Sane female first, lunatic male second on the principle of cure or kill.
No wonder Ed Balls has bailed out to America, if his wife talks as much as she does at home without ever actually saying anything it must be murder living with her.
Winker Watson last in the deputy vote.
That Jeremy Hardy has been excluded is the best joke of the day.
I can only presume it is association with even further left parties that has done for him!
BBC Breakfast this morning had a report on the different approach which Sweden takes to the ‘Migrant Crisis’. Cue interview with a smart well dressed well groomed couple posing on a jetty on a Swedish lake (fjord perhaps) saying how lovely it is and how welcoming Sweden is. Then a brief clip of a member of a ‘hard right’ opposition party in a gloomy suburb saying that over 50% there were immigrants creating ghettos and who did not attempt to integrate or even learn the language…… Switch swiftly back to our couple posing in the sunshine, the low sun casting a glow around them ‘Do you speak any Swedish?’ to which the man replies in Swedish to our awe-struck reporter Graham Satchel who has to ask what it meant (Nice to meet you apparently)… Wow. Final word from the local mayor – Britain should do the same as Sweden – if immigrants can make it there they should be allowed to stay. That’s us told then. Another BBC-supplied wind up to start my day.
BBC Pravada ‘reporter’ Brian Satchel also said to the local mayor ” Your town has taken in more immigrants than America and Canada combined, it’s the right thing to to do ? ” ( More of a statement than a question. ) ” Yes, it is,” she replied, that’s that then, meanwhile her town looks like downtown Baghdad.
Exactly – you don’t have to look far to see the unrest and mayhem the BBC’s bearded favourites are causing in the bigger Swedish cities, although it must be in the small print of the BBC website. Any reporter worth his salt would have raised that with the mayor but not so in BBC-land.
It’s coming. It might kick off in Greece, Italy or perhaps even Germany, but it will happen. And when the ‘migrant’ bombs go off the left will be found wringing their hands and denying any responsibility for so willingly providing the touch paper and the explosives.
The BBC was totally bemused who it could be that had attacked passengers on a French Train. To me it was clear that it would be a Muslim. As it turned out, the BBC informed us that the perp was a Moroccan. BBC was again bemused “The motive behind the attack remains unclear.
Now I’ve heard this “The motive behind the attack remains unclear”, after every murderous terrorist attack. The fact that it is common usage throughout Western media, just like “This has nothing to do with Islam”, implies that it is an agreed formula.
When I hear ““The motive behind the attack remains unclear”. My response is ” Try Allahu Akhbar” to the TV. So far I’ve been right.
It was (rightly) the lead item earlier on ITN, but the BBC only briefly mentioned the attack near the end (at 20 minutes past) of the news at ten. They showed the same reluctance to report the Tunisian attack a few weeks ago. Then they were much more interested in reporting a speech about race by Obama. This time they were much more interested in reporting about how few Muslim migrants the UK is taking relative to Germany, and of course the latest news about the Labour Party leadership election.
Sweden again. I am sick of it . I have no interest in the place. it is becoming a land mass to the north of Europe that no longer wants to be part of Europe and is changing it’s people as fast as it can.
No wonder the BBC goes there. No nasty indigenous English rabble to upset them. There is something very odd about the natives Swedes. The first European peoiple to be so bored with themselves as to make them give up their country .
All that prosperity and socialism has bought them to this.
Actually the largest party in the current polls in Sweden is the anti immigration Swedish Democrats with over 25%,( see Breitbart London , edited by Mr Dellingpole, for the truth rather than the propaganda and lies of the BBC) This has doubled in the last year. They are of course given little air time by the Swedish media and none by the BBC.In common with other countries in Europe that have become infested by the immigrant swarm, the natives are beginning to react and question why their political elites are selling them down the river. Of course they are relentlessly attacked by the media and liberal establishment as being extreme , racist etc etc, all the stuff we see on the BBC day in day out, but the tide is changing and Europeans are beginning to wake up to the threat of what is happening, perhaps too late.
The liberal establishment is struggling to keep control of the situation which they have created by allowing millions of aliens into their respective countries. We can expect that they will attempt to their hold on to power by introducing ever more repressive anti democratic laws, eg Miliband’s idea to make Islamophobia a crime, cranking up the media into more and more anti racist witch hunts against people who just want their countries back, ever more ridiculous attempts to convince us that immigrants are good for us , more revisions of history , more pro immigration lies and suppression of the truth . In the end it won’t work and Europeans will react vigorously to what is happening but the big question is will the reaction be early enough to prevent the total Islamifaction of Europe?
I think you will find that a rainbow alliance has been agreed by every party other than the Democrats to ensure that they cannot obstruct the governing of the country along its current lines unless they get to more than half, which in a multi-party state is most unlikely.
Seemingly the alliance was agreed to avoid the budget being turned down, which would trigger new elections and an increase in Democrat representation.
So the anti-migration side have a very steep hill to climb.
”a rainbow alliance has been agreed by every party other than the Democrats to ensure that they cannot obstruct the governing of the country.” Who says democracy isn’t rigged.
Sweden is a damn cold country. Once the new Swedes have their EU citizenship, they will be flooding the rest of Europe.
The socialist/commie Swedes know this, are doing this with purpose to flood Europe with IslamoNazis, and thus destroy whatever remains of once great Christendom.
I posted this earlier about the sickening BBc reports on Sweden & immigration so it disappeared on the mid week thread. So are we sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. BBc Breakfast. First an advert for the India Season. Complete with a special Goodness gracious me. Surprise I won’t be watching it or any of the season. Then on to some one from UNHCR wants us to do more with migrants. Do I give a **** what some unelected official at UNHCR thinks we should do. Of course no guest to say UNHCR can shove there opinions where the sun doesn’t shine. Then on to Sweden the land of paradise. The Swedes accept pretty much who ever makes it to the country the reporter informs us. On to video of migrants playing around and having a meal all lovely. Then onto the “Hard right” spokes person. Although she didn’t seem to be very “hard right” to me. Some deluded woman Major tells us they have the moral high ground. So the implication is we should do like Sweden. Oh yes let’s not mention the rapes. killings and crime all covered up by Swedish media. Again luckily I live in an age where I can obtain information from other sources.
Oh yes and let’s not forget the latest Ikea murders
Didn’t see that on the BBc although within hours I’d found out it was a migrant on the net..
Here’s a funny thing: the BBC web-site is today telling me that the Political Editor has already presented Newsnight on 26th, 27th and 28th August despite the fact that she is no longer a presenter since 22 July 2015 but the Political Editor. If she doesn’t get back from holiday soon (I write on 21st August), she will have missed the Labour Party leadership election. Oh dear!
It is interesting how a £4Bpa media entity with 20,000 on the roster seems to fall apart under skeleton staff over the 3 months summer hols.
Mind you, I do recall Nick Robbo once phoned in a piece from a sun lounger that turned out to be utter pants because he actually wasn’t around to check his opinion was based on fact.
Rather than admit this was a professional disaster the BBC decided that while the content was inaccurate, that he’d tried hard was evidence of dedication, so no harm no foul.
I drew attention to this on the previous thread. As far as I can see only the Huff Post have mentioned it. If it were a terrorist or hate preacher the story would be covered in great detail by the BBC. There are many questions to ask. Why is he being constantly re-arrested, what are the charges? Are lawyers involved? Is Charmi Ragabottom looking into it? Is there something we should not know? Is Robinson really in danger with a bounty on his head? Are the Government involved, are they sanctioning this? God know and – whatever one’s views are about Robinson – does this matter raise serious problems?
Tommy Robinson re-arrested one month after being released from a previous re-arrest. No reasons given, no questions asked.
It’s just how the liberal left operates. Robinson is a dissident; he dared to speak the truth to power and Power took serious offence at his insolence. He will be – has become – an eternal target for the ire of the perpetually offended within the ranks of the ‘progressive’ liberal-left fascisti – Robinson will find no sanctuary, will be given no justice (because justice is a commodity, like any other, reserved for those who are deemed worthy of it).
The state broadcaster, meanwhile, is just doing its job with regards to Citizen Robinson – i.e. nothing at all. Because that is how our msm has been conditioned to behave whenever it is required to confront the truth.
He upset the No 10 cabal, by exposing their (as usual for Tories ) corrupt … Islamic shoe in to higher government, add that to the “Borg” like 5th column they are gleefully adding to week on week
Why Tommy Robinson is being persecuted, is beyond me. Is it because he has spoken the truth? Quite likely. The truth of how the political elite betrayed Britain, and Europe, is certainly a matter that affects the well being of the political elite.
The fact of mass gang rapes involving tens of thousands of victims, and probably ten times that of rapists, over decades, and covered up by the media and the political authorities , is so disgusting, that it is not surprising that the media and political elite will do everything in their power to suppress all pertaining information. Hence Tommy Robinson must be silenced.
This episode of mass gang rapes over decades, and in peacetime, allowed by the previous Labour government, and silenced by the media, has no parallel in history. No wonder Tommy Robinson is silenced.
From today’s Daily Telegraph
BBC Radio 5 Live is attempting to populate its news and sport phone-ins with female callers after research found the discussions are dominated by men.
While a steady stream of male listeners call the station to air their views on the issues of the day, fewer women do the same.
In an attempt to redress the gender balance, producers are contacting women who text the station to ask them if they will phone instead.
Fairhead, the new BBC Trust chairwoman, said, however, their efforts have not gone far enough and the BBC Trust has given the station a six-month deadline to improve the diversity of its phoneins by increasing the number of female voices.
The Trust undertook audience research as part of its service review of the BBC’s speech radio stations, and carried out a study of the breakfast phone-in Your Call.
‘The station is aware of the disparity in contributors and has made efforts to encourage more women to take part in phone-ins…’
In a newly-published report, the Trust noted: “Some listeners responding to our consultation felt that listener phone-ins can be dominated by male callers and would like to hear the views of more women.
“We analysed a single week of Your Call programmes in April 2015 to test this and found that 75 per cent of callers were male.
“The station is aware of the disparity in contributors and has made efforts to encourage more women to take part in phone-ins – for example, by contacting those who text the station and encouraging them to phone in.
It has also worked with the production teams to ensure that the tone of programming is accessible to all potential listeners and not skewed towards men or any other demographic group.”
The research found that football is the most popular sport among 5 Live’s listeners by a large margin, but is predominantly listened to by men.
Cricket was also more popular with male listeners than with female listeners, but tennis was more popular with women.
The departure of two popular female presenters last year – Shelagh Fogarty and Victoria Derbyshire (who revealed earlier this week she has breast cancer) – was noted by listeners, the Trust said, “and has given an impression that women are less well represented on the station.
Perhaps they are listening to Women’s Hour or one the innumerable programmes on R4 where you hardly ever hear a male voice.
White English male newsreaders (English males make up 42% of the UK population) seem to be extinct on BBC main news. When it come to presenters of shows etc. heterosexual white blokes seem to appear in reverse proportion to their actual demographic percentage.
Nothing against most of them, but if the BBC Trust wants to live by quotas….
Samanfa ‘ere…Millwall suppor’er just got back from der Den ‘aint I’. I heard you were luckin’ for Lady callers so I rang in an yer researcher put me on.
Wo’ a load of bleedin’ crap the Lions was today. ‘Effin referree wasn’t much betta.
The football was boring but we did have a great rumble outside after the match though…smacked one of theirs right in the kisser and kicked another in the Albert’s, pity we had to scarper when the old bill turned-up.
Anyway, I ring agen next week if yer want…we ain’t got no match, so were all going up to West ham to sort the scum out.
White English male newsreaders (English males make up 42% of the UK population) seem to be extinct on BBC main news. When it come to presenters of shows etc. heterosexual white blokes seem to appear in reverse proportion to their actual demographic percentage.
Exactly. Just women and Blacks is what I see on the BBC. with the occasional “Asian”.
As White males and Asians are well qualified in useful subjects such as engineering, they can get jobs in private industry. Not the case for women and Blacks. I suppose most women and Blacks are nowhere near as smart and intelligent as men, to do difficult subjects, so they have to be given jobs in the BBC, guvmint and other such places.
And this is the same BBC Trust (or lack thereof) that has no apparent interest in investigating the relentless liberal-Left bias that dominates the BBC’s output.
As we have long suspected, the ‘Trust’ is part of the problem.
