So, we have a Labour Leader who won’t condemn the IRA and a Labour Shadow Chancellor who has fantasised about assassinating Margaret Thatcher. What a crew. Anyway, time to start the week with a new Open Thread. The floor is yours, comrades.
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Diane Abbot no longer to appear on BBc Life continues to get better with Corbyn in charge of Laboiur. Brilliant.
I see that the Hard Left Newsnight programme are getting the excuses in early…apparently Corbyn might fail because the right wing media will be out to get him.
What is utterly bizarre about tonight’s programme is the sheer numbers of left wing guests, activists, Labourites and commentators that have been invited on.
Yes… that’d be the Right wing press that people actually buy, presumably? As opposed to the Left wing ones that are kept afloat by a variety of scams and dodgy deals?
I sense desperation on the part of the BBC. Even they realise they’ve backed a loonie this time.
Britain’s Corbyn coronation has been followed by a leftist political coup here in Australia. Since I’m not a political expert, I’ve prevailed upon the Aussie Mr Hand-Basket to put aside his humiliation over the cricket and give you a summing-up:
‘We have just had a media-instigated coup, led by the BBC’s cousins the ABC. Our conservative prime minister, Tony Abbott (who stopped the boats and opposed same-sex marriage) has been replaced.
The Australian conservative coalition government has just dumped a perfectly good conservative for a left wing faux conservative called Malcolm Turnbull. (He was the barrister who upset Thatcher over the “Spy Catcher” saga.)
For the life of me I can’t see what Abbot did wrong. Of course, the ABC and the Fairfax press hated him and have run a campaign to oust him. The lot at the ABC seem to be more in the mould of James O’Brien than Jeremy Paxman. At least Paxman was clever.
The ABC runs a tedious left-wing biased copy of BBC’s Question time (Q & A) and – wouldn’t you know it? – it went to air just as their favourite faux conservative was staging his coup. The gloating from the programme’s host and most of his quests was too much for us, but next morning even the Fairfax press describe the host as tap-dancing through the show as the results came in. To top it off, the regular foreign guest spot was filled by the well-known lefty folk singer Joan Baez.
The real worry is that now the ABC have their mate in power they will they convince him to reinstate the long-gone licence fee.’
So there you have it. (Heck, Joan Baez! I haven’t heard anything about her since Woodstock!)
Thanks for that. Somewhat depressing as Australia has had a firm grip on immigration withy it’s Points System. That may change?
Reply from Mr Hand-Basket
Even under Abbott, the points system was a charade that mainly only applied to the British and a few others. On a head of population basis, Australia has a relatively large refugee resettlement programme, and Abbott has just been bullied into taking 12,000 Syrian refugees on top of this.
To this day we have problems with some of the Lebanese Muslim community who were let in by a previous prime minster, even after being advised to accept Christian Lebanese only.
In my opinion Australia’s ruling class is far more obsessed with multiculturalism than the UK.
Helena, Please keep us in touch with what is happening down under. I promise not to mention the cricket !
Could I second that, and also point out I have no interest in cricket whatsoever? 🙂
I’d be interested to know what Australians think of this migration crisis. Are they happy to receive thousands, particularly in view of how they seem invariably to f*** up their countries of origin? Or are they cowed into saying nothing by the media like here, but resenting their politicians and sounding off anonymously on the internet? I’m aware that the ABC makes the BBC look like amateurs when it comes to the favoured causes.
I would add I have an aunt who lives in Western Australia who was over here recently and hated Tony Abbott with a passion. It has to be said she believes in global warming, which may have a lot to do with that, especially as she lives just south of Perth where the heat can get unbearable. She also seemed to think we should let immigrants come in here but became strangely reticent when it was pointed out that Australia has plenty of space. 😀
Unfortunately, the climate change zealots down here have been spreading the disingenuous message that Australia has its own enclosed ecosystem and that if Australia stopped all greenhouse gas emissions the problem would be solved. Those that point out that Australia only has a tiny impact of world emissions are denounced as environmental wreckers.
Thank you, Grant. Ask anything you like about Australia. (I have been in Sydney since we came out here from Surrey in September 2002).
Many thanks Mrs Hand -Basket , my question for you or Mr Hand-Basket would be ‘Is there no pressure for a dissolution of parliament and a return to the polls?’
As for your ruling elites they are all part of a self appointed, self sustaining , internationalist, fauxcialist, patrician class
Reply from Mr Hand-Basket
At the moment no one is demanding an election, but time will tell. Neither side of politics seems happy with the outcome. A large number of the government MPs wanted to keep Abbott as PM, whereas the leftist papers are already complaining that Turnbull is sticking to Abbott’s minimalist policies on climate change.
Thank you for the insight, on hearing the news yesterday, I suspected some sort of left wing coup, it would appear I was right.
The big question is why is this happening and what is the driving factor ?
So now I expect the BBC will always introduce Corbyn with the prefix “the far-left Labour leader”.
Marxist nut job Labour leader, is far more accurate surely.
‘tending crops and caring for animals..’
‘caring for animals’ – yes, this was the BBC’s namby pamby dumbed down Blue Peter-lite description of the UK’s farming industry as employed by Charlie Stayt (today’s house eunuch) on BBC Breakfast.
Caring for animals – obviously the euphemism favoured by plastic veggies
Cue more BBC approved Green nonsense.
More of that just here for a ‘better life’ news from BBC London
‘Teenager stabbed to death in Kennington street’
‘Two teenage boys, also aged 16, have been arrested in connection with the incident and are being questioned. Scotland Yard’s homicide team said one line of inquiry was that the stabbing was gang related. The boy, whose identity is yet to be released, is the 10th teenager to be fatally stabbed in the capital this year and the third this month.’
BBC London tv also carries the following story, although BBC on line seem to be a bit slow in putting it out.
Our BBC newscaster adds the good news that the Judge spared the Hackney man a jail sentence ‘because of his child’
‘Gary Brissett was seen in the video approaching the Aston Martin car while pushing his baby in a buggy in the car park of Tesco in Hackney’s Morning Lane.’
Let’s hope the father uses this let off to guide his child away from mindless vandalism and gang crime?
I’m quite surprised that the “Hackney Man” was threatened with jail for scratching a car….I thought prison was reserved for people who didn’t pay their licence fee.
Perhaps Gary Brissett has a bit of previous.
The prisons are full. They were built for a significantly smaller population than we now have. Crime is soaring and there simply is not the capacity to send criminals to prison unless it is absolutely warranted.
I have seen people on suspended sentences committing the same offence and getting another suspended. I have heard a judge in court at a sentencing hearing saying that ‘we are supposed to keep them out of prison’
As the swarms of Illegals honour us with their presence then crime will get worse and more and more criminals who deserve to be sent down will get away with yet more crime.
Will the BBC run an investigation into why the CPS are deliberately frustrating the police on even getting to court? Will they run an investigation into why serious criminals are serving joke sentences? Will they run an investigation into the disproportionate amount of crime committed by ‘refugees’? Will they run an investigation into why we are not building more and more prisons?
They wont and I don’t get it, they could use it as a stick to beat Cameron with.
If the public knew how few police were actually out there, how the CPS are frustrating the police and above all, how small the sentences for serious crime is then there would be anarchy on the streets.
Crime didn’t used to pay, in England now, it really does pay.
There endeth the rant!
And then there is the Crime Survey of England and Wales, the trends on which do not seem to necessarily back up some of your assertions.
Of course the police time spent on witch hunts does not help, while the introduction of the “cafe culture” that Labour’s 24 hour licensing introduced reducing hugely the numbers of police man hours needed to oversee drink fuelled problems on our streets must have helped.
