The alleged increase in dubiously categorised hate crimes is all part of the BBC anti Brexit and pro multikulti agenda. From what I have read, these hate crime stats are suspect . A lot come from self reporting by victims on a website . They are often not checked out by the police, just recorded as valid . The more that the hate crimes issue is publicised by the BBC, the more reporting by unsubstantiated victims there will be – of course the BBC know this.
In addition , if some other crime is genuinely perpetrated on a non white Brit, I gather that the police may ascribe a hate motive to it, whatever the reality .
These crimes were defined by the last labour government . I think that definitions and reporting methods need re- examining.
Wouldn’t surprise me if the government has Fiyaz Mughal advising it on these issues!
As for so called ‘hate crimes’ the very concept is an affront to freedom and democracy. The people covered by these crimes are government favourites and if you’re not a favourite, you aren’t covered !
England, I would like to propose a new hate crime to add to the growing list: ANGLOPHOBIA.
Accused: the so-called bbc and the entire so-called ‘liberal’ establishment.
In fact, EE, if you follow through the reporting of Hate Crimes online, you are confronted by a statement in the process that includes the following:
“The police take hate crime very seriously and will record and investigate this offence even if you do not want to give your details. However, you must note that the investigation and ability to prosecute the offender(s) is severely limited if the police cannot contact you.”
In practice then, if you are a serial complainant of Hate Crimes, you may continue ad infinitum to record the crime(s) without any fear of being identified. In view of the propensity of our culturally diverse fellow occupiers of this Green and Pleasant Land to conspire to promote election fraud, surely this is an ‘Open Door’ for them to confirm to the multiculti devotees that Hate is on the rise? But really, is this ‘Open Door’ process of reporting at all fair?
I observe that the nonsense of it would be apparent if hundreds of thousands of the population anonymously registered a fictitious Hate Crime against the non-whites.
Well done BLM. In a single day of mayhem you’ve turned more of Middle England against you and your vile agenda of manufactured grievance than the EDL ever could. Keep it up.
In pursuance of my Beeblish to English dictionary, i would add:
Moderate Muslim: one who hasn’t read the Koran properly.
Extremist Muslim: one who has, and would like to share his findings with you.
Apparently a large birthday cake carried by a mentally ill lone wolf has leveled a restaurant in Glasgow.
There are reports of an explosion in the West End of Glasgow.
Record Online understands there have been some injuries near the junction of Benalder Street and Dumbarton Road.
What we know so far:
Local residents heard a loud bang like an explosion in the West End of Glasgow at around midday.
The side wall of the La Riviera restaurant at Benalder Street near Partick Cross collapsed.
There were reports of people screaming
Police, fire and ambulance emergency services quickly attended the scene
At least one person has been treated at the scene.
Sgt Carl Russell said: “Several people have told us that a car was seen to speed away from the scene shortly after the attack.
“We are appealing to anyone who may have seen this car to come forward with information
On a different topic, just watching the test match, how keen those Pakistani supporters must be to come all the way from the sub-continent to wear their country’s colours and cheer their team on from the stands.
seismic, surely you’re not implying that they’re home grown British Pakistanis? I thought they were all well integrated and proud to be British? Surely they wouldn’t put race first? We’re certainly not allowed to.
Like the police and the beeb, I am utterly perplexed by the seeming explosion of, well, explosions, as well as knifings, hit and run killings, and other mysterious incidents, all across the UK, and indeed Europe and America. What a stroke of bad luck we seem to be having of late.
On a totally unrelated subject, I stumbled upon this pronouncement by Islamic State.
“If you can kill a disbelieving American or European… then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him.”
No more kebabs for me then.
Kudos to the BBC for both using alarmist language which they would never apply to Clinton, but also for continuing the lie that Trump and/or Russia is somehow responsible for the email leaks, while of course not actually scrutinising the content of the emails since this would proven Clinton’s corruption and couldn’t be swept under the carpet as misogyny.
It must be the medically trained so caled BBCs ‘so called journalists’ day off as the attacker is yet to be diagnosed, every now and again there will be clear cut cases that cannot be corrupted with BBC lies and this may well be one such case, unable to be imagined away it will be relegated to the depths of the news page before long. After each attack an ever increasing number of politically disenfranchised people will start to see through the lies, and change will have to follow.
What? A sub-editor let through the taboo words ‘machete’, ‘Arabic’ ‘Allahu Akbar’?
You’re fired! – Ed.
Now move the story off the Home page, pronto. And try to find a Norwegian Far-Right link, will you.
“TV licence detection vans can identify viewing on a non-TV device in the same way that they can detect viewing on a television set.”
In other words they can’t detect anything, but they say they can in order the frighten people! In addition I’m sure that if they did have a device which could tell them which web pages you were viewing, they would need a warrant signed by the Home Secretary in the same way phone tapping does under the telecommunications act which controls both.
Unless someone knows different??
Of course they could strong arm your ISP to tell them this information, but it is incredibly costly especially if the ISP is unco-operative! My set top box is all hard wired anyway so that would be impossible to detect !
In the Telegraph it is reported that the BBC can indeed snoop on whether or not you are watching BBC I Player without a TV license. It is claimed that they do this by sending something like a code out at regular intervals along with the data being streamed and the vans can pick up this code from your wireless router. So they can tell if you are watching BBC i player on a particular router. Of course if you were able to watch i player on someone else’s router who did have a license they wouldn’t know. This is well beyond my limited knowledge of the digi world but the Home Office is said to have approved its use. It does seem very threatening on the Civil Liberties front. By the way where are the usual civil liberty protesters? Where is Shami? This is surely a gross invasion of privacy and you would expect the usual civil liberties suspects to be foaming at the mouth with righteous outrage.
All of this is simply because the BBC doesn’t want to charge a subscription for use of I player because they know that to do so would immediately bring into sharp focus why they don’t charge a subscription for all of their service.
I think we need some experts to advise us on how to defeat this imposition on our liberty. Failing that we need to see pictures of what these vans look like so that they can be targeted by our friends in the civil liberties industry who, on their past record, are quite likely to trash them. A few dozen vans going up in smoke should soon put a stop to the ever encroaching police state run by the BBC.
I saw a re-run of the opening ceremony of the Olympic games today. The BBC commentary was enough to spit blood. Could not take every other comment being directed to one of the agendas such as refugees, Palestine, Climate change etc. etc. ad infinitum. Puff pieces before hand with wads of background pianos and agendas pushed again. Claire “shouty” woman extolling more agendas and praise. Condescending commentaries about Brazil, politics, climate change etc. Another “shouty” woman interrupting her co commentator with politics climate change etc. Have to watch with the sound off if I watch it at all.
GWF ..
At least the Spice Girls weren’t mentioned in the article. And why every Olympics opening ceremony in recent years has to be turned into a bloody Pop festival is beyond me. The only ‘musical’ item I found worth listening to was at the LA Games in 1984 when several grand pianos all played Rhapsody in Blue, – so good it was THAT memorable.
I made a point of avoiding watching any Olympics coverage, thank god. Just another excuse for regressives to smuggle in their disgusting propaganda – all whilst enjoying a glorious jolly in Rio on the licence fee, of course. I shall be making a point of blanking out the entire Olympics for the next two weeks.
I gave up on the Olympiad drugfest when I witnessed Ben Johnson and 3 other runners ‘break’ the 10 secs barrier in 1988. Only to subsequently find all four were caught, at various times afterwards, for drug taking. The dirtiest race in history, or just the tip of a less educated iceberg in a competition used as a propaganda tool for the one world fanatics?
BBC Headline: “Belgian police attacker shot and killed in Charleroi”
No mention of any kind of motive. Even the Gurdian manages to include this useful information:
“The officers, reportedly both women, were assaulted in Charleroi, south of Brussels, on Saturday afternoon by an attacker shouting in Arabic, police said.”
Maybe the BBC are checking the attacker’s mental health status.
Why is it only our police that take these f*****s alive?
Good point. I think the Belgians and French have experienced enough Islamic terrorism to start reacting to it like the Israelis have and do through long and bitter experience.
It’s actually 72 raisins ptg; I’d rather they suffered the frustration of discovering that in their (supposed) afterlife than in one of HMP’s at taxpayer’s expense.
Have a look at the website of these despicable and traitorous rabble…. these anti-British/pro-Islamist terrorist fascists need to be monitored as an extremist group that espouses violence and thuggery. You can see where the likes of the BBC get their ethos from. If you want to know why our country is being destroyed look no further than the anarchist thugs that are running this violent mob and SWP. They really are scum!
The left (and I include the BBC in that description) By virtue of their historic compassion for all social causes.Consider themselves as the only ones who are morally entitled to preach about morality.
These f####n idiots who can see no further than their traditional issues and prejudice have been suckered into joining together with global/liberal technocrats who place no value in culture and traditions and just see everything in terms of money.
If it wasnt so ridiculous it would be hilarious. It is almost like some corny James Bond plot or batman film where an international madman (or maybe even woman – a Frau maybe?) wants to to destroy everything through devious means. It is so obvious to even a dead amoeba can see what is happening yet the MSM keep denying it and even participate in crude cover ups.
Hopefully the same majority who voted for brexit will soon start to catch on to what is happening in Europe. Hopefully before Merkel has managed to import too many “beautiful young men” to bake our birthday cakes and drive lorries for us.
Lets hope that unlike the nordics we still possess the will to resist oppression and direct threat to our society just like our grandfathers did in years gone by.
Note Cameron’s support for them as Prime Minister. Kill British soldiers eh.
iUnite Against Fascism (UAF) is an anti-fascist[1] pressure group in the United Kingdom, with support from politicians of the three largest political parties in the House of Commons, including the former Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron and the late Labour politician Tony Benn.[2] It describes itself as a national campaign with the aim of alerting British society to a perceived threat of fascism and the far right — in particular the British National Party (BNP) — gaining a foothold at local, national and European elections, arguing that “there is a real danger that the BNP could get a significant platform in elected institutions.”[3]
As of 2014, its honorary presidents are Doreen Lawrence, Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon and Ken Livingstone. Its joint secretaries are Weyman Bennett of the Socialist Workers Party and the Anti-Nazi League, and Sabby Dhalu, formerly of the National Assembly Against Racism (NAAR).[4] One of the UAF vice-chairs is Azad Ali, who in 2009 was suspended as a civil servant in the Treasury after he wrote approvingly on his blog of an Islamic militant who said that as a Muslim he is religiously obliged to kill British soldiers in Iraq.[5]
I suppose this is what the left calls a proportionate response. They call a few hundred and we give them bibles.
Pity they couldnt drop Welby and the Pope in with them to extend the hand of Christian friendship, preach love and forgiveness, and maybe even wash a few feet!
Got to say I am a bit suspicious about this story are some of us really that naive?
Got the news that the Lebanese Olympic ‘sports’ team blocked Israelis from boarding the same bus.
Hmmm, I Googled the story, adding ‘BBC’ and I was quite sure I would draw a blank. After all they only have about 400 ‘reporters’ and other staff there and they must be far too busy to report such vile and unsporting behaviour by Israel’s Arab enemies.
Lebanese athletes refused to share a bus with the Israel team to get to Friday’s Rio Olympic Games opening ceremony, members of both teams said.
Lebanon and Israel are officially at war and have no diplomatic relations.
The incident happened as the Lebanon team sat on the bus waiting to head to the Maracana stadium, before demanding the Israeli athletes must not board.
Israel’s athletes insisted on doing so, but the two teams were eventually taken to the ceremony in different buses.
Head of the Lebanese team Salim al-Haj Nicolas told AFP news agency he demanded that the door be closed on the Israeli team, but they “insisted on getting on”.
Well, let’s say that my initial amazement and admiration for the BBC’s reporting of the story faded somewhat as I contemplated the photo of the proud Lebanese marching at the ceremony and noted the absence of any photo of the Israeli team. I also noted that the Israeli response to the disgusting Lebanese behaviour was relegated to the lower section of the article.
But far, far worse is this BBC half truth, which is basically a lie; because I know how the BBC operates, I knew it was a lie before going to a non-BBC source for the truth:
…but the two teams were eventually taken to the ceremony in different buses.
No, BBC, the Lebanese, smug in their little victory, were allowed to stay on that bus by the alleged Olympic authorities, who naturally caved in to them, while the Israelis had to board another bus. As is virtually always the case, we have to go elsewhere for the actual story:
Here we learn, from a genuine news source, that the fine example of humanity who stopped the Israelis from boarding the bus boasted about it and is now regarded as a hero back in Lebanon. We also learn about the Israeli dissatisfaction with the Olympic authorities:
The incident was first described on Friday by Udi Gal, the Israeli sailing team trainer, who took to social media to criticize the Lebanese.
“I kept on insisting that we board the bus and said that if the Lebanese did not want to board as well they are welcome to leave,” Gal wrote in a Facebook post Friday.
“The bus driver opened the door, but this time the head of the Lebanese delegation blocked the aisle and entrance. The organizers wanted to avoid an international and physical incident and sent us away to a different bus,” he added.
Gal also criticized Olympic organizers for succumbing to the pressure of the Lebanese.
“How could they let something like this happen, and on the eve of the Olympic games? Isn’t this the opposite of what the Olympics are and what they should stand for?
Well, quite. And of course the BBC will stand shoulder to shoulder with the Olympic authorities on this issue. The BBC will do anything to protect the devotees of the Religion of Peace, no matter what they do.
Lefties at the beeb are fond of the term ‘dog whistle’, usually as a way of accusing others of racism or islamophobia.
Well here’s a dog-whistle for you guys – more of a foghorn. Isis sends out a call for Muslims to kill non-believers (that’s you and me guys, everyone but Muslims) using whatever’s at hand, guns, explosives, cars, knives, rocks. In the following months there’s an eruption of attacks on non-believers by Muslims using guns, explosives, cars, knives and rocks (the latter frequently used in confrontations in France and elsewhere). Now, the police and msm don’t seem to be able to join the dots, so let’s help them by breaking it down, real slow:
1) Isis sends out a call for Muslims to kill non-believers using guns, explosives, cars, knives, rocks.
