Right folks, the clock is ticking down as another year of BBC bias draws to a close. Here is the final OPEN thread of the year for you to fill up…over to you!
BBC report of a second bomb in Russia is unclear whether it was the work of the Religion of Peace, although they hint that the first bomb was connected with them.
I wonder if Putin will appear on TV to say that it has nothing to do with Islam and set up a task force to oversee the arrest of Islamophobes.
What I am finding increasingly revolting is the BBC’s focus on the security of the games rather than an in-depth analysis of why these foul attacks are happening; people are dying as a result of cold-blooded murder but the Leftist BBC prefer to center on Russian security systems.
The reports, today, have been so disrespectful of the dead and their families… you imagine it. A friend or family member is blown to pieces by swivel-eyed Jihadi lunatic and to compound matters, a foreign media channel is going around criticizing your country’s ability to provide security for forthcoming winter Olympic games. Never mind that Muslims are indiscriminately blowing people up, again, the BBC are more interested in criticizing Russia’s security system.
Look now don t be silly
It was clearly stated on 5live this morning that it’s all Putin s fault for pulling in a zero tolerance attitude, if only he would accommodate radical mosques, and allow jihadism to flourish.?
It would all be sound as a pound, all hearts and flowers etc? And Pass that lovin cup yay Olympics .
Vlad boo hiss Putin eh bloody Islamofauxbe
The bBBC is more concerned with the security of the Winter Olympics because it is their first boondoggle of 2014, promising us more than 200 hours of coverage from, presumably, hundreds of staff having another nice holiday at our expense.
Also, and no disrespect to the highly talented Formula 1 champion Michael Schumacher, why is the accident of a sporting hero, tragic though it is, given priority of place in our national news website over that of another terrorist atrocity – the second within 24 hours or so? If it were a Christian attack on some Muslim town there would be wall-to-wall coverage, vehicle tannoys traveling the streets and in-depth analyses and finger pointing from all angles.
That was also their lead story on the evening television news. If I, or my partner were to suffer head injuries from a skiing accident, I wonder if we’d get a mention on the news?
And eighteen killed by an Islamist bomb, somewhere in Russia is, of course, of secondary importance to some sporting bloke who’d had an unfortunate incident whilst skiing off piste.
Yes, there’s definitely a lot of damage limitation going on here. I’ve been watching the BBC and the rest of our crappy UK news outlets all day and it’s almost as if they follow the same news sequence sheet as each of their reports follow the same order. It’s almost as if they’re just reading from the Guardian… hang on. Perhaps….
Maybe its to hide that Prince Bandar, Saudi Arabia’s spy chief, threatened Putin about attacks on the winter Olympics? If he didn’t back out of Syria. And continually making Putin to be the bogey man, as his influences over Russia defy mafia style globalization through NATO and the UN. Makes you wonder how much more influence these outside oligarchs (using corporate influences to get their own way) have on Uk and US politics, than the average voter have, and how the same old institutions are the financial backers of the real bogey men, Islamist-Wahhabi-sunni- muslim-Al CIA da-terrorists.
International Aid for any one, any one!
who opposes our global methods, Any one!
And I see this morning news of the Muslim terrorist slaughter has conveniently slipped off the BBC news radar. BBC bosses and their minions will no doubt be sweating in their boardrooms and breathing a sigh of relief hoping that the sheeple will have forgotten that, yet again, the religion of ‘peace’ has been the inspiration for murder and mayhem.
The sheeple of whom you speak, require only another exciting episode of ‘stenders to erase any memories of things horrible, should they happen by chance to have seen any news.
Sadly that is the way of our world now. We are unable to change that.
Yes, the BBC often boasts that its news coverage is comprehensive, with analysis and investigation about the stories “behind the headlines”. Strangely, this mission to explain completely vanishes when Islamic terrorism rears its ugly and ubiquitous head.
To be fair, if they started then they would never stop. It wouldn’t just be attacks in Russia, they would have to report the ugly truth about Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Mali, Somalia etc etc, plus the internal tensions in many western countries. The list is so long it would reveal the uncomfortable truth that there is hardly any conflict on earth at the moment that does not have Islam at its core.
Good point and as you allude, highly unlikely. He is more likely to get them by any means and not be too concerned about the judicial process, in other words stand up to them and not appease.
The reports from Russia by Daniel Sandford on the BBC News channel make reference to the speculation that the attacks may come from Islamic insurgents in the North Caucasus including Dagestan, which he refers to as being ‘under Russian rule’. There are many ethnic groups there I believe and no one group dominates but as I understand it these are Republics which joined the Russian Federation after the fall of the Soviet tyranny.
The use of the words ‘under Russian rule’ implies to me that Dagestan is some kind of subjugated colony.
In the USA California is a State within the US Federation. Would the BBC say that California is ‘under US rule’, if for example there were people there who demanded withdrawal from the Republic (there are I believe) or under any circumstances ?
It seems once again they are choosing their words carefully to influence the viewer, and they indicate a bias and a decided point of view.
But certainly not likely to be the last piece of bias by the BBC this year.
BBC Radio 4 Today programme headlines a news segment at just after 8:00 a.m. this morning by claiming that Mr Cridland, Director General of the CBI, is”…. calling on companies to pay their workers more…”
Hmmmm ….. plays to the Labour Party ‘living wage’ narrative – tick; doesn’t reflect well on the Conservative government – tick; shows the government is out of touch with even its normal allies in big business – tick. Job Done.
But, of course, this was not at all what Mr Cridland was saying. According to the actual clip of the interview with Mr Cridland, played just after this claim, he actually states “ …As the economy improves, productivity will improve, overtime will increase and it should be possible for people to EARN more.”
There is a difference.
It’s little, niggly, but barbed, mis-quotes like these which the BBC is becoming so adept at launching upon the public. You watch, in the next week or so, someone from the Labour Party or the BBC chatterati will come out with the mantra that ‘the government is so isolated in their views, that even the CBI now supports the Labour policy of increasing pay rates and giving workers a ‘living wage’’. It’s how they work on the liberal left.
Its a pity he didn’t ask why the people at the BBC got a pay increase year on year.The interviewer tried his hardest to dismiss everything Mr Cridland said .
A rather good “Start the Week” was spolied a bit by Andrew Marrs repeated efforts to paint the Tories as somehow not being as worthy an option to him as the Liberals.
Marrs interjections towards Gove were clearly attempts to give us all a “progressive and forward-thinking” view of history that a clever chap like Gove might like…but his Tory/Whig nature was somehow something that he might wish to jettison in order to please Marrs view of things.
By no means a bad programme-Tom Holland was excellent, and it was a civilised and decent stab at discussing the role of history in schools and society-but Marr really should stop the asides that reveal his prejudices…and being mortified by superinjuctions, nearly dying of a stroke ought to have taught him a bit more than “Goves OK, but will be better when he becomes a Liberal” type of cliche.
Not bad-but can do better Marr! Check your privileges eh?…you`ve quite a few of them being a BBC top earner!
Anyone else noticed the contradiction between the photogenic snaps used to illustrate the plight of the climate-warmists trapped in Antarctica; and, the excuses/reality of the miserable weather preventing their rescue?
Here’s a little thing I noticed on the page Joe linked to. On the right, under the banner of, Features, I saw a picture of the some of those who died in 2013.
Nelson Mandela
A Bollywood actress ?????
Lou Reed
Hugo Chavez
Funny thing is, when I looked at the list of those that past away, I could not help but think, apart from a few noticeable exceptions, some of these people, like the Bollywood actress, I have never heard of, or have any relevance to the UK or the world in general.
Its also interesting to see how they view people like Chavez and NM compared to Lady Thatcher.
Typical BBC.
Suppose there was not enough time to elevate Ronnie Biggs to national treasure who sadly left us this year.
All they needed to do was photoshop Biggs mug onto the body of Jimmy Savile from 2011-in that great Christmas tribute they don`t seem keen to repeat.
Still-health tourist, bastard mixed race kid or two, stuck it to Thatch as she tried to privatise the trains( my BBC…my take on history…OK?)…and mocked the cops after Robert Mark got above himself in dealing with the Met.
In short-a BBC hero.
Imagine it`ll be a week of ululations when they smoke Howard Marks in a rizla rollie sometime soon.
Good old BBC…endorsing the criminal classes since 1979…they`ve got an awful lot in common, as well as unpaid taxes and a hotline to Savile…still open at premium rates, I bet.
We need a Biggs-Mandela index.
Ian Brady, Howard Marks, Rosemary West, Robert Mugabe…who do YOU think deserves the ten minutes silence/applause?
Phone Uncle Jim now…Roundhay 666.
The irony seems to escape the BBC, climate-warmers trapped in the ice they are claiming is being decimated by man made global warming. Surely if they totally believe in their own ’cause’ they have only to wait for a short time for the ice to melt. No need to call in the ice breakers, have some faith in the BBC ‘experts’, Al Gore et al.
Better still can you imagine seeing Obama coming to the rescue, single handed paddling through the ice in an Red Indian’s canoe ( the Mohicans are the only race he hasn’t claimed to be descended from the up to this point.)
In the spirit of balance that some feel even posters must display, may I offer how much I appreciated this caption on the last image, of a person pointing a boom mike at a troop of penguins… ‘The purpose of the expedition has been to re-trace the steps of Antarctic explorer Douglas Mawson’
‘Left, left, left, right, left…’
Those ‘cruise’ ‘tourists’ certainly seem to have located some mighty shifting narratives since the headier early days… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-25519059
By the end of this if they are not all in Hawaiian shorts sipping Mojitos reprising favourite episodes of ‘The Love Boat’ I won’t be surprised.
“Science?… no science here, mate”
Can anyone give me a valid reason why Cherie Blair should have been in the audience of Strictly’s Xmas edition? Do I suppose she paid for a ticket? I watched this on iplayer so it did not spoil the day but it did give me a nasty shock a couple of days ago.
I know someone who applied to appear in the audience. Basically you are notified a few weeks in advance if you are lucky enough to be chosen. I suspect she was put on the top of the list.
Purposeful posing Miliband gets BBC webpage with no counter arguments.
Mr Miliband signalled he wanted the squeeze on living standards to remain the major political backdrop in 2014.
And the BBC is happy to extend his coverage without asking the difficult questions such as: “What viable polcies do you propose to eliminate the ‘cost of living crisis’ ? “
And the BBC is happy to extend his coverage without asking the difficult questions such as: “What viable polcies do you propose to eliminate the ‘cost of living crisis’ ? “
or to ask about Labour’s part in the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’, e’g’
– Wages have being falling, in real terms, since 2002
– To change people’s behaviour, Labour introduced or increased a raft of environmental taxes and charges on domestic energy, flights, petrol and diesel
– Labour introduced the above inflation ‘Rail Fares Escalator’
– Labour allowed Council Tax Charges to double, overall (and by more than that in some Labour Controlled councils)
– Labour screwed up the economy – the huge chasm of sovereign debt left by Brown and Balls, an unmanageable deficit and Labour’s on-going liabilities means that we are all worse off…and will be for years to come.
You’re right ember, is there anyone in the BBC who has the integrity to ask these questions?
Since when did we get a “New Year Message” from the UNITE-sponsored suck puppet “Leader of the Opposition”?
Will the BBC report any counter-argument to this Lilyband lard?
Or is he on a par with the Pope, Archbishop, Queen these days?
Whatever else I need-I need no views of the squitson of a Marxist Laurie Taylor who`s turned the countrys energy provision just north of needing all those elastic bands from the postie so we can create a turbine of our own.
Not that the BBC would ask me-just feel and believe!
Lying hounds, the lot of `em!
Frankly, the state of BBC reporting these days, a bit of cheeky hacking may actually be more a force for greater stability in most areas.
As one already vastly impressed by the BBC’s reliance in the BBC’s own beliefs, this did amuse: ‘The BBC’s security team believes it managed to secure the site on Saturday 28 December’
Reassured? NO? Well, don’t think of asking. ‘”We do not comment on security issues,” a BBC spokesman told Reuters.’
Bask in the trust, gaze in wonder at the transparency. They really are unaccountable.
‘Daily Mail’, not BBC-NUJ fights against preferential treatment for Muslims:-
“Daily Mail lifts veil of secrecy judge threw over trial of two Muslim lawyers on trial for perverting the course of justice ‘for cultural reasons.’
“Reporting the case of Asha Khan, 30, and Kashif Khan, 34, was banned.
“The order was made to prevent them being shamed in their community.
“But after a legal challenge from the Daily Mail, the restrictions were lifted.
“Asha Khan was found guilty of attempting to pervert the course of justice.
“She and Kashif were said to be involved in a plot to switch speeding points.
“But Kashif, Asha’s brother, was acquitted after arguing he did not know.
“Eight months after an extraordinary legal battle over secret justice, this paper is at last able to report how a judge sought to protect two Muslim defendants from publicity for ‘cultural reasons’.
“Initially, Judge Peter Hughes banned reporting of the case against brother and sister Kashif and Asha Khan, both solicitors, who stood accused of helping their father dodge a speeding fine.
“This was after he had heard that Miss Khan would find it hard to testify against her father in public because of her cultural background.
“Only after an appeal by the Mail did Judge Hughes overrule his ban, declaring: ‘People of all faiths and no faith should be treated in precisely the same way.’
“Yes, it is welcome that sense has prevailed. But isn’t it deeply disturbing that British judges should need reminding of the two most fundamental principles of justice: transparency and equality before the law?”
“You can’t parody Islam, says Palin:
Monty Python star believes religious sensitivities have increased so much it would be impossible to make Life of Brian today.”
Judge Peter Hughes reversed his original ban after deciding that the principle of open justice was more important than saving the embarrassment of a defendant.
Duh, no shit Sherlock. Peter Hughes – a disgrace to his profession and his country.
The Law in this country is not a profession, it is a racket. Medicine, Engineering, Science are true professions, requiring hard-earned study and rigorous application. Now look at most of our ‘judges’ and the likes of the Blairs and Mansfield and tell me they are professionals……i will split my sides.
a law degree is a lot harder than medicine. just ask any doctor what the hardest part of their degree is. they’ll tell you when they have to study law. you have to memorise word for word case law and statue
not all lawyers are earning millions abusing the system. some do actually protect peoples rights for less than 25 grand a year
the only thing i miss about the legal profession are the thank you cards, flowers, chocys, bottles of wine, crates of beer that working class clients (like me) gave me when unscrupulous businesses sued them for money they didnt owe, and put them through hell. i used to have great fun wiping the floor with them
oh btw, tens of thousands of people die every year because of dodgy doctors, bad engineers and oaps freezing to death because of corrupt scientists. they’re all scum and without lawyers, even more would be dying.
God bless the legal profession. could you imagine a world witjhou
Is Palin kidding? It’s easier than ever to make fun of Christian religion. The Book of Mormon is one of the biggest Broadway hits of all time. Jerry Springer The Opera had less problems than the Life of Brian did when it came out.
Of course, he has to say that to soften the blow of what he’s really concerned about, and we all know what that is. It’s okay to say Mohammedans are a mite too sensitive when you also say Christians make it too difficult as well. Still, it’s nice to see such a British National Treasure echoing Mark Thompson’s comment which, when said by anyone here or just of the favored Left, would be met with cries of Racist, Islamophobe!
Yes. As far as I can see, there’s only one religious group that threatens to kill en masse if offended. The most you might get from a Free Church protest group is a telling-off for putting your washing out on the Sabbath. However, an ardent follower of the religion of peace might introduce you to the sharp side of a kebab knife!
What I’d like to see is somebody really nail the BBC for this…..I don’t know whether to call it hypocrisy or doublethink. As Palin’s remark reminds us, Mark Thompson has stated that the BBC tends to treat Islam and almost anything Muslims do with kid gloves because they’re not white. At the same time, they admit that fear of violence plays a significant part in it.
Yet out of the other side of their mouths, the BBC will say that other people who say the exact same things are wrong because they’re racist, as Muslims tend not to be white.
Mark Thompson and a BBC National Treasure have stated uncategorically what the BBC would call Islamophobia if anyone outside the right-on crowd said it, and it’s high time they were publicly called out for it.
The Antarctic ship saga continues. The BBC – which together with the Guardian has people on board this Global Warming jolly / “research expedition”- is downplaying it all. Its last report made out it is all “Good fun”.
That is a ridiculous story to print. We knew that Aurora Australis, the 3rd ship to try to break through the ice to rescue the Ship of Fools has failed. And apparently Sky is now reporting that the idea of a ship rescue is over, helicopter evacuation is starting. So more massive costs for a Global Warming cock-up that the BBC is trying to cover up.
The classic statement was by the greenie “expedition” leader – “climate change is reducing sea ice”.
