From the Mail…
We’re out of touch with ordinary, ‘ghastly’ Britons, says ex-BBC chief: Leaked email says it ‘ignores and despises’ millions because they do not embrace liberal views
The BBC ‘ignores and despises’ millions of Britons because they do not embrace the liberal views of a metropolitan elite, a leaked memo has revealed.
The Corporation was said to be ‘completely bewildered’ about how to respond to the concerns of ‘ghastly’ ordinary people.
There would be no end to the issues facing the broadcaster until the ‘London bubble’ had burst, said a report by David Cowling, former head of the BBC’s political research unit.
Sensitive subjects that worried households were barely acknowledged by the political class, his analysis claimed.
Although he did not name specific issues, Mr Cowling would almost certainly have in mind mass immigration – routinely among the biggest fears of voters – and the way foreign arrivals have changed communities in the UK.
For decades, politicians and the BBC have been accused of censoring debate, branding as ‘racist’ those who voiced concerns about the perceived erosion of our national identity or the pressure on jobs, housing, schools and healthcare. Fury at being overlooked for so long has led to vast numbers of Britons – many casting a ballot for the first time – to vote to quit the EU in a howl of frustration at the political elite.
Mr Cowling, a former special adviser to a Labour Cabinet minister in the 1970s, made the withering assessment in an internal memo that was leaked on the internet.
His words are damning because the BBC’s political research unit provides extensive background briefings for journalists and programme-makers.
But his findings appear to have been dismissed amid fears at the Corporation that it may be perceived as a Right-wing political agenda.
Mr Cowling, who is now a visiting senior research fellow at King’s College London, wrote: ‘It seems to me that the London bubble has to burst if there is to be any prospect of addressing the issues that have brought us to our current situation.
The article goes on later to suggest some thought the BBC’s coverage of the referendum was even-handed…have to say I disagree…certainly there were many balanced reports…but there was a definite undercurrent of pro-Remain comments from presenters, guests who were encouraged to tell us what they thought about the referendum, the BBC knowing full well that they supported Remain, so much targeting of known Remain voters such as ex-pats and the young, one sided interviews from Remain supporting companies susch as Siemens and whenever a Leaver came up with their reasons the BBC would instantly counter that with something they hoped would prove the Leave case was nonsense. Cameron was allowed to wriggle out of the difficult questions…his first interview way back when with Humphrys was like water off a duck’s back for him whereas Gove was roasted, the last one on Wednesday started well with Humphrys grilling him on immigration but Cameron bluffed and intimidated Humphrys into backing off and Humphrys failed to challenge the stats used by Cameron…such as two thirds of new jobs went to Brits…not true, and that the EU economy is bouncing back. Then there was the BBC’s Reality Check….little reality and certainly not a check on Remain’s case….their economic projections, guesses, were apparently slightly exaggerated but otherwise sound economics. No, they were just guesswork. Where is the BBC reality check on what remaining in the EU will mean? The BBC dismissed all concerns yesterday…no Turkey won’t join the EU, trade will fall, regulations don’t come from the EU, Cameron’s negotiations have dealt with immigration. And on ‘More or Less’ they wheeled in Andrew Lilico from the Leave camp to talk about immigration…why him? Because he is a well known advocate not for less immigraation but for more….why did the BBC pick the person who must be one of the very few in the Leave camp to want more immigation to represent Leave on this subject? The also had on Peter North who damned Leave….no surprise there…he is strongly opposed to Leave despite being a Europsceptic….so of all the Eurosceptics the BBC could choose they picked the two who would damage Leave’s case…and yet the BBC didn’t tell us about Lilico’s and North’s personal positions. Why not?
The BBC countered Leave’s claim that we couldn’t deport criminals with a claim that we were extraditing foreign criminals back to their own countires…but that was a false argument, extradition has nothing to do with deporting people from our shores…extradition is a response to requests from other countries to send to them people who have committed crimes in those countries not in the UK. Deporting them is the British government’s decision on our own national security grounds.
The BBC dismissed claims that the EU is responsible for making large numbers of our laws….telling us that many were minor, trivial laws…such as regulating the curvature of bananas…which is curious as the BBC has spent years trying to dismiss that ‘myth’ as nonsense and on the other hand has been telling us that we just can’t leave the EU because it is responsible for so much or our health and safety laws, worker’s rights and human rights, climate change and enviromental laws and so on……it seems the BBC wants it both ways.
The BBC, as you might expect, has in no way been impartial….an amount of impartial interviews and reports along with an underlying pro-EU narrative that doesn’t argue strongly against Remain’s case but forensically examine’s Leave’s case does not mean the BBC is balanced and impartial. It’s still biased.
I imagine the BBC thought process was that in the last week if they pushed hard but subtly for Remain and the result went in their favour it was job done and there would be no going back even if the BBC could be proven to have been pro-Remain. There wouldn’t be another vote so a smack on the wrist for the BBC would be worth the risk to keep Britain in the EU.
Reputation wise they probably think the Leavers are all anti-BBC anyway and those who vote Remain will cheer them on…so life goes on as normal, no damage done.
I hope the very Evil, Mark Easton, has been given the loaded revolver! Ha ha
BBC is fucked now, it is literally just a matter of time now
Certainly should be , particularly for their despicable promotion of the Sinn Fein and SNP lines on Brexit.
They actually seem determined to promote smashing the UK as revenge for the temerity of the people’s refusal to believe that the BBC knows what’s best for us.
Why cant we have a vote on whether or not to keep paying for the bbbc?
I had one . . . . 100% turnout in favour of NO.
So who are we going to kick out first I wonder.
‘We’, ‘Us’. ‘Our’.
For whom do you speak, I wonder?
We the people of Britain who have finally had a democratic vote. Thats who. Dont you believe in Democracy?
Well manon we could start with you then Al Beeb next .
