Canon CHRIS CHIVERS ‘I’d previously worked in South Africa, in Cape Town, which is of course emerging from an apartheid history which was deeply divided and deeply divisive, and I think I can honestly say that I’ve never worked in such a segregated community, or lived in one as this’… Blackburn, UK.
When Paul Sabapathy, CBE, Her Majesty’s lord lieutenant of the West Midlands, said that British Pakistanis must be taught “basic common courtesy and civility” and subsequently resigned because of those comments the BBC reported his comments but always made sure you knew he was Indian and not Pakistani because of course he is ‘Asian’ and the BBC seemed desperate to quickly undermine his comments because they relate to Muslims of Pakistani descent….the ‘untouchables’ in the BBC’s eyes.
Here is the BBC reporting his resignation…
The Queen’s representative for the West Midlands has resigned after an email written by him making derogatory comments about Pakistanis was leaked.
The email, written after an appearance at the Pakistan consulate in Birmingham on 14 August, was leaked to The Guardian newspaper.
Indian-born Paul Sabapathy CBE said Pakistanis needed to be taught “basic common courtesy and civility”.
He has apologised “unreservedly and wholeheartedly” for the comments.
The Guardian reported Mr Sabapathy’s email said: “Pakistanis are lovely people individually but there is a lot of work to do to teach them basic common courtesy and civility.
“They talk to themselves and do not engage with the wider community. They are living in the UK not Pakistan.
“Whilst being rightly proud of their Pakistani culture and heritage they need to explain better and engage more with their non-Pakistani brothers and sisters if they want their children to succeed as British Pakistani citizens.”
The trouble is of course that what he says is true, not only that but the BBC has itself reported the phenomenon of Pakistani Muslims living entirely separate lives [As usual by Panorama and not the wider BBC which refuses to touch this subject generally] and today we hear that Sabapathy is supported by Labour MP Khalid Mahmood…
Khalid Mahmood, the Labour MP for Birmingham Perry Barr, said he would be writing to Buckingham Palace to ask the Queen to refuse Sabapathy’s resignation.
“I will be making representations to the palace to urge them to reinstate him,” said Mahmood, who was born in Azad Kashmir in Pakistan and became England’s first Muslim Asian MP in 2001.
Mahmood said Indian-born Sabapathy – the first non-white lord-lieutenant – was an “honourable man with noble intentions” who had been made a scapegoat simply for telling the truth about the Pakistani community in Britain.
He suggested that the underachievement of Pakistani children in British schools was down to “isolationalism” in the Pakistani community, which was getting worse, not better, down the generations.
The BBC’s Panorama has twice [at least] looked at the subject of the failure to integrate though in the first film, whilst they acknowledge there is a problem with Muslims failing to integrate, they blame the whites for moving out whenever Muslims move into any location in large numbers….hence the chosen film title ‘White Flight’. That title doesn’t really reflect the real problem which is those large numbers of extremely different Muslims who move into an area and change it beyond recognition….the film should really have been called ‘Asian Invasion’ [or ‘Muslim’ but I couldn’t think of a nice catchy rhyme for ‘Muslim’ as the BBC opted for with ‘White Flight’] to reflect the real problem but of course that would never get approval.
Here’s the first Panorama in 2007:
Panorama visits Blackburn in Lancashire to investigate how increased separation and segregation between Muslim Asians and whites is dividing communities.
Canon CHRIS CHIVERS I’d previously worked in South Africa, in Cape Town, which is of course emerging from an apartheid history which was deeply divided and deeply divisive, and I think I can honestly say that I’ve never worked in such a segregated community, or lived in one as this.
Here’s John Ware’s Panorama report from 2010….He’s found a rhyme...’British Schools, Islamic Rules’
The Muslim population of Britain has been rising rapidly and research by the economics department at Bristol University shows that Muslim children are the most segregated in Britain.
Faith schools are growing in popularity. Which way will Muslims be pulled – towards or away from the mainstream?
[Many] Muslim schools we encountered seemed in varying degrees to want to stay separate, leading separate lives in separate enclaves.