But to cheer us up, here is one of the Guardian loons on board, now getting depressed :
There really needs to be an enquiry about why the BBC was committed to this long trip. Presumably it was to give them stories about global warming in Antarctica – ice poles melting etc. But all the science – the REAL science – has been showing this is NOT happening. So the trip was likely to be a waste of money – it should not have been approved in the first place. And if the ship is broken up by the ice there will be a real ecological mess in what is meant to be a pristine environment., where real scientists take enormous care not to spill oil or do anything to adversely affect the Antarctic.
The BBC politburo doesn’t see the real science. Even if they do, it won’t compute. It doesn’t fit the agreed narrative, therefore it doesn’t exist. This how ‘science’ works at the BBC – especially climate science.
Only approved comrades may be invited to pass comment on anything climate-related, whether they come from vetted academic backgrounds or from the BBC’s own CAGW-approved, taxpayer-funded chums in the Met Office. This is how the BBC guarantees it always gets the ‘climate science’ it has decided it wants to ‘report’.
The Ship of Fools has been a delightful, unexpected Christmas present to climate sceptics – planned as a publicly-funded jolly to gather ‘evidence’ for the warmist cause, it quickly – some may say predictably – degenerated into yet another howling own-goal for the CAGW zealots, exposing yet again just how worryingly frail their grasp on the actual facts of the entire climate issue is.
None of this, naturally enough, has prevented the BBC from gleefully reporting anything but the truth – so we are first informed that this was merely a ‘tourist’ cruise, perhaps with a few scientists on board. Strangely, then, most of the talking heads interviewed turned out to be ‘climate scientists’ and all, to a man or woman, agree that despite being landlocked in now record-breaking expanses of thick, impenetrable Antarctic ice, they are in fact victims of ‘receding ice’ caused by, well, y’know…that climate change stuff. Everything is proof – they just have to say it is.
You can’t make this stuff up. Sadly, that won’t stop them trying.
I still hope the weather closes in to prevent helicopter evacuation – and they are all forced to trek across the unstable ice. Their loonie Warmist ideas are causing fuel poverty and aching cold among old folk here – time they had some of their own medicine.
Irrespective of your position on climate change it seems rather churlish to wish ill upon those currently trapped by the ice.
Glad to note that you have now (belatedly) identified that there is only one person associated with the BBC on board. By my count that means 73 of those on board are not associated with the BBC.
Given that their fuel policies kill thousands of people every year, this seems like a small piece of payback. It won’t stop them of course, they are religious zealots, no different from the Shi’ite idiots who whip themselves with chains. I recall a similar idiot who tried to row to the north pole, and who also had to be recued from the ice pack. I would not trust these fools in a rubber room.
By “their fuel policies” I assume you mean successive governments as opposed to the BBC . It is of course the former that put in place the legislation and as far as I am aware no member of the BBC staff currently has a vote in the House of Commons.
Laurence Topham edits for the BBC
Alok Jha has been reporting on the BBC World Service
and Andrew Luck-Baker is a senior science editor at the BBC.
Quit whining, Albie, get your facts straight. And more to the point – deal with the main issues – the whole expedition is a Warmist debacle, and the BBC has failed to report on it properly
Absolutely, John. Here is the CV on poor diddums Laurence from spiritofmawson, tells you all you need to know, really;
He has also produced documentaries about the death penalty, the US presidential elections (2008-2012), Hurricane Sandy, the UK riots 2011, the Syrian refugee crisis, Martin Luther King and most recently polar bears under threat from global warming in sub-arctic Canada.
A laugh a minute, your call on bbc5live this morning
As at least 3 callers disappeared into the ether after voicing the painful truth about Britain being full re Syrian refugees …. Puff gone!
The fact of the Muslim penchant for war even with each other
Puff gone!
A chap recently returned from said Syria , commented that once Assad is gone! any westerners ala US,UK or Euro would be next, such is anti western feeling, and that a large number of refugees are families of jihadi s who want to die for Allah and have been taught to hate us.
Yep! He was history too.
Ah the joys of diversity …. Along with the comforting news that Turkey is now chief financial supporter of Hamas overtaking Iran, Dave can t wait to get them into the euro … I mean … what could go wrong
Nigel Farage calls for Syrian refugees to be allowed into UK
If at all, we should only let in the Christian Refugees from Syria in my view. If we let any of them in regardless of their Religion we will be importing even more Jihadists and that would just be ridiculous in the current climate. But then why listen to me I’m obviously just a racist Islamophobic fruitcake and really everything here is fine and dandy.
Christian persecution in the Middle East by Moslems is very real but the BBC will not publicise this at all. (The interview on Radio 4’s Today programme ( reported here some time ago ) managed to omit who was responsible and accused Israel even though Israel is the only country in the Middle East where the Christian population is growing.)
At least, whilst the bBBC’s regular commentators take their long holidays, Arif Ansari as stand-in political reporter helps the bBBC to tick another of the Guardian’s long-running whinges: there aren’t enough ‘people of colour’ in the media.
In their latest article on the subject, their token black man fills all the stereotypes: more journalists ‘of colour’ would help them report better on inner city riots, gun violence, prison and rap music! http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/dec/29/politico-journalists-to-watch-no-person-of-color
This ‘stand-in’… by chance this one?: ‘If UKIP sticking with a policy is a “surprise” as Arif Ansari (the BBC political correspondent) suggests, I wonder why that would be the case. cough BBC cough.’
If so, maybe the problem is there are not enough people of competence, objectivity and integrity in the media, or they have been shunted out by box-tick lightweights and diversity hustlers? Or the hires have been more for ‘safety’ than professional ability?
Interesting reading the Graun comments, and what is getting zero recommends and what’s topping the list: “but where is the diversity? Do we honestly not have any journalists of color in the upper tier?” What colour do you have to be to be diverse anyway? Sounds a bit wacist to me if white people don’t count as diverse just because of their skin colour.
Seems the effnik outrage industry has suddenly hit a certain amount of equality reality itself.
Arif Ansari is useless, he was foisted on BBC North West to make it a bit less hideously white. We also have a Nigerian weather forecaster who cannot speak English. Heavy rain will bring “flods in Combria” it would appear. Whatever a person’s race, once upon a time a basic familiarity with the English language and pronunciation who have been considered a pretty basic requirement for a job at the BBC, but it seems that is oldthink.
I wonder if there’s a Yorkshire man presenting the weather forecast on Congolese television ?
I’m going to take a wild guess, no, yet there’s no accusations that the Congolese are ‘waaycist,’ but the ‘wace’ industry is a racket to give whites a guilt trip, all part of marxist critical theory.
Rob – So you are also a victim of what can only be described as the crapfest of North West. We often hope that there is rain in Cumbria when Eno is on just to hear “Wain in Cwumbia.” Apparently she started off doing the autocue. I particularly enjoy when she does reports on the arts (NOT!!) as Any surprise that the NF candidate for major of Liverpool refused an interview with Arif. Regular readers will remember that I have complained several times on several issues with North West of course I am always wrong.
‘Just a test..”
Given your volume and tone thus far, Albaman, the phrase ‘back with a vengeance’ could have been coined for your big return.
Shame not much yet accompanied by any actual on-topic point.
If you are to be designated DOTI lead here for the new year with such calibre of input, the BBC may not even make it to Charter renewal.
You really are a piece of work. You know full well that the BBC heavily censor all comments and frequently allow no comments at all on contentious issues, or quickly close down comments when the BBC tax payers views don’t meet the criteria of BBC editors. Once again you set yourself up as the arbiter of rational free speech on Biased BBC knowing full well that if you made similar innuendoes at the BBC blogs, you would have your comment removed or be banned without appeal.
You are the worst kind of fellow traveller for the idiotic and illogical Marxist liberal policies the BBC have been propagandising for years and which have done such damage to the United Kingdom and the lives of so many oppressed peoples throughout the world.
“BBC signs news exchange agreement with al-Jazeera” (2003).
In INBBC’s own politically biased words:-
“It [Al Jazeera]is based in Qatar and has built its reputation on its independence which has led to a number of exclusives, including broadcast footage of, and filmed statements by, Osama Bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda. ”
The report on the ‘flag talks’ in Northern Ireland is illustrated on the News Channel by a group of men carrying Union flags attacking others. We then cut to Sinn Fein politicians portrayed as ‘voices of reason’.
Bias anyone?
Given Albaman has set fine precedent on what does or may not be covered about one place in another place, there’s a possibility (beyond being a bit close to home, even though the BBC probably no longer considers itself anything to do with actual journalism) this one may not see light of day under the daily ‘But Labour says…’ slot… http://order-order.com/2013/12/30/quote-of-the-day-772/
The comments to the Graun article would also surprise a few who think they can say or do anything without consequence so long as they have the right rosette.
Somehow, I think the BBC will love this. Jowell’s only referring to the Murdoch press, of course, not to those on the side of the angels. The bit before her outburst was this:
Moments later Jowell mentions that she has trained as a community organiser, and I picture another box being ticked – “Just like Obama, you see!”
Everything she says seems a bit too conveniently perfect, as if contrived to please, and this knowing little voice in my head keeps coming up with reasons to doubt her – until we touch on her marriage.
Sharing a past job description with The Obamessiah is meant to be perfect, is it? Then the reporter goes weak at the knees and is convinced that Jowell is the genuine article and not a politician merely presenting an image. BBC associate producers are probably on the phone with her people (or tweeting them) as I write this, trying to get her in the studio for three or four different shows.
‘Somehow, I think the BBC will love this’
Darn it… you read beyond the headline. if everyone does this, the twittonewsphere will cease to serve is intended role.
Of course, Guido ‘editted’ just as the BBC is wont to do, albeit to share the love rather than the BBC and Graun’s more frequent focusing of bile down very narrow biases of their own.
I actually detected a glimmer of concern even in the Graun reporterettage that her subject was a few fish short of a wife, but even if not the comments by CiFers suggest some work to be done to convince.
Harry Coles is a dope, then, if he thinks Jowell was referring to all of them. As for the concern displayed by the reporter, I’m starting to think that was all an act so she could maintain some iota of credibility after the gushing conclusion. “I was cynical about this politician, just a like a proper journalist should be, honest!”
Now that I think about it, I suppose Jowell would be making the BBC rounds anyway due to her retirement announcement. In any event, we’ll see if any of this interview finds its way into BBC segments with her.
‘Harry Coles is a dope, then, if he thinks Jowell was referring to all of them.’
I don’t think he is, or does. Possibly he knew exactly what his edit may lead to.
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC) on Islamikazes in Russia-
Pamela Geller:-
“More Muslim converts who misunderstand Islam. Enough already. They understand all too well. The problem is in Islam — and the problem is we can’t talk about the problem. Misunderstanders of Islam. Pathetic.”
No class. He should just admit he got it wrong and leave it at that. If this is an isolated instance of the hated Mail getting it right and the BBC getting it wrong, it wouldn’t change anybody’s minds about whom to trust, right? Er….
And twitter gives us a fascinating insight inti the luvvies lives. Do they all have second homes in the country? Whats wrong with rich and diverse London?
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 23h
@AdamParsons1 you in tomorrow?
Adam Parsons @AdamParsons1 23h
No I’m not. Down in Devon…
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 22h
ah, we head down that way for new year.
Typically liberal. The shire people are not fooled. You can smell a liberal at 20 paces. They always dress in that peculiarly metropolitan attempt at country living. They really do not look the part.
now, i dont know if you listened to stephen nolans final show of the year last night before he goes of to las vegas for a well earned holiday but as usual he went of on one about the anybody that has been critical of the bbc in 2013 and.he said in angry terms the bbc has took an unjust kicking and battering from the media in 2013 and frankly speaking he is sick and tired of it,hang on stephen,you always say that you are not allowed to have a opinion at the bbc and you must be impartial at all times,that is not how it sounded last night,nolan has a vested interest in proctecting the bbc and it is worrying that he does not want to tolerate any scrutiny or critisism of this organisation called the bbc,have a nice holiday stephen,see you back on radio 5 live in 2014.
‘…he said in angry terms the bbc has took an unjust kicking and battering from the media in 2013 and frankly speaking he is sick and tired of it…
Not just him of course. I recall Danny, Tone, Mark, Chris, Ted & Alice all getting a bit red-faced at being nailed bang to rights.
And, really, not just from the media.
Beyond exceptional present company, there have been a fair few MPs (on all sides), think tanks, many of his own colleagues and… easy for him to forget, uniquely, the general public.
If grasping all that messes with his New Year joviality, I am unsure I can be too bothered.
You think? I seem to remember that in his early days with 5 Lies ( during his “I’ll come round and give you a slap” phase) he had a fixation with all things ‘smutty’, porn mags and the like, I remember one particularly excruciating interview with a Blackpool cab driver ( ‘you must have seen some sight in the back of your cab’- ‘no not really’ – ‘go on, go on you must have’ etc. etc..)
But he seems to have toned that down , I’ve never heard his N.I. show but I do wonder about it.
I have a feeling ,based on some things he has said, that the thing he least wants scrutinised is his employment status
Well you ain’t missing much , unless a constant stream of gay friendly stories are your thing.
Its got so full of typical bbc agenda pushing that i rarely listen any more.
The thing that pees me off the most though is the way that he has a cuddly relationship with the republican leadership and hangers on.
If i hear him call gerry kelly “sir” one more time…..
And lets not mention “wee fat barry mcelduff” i mean seriously…these are spokesmen for a ruthless killing machine that he does his best to sanitize.
Note to BBC editors: the police and emergency services aren’t the “commercial” sector. Just because it’s not military or FBI doesn’t mean it’s “commercial”. I suppose they mean that police and other public sector services will be purchasing drones from private corporations, but then so does the military. This is as much a story about the increasing militarization of our local police and ever-expanding government surveillance of citizens as it is about cool new toys.
Bonus giggle: The first item in the inset “Six surprising uses for drones” is this:
1. Help reporters cover stories (the BBC is currently trying them out)
You mean like Hitler burning down the Reichstag building and blaming the communists or the Gulf of Tonkean episode or the USS Liberty incident, Israel using unmarked airplanes to goad America into attacking Egypt.
I believe in all politicians implicitly, because they always tell me the truth !!
Um, no. I’m talking about reality. I’m noticing a theme in your beliefs, though. Please continue to live in that world, by all means. Don’t let me stop you.
Those American sailors on the USS Liberty sound very bitter, don’t they, David ? but I suspect they’re just all conspiracy theorists who like to make stuff up !
What’s Mossad’s motto ? ” By way of deception thou shall do war.”
Oh, please. Put the shrouds away. I won’t fall for it. Nobody claims the USS Liberty incident didn’t happen. It was a tragic accident, no doubt. The only reason people like you are upset about it is because we didn’t go to war with Israel over it. It wasn’t made into an international incident precisely because people like you would demand war with Israel over it. I’ve only every met one USS Liberty campaigner who didn’t, and was upset only that an ally could do that to us and not suffer any obvious consequences. There’s merit to that argument, but not to yours.
So we didn’t go to war with Israel over it, much to your chagrin. There is no actual cover up, though. The big bad Mossad has your IP and email addresses now (you know they monitor this blog to squash all anti-Zionist thought, right?), so keep it up.
I’m disappointed in you David, putting an allegiance to a foreign country over and above that of your fellow kinsmen, such a shame, but I’m not in the least bit surprised, it just saddens me, that’s all. As Pat Buchanan said ” Washington is now Israeli occupied territory.” If you dare to criticize Israel, your political career is over. The tail is wagging the dog.
Brims, you have no idea what you’re talking about. You sound like the worst kind of BBC journalist with your childish accusations of dual loyalty. Your comment is defamatory and without substance, ignoring years of my comments here, so it’s time to ignore your sickness.
I think you’ll find better accommodation over at this site. It’s more your way of thinking. You don’t really care about BBC bias. All you really care about is having the freedom to express your dislike of blacks on TV, your desire for a race war, and the freedom to say “nigger” without anyone scolding you. Like so many defenders of the indefensible who come here to fight with people they hate over ideology, any discussion of the BBC is a distant by-product, and purely coincidental.
Give it a try. Plenty of folks over there share your beliefs. You’ll enjoy it much more. You care about free speech, right? Off you go, then.
Note the date 2002 as the date that the documentary on the LSS Liberty. There were many subtle and not so subtle anti Israel programmes and documentaries that year on the BBC. . eg See what was happening on Woman’s hour Radio 4
Try to avoid internal squabbles, or you’ll cause Albaman to have an orgasmic experience. All his compatriots appear to have gone, in a puff of smoke!
Where T F have they all gone?
He’s all alone these days, battling on behalf of humanity. Well, the left leaning bit anyway.
Yes I thought it was strange, how two of the keepers of the rainbow flame reappeared after within hours of each other, both having been silent since shortly after the Mandelathon began.
Will there be another flurry of activity shortly after the first post new year flights hit the tarmac?
Were have they all been?
Why directly employed?
Far better to be on a contract for services than a contract of service.
