There seems to be a lot more chatter on blogs and newspaper articles about the inherent BBC bias. Perhaps the nose of our camel has pushed its way into the blogosphere.
at 00;35 -Hussain – “…but what will this have achieved ? well, once we get a ceasefire as clearly everyone hopes, what will it have achieved for Israel ? ”
yes, Mishal , what has it achieved ? tell me , because i’m trying to bring this story to my audience around the world.
rockets from Gaza 2006-2013
Operation Cast Lead
Operation Pillar of Defence November 2012
2013- 47 so far
So tell me Mishal , do you accept those figures ?
tell me what Operation Pillar of Defence achieved ?
because i’m trying to bring this story to my audience around the world.
It proves that there is a lot of intimidation going on. It indicates that the fundamentalist Muslims will impose their will. Sounds like a clear threat to me. It shows we must all resist it and not be shouted down by anyone. Lets hope she continues with her resistance. We must continue with ours and that includes making sure that BBC bias in favour of Islam is stopped.
What I just don’t understand is how the British have been told again and again and again that the veil, Niqab and Burkha are not required in Islam yet they continue to appease fundamentalists who insist on bringing so-called ‘offense’ cases in schools, courts and any civic building while at the same time do not tolerate anyone else expressing exceptional-ism for one moment.
In 1975 excerpts from Reith’s diary were published which showed he had, during the 1930s, harboured pro-fascist views
On 9 March 1933 he wrote: “I am pretty certain … that the Nazis will clean things up and put Germany on the way to being a real power in Europe again. They are being ruthless and most determined.”
After the July 1934 Night of The Long Knives, in which the Nazis ruthlessly exterminated their internal dissidents, Reith wrote: “I really admire the way Hitler has cleaned up what looked like an incipient revolt.”
After Czechoslovakia was invaded by the Nazis in 1939 he wrote: “Hitler continues his magnificent efficiency.” Reith also expressed admiration for Mussolini.
Reith’s daughter, Marista Leishman, revealed how her father in the 1930s did everything possible to keep Winston Churchill and other anti-appeasement Conservatives off the airwaves
Telegraph pushing the agenda now, the moderators are working overtime to ensure the NUJ/BBC/MSM agenda ensues … It seems free speech is becoming a rarity.
The BBC has made small improvements in its energy and water consumption year on year, but its carbon emissions related to business travel per person have gone up.
To be fair, there have been a lot of international climate change summits to attend in far away lands. And due to the fact that the BBC has so many channels and programmes, each with its own unique style and audience needs, they have to send dozens of people to the US and similarly comfortable locations to cover the same story.
Actually I think he died ages ago, Zuma is keeping the ‘when will he snuff it’ thing going to distract from the spectacular eff up he is making of playing at Presidency. Either that or Mandela is hanging on in the hope the dreadful Winnie pegs out first!
Is Radio 5 Live breakfast show turning into Sesame Street? Todays programme appeard to be brought to us by “THE LETTER Y” what words do we know that we must not say today children….Yes? (no not that Y word) the other one….the naughty Y word.
Same show and humerous failed Blue Peter team that brought us the “P word” show. (stop sniggering…and no thats the N word not S)
BBC dumbing down the nation. (again)
I feel poor old Ronnie Barker missed an excellent sketch!
The government shutdown is being felt close to home for some locals. They say they’re being forced out of private homes on Lake Mead because they sit on federal land.
Joyce Spencer is 77-years-old and her husband Ralph is 80. They’ve been spending most of their time in the family ice cream store since going home isn’t an option.
The Spencers never expected to be forced out of their Lake Mead home, which they’ve owned since the 70s, but on Thursday, a park ranger said they had 24 hours to get out.
“I had to go to town today and buy Ralph undershirts and jeans because I forgot his pants,” Joyce Spencer told Action News.
There’s no fiscal reason to do this. It’s pure political theater meant to intimidate and cause outrage against the Republicans.
“I had to be sure and get his walker and his scooter that he has to go in,” Spencer said. “We’re not hurt in any way except it might cost me if I have to go buy more pants.”
The Lake Mead properties are considered vacation homes; one of the lease requirements to own a plot is people must have an alternative residence.
Like I said, it’s silly. Perhaps next time there’s another really slow night at the BBC website’s US & Canada news desk, Mr. Nasaw can fit something in about this kind of stuff.
David, I understand that Mt Rushmore has been ‘closed’ by coning-off all the viewpoints. What is being reported in the US media? Nothing at all here, of course.
‘What is being reported in the US media? Nothing at all here, of course’
Hmn. State and media working in harmony to ensure folk don’t hear or see what they shouldn’t.
There may be a metaphor there somewhere.
Maybe it could be renamed Mt. Leveson in honour of all those values our finest bubbleheads have sent Obamawards?
Here’s a report on it from the local news, Bob. It’s not really being reported in the mainstream media, because they’re still mostly Democrat operatives with by-lines. Naturally, the Left-wing media is playing it down (the HuffPo just has a news brief from an unblocked viewing area, although that was published before the cones went up. This is probably what the BBC is trusting), while the non-Left media is being more blunt about it.
Meanwhile, the next victim of the shutdown is the Amber Alert system and website. But Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” website is still up and running as I type. It’s a .gov domain, so is funded by the federal government on some level. Veterans can’t visit their own memorial, the elderly and infirm are forced out of their homes, private businesses forced to shut their doors, but the First Lady’s personal project is considered essential services and remains active. No snarky tweets from BBC journalists, curiously.
The federal government is engaging in partisan behavior, but apparently we’re not allowed to blame the man in charge. And for all that temporary hand-wringing over the NSA going after the AP and the Administration’s chilling wind of secrecy, the mainstream media is mostly still dedicated to supporting the President and getting a Democrat super-majority back in the House next year. As we’ve been told over and over again by defenders of the indefensible, because they aren’t making a big fuss about this, the BBC doesn’t have to mention it at all.
I wonder if any BBC ‘it was a different time’ eyes misting up at this news.. “betting that Baker asks for the David Kelly files on his first day?”
One wonders who else, to the governing party of the day, may have copped a bit of (CSI-alert) spatter?
Maybe Nick R’s ‘sources who say’ will be giving us the skinny, or will everyone from Humpff to Paxo suddenly be again astoundingly uncuriously en route to check up on those Mongolian throat warblers?
Considering this sort of shop has all but disappeared from Northern towns, to be replaced by shops owned by Asians, I wonder where the BBC see this going? Surely by failing to recognise this they are being racist?
There was an episode of Only fools and Horses where they spent a night in a fall out shelter on top of the flats for some reason. When Granddad whinged Rodney went off on a rant about the place will be a wasteland, millions will be dead, fallout will be in the air, there will be nothing left to which Del Boy replied ‘Yeah, but I bet the Paki shop will be open!’
Cringeworthy today but still funny. Following a repeat the BBC received one complaint. One, uno, singular etc, and that scene has now been cut for ever!
Despite the writers efforts I suspect Open All Hours will have Granville as a Muslim convert making jokes about Fatcher, the EDL and why cant that nice Milliband be PM.
i was half asleep last night just got back from the pub when this news come on itv on that 14 year old girls were getting forced to marry older pakistan men in the mosques,i thought they was talking about pakistan,saudi arabia or afhganistan,when i woke up properly and put the news on they said this is happening in my country in english citys like birmingham,leeds.luton etc,i bet this is just the tip of the iceberg and it is happening in every city up and down in this country,what gets me about this story of muslim pakistani marrying underage girls is this,i can now understand why these pakistani men are grooming underage white children for sex because they see that as normal in practise in islam,remember this .all these muslim men are doing is following the example of there beloved prophet mohammed who married a 9 year old girl when he was 53,this documentary on itv called exposure at 10.35 pm on wednesday might shock the nation,but as usual all these muslims leaders will come out saying this is nothing to do with islam and try and sweep this problem under the carpet the same way they done with pakistani muslim men grooming underage white children.
Actually the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) married his last wife Ayesha when she was 6, but was considerate enough not to have sex with her until she was 9. You have to admire any religion founded by such a kind and decent man.
“The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.”
No, the only idiots are those people who cannot join up the dots and realise that they, and the money they are forced to part with under ‘force’ of law is used for such larges.
‘the Rose Report now looked “increasingly like a PR operation for the BBC” rather than a genuine attempt to tackle..
So, a bit like any multi-million internal ‘report’ the BBC wave about?
Only the BBC would regard the thoughts of a Pakistani teenage girl to be worthy of a Panorama special, as well as countless plugs for her “soundbites” getting saturation coverage all over their outlets…both national and local.
This is not to denigrate all that the poor kid suffered at the hands of Muslims back home…but for the BBC to puff up her views as if they were those of a Gandhi is ridiculous, and surely endangers the kid…let alone her being put at risk by being in the same studios as many old paedos(Savile) and many old terrorists or their grasses/supporters ( Choudhury).
Any chance of CRB checks being done throughout the processing of this girl, I wonder…or can the BBC do a John Sweeney and excuse their putting kids at risk for the cheap gloopy sentiment that this camel dung story suggests.
Oh…and not a peep in blaming the Pakistani Muslim psychos that tried to kill a young girl…now if they`d forcibly taken her for marriage, the BBC sure as hell would not care what she thought of anything like compulsory educational rights for teenage girls.
BBC…using all the victims that it creates since 1966.
only the at the bbc … does someone who
got free treatment on our international health service
a free place to stay for her, and her family
now a free home in Birmingham
gets semi saint status for being attacked in the Pak?
lauded in the most sycophantic galling manner imaginable, and I am not saying she shouldn t have received help.
Does a young girl who gets attacked in say Bolton, Derby, Oxford etc, by the same retarded ideology
and hospitalised, get anywhere near the level of
help? – media? – and yes … money spent on them?
and their families? A Panorama Special that is not usual, truly a “cause celebre” charting the rise from victim etc?
Help with public speaking? organised media appearances? a very privileged inroad into a future “goodwill” career? … WELL?
No they would be English, of course probably white
(the pet hate in PC/BBC Gov – Multi-Culti circles),
doors would be more likely firmly shut, the cameras nowhere to be seen … where a cause for those victims is never more needed, or could do so much good in strengthening the public persona of them, all of them
but … Sadly they are NOT Islamic, Pakistani, and brown in colour. Truly the world turned upside down, this is not begrudging anyone success, it is to highlight the most appalling, appalling, bias, in the clearest way.
Don’t cheapen the argument with incorrect facts. The Pakistani government have paid for her healthcare and she attends a private school (the BBC seem quite quiet on this). I am not sure about accommodation.
Do be careful with your language pal.
Obama and Gore got Nobel prizes, you clot!
I`ll say it slowly for you yet again…what is a teenage girls opinion worth in regard of Islamic fundamentalism and the right to an education in a land where her tribe, her Government allowed her to be so threatened?
Be very careful with the abuse…the “Nobel Prize” bit means nothing if Obama gets one for just being himself…like this girl is.
That`s her only merit in getting a nomination…and when the likes of you are relying on teenage kids to salve your sticky little conscience, I`d look into your mindset before trolling such stuff.
By the way-tell your learning mentor that there was an “r” in my name somewhere…check under the foam-flecked keys and you`ll find it!
Wasn’t it the likes of the BBC that initially put this girl at risk in the first place by broadcasting stories about her world-wide?
It’s amazing the leftie trolls on this blog condemn regular correspondents as “bigots”, “racists”, “Islamophobes”, etc. but have nothing to say about the savage barbarians who tried to murder a 12 year old girl on her way to school, just because she made known her desire to receive an education.
I don’t object to this brave girl being lauded for her stance – at least she did so fully aware of the risks. What I object to are left wing attempts to hijack her story to push their own twisted ideology.
I haven’t seen the programme, or even interested in watching it – not because of the subject matter, but because of the organisation making it. I would be interested to see how the programme was edited and what agenda was pushed. One thing you can always guarantee with BBC documentaries, they always push a hidden (and not so hidden) agenda.
aw! boo hoo! …
not … islamo-faux-bic? …
i m just so disappointed, have to make do with the rant of the empty vessel, “bigoted waaycist”
suffice to say … to call “Award Panel” stupid would be an insult to stupid people ..
so I won t 😀
Award panel: another inbbc funded, renamed, same-old troll.
