabric in too many black families. Along with the lives wasted in prison. MLK wanted justice, not vengeance, hope not hate, and revival not revenge.
Yes, a bigger see you next Tuesday than Bacon you will be hard pressed to find.
Oh I Dunno. There’s the Grand Dame of Radio 5 – Nikki X. He’s an urban guerilla, he makes bombs in his cellar.
A Harley Biker is riding by the zoo in Washington, DC, when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion’s cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the collar of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to eat her, under the eyes of her screaming parents.
The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch.
Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly. A reporter has watched the whole event.
The reporter addressing the Harley rider says, ‘Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I’ve seen a man do in my whole life.’
The Harley rider replies, ‘Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as anybody would have”
The reporter says, ‘Well, I’ll make sure this won’t go unnoticed. I’m Mark Mardel from the BBC, you know, and tomorrow’s News will have this story on the front page… So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?’
The biker replies, I’m a U.S. Marine and a Republican
Mark Mardel leaves. The following morning the biker checks the BBC News to see if Mark Mardel has kept his promise,and he reads:
..and THAT pretty much sums up the bBC’s approach to the news these days…
The bBC, Islamic human rights and not even half the story
Sylvie Beghal loses airport questioning legal challenge
The wife of a convicted terrorist has lost a major challenge against the British police’s power to stop and question people at airports. Sylvie Beghal was held at East Midlands Airport under anti-terrorism laws. The High Court ruled that schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 did not breach human rights.
All well and good with the bBC’s reporting of the above, then they express their bias:
It comes weeks after the partner of a Guardian journalist was stopped under the same power, prompting a legal battle with the government. In his judgement on Wednesday, Mr Justice Gross said the stops were “neither arbitrary nor disproportionate”. Lawyers for Mrs Beghal are expected to appeal and try to take the case to the Supreme Court.
Ah so, even with the news that this woman failed in her attempt to be allowed to enter the Uk without being stopped and asked just what she is up to, the bBC make her into…A victim.
Mrs Beghal, a French citizen who lives in the UK, was stopped in January 2011 after arriving at East Midlands Airport on a flight from Paris.
Police officers told her she was being held under schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act, a power that allows them to hold someone for up to nine hours and question them about whether they are involved in terrorism. Mrs Beghal’s husband is an Algerian man who was convicted and jailed in France on terrorism charges. Djemal Beghal claims he was tortured and that his conviction is unfair.
Wow, all these terrorists who claim to be tortured, hand’s up if you have seen one of these so called innocent victims showing their injuries to the media?
Next, what the bBC’s Dominic Casciani doesn’t want you to know about this woman.
Sylvie Beghal loses airport questioning legal challenge
The above woman is the wife of Djamel Beghal, here is what the Guardian had to say about him in Oct 2001:
Paris plot reveals link to terror chief
The alleged leader of an Islamist fundamentalist group in Europe has confessed to investigators that a plan to attack US targets in Paris was approved by one of Osama bin Laden’s top lieutenants.
Judicial sources said yesterday that Djamel Beghal, 35, who was extradited to France from the United Arab Emirates on Monday, told the investigating magistrate Jean-Louis Bruguière that he had visited Bin Laden’s base in Afghanistan and discussed the plot to carry out suicide attacks on the US embassy and an American cultural centre.
One of nine suspected members of the cell under arrest in Paris, Beghal, who holds joint French and Algerian nationality, has been placed under formal investigation – one step short of being charged – for criminal association in connection with a terrorist act.
The sources said he had confirmed to judge Bruguière what he told police in Dubai, where he was arrested in July carrying a doctored passport: that an Islamist group with members in France, Holland and Belgium had detailed plans to blow up the Paris embassy, and that Abu Zubeida, a top Bin Laden deputy, had given them the go-ahead.…. But the judicial sources said earlier that according to Beghal’s account of the Paris attacks, which were due “some time this year”, one of those held in Belgium, a Tunisian former professional footballer called Nizar Trabelsi, was to enter the embassy strapped with explosives. At the same time, a van packed with explosives was to explode outside a US cultural centre on the nearby Place de la Madeleine.
Belgian police found bomb-making instructions at Trabelsi’s home in a Brussels suburb, as well as 50 litres of acetone and 65kg of sulphate – which could be used to produce a crude but highly effective explosive device – in the cellar of a restaurant run by one of his friends.
Beghal grew up in the Paris suburbs but from 1997 to 1999 lived with his wife and two sons in London, where is believed to have recruited Muslim extremists. …… French police say Beghal had spent more than a year in Bin Laden’s Afghanistan camps when he was arrested and was probably returning to western Europe to activate his cells. He is the second person extradited to France in connection with the alleged plot.