Not only allows plausible deniability ,but allows more scope for avoiding the levels of income tax and national insurance that are necessary to maintain the welfare dependant state they so love
I wonder if they’ll find this as thrillingly radical as those ‘anti-establishment’ Occupy protests that they lauded so incessantly…
BBC takes three days to regain control of a computer server after Russian hacker breaks in and tries to sell access to other cyber-criminals
-Notorious Russian hacker spotted selling access on Christmas Day
-BBC’s security now believes it has secured the site, it is understood
-Breach spotted by cyber-security firm which monitors underground forums
The Grauniad story refers to http://ftp.bbc.co.uk as an “obscure” server. Ah yes, that well known technical term “obscure”, so no damage done there then? I mean there is no way that an obscure server like that is connected to any part of the BBC’s less obscure network, is there? It’s just one little computer in a dark room somewhere with a 56K modem connected via a modified trimphone to BT dialup. Presumably all files transferred via the obscure server are then copied to floppy discs for transfer to the important and much more secure parts of the network.
Islamikazes in Russia: for censoring Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
“Suicide bomber strikes again in southern Russia”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“The southern Russian city of Volgograd has suffered its second suicide attack targeting public transportation in two days. Yesterday’s blast took place at the city’s train station, and today, a suicide bomber destroyed a trolley in the city. Both attacks are likely to have been carried out by the Islamic Caucasus Emirate, an al Qaeda-allied group whose leader has ordered his fighters to attack the 2014 Winter Olympics in nearby Sochi.”
I think Israel should boycott the Olympics. Officially, they can claim to boycott it in protest against Putin’s anti-homosexual agenda and bad human rights record. In this way, though, they can just stay away and avoid walking into another Munich scenario.
Win-win, and a few anti-Israel Beeboid heads would explode in the process.
In that event I wouldn’t put it past the IOC to replace them with a cobbled together ‘Palestine’ team. They’ve got previous in having non-actual nations competing.
Click ‘like’ if you agree that the reason the BBC Propaganda at Ten has gone completely overboard in its coverage of the Schumacher accident (six minutes on our national news program for a sportsman many, who don’t watch F1, won’t have heard of) is simply to divert our attention away from and sanitize the Muslim terrorists attacks in Russia.
Oh, Michael Schumacher– that would be the same Schumacher that once observed that, post-F1 career, you couldn’t pay him enough to compete in IndyCar because “It’s suicidal.” (Of course the truth is, you couldn’t pay him enough– full stop.)
So oval racing at 350kph in a “Formula” car is too dangerous, but skiing down an unmarked slope is safe.
In addition to “squirrel,” Schumacher coverage has the saving grace of being yet another subtextual message of “Take no chances, and you’ll never be hurt” — and that’s a credo to be lived by if you’re a pleb, of course, as the Beeb knows what’s best at all times for you. But if you’re a “daring” and “edgy” performer, you’re right up their street.
As the career path of Mishal Husain has shown, the BBC has an interesting line in moral equivalence at the best of times.
In this case it’s more like a dodgy odometer, and once past a certain point the whole thing simply starts from zero again and the BBC salesmen swear blind it’s all as good as new because that’s the way they’ve arranged it.
also.the soppy politacaly correct anna foster on the drivetime show on radio 5 live announced tonight that next week radio 5 for the first time ever as a experiment are doing commentary of the bdo darts championship hosted at the lakeside by in her words the excited phil williams who i find dull and so dreary,it just wont work will it,radio 5 live said they want to give more exposure to minority sports fair enough but darts is there to be seen on the tv and not commentated on the radio,maybe i am wrong and it will be a great success for radio 5 live,something tells me it will be car crash radio at its worst.
FIBS , in The Falklands have been doing a radio commentaries on their annual darts matches, since I first heard it down there in the mid 80`s . As it was the Falklands, we thought it was a hoot , but the locals loved it . Can`t see Al bbc using the F.I. commentary team though .
Now the New Year’s Honours have been announced the BBC are focussing on one of their own, Ruth Jones of Gavin and Stacey fame (?) who’s got an MBE, to the exclusion of all others, it seems.
She did the business for them, in response, bizarrely getting a dig in about Thatcher being a war monger.
Funny that the BBC haven’t mentioned Julie Bailey CBE, the woman who brought to the nation’s attention the charnel house that was Stafford District General Hospital. The country owes Bailey a debt of gratitude – she being the first to seriously tell the story of the NHS, as it is, and lift the veil of incompetence, neglect and political distortion and dishonesty.
But she will never be forgotten by the rest of us.
She will see vengeance restored within her lifetime.
Thank you Julie!…your mum won`t be allowed to die in vain.
And Julie Bailey CBE will never be forgotten by Labour and its union paymasters, who have vilified her, desecrated her mother’s grave and driven her out of her home town. All for telling the truth about Labour’s Nationalised Death Service, something you’ll never hear from the biased-BBC.
Hardly ever defend the BBC, but it’s worth pointing out that the slideshow does feature the Brighton bomb, and ends with a single picture of the lady which, arguably, is more potent.
Unless, of course, it has been edited since James Delingpole linked to it.?
Albie has gone silent again. After we showed that the BBC and the Guardian has a greenie team on the Ship of Fools stuck in the Antarctic. They are stuck because they assumed that Global Warming would give then an ice-free passage – just like the Mawson trip 100 years ago.
And don;t kid us – the whole purpose of the Ship of Fools was to show the opposite to what the SCIENCE SAYS. Here is a quote from the Brit clown who is leading the “scientific expedition” :
“National Geographic a few weeks ago bluntly stated the mission purpose:
” …The current crop of explorers are hoping to document some of the same data and compare them to Mawson’s numbers, “using the twist of modern technology,” Turney told National Geographic earlier this month.
“As may be expected, global warming might play a role in this, he suggests, particularly with respect to melted ice in the East Antarctic”
Still no report from Roger Harrabin. That prat is normally so quick to come up with his Warmist nonsense.
Hey, Roger – can you read a simple graph ? Ice in the Antarctic has been on a long-term increase for many years now:
Senior BBC people signed off this monstrous waste of money – simply because they hoped it would buttress the BBC line on Global Warming and the melting of the ice-caps. Harrabin and the BBC Science Editor will have been consulted. THEY are the DENIERS of the science.
That graph ought to be printed out A3 size and stuffed up Harrabin;s jacksie. He KNOWS he is lying through his teeth, constantly spinning the Warmist cause. Any decent journalist would resign after so many lies and misrepresentations. Or – any half-awake BBC management would have sacked him long ago. He is a busted flush – the whole BBC Warmist agenda that he helped to frame is a busted flush. But we are still forced under risk of fines or possible imprisonment to pay for his arrant nonsense.
The BBC has a team on board the Ship of Fools. But the despised Daily Mail has a far better summary of what has been happening than all the denialist dross the BBC has put out :
My amateur view is that the weather down there will mean it takes a long time for full rescue by the helicopter from the Chinese vessel. So this saga could run and run, No matter how long it takes the BBC will fail to report the facts of the debacle. Indeed – they will be working already on some spin to excuse the gross misjudgments of the “scientists” – some cop-out that evades the brutal fact that ice has been increasing for many years down there.
Personally, I would prefer a very limited rescue effort – why should the ‘copter pilots be put at such extreme risk in those weather conditions. Evacuate any who are old or unwell. Then drop tents and some more supplies to the rest, let them wait until the conditions clear. Or let them trek their way to the permanent Mawson base or across the ice / around the shore to the OZ vessel.
I rather liked The Icetanic, at least until things started getting a wee bit less jokey.
Maybe Alok & his BFF could reprise the bow rail image, only with a Graun/BBC flag outstretched in his arms?
John, I think they’ve been working out their explanation for the Antarctic’s record-breaking ice expanse and it’s apparently do with warmer oceans and fresh water causing a much larger build-up of ice than usual. This is going to be one strand, at least, of their ‘scientific’ explanation for the Antarctic’s phenomenal ice expansion over the past year or more. It will, of course, be presented as ‘further proof’ that global warming is not only real, but an ‘urgent’ issue for governments everywhere.
Anyone would think that a year’s worth of satellite imagery clearly showing the Antarctic’s rude health as its ice field has expanded to record-breaking levels just didn’t exist. Funny how none of these ‘scientists’ aboard the Ship of Fools seems to have been even remotely aware of their existence.
And you are correct: the BBC will inevitably find an agreeable way to spin this Christmas pantomime to their own warmist agenda. I can hardly to wait to see just how craftily they will set about dissembling this one to fit their CAGW narrative. truth be damned – the Consensus must be served!
The New Orientalism: Why Posh Leftists Adore Muslims & the Muslim World.
‘These people are still rebelling against a Western imperialism which only existed many, many years ago. And that imperialism was led by people who weren’t that unlike their own grandparents, great-grandparents etc. Thus they must embrace the brown exotic.
‘Leftists are indirectly arguing that Muslims are incapable of acting morally; of acting with free will & conscience; & of being adult human beings. They argue that because they are brown & Muslim, they can do things which they would never allow a white person to do.
‘For God’s sake, how pure do you want your racism to be?’
The despised imperialists even built the railway from Mombasa inland to present day Nairobi and onwards with one of the main aims being the eradication of the Arab slave trade in that part of the world. Started in 1898.
That was largely achieved and the country openened up to the benefit of all.
But it was European imperialists that did it so it was probably a bad thing.
The Arab slave trade? Lying Western propaganda. Never existed. Rather like the cleansing of Christians from the ME.
Liberals make me sick
2014. Resolve never to listen to a lying word they say.
The Indy, and its readers, can on occasion surprise with what exercises them.
However I have to crank an amused eyebrow at their front page (arty, long range) photo and claim that the Ship of Fools currently stuck in the ice are no more than a ‘cruise party’. Unless of course they are sticking the knife in even further. Despite it being on the cover, I struggled to locate any story online, but will have a rummage.
Looking at that page, this tweet may have redeemed them a bit:
The Independent @Independent
BBC hosts panel debate on teaching of History without History teacher. Well that’s a bit silly says @anthonyseldon ind.pn/1lw5WbY
Yes, ‘silly’; let’s call it that. Actually a debate on who the BBC includes or excludes from their concocted debates in general may be a worthy topic.
“Women lead the way in new years honours list”
I like the customary BBC PR language: “Leading the way”. They’re almost “marching forward purposefully”
The BBC is very concerned to counter gender bias in the media you see. This bias hasn’t been proven, of course. It’s just believed to exist by Suzanne Moore and the Guardian sisterhood – which is good enough evidence for the Beeb.
In order to restore equality to the airwaves, our betters have given us “Woman’s hour”, and turned it into a propaganda channel.
But thank goodness it exists, though! We’re practically drowning in testosterone, with all the other Radio 4 programmes, presented as they are by Alice Roberts, Helen Mark, Sandi Toksvig, Bridget Kendall, Charlotte Smith, Francine Stock…
“The Playlist Series” was looking at Nell Gwyn, “Saturday live” was looking at “Philosopher Angie Hobbs”. “Open Book” looks at the “year of the Women writers”. There’s a “Front Row” special on Buffy the vampire slayer; “Food for thought” must have been fascinating, as it contained a conversation between Nina Myskov and Yoko Ono…
Man o man, all that patriarchal bias…
Sorry I blurted that out at top speed, the above was from looking at 2 days output from R4, both days had a woman’s hour to counteract the regrettable male-oriented slant in the channel…
Mrs Bug quietly seething that, after reading the BBC headline, no honours have actually come her way: a nasty shock.
This is doubly painful for her as I’ve awoken this morning to discover that I’ve been made Grand Seigneur of Guernsey ! I really didn’t see that coming, but I will try to carry out my duties with the requisite dignity etc etc and try not to look too happy as the great and the good of the Channel Islands hand over the readies to keep me in the style to which I aspire.
“Beeboid Editors’ self-congratulations for 2013”
Given the extent and calibre of posts on what is supposed to be the flagship forum for BBC Editorial, that they see the ‘big’ part to the year as them moving all news acquisition & dissemination to a free, niche, foreign, unregulated aggregator, with a unique BBC fee bolted on, about sums their output up.
“Time to remember Nelson Mandela’s soft touch with the IRA.
“When asked if the IRA should be admitted to Northern Ireland talks without first ending its campaign of violence, Mandela fumbled his reply.”
Oh but he was so quietly spoken doncha know?
And Winnie had a fire going in the nearby garage, so he`d have been worried.
I`ve heard a few reruns of that crap “Free Nelson Mandela” song of 1984 in these Christmas TOTPs of late…not a Christmas record at all was it?
Let`s hope we can find it with Jimmy Savile introducing it…if his shoes WERE too small for his feet, maybe he`d got too big for his boots by then!(That`s a Tory joke that is, aimed at Harold Wilson I believe!)
Also, the Islamic Emirate of Qatar;s ownership of U.K, which Beeboids are inclined to keep quiet-
‘Daily Mail’-
“How Qatar bought Britain: They own the Shard. They own the Olympic Village. And they don’t care if their Lamborghinis get clamped when they shop at Harrods (which is theirs, too).”
By EDNA FERNANDES in Doha (2012).
Of course, while Beeboids show their political sympathy for
AL JAZEERA, they show no interest whatsoever in the case of judicial preferential treatment of Muslims in U.K, which ‘Daily Mail’ exposed (and which even ‘Guardian’ now mentions):-
“Daily Mail convinces judge to lift reporting gag on Muslim solicitors”
If there is a group award in the Darwin category [ for the people who remove themselves from the gene pool in the most stupid way ] ,then the “Ship of fools ” lot must be a leading contender .
It is now looking like rescue attempts are getting more unlikely
Hasn`t God got a great sense of humour?
I`m still chuckling at what I recall of the Copenhagen Squauk of 2009, when the cheridee mongers were unable to get in or out of there, due to the awful smow etc.
But-as I recall-not one joke or ironical aside from all those edgy comix at the BBC and Guardian.
Zees is not funnee…and never will be as far as the BBC is concerned.
Thank Allah for Citizen Khan and Sandi Toksvig…has anybody checked to see what her teddy bear is called?…and would George Galloway like to check on that for us?
Has he done ANYTHING to help out that Glasgow bar that had a helicopter drop in?…pah!
“England faces cultural attack from the BBC. They are ever keen to stress independent Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish identity, but rarely allow England a say or even name us. They are keen along with their friends in the EU to try to split England into a series of artificial regions which carry little support or weight with English people. I am not a “Rest of the south easterner” nor a “South easterner” nor even a “Thames Valley er” or a “Bucks Berks and Oxon er”. The more they try to make us fit into these varied and meaningless places, the more we prefer to be English. England faced a political attack from Labour in government , but they gave up when they lost the referendum to create an elected government for the then most Labour of regions, the North East. They were forced to recognise the reality, that England does not wish to be balkanised.”
Not true. My ardour for her has cooled since she not only rejected a fun little proposition for the two of us I aimed her way last winter, but threatened to set the rozzers on me into the bargain. Which was frankly not the response I’d expected. Ungrateful cow.
The scales having been thus removed from my eyes so far as she’s concerned, I’m more than happy to participate in merry banter about the size of Abbott’s arse, its likely visibility from space, whether it’s in a different time zone from the rest of her etc etc.
I’m not allowed within 50 yards of Stoke Newington or Hackney. Since these are just the sort of Mogadishu-on-your-doorstep plaguespots I’d gladly pay not to get within several miles of, it doesn’t affect me much.
Hey, Stoke Newington was slightly gentrifying in parts last time I was there. I’ve got friends in that neighborhood, and hope it’s not deteriorating again.
It is good that more and more are noticing the BBC’s dismissive attitude to the English.
Part of their reality denial. Run down Englishness and hope the silly proles will give up their so passe affection for their country. Then we liberals can get on with our grand projects of a borderless world without indigenous cultures ( always excepting the non white lands of course) and get rich in the process.
They really are fools. The English are a quiet people and much attached to their land and their history. When they have had enough of the liberal stupidity then we will see just how stubborn and angry they can get.
When change comes it comes with speed and is always unexpected.
The liberals are very cocksure. They need to enjoy it while they can. They need to be careful what they say when in the shires.
Oh Lordy-another Alan Turing moment coming I fear.
Yet this story is bizarre and as much a parable of the modern age as PIPS. Pastorius, Thatchers funeral in this zany year.
God is now using a megaphone as well as high comedy to tellus stuff…but why bother with that when Mark Steel can raise a guffaw(er…er!)
The moral?…if you`re out in the Highlands, get Miranda Hart(no pun eh) to bring the maps…if there are no transvestitured types out on license or parole available at least? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2531577/Woman-paralysed-gored-neck-giant-stag-holiday-Highlands.html
As I say-bizarre!
