There was great rejoicing at BBC Towers yesterday as the bodies of dead migrants were removed from the back of a lorry in Austria. The timing was exquisite, perfection…what better example could there be to illustrate the start of the BBC’s two day exploration of the perilous journeys that desperate migrants take to break into Europe?…and to top that yet more migrants were found to have died on a boat off the Libyan coast…deep joy….the God’s really were shining on the BBC and their immigration promotional extravaganza!
A few deaths for the greater good, the necessary sacrifice of lives so that others may live…in Europe. No death will be wasted, every body has a currency in the BBC’s mawkish media manipulation of people’s perceptions as the dead bodies are used as bargaining chips as the BBC tries to persuade a sceptical Public that mass immigration is a good thing, and failing that, to insinuate a mood of moral obligation to ‘do the right thing’…as the BBC sees it.
But who is really responsible for the deaths of these migrants? The BBC looks to create an image of desperate refugees fleeing danger and embarking on perilous, risky journeys on their flight to safety as they try to get into Europe. How many of them actually are fleeing such dangers is questionable….many who have fled wars will have been in refugee camps or safe countries already and have been ‘safe’ if not comfortable….and then they’ve looked around and decided the future isn’t bright and decided to become economic migrants and head for Europe, Germany, Sweden, the Uk in particular.
But as I say who is really responsible for their deaths? The BBC has a case to answer surely?
The BBC has been a powerful anti-Iraq war campaigner effectively helping to restrain fully effective military action to defeat the enemy comprehensively. The BBC has also been a cheerleader for the Arab Spring, the Arab Spring, along with the premature evacuation of troops from Iraq led to the rise of ISIS especially when the BBC played its part in the vote against military action to force Syria’s Assad to the negotiating table…the result of which we see now as ISIS rampages throughout the Middle East, helped by Assad. The wars resulting from the Arab Spring have created the immigrant crisis, combine that with the BBC’s normal pro-immigrant rhetoric inviting immigrants into Europe and you have the perfect storm.
The BBC is, in part, I suggest, responsible for the immigrant crisis, the wars in the Middle East and the rise of the Islamic State….and the 70 dead bodies in the back of a lorry in Austria.
Take a bow Lord Hall.
From Harry’s Place:
The Iraq War: Not Illegal, Not Immoral, and Not Over
And what about the countless rapes and murders by invaders ?
I would be interested in some impartial reporting (what are the odds?) on what is actually being reported at the other end of this sorry process.
I know what we are getting, and it is heartbreaking carnage. So what is it that seduces folk to risk savings and life to pass through a variety of relatively safe(r) places at the hands of traffickers, especially predominantly young males, leaving women, elderly and children back home to defend the place in anticipation of a triumphant return with an iPhone and a pair of JD Sports Nikes once things have settled back down.
Could it be these desperate attempts are a result of impressions created, especially by globally trusted media, with a mission to project values to every corner of the globe? Do they see the same tarp-covered bodies on the beach, the same lorry charnel house at the border of two safe, central European countries? Do they see the burning cars during the annual Paris Guy Fawkes? The actual views of the current majorities of the countries they head for?
Or are they treated to the coos and witterings of concerned humanitarian reporters isolated from reality by a compulsory fee to cover their lifestyle needs, overseen by editors and producers and managers likewise uniquely funded to broadcast an ideal that does not exist in the face of simple reality?
“Hey, guys.. guess where Daddy has got planned for the family trip…”
Hahaha….great post. Yes is the answer.
I was almost brought to tears whilst listening to R4 in the week. It told the tragic tale of a Kurdish woman trying to get to northern Europe through Bulgaria. The border guards searched her and demanded that she hand over her phone. Thinking quickly, she handed over her ‘spare’ one, but the damned guards found two chargers in her bag and forced her to give them her iPhone as well.
All these people are escaping from tyrannical Islam. They are coming to Christian countries where they know that the people have different values- they don’t kill at the behest of their preachers, they don’t treat women as inferiors, they don’t rape schoolchildren and they respect other religions.
The BBC however would have us believe that all the refugees are harmless people looking for a better life when they know that most of them are young men with the sole intent of carrying on the evil Islam in their new country. The BBC love Islam because it’s evil.
If life in the UK became intolerable in 20 years or less for the Christian British population and they faced extermination, how receptive to British asylum seekers would the following countries be:-
Saudi Arabia
Just a hopeful thought. Would the BBC/Left have a comment? Have they thought about this?
These are all Islamic states from whom we have accepted Asylum seekers. Surely, they would reciprocate the favour in 20 years time or less??
Ha ha ha!