You appear to be calling me and many others on here a racist.
I think it is time you were expunged.
Hell hath no fury like a Guardian reader whose opinions have been scorned.
Hopefully, this will open up the debate to a root and branch reform not only of the bBBC but the whole political system.
I see the liberalistas, “the virtue signallers” and London “enlightened” (usually all one and the same) are blaming the poor, dumb working class but it’s deeper than that, isn’t it?
It’s about a whole generation of politicians, both here, Europe and worldwide, prescribing their brand of medicine on their electorates whether they want it or not. I hope the Remain camp are exposed for what they are and what they have done. The country is divided now, and probably will be for a while, but it never had to be. Remain and their attack dog bBBC (allies, on this occasion) chose to dirty the water.
Good riddance to the lot of them and bring back integrity to politics and journalism.
Its not politicians . Thats the biggest mistake. Its neoliberalism introduced by none other than Thatcher herself and exported to Europe. The EU is just a Thatcherite nightmare ,the inevitable consequence being Greece and the north of England.
I wonder if you voted for PR in the previous referendum!
Manon , it looks like your wheels have come off again .
Never mind. Remember the chorus ?
“the wheels on the bus go round and round …………………………………..”
W werent offered PR we were offered AV, a substantially less democratic system!
Didn’t take long for “Fatcher” to appear.
Good post.
The leftlibs had poisoned the debate on the EU even before the referendum campaign began. Anyone who disagreed with them was deemed “little Englander” or “Racist”. As I watched the news, a large crowd was outside Boris Johnson’s house, booing him and his family.
Its the same in the USA. D Trump is subjected to every manner of abuse and violence, and then blamed for it. What is the reason for this? I don’t think it is the economic argument, but the immigration issue that is fueling the Left’s anger. The Left wants to see the end of Christian West, using immigration as a tool, and any opposition to them on this issue threatens to destroy their existence. Therefore name calling, with “Racist” and “Bigot”, are their main weapons.
If this Referendum had gone the other way, then in next general election, UKIP would have got nearly 50% of the outraged “Leave” vote, while Conservatives and Labour would have had to share the remainder. Result – a massive UKIP majority in parliament.
That would have been the end of the two party system in the UK, with both Conservatives and Labour taking a major hit. It could also have led to the demise of Labour. As it is, UKIP has no future now. Therefore, it can be argued, that the “Leave” decision has been a blessing for both Conservatives and Labour. These two have been the big winners in this referendum, as well as the future well being of the UK.
If I hear the phrase “The public went against the experts” one more time, I am going to change race and become Muslim, so I can legally enrich them!!!! We are the experts of our lives any how our choices effect us!! We are the experts of what really matters to us!!!
The establishment don’t get it! They despise democracy and the power it gives each and every one of us! They want the power. They feel it’s their right to dictate all our lives. It’s why they loved the EU so much and was prepared to destroy our way of life and history to stay in the elite club!
Al Beeb , the establishment and the education system have been insidiously destroying our history and way life ever since we were taken to the Common Market so long ago .
Rule Britannia !
I too find my BP rising when some financial expert states that the fall in the market is a catastrophe for the UK, and the experts were right. As if all that mattered in this referendum was the FTSE. The FTSE may be the only things that revolves in this expert’s mind, but others have a different PoV – like for instance, if we have a country that is historically Britain in the next 50 years.
The experts weren’t right in referendum in Switzerland on the EU issue. They were disastrously wrong. And boy were they happy that the Swiss saved their bacon.
Will you tell the political elite-and that pastel conch shell of theirs called the BBC-that Donald Trump is coming “home” today. Welcome this Independence day , and welcome to the NewUK Mr Trump.
How about moving that golf course of yours over the border into Carlisle sir?
Farage has just told the BBC that today will have to be a “National Holiday”….poor Humphrys has just choked on his wasp!
Great radio…
Now-who`s going to tell the BBC and Jon Snow that Donald is coming today?
You or I?
Give him a few days and Scotland will vote OUT too maybe?
I have some sympathy for Scotland. They want to remain in the EU, but that would mean they have to leave the UK.
So for Scotland, the next referendum question will be
EU or UK?
They cant have both.
I think we are in a good position. If Trump is elected, we will join the most powerful, advanced and forward looking group of countries in the world – the Anglo-sphere, of which we will be the one of leading lights, rather a camp follower of Germany.
Oh to be a ‘fly on the wall’ at Al Beeb’s ‘team meeting’ this morning.
Why is there always poor sound quality on Al Beeb when they interview Nigel Farage ?
Aaron Banks is a true patriot.
HIS microphone was nobbled early last night, and he was asked by Dumble how much he`d spent on backing Nigel.
£6 Million was the reply.
WHY?…said Dumble.
Nuff said….twat…only wish I was able to ponce around Richmond Park as he came home in his bath chair, rattling his stick angrily along the railings…
Oh here`s Corbyn…clueless prat, busking his guff to order-but the world moved by last night.
Poor Jezza.
It’s because the boy on the sound boom is trembling with shock, forced to stand so close to a Nazi, but his producer has promised to make it up to him later.
taffman – Radio Devon this morning. An interview with the devastated Vice Chancellor of Exeter University was crystal clear. This was followed by Ann Widdecombe who was barely audible on a terrible phone line. Despite this the interview continued. Two speakers from the Brexit camp were mysteriously ‘lost’ mid sentence. We also had Sarah (I have changed my mind) Woollaston ad infinitum. She actually began one sentence (when referring to the Remain camp) as ‘WE have always thought…’
That city is a sad disappointment to me. I am glad the VC of the University was devastated. Maybe not so devastated as Israelis faced with the endless vilification from the academics and students who infest it.
Boy they`re pissed off aren`t they?
From Sunderland through to poor Carolyn Quinn hoofing to herself with Naughtie….deafening echos on the shortbread tin.