“A local gamekeeper described the incident as ‘one in a million'”
He probably meant the possibilty of the stag (sorry: STAG) minding his own business ‘midst the rocks and heather meeting a ‘trangender Cambridge academic’ hanging about the place was a million to one chance, not that getting skewered by a stag was. (STAG</B).
Somehow I can imagine this story being mashed in a process of Chinese whispers and seeing various LGBT protests marches, next year, against Stag parties.
A pro-EU propaganda piece called “Political Europe.”
We were told that the insitituions of the EU employed people who weren’t “evil” – they treated us to the comedic side of some civil servants, telling us they never jump queues, stole money, blah blah.
Then we met an MEP who was chuffed that she had three jobs in one (no doubt three salaries too). Did we hear how she made the lives of people better? No, we heard how much she enjoyed her work.
Finally we were introduced to the EU’s college! Apparently there are courses on European integration. Competition for places is competitive (I don’t doubt for a minute that member states have many would-be pen pushers.)
We meet Britain’s only student enrolled on this scheme. The interviewer seemed interested in the networking opportunities for this young man.
There was no interest in what things the student learnt about serving the people (which I’d have thought was important) – instead it highlighted the self-serving purpose of the EU for its employees and potential employees.
Absurd Britannia …
Al beeb 5Live lauds some irritating wench for about 15mins
Whose back from jail in Russia, re Greenpeace nonsense …
After 5 I was kinda hoping she was still there, pontificating and a nauseating self righteous tone … She ll get the next travel show on the BBC as prime candidate no doubt.
On to Roma immigrants, problem what problem? …
Bandying the word waycism about, about anyone negative just before migration watch Waller gets to say a few words
Hilarity continues, with consistent interruption, and what about the benefits palava.
OK what about the benefits? Eh! I would sooner they go to people who have paid something in, in the first place.
So the next footballer to make the reverse Nazi salute the ‘quenelle’ is Samir Nasri who claimed he thought it was an anti establishment gesture – ironic from someone earning hundreds of thousands a week from that very establishment!
There is no coverage of this story on the BBC at all save as a footnote to the Anelka story, but can you imagine the reaction if a white footballer had made a gesture which caused even a whiff of insult to one of the fascists brown eyed boys?
The FA have punished players who were innocent, such as John Terry, and also Luis Suarez whose culture was completely over ridden in the dash to show how fascist the FA are becoming.
The fascist pressure groups like ‘kick it out’ are amazingly low key over this, especially given their rabid reaction to the other non incidents. No surprises there then.
This “anti-establishment” excuse is such baloney. We all know they mean anti-Jewish establishment, anti-Zionist puppet masters, sort of thing. The French expert on far-Right extremist the BBC appealed to as an authority said it was meant to be against the Washington-Tel Aviv Axis, which tells us all we need to know.
The BBC won’t call them on it because most of them agree with the sentiment.
Rachel Burden (BBC 5 Live) Tweets a small admission that also gives a hint as to why I will now reslove to maintain my boycott of this irredeemably awful and out of touch BBC channel
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 6h
@ruskin147 ha! ok. a tiny sample in a small corner of Cheshire clearly doesnt give the whole picture…
But if – unlike me – you enjoy your sport constantly mixed with Leftist sentiment and filtered through a PC agenda – go ahead and listen. The channel appears to be for you.
A small example of their football commentary er, or is that PC policing : ‘This match (Manchester City v CSK Moscow Champions League) is the sort of game where I will be taking off my headphones to check what the Russian fans are chanting’.
May be you like to hear England and all aspects of the “English” denegrated by BBC presenters?
Tony Livesey : ‘I don’t see why we have to express Englishness in any particular way – people are just English by default’
And if you work in the public sector or are a Labour leaning activist, I’m sure you will enjoy 5 Live’s very particular take on the world.
Don’t worry; I hear Rachel Boredom is being replaced in the new year.
Instead of her being in the studio the ‘presenters’ will have a little icon of her face on their screens. When they touch it, it will play a one minute recording of her cackling and loudly.
It’s cheaper than paying her a salary; although in true droid fashion they ie we will carry on paying her salary.
It’s not that many people, but seems to be an important service to those who rely on it. And it’s not really something that’s down to a matter of taste, either, like music. Nice to see the BBC defending something they do on the basis that it really is good public service rather than on the basis of ratings and commercial revenue.
Overheard a woman in the pub this afternoon say her New Year’s resolution is to stop listening to the Today programme. She said the last straw was hearing Evan Davis ask Theresa Villiers this morning if Nelson Mandela could have saved the Haas peace talks in Northern Ireland. Didn’t hear the interview myself but it sounds like just the sort of teenage-level idealistic left-liberal twaddle Davis would come out with.
It’s okay for Fisk to say this, as he holds all the other approved thoughts, but if DV or someone else here says it, it’s racism.
I couldn’t find anything in the Today recording where Davis mentions St. Nelson, though. Both brief segments I did find were entirely unedifying. Mostly people trying to find different ways to say it was not going well, but opinions differ, all might not be lost, and Davis trying to find out in both segments if the DUP were the problem.
It doesn’t happen often, so it is always a delight when they ‘engage’.
I often suspect other factors can see them move from aloof reticence (Andrew Neil was needled the other day into a reaction beyond the dreams of the poster provoking him), but usually it’s because they can’t resist getting on a high horse when an easy score seems presented to impress the groupies.
Which makes what happens as they get pwned all the funnier, if predictable.
Here, as his world crumbles, he opts for the ‘it’s really all so trivial I can no longer be bothered’ attempt. And fails magnificently.
It also intrigues me why anyone anywhere on social media tries to assess or claim who or what is real or not. It’s daft.
And given most BBC ‘correspondents’ reliance on recollections of quotes from un-named sources as the basis of their analyses, a bit rich to try and infer those of others are not as true as any they conjure up.
I see BBC main squeeze Sandi Toksvig is not enough of a left-winger to refuse an Honour. It’s the ultimate fashion accessory for the socialist hypocrite y’know.
Oh to be the Queen and to order her to turn round and bend over, and then to stick the jagged-sided medal where the sun doesn’t shine. “This is what you have been doing to my Government, how do you like it then?”.
The most enjoyable episode of the holidays this year must be watching the BBCs verbal gymnastics concerning the ecolunatics trapped in the ice , they have been describing it as a tourist ship { it ‘s probably the best time to go,
the first two weeks in September are sooo, crowded you can’t move}.
The joint Guardian /BBC gang were only down there to reinforce their own prejudices , you can bet that if they had managed to obtain pictures of the summer melt , in a year or so they would be misrepresented as having been
taken during an ‘ Antarctic Winter ‘ .
Although it is a delight to see these idiots ‘ hoist with their own petard ‘ it must also serve to remind us all how dangerously fanatical they can be.
If these people were to be stripped down to their underpants and cast adrift on an ice floe off Greenland in the middle of January the would continue bleating about global warming to the last ,assuming of course ,that they were not first eaten by an almost extinct polar bear.
There is a myth (correction: downright lie) being continually peddled by the BBC: that we narrowly missed a triple dip recession at the beginning of 2013. This gives the firm impression that we had a double dip recession. We did not.
According to the Office of National Statistics, the last recession was in 2008 (under the last Labour Government). The BBC was quick to trumpet the initial ONS estimates of these phantom recessions, which were then corrected by the ONS. But, the BBC has been stangely mute regarding their non-occurence and still routinely speaks as if they actually happened.
For example, today, Tom Edgington’s article “End-of-year review: The Conservatives” (BBC News Online) states:
“A shrinking economy in the final three months of 2012 meant that the Conservatives faced the prospect of a triple dip recession at the start of the year.
Not only was that avoided but growth has steadily gained momentum, culmunating (sic) in December’s Autumn Statement where the chancellor was able to announce that the official GDP forecasts for 2013 had more than doubled.”
Glossing over the excruciating spelling error (do they ignore the spell checker?), the report leaves the firm impression that the third dip was avoided following two previous recessions. In July 2013, the ONS corrected its previous estimates. The last recession (two consecutive quarters of negative growth) ended in 2009. There was no double dip recession. There has not been a recession during this parliament. This fact has been airbrushed out of history by the BBC and the vast majority of people have the firm, but incorrect, impression that we have had several recessions in recent years.
It is true that 12 months ago it was thought that we might have a triple dip recession, but to speak in those terms today is highly misleading.
This deception is repeated many times a day by the BBC, who clearly have their own agenda.
An excellent comment and very well written if you don’t mind me saying. The BBC is running out of sources to cite in its perpetual playing down of the Coalitions’ economic strategy. First it was ‘too deep, too quick’ (incidentally, that’s what my girlfriend used to say when we first met!) and now it’s the food banks and cost of living mantra spouted by such mature and economically-literate impartial commentators, Owen Jones.
As far as I can see the Coalitions’ economic policies are heading in the right direction. I think the BBC can see this as well. But, these policies have been hatched by those on the wrong side of the political fence, so instead predictable groupthink, puerile assertions and downright lies has become the order of the day at the Left’s propaganda headquarters.
IIRC it wasn’t even one week after the coalition agreement was signed that Newsnight started its: “Are there cracks forming in the coalition?” attack.
Funnily enough, many European countries have coalition governments, but not once did Newsnight ask a similar question about them. Not before May 2010 and not after.
At least Andrew Neil has seen the serious mess the Ship of Fools is in, And he refers to a good aericle on the possible legal consequences. I hope some of the key players get their asses sued off them. But it also needs some form of public enquiry in Australia.
When he sticks to facts and an affable defence of his right to opinion, he is doing more than enrage them; they are flat out panicking. He’s a big beast from an unlikely source getting noticed and heard in ways they really have not had to cope with before.
26 people paid at least $8000 to play along? That is fantastic! Pilgrims paying to ride along with and carry baggage for the priests. Plus 4 journalists, at least one of them a Beeboid, who certainly aren’t paying their own way.
BTW, Neil tweeted that link using the classic BBC get-out-of-bias-free card, “Fascinating take”. They all do it, and it’s always an endorsement. He shouldn’t, either. There are less biased ways to link to things.
That seems a calibre of analysis that few in the BBC’s cubicle gardens could manage in their wildest dreams, on any of their preferred subjects. Well done that author.
I’d like to know how he’s any different from one of those wacked-out doomsday types who swear the Rapture/End Times/Aliens (delete as appropriate) is/are coming tomorrow and gets people to sell their belongings, hand over a bit of cash, and gather with him at the top of a hill, and then when it doesn’t happen gives a shrug and says, “Wait ’til next year!”
Did he get any of those paying passengers to castrate themselves and put on a funny robe, or was he about to start passing around the Kool-Aid just before getting news of the helicopters coming?
tomoMar 26, 01:34 Midweek 26th March 2025 https://twitter.com/hector_drummond/status/1904680487366295967 Named 9 month old gets US Government $100,000 loan….
tomoMar 26, 01:25 Midweek 26th March 2025 How many rubber boats cross the channel at night? – answer : very,very few – if any. What does the…
tomoMar 25, 22:38 Start the Week 24th March 2025 Ireland 2040 is a thing then? [img]https://i.ibb.co/SDxxpcQ4/scum-politicians.jpg[/img] https://twitter.com/FatEmperor/status/1904615029665636478
Up2snuffMar 25, 21:37 Midweek 26th March 2025 wwfc, you are on a roll! You have got to have a go at three in a row now.
tomoMar 25, 21:18 Start the Week 24th March 2025 https://x.com/StarkNakedBrief/status/1904602912375922829 [img]https://i.ibb.co/PGg6Xvsj/betterlatethan.jpg[/img] Hey 77th Brigade – was that your handiwork or was it escalated to Cheltenham?
ZephirMar 25, 21:15 Midweek 26th March 2025 Never to be heard on the bbc : “Biden-era guidance encouraged use of Signal app by highly-targeted govt officials: ‘Best…
BBC report of a second bomb in Russia is unclear whether it was the work of the Religion of Peace, although they hint that the first bomb was connected with them.
I wonder if Putin will appear on TV to say that it has nothing to do with Islam and set up a task force to oversee the arrest of Islamophobes.
What I am finding increasingly revolting is the BBC’s focus on the security of the games rather than an in-depth analysis of why these foul attacks are happening; people are dying as a result of cold-blooded murder but the Leftist BBC prefer to center on Russian security systems.
The reports, today, have been so disrespectful of the dead and their families… you imagine it. A friend or family member is blown to pieces by swivel-eyed Jihadi lunatic and to compound matters, a foreign media channel is going around criticizing your country’s ability to provide security for forthcoming winter Olympic games. Never mind that Muslims are indiscriminately blowing people up, again, the BBC are more interested in criticizing Russia’s security system.
Yes, BBC-NUJ more concerned with Winter Olympics than with the Islamikaze mass murderers.
Look now don t be silly
It was clearly stated on 5live this morning that it’s all Putin s fault for pulling in a zero tolerance attitude, if only he would accommodate radical mosques, and allow jihadism to flourish.?
It would all be sound as a pound, all hearts and flowers etc? And Pass that lovin cup yay Olympics .
Vlad boo hiss Putin eh bloody Islamofauxbe
The bBBC is more concerned with the security of the Winter Olympics because it is their first boondoggle of 2014, promising us more than 200 hours of coverage from, presumably, hundreds of staff having another nice holiday at our expense.
Also, and no disrespect to the highly talented Formula 1 champion Michael Schumacher, why is the accident of a sporting hero, tragic though it is, given priority of place in our national news website over that of another terrorist atrocity – the second within 24 hours or so? If it were a Christian attack on some Muslim town there would be wall-to-wall coverage, vehicle tannoys traveling the streets and in-depth analyses and finger pointing from all angles.
That was also their lead story on the evening television news. If I, or my partner were to suffer head injuries from a skiing accident, I wonder if we’d get a mention on the news?
And eighteen killed by an Islamist bomb, somewhere in Russia is, of course, of secondary importance to some sporting bloke who’d had an unfortunate incident whilst skiing off piste.
The BBC. Heads up their arses.
Yes, there’s definitely a lot of damage limitation going on here. I’ve been watching the BBC and the rest of our crappy UK news outlets all day and it’s almost as if they follow the same news sequence sheet as each of their reports follow the same order. It’s almost as if they’re just reading from the Guardian… hang on. Perhaps….
Maybe its to hide that Prince Bandar, Saudi Arabia’s spy chief, threatened Putin about attacks on the winter Olympics? If he didn’t back out of Syria. And continually making Putin to be the bogey man, as his influences over Russia defy mafia style globalization through NATO and the UN. Makes you wonder how much more influence these outside oligarchs (using corporate influences to get their own way) have on Uk and US politics, than the average voter have, and how the same old institutions are the financial backers of the real bogey men, Islamist-Wahhabi-sunni- muslim-Al CIA da-terrorists.
International Aid for any one, any one!
who opposes our global methods, Any one!
And I see this morning news of the Muslim terrorist slaughter has conveniently slipped off the BBC news radar. BBC bosses and their minions will no doubt be sweating in their boardrooms and breathing a sigh of relief hoping that the sheeple will have forgotten that, yet again, the religion of ‘peace’ has been the inspiration for murder and mayhem.
The sheeple of whom you speak, require only another exciting episode of ‘stenders to erase any memories of things horrible, should they happen by chance to have seen any news.
Sadly that is the way of our world now. We are unable to change that.
Yes, the BBC often boasts that its news coverage is comprehensive, with analysis and investigation about the stories “behind the headlines”. Strangely, this mission to explain completely vanishes when Islamic terrorism rears its ugly and ubiquitous head.
To be fair, if they started then they would never stop. It wouldn’t just be attacks in Russia, they would have to report the ugly truth about Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Mali, Somalia etc etc, plus the internal tensions in many western countries. The list is so long it would reveal the uncomfortable truth that there is hardly any conflict on earth at the moment that does not have Islam at its core.
Good point and as you allude, highly unlikely. He is more likely to get them by any means and not be too concerned about the judicial process, in other words stand up to them and not appease.
I wish there was an edit facility, my comment is in reply to Llareggub which may not be apparent.
The reports from Russia by Daniel Sandford on the BBC News channel make reference to the speculation that the attacks may come from Islamic insurgents in the North Caucasus including Dagestan, which he refers to as being ‘under Russian rule’. There are many ethnic groups there I believe and no one group dominates but as I understand it these are Republics which joined the Russian Federation after the fall of the Soviet tyranny.
The use of the words ‘under Russian rule’ implies to me that Dagestan is some kind of subjugated colony.
In the USA California is a State within the US Federation. Would the BBC say that California is ‘under US rule’, if for example there were people there who demanded withdrawal from the Republic (there are I believe) or under any circumstances ?
It seems once again they are choosing their words carefully to influence the viewer, and they indicate a bias and a decided point of view.
Prising bits of the old Soviet Union, and bits of Russia, away so that they can be adsorbed by the EU is BBC policy.