No mention on the BBC with regard to the burning of 3000 ‘politically incorrect’ books by the municipal library at Badd Durrheim, Germany. The purge seems to have focused on works by author Erich Kästner (well known for children’s classic Emil and the Detectives) and others who used “incorrect” words such as “Negro” and “Gypsy.” Author Roland Tichy writes that Kästner’s books were burnt during a purge by the Nazis in 1933, “to prevent any form of one’s own thinking.” and with reference to the present day burning: “Obviously his books in Baden-Württemberg are a provocation and violation of the government-mandated zeitgeist of school re-education for politically correct people.”
The lack of news coverage is a very worrying omission by the BBC but I suppose it’s easier for this pc-riddled organisation to ignore EU neo-Nazism than for it to condemn such an attack on personal liberty and freedom of speech.
Hi Andy, this from wikipedia:
Among the thousands of books burned on Berlin’s Opernplatz in 1933, following the Nazi raid on the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, were works by Heinrich Heine. To commemorate the terrible event, one of the most famous lines of Heine’s 1821 play Almansor was engraved in the ground at the site: “Das war ein Vorspiel nur, dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen.” (“That was but a prelude; where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people as well.”)
Like it, Invicta 1066.
We play ‘PC Bingo’. Poor old Asad Ahmed on BBC London being Asian AND disabled really scores points despite being male and what about the wheelchair-bound female disability correspondent? What are the statistical chances of that?
If only she had been black it would be ‘full house’. With her AND Frank Gardner being wheelchair bound, and Asad using a stick I reckon people who can walk are now ‘significantly under-represented’.
It can only be a matter of time before we get some immigrant presenters who cannot actually speak English to ensure ‘full and fair representation’ of the population.
It can only be a matter of time before we get some immigrant presenters who cannot actually speak English to ensure ‘full and fair representation’ of the population.
True, and the British public will have to learn the languages of the immigrant invaders on pain of imprisonment.
Ken Bruce music news slot yesterday with eager sounding young bloke whose name I can’t remember….
Obama – wasn’t his rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’ cool, and pretty good, hey? So let’s hear it again (cut again to self-regarding president singing like he’s in some lunchtime acapella karaoke contest in a less than salubrious pub somehere in Barnsley, as flat as you like). Then on to his favourite playlist – so eclectic and so……! Our reporter’s gushing tones seemd to emanate from somewhere around his underpants region.
Then a soundbite from Stevie Wonder giving us his opinion on Donald Trump – ‘Nobody has a right to insult others. We shouldn’t do it – ever’ (or words to that effect).
Job done – again.
Insidious Common Purpose bastards – the lot of ’em.
Jeremy Hardy on the Today programme mentioned ‘his friend’ Hugo Rifkind. Is Rifkind a lefty comedian? I never listen to The News Quiz so don’t know whether Hugo’s dad ought to give him a stern talking-to, tell him to grow up & choose his company better!
The tragicomedy that is the Labour election continues, with Trotsky ‘funnyman’ Jeremy Hardy complaining to his fellow BBC comrades, that he’s been blocked from voting.
Tragic for him, hilarious for us, as it proves he’s a far left tw*t, and that Labour are anti-democratic down to their bones.
Labour are stating “he’s too left wing” and “he’s too left wing” and “he’s too left wing” to vote for us and this should make BBC comedy production a little uncomfortable with their choice of comedians with that odd thing…”balance”.
But guess what I suspect the BBC don’t give a sh*t.
How much more proof do the voting public need that Labour couldn’t organise the proverbial piss-up in the proverbial brewery. And how much more proof do they need that BBC socialist comedians are as thick as pig shit.
Deep joy, the bBC show just how devoid of new ideas they are, a return of ‘Goodness Gracious Me’
‘We will see a hilarious send-up of Downton Abbey – renamed Brownton Abbey, also mock W1A in a sketch set in the Indian Broadcasting Corporation”
Never watched it first time around, won’t be watching this time, would we be allowed to find it funny, or would it get past the PC police if the cast were all indigenous and (quote) ‘skewered’ Asian behaviour towards Britains?
Yes, indeed, another chance to watch a load of smug gits who were born to penniless immigrants but went on to become rich and famous all the while still maintaining that Britain is a racist hellhole!
I’d pay good money to see someone ask one of these whiny tossers how much extra money they think they’d have made if Britain *wasn’t* racist.
Goodness gracious me to my thinking did a lot to help integration.
You may not like it, but we are where we are with immigration.
It finally made me realise that Hindu Indians have a sense of humour and are quite capable of laughing at themselves, two very important traits of the “British”. The “English restaurant sketch” also I think did a lot to help people understand how they felt when treated thus.
Unfortunately our friends from the ROP seem to have a total humour by-pass in their genes, such that the “British” are quite reluctant to engage with them for fear of our often less than serious comments, where context can be everything, causing offence.
I don’t disagree about Hindu’s, certainly more welcome than some, although having worked with some I might disagree on the sense of humour, but we can’t generalise.
Its the bBC agenda behind the need for such programs, when in reverse and even in a comedic way, it would never be possible, just ‘racist’
Regardless of religion, caste or colour Baskhar (OBE), Syal (CBE) are just a couple of lefty luvvies with a cause, much like Henry (Sir).
In April 2015 Bhaskar was given the Outstanding Achievement in Television award at The Asian Awards, would the reverse be possible? Lets also not forget that Bhaskar was one of 48 celebrities who signed a letter warning against Conservative Party policy toward the BBC.
I wonder if India’s national broadcaster (assuming there is one) would commission a programme, where British immigrants to their country could be given a platform from which to mock it?
India sought its independence from Britain: and got it. Yet many of its citizens decided that -despite opposing India being ruled by the British under the Empire- they wanted to move here, to Britain. Which is a little like undergoing a prolonged and acrimonious divorce from someone, who (when it is concluded and you’ve had to move back in with your parents) decide they then want to come and live in your parents home.
The Hindu Indians may have a better sense of humour than the Mohammedan ones, but I still wish they would all return to the country of them and their ancestors – in the same way the Indians wanted rid of us for centuries from their country and achieved their desire in 1947.
Hardy?…Steel?…come on, surely Mark Thomas is due to complete the “Packet of Three”…the Fun Boy Three of comedy.
Been a joy to watch the BBC and Labour playing Twister and getting their nighties knotted and their chips pissed upon.
To think-the country wasn`t THAT far off electing this Goon Squad a few months back was it?
I myself would vote for Milibands Headstone-but only if it was tied around Russell Brands Brass Neck.
How come HE`S not endorsed Corky?…you`d think they were made for each other!
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– The BBC’s revenue generation bullies, Crapita Business Services, withdraw the prosecution of another innocent householder in suspicious circumstances: Read more here.
‘Mills had remortgaged one of the couple’s family homes in 2000 and paid the bulk of the £408,000 loan off exceptionally quickly with money (£350,000) given as a gift. This money, it was alleged, had been paid for helping his client, the Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi. Jowell was implicated because she had signed the papers – reportedly distracted since the household chore was put under her nose during a busy Labour party conference – without seeking to understand why her husband wanted it or planned to repay it.’
Meanwhile the BBC version of Jowell’s CV avoids any mention of this incident.
Here’s the infamous clip of BBC Pravda ‘journalist’ reporting on invaders in Sweden, but it appears that the ‘question’, statement that Graham Satchell asked to the mayor ” Your town has taken in more Iraqi immigrants than America and Canada combined, it’s the right thing to to do ? ” the last bit has mysteriously been edited out !!!
Get that moron to police “Swarm Road” in Calais, on his own, no better …
Get him a flat in Malmo, one controlled by the 55 Muslim criminal gangs, for an extended holiday … cretin!
Malmo, the place where Jews fled to escape the Nazis, where for 50 years they lived peacefully, now they have fled to escape Muslims and their hatred. The Swedes appear to have done little to defend the long standing Jewish population, something all too common in Denmark, France and the UK; disgraceful…and cowardly.
And a few years back Malmo’s cowardly mayor washed his hands of the problem by blaming Malmo’s Jews for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The deluded, weak socialists running, or rather ruining, Sweden cannot admit that their naïve belief in the equality and goodness of all humankind has not stood the test of the invasion of their country by Islamic savages.
And in a desperate attempt to validate that belief they continue to hand control, bit by bit, to the devotees of the Religion of Peace.
I’ve posted this before, but I was once at the Notting Hill Carnival with my (now ex) girlfriend. It was very crowded and myself and her friend linked hands and shuffled through the crowd. An Arabic man grabbed her by the throat spat on her and shouted ‘Jew’ in Arabic. By the time I realised, he was lost in the crowd. There was no point reporting it to the police, because I doubt they would have done anything, anyway.
With regards to this great mutli-culti experiment – I’m out.
So why do so many Jews support open borders, like the vile Barbara Lerner Spectre, the founding director of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden?
She actively wants to encourage mass immigration to Sweden
“Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that transformation that must take place and are going to be resented because of our leading role…”
Barbara Lerner Spectre, founding director of Paideia, The European Institute for Jewish Studie
”The Jewish origins of multiculturalism in Sweden.The ideological change started in 1964 when David Schwarz, a Polish born Jew and Holocaust survivor who immigrated to Sweden in the early 1950s, wrote the article “The Immigration problem in Sweden” in Sweden’s largest and most important morning newspaper – the Jewish-owned Dagens Nyheter (“Daily News”). It started a rancorous debate that mostly took place in Dagens Nyheter, but which subsequently continued even in other newspapers, on editorial pages and in books. …
Schwarz was by far the most active opinion-former and accounted for 37 of a total of 118 contributions to the debate on the immigration issue in the years 1964-1968. Schwarz and his co-thinkers were so dominant and aggressive that debaters with an alternative view were driven on the defensive and felt their views suppressed. For example, Schwarz played the anti-Semitism card efficiently in order to discredit his opponents. …
It was the conservative Rightist Party who first embraced the idea of cultural pluralism and greatly contributed to shape the new radical direction. It is worth mentioning that the chairman of the Rightist Party 1961-1965, Gunnar Heckscher, was the party’s first leader of Jewish descent.”
This is what Laurence Auster, he was jewish who converted to Christianity, said on the matter, he put it in an American context: “ It is not surprising that these Jews look at mass Third-World and Moslem immigration, not as a danger to themselves, but as the ultimate guarantor of their own safety, hoping that in a racially diversified, de-Christianized America, the waning majority culture will lack the power, even if it still has the desire, to persecute Jews.”
But it IS surprising, when even if “the waning majority culture will lack the power, even if it still has the desire, to persecute Jews” the INCOMING Mulim culture will have the power and certainly the desire to persecute Jews. Turkeys voting for Christmas!
And the Swedish politician who voiced some concerns at the very level of immigration was described as being of the ‘Hard Right’ by the BBC’s reporter Graham Satchell.
Why is he entitled to say that? He therefore by the same logic is of the ‘Hard Left’… Oh, wait a minute, he works for the BBC!
To the BBC any deviation from the hive norm which is straight left liberal fantasy rubbish is hard right. Unless it is to the left in which case every excuse is made for it.
That report from Sweden was just propaganda and in real Pravda mould.
Three more Pakistanis caught and jailed for the rape of vulnerable young white girls.
I am beginning to hear rumours of another Labour party cover up of the Rochdale rapes dating back 8 years when a certain Labour councillor traditionalist wanted to expose what was going on.
The Fascist wing of the party prevented that and in the end he leaked the information to the press who seem to have done very little with it. The Fascist wing then expelled him from the local party, although he remained a party member at a national level.
Unfortunately there is no way this silly old man will talk about this as his allegiance to his party is stronger than his wish to protect vulnerable children.
It just shows though, that Rotherham was not an isolated example of Labour turning a blind eye to the suffering of white people, whilst protecting their brown eyed boys criminal action.
BBC – Bangkok bomb: The messy theories behind the Thai attack
BBC – what motivated the attack?, from internal political unrest to insurgents in the south, although the Thai authorities say it is unlikely to be the work of an international terror group
BBC – Police released a sketch and video of their main suspect, who has been described as foreign
BBC – The Unclear Motive.
BBC – “Man” in Yellow
Unclear Motive?…. Hindu Temple, plus 1000s Buddhists, plus 1000s western tourists?.
“The motive of a Muslim who leaves a backpack with a bomb in it at a Hindu shrine that is frequented by Buddhists in a country that has been battling jihad violence for years now is “unclear” only to those who are wilfully ignorant”
R Spencer
BBC Watch does an excellent job of monitoring and reporting on the skewed output of the BBC clearly showing its anti-Israel agenda. Today they give the statistics of how many terror attacks were perpetrated against Israel in July, and how many of these, if any were covered by the BBC.
