You have a split second decision to make …
Five police officers murdered in Dallas and Obama’s immediate response was to say it’s the cops’ own fault…they are racists….they must change. He has a very low key response to the use of weapons this time….normally his first reaction to such mass killings is to loudly denounce their ownership and proclaim the laws must change.
I’m guessing he thinks the shootings were terrible but justified…his rhetoric over the years has certainly helped stir up the racial animosity.
The BBC itself has of course helped by repeatedly and loudly proclaiming every shooting of a black person by cops as racist...never mind the circumstances. The BBC has played its part in increasing racial tension and conflict. It is widely watched in the US. Are Cops dead due, in part, to BBC journalists’ reckless whipping up of anti-police, anti-white hate?
The BBC take on policing in the US:
Well, slavery may have long gone, but apprehending someone because they could be up to no good, simply because they’re black is still police policy in much of the land.
The BBC gives us this evidence of Black victimisation by cops…
But they give us no similar chart for whites or Hispanics or other races killed by cops….or the context…the crime rate of various races.
What if the BBC were to actually investigate the issue properly? Would they find that Blacks were more likely to be killed? Would they find out why that might be so? They might, but they’re not interested, the BBC only wants to paint a picture of racist cops killing innocent Blacks….and the result is what we see today in Dallas.
Others are more honest.
The Myths of Black Lives Matter
The movement has won over Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. But what if its claims are fiction?
Heather MacDonald writes in The Wall Street Journal, 2009 statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics reveal that blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties.
“Such a concentration of criminal violence in minority communities means that officers will be disproportionately confronting armed and often resisting suspects in those communities, raising officers’ own risk of using lethal force,” writes MacDonald.
MacDonald also pointed out in her Hillsdale speech that blacks “commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime” in New York City, even though they consist of 23 percent of the city’s population.
More whites and Hispanics die from police homicides than blacks. According to MacDonald, 12 percent of white and Hispanic homicide deaths were due to police officers, while only four percent of black homicide deaths were the result of police officers.
“If we’re going to have a ‘Lives Matter’ anti-police movement, it would be more appropriately named “White and Hispanic Lives Matter,'” said MacDonald in her Hillsdale speech.
The BBC always like to proclaim that the Black victim was ‘unarmed’ as in Ferguson but downplays the reality of the situation such as in Ferguson the Black ‘victim’ was very heavily built and tall, he punched the police officer and tried to grab his gun and then charged at him at which time he was shot.
Such an economy with the facts is not uncommon amongst those who want to portray every black person’s death as a racist murder by a police officer….
The “unarmed” label is literally accurate, but it frequently fails to convey highly-charged policing situations. In a number of cases, if the victim ended up being unarmed, it was certainly not for lack of trying. At least five black victims had reportedly tried to grab the officer’s gun, or had been beating the cop with his own equipment. Some were shot from an accidental discharge triggered by their own assault on the officer. And two individuals included in the Post’s “unarmed black victims” category were struck by stray bullets aimed at someone else in justified cop shootings. If the victims were not the intended targets, then racism could have played no role in their deaths.
In one of those unintended cases, an undercover cop from the New York Police Department was conducting a gun sting in Mount Vernon, just north of New York City. One of the gun traffickers jumped into the cop’s car, stuck a pistol to his head, grabbed $2,400 and fled. The officer gave chase and opened fire after the thief again pointed his gun at him. Two of the officer’s bullets accidentally hit a 61-year-old bystander, killing him. That older man happened to be black, but his race had nothing to do with his tragic death. In the other collateral damage case, Virginia Beach, Virginia, officers approached a car parked at a convenience store that had a homicide suspect in the passenger seat. The suspect opened fire, sending a bullet through an officer’s shirt. The cops returned fire, killing their assailant as well as a woman in the driver’s seat. That woman entered the Post’s database without qualification as an “unarmed black victim” of police fire.
Can’t be long before they blame Donald Trump.
Why do black lives not matter to blacks who kill other blacks ?
The situation in Chicago is now dire. Every weekend is a black on black murder fest. The police are now withdrawing from proactive work and the narrative is ‘Don’t get out of your vehicle unless it’s a 911’
Here in Calgary the homicide rate is second only to Toronto. Many of the perpetrators and victims are Africans of Sudanese or Somali descent, often recent arrivals. Recently though we did have four shot but not killed at the Muslim cemetery just to the west of Calgary.
Canada has extremely tough gun control laws but as usual criminals have no difficulty in obtaining weapons.
May not be the right place to put this but what the hell……
Yes but it’s organised troll squads of Daily Mail readers who produced 100% of the anti-EU comments on BBC Have Your Say articles, so in a way the Daily Mail is still to blame for Brexit.
BLAME?? Ha ha ha ha ha ha…Now that’s funny!
Far be it for me to say since it was in reply to my comment but I believe Cranmer is utilising irony with possibly a whiff of sarcasm.