Al Beeb’s Toady programme commenting today on the phenomenon of social media, the twats who use Twitter, to widen the appeal of politics for the young. No consideration of the fact that Twatting was the reason they, Al Beeb, believed that MiniMilMinor was going to win the GE and that the current chatter is all promoted by the Leftist infiltrators whose aim was to get Corbyn elected.
Confirms my considered opinion that Al Beeb has contracted out opinion harvesting to social media, it involves less work on behalf of its churnalists.
Sadly, this isn’t just a feature of the BBC. Last night on RT (everyone deserves a laugh, surely?) they were doing the same thing. Some twerp of an SJW posts something on Twitter and for ten seconds he’s a celebrity.
Why the opinion of someone who makes a juvenile remark on social media carries more weight than someone who posts a well reasoned and argued blog post is a mystery.
Actually, I’m lying. It isn’t a mystery at all. It’s because media news rooms are now understaffed and the few journalists they have are rarely grown-up, competent ones. Reaching for an instant Twitter or Facebook flap is easy and appeals to the empty-headed media studies graduates who infest these dens of inadequacy.
I keep hoping it is a fad that will pass.
‘Dens of inadequacy’ I like that, I’m going to pinch it and use it 🙂
‘Al Beeb has contracted out opinion harvesting to social media’
Indeed. Worked so well with Newsbeat recently, too.
At least they continue to say something stupid. A lot.
One day something may happen so they can’t do it with impunity any longer.
Always worth googling Dinah Rose QC on bullying when the BBC mounts the pulpit.
And then there’s this…
They did reply. Sort of.
I am very concerned about the reports about the evils of Assad, and the need to bomb his regime out of existence. Comp[are Syria’s First Lady with the mad mullahs supported by the west.
Add to the above discussion from Syria’s First Lady in 2010 – the cockroaches have since destroyed Palmyra .
Assad is not much less evil than his opponents, so yes, I disagree with calls for his destruction by those who would no doubt create something worse than the oppressive society under the Assad regime. And his wife may sound reasonable and sophisticated but she is in fact an anti-Semite who married into an anti-Semitic dynasty. Due to oppression and pogroms Syria’s Jewish community is now virtually non-existent:
And of course under Assad’s benevolent rule Palestinian terrorists had the freedom of Damascus for their atrocities against Israeli civilians and Iran still ferries weaponry through Syria to Gaza for the same purpose.
Note her general reference, around 8 minutes in, to “occupation” and lack of “peace treaties” as the obstacles to peace in the region. This is a dig at Israel and it’s quite revealing that, as an intelligent woman, she has this pervasive idiocy of the Arab world as a central part of her thinking. “It’s all Israel’s fault,” goes the Arab mantra and she has evidently absorbed it like a sponge. She also had a lot to say about Israel going into Gaza in 2008-9 and the killing of Palestinian civilians. But I doubt she has anything negative to say about her husband’s barrel bombing of Syrian civilians.
In short, she’s a typical anti-Semitic upper-class Brit, in love with the Arab world and blind to its faults.
Whilst the British upper classes have their share (alas) of anti-semites I don’t think you can blame Asma al Assad on them. Her family are Syrian Sunni muslims, her husband an Alawite (how does that work?) – her being born in Acton doesn’t make her culturally British though I think it might work against you being bona fide nobility. (I should know, I was born in Ealing).
Thanks for that info. In the light of it I’ll just call her a typical Arab anti-Semite and leave out the upper-class Brit bit.
The response of a relative (now forced to live in Damascus – previously outside) of a friend of mine would be that under Assad (as well as under his father) people of all faiths were allowed to live in peace. Certainly, I’ve always understood that in recent years you could get Jordanian royalty and the leaders of Syria & Israel together and ‘do business’. At times, that may have been true for Lebanon as well. [In Lebanon, they learned the hard way about the desirability of peace as well as the difficulty in obtaining it. That may now be Syria’s medium term fate.] There may well have been a ‘pecking order’ in the people of all faiths, living in peace within Syria, and no doubt the Alawites were at the top.
What Asma alAssad was saying in that video clip appears to support that.
Tragically, all that has gone. In the UK we seem to be unwilling to support a legal regime that has been brutal in maintaining peace, perhaps because we were foolish enough to illegally bring war to another brutal but legal regime in Iraq.
It seems to me that the only solution for Syria now is either 1. for the UK (and USA) to apologise to Assad and offer to help defeat all the rebels, especially ISIL and their close counterparts, possibly in a tripartite force with Russia or to 2. meddle around the fringe as we are doing now (possibly flying offensive sorties against ISIL in Syria with Assad’s permission – cannot see him turning down that offer) or to, 3. pull out completely but pile on diplomatic & other pressure to get some steel into UN action. Yes, I recognise the difficulty of that, especially with Russia’s seat & veto on the UN Security Council. However, it must be in Russia’s interest that ISIL are seen off and, preferably, so are all the rebels & for some sort of peace to return to Syria.
The only other option is for the UK to pull out completely (also from Iraq) & concentrate on domestic & European problems and needs. That means other nations and or the UN will have to be the ones spending cash & using military assets, hopefully with UN backing or at least tacit approval.
It may be more important, especially for Israel’s sake, that the UK pours any (non-military) resources that we can afford into Jordan first, and also into Lebanon, to do our utmost to ensure their stability and peace.
The things that worry me are that I do not think that Cameron understands the Middle East or Islam at all and he has a tendency to want to show off, which may include using military assets, rather than working very quietly, at length and tirelessly on the diplomatic front. Something appeared to happen to Hague, too, during the Coalition Government. He went off, became neutered, dissolved into a blob as far as the world stage was concerned. Prior to that he always seemed to be highly capable. The only bite he appeared to have was humour at the Despatch Box. Not good for a Foreign Secretary to be restricted to domesticity.
I hope his successor is made of tougher but equally clever stuff and be willing to travel.
The response of a relative (now forced to live in Damascus – previously outside) of a friend of mine would be that under Assad (as well as under his father) people of all faiths were allowed to live in peace.
Except for Syrian Jews of course. (See the link in my comment at 12:35 pm.)
Certainly, I’ve always understood that in recent years you could get Jordanian royalty and the leaders of Syria & Israel together and ‘do business’.
Israel and Jordan cooperate but Israel and Syria are basically still on a war footing.
Of all the Arab players jostling for power there and trying to outdo one another in committing the most atrocities, Assad seems the lesser of the evils.
The things that worry me are that I do not think that Cameron understands the Middle East or Islam at all.
When it comes to foreign policy, David Cameron is an idiot in serious need of advice from experienced people.
There’s a reason that that the major powers have been tiptoeing around Syria for five years without taking decisive action. They know that Syria is a hot spot and that any major intervention there could have disastrous consequences.
Assad is the lesser of two evils. There is a case for helping him in this instance but making assistance conditional on Syria reaching some form of accommodation with Israel. Beyond this the West needs to disengage from the Middle East and stop interfering in Muslim countries. The quid pro quo is that Muslim countries need to stop interfering in Western countries, for examples the disproportionate influence of Saudi and Qatari money in the UK.
A great piece by Old Artist on previous Weekend Open Thread. I did what he suggested and copied and pasted an email to my MP – Dominic Raab, hopefully I’ll get a reply soon.
I sent a copy to some friends not letting on that I’d ‘plagiarised’ Old Artists words. Had to come clean when I was told by some that they ‘would vote for me !’
OA’s letter :
Dear Mr —-,
Yesterday there was a demonstration in London, mainly by members of the left, protesting about the Government’s stance on immigration. May I take this opportunity to remind you that the kind of people who take to the streets in protest rallies are no more typical of the British public than the noisy left wing rabble in a typical BBC Question Time audience.
