Three Muslims were shot dead by a man called Craig Hicks in the US and the police report says this…
Mr. Hicks has been charged with 3 counts of First-Degree Murder for the murders of;
- Deah Shaddy Barakat 23 years of age of Chapel Hill,
- Yusor Mohammad 21 years of age of Chapel Hill, and
- Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha 19 years of age of Raleigh.
Mr. Hicks is currently being held, without bond, in the Durham County Jail.
Our preliminary investigation indicates that the crime was motivated by an ongoing neighbor dispute over parking. Hicks is cooperating with investigators and more information may be released at a later time.
“We understand the concerns about the possibility that this was hate-motivated, and we will exhaust every lead to determine if that is the case. Our thoughts are with the families and friends of these young people who lost their lives so needlessly,” said Chief Chris Blue of the Chapel Hill Police Department
You might wonder then why the BBC choose to phrase their headline like this:
Chapel Hill suspect’s wife says murders not about religion
The wife of the man accused of killing three Muslim students said the attack was motivated by parking, not religion.
Could it be that the BBC is trying to influence how you think of this case?…it’s just the wife saying that…we can dismiss it as untrue as she’s bound to say that!
The BBC eventually gets around to the truth but still gives a lot of weight to the ‘hate crime’ possibility…
Chapel Hill Police said in a statement there had been an ongoing parking dispute but they are still investigating whether the attack was hate-motivated.
They then go into a lot of detail about Hick’s atheist beliefs and linking them by inplication to this killing….
Mr Hicks’ Facebook profile included a photo that read “Atheists for Equality”. He frequently posted quotes critical of religion.
He had also posted a photo on 20 January of a gun he said was loaded and belonged to him.
You might think that odd…the attempt to link atheism to some sort of anti-religious ‘terrorism’…..this is after all the BBC that goes out of its way to assure us that Islamic terrorism isn’t caused by Islam, and isn’t in fact terrorism.
Jihadwatch does a more thorough job of investigating Hicks than the enormously resourced BBC…he seems to be left wing and apparently barely mentions Islam….
On his Facebook page, Craig Hicks had a huge and revealing list of “Likes” that shows him much more preoccupied with Christianity than with Islam. He does post a chart likening “Radical Christians” to “Radical Muslims,” but that is about the extent of his mentioning of Islam at all. He likes the atheists Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Bill Maher, all of whom have criticized Islam, but his page includes none of their statements about Islam. He likes many anti-Christian groups but no groups that are critical of Islam, and he even likes a group praising Obama for supporting the Ground Zero Mosque.
From the looks of all this at least, if Craig Hicks was going to commit a hate crime, it seems much more likely that he would have targeted “right-wingers,” Republicans, evangelical Christians, etc., than that he would have targeted Muslims because they were Muslims.
If they are going to speculate about the shootings as the BBC does then perhaps they should base that speculation on the available evidence and that evidence points away from the anti-Muslim murderer take on this….though as we know they were right about the Boston Bombers being white supremacist right wingers. Weren’t they?
Not as if parking disputes don’t end in death…
Harrow woman may have been murdered in ‘parking row’
A woman fatally stabbed in a north-west London street may have been attacked in a row over parking, it has emerged.
Alison Morrison, 45, was attacked in Alexandra Avenue, Harrow, on Thursday morning and died in hospital.
A man, 48, was arrested in connection with her suspected murder. Mrs Morrison was vice-chair of the area’s Safer Neighbourhood Board.
A man killed a woman? Surely that is a hate crime? Did the man hate women?
How about this?
Man, 75, kills neighbours in ‘parking row’
A pensioner killed his two elderly neighbours and then shot himself on Sunday, reportedly in a row over a parking space.
Police were called to a family home in Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, shortly before 7am to reports a man and woman had been killed by several shots to the head.
I hate people who park on their Lawn. But its not a hate crime, because its an all White area, thank God.
Also, Christians forgive people who hate, but Atheist, especially those on the Left, regard people who hate, as criminals, unless they hate Thatcher or Israelis or Tories or UKIPers or many other people such as Christians who “Forgive not Hate” rather than the BBC who “Hope not Hate”
But I think he lost patience in hoping they would park somewhere else and reverted to hating them for parking there. Therefore if he is White and they are Black, then it is a hate crime.
