The gloves seem to have come off now the EU campaign is rolling officially. For sure the BBC reports the Leave campaign’s side of the story but it is all too often with a sneer, a mocking tone and a snide comment slipped in for effect.
Nick Robinson laid into the Brexit side the other day and rounded off with a comment that back in 1975 the voters had turned away from the no campaign because of the sort of people associated with it…suggesting that today the same may be a likely result….just very slightly an insulting and personal attack on the poeple of the Brexit squad made ridiculously laughable when you have the likes of Corbyn, Kinnock, Ashdown, Mandelson, Blair and not forgetting the slippery Cameron on the stay side. I think most would prefer Farage to that bunch….never mind the respected Gove and the ever popular Boris whom the BBC does its best to constantly undermine.
Speaking of which this morning the Today programme, or is it the Today Show, tried to ridicule Boris….first thing I heard when I switched in was a list of insults sent his way read out with glee and then we had the Obama reference, or is that reverence. Boris criticised Obama for interfering and stating quite truthfully that the US would not give up one iota of its sovereignty and yet it wants us to hand over the keys to the kingdom to unelected Brussels bureaucrats to pilfer our treasury and ride roughshod over our laws and customs. The BBC then disdainfully reeled off a list of apparently authoritative organisations that want us to remain in the EU mocking Boris saying he had no answer to that…nothing like the Establishment clubbing together. What about reeling off the list of actual people who want to leave…you know the little people that will actually vote…or is the BBC saying they are worthless and ignorant and below contempt? It seems the actual referendum is an after thought and it is up to these organisations to decide for us.
As for Obama he is one of the principle causes of a major crisis in Europe…the flood of Muslim immigrants that is overhelming us now, and that in the future promises very difficult times, is in major part the result of Obama’s policy of splendid isolation, standing back and watching the Middle East burn. Had he intervened and stopped the war forcing negotiations on Assad years ago this situation would not have arisen……he admits himself now that he abandoned Libya….and as thousands of refugees are landing in Italy almost daily he still stands back and does nothing to stabilise that country. Can’t help thinking he rather enjoys white Europe being overrun by people from Africa and the Middle East…but then again so does the BBC.
We have also had the BBC’s attack on the Leave sides suggestion that money sent to the EU would be better off directed at the NHS. Humphrys yesterday had a terrible interview with Gisela Stuart either deliberately misunderstanding or just not understanding which seems to happen all too often these days with his interviews.
Humphrys immediately said she was alarmist and scaremongering that the NHS was in danger if we remained in the EU…Humphrys insisted there is no danger for the NHS just now….which is hardly the usual BBC narrative of an NHS in an ever growing crisis…as Humphrys spoke the BBC was damning the government for the lates A&E figures.
Humphrys kept on insisting that it was the government which decided how to spend its budget not the EU…entirely missing the point that this was not about the UK budget now but a budget in the future that included money now sent to the EU which is eent back to us with orders to spend it as directed by the EU….and not forgetting to ensure there is some propaganda added to say this was ‘EU money’. If we had control of the money we could decide how to spend it and direct it towards the NHS. Humphrys just didn’t get it, nor did Nolan last night pushing exactly the same false line that Humphrys did. Apparently this is a theme continued across the BBC as Craig at Is the BBC biased? tells us that Mark Mardell kept up the assault on the Leave campaign’s claim about the NHS.
On the pro-side for the BBC on yesterday’s Today programme Nick Robinson did put the awkward questions to Alistair Darling about the stay campaign being alarmist and the future is just as unknown if we stay in the EU as they claim it is if we leave. I might suggest it is known though….the EU is falling apart and will drag us down with it…..its remedy will be to be ever more undemocratic and force a complete political and economic union through regardless of the Public’s wishes…which won’t be given the chance to be voiced. Will the likes of Cameron or, heaven forbid, prime minister Corbyn, keep us out of an ever closer union? No of course not. Those in the seats of power have scant regard for the masses and will continue to steamroller through the grand EU project regardless.
Once they get a ‘yes’ vote nothing is off the table and the UK will disappear from the map as a separate and sovereign country sold down the river by a very small group of people, including Corbyn, who hold the common man in contempt and want to impose their worldview on us all.
The BBC’s coverage of the EU referendum has been anything but neutral. On paper at least, they can claim to have presented both sides of the argument. How they actually do it in practice is in fact rather snide and not always obviously biased. For instance, they usually present the pro-Remain position or the anti-Leave attacks first, and then give airtime to the Leave campaign in the form of a rebuttal to whatever criticisms have been leveled at them, forcing them onto the defensive. The Remain campaign are allowed to reel off their scare stories virtually unchallenged. By continuously framing the debate in this way they give the Remain campaign a dominant position whilst giving the Leave campaign an air of secondary importance.
Sometimes they don’t even bother allowing the Leave campaign a rebuttal at all, as demonstrated on Five Live’s 4pm news bulletin yesterday (Friday 15th April, listen here at 3 minutes in:
They also, as I termed it yesterday, use ‘micro selection’ – deliberately pitching weak presenters against strong ones. It’s a technique that was perfected against Right wing commenters on American TV decades ago. The BBC has adopted it with alacrity because it means they can always claim they rep[resented both sides of an argument.
Lets hope for a good 2016 and 2017.
1. Britain to gain its independence. Its always good to free country, regardless of economics. Though I believe it will be good there as well.
2. Trump becomes POTUS. This will be good if for no other reason then to see totalitarian Marxist/Lefties in agony and shock
It will be fun to see the BBC twisting in agony.
Another source of twisted bias is on Radio 4 on a friday evening starting at 1830 zulu with a “comedy” show presented by two hasbeen over the hill not even funny in the eighties when they tried to be “alternative” comedians called The Now Show. On average it makes 4 digs at Consrvatives for every one at Corbyn and that one is weaker than gnats piss!
A quick break for the Archers and a luvvie arts show then it is any questions with david Dimbleby, a radio format of the Thursday night TV show question time where they tour the country hosting QandA for the public to ask questions. The locations of the events are pretty much in labour loving areas with the odd trip to blue rinse land for “balance” and the calibre of panellists asked is really skewed in the mix.
if you cannot make the Friday night lefty fest then you can always get a lunchtime fix on radio2 with Jeremy Vine and his 2 hour biasathon event. Ge might as well just pin a red rosette to arse and be done with it!