Kamel Daoudi, 27, also a French-Algerian, was arrested in Leicester last week and extradited from Britain on Saturday. Thought to be Beghal’s number two, he escaped the French police swoop that netted seven suspected Islamist terrorists on September 20. Daoudi, described by former employers at a council-run internet cafe outside Paris as a quiet and intelligent man who “went off the rails”, lived in Beghal’s apartment in Corbeil while the alleged terrorist ringleader was in London.
Sylvie Beghal loses airport questioning legal challenge
And what about the woman in question; Here are her own words as given to the bBC’s fav Islamic terrorist charity Cage Prisoners
CP: Let us go back few years back. Could you explain us why your husband and yourself decided to leave Europe to live in Afghanistan at the beginning of the 2000’s?
UH: After several years of war, the country was getting slowly rebuilt and it had been proclaimed “Islamic emirate”. As Muslims, we decided to try moving there. It is important to state that we went there in times of peace and that my husband was arrested before the 9/11 attacks.
CP: Then, in July 2001, your husband was arrested. Could you explain us the circumstances of his arrest?
UH: He was arrested in Dubai while he was coming from Pakistan. He was accompanying a friend’s family. One of their children was sick and could not handle the life in Afghanistan anymore. As the passport of this friend had expired, he asked my husband to take his family back to Morocco.
(Pounce reveals, he was actually caught 2 months before 9/11 travelling on a false passport)
And here what she had to say when she was asked why she moved to the UK:
CP: Why did you leave France to live in the UK?
UH: Mainly for religious reasons. I wanted to educate my children surrounded by Muslim brothers and sisters. It wasn’t really possible. I wanted help for my children. I wanted them to live in an Islamic environment. It is not possible in France since we cannot really live in community. Most of all, I was asked to remove my headscarf to work. For me, it was unimaginable. I was not ready to make that kind of compromise.
Funny thing is ,before she and her husband lived in London and now she has relocated to Leicester, the same place her husbands number two ran to when the french police were after him and where he was arrested in 2001.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism and the traitors within our midst
Petition against intervention in Syria.
heard about this earlier today … had to root around to find it, tucked away on al bbc south yorks page
14 year old girl – groomed repeatedly raped –
the perps? … I ll give you one guess
“She also backed the deputy leader of Rotherham Council Jahangir Akhtar’s decision to stand down temporarily.
I just think its disgraceful. The people that did know need to hang their head in shame” – ‘Jessica’
Mr Akhtar resigned after the Times newspaper reported on Friday he was related to Jessica’s alleged abuser – referred to as Ali – and aware of their relationship, which dated back to 1999.
Jessica said: “He [Mr Akhtar] was aware of it.
“He should have done something and it’s inappropriate that he works for a council”
I have been listening to BBC news, following announcements, and analysis of events in Syria and here is an impression which could be wrong. The BBC was firmly in favour of the rebels, but now seem to be back peddling with regard to punishments for Assad’s regime. I have the impression that Cameron and Bomber Hague are being gradually ditched. Now that Labour have a wait and see what the UN inspectors say policy, this could appear to be a position the BBC are inching towards. Maybe they will put their cards on the table should the great community leader in Washington make a decision. But on the 6pm news tonight there was a distinct impression that Blair’s disciple might not be entitled to full support.
Just back from a day out paintballing. The warm glow is more from the 50-odd swelling bruises, but is was great fun and worth it.
Except…. I come back to learn that out politico-media establishment has been busy, and after the Regulars, Territorials & School CCFs, if Bomber Hague runs out of cannon fodder to send to Argentina, Spain, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria, he may yet come for any with a ‘most shot’ certificate from Delta Force.
Still, most of the ‘action’ seems to be kicking off ME-way, so where better to see a new broom installed on holding folk to account?
Just… despite top and tailing his bio with as much ‘I am the BBC’s voice in the Middle East! The BBC!’ as possible, he slips in the immortal weasel….
‘Comments my own. Not the BBC’s, etc, etc….’
I’d be fascinated by what that ‘etc, etc…’ might actually include, given the BBC’s man in the ME is basically saying whatever he says is nothing to do with the BBC.
And given what he writes will be seen by most as very much from the BBC, the most trusted, impartial…. etc, etc, global news monopoly, and what the BBC spins has the power to start wars these days, I find that freaking scary, actually.
Propaganda. Censorship. Zero accountability. And a £4Bpa one-way megaphone to the world in the name of Britain.