Trevor Phillips, in the Sunday Times (paywalled), tells us of the ‘stark warning of the passions that were being roused, even in this mild-mannered nation, by Britain’s growing ethnic and cultural frictions’.
He tells us that he came to the conclusion that ‘whilst beautiful in theory, in practise multiculturalism had become a racket, in which self-styled community leaders bargained for control over local authority funds that would prop up their own status and authority. Far from encouraging integration it had become in their interest to preserve the isolation of their ethnic groups.’
Phillips goes on to conclude that ‘If we are to tackle the problems of racial inequality and segregation, we at least have to name the problem…and we have to face the consequences of our mealy-mouthed approach to race….Britain’s lack of frankness is echoed in every major European country and it is fuelling a growth of angry, nativist political movements across the continent…..People need to feel free to say what they want without the fear of being accused of racism or bigotry.’
The BBC takes the opposite view…hence we get the abuses that happened in Rochdale where the Authorities looked away and were allowed to look away because organisations like the BBC, that are there to challenge the Authorities and ask awkward questions, also ducked the issue as too racially and culturally sensitive.
The same with immigration where all we hear is how wonderfully beneficial immigration is, the real truth, about the enormous pressures on housing, schools, the NHS, the legal system and so on, are glossed over and downplayed. The BBC doesn’t want to give you any information that would lead you to think immigration, whatever the numbers who come here, is anything but good for Britain.
Maybe one day the BBC will bring us the real news.
This all plays into another article in the Sunday Times, one by AA Gill in support of his friend Jeremy Clarkson.
Gill says that the BBC has ‘ruinously lost touch with its audience…having an arrant disregard for the viewers’.
Gill targets Danny Cohen as ‘a man of committed, right-on, social interventionist, politically precise principles.’
He says Cohen is ‘One of a cabal within the BBC who think broadcasting has a mission to guide, nudge and encourage society to be better….promoting a broadly homogenous, inclusive, positive, left-of-centre perspective on the world….and more importantly, expunge contrary or critical views….that the BBC has a duty to manipulate the country through information, education and enterrtainment.’
Gill goes on to say that the BBC has ‘Given up on making programmes for Top Gear’s audience…making programmes only for metropolitan types…wanting to dismiss Top Gear’s audience as UKIP voting dinosaurs.’
He says that the BBC ‘has to make programmes for all licence holders not simply the ones it approves of…if it cannot show that it is serving the nation as a whole then it should be a subscription service for those who want to watch it.’
I’m sure we’ve heard that all before somewhere.
The stubbornness of the BBC is breathtaking; they just will not listen to anyone and so continue day-by-day with the diversity mantra and the Islamic victim narrative. England has been destroyed by socialist multiculturalism; a disgusting Liebour-led agenda that was whole-heartedly spearheaded by the middle-class, Left-wing BBC.
“England has been destroyed by socialist multiculturalism”
That was always the intention.
Has the penny finally dropped, or is there an election coming up? Take your pick.
This regarding Clarkson is well worth a read and really hammers home the peril we face if Clarkson ever succumbs to the pressure upon him and like Winston Smith admits that he now loves big brother.
How can it have come to a point where our freedom to express ourselves without censor hangs on such a fragile thread and that a seemingly innocuous car show would be the front line of the battle.
‘Nonetheless, all men of goodwill should support Clarkson against his critics; because for the mainstream politically correct Left centred in the mass media, it is extremely important (and would be very pleasing to them as individuals) publicly to destroy Clarkson’s highly symbolic career – to display their power to seek-out and punish all those who oppose the Left agenda; no matter how successful, gifted and well-liked by the public at large.’
Hear, hear.
“A Real Islam Policy For America”
By Lawrence Auster-
“The key to this liberal ideology is the belief in tolerance or non-discrimination as the ruling principle of society, the principle to which all other principles must yield. We see this belief at work in every area of modern life. The principle of non-discrimination must, if followed consistently, destroy every human society and institution. A society that cannot discriminate between itself and other societies will go out of existence, just as an elm tree that cannot discriminate between itself and a linden tree must go out of existence. To be, we must be able to say that we are us, which means that we are different from others. If we are not allowed to distinguish between ourselves and Muslims, if we must open ourselves to everyone and everything in the world that is different from us, and if the more different and threatening the Other is, the more we must open ourselves to it, then we go out of existence.