It is curious that the BBC in reporting Paul Sabapathy’s resignation doesn’t try to explore the issues he raises and instead seems to want to class his comments as an Indian being racist about his Pakistani neighbours. All the more curious when the BBC itself has reported exactly the phenomenon that Sabapathy talks of…the high degree of separation and the refusal to integrate. The main factor driving that failure is of course Islam which may explain the BBC’s current approach, John Ware aside, who goes against the BBC’s usual policy of either ignoring or downplaying any problem issues that arise due to Islam being practised in the UK.
Maybe others are beginning to see the light as borders go back up in Europe. Funny how this is suddenly possible when it seemed so impossible for the UK to prevent mass immigration to it’s shores and the EU, and the BBC, laughed in contempt. Odd how the BBC doesn’t try to class the German’s as thuggish racists when they close the borders but did label the Hungarians and the Czechs as such when they attempted to stem the flow.
If there is to be any chance of integrating different communities then we have to start with the kids. That means shutting down all the Faith and Free schools to stop the brain washing.
We also desperately need equality under the law again too.
“Shutting down faith and free schools”
So you want parents to have to send their children to bog standard comprehensives run by NUT members, when not out protesting on the streets, and Labour councils.
That is the problem with much legislation – unintended consequences, but do you throw the baby out with the bath water.
The vast majority of parents will want the best opportunity for their children. You may not have noticed how cosmopolitan London has been moving quite quickly up the education league tables.
Please do not try to solve one problem by making things worse for a lot more other people.
Some Free schools are in fact faith schools. My personal feeling is that faith schools should not be funded by the tax payer. It would have been better to try to reform and improve standard state schools than introducing a new category of schools.
“It would have been better to try to reform and improve standard state schools than introducing a new category of schools.”
I believe North Korea has standard state schools.
The Labour Party decided to impose standard state schools in the 70s, which is why most “top” people at the moment are from private schools. Mixed ability and prizes for all in the comprehensive system knocked the stuffing out of the grammar school pupils who would be competing for jobs at the top now. JC is old enough to have avoided the changeover at his grammar school.
“Standards” level down to achieve “success”, competition raises the bar. With the cash following the pupil nowadays those lucky enough to live where the children can have a choice of state funded schools, as here in Norwich, means the schools have to produce or the parents go somewhere else.
“God has no place within these [school] walls, just like facts don’t have a place within an organized religion.”
Super Intendant Chalmers, The Simpsons.
John Ware is one of very few BBC journalists actually worthy of the term. He digs deep for the truth of anything he investigates. ‘British Schools, Islamic Rules’ was a fine example of that.
The BBC’s deep devotion to Pakistanis is weird, to say the least. After all, Pakistan is the country which turns a blind eye to the oppression and slaughter of its Christian minority, harbours and protects terrorists who commit the most brutal atrocities against India and the West and plays a double game with the West. It’s a failed, rogue state and it should be no surprise that its people replicate its rogue nature when they invade the West.
(Oops, am I allowed to say all that?)
Of course you should say it-and a lot more beside. How many Christians from the invasion now swarming across European Borders are Christian? They should be given priority of entry. for example France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, & Rumania are mjority Catholic countries-are they ensuring a welcome to Christian migrants? As is reported, Germany it is expected will have upwards of 6 million Muslims by end 2015, I think it will be more, at present rate of entry-& with that situ, comes Sharia Law, which already is prominent in many German cities. Britain should be aware and heed the warmings signs that are spreading across Europe.
True. There’s real danger in the incoming swarm. But the tenacious disease of political correctness that the left has stealthily introduced into the education system for decades will almost guarantee that no politician will stand up and insist on the rights of Christians to gain sanctuary in Christian Europe. That would be discriminatory and of course the left can’t have that.
You cannot make this stuff up – like the Muslims who murdered the Christians on a boat bound for Italy, home of the Pope, and who were almost certainly set free after being originally charged and jailed.
I say that because I tried to find some info on them – like the date of a pending trial – and drew a complete blank, even when I used a number of different key words on Google search and went to the extent of checking the Italian newspapers and translating the articles on the Internet.
Since the initial reporting at the time of those murders, the media has been totally silent on the case. If that is not a conspiracy of silence I don’t know what is.