I have a car parked on our lawn specifically because it annoys the bloke across the road who keeps commenting on it.
This has nothing to do with a dislike of Islam.
This has nothing to do with a dislike of Islam.
Dunno, have you seen how they park? I have a drive with gates and a solid white line (which means no parking!). I have a photo album full of Muslims parking their cars selfishly causing obstructions.
I also have a set of photographs of just one driver being given a ticket – she was the only white one we ever found !
When Muslims cause obstructions the Political Correctness enforcement squad will turn somersaults to find reasons not to book them. My latest complaint about their refusal to book someone is currently with their professional standards department because of lies I was told in a desperate effort to avoid issuing a ticket.
If the US Police are in any way as bad as ours are then I’m not surprised one bit that someone has been driven in frustration to take this action.
Last paragraph say’s it all. We live near a school !
At risk of setting a precedent, but having passed by one of those generic ‘us’ presumptions earlier from a duty Flokker, this has moved me to suggest this phrasing was not helpful.
I cannot recognise how it is possible that a ‘they’ ‘park’.
Bad parking seems cross demographic on any basis, from nationality through race to gender.
On Guido yesterday it was clear the cream of professional, union-sponsored, rose-hued British womanhood had no chance parallel parking a van than getting into a Labour strategy meeting on serious, men’s stuff.
And shooting anyone over a parking space is no more justifiable than murdering the occupants of an entire office or a supermarket over a perceived faith insult in print.
What should be carried out is non-violent (preferably unthreatening, damage-avoiding) protest, most effectively near seats of influence or power.
Of course, it has to be accepted state media can blank the whole thing if it looks like that may backfire if then shared with the wider public.
Hence I can concede that multiples of standards, especially in law enforcement, as with news coverage, is a reason if still no excuse for frustration leading to extremes.
You do have some strange ideas.
The Police actually enforcing laws to the advantage of citizens?
The leaders of the Muslim community in Chapel Hill question whether this was a “hate crime”…As seen here…
The BBC of course know better than them..
And now the useful idiots of the UAF have swallowed the line and are calling a flash demo tonight – Outside the BBC in London – How very poignant…
‘…demo tonight – Outside the BBC in London – How very poignant…’
Given complications to what initially seemed a great narrative launchpad, it will be interesting if the BBC cover it, at all. Not like they can say they were unaware. Well, credibly. As its stands Mr. Cameron’s pet project has concocted a level of equivalence that it would take Mishal to explain.
The follow-up tweets are actually worth a read on the topic of speculation.
To me the whole reporting had an obvious agenda which is ‘it is not just Jews who are killed for their faith.’ Implication is that this is the backlash that the Beeboids were so worried about after Paris.
Where’s that quote from? I suspect you made it up.
What are you? The Guardian Of Grammar. Is it a new QUANGO? She clearly used the quotes to encapsulate a suggested agenda. Are you going to complain about my use of italics. And you aspire to be a trendy metropolitan elite tech geek – isn’t language flexible these days, especially now that it has to be dumbed down for our new residents?
I’m tempted to get down to Scott’s level to adequately express what I think.
Galloway and his incestuous bunch of Jew-haters, I mean Israel-haters, have gone into meltdown on Twitter over the medias apparent refusal to give blanket coverage of this supposed atheist-on Muslim-hate-crime. I must give a grudging nod to the BBC, though I say it through gritted teeth, for allowing this ignorant parody of a man, this peddler of incessant hate against Israel and its denizens, to make a fool of himself on Question Time.
Sorry, I accidentally missed out an apostrophe out in my previous post. I should have said, “the media’s apparent refusal to …”, and not, “the medias (sic) apparent refusal to …”.
I hate it when I do that; and blame it on mental distress caused by reading George Galloway’s Twitter account.
Maybe I live a sheltered life, but I haven’t heard of PACT before:
Since 2007, Pact has had a Diversity Pledge in place where member companies signed up pledging best practice and positive action approaches to diversity, both in front of and behind the camera.