All through the night, all media taken up with wailing and gnashing of wasps….and they HATE us!
Can`t bear to speak to us-so they get the “sad” Caroline Lucas and the “heartbroken” Tim Farron….and a few hipsters shedding a tear into their lattes at Kings Cross….not a white old bloke or lady in shot.
Which is why they`re stuffed, fucked and dancing with themselves.
Wankers all-so I find myselef hopping from radio to telly and back again-as long as its a Brexit hero that`s on…yet once in a while the sadist in me loves to hear a Harman or a Hain…just to remind myself of the scum we`ve eviscerated.
Will Self….Bonnie Greer,,,Eddie Izzard?….let`s here more from them all!
Now Show tonight should be fun!
Sign of the times?…Tim Farron booted off Sarah Montagues joystick of a mic live as we hear northern voices gloating at yet ANOTHER count that totals the misery of the political class. And Martin Schulz being removed from my radio when I saw St Nigel live on telly.
Boy-Dimbly is tired, very emotional and hates every fibre of Farages` being….well done Nigel!
Nigel to go down in history, the BBC to go down the drain!!!
Congratulations Nigel.
However, it must be said that this victory will leave UKIP with no platform. Farage, by his very victory has led to the demise of UKIP. If the Remain faction had won, Nigel Farage would be PM in 2 years or so. Conservatives would be greatly reduced, and Labour would have been destroyed.
Farage has actually saved both Labour and Conservatives.
I don’t think so. There is a very great deal of bitterness within both legacy parties. We will need to see how that plays out first. In the event of a weak Tory leader pretending to negotiate Brexit, UKIP could become even more powerful.
Nigel Farage has been written off many times. It would be unwise to make that mistake again.
I don’t think so. I used to vote conservative but there is no way I would go back to that party. There are many people who voted labour who will not go back to labour. When those wicked populists almost won the Austrian presidency recently, there was much puzzlement among the media classes. But one commentaor did put his finger on the problem when he said 80% of the parliament represent just 10% of the population.
What pure delight there is in seeing the liberal elites, on both sides of the desks and on both major channels, so visibly discomfited at being spurned and rejected by the unthinking masses. It deserves some sort of musical recognition with ‘Ode to Joy’ high on my list.
Clearly nothing will compare to saving our country…. But if Carlsberg did second prizes, it would be the realisation dawning on all those Al mujahideen Beeb white guilt warriors, that despite the constant scare mongering, underhand tactics and down right lies pumped out 24hrs a day by their propaganda vehicle, MOST people STILL gave them the 2 fingers!!
I have never been so proud to be British and the people of this magical place! We beat the world establishment and they must be so epically pissed off right now!!! Haha!!
I think you’ll find Wagner is a little more appropriate than Beethoven.
Well said Manon.
We’re watching the closing scene of Götterdämmerung.
The EU gods screwed up big time.
LOL ! When does WW3 start ?
Oddly enough BBC4 showed a rather good documentary about Nietschze last night. He travelled and worked freely in several European countries in the late nineteenth century. We weren’t told how on earth such a thing was possible before the invention of the EU!
Yes, this was one of the more ridiculous myths being promoted by the Remianiacs. Those of us with a few years experience will recall travelling throughout Europe and even behind the far more impenetrable barrier of the Iron Curtain prior to the EU.
There is simply no substitute for experience – it is the basis of good judgement. The SJWs simply do not have it.
GCooper – there was also a prog on BBC4 last night about British sports cars of the 1950s. They interviewed lots of oldies who had spent that decade racing from one European country to the next (including Yugoslavia) in little Austins and Triumphs while rallying or just holidaying. Yet nowadays we’re led to believe that without the EU we were condemned to staying in rainy old England all year.
It really was nonsense all along. The package holiday trade began long before we had even joined the Common Market, let alone monster it evolved into.
The Remainiacs were able to get away with this myth-making only because the mainstream media, led by the BBC and Sky (every bit as bad as the Corporation) didn’t chellenge them on their lies.
We now need a reckoning. High on the list (including the lies deliberately told by traitors like Cameron, Osborne and the rest – they need to be held to account for that) is a thorough examination of the BBC and its methods.
Now is the time to step up pressure on this discredited organisation.
In 1970, me and my mum and dad drove from London to Ankara and that included going through Yugoslavia ( very grim ! ). I do not remember any problems at all at border crossings.
Why should the EU make it difficult for us to holiday, travel and do business in EU countries ? They will just lose money and people will go to non-EU countries. You would think that even the idiots at the BBC would know that ?
Wagner worked in many countries, Mozart worked all over Europe too.
We always went on a foreign holiday, every other year, when I was a kid. The only real travel restrictions was to get over the Iron Curtain. That was because the Warsaw Pact group was a forerunner of the EU.
True and even then getting into Eastern Europe wasn’t that difficult, nor was doing business there. You just had to be careful what you said and to whom. Plus ca change…
Exactly Cranmer. Wagner conducted his own music at the Royal Albert Hall in 1877. Much earlier, Mozart, and Haydn in particular, had residencies in London.
Then there was Handel of course, who managed to “migrate” to London without sneaking into Dungeness, in a dinghy, at the dead of night. At least I don’t think he did.
How vas zis possible?
Because Handel – then as now – was a name that opened all doors!
(Sorry. This was a joke from Frank Muir and Dennis Norden on the radio show My Word. I’ve been waiting nearly fifty years to use it.)
Ride of the Valkyries I guess?
Just opened my door.. Stepped outside…. It’s glorious sunshine!!! No plagues of locusts. Zombies do not walk the earth. I do not see a vision of utter destruction from WW3…..just glorious sunshine for the first time in weeks!
God save the Queen and bless these beautiful lands
Did God send the rains to London yesterday?
Of course he did! He is English after all!