Almost every survey carried out indicates that the vast majority of British people, despite the blanket propaganda and sensationalism in the BBC and sections of the press over recent weeks, do not support the idea of an open door immigration policy. I believe that most people in Britain and in many other parts of Europe regard Angela Merkel’s response to the present migration crisis, and what would appear to be a refusal to distinguish between genuine refugees and economic migrants, to be foolhardy in the extreme. I would urge you to ensure that David Cameron stands firm on this issue. The numbers we see today will be as nothing compared to what will follow if we all took Germany’s short-term knee-jerk reaction to this crisis.
I am not a member of the far right. In fact I am probably only just right of centre and I am not opposed to sensible, controlled immigration. But we are already seeing the ramifications of the irresponsible immigration policy pursued by the last Labour government, who apparently wanted to “rub our noses in diversity”. I am sure this is a very unfashionable statement in this modern world of relative values, but I happen to believe that Western Civilisation is really rather precious. What is happening at the moment amounts to an invasion. It might not involve guns or tanks, but in such numbers it is still an invasion – an invasion by people who have little or no understanding of the British way of life and in many cases are opposed to it. It is a consequence of immigration that we now have less free speech in Britain than we had thirty years ago. Boris Johnson’s allusion to the fall of Rome was correct. I’m glad at least he had the courage to speak out. Our tolerance as a society, something we all hold dear, could paradoxically prove to be our downfall if we don’t defend ourselves.
Until recently I have not been at all Euro sceptic, but recent events have made a very strong impression on me. If David Cameron wants to win the oncoming referendum on the European Union he is going to have to show some real backbone and stand up for Britain and not be swayed by the diktats of Germany, or for that matter by a deluded and vociferous minority in this country.
I thank you for your attention.
Yours faithfully
I see the BBC is still trotting out heart-rending stories of immigrants.
Migrant crisis: Afghan boy’s lonely start in Germany
And, if you accept at face value (which the BBC seems to have done, few questions asked) that the chap in question is indeed only 15, and that the friends he came all the way over from Afghanistan with just abandoned him at the train station, it is indeed a sad story. It’s also only fair to say that waaaaaaay down at the bottom of the page it is noted that some immigrants lie about their age, but there’s no question of doubt when we’re told his age at the start of the story.
But such sad stories could have been written about people from all corners of the globe at any time during the last 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 years. And always will. That never has and never will be a reason just to let people in, willy-nilly. If it had, we wouldn’t have the standards of living there are today, nor probably the technological advances that Western civilisations have brought to the world. One could argue that the occasional story of this sort is required in order to inform, but I’ve lost count of the stories, which always seem to focus on women, children or families. Not the 70-80% lone young adult males or the families many must have left behind. It is emotional blackmail targeting the easily-swayed and not only biased but extremely irresponsible.
Drip, drip. This will carry on until someone in a position of power does something and we are running out of time.
I just came across this interesting article by Jon Holbrook on Spiked:
(sorry, can’t remember how to put a link in properly..)
Of course, Spiked is an operation whose attitudes are often going to be tangential to, or just straightforward opposed to, those that mostly apply here. However, that may be significant in a good way. Some of those on the other end of the political spectrum are evidently saying that enough is enough with open borders and unlimited migration. They are saying quite clearly that it is antagonistic to what has always been an axiom of national sovereignty. That is evidence of some kind of consensus about our democracy, a consensus beyond the usual left/right divide and one that should add power to the unacknowledged majority in this country. There are differences to be buried here, for the greater good of the UK, and all other nations who believe in sovereignty as the basis of the best interests of their populations.
‘5 Live’ had a report on the TUC conference being addressed by comrade Corbyn, and the TUC are wanting to have a demonstration against union reforms. However ‘5 Live’ were at pains to say that a general strike wasn’t being called for.
The question therefore has to be if a general strike weren’t being called for why mention it ….unless it is to sow a seed!
Call me cynical… because I am.
It had to happen Radio 2 now pushing a charity record for the ‘refugees’ an old Crowded House song ‘Help Is Coming’ stand by for wall to wall bBC airplay and it to be number one until Christmas when Cowbells X Factor effort takes over.
Can we expect a tear provoking video inserted to this years Children In In Need with this as a soundtrack and Nolan voicing ‘what about the children’
What about a charity effort for our homeless?
Don’t get me started on Children In Need. This started over 30 years ago in a time when there were children in need, – so, has anyone followed what’s happened to those original Children in Need ? have any become addicts, or good home owning citizens with 2.4 children ? The UK must be full of playgrounds, playbuses, enough toys to fill a battleship and other assorted goodies that have been bought and provided by all the millions over the years. In fact the amount gathered is comparable to the economy of a small country, so have all the groups funded in the early days, are they still in existence, or fell by the wayside and renewed by further funding.
BBC caught by Guido reproducing and spreading a another fake leftbatter attack on a Tory for doing nothing more then trying to listen as he is partially deaf
‘Will the BBC apologise?’
And then… torn from the living flesh…
‘The Beeb offer their “heartfelt apologies”:’
Sincerity dripping from every NaughtieMarr pore, no doubt. With much learning of lessons and maybe a few weeks with Jasmine on the Naughtie step before a promotion, tee-hee.
Newsbeat is but one of too many BBC spin-off broadcast outlets (‘magazine’, ‘Pop-up’, ‘trending’, etc) designed to do no more than swell the roster with kids to publicise one degree of separation tat from their echo chamber mates or twitter groupies in guise of ‘news’.
AntiCitizenOne Dazed & Confused
No company would try and jail people who did not want to be customers.
Unless they are ‘unique’. Are you listening, Messrs Whittingdale & Norman, etc?
Interesting feed. Views clearly not their own.
One suspects they’ll be blocking a few followers soon. As they do when the public take the BBc to task, or disagree or fail to bow low enough.
And a few moire maybe to follow; choice ones.
This comment caught my eye (highlighted stat, especially the use of the word ‘journalists’ unconfirmed – I bet the BBC would pull an FoI exemption if asked.):
I learned a couple of years ago that Newsbeat (BBC News and left wing indoctrination for listeners to Radio 1) have 57 journalists. That’s fifty fucking seven journalists for their hourly two minute news bulletins and the occasional special. All paid for by the mugging the TV Taxpayer on pain of imprisonment.
Since then it’s grown bigger with the advent of BBC Trending, another platform the Big Bullying Corporation have muscled in on. It’s time the BBC was brought to an end.
As a reminder there are just THREE DAYS left for the public to have their say about the future of the BBC by going to this BBC ‘Trust’ link
It might not make much difference (notice how the questions are rigged – particularly the one about funding the bastards) and our replies may be destined for the recycle bin…but we all might feel better if we told them all to ‘fuck off’…officially.
Nice to see Lord Hall Hall’s ‘too big to make redundant’ empire expansion is going well, with the odd PR bump along the way.
On whose orders did the soft left liberal press decide to attack Corbyn, first using the ‘all male top jobs’ line and now ‘facing questions over EU stance’ ?
I sense a most unholy BBC/Cameroon/New Labour alliance ganging up
I hold no candle for this unrepentant old marxist – but I also despise the Left Liberal Euro elite
In my opinion, Corbyn is not only misguided but would be a danger to the well-being of this country were he and his motley crew ever gain power. However, in the matter of appointments to the shadow cabinet, surely his first instinct to appoint whom he regarded as the best people was correct. He should not have allowed himself to be bounced into appointing on the basis of gender quota.
You are right that he should be picking the best people for the jobs (seeing who he picked doesn’t do much for Labour’s credibility) but he promised to put token women into half the top posts. He broke his sexist promise and that is what people are pointing out.