Just in the last few days there have been several attacks by Palestinians on Israelis that have received no mention from the BBC, as well as rockets fired from Syria into Israel that the BBC prefers to ignore. The stories that they do prefer instead to focus on in their Mid-East webpage for the area are: Hamas ‘seizes Israeli spy dolphin’ off Gaza Hamas claims to have captured a dolphin being used as an Israeli spy off the coast of Gaza, local media report.
The militant Palestinian Islamist group, which dominates Gaza, says the mammal was equipped with spying devices, including cameras, according to the newspaper Al-Quds (in Arabic).
It was apparently discovered by a naval unit of Hamas’s military wing and brought ashore.
No photographs of the alleged marine secret agent have been released.
Al-Quds said that the newest recruit was “stripped of its will” and turned into “a murderer” by the Israeli security services.
and this one: Palestinian Christians urge help against West Bank barrier Palestinian Christians are appealing for international support to oppose renewed construction of part of Israel’s West Bank barrier.
Local church leaders – Latin Catholic and Greek Orthodox – have been involved in the campaign to prevent the construction of the barrier.
Each month the persecution of Christians throughout the Muslim world is reported by Raymond Ibrahim, though little, if any, of this is brought to public attention by the BBC, it only shows just how twisted the BBC truly are, and have no real concern for Christian plight.
If they had at least covered the terror attacks committed by Palestinians against Israel it might give the reader an idea of just why Israel needs this barrier, rather than only present the one-sided view of those Christians who need to suck up to the Palestinians for their survival. BBC News coverage of terrorism – July 2015
This is the ‘world class’ media output that the BBC likes to present itself as.
Worse still, according to the Change Detection website, the story you linked to hardly spent any time on the BBC Mid-East webpage, if at all. Whereas the ‘Dolphin Spy’ story, also from the 20th was still there at the time I posted above.
Notice how many of the photos show tearful children? Over 60% of the photos.
How many children are in the crowds? Perhaps 3%
This is biased BBC reporting. Tugging at the heart strings to make a political BBC/Left Wing point as follows:-
1/ Immigrants = Victims and will die unless allowed entry. Particularly the children.
2/ Immigration Opponents = Hard Right/Nazi killers.
No half way debate is entertained because the BBC/Left view themselves as having the correct political view on this and anything else that makes their news.
6pm news on BBC1, a Syrian young lady, well dressed in the circumstances, explaining to the brave BBC reporter that she was one of the people forcing the police to allow them into (oh, heck either Moldovia or Macedonia, technical incompetence prevents me checking plus a lack of knowledge of Greece’s borders). But she explained she had to get through to be in a safe country, she just needed to be safe. Now I thought all those English tourists on Kos are safe and I would have those on the mainland safer. If I were the reporter I would have asked her why Greece wasn’t safe, if true there is a whole new story that the Beeb isn’t asking.
France train shooting: Three hurt and man arrested
An armed man has injured three people on a train between Amsterdam and Paris before being overpowered by two American passengers, officials say. The incident happened on the high-speed Thalys service near Arras, and the assailant was arrested at its station. Two of the victims, said to be an American and a Briton, were seriously injured – one had a gunshot wound, the other a knife wound, reports said. Initial reports said the man arrested was a 26-year-old Moroccan. One of his weapons was said to be a Kalashnikov…… “Talking about a terrorist motive would be premature at the moment.”
“Talking about a terrorist motive would be premature at the moment.”
Of course it would – I always carry a Kalashnikov when I go shopping in Sainsbury’s. Doesn’t everyone?
Usual lefty equivocating from Jeremy Corbyn re his ” ISIL problem”.
Listen to his comment at the end of “Any Questions” (21.8.15/8.40pm or so, Radio 4).
The scumbag manages to say that YES…he DOES talk to terrorists…and he`d see Israel as being as bad as the Palestinians, so he`s balancing his discussions.
The Left will therefore be please that he runs a mile from what Hamas etc are doing…and shits on Israels doorstep like the good anti-Yankee that he is.
Odious creep-anybody able to tell the turd that Israel is a democratically elected State, whereas Hamas/Hezbollah are murdering thugs, much like his long-lamented IRA.
In other words-he`s a serial equivalence merchant..Israel paired with Hamas, USA twinned with IS…
What a shit…unelectable friend of terrorism.
Wonder if he`d risk a few days in Palmyra-think there`ll be a few teenies who only went to Syria because they`ve not got the vote at eleven years old…try and get them in Jez, you quisling.
BBC report the train attack as terrorist. He was a Moroccan. I wonder if he is connected to the Methodist Church. Better not mention the ROP in case there is a backlash
Love the way that space constraints have precluded the BBC clarifying what kind of ‘Americans’ in the headline, them being well versed in terr… ‘militant’ carry-on luggage.
Just picking up the headlines on AlBeeb telly just reporting the ‘gun attack on the train’, ‘the migrants rushing Macedonian border’, ‘migrant on board halts Channel train’ and ‘radicalised’ girl must leave home.
I hope that our PM really has ‘got a grip’ ?
BBC after not reporting it themselves, Sunday Morn Live, will run a free speech segment re the Mohamhead Cartoon event cancellation
I think A M Walters is on
Has BBC News reported the Islamic Bangkok bomber yet?
It would never have taken place. The arty world would never stand up, and the UAF, Left Unity, Antifa and Class War thugs would be there before the jihadists got a look in. But Scotland Yard, smacks of Cameron and Teresa the Appeaser
Terrorist train attack – top story on ITV 10 o’clock news, BBC news – top story “migrants” being ill used in Macedonia; second story, more Labour leadership boll@cks. WTF?
I cannot look at Yasmin Alibhai-Brown without recalling her trashing the US in her whiny little voice on the infamous BBC Question Time right after 9/11.
A great video-thanks for it.
Gives us all plenty time to drill down and see the sheer mad incoherence, ad-hominem abuse and platitudes of the chattering classes.
She`s as thick and cliche-stuffed as Batmanghedghli-a patronising cow, who`s reason goes to pot at the slightest pretext….and the very embodiment of all that`s BBC stupid!
A dreadful, dangerous nutjob-hence she`s a regular on the BBC.
He’s like an Exocet with his argument. She is utterly unable to deal with his intellect and argument. She becomes borderline hysterical. She wails, shouts, invents and even waves her arms in his face. In the end even calls him “…boy.”
He is polite throughout and she made to look like a buffoon.
If you think I have respect for Douglas Murray you’d be right. He cuts through the chattering classes sugar coated treatment of the ROP and nails it.
It’s interesting. Do I remember there was a brief chance of an ‘arab spring’ in Iran with Moussavi? I have a bookmarked link to some wonderful pictures of courageous women who were trying to push Iran to greater democracy. The Green Revolution.
Murray’s gloomy prediction (which was rather unrealistic) of Iran having a working nuclear weapon in two years fortunately did not occur. Perhaps a rare win for sanctions? Will be interesting to see if rapprochement is extended to Syria by the US/UK. One or two folk suggested on R4 in the past week that Cameron will be looking to bomb somebody in Syria in September.
I love this country, with all its history and eccentricity, its minds and its might have been used for the benefit of just about every country in the world. Its traditions, laws and morals have been taken to heart by so many over the years and it still stands as the most beautiful place I have seen.
It used its treasure and its blood to defend not only itself but so many in so many places.
Innovations and discoveries, democracy and institutions have all been given and received. It has stood as a beacon for hope and common sense and pragmatism, it has stood as a bulwark against oppressors and opened its hearts and its borders to those who have genuinely needed succour or support.
But now, its politicians and its quislings are letting all of what we have stood for be put aside. I accuse the BBC of pandering and encouraging such a wilful attempt to nullify and destroy what was and could still be a nation that the world could admire.
I weep for my country, in my lifetime I fear it will be subsumed; be it through the deliberate diluting of its people or through hateful politicians allowing it to become a region of a supranational entity.
And when these things occur and the damned who have led us to this realise that they have stamped on a nation of beauty and delight, will they also weep?
Take heart. The culture war is intensifying and those who wish to bring this old land to ruin are afraid of us now. It is to be expected this leftwing BBC/Guardian/Twitter/ UAF etc led hysteria.
They are all cowards at heart. Their rule is one of trickery and deceit.
let them do their worst. Their day is ending because they know in their hearts that the English from the shires, the small villages and towns no longer are listening.
First we stop listening and then?
Labour did a very good job with their ‘year zero’ policies. Britain was renowned around the world for the achievements and system you mention above. Now people equate the abolition of the Human Rights Act with an end to Human Rights. They have no memory of the time that went before. Depressing.
Mrs Harman said some Tory supporters were aiming to get a vote.
“That is dishonest and that is shameful for people who purportedly believe in democracy and support democracy,” she said.
From her party who purposely went out of its way to encourage millions in to this country to screw the democratic process in their favour.
Harriet I despise Labour. I got through your “robust” verification system. I was completely honest in my application.
When I voted I voted for the two most pathetic and unelectable candidates on my application form and then worked down the list in the same way. I then emailed it directly back.
When I wipe dogs muck off my shoe Harriet I don’t feel ashamed. I don’t feel proud. Its an unpleasant job but needs doing.
Why were Labour too stupid not to limit the vote to people who were members on a certain date, say the day Ed resigned ? They only have themselves to blame for this farce.
I note that the BBC are, while reporting the thwarted terrorist attack on the Belgian train, now inserting Mr Obama’s words into the story, and also describing it as a ‘tragedy’ averted.
A bit like a tsunami, or an earthquake, then. Not a deliberate act of attempted slaughter.
Al BBC shows about a dozen captured unused semi auto cartridge holders, knives, a “box cutter” explosive and pistol … waffles on about the “unclear” motive on Breakfast TV,
… then at the end of the reports slips in it was a Moroccan immigrant.
No … not a clue eh!.
France: Two U.S. Marines overpower Muslim who opened fire on train
“A jihadi could scream, “Allahu akbar! I am a Muslim and I am killing in accord with Islamic texts and teachings mandating jihad warfare against and subjugation of unbelievers!,” and authorities and the media would still be saying the motives were unknown.”
R Spencer
We must assume he went to Syria in search of culture and enlightenment, but came back radicalised.
He wouldn’t have had a terrorist bone in his body or thought in his head before going out there.
Then when he got back he thought ‘I’ve been radicalised but, you know what, I won’t tell anyone then I’ll go out and commit one of those Lone Wolf attacks.’
That, basically, is the gist what the BBC will want us to swallow.
But only because he made the error of letting the French security bloke tell us that
a) the would-be mass murderer was of Moroccan origin-code for French Muslim
b) the suspect-known to the Spanish security authorities-was training in Syria only last year-code for jihadist psycho released back to the rest of us, via EU Schengen rules.
Which tells me we`ve a grade One Islamic jihadist bloke in his mid-20s with a Kalashnikov on a Paris-Amsterdam TGV or such-who was only stopped by quick thinking US military personnel who heard the scum loading his gun in the loo-not something the restr of us would have spotted.
God Bless the US heroes…but only the BBC and its Islamist wannabes in our prisons, charities and colleges/universities will be sorry that it didn`t “succeed”.
No story now-file under IKEA/Sweden…best to move along and not fuss too much.
Hence Humphrys hoping to flag up security failings or glitches(as ever)…and maybe getting us all to get our bags searched and shoes off at Charing Cross and Bristol Parkway as soon as poss…so Islam can avoid any scrutiny.
Easier to zap the Muslim vectors that continue to but metal detectors…but, hey…no story at Calais then is there?
Exactly what I thought.Their headline is President Obama praises bravery of marines….Typical BBC ,if Obama says it ,it must be OK to call the marines heroes. On Sky they are reporting the facts and talking to the marines and people involved.
Indeed. Infact the most likely comment that will come from Corbyn and/or the BBC, will be that the so called terrorist, who was going on a peaceful hunting trip , hence the assault gun, recognised the marines from a description he had from his cousin of two of his guards at Gitmo, and was understandably provoked beyond reason. All those who know him say he is a lovely boy who wouldn’t say boo to a goose and attended the Mosque several times a week. Newsnight or Panorama will then investigate if the US military has a policy of putting agent provocateurs on European trains to upset friendly and peaceful Muslims. Corbyn will conclude the whole matter is just a small part of the Jewish conspiracy to dominate the entire world by poisoning the west against against the forces of freedom represented by his friends in Hamas et al.
I turned on R4 to find out the time early this morning, and there was some Muslim bint whining on about always being asked to apologize for Islamic terrorism. ISIS has nothing to do with “true Islam”. “It’s not my fault.” she whines. This is the last few minutes of the programme and the news then reports an attempted attacrk on train passengers by another ” myan
Well , done the two American servicemen , & the English chap , but , the evil BBC are , trying to force the 3rd American to the front as `The Hero` , because he is not `Hideously White` ,& springling a bit of Barry in for good effect.