2) Eruption of attacks on non-believers by Muslims using guns, explosives, cars, knives and rocks.
Do we see a pattern emerging, a possible ‘motive’? I’m no terrorism expert, not even a bbc journalist, so i’m not qualified to say, but I’ve got a feeling there might be a dog-whistle connection between 1 and 2, can’t quite put my finger on it.
10pm ish bBBC1 news.
Machete attack on police in Belgium, described as a terrorist attack.
In depth Al Beeb description of the perpetratrator – ‘a man’ !!!!!!!! FFS.
Now let readers guess some of the ‘man’s’ characteristics. Religious persuasion perhaps, informed by what he was shouting for instance.
Appallling bias by Al Beebzeera in denial as ever.
But where do all these chaps get their machetes from? Call me ill-informed, but I wouldn’t know where to start looking here in Tunbridge Wells – Waitrose? Peter Jones?
Fellow brexiteers –
Our national treasure of a broadcaster has dug her up and she’s at it again comrades, bleating and winging on the bbbc R4 lie machine this morning about how the remorons failed to discuss immigration and let us brexiteers steer the debate.
Yes Anna everyone but you seemed to understand why you didnt want to discuss (er I mean confuse) the issue. With such clear overwhelming arguments for mass uncontrolled migration – boosts business profits, reduces wages, destroys local communities, damages community cohesion, fuels racism, drives up housing costs, increases pressure on NHS, and generally turning our beautiful country into a third world shithole….. Er probably best not to confuse the debate with divisive immigration issues and play into the hands of the waacist !slmophobes.
No, instead lets talk about trivia and nonsense like rising roaming mobile phone charges and air fares in europe. It shows clearly how much comtempt the bbbc and its quislings have for the people. As Churchill said, what kind of people do they think we are .
FFS give her a peerage and tell her to champion some other lost cause like on shore wind farms that ruin local communities and make lives hell for the sake of political correctness and corporate profit (ie environmental protection).
I saw a very brief clip of Anna Soubry being interviewed this morning on BBC News (I suppose it’s a piece from the programme later this evening). She intimated first of all that she’d raised the issue of the constant fear-mongering of the Remain campaign, which had been completely ignored by the people she was talking to (presumably the management team of the Remain group) before she went on to mention that Immigration had also been raised as a topic necessarily to be debated, and was also ignored.
But what did the Beeboids run with in the news bulletin ?…..natch – the Remain campaign clearly lost because of the lack of debate on the immigration issue – as for Remain’s ‘Project Fear’ – move on, nothing to see here, move on, I say !
Conservative home website ran a straw poll of its readers, and 75% of them voted in favour of ‘Hard Brexit’.
Hard Brexit is a situation where if an insane European leader like Angela Merkel insists on free movement of people as a condition of access to the markets, then we stick two fingers up & walk away.
a 50% import tariff on ALL european goods would concentrate their minds wonderfully and I can imagine the German car industry either forcing Merkels hand or replacing her.
Well, Thoughful, anyone that has been in business knows only too well the folly of having only one BIG client. When Big goes bust or no longer wishes to trade with you, your business goes tit’s up. As a Brexit voter, this principle weighed sufficiently on my mind when I voted. In fact, I don’t think anyone that supported Brexit and voted accordingly ignored the fact that the UK economy may take a minor dip if we ditched trading with the EU altogether. in 2008 goods and services sold to the EU was in proportional terms, 50% (high water mark), since then, last year it dropped to 44.4%. Members of the EU or not, that figure is set to drop further. In conclusion, the UK HAS to trade with the rest of the World to sustain itself. It clearly will not if we continue to be (lovely expression I heard), “shackled to the moribund corpse of the EU”
The present Test series between England and Pakistan is a barometer of how well we are integrating our fellow Muslim Brits. Nearly forty years ago Norman Tebbit said that it was worrying that so many people born in Britain of Pakistani parents still supported Pakistan rather than England. Remember that at the time there was little if any terrorism on our streets. Well it is a generation later now, perhaps two generations, and still we see young people , men mostly of course, supporting Pakistan. The majority of these men will have parents, even grandparents, born in the UK but still they support Pakistan.So however concerning Norman found the lack of integration 30 odd years ago, its very much worse today. Rather than integrating over time as our idiotic liberal left assumed, the younger generation of Muslims are going in the opposite direction. Clear and indisputable evidence that multiculturalism has totally failed and that we have a alien population in our midst that has not integrated and shows no sign of going so and increasingly rejects our value system. We know that this population is increasing rapidly . All the conditions are right for there to be a massive and long term problem in the future.
What has changed is that nobody dare say what Norman said all those years ago for fear of being vilified by the MSM and social media. Even Norman foolishly chose to retract his views a few years ago. All that has happened in the past 35 years is that whilst the situation has grown steadily worse, we have Islamic terrorism all over Europe, we are now prevented from even discussing it, let alone trying to do anything about it. Our beloved BBC is deliberately attempting to pacify our fears by deceit , lies and suppression and even the police are joining them. Full speed ahead on the Titanic seems to be their plan.
Much as I sympthise with your general direction of travel on this, I fear you have only part of the story, which is that the reason many ‘younger Pakistanis’ support the team of their preferred culture is that, far from being second or third generation, they are in fact recent arrivals, benefitting from the Home Office’s continued ‘open door immigration is good ‘ policies (traceable back as I have mentioned a few times at least to the Steve Moxon whistleblowing on the dodgy Romanian visas scandal of 2004).
it’s an irony of Brexit that it has been in the government’s gift to control certain immigration for years but they chose deliberately not to. I am convinced the Sir Humphreys’ have blocked such moves but to this day I don’t understand why.
Make a pot of tea and some toast and Old English as we take a little Sunday morning gander through the week’s events not reported by the State Propaganda Machine. This time we’re looking at what the filthy Irish-Kenyan over the pond has got his sticky little brown fingers into…
Why is this not being reported by the BBC? Well, that’s obviously a rhetorical question. The BBC is far too busy demonising Trump to make time for an embarrassing story concerning their sainted Democrats now that they have nearly got the dangerous lying traitor into the White House. On that, BTW, why does the BBC even bother? As if any U.S. voters care what the BBC says. I don’t think I’m the first to say that – been said here already I think.
Anyway, the story that the BBC isn’t covering, one of the many stories that the BBC isn’t covering, is the January 17 chapter of the Iran-US hostage crisis. There are all kinds of facts, reasonably verifiable ones too, that go back to the original crisis in 1979 with hostages, a $10 billion order for some American jet fighters that weren’t delivered and an arbitrage conflict that remained unresolved ever since. But this story is specifically about the modern day hostages in Tehran in January and the $400m that was purportedly a part payment of some $1.7 billion that the U.S. had negotiated as a settlement over the defaulting on the jet delivery. It looked, apparently, like Iran might win the $10 billion plus interest at a little court case in The Hague so settling was sensible. But it all gets complicated when the timing of this payment coincides with the freeing of hostages. And the small matter of Obama arming the Muslim state with nuclear weapons (I’m editorialising the obviously completely not for weapons nuclear capability thing of course and it’s a whole other story).
Obama categorically stated that the U.S. does not and did not pay a ransom for the hostages to be freed. A bit like Bill who did not have sexual relations with that woman (though who could blame him when you consider his alternative). He stood up and said that to the world in a televised speech – it’s there in black and white, mainly black, on CNN. And yet one of the hostages says that they were held at Tehran airport on or about January 17 2016 for 24 hours waiting for another plane to arrive and was told that they would never be allowed to leave if it didn’t show up. That plane came from Switzerland with pallets loaded with Euros and Swiss Francs. $400 billion worth. When it landed the hostages plane could take off.
That’s the story. But the sequence is important. If the hostages’ plane was held until the money arrived, and then released, as the Iranians now claim, despite being told to keep it a secret, then that looks a bit like a smoking gun that Mr Obama is holding. Those pesky Iranians also released a video of the money being unloaded this week – oops. Well, we can’t take a video produced by the Iranian regime as evidence but we can sure ask the question of the Obama administration. So Fox News did.
Mark Toner is the U.S. State Department’s European and Eurasian spokesperson. He’s the same one that laughed when he heard that May has appointed Boris as Foreign Secretary. He also laughed in a press conference and said that press conferences weren’t about “transparency”! Anyway, let’s see what he had to say about this $400m and the sequence of the money plane arrival and the hostage lane departure. Here is a precise transcript. You can tell it’s going to be a bunch of horse shit when he starts by saying “I’m going to be very precise here”. You be the judge as to whether he was even a tiny bit precise, at all. And whether the Muslim Democrat in the White House is a lying apologist for a dangerous and corrupt terrorist regime in the Middle East. Or not.
ROSEN/FOX: Can you at least assure us that the hostages were in the process of being set free prior to the touching down of this plane with the pallets of cash?
TONER: I’m – so – and I’m going to be very precise here. So – and I was actually with the Secretary in Vienna, I want to say, when we did reach the – this was the night of the implementation of the JCPOA. And as I said, it was a moment where three separate lines of effort were culminating at the same time. And all of them were, as I said, separate but distinct lines of effort operating concurrently. You had the JCPOA implementation day, you had the freeing of the American hostages or detainees, and you also had this Hague settlement taking place. So as to the timing, I simply don’t – I can’t answer conclusively that these hostage – or these detainees, Americans, were on a plane before that money arrived. I might be able to get you an answer on that, but what I can say —
ROSEN/FOX: If you could take it as a taken question.
TONER: Sure. What I can say though categorically is that there was not any kind of understanding on the part of the Iranians and certainly not on the part of us that these two were linked, that one had to happen before the other would.
LEE/AP: I believe you agreed to take the question from my colleague James Rosen about the timing of the plane carrying the – I won’t say cash; I’ll say just carrying the method of payment for the 400 million.
TONER: Sure.
LEE/AP: Did it land in Tehran before or after the plane carrying the prisoners left Tehran for Geneva? TONER: And I don’t believe we’ve gotten clarity on that as well either. In terms of the timing, I don’t have it.
Good post. Yes, Fox News is all over this story because, whether the left-wing media in the US want to acknowledge it or not, it’s a huge story – the treacherous Obama slipping ransom money to the terrorist Mullahs for the release of US hostages and then lying about it to the American people.
I’m sure there must be many good-hearted US liberals who voted for him partly because they are truly non-racist and thought it would be a great idea to demonstrate that the US can elect a black (well, half-black) president. I’m equally sure that many of these liberals must now be bitterly regretting their choice. Obama has proven time and again that his sympathies lie with anyone but the American people and that he has consciously set out to weaken the US to further his own idiotic internationalist/socialist ideology.
He will be remembered by millions as the worst president the US has ever had. But the BBC, of course, will remain deeply and hopelessly in love with him.
Laura K is not dead after all. I see that the Beeb is running a documentary on Brexit – The Battle for Britain – on Monday at 21.00hrs. I can’t bear it! They are unable to let it go; they can’t accept the democratic vote of the people. They keep dragging up their old bone of contention and they will shake it and shake it till they think they can get their way through furthering dissent and creating more gloom and despondency. I don’t know whether or not I have the mental and emotional energy to watch it but I expect I might – just so as to be able to rant about the bias I expect to see and hear.
And finally – how dare they name their programme The Battle for Britain. They know NOTHING about the real Battle of Battle!
I certainly agree with the idea, but I would never consider Conservative Home to be a strong indicator of overall UK opinion regarding Brexit options. Unfortunately HM Loyal Opposition, their print and broadcast arms the Guardian and Al Beeb, a few treacherous Tories and the deeply undemocratic HoL appear to be conspiring to engineer a second referendum which if it occurs will see election fraud of North Korean standard by Leftoids/Remainiacs.
Last Wednesday i returned by train from a weeks holiday in my home town. Some of this time was spent discovering villages in East Lancashire and North Yorkshire whilst on an ancestry trail leading back to the 17th century. These villages wouldn’t have been out of place in an Emily Bronte novel as they were largely untouched and there was not a hijab nor a local shop called Ali/Khan etc to be seen. Indeed it reminded me very much of the innocence of my childhood and also the reality of sizeable towns and cities in modern day Britain.
For my return journey i bought a copy of that days Lancashire Evening Post and on turning to page 5, over half a page was devoted to “Race hate attacks on rise after Brexit vote”. A Muslim mother of four spoke about how her 84 year old father has had to suffer “things” being posted through his letterbox during Eid and then bits of (toilet) tissue thrown at his windows (photo of offending tissues on a window were included). It was also stated that Yobs had thrown pork products at his home and meat (pork) was found on his door handle. Rather poignantly she added: “My dad is very vulnerable. It’s been ongoing for a few weeks and i feel no-one is taking us seriously”. (Echoes of Rotherham and any number of towns with Muslim grooming gangs. Replace days for years)
On page 8 of the same rag almost half a page was taken up with a story headlined: “Plan to flood county streets with heroin is thwarted”. This was a story about a six man Bolton based gang who between them had been jailed for a total of 68 years. This gang were to supply a Preston crime gang with heroin, cocaine, cannabis and amphetamines, which in turn would be sold in the streets of Lancashire, Bradford, Birmingham and Cornwall. I suppose this kind of crime isn’t too rare these days though this gang had names (like the old days, i can’t really call them Christian names) such as Dhiren, Mohammed, Naheem, and Waqar.
Both articles were penned by Stef Hall (Court Reporter).
Meanwhile the next day (Thursday) and totally against my better judgement, i tuned into BBC Breakfast hosted by Louise Michin (degree in Spanish, who then trained as a radio journalist) and Ben Thompson (degree in international Business and French and a postgraduate diploma in Broadcast Journalism). They had a female Professor from Bradford University discussing the previous nights murder and stabbings in Russel Square. Not once were the words Muslim or Islam mentioned. Except the expert did come up with the theory that people committing such crimes were “crazy” and when Michin asked is it good to talk such things over with your children, the expert said something along the lines of: “yes, and remember to say these people are just crazy”. Financial expert Thompson concluded with “great stuff”.