May be wrong of course.
Boohanna you are right, I was being sarcastic. I find it difficult to be anything else in relation to the media at the moment!
What the chart clearly exposes is the overwhelming dominance, or more accurately the near monopoly of the BBC when it comes to the dissemination of news to the British public, especially when you bear in mind that Channel Four gets considerable funding from the BBC and tends to reflect the BBC’s news and current affairs output. When it comes to news and current affairs via radio broadcasts, especially when it comes to full news coverage and analysis which it is able to produce due to it’s enforced public broadcast tax, the BBC has a complete monopoly with other broadcasters invariably giving just the main headlines. It is time this unfair monopoly was ended, especially in view of the BBC’s blatant biased propaganda version of events which follows the BBC’s own politicised agenda.
Blame for Brexit?
I have only praise for those who helped the Brexit cause.
Brexit voters.
Remain organisers with their flood of lies, overstatements and evasions.
Remain voters, too dim or biased to see the cavernous holes in what passed for a remain argument.
Remain voters, whose clamour to change the rules after the referendum, in a very EU like manner, demonstrated their lack of respect for democracy.
Jeremy Corbyn, for demonstrating that he was not a man of principle, as claimed, but just another self serving MP.
David Cameron and George Osborne for behaving like Jeremy.
MuslimAlBeeb for displaying all those reasons why it is not fit for purpose, unless that purpose is to further the aims of International Marxism and Islamic Terrorism, before the referendum.
MuslimAlBeeb for confirming, by its behaviour since the referendum, all the bias, hatred and spite, which contributors to this website have been criticising for years.
The EU “leaders” and “policy makers” for their conceited, arrogant, cruel, behaviour for decades, which have left most European people believing the EU is the problem not its solution.
Andrea, if you become the next PM, as I hope you will, you will be a very busy girl with many intractable problems to attend to. Please make time to cut of the head off the fifth columnist BBC, you will enjoy it and so will we.
A black man shoots around 11 white people killing 5 of them and nobody at the bbC mentions the ‘R’ word.
Well, we all know that only white people can be racist. Jo Brand said so, therefore it MUST be true.
Looks like a mug shot…very Divine Brown I`m afraid…
I like many others I suspect am very upset at the tragic murder of five white police officers. My very first thought wasn’t about the details it was pretty much straight away absolute loathing and yes I’ll use that phrase people like me a Brexiter are accused off ‘absolute hatred’ of the vile BBC that whips up division where it doesn’t exist.
It has lied as we know about increased attacks on Poles post Brexit where none is evident, this of course helps stoke up tension where it needn’t exist.
The BBC along with sky has blood on it’s hands and I really desperately hope they all get their comeuppance that is well over due.
May those police officers ‘rest in peace’, and may the BBC ‘rot in hell’.
I haven’t had a chance, until now, to verify a throw-away comment by Justin Webb this morning on the ‘Today’ programme (around 30 mins in). He was referring to the two shootings by white police officers, in the past couple of days, of two detained black people, both of whom I have heard on air, it is reported and confirmed, had firearms in their possession somewhere on their person.
Mr Webb introduced the segment as being about the response to these ‘victims’ being killed, and pronounced the shootings to be ‘both of them apparently completely unwarranted’.
The absolute epitome of arrogance and bias in the BBC. Never mind about finding out the facts before pronouncing your own personal views, and condemning people, then. Typical BBC.
In the late 70s I made a career change and came back to England and joined the police. In total I spent over 24 years in the police and then the intelligence world in two separate periods. I spent 12 years in front line policing in an affluent home counties area which was almost exclusively white, although I was part of the PSUs and spent over seven months on the miner’s strike and on some of the inner city riots and assorted violent confrontations with ‘new age travelers’ and the lice infested Greenham Common types (a hideous bunch). But in general what I had to deal with was a far cry from the inner city policing problems.
Of course the BBC’s often misrepresentation of high profile events was a source of frustration and anger with us. I was actually involved in one event which was later portrayed by the BBC as a total opposite of what has actually occurred, a gross distortion of the facts.
The lower end people that caused most of the problems were the perennial town winos and drunks, the local gypo and pikey ‘communities’ (always aggressive unless dealt with very firmly) and a hard core of about 150 criminal dregs that were housed on council estates which were, by and large, very respectable and not atypical of inner city council estates, why we even had Emily Thornberry living in one of the most desirable council residences along with her mayor mother.
I experienced all sorts of behavior, from the pompous upper crust who, when stopped for motoring infractions, would become belligerent and would lose no time in telling you that they knew the Chief Constable personally to a 23 stone drug dealer who tried to plunge a carving knife into my stomach. Most situations however could be read and dealt with accordingly with minimal fuss although there were some that were highly unpredictable and volatile.