Bad night for the BBC last night , for they had to praise citizens of the great satan for saving people from the religion of peace on the Thalys train shooting.
And check it out. The Muslim terrorist is, according to the BBC, just some random Moroccan:
Be interesting who the BBC invite on for Tim Wilcox or Mishal Husain to interview and lambast over proportionality and acceptable relative body counts.
Guess they are still trying to come up with just the right words. Not stupid or clumsy ones, natch.
The BBC really are sick in the head. Just look at this disgusting headline:
“France train shooting: Men who overpowered gunman branded ‘heroes’ ”
Why put heroes in inverted commas? Makes it seem like they might be to some, but the majority think they’re not, and why use the word ‘branded’ which is a pejorative? People who do something positive are usually ‘hailed as’.
And the BBC are so ignorant and insensitive. It wouldn’t occur to them that using the word “branded” , when one of the heroes is black is a trifle thoughtless.
Quite right Thoughtful, what other word would aptly describe unarmed men overpowering a heavily armed individual, bent on mass murder, in the course of which one is critically injured? They deserve to be heroized, regardless of Al Beebus.
This cowardly, Islamic, terrorist assault would have been (but for these Marines) on at least the scale of the Tunisian beech atrocity – except with nowhere to escape from the Jihadist. It is just unfortunate the Mohammedan survived.
Will the leaders of the West never wake up and confront Islam for what it is?
I detect a conflict at the BBC. Yes, it’s a despicable headline but just under the first video there’s this:
Three American men are being hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.
And the article itself is not bad at all. Though it doesn’t mention Islam, it does link this attack to the Charlie Hebdo atrocity and a later beheading in France.
My computer won’t play the videos but it’s interesting to note that they were included. The habitual BBC tactic would be to give a story like this the minimum possible coverage.
I would imagine that the headline writer is a member of the Religion of Peace, given the contempt for those real heroes shown by the use of the word “branded.”
Or perhaps it’s not contempt but simply incompetence in the use of the language.
No matter how subversive the BBC has become, it has generally managed to maintain a basic standard of English. But I’ve noticed that standard dropping in recent years.
If the BBC’s lefty, Islam-loving ideology has trumped its requirement of competence in English then it really is beyond hope.
Many Beeboids do seem to struggle with the basics of English. The “branded” headline was probably written by some teenage Jonty or Melissa on unpaid work experience but it is indicative of how far the BBC’s standards are falling.
The whole of Europe is being invaded by land and sea. Has anyone heard anything constructive emanating from the bureaucratic body called the European Parliament about defending this failed artificial state and its open borders ?
Maxine Mawhinney, has just been stating ‘people are just looking to start a new life’
Yes, and there are tens of millions where they came from waiting to do the same. And because of the reproductive rate of the citizens of many of these African countries, that will quickly become tens and tens of millions more.
Why is she unable to see where this is all going to lead unless drastic action is taken? Does she think the BBC/UN will find her a safe Islington-style haven abroad somewhere once Britain has become a third world, war-torn, burning hellhole?
I had some tradesmen in today. They’re from the sticks. I asked what they thought of the Calais situation – “Shoot them. They’ll soon get the message.”
Strangely, it is a solution I hear a lot, but never seems to get aired on the BBC.
I thought the Macedonians may start shooting, but it looks as if they are just going to wave them through. How do they know the immigrants don’t want to settle in Macedonia ?
I think the Macedonians would forcefully encourage them to relocate elsewhere, if any of the “migrants” wanted to permanently “migrate” into their country.
The problem with the Beeb, or any news organisation for that matter, ceasing to merely report news accurately without fear or favour, is that they will get into mighty tangles at some points in the future. Holiday periods will become increasingly fraught as the normal lines of referral for ‘approvals’ are disturbed by leave.
Those points of tangle will eventually snowball in all sorts of ways, into distrusts, resentments, reliability issues, etc., and will become, for all staff, increasingly difficult to handle. As more ‘incidents’ happen that involve people, creeds or politics that have been decreed as ‘sensitive’, BBC people will either become afraid to write, report on air or discuss so that either more & more stuff will be swept under the carpet or set, bland, even meaningless, phrases will be used for serious news. People will start to turn off. Staff may well seek to leave.
There is a certain peace and security in truth and integrity.
Excellent point. Hopefully the logical conclusion will be a blank screen where BBC news and current affairs programmes once were broadcast. Or better still, a presenter silently opening and closing his mouth, like a goldfish, whilst simultaneously going cross-eyed and red in the face whilst his brain attempts to concoct some BBC PC-compliant narrative for the day’s events.
Staff will be so caught up in the internal politics and meetings to decide how things should be reported, they won’t actually care what the news actually is.
BBC 1 News at 6. They still can’t bring themselves to use the “T word”. He is a gunman. But they did call him an “Islamist” as if he was seeking a theological debate.
I’m in France but cannot get Test Match Special on the iPlayer Radio, or any other app, a manic voice keeps shouting at me that ‘due to rights issues this part of the programme is unavailable’. Well seeing how dismally England are playing at the Oval I don’t really want to listen, but it’s the principle of it all. Why can’t a licence fee player listen to the radio? The sooner the BBC gets sorted out the better!
Ashes Cricket is of National interest and the BBC as a national institution used to broadcast it.
Why should I have to pay my BBC Tax Licence, pay for Sky and then pay extra to Sky to see cricket on Sky?
Where’s the sense? Oh, I have The Voice, Strictly and Bake Off to compensate. And BBC News, Countryfile and Roger Harrabin. And East Enders with it’s political and social commentary. And Panorama with a political expose of no consequence.
Correction, the Ashes are “a white middle class game that ticks no boxes”. Expect you life to be brightened with plenty of non-English/Aussie/Kiwi cricket.
It’s ok we can get live premiership football on the wireless, so gather the family into the front room on a Saturday and tune into the bBC.
Don’t forget to wear your bobble hats and make a jolly good din on your rattle. marvellous!, and all for only 3.5bn a year.
‘…So, the deal is, Pudsey and Blush are allowed to hold hands for encouragement since they are friends, but never, ever, cuddle, kiss or canoodle as they are not boyfriend and girlfriend, so make sure your heads never touch in public…’
BBC reporter can’t make up his mind about Macedonian police. They are totally dreadful and awful trying to prevent the ‘refugees’ entering that state but they are at least not British.
Anyway the camera concentrates on dramatic scenes of youngsters crying and babies and we get the message.
Sky no different.
It all ends up with being told Germany and Sweden are getting a little narked about so much enrichment. Sharing is next.
And we don’t get told what the Serbs do to the trains laid on by the Macedonian government.
BBC man was horrified that many passengers had to stand!
AliBaba telly reporting more and more migrants on vessels ‘sinking’ off the Libyan coast.
Italian and other ships are picking them up and bringing them all the way across the Med to Europe.
Why don’t they just pick them up and take them back to Libya or to the nearest coast in N Africa? I think that there is a bit of ‘deliberate sinking’ going on.
Expect more gunmen on trains in the near future. Wake up Europe, your end is nigh.
And we are expected to believe Isis have nothing to do with it. A smart move on their part. Flood Europe with as many people as possible and in the confusion just how many terrorists will slip in to European lands.
Liberal fantasies meet reality and the train in Belgium is just the start.
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BBC Website News
‘Left Wing’ Comedian can’t join the Labour Party to vote on leadership contest!
And the BBC admits that he is ‘Left Wing’.
Oh, the irony and agony!
My vote is in.
Sane female first, lunatic male second on the principle of cure or kill.
No wonder Ed Balls has bailed out to America, if his wife talks as much as she does at home without ever actually saying anything it must be murder living with her.
Winker Watson last in the deputy vote.
That Jeremy Hardy has been excluded is the best joke of the day.
I can only presume it is association with even further left parties that has done for him!
I didn’t realise that Jeremy Hardy is left-wing.
I always thought he was the epitome of balance and political neutrality – like other BBC-favoured “comedians”.
I didn`t realise he was a comedian.
I despise what Labour did to the UK, so I’ve voted:
1) Jeremy
2) Angela Eagle
3) Diane Abbott
Let’s hope they get consigned to the dustbin of history.
“Where they belong !!!!”
Copy cat!
I voted Jeremy and Angela (for deputy) too. You been peeking?
I think it was the Caroline Flint after that.
I wish I could choose “I-am Fatbot” for London but alas we are outside the capital now (actually we are glad we left Peckham).
Last was Liz Kendal. The only one with any credibility. A perverse world when we do this sort of thing. But there is nothing as perverse as Labour.
If there is a facility to “save” things on here that BBC items would be useful.
For the BBC to describe him as “left wing” in one of their items certainly helps provide the ammunition to shoot them with!
BBC Breakfast this morning had a report on the different approach which Sweden takes to the ‘Migrant Crisis’. Cue interview with a smart well dressed well groomed couple posing on a jetty on a Swedish lake (fjord perhaps) saying how lovely it is and how welcoming Sweden is. Then a brief clip of a member of a ‘hard right’ opposition party in a gloomy suburb saying that over 50% there were immigrants creating ghettos and who did not attempt to integrate or even learn the language…… Switch swiftly back to our couple posing in the sunshine, the low sun casting a glow around them ‘Do you speak any Swedish?’ to which the man replies in Swedish to our awe-struck reporter Graham Satchel who has to ask what it meant (Nice to meet you apparently)… Wow. Final word from the local mayor – Britain should do the same as Sweden – if immigrants can make it there they should be allowed to stay. That’s us told then. Another BBC-supplied wind up to start my day.
Saw that. Sickening.
AliBaba telly’s transparent attempt at indoctrination.
Any person with the intelligence of a dead fish can see this.
BBC Pravada ‘reporter’ Brian Satchel also said to the local mayor ” Your town has taken in more immigrants than America and Canada combined, it’s the right thing to to do ? ” ( More of a statement than a question. ) ” Yes, it is,” she replied, that’s that then, meanwhile her town looks like downtown Baghdad.
Won’t be long until it acts like it.
Exactly – you don’t have to look far to see the unrest and mayhem the BBC’s bearded favourites are causing in the bigger Swedish cities, although it must be in the small print of the BBC website. Any reporter worth his salt would have raised that with the mayor but not so in BBC-land.
“…Won’t be long until it acts like it.”
It’s coming. It might kick off in Greece, Italy or perhaps even Germany, but it will happen. And when the ‘migrant’ bombs go off the left will be found wringing their hands and denying any responsibility for so willingly providing the touch paper and the explosives.
They won’t even need to deny responsibility. They will just blame it all on the West (via the BBC, of course).
Migrant bombs and bullets are already going boom.
The BBC was totally bemused who it could be that had attacked passengers on a French Train. To me it was clear that it would be a Muslim. As it turned out, the BBC informed us that the perp was a Moroccan. BBC was again bemused “The motive behind the attack remains unclear.
Now I’ve heard this “The motive behind the attack remains unclear”, after every murderous terrorist attack. The fact that it is common usage throughout Western media, just like “This has nothing to do with Islam”, implies that it is an agreed formula.
When I hear ““The motive behind the attack remains unclear”. My response is ” Try Allahu Akhbar” to the TV. So far I’ve been right.
It was (rightly) the lead item earlier on ITN, but the BBC only briefly mentioned the attack near the end (at 20 minutes past) of the news at ten. They showed the same reluctance to report the Tunisian attack a few weeks ago. Then they were much more interested in reporting a speech about race by Obama. This time they were much more interested in reporting about how few Muslim migrants the UK is taking relative to Germany, and of course the latest news about the Labour Party leadership election.
Sweden again. I am sick of it . I have no interest in the place. it is becoming a land mass to the north of Europe that no longer wants to be part of Europe and is changing it’s people as fast as it can.
No wonder the BBC goes there. No nasty indigenous English rabble to upset them. There is something very odd about the natives Swedes. The first European peoiple to be so bored with themselves as to make them give up their country .
All that prosperity and socialism has bought them to this.
Actually the largest party in the current polls in Sweden is the anti immigration Swedish Democrats with over 25%,( see Breitbart London , edited by Mr Dellingpole, for the truth rather than the propaganda and lies of the BBC) This has doubled in the last year. They are of course given little air time by the Swedish media and none by the BBC.In common with other countries in Europe that have become infested by the immigrant swarm, the natives are beginning to react and question why their political elites are selling them down the river. Of course they are relentlessly attacked by the media and liberal establishment as being extreme , racist etc etc, all the stuff we see on the BBC day in day out, but the tide is changing and Europeans are beginning to wake up to the threat of what is happening, perhaps too late.
