The Parliamentary Education Committee released a report on the inquiries into the Trojan Horse plot.
The BBC reported this…
MPs have criticised a “worrying lack of coordination” between five overlapping official inquiries into the so-called Trojan Horse affair.
It was alleged last year extremists had tried to take over several schools in Birmingham to advance radical interpretations of Islam.
A series of official investigations found the claims to be groundless.
That last line is a complete lie.
The BBC has always attempted to portray the Trojan Horse letter as a hoax ( The MCB also takes that line…“a malicious fabrication and completely untrue”), Phil Mackie claiming it was a result of paranoia, racism and Islamophobia, with Mark Easton trying to claim that Islamists taking over and running a school was no different to Catholics running a Faith School and that the parents welcomed such eventualities.
The BBC wants you to believe that there is no threat to your way of life, culture and society from Muslim activists imposing their religion upon you and yours….and the BBC is prepared to tell you lies in order to reassure you that there is nothing to worry about.
The man at the centre of the Trojan Horse plot, Tahir Alam, was also the Muslim Council of Britain official who produced a document in 2007 with a similar intent to the Trojan Horse plot, that is the imposition of Islamic values upon non-Islamic schools. The BBC has never published or linked to this document since the Trojan Horse scandal broke despite its high relevance to the credibility of the Trojan Horse letter’s contents. The fact that the 2007 document provides evidence of intent along similar lines to the Trojan Horse plot and was produced by the same man completely undermines the BBC line, which is why they don’t mention it.
Curious when it seems so relevant…
Khalid Mahmood, the Labour MP for Birmingham Perry Barr, said: “Mr Alam … has been planning this for 15 years. He goes around making these schools religious by manipulating governors, and bringing in certain teachers. He was able to hone the [tactics] in Birmingham that he drafted in this report.”
Pretty damning no? Not for the BBC.
And what of that claim in the latest BBC report that ‘A series of official investigations found the claims to be groundless.’?
Now that’s just not true…even the BBC itself has admitted the reports slammed the schools…
There is “disturbing” evidence that people with a “shared ideology” were trying to gain control of governing bodies in Birmingham, says Education Secretary Nicky Morgan.
She was responding to the Trojan horse report from former counter-terror chief Peter Clarke into allegations of a hardline Muslim take-over of schools.
Mr Clarke found evidence of an “aggressive Islamist agenda”.
Ms Morgan highlighted “intolerant” messages between school staff.
Here is what Peter Clarke’s report said….
Firstly were claims of extremists trying to take over schools ‘groundless’? No….
The very clear evidence that young people are being encouraged to accept unquestioningly a particular hardline strand of Sunni Islam raises concerns about their vulnerability to radicalisation in the future. I have heard evidence to the effect that there are real fears that their current experiences will make it harder for them to question or challenge radical influences.
Secondly…did it matter if the letter was a hoax? (and there’s no proof it is…quite the opposite in fact) No…the BBC is trying to distract you…
At the beginning of my investigation, I decided that it was not a priority to establish who wrote the letter or whether it was what it purported to be. It has been suggested that the letter is a hoax or a fake and the content therefore is irrelevant. This approach misses the point. The important issue is not who wrote it or whether it is a genuine extract from a letter between conspirators, but whether the events and behaviours described have actually happened.
Clarke goes on to say that it was evident that events as claimed in the Trojan Horse letter were known by the Council before the letter’s publication…..
It quickly became apparent to me that although there are some factual inaccuracies in the letter, there is also a great deal that is true, some of which had not previously been in the public domain.
There is incontrovertible evidence that both senior officers and elected members of Birmingham City Council were aware of concerns about activities that bear a striking resemblance to those described in the ‘Trojan Horse’ letter, many months before it surfaced.
As a result of the evidence gathered by my investigation, I can conclude that senior officers were aware of practices subsequently referred to in the ‘Trojan Horse’ letter as early as the end of 2012, and discussions on this issue took place between officers and elected members in May 2013. This is some six months prior to the ‘Trojan Horse’ letter being received by the Leader of the Council.
Thirdly…just to emphasise and confirm the evidence of extremist takeover of schools….