However because of night clubs in the area, increasingly we got an influx of blacks from Brixton and Croydon, many of whom were dealers. In my own experiences with them, any interaction was met with a confrontational and aggressive stance on their part which often resulted in a violent outcome. Dealing with them was totally different to any other interaction with the public and you soon leant to adopt a defensive stance. Sometimes it didn’t work as I found out when I was headbutted and got a broken nose for my trouble.
I found them to have absolutely no respect for anything or anyone, always loud and aggressive and always quoting what was then the early race card, ‘You only stopped me cos I is black’. No I stopped you because you were doing twice the speed limit in a residential area and driving erratically, and by the way it was only when you got out of the vehicle that I saw you were black.
How the Met had the patience to deal with them on a day to day basis was beyond me.
I look at how the US police deal with all of this, both black and white officers and marvel at how they cope with the utter lawlessness that envelopes democratic run, inner city areas. Maybe I’m just old now, but could I do what they do? I don’t think so. I don’t expect any rational and objective reporting of the reality from the BBC and my heart goes out to the families of the officers who were murdered in Dallas.
Have a listen to the statistics (particularly for resisting arrest)
Thanks for that, TPO. Good to see you’re still with us!
Thanks, and you.
I pop in every day, it’s just that I never watch BBC now so it’s not often I can contribute.
Thank you kindly for that.
One of my two lifelong best friends was himself career police officer in the Met and retired very recently from SO10 and he recounts very similar experiences. There are real strains in our culture and no amount of dissimulation by the likes of the BBC is going to keep a lid on things. I personally very much fear for the future of my three sons if I’ve read the “tea-leaves” correctly.
There will, without a doubt, be a very real and detailed accounting for the phenomena that we are witnessing at work here.
May I please ask what your prognosis is?
Thank you again.
Thank you.
I retired in 2005 after having extended well past the compulsory retirement age, shortly after that I moved to Canada. I am still in touch with former work colleagues and watch developments. I find the continued politicising of the police a disturbing development and the training of new recruits has become little more that an exercise in PC brainwashing. I know of incidents where the police have not pursued criminal investigations in the ‘interests of community and race relations’, particularly concerning the criminality in the Somali ghettos. Double standards seem to be the norm when dealing with certain groups. Do I fear for the future for British policing? Yes, most certainly.
It is possible that I may have come across your SO10 friend. My last 11 years were spent in SERCS, then the NCS before moving on into work involving the Intelligence Agencies and Security Service. Some of my work prior to the switch revolved around witness protection and then UC matters although I wasn’t a UC myself. But no names here if he was involved in that side of SO10.
All the best back in Blighty and by the way don’t bother trying to engage with the cretin who has been posting further down this thread, he used to trot out the same bilge under the same name on the DT blogs when it was a newspaper.
Thank you.
Yes, it has now reached the point (I believe) where matters will have to NECESSARILY (forgive the caps, would italicise in preference if I could) get much much worse before any beneficial reformation can be undertaken. It does seem to be the historical way of things sadly. It is understandable (not desirable of course) that a societal means of control such as policing and surveillance will, over time, begin to reflect elite concerns and desires regardless of whether such shifts are to the greater good.
Hence the pressure build-up which I feel is partly a reflection of the 52% who voted for Brexit…..
With respect to the boy you allude to I like to view the tone of the anonymous interaction as a form of an “extra-curricular” hobby!. I’ve decided to only be reasonable to see if I can get similar in return.
PS. Yes, likely you did cross and I’m no longer anywhere near Blighty. Too cold!………
Excellent post, Mr TPO. However, I feel I must remonstrate with you on one point. I worked at Greenham Common myself and while it’s fair to say ‘I ain’t no oil painting, as it were’, I think ‘hideous’ is a bit strong.
Spot the difference

A very big difference, which points at a racist hate crime. Incidentally the Policeman who shot dead the guy in the car (Which his girlfriend face-booked) is named as Jeronimo Yanez and he wouldn’t be classed as white as he look’s half Latin , half oriental

The bBC shit stirring as always, when it comes to race relations in the West.
Just watching Channel 4 News. Really a mirror image of the BBC !
Paul Joseph Watson get’s it right again.
Thanks to PJ Watson, I no longer need to hear any more crap and excuses from the BBC-or indeed their evil twin Channel 4.
As soon as I see the dog collar telling me “why”…the mum who lost her boy a year or so ago, who needs to be reminded of the pain felt-just so Cathy or Kirsty can get those money shots…and then the Prof, the Sharpton or Jackson to give it all that academic gloss and excuses for murdering of policemen.
Did hear some hustler from BLM tell me that we`re not to tar her movement, just because one rotten apple did this…whereas we`re clearly supposed to label all police as fair targets and racist bullies, even when only one of them does their worst to a black man.
Usual lefty double standards-but not to be looked at.
PJ is rapidly emerging into something we`ll need to follow closely-very clear and unarguable.