This programme is just full of total dimwits and i have now taken an oath never to watch it again.
WH – the large scale importation of heroin into West Yorkshire has been carried by Pakistani Muslim gangs for decades and I daresay (from the LEP article you allude to) it would appear to be so in Lancashire as well.
The market towns and villages of North Yorkshire compared to the enriched urban areas of West Yorkshire, could be on different planets in the same solar system; never mind different parts of the same county.
I live in the Dales, but the ideal won’t last forever. I’m a white-flighter, so I could be accused of hypocrisy, but white flight and, ultimately, other “migration” out of Bradford and Leeds will have a serious impact.
There are some VERY smug people around here. The Remain vote was high. They don’t realise that their children or grandchildren will not enjoy the same standard of living that they do unless things change.
You are right.On my last visit to Skipton,gateway to the Dales, I was shocked by how many burka clad women were walkin around. The migration is steadily engulfing our countryside as well as our urban areas.But until the liberal left lose control of our country nothing will be done. In many respects losing white European migrants was the biggest downside of the Leave vote.They provided some ballast against a he Islamification of our country.
Very true. The (relatively few) Poles I have spoken to are very robust in their views, not feeling constrained by PC considerations.
Mind you, Sikhs and Hindus are no fans of Islamification either, for obvious reasons. There is, however, a problem with white idiots who can’t tell the difference.
Very true Doublethinker – one of the things i’ve always felt about the Brexit vote is that although Farage and the leave campaign ostracized the eastern europeans in the immigration debacle i beleive that it’s only because they were “fair game”. I feel the underlying current was in fact a stealth vote against the islamisization of our country and the migrants from the thirld world that in fact we were really voting against. I was anyway.
With such an acceptance of that reality i guess that’s why a story which details a gang or gangs dealing and pedaling with death and destruction only makes page 8 in a long established (1886) county newspaper. Yet a story that is less important than an elderly person having to put up with, say, fireworks exploding after being put through their letter box makes page 5.
As the pork related story was linked with Brexit and of course such stories are a favourite hobbyhorse of the BBC, then they might begin reporting why such incidents with fireworks occur on the lead up to every 5th November. I’m obviously getting far too ahead of myself. Gunpowder plot, Guy Fawkes hmm they wouldn’t or couldn’t demonise the failed plot and would no doubt ask why all the elderly always complain every year about such intrusions through their letterboxes. After all these are the very same people who voted for Brexit!
Where’s that darkened room?
As regards the villages Al you’re correct. When you’re in them and admiring the quaint beauty that they offer it’s difficult to imagine just a short drive brings you to some of those appalling enriched urban areas.
WH….. “These villages wouldn’t have been out of place in an Emily Bronte novel as they were largely untouched and there was not a hijab nor a local shop called Ali/Khan etc to be seen.”
Oh DO TELL where these places are ! I’m looking to move, and preferably to an alien free zone with hopefully the chance of seeing a doctor within a week, and good Broadband connection. Does such a place exist now ?
“..wouldn’t have been out of place in an Emily Bronte novel”
Sorry to have to break the news but even Haworth has been touched by political correctness. There’s been a serious local dispute within the local Brontë Society over “modernisation”. Bonnie Greer, former president, resigned last year.
Why was she appointed in the first place, you might well ask? She turns up all over the place and clearly has an unlimited first class season ticket for the Gravy Train.
Bonnie Greer, is yet another colonial who has made her name not in their own place of birth, but instead finding a platform too spout their opinions on our broadcasting system. Clearly the competition is too great in their homeland.
The only people who regard Greer as being of the slightest significance are the BBC. They keep billing her a ‘playwright’. I am unaware of her string of West End (or any other) successes.
I wonder why the BBC doesn’t tell the truth and describe her as a’;professional black woman’?
Thanks Cranmer, I have friends in Cavendish, and on recent visits to there and surrounding villages, seem to be ‘alien’ free ……. so far, and still retain my ‘Miss Marple’ view of an England that we are rapidly losing.
Not really BBC bias (other than the smear headline towards the unsympathetic Gove, and only quoting Remain backers and predominantly left-wing MPs whichay have been all that was available) but another example of how deluded Remain campaigners really were and still remain even when apparently giving concessions.
Anna Sourby: “We did fear on the economy, keep on about the economy… which was right, but not all the way over it because people got bored and tired with that. It was like we kind of made and won that argument, so then the vacuum appeared and then bang, in they came with their killer card, which was immigration and we refused to engage in it.”
So she says it was ‘right’ to run a continuous fear campaign on the economy. In other words, she still thinks that continuously threatening the people with speculation is somehow both ethical and effective, even though the result – and the reasons for it – prove her wrong.
She then thinks Remain “made and won” the economic argument, which is true only if you ignore the swathes of business and economic voices both home and abroad saying leaving would not be a disaster, most of whom had far more credibility than the ‘experts’ used by Remain who had already been discredited over several major events they failed to predict – so even their constant appeals to intellectual authority didn’t work, not to mention that appealing to authority is pretty much the best way to ensure the average voter will NOT trust what is being said. “Do this because this person says so and they know better than you” us not an argument, it’s a deflection and a fallacy that also comes across as a complete insult towards voters. If they truly had meaningful insight they would have been able to communicate it without constantly playing the ‘expert’ card.
But the biggest thing that Remainers still can’t seem to get through their ideologically-deranged, selfish, insular minds is that the referendum was NEVER ABOUT the economy for most people. It wasn’t even really about national identity, sovereignty, immigration, Islam, strained services, or Eurogenics. These were all perfectly valid reasons to leave, far more permanent and far-reaching than the economy which is always going to fluctuate anyway and has more unpredictable peaks and troughs, but they were symptoms of the real problem, which was that our leaders were no longer accountable to us. This was a vote about democracy, something which the supposedly fair and people-championing likes of the BBC, The Guardian, the Mirror, and Twitter users, don’t actually understand the concept of, as evidenced not only by their complete acceptance of the anti-democratic EU and attacks on anyone who challenges their narrative, but by their attempts to subvert, undermine, reverse or just completely ignore the result of most represented and decisive election in our post-war history because they didn’t get what they wanted and still can’t come to terms with the idea that they night have been wrong. Trying to claim that the immigration argument “popped up” after the economic argument had been won by Remain (which it hadn’t) is another example of the contempt with which the EU and its supporters hold the people, as it had been one of the most debated aspects of our nation’s affairs for the best part of 15 years yet was swept under the carpet or brushed off with accusations of racism. To claim that it was a new thing that was brought up near the end of the campaign is quite simply deranged, Brexit always had the winning side when it came to border control.
The reality is pretty much the opposite of what Sourby believes. Brexit won every important argument early on in the debate. Remain only had the economy left, which was the least important element to most reasonable people as it was the least permanent. They also had the maleable youth vote and probably wanted to lower the voting age to 16 to get even more inexperienced souls to take their politically-skewed educational indoctrination to the ballot, but if their understanding of the EU and their actions since are anything to go by then I think there’s a fair argument for raising the voting age to 25 (I’m 29 for what it’s worth) as they clearly can’t separate their biased further education liberal teaching from what’s actually happening. Then Brexit: The Movie came out and the last little chink in the Brexit armour, the economic argument, was given a completely different and far more optimistic spin, while also displaying just how deceitful and utterly non-transparant the EU truly is. This film almost certainly made the single-biggest impact on the undecided voters and destroyed the myth that Brexiters were ignorant xenophobes and Remainers were saintly sages. Brexit was always going to win as soon as it took the lead, not to mention many second- and third-generation migrants who are equally sick of free movement and the influx of people refusing to integrate the way they did. Remain had all the major parties on their side, most celebrity endorsements, and £9m additional campaign funding, yet were still being destroyed. I dare even say that when Jo Cox was sadly murdered there were scumbags in the Remain camp who were delighted at the prospect of one final, desperate possibility that they could trick the people into being emotionally blackmailed back their way. It didn’t work, and the only surprise is that the Brexit margin of victory wasn’t even larger than it was.
I think it’s safe to say Remain did not ‘win’ anything, to suggest it did is fatuous and just reinforces our decision to leave.
At about 08:33 in, shameless and shameful.
First an attack in Belgium, no idea who did it or why, followed shortly after by this Goebbelesque inspired crap regarding the slaughter in Nice by a “man driving a lorry”. A “man driving a lorry”?. Via collective media amnesia the butchery in Nice will soon be a traffic accident that never happened, the BBC is stooping to depths of mis reporting that a pessimistic Orwell on acid couldn’t have dreamt of in his worst nightmares.
New BBC Bias : Re “Hitting The Frackpot” : If you feel positive about fracking the BBC is not interested in YOU.
However if you have NEGATIVES feeling contact us on”, with Whatsapp, Upload your pictures / video here, Tweet: @BBC_HaveYourSay, Send an SMS or MMS , Send pictures/video to“
“Are you in an area threatened by fracking proposals?
Are you in an area threatened by fracking proposals? What do you think about the government’s payout plan? Email with your experience.”
That will only illicit a response from people who are negative towards fracking.
Where is the request from input from the people who think fracking will BENEFIT “by fracking proposals” ?
… Cos it will provide huge tax money for hospitals, give a couple of local jobs, , with the only disruption will be the 2 weeks it takes to frack the well, and cap it with a small well head and clear up and clear off. (OK they might come and install a gas pipe connection, but that will be local jobs aswell) . Plus it will help reduce CO2 thru gas powered electricity large scale generation (compared to the toy town scale solar/wind produce).
– R4 now ..commenter is getting in the meme “ah but your property will drop by 7% in value”, sounds like rubbish to me.
None of the commenters talked about using the money for hospitals instead …
Putting community fund money into local “green” projects is of course a way of funding green propaganda.
Gavin Esler asking probing questions about Oscar Taking-The-Pistorius: “How do people feel about him in SA, I mean he’s lost a lot including his girlfriend?” LOST her? Where, under the bed? I thought he blew her brains out and was found guilty of such despite the risibly biased ‘Judge’ Marzipan.
Not a bias issue or even an exclusively BBC obsession, though they lead the pack in the amount of coverage given.
I just can’t fathom why Pistorious generates so much BBC saliva, both currently and previously throughout the murder trial. Now he’s hurt his wrists, are we to be updated on how regular he is too? If the BBC is to maintain a presence in SA at all then there are surely more pressing issues for it to be reporting on. Seriously, what have I missed? What’s the deal with Pistorious?
Oldspeaker, The Pistorius saga ticks a helluvah lot of BBC boxes:
*Young, handicapped white man not at all racist towards blacks and wildly successful in the international sporting arena
*Immediately expressed apparent great remorse after murdering his beautiful, successful girlfriend and claimed he thought she was an intruder – a fabrication which some at the BBC surely bought
*Black female judge Masipa, active in the Struggle against Apartheid, also buying Pistorius’ story and twice handing down ludicrously lenient sentences.
From the world view of the BBC, what’s not to like?
And of course, all this is also a cover for the BBC’s dismal failure to report on the decline of South Africa and the extraordinary level of crime in the Rainbow Nation.
Piss-taker is now denying he cut his wrists – just an accident. Like shooting Reeva 4 times was an accident. This guy is so accident prone. Apparently he thought his 2 wrists were intruders so he cut them in self-defence before they could kill him as he was on his stumps and vulnerable. Judge Masipa has said his story sounds perfectly credible and that he showed sincere remorse by vomiting all over his cell.
This the single best piece I’ve read anywhere regarding Pistorius and his “credibility”. It’s quite a long read but absolutely hilarious and is essential reading for anyone interested in the case and destroys Pistorius so completely it should be considered a work of art!
And Judge Marzipan believes every word of Pisstaker’s pathetic tissue of lies and falls for his snivelling whimpering puking histrionics. She’s either been bought, intimidated, still looks up to the White Master, or is plain thick. And is awed by his fame. Like OJ Simpson, people are afraid to convict popular heroes. In OJ’s case of course, juries were afraid to convict a popular black hero, waycism bla bla.
I seem to keep reading on this site that suicide bombers who are Islamic in beliefs are going to be rewarded in heaven with 72 virgins.
What utter nonsense.
Firstly, even if this were true how do they know that they are all good looking
Secondly, and more important,I am assuming most of the bombers are heterosexual men, can you imagine the face of sheer horror when the bomber finds that, yes, the 72 virgins are in front of him, with legs akimbo, but they are all MALE !
This whole “mental health” or “psychologically disturbed” nonsense they’re continually spouting has gotten very old, very fast. In regards to this generically described man held-up with a gun I saw red when I read the part about him appearing “psychologically disturbed”. I’m becoming psychologically disturbed at the evil propaganda I’m having to endure on a daily basis now!
True – and that it takes a bit of time to establish whether or not someone is motivated by radical islam, like getting into their computer, mobile etc, hence the weeks it took German police to find links with ISIS of 2 of their recent attackers. Immediate claims of ‘nothing to do with terrorism’ are automatically suspect.
No, Leftoids can discern mental illness solely on the basis of how one voted in a referendum, like the Brexit one. By the same token they can know age, educational level and discern the level of racism.
So it’s no big deal for them to diagnose mental illness.
Mental assessment of the armed man conducted by Fritz, the bobby riding past on his bike.
‘A police official said the man seemed to be in an ‘exceptional psychological situation’ and there were no indications that this was a terrorist-related incident’.
Who’s given up on R4 Feedback ?
Catching up on old pod casts : The R4 Feedback prog from the day after the referendum.
– 15 mins from Remoaners complaining about bias twds Brexit, ended by a brief line “Some people even complained the BBC was biased towards Remain!”