“This liberal principle of destruction is utterly simple and radically extreme. Yet very, very few people, even self-described hard-line conservatives, are aware of this principle and the hold it has over our society. Instead of opposing non-discrimination, they oppose multiculturalism and political correctness. But let’s say that we got rid of multiculturalism and political correctness. Would that end Muslim immigration? No. ”
Lawrence Auster is much missed. A man with clear sight and clear thoughts.
Quite right, his essay “The Path to National Suicide” is excellent and available as a pdf.
“…the BBC ‘has to make programmes for all licence holders not simply the ones it approves of…if it cannot show that it is serving the nation as a whole then it should be a subscription service for those who want to watch it.’”
AA Gill gets it right – that’s the BBC’s problem (of its own making) in a nutshell. It’s perfectly clear that the BBC is now a left-of-centre political organisation; every strand of its output is infected with its Common Purpose agenda, from historical drama (revised and updated to be ‘inclusive’ in these sensitive times) to anything and everything that comes out of its Natural History department – and everything (especially Current Affairs) in between.
If people want to watch that kind of thing then – fine – go ahead and pay for it as a subscription service; you know, in the same way I willingly pay for Sky. Why am I forced to pay for a service (the BBC license) that does not serve me, does not talk to me, does not engage me, does not entertain me? – in fact it appears it clearly despises me.
The BBC is aggressively pro-EU, pro-open-door immigration, pro-‘man-made climate change’, pro-New Labour (the only way to safeguard its license fee) and aggressively anti- anyone who doesn’t share its world view – even going so far as to internally legislate to censor the views of those who dare dissent (the infamous internal BBC Climate meeting comes to mind).
It does not serve a huge part of its audience in any meaningful or sincere way. The myth of BBC ‘impartiality’ has to be exploded once and for all.
Well said P.F.
“Why am I forced to pay for a service (the BBC license) that does not serve me”
Because the Left are opposed to giving you a choice. Your function is to pay them and do as you are told. They are opposed to the whole concept of a free society.
The description of Mr Cohen makes him sound like a communist. Is Mr Cohen a communist? If so,then why is the bbc employing communists?
So as to maintain its long tradition, right back to the days of Guy Burgess.
“What kind of democracy is a democracy that forbids dissent, that punishes it, that turns it into a crime? What kind of democracy is a democracy that instead of listening to its children silences them, hands them to the enemy, abandons them to abuse and bullying?
What kind of democracy is a democracy where the minority counts for more than the majority and where, counting for more than the majority, it swaggers and blackmails?!? A non-democracy, I say. A deceit, a lie – which prevents us from opposing those who invade us and muzzle us.”
Oriana Fallaci ‘The Force of Reason”
Front page of Monday’s ‘Daily Mail’-
“At last! A man who dares to tell the truth about race: Ex-race tsar says silencing of debate has done devastating harm to Britain.
“Trevor Phillips is the former chairman of Commission for Racial Equality.
“He has attacked ‘racket’ of multiculturalism sparked by Blair government.
“Blamed the silencing of race issues for the Rotherham grooming scandal.
“Claims we are ‘more ready to offend each other’ as price for free speech.”
Read more:
Somebody notices the obvious and expects too be treated like a man of profound vision by the people he made a living out of attacking precisely because they pointed out the bleeding obvious to him.
I am belatedly reading “White Girl Bleed a Lot”, by Colin Flaherty, about racially motivated, black-on-white/Asian violence in the United States. Flaherty doesn’t just provide chapter and verse for his claims; he gives the links to the Youtube videos providing rock-solid evidence. Essentially, in recent years, black mobs all across the US have committed mayhem, brutal assaults and outright murder, usually with both the press and the police turning a blind eye, sometimes to the crimes themselves, but always to the nature of the perpretrators.
We have a precisely analogous situation in the UK. We did have an almost identical state of affairs, during the riots of a few years ago, but more persistent are the scandals in Oxford, Rochdale, Rotherham and, now, Sheffield, where the councils, social workers and police conspired to avoid bringing charges, out of deference to multi-culti political correctness, or from fear that bringing charges would result in career-ending allegations of racism.
The result was and, I am sure, still is a living hell for the victims, but the invertebrate police get to retire (early) on full pensions.
The phenomenon of non investigations of tens of thousands of raped girls, is right across county councils, social service departments, and various police constabularies. This cannot be coincidence, and implies a consistent policy, that can only have come from the very top.