Thank you for that video, it shows that I am not alone in thinking along the same lines.Most impressed with Mr W, especially after I looked up his Brexit video. Hits the nail right on the head.
in 1988 there were 9,406 cases of black-on-white rape and fewer than ten cases of white-on-black
it speaks for its self
its all down to us white waysists
Kaiser Bill,
If you are going to use a Nazis website in which to state your case, then don’t be surprised if somebody like me takes offence.
Pounce your former batman
> Five police officers murdered in Dallas and Obama’s immediate response was to say it’s the cops’ own fault…
As is so often the case, Alan the Terminally Stupid lies through his teeth.
The link he provides was to a speech given before the incident in Dallas, given in response to two armed shootings of civilians by police.
Alan is either very, very, very stupid, or a man who deliberately lies in order to garner attention from people too stupid to notice. Quite possibly both.
What a pathetic individual. No wonder David Vance keeps the halfwit around: only somebody as stupid, and as obviously insane, as Alan could possibly make Northern Ireland’s most incompetent failed politician look in any way intelligent.
One has to wonder whether Alan has the capability of comprehending that he’s spinning a pack of lies. Obviously not, or he’d be out making a difference in the real world instead of craving the attention of a group of antisocial lunatics who themselves are too stupid to notice that he can’t be trusted.
Not that Biased BBC cares about the truth, of course. As has been noted innumerable times before, this isn’t a site about bias in the media: it’s about a small group of socially inadequate individuals making up anything in order to try and convince themselves that they’re not complete and utter failures in life, and blaming everybody else when their deluded tactics fail. Not for them the inconvenience of the truth: who needs facts, when Alan can make any old shit up and have half a dozen idiots who’ve forgotten to take their medication cheer him on?
So….why are you on this site then Jerrod?……i wager you are the one who is inadequate….
I assume by that response that either you’re too stupid to realise that Alan is lying to you, or you’re happy for him to lie to you because you realise that squalid little lies such as his are the only thing that will shore up your own pathetic prejudice.
Just because his lies chime with your own bigotry doesn’t make the any more acceptable.
And the BBC never lie………………………….
I would not want it thought that I am in any way stalking you. However, I have asked you before on this site what your age is as your analytical style indicates an immaturity of thought which may, or may not be, related to a lack of experience (it would depend on what such experience is). You do seem to have a concrete interpretation of events and of other’s interpretation of those events.
May I please again ask how old you are?
What answer would it take for you to have the decency to admit that Alan is a liar?
Hello Jerrod
Where have you been ? We have been missing you.
What’s your opinion on this ? ……………….
Plenty of coverage of that by Al Beeb eh ?
Not much coverage of this one by them though …………….
Bias by any chance ?
Shwmae taffman.
Just had a polite post stopped, by the mods, to your mate.
No swearing, no abuse. Simply a reasoned request for him to understand the difference between Ad Homs (liar, racist etc.) and debate. Disappeared down the memory hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shwmae rhif saith ! 🙂
OK Jerrod old boy ,
Here is an easy one for you to answer , why are you on this site ?
Jerrod, I am simply asking your age.
It would matter from the perspective of how others might respond to you with the tone altering to one of perhaps a greater understanding on the part of an interlocutor. I personally feel you are a younger person so have always given you regard from the point of view that you don’t quite yet understand the forces at work being discussed here (and at length).
My sense is that you are a decent enough person. Honest, I myself do not ascribe any evil intent on your part.
If this request has been felt to be personally intrusive I apologise.
Why are you afraid of calling out Allan as a liar? What is at the root of your cowardice?
Or you just another of Alan’s pseudonyms, using irrelevant questions to distract from his dishonesty? Wouldn’t put it past Biased BBC – the site run by a couple of proven liars who haven’t got the guts to admit their dishonesty.
Al, Alan & Allan.
Who knows who is the pseudonym and who has the least sense of irony?
Be brave, fat-fingered one; be so very brave. Those strawberries will yet get picked, along with cherries…
What’s in a name ?? !!
Hi Jerrod,
If you can please provide the citations as to where Allan is in factual error (or indeed has lied) I will promise to read them and give you my view on what you assert. In truth I just don’t know what lies are supposed to have been said.
How does that sound?
The link Alan gave claiming that Obama blamed the police for the Dallas shootings was made before the shootings. As you would know if you ever read any decent fucking journalism instead of relying on a delusional lying idiot like Alan.
Hi Jerrod,
I think I would agree with you after looking at the link that it would appear that President Obama was only referring to the shooting of the two ethnic gentlemen. I would also agree that it would appear to be a misattribution of that speech to the Dallas police assassinations.
I suspect it’s an error in attribution rather than a lie. I say this because it’s all too easily verifiable. I may be wrong of course.
Is that fair of me?
Please do point out to me other errors as you see them and I will try to respond.
I would be grateful for any more focus on that by anyone.