It’s funny you should say that. It made me think of the Spanish Armada, when a fortunate wind drove the invading ships away. ‘God blew and they were scattered,’ as the British remarked triumphantly (in Latin). But I suppose the rain-on-referendum-day version risks running into rather tasteless territory!
It was a rather nice feeling waking up this morning, checking this site for the news and seeing the result as the sun streamed through the windows on a glorious English summer morning. But let us be magnanimous in victory. Let’s not sound too much like the left did when Labour won in ’97. There are a lot of unhappy, embittered people in our land today, spoiling for a fight and hoping things will go wrong. Let’s not give them that opportunity.
I have been against postal voting, but believe they may have tipped the balance to Leave as most would have been posted by Thursday last week. (Whatever happened on Thursday?)
I was gob smacked by the number of names lined through at the polling station for those who had voted postally
Ha ha I have heard it all ‘what we now need to is to get a credible plan ‘
So Manon, what country in Europe are you planning to move to?
Old Bloke ,
LOL ! You make a good point. Have all the luvvies who promised to leave started packing their bags ? I certainly hope so !
The first step in the credible plan was getting out of the EU before it self destructs and before its unelected, bloated, out of touch elite obliterate what is left of our democracy.
The rest is obvious.
Great day! Honestly I never really believed it would happen.
One point nobody has yet mentioned as far as I have heard is that with this result the Right in English politics with luck will no longer be split. This is another bonus of the result I hope.
The Right basically agree on most things except where Europe was concerned, well that’s history now.
Labour however is in a desperate mess, up to today they relied on the Right’s split to avoid meltdown in England as it did against a solid SNP.
Labour’s split is not just like the Europe issue, Labour is philosophically split by its very reason to exist.
Will the BBC notice this I wonder?
I wonder if that bastard Osborne will go ahead with his ” Revenge Budget ” or if he and scumbag Cameron will do the decent think and resign immediately. But I think we Leavers can take all the punishments these little teenagers can mete out to us. Bad losers, the whole lot of them.
Grant, Osborne will not get a chance for his revenge budget. With this vote, there is no way it would get passed the conservative party.
Old Bloke,
He seems to have disappeared anyway !
Do you seriously expect the Chancellor to do nothing if the economy starts to collapse! Unbelievable.
At least it’s only an ‘if’, whereas with the EU it’s a ‘when’.
And the idea that a mere Chancellor , let alone a financially illiterate creature like Osborne, and a busted flush at that, could do anything much is bizarre. The history of Chancellors , suggest that anything they do just makes matters worse. The best thing Osborne can do is nothing, apart from resign, if he has not already done so.
Mr Clappedoutbus, the FTSE was higher today than it was this time last week and the pound has regained quite a bit of the ground it lost. Speculators and profit taking. That’s what happens in a free market rather than the EU-proposed rules designed to strangle the City.
Hardly Osbornegeddon!
Well he’s going by October; can I float the idea of Gove?
Cameron stays he is going to linger on as a dead duck until october to “steady the ship “. He clearly has no sense of humour or irony.
Or compass!
There is nothing wrong with the ship Mr Cameron, it was the people who were steering it that were the problem.
And, perhaps, too many people in steerage.
Yup. Too many experts! What we need is more people in Government who absolutely know nothing.
Like yourself , Manon ?
No, we’re not ready for Corbyn and Labour just yet.
Again with that Roy… Democratic ‘we’ again? Looking at the last VoteRemaIN leaflet that was delivered, on victory Remain’s governance team was going to gain from the ‘expertise’ of JK Rowling, Frances O’Grady and a raft of rich non-doms. Sadly David Beckham hitched himself to the knackered horse too late to be immortalised in print. His contribution would have served this county so well.
Martin Lewis and Lord Bramall might be even grumpier, as they got included as endorsers without being politely asked or quoted correctly. Not a great CV plus now.
Maybe it was drawn up by the old, renamed, same BBC Newsnight fact checking team?
Could we ask ‘Remain’ to dip their hands in their pockets to repay the £9 million on their expenses including that booklet. Otherwise its off to the Tower. I bet the Queen would jubilantly agree. Don’t see her supporting LGBT (is that right abbreviation – I get so mixed up particularly with those sounding like an energy company)!
Victoria Derbyshire trying to make it sound like a funeral. They will never learn.
It could be – hers.
It is a funeral. The Brexiters , in general, either proven liars, cheats , tax avoiders, and political incompetents are to take the helm in a sharply right wing ,and anti working class direction. Great to see Carney, an expert, which presumably no- one now wants, stabilising the economy,at least in the short term.
Me and my mates are currently swilling lager singing Vindaloo and waving the Union Jack and looking forward to Ireland and Scotland leaving little England. It really is a great ,expert free , day. All we need now is Bunter to rule us and Frankfurt to take our City swindling and we wiil be complete.
That’ll be the “experts” in the City that took the pound up over 1.5 against the euro in the early hours, then dropped it like the plague after Sunderland, will it?
Yup, that’ll be the the free marketeers that will gladly take the shirt off your back to fund another helliport on one of their yachts. There are always shrewd ,if not immoral, people happy to exploit the witless. A group of politicians have just done that. Now their pals in the markets will come in to clear up. But dont worry you still have your idea of soveriegnty to comfort you
Sorry Manon, but many of the traders who you so despise, are also the traders who get profits for pension funds with many of those pension funds being in the Public Sector. But hey, lets not nock some good trading conditions when they come around and make pensioners a bit more wealthier eh?
Great so we dont need to worry about the economic crash then. No one will get hurt. Just like in 2008.
Mr Clappedoutbus, the FTSE was higher today than it was this time last week and the pound has regained quite a bit of the ground it lost. Speculators and profit taking. That’s what happens in a free market rather than the EU-proposed rules designed to strangle the City.
Hardly Osbornegeddon!