Not at all. Vladimir Putin has directly inherited a huge pair of cojones from the late Baroness Thatcher.
That was also a reply to Llareggub. No edit facility.
Happy new year….
But certainly not likely to be the last piece of bias by the BBC this year.
BBC Radio 4 Today programme headlines a news segment at just after 8:00 a.m. this morning by claiming that Mr Cridland, Director General of the CBI, is”…. calling on companies to pay their workers more…”
Hmmmm ….. plays to the Labour Party ‘living wage’ narrative – tick; doesn’t reflect well on the Conservative government – tick; shows the government is out of touch with even its normal allies in big business – tick. Job Done.
But, of course, this was not at all what Mr Cridland was saying. According to the actual clip of the interview with Mr Cridland, played just after this claim, he actually states “ …As the economy improves, productivity will improve, overtime will increase and it should be possible for people to EARN more.”
There is a difference.
It’s little, niggly, but barbed, mis-quotes like these which the BBC is becoming so adept at launching upon the public. You watch, in the next week or so, someone from the Labour Party or the BBC chatterati will come out with the mantra that ‘the government is so isolated in their views, that even the CBI now supports the Labour policy of increasing pay rates and giving workers a ‘living wage’’. It’s how they work on the liberal left.
The lower end of the wages market will always be crap thanks to mass immigration. As a community carer I have had no increase to pay in 6 years.
Its a pity he didn’t ask why the people at the BBC got a pay increase year on year.The interviewer tried his hardest to dismiss everything Mr Cridland said .
A rather good “Start the Week” was spolied a bit by Andrew Marrs repeated efforts to paint the Tories as somehow not being as worthy an option to him as the Liberals.
Marrs interjections towards Gove were clearly attempts to give us all a “progressive and forward-thinking” view of history that a clever chap like Gove might like…but his Tory/Whig nature was somehow something that he might wish to jettison in order to please Marrs view of things.
By no means a bad programme-Tom Holland was excellent, and it was a civilised and decent stab at discussing the role of history in schools and society-but Marr really should stop the asides that reveal his prejudices…and being mortified by superinjuctions, nearly dying of a stroke ought to have taught him a bit more than “Goves OK, but will be better when he becomes a Liberal” type of cliche.
Not bad-but can do better Marr! Check your privileges eh?…you`ve quite a few of them being a BBC top earner!
Anyone else noticed the contradiction between the photogenic snaps used to illustrate the plight of the climate-warmists trapped in Antarctica; and, the excuses/reality of the miserable weather preventing their rescue?
Here’s a little thing I noticed on the page Joe linked to. On the right, under the banner of, Features, I saw a picture of the some of those who died in 2013.
Nelson Mandela
A Bollywood actress ?????
Lou Reed
Hugo Chavez
Funny thing is, when I looked at the list of those that past away, I could not help but think, apart from a few noticeable exceptions, some of these people, like the Bollywood actress, I have never heard of, or have any relevance to the UK or the world in general.
Its also interesting to see how they view people like Chavez and NM compared to Lady Thatcher.
Typical BBC.
Suppose there was not enough time to elevate Ronnie Biggs to national treasure who sadly left us this year.
All they needed to do was photoshop Biggs mug onto the body of Jimmy Savile from 2011-in that great Christmas tribute they don`t seem keen to repeat.
Still-health tourist, bastard mixed race kid or two, stuck it to Thatch as she tried to privatise the trains( my BBC…my take on history…OK?)…and mocked the cops after Robert Mark got above himself in dealing with the Met.
In short-a BBC hero.
Imagine it`ll be a week of ululations when they smoke Howard Marks in a rizla rollie sometime soon.
Good old BBC…endorsing the criminal classes since 1979…they`ve got an awful lot in common, as well as unpaid taxes and a hotline to Savile…still open at premium rates, I bet.
We need a Biggs-Mandela index.
Ian Brady, Howard Marks, Rosemary West, Robert Mugabe…who do YOU think deserves the ten minutes silence/applause?
Phone Uncle Jim now…Roundhay 666.
The irony seems to escape the BBC, climate-warmers trapped in the ice they are claiming is being decimated by man made global warming. Surely if they totally believe in their own ’cause’ they have only to wait for a short time for the ice to melt. No need to call in the ice breakers, have some faith in the BBC ‘experts’, Al Gore et al.
Better still can you imagine seeing Obama coming to the rescue, single handed paddling through the ice in an Red Indian’s canoe ( the Mohicans are the only race he hasn’t claimed to be descended from the up to this point.)
Hand in hand:-
Isn’t the prat on the left something to do with the British Bullsh*t Company?
When do BBC and Guardian reporters and climate scientists become tourists? When they get stuck in ice that their propaganda says should not be there.
In the spirit of balance that some feel even posters must display, may I offer how much I appreciated this caption on the last image, of a person pointing a boom mike at a troop of penguins…
‘The purpose of the expedition has been to re-trace the steps of Antarctic explorer Douglas Mawson’
‘Left, left, left, right, left…’
Those ‘cruise’ ‘tourists’ certainly seem to have located some mighty shifting narratives since the headier early days…
By the end of this if they are not all in Hawaiian shorts sipping Mojitos reprising favourite episodes of ‘The Love Boat’ I won’t be surprised.
“Science?… no science here, mate”
Can anyone give me a valid reason why Cherie Blair should have been in the audience of Strictly’s Xmas edition? Do I suppose she paid for a ticket? I watched this on iplayer so it did not spoil the day but it did give me a nasty shock a couple of days ago.
I give up – is it something to do with girl power?
She was there to remind you to post your cards early for next Christmas.
I know someone who applied to appear in the audience. Basically you are notified a few weeks in advance if you are lucky enough to be chosen. I suspect she was put on the top of the list.
Lucky ! are you sure ? Who in his right mind would want to sit through an hour of that vacuous shit ?
“appear in the audience”. Ember, that’s a funny way to put it, and probably very apt in this case.
Purposeful posing Miliband gets BBC webpage with no counter arguments.
And the BBC is happy to extend his coverage without asking the difficult questions such as: “What viable polcies do you propose to eliminate the ‘cost of living crisis’ ? “
He could start with the BBC POLL TAX.
And the BBC is happy to extend his coverage without asking the difficult questions such as: “What viable polcies do you propose to eliminate the ‘cost of living crisis’ ? “
or to ask about Labour’s part in the ‘Cost of Living Crisis’, e’g’
– Wages have being falling, in real terms, since 2002
– To change people’s behaviour, Labour introduced or increased a raft of environmental taxes and charges on domestic energy, flights, petrol and diesel
– Labour introduced the above inflation ‘Rail Fares Escalator’
– Labour allowed Council Tax Charges to double, overall (and by more than that in some Labour Controlled councils)
– Labour screwed up the economy – the huge chasm of sovereign debt left by Brown and Balls, an unmanageable deficit and Labour’s on-going liabilities means that we are all worse off…and will be for years to come.
You’re right ember, is there anyone in the BBC who has the integrity to ask these questions?
Since when did we get a “New Year Message” from the UNITE-sponsored suck puppet “Leader of the Opposition”?
Will the BBC report any counter-argument to this Lilyband lard?
Or is he on a par with the Pope, Archbishop, Queen these days?
Whatever else I need-I need no views of the squitson of a Marxist Laurie Taylor who`s turned the countrys energy provision just north of needing all those elastic bands from the postie so we can create a turbine of our own.
Not that the BBC would ask me-just feel and believe!
Lying hounds, the lot of `em!
Frankly, the state of BBC reporting these days, a bit of cheeky hacking may actually be more a force for greater stability in most areas.
As one already vastly impressed by the BBC’s reliance in the BBC’s own beliefs, this did amuse:
‘The BBC’s security team believes it managed to secure the site on Saturday 28 December’
Reassured? NO? Well, don’t think of asking.
‘”We do not comment on security issues,” a BBC spokesman told Reuters.’
Bask in the trust, gaze in wonder at the transparency. They really are unaccountable.
‘Daily Mail’, not BBC-NUJ fights against preferential treatment for Muslims:-
“Daily Mail lifts veil of secrecy judge threw over trial of two Muslim lawyers on trial for perverting the course of justice ‘for cultural reasons.’
“Reporting the case of Asha Khan, 30, and Kashif Khan, 34, was banned.
“The order was made to prevent them being shamed in their community.
“But after a legal challenge from the Daily Mail, the restrictions were lifted.
“Asha Khan was found guilty of attempting to pervert the course of justice.
“She and Kashif were said to be involved in a plot to switch speeding points.
“But Kashif, Asha’s brother, was acquitted after arguing he did not know.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2530893/Reporting-Muslim-lawyers-trial-banned-cultural-reasons-Judges-gagging-order-lifted-appeal-Daily-Mail.html#ixzz2oxu4Sd8C
‘Daily Mail COMMENT’:-
(Scroll down)-
“Victory for justice”
“Eight months after an extraordinary legal battle over secret justice, this paper is at last able to report how a judge sought to protect two Muslim defendants from publicity for ‘cultural reasons’.
“Initially, Judge Peter Hughes banned reporting of the case against brother and sister Kashif and Asha Khan, both solicitors, who stood accused of helping their father dodge a speeding fine.
“This was after he had heard that Miss Khan would find it hard to testify against her father in public because of her cultural background.
“Only after an appeal by the Mail did Judge Hughes overrule his ban, declaring: ‘People of all faiths and no faith should be treated in precisely the same way.’
“Yes, it is welcome that sense has prevailed. But isn’t it deeply disturbing that British judges should need reminding of the two most fundamental principles of justice: transparency and equality before the law?”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2530906/An-11th-hour-plea-safeguard-Britain.html#ixzz2oxvLSUdc
For the record:-
“The Islamization of Britain in 2013”
by Soeren Kern.
“You can’t parody Islam, says Palin:
Monty Python star believes religious sensitivities have increased so much it would be impossible to make Life of Brian today.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2530920/You-parody-Islam-says-Palin-Monty-Python-star-believes-religious-sensitivities-increased-impossible-make-Life-Brian-today.html#ixzz2oyzjhaSQ
This scene would definitely have to go
It might upset quite a lot of dangerous people ( as well as the SWP an the WRP)
Judge Peter Hughes reversed his original ban after deciding that the principle of open justice was more important than saving the embarrassment of a defendant.
Duh, no shit Sherlock. Peter Hughes – a disgrace to his profession and his country.
The Law in this country is not a profession, it is a racket. Medicine, Engineering, Science are true professions, requiring hard-earned study and rigorous application. Now look at most of our ‘judges’ and the likes of the Blairs and Mansfield and tell me they are professionals……i will split my sides.
a law degree is a lot harder than medicine. just ask any doctor what the hardest part of their degree is. they’ll tell you when they have to study law. you have to memorise word for word case law and statue
not all lawyers are earning millions abusing the system. some do actually protect peoples rights for less than 25 grand a year
the only thing i miss about the legal profession are the thank you cards, flowers, chocys, bottles of wine, crates of beer that working class clients (like me) gave me when unscrupulous businesses sued them for money they didnt owe, and put them through hell. i used to have great fun wiping the floor with them
oh btw, tens of thousands of people die every year because of dodgy doctors, bad engineers and oaps freezing to death because of corrupt scientists. they’re all scum and without lawyers, even more would be dying.
God bless the legal profession. could you imagine a world witjhou
Is Palin kidding? It’s easier than ever to make fun of Christian religion. The Book of Mormon is one of the biggest Broadway hits of all time. Jerry Springer The Opera had less problems than the Life of Brian did when it came out.
Of course, he has to say that to soften the blow of what he’s really concerned about, and we all know what that is. It’s okay to say Mohammedans are a mite too sensitive when you also say Christians make it too difficult as well. Still, it’s nice to see such a British National Treasure echoing Mark Thompson’s comment which, when said by anyone here or just of the favored Left, would be met with cries of Racist, Islamophobe!
Yes. As far as I can see, there’s only one religious group that threatens to kill en masse if offended. The most you might get from a Free Church protest group is a telling-off for putting your washing out on the Sabbath. However, an ardent follower of the religion of peace might introduce you to the sharp side of a kebab knife!
What I’d like to see is somebody really nail the BBC for this…..I don’t know whether to call it hypocrisy or doublethink. As Palin’s remark reminds us, Mark Thompson has stated that the BBC tends to treat Islam and almost anything Muslims do with kid gloves because they’re not white. At the same time, they admit that fear of violence plays a significant part in it.
Yet out of the other side of their mouths, the BBC will say that other people who say the exact same things are wrong because they’re racist, as Muslims tend not to be white.
Mark Thompson and a BBC National Treasure have stated uncategorically what the BBC would call Islamophobia if anyone outside the right-on crowd said it, and it’s high time they were publicly called out for it.
Yes, well said.
Were it not for the embarrassment caused by the Mail the judge would have stuck to his original ruling.
Was there BBC outrage at his judicial censorship and favours to moslems? Heh.
Beeboids: politically close to ‘NYT’, therefore uncritical on Islamic jihad murder of Stevens in Benghazi.
In contrast-
‘The Long War Journal’-
“The New York Times whitewashes Benghazi”
Read more: http://www.longwarjournal.org/threat-matrix/archives/2013/12/the_new_york_times_whitewashes.php#ixzz2oy2wZdvK
The Antarctic ship saga continues. The BBC – which together with the Guardian has people on board this Global Warming jolly / “research expedition”- is downplaying it all. Its last report made out it is all “Good fun”.
That is a ridiculous story to print. We knew that Aurora Australis, the 3rd ship to try to break through the ice to rescue the Ship of Fools has failed. And apparently Sky is now reporting that the idea of a ship rescue is over, helicopter evacuation is starting. So more massive costs for a Global Warming cock-up that the BBC is trying to cover up.
The classic statement was by the greenie “expedition” leader – “climate change is reducing sea ice”.
But to cheer us up, here is one of the Guardian loons on board, now getting depressed :
Why is the Telegraph able to report more accurately and promptly than the BBC – when the BBC has 2 people on board the Ship of Fools ?
There really needs to be an enquiry about why the BBC was committed to this long trip. Presumably it was to give them stories about global warming in Antarctica – ice poles melting etc. But all the science – the REAL science – has been showing this is NOT happening. So the trip was likely to be a waste of money – it should not have been approved in the first place. And if the ship is broken up by the ice there will be a real ecological mess in what is meant to be a pristine environment., where real scientists take enormous care not to spill oil or do anything to adversely affect the Antarctic.
The BBC politburo doesn’t see the real science. Even if they do, it won’t compute. It doesn’t fit the agreed narrative, therefore it doesn’t exist. This how ‘science’ works at the BBC – especially climate science.
Only approved comrades may be invited to pass comment on anything climate-related, whether they come from vetted academic backgrounds or from the BBC’s own CAGW-approved, taxpayer-funded chums in the Met Office. This is how the BBC guarantees it always gets the ‘climate science’ it has decided it wants to ‘report’.
The Ship of Fools has been a delightful, unexpected Christmas present to climate sceptics – planned as a publicly-funded jolly to gather ‘evidence’ for the warmist cause, it quickly – some may say predictably – degenerated into yet another howling own-goal for the CAGW zealots, exposing yet again just how worryingly frail their grasp on the actual facts of the entire climate issue is.
None of this, naturally enough, has prevented the BBC from gleefully reporting anything but the truth – so we are first informed that this was merely a ‘tourist’ cruise, perhaps with a few scientists on board. Strangely, then, most of the talking heads interviewed turned out to be ‘climate scientists’ and all, to a man or woman, agree that despite being landlocked in now record-breaking expanses of thick, impenetrable Antarctic ice, they are in fact victims of ‘receding ice’ caused by, well, y’know…that climate change stuff. Everything is proof – they just have to say it is.
You can’t make this stuff up. Sadly, that won’t stop them trying.
This is the list of media folk involved with the Ship of Fools :
I still hope the weather closes in to prevent helicopter evacuation – and they are all forced to trek across the unstable ice. Their loonie Warmist ideas are causing fuel poverty and aching cold among old folk here – time they had some of their own medicine.
Irrespective of your position on climate change it seems rather churlish to wish ill upon those currently trapped by the ice.
Glad to note that you have now (belatedly) identified that there is only one person associated with the BBC on board. By my count that means 73 of those on board are not associated with the BBC.
Given that their fuel policies kill thousands of people every year, this seems like a small piece of payback. It won’t stop them of course, they are religious zealots, no different from the Shi’ite idiots who whip themselves with chains. I recall a similar idiot who tried to row to the north pole, and who also had to be recued from the ice pack. I would not trust these fools in a rubber room.
By “their fuel policies” I assume you mean successive governments as opposed to the BBC . It is of course the former that put in place the legislation and as far as I am aware no member of the BBC staff currently has a vote in the House of Commons.
I mean the Green establishment, and I defy you to claim that the BBC is not a leading member!
