David Cameron in PMQs condemned the fact that Labour had allowed back into its ranks one Gerry Downing…..
“I was completely appalled to see yesterday that the Labour Party have readmitted someone to their party who says that the 9/11 suicide bombers, and I quote, “must never be condemned”, and belongs to an organisation that says “we defend the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq”. These are appalling views and I hope that the Leader of the Opposition will throw this person out of the party rather than welcome him in.”
Guido broke the story originally...
I want to take this opportunity to welcome you back into full membership of the party.
All the Best,
Compliance Administrator
The Labour Party
Guido aslo notes Downing’s attitude towards Jews:
An unbylined article on Downing’s Socialist Fight website, which Downing himself tweeted, is headlined: “Why Marxists must address the Jewish Question”. The piece speaks for itself:
“The role Zionists have played in the attempted witch-hunt against Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour leadership campaign is glaringly obvious… Since the dawning of the period of neo-liberal capitalism in the 1970s, elements of the Jewish-Zionist bourgeoisie, from Milton Friedman to Henry Kissinger to the pro-Israel ideologues of the War on Terror, have played a vanguard role for the capitalist offensive against the workers.”
The BBC completely ignored Cameron’s comments in PMQs and instead glorified in the fact that Corbyn has managed to ask his 100th question…
Jeremy Corbyn poses 100th Prime Minister’s Question
The BBC really knows what is important…..ah but the Labour Party has responded to Cameron and the BBC has had to catch up and report the expulsion of Downing and all without a single acknowledgement that this was a story that they ‘missed’…or did they deliberately ignore it as once again it underlined that the loony left that has captured the Labour Party, something the BBC seems remarkably quiet about as it prefers to concentrate on US politics and attacking Trump? Note how the BBC report on Downing is actually more a defence of him and his views than anything else.
Let’s look again at Cameron’s comment…
“I was completely appalled to see yesterday that the Labour Party have readmitted someone to their party who says that the 9/11 suicide bombers, and I quote, “must never be condemned”, and belongs to an organisation that says “we defend the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq”. These are appalling views and I hope that the Leader of the Opposition will throw this person out of the party rather than welcome him in.”
Then look at the BBC’s Jim Muir’s ‘explanation’ as to the growth of Islamic fundamentalism….it’s all the West’s fault and although he admits there is an Islamic element to the Jihadi movement it is all based upon an inaccurate interpretation of the Koran, one that no ‘true’ Muslim would ever use……note Muir slips in the usual BBC lies about the Iraq war….
The invasion of Iraq in the spring of 2003 was, it turned out, entirely unjustified on its own chosen grounds – Saddam Hussein’s alleged production of weapons of mass destruction, and his supposed support for international terrorists, neither of which was true. [Curious that the world renowned weapons inspector, David Kelly, said that the government intelligence was accurate and that he believed Saddam Hussein was developing weapons and that he represented a serious threat to the world….but a biased BBC reporter obviously knows better]
IS is also filling a desert left by the collapse of all the political ideologies that have stirred Arab idealists over the decades. [This ‘Jihadi’ narrative is exactly the same one that is wheeled out by the BBC time after time as their own explanation of events….instead of feeding into the Islamist propaganda perhaps the BBC should do its job and actually tell the truth about this narrative…instead Jim Muir reinforces that narrative and justifies terrorism helping to convince more Muslims that the cause is just and they should join ISIS and fight the West]
In this vacuum, IS took up the cause of punishing the West and other outsiders for their actions in the region over the past century:
- the carve-up by the colonial powers 100 years ago, drawing a border between Iraq and Syria which IS has now erased
- the creation of Israel under the British mandate for Palestine, and its subsequent unswerving political and financial support by the US
- Western (and indeed Russian) backing for corrupt and tyrannical Arab regimes
- the Western invasion and destruction of Iraq on the flimsiest of pretexts, with the death of uncounted thousands of Iraqis
- the Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo prisoner abuse scandals….