Nice example of bias on BBC R4 Today this morning at 7.50am. A Hungarian representative gave a calm straightforward justification of his country’s position on refugees and the presenter (Sarah Montagu I thiink) spoke with the anguished tone and incredulity as if she was reluctantly talking to a Nazi sympathiser. Disgusting. But the guy, bless him, didn’t rise to the bait and I loved his cheery unapologetic final goodbye as he pressed home the ‘outrageous, racist’ point that his countrymen have rights too. Montagu just couldn’t stand it.
With regard to Hungary, the BBC reporters are getting a bloody nose from their politicians. Hungarian politicians are not constrained by mindless PC phobia, nor are they dictated to by Twitter. They tell it as it is.
The BBC will soon refuse to interview Hungarian politicians. It’s the BBC censorship process that you don’t expect in a democracy.
The Hungarian MEP was a delight ! Very clearly spoken, countering the line that “many people think Hungary is bad” with “two-thirds or three-quarters of Hungarians agree with what we are doing”. They tried the “many people think” again on the MEP – and he asserted that the silent majority across Europe disagrees. And yes, his cheery farewell made it clear that he knew he had had the best of the interview. A breath of fresh air, it made my morning !
so called professional journalists turn into spoilt brats when they don’t hear what they want to hear. They will avoid a rational, grown up conversation, because they know they will lose. for every argument in favor of allowing migrants into europe (can’t think of a valid one myself) , there are 10 far more valid counter arguments. employment, health, economy, education, environment, etc. many, many arguments why all these would be damaged. no arguments how they could be improved, without lying of course. Choose any subject, argue it rationally, illegal mass immigration is bad, bad, BAD!
Rather joyful – self-controlled, with the apparent assuredness of being in the right of the argument, the Hungarian undoubtedly had the best of the interview, and unusually, his responses came through far more clearly, to this listener at least, than Ms Montagu’s rather frantic and baffled attempts to disrupt the counter-narrative that emerged.
BBC Radio 4 Natural Histories – Brambles
The program starts with a lovely children’s story, “the Mice of Brambly Hedge”:
“Bad weather is on the way and the autumn stores are still not gathered in! Quickly, all the mice of Brambly Hedge set to work to finish harvesting before the rain begins. Primrose loses her way in the Chestnut Woods, as the sun went down, the wind rose and it began to rain. Would she be able to find her way home again?”
Much longer extract broadcast, & there was I thinking how lovely and that this is what the BBC should be broadcast – but of course that could never be allowed so who did they drag on to drag us from reverie? George Monbiot !
The bias never ends, the fight against imaginary enemies always taking place. Maybe the BBC should employ a team of psychologists to deal with the paranoia and hallucinations their producers seem to have.
I wrote about Nuala McGovern and Wednesday’s ‘Outside Source’ a few posts back. On Thursday she introduced the obligatory whinge about the ‘refugees’ by saying, “I want to bring you some of the developments that you need to know.”
No doubt the “you” refers to the invaders and their sympathisers rather than people who have genuine concerns about the impact of the flood on their societies. After all, the BBC would not be fulfilling its role as a non-citizens advice bureau for the invaders if it did not point out the many weaknesses in Europe’s poor defence of the continent as well as the few points of resistance.
Then McGovern introduced her superior Jeremy Bowen with due reverence since he is an important pro-Arab propagandist for the BBC. He rambled on about the situation in Syria before being prompted by McGovern to deal with Yarmouk, which has been attacked by both Assad and ISIS.
Bowen: I went in on the side of Yarmouk which is controlled by a combination of the Syrian army and Palestinian fighters because it was [my emphasis] a Palestinian refugee camp for Palestinians who lost their homes in Israel in 1948.
[If it was a refugee camp, why did it remain one? If Bowen were honest he would acknowledge that Palestinian “refugees” in Syria (and elsewhere) have been kept in that invented state as a stick to beat Israel with.]
Bowen: …the whole place is absolutely trashed….There’s nothing that’s habitable.
[So why did Lyse Doucet, John Connolly, Paul Adams, Orla Guerin and the rest of the motley crew not flood into Yarmouk bewailing the destruction and the killing of civilians, especially children, by Assad’s forces and ISIS? That’s something that Bowen, naturally, did not mention. I guess it’s a bit too dangerous and unpredictable there. Rather pump out anti-Israel Hamas propaganda from Gaza. That way a ‘journalist’ is safe from reprisals by Hamas.]
Bowen: …on the other side there are thousands of Palestinians who are trapped effectively for a variety of reasons.
[Do tell, Jeremy. Then , no doubt, Doucet and company will advertise the guilt of those responsible for trapping the Palestinians with megaphones from the rooftops. And the UN, the EU, Amnesty International and every ‘human rights’ group on the planet will write lengthy articles and make solemn speeches about trapped and slaughtered Palestinian civilians.]
Naturally McGovern wanted to know how the trapped Palestinians are surviving.
Bowen: Well, the thing is people don’t know….We…BBC TV… were talking to UNRWA… and they’re saying they haven’t been able to get in there since March.
[Unlike UNRWA in Gaza, which has a strong and permanent presence there and ferries a flood a supplies in from Israel on a daily basis to assist the Palestinians. Needless to say, Bowen didn’t mention that.]
Bowen: There’s been a typhoid outbreak there. It’s not clear what the situation is regarding food except that they are short of it. I spoke to the Syrian Army about all of this and they said dismissively, “Oh, it’s just the families of fighters that are there,” but I don’t think that’s the case based on what UNRWA are saying.
[Ah, so Bowen at last has some criticism for one of the parties to this mess. Strange though that he has nothing negative to say about ISIS. I imagine that would be a bit too dangerous.]
Bowen: Um……I’d say that they are in a miserable, miserable situation.
[Yes, Jeremy, but of course there are no Jews, er, sorry, I mean Israelis to blame so the guilty will just have to remain anonymous.]
For anyone who can bear it, there is one day left to listen. Bowen starts at 3:45 minutes in:
i had just switched the radio on 5 minutes earlier and adrian chiles was just interviewing his new BFF yousif, a syrian ‘refugee’, who he introduced as a big fan of 70′ comedy ‘mind yer language’ can you believe (no not really), and would not stop ‘bangin’ on about chelsea’ (yawn). Jesus help us! However, i do not think it is a good idea to interview these guys live. He had been in Turkey for 3 years, but let slip when he said ‘when i was working..i mean when i was living in Turkey.’ Obviously this freudian slip was completely ignored. No follow up question to destroy the narrative. eg what work was that, so you had a productive life in turkey then. Anyway adrian has promised to pick him up and take him to a chelsea game. yousef said he would rather not due to chelsea’s current form. how sweet and heartwarming! There was much more vomit inducing garbagebut i’m too worked up to recall
Some people are describing the migrants as invaders, and indeed ISIS have promised to include terrorists among the migrants. Kim Jong-Un may have got the message: why spend a fortune on nuclear weapons when you can conquer the West with a few boatloads of migrants (er refugees). Expect Mr Corbyn and the BBC to welcome the Norks.
now that is funny. is that kos in the background.
The BBC are not very happy about Hungary…
Migrant crisis: Hungary declares emergency at Serbia border
“Hungary has declared a state of emergency in two southern counties as tough new laws to stop migrants entering illegally came into force. Police can now detain anyone trying to breach a razor-wire fence built on the border with Serbia.
The EU is facing a huge influx of migrants, many fleeing conflict and poverty in countries including Syria.”
For no apparent reason the BBC then adds:
“…A boat carrying migrants from Turkey to Greece sank on Tuesday, leaving 22 people dead, Turkish media reported.”
The Corporation fills its story with images of Hungarian Police doing their job, but we all know the BBC’s subtext: These Are Evil Nazis!