Watching the changes in the road of my parent’s house the ‘White flight’ is upwards, (I hope!). The children have grown up and moved out. The parents have aged and eventually one has died. The remaining parent has either moved nearer to one of their children or stuck it out until death has taken its toll. The children have their own houses so the house is sold.
The only buyers are ‘Asian’. The front and rear gardens are stripped out. The house is gutted and often out of use for a year or more. The house is extended sideways, backwards and upwards. The ‘family’ move in. The front ‘garden’ is filled with three large cars of German manufacture (at least three adults in the house). When the cars are not there a bent old lady brushes the ‘courtyard’ with a bundle of sticks. From time to time women in clothing more suited to hot, sunny climes and wearing sandals appear with four young children. The conversation, if any, isn’t in English. The back garden is half covered with a large tent. Every few months twelve or more cars appear, parking on both sides of the road making passage near impossible.
Very occasionally one of these houses appears to change hands. No sale boards, no agents, no stamp duty? Meanwhile, nearby, middle-aged friends make the move (escape?) to Spain. The removal van is at the door, the sale agreed with that ‘nice’ Asian man. Panic phone call from their solicitor, the other party has ‘withdrawn’. Half an hour later another ‘nice’ Asian man knocks on the door, “I understand your house is for sale? I have cash! (But strangely only amounting to 80% of the previously agreed price!). Common courtesy and civility in action!
And this will be repeated and repeated time and again as these people of a culture & religious ideology so far removed from any Chritsian values, continue to rape our nation of its fundemental values as Britrain has held for hundreds of years. We are seriously in danger of loosing our nation of white Christians to those who consider us the Infidel. Suggest people ensure thay have some understanding of the Quarn-I have studied the writings of people who have themselves made it a complete study, the results of their examinations will support our worsed fears.
With thousands of others no doubt, I despair at the alacrity people are forced into apologies for what are honest viewpoints. Who are the bullies who intimidate decent people like the Lord Lieutenant, and why does he think he must give in? Has he been threatened with violence? There are groups of people who should indeed improve their some manners and behaviours and it should be perfectly legitimate to say so; the idea that a particular cultural background cannot be criticised is outrageous. They should show some respect. There are things we just do not do here but for the sake of decency I won’t mention them. And let us not forget the double standards issue.
I do hope her Majesty has the courage to refuse the resignation, but I dare say our weak-kneed Prime Minister Cameron will advise her otherwise. If he does he should be ashamed, but I doubt he will understand the seriousness of such a failure on his part – he is more of an appeaser than leader.
Integration through schools…………..look no further than the West of Scotland , around Glasgow East etc for decadses now folk have been talking about eliminating Roman Catholic faith schools………………..dream on…………..
A good point, but that does not mean that the government should support more faith schools, in fact it is an example of why they shouldnt.
That is a word that means something totally different to what the Lord luitenant had said .
In my Pub Lanlord moments I explain to a bemused foreigner that if a people of a country are of any note then the English will always do the courtesy of giving them a derogatory nickname. What higher honour can they get ?
Seriously the word derogatory is not the same as an observation of a group of people’s traits.
Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys is derogatory
The French preferring a conciliatory approach to conflict , is not .
Sadly the last generation onwards has little idea what our Country was like before the massive migration caused by the British Nationality Act of 1948 when the SS Windrush brought over the first of the Caribbean migrants in 1952. This in itself caused furore as much of the population here had never laid eyes on a black person before. In the main this never affected our religion or our way of life, although places like Wolverhampton, Southall and Bradford were known as hot spots for the ethnic minorities. Equally, when the Kenyan Asians came here in the early 1970s’, apart from the corner shops being run increasingly by Indians, our daily existence was never really under threat. We were still a wholly Christian country, shops were closed on Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas and Boxing Days, and we were laughing without harm or malice at tv programmes Love Thy Neighbour and Alf Garnet. During the past 25 years we have seen the rise of the second and third generation of those initial migrants, and already we have seen the advent of Political Correctness, which in a stroke has wiped away our own way of ‘doing or saying things’. Some will say this is good, and I agree in some aspects, but now even what we have left of our life BM (before migration) has and will be more eroded away with this huge swathe of Islam covering us like an umbrella.