Part of the inbbc’s defence strategy, aimed at defending its £4 billion protection racket .
How long have you worked at the beeb me ole china?
Meanwhile, paralympic medal winner David Weir, who hasn’t made a fortune out of the olympics, is refused a new home with a downstairs toilet. Attracts relatively little interest.
Funny isn’t it? The BBC seem, as you often point out, to laud all things Islamic and yet they give this lass, who is a shining advert for Islam’s reform, loads of airplay.
I wonder why they don’t just ignore her like all the other people who don’t quite fit into to their warped mind-set?
To state the blindingly obvious; surely her campaign for educational equality should be waged in Pakistan.
Apart from creating a celebrity status for herself here in the UK, she will have little impact in those regions against whom she is protesting.
The BBC and the lefty dominated politicos and media refuse to acknowledge, let alone tackle, the very mindset that caused this girl to be attacked in the first place.
TigerOC, your post identifies a shocking characteristic of the kind of folk that fawn over Malala’s campaign.
By supporting her while she is here, they can salve their consciences about not addressing the obvious evils of the society in which she was attacked.
They are thus still able to pat themselves on the back for their altruism, while not having to voice any criticism of the barbarians who shot her, and who still aim to do just that again.
Your point is valid, the campaign should be made there, but to do so probably fatal.
Dont forget either, that inbbc was instrumental in identifying her to the savages, and none of this is actually her fault.
She has every right to be treated equally, as does anyone else.
However, her problems are not ours.
Need I say that Laurie Taylors “cultural celebration” of the rise of Birminghams “Cultural Studies” Department is the usual queasy Marxist , patronising lefty shit that only Laurie and his Poly Dollies and Doozies could create.
Unlimited BBC largesse and archives, free microphones and trips to wherever Marxist symposiums are held…Left Bank, Andrea Dworkin, Stuart Hall, Gus John and all the identity rights, victim hustling word wallahs so beloved by the corduroy queens of “pop culcha”.
Beethoven is merely Queen Latifah without the talent…give the proles their Eastenders and we`ll wrtie shite that gives reason why they`re not worth anything better.
Piss off Taylor, you f***in hogweed…Japanese Bindweed of the best that man created…I hate his like!
It was nauseating to see Burnham in the audience at the Pride of Britain event – two mawkish hours of ITV last night – clapping like a demented seal during the presentation to the whingeing Scousers for their Hillsborough revenge campaign.
96 people died there owing to official failings, followed by institutional cover-up.
In Burnham’s Nationalised Death Service, many thousands have died owing to official failings, followed by institutional cover-up.
Got to love the bBC and the left with this story: Theresa May faces quiz over asylum for terror suspect Anas al-Liby Home Secretary Theresa May will be questioned by MPs as to why an al-Qaeda terror suspect captured in Libya was previously given asylum in Britain. Anas al-Liby, who was seized by US special forces in Tripoli on Saturday, is accused of helping plan attacks on US embassies in 1998. He lived in Manchester after fleeing Colonel Gaddafi’s regime. Keith Vaz, chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, said the committee would raise the matter with Mrs May
Yup reading the above article it does seem that questions should be asked about how a terrorist was allowed to claim asylum in the Uk. But hang on this is the bBC and if you read that article lots of facts and questions are missing such as:
1) What year was he given asylum, why that would be 1995 before he was implicated in the yet distance blowing up of 2 American embassies
2) What year did he do a runner after he was picked up by the police? why that would be 1999 when labour was in power and it was labour which allowed him to be granted bail.
3) If Parliament is now asking questions why Terrorists were given sanctuary in the UK, then can somebody please explain the many instances of the far left (including the bBC) playing the victim card for these so called misunderstood fellows, and calling anybody who asked why we should allow these theological thugs to be allowed to remain in the Uk as a nasty racist. I mean its not as if Keith Vaz hasn’t received a backhander or two or even three or four for trying to trying to get somebody a British passport.
Yet for some reason the bBC paints a picture that it is all the Tories fault for allowing Terrorists to find a home in Great Britain.
And how they called Melanie Phillips a racist bigot for coining the phrase “Londonstan”
‘the bBC paints a picture that it is all the Tories fault for allowing Terrorists to find a home in Great Britain
The every idea.
A few have suggested that the EDL need only offer him a speaking gig and the guy will never get back in again, that’s for sure.
Otherwise, he just needs to flash his frequent atrocity miles badge at immigration to be waved on in and pointed to the nearest shopping mall.
Well here’s something you won’t ever see or hear on the BBC, but I saw on prominent display on a large poster in a Muslim shop.
Qurbani appeal 2013
“There is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of Qurbani than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Judgement with its horns, hair, and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart.” [Hadith: Tirmidi, Ibn Majah]
What is Qurbani?
Qurbani is a practice performed to mark the end of the holy Hajj pilgrimage, this celebration is known as Eid ul Adha. It is a celebration in recognition of the belief, humility and devotion shown to Allah by his Prophets, Ibraheem and Ismaeel – peace be upon them both.
So you can buy an animal or part of one to be slaughtered in a poorer part of the world. It costs £115 to buy a cheep for slaughter in Syria – unsurprisingly they’ve all sold out!
Of course all this slaughter would never be allowed in the EU – at least not by anyone else, we don’t know if it is being carried out secretively.
Anybody else think it would a very good idea that the bBC host a question time with people who have either been injured in terrorist attacks or have lost family members.
The panel should be people like George Galloway, Will Self, Ed Miliband ,Mehdi Hasan and Miss Ridley.
I am pretty sure that accusations of right wing bBC bias would be all the rage for a few weeks, well until all of the above came out of Hospital.
“Dramatic moment Delta Force commandos seized ‘Most Wanted’ al-Qaeda terrorist in Libya by smashing windows of his car and dragging him into black Mercedes ”
‘..complied with United States law is correct – but that will not stifle criticism that the seizure was a flagrant breach of international law.’
Criticism…. from whom… one wonders?
Funny, only the other day a Flokker was bemoaning the practice of seeking another result if the one on the table wasn’t to taste, rather missing the irony of the BBC doing this with any story nearly by default, going way beyond reporting into advocacy time after time.
Surprised the Disciples of Stuart Hughes in BBC edit suites have not ‘accidently’ tripped over a campaign to see loving Father Al-Libi returned to the bosom of his bereft sons as we speak. Maybe Owen Jones on placard duty with twenty-fo… 200… half a million protestors outside the US Embassy by Friday prayers?
Ian Hill wrote: “Is state-sponsored terrorism a “flagrant breach of international law”?”
Yes it is, but let’s look at the crux of your question. Did the US terrorise anybody in their kidnapping of Mr Al Q from the streets of Libya. Well actually other than terrorist scum who have lots of blood on their hands no. Now if you wish to wax lyrical about their human rights then fire away, the simple fact remains the idiot they picked up is still alive . So the whole remit of State sponsored terrorism as promoted by the left against the US is somewhat moot.
Yes, well, the legal basis for a bunch of murdering scumbags resting a little less easily was my first concern, too.
Byline not one of the flowery 8,000 intake, but golly… a BBC one-degree-of-separation ‘guest’ ‘expert’. Quelle surprise.
As plausible as Lord Hall Hall’s deniability. ‘The panel should be people like George Galloway, Will Self, Ed Miliband ,Mehdi Hasan and Miss Ridley.
Maybe… modded by Mishal ‘I ask the questions!’ Husain? She would probably think that important for the viewers. Very, very important.
It’s nice to see the BBC at least daring to air a question that’s slightly critical of The Obamessiah without it being presented as the ravings of a racist or extremist. No mention of His Nobel, as usual.
“This decision confirmed earlier precedents in which judges in the United States have declined to concern themselves with the manner in which a suspect was brought to the sovereign territory of the US to stand trial.”
On June 21, 1995, President Clinton signed Presidential Decision Directive (“PDD”) 39, setting forth the U.S. policy on counterterrorism.
PPD 39 stated “If we do not receive adequate cooperation from a state that harbors a terrorist whose extradition we are seeking, we shall take appropriate measures to induce cooperation. Return of suspects by force may be effected without the cooperation of the host government, consistent with the procedures outlined in NSD-77, which shall remain in effect. ”
Good ol’ boy Clinton made this USA policy in response to the 1st WTC attack on 1994.
are there no decent journalists at the BBC who are prepared to do some proper research ?
On a lighter note (wallets I mean): “Where next ?” has become “Whatever next ?”
I was thinking a simple ‘Whyyyyyyy?’ would be more appropriate.
Whatever it is, it will not be cheap.
With the BBC, it never is.
I usually like this chap, but while you can take the man out of the BBC… ‘The Mail on Sunday chose to highlight details of the NUJ dossier on bullying (now nine months old)’
Yes, well, there’s the thing. Sod all happened then, and still hasn’t. Making an internal BBC inquiry to nowhere simply another term for ‘whitewash paid for by the victims’. And just because some with every incentive to, have moved things on, and away, the memories of others, and internet archives, persist.
A sex-mad thugocracy holding others to account under a ripped, stained banner of trust and transparency is hardly reassuring or a great deal at any price, much less a compelled £145.50papp.
More partisan hackery from the BBC, this time in the form of an op-ed – dishonestly presented without being labeled as opinion or viewpoint or analysis – from the executive producer of BBC World News America.
The link to this from the US & Canada main page currently reads “the single man most responsible for the US shutdown”. It’s pure opinion, from a partisan news man. Since this is an opinion from a BBC News person, no blame is laid at the feet of the President or the Democrats. Only Speaker Boehner has let his ambition get the best of him, only Boehner is forcing this, only Boehner is the one with the political problem. Never mind that the President said He wasn’t going to negotiate before this even started. He also said last month that He won’t negotiate on the debt ceiling. Yet all the BBC can do is find somebody to shift blame, as usual. Where’s the balance, BBC? It should be labeled “viewpoint” or “opinion” or at least “analysis”. Presented here with the caché of the executive producer title, the BBC expects it to have more influence than it deserves.
Of course, only a fool would expect any different from the man who wrote the following about his beloved Obamessiah:
Both sides seem convinced that Obama has a secret agenda. The conservatives worry that Obama is using the Crash of ’08 to sneak in a lefty statism that is far wilier and more Scandinavian than anything Tip O’Neill ever dreamt of. The liberals see Obama cunningly capitalizing on this crisis to bring Democratic ideology back to full throttle from neoliberalism and Bill Clinton’s appeasement by triangulation centrism.
I haven’t yet had the chance to hang with the president and discuss Hayek and Marcuse over foosball and boilermakers. But philosophically, it is hard for me to see Obama as anything other than a classic American pragmatist. Theory, consistency and team spirit are far less important than results. There is a commitment to rationalism and reform that indeed is not shared by Tory conservatives. But, then again, there aren’t many Tories left, even in the Republican Party.
Culturally and socially, Obama reminds me of politically active people in their 30s and early 40s who are attracted to the phrase “social entrepreneur.” As the phrase suggests, social entrepreneurs are disinclined toward lumbering bureaucratic approaches fixing the big issues and disposed to an agile, accountable, post-Google view. There are plenty of religious and Christian fundamentalist social entrepreneurs. In many ways, it fundamentally rejects ideological and partisan thinking.
Also, Meyer thought that the President wasn’t a “big government guy”. Yeah, how’s that non-partisan, non-ideological, non-big government stuff workin’ out for ya now, Dick? This is the man the BBC trusts with producing a nightly news broadcast in the US and targeted directly at a US audience. All in your name, and in the name of your official state broadcaster. He can produce a tv show, sure. But his political bias is pretty clear. No conspiracy needed, no editorial directive, no direct order from the top is necessary for the bias to happen. They all think the same way already.