There is a disconcerting pattern reaching across a number of the schools I have looked at. This includes the following: the effective take-over of the governing body by like-minded people; nepotism in staff appointments and appointments to the governing body; individuals associated with each other holding teaching posts or being members of the governing body (or both) at a small number of local schools; rapid advancement of new or inexperienced governors to the role of chair; bullying and intimidation of senior teaching staff, and in particular headteachers; previously highly regarded headteachers made subject to criticism and complaint by governing bodies; interference by the governing body in the curriculum and the day-to-day running of the school; the reinforcement of Muslim identity to the exclusion or disparagement of others; the introduction of conservative Islamic practices into school life; a strategy of harassment to oust the headteacher; financial mismanagement; and inappropriate recruitment and promotion procedures for favoured staff.
There is ample evidence that individuals who hold or have held key positions in the schools have a shared ideological basis to their faith. During the investigation I took possession of the contents of a social media discussion between a group of teachers at Park View School that for much of 2013 was called the ‘Park View Brotherhood’. It was initiated and administered by Mr Monzoor Hussain, the Acting Principal, and was joined by influential teachers within the school. The evidence from more than 3,000 messages spread over 130 pages of transcript shows that this group either promoted or failed to challenge views that are grossly intolerant of beliefs and practices other than their own. The all-male group discussions include explicit homophobia; highly offensive comments about British service personnel; a stated ambition to increase segregation in the school; disparagement of strands of Islam; scepticism about the truth of reports of the murder of Lee Rigby and the Boston bombings; and a constant undercurrent of anti-Western, anti-American and anti-Israeli sentiment. Some postings were challenged by the administrator, Mr Hussain, but generally only where criticism was made of other Muslim groups. The numerous endorsements of hyperlinks to extremist speakers betray a collective mind-set that can fairly be described as an intolerant Islamist approach that denies the validity of alternative beliefs, lifestyles and value systems, including within Islam itself.
I neither specifically looked for nor found evidence of terrorism, radicalisation or violent extremism in the schools of concern in Birmingham. However, by reference to the definition of extremism in the Prevent strand of the Government’s counter terrorist strategy, CONTEST, and the spectrum of extremism described by the Prime Minister in his Munich speech in February 2011, I found clear evidence that there are a number of people, associated with each other and in positions of influence in schools and governing bodies, who espouse, endorse or fail to challenge extremist views.
Finally do all the parents welcome the Islamisation of schools if they get good results as claimed by Easton? No…..
It has been suggested to me that the ambition of those involved was only to create high achieving schools reflecting the communities they serve, following the wishes of the majority of parents. I do not agree. On the contrary, while the majority of parents welcome the good academic results that some of these schools produce, they do not demand that their children adhere to conservative religious behaviour at school. Indeed, I received evidence that this would be supported by only a minority of parents. I was told how some of those who claimed most loudly that they were acting for the community either protest alone or co-opt relatives to protest with them. I was also told by many witnesses that the majority do not have the confidence to argue against the articulate and forceful activists who seek to impose their views, for fear of being branded as disloyal to their faith or their community.
Once again the BBC cannot be trusted to report on Muslim issues with any integrity and honesty.
So what if Muslims want to turn our schools into Madrassas? Supporting gender & religious apartheid will make a lovely addition to our egalitarian, multicultural tapestry./sarc
Why is anyone surprised that muslims want to take over state schools and turn them into muslim schools, operating under sharia law?
The values of islam are not compatible with the values of the civilised west.
Muslims regard traditional western, judeo-Christian values as corrupt, unholy things which must be fought and eliminated through jihad.
Obviously muslims want to take over and replace infidel schools with those that promote the true religion of allah. It’s not just schools they want to control, it’s our entire society. It is the duty of every muslim to fight to make the world submit to islam.
It would be surprising if they didn’t try to take over schools.
It would be surprising if they didn’t try to take over schools.
Exactly. Get the children, and the country will follow.
‘Complete lie…’
‘Just not true..’
For a supposed beacon of impartial accuracy, such accusations should surely warrant the BBC being investigated too?
At the very least, those with counters need to make them. And make them persuasive.
The BBC is composed of Leftists, which is a polite term for what they actually are – Marxists/socialists.
