What is this plight to which Europe has been reduced?
The vast quivering mass of tormented, bewildered human beings
Who wait in their cities and their homes
And scan the dark horizons for the approach of some new form of Tyranny or terror with the sullen silence of despair.
But for the Great Republic across the Atlantic Ocean saving
Europe from ruin and enslavement The Dark Ages would have Returned in their cruelty and squalor.They may still return.
The salvation of the common people in Europe from war and servitude
Must be established on solid foundations,
And must be created by the readiness of
All men and women to die rather than to submit to tyranny.Let Europe arise.
Churchill, paraphrased from a speech in 1946
The BBC’s Panorama produced a programme about Islam in Britain that totally destroyed the BBC’s carefully contrived narrative of the ideology that is intended to lull us into a sense of false security and persuade us that there are no issues with Islam, that the problems stem from a very small minority of extremists, criminals, madmen even, who pervert the great religion for their own ends.
Panorama was on last night, and I asked what is the likelihood of the truths revealed in that programme finding their way into the BBC’s everyday coverage.
Already we have the answer….not a chance in hell.
The Today programme (06:39) tried to enlighten us about the dark underbelly of the Pegida protests in Germany.
Ostensibly, note that sly little word ‘ostensibly’, the BBC said, Pegida is about extremist Islam.
That additional ‘ostensibly’ tells you everything you need to know about how the BBC’s report would approach this subject. It was a subtle maligning of the intentions of Pegida…the classic ‘liberal’ smear tactic that suggests the real motive is racism.
Indeed the report went on in precisely that vein….the good folk in the Pegida marches are ignorant, they don’t understand the great joys and benefits that immigrants bring (so already off the subject of Islam)….it’s up to politicians to enlighten them! LOL.
However we are told ‘They are not all neo-Nazis’….implying that most are. Proof of that? How about this instead…… ‘Not all Muslims are fanatical Koran thumpers but…..’ Not something you will hear from the good liberatti but they are happy to label anyone who does anything they don’t like as Nazis…quite extraordinary….are the four million marchers in France ‘neo-nazis’?
‘Amusingly’ the report ended from a place close to where a synagogue was destroyed on ‘Kristallnacht’ and we were told that ‘People (ie ignorant Pegida types) don’t learn from history’….what an irony eh? Trying to take the image of the Kristallnacht just days after a Jewish shop was attacked and the free Press brutally murdered by extremist thugs and use it to suggest that people who are protesting about extremism by the very people who committed those crimes are the same as the Nazis!
We’ve just had a programme laying out the extremist ideology that pervades much of the Muslim world, Panorama remember told us that this ideology is ‘mainstream’ in the UK now, and yet only hours later we’re being told that this is something to celebrate in our midst and we’re being lectured that we don’t learn from history.
I might humbly suggest that the people who don’t learn from history are those who bury their heads in the sand and ignore the very dark future that is rapidly approaching.
Remember this well….Labour MP and former minister Shahid Malik quoted this from Islamic scholars:
“It is necessary by sharia to abide by the laws of the country one lives in, regardless of the nature of the law, as long as the law doesn’t demand something that is against Islam….
“It is necessary upon a Muslim to listen to and obey the ruler, as long as one is not ordered to carry out a sin.”
Of course that means a sin in the eyes of Allah as defined by the Koran and Sharia….in other words Sharia law, not British law, is the final arbiter of how a Muslim should live in the UK according to Malik….If British law demands you do something that is ‘unIslamic’ you should refuse to do it.
The Daily Mirror told us in 2006 that:
As a result of demands such as these…..
Dr Syed Aziz Pasha, secretary-general of the Union of Muslim Organisations of the UK and Ireland, demanded the British institute Sharia Law in England and grant Muslims national Islamic holidays… “If you give us religious rights we will be in a better position to convince young people that they are being treated equally along with other citizens.”
In other words more Islam is the answer to the extremists demand for more Islam….clever huh?