– 5 min break for lionising Saint Jo Cox “Terrible..Appalling ..death”, cos she’s ‘one of us ProgLefties
– 8 mins MORE from Remoaners complaining about bias twds Brexit
To me it sounds like it comes straight out of the Guardian. They take all the non-ProgLefty letters and put them on one side and then deal with the ProgLefty letters one by one, calling them up to put them on air.
The BBC guy brought on from outside the show Rick Bailey (the BBC’s chief political advisor) had a completely different line, he did actually try to remain unbiased.
There was ONE good point when a caller pointed out the BBC traditionally never covers the EU parliament that meets 5 days/month.
As I say The Guardian is very much a tiny fringe publication, so why is Feedback made just for them rather than for the whole of its audience which is more likely 52% plus for Brexit ? …… I’ve still got my Brexit smile.
I have, Stew. BBC Radio4 used to be a big thing for this household. It was on most of the day and Feedback was one of the favourites. Either peace and quiet or other alternatives are taking over.
The BBC may be in a real crisis quite soon if this is increasingly replicated nationwide.
Remember those NTDWI attacks in Germany, on a train and outside a music festival after those nasty white Germans wouldn’t let him in? (Poor sausage, no wonder he was upset.) Well, hang on, perhaps it WAS something to do with islam, and perhaps even ISIS, according to the usually right-on pc Financial Times no less. (I must have missed that on beeb, in amongst all the Olympics)
“German attackers directed by Isis contacts in Saudi”
Remember those NTDWI attacks in Germany, on a train and outside a music festival after those nasty white Germans wouldn’t let him in? (Poor sausage, no wonder he was upset.) Well, hang on, perhaps it WAS something to do with islam, and perhaps even ISIS, according to the usually right-on pc Financial Times no less. (I must have missed that on beeb, in amongst all the Olympics)
“German attackers directed by Isis contacts in Saudi”
In case you can’t access FT article, German attackers directed by Isis contacts in Saudi, see below:
The two refugees who launched terror attacks in Germany last month were in contact with suspected members of the militant group Isis, including one with a Saudi phone number, according to reports in the German media on Saturday.
Records of internet communication now in the hands of German investigators show both men, the Afghan teenager Riaz Khan Ahmadzai, and Mohammed Daleel, a 27-year-old Syrian, were advised and directed by Isis, which provided tips on ensuring the maximum number of casualties.
Ahmadzai was shot dead by police after going on the rampage with an axe and a knife near the Bavarian town of Würzburg on July 18, wounding five people, while Daleel died after blowing himself up outside a wine bar in Ansbach, also in Bavaria, six days later, injuring 15 people.
Germany is still reeling from the attacks, the first committed by Muslim refugees who were part of the big wave of migrants that has entered the country over the past few years.
They have become a problem for Angela Merkel, Germany’s long-serving chancellor, whose popularity has taken a big knock in the wake of the attacks.
A poll published by ARD-Deutschlandtrend on Thursday showed her approval rating dropped 12 percentage points to 47 per cent this month.
Ms Merkel insists she will not deviate from her open-door refugee policy, despite repeated calls for a rethink from the CSU, sister party to her CDU. The ARD poll showed that about two-thirds of Germans are unsatisfied with the policy.
German media — including news magazine Der Spiegel and the Sueddeutsche Zeitung — said Ahmadzai had been in contact with an Isis member shortly before he launched his attack aboard a train near Würzburg.
He had suggested the teenager drive a car into a crowd, much like Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, the 31-year-old Tunisian who had killed 85 people in Nice four days earlier. But the teenager said he could not drive. His contact allegedly replied: “You should learn. The damage would be a lot greater”. Instead, Ahmadzai said he would board a train and attack the first passengers he saw.
The Sueddeutsche said Daleel sent a picture of the site of the open air concert in Ansbach that he planned to attack to his Isis contact, who reportedly lives in Saudi Arabia, saying: “This area will be full of people.” The contact replied: “Kill them all.” Etc etc.
Can Capita’s Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) ‘technology’ tell the difference between say a livestream from BBC News24, as opposed to, for instance livestream from Youtube, or,
What if you have four or five windows open, and stream from several different websites SIMULTANEOUSLY? Would this muddy the waters?
Even if their ‘technology’ can differentiate between various livestreams, effective counter-measures exist by using a VPN service IN CONJUCTION WITH OBFSPROXY (OPENVPN+OBFSPROXY).
Several VPN service providers allow this, and such techniques are successful used by millions who reside in even nastier regimes than our own in the UK, such as Iran, China, Pakistan.
Mullvad, NordVPN,, VPN.AC, are just a small example of the many providers who now provide OPENVPN+OBFSPROXY technology.
Continue to bin the letters, and use a VPN service which has a track record of defeating the Great Firewall of China (one which uses TOR’s obfs technology), and continue to use the BBC iplayer (Live or not).
((It may also possible to use STUNNEL in conjunction with a VPN service to defeat DPI)).
At the end of the day they will continue to rely on the same old nasty letters sent by Capita working on behalf of the [B]ullying [B]roadcasting [C]orporation, with the phrases such as ‘Interview Under Caution’ and ‘Police And Criminal Evidence’ Act, thrown in, to fool the stupid into mistakenly believing that the TV enforcement staff have ‘Police Powers’.
Whilst those with a half a brain know it’s safe to continue to bin the letters, and shut the door in the face of any inspector who does pay a visit.
Don’t think it matters too much. Do not the BBC know when you use iPlayer on your PC because of the way the software is constructed. Or did they lie to users when we signed up for iPlayer in the first place? If they did, then maybe that should be highlighted to MPs?
If not, no matter. All they have to do after 1 September is come up with a new version of iPlayer that will not allow BBC television use without an access code, the access code coming with the Licence Fee when paid, just like other software.
Reading the article the incident happened on Wednesday, from what I can see it only appeared in the Mirror today……Odd it took so long to come out, not sure if BBC did cover it but I suspect not.
There seems to quite a lot of news suppression going on at the moment. In the Mail today, Peter Hitchens suggests that we currently have rather less free speech than they do in Putin’s Russia. It’s a debatable point but he does have one and their news is no more manipulated than ours.
Sorry, only just seen your reply…………I honestly don’t know if Hitchens is correct in his assertion or not, but the fact that he is even suggesting it raises alarm for me. There is undoubtedly a concerted effort to ignore certain stories. Only a couple of days ago in Swansea an immigrant was jailed for 12years for raping a woman who was just walking to work, it made the local papers and national ones too yet didn’t appear anywhere on the BBC (that I could see anyway). Being familiar with the blandness of BBC news coverage in Wales I can assure you that should’ve been headline news.
I’m starting to suspect that unless there’s a fatality involved then certain events will be ignored more and more, only appearing deep within the regional sections if were lucky. Even with the major stories now it’s becoming noticeable how quickly they are forgotten, March 22nd attacks in Brussels anyone?
Yes GC and Duck. Remember the sentencing of yet another paedo sex gang in Halifax a few weeks ago? Probably not cos on the beeb website it was buried so deep in the regional pages as to be invisible. Which is precisely how they wanted it.
Duck, a variation of that strategy of dissimulation is to announce the unavoidably ‘big’ stories but with little or ambiguous detail (religion, motive etc). By the time the embarrassing-to-the-beeb details emerge, it’s old news and can safely be shunted to the bottom of the page.
Good point, how many times have we read the phrase “the motive is not yet clear” over the past couple of weeks while in most cases the motive is anything but unclear. I’ve also started to notice that suspects names are taking longer to be released too…………..though their mental state can be ascertained in minutes apparently.
Same here, though I’m not in the Swansea area. No one I knew had heard of it either, It was only by chance I saw it posted on here or else it would have passed me by too.
Although I regard the BBC – as the largest news agency in the country – as wholly biased I am becoming more aware that the entire media is in some way involved in suppression and distortion of the news. Look at the comments here on distortions in Sky and our regular newspapers from the Times to the Mirror.
It’s inevitable, I’m afraid. The drive to recruit graduates, in place of training people on the job, means that trades like journalism are now populated by shiny faced Marxist foot soldiers., fresh out of university departments completely dominated by socialists.
Now and then one of them sees the light (Janet Daley, Leo McKinstry, Rod Liddle) and realises she or he has been duped by Marxism, but most carry on quite happily, flitting from the Independent to the Guardian to the BBC, never hearing a contrary opinion and preaching the same dreary gospel.
This site is wonderful. Thanks to David Vance, Alan and all the posters who contribute here. I get so much information and links from you. And so much humour ! Naturally , I exclude the Trolls from that . No self-awareness or sense of humour at all.
You can bet that the BBC would close this site down if they could. I have only one thing to say to the BBC. A two-fingered salute !
Ah, but Asians who live in London, with Icelandic/Norwegian/Japanese citizenship and passports, who are of Pakistani/Afghanistani descent, currently undergoing Cognitive Behavioural Therapy ………. and who can usually be found in Brixton market flogging a nice line in machetes, that will be useful when they are on their one day course for lorry ramming.
Lunch time news on Radio 4. The headlines…. objections to fracking payments. Later down the line turned out it was Greenpeace. To quote Mandy Rice Davis, “They would say that, wouldn’t they?” So not really news and hardly the most important thing happening in the world. Then we had Jeremy Corbyn objecting to the reintroduction of grammar schools. To which I thought ‘he would say that, wouldn’t he?” Again, so predictable, and from the unelectable it was hardly worth the prominence the BBC gave it. I used to believe many years ago that I needed the BBC to be informed but sadly it is no longer the case. There is the irrelevance of what they do broadcast and the relevance of what they chose to omit.
Just as an aside I did read Jeremy Corbyn’s article in the Sunday Telegraph today. He was obviously not taught, or failed to understand when you use ‘me’ in a sentence and when you use ‘I’. It isn’t difficult, but he got it wrong both times. A bear of very little brain (sorry Pooh but I have upgraded you to a PhD compared to Corbyn).
Yes, that was a fine example of the BBC’s approach to news: find someone who opposes a government policy and lead on that rather than the policy itself. Needless to say, there’s long queue of willing helpers.
“Then we had Jeremy Corbyn objecting to the reintroduction of grammar schools.”
What is it with Al Beeb, The Labour Party and grammar schools ? Many of my mates whose parents were staunch socialists were very proud that their children passed the 11 Plus to get into grammar school.
Corbyn’s article was supposed to be aimed at Tory voters. Well, it was misdirected for sure. Corbyn still believes in the money tree. At one point he castigated the government for piling up more debt ( true) but all his proposals would cost money – renationalise the railways, pump more cash into the bottomless pit called the NHS ( on which he wanted to end all efficiency incentives such as internal competition), build more houses etc etc he didn’t mention his evil henchmen McDonnell’s plan
to raise £350 billion in infrastructure bonds.
Incidentally how many Tory voters will the Telegraph retain as readers if it continues it’s precipitous decline in quality ?
Same 5pm BBCNews channel #MoreTime4lefties
Item #1 first 5 minutes on Fracking, screen times was 4 mins of protesters and 1 min to the actual news about the fracking benefit fund proposals
Item #2.. 5 minutes on Politician Soubrey says Remainers should have mentioned immigration. footage was 4 minute Remain or antiBrexit vs 1 min Brexit
..but #WasThatNews ? cos the last words were : “You can see the whole programme tmw”
So actually it wasn’t a news item it was an advert for another BBC show. *
(Item #3 was the Russian paralympic ban, which was mainly a skype interview with a British swimmer, maybe she is a BBC special friend.)
On the afternoon of 23 June, polling day for the EU referendum, you could still get odds of 7/1 on a Leave win. Hours later, an early result came in, from Sunderland: its Leave vote was far more emphatic than expected. Sterling instantly lost three per cent of its value and, once the national result was confirmed, there was **meltdown**, and David Cameron resigned by breakfast time. How did all this happen? What now?
Sunderland is visited by BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg as she explores how the vote exposed a gulf between Westminster and the electorate. Plus, the sort of interviews that are catnip for political nerds: campaign managers give a play-by-play insiders’ account of how the battle developed.
“meltdown”..em no there wasn’t you daft BBC dildos… will it be 55 minutes against brexit and 5 mins of token Brexit voices ?
Having worked in the NHS there are several ways to save money instead of throwing billions at it, and it doesn’t affect the wages of clinicians ………………
Stop the insane payment of full wages to staff who are off sick for 6 months, return to work for a couple of weeks and then take another 6 months off;
Drastically reduce the number of ‘Managers’ – the majority of whom are nurses who have side stepped into management to increase their salary and chances of promotion;
Cut out the ‘away day’ conferences at hotels or country mansions with lunch – plenty of meeting rooms at the hospitals;
Return to ‘in-house’ cleaning and maintenance instead of contracting out – (I was quoted a cost of £500 to install a shelf in the stock cupboard !!!);
Reduce waste – it was shocking to see perfectly good sheets, unopened extra large cans of paint, chairs that weren’t broken or soiled, and much much more, all thrown into a skip on a regular basis because it was all being replaced.
And of course the biggest money pit of all, the Agency staff – that whole set up needs to be addressed because Agency owners know that its a cash cow of a well that will never run dry !
The Health Minister will never sort it out, as there are too many agitating clinicians on board now who will continue to hold the Government to ransom. It needs a Tsar and committee who have the balls to make changes. The crap about it not being able to function without migrant staff is bloody ridiculous too – during my time, those who took the most time off were in fact alien staff – they had a laid back attitude to the job, had a basic understanding of English, lived in accommodation on site, and their wages were sent ‘back home’ – which belies the fact that they were ‘adding to the economy’ of this Country.
Brissles, have you written to the new PM & Hunt with that advice, copied to your MP? Or would it be difficult for your work position? If OK work-wise and you have not written, I would encourage you to do so.
Maybe B-BBC-ers could use your information to do the same?