The polite tone of your measured response is one of the reasons I like this site. Well done.
Yes, a model of restraint !
Thank you kindly to you both.
Without giving anything of substance away on a forum such as this I will say that restraint and measured response in the face of anger, aggression and the outright irrational has been an absolute requirement for almost the entirety of my working life. It does afford psychic peace in the face of that which is disturbing.
I have found, depending on the circumstance, that it will usually achieve more than just screaming back.
Despite the snarly manner of Mr Jerrod and despite his motivations (whatever they may be) I think it shows some degree of character that he is prepared to jump in and give fight against almost overwhelming odds!
I will stand by my view that he isn’t inherently a “bad” human being.
PS. I can eff n blind with the best of them though on occasion………..
> I suspect it’s an error in attribution rather than a lie.
Well at least you admit that Alan’s too stupid to read and comprehend what he posts.
But in saying what he said, he lied. Why are you too cowardly to admit it?
I realise that Biased BBC is full of people who wld rather be lied to by a deranged lunatic than engage with the truth, because the latter approach would force them to admit that their bigotry is based on fiction.
You carry on believing Alan if you want. Me, I’d prefer to listen to someone who isn’t a pathetic prejudiced little worm who places self-publicity over the truth.
Why do you spend so much time reading him then ?
Jerrod, a proposal,
On future posts if you find a matter you believe to be wrong please point it out (with as little vitriol as you can muster please) and if I also happen to be interested in the same post and be reading in I will give you my view.
If I think you are correct I will say so in this “public” forum and stand next to you in calling it out.
However, if you are found to be factually wrong, will you in return show equal grace? You will not be called a liar by me in this arena as that burden of proof is far too high in web-blog.
Bear in mind that in any lengthy debate on matters of substance there will be points that don’t match and these are for debate rather than screaming accusation.
Would you be able to try this?
Boohanna, your proposal has merit. Sadly the person you address is not operating on such a basis, so I feel it is doomed to remain noble idealism.
Guest who,
Thank you and yes, I realise failure is more likely than success. No harm in me trying and I do have the time to spare for the poor chap at the moment.
I have a fairly reasonable understanding of the dynamics at work with such personalities.
As odd as it may appear I rather enjoy the nature of the interaction.
> On future posts if you find a matter you believe to be wrong please point it out (with as little vitriol as you can muster please) and if I also happen to be interested in the same post and be reading in I will give you my view.
Spend a little less time being a patronising little shit in my direction, and not believing Alan’s perpetual lies, and I wouldn’t need to.
But then, when Alan lies your prejudices get shored up don’t they? There’s no advantage to you in challenging the sad little man’s lies. Far better that you let him lie and lie and lie again. Save that brain power so that you and Guest Who can have your little who’s-the-site’s-most-patronising-lunatic routine.
As eloquent a QED as could be expected if not welcomed. Not that I suspect you are surprised or bothered.
Clearly a weekend team bonding session has not gone well and there are no cats in the cabin to kick.
But a nerve does seem to have been tweaked. Bless.
There speaks an impressive psychiatric nurse at the very top of his game.
Boohanna has a special ministry here to the trolls.
Jerrod was escorted shuffling, drooling-and yet calmer now that most of us on the ward have seen him for quite a while…off this site and into a safe space of tea tree oils, Dalai Lama candles…and a trainee nurse gently writing the word “Love” and “Peace” alternately onto his sweating forehead with a caring smile.
Sod NHS Mental health and Meds…out new health Secretary is boohanna,
Did like that “Disco Stomp” there Boo!
Calm restored…Jerrods bed and all is quite, next time?…call for the Doc!
You will, of course , have considered that your measured response may even wind him up more , if that is possible ? Not that, for one minute, am I saying that is your intention .
Compare and contrast.
BBC Budget – zillions. Staff – tens of thousands.
Biased BBC Budget – Shoestring. Staff – Unknown to me, but minimal.
I am accepting, provisionally, without checking, your assertion, that the statement you attribute to Alan, was incorrect.
I am rejecting your claim that this was a lie.
As a regular visitor here you must know that David Vance is currently absent. You should therefore understand that Alan is, almost single handedly, trying to oversee the whole of the output of the most lavishly financially supported broadcaster on the planet.
It would be no surprise, to most people, if, under this workload, Alan made mistakes.
So you find, again provisionally, a mistake. You label this mistake a lie. You then insult and abuse every contributor here.
In typical BBC manner, no wonder you are suspected of, and accused of, being a BBC employee. No acting required, you fit the part, perfectly.
Compare and contrast.
Jerrod – Contributes to BBBC when he finds some thing to criticise.
– Is unable to find fault with 99%+ of the criticisms made here, but does not comment.
– Facts have not changed his opinions.
Edward – Originally a Jerrod.
– Does not like some of the information he finds here.
– Does some research and finds the information is correct.