Two years later, Pact joined forces with the Creative Diversity Network (CDN) to launch a new diversity pledge with the aim of covering the entire industry including broadcasters’ in-house production departments. The CDN Pledge is a great opportunity for broadcasters and independent production companies to work collaboratively to take measurable steps to improve diversity across the production sector.
The CDN/Pact Pledge is supported by an updated version of Pact’s Diversity Toolkit and C4’s Diversity Genius, which both contain practical advice for independent production companies on fulfilling the commitments in the pledge.
Funded by the BBC, C4 and a cohort of the leading indies, Pact has also created the role of Diversity Adviser to help production companies deliver against the CDN Pledge by offering bespoke advice and specialist help in identifying and fulfilling various diversity commitments set out in the pledge.
To date, Pact has assisted over 300 independent production companies sign up to the pledge, pledging their commitment to increase diversity within their business.
What a load of utter bolloks.
Sorry – wrong section.
So, that’s a lot of people that will lose out because of their ethnicity and gender. Hope they don’t get bitter but know that their loss is serving a greater cause. Can we know the ratios within the ethnic and gender groups?
Of course the Beeb will report the demo after all the Muslims are the victims here ( tongue firmly in cheek) ….unlike Sunday when they were NOT .
Alan writes some nonsense but I think recent posts suggest he really has gone over the edge.
‘You might wonder then why the BBC choose to phrase their headline like this: Chapel Hill suspect’s wife says murders not about religion’
Now, I’m going to take a wild stab at this one, but could it be because the suspect’s wife says the motive wasn’t about religion?!?
The evidence so far may well point away from the anti-Muslim murderer but there is the small detail that he is an anti-theist and the victims were all Muslim. The article addresses that going by the prevalance of the twitter hastags the idea it was an anti-Muslim attack seems to have taken on some momentum. The article is responsible journalism in adctually reporting the evidence.
And the BBC didnt state the Boston Bombers were white supremacist right wingers, they discussed who the suspects were likely to be. You’ve already been discredited on that point Alan….as you so often and repeatedly are.
The article is responsible journalism in actually reporting the evidence.
That would be such a departure from normal BBC ‘custom and practice’ as to seem to be very unlikely.
I think the problem with the headline is a negative that puts race back into the narrative. Saying something is not the case is always a strange analytic problem, eg, player didn’t score. When the wife of a suspect says anything we assume that she will look for the best in her husband, so what is being implied is its opposite. Clearly, the response by the wife is from a journalist presenting the “hate” crime. She then says a negative and we have a headline. Of course, I would hazard that the wife said a positive explanation, say, parking but that would not be an exciting headline because BBC is getting beyond the story and it obviously would like it to a “hate” crime on Muslims, which would be handy for its overall editorial narrative – they need this factual basis to justify the Islamaphobia trope. They are short of those…
Will the BBC be now telling us that “Christians fear backlash”
Somehow I don’t think so.
I don’t give a toss if this was a hate crime or not but you can guarantee the BBC and all the muslim apologists for Rotherham, Lee Rigby etc will be out there trying to make it into one. Nasty violent Christian versus poor innocent defenseless Muslims.
Al-Beeb are getting a caning here…
oh my, im speechless, well im not really, but if i say what i think i’ll be accused of racism and committing a hate crime by expressing my thoughts. When the civil war happens, whos side will Al Beeb be on? Vote Ukip
For those that aren’t Stalin blocked by these UAF morons, there’s some hilarious Hard left rants coming from here tonight, citing “Islamophobia outside the BBC..
Tweets by AntiRacismDay
“We the lgbt community stand with Muslims against islamophobia #MuslimLivesMatter @LGSMpride ”
what “race” is Islam again
And of course Muslims just Luuuuuv the Gay community..
And the (gay) the lgbt community stand with Muslims against islamophobia #MuslimLivesMatter @LGSMpride ”
Well this gay is not standing and his life does not matter..
Ramping it up now…..
Its not a question of grammar, quoting someone should mean they either wrote or said it. Simple really.
And I don’t take kindly to you telling me to ‘f*** off’.
Ok, you didn’t actually say that, I just quoted you as having done so.