So, what country in Europe are you moving to Manon? There are lots to choose from, and so I’m told, a few new ones shortly.
Manon is trying extremely hard to rain on our parade but he has neither the wit nor the intellect to bring it off.
Bitter and twisted is all he can manage. A bit pathetic really.
Im staying mate. Ive got a lot of working class houses to buy up when the economy dips.
I’m sorry Manon, but you don’t seem to understand. I insist, what country in Europe are you moving too, because it is quite obvious that you do not support the one you live in. So, what country do you fancy moving to and why?
What does support this Country actually mean. Please say. You do realise that Scotland and Northern Ireland may end up breaking away from the UK. So when you talk about country do you mean little England , the UK, the 1%, the foriegners that own most of it, the seaside towns. What exactly are you nattering about?
Exactly that, the “Little England” that created an empire, won two world wars (albeit with the help of America) and now is free from the shackles of the EU which unless you work at/absorb wholeheartedly the BBCs agenda is a failed project with mass youth unemployment and consequent violence across previously successful nations and a lacklustre taste for mass immigration mostly from cultures that want to kill us, lest I forget the outright condemnation and disregard of British culture. God forbid anyone who has physically fought for it, the government has a place for them, sitting outside their local Asda with their hands cupped.
Old bloke not answering surprise surprise!
Manon, I do not have to answer your questions as it would serve no purpose if it did to the folk on this forum. Just keep digging, but be warned, you hole just gets bigger with every post. Decided what country to move to yet?
Old bloke .
Fallen at the first hurdle. We have to conclude you dont know what youre talking about. You dont even know what country you support. Hardly a good vantage point to question others. As I told you staying in Little Britain gives me the opportunity to double my housing portfolio when all those first time buyers start to default.
“We have to conclude you..”
This ‘we’ being all the racist champions of democracy you hang out with? Apparently.
As one who lives half the time in France and half here and works occasionally in New Zealand I welcome Britain’s future cooperation with the rest of the world, unhindered by a bunch of Maoists and Socialists of the 1970s
Poor Manon – the atmosphere among his BBC bosses has had an effect.
I suppose he could take some consolation with Zero aka Jerrod in Camden public toilets.
Complete rubbish. The EU has is roots firmly in Capitalism and specifically neoliberalism. I assume the ‘socialism’ you refer to is the attempt to unify the market conditions across the economic area. As to maoism perhaps you would like to explain what you mean,although I have little confidence you will be able to address that.
Lower house prices? All those youngsters the BBC go on about who can’t get on the property ladder should be pleased with that. Lower pound? Exports cheaper, good for jobs for the same people. More control of who lives in Britain, incoming numbers reduced? Less pressure on housing, less pressure on schools, less pressure on the NHS, less building on green belt land and yes, the elephant in the room, less “cultural enrichment” of the sort we saw in Rotherham.
Even the German media is saying that the predicted exodus of 10,000 bankers from London to Frankfurt will drive the cost of housing “through the roof”. By the same token it must reduce London prices
Thats Brilliant. Exodus of our main generator of GDP and you think thats good! Plus the fact a lower pound means higher import prices on the majority of goods we use. That means less tax, less public expenditure and less jobs. A potential spiral of decline.
Manon, yes the lower pound does mean added cost of import but that depends on where you import from. But hey, what about our own people, in the UK, manufacturing what we need so that we do not have to import from the EU? More industry, more work, more jobs, more corporate and individual tax paid in this country. More money for schools, hospitals and reservoirs.
Wrong again. Manufacturing already associated with European supply chains will move to Europe. As to boosting manufacturing it is necessary to realise that investment in this sector is low and falling and that any substitution of foriegn products will take decades to turn around. its not the EU its Asian economies we need to worry about.
did you lose again man with the clap
suck it up some more loser.
Me and my mates are currently swilling lager singing Vindaloo and waving the Union Jack and looking forward to Ireland and Scotland leaving little England.
True colours.
Shining through.
You must be spoilt for choice for an emigration destination now your England-destroying vision has been put back several decades.
I think pea brain Chukka Usomethingorother was the first this morning to come out with the predictable “less than 50% of the population wanted this” shtick.
The point that escaped him completely is that this was not a first past the post system where significant numbers of votes can be wasted. It was, in effect, proportional representation in its purest form. The 28% who didn’t vote could have made a difference. They chose not to do so. That’s the point.
Yes, and those 28% would have probably voted to Leave which would have made it an even worse result for the Remain camp. If this referendum has shown us one thing and one thing only, it is the intelligence of many of our MP’s is on a par with my hamster, who is pretty thick at the best of times.
No hamstaphobia on this blog please.
Completely opposite to what he actually said. He said we are a divided country and that the UK needed political unification and healing.
And you insulting the working class will help will it ?
Get up , have an egg , go out and get a job , be a dustman , I’ve done that . Open your eyes , unblock your ears , and after you’ve cried a little into your Ribena , find out who your parents were .
He said we are a divided country and that the UK needed political unification and healing.
After 13 years of mass immigration and divide and misrule by his government, Chukkabutty suddenly spots a problem.
Oh, puh-lease Mr Multiculti on a Bus, no more – me achin’ sides can’t take it!
I am looking forward to writing to the BBC to explain that their relentless propaganda did help sway the result – just not in the way they thought it would.
As the weeks went on more and more people were waking up to the agenda pushed by the so-called national broadcaster. People who had never noticed before how much pro-EU bias there was on the BBC were openly talking about it – and once they noticed it, because it didn’t reflect their opinions, they couldn’t un-notice it. They felt ignored and dismissed as much by the BBC as by the politicians. Insulted as being of low intelligence. Called names in what often seemed like psychological transference from bile-filled agitators. Laughed at for wanting to discuss sovereignty and democracy. The more the BBC didn’t cover Nigel Farage’s barnstorming meetings up and down the country meeting ordinary voters, the more those people wondered why not. After all, the news reports seemed to feature every nonentity with a scare story to impart.