Mr D has just had a procedure at the private hospital which we have paid for. However on arrival we got the feeling he was the only non-NHS patient there. Good job we didn’t want a coffee because we couldn’t get near the machine. When I was there as an inpatient a couple of years ago I was very much treated like the NHS patients eg they wanted my room on the last day so much that they offered to pack my bag and said I could wait in out patients waiting room to be collected. When you are personally paying thousands the least to expect is a room. I digress, just how does Corbyn expect to make the Health Service government run only? Will the government produce its own drugs, do its own R&D, supply its own elastoplasts, etc. Until he answers those sort of questions he cannot say he is taking away private companies from the NHS.
Notice that Al-beeb’s fracking story is accompanied by a huge Texas-style nodding donkey behind Croxall (know F-all) When the reality is all there will be on the wellhead is a small xmas-tree set of valves which will easily be secured in a building and blended in to the surrounding countryside with a screen of trees.
They just don’t want the plebs getting cheaper energy.
I know what you mean. It seems the people running these stories and the ones they interview have never worked in Oilfields, never been to, or seen an oil rig or a post exploration facility. A long time ago I worked on an oil facility in Humbly Grove near Alton in Hampshire. From the main roads the entire facility was completely obscured and the storage was mainly underground. It is still running today and has been since the 1980s and I am pretty sure no one on the M3 or the A31 would even know it exists.
The R4 Clinton history drama yesterday probably wasn’t what the BBC buyer was expecting..It featured Hillary being deceptive as his team struggled to cover up all his past adulteries and the Clintons put on the happy family face ..There are 2 more episodes to come (episode 2 already online )
Stew, the BBC arm dealing with news, politics and the web-site, just does NOT listen to BBC Drama. Or if they do, they will be quite incapable of thinking and checking whether the drama is historically accurate and it ought to inform their stance on the US Election campaign and Hillary.
They are after all, just totally opposed to Republican Party politics and especially so with Trump as the nominated candidate. Hillary deceptive? Doesn’t matter. Republicans are worse. Trump more so. Just look at that hair!
JohnCMar 18, 23:26 Midweek 19th March 2025 Ukranian Nazi’s and soldiers taken from prisons with no choice but to fight. Funny : I didn’t see any of…
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Philip_2Mar 18, 22:07 Start the Week 17th March 2025 UK national debt clock: £2,662,103,037,658 And counting. Its trillions and its going to get worse.
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The alleged increase in dubiously categorised hate crimes is all part of the BBC anti Brexit and pro multikulti agenda. From what I have read, these hate crime stats are suspect . A lot come from self reporting by victims on a website . They are often not checked out by the police, just recorded as valid . The more that the hate crimes issue is publicised by the BBC, the more reporting by unsubstantiated victims there will be – of course the BBC know this.
In addition , if some other crime is genuinely perpetrated on a non white Brit, I gather that the police may ascribe a hate motive to it, whatever the reality .
These crimes were defined by the last labour government . I think that definitions and reporting methods need re- examining.
Wouldn’t surprise me if the government has Fiyaz Mughal advising it on these issues!
As for so called ‘hate crimes’ the very concept is an affront to freedom and democracy. The people covered by these crimes are government favourites and if you’re not a favourite, you aren’t covered !
England, I would like to propose a new hate crime to add to the growing list: ANGLOPHOBIA.
Accused: the so-called bbc and the entire so-called ‘liberal’ establishment.
In fact, EE, if you follow through the reporting of Hate Crimes online, you are confronted by a statement in the process that includes the following:
“The police take hate crime very seriously and will record and investigate this offence even if you do not want to give your details. However, you must note that the investigation and ability to prosecute the offender(s) is severely limited if the police cannot contact you.”
In practice then, if you are a serial complainant of Hate Crimes, you may continue ad infinitum to record the crime(s) without any fear of being identified. In view of the propensity of our culturally diverse fellow occupiers of this Green and Pleasant Land to conspire to promote election fraud, surely this is an ‘Open Door’ for them to confirm to the multiculti devotees that Hate is on the rise? But really, is this ‘Open Door’ process of reporting at all fair?
I observe that the nonsense of it would be apparent if hundreds of thousands of the population anonymously registered a fictitious Hate Crime against the non-whites.
Well done BLM. In a single day of mayhem you’ve turned more of Middle England against you and your vile agenda of manufactured grievance than the EDL ever could. Keep it up.
In pursuance of my Beeblish to English dictionary, i would add:
Moderate Muslim: one who hasn’t read the Koran properly.
Extremist Muslim: one who has, and would like to share his findings with you.
Apparently a large birthday cake carried by a mentally ill lone wolf has leveled a restaurant in Glasgow.
There are reports of an explosion in the West End of Glasgow.
Record Online understands there have been some injuries near the junction of Benalder Street and Dumbarton Road.
What we know so far:
Local residents heard a loud bang like an explosion in the West End of Glasgow at around midday.
The side wall of the La Riviera restaurant at Benalder Street near Partick Cross collapsed.
There were reports of people screaming
Police, fire and ambulance emergency services quickly attended the scene
At least one person has been treated at the scene.
Just another birthday cake exploding, nothing to worry about, and certainly not terror-related.
Actually, I think we’ll shortly find out the cake had mental health problems.
Three men stabbed in Wolverhampton.
It looks as if they were stabbed by a car. Probably mentally afflicted with Norwegian number plates.
Sgt Carl Russell said: “Several people have told us that a car was seen to speed away from the scene shortly after the attack.
“We are appealing to anyone who may have seen this car to come forward with information
A mentally-afflicted car with Norwegian number plates? Thanks for the chuckle, G.W.F.
Probably playing Rule Britannia on its radio – run with the far right angle until proved otherwise, then drop it.
it’s probably another BHO (butane hash oil) factory gone up.
On a different topic, just watching the test match, how keen those Pakistani supporters must be to come all the way from the sub-continent to wear their country’s colours and cheer their team on from the stands.
seismic, surely you’re not implying that they’re home grown British Pakistanis? I thought they were all well integrated and proud to be British? Surely they wouldn’t put race first? We’re certainly not allowed to.
All 3 top stories on this page all pro-migrant. Balanced?
Like the police and the beeb, I am utterly perplexed by the seeming explosion of, well, explosions, as well as knifings, hit and run killings, and other mysterious incidents, all across the UK, and indeed Europe and America. What a stroke of bad luck we seem to be having of late.
On a totally unrelated subject, I stumbled upon this pronouncement by Islamic State.
“If you can kill a disbelieving American or European… then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him.”
No more kebabs for me then.
Trump campaign teeters on the brink.
Kudos to the BBC for both using alarmist language which they would never apply to Clinton, but also for continuing the lie that Trump and/or Russia is somehow responsible for the email leaks, while of course not actually scrutinising the content of the emails since this would proven Clinton’s corruption and couldn’t be swept under the carpet as misogyny.
Also note that they tell a very different story regarding the polls, a story being whitewashed by the media since it worked so well for the EU.
If only the BBC cared as much about the UK as it does over an election they have no influence over.
Lone wolf, mental health issues?
And were they carrying a birthday cake ?
Shouting in either Arabic or Norwegian; hard to tell from the sun lounge at Salford Quays
It must be the medically trained so caled BBCs ‘so called journalists’ day off as the attacker is yet to be diagnosed, every now and again there will be clear cut cases that cannot be corrupted with BBC lies and this may well be one such case, unable to be imagined away it will be relegated to the depths of the news page before long. After each attack an ever increasing number of politically disenfranchised people will start to see through the lies, and change will have to follow.
What? A sub-editor let through the taboo words ‘machete’, ‘Arabic’ ‘Allahu Akbar’?
You’re fired! – Ed.
Now move the story off the Home page, pronto. And try to find a Norwegian Far-Right link, will you.
Clearly we await a documentary from Al Beeb about the poor state of mental health services in Arabic countries.
The biased BBC newsroom marxists are totally perplexed otherwise about why anyone should start attacking people and ahouting Allahu Akbar.
“TV licence detection vans can identify viewing on a non-TV device in the same way that they can detect viewing on a television set.”
In other words they can’t detect anything, but they say they can in order the frighten people! In addition I’m sure that if they did have a device which could tell them which web pages you were viewing, they would need a warrant signed by the Home Secretary in the same way phone tapping does under the telecommunications act which controls both.
Unless someone knows different??
Of course they could strong arm your ISP to tell them this information, but it is incredibly costly especially if the ISP is unco-operative! My set top box is all hard wired anyway so that would be impossible to detect !
It looks like this may backfire on the barstewards.
In the Telegraph it is reported that the BBC can indeed snoop on whether or not you are watching BBC I Player without a TV license. It is claimed that they do this by sending something like a code out at regular intervals along with the data being streamed and the vans can pick up this code from your wireless router. So they can tell if you are watching BBC i player on a particular router. Of course if you were able to watch i player on someone else’s router who did have a license they wouldn’t know. This is well beyond my limited knowledge of the digi world but the Home Office is said to have approved its use. It does seem very threatening on the Civil Liberties front. By the way where are the usual civil liberty protesters? Where is Shami? This is surely a gross invasion of privacy and you would expect the usual civil liberties suspects to be foaming at the mouth with righteous outrage.
All of this is simply because the BBC doesn’t want to charge a subscription for use of I player because they know that to do so would immediately bring into sharp focus why they don’t charge a subscription for all of their service.
I think we need some experts to advise us on how to defeat this imposition on our liberty. Failing that we need to see pictures of what these vans look like so that they can be targeted by our friends in the civil liberties industry who, on their past record, are quite likely to trash them. A few dozen vans going up in smoke should soon put a stop to the ever encroaching police state run by the BBC.
I saw a re-run of the opening ceremony of the Olympic games today. The BBC commentary was enough to spit blood. Could not take every other comment being directed to one of the agendas such as refugees, Palestine, Climate change etc. etc. ad infinitum. Puff pieces before hand with wads of background pianos and agendas pushed again. Claire “shouty” woman extolling more agendas and praise. Condescending commentaries about Brazil, politics, climate change etc. Another “shouty” woman interrupting her co commentator with politics climate change etc. Have to watch with the sound off if I watch it at all.
Here is an interesting reflection on the Danny Boyle/BBC multiculty show at the UK Olympic opening ceremony in 2012
GWF ..
At least the Spice Girls weren’t mentioned in the article. And why every Olympics opening ceremony in recent years has to be turned into a bloody Pop festival is beyond me. The only ‘musical’ item I found worth listening to was at the LA Games in 1984 when several grand pianos all played Rhapsody in Blue, – so good it was THAT memorable.
I made a point of avoiding watching any Olympics coverage, thank god. Just another excuse for regressives to smuggle in their disgusting propaganda – all whilst enjoying a glorious jolly in Rio on the licence fee, of course. I shall be making a point of blanking out the entire Olympics for the next two weeks.
I gave up on the Olympiad drugfest when I witnessed Ben Johnson and 3 other runners ‘break’ the 10 secs barrier in 1988. Only to subsequently find all four were caught, at various times afterwards, for drug taking. The dirtiest race in history, or just the tip of a less educated iceberg in a competition used as a propaganda tool for the one world fanatics?
Load of pro EU bullshit in there as well, on the live feed in the early hours…it was f’king dreadful.
Just in – Man looking for alan’s snackbar with machete in Belgium
Maybe he was going to help them slice the bread for sandwiches?
BBC Headline: “Belgian police attacker shot and killed in Charleroi”
No mention of any kind of motive. Even the Gurdian manages to include this useful information:
“The officers, reportedly both women, were assaulted in Charleroi, south of Brussels, on Saturday afternoon by an attacker shouting in Arabic, police said.”
Maybe the BBC are checking the attacker’s mental health status.
Why is it only our police that take these f*****s alive?
Why is it only our police that take these f*****s alive?
Good point. I think the Belgians and French have experienced enough Islamic terrorism to start reacting to it like the Israelis have and do through long and bitter experience.
To prevent them hooking up with their 72 virgins. The frustration must be excruciating as they rot in Belmarsh.
It’s actually 72 raisins ptg; I’d rather they suffered the frustration of discovering that in their (supposed) afterlife than in one of HMP’s at taxpayer’s expense.
Have a look at the website of these despicable and traitorous rabble…. these anti-British/pro-Islamist terrorist fascists need to be monitored as an extremist group that espouses violence and thuggery. You can see where the likes of the BBC get their ethos from. If you want to know why our country is being destroyed look no further than the anarchist thugs that are running this violent mob and SWP. They really are scum!
UAF are a contradiction. They are themselves the very thing they claim to be against. This is how regressives roll.
“Your grandfather fought to defeat the Nazis so that you could grow up to be called a Nazi for believing everything your grandfather believed.” Anon.
The left (and I include the BBC in that description) By virtue of their historic compassion for all social causes.Consider themselves as the only ones who are morally entitled to preach about morality.
These f####n idiots who can see no further than their traditional issues and prejudice have been suckered into joining together with global/liberal technocrats who place no value in culture and traditions and just see everything in terms of money.
If it wasnt so ridiculous it would be hilarious. It is almost like some corny James Bond plot or batman film where an international madman (or maybe even woman – a Frau maybe?) wants to to destroy everything through devious means. It is so obvious to even a dead amoeba can see what is happening yet the MSM keep denying it and even participate in crude cover ups.
Hopefully the same majority who voted for brexit will soon start to catch on to what is happening in Europe. Hopefully before Merkel has managed to import too many “beautiful young men” to bake our birthday cakes and drive lorries for us.
Lets hope that unlike the nordics we still possess the will to resist oppression and direct threat to our society just like our grandfathers did in years gone by.