This was the MCB’s tactic when trying to impose an Islamic ethos into secular schools just a year later….something remarkably never mentioned by the BBC when it eventually got around to reporting the current attacks on our schools in the Trojan Horse plot…..the man at the centre of that plot being the same man who authored the MCB ‘guidance’ for schools in 2007. Something that might have been of note perhaps.
As pointed out the BBC has already decided to ignore the ‘warnings from history’ and the warnings from its own revelatory report on the subject of just how mainstream ‘conservative’ Islam is in the UK.
It does everything it can to prevent ‘Europe arising’ to defend its values and beliefs, culture and society. The BBC would rather you be crushed and oppressed by an extreme ideology than for you to ‘offend’ or ‘insult’ those who wish to impose it by reiterating your own beliefs and values.
Standing up for democracy, freedom of thought and expression, freedom to leave your religion, freedom to criticise an ideology…..all are apparently ‘insulting and offensive’ to certain people.
The BBC would rather have the ‘sullen silence of despair’ than for you to be allowed to voice your concerns.
David Goodhart said, on the BBC, and subsequently ignored….
It has become clear that to remain liberal the state may have to prescribe a clearer hierarchy of values.
The gulf between conservative Islam and secular liberal Britain is larger than with any comparable large group….for those of us who value an open, liberal society it is time to explain why it is superior to the alternatives.
Some claim that if people understood Islam more everything would be fine, they would be more tolerant, I think quite the contrary….the more they understand about it the more alien they would find it…authoritarian, collectivist, patriarchal, misogynist…..all sorts of things that Britain might have been 100 years ago but isn’t now.
Tolerating the intolerable is not a sensible attitude however ‘liberal’ you profess to be…sometimes you just have to stand up and say No! A time when compromise must end.
Mark Steyn On The Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attacks, And The Phony Hashtag Solidarity Being Shown
And a Catholic perspective on PEGIDA and the archbish.
Prelates and Politicians Favor Cultural Suicide in Germany
Let us asssume that our politicians and media stopped telling lies about Islam, and challenged Muslims on their belief system. They even went further, and took action on “radical” i.e., normal imams and mosques. I know the response. Islam plays for the long term.
Muslims at present living in the West, will accept the call to clean up their communities of extremism. After all, the idea of living in Pakistan or Somalia is hardly appealing.
They even went further and made the changes in their teachings of the Koran and the jihad. Such an outcome would no doubt come as a relief to many on this site, the government, the MSM, and elsewhere. But I counter, that all such changes were being done merely to protect the ummah while it grows at ever-increasing pace in the West. Once a near majority is achieved, that future generation of Muslims will simply revoke any changes, and return to the traditions of the unchanging and unchangeable Koran i.e., the canonical texts of Islam that cannot be changed, but only protected when under duress. That future generation of Muslims in the UK, or in any Infidel nation, will even praise this generation of Muslims for having done what was necessary to protect Islam.
Islamic ideologues take the long view – in several decades or centuries, or more. They are here not just for Benefits and a cushy life but to impose sharia.
It is only right that we as well consider options, keeping in mind Islam’s long-term objective.
The BBC’s tireless efforts to persuade us that multiculturalism is working and is wonderful are increasingly unconvincing.
If something really is wonderful there’d be no need for a state broadcaster to obediently keep telling us it is.
Let us try to do something that we can without any great effort.
1.Make every effort not to buy halal in any form. Halal certification helps the project to Islamise Britain and the West. It is also an inhumane method of slaughtering dumb animals.
2. Most so called “Indian” restaruants are Pakistani or Bangladeshi. Indian food is quite simple to cook, besides being hygienic when done at home
Having learned the principles of Indian cooking many years ago, using simple ingredients – I would never want to eat in a Bangladeshi restaurant. Quite apart from the halal thing, there are too many additives in the food (and also in “Chinese” food, too much monosodium glutamate – and a clear risk of bad hygeine. I would not even buy “Indian” food at a supermarket, ridiculous prices for minimal portions.
Indian cooking is simple. Just a few spices to add in approximate measure. One gets the hang quite quicky, and adjust later to taste.