And they’re still so involved with their own BBC narrative that even now they are not seeing the Big Story. Yesterday the “little” people of this “insignificant little country” (sic BBC) rose up against the massed ranks of the Establishment, the EU, the international globalists and corporations, and the massed MSM media – and had their democratic say about a fundamental matter of democracy.
So thanks, BBC, you played a big part in mobilising everyone. Leavers could see exactly what was going on – better than you could, it seems. And if you want those people to return to you anytime soon, you had better start reflecting some of their hope and excitement that we have faced down the EU bullies, and quite possibly saved Europe from itself.
Well said!
Bravo Stella2, bravo.
The alternative interpretation is that the little people have set off a shit storm by not understanding that their situation has been created by relentless neoliberalism . If you dont understand that term google it. It will have horrendus consequences independant of this pretend politics.
sometimes it is necessary to accept that chaos happens. in human affairs and that predictions are impossible.
The English have made their decision .I am sure we know the risks but deem freedom ( that most ancient of English virtues) more important than money. The neoliberalism that you and I both dislike is a matter for another day and different people to deal with.
This vote was not simply about the Eu but a first and necessary step in rolling back the mid 20th century revolution in all aspects of our society. Wait and see.
Th world was always going to turn and turning it is. Not just here but throughout Europe and the West.
The weakness of those who see everything in monetary terms is that they miss those changes in our affairs that have other drivers altogether.
In chaos you get war. Neoliberalism is not for tomorrow it is what has framed the recent politics and of the referendum yesterday. To get our country back we need to stop the process of creating uncontrolled credit ,impose capital controls and prohibit some forms of derivative.
At this point in time if we allow the financialisation of the UK by foriegn countries ,there is absolutely no meaning to the idea that in some way ‘we’ have taken back our country. I find it incomprehensible that this hasnt been even commented on. In two years those that have voted for serious change will still be waiting . Under the current economic ideology they will simply get poorer whilst the rich get richer. Who are they going to blame then?
Chaos does not necessarily mean war. On neoliberalism I have no quarrel with you. I did say that dealing with it is a matter for another day and other people. That is all. It will have to be dealt with or it will deal with us.
I see the vote as a first step . Not the end of it by any means. I am surprised that you did not vote to leave. Maybe you did just did not admit it.
At this point in time if we allow the financialisation of the UK by foriegn countries ,there is absolutely no meaning to the idea that in some way ‘we’ have taken back our country. I find it incomprehensible that this hasnt been even commented on.
I find it incomprehensible that the most obvious thing this was about – democracy – barely got commented on by the BBC. As our public service broadcaster it had a duty to explain to the nation how the EU works. The reason it didn’t is obvious but had they done so – and also regularly used it as a challenge against the Remainers – the Leave majority would have been even higher.
Stella2, I’m busily penning a suitable comment in a Hallmark “…….with deepest sympathy” card destined for Tony Hall the DG of the BBC. Won’t know the reaction when he receives it but I will be satisfied.
Where have all the Trolls gone ?
Back to work at the BBC, protesting against Boris.
Expat, LOL . Mind you they are not usually up this early in the morning !
Ta, G.
I don’t normally listen to the Today programme but this morning did catch John Humphreys interviewing Andrea Leadsom – (53 mins in). He put it to her that Cameron had made a ‘shocking error of judgement’ (in calling a referendum). Brilliant response from A.L. asking if he was suggesting that people should not be allowed a say… you can even hear her gasp in exasperation!
I thought Andrea was brilliant in the debates and whenever she is interviewed. Would not surprise me in the slightest if she had an excellent chance of being new leader.
A great result, but ..
I do not trust Cameron & Co.
They will try to keep us in the EU, despite the vote.
Deals will be done in private to “correct” this “ill-advised” vote.
The “negotiations” will be protracted and drawn out as long as possible, “problems” will be discovered.
The goalposts will be moved, resized, reshaped in a hyperprotean manner.
We still need to vote UKIP.
Never forget the lying, cheating, EU record, more referenda anyone?
Nicola Sturgeon makes her bid to break Scotland from Little England. Vindaloo!
That is always going to happen anyway .if you spend time there as I do you know this. The problem for Scotland is how does it apply. Spain is a country riven by divides and will not be happy to see part of the UK allowed to join when we leave lest a precedent is set. Not so easy for Scotland I fear.
Scotland could remain outside the EU and still be independent. That is a matter for them not us in the rest of the UK. AS for N.Ireland that is another matter entirely and in the current circumstance I cannot see any change in the status quo re power sharing.
Manon oddly calls England (50 million+ population) “little” for wanting independence and freedom, but supports Scotland’s (5 million population) bid for independence and subservience without calling them “tiny Scotland”. Manon a hypocrite? You bet!
Most countries in the world would give their eye teeth to be “Little England ” ! The problem with Europhiliacs is that they are parochial , inward-looking “Little Europeans” and don’t see the wider world outside. They are living in the past. The world has moved on , leaving them behind.
I’ve never understood the insult ‘Little England’. A ‘Little Englander’ is a Victorian term for someone who opposed the expansion of the British Empire – surely therefore most leftists would count themselves Little Englanders?
History (in its unrewritten form) is never the strong point of Leftists. Too often it disproves the twaddle they believe in.
Grant, to make myself clear, I wasn’t having a go at Scotland or Scots but the sheer hypocrisy of the vile, ranting, petulant child Manic. I would love to see the Scots stuff Sturgeon in a second referendum but, sadly, I can’t see them doing it.
No, I wasn’t having a go at you but at the fools who talk about ” Little England ” and “Little Englanders”. It is ridiculous knee jerk mindlessness which igores the history and evidence.
