#JeSuisAhmed was a hashtag started by Islamist Dyab Abou Jahja and taken up by Muslim activists such as Mehdi Hasan and Myriam Francois-Cerrah. He initiated it with this tweet….
Just so we know…Dyab Abou Jahjah…Muslim activist and opponent of ‘integration’ who stated after 9/11:
“Most of us … felt that day something that can not be described as joy, or as happiness, but rather as that sweet revenge feeling. We all had – except that small minority- a “what goes around comes around’” attitude”
Naturally he now claims not to hold those views. Looking at his tweet I might suggest he still does hold them.
The Tweet tells us that the death of the cartoonists is of no consequence, you may infer from it that the deaths were possibly justifiable in his eyes, and in those who retweet it.
Ironically what the Tweet does tell us is that those same Islamist activists who also complain of those ‘multiple levels of alienation that foster terror’ are wrong.
Ahmed, a Muslim and an Arab, was a police officer….so how did he avoid the rampant Islamophobia and racism rife in France? He had a job, a good job at the heart of the establishment. The killers also had jobs and were not apparently ‘disaffected’ by their lives in France…..what got them into radicalism? Meeting the radical preachers who persuaded them that Muslims were being slaughtered and abused in Iraq by the West….never mind most Muslims were actually being killed by the self-same radicals.
So is that narrative of disenfranchised, disaffected, alienated Muslims the real cause of radicalisation? We know Panorama says it is not, this Tweet suggests it is not. The facts suggest it is not.
After all there are may people from all communities who are in similar positions and yet who are the terrorists? They are Muslim.
Why? Not poverty, not alienation, not joblessness.
The problem is not foreign policy but puritanical Islam and the expoitation of young Muslim’s idealism and fellow feeling for other Muslims …both given divine sanction by the Koran which tells Muslims to fight in order to defend other Muslims ‘under attack’….supposedly oppressed by the West.
Islamist = muslim
Activist = trouble-maker
Islamophobia = a made-up word with no meaning
Innocent = For normal people it means having done no wrong, whereas for muslims it means being a muslim; no one else is innocent
I suggest it is not possible to identify and oppose the muslims and socialists who are intent on doing us harm without first understanding the language that they use.
Got to hand it to the bBC, only they could come out with this article:
Paris attacks: ’I am not Charlie’
Read how the bBC reports that to Muslims:
” If you kill one man it is like you kill all of humanity. “
Say they have no issues with jews:
“But the Muslim teenager accuses French media of exaggerating the divisions in Sarcelles, where Jews now make up about a quarter of the 60,000-strong population. “We say one thing, you might write another,” he suggests, smiling.”
and then opines about how Jews live on the right side of the tracks:
“Am I going up to the Jewish area?” asks the younger man. The Jews got the nice part of Sarcelles, he explains, a little sourly, while we got this, gesturing back to the long blocks of uniform five-storey council flats stretching down to the railway station.”
Then the bBC find a old muslim who regurgitates the western Islamic mantra regards Israel:
” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu whom he calls “the biggest terrorist in the world” because of the Gaza conflict. He insists he is not anti-Jewish, saying he had Jewish friends back in Tunisia.”
Then they find another Muslim who has Jewish friends:
“Another Muslim pensioner I meet separately, a man from Morocco, says he has Jewish friends too, here in France, men he will “have a coffee or beer with”.
Beer bBC, you keep telling muslims don’t go near the stuff, but just like little girls, drugs, weapons and dogs Muslims say one thing and do the opposite.
and then the bBC end with this reason why they support Islamic terrorism inside France:
“”Muslims may also fear retaliation by jihadists if they take to the streets,” he adds. He himself is uneasy after the attacks. “Nobody is safe now,” he says before directing me to the nearest tram stop.”
Ah, its all the fault of Non Muslims for the reasons why Muslims murder death kill.
The bBC, the apologists for Islamic terrorism
Not all Germans were Nazi’s in the 30’s but still 6 million Jews were murdered. They feel the same now in France, not Nazi’s but Muslims.
“Islamic State begins recruiting campaign in Pakistan, Afghanistan”
This recruiting may find a rich seam among certain ‘communities’ in Britain – as INBBC will be slow to point out.