– Occasionally provides some information which might otherwise have been unavailable.
I would not state that Edward is “one of us”, nor, I suspect, would he wish to be so categorised. If Edward is, as I believe, partially converted, this conversion is due to the countless number of examples of BBC bias catalogued here which you are unable to challenge.
“And those who came to scoff remained to pray.”
Well said. And. of course, the BBC never makes a mistake !
> It would be no surprise, to most people, if, under this workload, Alan made mistakes.
Bollocks. Alan makes “mistakes” like this all the time. He’s a repeated offender. But Biased BBC commenters keep claiming that he doesn’t lie, just makes mistakes. Or he doesn’t lie, because he works for free (as if telling the truth is soemhow more expensive).
It’s not my fault you’re in denial that Alan’s verbal diarrhoea is built upon a foundation of lies. I realise that you like being lied to, because your own bigotry can’t survive in the light of the truth. And being found out scares you.
But don’t try and pretend that your defence of Alan’s repeated lies is anything more than a pathetic bigoted individual refusing to hold a delusional, hypocritical idiot to the same standards he claims to demand in others.
If we are all lying all of the time it should be a simple task for a heavyweight intellectual expert like yourself to provide a seriatim commentary on all this mendacity.
But you do not, 99% of the statements made here about BBC bias receive no challenge from you. The challenges you do make are like those of a pathetic five year old who has just lost a referendum vote.
Incidentally what brand of computer are you using? I want to get one since the keyboard is so robust. My laptop would by now have faulty B,I,G,O and T keys if used as much as yours.
I think it is because he has some kind on fixation on Alan. One for the psychiatrists, I think .
The level of emotion in the posts I have read display classic cognitive dissonance.
> If we are all lying all of the time it should be a simple task for a heavyweight intellectual expert like yourself to provide a seriatim commentary on all this mendacity.
I already have a full time job, thanks. “Documenting the lunatic ravings of a bunch of lying racists who can’t cope with the emptiness of their own lives and always seek to blame others for their own crushing sense of inadequacy” wouldn’t leave me much time to deal with the sane and rational people of this world. They do exist, you know, as you’d discover if you extracted your head out of each others’ backsides.
“I already have a full time job”
I doubt it, the attitude expressed here would not be tolerated by any private employer.
What you already have is a sinecure in the public sector, a non-job overpaid for doing little to no work, and that “work”, unecessary, unrequired and inefficient. A waste of taxpayers money.
But please continue to comment on BBBC every day, your crazed ramblings and wall to wall insults will be noted by any casual visitor to this site really interested in the truth. They will note the absence of cogent, reasoned criticisms to the many contributors to BBBC who catalogue the numerous, daily lies and biases of the world’s most trusted broadcaster.
These visitors will conclude, correctly, that your side does not have an argument.
Apologies, once again, for replying to myself.
No response or denial, from J.
Conclusion, just another public sector parasite.
What was it another contributor used to say
Who votes Labour?
Those on benefits, public sector “workers”, non-whites.
The unproductive, the barely productive, the counter-productive.
As you would know if you ever read any decent fucking journalism instead of relying on a delusional lying idiot like Alan.
Ah, lovely to hear your measured tones on our most welcoming and tolerant website once more, Jerrod.
Just as a reminder, you have a bit of form on this race relations business. You know, like when people on here point out their concerns about multiculturalism in the UK, and particularly Islam and its illiberal practices that the authorities always seem to turn a blind eye to, you come up with stuff like ‘…doesn’t matter that you’re a prejudiced little worm who can’t treat people with fairness and equality, because MUSLIMS….We all know from all your previous rantings that you’re an obsessed little bigot who is clearly so insecure about his own place in the world that he has to obsess about anyone and everyone who is different from you.’
But then when Sir Trevor Phillips comes up with similar misgivings and you are challenged to comment – you disappear.
Well, got an answer for us yet Jerrod? Is Sir Trevor ‘a prejudiced little worm’ (and the rest)?
> But then when Sir Trevor Phillips comes up with similar misgivings and you are challenged to comment – you disappear.
Funny how you act like a cunt towards people, and then act surprised when they don’t jump to your every command.
Tell me, do you try that technique in the real world? Is that why you’ve had to hide out here instead, because you can only survive in an online world infested with people who share your lack of understanding of human behaviour?
Just seeking an answer Jerrod. And it’s taken you several weeks to reply and…still not answer.
You don’t like debate do you, when it gets a bit too tough for you.
Anyway, keep up with your hissy fit insults, they speak volumes.
P.S. ‘Lack of understanding of human behaviour’ – back to gender segregation are we? Or gender-based abortions? Honour killings, perhaps? Do tell.
The ability to not just get out of the wrong, but potty side of the bed every time is a thankfully rare talent, but Jerrod (hope darn autocorrect does not misname, as can happen to some) seems to have it mastered, in quality and volume.