I say well done, Hungary! If only our politicians had half the moral backbone of yours.
“The EU is facing a huge influx of migrants, many fleeing conflict and poverty in countries including Syria.”
this statement is ambiguous. it is also valid to say
“the EU is facing a huge influx of migrants, many fleeing peace in several countries”
BBC ministry of truth. minispeak
Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg is a man most people have probably never heard of but whose actions have become highly relevant again.
Theobald Theodor Friedrich Alfred von Bethmann Hollweg (29 November 1856 – 1 January 1921) was a German politician and statesman who served as Chancellor of the German Empire from 1909 to 1917.
“When Wilhelm arrived at the Potsdam station late in the evening of July 26, he was met by a pale, agitated, and somewhat fearful Chancellor. Bethmann Hollweg’s apprehension stemmed not from the dangers of the looming war, but rather from his fear of the Kaiser’s wrath when the extent of his deceptions were revealed. The Kaiser’s first words to him were suitably brusque: “How did it all happen?” Rather than attempt to explain, the Chancellor offered his resignation by way of apology. Wilhelm refused to accept it, muttering furiously, “You’ve made this stew, now you’re going to eat it!”
This is exactly the response which the EU members should be giving to Germany now over their insistence that other EU countries share in their insanity of mass immigration.
A quote from history which is so very useful to remind them of past German folly and where it led.
“You’ve made this stew, now you’re going to eat it!”
bBC Ad for the Proms
Ode to Joy
nothing subliminal about that.
Unfortunately not.
It was a mainstay of the proms long before the EU had even come into existence let alone adopted the Beethoven Symphony as its anthem.
The EU are threatening to withdraw development funding from Hungary and other east European non-compliant states if they fail to follow Merkel’s dream.
I suppose the BBC will support Merkel’s actions?
Once again, a German leader is dictating to Europe. And this day is Battle of Britain day.
I wondered how long it would be before the EU started trying to blackmail Hungary by threatening to stop its pocket money.
In other news, the Dalai Lama has said that unlimited immigration is not the answer to the crisis. I wonder how the BBC will respond?
I’m curious as to what all these Syrian architects, engineers and university professors did back home before they got interviewed by Johnny Dymond on Lesbos.
Can’t say I ever saw Syria as a great centre for education, technology or buildings. We are all Syrian engineers now I suppose.
I thought EXACTLY the same – nearly everyone interviewed is an engineer or professor, or a student. All car mechanics perhaps ? we’re always looking for taxi drivers here.
Er, actually it is, JimS. Or rather, was. Check out the video posted above at 10.06am by G.W.F.
How do refugees pay their mobile phone bills? There’s a line of enquiry that doesn’t seem to have been followed by the legions of ‘investigative journalists’ employed at the licence fee payers’ expense.
What a good question….and what about charges for crossing those borders of theirs?
I made this observation last week. Hardly have Pay as you Go shops on every corner, and if its by a bank account direct debit, then how come they have bank accounts if they’ve left everything behind ? I DO wish the journalists would ask this question. I’ve asked it many times.
On BBC website now – “Migrant Crisis: Hungary declares emergency at Serbia border”
And this comes with the following the ‘Have Your Say’ banner as follows.
“Are you seeking refuge in Europe? Will you be avoiding Hungary? Please email”
UK citizens/taxpayers/licence fee payers are of course not allowed to comment.
Obviously another migration story presented with total impartiality. Not!
I heard Martha Kearney tempt us with the voice from Hungary if I stayed to listen to her TWATO Show a few minutes ago.
So I did-because Hungary is about the one country that actually plays by EU Rules, is clear in regard of its obligations and its Christian heritage…and knows only too well from 1956, what invasion means-whether its Russian tanks or Muslim armies in civvies.
Had to sit through twenty mins or so about Newer Labour crap first…but the BBC are sheissing themselves over the prospect of the TUC saying NO to Europe…oh, dear, they`re petrified and in intellectual freefall…no computo! The unelected Fat Lord of Death-Falconer(unelected to anything-EVER-so there he is on Labours Front Bench…so much for hereditary priviledges eh Corbett?) manspread his flatus over the airwaves, then departed.
Next up near enough ten minutes from EU charities with Oirish/Greek and Italian accents-given their Troika foldings, i`ll take no lessons from any of THAT lot in what best to do for my country.
Especially the Irish-exactly HOW many “migrants” have THEY taken, seeing as they`re the poster kids for the EU normally-hence no country to speak of and the IRA waiting above to take their hogtied carcass of a nation?
Then we got UN types-transatlantic accents usually, but same message-won`t somebody PLEASE think of the children…not just you Saviloys who still work for the BBC.
Same every time with the BBC innit…ten minutes of victims and charity pimps from Brussels or New York on Falconer privileges to tell we little people to shove up and give them our beds…and if the kids would stay that would be the equivalent of an After Eight on the pillow, Salaam Aekum!
Martha kept the Hungarian in the dock whilst exhibits a-z…1-666 were displayed, emoted, wept over and sent down the line to us as gospel…when it`s only Rock n roll, and no-one buys it.
Our mighty Magyar did get some points in about
1.International law and agreements-use borders, have a passport, papers and documents as required.
This used to be law-but, hey that`s now a moveable and disposable plate for the BBC and the lefties.
2. The Christian heritage of the country, and the need to secure borders so other countries don`t get overrun in a flaccid show of “compassion”-that everybody else in Germany/UK will have to mop up later.
Oh dear-Martha no likey…logic, reason, laws and rules…protocols and Schengen agreements MEANING something in action?…Have the Hungarians got no hearts,eyes, no concern…like Martha and all those charity monsters worldwide with their golf tees setting up the Slavs and Magyars for liquidation in their own countries?
Yes they do-they`re the only New Europeans who know where this will end-and none of them took their thirty euros to remove their countries from the EU map…unlike Ireland and bloody Ted Heath.
Poor Martha-her muffin turned into beeswax…
That’s a great post cH.
Agree with Mr Shubtill, fantastic post Mr H.
The alacrity with which the BBC have, on our behalf, thrown over the traces of lawfulness and disavowed any respect for Western culture is one of the stand-out features of this summer, and is positively Biblical as an all-time act of betrayal – I can hear the cock crowing for a third time. To collude with the naked exploitation of the suffering of others, in order to pursue a purely political agenda, is to wilfully follow a policy of cynical opportunism and degradation.
I noticed that disgraceful old socialist war-horse melodrama of class-hatred, An Inspector Calls, was dragged out of its cave for an airing on Sunday. Instead of dusting off this ludicrous parody of a serious drama, it should have been the BBC and its fellow broadcasting organs, together with that coterie of political apologists and turncoats who are currently busy selling us down the river (and yes, I do know the origin of that term), who were the subject of a resolute and impassioned lambasting. It is they, not some collection of Edwardian straw-man whiskered toffish villains, who should be exposed to the excoriation of social drama, satire and public pillorying.
Mr Priestley’s accusation was that the ingrained peccability of his hated and irredeemable wealthy classes was the cause of the mass-suffering of a population huddled in poverty, and that, to add insult to injury, those oppressors of mankind were in utter denial of their guilt, and cared not a fig for the consequences of their actions.
So where is the rapier wit, where is the bludgeon of exposure, where is the analytical corkscrew, the fictional skewering of our modern toffs and villains, the real authors and compounders of our suffering? Do none of our creative establishment have the guts to take on the Left establishment and their current religious cronies, do none of them have the wit to reveal the depths of their idiotic and reckless delinquency? Where are the authors, the playwrights, the satirists who can disconcert the Powers?
We could do with a Dickens, and instead we get JK Rowling. Really!