Note Cameron’s support for them as Prime Minister. Kill British soldiers eh.
iUnite Against Fascism (UAF) is an anti-fascist[1] pressure group in the United Kingdom, with support from politicians of the three largest political parties in the House of Commons, including the former Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron and the late Labour politician Tony Benn.[2] It describes itself as a national campaign with the aim of alerting British society to a perceived threat of fascism and the far right — in particular the British National Party (BNP) — gaining a foothold at local, national and European elections, arguing that “there is a real danger that the BNP could get a significant platform in elected institutions.”[3]
As of 2014, its honorary presidents are Doreen Lawrence, Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon and Ken Livingstone. Its joint secretaries are Weyman Bennett of the Socialist Workers Party and the Anti-Nazi League, and Sabby Dhalu, formerly of the National Assembly Against Racism (NAAR).[4] One of the UAF vice-chairs is Azad Ali, who in 2009 was suspended as a civil servant in the Treasury after he wrote approvingly on his blog of an Islamic militant who said that as a Muslim he is religiously obliged to kill British soldiers in Iraq.[5]
Rio 2016: Controlled explosion carried out near Olympic road race finish line by anti-bomb squad
Apparently a suspect schizo lone wolf with a large cake was seen in the area !
Perhaps al beebus’ favourite Muslima won’t be asked to bake another cake for the Queen now?
Isis must be crapping themselves.
I suppose this is what the left calls a proportionate response. They call a few hundred and we give them bibles.
Pity they couldnt drop Welby and the Pope in with them to extend the hand of Christian friendship, preach love and forgiveness, and maybe even wash a few feet!
Got to say I am a bit suspicious about this story are some of us really that naive?
If this is true then God help us!
And no one can wonder anymore why and how Sweden has ended.
Got the news that the Lebanese Olympic ‘sports’ team blocked Israelis from boarding the same bus.
Hmmm, I Googled the story, adding ‘BBC’ and I was quite sure I would draw a blank. After all they only have about 400 ‘reporters’ and other staff there and they must be far too busy to report such vile and unsporting behaviour by Israel’s Arab enemies.
Surprise, surprise:
Lebanese athletes refused to share a bus with the Israel team to get to Friday’s Rio Olympic Games opening ceremony, members of both teams said.
Lebanon and Israel are officially at war and have no diplomatic relations.
The incident happened as the Lebanon team sat on the bus waiting to head to the Maracana stadium, before demanding the Israeli athletes must not board.
Israel’s athletes insisted on doing so, but the two teams were eventually taken to the ceremony in different buses.
Head of the Lebanese team Salim al-Haj Nicolas told AFP news agency he demanded that the door be closed on the Israeli team, but they “insisted on getting on”.
Well, let’s say that my initial amazement and admiration for the BBC’s reporting of the story faded somewhat as I contemplated the photo of the proud Lebanese marching at the ceremony and noted the absence of any photo of the Israeli team. I also noted that the Israeli response to the disgusting Lebanese behaviour was relegated to the lower section of the article.
But far, far worse is this BBC half truth, which is basically a lie; because I know how the BBC operates, I knew it was a lie before going to a non-BBC source for the truth:
…but the two teams were eventually taken to the ceremony in different buses.
No, BBC, the Lebanese, smug in their little victory, were allowed to stay on that bus by the alleged Olympic authorities, who naturally caved in to them, while the Israelis had to board another bus. As is virtually always the case, we have to go elsewhere for the actual story:
Here we learn, from a genuine news source, that the fine example of humanity who stopped the Israelis from boarding the bus boasted about it and is now regarded as a hero back in Lebanon. We also learn about the Israeli dissatisfaction with the Olympic authorities:
The incident was first described on Friday by Udi Gal, the Israeli sailing team trainer, who took to social media to criticize the Lebanese.
“I kept on insisting that we board the bus and said that if the Lebanese did not want to board as well they are welcome to leave,” Gal wrote in a Facebook post Friday.
“The bus driver opened the door, but this time the head of the Lebanese delegation blocked the aisle and entrance. The organizers wanted to avoid an international and physical incident and sent us away to a different bus,” he added.
Gal also criticized Olympic organizers for succumbing to the pressure of the Lebanese.
“How could they let something like this happen, and on the eve of the Olympic games? Isn’t this the opposite of what the Olympics are and what they should stand for?
Well, quite. And of course the BBC will stand shoulder to shoulder with the Olympic authorities on this issue. The BBC will do anything to protect the devotees of the Religion of Peace, no matter what they do.
Lefties at the beeb are fond of the term ‘dog whistle’, usually as a way of accusing others of racism or islamophobia.
Well here’s a dog-whistle for you guys – more of a foghorn. Isis sends out a call for Muslims to kill non-believers (that’s you and me guys, everyone but Muslims) using whatever’s at hand, guns, explosives, cars, knives, rocks. In the following months there’s an eruption of attacks on non-believers by Muslims using guns, explosives, cars, knives and rocks (the latter frequently used in confrontations in France and elsewhere). Now, the police and msm don’t seem to be able to join the dots, so let’s help them by breaking it down, real slow:
1) Isis sends out a call for Muslims to kill non-believers using guns, explosives, cars, knives, rocks.
2) Eruption of attacks on non-believers by Muslims using guns, explosives, cars, knives and rocks.
Do we see a pattern emerging, a possible ‘motive’? I’m no terrorism expert, not even a bbc journalist, so i’m not qualified to say, but I’ve got a feeling there might be a dog-whistle connection between 1 and 2, can’t quite put my finger on it.
10pm ish bBBC1 news.
Machete attack on police in Belgium, described as a terrorist attack.
In depth Al Beeb description of the perpetratrator – ‘a man’ !!!!!!!! FFS.
Now let readers guess some of the ‘man’s’ characteristics. Religious persuasion perhaps, informed by what he was shouting for instance.
Appallling bias by Al Beebzeera in denial as ever.
Sluff, all very nicely camouflaged by the Olympics for the duration?
But where do all these chaps get their machetes from? Call me ill-informed, but I wouldn’t know where to start looking here in Tunbridge Wells – Waitrose? Peter Jones?
I only know because we used to carry one on the panzers to cut down camouflage foliage in the days before thermal imaging.
Fellow brexiteers –
Our national treasure of a broadcaster has dug her up and she’s at it again comrades, bleating and winging on the bbbc R4 lie machine this morning about how the remorons failed to discuss immigration and let us brexiteers steer the debate.
Yes Anna everyone but you seemed to understand why you didnt want to discuss (er I mean confuse) the issue. With such clear overwhelming arguments for mass uncontrolled migration – boosts business profits, reduces wages, destroys local communities, damages community cohesion, fuels racism, drives up housing costs, increases pressure on NHS, and generally turning our beautiful country into a third world shithole….. Er probably best not to confuse the debate with divisive immigration issues and play into the hands of the waacist !slmophobes.
No, instead lets talk about trivia and nonsense like rising roaming mobile phone charges and air fares in europe. It shows clearly how much comtempt the bbbc and its quislings have for the people. As Churchill said, what kind of people do they think we are .
FFS give her a peerage and tell her to champion some other lost cause like on shore wind farms that ruin local communities and make lives hell for the sake of political correctness and corporate profit (ie environmental protection).
I saw a very brief clip of Anna Soubry being interviewed this morning on BBC News (I suppose it’s a piece from the programme later this evening). She intimated first of all that she’d raised the issue of the constant fear-mongering of the Remain campaign, which had been completely ignored by the people she was talking to (presumably the management team of the Remain group) before she went on to mention that Immigration had also been raised as a topic necessarily to be debated, and was also ignored.
But what did the Beeboids run with in the news bulletin ?…..natch – the Remain campaign clearly lost because of the lack of debate on the immigration issue – as for Remain’s ‘Project Fear’ – move on, nothing to see here, move on, I say !
Poor lady. How the reporting of the incident pans out will be interesting.
Conservative home website ran a straw poll of its readers, and 75% of them voted in favour of ‘Hard Brexit’.
Hard Brexit is a situation where if an insane European leader like Angela Merkel insists on free movement of people as a condition of access to the markets, then we stick two fingers up & walk away.
a 50% import tariff on ALL european goods would concentrate their minds wonderfully and I can imagine the German car industry either forcing Merkels hand or replacing her.
Well, Thoughful, anyone that has been in business knows only too well the folly of having only one BIG client. When Big goes bust or no longer wishes to trade with you, your business goes tit’s up. As a Brexit voter, this principle weighed sufficiently on my mind when I voted. In fact, I don’t think anyone that supported Brexit and voted accordingly ignored the fact that the UK economy may take a minor dip if we ditched trading with the EU altogether. in 2008 goods and services sold to the EU was in proportional terms, 50% (high water mark), since then, last year it dropped to 44.4%. Members of the EU or not, that figure is set to drop further. In conclusion, the UK HAS to trade with the rest of the World to sustain itself. It clearly will not if we continue to be (lovely expression I heard), “shackled to the moribund corpse of the EU”
The present Test series between England and Pakistan is a barometer of how well we are integrating our fellow Muslim Brits. Nearly forty years ago Norman Tebbit said that it was worrying that so many people born in Britain of Pakistani parents still supported Pakistan rather than England. Remember that at the time there was little if any terrorism on our streets. Well it is a generation later now, perhaps two generations, and still we see young people , men mostly of course, supporting Pakistan. The majority of these men will have parents, even grandparents, born in the UK but still they support Pakistan.So however concerning Norman found the lack of integration 30 odd years ago, its very much worse today. Rather than integrating over time as our idiotic liberal left assumed, the younger generation of Muslims are going in the opposite direction. Clear and indisputable evidence that multiculturalism has totally failed and that we have a alien population in our midst that has not integrated and shows no sign of going so and increasingly rejects our value system. We know that this population is increasing rapidly . All the conditions are right for there to be a massive and long term problem in the future.
What has changed is that nobody dare say what Norman said all those years ago for fear of being vilified by the MSM and social media. Even Norman foolishly chose to retract his views a few years ago. All that has happened in the past 35 years is that whilst the situation has grown steadily worse, we have Islamic terrorism all over Europe, we are now prevented from even discussing it, let alone trying to do anything about it. Our beloved BBC is deliberately attempting to pacify our fears by deceit , lies and suppression and even the police are joining them. Full speed ahead on the Titanic seems to be their plan.
Much as I sympthise with your general direction of travel on this, I fear you have only part of the story, which is that the reason many ‘younger Pakistanis’ support the team of their preferred culture is that, far from being second or third generation, they are in fact recent arrivals, benefitting from the Home Office’s continued ‘open door immigration is good ‘ policies (traceable back as I have mentioned a few times at least to the Steve Moxon whistleblowing on the dodgy Romanian visas scandal of 2004).
it’s an irony of Brexit that it has been in the government’s gift to control certain immigration for years but they chose deliberately not to. I am convinced the Sir Humphreys’ have blocked such moves but to this day I don’t understand why.
Make a pot of tea and some toast and Old English as we take a little Sunday morning gander through the week’s events not reported by the State Propaganda Machine. This time we’re looking at what the filthy Irish-Kenyan over the pond has got his sticky little brown fingers into…
Why is this not being reported by the BBC? Well, that’s obviously a rhetorical question. The BBC is far too busy demonising Trump to make time for an embarrassing story concerning their sainted Democrats now that they have nearly got the dangerous lying traitor into the White House. On that, BTW, why does the BBC even bother? As if any U.S. voters care what the BBC says. I don’t think I’m the first to say that – been said here already I think.
Anyway, the story that the BBC isn’t covering, one of the many stories that the BBC isn’t covering, is the January 17 chapter of the Iran-US hostage crisis. There are all kinds of facts, reasonably verifiable ones too, that go back to the original crisis in 1979 with hostages, a $10 billion order for some American jet fighters that weren’t delivered and an arbitrage conflict that remained unresolved ever since. But this story is specifically about the modern day hostages in Tehran in January and the $400m that was purportedly a part payment of some $1.7 billion that the U.S. had negotiated as a settlement over the defaulting on the jet delivery. It looked, apparently, like Iran might win the $10 billion plus interest at a little court case in The Hague so settling was sensible. But it all gets complicated when the timing of this payment coincides with the freeing of hostages. And the small matter of Obama arming the Muslim state with nuclear weapons (I’m editorialising the obviously completely not for weapons nuclear capability thing of course and it’s a whole other story).
Obama categorically stated that the U.S. does not and did not pay a ransom for the hostages to be freed. A bit like Bill who did not have sexual relations with that woman (though who could blame him when you consider his alternative). He stood up and said that to the world in a televised speech – it’s there in black and white, mainly black, on CNN. And yet one of the hostages says that they were held at Tehran airport on or about January 17 2016 for 24 hours waiting for another plane to arrive and was told that they would never be allowed to leave if it didn’t show up. That plane came from Switzerland with pallets loaded with Euros and Swiss Francs. $400 billion worth. When it landed the hostages plane could take off.
That’s the story. But the sequence is important. If the hostages’ plane was held until the money arrived, and then released, as the Iranians now claim, despite being told to keep it a secret, then that looks a bit like a smoking gun that Mr Obama is holding. Those pesky Iranians also released a video of the money being unloaded this week – oops. Well, we can’t take a video produced by the Iranian regime as evidence but we can sure ask the question of the Obama administration. So Fox News did.
Mark Toner is the U.S. State Department’s European and Eurasian spokesperson. He’s the same one that laughed when he heard that May has appointed Boris as Foreign Secretary. He also laughed in a press conference and said that press conferences weren’t about “transparency”! Anyway, let’s see what he had to say about this $400m and the sequence of the money plane arrival and the hostage lane departure. Here is a precise transcript. You can tell it’s going to be a bunch of horse shit when he starts by saying “I’m going to be very precise here”. You be the judge as to whether he was even a tiny bit precise, at all. And whether the Muslim Democrat in the White House is a lying apologist for a dangerous and corrupt terrorist regime in the Middle East. Or not.
ROSEN/FOX: Can you at least assure us that the hostages were in the process of being set free prior to the touching down of this plane with the pallets of cash?
TONER: I’m – so – and I’m going to be very precise here. So – and I was actually with the Secretary in Vienna, I want to say, when we did reach the – this was the night of the implementation of the JCPOA. And as I said, it was a moment where three separate lines of effort were culminating at the same time. And all of them were, as I said, separate but distinct lines of effort operating concurrently. You had the JCPOA implementation day, you had the freeing of the American hostages or detainees, and you also had this Hague settlement taking place. So as to the timing, I simply don’t – I can’t answer conclusively that these hostage – or these detainees, Americans, were on a plane before that money arrived. I might be able to get you an answer on that, but what I can say —
ROSEN/FOX: If you could take it as a taken question.