There was the episode in “Fawlty Towers” where the psychiatrist says , about Basil, ” There is enough material there for a conference “.
Hello Jerrod, how is your sex life? Enjoying the variety available in Camden public toilets? Do share as you have bugger all to contribute on the topics here.
PS. I note your references to sex, and anal issues appear in most of your posts. ‘Verbal diarrhoea’ good for your friends in the toilets eh.
I was just going to point out Alan’s mistake myself, but I couldn’t have eviscerated him and this site better. Well put.
The magnificent isolation of this ‘me too’ ra-ra comment can also not be bettered. Well done.
Alert – Jerrod’s alter ego.
“Jerrod the Eviscerator”
Jerrod could not, by the force of his “arguments”, fillet a dead starfish.
And you, by your own admission, could not do any better.
Neutral visitors here, as I suggested above, will not be convinced by your position.
“What we are seeing is the real life version of Humpty Dumpty. The myth that peoples are “equal” and that populations are interchangeable is fracturing so rapidly that society cannot be held together around it. No, not all the king’s horses nor all the king’s men could ever re-build this myth again.
The simple reality is that the negro race developed in tropical isolation from all other races of man for many tens of thousands of years. During that time the negro adapted to its environment and that path of adaptation did not favor nor follow the routes of civilization taken by the other races. Societies never developed beyond tribal units, which was satisfactory for the level of cultural complexity in which they operated. Fast forward to the modern age and the negro race when viewed as a whole is utterly incapable of overcoming its own biology in environments and technological eras that it had no part in creating, but finds itself awkwardly and involuntarily thrust into. The IQ deficiencies, personal drive, emotional temperament, and low investment parenting are hard-wired. This means that a large percentage of them will fail to achieve success in societies that favor, emphasize, and are based upon the very things that they largely lack.
Where some people see the high “incarceration rates” as proof of “racism” – in reality it is the end result of people not biologically designed to operate in social systems that were developed prior to racial co-existence with negroes. Our legal system was, in fact, designed with whites in mind where violence, vice, and larceny are NOT rampant activities among the population, and are prevented from becoming commonplace via harsh punishments and pro-active vigilant policing.
In that respect, there is some twisted merit in what BLM agitates for – legal systems that reflect their biology and values, which includes permissiveness of activities that other races find completely intolerable. They really do want (and I would say deserve) their own completely separate and self administered legal structures.
The exchange for this – must be a separation of their societies and everyone else. We simply are reaching a point where Ethno States are the only peaceful and realistic resolution. There are 40 million of these retrograde hominids on this continent now, bringing them to heel through force is not a palatable solution.”
Gwoobus Harmon
Al Shubtill,
“During that time the negro adapted to its environment and that path of adaptation did not favor nor follow the routes of civilization taken by the other races.”
Currently 15 ‘likes’ on BiasedBBC for a post that describes people with a darker skin colour as “retrograde hominids”.
Not one single post objecting to such a disgusting example of pure, unadulterated, white supremacist racism?
How very revealing.
Hello ‘Zero’
It appears that you must be the night duty chipmunk ?
What’s your opinion on this ? ……………….
Plenty of coverage of that by Al Beeb eh ?
Not much coverage of this one by them though ……………. (now running at 84,510 signatures)
Bias by any chance ?
2.5 million (currently 4 million); largest ever petition on the UK Parliament site by a considerable degree vs. 85 thousand (20 thousand less than a petition to ban fireworks because it upsets pets).
Spot the difference?
Now perhaps you’d be good enough to express an opinion on Al Shubtill’s post describing people of a different skin colour as ‘retrograde hominids’ and explain why you’ve remained silent?
You have forgotten this ‘egg on the face’
Now you be good enough to tell all why you post on this site and while you are at it advertise this for us …………..
“You have forgotten this ‘egg on the face’”
As reported by the BBC. Bias by any chance?
Still nothing to say about Al Shubtill’s post describing people of a different skin colour as ‘retrograde hominids’?
Are you really that spineless, taffman?
I’ll disagree with it, as would most who visit this website I’d guess.
Which doesn’t mean to say I don’t think black people – who I’d rather were just ‘people’, by the way – are beyond criticism, a stance some are cynically keen to take to promote their political agenda.
Hello Zero, the apologist for 1300 years of Islamic mass murder of dark skinned Hindus amounting to who knows how many hundreds of millions of victims.
Correction you are not an apologist, you glorify and bathe in the warm glow of Islamic mass murder.
I assume you glorify in the mass rapes of non Islamic white children by members of your faith.
Yet another misrepresentation of the facts.
The contribution which to which your calumny is addressed did not refer to dark skinned people, it referred, specifically to negroes.
Whose crime statistics in any state which they inhabit are available for those interested to investigate and draw their own conclusions. .