I have very recently joined this forum and it truly is a breath of fresh air. I harbour many years of frustration and anger, garnered from watching or listening to the various BBC outlets churn out distortions and propaganda. So, please allow me to vent and go back a few months to an episode so loathsome that it still burns within.
Friday 26th June was a terrible day for many, many people. This was the day that scores of people were murdered in Tunisia and Kuwait. This was the day a Frenchman was decapitated and the lunatic responsible tried to blow up a gas-plant. I was glued to the TV. I saw President Hollande speak live (with English translation) after the French atrocity. The translation was the same across BBC, SKY and Al Jazeera.
He finished his speech by saying “We must not fall prey to division or suspicion.”
A perfectly sober and reasonable thing to say in the light of heightened tensions across “communities” in his country.
That evening I heard the news headlines on 5Live, at 22.00, 22,30 and 23.00. The female newsreader (whose name I can’t recall) of course lead with the awful events of the day. She said, and I remember this precisely –
“President Hollande has warned France not to fall prey to racism.”
This was the day that I realised the BBC had gone beyond lies and distortions, and was now a clear and present danger to the social fabric of this country. If they can willfully misinterpret words like this and replace them with that most toxic R-word, then I fear for us.
The BBC has reached its’ expiry date, and must be dismantled now.
Welcome Mr.Golightly.
My moment was hearing Jayne Garvey live when she told us about the empty champagne bottles.
It might not have been a complete Damascus road single moment but it was definitely the final nail.
My moment?
Three stages really
1. Mandelson getting an EU berth via Blair in 2004-whereas a non-criminal called Rocco Buttiglioni was rejected for similar re his views on heterosexual marriage or such…end of the EU and Labour-especially when that crook Kinnock accounts were illegal for the EU-yet he was still there in 2004.
2. I came to this site in 2009, just as UEA-Gate on “climate change” was at the boil-but made absolutely no difference to the BBC.
In particular I remember the global warming monkeys all snowed in in Copenhagen at thir conference about the same-and NO BBC comedy show saw fit to make a joke about that-not one!
Therefore we were in the grip of a cult religion called Warmonism…and the buggers STILL didn`t get Gods joke when he froze their icebreaker in at the Antarctic-while hacks and BBC academics were telling us all about the ice caps melting…Christmas 2013 wasn`t it?
3.Third and final one-the disgusting coverage of Mrs Thatchers death in 2013…even when I too was spittle-flecked Lefty…I would NEVER have trashed a dead grandmother like the BBC and its labour scum did…and so-like Tony Parsons above(who I used to read in NME) I`m proud to be Tory scum…or maybe filth, if they`re being kind to me.
Welcome sir!
For me the whole thing fell apart when contrasting the Beeb coverage of Margaret Thatchers funeral and then the terrorist known as Nelson Mandela , it didn’t just walk away with Bias but galloped. It was almost like watching first the funeral of the anti-Christ followed by the funeral of the second Christ himself. The thought of having to pay while the lefties on the Beeb were having orgasms over the death of a grandmother was truly sickening and convinced me that said Beeb were beneath contempt.
I can’t point to a specific incident. I used to listen to the World Service* at work as the only English language station I could access on that old thing called a radio, and was appalled by the grinding, implacable bias – especially that against Israel.
Not sure how I got to this worthy site but I’m glad I found it. I’ve been an on-off contributor here for well over a decade.
*They stopped all radio broadcasts to Israel in April this year.
So true – your comment says it all, really.
I note that Sky have found a new ‘victim’ to replace young Aylan, a four day old baby stuck on the Hungary/Serbia border, cue sympathectic interview with parents.
What could be simpler? Get your wife up the duff and get a free passage into Europe and all associated benefits.
Stories like this make me more sceptical that this whole migrant thing is orchestrated, why now? What right thinking parent walks 100s of miles with a 9 month pregnant wife, that is unless you want to use it for ‘leverage’ Why doesn’t our intrepid reporter ask these questions of the parents?
If the bBC haven’t yet hunted down the newborn and its parents, I’m sure they soon will, and Nolan will be heard to utter those immortal words ‘ are you comfortable in your armchair, think about the children….’
”a baby stuck on the Hungary/Serbia border.” What ? did he crawl all the way from Syria ?
Is there no contraception in the non Israel Middle East?
One of the most important acts that the present government can do is to restrict each and every cash benefit to two children. It can be introduced by saying no claim will be entertained for a third or more child claimed for with a birth date nine months and one day after the announcement date.
Sensible provision can be written in for applications in respect of fostered, adopted etc. children.
It might help reduce the attraction of the U.K. to migrants and actually reduce the number “born into poverty”
Yes – the surreal qualities of much of the media’s current output are reminiscent of the old days, where Pravda and Isvestia were of immense interest to the West, not because anyone actually believed most of what came out from them, but because they could be interpreted for insights into a secretive and paranoid Soviet tyranny. In those days, we watched them like hawks, because of the obvious danger they posed to our interests. Of course, then, we had the benefit of an independent platform for our own democracy, whereas now, it is like watching the progress of an infection in your own body, a disease from which there appears to be no escape as it attacks your own vital organs with apparent impunity.
“The BBC today is about as representative of the British people as the men’s toilets at the Guardian.”
Strong words from former-leftist Tony Parsons:
Great article that, well worthy of a read.
Indeed they are. However, I would not be surprised to find out that the Guardian doesn’t have men’s toilets. Too gender-specific.
Mr. Golightly – I am led to believe that the BBC Mailbox studios in Birmingham don’t have separate loos for men and women.
Yes, that really is a great article.
A superb article by Tony Parsons – full of facts and wisdom, as well as acidic scorn for the lefties – including the BBC.
Je suis Tory Scum aussi!
Mais…… vote UKIP! D’accord?
Thanks for posting that article – an outstanding analysis, brilliantly written.
Adrian ………… (long pause between words whilst his brain tries to work) ……….. Chiles was interviewing Corbyn’s new shadow minister for food and the environment today, very excited that she is a vegan and trying to stir her into saying that she would ban livestock farming. Unfortunately Chiles has swallowed so much of the beeboid juice that he kept calling her ‘minister’.
I take it Chiles didn’t ask the vegan ‘Minister’ her thoughts on the Halal system of butchering meat.
Chiles used to present a “Money” programme on BBC 2 but proudly boasted that he knew nothing about finance, business etc. How very BBC !
Welcome Mr Golightly. I too had noticed BBC bias for years, and occasionally lurked on this site, but what really did it for me ( I sold my TV this week, and will not be paying the BBC any more money) was the hysteria over the migrant crisis, particularly the sneers at the Hungarians, a noble people I know well and love.
BBC : ‘refugees who may now find themselves in the middle of an argument between Hungary and Serbia’
Find themselves? That’s exactly where they intentionally placed themselves.
BBC : ‘refugees and migrants demanding the right to cross the border’
Demanding?! The ‘right’ to cross ?
So if I rock up to the front door of Broadcasting House and ‘demand’ a ‘right’ of entry, that’ll be cool, right?
So today resembling Worzel Gummidge, the imbecile Corbyn refused to sing our National anthem, he refuses to wear a poppy, and his speech aimed at our armed forces that served in the battle of Britain consisted of a party political broadcast for the Socialist workers party…
And this is the man that the idiotic left in this Country think is the best to lead them, and have the British public vote both him and them into power?
God I only hope that the BBC get behind Corbyn because he crashes and burns hopefully the public will insist that Al-beeb go with him.
“And this is the man that the idiotic left in this Country think is the best to lead them”?
I thought this was the man that everyone with £3 thought it would be a right laugh to elect as Labour leader !
