Germany’s traditionally pro-Israeli stance has been shifting, particularly since the 2014 Gaza campaign.
A growth in Germany’s Muslim population, not least through the acceptance of hundreds of thousands of refugees, may also have an effect, long term.
What is the cause of the violent and often murderous attacks on Jews in Israel and the West Bank at the moment?
Isn’t the new Palestinian uprising, or intifada, fundamentally an upsurge of frustration with the hopelessness of it all?
Why oh why are the poor old Pals so frustrated? There’s no peace in sight, and who is to blame for there being no peace in sight?
Hamas may have had a small role to play but the main blame can be laid at the door of the Israelis…in particular right wing Israelis…..a casual dismissal of their views by Urban…he doesn’t bother to explore what they think and the reasons for their approach….They’re just wrong and right wing. Netanyahu also gets it in the neck as usual….here Urban blames him for the fall out with Obama….
Mr Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama are hardly on speaking terms after Israel’s abortive attempts to halt the Iran nuclear deal.
That could have been written…
Mr Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama are hardly on speaking terms after Obama’s failed attempt to rein in Iran’s nuclear ambitions leaving Iran, which wants to wipe Israel off the map, an ever more powerful influence in the region.
Urban lays most of the blame then for the failed peace talks with the Palestinians at the Israelis’ feet and the subsequent violence is their fault…but hang on…..Urban admits that…..
Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas, meanwhile, has focused efforts on taking Israel to the International Criminal Court for its 2014 campaign in Gaza, trying to halt settlement activity and drawing attention to what he characterises as Israeli attacks on Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem.
So Abbas has been ‘drawing attention to what he characterises as Israeli attacks on Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem’.
That kind of suggests that the real cause of this violence is Abbas…as Urban admits, or rather doesn’t admit, whilst giving us the facts that make it clear Abbas is to blame…..the uprising is in response to rumours of Israeli incursions at Muslim holy sites…
Violence between the two communities has spiralled since clashes erupted at a flashpoint Jerusalem holy site in mid-September.
They were fuelled by rumours among Palestinians that Israel was attempting to alter a long-standing religious arrangement governing the site.
Israel repeatedly dismissed the rumours as incitement.
Why does Urban not make an explicit statement blaming Abbas, and Hamas, for inciting the violence using lies and rumours to stir the trouble?
What is the most significant admission in Urban’s piece? This is….
Germany’s traditionally pro-Israeli stance has been shifting, particularly since the 2014 Gaza campaign.
A growth in Germany’s Muslim population, not least through the acceptance of hundreds of thousands of refugees, may also have an effect, long term.
Jews will not even be safe in Israel because Muslims in Europe will gain enough power to bring in anti-Israel policies and all because Frau Merkel imported hundreds of thousands of Muslims…and the EU is even now negotiating with Turkey to allow easy access to Europe for Turkey’s 75 million Muslims.
How ironic…Jews once again on the run because of the Germans.
A little background reading for Mr Urban:
That is a very powerful article – giving the full historical context. For a century Arabs have been murdering Jews – because they are Jews. As the article says – enough with the excuses. Excuses for the cancer in the Palestinian soul which the BBC trots out every day.
From one of the comments on that article – a list of years in which Arabs slaughtered Jews for being Jews :
627 CE in Medina when the Arabs slaughtered us because we declined to convert
628 CE in Khayber when the Arabs slaughtered us because we declined to convert
As Islam spread so did the slaughter of Jews and other non-Muslims.
1013 CE in Cordoba where the Arabs slaughtered us for being Jews
1033 CE when the Moroccans slaughtered us because we had our own city
1035 CE in Fez where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1066 CE in Granada where the Arabs slaughtered us for being Jews
1090 CE in Granada where the Arabs slaughtered us for being Jews
1146 CE in Marrakech where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1146 CE in Sijilmasa where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1146 CE in Fez where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1232 CE in Marrakech where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1247 CE in Menkes where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1275 CE in Fez where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1465 CE in Fez where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1492 CE in Touat where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1517 CE in Hebron were the Turks slaughtered us because we were Jews
1517 CE in Tzfat were the Turks slaughtered us because we were Jews?
1660 CE in Tiberias where the Druze slaughtered us for being Jews
1736 CE in Alger where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1776 CE in Basra when the Arabs slaughtered us because we declined to convert
1779 CE in Jaffa where the French slaughtered us for being Jews
1790 CE in Tetuan where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1785 CE in Tripoli where the Arabs slaughtered us for being Jews
1805 CE in Alger where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1815 CE in Alger where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1828 CE in Baghdad where the Arabs slaughtered us for being Jews
1830 CE in Tabriz where the Arabs slaughtered us for being Jews
1830 CE in Alger where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1834 CE in Hebron where the Egyptians slaughtered us for being Jews
1838 CE in Tzfat where the Arabs slaughtered us for being Jews
1839 CE in Mashhad where the Arabs slaughtered us for being Jews
1864 CE in Marrakech where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1867 CE in Barfurush where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1869 CE in Tunis where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1875 CE in Demnat where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1897 CE in Tripolitania where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1910 CE in Shiraz when the Arabs slaughtered for being Jews
1912 CE in Fez where we were slaughtered for being Jews
1925 CE in Damascus where the Turks slaughtered us for being Jews
1934 CE in Constantine where the Arabs slaughtered us for being Jews
1941 CE in Baghdad where the Arabs slaughtered us for being Jews
This is news to me.
No excuses for Germany’s behaviour, but it certainly highlights the attitude of (some) middle eastern Moslems, especially their clerics, towards the Jews.