The BBC never noticed the Dallas ,Chief of Police ,is black , I wonder WHY? Incidentally Jerrod is Scot , so he is usually ,attending Musical Theatre events , when not working from the BBC`s ” Ministry of Truth” bunker .>>>>
In the eyes of the BBC, any black cop is an Uncle Tom.
Never noticed? You mean by putting him on TV giving a press conference in all his blackness.
Should there have been a warning beforehand? ‘And please be advised…the following footage contains a black man from the start…’
You’re missing the point.
The BBC promote an agenda of black victimhood – I heard it again in their report this morning – whilst at the same time ignoring the number of black people who have made it into high office, the police force etc etc. They will never admit that perhaps there is not so much discrimination in the ‘system’ as they like to make out, and that educational and employment opportunities are, in fact, open to all.
Last year, in the USA, there were more white people killed by white police officers than there were of white police officers killing black people.
Stop quoting facts, particularly when they undermine the agenda. Those same pesky facty statistical things also blow globull warming out of the water as well you know.
As if supporting Alan’s assertion, here is Wisconsin Sheriff David Clarke
“Sheriff Clarke: Obama Uses Words Irresponsibly – Fuels Anger Toward American Police”
“It’s kind of interesting that he said the facts aren’t in,” Clarke said. “He’s usually popping off at the mouth before he’s been briefed or before he knows any of the facts or like he did yesterday without any foundation. He talked about racism and disparage treatment and people of color and all this nonsense. Like I said, he’s armed with powerful words and he’s usually the words irresponsibly. It fuels this sort of anger toward the American police officer and I wish he’d knock it off.”
The relevance of this is that Sheriff Clarke is black.
It’s kind of interesting that he said the facts aren’t in,” Clarke said. “He’s usually popping off at the mouth before he’s been briefed or before he knows any of the facts or like he did yesterday without any foundation.
Obama’s problem exactly. He needs to be more measured. Statements like ‘He could have been my son’ are an obvious sop to the black vote. He must know the stats on crime and yet continues to position black people as perpetual victims. He fuels resentment and division but – hey, he is of the Left so nothing new there.
This is the president who has always presented himself as ‘black’ and yet he is of mixed race. He could so easily have helped heal division by claiming to be representative of both black and white – the perfect (ok, I know) candidate to build bridges across the racial divide in America. But no, he nailed his colour fimly to the mast and America is more racially divided as a result. He has a lot to answer for.
This is one of the murdered cops, killed by a racist who said he wanted to kill whites
.Even this morning in Brixton lefties, organised by cop hating Isis venerating Class War together with BLM are celebrating the death of the Dallas cops.
He was an MP while in the military–and now with a tiny little girl, who, when allowed to see her daddy’s lifeless face last night through a window said “Dada! Dada!”…heartbreaking and bone-chilling.
Middle class Maoists and Class War anarchists trying to recruit angry middle class blacks to their loony tune organizations in Brixton today.
Below two fatt botts do the Hands Up Don’t Shoot to a London bus which is probably going to machine gun them for being fat.
Or maybe they are rehearsing for a re-make of the Black and White Minstrels
One of my best black African friends from Gambia , who is now living in the UK and working, legally, as a carer in a care home in the south of England, is having a short holiday visiting me in Scotland. He is well aware of all of these issues. We were talking about it today and he said ( he speaks better english than most British ) that he is disgusted by these people who do not represent anyone other than themselves. ” They should be ashamed to call themselves black “. And Fams is not an Uncle Tom, believe me !
What those two attention seekers in front of the bus are trying to achieve is anyones guess, in the context of a protest about black American men being shot by black American policemen how is it even relevant to harass a London bus driver and his passengers? What is going through their heads? Maybe they just really really want to go to Lewisham, or do they think there are doughnuts on the bus?
Whatever, Londoners mimicking the actions of protesters across the Atlantic just cheapens the issue while also looking a little ridiculous.
Don’t be so unkind! You’re looking at this all wrong and assuming that these fine ladies are making a racial point.
The truth is far more prosaic and is related to the curvature and reflective properties of the bus’s windscreen.
A bit like this:
Its a good job that Bus driver managed to spot those 2 slim women , otherwise search parties would still be searching for that bus within the Brixton triangle. (Looking from the size of that arse, we are talking years of searching)
Maybe they just wanted to go to Lewisham? Having been a bus driver, people do some strange things to catch a bus.
I noticed on the Facebook page calling for this demonstration that a number commented with their apologies that they could not attend because they had a gig elsewhere. A couple posted songs they had performed. In short – self promotion was the motivating factor.
Maybe they have just never heard of a bus stop.
Before Boris banned the bendy buses I frequently used the 436 and 12. About once a month there would be a joint police and TFL revenue operation and the bus would be boarded and everybody’s oyster card or ticket inspected. Maybe they should have called it “Black Fares Matter” as there was only ever one colour taken off the bus despite everybody being checked!
The site motto
‘The more the flak the closer to the target’.