Dick Meyer was in charge of the CBS Evening News when Dan Rather soiled his and the network’s reputation over those “fake but accurate” memos about George Bush’s service in the National Guard. Before joining the BBC, Meyer was the executive editor of…..wait for it….NPR, the public radio network for wealthy, liberal white people, where the former chief fundraiser was fired after being caught on video disparaging conservatives, and tolerated one of their on-air talent acting as an Occupy spokesperson until the non-Left media pointed it out.
Jeremy vine today discussing role models for girls. Interesting talking about Malala the girl who was shot by the Taliban. So who should they criticise , the Taliban, Pakistan, no the Muslim journalist attacks Britain for being class ridden and not inclusive.
Could not make it up we have given medical aid and safe refuge yet Britain is still wrong, I simply give up.
Thank you for your email. In our headlines we have to work within a set limit of characters and so some abbreviations – like Brit – will be used. In the story we have the space to write words out in full. While we would not use this term in all situations we cannot agree that in this context Brit is racist or pejorative.
Thank you again for contacting us.
BBC News website
Original Message
Sent: 21 September 2013 23:02
To: NewsOnline Complaints
Subject: Complaint Reply Required
In the report of the Nairobi murders, you use the term ‘Brit’ in your headline: ‘Brits caught in Kenya attack.’
‘Brit’ is now a racist term. It is normally used pejoratively or at best sneeringly.
If the headline read ‘Pakis caught in Kenya attack’, the headline writer would be sacked by the BBC.
Could you please stop using it, even in headlines? I notice the story goes on to use the term ‘Britons’ which is acceptable.
This usage illustrates a problem I increasingly notice on your online news website, and that is badly or unedited stories often showing a sort of metropolitan bias.
Not coming to a BBC programme near you – a reminder of the coming ice age scare of the 70s……
‘In 1975, the National Academy of Sciences published this graph and warned of dramatic global cooling.’
(followed by graph plus selected news items from that time)
Ah, but wait. Here is the story the BBC-IPCC wish to tell you….
(followed by another graph, decline hidden)
‘The next graph overlays the IPCC graph in red on the 1975 National Academy of Sciences graph at the same scale. Our scumbag friends have knocked half a degree off most of the 20th century.
Also note that the (scam) artist who created the IPCC graph forgot to put in the late 1930s peak.
The IPCC in conjunction with NASA and NOAA has completely rewritten Earth’s history, because they are criminally minded political organizations, not scientific ones.
Never mind the actual history of the planet. The IPCC has a dirty job to do and has wiped out most of 20th century history with this graph, that shows no 1940s warmth and no 1970s global cooling scare. There is no “ominous world-wide cooling” shown in the IPCC graph from 1953 to 1973’
Caerphilly Council spent half a million quid unlawfully. Any mention of political parties there? No. Which party has been in power since the council’s inception in 1999? Take a wild guess.
Common practice is for other forces to investigate each other to prevent officers involved from being, umm, involved. i.e. Warwks police investigated South Yorks after Hillsborough. Really fucking badly but they investigated all the same!!!!!
only the at the topsy turvy world that is media ala bbc … and Malala
Does a young girl who
got free treatment on our international health service
a free place to stay for her, and her family
now a free home in Birmingham
get semi saint status for being attacked in the Pak?
lauded in the most sycophantic galling manner imaginable?, and I am not saying she shouldn t have received help.
Or does a young girl who gets attacked in say Bolton, Derby, Oxford etc, by the same retarded ideology
gang raped time and time again, and hospitalised, get anywhere near the level of help? – media? – and yes … money spent on them? and their families? A Panorama Special that is not usual, truly a “cause celebre” charting the rise from victim etc?
Help with public speaking? organised media appearances? a very privileged inroad into a future “goodwill” career? … WELL? just where are their priorities ladies and gentlemen?
No of course, they would be English, of course probably white (the pet hate in PC/BBC Gov – Multi-Culti circles),
doors would be more likely firmly shut, the cameras nowhere to be seen … where a cause for those victims is never more needed, or could do so much good in strengthening the public persona of them, all of them
but … Sadly they are NOT Islamic, Pakistani, and brown in colour. Truly the world turned upside down, this is not begrudging anyone, any girl success, it is to highlight the most appalling, appalling, snivelling bias, in the clearest way.
where was the waiting list for “leave”?, for the visa?
where was the waiting list for accommodation?
where was the waiting list for a house in Birmingham?
I ve heard that about Pak government paying the medical bills, do I believe it? … with our grovelling PC sh-theads of a government falling all over themselves? in actuality, I
don t think they need to.
I would think our foreign aid donation to Pakistan would more than cover the actual costs, just hope the civil servant sending the bill isn’t off sick for too long!
The one thing the bBC isn’t mentioning is that the young girl in question wrote incognito for the bBC, then they decided to great fan fare to reveal her name and then she got shot. Why isn’t somebody at the bBC been held to account for this?
and, just what was the harm in that? …
anyone would think that we have a Pak community here, that could contact home in heartbeat? … would think nothing of stitching the poor little lamb up?
That is instilling the same throwback ideals and actions to girls, right here, right now?
Don t you know that Islam is romping through the daisies?
just what? are you inferring?
oooooh! you horrid Islamo-faux-be you!
The BBC is openly repeating and re-editing the footage. The voice over says “last month”, and there’s a chyron in the lower right saying “29 August”. Am I missing something?
Well, well, well. I mentioned earlier today on this thread that the President’s minions had shut down the Amber Alert website while allowing the First Lady’s personal fitness project to stay up and running. Thanks to complaints in response to the non-Left media and blogosphere’s reporting it, Amber Alert is back in business. In other words, somebody in the Administration (it can’t possibly be the President, right?) picks and chooses what to shut down and what to keep running.
What else has the Community Organizer-in-Chief chosen to shut down now? Not the oil and gas companies working on federal land (the few operations that are left, right?), that’s for damn sure. The aged and infirm get kicked out of their cabin, small businesses are ordered to close their doors, and Vietnam veterans are physically removed from areas in the Mall in DC just like the protesters against the Vietnam War were when those vets were serving. But the President needs that big corporate money and His economy needs oil and gas companies to keep from faltering. So He lets them continue to operate on federal land while apparently forcing small businesses to buy the barricades He’s putting around them.
The BBC refuses to acknowledge this is going on, and instead publishes article after report after article about how Republicans are holding the country hostage and engaging in purely political strategy.
Note to defenders of the indefensible: If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a hundred times: it’s not that I want the BBC to report my viewpoint instead. I want them to allow both viewpoints through without the BBC taking sides. There should be reporting from different perspectives, not just the same angle over and over across the BBC. And I don’t mean simply quoting Boehner or Ted Cruz equaling balance. I’m talking about a report’s angle of approach and overall message. We’re not getting that from the BBC. It’s all very one-sided.
I especially don’t want an obvious ideologue (Dick Meyer) who publishes his political opinions on the BBC website to be producing a nightly BBC news broadcast in my country, a program targeted directly at my fellow citizens, trading on the BBC brand.
I read yesterday that a military golf course which BO uses has remained open for play while the stores on the same camp have been closed. I don’t know if this is true, but it sounds likely.
Apparently Medicaid doesn’t exist and never has. Who knew? And everyone knows that so many people will sign up for health insurance now that insurance companies can offer free policies to those in need. Or something. Unicorns are standing by to take your order. Call now!
The bBC have gone well out of their way in which to big up Al Shabab as whiter than white and that the failure of the Americans to capture their target is an embarrassment of the highest degree. I quote Frank Gardner: When the most highly trained commandos from the most powerful military in the world attack a sandal-wearing militia and are forced to retreat, this will be seized on as a propaganda victory for al-Shabab”
What Frank isn’t telling you, is that this wasn’t a failure at all. What I hear you say. Yes the primary objective wasn’t met, but the latest bBC news fest for Al-Shabab reports that 200 well armed men have arrived in which to defend the town from attack. Those armed thugs will no doubt be the better trained thugs and at a stroke they have been taken off the front line against the African union in which to sit it out at the rear. In otherwords the balance has shifted in Somalia putting Al-S on the back foot. But hey you’d think the bBC’s so called security expert would have known that, but as usual he hasn’t a scooby do. Then there’s the fear factor the bBC report: The BBC’s Mohammed Moalimu in Mogadishu says that residents are now afraid to use their phones in case they are accused of being US spies.
The terrorists have been disconnected from their support base and as we have seen in the areas they have lost ground in, once that happens they never get a second chance.
Also hereis something the bBC isn’t informing you why the IC of the mission pulled back: When Navy SEALs were met with gunfire as they attempted a raid on a seaside militant compound in southern Somalia early Saturday, the commander of the operation had the authority to call in a U.S. airstrike. Instead, he opted to retreat.The site had been under surveillance, and the operation against an al-Qaeda-affiliated group had been in the planning stages, for months, current and former Obama administration officials said Monday. A drone strike against the al-Shabab compound had been rejected, officials said, because there were too many women and children inside, the same reason the commander opted against an airstrike once the operation was underway.
As i mentioned the other night, instead of continuing with their mission by using Air Support (The US always has a spooky gunship in support) and if they had used that air support Any enemy forces attacking the guys on the ground in the area would have ceased to exist . (As well as removing half the town from this plane of existence) Allowing the likes of the bBC to shout out women and children killed by US airstrike..
Instead of the full facts, (remember how frank said they swam ashore, really and if they did how come they had an assault ladder with them?) The bBC gives you conjecture, hype and pure 100% misinformation.
‘this will be seized on as a propaganda victory for al-Shabab’
As the only person seizing on it so far seems to be Frank, he appears to have shouldered the mantle on behalf of the BBC for a brand new set of sweetheart clients.
Yet another Government policy has been labelled controversial by the inbbc.
Bbc breakfast up in arms this morning because a Government policy actually helps people to get a mortgage.
I can hear now the groans from the shires: what TF ?
How dare they help people get a mortgage.
The problem for the communist inbbc you see, is that the movement of the lower classes into property ownership can possibly elevate some folk from the benefit/social housing bottom rung of society.
It’s a kind of hark back, almost, to that Thatcher policy of Right To Buy.
Working class folk being allowed to get a mortgage?
Oh no, we can’t have that.
“affordable new homes” Love that creepy public sector-speak expression. Affordable to the occupants or affordable to the rest of us? Truth is it’s a house or flat, not a “home”. It’s social housing under another name, Homes for Labour voters aka gerrymandering.
Beeb, you’re needed over at the comments section to Owen Jones column in the Independent. Someone has denigrated the sainted Ralph.
JOHN CAMERON 1 days ago
I came across Ralph Miliband on a number of occasions in the 1960s and he was deeply unpleasant man who got a lot of silly students into all sorts of trouble. Professing Marxist views which his own lifestyle belied, he was archetypal of a radical chic whose hypocrisy taints my memory of an otherwise idealistic decade.
‘Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman has criticised the prime minister for comments ‘
Of the BBC, by the BBC, for the BBC.
It’s a genetic thing. If a smidge inbred.
The linked BBC article is being less than honest in failing to mention that Paxman has a book to sell on the subject. They would certainly seek to undermine the comments of anyone other than a Beeboid/fellow traveler by hinting at grubby commercial motives.
Of course, much of Hampstead Harrabin’s flying expenses and massive carbon footprint (e.g. in Beeboid trips to climate propaganda conferences in Brazil) will be paid for by BBC licencepayers.
Not sure about ‘bury’, but as I skim the overnights (some great ones here BTW; hope to find time later to chip in) I do wonder about some confusion tactics either by sheer coincidence or strategic choice.
In the ‘blue’ corner it seems press freedoms have had a set back:
However, in the red, just had this email from 38 degrees: ‘The government’s plan to silence criticism is whizzing through parliament. [1] Alongside other organisations – from Oxfam to the Countryside Alliance – 38 Degrees members have been turning up the pressure on MPs. [2] And it’s working. Today, the government tried to grab back the initiative. They’ve published changes to the plans which they say would address the main concerns. [3]
But they’re trying to dupe us – and dupe MPs. Their suggested changes are cosmetic, not substantial.
Is this all part and parcel of the same thing, or a SNAFU/Cluster-fudge special by the activist/media elite, using 11th hour tactics and a policy lobby system that favours those who seem to have free time between 9 and 5?