The liberal establishment is struggling to keep control of the situation which they have created by allowing millions of aliens into their respective countries. We can expect that they will attempt to their hold on to power by introducing ever more repressive anti democratic laws, eg Miliband’s idea to make Islamophobia a crime, cranking up the media into more and more anti racist witch hunts against people who just want their countries back, ever more ridiculous attempts to convince us that immigrants are good for us , more revisions of history , more pro immigration lies and suppression of the truth . In the end it won’t work and Europeans will react vigorously to what is happening but the big question is will the reaction be early enough to prevent the total Islamifaction of Europe?
Mmm! I notice that you don’t get to see him on the BBC very often.
I think you will find that a rainbow alliance has been agreed by every party other than the Democrats to ensure that they cannot obstruct the governing of the country along its current lines unless they get to more than half, which in a multi-party state is most unlikely.
Seemingly the alliance was agreed to avoid the budget being turned down, which would trigger new elections and an increase in Democrat representation.
So the anti-migration side have a very steep hill to climb.
”a rainbow alliance has been agreed by every party other than the Democrats to ensure that they cannot obstruct the governing of the country.” Who says democracy isn’t rigged.
Satchel described the Swedish Democrats as “hard right”. Bloody typical!
Sweden is a damn cold country. Once the new Swedes have their EU citizenship, they will be flooding the rest of Europe.
The socialist/commie Swedes know this, are doing this with purpose to flood Europe with IslamoNazis, and thus destroy whatever remains of once great Christendom.
Sweden is a Trojan horse.
I posted this earlier about the sickening BBc reports on Sweden & immigration so it disappeared on the mid week thread. So are we sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. BBc Breakfast. First an advert for the India Season. Complete with a special Goodness gracious me. Surprise I won’t be watching it or any of the season. Then on to some one from UNHCR wants us to do more with migrants. Do I give a **** what some unelected official at UNHCR thinks we should do. Of course no guest to say UNHCR can shove there opinions where the sun doesn’t shine. Then on to Sweden the land of paradise. The Swedes accept pretty much who ever makes it to the country the reporter informs us. On to video of migrants playing around and having a meal all lovely. Then onto the “Hard right” spokes person. Although she didn’t seem to be very “hard right” to me. Some deluded woman Major tells us they have the moral high ground. So the implication is we should do like Sweden. Oh yes let’s not mention the rapes. killings and crime all covered up by Swedish media. Again luckily I live in an age where I can obtain information from other sources.
Oh yes and let’s not forget the latest Ikea murders
Didn’t see that on the BBc although within hours I’d found out it was a migrant on the net..
I saw a report on an Internet news site that the female victim was allegedly beheaded. No mention of that in any of our media.
The kind of detail that can take months to confirm, often only in a court case. Apparently.
Sadly very true.
Here’s a funny thing: the BBC web-site is today telling me that the Political Editor has already presented Newsnight on 26th, 27th and 28th August despite the fact that she is no longer a presenter since 22 July 2015 but the Political Editor. If she doesn’t get back from holiday soon (I write on 21st August), she will have missed the Labour Party leadership election. Oh dear!
We will have to rely, instead, on Norman Smith.
Oh dear!
It is interesting how a £4Bpa media entity with 20,000 on the roster seems to fall apart under skeleton staff over the 3 months summer hols.
Mind you, I do recall Nick Robbo once phoned in a piece from a sun lounger that turned out to be utter pants because he actually wasn’t around to check his opinion was based on fact.
Rather than admit this was a professional disaster the BBC decided that while the content was inaccurate, that he’d tried hard was evidence of dedication, so no harm no foul.
I drew attention to this on the previous thread. As far as I can see only the Huff Post have mentioned it. If it were a terrorist or hate preacher the story would be covered in great detail by the BBC. There are many questions to ask. Why is he being constantly re-arrested, what are the charges? Are lawyers involved? Is Charmi Ragabottom looking into it? Is there something we should not know? Is Robinson really in danger with a bounty on his head? Are the Government involved, are they sanctioning this? God know and – whatever one’s views are about Robinson – does this matter raise serious problems?
Tommy Robinson re-arrested one month after being released from a previous re-arrest. No reasons given, no questions asked.
BBC bias hand in hand with government appeasement. To tackle BBC bias one needs to point the finger at the Government.
It’s just how the liberal left operates. Robinson is a dissident; he dared to speak the truth to power and Power took serious offence at his insolence. He will be – has become – an eternal target for the ire of the perpetually offended within the ranks of the ‘progressive’ liberal-left fascisti – Robinson will find no sanctuary, will be given no justice (because justice is a commodity, like any other, reserved for those who are deemed worthy of it).
The state broadcaster, meanwhile, is just doing its job with regards to Citizen Robinson – i.e. nothing at all. Because that is how our msm has been conditioned to behave whenever it is required to confront the truth.
Tommy would be well advised to ask for political asylum in another country. Not Europe however.
He will be a marked man here.
He upset the No 10 cabal, by exposing their (as usual for Tories ) corrupt … Islamic shoe in to higher government, add that to the “Borg” like 5th column they are gleefully adding to week on week
It wouldn’t surprise me if this had Jihadi May’s fingerprints all over it. Plod’s orders must come from higher up.
Why Tommy Robinson is being persecuted, is beyond me. Is it because he has spoken the truth? Quite likely. The truth of how the political elite betrayed Britain, and Europe, is certainly a matter that affects the well being of the political elite.
The fact of mass gang rapes involving tens of thousands of victims, and probably ten times that of rapists, over decades, and covered up by the media and the political authorities , is so disgusting, that it is not surprising that the media and political elite will do everything in their power to suppress all pertaining information. Hence Tommy Robinson must be silenced.
This episode of mass gang rapes over decades, and in peacetime, allowed by the previous Labour government, and silenced by the media, has no parallel in history. No wonder Tommy Robinson is silenced.
At last! Jeremy Hardy has said something funny.
From today’s Daily Telegraph
BBC Radio 5 Live is attempting to populate its news and sport phone-ins with female callers after research found the discussions are dominated by men.
While a steady stream of male listeners call the station to air their views on the issues of the day, fewer women do the same.
In an attempt to redress the gender balance, producers are contacting women who text the station to ask them if they will phone instead.
Fairhead, the new BBC Trust chairwoman, said, however, their efforts have not gone far enough and the BBC Trust has given the station a six-month deadline to improve the diversity of its phoneins by increasing the number of female voices.
The Trust undertook audience research as part of its service review of the BBC’s speech radio stations, and carried out a study of the breakfast phone-in Your Call.
‘The station is aware of the disparity in contributors and has made efforts to encourage more women to take part in phone-ins…’
In a newly-published report, the Trust noted: “Some listeners responding to our consultation felt that listener phone-ins can be dominated by male callers and would like to hear the views of more women.
“We analysed a single week of Your Call programmes in April 2015 to test this and found that 75 per cent of callers were male.
“The station is aware of the disparity in contributors and has made efforts to encourage more women to take part in phone-ins – for example, by contacting those who text the station and encouraging them to phone in.
It has also worked with the production teams to ensure that the tone of programming is accessible to all potential listeners and not skewed towards men or any other demographic group.”
The research found that football is the most popular sport among 5 Live’s listeners by a large margin, but is predominantly listened to by men.
Cricket was also more popular with male listeners than with female listeners, but tennis was more popular with women.
The departure of two popular female presenters last year – Shelagh Fogarty and Victoria Derbyshire (who revealed earlier this week she has breast cancer) – was noted by listeners, the Trust said, “and has given an impression that women are less well represented on the station.
Perhaps they are listening to Women’s Hour or one the innumerable programmes on R4 where you hardly ever hear a male voice.
White English male newsreaders (English males make up 42% of the UK population) seem to be extinct on BBC main news. When it come to presenters of shows etc. heterosexual white blokes seem to appear in reverse proportion to their actual demographic percentage.
Nothing against most of them, but if the BBC Trust wants to live by quotas….
‘Ere. Is that the Five Live, six-o-six phone in?
Samanfa ‘ere…Millwall suppor’er just got back from der Den ‘aint I’. I heard you were luckin’ for Lady callers so I rang in an yer researcher put me on.
Wo’ a load of bleedin’ crap the Lions was today. ‘Effin referree wasn’t much betta.
The football was boring but we did have a great rumble outside after the match though…smacked one of theirs right in the kisser and kicked another in the Albert’s, pity we had to scarper when the old bill turned-up.
Anyway, I ring agen next week if yer want…we ain’t got no match, so were all going up to West ham to sort the scum out.
Don`t listen to that shite station , if you want sport , there is Talksport , news & debate LBC. BBC 5 dead PC bollox , ignore .
White English male newsreaders (English males make up 42% of the UK population) seem to be extinct on BBC main news. When it come to presenters of shows etc. heterosexual white blokes seem to appear in reverse proportion to their actual demographic percentage.
Exactly. Just women and Blacks is what I see on the BBC. with the occasional “Asian”.
As White males and Asians are well qualified in useful subjects such as engineering, they can get jobs in private industry. Not the case for women and Blacks. I suppose most women and Blacks are nowhere near as smart and intelligent as men, to do difficult subjects, so they have to be given jobs in the BBC, guvmint and other such places.
And this is the same BBC Trust (or lack thereof) that has no apparent interest in investigating the relentless liberal-Left bias that dominates the BBC’s output.
As we have long suspected, the ‘Trust’ is part of the problem.
It can go, too.
Re Jeremy Hardy.
Anyone hear interviews with Mark Steel a few days ago on more or less the same topic.
That’s two ‘neutral impartial’ comedians the Beeb used to give free rein on their quiz shows like the News Quiz etc.
It’s the insidious bias of the Beeb that is so dangerous.
Rod Taylor interviews some Swedes.
No mention on the BBC with regard to the burning of 3000 ‘politically incorrect’ books by the municipal library at Badd Durrheim, Germany. The purge seems to have focused on works by author Erich Kästner (well known for children’s classic Emil and the Detectives) and others who used “incorrect” words such as “Negro” and “Gypsy.” Author Roland Tichy writes that Kästner’s books were burnt during a purge by the Nazis in 1933, “to prevent any form of one’s own thinking.” and with reference to the present day burning: “Obviously his books in Baden-Württemberg are a provocation and violation of the government-mandated zeitgeist of school re-education for politically correct people.”
The lack of news coverage is a very worrying omission by the BBC but I suppose it’s easier for this pc-riddled organisation to ignore EU neo-Nazism than for it to condemn such an attack on personal liberty and freedom of speech.
Who was who said ” When the state burns books, they eventually burn people.”?
Hi Andy, this from wikipedia:
Among the thousands of books burned on Berlin’s Opernplatz in 1933, following the Nazi raid on the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, were works by Heinrich Heine. To commemorate the terrible event, one of the most famous lines of Heine’s 1821 play Almansor was engraved in the ground at the site: “Das war ein Vorspiel nur, dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen.” (“That was but a prelude; where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people as well.”)
Like it, Invicta 1066.
We play ‘PC Bingo’. Poor old Asad Ahmed on BBC London being Asian AND disabled really scores points despite being male and what about the wheelchair-bound female disability correspondent? What are the statistical chances of that?
If only she had been black it would be ‘full house’. With her AND Frank Gardner being wheelchair bound, and Asad using a stick I reckon people who can walk are now ‘significantly under-represented’.
It can only be a matter of time before we get some immigrant presenters who cannot actually speak English to ensure ‘full and fair representation’ of the population.
It can only be a matter of time before we get some immigrant presenters who cannot actually speak English to ensure ‘full and fair representation’ of the population.
True, and the British public will have to learn the languages of the immigrant invaders on pain of imprisonment.
Ken Bruce music news slot yesterday with eager sounding young bloke whose name I can’t remember….
Obama – wasn’t his rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’ cool, and pretty good, hey? So let’s hear it again (cut again to self-regarding president singing like he’s in some lunchtime acapella karaoke contest in a less than salubrious pub somehere in Barnsley, as flat as you like). Then on to his favourite playlist – so eclectic and so……! Our reporter’s gushing tones seemd to emanate from somewhere around his underpants region.
Then a soundbite from Stevie Wonder giving us his opinion on Donald Trump – ‘Nobody has a right to insult others. We shouldn’t do it – ever’ (or words to that effect).
Job done – again.
Insidious Common Purpose bastards – the lot of ’em.
Jeremy Hardy on the Today programme mentioned ‘his friend’ Hugo Rifkind. Is Rifkind a lefty comedian? I never listen to The News Quiz so don’t know whether Hugo’s dad ought to give him a stern talking-to, tell him to grow up & choose his company better!