These are not mutually exclusive. The best man to lead the left is someone who has least hope of leading them to victory. As it turned out it didn’t need UKIPpers and Tories with £3, they were prepared to do it themselves!
But how many of the votes for him were crank votes and could they really have influenced his election?
I just hope that the British public will demonstrate its famed common sense and decency and keep a lover of Islamic terrorists like him out of power.
(Edit. I believe Roland Deschain above has just answered my question.)
So today resembling Worzel Gummidge, the imbecile Corbyn refused to sing our National anthem, he refuses to wear a poppy, and his speech aimed at our armed forces that served in the battle of Britain consisted of a party political broadcast for the Socialist workers party…
Well, if the stupid shmuck rejects his own country that strongly he should be consistent and refuse all parliamentary pay and privileges and hand back his pension when it comes..
But moral consistency never was a strong point of the far left.
Morality to people like Corbyn, Gerry Adams and the BBC is a bourgeois concept.
No one would expect Martin McGuiness to sing the British national anthem, why is anyone surprised that Corbyn won’? Just as the IRA was eager to sabotage the RAF during WWII, there is nothing surprising in Corbyn’s apologia for the IRA today. It’s all part of the anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist struggle. The BBC’s supposed outrage at the non-singing of the national anthem hypocritical in the extreme when you consider the lengths it went to 30 years ago to get the IRA message across in the interests of “freedom of speech”. Foreign media had no hesitation in showing what the “IRA message” was when they shoewd RUC officers shovelling human remains into plastic bags after the latest bomb outrage. The BBC was content to sanitise these events
Both Corbyn & Watson were dressed inappropriately in my opinion.
No BBC bias but a possible BBC coup!
Has Dead Ringers been telephoning Elton John?
Instead of emotive language and pictures of child immigrants (yes you Nolan) maybe the bBC and the rest of their MSM cohorts could show this, children today terrorists tomorrow. This is the truth behind the march of ‘refugees’ an invasion….
I’ve just found out that the millionaire socialist Sandi Toksvig is on Question Time this Thursday. Looking forward to her hypocritical comments on migrants ( whom she will no doubt call refugees,thus changing their legal status).
I wonder if she will adopt a terrorist.
Final point, I heard on LBC (Ferrari) that 2 in every 100 migrants belong to IS. Blimey, can’t remember his source though!!!
How the hell does a socialist become a millionaire?
Got to be a category error here has there not?
I know that Keynes was one, but ,then again, he dabbled successfully in the hated “capitalist market”…so jis economics theories did hold water for him to prosper anyway.
No problem with that!
But Toksvig?…has she ever left the BBC studios, if only to seek out Danish pastry basters?
Ditto Steel, Thomas, Hardy and the like…not one of them has lived by hand or brain, unless its drawing down the TV License fee via a well-placed linen suit by way of a mentor.
Could hardly filla people carrier this lot when on tour-but the “BBC Radio 4 Star” bit brings in the fathead public sector “facilitative class” who`ll go along, Guardian under arm.
At least the other socialists like Toynbee, Prescott, Benn, Kinnock and Meacher were all born into it…not that they`d ever recognise their heritage…no sirree…fuckin` Tory scum get THAT…they are perfectly entitled to steward the money in their self-righteous causes.
Have to admit I was thinking only one small acronym as the medium ‘reporting’ was a fair guide alone:
Jez Corbyn cannot sing, (someone commented above)?
He was seen on BBC today stood silent during the National Anthem at the Battle Britain memorial, when those around him like the Prime Minister and Defence Secretary were giving it full throttle.
Ah Ah – he was in full voice at weekend mind:
I’ll give it till Christmas
A terrible backlog missed I fear, but this bears highlighting now:
Not sure dodging questions and being smug on pulling fast ones is the way to get oversight committees onside.
Apologies if anybody has already pointed this out, but I watched “An Inspector Calls” on Sunday. I vaguely remember watching the film years ago, but I didn’t remember being hit over the head with such clumsy agitprop. This sort of thing: Wealthy industrialist, raising glass of hugely expensive port. What is it Inspector, we were just celebrating crushing the workers and their unions. By the way, what was your name again? And do you know the Chief Constable as well as I do? Corbyn, sir, Inspector Corbyn. And so on…
The play was clumsy, nth rate agitprop when it was written. The fault lies in the BBC trying to pretend it has any relevance whatsoever to today, other than as an exercise in how naive people once were about the evils of socialism.
Of course, some still are. BBC drama producers among them.
Interestingly, premiered in Russia in 1945, before being brought to the London stage. Bet the apparatchiks loved it..
Priestley was a useful idiot. The BBC were not faithfull to the original script. I switched off because I couldn’t hear some of dialogue due of the idiotic BBC “noise” .
Great article here by a Hungarian journalist-in fact, it`s on a different plane to anything that our hacks offer us here.
As good a general critique of things out East as I`ve seen…
excellent find chrisH thanks
Thank you. Excellent article.
Corbyn is 66 years old, if ( and that is a BIG if) he is still Leader of the Opposition in 2020 he will be 71 yrs old.
Does anyone seriously think that Corbyn will still be leader of the Opposition at the next General Election?
I hope to God that he is!
Ooooooh careful, I was taken to task yesterday by G.Cooper for writing “utter nonsense” about JC’s age. He got a bit uppity about it, but having worked in an elderly mental health unit, I know that dementia can kick in at any time. Then I had Winston Churchill thrown at me for being a 71 year old PM, and again at 77, but he was a chap I had no time for either, as he turned the troops on miners at one time (like HE had to work in a height of 3′ !!)
Your damn right I took you to task. Demonising a politician based on a glib steretotype of someone in his or her sixties is facile.
It is doubly facile given the howling mess ‘young’ Blair and ‘young’ Cameron have got us into!
You can only judge by performance. I would remind you that Margaret Thatcher was 54 when she first became PM.
Of course, in the USA a President must be at least 35. Personally, I’d add a decade to that.
If you are going to use big words against me then the grammar should be correct. You’re…… not your.
I’m not ‘using big words against you’ and I’m writing in a hurry. Mistakes happen.
Grow up.
Its all irrelevant anyway, he won’t be around in 12 months let alone 5 years, you can see the strain already, he doesn’t like the press attention which will only get more intense.
Maybe he’ll go the same way as Robin Cook…
Doesn’t that call for one of their ilk to be in power?
My hope is that he hangs around for long enough to take the party down with him. Which is, I suspect, precisely what the comrades at the BBC fear.
Not if he becomes a security risk.
Glad I’m not the one who said that !!
Maybe I should have added a question mark, but it has already been pointed out by Defence Secretary Michael Fallon.
Interesting quote indeed from Michael Fallon, Defence Secretary. 12th September 2015. Daily Mail.
“Whether it’s weakening our defences, raising taxes on jobs and earnings, racking up more debt and welfare or driving up the cost of living by printing money – Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party will hurt working people.
‘This is a very serious moment for our country – the Conservatives will continue to deliver stability, security and opportunity for working people.”
Whilst I agree with the sentiments of Mr Fallon in his first sentence, he serves in a government which has, and is continuing to: weaken our defences, raise taxes on jobs and earnings, rack up more debt and drive up the cost of living by printing money. So his second sentence is at best diversionary and disingenuous, and at worst, hypocrisy curry with pilau lies.….And that’s before we get on to other ongoing unConservative Party socialist gems: Attacking freedom of expression; propagandising the media; provision of ‘rights’ for special interest groups; unsustainable and uncontrollable mass immigration; indebting our young with student fees and loans, whilst sponsoring the children of foreigners, both directly through immigration and welfare, and indirectly through foreign ‘aid’; Conservative socialist spending programs (e.g. HS2); redefining the words marriage, racist, fascist, Islam (RoP?)etc…
In fact I’d like to propose a new word. Fallon Definition: (noun), a blatantly hypocritical statement. E.g. ….He shamelessly gave a fallon to the Daily Mail. …or….. The Daily Mail published Michael Fallon’s fallon on page 4….