It is the parochialism and racism of “Little Scotlanders” like Salmond and Sturgeon which I really despise.
Well said Grant.
For we Scots who have travelled and lived and worked abroad, it really is annoying to listen to the “Little Scotlanders ” . My cousin is one of them and is SNP and is friends of Nicola. Many years ago, I met Nicola and she was spouting the usual crap.
I said to her, ” Do you realise that most people in the World have never heard of Scotland ? ” She said, “but Scotland is famous “. I said “well you go and travel in Africa , the Middle East and Asia and ask them “. I don’t think she ever has to this day !
Standard leftist thinking.
England ‘forces’ Scotland out of the EU = BAD
Scotland ‘forces’ Labour government on England = GOOD
England abides by UK-wide decisions = GOOD
Scotland has to abide by UK-wide decisions = BAD
Consistency was never their strong point.
Nicola Sturgeon makes her bid to break Scotland from Little England. Vindaloo!
Strident Scottish nationalism in favour of unelected bureaucrats = good.
Dignified English vote to reclaim its democracy though the ballot box = bad.
Yeh, got that.
bBBC in total denial, giving lots of prominence to Scotland, NI, and London who voted remain.
They STILL do not get it.
They never will. It’s time for the wrecking ball.
On a personal note, I am disappointed to see that the BBC has not reported that the pound has held steady against the Gambian dalasi.
The largest democratic event in the UK for a long time and, by almost 4%, and the Remainers want a second referendum because they don’t like the result. Maybe a definition of ‘democracy’ and a lesson in simple maths might be better.
I don’t normally indulge in schadenfreude but I am loving the comments on social media this morning!
I wonder what the real result was ignoring postal vote fraud and any other rigging ?
Grant, exactly. I think it’s fair to say that a proportion of Tower Hamlets’ (and other areas with “preferential needs”) voters may have been “assisted”. How many that would be it’s hard top say but I bet we are not talking about 10s or even 100s of votes!
Even thought they lost, let’s watch them vote rigging in London should we?
F**king hell, if you’ll pardon my language!
I’ve been to enough counts to know that unless that’s a summary sheet or similar, for polling districts for example, you’ve got at least a prima facie case for an enquiry.
The Auntie will not have funds from the EU what will she do?. Will have to cut down a bit just like the majority of old people.
The politicians cant blame the EU anymore,they will become more accountable not less
Interesting ‘analysis’:
I tend to prefer positive spins, but in this case I am unsure these chaps deserve as much credit as many key debaters, and a large bunch of the country who can still actually think for themselves by assessing the issues.
If anything it was ‘lost’ for Remain by the BBC, Graun, Indy, etc, and they sorry collection of political has beens, poor arguments, dodgy facts, equivocations and backfiring, snide insults.
Remind me again.
Over 17 million people on a high turn out actively voted to reclaim their country.
There is clearly a lot of us around, and our reasons would be worth a listen. We ARE the majority are we not?
Why then-given this majority-is all i`m hearing from the BBC are the losers, the disgruntled, the angry, the agitprops the SJWs, the Celtic fringes and the fucking losing left and libs?
All I`ve heard from the BBC are the problems that my vote caused, the pain I`ve caused some moppet and a series of angry lefties talking me down, caring only about how we were guilty of false consciousness and why we really don`t deserve Polly Toynbee or Emily Thornberry…we really don`t you know. After all that the Left has done for us all as well.
Why this never ending loop of whiney special pleading and privileged squeaking at the rest of us.
Why is the BBC doing it-don`t they KNOW that we hate them and vote as we do, in response to their massaging of facts and seeking out the misfit, the deviant and the anti-social for their “opinions on the Tories”.
We cant` keep paying the BBC to be so insulted all the time…we spoke-and the BBC not only don`t listen but simply don`t think it`s worth asking us.
In the spirit of good nature and no hard feelings to the remainiacs I propose we make Saint Jo of the Thames Patron Saint of Fishermen
I heard last night about an apparent surge in support for Remain so when I got up around 3 am UK time to get ready to go to work it took some time to brace myself to Google. It really kick-started my day to learn that Leave was edging ahead.
I was up a creek with no Internet paddle at work near Tel Aviv but luckily found a Hebrew radio station with extensive coverage of events. It was great to listen to Brexit steadily leaving Remain behind where they belong.
They played a short clip of Dimbleby acknowledging that Brexit was set to win and talking of the reversal of the original vote to join the EEC. He sounded a bit down but I suppose that was only due to staying awake all night. Right!
Nearly fell off my chair when I heard them introduce “Jeremy Bowen” and say he had a “Scottish background.” When he started talking in halting Hebrew I realised it couldn’t possibly be the leading anti-Israel BBC propagandist. Turned out his name was Jeremy Boro or similar.
The fact that it was so bizarre to imagine Bowen cheerfully communicating with the Israelis on radio in Hebrew on this great occasion of a Brexit win highlights his implacable bias along with the bias of the BBC.
Anyway, guys, congrats on your win and all the best for the struggle ahead as you free yourselves from the yoke of the EU dictators. Remain fought a miserable, mean-spirited campaign; assisted by the BBC and other media sell-outs they threw everything they could at you, even celebrating the spectacle of the worst president in US history putting his fear-mongering oar in.
Well, they reckoned without your true British grit, which I’m delighted to see has won the day!
And I can’t wait to see the back of Cameron!
All Nicola Sturgeon can offer Scotland is the Euro and oil at $50 a barrel. I predict there will not be another Scottish referendum for a long time. She has to go through the legal motions to keep her followers quiet, but if they have another referendum and lose, Scottish National Socialism is dead and buried.
Rancour seems to be the only thing she has to offer.
Wasn’t it confirmed during Scotland’s referendum that Scotland would have to make an application, join the queue, and subsequently join the Euro? Has anything changed in the meantime?
All talk.
