Incredible from a supposed news organisation that there is absolutely no attempt to investigate the serious issues raised by Trump, instead they fill the airwaves with posturing politicians, community leaders and actors competing loudly to see who can condemn Trump or Fury in the most ‘sincere’ and eye-catching way possible. This isn’t news it’s a public lynching by the BBC et al.
You’ve gotta laugh…Muhammed Ali as the voice of morality and reason when it comes to race and religion….
Boxing legend Muhammad Ali criticises Donald Trump
Boxing legend Muhammad Ali has criticised US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering America.
Without naming Mr Trump, Mr Ali said that Muslims “have to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda”.
The three-time world heavyweight champion, 73, is a cultural icon and one of the world’s most famous Muslims.
“have to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda”? Does he mean like one Muhammed Ali who prayed to Allah to help him win fights? And don’t forget that Ali was fighting for Allah….
How soon we forget……wonder what Fury thinks of the sheer hypocrisy surrounding his own comments……
Ali stated, “my enemy is the white people, not the Vietcong”. In relation to integration, he said: “We who follow the teachings of Elijah Muhammad don’t want to be forced to integrate. Integration is wrong. We don’t want to live with the white man; that’s all.” And in relation to inter-racial marriage: “No intelligent black man or black woman in his or her right black mind wants white boys and white girls coming to their homes to marry their black sons and daughters.” Indeed, Ali’s religious beliefs at the time included the notion that the white man was “the devil” and that white people were not “righteous”.
Of course the BBC would probably endorse his view that white people are the enemy.
Wonderful. Ali criticises Trump, but does not name him, does not even refer to him.
The BBC are going crazy over Trump’s remarks.
Surprised they could make out a single word of what Ali was saying, seeing he`ll be an incontinent gibbering wreck with his Parkinsons (ironic that eh?) with complications.
Or did his friendly imam, Farrakhan or Sharpton write it for him-in less shaky hand than poor Muhammad.
The BBC own the Parkinson stuff-so if they don`t know the tainted racist streams they dip into when they cite Ali, I can only assume that they`re not checking anything anymore-except which Top Of The Pops archive stuff they can still crop and leave out DLT and Savile.
What IS Arabic for “double dealing ,two-mouthed hypocrite”…is it still “Muslim Spokesman”?
Does Mohammed Ali know that long before Europeans, Arabs were dealing in slavery, particularly slaves from Africa. Its only much later that Europeans were involved. And they didn’t go into Africa, but bought the slaves from Arabs traders or African chiefs. African chiefs also got a better price for their African prisoners of wars from Europeans, then from Arab traders.
Slavery had been the common engine of power for thousands of years. It was fortunate that England developed steam as the primary engine for power, thus obviating the need for humans as smart power. In conjunction with this engineering development, there was also a spiritual and moral force of Christians such as Williams Wilberforce, to make slavery illegal. Another lucky happenstance was that England ruled the waves at the time , and could implement the law against slavery over the globe.
In addition, America fought a bitter civil war to free slaves. Muslims never ever fought against slavery, for the simple reason that they never thought it immoral, as Mohammed himself captured , traded in slaves, and kept slaves
So it is that Mohammed Ali show his gratitude to the nation that gave him the opportunity to be rich and famous by castigating it. So it is that he leaves the faith that was responsible for abolishing slavery and joins one that still regards slavery as quite normal.
Its interesting to note that Saudi Arabia abolished slavery as late as the 1970s. In Sudan it still exists.
The chances of such an interview on the BBC now?
They’ve become hamstrung by their own political correctness, and deliberately so.
So what we get instead is tripe like this…
…whilst those of far more extreme views on women and gays go unchallenged, let alone called ‘dickheads’.
So is it undiluted Islamophilia that’s taken over at the BBC or are they just suffering from a severe case of Fatwah-Aversion Syndrome?
They are all imbeciles, except that we are forced to pay for the BBC.
Muhammad Ali is a follower of the “Nation of Islam”. IS would not recognise him as a real muslim, but would consider him a heretic and would chop his head off without a second thought. I think he should go to Palmyra and have a word with them.
Those idiots at the BBC really are making themselves a laughing stock enlisting this man in their anti-Trump campaign:
Proof, were it needed, that they can forgive any crime if the miscreant utters just one sentence conforming with the approved truth.
Get rid of this treacherous organisation now. Despite being ridiculously easy to find on YouTube, it appears that our £4Bn a year army of journalists seem to have missed these clips of Ali and his racist rants.
I`m pretty sure that those over 40 at the BBC will know of these famous Ali/Parkinson rants-where a genial and funny friend of us all turned into a real nasty.
And despite his famous Zaire win over George Foreman-he`s never been so loved by the rest of us, given his Nation Of Islam stuff.
I`m only guessing therefore that the BBC really don`t CARE what condemns their every lazy reflex and posture-they have no need to care what our likes say,nor will they see any inconsistency in that Ali is…and what Fury said.
Ali is just the Dowler shroud conveniently to hand-they use dead girls, they pass the buck over Savile and hound their own staff to their deaths-but blame the Tories for the exact same thing.
Basically, it`s one eyed Cyclops monocultures from the BBC-and shameless ignoring or smearing of any opposing voices to their ” Cameron was the wrong choice from you proles-let us continue to show that, and feel free to come on and say why we`re right” agenda.
The BBC have got to go before IS believe that it speaks for us.
Re: Petition calling for Trump to be banned from entering the UK has attracted more than 400,000 signatures.
On the site where where the petition is posted, is a link to a map where the petitioners are from. Most of them are in areas that have a Labour MP, and heavily populated by Muslims. I would guess that most are from London, which incidentally no longer represents England.