I know this is about school and not the bBC. But I think there is a link, that is the infiltration of the lefty politically correct, etc etc; in both education and bBC.
Also I am sick and tired of listening to this feeble lefty excuse of them being from poor families. My origins are from a normal working class background. We considered ourselves normal to a majority of people. That being Brixton council flat, failed 11+, secondary modern school, left school at 15. By today’s standards we should have needed an army of Social workers to survive. No we were normal and the lefty excuse that the lack of financial affluence excuses all the failings is a lefty myth.
BBC trumpets, almost breathlessly, that Mr K Carol, and Mr S Lennon (T Robinson) have left the English Defence League … and have joined the Quilliam foundation?.
… lattes all round?.
Immediately proceed to have a spokesman for the,(far right far right, waaycist, bigot) Quilliam foundation, who then states that they have not joined the Quilliam foundation?.
BBC host then bleats the unfortunate phrase” but they have … (I kid you not) … decapitated the EDL”
sheesh! sounds a bit like something an imam would say doesn t it, well at least A Neale, J Paxman, Nihal, the Free Speech programme, and Panto Campbell won t get so embarrassed again … or will they? 😀
UK political class (inc INBBC) embraces the Islamic Quilliam Foundation(QF), which was founded by three ex-members of Islamic jihad supporting group, Hizb ut-Tahrir.
The Islamic QF opposes Geert Wilders, and campaigns for the wearing of the niqab/burqa in UK.
Quilliam is named after a Liverpool man who converted to Islam in 19th century. Note he was a supporter of imposing a global Caliphate. Little wonder the Islamic Quilliam Foundation is pleased to be politically associated with the name?
“The foundation takes its name from Abdullah Quilliam, a 19th Century British convert to Islam who founded a mosque in Liverpool. This is an ironic choice since Abdullah Quilliam was an opponent of the British Empire and a supporter of the Caliphate. He also argued that Muslims should not fight Muslims on behalf of European powers, citing specifically Britain’s enlistment of Muslim soldiers against the resistance in Sudan. In all these respects his activities correspond to those that the individuals running the Quilliam Foundation today hold up as evidence of extremism.”
Waymen Bennet, the vicious, violent, foaming at the mouth Marxist scum, once more given an easy ride on Five Live just now, this time by the Rupert Bear of in-depth political interviewing, Tony “OK, OK, OK” Livesey.
Livesey makes Holly Willoughby look like Roland Friesler.
one of the perks of so many “airmiles” 😀
yep! … paraded like some “voice of reason”????
Honcho of the gutter thugs – the UAF …
only at the al bbc eh!, folks its going to get a lot worse,
Panto Campbell has an … ahem … exclusive interview? oohhyeazzindeedee! …
And the Quilliam Foundation strangely turns from an anti extremism to anti fascism organisation within half an hour according to BBC reporting?.
Expect a production line of award winning, self righteous
Islamic R.O.Peace gobshites … and all the usual political suspects to get a ” lorra! lorra! ” airtime on the BBC.
Mail & Guardian (I mean the Africa Mail & Guardian) are onto this story as was this mornings (London) Metro…. but how about the ANC supporting, racially sensitive BBC?
On the version of BBC iplayer that is on my Sony blu-ray player [probably on other internet TVs and DVDs and suchlike] there is an option to view television programs by category: news, comedy, entertainment etc…
Question Time is listed under ‘Factual’ as well as ‘News’, although none of the other news programs are listed under factual. The other programs in factual are documentaries.
Question time is not factual. It rarely, if ever, contains any factual or true statements.
If they were honest they’d create a new category option of ‘Blatant Left-wing Propaganda’ for programs like: Question Time, Newsnight, Panorama.
Lord Hall announces exciting new services at the Beeb including: “[…] a BBC Store will be launched, offering people in the UK the chance to buy BBC shows to watch and keep.”
Errrr… I thought I’d already paid for them the first time.
Last night on BBC4 I watched the show hosted by Rageh Omah on the history of Turkey.
A few small points. The usual BBC endless shots of the presenter doing very little . Why do they do this? it is patronising and pointless.
More importantly Rageh was allowed to present a rather triumphalist view. Imagine if a white Englishman had presented a glowing account of the Indian empire. It would never happen.
He was careful to inform us that to the Christian West it was the fall of Constantinople ( one of the Golden Apples the other being Rome) but to the Islamic world it was the conquest. He was careful to use the word conquest henceforth.
I await futher instalments with interest. I suspect the history of Turkey will be sanitised and concentrate on the 16th /17 th centuries rather than the period of decay but we will see.
One last point. He made much of Islamic architecture in the European provinces. As Salisbury Cathedral had been built for 200 years I hardly think we benighted Western Europeans have much to feel inferior about.
It cannot be stressed too often that Constantinople was a Byzantine city long before it was taken by force from it’s inhabitants. It was never the creation of the Turks .
Except for the question about criminality regarding his Songs of Praise commissions (intriguing, but I have no idea what this would be about), the rest of it reads pretty much as a clear explanation of why the BBC brought Aaqil Ahmed in to be head of their religious broadcasting. All the negatives listed there are positives from the perspective of Beeboids. Aside from his inability to stick to a budget, that is, which is something the BBC wouldn’t be seeing as a negative so much if not for the recent spate of bad press about their wastefulness.
“The usual BBC endless shots of the presenter doing very little.”
Lucy Worsley’s presentation of “A Very British Murder” on BBC 4 was another example. Endless shots of the woman doing this, doing that, walking here, walking there, standing in front of the thing she’s talking about.
Serious documentaries used to concentrate on the subject matter. In some instances, the presenter wasn’t even visible. The recent ones have become little more than irritating ego trips for D-list TV personalities.
Pity I missed him telling us about the massive slaughter when Constantinople fell, the persecution of Christians ever since, or the inspiration for the city’s Blue Mosque from the converted Church of Hagia Sophia down the road. I hope to catch the episode on the Armenian Genocide episode though.
What next – a series on how Omar’s native Somalia can teach us civilised values?
Not a BBC link, just thought some of you might like a laugh at just how little insight and intellect you actually need these days in order to get a regular writing gig at a popular website.
It’s funny enough reading this idiot’s pandering, PC tripe, but it’s even funnier when you know about some of the absolutely disgusting, vile, blatantly racist things he’s said about Caucasian/Europeans in the past, particularly calling them ‘white devils.’ Unfortunately, Cracked has in recent years devolved into nothing more than a poorly-researched, poorly informed neo-liberal social commentary club instead of the supposed comedy that it promotes as being its aim, under the watchful eye of known Marxist David Wong – a man so hateful towards his own hideous whiteness that he chooses a pseudonym that makes him sound oriental (his real name is the unacceptably white ‘Jason Pirgin’).
Any one of these hacks would do well on the BBC or in the Guardian.
NW NinepenceMar 3, 13:47 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Friday Whitehouse meeting with a ‘washed up’ Zalenski was certainly an eye-opener. As 1066 poem goes… they all started…
FlotsamMar 3, 13:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 David Starkey, spot on as usual. He touched upon an issue I voiced during the Brexit campaign with our European…
wwfcMar 3, 13:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 [img][/img]
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 3, 13:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Lucy. Does that mean we can all now get acting jobs on tv adverts.
MarkyMarkMar 3, 13:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 White slaves? “Many societies in Africa with kings and hierarchical forms of government traditionally kept slaves. But these were mostly…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 13:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Date Migrants arrived Boats arrived Boats involved in uncontrolled landings Notes 24 February 2025 0 0 0 25 February 2025…
AlthepalerpMar 3, 13:01 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Meanwhile.. . 592 came yesterday.
There seems to be a lot more chatter on blogs and newspaper articles about the inherent BBC bias. Perhaps the nose of our camel has pushed its way into the blogosphere.
A new BBC Radio 4 – Toady in town
and thank goodness she s such a “moderate”
aloha snackbar to that
yep! That will be THIS Mishal Hussein?
“It’s not BBC bias against Israel; it’s hate”
As the girl hasn’t been named as far as I can tell, I searched the BBC website this morning for “Psagot”, where it happened. Nothing.
Yes, here’s a thread which ‘B-BBC’ blog did earlier on her:-
“BBC’s Mishal Husain Smirks As She Praises Hamas And Suggests Not Enough Israelis Have Died To Raise Concerns”
By Alan.
Here’s a video they should be showing on world service
Copy the BBC and the TUC the Greens and every other NGO that has let itself be infiltrated by Jew haters.
at 00;35 -Hussain – “…but what will this have achieved ? well, once we get a ceasefire as clearly everyone hopes, what will it have achieved for Israel ? ”
yes, Mishal , what has it achieved ? tell me , because i’m trying to bring this story to my audience around the world.
rockets from Gaza 2006-2013
Operation Cast Lead
Operation Pillar of Defence November 2012
2013- 47 so far
So tell me Mishal , do you accept those figures ?
tell me what Operation Pillar of Defence achieved ?
because i’m trying to bring this story to my audience around the world.
Disgusting excuse for a human being.
It proves that there is a lot of intimidation going on. It indicates that the fundamentalist Muslims will impose their will. Sounds like a clear threat to me. It shows we must all resist it and not be shouted down by anyone. Lets hope she continues with her resistance. We must continue with ours and that includes making sure that BBC bias in favour of Islam is stopped.
What I just don’t understand is how the British have been told again and again and again that the veil, Niqab and Burkha are not required in Islam yet they continue to appease fundamentalists who insist on bringing so-called ‘offense’ cases in schools, courts and any civic building while at the same time do not tolerate anyone else expressing exceptional-ism for one moment.
The BBC, John Reith and its NAZI past
In 1975 excerpts from Reith’s diary were published which showed he had, during the 1930s, harboured pro-fascist views
On 9 March 1933 he wrote: “I am pretty certain … that the Nazis will clean things up and put Germany on the way to being a real power in Europe again. They are being ruthless and most determined.”
After the July 1934 Night of The Long Knives, in which the Nazis ruthlessly exterminated their internal dissidents, Reith wrote: “I really admire the way Hitler has cleaned up what looked like an incipient revolt.”
After Czechoslovakia was invaded by the Nazis in 1939 he wrote: “Hitler continues his magnificent efficiency.” Reith also expressed admiration for Mussolini.
Reith’s daughter, Marista Leishman, revealed how her father in the 1930s did everything possible to keep Winston Churchill and other anti-appeasement Conservatives off the airwaves,_1st_Baron_Reith#Pro-fascist_sympathies
Thanks for this. I heard radio 4 announce this morning that the BBC wants to back to the values of Lord Reith- well now I know what they mean by it !
Telegraph pushing the agenda now, the moderators are working overtime to ensure the NUJ/BBC/MSM agenda ensues … It seems free speech is becoming a rarity.
For shame:
BBC travel emissions up, finds annual report
The BBC has made small improvements in its energy and water consumption year on year, but its carbon emissions related to business travel per person have gone up.
To be fair, there have been a lot of international climate change summits to attend in far away lands. And due to the fact that the BBC has so many channels and programmes, each with its own unique style and audience needs, they have to send dozens of people to the US and similarly comfortable locations to cover the same story.
Plus, haven’t they sent hundreds of staff to South Africa, on numerous false alarms, so that they can all cry when the terrorist finally croaks?
“when the terrorist finally croaks?”
Just what is going on down there, anyway?
Weekend at Bernies!!
Actually I think he died ages ago, Zuma is keeping the ‘when will he snuff it’ thing going to distract from the spectacular eff up he is making of playing at Presidency. Either that or Mandela is hanging on in the hope the dreadful Winnie pegs out first!
Is Radio 5 Live breakfast show turning into Sesame Street? Todays programme appeard to be brought to us by “THE LETTER Y” what words do we know that we must not say today children….Yes? (no not that Y word) the other one….the naughty Y word.
Same show and humerous failed Blue Peter team that brought us the “P word” show. (stop sniggering…and no thats the N word not S)
BBC dumbing down the nation. (again)
I feel poor old Ronnie Barker missed an excellent sketch!