The roots of IS also lie in a crisis within Islam.
“Isil is not Islamic,” said President Obama, echoing statements by many western leaders that “IS has nothing to do with Islam”.
It has.
“It is based on Islamic texts that are reinterpreted according to how they see it,” says Ahmad Moussalli, professor of politics at the American University of Beirut. “I don’t say they are not coming out of Islamic tradition, that would be denying facts. But their interpretation is unusual, literal sometimes, very much like the Wahhabis.”
The reason the BBC didn’t bother reporting on Downing is because they have sympathy with his views…..including the ones about the Jews…just look at Jeremy Bowen’s latest anti-Israeli screed….ironically he also reported Joe Biden denouncing those who defend the Palestinian terrorism….
Biden criticises failure to denounce Palestinian attacks
“Let me say in no uncertain terms: the United States of America condemns these acts and condemns the failure to condemn these acts,” Mr Biden said.
“The kind of violence we saw yesterday, the failure to condemn it, the rhetoric that incites that violence, the retribution that it generates, has to stop.”
Just unfortunate that the likes of Bowen and his underlings don’t agree and continue to incite against the Israelis…
Bowe tells us….’Violence does not come out of the blue. It has a context. Once again, the problem is the unresolved conflict between Palestinians and Jews. It is at the heart of all the violence that shakes this city.’ Of course Bowen’s context is rather one-sided…….I have picked out only the bits that put the Palestinian’s case….erm…that’s pretty much all of the report then…….
Jerusalem knife attacks: Fear and loathing in holy city
Expanding city
Jerusalem has been simmering dangerously for two years or more. The government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been asserting what it believes is its national right to build homes for Jewish Israelis wherever it decides they are needed in a city that it calls its undivided, eternal capital.
The government’s backing for the expansion of settlements in the sections of Jerusalem captured during the 1967 war, and classified as occupied territory by most of the rest of the world, has transformed some districts.
Palestinians feel they are being squeezed out of their home. They believe that their territory is being eaten up by Israel’s appetite for land, and loath what they see as a national ideology designed to enforce the dominance of Israel and Judaism.
For almost 50 years, Israel has worked hard to unify West Jerusalem with the occupied east side of the city. Public transport and road systems have been integrated.
Jews have settled alongside areas that were wholly populated by Palestinians, in some cases right in the heart of Palestinian neighbourhoods.
Normal teenager
So why have Palestinians carried out appalling crimes, seemingly random attacks on passers-by simply because they are Israeli Jews? Some of the assailants have been well-educated young people without security records.
When I met Khaled Mahania, the father of 15-year-old Hassan Mahania, who attacked and badly wounded young Israelis in a settlement in East Jerusalem, he is unable to explain.
Hassan was shot dead as he carried out the attack; his 13-year-old cousin and accomplice was run down by a car and badly hurt.
The Israeli government blames the attacks on incitement by political and religious extremists. A video has circulated of a Muslim cleric in Gaza waving a knife and calling on Palestinians to slit the throats of Jews.
Khaled Mahania told me he had not replaced his son’s smartphone since he broke it last year. He had no mobile internet access, and none at home.
Khaled had even thrown out the TV because he believed his children should read and talk to each other. Khaled broke down as he said his son was a typical teenager, not political and certainly no radical.
Many Palestinians have told me they believe the reason for the attacks is that another generation is realising its future prospects will be crippled by the indignities and injustice of the occupation of the Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem.
The last straw has been the widespread belief that Israel is planning to allow Jews more access to the compound of the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, which Palestinians call the Noble Sanctuary and Israelis call the Temple Mount.
Vicious circle
Israel’s use of considerable force in defence of its people also causes anger. The shooting dead of some assailants has been condemned, not least by the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
The Israeli government denies that it plans to change the status quo around the Aqsa Mosque. It maintains that agitators have incited trouble by spreading baseless rumours.
But the perceived threat to the Noble Sanctuary is widely believed by Palestinians, not least because it comes when Israeli settlements in occupied Jerusalem have been expanding.