The tragicomedy that is the Labour election continues, with Trotsky ‘funnyman’ Jeremy Hardy complaining to his fellow BBC comrades, that he’s been blocked from voting.
Tragic for him, hilarious for us, as it proves he’s a far left tw*t, and that Labour are anti-democratic down to their bones.
So true.
Labour are stating “he’s too left wing” and “he’s too left wing” and “he’s too left wing” to vote for us and this should make BBC comedy production a little uncomfortable with their choice of comedians with that odd thing…”balance”.
But guess what I suspect the BBC don’t give a sh*t.
How much more proof do the voting public need that Labour couldn’t organise the proverbial piss-up in the proverbial brewery. And how much more proof do they need that BBC socialist comedians are as thick as pig shit.
Deep joy, the bBC show just how devoid of new ideas they are, a return of ‘Goodness Gracious Me’
‘We will see a hilarious send-up of Downton Abbey – renamed Brownton Abbey, also mock W1A in a sketch set in the Indian Broadcasting Corporation”
Never watched it first time around, won’t be watching this time, would we be allowed to find it funny, or would it get past the PC police if the cast were all indigenous and (quote) ‘skewered’ Asian behaviour towards Britains?
Yes, indeed, another chance to watch a load of smug gits who were born to penniless immigrants but went on to become rich and famous all the while still maintaining that Britain is a racist hellhole!
I’d pay good money to see someone ask one of these whiny tossers how much extra money they think they’d have made if Britain *wasn’t* racist.
I’m going to disagree with both DJ and Geoff.
Goodness gracious me to my thinking did a lot to help integration.
You may not like it, but we are where we are with immigration.
It finally made me realise that Hindu Indians have a sense of humour and are quite capable of laughing at themselves, two very important traits of the “British”. The “English restaurant sketch” also I think did a lot to help people understand how they felt when treated thus.
Unfortunately our friends from the ROP seem to have a total humour by-pass in their genes, such that the “British” are quite reluctant to engage with them for fear of our often less than serious comments, where context can be everything, causing offence.
I don’t disagree about Hindu’s, certainly more welcome than some, although having worked with some I might disagree on the sense of humour, but we can’t generalise.
Its the bBC agenda behind the need for such programs, when in reverse and even in a comedic way, it would never be possible, just ‘racist’
Regardless of religion, caste or colour Baskhar (OBE), Syal (CBE) are just a couple of lefty luvvies with a cause, much like Henry (Sir).
In April 2015 Bhaskar was given the Outstanding Achievement in Television award at The Asian Awards, would the reverse be possible? Lets also not forget that Bhaskar was one of 48 celebrities who signed a letter warning against Conservative Party policy toward the BBC.
Its as funny as cancer.
I wonder if India’s national broadcaster (assuming there is one) would commission a programme, where British immigrants to their country could be given a platform from which to mock it?
India sought its independence from Britain: and got it. Yet many of its citizens decided that -despite opposing India being ruled by the British under the Empire- they wanted to move here, to Britain. Which is a little like undergoing a prolonged and acrimonious divorce from someone, who (when it is concluded and you’ve had to move back in with your parents) decide they then want to come and live in your parents home.
The Hindu Indians may have a better sense of humour than the Mohammedan ones, but I still wish they would all return to the country of them and their ancestors – in the same way the Indians wanted rid of us for centuries from their country and achieved their desire in 1947.
The tired “lets reverse the stereotype” joke. Oh dear.
Meera Syal will, I fear, become a new “national treasure.” A title bestowed on media types by other self congratulatory media types.
If someone whose name is an anagram of mealy arse can become a national treasure there’s hope for Matthew Amroliwala yet.
Hardy?…Steel?…come on, surely Mark Thomas is due to complete the “Packet of Three”…the Fun Boy Three of comedy.
Been a joy to watch the BBC and Labour playing Twister and getting their nighties knotted and their chips pissed upon.
To think-the country wasn`t THAT far off electing this Goon Squad a few months back was it?
I myself would vote for Milibands Headstone-but only if it was tied around Russell Brands Brass Neck.
How come HE`S not endorsed Corky?…you`d think they were made for each other!
‘Russell Brands Brass Neck…. How come HE`S not endorsed Corky’
No sooner said than done
BBC tight lipped about it, apparently.
By the way at c7.30pm Channel 4 were reporting a shooting on a French train. BBC Snooze Channel.. zzzzzzzz
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– The BBC’s revenue generation bullies, Crapita Business Services, withdraw the prosecution of another innocent householder in suspicious circumstances: Read more here.
Not a recent BBC report this one but it is interesting how the BBC becomes absent-minded when it comes to the past misdemeanors of Labourites
‘Tessa Jowell bids to replace Boris Johnson as London mayor’
‘Ms Jowell said she would focus on providing affordable housing..’
Well, our Tessa certainly scored some pretty affordable housing for herself: (excuse me while I ‘pass the fittata’ and link to the Guardian)
‘Mills had remortgaged one of the couple’s family homes in 2000 and paid the bulk of the £408,000 loan off exceptionally quickly with money (£350,000) given as a gift. This money, it was alleged, had been paid for helping his client, the Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi. Jowell was implicated because she had signed the papers – reportedly distracted since the household chore was put under her nose during a busy Labour party conference – without seeking to understand why her husband wanted it or planned to repay it.’
Meanwhile the BBC version of Jowell’s CV avoids any mention of this incident.
Here’s the infamous clip of BBC Pravda ‘journalist’ reporting on invaders in Sweden, but it appears that the ‘question’, statement that Graham Satchell asked to the mayor ” Your town has taken in more Iraqi immigrants than America and Canada combined, it’s the right thing to to do ? ” the last bit has mysteriously been edited out !!!
What a drip.
Get that moron to police “Swarm Road” in Calais, on his own, no better …
Get him a flat in Malmo, one controlled by the 55 Muslim criminal gangs, for an extended holiday … cretin!
Malmo, the place where Jews fled to escape the Nazis, where for 50 years they lived peacefully, now they have fled to escape Muslims and their hatred. The Swedes appear to have done little to defend the long standing Jewish population, something all too common in Denmark, France and the UK; disgraceful…and cowardly.
And a few years back Malmo’s cowardly mayor washed his hands of the problem by blaming Malmo’s Jews for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The deluded, weak socialists running, or rather ruining, Sweden cannot admit that their naïve belief in the equality and goodness of all humankind has not stood the test of the invasion of their country by Islamic savages.
And in a desperate attempt to validate that belief they continue to hand control, bit by bit, to the devotees of the Religion of Peace.
I’ve posted this before, but I was once at the Notting Hill Carnival with my (now ex) girlfriend. It was very crowded and myself and her friend linked hands and shuffled through the crowd. An Arabic man grabbed her by the throat spat on her and shouted ‘Jew’ in Arabic. By the time I realised, he was lost in the crowd. There was no point reporting it to the police, because I doubt they would have done anything, anyway.
With regards to this great mutli-culti experiment – I’m out.
So why do so many Jews support open borders, like the vile Barbara Lerner Spectre, the founding director of Paideia, the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden?
She actively wants to encourage mass immigration to Sweden
“Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that transformation that must take place and are going to be resented because of our leading role…”
Barbara Lerner Spectre, founding director of Paideia, The European Institute for Jewish Studie
”The Jewish origins of multiculturalism in Sweden.The ideological change started in 1964 when David Schwarz, a Polish born Jew and Holocaust survivor who immigrated to Sweden in the early 1950s, wrote the article “The Immigration problem in Sweden” in Sweden’s largest and most important morning newspaper – the Jewish-owned Dagens Nyheter (“Daily News”). It started a rancorous debate that mostly took place in Dagens Nyheter, but which subsequently continued even in other newspapers, on editorial pages and in books. …
Schwarz was by far the most active opinion-former and accounted for 37 of a total of 118 contributions to the debate on the immigration issue in the years 1964-1968. Schwarz and his co-thinkers were so dominant and aggressive that debaters with an alternative view were driven on the defensive and felt their views suppressed. For example, Schwarz played the anti-Semitism card efficiently in order to discredit his opponents. …
It was the conservative Rightist Party who first embraced the idea of cultural pluralism and greatly contributed to shape the new radical direction. It is worth mentioning that the chairman of the Rightist Party 1961-1965, Gunnar Heckscher, was the party’s first leader of Jewish descent.”
This is what Laurence Auster, he was jewish who converted to Christianity, said on the matter, he put it in an American context: “ It is not surprising that these Jews look at mass Third-World and Moslem immigration, not as a danger to themselves, but as the ultimate guarantor of their own safety, hoping that in a racially diversified, de-Christianized America, the waning majority culture will lack the power, even if it still has the desire, to persecute Jews.”
But it IS surprising, when even if “the waning majority culture will lack the power, even if it still has the desire, to persecute Jews” the INCOMING Mulim culture will have the power and certainly the desire to persecute Jews. Turkeys voting for Christmas!
And the Swedish politician who voiced some concerns at the very level of immigration was described as being of the ‘Hard Right’ by the BBC’s reporter Graham Satchell.
Why is he entitled to say that? He therefore by the same logic is of the ‘Hard Left’… Oh, wait a minute, he works for the BBC!
To the BBC any deviation from the hive norm which is straight left liberal fantasy rubbish is hard right. Unless it is to the left in which case every excuse is made for it.
That report from Sweden was just propaganda and in real Pravda mould.
Muslims will never integrate as Islam forbids it.
What is it with the BBC that they do not care to learn even a little bit about Islam.
Three more Pakistanis caught and jailed for the rape of vulnerable young white girls.
I am beginning to hear rumours of another Labour party cover up of the Rochdale rapes dating back 8 years when a certain Labour councillor traditionalist wanted to expose what was going on.
The Fascist wing of the party prevented that and in the end he leaked the information to the press who seem to have done very little with it. The Fascist wing then expelled him from the local party, although he remained a party member at a national level.
Unfortunately there is no way this silly old man will talk about this as his allegiance to his party is stronger than his wish to protect vulnerable children.
It just shows though, that Rotherham was not an isolated example of Labour turning a blind eye to the suffering of white people, whilst protecting their brown eyed boys criminal action.
BBC – Bangkok bomb: The messy theories behind the Thai attack
BBC – what motivated the attack?, from internal political unrest to insurgents in the south, although the Thai authorities say it is unlikely to be the work of an international terror group
BBC – Police released a sketch and video of their main suspect, who has been described as foreign
BBC – The Unclear Motive.
BBC – “Man” in Yellow
“Authorities have revealed they are searching for a Muslim man called Mohamad Museyin, The Times of London reported”
Unclear Motive?…. Hindu Temple, plus 1000s Buddhists, plus 1000s western tourists?.
“The motive of a Muslim who leaves a backpack with a bomb in it at a Hindu shrine that is frequented by Buddhists in a country that has been battling jihad violence for years now is “unclear” only to those who are wilfully ignorant”
R Spencer
And in a country where muslim terrorists have been operating for decades, mostly unreported by the BBC.
A friend refused to accept that there was trouble on the Malaysian border, a few years ago, when I told him – ‘I’ve been to Malaysia, it was fine’.
BBC Watch does an excellent job of monitoring and reporting on the skewed output of the BBC clearly showing its anti-Israel agenda. Today they give the statistics of how many terror attacks were perpetrated against Israel in July, and how many of these, if any were covered by the BBC.
Just in the last few days there have been several attacks by Palestinians on Israelis that have received no mention from the BBC, as well as rockets fired from Syria into Israel that the BBC prefers to ignore. The stories that they do prefer instead to focus on in their Mid-East webpage for the area are:

Hamas ‘seizes Israeli spy dolphin’ off Gaza
Hamas claims to have captured a dolphin being used as an Israeli spy off the coast of Gaza, local media report.
The militant Palestinian Islamist group, which dominates Gaza, says the mammal was equipped with spying devices, including cameras, according to the newspaper Al-Quds (in Arabic).
It was apparently discovered by a naval unit of Hamas’s military wing and brought ashore.
No photographs of the alleged marine secret agent have been released.
Al-Quds said that the newest recruit was “stripped of its will” and turned into “a murderer” by the Israeli security services.
and this one:
Palestinian Christians urge help against West Bank barrier
Palestinian Christians are appealing for international support to oppose renewed construction of part of Israel’s West Bank barrier.
Local church leaders – Latin Catholic and Greek Orthodox – have been involved in the campaign to prevent the construction of the barrier.
Each month the persecution of Christians throughout the Muslim world is reported by Raymond Ibrahim, though little, if any, of this is brought to public attention by the BBC, it only shows just how twisted the BBC truly are, and have no real concern for Christian plight.