Get your facts straight. There are 2 people associated with the BBC on board – a science editor, and the bearded guy who reports on the World Service.
Go check it out before you start accusing me of errors
Go back and check your own citation John!!
Two for the price of one-
“, while also editing for the BBC” (just in case you missed it)
The Guardian and the BBC who’d a thought it ?
Laurence Topham edits for the BBC
Alok Jha has been reporting on the BBC World Service
and Andrew Luck-Baker is a senior science editor at the BBC.
Quit whining, Albie, get your facts straight. And more to the point – deal with the main issues – the whole expedition is a Warmist debacle, and the BBC has failed to report on it properly
Absolutely, John. Here is the CV on poor diddums Laurence from spiritofmawson, tells you all you need to know, really;
He has also produced documentaries about the death penalty, the US presidential elections (2008-2012), Hurricane Sandy, the UK riots 2011, the Syrian refugee crisis, Martin Luther King and most recently polar bears under threat from global warming in sub-arctic Canada.
A laugh a minute, your call on bbc5live this morning
As at least 3 callers disappeared into the ether after voicing the painful truth about Britain being full re Syrian refugees …. Puff gone!
The fact of the Muslim penchant for war even with each other
Puff gone!
A chap recently returned from said Syria , commented that once Assad is gone! any westerners ala US,UK or Euro would be next, such is anti western feeling, and that a large number of refugees are families of jihadi s who want to die for Allah and have been taught to hate us.
Yep! He was history too.
Ah the joys of diversity …. Along with the comforting news that Turkey is now chief financial supporter of Hamas overtaking Iran, Dave can t wait to get them into the euro … I mean … what could go wrong
I said something similar on the comments section the other day, it was removed. see below
URL of content (now removed):
Nigel Farage calls for Syrian refugees to be allowed into UK
If at all, we should only let in the Christian Refugees from Syria in my view. If we let any of them in regardless of their Religion we will be importing even more Jihadists and that would just be ridiculous in the current climate. But then why listen to me I’m obviously just a racist Islamophobic fruitcake and really everything here is fine and dandy.
Christian persecution in the Middle East by Moslems is very real but the BBC will not publicise this at all. (The interview on Radio 4’s Today programme ( reported here some time ago ) managed to omit who was responsible and accused Israel even though Israel is the only country in the Middle East where the Christian population is growing.)
See http://www.americanthinker.com/2013/12/arab_discrimination_against_christians_must_stop.html
At least, whilst the bBBC’s regular commentators take their long holidays, Arif Ansari as stand-in political reporter helps the bBBC to tick another of the Guardian’s long-running whinges: there aren’t enough ‘people of colour’ in the media.
In their latest article on the subject, their token black man fills all the stereotypes: more journalists ‘of colour’ would help them report better on inner city riots, gun violence, prison and rap music!
This ‘stand-in’… by chance this one?:
‘If UKIP sticking with a policy is a “surprise” as Arif Ansari (the BBC political correspondent) suggests, I wonder why that would be the case. cough BBC cough.’
If so, maybe the problem is there are not enough people of competence, objectivity and integrity in the media, or they have been shunted out by box-tick lightweights and diversity hustlers? Or the hires have been more for ‘safety’ than professional ability?
Interesting reading the Graun comments, and what is getting zero recommends and what’s topping the list:
“but where is the diversity? Do we honestly not have any journalists of color in the upper tier?”
What colour do you have to be to be diverse anyway? Sounds a bit wacist to me if white people don’t count as diverse just because of their skin colour.
Seems the effnik outrage industry has suddenly hit a certain amount of equality reality itself.
Just a test to ensure that this blog does not censor these words as opposed the the overly used “wacist”; accompanied in this instance with “effnik”.
Arif Ansari is useless, he was foisted on BBC North West to make it a bit less hideously white. We also have a Nigerian weather forecaster who cannot speak English. Heavy rain will bring “flods in Combria” it would appear. Whatever a person’s race, once upon a time a basic familiarity with the English language and pronunciation who have been considered a pretty basic requirement for a job at the BBC, but it seems that is oldthink.
I wonder if there’s a Yorkshire man presenting the weather forecast on Congolese television ?
I’m going to take a wild guess, no, yet there’s no accusations that the Congolese are ‘waaycist,’ but the ‘wace’ industry is a racket to give whites a guilt trip, all part of marxist critical theory.
The marxists are just using the ‘effniks’ as a battering ram to subvert the country, all part of Gramsci , and it’s worked wonderfully well.
Pronunciation? Errr…if we can’t understand him, the problem lies with US.
Rob – So you are also a victim of what can only be described as the crapfest of North West. We often hope that there is rain in Cumbria when Eno is on just to hear “Wain in Cwumbia.” Apparently she started off doing the autocue. I particularly enjoy when she does reports on the arts (NOT!!) as Any surprise that the NF candidate for major of Liverpool refused an interview with Arif. Regular readers will remember that I have complained several times on several issues with North West of course I am always wrong.
Pompous ,sanctimonious, self righteous ,censorious, pontificating , yep they seem to be all right as well
‘Just a test..”
Given your volume and tone thus far, Albaman, the phrase ‘back with a vengeance’ could have been coined for your big return.
Shame not much yet accompanied by any actual on-topic point.
If you are to be designated DOTI lead here for the new year with such calibre of input, the BBC may not even make it to Charter renewal.
“Macshame Created the NUJ Guidelines on Race Reporting”
You really are a piece of work. You know full well that the BBC heavily censor all comments and frequently allow no comments at all on contentious issues, or quickly close down comments when the BBC tax payers views don’t meet the criteria of BBC editors. Once again you set yourself up as the arbiter of rational free speech on Biased BBC knowing full well that if you made similar innuendoes at the BBC blogs, you would have your comment removed or be banned without appeal.
You are the worst kind of fellow traveller for the idiotic and illogical Marxist liberal policies the BBC have been propagandising for years and which have done such damage to the United Kingdom and the lives of so many oppressed peoples throughout the world.
“Egypt arrests Al-Jazeera’s TV crew for ties to Muslim Brotherhood”
“BBC signs news exchange agreement with al-Jazeera” (2003).
In INBBC’s own politically biased words:-
“It [Al Jazeera]is based in Qatar and has built its reputation on its independence which has led to a number of exclusives, including broadcast footage of, and filmed statements by, Osama Bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda. ”
“Muslim Brotherhood’s new safe haven?
Qatar, with an assist from Al Jazeera.”
“Al Jazeera Picks Up Hotel Tab for Muslim Brotherhood Leaders”
(Nov 2013)
By Daniel Greenfield .
The report on the ‘flag talks’ in Northern Ireland is illustrated on the News Channel by a group of men carrying Union flags attacking others. We then cut to Sinn Fein politicians portrayed as ‘voices of reason’.
Bias anyone?
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to notice this!
Given Albaman has set fine precedent on what does or may not be covered about one place in another place, there’s a possibility (beyond being a bit close to home, even though the BBC probably no longer considers itself anything to do with actual journalism) this one may not see light of day under the daily ‘But Labour says…’ slot…
The comments to the Graun article would also surprise a few who think they can say or do anything without consequence so long as they have the right rosette.
Somehow, I think the BBC will love this. Jowell’s only referring to the Murdoch press, of course, not to those on the side of the angels. The bit before her outburst was this:
Sharing a past job description with The Obamessiah is meant to be perfect, is it? Then the reporter goes weak at the knees and is convinced that Jowell is the genuine article and not a politician merely presenting an image. BBC associate producers are probably on the phone with her people (or tweeting them) as I write this, trying to get her in the studio for three or four different shows.
‘Somehow, I think the BBC will love this’
Darn it… you read beyond the headline. if everyone does this, the twittonewsphere will cease to serve is intended role.
Of course, Guido ‘editted’ just as the BBC is wont to do, albeit to share the love rather than the BBC and Graun’s more frequent focusing of bile down very narrow biases of their own.
I actually detected a glimmer of concern even in the Graun reporterettage that her subject was a few fish short of a wife, but even if not the comments by CiFers suggest some work to be done to convince.
Harry Coles is a dope, then, if he thinks Jowell was referring to all of them. As for the concern displayed by the reporter, I’m starting to think that was all an act so she could maintain some iota of credibility after the gushing conclusion. “I was cynical about this politician, just a like a proper journalist should be, honest!”
Now that I think about it, I suppose Jowell would be making the BBC rounds anyway due to her retirement announcement. In any event, we’ll see if any of this interview finds its way into BBC segments with her.
‘Harry Coles is a dope, then, if he thinks Jowell was referring to all of them.’
I don’t think he is, or does. Possibly he knew exactly what his edit may lead to.
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC) on Islamikazes in Russia-
Pamela Geller:-
“More Muslim converts who misunderstand Islam. Enough already. They understand all too well. The problem is in Islam — and the problem is we can’t talk about the problem. Misunderstanders of Islam. Pathetic.”
BBC’s Adam Parsons yesterday:
Heh. He won’t learn a lesson from this, either.
Oh, I do hope young Master Parsons has his nose rubbed in that idiotic remark, daily for at least the next 12 months!
Problem is, they just don’t give a shit !
Maybe the results of head injuries are uniquely less serious within the BBC for some reason?
Parsons has now deleted the tweet.
No class. He should just admit he got it wrong and leave it at that. If this is an isolated instance of the hated Mail getting it right and the BBC getting it wrong, it wouldn’t change anybody’s minds about whom to trust, right? Er….
And twitter gives us a fascinating insight inti the luvvies lives. Do they all have second homes in the country? Whats wrong with rich and diverse London?
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 23h
@AdamParsons1 you in tomorrow?
Adam Parsons @AdamParsons1 23h
No I’m not. Down in Devon…
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 22h
ah, we head down that way for new year.
Typically liberal. The shire people are not fooled. You can smell a liberal at 20 paces. They always dress in that peculiarly metropolitan attempt at country living. They really do not look the part.
Get some travellers/pikeys to go live on their land.
Ooops! Tweet removed. I guess that’s the question answered!
now, i dont know if you listened to stephen nolans final show of the year last night before he goes of to las vegas for a well earned holiday but as usual he went of on one about the anybody that has been critical of the bbc in 2013 and.he said in angry terms the bbc has took an unjust kicking and battering from the media in 2013 and frankly speaking he is sick and tired of it,hang on stephen,you always say that you are not allowed to have a opinion at the bbc and you must be impartial at all times,that is not how it sounded last night,nolan has a vested interest in proctecting the bbc and it is worrying that he does not want to tolerate any scrutiny or critisism of this organisation called the bbc,have a nice holiday stephen,see you back on radio 5 live in 2014.
‘…he said in angry terms the bbc has took an unjust kicking and battering from the media in 2013 and frankly speaking he is sick and tired of it…
Not just him of course. I recall Danny, Tone, Mark, Chris, Ted & Alice all getting a bit red-faced at being nailed bang to rights.
And, really, not just from the media.
Beyond exceptional present company, there have been a fair few MPs (on all sides), think tanks, many of his own colleagues and… easy for him to forget, uniquely, the general public.
If grasping all that messes with his New Year joviality, I am unsure I can be too bothered.
When did the BBC ever lay off someone after giving them an unjust kicking?
Allegedy Nolan doesn’t want any scrutiny of his own behaviour either.
You think? I seem to remember that in his early days with 5 Lies ( during his “I’ll come round and give you a slap” phase) he had a fixation with all things ‘smutty’, porn mags and the like, I remember one particularly excruciating interview with a Blackpool cab driver ( ‘you must have seen some sight in the back of your cab’- ‘no not really’ – ‘go on, go on you must have’ etc. etc..)
But he seems to have toned that down , I’ve never heard his N.I. show but I do wonder about it.
I have a feeling ,based on some things he has said, that the thing he least wants scrutinised is his employment status
Well you ain’t missing much , unless a constant stream of gay friendly stories are your thing.
Its got so full of typical bbc agenda pushing that i rarely listen any more.
The thing that pees me off the most though is the way that he has a cuddly relationship with the republican leadership and hangers on.
If i hear him call gerry kelly “sir” one more time…..
And lets not mention “wee fat barry mcelduff” i mean seriously…these are spokesmen for a ruthless killing machine that he does his best to sanitize.
Note to BBC editors: the police and emergency services aren’t the “commercial” sector. Just because it’s not military or FBI doesn’t mean it’s “commercial”. I suppose they mean that police and other public sector services will be purchasing drones from private corporations, but then so does the military. This is as much a story about the increasing militarization of our local police and ever-expanding government surveillance of citizens as it is about cool new toys.
Bonus giggle: The first item in the inset “Six surprising uses for drones” is this:
The jokes write themselves.
Have fun and chuckles with the website of the leader of the Ship of Fools, Chris Turney; http://www.christurney.com
And right there on the front page:
“Join us in the Antarctic !”
OK then, I will : when will your ship be available to pick me up ? 🙂
Lordy, I wish there was a webcam aimed at these cretins.
been wondering why the bbc is so far up charlie brooker’s hole? me too.
then I found his wiki entry, tab down to the bottom of `Print` and have a look
Ah, you’re a truther? Noted.
It might just have been a reference to Brooker admitting that he hates Bush – thus the BBC considers him ‘onside’.
And repeats jokes about Thatcher being assassinated, a BBC favorite. But that wasn’t the main issue of that particular piece.
”Ah, you’re a truther? Noted. ”
No airplane hit building number 7, they said ” falling debris from the Twin Towers caused it to collapse !!”
Debunked half a dozen times at least, including here. Yet you still cling to conspiracy theories. Hmm, indeed.
”Yet you still cling to conspiracy theories.”
You mean like Hitler burning down the Reichstag building and blaming the communists or the Gulf of Tonkean episode or the USS Liberty incident, Israel using unmarked airplanes to goad America into attacking Egypt.
I believe in all politicians implicitly, because they always tell me the truth !!
Um, no. I’m talking about reality. I’m noticing a theme in your beliefs, though. Please continue to live in that world, by all means. Don’t let me stop you.
Those American sailors on the USS Liberty sound very bitter, don’t they, David ? but I suspect they’re just all conspiracy theorists who like to make stuff up !
What’s Mossad’s motto ? ” By way of deception thou shall do war.”
Oh, please. Put the shrouds away. I won’t fall for it. Nobody claims the USS Liberty incident didn’t happen. It was a tragic accident, no doubt. The only reason people like you are upset about it is because we didn’t go to war with Israel over it. It wasn’t made into an international incident precisely because people like you would demand war with Israel over it. I’ve only every met one USS Liberty campaigner who didn’t, and was upset only that an ally could do that to us and not suffer any obvious consequences. There’s merit to that argument, but not to yours.
So we didn’t go to war with Israel over it, much to your chagrin. There is no actual cover up, though. The big bad Mossad has your IP and email addresses now (you know they monitor this blog to squash all anti-Zionist thought, right?), so keep it up.
I’m disappointed in you David, putting an allegiance to a foreign country over and above that of your fellow kinsmen, such a shame, but I’m not in the least bit surprised, it just saddens me, that’s all. As Pat Buchanan said ” Washington is now Israeli occupied territory.” If you dare to criticize Israel, your political career is over. The tail is wagging the dog.
Brims, you have no idea what you’re talking about. You sound like the worst kind of BBC journalist with your childish accusations of dual loyalty. Your comment is defamatory and without substance, ignoring years of my comments here, so it’s time to ignore your sickness.
I think you’ll find better accommodation over at this site. It’s more your way of thinking. You don’t really care about BBC bias. All you really care about is having the freedom to express your dislike of blacks on TV, your desire for a race war, and the freedom to say “nigger” without anyone scolding you. Like so many defenders of the indefensible who come here to fight with people they hate over ideology, any discussion of the BBC is a distant by-product, and purely coincidental.
Give it a try. Plenty of folks over there share your beliefs. You’ll enjoy it much more. You care about free speech, right? Off you go, then.
Note the date 2002 as the date that the documentary on the LSS Liberty. There were many subtle and not so subtle anti Israel programmes and documentaries that year on the BBC. . eg See what was happening on Woman’s hour Radio 4
oops ! link is http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/07/letteabout-womans-hour-bbc-radio-4-may.html
The 9 / 11 Conspiracy Theory under 5 minutes, false flag operation, nah !
Try to avoid internal squabbles, or you’ll cause Albaman to have an orgasmic experience. All his compatriots appear to have gone, in a puff of smoke!
Where T F have they all gone?
He’s all alone these days, battling on behalf of humanity. Well, the left leaning bit anyway.
Still polluting South Africa following the most-important-event-in-the-world-evah-evah-evah I’d presume.
Yes I thought it was strange, how two of the keepers of the rainbow flame reappeared after within hours of each other, both having been silent since shortly after the Mandelathon began.
Will there be another flurry of activity shortly after the first post new year flights hit the tarmac?
Were have they all been?