Yes, Michael Fallon was doing quite well until the “… the conservatives will continue….” bit which, I confess, made me chortle somewhat. How could he keep a straight face? It’s no wonder the term ‘Tory Scum’ gets banded about with Michael giving the Looney Left such ammunition.
LibLabCon, liars and hypocrites propped up by the BBC and the Daily Mail.
Vote UKIP.
Yes, we seem to have a choice between Left and Lefter at the moment. How crazed the BBC must be to consider Cameron’s wishy-washy crew ‘just this side of Pinochet’ I cant imagine.
The BBC would be accurate if they said “just this side of Allende”.
“Whilst I agree with the sentiments of Mr Fallon in his first sentence, he serves in a government which has, and is continuing to: weaken our defences, raise taxes on jobs and earnings, rack up more debt and drive up the cost of living by printing money. ”
That’s a big list. It is worthy of a BBC reporter’s comment
Please expand, with specific examples of each to help enlighten me.
I will excuse you “rack up more debt” but you can remind me of UKIP policy on reducing the deficit, which, if it is not presently an instant reduction of around £100bn a year in government spending, UKIP policy would be to continue to “rack up debt”
A4 4468. I wrote a long response to your request for enlightenment and a reminder. It hasn’t appeared. I will put it beneath one of your comments on the next open thread.
1600 police officers arrested for criminal activities, many serious.
But I cannot find this on the BBC.
Police officers are public sector workers, they have the sympathy of Al Beeb.
The BBC was disinclined to criticise the police for ignoring ten of thousands of racist RAPES by MUSLIMS. Naturally the victims were not actually victims, they were white, therefore in the Looking Glass world inhabited by Beeboids they were guilty.
The BBC gave the police a free pass over plebgate. During which the police trade union, police officers including chief constables lied through their teeth about events, events which included attempts to affect The Government.
The rigging of crime figures also got a free pass from the BBC, chief police officers included again.
The BBC have not even bothered to criticise police commissioners, a joke idea by a deluded Cameron. Probably because the lefties were first on the gravy train.
Just another example of the lefties ****ing it up, yet again.
Keep the military, equip them properly, improve their pay conditions and status in society.
Sack as many useless, not fit for purpose, treasonous, public sector lefties to fund the military.
I’m confused.
A few months ago the BBC told me that Alan Turing, a homosexual, invented modern computing. Now they tell me that Ada Lovelace, a woman, beat him to it.
How long before original research from the University of Rochdale turns up a missing verse from the Koran, printed on the back of a curry house menu, telling how Mo’s best mate Al-Gol-Ewog-bin-Ary beat them all?
If they’s said Linda Lovelace that would have been difficult to swallow.
RJ, (1) You are showing your age and (2) how would you know what Linda got up to?
RJ, LOL ! And how would I know ?
Actually it was British heterosexual white male inventor, Thomas Harold Flowers, who designed and built Colossus in 1943, the world’s first programmable electronic Computer. It was very very Ultra secret for many years. So maybe the BBC have not found out yet.
Yes -poor, sad, Alan Turing was a product of his age, who (like many of that time) coped better in the ‘hot-house’ of access and privilege that WWII accidentally provided, than in later life as an unwanted part of the dull and lumpish place that Britain became afterwards.
Thank goodness he was, in the nature of things, never aware of being politically exploited decades after his death, simply because of his homosexuality. He was certainly ‘oppressed’, in a way which now also seems bizarre, even if his own behaviour appears to have made things tragically worse. But to become yet another poster-boy in the campaign to systematically distort the truth and misinterpret history is a cruelty both to his memory and those of others who contributed equally selflessly and tirelessly.
Tommy Flowers was a well-loved figure whose contributions to the fundamental shaping technology of our times are now famous. There are others whose part in this story are easily discovered, and there those too, whose part will be concealed for a long time yet. As for Ms Lovelace, I have always had a soft spot for her, but in truth her part in the history of computing is minor, though entertaining.
“Actually it was British heterosexual white male inventor, Thomas Harold Flowers, who designed and built Colossus in 1943, the world’s first programmable electronic Computer. It was very very Ultra secret for many years. So maybe the BBC have not found out yet.”
About a week ago the BBC broadcast an hour long programme on Gordon Welchman, which blew up in the end when it turned into a puff piece for Edward Snowden. The BBC also seemed completely mystified that the British and American Secret Services would be upset when someone who had spent decades working for them wrote a book about it without telling them or letting them see the manuscript before publication.
There was a lot on Welchman’s time at Bletchley Park, but while they explained how important Turing was they couldn’t find even the few seconds needed to mention Flowers’ name.
Another potentially good documentary ruined by the need to stick to the political script.
Ada Lovelace was the equivalent of Charles Babbage’s secretary according to Wiki:
“Please take this down Miss Lovelace: ‘it is of fundamental importance to the ninnies of the BBc to persist in pretending that women or Muslims invented everything. This is poppycock. Have it written into a program ready to be sent to Biassedbbc in a 150 year’s time. Now please go away and invent aircraft, MRI machines and The One Show.’
Here are some relevant facts from two people who have actually researched her life:
Allan G Bromley: All but one of the programs cited in her notes had been prepared by Babbage from three to seven years earlier. The exception was prepared by Babbage for her, although she did detect a ‘bug’ in it. Not only is there no evidence that Ada ever prepared a program for the Analytical Engine, but her correspondence with Babbage shows that she did not have the knowledge to do so.
Bruce Collier: It would be only a slight exaggeration to say that Babbage wrote the ‘Notes’ to Menabrea’s paper, but for reasons of his own encouraged the illusion in the minds of Ada and the public that they were authored by her. It is no exaggeration to say that she was a manic depressive with the most amazing delusions about her own talents, and a rather shallow understanding of both Charles Babbage and the Analytical Engine.[72]
Not bBBC but “a picture is worth a thousand words”: Merkel.
That cartoon could be used to illustrate why food banks are proving so popular.
Amusing that vicky young on the news at ten says jeremy corbyn is making no pretence of his left wing views, i think it falls in tandem with “auntie” cbbc
Typical stupid Beeboid. Why would anyone “pretend” to have left-wing views ? Where do the BBC find these people ?
Just for the record, another “frost day” tonight and tomorrow in parts of the G.B. Not unusual in having frosts in September, but what is unusual is that Great Britain has had a “frost day” every month this year. With almost a certainty that a “frost day” will occur in Oct, Nov and Dec, somewhere in G.B., then records will have been made for this year of 2015. A record “Cold” year Mr Harrabin? Obviously, we are having the wrong type of Global Warming what with the El Nino and all that so please continue with your comedy gold, ever thought of becoming a comedian? I’m sure the BBC could find a place for you on the News Quiz, right up your street.
Thank you very much for these very useful and informative updates, which we simply will not get from the lying BBC.
I just listened on iPlayer to the interview on Toady this morning (referenced in a post above) that Sara Montagu did with a Hungarian MEP (it begins around 1h52m) – absolutely brilliant! He never lost the thread of his argument; also everything he said was true and everything he said was perfectly reasonable (to anyone sane).
The Tories should appoint him at the HO, instead of James Brokenbrain, to be responsible for immigration.
Refugee council Woman on bbc breakfast sofa, claiming the British people have sent a clear message to the Government that we want to take more illegals. No challenge to that statement by beebots.
In other news how can Jezza C get the country onside after yesterdays car crash performance. The beeb are anxious for him to do well it seems.