If anyone ever refers to me as a Scot again, it’ll be the european court of permanent offence for you!
how about we change it all to cockney rhyming slang – will that cause offence too?
“Totenham Hotspur fans were arrested en masse today for using the term bucket lid on the terraces”
I despair….
Now it’s just getting silly:
Lake Mead property owners forced out until shutdown ends
The government shutdown is being felt close to home for some locals. They say they’re being forced out of private homes on Lake Mead because they sit on federal land.
Joyce Spencer is 77-years-old and her husband Ralph is 80. They’ve been spending most of their time in the family ice cream store since going home isn’t an option.
The Spencers never expected to be forced out of their Lake Mead home, which they’ve owned since the 70s, but on Thursday, a park ranger said they had 24 hours to get out.
“I had to go to town today and buy Ralph undershirts and jeans because I forgot his pants,” Joyce Spencer told Action News.
There’s no fiscal reason to do this. It’s pure political theater meant to intimidate and cause outrage against the Republicans.
“I had to be sure and get his walker and his scooter that he has to go in,” Spencer said. “We’re not hurt in any way except it might cost me if I have to go buy more pants.”
The Lake Mead properties are considered vacation homes; one of the lease requirements to own a plot is people must have an alternative residence.
Like I said, it’s silly. Perhaps next time there’s another really slow night at the BBC website’s US & Canada news desk, Mr. Nasaw can fit something in about this kind of stuff.
David, I understand that Mt Rushmore has been ‘closed’ by coning-off all the viewpoints. What is being reported in the US media? Nothing at all here, of course.
‘What is being reported in the US media? Nothing at all here, of course’
Hmn. State and media working in harmony to ensure folk don’t hear or see what they shouldn’t.
There may be a metaphor there somewhere.
Maybe it could be renamed Mt. Leveson in honour of all those values our finest bubbleheads have sent Obamawards?
Here’s a report on it from the local news, Bob. It’s not really being reported in the mainstream media, because they’re still mostly Democrat operatives with by-lines. Naturally, the Left-wing media is playing it down (the HuffPo just has a news brief from an unblocked viewing area, although that was published before the cones went up. This is probably what the BBC is trusting), while the non-Left media is being more blunt about it.
Meanwhile, the next victim of the shutdown is the Amber Alert system and website. But Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” website is still up and running as I type. It’s a .gov domain, so is funded by the federal government on some level. Veterans can’t visit their own memorial, the elderly and infirm are forced out of their homes, private businesses forced to shut their doors, but the First Lady’s personal project is considered essential services and remains active. No snarky tweets from BBC journalists, curiously.
The federal government is engaging in partisan behavior, but apparently we’re not allowed to blame the man in charge. And for all that temporary hand-wringing over the NSA going after the AP and the Administration’s chilling wind of secrecy, the mainstream media is mostly still dedicated to supporting the President and getting a Democrat super-majority back in the House next year. As we’ve been told over and over again by defenders of the indefensible, because they aren’t making a big fuss about this, the BBC doesn’t have to mention it at all.
Who is putting the cones down if Govt in shut down? – surely cone operatives cant be classed as essential services
Exactly. Paying people to do something because there’s no money to pay people. That’s BBC-grade doublethink.
“Inside every liberal there is a totalitarian screaming to get out”. – Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism
And by golly, what a fine specimen King Obamessiah is.
I wonder if any BBC ‘it was a different time’ eyes misting up at this news..
“betting that Baker asks for the David Kelly files on his first day?”
One wonders who else, to the governing party of the day, may have copped a bit of (CSI-alert) spatter?
Maybe Nick R’s ‘sources who say’ will be giving us the skinny, or will everyone from Humpff to Paxo suddenly be again astoundingly uncuriously en route to check up on those Mongolian throat warblers?
Oh dear, the BBC devoid of new ideas resort to an old one for a Christmas Day special – the return of Open All Hours.
I wonder what sort of a diverse PC mutli cult mess they will make of it?
Either that or it will be criticised afterwards for being ‘hideously white’ by the so-called anti-racists of the far-left.
Good, it’s only the old stuff that’s free of PC.
Considering this sort of shop has all but disappeared from Northern towns, to be replaced by shops owned by Asians, I wonder where the BBC see this going? Surely by failing to recognise this they are being racist?
G-G-Granville! Fetch a c-cloth.
I am sure that this new christmas special will be a disaster. You cannot have open all hours without Ronnie Barker.
There was an episode of Only fools and Horses where they spent a night in a fall out shelter on top of the flats for some reason. When Granddad whinged Rodney went off on a rant about the place will be a wasteland, millions will be dead, fallout will be in the air, there will be nothing left to which Del Boy replied ‘Yeah, but I bet the Paki shop will be open!’
Cringeworthy today but still funny. Following a repeat the BBC received one complaint. One, uno, singular etc, and that scene has now been cut for ever!
Despite the writers efforts I suspect Open All Hours will have Granville as a Muslim convert making jokes about Fatcher, the EDL and why cant that nice Milliband be PM.
I do hope the BBC prove me wrong.
i was half asleep last night just got back from the pub when this news come on itv on that 14 year old girls were getting forced to marry older pakistan men in the mosques,i thought they was talking about pakistan,saudi arabia or afhganistan,when i woke up properly and put the news on they said this is happening in my country in english citys like birmingham,leeds.luton etc,i bet this is just the tip of the iceberg and it is happening in every city up and down in this country,what gets me about this story of muslim pakistani marrying underage girls is this,i can now understand why these pakistani men are grooming underage white children for sex because they see that as normal in practise in islam,remember this .all these muslim men are doing is following the example of there beloved prophet mohammed who married a 9 year old girl when he was 53,this documentary on itv called exposure at 10.35 pm on wednesday might shock the nation,but as usual all these muslims leaders will come out saying this is nothing to do with islam and try and sweep this problem under the carpet the same way they done with pakistani muslim men grooming underage white children.
Actually the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) married his last wife Ayesha when she was 6, but was considerate enough not to have sex with her until she was 9. You have to admire any religion founded by such a kind and decent man.
It was a different time….
Or third wife of thirteen?
I see where you’re going wrong. You assume Birmingham is an English city. Many of the residents would beg to differ.
Churchill, in The River War (1899) –
“The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.”
Way to go, Winston.
Hate speech, someone should report him!
“……………………..Jennifer Saunders brands BBC a ‘place for idiots'”
Ah well, at least they’re only wasting their own mon… oh.
No, the only idiots are those people who cannot join up the dots and realise that they, and the money they are forced to part with under ‘force’ of law is used for such larges.
Funny how these ‘stars’ only notice the excess once their snouts have been pushed out of the trough isn’t it?
“Leaked NUJ report details serious allegations of sexual harassment and bullying within the BBC.”
‘the Rose Report now looked “increasingly like a PR operation for the BBC” rather than a genuine attempt to tackle..
So, a bit like any multi-million internal ‘report’ the BBC wave about?
Still nothing on the BBC bloke driven to suicide by a bullying and sexually harassing female star, then.
They aren’t really worthy of any sympathy after taking the devil’s shilling to spread BBC propaganda………..I hope they all get shagged
Only the BBC would regard the thoughts of a Pakistani teenage girl to be worthy of a Panorama special, as well as countless plugs for her “soundbites” getting saturation coverage all over their outlets…both national and local.
This is not to denigrate all that the poor kid suffered at the hands of Muslims back home…but for the BBC to puff up her views as if they were those of a Gandhi is ridiculous, and surely endangers the kid…let alone her being put at risk by being in the same studios as many old paedos(Savile) and many old terrorists or their grasses/supporters ( Choudhury).
Any chance of CRB checks being done throughout the processing of this girl, I wonder…or can the BBC do a John Sweeney and excuse their putting kids at risk for the cheap gloopy sentiment that this camel dung story suggests.
Oh…and not a peep in blaming the Pakistani Muslim psychos that tried to kill a young girl…now if they`d forcibly taken her for marriage, the BBC sure as hell would not care what she thought of anything like compulsory educational rights for teenage girls.
BBC…using all the victims that it creates since 1966.
only the at the bbc … does someone who
got free treatment on our international health service
a free place to stay for her, and her family
now a free home in Birmingham
gets semi saint status for being attacked in the Pak?
lauded in the most sycophantic galling manner imaginable, and I am not saying she shouldn t have received help.
Does a young girl who gets attacked in say Bolton, Derby, Oxford etc, by the same retarded ideology
and hospitalised, get anywhere near the level of
help? – media? – and yes … money spent on them?
and their families? A Panorama Special that is not usual, truly a “cause celebre” charting the rise from victim etc?
Help with public speaking? organised media appearances? a very privileged inroad into a future “goodwill” career? … WELL?
No they would be English, of course probably white
(the pet hate in PC/BBC Gov – Multi-Culti circles),
doors would be more likely firmly shut, the cameras nowhere to be seen … where a cause for those victims is never more needed, or could do so much good in strengthening the public persona of them, all of them
but … Sadly they are NOT Islamic, Pakistani, and brown in colour. Truly the world turned upside down, this is not begrudging anyone success, it is to highlight the most appalling, appalling, bias, in the clearest way.
Don’t cheapen the argument with incorrect facts. The Pakistani government have paid for her healthcare and she attends a private school (the BBC seem quite quiet on this). I am not sure about accommodation.
Don’t hold yer breath Manfred…
ChisH and Noggin you really are the most stupid bigoted racists in a blog stuffed with them.
Utterly ignorant.
The girl is up for the Nobel Peace prize for resisting Neanderthals like yourselves.
Arise Sir Fuckwits.
Although the sewer is so deep it’s unlikely.
Do be careful with your language pal.
Obama and Gore got Nobel prizes, you clot!
I`ll say it slowly for you yet again…what is a teenage girls opinion worth in regard of Islamic fundamentalism and the right to an education in a land where her tribe, her Government allowed her to be so threatened?
Be very careful with the abuse…the “Nobel Prize” bit means nothing if Obama gets one for just being himself…like this girl is.
That`s her only merit in getting a nomination…and when the likes of you are relying on teenage kids to salve your sticky little conscience, I`d look into your mindset before trolling such stuff.
By the way-tell your learning mentor that there was an “r” in my name somewhere…check under the foam-flecked keys and you`ll find it!
Putin’s also been nominated, so she has a challenge on…
Wasn’t it the likes of the BBC that initially put this girl at risk in the first place by broadcasting stories about her world-wide?
It’s amazing the leftie trolls on this blog condemn regular correspondents as “bigots”, “racists”, “Islamophobes”, etc. but have nothing to say about the savage barbarians who tried to murder a 12 year old girl on her way to school, just because she made known her desire to receive an education.
I don’t object to this brave girl being lauded for her stance – at least she did so fully aware of the risks. What I object to are left wing attempts to hijack her story to push their own twisted ideology.
I haven’t seen the programme, or even interested in watching it – not because of the subject matter, but because of the organisation making it. I would be interested to see how the programme was edited and what agenda was pushed. One thing you can always guarantee with BBC documentaries, they always push a hidden (and not so hidden) agenda.
I think Tommy Robinson is more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Why do these morons believe that calling someone racist automatically wins the argument?
What a bunch of numpties.
‘Bigoted’, ‘racist’.
Oh the repetition.
Oh the lack of argument.
God, these lefties are so mind-numbingly tedious.
It’s like trying to talk to a wall (c) Jeff Kuhner 2013
aw! boo hoo! …
not … islamo-faux-bic? …
i m just so disappointed, have to make do with the rant of the empty vessel, “bigoted waaycist”
suffice to say … to call “Award Panel” stupid would be an insult to stupid people ..
so I won t 😀
Award panel: another inbbc funded, renamed, same-old troll.
Part of the inbbc’s defence strategy, aimed at defending its £4 billion protection racket .
How long have you worked at the beeb me ole china?
Meanwhile, paralympic medal winner David Weir, who hasn’t made a fortune out of the olympics, is refused a new home with a downstairs toilet. Attracts relatively little interest.
Strange priorities we have.
Funny isn’t it? The BBC seem, as you often point out, to laud all things Islamic and yet they give this lass, who is a shining advert for Islam’s reform, loads of airplay.