I have always maintained they were directly employed, much to the annoyance of some. Circumstantial evidence yes.
Why directly employed?
Far better to be on a contract for services than a contract of service.
Not only allows plausible deniability ,but allows more scope for avoiding the levels of income tax and national insurance that are necessary to maintain the welfare dependant state they so love
Why tab down? The Wiki page mentions “Guardian” 25 times and “BBC” 23 times, surely above average?
thanks for looking and getting the point, wishing others did the same
I wonder if they’ll find this as thrillingly radical as those ‘anti-establishment’ Occupy protests that they lauded so incessantly…
BBC takes three days to regain control of a computer server after Russian hacker breaks in and tries to sell access to other cyber-criminals
-Notorious Russian hacker spotted selling access on Christmas Day
-BBC’s security now believes it has secured the site, it is understood
-Breach spotted by cyber-security firm which monitors underground forums
“BBC takes three days to regain control of a computer server after Russian hacker breaks in and tries to publish balanced news”
Various commenters are saying – if only they’d released all BBC internal e-mails…or the Balen Report.
The Grauniad story refers to http://ftp.bbc.co.uk as an “obscure” server. Ah yes, that well known technical term “obscure”, so no damage done there then? I mean there is no way that an obscure server like that is connected to any part of the BBC’s less obscure network, is there? It’s just one little computer in a dark room somewhere with a 56K modem connected via a modified trimphone to BT dialup. Presumably all files transferred via the obscure server are then copied to floppy discs for transfer to the important and much more secure parts of the network.
By the way, I didn’t put in the technically incorrect http bit above, that was added by B-BBC comment software….
Did the Russian hacker manage to access the Balen Report?
No doubt fighting for truth and justice like Snowden. Maybe they can kiss his arse once they find him.
The main headline at the top of BBC website –
“IOC ‘confident’ despite Russia bombs”
Anyone would think it was Russia who dropped the bombs! A more appropriate title might be thus:
“IOC ‘confident’ despite Muslim Terrorist Attack”
Islamikazes in Russia: for censoring Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
“Suicide bomber strikes again in southern Russia”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“The southern Russian city of Volgograd has suffered its second suicide attack targeting public transportation in two days. Yesterday’s blast took place at the city’s train station, and today, a suicide bomber destroyed a trolley in the city. Both attacks are likely to have been carried out by the Islamic Caucasus Emirate, an al Qaeda-allied group whose leader has ordered his fighters to attack the 2014 Winter Olympics in nearby Sochi.”
Read more: http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2013/12/suicide_bomber_strik_8.php#ixzz2ozmZ3lbz
Suicide bomber strikes for a second time? Now that’s a great trick.
Like the famous Irish kamikaze pilot on his forty second mission………
I think Israel should boycott the Olympics. Officially, they can claim to boycott it in protest against Putin’s anti-homosexual agenda and bad human rights record. In this way, though, they can just stay away and avoid walking into another Munich scenario.
Win-win, and a few anti-Israel Beeboid heads would explode in the process.
In that event I wouldn’t put it past the IOC to replace them with a cobbled together ‘Palestine’ team. They’ve got previous in having non-actual nations competing.
Click ‘like’ if you agree that the reason the BBC Propaganda at Ten has gone completely overboard in its coverage of the Schumacher accident (six minutes on our national news program for a sportsman many, who don’t watch F1, won’t have heard of) is simply to divert our attention away from and sanitize the Muslim terrorists attacks in Russia.
Oh, Michael Schumacher– that would be the same Schumacher that once observed that, post-F1 career, you couldn’t pay him enough to compete in IndyCar because “It’s suicidal.” (Of course the truth is, you couldn’t pay him enough– full stop.)
So oval racing at 350kph in a “Formula” car is too dangerous, but skiing down an unmarked slope is safe.
In addition to “squirrel,” Schumacher coverage has the saving grace of being yet another subtextual message of “Take no chances, and you’ll never be hurt” — and that’s a credo to be lived by if you’re a pleb, of course, as the Beeb knows what’s best at all times for you. But if you’re a “daring” and “edgy” performer, you’re right up their street.
Has INBBC knocked off reporting Islamic jihad murders of Christians in Nigeria over Christmas?
No reports on its ‘Africa’ pages.
‘Jihad Watch’ has:-
“Nigeria: Muslims murder 12 Christians in attacks on two Christian villages — 8 at wedding reception”
As the career path of Mishal Husain has shown, the BBC has an interesting line in moral equivalence at the best of times.
In this case it’s more like a dodgy odometer, and once past a certain point the whole thing simply starts from zero again and the BBC salesmen swear blind it’s all as good as new because that’s the way they’ve arranged it.
also.the soppy politacaly correct anna foster on the drivetime show on radio 5 live announced tonight that next week radio 5 for the first time ever as a experiment are doing commentary of the bdo darts championship hosted at the lakeside by in her words the excited phil williams who i find dull and so dreary,it just wont work will it,radio 5 live said they want to give more exposure to minority sports fair enough but darts is there to be seen on the tv and not commentated on the radio,maybe i am wrong and it will be a great success for radio 5 live,something tells me it will be car crash radio at its worst.
FIBS , in The Falklands have been doing a radio commentaries on their annual darts matches, since I first heard it down there in the mid 80`s . As it was the Falklands, we thought it was a hoot , but the locals loved it . Can`t see Al bbc using the F.I. commentary team though .
I can’t think of anything better than shunting Phil ‘Poly’ Williams into a siding where even less people will listen to him.
Now the New Year’s Honours have been announced the BBC are focussing on one of their own, Ruth Jones of Gavin and Stacey fame (?) who’s got an MBE, to the exclusion of all others, it seems.
She did the business for them, in response, bizarrely getting a dig in about Thatcher being a war monger.
Funny that the BBC haven’t mentioned Julie Bailey CBE, the woman who brought to the nation’s attention the charnel house that was Stafford District General Hospital. The country owes Bailey a debt of gratitude – she being the first to seriously tell the story of the NHS, as it is, and lift the veil of incompetence, neglect and political distortion and dishonesty.
She will never be forgiven.
But she will never be forgotten by the rest of us.
She will see vengeance restored within her lifetime.
Thank you Julie!…your mum won`t be allowed to die in vain.
And Julie Bailey CBE will never be forgotten by Labour and its union paymasters, who have vilified her, desecrated her mother’s grave and driven her out of her home town. All for telling the truth about Labour’s Nationalised Death Service, something you’ll never hear from the biased-BBC.
Ah an open thread, Is this an example of BBC Bias? > http://kebabtime.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/bbc-bias.html < Pic of Chavez but not Lady Thatcher.
Good catch, Billy. BBC = Scum. Have you seen any of them tweet it?
No , but have been away from laptop all day . A reader did tweet me and sent a pic of what you see from Ireland and that has a pic of Lady Thatcher.
Delingpole just picked this up and RTed it.
Hardly ever defend the BBC, but it’s worth pointing out that the slideshow does feature the Brighton bomb, and ends with a single picture of the lady which, arguably, is more potent.
Unless, of course, it has been edited since James Delingpole linked to it.?
Albie has gone silent again. After we showed that the BBC and the Guardian has a greenie team on the Ship of Fools stuck in the Antarctic. They are stuck because they assumed that Global Warming would give then an ice-free passage – just like the Mawson trip 100 years ago.
And don;t kid us – the whole purpose of the Ship of Fools was to show the opposite to what the SCIENCE SAYS. Here is a quote from the Brit clown who is leading the “scientific expedition” :
“National Geographic a few weeks ago bluntly stated the mission purpose:
” …The current crop of explorers are hoping to document some of the same data and compare them to Mawson’s numbers, “using the twist of modern technology,” Turney told National Geographic earlier this month.
“As may be expected, global warming might play a role in this, he suggests, particularly with respect to melted ice in the East Antarctic”
Still no report from Roger Harrabin. That prat is normally so quick to come up with his Warmist nonsense.
Hey, Roger – can you read a simple graph ? Ice in the Antarctic has been on a long-term increase for many years now:
Senior BBC people signed off this monstrous waste of money – simply because they hoped it would buttress the BBC line on Global Warming and the melting of the ice-caps. Harrabin and the BBC Science Editor will have been consulted. THEY are the DENIERS of the science.
That graph ought to be printed out A3 size and stuffed up Harrabin;s jacksie. He KNOWS he is lying through his teeth, constantly spinning the Warmist cause. Any decent journalist would resign after so many lies and misrepresentations. Or – any half-awake BBC management would have sacked him long ago. He is a busted flush – the whole BBC Warmist agenda that he helped to frame is a busted flush. But we are still forced under risk of fines or possible imprisonment to pay for his arrant nonsense.
The BBC has a team on board the Ship of Fools. But the despised Daily Mail has a far better summary of what has been happening than all the denialist dross the BBC has put out :
My amateur view is that the weather down there will mean it takes a long time for full rescue by the helicopter from the Chinese vessel. So this saga could run and run, No matter how long it takes the BBC will fail to report the facts of the debacle. Indeed – they will be working already on some spin to excuse the gross misjudgments of the “scientists” – some cop-out that evades the brutal fact that ice has been increasing for many years down there.
Personally, I would prefer a very limited rescue effort – why should the ‘copter pilots be put at such extreme risk in those weather conditions. Evacuate any who are old or unwell. Then drop tents and some more supplies to the rest, let them wait until the conditions clear. Or let them trek their way to the permanent Mawson base or across the ice / around the shore to the OZ vessel.
Personally – I think the rescue ships should
It’s a shame the ship hasn’t got a jauntier name that we could use as shorthand when future idiocies of this sort occur.
I rather liked The Icetanic, at least until things started getting a wee bit less jokey.
Maybe Alok & his BFF could reprise the bow rail image, only with a Graun/BBC flag outstretched in his arms?
John, I think they’ve been working out their explanation for the Antarctic’s record-breaking ice expanse and it’s apparently do with warmer oceans and fresh water causing a much larger build-up of ice than usual. This is going to be one strand, at least, of their ‘scientific’ explanation for the Antarctic’s phenomenal ice expansion over the past year or more. It will, of course, be presented as ‘further proof’ that global warming is not only real, but an ‘urgent’ issue for governments everywhere.
Anyone would think that a year’s worth of satellite imagery clearly showing the Antarctic’s rude health as its ice field has expanded to record-breaking levels just didn’t exist. Funny how none of these ‘scientists’ aboard the Ship of Fools seems to have been even remotely aware of their existence.
And you are correct: the BBC will inevitably find an agreeable way to spin this Christmas pantomime to their own warmist agenda. I can hardly to wait to see just how craftily they will set about dissembling this one to fit their CAGW narrative. truth be damned – the Consensus must be served!
I , for one would prefer that they all froze to death.
The New Orientalism: Why Posh Leftists Adore Muslims & the Muslim World.
‘These people are still rebelling against a Western imperialism which only existed many, many years ago. And that imperialism was led by people who weren’t that unlike their own grandparents, great-grandparents etc. Thus they must embrace the brown exotic.
‘Leftists are indirectly arguing that Muslims are incapable of acting morally; of acting with free will & conscience; & of being adult human beings. They argue that because they are brown & Muslim, they can do things which they would never allow a white person to do.
‘For God’s sake, how pure do you want your racism to be?’
Some of our old favourites get a mention; Ho Chi Milne, Gareth Pierce etc.
Happy New Year to you all. Even McPavlov’s dog.
The despised imperialists even built the railway from Mombasa inland to present day Nairobi and onwards with one of the main aims being the eradication of the Arab slave trade in that part of the world. Started in 1898.
That was largely achieved and the country openened up to the benefit of all.
But it was European imperialists that did it so it was probably a bad thing.
The Arab slave trade? Lying Western propaganda. Never existed. Rather like the cleansing of Christians from the ME.
Liberals make me sick
2014. Resolve never to listen to a lying word they say.
No one would accuse the Indy of being right wing, but in a million years the BBC would not give the oxygen of publicity to sentiments like this http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/time-to-remember-nelson-mandelas-soft-touch-with-the-ira-9029511.html?origin=internalSearch
That it’s true is irrelevant.
The Indy, and its readers, can on occasion surprise with what exercises them.
However I have to crank an amused eyebrow at their front page (arty, long range) photo and claim that the Ship of Fools currently stuck in the ice are no more than a ‘cruise party’. Unless of course they are sticking the knife in even further. Despite it being on the cover, I struggled to locate any story online, but will have a rummage.
Best I can do:
Looking at that page, this tweet may have redeemed them a bit:
The Independent @Independent
BBC hosts panel debate on teaching of History without History teacher. Well that’s a bit silly says @anthonyseldon ind.pn/1lw5WbY
Yes, ‘silly’; let’s call it that. Actually a debate on who the BBC includes or excludes from their concocted debates in general may be a worthy topic.
“Women lead the way in new years honours list”
I like the customary BBC PR language: “Leading the way”. They’re almost “marching forward purposefully”
The BBC is very concerned to counter gender bias in the media you see. This bias hasn’t been proven, of course. It’s just believed to exist by Suzanne Moore and the Guardian sisterhood – which is good enough evidence for the Beeb.
In order to restore equality to the airwaves, our betters have given us “Woman’s hour”, and turned it into a propaganda channel.
But thank goodness it exists, though! We’re practically drowning in testosterone, with all the other Radio 4 programmes, presented as they are by Alice Roberts, Helen Mark, Sandi Toksvig, Bridget Kendall, Charlotte Smith, Francine Stock…
“The Playlist Series” was looking at Nell Gwyn, “Saturday live” was looking at “Philosopher Angie Hobbs”. “Open Book” looks at the “year of the Women writers”. There’s a “Front Row” special on Buffy the vampire slayer; “Food for thought” must have been fascinating, as it contained a conversation between Nina Myskov and Yoko Ono…
Man o man, all that patriarchal bias…
Sorry I blurted that out at top speed, the above was from looking at 2 days output from R4, both days had a woman’s hour to counteract the regrettable male-oriented slant in the channel…
Mrs Bug quietly seething that, after reading the BBC headline, no honours have actually come her way: a nasty shock.
This is doubly painful for her as I’ve awoken this morning to discover that I’ve been made Grand Seigneur of Guernsey ! I really didn’t see that coming, but I will try to carry out my duties with the requisite dignity etc etc and try not to look too happy as the great and the good of the Channel Islands hand over the readies to keep me in the style to which I aspire.
Following on from previous posts concerning the so named Ship of Fools, here is one of them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvlDdqO-WFo
Odd to see HG without Roy. Trust nothing’s happened to him.
The BBC ignores Christian persecution in the ME because it isn’t happening and has never happened. GEDDIT?
Just like you didn’t see and hear with your own lying eyes and ears what The Woolwich Beheader did and said. GEDDIT?
Your IP address has been registered for re-education by The Ministry of Truth.
The Ministry will love this seasonal video then.
Beeboid Editors’ self-congratulations for 2013 on spending the licence tax on Mandela Tweets, on new bilingual Burma broadcasting service, etc.
“A big #YearOnTwitter for @BBCBreaking”
By Mark Frankel,
Assistant editor, BBC Social News.
“Beeboid Editors’ self-congratulations for 2013”
Given the extent and calibre of posts on what is supposed to be the flagship forum for BBC Editorial, that they see the ‘big’ part to the year as them moving all news acquisition & dissemination to a free, niche, foreign, unregulated aggregator, with a unique BBC fee bolted on, about sums their output up.
Even Fisk has this:-
“Time to remember Nelson Mandela’s soft touch with the IRA.
“When asked if the IRA should be admitted to Northern Ireland talks without first ending its campaign of violence, Mandela fumbled his reply.”
Oh but he was so quietly spoken doncha know?
And Winnie had a fire going in the nearby garage, so he`d have been worried.
I`ve heard a few reruns of that crap “Free Nelson Mandela” song of 1984 in these Christmas TOTPs of late…not a Christmas record at all was it?
Let`s hope we can find it with Jimmy Savile introducing it…if his shoes WERE too small for his feet, maybe he`d got too big for his boots by then!(That`s a Tory joke that is, aimed at Harold Wilson I believe!)
Predictably, INBBC has political sympathy for its AL JAZEERA chums.
1.) INBBC supports foreign policy of Islamic Emirate of Qatar, which is aligned with Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas;
2.) Many ex-Beeboids now happily employed by Islamic broadcasting global empire of Al Jazeera, in London (at Shard), in New York, and in Doha.
3.) Beeboids have technical agreement with Al Jazeera.
Part of INBBC’s political campaign for its Al Jazeera chums-
“Al-Jazeera demands Egypt release four journalists”
A non-Beeboid view of Al Jazeera-
“The Two Faces of Al Jazeera”
by Oren Kessler (2012),
Middle East Quarterly.