If they had at least covered the terror attacks committed by Palestinians against Israel it might give the reader an idea of just why Israel needs this barrier, rather than only present the one-sided view of those Christians who need to suck up to the Palestinians for their survival.
BBC News coverage of terrorism – July 2015
This is the ‘world class’ media output that the BBC likes to present itself as.

It’s actually worse than your post suggests!
Rather than no report by the BBC they have reported it titled
“Israel fires missiles into Syria after rocket attack”
So Israel fires missiles after they fired rockets? The whole tenor is designed to make the Israelis appear he aggressors rather than the defenders.
Worse still, according to the Change Detection website, the story you linked to hardly spent any time on the BBC Mid-East webpage, if at all. Whereas the ‘Dolphin Spy’ story, also from the 20th was still there at the time I posted above.
BBC Prioritising.
Without muslims there would be no news !
Thank you,Teddy. The numbers tell the story.
BBC News Website.
Notice how many of the photos show tearful children? Over 60% of the photos.
How many children are in the crowds? Perhaps 3%
This is biased BBC reporting. Tugging at the heart strings to make a political BBC/Left Wing point as follows:-
1/ Immigrants = Victims and will die unless allowed entry. Particularly the children.
2/ Immigration Opponents = Hard Right/Nazi killers.
No half way debate is entertained because the BBC/Left view themselves as having the correct political view on this and anything else that makes their news.
BBC News Website.
Can the BBC get any more pro-immigration?
What has this report got to do with the issue?
Any reports, documents or facts that are contrary to supporting immigration are not to be found on the BBC News Website.
Is it because the BBC has a biased view as regards immigration?
6pm news on BBC1, a Syrian young lady, well dressed in the circumstances, explaining to the brave BBC reporter that she was one of the people forcing the police to allow them into (oh, heck either Moldovia or Macedonia, technical incompetence prevents me checking plus a lack of knowledge of Greece’s borders). But she explained she had to get through to be in a safe country, she just needed to be safe. Now I thought all those English tourists on Kos are safe and I would have those on the mainland safer. If I were the reporter I would have asked her why Greece wasn’t safe, if true there is a whole new story that the Beeb isn’t asking.
Terrorist attack on French train foiled by 2 off duty US Marines. Here is the bBC version:
France train shooting: Three hurt and man arrested
An armed man has injured three people on a train between Amsterdam and Paris before being overpowered by two American passengers, officials say. The incident happened on the high-speed Thalys service near Arras, and the assailant was arrested at its station. Two of the victims, said to be an American and a Briton, were seriously injured – one had a gunshot wound, the other a knife wound, reports said. Initial reports said the man arrested was a 26-year-old Moroccan. One of his weapons was said to be a Kalashnikov…… “Talking about a terrorist motive would be premature at the moment.”
The bBC, the dedicated apologists of….Jihad..
“Talking about a terrorist motive would be premature at the moment.”
Of course it would – I always carry a Kalashnikov when I go shopping in Sainsbury’s. Doesn’t everyone?
More from Breitbart
The bBC, the dedicated apologists of….Jihad..
‘Dhimminishers’ would be an apt term 😉
Usual lefty equivocating from Jeremy Corbyn re his ” ISIL problem”.
Listen to his comment at the end of “Any Questions” (21.8.15/8.40pm or so, Radio 4).
The scumbag manages to say that YES…he DOES talk to terrorists…and he`d see Israel as being as bad as the Palestinians, so he`s balancing his discussions.
The Left will therefore be please that he runs a mile from what Hamas etc are doing…and shits on Israels doorstep like the good anti-Yankee that he is.
Odious creep-anybody able to tell the turd that Israel is a democratically elected State, whereas Hamas/Hezbollah are murdering thugs, much like his long-lamented IRA.
In other words-he`s a serial equivalence merchant..Israel paired with Hamas, USA twinned with IS…
What a shit…unelectable friend of terrorism.
Wonder if he`d risk a few days in Palmyra-think there`ll be a few teenies who only went to Syria because they`ve not got the vote at eleven years old…try and get them in Jez, you quisling.
Corbyn will make BDS and anti Israeli attitudes and activities respectable. Does anybody seriously think he believes Israel has a right to exist?
Breaking news:
Perhaps the BBC will ask Jeremy Corbyn about how wrong the US Marines were to stop him, and how the terrorist Jihadi is the real victim?
BBC report the train attack as terrorist. He was a Moroccan. I wonder if he is connected to the Methodist Church. Better not mention the ROP in case there is a backlash
Love the way that space constraints have precluded the BBC clarifying what kind of ‘Americans’ in the headline, them being well versed in terr… ‘militant’ carry-on luggage.
Just picking up the headlines on AlBeeb telly just reporting the ‘gun attack on the train’, ‘the migrants rushing Macedonian border’, ‘migrant on board halts Channel train’ and ‘radicalised’ girl must leave home.
I hope that our PM really has ‘got a grip’ ?
BBC after not reporting it themselves, Sunday Morn Live, will run a free speech segment re the Mohamhead Cartoon event cancellation
I think A M Walters is on
Has BBC News reported the Islamic Bangkok bomber yet?
I think the word is ‘they’re in denial’
It would never have taken place. The arty world would never stand up, and the UAF, Left Unity, Antifa and Class War thugs would be there before the jihadists got a look in. But Scotland Yard, smacks of Cameron and Teresa the Appeaser
Terrorist train attack – top story on ITV 10 o’clock news, BBC news – top story “migrants” being ill used in Macedonia; second story, more Labour leadership boll@cks. WTF?
F@ck-wit Yasmin Alibhai-Brown takes on the criminally underused Douglas Murray and comes off very very badly…and hysterical.
This chap Douglas Murray should stand as an MP. He’s right , the only ‘oasis’ in the middle east is Israel.
Mad, mad woman.
I cannot look at Yasmin Alibhai-Brown without recalling her trashing the US in her whiny little voice on the infamous BBC Question Time right after 9/11.
A great video-thanks for it.
Gives us all plenty time to drill down and see the sheer mad incoherence, ad-hominem abuse and platitudes of the chattering classes.
She`s as thick and cliche-stuffed as Batmanghedghli-a patronising cow, who`s reason goes to pot at the slightest pretext….and the very embodiment of all that`s BBC stupid!
A dreadful, dangerous nutjob-hence she`s a regular on the BBC.
He’s like an Exocet with his argument. She is utterly unable to deal with his intellect and argument. She becomes borderline hysterical. She wails, shouts, invents and even waves her arms in his face. In the end even calls him “…boy.”
He is polite throughout and she made to look like a buffoon.
If you think I have respect for Douglas Murray you’d be right. He cuts through the chattering classes sugar coated treatment of the ROP and nails it.
She does try to ‘steamroll’ all the time, as well.
Do I understand correctly that this is quite an old programme? 2008 or 2009?
Yes about that.
Watch this after the Paris shootings (murders) for a more recent example.
It’s interesting. Do I remember there was a brief chance of an ‘arab spring’ in Iran with Moussavi? I have a bookmarked link to some wonderful pictures of courageous women who were trying to push Iran to greater democracy. The Green Revolution.
Murray’s gloomy prediction (which was rather unrealistic) of Iran having a working nuclear weapon in two years fortunately did not occur. Perhaps a rare win for sanctions? Will be interesting to see if rapprochement is extended to Syria by the US/UK. One or two folk suggested on R4 in the past week that Cameron will be looking to bomb somebody in Syria in September.
Douglas Murray should stand for Parliament.
He’d be vilified by the BBC and wouldn’t stand a chance.
“cometh the hour, cometh the man”
I love this country, with all its history and eccentricity, its minds and its might have been used for the benefit of just about every country in the world. Its traditions, laws and morals have been taken to heart by so many over the years and it still stands as the most beautiful place I have seen.
It used its treasure and its blood to defend not only itself but so many in so many places.
Innovations and discoveries, democracy and institutions have all been given and received. It has stood as a beacon for hope and common sense and pragmatism, it has stood as a bulwark against oppressors and opened its hearts and its borders to those who have genuinely needed succour or support.
But now, its politicians and its quislings are letting all of what we have stood for be put aside. I accuse the BBC of pandering and encouraging such a wilful attempt to nullify and destroy what was and could still be a nation that the world could admire.
I weep for my country, in my lifetime I fear it will be subsumed; be it through the deliberate diluting of its people or through hateful politicians allowing it to become a region of a supranational entity.
And when these things occur and the damned who have led us to this realise that they have stamped on a nation of beauty and delight, will they also weep?
Sadly, I doubt it.
Great post.
Take heart. The culture war is intensifying and those who wish to bring this old land to ruin are afraid of us now. It is to be expected this leftwing BBC/Guardian/Twitter/ UAF etc led hysteria.
They are all cowards at heart. Their rule is one of trickery and deceit.
let them do their worst. Their day is ending because they know in their hearts that the English from the shires, the small villages and towns no longer are listening.
First we stop listening and then?
And some Welshmen.
Well said, Banquosghost. The BBC represent every thing which is wrong with the UK today.
Labour did a very good job with their ‘year zero’ policies. Britain was renowned around the world for the achievements and system you mention above. Now people equate the abolition of the Human Rights Act with an end to Human Rights. They have no memory of the time that went before. Depressing.
From Bangkok shrines to French trains the BBC seems again suddenly committed to ‘watertight oversight’.
Odd how this seems only to happen under certain circumstances.
BBC News:
Mrs Harman said some Tory supporters were aiming to get a vote.
“That is dishonest and that is shameful for people who purportedly believe in democracy and support democracy,” she said.
From her party who purposely went out of its way to encourage millions in to this country to screw the democratic process in their favour.
Harriet I despise Labour. I got through your “robust” verification system. I was completely honest in my application.
When I voted I voted for the two most pathetic and unelectable candidates on my application form and then worked down the list in the same way. I then emailed it directly back.
When I wipe dogs muck off my shoe Harriet I don’t feel ashamed. I don’t feel proud. Its an unpleasant job but needs doing.
I suggest that Harman initiates a test for Labour voters. Discount those who cannot tell the difference between mushy peas and guacamole
Why were Labour too stupid not to limit the vote to people who were members on a certain date, say the day Ed resigned ? They only have themselves to blame for this farce.
I note that the BBC are, while reporting the thwarted terrorist attack on the Belgian train, now inserting Mr Obama’s words into the story, and also describing it as a ‘tragedy’ averted.
A bit like a tsunami, or an earthquake, then. Not a deliberate act of attempted slaughter.
Al BBC shows about a dozen captured unused semi auto cartridge holders, knives, a “box cutter” explosive and pistol … waffles on about the “unclear” motive on Breakfast TV,
… then at the end of the reports slips in it was a Moroccan immigrant.
No … not a clue eh!.
France: Two U.S. Marines overpower Muslim who opened fire on train
“A jihadi could scream, “Allahu akbar! I am a Muslim and I am killing in accord with Islamic texts and teachings mandating jihad warfare against and subjugation of unbelievers!,” and authorities and the media would still be saying the motives were unknown.”
R Spencer
John Humphrys had the commonsense to call the man a terrorist this morning.
The latest buzz is ‘known to the authorities’ and ‘been to Syria’.
‘Lone wolf’ next anyone ?
We must assume he went to Syria in search of culture and enlightenment, but came back radicalised.
He wouldn’t have had a terrorist bone in his body or thought in his head before going out there.
Then when he got back he thought ‘I’ve been radicalised but, you know what, I won’t tell anyone then I’ll go out and commit one of those Lone Wolf attacks.’
That, basically, is the gist what the BBC will want us to swallow.
But only because he made the error of letting the French security bloke tell us that
a) the would-be mass murderer was of Moroccan origin-code for French Muslim
b) the suspect-known to the Spanish security authorities-was training in Syria only last year-code for jihadist psycho released back to the rest of us, via EU Schengen rules.
Which tells me we`ve a grade One Islamic jihadist bloke in his mid-20s with a Kalashnikov on a Paris-Amsterdam TGV or such-who was only stopped by quick thinking US military personnel who heard the scum loading his gun in the loo-not something the restr of us would have spotted.
God Bless the US heroes…but only the BBC and its Islamist wannabes in our prisons, charities and colleges/universities will be sorry that it didn`t “succeed”.
No story now-file under IKEA/Sweden…best to move along and not fuss too much.
Hence Humphrys hoping to flag up security failings or glitches(as ever)…and maybe getting us all to get our bags searched and shoes off at Charing Cross and Bristol Parkway as soon as poss…so Islam can avoid any scrutiny.