I wonder why they don’t just ignore her like all the other people who don’t quite fit into to their warped mind-set?
To state the blindingly obvious; surely her campaign for educational equality should be waged in Pakistan.
Apart from creating a celebrity status for herself here in the UK, she will have little impact in those regions against whom she is protesting.
The BBC and the lefty dominated politicos and media refuse to acknowledge, let alone tackle, the very mindset that caused this girl to be attacked in the first place.
TigerOC, your post identifies a shocking characteristic of the kind of folk that fawn over Malala’s campaign.
By supporting her while she is here, they can salve their consciences about not addressing the obvious evils of the society in which she was attacked.
They are thus still able to pat themselves on the back for their altruism, while not having to voice any criticism of the barbarians who shot her, and who still aim to do just that again.
Your point is valid, the campaign should be made there, but to do so probably fatal.
Dont forget either, that inbbc was instrumental in identifying her to the savages, and none of this is actually her fault.
She has every right to be treated equally, as does anyone else.
However, her problems are not ours.
Need I say that Laurie Taylors “cultural celebration” of the rise of Birminghams “Cultural Studies” Department is the usual queasy Marxist , patronising lefty shit that only Laurie and his Poly Dollies and Doozies could create.
Unlimited BBC largesse and archives, free microphones and trips to wherever Marxist symposiums are held…Left Bank, Andrea Dworkin, Stuart Hall, Gus John and all the identity rights, victim hustling word wallahs so beloved by the corduroy queens of “pop culcha”.
Beethoven is merely Queen Latifah without the talent…give the proles their Eastenders and we`ll wrtie shite that gives reason why they`re not worth anything better.
Piss off Taylor, you f***in hogweed…Japanese Bindweed of the best that man created…I hate his like!
“Michael Moore sacked”
“Stephen Twigg loses his job”
whats the difference bBC?
oh, i forgot, Twigg is a Liebour MP
And Burnham keeps his job to remind us all what a success he made of covering up Labour’s Nationalised Death Service.
‘And Burnham keeps his job”,
I was going to suggest it’s because he knows where a lot of skeletons are buried, but in the circumstances…
Ed can’t sack Burnham – it would be admission on Labours failure to look after NHS – he just has to try and brazen it out
It was nauseating to see Burnham in the audience at the Pride of Britain event – two mawkish hours of ITV last night – clapping like a demented seal during the presentation to the whingeing Scousers for their Hillsborough revenge campaign.
96 people died there owing to official failings, followed by institutional cover-up.
In Burnham’s Nationalised Death Service, many thousands have died owing to official failings, followed by institutional cover-up.
Got to love the bBC and the left with this story:
Theresa May faces quiz over asylum for terror suspect Anas al-Liby
Home Secretary Theresa May will be questioned by MPs as to why an al-Qaeda terror suspect captured in Libya was previously given asylum in Britain. Anas al-Liby, who was seized by US special forces in Tripoli on Saturday, is accused of helping plan attacks on US embassies in 1998. He lived in Manchester after fleeing Colonel Gaddafi’s regime. Keith Vaz, chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, said the committee would raise the matter with Mrs May
Yup reading the above article it does seem that questions should be asked about how a terrorist was allowed to claim asylum in the Uk. But hang on this is the bBC and if you read that article lots of facts and questions are missing such as:
1) What year was he given asylum, why that would be 1995 before he was implicated in the yet distance blowing up of 2 American embassies
2) What year did he do a runner after he was picked up by the police? why that would be 1999 when labour was in power and it was labour which allowed him to be granted bail.
3) If Parliament is now asking questions why Terrorists were given sanctuary in the UK, then can somebody please explain the many instances of the far left (including the bBC) playing the victim card for these so called misunderstood fellows, and calling anybody who asked why we should allow these theological thugs to be allowed to remain in the Uk as a nasty racist. I mean its not as if Keith Vaz hasn’t received a backhander or two or even three or four for trying to trying to get somebody a British passport.
Yet for some reason the bBC paints a picture that it is all the Tories fault for allowing Terrorists to find a home in Great Britain.
And how they called Melanie Phillips a racist bigot for coining the phrase “Londonstan”
Funny that.
‘the bBC paints a picture that it is all the Tories fault for allowing Terrorists to find a home in Great Britain
The every idea.
A few have suggested that the EDL need only offer him a speaking gig and the guy will never get back in again, that’s for sure.
Otherwise, he just needs to flash his frequent atrocity miles badge at immigration to be waved on in and pointed to the nearest shopping mall.
Well here’s something you won’t ever see or hear on the BBC, but I saw on prominent display on a large poster in a Muslim shop.
Qurbani appeal 2013
“There is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of Qurbani than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Judgement with its horns, hair, and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart.” [Hadith: Tirmidi, Ibn Majah]
What is Qurbani?
Qurbani is a practice performed to mark the end of the holy Hajj pilgrimage, this celebration is known as Eid ul Adha. It is a celebration in recognition of the belief, humility and devotion shown to Allah by his Prophets, Ibraheem and Ismaeel – peace be upon them both.
So you can buy an animal or part of one to be slaughtered in a poorer part of the world. It costs £115 to buy a cheep for slaughter in Syria – unsurprisingly they’ve all sold out!
Of course all this slaughter would never be allowed in the EU – at least not by anyone else, we don’t know if it is being carried out secretively.
Look forward to seeing it covered on Countryfile.
Maybe the Adam’s farm part of countryfile can open a qurbani centre?
…£115 for a ‘cheep’? Sounds ‘deer’ to me.
Got to love the bBC
US Libya raid: Was it legal?
Anybody else think it would a very good idea that the bBC host a question time with people who have either been injured in terrorist attacks or have lost family members.
The panel should be people like George Galloway, Will Self, Ed Miliband ,Mehdi Hasan and Miss Ridley.
I am pretty sure that accusations of right wing bBC bias would be all the rage for a few weeks, well until all of the above came out of Hospital.
“Dramatic moment Delta Force commandos seized ‘Most Wanted’ al-Qaeda terrorist in Libya by smashing windows of his car and dragging him into black Mercedes ”
Next INBBC inane question? –
Was the Islamic jihad massacre at the American Embassy in Nairobi, 1998, illegal?
‘..complied with United States law is correct – but that will not stifle criticism that the seizure was a flagrant breach of international law.’
Criticism…. from whom… one wonders?
Funny, only the other day a Flokker was bemoaning the practice of seeking another result if the one on the table wasn’t to taste, rather missing the irony of the BBC doing this with any story nearly by default, going way beyond reporting into advocacy time after time.
Surprised the Disciples of Stuart Hughes in BBC edit suites have not ‘accidently’ tripped over a campaign to see loving Father Al-Libi returned to the bosom of his bereft sons as we speak. Maybe Owen Jones on placard duty with twenty-fo… 200… half a million protestors outside the US Embassy by Friday prayers?
Is state-sponsored terrorism a “flagrant breach of international law”?
Ian Hill wrote:
“Is state-sponsored terrorism a “flagrant breach of international law”?”
Yes it is, but let’s look at the crux of your question. Did the US terrorise anybody in their kidnapping of Mr Al Q from the streets of Libya. Well actually other than terrorist scum who have lots of blood on their hands no. Now if you wish to wax lyrical about their human rights then fire away, the simple fact remains the idiot they picked up is still alive . So the whole remit of State sponsored terrorism as promoted by the left against the US is somewhat moot.
I meant Libya.
Yes, well, the legal basis for a bunch of murdering scumbags resting a little less easily was my first concern, too.
Byline not one of the flowery 8,000 intake, but golly… a BBC one-degree-of-separation ‘guest’ ‘expert’. Quelle surprise.
As plausible as Lord Hall Hall’s deniability.
‘The panel should be people like George Galloway, Will Self, Ed Miliband ,Mehdi Hasan and Miss Ridley.
Maybe… modded by Mishal ‘I ask the questions!’ Husain? She would probably think that important for the viewers. Very, very important.
It’s nice to see the BBC at least daring to air a question that’s slightly critical of The Obamessiah without it being presented as the ravings of a racist or extremist. No mention of His Nobel, as usual.
that article is a joke.
“This decision confirmed earlier precedents in which judges in the United States have declined to concern themselves with the manner in which a suspect was brought to the sovereign territory of the US to stand trial.”
On June 21, 1995, President Clinton signed Presidential Decision Directive (“PDD”) 39, setting forth the U.S. policy on counterterrorism.
PPD 39 stated “If we do not receive adequate cooperation from a state that harbors a terrorist whose extradition we are seeking, we shall take appropriate measures to induce cooperation. Return of suspects by force may be effected without the cooperation of the host government, consistent with the procedures outlined in NSD-77, which shall remain in effect. ”
Good ol’ boy Clinton made this USA policy in response to the 1st WTC attack on 1994.
are there no decent journalists at the BBC who are prepared to do some proper research ?
It’s not illegal if the President does it, provided he’s a Democrat.
On a lighter note (wallets I mean):
“Where next ?” has become “Whatever next ?”
I was thinking a simple ‘Whyyyyyyy?’ would be more appropriate.
Whatever it is, it will not be cheap.
With the BBC, it never is.
I usually like this chap, but while you can take the man out of the BBC…
‘The Mail on Sunday chose to highlight details of the NUJ dossier on bullying (now nine months old)’
Yes, well, there’s the thing. Sod all happened then, and still hasn’t. Making an internal BBC inquiry to nowhere simply another term for ‘whitewash paid for by the victims’. And just because some with every incentive to, have moved things on, and away, the memories of others, and internet archives, persist.
A sex-mad thugocracy holding others to account under a ripped, stained banner of trust and transparency is hardly reassuring or a great deal at any price, much less a compelled £145.50papp.
More partisan hackery from the BBC, this time in the form of an op-ed – dishonestly presented without being labeled as opinion or viewpoint or analysis – from the executive producer of BBC World News America.
What John Boehner’s ambition has to do with the shutdown
The link to this from the US & Canada main page currently reads “the single man most responsible for the US shutdown”. It’s pure opinion, from a partisan news man. Since this is an opinion from a BBC News person, no blame is laid at the feet of the President or the Democrats. Only Speaker Boehner has let his ambition get the best of him, only Boehner is forcing this, only Boehner is the one with the political problem. Never mind that the President said He wasn’t going to negotiate before this even started. He also said last month that He won’t negotiate on the debt ceiling. Yet all the BBC can do is find somebody to shift blame, as usual. Where’s the balance, BBC? It should be labeled “viewpoint” or “opinion” or at least “analysis”. Presented here with the caché of the executive producer title, the BBC expects it to have more influence than it deserves.
Of course, only a fool would expect any different from the man who wrote the following about his beloved Obamessiah:
Both sides seem convinced that Obama has a secret agenda. The conservatives worry that Obama is using the Crash of ’08 to sneak in a lefty statism that is far wilier and more Scandinavian than anything Tip O’Neill ever dreamt of. The liberals see Obama cunningly capitalizing on this crisis to bring Democratic ideology back to full throttle from neoliberalism and Bill Clinton’s appeasement by triangulation centrism.
I haven’t yet had the chance to hang with the president and discuss Hayek and Marcuse over foosball and boilermakers. But philosophically, it is hard for me to see Obama as anything other than a classic American pragmatist. Theory, consistency and team spirit are far less important than results. There is a commitment to rationalism and reform that indeed is not shared by Tory conservatives. But, then again, there aren’t many Tories left, even in the Republican Party.
Culturally and socially, Obama reminds me of politically active people in their 30s and early 40s who are attracted to the phrase “social entrepreneur.” As the phrase suggests, social entrepreneurs are disinclined toward lumbering bureaucratic approaches fixing the big issues and disposed to an agile, accountable, post-Google view. There are plenty of religious and Christian fundamentalist social entrepreneurs. In many ways, it fundamentally rejects ideological and partisan thinking.