TONER: Sure. What I can say though categorically is that there was not any kind of understanding on the part of the Iranians and certainly not on the part of us that these two were linked, that one had to happen before the other would.
LEE/AP: I believe you agreed to take the question from my colleague James Rosen about the timing of the plane carrying the – I won’t say cash; I’ll say just carrying the method of payment for the 400 million.
TONER: Sure.
LEE/AP: Did it land in Tehran before or after the plane carrying the prisoners left Tehran for Geneva? TONER: And I don’t believe we’ve gotten clarity on that as well either. In terms of the timing, I don’t have it.
Nothing to see here, move along.
Good post. Yes, Fox News is all over this story because, whether the left-wing media in the US want to acknowledge it or not, it’s a huge story – the treacherous Obama slipping ransom money to the terrorist Mullahs for the release of US hostages and then lying about it to the American people.
I’m sure there must be many good-hearted US liberals who voted for him partly because they are truly non-racist and thought it would be a great idea to demonstrate that the US can elect a black (well, half-black) president. I’m equally sure that many of these liberals must now be bitterly regretting their choice. Obama has proven time and again that his sympathies lie with anyone but the American people and that he has consciously set out to weaken the US to further his own idiotic internationalist/socialist ideology.
He will be remembered by millions as the worst president the US has ever had. But the BBC, of course, will remain deeply and hopelessly in love with him.
Thought I’d mention that there is a small typo in your comment: the ransom money was not 400 billion. Er, well maybe not such a small typo!
Laura K is not dead after all. I see that the Beeb is running a documentary on Brexit – The Battle for Britain – on Monday at 21.00hrs. I can’t bear it! They are unable to let it go; they can’t accept the democratic vote of the people. They keep dragging up their old bone of contention and they will shake it and shake it till they think they can get their way through furthering dissent and creating more gloom and despondency. I don’t know whether or not I have the mental and emotional energy to watch it but I expect I might – just so as to be able to rant about the bias I expect to see and hear.
And finally – how dare they name their programme The Battle for Britain. They know NOTHING about the real Battle of Battle!
I certainly agree with the idea, but I would never consider Conservative Home to be a strong indicator of overall UK opinion regarding Brexit options. Unfortunately HM Loyal Opposition, their print and broadcast arms the Guardian and Al Beeb, a few treacherous Tories and the deeply undemocratic HoL appear to be conspiring to engineer a second referendum which if it occurs will see election fraud of North Korean standard by Leftoids/Remainiacs.
Last Wednesday i returned by train from a weeks holiday in my home town. Some of this time was spent discovering villages in East Lancashire and North Yorkshire whilst on an ancestry trail leading back to the 17th century. These villages wouldn’t have been out of place in an Emily Bronte novel as they were largely untouched and there was not a hijab nor a local shop called Ali/Khan etc to be seen. Indeed it reminded me very much of the innocence of my childhood and also the reality of sizeable towns and cities in modern day Britain.
For my return journey i bought a copy of that days Lancashire Evening Post and on turning to page 5, over half a page was devoted to “Race hate attacks on rise after Brexit vote”. A Muslim mother of four spoke about how her 84 year old father has had to suffer “things” being posted through his letterbox during Eid and then bits of (toilet) tissue thrown at his windows (photo of offending tissues on a window were included). It was also stated that Yobs had thrown pork products at his home and meat (pork) was found on his door handle. Rather poignantly she added: “My dad is very vulnerable. It’s been ongoing for a few weeks and i feel no-one is taking us seriously”. (Echoes of Rotherham and any number of towns with Muslim grooming gangs. Replace days for years)
On page 8 of the same rag almost half a page was taken up with a story headlined: “Plan to flood county streets with heroin is thwarted”. This was a story about a six man Bolton based gang who between them had been jailed for a total of 68 years. This gang were to supply a Preston crime gang with heroin, cocaine, cannabis and amphetamines, which in turn would be sold in the streets of Lancashire, Bradford, Birmingham and Cornwall. I suppose this kind of crime isn’t too rare these days though this gang had names (like the old days, i can’t really call them Christian names) such as Dhiren, Mohammed, Naheem, and Waqar.
Both articles were penned by Stef Hall (Court Reporter).
Meanwhile the next day (Thursday) and totally against my better judgement, i tuned into BBC Breakfast hosted by Louise Michin (degree in Spanish, who then trained as a radio journalist) and Ben Thompson (degree in international Business and French and a postgraduate diploma in Broadcast Journalism). They had a female Professor from Bradford University discussing the previous nights murder and stabbings in Russel Square. Not once were the words Muslim or Islam mentioned. Except the expert did come up with the theory that people committing such crimes were “crazy” and when Michin asked is it good to talk such things over with your children, the expert said something along the lines of: “yes, and remember to say these people are just crazy”. Financial expert Thompson concluded with “great stuff”.
This programme is just full of total dimwits and i have now taken an oath never to watch it again.
WH – the large scale importation of heroin into West Yorkshire has been carried by Pakistani Muslim gangs for decades and I daresay (from the LEP article you allude to) it would appear to be so in Lancashire as well.
The market towns and villages of North Yorkshire compared to the enriched urban areas of West Yorkshire, could be on different planets in the same solar system; never mind different parts of the same county.
But for how long?
I live in the Dales, but the ideal won’t last forever. I’m a white-flighter, so I could be accused of hypocrisy, but white flight and, ultimately, other “migration” out of Bradford and Leeds will have a serious impact.
There are some VERY smug people around here. The Remain vote was high. They don’t realise that their children or grandchildren will not enjoy the same standard of living that they do unless things change.
You are right.On my last visit to Skipton,gateway to the Dales, I was shocked by how many burka clad women were walkin around. The migration is steadily engulfing our countryside as well as our urban areas.But until the liberal left lose control of our country nothing will be done. In many respects losing white European migrants was the biggest downside of the Leave vote.They provided some ballast against a he Islamification of our country.
Very true. The (relatively few) Poles I have spoken to are very robust in their views, not feeling constrained by PC considerations.
Mind you, Sikhs and Hindus are no fans of Islamification either, for obvious reasons. There is, however, a problem with white idiots who can’t tell the difference.
Very true Doublethinker – one of the things i’ve always felt about the Brexit vote is that although Farage and the leave campaign ostracized the eastern europeans in the immigration debacle i beleive that it’s only because they were “fair game”. I feel the underlying current was in fact a stealth vote against the islamisization of our country and the migrants from the thirld world that in fact we were really voting against. I was anyway.
With such an acceptance of that reality i guess that’s why a story which details a gang or gangs dealing and pedaling with death and destruction only makes page 8 in a long established (1886) county newspaper. Yet a story that is less important than an elderly person having to put up with, say, fireworks exploding after being put through their letter box makes page 5.
As the pork related story was linked with Brexit and of course such stories are a favourite hobbyhorse of the BBC, then they might begin reporting why such incidents with fireworks occur on the lead up to every 5th November. I’m obviously getting far too ahead of myself. Gunpowder plot, Guy Fawkes hmm they wouldn’t or couldn’t demonise the failed plot and would no doubt ask why all the elderly always complain every year about such intrusions through their letterboxes. After all these are the very same people who voted for Brexit!
Where’s that darkened room?
As regards the villages Al you’re correct. When you’re in them and admiring the quaint beauty that they offer it’s difficult to imagine just a short drive brings you to some of those appalling enriched urban areas.
WH….. “These villages wouldn’t have been out of place in an Emily Bronte novel as they were largely untouched and there was not a hijab nor a local shop called Ali/Khan etc to be seen.”
Oh DO TELL where these places are ! I’m looking to move, and preferably to an alien free zone with hopefully the chance of seeing a doctor within a week, and good Broadband connection. Does such a place exist now ?
“..wouldn’t have been out of place in an Emily Bronte novel”
Sorry to have to break the news but even Haworth has been touched by political correctness. There’s been a serious local dispute within the local Brontë Society over “modernisation”. Bonnie Greer, former president, resigned last year.
Why was she appointed in the first place, you might well ask? She turns up all over the place and clearly has an unlimited first class season ticket for the Gravy Train.
Bonnie Greer ? She ain’t no Shirley !
Bonnie Greer, is yet another colonial who has made her name not in their own place of birth, but instead finding a platform too spout their opinions on our broadcasting system. Clearly the competition is too great in their homeland.
The only people who regard Greer as being of the slightest significance are the BBC. They keep billing her a ‘playwright’. I am unaware of her string of West End (or any other) successes.
I wonder why the BBC doesn’t tell the truth and describe her as a’;professional black woman’?
Brissles, there are quite a few places like that in Norfolk/Suffolk/north Essex.
Thanks Cranmer, I have friends in Cavendish, and on recent visits to there and surrounding villages, seem to be ‘alien’ free ……. so far, and still retain my ‘Miss Marple’ view of an England that we are rapidly losing.
The Isle of Wight is appallingly un-enriched too (wonderfully so in fact, as far as I could ascertain on holiday there a few years back).
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this weekend:
– BBC Radio 1 Audience Share Falls to 10 Year Low
– BBC Behind Ludicrous Wi-Fi Detection Claims
– TV Licensing on BBC Radio Cornwall
And BBC Radio Wales listener figures at 16-year low……..
Not really BBC bias (other than the smear headline towards the unsympathetic Gove, and only quoting Remain backers and predominantly left-wing MPs whichay have been all that was available) but another example of how deluded Remain campaigners really were and still remain even when apparently giving concessions.
Anna Sourby: “We did fear on the economy, keep on about the economy… which was right, but not all the way over it because people got bored and tired with that. It was like we kind of made and won that argument, so then the vacuum appeared and then bang, in they came with their killer card, which was immigration and we refused to engage in it.”
So she says it was ‘right’ to run a continuous fear campaign on the economy. In other words, she still thinks that continuously threatening the people with speculation is somehow both ethical and effective, even though the result – and the reasons for it – prove her wrong.
She then thinks Remain “made and won” the economic argument, which is true only if you ignore the swathes of business and economic voices both home and abroad saying leaving would not be a disaster, most of whom had far more credibility than the ‘experts’ used by Remain who had already been discredited over several major events they failed to predict – so even their constant appeals to intellectual authority didn’t work, not to mention that appealing to authority is pretty much the best way to ensure the average voter will NOT trust what is being said. “Do this because this person says so and they know better than you” us not an argument, it’s a deflection and a fallacy that also comes across as a complete insult towards voters. If they truly had meaningful insight they would have been able to communicate it without constantly playing the ‘expert’ card.
But the biggest thing that Remainers still can’t seem to get through their ideologically-deranged, selfish, insular minds is that the referendum was NEVER ABOUT the economy for most people. It wasn’t even really about national identity, sovereignty, immigration, Islam, strained services, or Eurogenics. These were all perfectly valid reasons to leave, far more permanent and far-reaching than the economy which is always going to fluctuate anyway and has more unpredictable peaks and troughs, but they were symptoms of the real problem, which was that our leaders were no longer accountable to us. This was a vote about democracy, something which the supposedly fair and people-championing likes of the BBC, The Guardian, the Mirror, and Twitter users, don’t actually understand the concept of, as evidenced not only by their complete acceptance of the anti-democratic EU and attacks on anyone who challenges their narrative, but by their attempts to subvert, undermine, reverse or just completely ignore the result of most represented and decisive election in our post-war history because they didn’t get what they wanted and still can’t come to terms with the idea that they night have been wrong. Trying to claim that the immigration argument “popped up” after the economic argument had been won by Remain (which it hadn’t) is another example of the contempt with which the EU and its supporters hold the people, as it had been one of the most debated aspects of our nation’s affairs for the best part of 15 years yet was swept under the carpet or brushed off with accusations of racism. To claim that it was a new thing that was brought up near the end of the campaign is quite simply deranged, Brexit always had the winning side when it came to border control.
The reality is pretty much the opposite of what Sourby believes. Brexit won every important argument early on in the debate. Remain only had the economy left, which was the least important element to most reasonable people as it was the least permanent. They also had the maleable youth vote and probably wanted to lower the voting age to 16 to get even more inexperienced souls to take their politically-skewed educational indoctrination to the ballot, but if their understanding of the EU and their actions since are anything to go by then I think there’s a fair argument for raising the voting age to 25 (I’m 29 for what it’s worth) as they clearly can’t separate their biased further education liberal teaching from what’s actually happening. Then Brexit: The Movie came out and the last little chink in the Brexit armour, the economic argument, was given a completely different and far more optimistic spin, while also displaying just how deceitful and utterly non-transparant the EU truly is. This film almost certainly made the single-biggest impact on the undecided voters and destroyed the myth that Brexiters were ignorant xenophobes and Remainers were saintly sages. Brexit was always going to win as soon as it took the lead, not to mention many second- and third-generation migrants who are equally sick of free movement and the influx of people refusing to integrate the way they did. Remain had all the major parties on their side, most celebrity endorsements, and £9m additional campaign funding, yet were still being destroyed. I dare even say that when Jo Cox was sadly murdered there were scumbags in the Remain camp who were delighted at the prospect of one final, desperate possibility that they could trick the people into being emotionally blackmailed back their way. It didn’t work, and the only surprise is that the Brexit margin of victory wasn’t even larger than it was.
I think it’s safe to say Remain did not ‘win’ anything, to suggest it did is fatuous and just reinforces our decision to leave.
At about 08:33 in, shameless and shameful.
First an attack in Belgium, no idea who did it or why, followed shortly after by this Goebbelesque inspired crap regarding the slaughter in Nice by a “man driving a lorry”. A “man driving a lorry”?. Via collective media amnesia the butchery in Nice will soon be a traffic accident that never happened, the BBC is stooping to depths of mis reporting that a pessimistic Orwell on acid couldn’t have dreamt of in his worst nightmares.