Rancour is an apt description, particularly when said by the late Frank Muir or Jonathon Ross.
Agree Maria too. She can call for a referendum all she likes but the same problems will rear their head – oil at $50 or less, what currency to opt for, border with England, constitutional issues and so on.
Not a chance in hell of getting support for that. Scots may have voted to remain in the UK but suspect some of that vote was agin the Tories. It’s all so damned complicated up here! I really really hope it will not go ahead. Anyway, she has to get permission, if you like, from Westminster and can’t see that happening.
Anybody seen Osborn?
I just posted “has he resigned yet ” ? on another thread.
Yeah…gone VERY quiet from that bunker, hasn’t it. Still looking for his tin hat!
Picture him with his calculator working out whether it will be £30 Billion or more………………….
Wall to wall Saint Nicola on Al beeb. They all seem to forget a second Scottish referendum requires another green light to the legislation from Westminster. However, if the SNP really want to consign themselves to oblivion, opting to cut themselves off from English tax subsidies and joining the Euro would be a grand strategy (and yes I know they could opt to retain the Pound, but then without any say whatsoever over their own monetary policy).
All my leftie friends who are terribly downcast today want to move to Scotland now!
They’ll be begging for food parcels in a few years time.
Especially when the Shetlands secede and there’s less Oil revenue, and they fail to qualify to join the EU. Maybe that is why Sturgeon is needing to discuss with EU first.
Don’t know about about food parcels but none of Cranbrook’s freinds are invited to my celebratory dinner tomorrow. I ordered the Loch Fyne oysters and lobster ( that is the crustacean, not the poster here ) today. Bought the fillet of venison from the local butcher .
In honour of our Welsh friends, some fresh leeks from a friends garden.
The tricky issue of wine arises. It has to be english, of course. My depleted cellar includes a Plumpton Estate Cloudy Ridge which should go well with the venison. I cannot drink champagne for obvious reasons so bought a bottle of Chapel Down Brut NV to kick off with.
Cheese, our local Strathearn and Hebridean Blue with Scottish oatcakes.
Dessert, the one and only deep fried Mars bar.
Oops, forgot the finale. The finest Scotch Malt Whisky, “The Glenturret ” from our local distillery, the oldest in Scotland.
Only me and my mum and she does not drink alcohol. I had better enjoy it before the food parcels start arriving !
Sounds wonderful. Enjoy yourself Grant. But no Wensleydale?
The only thing we don’t have are good reds. Global warming will be putting that right any time now, or so we’re told.
(My husband likes Balvenie).
You forgot the best….Highland Park!
Look below . In my reply to GC ! I spent 2 days in Highland Park on a wonderful holiday in Orkney. I just couldn’t find my way out of the distillery.
All good fine fare…. and Chapel Down is on my list for this evening, too.
But no Glenmorangie?
All is explained.
GC, you are on dangerous ground here but , yes Glenmorangie is top class. But I feel I should support our local whisky . After all, it has supported me most of my life. My second choice would probably be Highland Park . I could go on but …..
I was surprised to find Chapel Down in the supermarket here and announced ” special english wine to celebrate leaving the EU “. I am in SNP country here, so that went down like a lead balloon ( no pun intended ! ).
It does make you wonder why we need all this imported rubbish, doesn’t it?
Still, I suppose Dorset bananas are unlikely… though I have seen pineapples grown in Bristol.
Couldn’t be as sweet as the bananas in my garden in Gambia !
But on this extended stay here , I have been trying to buy British as much as possible. And discovering what wonderful produce we have, but at a price. For example, how can NZ lamb be cheaper than British and taste at least as good. I am hoping for a 20-30 % fall in food prices once we are out of the EU and CAP.
Just bought 12 bottles of Chapel Down last week from M&S – on special offer plus 25% off…….better than Champagne.
apparently its moron overload on twitter and facebook today,so my daughter tells me 🙂
Apparently a lot of snowflakes are melting.
Isn’t that the same everyday 🙂
i think its ESPECIALLY dense today though 🙂
I can feel the heat from the melting servers right here. Libtard rage is a wonderful sight.
Hissy fits, tantrums and toys out of the pram.
Not had enough time to read the threads today amongst everything else so I apologise if this is a repeat but is my hatred of Junk-er reasonable? Every word uttered by his miserable tin-pot mouth should be cutting at the Eu’s throat. Not our problem any more but I still consider myself a friend and neighbour to France, Italy Spain etc. We haven’t left Europe, just the bloated union. Our PM has at least had the decency to quit (Brits aren’t quitters though, not normally) , yet the already splintering remains of the EU aren’t kicking ‘Machine-gun-Juncker’s’ dribbling ass out of the door.
I voted out, we are out, yet this a**hole persists.
Junker? As far as I know he wasn’t elected and cannot be removed.
I suppose only his death or the end of the EU will ensure a parting of the ways.
He is dictator for life, along with the other EU dictators.
He said, “Britain leaving the EU would be an act of self harm.”
Harm to the EU, rather. We live in hope.
Well , given his alcohol consumption and got knows what else, he knows all about self-harm !
Yes, he’s probably an expert.
I think that you are being too polite. Where do the EU find drunken wasters like Juncker ?
Luxembourg-ish apparently.
I’ve always wanted to go there.
I don’t like champagne. It reminds me of those little bottles of soapy stuff we used to dip that wire ring into to blow bubbles. Why pay good money for a bottle of air?
Running after those clouds of little bubbles and catching them in your mouth would be the equivalent of drinking champagne and probably get you more tipsy.
Oh well, never gonna win Eurovision again; never going to win the European Cup; and a Brit is never going to be President of one of the many EU council thingies!
Hahahahahahahahaha 🙂
Now you tell me. If I had known that , I would have voted Remain !
Too funny.
Maybe we’ll be blocked from eurovision…
But where will our future pop political commentators come from? 🙂