Also, Meyer thought that the President wasn’t a “big government guy”. Yeah, how’s that non-partisan, non-ideological, non-big government stuff workin’ out for ya now, Dick? This is the man the BBC trusts with producing a nightly news broadcast in the US and targeted directly at a US audience. All in your name, and in the name of your official state broadcaster. He can produce a tv show, sure. But his political bias is pretty clear. No conspiracy needed, no editorial directive, no direct order from the top is necessary for the bias to happen. They all think the same way already.
Dick Meyer was in charge of the CBS Evening News when Dan Rather soiled his and the network’s reputation over those “fake but accurate” memos about George Bush’s service in the National Guard. Before joining the BBC, Meyer was the executive editor of…..wait for it….NPR, the public radio network for wealthy, liberal white people, where the former chief fundraiser was fired after being caught on video disparaging conservatives, and tolerated one of their on-air talent acting as an Occupy spokesperson until the non-Left media pointed it out.
Come see the bias inherent in the system.
Jeremy vine today discussing role models for girls. Interesting talking about Malala the girl who was shot by the Taliban. So who should they criticise , the Taliban, Pakistan, no the Muslim journalist attacks Britain for being class ridden and not inclusive.
Could not make it up we have given medical aid and safe refuge yet Britain is still wrong, I simply give up.
Another related aspect they may find no room for…
she’s recovered, time to deport her back to pakistan.
Malala Yousafzai: My new life in Britain won’t make me Western
Welcome to Motel GB – integration optional
As promoted and enabled by the Motel BC
I would just like it if they said Thank you Britain.
But I guess that is asking to much.
if she isnt going to intergrate, then she’s part of the problem. If she doesnt want to become western, then fuck off back to Pakistan luv.
BBC says ‘Brit’ an acceptable abbreviation when they use it:
Subject: Complaint Reply Required
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2013 11:26:38
Thank you for your email. In our headlines we have to work within a set limit of characters and so some abbreviations – like Brit – will be used. In the story we have the space to write words out in full. While we would not use this term in all situations we cannot agree that in this context Brit is racist or pejorative.
Thank you again for contacting us.
BBC News website
Original Message
Sent: 21 September 2013 23:02
To: NewsOnline Complaints
Subject: Complaint Reply Required
In the report of the Nairobi murders, you use the term ‘Brit’ in your headline: ‘Brits caught in Kenya attack.’
‘Brit’ is now a racist term. It is normally used pejoratively or at best sneeringly.
If the headline read ‘Pakis caught in Kenya attack’, the headline writer would be sacked by the BBC.
Could you please stop using it, even in headlines? I notice the story goes on to use the term ‘Britons’ which is acceptable.
This usage illustrates a problem I increasingly notice on your online news website, and that is badly or unedited stories often showing a sort of metropolitan bias.
BBC radio : ‘the Labour front bench as a new look’
Is that an unbiased headline?
Positivity to the fore on the Labour Broadcasting Corporation
Not coming to a BBC programme near you – a reminder of the coming ice age scare of the 70s……
‘In 1975, the National Academy of Sciences published this graph and warned of dramatic global cooling.’
(followed by graph plus selected news items from that time)
Ah, but wait. Here is the story the BBC-IPCC wish to tell you….
(followed by another graph, decline hidden)
‘The next graph overlays the IPCC graph in red on the 1975 National Academy of Sciences graph at the same scale. Our scumbag friends have knocked half a degree off most of the 20th century.
Also note that the (scam) artist who created the IPCC graph forgot to put in the late 1930s peak.
The IPCC in conjunction with NASA and NOAA has completely rewritten Earth’s history, because they are criminally minded political organizations, not scientific ones.
Never mind the actual history of the planet. The IPCC has a dirty job to do and has wiped out most of 20th century history with this graph, that shows no 1940s warmth and no 1970s global cooling scare. There is no “ominous world-wide cooling” shown in the IPCC graph from 1953 to 1973’
you see this?
Caerphilly Council spent half a million quid unlawfully. Any mention of political parties there? No. Which party has been in power since the council’s inception in 1999? Take a wild guess.
Conservative? But then I’m not very good at wild guesses.
Interesting that Avon and Somerset Police are doing the investigating, and not the Monmouthshire constabulary (or even other Welsh forces).
However, the article makes no suggestion that Welsh coppers were considered just a little bit too bent.
Common practice is for other forces to investigate each other to prevent officers involved from being, umm, involved. i.e. Warwks police investigated South Yorks after Hillsborough. Really fucking badly but they investigated all the same!!!!!
Two different forces investigated the Deepcut Valley troop killings, come to that. No foul play, natch.
It is one of those areas where a sheep with a liebor sticker gets auto-elected.
And an area where those sheep go badger-watching ?
Hope they get TB.
only the at the topsy turvy world that is media ala bbc … and Malala
Does a young girl who
got free treatment on our international health service
a free place to stay for her, and her family
now a free home in Birmingham
get semi saint status for being attacked in the Pak?
lauded in the most sycophantic galling manner imaginable?, and I am not saying she shouldn t have received help.
Or does a young girl who gets attacked in say Bolton, Derby, Oxford etc, by the same retarded ideology
gang raped time and time again, and hospitalised, get anywhere near the level of help? – media? – and yes … money spent on them? and their families? A Panorama Special that is not usual, truly a “cause celebre” charting the rise from victim etc?
Help with public speaking? organised media appearances? a very privileged inroad into a future “goodwill” career? … WELL? just where are their priorities ladies and gentlemen?
No of course, they would be English, of course probably white (the pet hate in PC/BBC Gov – Multi-Culti circles),
doors would be more likely firmly shut, the cameras nowhere to be seen … where a cause for those victims is never more needed, or could do so much good in strengthening the public persona of them, all of them
but … Sadly they are NOT Islamic, Pakistani, and brown in colour. Truly the world turned upside down, this is not begrudging anyone, any girl success, it is to highlight the most appalling, appalling, snivelling bias, in the clearest way.
Why should BBC-NUJ report this?:-
‘France 24’:-
“One in two voters back far-right in French by-election”
they won’t report it because it’s not the “far right” It’s ordinary people who have had enough of their country being taken over. – vote UKIP
where was the waiting list for “leave”?, for the visa?
where was the waiting list for accommodation?
where was the waiting list for a house in Birmingham?
I ve heard that about Pak government paying the medical bills, do I believe it? … with our grovelling PC sh-theads of a government falling all over themselves? in actuality, I
don t think they need to.
but hey! … these are not the first family and certainly won t be the last
“I m a Brummy now” etc?
in a private school ” in Birmingham, where she and her family have settled following the attempt on her life.
the teenager said she will never change or become “Western”.
I would think our foreign aid donation to Pakistan would more than cover the actual costs, just hope the civil servant sending the bill isn’t off sick for too long!
The one thing the bBC isn’t mentioning is that the young girl in question wrote incognito for the bBC, then they decided to great fan fare to reveal her name and then she got shot. Why isn’t somebody at the bBC been held to account for this?
and, just what was the harm in that? …
anyone would think that we have a Pak community here, that could contact home in heartbeat? … would think nothing of stitching the poor little lamb up?
That is instilling the same throwback ideals and actions to girls, right here, right now?
Don t you know that Islam is romping through the daisies?
just what? are you inferring?
oooooh! you horrid Islamo-faux-be you!
What’s going on here then?
The BBC is openly repeating and re-editing the footage. The voice over says “last month”, and there’s a chyron in the lower right saying “29 August”. Am I missing something?
Here’s a shocking list of stats:
How much will this, yet another adaptation of ‘War and Peace,’ cost us?
“The Weinstein Co. Boards BBC’s ‘War and Peace’ Adaptation”
Doesn’t matter, the inclusivity of dreadlocked Russian aristocrats makes up for the cost.
Thanks . It’s important for us here to hear what the Palestinian Authority is broadcasting to its own people as we will never hear it on the BBC..
“Dartford Labour Party choose former BBC journalist Simon Thomson to fight for Parliament”
Well, well, well. I mentioned earlier today on this thread that the President’s minions had shut down the Amber Alert website while allowing the First Lady’s personal fitness project to stay up and running. Thanks to complaints in response to the non-Left media and blogosphere’s reporting it, Amber Alert is back in business. In other words, somebody in the Administration (it can’t possibly be the President, right?) picks and chooses what to shut down and what to keep running.
What else has the Community Organizer-in-Chief chosen to shut down now? Not the oil and gas companies working on federal land (the few operations that are left, right?), that’s for damn sure. The aged and infirm get kicked out of their cabin, small businesses are ordered to close their doors, and Vietnam veterans are physically removed from areas in the Mall in DC just like the protesters against the Vietnam War were when those vets were serving. But the President needs that big corporate money and His economy needs oil and gas companies to keep from faltering. So He lets them continue to operate on federal land while apparently forcing small businesses to buy the barricades He’s putting around them.
The BBC refuses to acknowledge this is going on, and instead publishes article after report after article about how Republicans are holding the country hostage and engaging in purely political strategy.
Note to defenders of the indefensible: If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a hundred times: it’s not that I want the BBC to report my viewpoint instead. I want them to allow both viewpoints through without the BBC taking sides. There should be reporting from different perspectives, not just the same angle over and over across the BBC. And I don’t mean simply quoting Boehner or Ted Cruz equaling balance. I’m talking about a report’s angle of approach and overall message. We’re not getting that from the BBC. It’s all very one-sided.
I especially don’t want an obvious ideologue (Dick Meyer) who publishes his political opinions on the BBC website to be producing a nightly BBC news broadcast in my country, a program targeted directly at my fellow citizens, trading on the BBC brand.
I read yesterday that a military golf course which BO uses has remained open for play while the stores on the same camp have been closed. I don’t know if this is true, but it sounds likely.
It’s quite true, Bob. And it’s also true that none of the BBC twitterati have raised an eyebrow.
Is it possible for the BBC’s coverage of US politics to become any more biased? One would think not, but they never cease to amaze.
BTW DP, what do you make of the headline for this week’s Science Hour. Under a picture of the Blessed One: “Free Health Care for All Americans”.
Free, eh?
Apparently Medicaid doesn’t exist and never has. Who knew? And everyone knows that so many people will sign up for health insurance now that insurance companies can offer free policies to those in need. Or something. Unicorns are standing by to take your order. Call now!
The bBC have gone well out of their way in which to big up Al Shabab as whiter than white and that the failure of the Americans to capture their target is an embarrassment of the highest degree. I quote Frank Gardner:
When the most highly trained commandos from the most powerful military in the world attack a sandal-wearing militia and are forced to retreat, this will be seized on as a propaganda victory for al-Shabab”
What Frank isn’t telling you, is that this wasn’t a failure at all. What I hear you say. Yes the primary objective wasn’t met, but the latest bBC news fest for Al-Shabab reports that 200 well armed men have arrived in which to defend the town from attack. Those armed thugs will no doubt be the better trained thugs and at a stroke they have been taken off the front line against the African union in which to sit it out at the rear. In otherwords the balance has shifted in Somalia putting Al-S on the back foot. But hey you’d think the bBC’s so called security expert would have known that, but as usual he hasn’t a scooby do. Then there’s the fear factor the bBC report:
The BBC’s Mohammed Moalimu in Mogadishu says that residents are now afraid to use their phones in case they are accused of being US spies.
The terrorists have been disconnected from their support base and as we have seen in the areas they have lost ground in, once that happens they never get a second chance.
Also hereis something the bBC isn’t informing you why the IC of the mission pulled back:
When Navy SEALs were met with gunfire as they attempted a raid on a seaside militant compound in southern Somalia early Saturday, the commander of the operation had the authority to call in a U.S. airstrike. Instead, he opted to retreat.The site had been under surveillance, and the operation against an al-Qaeda-affiliated group had been in the planning stages, for months, current and former Obama administration officials said Monday. A drone strike against the al-Shabab compound had been rejected, officials said, because there were too many women and children inside, the same reason the commander opted against an airstrike once the operation was underway.
As i mentioned the other night, instead of continuing with their mission by using Air Support (The US always has a spooky gunship in support) and if they had used that air support Any enemy forces attacking the guys on the ground in the area would have ceased to exist . (As well as removing half the town from this plane of existence) Allowing the likes of the bBC to shout out women and children killed by US airstrike..