Also, the Islamic Emirate of Qatar;s ownership of U.K, which Beeboids are inclined to keep quiet-
‘Daily Mail’-
“How Qatar bought Britain: They own the Shard. They own the Olympic Village. And they don’t care if their Lamborghinis get clamped when they shop at Harrods (which is theirs, too).”
By EDNA FERNANDES in Doha (2012).
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2113159/Qatar-bought-Britain-They-Shard-They-Olympic-Village-And-dont-care-Lamborghinis-clamped-shop-Harrods.html#ixzz2p32wJazb
Of course, while Beeboids show their political sympathy for
AL JAZEERA, they show no interest whatsoever in the case of judicial preferential treatment of Muslims in U.K, which ‘Daily Mail’ exposed (and which even ‘Guardian’ now mentions):-
“Daily Mail convinces judge to lift reporting gag on Muslim solicitors”
INBBC is politically embedded with Islamic media and with Islamic interests.
If there is a group award in the Darwin category [ for the people who remove themselves from the gene pool in the most stupid way ] ,then the “Ship of fools ” lot must be a leading contender .
It is now looking like rescue attempts are getting more unlikely
Hasn`t God got a great sense of humour?
I`m still chuckling at what I recall of the Copenhagen Squauk of 2009, when the cheridee mongers were unable to get in or out of there, due to the awful smow etc.
But-as I recall-not one joke or ironical aside from all those edgy comix at the BBC and Guardian.
Zees is not funnee…and never will be as far as the BBC is concerned.
Thank Allah for Citizen Khan and Sandi Toksvig…has anybody checked to see what her teddy bear is called?…and would George Galloway like to check on that for us?
Has he done ANYTHING to help out that Glasgow bar that had a helicopter drop in?…pah!
I have just HAD to share on my facebook page, lets hope all the lefties see it.
“England faces cultural attack from the BBC. They are ever keen to stress independent Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish identity, but rarely allow England a say or even name us. They are keen along with their friends in the EU to try to split England into a series of artificial regions which carry little support or weight with English people. I am not a “Rest of the south easterner” nor a “South easterner” nor even a “Thames Valley er” or a “Bucks Berks and Oxon er”. The more they try to make us fit into these varied and meaningless places, the more we prefer to be English. England faced a political attack from Labour in government , but they gave up when they lost the referendum to create an elected government for the then most Labour of regions, the North East. They were forced to recognise the reality, that England does not wish to be balkanised.”
I thought I was the only one who noticed this…
Oh but lots of us remember it well, and that it was lardarse shagger prescotts pet project.
What a knob to entrust such a thing to huh?
As a great stateswoman once said, they do like to divide and conquer.
Shame on you – thinking of St Diane at the mention of lard arses
Just don’t tell Buggy!
Not true. My ardour for her has cooled since she not only rejected a fun little proposition for the two of us I aimed her way last winter, but threatened to set the rozzers on me into the bargain. Which was frankly not the response I’d expected. Ungrateful cow.
The scales having been thus removed from my eyes so far as she’s concerned, I’m more than happy to participate in merry banter about the size of Abbott’s arse, its likely visibility from space, whether it’s in a different time zone from the rest of her etc etc.
Sorry to hear that, Buggy. Hope the restraining order isn’t too restrictive.
I’m not allowed within 50 yards of Stoke Newington or Hackney. Since these are just the sort of Mogadishu-on-your-doorstep plaguespots I’d gladly pay not to get within several miles of, it doesn’t affect me much.
Hey, Stoke Newington was slightly gentrifying in parts last time I was there. I’ve got friends in that neighborhood, and hope it’s not deteriorating again.
It is good that more and more are noticing the BBC’s dismissive attitude to the English.
Part of their reality denial. Run down Englishness and hope the silly proles will give up their so passe affection for their country. Then we liberals can get on with our grand projects of a borderless world without indigenous cultures ( always excepting the non white lands of course) and get rich in the process.
They really are fools. The English are a quiet people and much attached to their land and their history. When they have had enough of the liberal stupidity then we will see just how stubborn and angry they can get.
When change comes it comes with speed and is always unexpected.
The liberals are very cocksure. They need to enjoy it while they can. They need to be careful what they say when in the shires.
Oh Lordy-another Alan Turing moment coming I fear.
Yet this story is bizarre and as much a parable of the modern age as PIPS. Pastorius, Thatchers funeral in this zany year.
God is now using a megaphone as well as high comedy to tellus stuff…but why bother with that when Mark Steel can raise a guffaw(er…er!)
The moral?…if you`re out in the Highlands, get Miranda Hart(no pun eh) to bring the maps…if there are no transvestitured types out on license or parole available at least?
As I say-bizarre!
“A local gamekeeper described the incident as ‘one in a million'”
He probably meant the possibilty of the stag (sorry: STAG) minding his own business ‘midst the rocks and heather meeting a ‘trangender Cambridge academic’ hanging about the place was a million to one chance, not that getting skewered by a stag was. (STAG</B).
Somehow I can imagine this story being mashed in a process of Chinese whispers and seeing various LGBT protests marches, next year, against Stag parties.
What was I greeted with this morning on BBC News?
A pro-EU propaganda piece called “Political Europe.”
We were told that the insitituions of the EU employed people who weren’t “evil” – they treated us to the comedic side of some civil servants, telling us they never jump queues, stole money, blah blah.
Then we met an MEP who was chuffed that she had three jobs in one (no doubt three salaries too). Did we hear how she made the lives of people better? No, we heard how much she enjoyed her work.
Finally we were introduced to the EU’s college! Apparently there are courses on European integration. Competition for places is competitive (I don’t doubt for a minute that member states have many would-be pen pushers.)
We meet Britain’s only student enrolled on this scheme. The interviewer seemed interested in the networking opportunities for this young man.
There was no interest in what things the student learnt about serving the people (which I’d have thought was important) – instead it highlighted the self-serving purpose of the EU for its employees and potential employees.
The most smug little fat prick was an english EU arsehole sucker who is the EU ambassador to Switzerland,
Absurd Britannia …
Al beeb 5Live lauds some irritating wench for about 15mins
Whose back from jail in Russia, re Greenpeace nonsense …
After 5 I was kinda hoping she was still there, pontificating and a nauseating self righteous tone … She ll get the next travel show on the BBC as prime candidate no doubt.
On to Roma immigrants, problem what problem? …
Bandying the word waycism about, about anyone negative just before migration watch Waller gets to say a few words
Hilarity continues, with consistent interruption, and what about the benefits palava.
OK what about the benefits? Eh! I would sooner they go to people who have paid something in, in the first place.
So the next footballer to make the reverse Nazi salute the ‘quenelle’ is Samir Nasri who claimed he thought it was an anti establishment gesture – ironic from someone earning hundreds of thousands a week from that very establishment!
There is no coverage of this story on the BBC at all save as a footnote to the Anelka story, but can you imagine the reaction if a white footballer had made a gesture which caused even a whiff of insult to one of the fascists brown eyed boys?
The FA have punished players who were innocent, such as John Terry, and also Luis Suarez whose culture was completely over ridden in the dash to show how fascist the FA are becoming.
The fascist pressure groups like ‘kick it out’ are amazingly low key over this, especially given their rabid reaction to the other non incidents. No surprises there then.
Nasri happens to be a Muslim.
And a total self-absorbed prick to boot.
This “anti-establishment” excuse is such baloney. We all know they mean anti-Jewish establishment, anti-Zionist puppet masters, sort of thing. The French expert on far-Right extremist the BBC appealed to as an authority said it was meant to be against the Washington-Tel Aviv Axis, which tells us all we need to know.
The BBC won’t call them on it because most of them agree with the sentiment.
Rachel Burden (BBC 5 Live) Tweets a small admission that also gives a hint as to why I will now reslove to maintain my boycott of this irredeemably awful and out of touch BBC channel
Rachel Burden @rachelburden 6h
@ruskin147 ha! ok. a tiny sample in a small corner of Cheshire clearly doesnt give the whole picture…
But if – unlike me – you enjoy your sport constantly mixed with Leftist sentiment and filtered through a PC agenda – go ahead and listen. The channel appears to be for you.
A small example of their football commentary er, or is that PC policing : ‘This match (Manchester City v CSK Moscow Champions League) is the sort of game where I will be taking off my headphones to check what the Russian fans are chanting’.
May be you like to hear England and all aspects of the “English” denegrated by BBC presenters?
Tony Livesey : ‘I don’t see why we have to express Englishness in any particular way – people are just English by default’
And if you work in the public sector or are a Labour leaning activist, I’m sure you will enjoy 5 Live’s very particular take on the world.
Don’t worry; I hear Rachel Boredom is being replaced in the new year.
Instead of her being in the studio the ‘presenters’ will have a little icon of her face on their screens. When they touch it, it will play a one minute recording of her cackling and loudly.
It’s cheaper than paying her a salary; although in true droid fashion they ie we will carry on paying her salary.
At last the BBC has discovered an appreciation for something they do that really is proper public service broadcasting.
Who, what, why: Who still uses the Shipping Forecast?
It’s not that many people, but seems to be an important service to those who rely on it. And it’s not really something that’s down to a matter of taste, either, like music. Nice to see the BBC defending something they do on the basis that it really is good public service rather than on the basis of ratings and commercial revenue.
Overheard a woman in the pub this afternoon say her New Year’s resolution is to stop listening to the Today programme. She said the last straw was hearing Evan Davis ask Theresa Villiers this morning if Nelson Mandela could have saved the Haas peace talks in Northern Ireland. Didn’t hear the interview myself but it sounds like just the sort of teenage-level idealistic left-liberal twaddle Davis would come out with.
I suspect that Davis had been reading one of the lefties’ favourite newspapers, The Independent, but had forgotten their conclusion that Mandela could perhaps have put an end to the IRA violence many years ago, if only he had renounced (and denounced) his terrorist friends.
It’s okay for Fisk to say this, as he holds all the other approved thoughts, but if DV or someone else here says it, it’s racism.
I couldn’t find anything in the Today recording where Davis mentions St. Nelson, though. Both brief segments I did find were entirely unedifying. Mostly people trying to find different ways to say it was not going well, but opinions differ, all might not be lost, and Davis trying to find out in both segments if the DUP were the problem.
Ooh! Evan is taking me on over this one: https://twitter.com/4d2b/status/418114023830196225
I don’t understand what he means. Why would a random comment be more interesting?
It doesn’t happen often, so it is always a delight when they ‘engage’.
I often suspect other factors can see them move from aloof reticence (Andrew Neil was needled the other day into a reaction beyond the dreams of the poster provoking him), but usually it’s because they can’t resist getting on a high horse when an easy score seems presented to impress the groupies.
Which makes what happens as they get pwned all the funnier, if predictable.
Here, as his world crumbles, he opts for the ‘it’s really all so trivial I can no longer be bothered’ attempt. And fails magnificently.
It also intrigues me why anyone anywhere on social media tries to assess or claim who or what is real or not. It’s daft.
And given most BBC ‘correspondents’ reliance on recollections of quotes from un-named sources as the basis of their analyses, a bit rich to try and infer those of others are not as true as any they conjure up.
I see BBC main squeeze Sandi Toksvig is not enough of a left-winger to refuse an Honour. It’s the ultimate fashion accessory for the socialist hypocrite y’know.
Oh to be the Queen and to order her to turn round and bend over, and then to stick the jagged-sided medal where the sun doesn’t shine. “This is what you have been doing to my Government, how do you like it then?”.
The most enjoyable episode of the holidays this year must be watching the BBCs verbal gymnastics concerning the ecolunatics trapped in the ice , they have been describing it as a tourist ship { it ‘s probably the best time to go,
the first two weeks in September are sooo, crowded you can’t move}.
The joint Guardian /BBC gang were only down there to reinforce their own prejudices , you can bet that if they had managed to obtain pictures of the summer melt , in a year or so they would be misrepresented as having been
taken during an ‘ Antarctic Winter ‘ .
Although it is a delight to see these idiots ‘ hoist with their own petard ‘ it must also serve to remind us all how dangerously fanatical they can be.
If these people were to be stripped down to their underpants and cast adrift on an ice floe off Greenland in the middle of January the would continue bleating about global warming to the last ,assuming of course ,that they were not first eaten by an almost extinct polar bear.
Has anyone been bored enough to listen to their podcasts on BBC’s “Discovery” ?
There is a myth (correction: downright lie) being continually peddled by the BBC: that we narrowly missed a triple dip recession at the beginning of 2013. This gives the firm impression that we had a double dip recession. We did not.
According to the Office of National Statistics, the last recession was in 2008 (under the last Labour Government). The BBC was quick to trumpet the initial ONS estimates of these phantom recessions, which were then corrected by the ONS. But, the BBC has been stangely mute regarding their non-occurence and still routinely speaks as if they actually happened.
For example, today, Tom Edgington’s article “End-of-year review: The Conservatives” (BBC News Online) states:
“A shrinking economy in the final three months of 2012 meant that the Conservatives faced the prospect of a triple dip recession at the start of the year.
Not only was that avoided but growth has steadily gained momentum, culmunating (sic) in December’s Autumn Statement where the chancellor was able to announce that the official GDP forecasts for 2013 had more than doubled.”
Glossing over the excruciating spelling error (do they ignore the spell checker?), the report leaves the firm impression that the third dip was avoided following two previous recessions. In July 2013, the ONS corrected its previous estimates. The last recession (two consecutive quarters of negative growth) ended in 2009. There was no double dip recession. There has not been a recession during this parliament. This fact has been airbrushed out of history by the BBC and the vast majority of people have the firm, but incorrect, impression that we have had several recessions in recent years.
It is true that 12 months ago it was thought that we might have a triple dip recession, but to speak in those terms today is highly misleading.
This deception is repeated many times a day by the BBC, who clearly have their own agenda.
An excellent comment and very well written if you don’t mind me saying. The BBC is running out of sources to cite in its perpetual playing down of the Coalitions’ economic strategy. First it was ‘too deep, too quick’ (incidentally, that’s what my girlfriend used to say when we first met!) and now it’s the food banks and cost of living mantra spouted by such mature and economically-literate impartial commentators, Owen Jones.
As far as I can see the Coalitions’ economic policies are heading in the right direction. I think the BBC can see this as well. But, these policies have been hatched by those on the wrong side of the political fence, so instead predictable groupthink, puerile assertions and downright lies has become the order of the day at the Left’s propaganda headquarters.
Sorry for the poor punctuation. It should read ‘Coalition’s’ and not the plural form ‘Coalitions’. Too many white wines, I fear!
Thank you. We do demand the utmost standards of literacy on this site. Misplaced apostrophes will not be tolerated.
kwight rite: kwite rite
IIRC it wasn’t even one week after the coalition agreement was signed that Newsnight started its: “Are there cracks forming in the coalition?” attack.
Funnily enough, many European countries have coalition governments, but not once did Newsnight ask a similar question about them. Not before May 2010 and not after.
At least Andrew Neil has seen the serious mess the Ship of Fools is in, And he refers to a good aericle on the possible legal consequences. I hope some of the key players get their asses sued off them. But it also needs some form of public enquiry in Australia.
(……………………. in other news, I see that Flowers and Cook have been invested with the Royal Australian Order, for services to OZ cricket)
Thanks to David Vance and the other people who keep this site running – and also to all the conmmenters. A Goof New Year to All
Good not Goof New Year ! But I suppose Goof fits the trolls.
Tweets by afneil
Andrew Neil has been tracking the Ship of Fools fiasco for days now – enraging a lot of Warmists by quoting clear facts
When he sticks to facts and an affable defence of his right to opinion, he is doing more than enrage them; they are flat out panicking. He’s a big beast from an unlikely source getting noticed and heard in ways they really have not had to cope with before.
26 people paid at least $8000 to play along? That is fantastic! Pilgrims paying to ride along with and carry baggage for the priests. Plus 4 journalists, at least one of them a Beeboid, who certainly aren’t paying their own way.
BTW, Neil tweeted that link using the classic BBC get-out-of-bias-free card, “Fascinating take”. They all do it, and it’s always an endorsement. He shouldn’t, either. There are less biased ways to link to things.
That seems a calibre of analysis that few in the BBC’s cubicle gardens could manage in their wildest dreams, on any of their preferred subjects. Well done that author.
Quote from article
“Chris Turney, a publicity-hungry professor of climate change”
Is there any other kind?
I’d like to know how he’s any different from one of those wacked-out doomsday types who swear the Rapture/End Times/Aliens (delete as appropriate) is/are coming tomorrow and gets people to sell their belongings, hand over a bit of cash, and gather with him at the top of a hill, and then when it doesn’t happen gives a shrug and says, “Wait ’til next year!”
Did he get any of those paying passengers to castrate themselves and put on a funny robe, or was he about to start passing around the Kool-Aid just before getting news of the helicopters coming?
The difference is they are true believers of the new faith -( though jones , I have read, preached some form of Marxist-Christian synthesis)