Besides, I have doubts of hygeine standards in “Indian” restaurants.
One practical consideration is that there is no requirement to label meat as Halal in this country, which would be of benefit for those who wish to avoid it (or seek it out for that matter). Much of the chicken and lamb sold in British supermarkets is actually Halal, without being so identified. Contrast with, for instance, the efforts expended to label things as organic, free range, farm fresh, low fat and so on. Indeed, the only guaranteed way to avoid halal meat is to raise your own animals, be vegetarian, eat only pork. Or eat in the House of Commons restaurant. Talking of which, the matter of meat labelling was debated in parliament on 24th April 2012. Less than a 1/4 of MPs turned up and only 70 voted in favour. Here’s a list of who voted:
I was under the impression that the government intended to require all Halal foods to be labelled.
Then where are the Animal Rights mob on this ?
Animal rights mob are nowhere. They seem to just ignore this. We haven’t used KFC or Subway for several years now due to their sales of halal. A few years ago I made a complaint to the BBc as some cult member was on a cookery program informed us hal al was the “best meat”. My understanding is that as it stresses the animal it isn’t. Needless to say my complaint went no where.
Found this on their website…Halal
“Halal and kosher meat
It is right to be outraged at this needless suffering of animals but it is wrong to think that stunning animals before their throats are cut renders the whole process humane. Undercover filming inside seven UK slaughterhouses, all of which stun animals, showed unbearable suffering, much of it caused by the stun process itself. Sending a bolt into the brain or trying to clamp electric tongs around the head of an animal who is moving doesn’t guarantee a swift loss of consciousness in fact it can cause additional suffering.
We cannot say whether one method is less appalling than the other. But it is clear that both methods cause terrible suffering and are wholly unnecessary and see veganism as an alternative to this suffering.”
There’s nothing particularly nice about animals being slaughtered regardless of method – it’s the price we have to pay for eating meat. For something like 95% of the human beings who have ever lived, simply being able to eat meat at all has been a priority and privelege. The idea that only certain types of meat can be eaten or that the animals have to killed in a certain way would be baffling to them.
The issue is not simply one of animal welfare, although that is important for many people. It is also the case that many religions including Christanity, Judaism and Sikhism, have scripture that forbids the consumption of food that has been blessed in the name of another faith. And, as per the earlier posting, is the fact that religiously slaughtered meat does not have to be identified as such, thereby restricting informed choice.
The BBC keeps suggesting that Japan is on its last legs and needs immigants to care for its aging population. The Japanese with an immigration rate below 20, 000 a year must think Europeans are crazy if they have to mobilize 100,000 police and 10,000 special forces and infantry every few months to restore social harmony. But of course it’s nothing to do with Islam.
From this it would appear there are now marches in Munich, and that the demonstrations have spread from the old DDR to the old FGR.
“Moroccan-born mayor of Rotterdam tells fellow Muslims who do not appreciate
the ‘freedoms’ of living in the West to ‘pack your bags and f*** off’ on live TV.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2907941/Moroccan-born-mayor-Rotterdam-tells-fellow-Muslims-not-appreciate-freedoms-living-West-pack-bags-f-live-TV.html#ixzz3OjRucL00
INBBC censors any reference to Islam, Islamic jihad, Muslims here:-
“Terror threat posed by ‘thousands’ of EU nationals”
-INBBC refuses to identify the Islamic jihad/Islamic supremacist nature of our enemy.
(Have Beeboids viewed John Ware’s ‘Panorama’ programme?)
http://rt.com/news/222035-swiss-pegida-anti-islamic/ Now looks like it’s spreading to Switzerland. If it starts here wait for the establishment and BBc to jump on it.
You can be sure that the BBC will come down like a ton of bricks against PEGIDA in Switzerland. The BBC have a real leftist downer on Switzerland because of its non-membership of the EU and the Euro, its tax haven status, its gun laws, its referenda showing that the people want to limit the number of immigrants, and its population’s patriotism and love of freedom.
Anything the BBC can do to smear and undermine Switzerland will be done. Just watch