I’m afraid we will never know, for the implications of such a policy would be sufficient to spark a revolution – atleast in a normal country that has not been brainwashed by the BBC..
Preaching to the converted…
For stifling Beeboids:-
” Dangers of stifling an honest debate on race”
Read more:
Yes, I’m sure most sensible folk agree with what Trevor Phillips has (finally) said. Big deal! He has been one of the chief architects of this multicultural nightmare and did everything he could to demonise anyone who questioned the accepted mantra. It’s akin to an arsonist setting fire to your house and once the blaze has got going suggests calling the fire brigade.
Phillips is an unelected parasite who has occupied a series of comfy positions on various quangoes due to his friendship with the great and the good. I’m not going to get misty eyed about his all too recent conversion to common sense.
Too little too late Trev’.
I suspect that Phillips is doing this dissembling exercise to woo any wavering Liebore voters into believing that their worries about immigration will be listened to if they continue to vote Liebore and forget about flirting with UKIP.
Of course , once the election has been won ,their concerns can be kicked into the long grass by the sneering elite , and unrestricted immigration and the multiculti bandwagon will continue as before-champers all round at the Beeb!!
All – well, some – credit to Phillips for this. However, his remarks are rather more nuanced than the headlines would have you believe. For instance, in the Today interview this morning he deplored the treatment of arch-luvvie Cumberbatch when Cumberbatch mouthed the words “coloured people” as against the current US orthodoxy “people of colour”. Of course, Cumberbatch’s message – which was drowned in the faux-outrage – was a right-on diversity rant deploring the apparent inordinate number of white actors etc on TV, films etc.
Interestingly the “reasoning”, or more accurately “unreasoning”, behind that piece of Lenny Henry inspired ordure is beyond debate: it certainly isn’t (and AFAIAA has never been) up for a genuinely unbiased discussion on the BBC. Also Phillips and Humphrys – in their “new realists” roles – couldn’t resist the opportunity to give Farage a kicking. This was on the spurious grounds that Farage is apparently calling for the repeal of all the race-related legislation in the UK. Farage isn’t and Humphrys knows he isn’t because Farage explained what he was after (preferring UK nationals to non-nationals in job opportunities) at length and in detail direct to Humphrys’ colleagues Naughtie last week and Mishal the week before that.
Accordingly, fairly well done Trevor but no cigar. The truth is that Phillips is still a race-hustler and that the BBC is still the major race-hustling enabler in the UK.
Why did Humpreys keep interjecting on the Trevor Phillips interview ? It was as though he wanted to derail where the conversation was heading .
There was another interview with a black singer songwriter earlier and the Today programme brought up race relations in America . Why ?
The BBC are fixated with race and discrimination .
Phillips is no more than a weather vane. He contributed to the damage in the first place, now he sees that the tide is beginning to turn, just, with the rise of UKIP.
Can’t help feeling that a “frank” discussion on race would still have to be within parameters set by the likes of him.
And right on cue, we have this drivel from Dan Hodges:
Ten things you actually can’t say about racism
For information-
“Further report on child sexual exploitation in Rotherham to be published”
(-to be published 17 March. Details below.)
Will Beeboids investigate now?
“UK police told not to investigate Muslim rape gangs”
Not surprised.
The implications to the elite, quite apart of fallout for the nation, are too horrible to contemplate. The truth may come out in 50 years or so.
have you noticed today that those leftist activists and supporters of the labour party who created this dead corspe of a concept of multi culturism under tony blairs labour goverment that has brought widespread terrorism and muslim child grooming rings to are streets are actually trying to defend the evil practise and politacal correctness of multi culturism,the fact that trevor phillips as a black man is even getting attacked for saying the obvious just proves that there are those out there mainly on the liberal left who are determined to destroy this country with more politacal correctness and the evils of multi culturism if they get into power in may to,that to me is a scary prospect.
I read The Sunday Times (News Review) and today’s Daily Mail which features Trevor Philips again as front page news. It really is a ‘road to Damascus’ conversion for him now to state that his ‘politically correct’ Racial Equality laws’ are flawed and counter productive after 10 + years of cultural damage. He clearly blames Tony Blair for the entire multicultural abuses involving the BBC being brainwashed (do they have a ‘brain’?), MP’s muffled and local Councils fearful of ‘offending’ a hostile vocal minority hell bent on destruction, perversion and corruption in Britain. Trevor Philips was an integral part of the destructive powers of multiculturalism that (he admits) the UK has ‘exported’ to western nations ‘since the success of the London Olympics’ as the key to a socialist multicultural utopia. Trevor Philips has lots to answer for as does the BBC. The BBC will, in typical fashion, look the other way… I await Trevor Philips documentary this Thursday at 9pm on Channel 4.