A big part of the conflict is the military occupation of the Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, that has lasted for nearly 50 years. It is impossible to ignore the effects of an occupation that is always coercive and can be brutal.
In successive Palestinian generations, it has created hopelessness and hatred. In some cases, that bursts out into murderous anger. Jerusalem this week is crackling with tension and hate, directed by both sides at each other.
Biased on behalf of Palestinian terrorism? Just a bit. No context that the Muslims, and that is obviously the relevant factor…Muslim Jordan does not get the same treatment that Israel does despite being ‘carved’ out of Palestinian territory just as Israel was… want, and intend, to wipe Israel off the map and have been attacking Israel for over 70 years. Any reason that the Israelis might want to defend themselves?
The BBC appeases Muslim terrorism and aids and abets it by spreading the Islamist’s anti-Western, anti-Jewish propaganda.
It wasn’t that they weren’t keen to report on Gerry Downing. They just didn’t see the problem.
S’Funny. I was only just chatting with someone about what BBC editorial of integrity latches onto like a limpet, and when they suddenly don’t have the time.
So how about throwing Cameron out of the Conservative Party. He is a founding supporter of an organization that says this:
(Copied from the UAF web site)
‘Unite Against Fascism (UAF) is an anti-fascist pressure group in the United Kingdom, with support from politicians of the three largest political parties in the House of Commons, including the current Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron and the late Labour politician Tony Benn. It describes itself as a national campaign with the aim of alerting British society to a perceived threat of fascism and the far right — in particular the British National Party (BNP) — gaining a foothold at local, national and European elections, arguing that “there is a real danger that the BNP could get a significant platform in elected institutions.”
As of 2014, its honorary presidents are Doreen Lawrence, Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon and Ken Livingstone. Its joint secretaries are Weyman Bennett of the Socialist Workers Party and the Anti-Nazi League, and Sabby Dhalu, formerly of the National Assembly Against Racism (NAAR). One of the UAF vice-chairs is Azad Ali, who in 2009 was suspended as a civil servant in the Treasury after he wrote approvingly on his blog of an Islamic militant who said that as a Muslim he is religiously obliged to kill British soldiers in Iraq.’
Kill British soldiers Mr Cameron? Perhaps you should sign up with Corbyn.
“So how about throwing Cameron out of the Conservative Party. ”
The way I feel about him at the moment I’d rather throw him out of a window at 1,000 ft. If I met him face to face I’d find it very difficult to be civil, and I don’t normally like that sort of attitude.
In fact I’m becoming the sort of person I would have seriously disliked a couple of decades ago. I maintain, though, that it’s the country and government of it that have changed, not I.
‘The way I feel about him at the moment I’d rather throw him out of a window at 1,000 ft.’
No no – I’d want to see him hit the ground. Preferably on top of Blair.
(OK – this is getting bad)
Nah, Cam’s got a get-out-of-jail-free card. He’s a Conservative friend of Israel; remember? ‘And in me, you have a Prime Minister whose belief in Israel is indestructible. Thank you.’
He’s a playa, mayne.
Please don’t feed this troll.
Agreed, deegee. He imagines he’s going to find support on this site for his hostility towards Israel.
Aye, TrueToo, you’ve got me bang to rights there. It’s not like I know what this website is – http://biasedbbc.tv/blog/2016/03/01/what-took-them-so-long/#comment-734383 – or that I would think it one of the least productive places to go looking for an anti-Zionist mob. It’s not like there are hundreds of websites out there dedicated to Jew-bashing that I could register on, because I think there is some grand Jewish conspiracy. It’s not like that comment above was at Cameron’s expense, and not at Israel.
You two come across as a pair of gossipy fishwives sidling up to each other. Gents, I know both of you are better than that.
Meanwhile, I’ll shut my stupid mouth about Israel. Joking, serious, or whatever.
I’m on your side, Geecee. The conservatives play everyone for suckers.