Instead of the full facts, (remember how frank said they swam ashore, really and if they did how come they had an assault ladder with them?) The bBC gives you conjecture, hype and pure 100% misinformation.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
‘this will be seized on as a propaganda victory for al-Shabab’
As the only person seizing on it so far seems to be Frank, he appears to have shouldered the mantle on behalf of the BBC for a brand new set of sweetheart clients.
Yet another Government policy has been labelled controversial by the inbbc.
Bbc breakfast up in arms this morning because a Government policy actually helps people to get a mortgage.
I can hear now the groans from the shires: what TF ?
How dare they help people get a mortgage.
The problem for the communist inbbc you see, is that the movement of the lower classes into property ownership can possibly elevate some folk from the benefit/social housing bottom rung of society.
It’s a kind of hark back, almost, to that Thatcher policy of Right To Buy.
Working class folk being allowed to get a mortgage?
Oh no, we can’t have that.
The subject here is overcrowding and excess demand for housing.
The same shape of debate occurs on many other issues – the shape is set by the BBC.
The policy seems to be, in practical terms, about the best that Government can do.
Of course the BBC will ignore the real difficulties and instead hammer away with their ‘but some people say….’
The listener is left softened up for the unscrupulous Leftist Miliband to come along and promise to build a million affordable new homes.
To which a sensible comentator would reply ‘yeah really? – You and whose army?’
“affordable new homes” Love that creepy public sector-speak expression. Affordable to the occupants or affordable to the rest of us? Truth is it’s a house or flat, not a “home”. It’s social housing under another name, Homes for Labour voters aka gerrymandering.
I always wonder who’s buying all these unaffordable homes that seem to be on the market.
Beeb, you’re needed over at the comments section to Owen Jones column in the Independent. Someone has denigrated the sainted Ralph.
JOHN CAMERON 1 days ago
I came across Ralph Miliband on a number of occasions in the 1960s and he was deeply unpleasant man who got a lot of silly students into all sorts of trouble. Professing Marxist views which his own lifestyle belied, he was archetypal of a radical chic whose hypocrisy taints my memory of an otherwise idealistic decade.
And like all good Marxists he set up a trust to protect his wealth for the benefit of his family.
Taxpayer-funded schooling at an exclusive, oik-free comprehensive, like those special schools for Nomenklatura brats.
The bBC is currently running an article about how J Paxman is opining about how the PM said something about the Great War last Oct.
Here is what the bBC isn’t telling you
I would expect Paxman to be more open on his ‘leftist’ political views, the closer he gets to retirement.
‘Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman has criticised the prime minister for comments ‘
Of the BBC, by the BBC, for the BBC.
It’s a genetic thing. If a smidge inbred.
For Idiots, By Idiots, Celebrating Ignorance
Wonder what the muppet thought?
Or the blue guy she was interviewing.
The linked BBC article is being less than honest in failing to mention that Paxman has a book to sell on the subject. They would certainly seek to undermine the comments of anyone other than a Beeboid/fellow traveler by hinting at grubby commercial motives.
Hampstead Harrabin not sure who to praise the more:
his high-cost greenie chums, or their part-financer, the E.U.
“EU hails ICAO plan for global green tax on aviation”
Of course, much of Hampstead Harrabin’s flying expenses and massive carbon footprint (e.g. in Beeboid trips to climate propaganda conferences in Brazil) will be paid for by BBC licencepayers.
Not sure about ‘bury’, but as I skim the overnights (some great ones here BTW; hope to find time later to chip in) I do wonder about some confusion tactics either by sheer coincidence or strategic choice.
In the ‘blue’ corner it seems press freedoms have had a set back:
However, in the red, just had this email from 38 degrees:
‘The government’s plan to silence criticism is whizzing through parliament. [1] Alongside other organisations – from Oxfam to the Countryside Alliance – 38 Degrees members have been turning up the pressure on MPs. [2] And it’s working. Today, the government tried to grab back the initiative. They’ve published changes to the plans which they say would address the main concerns. [3]
But they’re trying to dupe us – and dupe MPs. Their suggested changes are cosmetic, not substantial.
Is this all part and parcel of the same thing, or a SNAFU/Cluster-fudge special by the activist/media elite, using 11th hour tactics and a policy lobby system that favours those who seem to have free time between 9 and 5?
I know this is about school and not the bBC. But I think there is a link, that is the infiltration of the lefty politically correct, etc etc; in both education and bBC.
Also I am sick and tired of listening to this feeble lefty excuse of them being from poor families. My origins are from a normal working class background. We considered ourselves normal to a majority of people. That being Brixton council flat, failed 11+, secondary modern school, left school at 15. By today’s standards we should have needed an army of Social workers to survive. No we were normal and the lefty excuse that the lack of financial affluence excuses all the failings is a lefty myth.
BBC trumpets, almost breathlessly, that Mr K Carol, and Mr S Lennon (T Robinson) have left the English Defence League … and have joined the Quilliam foundation?.
… lattes all round?.
Immediately proceed to have a spokesman for the,(far right far right, waaycist, bigot) Quilliam foundation, who then states that they have not joined the Quilliam foundation?.
BBC host then bleats the unfortunate phrase” but they have … (I kid you not) … decapitated the EDL”
sheesh! sounds a bit like something an imam would say doesn t it, well at least A Neale, J Paxman, Nihal, the Free Speech programme, and Panto Campbell won t get so embarrassed again … or will they? 😀
UK political class (inc INBBC) embraces the Islamic Quilliam Foundation(QF), which was founded by three ex-members of Islamic jihad supporting group, Hizb ut-Tahrir.
QF receives public finance:-
The Islamic QF opposes Geert Wilders, and campaigns for the wearing of the niqab/burqa in UK.
Quilliam is named after a Liverpool man who converted to Islam in 19th century. Note he was a supporter of imposing a global Caliphate. Little wonder the Islamic Quilliam Foundation is pleased to be politically associated with the name?
“The foundation takes its name from Abdullah Quilliam, a 19th Century British convert to Islam who founded a mosque in Liverpool. This is an ironic choice since Abdullah Quilliam was an opponent of the British Empire and a supporter of the Caliphate. He also argued that Muslims should not fight Muslims on behalf of European powers, citing specifically Britain’s enlistment of Muslim soldiers against the resistance in Sudan. In all these respects his activities correspond to those that the individuals running the Quilliam Foundation today hold up as evidence of extremism.”
Waymen Bennet, the vicious, violent, foaming at the mouth Marxist scum, once more given an easy ride on Five Live just now, this time by the Rupert Bear of in-depth political interviewing, Tony “OK, OK, OK” Livesey.
Livesey makes Holly Willoughby look like Roland Friesler.
Victoria Derbyshire off. Again.
one of the perks of so many “airmiles” 😀
yep! … paraded like some “voice of reason”????
Honcho of the gutter thugs – the UAF …
only at the al bbc eh!, folks its going to get a lot worse,
Panto Campbell has an … ahem … exclusive interview? oohhyeazzindeedee! …
And the Quilliam Foundation strangely turns from an anti extremism to anti fascism organisation within half an hour according to BBC reporting?.
Expect a production line of award winning, self righteous
Islamic R.O.Peace gobshites … and all the usual political suspects to get a ” lorra! lorra! ” airtime on the BBC.
This is (or isn’t it?) not much to do with BBC news reporting bias…
But I figured it was OK to share as the BBC news is seldom much to do with reporting, unbiased or otherwise, either.
Mail & Guardian (I mean the Africa Mail & Guardian) are onto this story as was this mornings (London) Metro…. but how about the ANC supporting, racially sensitive BBC?
“If you don’t respect those in leadership, if you don’t respect authority then you are bordering on a curse,” said Zuma.
Come on BBC – ‘world have your say’ and all that
Now if this had been Putin or some non-BBC approved world leader…..
South Africa… only racially flattering left-orientated good news allowed
‘A South African union representing car workers has agreed a new pay deal, ending a month-long strike that has crippled the industry.’
I feel a celebratory tribal war dance coming on… all those in the BBC news room… all together now… Katanga Katanga my friends!
On the version of BBC iplayer that is on my Sony blu-ray player [probably on other internet TVs and DVDs and suchlike] there is an option to view television programs by category: news, comedy, entertainment etc…
Question Time is listed under ‘Factual’ as well as ‘News’, although none of the other news programs are listed under factual. The other programs in factual are documentaries.
Question time is not factual. It rarely, if ever, contains any factual or true statements.
If they were honest they’d create a new category option of ‘Blatant Left-wing Propaganda’ for programs like: Question Time, Newsnight, Panorama.
Lord Hall announces exciting new services at the Beeb including: “[…] a BBC Store will be launched, offering people in the UK the chance to buy BBC shows to watch and keep.”
Errrr… I thought I’d already paid for them the first time.
Did he say anything about erasing BBC bias? Did he even mention it?
Rule One of BBC Club: We do not talk of bias
They might give you a discount….. 🙂
Last night on BBC4 I watched the show hosted by Rageh Omah on the history of Turkey.
A few small points. The usual BBC endless shots of the presenter doing very little . Why do they do this? it is patronising and pointless.
More importantly Rageh was allowed to present a rather triumphalist view. Imagine if a white Englishman had presented a glowing account of the Indian empire. It would never happen.
He was careful to inform us that to the Christian West it was the fall of Constantinople ( one of the Golden Apples the other being Rome) but to the Islamic world it was the conquest. He was careful to use the word conquest henceforth.
I await futher instalments with interest. I suspect the history of Turkey will be sanitised and concentrate on the 16th /17 th centuries rather than the period of decay but we will see.
One last point. He made much of Islamic architecture in the European provinces. As Salisbury Cathedral had been built for 200 years I hardly think we benighted Western Europeans have much to feel inferior about.
It cannot be stressed too often that Constantinople was a Byzantine city long before it was taken by force from it’s inhabitants. It was never the creation of the Turks .
Do love a good ‘questions raised’ about the BBC.
They can hardly kick up a fuss at such usage.
Except for the question about criminality regarding his Songs of Praise commissions (intriguing, but I have no idea what this would be about), the rest of it reads pretty much as a clear explanation of why the BBC brought Aaqil Ahmed in to be head of their religious broadcasting. All the negatives listed there are positives from the perspective of Beeboids. Aside from his inability to stick to a budget, that is, which is something the BBC wouldn’t be seeing as a negative so much if not for the recent spate of bad press about their wastefulness.
“The usual BBC endless shots of the presenter doing very little.”
Lucy Worsley’s presentation of “A Very British Murder” on BBC 4 was another example. Endless shots of the woman doing this, doing that, walking here, walking there, standing in front of the thing she’s talking about.
Serious documentaries used to concentrate on the subject matter. In some instances, the presenter wasn’t even visible. The recent ones have become little more than irritating ego trips for D-list TV personalities.
and D list academics who bend in accordance with whatever wind is blowing that day rather than use their speciality to give us new insights.
Pity I missed him telling us about the massive slaughter when Constantinople fell, the persecution of Christians ever since, or the inspiration for the city’s Blue Mosque from the converted Church of Hagia Sophia down the road. I hope to catch the episode on the Armenian Genocide episode though.
What next – a series on how Omar’s native Somalia can teach us civilised values?
Not a BBC link, just thought some of you might like a laugh at just how little insight and intellect you actually need these days in order to get a regular writing gig at a popular website.
It’s funny enough reading this idiot’s pandering, PC tripe, but it’s even funnier when you know about some of the absolutely disgusting, vile, blatantly racist things he’s said about Caucasian/Europeans in the past, particularly calling them ‘white devils.’ Unfortunately, Cracked has in recent years devolved into nothing more than a poorly-researched, poorly informed neo-liberal social commentary club instead of the supposed comedy that it promotes as being its aim, under the watchful eye of known Marxist David Wong – a man so hateful towards his own hideous whiteness that he chooses a pseudonym that makes him sound oriental (his real name is the unacceptably white ‘Jason Pirgin’).
Any one of these hacks would do well on the BBC or in the Guardian.
Is Pirgin English? 😉