To mix metaphors: perhaps Phillips feels it safe to put his head above the parapet now the horse has bolted.
For INBBC to relegate?-
“UK Car Jihad:
Muslims ram crowd at Night Club with car, causing 18-year-old to become paraplegic”
– See more at:
” In practise multiculturalism had become a racket ”
No shit Sherlock ? this Trevor Philips guy is a genius.
One positive observation: more and more mainstream journos are waking up to BBC bias.
All that does is confirm to them what views they have to spout if they ever want to work in news journalism. Unfortunately there is little or no employment possibility for those politically of the right. We have no Fox News, instead Murdoch offers us Sky Sports. The silent majority are without a media voice, apart from maybe the unreliable flipflop Daily Mail.
Have known many people of all races and religions over the years. Almost without exception, they bear no resemblance to the politically active, self appointed, community leaders that the BBC love to champion. This has always made me wonder how you become a community leader in the first place.
It’s nice to be lectured by an effnik immigrant about ones own country, isn’t it ?
For INBBC to censor-
“Sex attacker who molested four teenage girls claimed he did not know what he was doing because he was fasting for Ramadan”
Read more:
As always I must refer again to my M’learned ‘One law for them’ books as, last I knew, deliberate self-incapacity was no excuse, from dozy truck drivers to over-exuberant twitterers.
Luckily this judge seems to have sussed what the law is there to be and who to serve, though the top comments do caution that there will be forces ready to see the poor soul does not return home afterwards.
Of course, as in the case of alcohol-addled girl gangs on the prowl, precedent on faith-based mitigation has been set.
Maybe the BBC could ‘investigate’ what it is that links these law-breakers with the expectation and too often realised notion of leniency?
“Inside The World Of ‘Non-Violent’ Islamism”
(who did a programme for ‘Panorama’ on Islam, Jan 2015)-
If you ever wonder what will happen to the current Police investigation into the Rotherham child sex abuse (‘racially’ motivated against English girls) – one only has to only look at one other ‘racially motivated sex crime’ that has recently been quashed by the CPS…. And then we have the Westminister paedophiles taking ‘exclusively’ young boys in Council ‘childcare’ to be abused by Liberal and Labour Councils. Meanwhile Saville was a child abuser of both Boys and Girls and this leads directly back to the BBC who are guilty by implication into all ‘other’s involved in BBC historic sex abuses whilst still being employed at the BBC. What a fine country this is when the most horrendous sex crimes get ‘officially’ ignored by the same liberal political elite that cover up sex crimes. Read this below and wonder what the hell is happening to our countries UK legal system, where the guilty walk free…. I’m angry, this is not a country to be proud of. The NHS can continue its dirty work (aborting girls) even though its illegal… What’s next? Medals for ISIS?
‘In 2012, the Daily Telegraph organized an undercover operation into gender-specific (sex-selective) abortion at various abortion clinics in England and in February that year passed evidence concerning Doctors Palaniappan Rajmohan and Prabha Sivaraman to the Crown Prosecution Service and the police. The CPS concluded that in each case there was sufficient evidence of an abortion offence, although this was a finely balanced decision; however, it was not in the public interest to prosecute and the CPS published two statements regarding its decision on 5 September 2013 and 7 October 2013.’
BBC website today includes a subject on recommendations to BBC Trust to save money at Radio 1 by reducing live broadcasts. They also go on to suggest that Radio 2 be “challenged” to attract more Black, Asian &Minority Ethnics (BAME) as research suggests there is only 12% of listeners are of BAME communities. Wait though!! How about the Asian Network (aimed at guess who?) and Radio 1 Extra of whom a Radio 1 DJ – Dev (Asian?) complained that staff were all black. So now the too-hideously- white- majority Radio 2 listeners will be subjected to the inclusively of HipHopMaster, The Big Black Show and Music of Muslim Origin. Can’t see there being an extensive catalogue for the last one though. Nothing is safe it seems from the creeping Inclusivity and Diversity obsessed Al Beeb