Easier to zap the Muslim vectors that continue to but metal detectors…but, hey…no story at Calais then is there?
Exactly what I thought.Their headline is President Obama praises bravery of marines….Typical BBC ,if Obama says it ,it must be OK to call the marines heroes. On Sky they are reporting the facts and talking to the marines and people involved.
I await Che Corbyn to mention the bravery of the marines.
You’ll be waiting quite a while.
Indeed. Infact the most likely comment that will come from Corbyn and/or the BBC, will be that the so called terrorist, who was going on a peaceful hunting trip , hence the assault gun, recognised the marines from a description he had from his cousin of two of his guards at Gitmo, and was understandably provoked beyond reason. All those who know him say he is a lovely boy who wouldn’t say boo to a goose and attended the Mosque several times a week. Newsnight or Panorama will then investigate if the US military has a policy of putting agent provocateurs on European trains to upset friendly and peaceful Muslims. Corbyn will conclude the whole matter is just a small part of the Jewish conspiracy to dominate the entire world by poisoning the west against against the forces of freedom represented by his friends in Hamas et al.
I turned on R4 to find out the time early this morning, and there was some Muslim bint whining on about always being asked to apologize for Islamic terrorism. ISIS has nothing to do with “true Islam”. “It’s not my fault.” she whines. This is the last few minutes of the programme and the news then reports an attempted attacrk on train passengers by another ” myan
Well , done the two American servicemen , & the English chap , but , the evil BBC are , trying to force the 3rd American to the front as `The Hero` , because he is not `Hideously White` ,& springling a bit of Barry in for good effect.
BBC News Website:
–Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel called the incident a “terrorist attack”.–
See how the BBC have to put ‘terrorist attack’ in inverted commas, as if it might actually be something else. A typical BBC tactic.
Anyway, well done to those passengers who attacked the ‘alleged terrorist’.
Bad night for the BBC last night , for they had to praise citizens of the great satan for saving people from the religion of peace on the Thalys train shooting.
And check it out. The Muslim terrorist is, according to the BBC, just some random Moroccan:
Be interesting who the BBC invite on for Tim Wilcox or Mishal Husain to interview and lambast over proportionality and acceptable relative body counts.
Guess they are still trying to come up with just the right words. Not stupid or clumsy ones, natch.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – only you can protect yourself from these nutters. If you see something dodgy, deal with it yourself.
Shoe bomber – tackled by passengers.
Train nutter – tackled by passengers.
Glasgow attack – partially tackled by random bystanders.
Nobody is going to come and help – Lee Rigby’s killers stood in the road for 20 minutes before the Police could be bothered to help.
In the immortal words of Winston Churchill, and if all else fails, “Take one with you.”
The BBC really are sick in the head. Just look at this disgusting headline:
“France train shooting: Men who overpowered gunman branded ‘heroes’ ”
Why put heroes in inverted commas? Makes it seem like they might be to some, but the majority think they’re not, and why use the word ‘branded’ which is a pejorative? People who do something positive are usually ‘hailed as’.
They really are beneath contempt.
And the BBC are so ignorant and insensitive. It wouldn’t occur to them that using the word “branded” , when one of the heroes is black is a trifle thoughtless.
Branded “heroes”
…. but obviously not at the BBC
how many lives have been saved?
they ARE heroes, period.
‘Branded’ is such an odd word to use anyway. Why not ‘acclaimed’ or ‘hailed’ as would be more usual. Bizarre.
AliBaba telly researchers must have read your comment because they have now used the term ‘hailed as heroes’.
They are so amateur.
Quite right Thoughtful, what other word would aptly describe unarmed men overpowering a heavily armed individual, bent on mass murder, in the course of which one is critically injured? They deserve to be heroized, regardless of Al Beebus.
This cowardly, Islamic, terrorist assault would have been (but for these Marines) on at least the scale of the Tunisian beech atrocity – except with nowhere to escape from the Jihadist. It is just unfortunate the Mohammedan survived.
Will the leaders of the West never wake up and confront Islam for what it is?
I detect a conflict at the BBC. Yes, it’s a despicable headline but just under the first video there’s this:
Three American men are being hailed as heroes for overpowering a heavily-armed gunman on a train in northern France.
And the article itself is not bad at all. Though it doesn’t mention Islam, it does link this attack to the Charlie Hebdo atrocity and a later beheading in France.
My computer won’t play the videos but it’s interesting to note that they were included. The habitual BBC tactic would be to give a story like this the minimum possible coverage.
I would imagine that the headline writer is a member of the Religion of Peace, given the contempt for those real heroes shown by the use of the word “branded.”
Or perhaps it’s not contempt but simply incompetence in the use of the language.
No matter how subversive the BBC has become, it has generally managed to maintain a basic standard of English. But I’ve noticed that standard dropping in recent years.
If the BBC’s lefty, Islam-loving ideology has trumped its requirement of competence in English then it really is beyond hope.
Good post TrueToo. ‘Branded as “heroes”‘ has a very different import compared to ‘Hailed as heroes’.
But in either case the BBC is careful not to itself term them heroes, they are only “heroes” (i.e. someone else has so described them)
Thanks, Flexdream, but I must tip my hat to Thoughtful at 11:17 am for the initial observation re “branded.”
Many Beeboids do seem to struggle with the basics of English. The “branded” headline was probably written by some teenage Jonty or Melissa on unpaid work experience but it is indicative of how far the BBC’s standards are falling.
BBC “journalists”.
Even “B”BC “journalists
The whole of Europe is being invaded by land and sea. Has anyone heard anything constructive emanating from the bureaucratic body called the European Parliament about defending this failed artificial state and its open borders ?
All afternoon the BBC has been defending these immigrant parasites.
That fat moomintroll, Maxine Mawhinney, has just been stating ‘people are just looking to start a new life’
These people have NO RIGHT to ‘start a new life’ in Europe.
Why is the BBC so out of step with reality?
Why does this lefty hive-mind get a platform to spout propaganda?
Would this Maxine be happy for them to start a new life in her house ?
Maxine Mawhinney, has just been stating ‘people are just looking to start a new life’
Yes, and there are tens of millions where they came from waiting to do the same. And because of the reproductive rate of the citizens of many of these African countries, that will quickly become tens and tens of millions more.
Why is she unable to see where this is all going to lead unless drastic action is taken? Does she think the BBC/UN will find her a safe Islington-style haven abroad somewhere once Britain has become a third world, war-torn, burning hellhole?
‘ Maxine Mawhinney, has just been stating ‘people are just looking to start a new life’.
She makes it out sound like it’s one family going on a picnic, when it’s in fact a full scale invasion of Europe on a Biblical scale
Just like the Goths and Huns wanted to start a new life in the Roman Empire.
I had some tradesmen in today. They’re from the sticks. I asked what they thought of the Calais situation – “Shoot them. They’ll soon get the message.”
Strangely, it is a solution I hear a lot, but never seems to get aired on the BBC.
I thought the Macedonians may start shooting, but it looks as if they are just going to wave them through. How do they know the immigrants don’t want to settle in Macedonia ?
I think the Macedonians would forcefully encourage them to relocate elsewhere, if any of the “migrants” wanted to permanently “migrate” into their country.
Lets not forget one salient fact which is always left out. A large number of immigrants when they receive their new passports relocate to…the UK.
The problem with the Beeb, or any news organisation for that matter, ceasing to merely report news accurately without fear or favour, is that they will get into mighty tangles at some points in the future. Holiday periods will become increasingly fraught as the normal lines of referral for ‘approvals’ are disturbed by leave.
Those points of tangle will eventually snowball in all sorts of ways, into distrusts, resentments, reliability issues, etc., and will become, for all staff, increasingly difficult to handle. As more ‘incidents’ happen that involve people, creeds or politics that have been decreed as ‘sensitive’, BBC people will either become afraid to write, report on air or discuss so that either more & more stuff will be swept under the carpet or set, bland, even meaningless, phrases will be used for serious news. People will start to turn off. Staff may well seek to leave.
There is a certain peace and security in truth and integrity.
Excellent point. Hopefully the logical conclusion will be a blank screen where BBC news and current affairs programmes once were broadcast. Or better still, a presenter silently opening and closing his mouth, like a goldfish, whilst simultaneously going cross-eyed and red in the face whilst his brain attempts to concoct some BBC PC-compliant narrative for the day’s events.
Staff will be so caught up in the internal politics and meetings to decide how things should be reported, they won’t actually care what the news actually is.
BBC 1 News at 6. They still can’t bring themselves to use the “T word”. He is a gunman. But they did call him an “Islamist” as if he was seeking a theological debate.
I’m in France but cannot get Test Match Special on the iPlayer Radio, or any other app, a manic voice keeps shouting at me that ‘due to rights issues this part of the programme is unavailable’. Well seeing how dismally England are playing at the Oval I don’t really want to listen, but it’s the principle of it all. Why can’t a licence fee player listen to the radio? The sooner the BBC gets sorted out the better!
CranbrookPhil, Best to stay in France. England have won the series and this last episode of no consequence and is not worth considering 😉
But you bring up a BBC issue that has been bothering me. Cricket is our national game and we invented it.
I have to pay the BBC Tax Licence, and then pay Sky with adverts to watch the Ashes with English Cricket.
If the BBC trimmed a few salaries, they could bid successfully for Ashes Cricket. But they wouldn’t want to do that, would they?
To the BBC, cricket is a white middle class game that ticks no boxes.
And we have no say.
Oh, how the BBC would love to get rid of TMS if only they could get away with it !
CranbrookPhil, Best to stay in France. England have won the series and this last episode of no consequence and is not worth considering.
Wonder if the Aussies would have said that to themselves had they been 3-1 up?
An innings defeat – now looking inevitable – is an absolute disgrace.
Total humiliation in Dubai awaits….
Ashes Cricket is of National interest and the BBC as a national institution used to broadcast it.
Why should I have to pay my BBC Tax Licence, pay for Sky and then pay extra to Sky to see cricket on Sky?
Where’s the sense? Oh, I have The Voice, Strictly and Bake Off to compensate. And BBC News, Countryfile and Roger Harrabin. And East Enders with it’s political and social commentary. And Panorama with a political expose of no consequence.
And support of women’s cricket
Correction, the Ashes are “a white middle class game that ticks no boxes”. Expect you life to be brightened with plenty of non-English/Aussie/Kiwi cricket.
It’s ok we can get live premiership football on the wireless, so gather the family into the front room on a Saturday and tune into the bBC.
Don’t forget to wear your bobble hats and make a jolly good din on your rattle. marvellous!, and all for only 3.5bn a year.
Try and use a proxy server. There are several effective free ones available. If you use Chrome, try the Hula extension. There are others as well.
Sorry. I should have written “Hola”.
I have always thought that lefties are mental – I think this proves it.
No (hetrosexual?) sex please, we’re BBC
‘…So, the deal is, Pudsey and Blush are allowed to hold hands for encouragement since they are friends, but never, ever, cuddle, kiss or canoodle as they are not boyfriend and girlfriend, so make sure your heads never touch in public…’
BBC reporter can’t make up his mind about Macedonian police. They are totally dreadful and awful trying to prevent the ‘refugees’ entering that state but they are at least not British.
Anyway the camera concentrates on dramatic scenes of youngsters crying and babies and we get the message.
Sky no different.
It all ends up with being told Germany and Sweden are getting a little narked about so much enrichment. Sharing is next.
And we don’t get told what the Serbs do to the trains laid on by the Macedonian government.
BBC man was horrified that many passengers had to stand!
Was that Chris Rogers on the BBC News Channel this evening stumbling over the word ‘gunman’?
It was garbled but I could have sworn he said ‘good man’
AliBaba telly reporting more and more migrants on vessels ‘sinking’ off the Libyan coast.
Italian and other ships are picking them up and bringing them all the way across the Med to Europe.
Why don’t they just pick them up and take them back to Libya or to the nearest coast in N Africa? I think that there is a bit of ‘deliberate sinking’ going on.
Expect more gunmen on trains in the near future. Wake up Europe, your end is nigh.
And we are expected to believe Isis have nothing to do with it. A smart move on their part. Flood Europe with as many people as possible and in the confusion just how many terrorists will slip in to European lands.
Liberal fantasies meet reality and the train in Belgium is just the start.
These vessels do seem extraordinarily unlucky, and the various EU navies rushing to their aid more than cooperative in the charade.
Dunkirk, only without the spirits.
It seems more like some bizarre aquatic ride from Banksy’s new art installation.
‘Hoodwinked’ seems generous. Were the BBC only that stupid.
One piece of good news.
Hopefully this will put an end to Julia Slingo.