Marxists/socialists have always hated Christianity. Thus they ally themselves with any ideology – international socialists of the USSR, or the thug socialiast regimes once in Africa, if they kill Christians.
Now the BBC favour Islam. Why not – Islam is mandated to kill Jews & Christians. It just is so damned unfair, that Jews have been ethnically cleansed from Islamic ountries – so Christians will have to do.
But to get the real Great Crime and Betrayal of the last 20 years. Back in 2002, the BBC opposed the idea of channel4 Disptaches broadcasting the huge number of rapes of young girls by Muslims.
I estimate atleast 30, 000 girls were handed around for gang rapes. If we assume that each girl was raped by 10 different men, we have a figure of 300,000 Pakistani Muslim men. This means that the entire Pakistani community – men and women, were complicit in this the greatest of all crimes in the history of mankind. Why greatesy – because even the Nazis, Mao or Stalin, did not stoop to handing over their own girls to be raped by invaders. No, for such a huge crime of betrayal , one needs to have good intentions.
This crime is so great, that the establishment, of which the BBC is an arm, is busy brushing it under the carpet. First by diminshing the numbers, and second, by spreading it around, by invoking individuals such as Saville.
One can understand why, for the numbers are so large, that taking any meaningful action would mean jailing virtually the entire Pakistani Muslim male community. Cant be done in any practical way. So the rapists walk free.
It would bring to question, the entire programme of allowing Muslims to settle behind “enemy lines”.
The real issue here is that these schools will seek to serve their communities. The fact that there are these communities is a tacit recognition of the failure of multiculturalism and racial integration.
We are not a religious country and the failure of integration is a failure to recognise the divisive role of religion,something that will only be reinforced by Gove’s continued development of free schools.
As to radicalisation ,M15 advised the Government of day (ie Herr Blair and Oberleutnant Straw together with Lapdog Cameron) about the possibility of increased retailitary action at home in response to the illegal wars on Iraq and Afganistan . Not only destroying the lives of millions abroad , threathening the British population. That was clearly a price the UK and US elites thought worth paying in pursuit of protecting the oil from emerging nations. After all, tucked up with their private security they are hardly gonna get hit themselves are they.
Abraham Lincoln,James A. Garfield,William McKinleyJohn F. Kennedy Thought they wouldn’t get hit.There’s still time.
“multiculturalism and racial integration…and the failure of integration”
Multiculturalism is a political strategy of encouraging resistance to integration. Try to keep up.
“That last line is a complete lie.”
The BBC is a fountain of obfuscation, propaganda, and disinformation. The more you know about a particular topic the more you notice its bias. It is a cancer in our national life.
Typical Gramscian aided by he BBC .
Tell us we are not religious and quelle surprise we don’t become religious .
Cameron was not in government when Blair was so fudge the chronology, –
If if the wars were slightly iffy why would British people make retaliation, unless they don’t consider themselves British and have allegiance s elsewhere
Then bring out the tired old mantra about wars for oil ,
Here is a ‘Trojan Horse’ School. It is now run by the Greeks, for the Greeks. What’s not to like?
At the end of the day there’s no real difference between a muslim school and a British school is there? The education is just the same isn’t it? All schools teach compassion, tolerance and British values don’t they? I mean, who could possibly object to their children going to schools like these?
Oh, wait…
The last two photos may well become necessary for all Infidels, once the civil war kicks off.
Whenever the BBC comments or reports on anything to do with Islam or Muslims I adopt the following guidelines.
1) Disbelieve whatever they say
2) Always look to try to discover what they are covering up or distorting
3) Seek reports on the same thing from sources such as The Commentator or Breitbart London.
You will usually find that guidelines 2 and 3 more than justify guideline 1.
It is intolerable that you really have to employ such caution about BBC reports. It makes the case for plurality of news reporting and the removal of the BBC near monopoly. It also shows how dangerous it is to allow one media organisation to become so large.
Yup, same here. Twitter’s also good for breaking stories.
Al Beeb as news broadcasters, are being overtaken by the social media. They have become ‘old fashioned’. By their very propaganda and bias they are now becoming more and more transparent to most intelligent people .