New BBC Bias : Re “Hitting The Frackpot” : If you feel positive about fracking the BBC is not interested in YOU.
However if you have NEGATIVES feeling contact us on”, with Whatsapp, Upload your pictures / video here, Tweet: @BBC_HaveYourSay, Send an SMS or MMS , Send pictures/video to“
That will only illicit a response from people who are negative towards fracking.
Where is the request from input from the people who think fracking will BENEFIT “by fracking proposals” ?
… Cos it will provide huge tax money for hospitals, give a couple of local jobs, , with the only disruption will be the 2 weeks it takes to frack the well, and cap it with a small well head and clear up and clear off. (OK they might come and install a gas pipe connection, but that will be local jobs aswell) . Plus it will help reduce CO2 thru gas powered electricity large scale generation (compared to the toy town scale solar/wind produce).
– R4 now ..commenter is getting in the meme “ah but your property will drop by 7% in value”, sounds like rubbish to me.
None of the commenters talked about using the money for hospitals instead …
Putting community fund money into local “green” projects is of course a way of funding green propaganda.
better put a link to the BBC article I quoted from : Households could get fracking payments under government plans
Gavin Esler asking probing questions about Oscar Taking-The-Pistorius: “How do people feel about him in SA, I mean he’s lost a lot including his girlfriend?” LOST her? Where, under the bed? I thought he blew her brains out and was found guilty of such despite the risibly biased ‘Judge’ Marzipan.
Maybe the history books could be revised using the same terminology to clean up Henry Viii a little, “married six times sadly he lost the first five…”
Some sort of ‘event’ going on in Germany, Armed man ‘covered in blood’ holed up in German restaurant ? Anything about it on on Al Beeb ?
Not a bias issue or even an exclusively BBC obsession, though they lead the pack in the amount of coverage given.
I just can’t fathom why Pistorious generates so much BBC saliva, both currently and previously throughout the murder trial. Now he’s hurt his wrists, are we to be updated on how regular he is too? If the BBC is to maintain a presence in SA at all then there are surely more pressing issues for it to be reporting on. Seriously, what have I missed? What’s the deal with Pistorious?
Oldspeaker, The Pistorius saga ticks a helluvah lot of BBC boxes:
*Young, handicapped white man not at all racist towards blacks and wildly successful in the international sporting arena
*Immediately expressed apparent great remorse after murdering his beautiful, successful girlfriend and claimed he thought she was an intruder – a fabrication which some at the BBC surely bought
*Black female judge Masipa, active in the Struggle against Apartheid, also buying Pistorius’ story and twice handing down ludicrously lenient sentences.
From the world view of the BBC, what’s not to like?
And of course, all this is also a cover for the BBC’s dismal failure to report on the decline of South Africa and the extraordinary level of crime in the Rainbow Nation.
Piss-taker is now denying he cut his wrists – just an accident. Like shooting Reeva 4 times was an accident. This guy is so accident prone. Apparently he thought his 2 wrists were intruders so he cut them in self-defence before they could kill him as he was on his stumps and vulnerable. Judge Masipa has said his story sounds perfectly credible and that he showed sincere remorse by vomiting all over his cell.
This the single best piece I’ve read anywhere regarding Pistorius and his “credibility”. It’s quite a long read but absolutely hilarious and is essential reading for anyone interested in the case and destroys Pistorius so completely it should be considered a work of art!
And Judge Marzipan believes every word of Pisstaker’s pathetic tissue of lies and falls for his snivelling whimpering puking histrionics. She’s either been bought, intimidated, still looks up to the White Master, or is plain thick. And is awed by his fame. Like OJ Simpson, people are afraid to convict popular heroes. In OJ’s case of course, juries were afraid to convict a popular black hero, waycism bla bla.
The incident in Germany is not reported on BBC or Sky but RT News is reporting it:
I seem to keep reading on this site that suicide bombers who are Islamic in beliefs are going to be rewarded in heaven with 72 virgins.
What utter nonsense.
Firstly, even if this were true how do they know that they are all good looking
Secondly, and more important,I am assuming most of the bombers are heterosexual men, can you imagine the face of sheer horror when the bomber finds that, yes, the 72 virgins are in front of him, with legs akimbo, but they are all MALE !
Breaking news!
it’s a misconception. Jihadis are actually rewarded with one seventy-two-year-old virgin in Islamic paradise.
Yep just reported on Sky, he has psychiatric issues. Surprise surprise.
This whole “mental health” or “psychologically disturbed” nonsense they’re continually spouting has gotten very old, very fast. In regards to this generically described man held-up with a gun I saw red when I read the part about him appearing “psychologically disturbed”. I’m becoming psychologically disturbed at the evil propaganda I’m having to endure on a daily basis now!
Someone should explain to the lefty, appeasing media that it generally takes a bit of time to establish whether or not someone is mentally disturbed.
True – and that it takes a bit of time to establish whether or not someone is motivated by radical islam, like getting into their computer, mobile etc, hence the weeks it took German police to find links with ISIS of 2 of their recent attackers. Immediate claims of ‘nothing to do with terrorism’ are automatically suspect.
No, Leftoids can discern mental illness solely on the basis of how one voted in a referendum, like the Brexit one. By the same token they can know age, educational level and discern the level of racism.
So it’s no big deal for them to diagnose mental illness.
Mental assessment of the armed man conducted by Fritz, the bobby riding past on his bike.
‘A police official said the man seemed to be in an ‘exceptional psychological situation’ and there were no indications that this was a terrorist-related incident’.
Read more:
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Who’s given up on R4 Feedback ?
Catching up on old pod casts : The R4 Feedback prog from the day after the referendum.
– 15 mins from Remoaners complaining about bias twds Brexit, ended by a brief line “Some people even complained the BBC was biased towards Remain!”
– 5 min break for lionising Saint Jo Cox “Terrible..Appalling ..death”, cos she’s ‘one of us ProgLefties
– 8 mins MORE from Remoaners complaining about bias twds Brexit
To me it sounds like it comes straight out of the Guardian. They take all the non-ProgLefty letters and put them on one side and then deal with the ProgLefty letters one by one, calling them up to put them on air.
The BBC guy brought on from outside the show Rick Bailey (the BBC’s chief political advisor) had a completely different line, he did actually try to remain unbiased.
There was ONE good point when a caller pointed out the BBC traditionally never covers the EU parliament that meets 5 days/month.
As I say The Guardian is very much a tiny fringe publication, so why is Feedback made just for them rather than for the whole of its audience which is more likely 52% plus for Brexit ? …… I’ve still got my Brexit smile.
I have, Stew. BBC Radio4 used to be a big thing for this household. It was on most of the day and Feedback was one of the favourites. Either peace and quiet or other alternatives are taking over.
The BBC may be in a real crisis quite soon if this is increasingly replicated nationwide.
Remember those NTDWI attacks in Germany, on a train and outside a music festival after those nasty white Germans wouldn’t let him in? (Poor sausage, no wonder he was upset.) Well, hang on, perhaps it WAS something to do with islam, and perhaps even ISIS, according to the usually right-on pc Financial Times no less. (I must have missed that on beeb, in amongst all the Olympics)
“German attackers directed by Isis contacts in Saudi”
Remember those NTDWI attacks in Germany, on a train and outside a music festival after those nasty white Germans wouldn’t let him in? (Poor sausage, no wonder he was upset.) Well, hang on, perhaps it WAS something to do with islam, and perhaps even ISIS, according to the usually right-on pc Financial Times no less. (I must have missed that on beeb, in amongst all the Olympics)
“German attackers directed by Isis contacts in Saudi”
In case you can’t access FT article, German attackers directed by Isis contacts in Saudi, see below:
The two refugees who launched terror attacks in Germany last month were in contact with suspected members of the militant group Isis, including one with a Saudi phone number, according to reports in the German media on Saturday.
Records of internet communication now in the hands of German investigators show both men, the Afghan teenager Riaz Khan Ahmadzai, and Mohammed Daleel, a 27-year-old Syrian, were advised and directed by Isis, which provided tips on ensuring the maximum number of casualties.
Ahmadzai was shot dead by police after going on the rampage with an axe and a knife near the Bavarian town of Würzburg on July 18, wounding five people, while Daleel died after blowing himself up outside a wine bar in Ansbach, also in Bavaria, six days later, injuring 15 people.
Germany is still reeling from the attacks, the first committed by Muslim refugees who were part of the big wave of migrants that has entered the country over the past few years.
They have become a problem for Angela Merkel, Germany’s long-serving chancellor, whose popularity has taken a big knock in the wake of the attacks.
A poll published by ARD-Deutschlandtrend on Thursday showed her approval rating dropped 12 percentage points to 47 per cent this month.
Ms Merkel insists she will not deviate from her open-door refugee policy, despite repeated calls for a rethink from the CSU, sister party to her CDU. The ARD poll showed that about two-thirds of Germans are unsatisfied with the policy.
German media — including news magazine Der Spiegel and the Sueddeutsche Zeitung — said Ahmadzai had been in contact with an Isis member shortly before he launched his attack aboard a train near Würzburg.
He had suggested the teenager drive a car into a crowd, much like Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, the 31-year-old Tunisian who had killed 85 people in Nice four days earlier. But the teenager said he could not drive. His contact allegedly replied: “You should learn. The damage would be a lot greater”. Instead, Ahmadzai said he would board a train and attack the first passengers he saw.
The Sueddeutsche said Daleel sent a picture of the site of the open air concert in Ansbach that he planned to attack to his Isis contact, who reportedly lives in Saudi Arabia, saying: “This area will be full of people.” The contact replied: “Kill them all.” Etc etc.
Can Capita’s Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) ‘technology’ tell the difference between say a livestream from BBC News24, as opposed to, for instance livestream from Youtube, or,
What if you have four or five windows open, and stream from several different websites SIMULTANEOUSLY? Would this muddy the waters?
Even if their ‘technology’ can differentiate between various livestreams, effective counter-measures exist by using a VPN service IN CONJUCTION WITH OBFSPROXY (OPENVPN+OBFSPROXY).
Several VPN service providers allow this, and such techniques are successful used by millions who reside in even nastier regimes than our own in the UK, such as Iran, China, Pakistan.
Mullvad, NordVPN,, VPN.AC, are just a small example of the many providers who now provide OPENVPN+OBFSPROXY technology.
Continue to bin the letters, and use a VPN service which has a track record of defeating the Great Firewall of China (one which uses TOR’s obfs technology), and continue to use the BBC iplayer (Live or not).
((It may also possible to use STUNNEL in conjunction with a VPN service to defeat DPI)).
At the end of the day they will continue to rely on the same old nasty letters sent by Capita working on behalf of the [B]ullying [B]roadcasting [C]orporation, with the phrases such as ‘Interview Under Caution’ and ‘Police And Criminal Evidence’ Act, thrown in, to fool the stupid into mistakenly believing that the TV enforcement staff have ‘Police Powers’.
Whilst those with a half a brain know it’s safe to continue to bin the letters, and shut the door in the face of any inspector who does pay a visit.
Don’t think it matters too much. Do not the BBC know when you use iPlayer on your PC because of the way the software is constructed. Or did they lie to users when we signed up for iPlayer in the first place? If they did, then maybe that should be highlighted to MPs?
If not, no matter. All they have to do after 1 September is come up with a new version of iPlayer that will not allow BBC television use without an access code, the access code coming with the Licence Fee when paid, just like other software.
Not covered on beebistan: Gang attack police in East London. They look distinctly Norwegian to me, tanned and bearded.
Yeah, regular Viking look.
Not covered on beebistan: Gang attack police in East London. They look distinctly Norwegian to me, tanned and bearded.
Who’d be a copper in enriched England eh?
Sure looks like Asians to me.
Reading the article the incident happened on Wednesday, from what I can see it only appeared in the Mirror today……Odd it took so long to come out, not sure if BBC did cover it but I suspect not.
There seems to quite a lot of news suppression going on at the moment. In the Mail today, Peter Hitchens suggests that we currently have rather less free speech than they do in Putin’s Russia. It’s a debatable point but he does have one and their news is no more manipulated than ours.
Sorry, only just seen your reply…………I honestly don’t know if Hitchens is correct in his assertion or not, but the fact that he is even suggesting it raises alarm for me. There is undoubtedly a concerted effort to ignore certain stories. Only a couple of days ago in Swansea an immigrant was jailed for 12years for raping a woman who was just walking to work, it made the local papers and national ones too yet didn’t appear anywhere on the BBC (that I could see anyway). Being familiar with the blandness of BBC news coverage in Wales I can assure you that should’ve been headline news.
I’m starting to suspect that unless there’s a fatality involved then certain events will be ignored more and more, only appearing deep within the regional sections if were lucky. Even with the major stories now it’s becoming noticeable how quickly they are forgotten, March 22nd attacks in Brussels anyone?
Yes GC and Duck. Remember the sentencing of yet another paedo sex gang in Halifax a few weeks ago? Probably not cos on the beeb website it was buried so deep in the regional pages as to be invisible. Which is precisely how they wanted it.
Halifax abuse story was buried due to the more important news that Saint Jo Cox had been murdered by a “Brexiteer” I think ? #bbcProgLeftAgenda
Correct Stew. “Let’s not distract from the message of St Jo and the evil Brexiters”.
But I think they’d have buried Halifax sex gang anyway.
Duck, a variation of that strategy of dissimulation is to announce the unavoidably ‘big’ stories but with little or ambiguous detail (religion, motive etc). By the time the embarrassing-to-the-beeb details emerge, it’s old news and can safely be shunted to the bottom of the page.
Good point, how many times have we read the phrase “the motive is not yet clear” over the past couple of weeks while in most cases the motive is anything but unclear. I’ve also started to notice that suspects names are taking longer to be released too…………..though their mental state can be ascertained in minutes apparently.
The Duck
As you may be aware I live in Wales and no one I knew had heard of the Swansea rape until I had informed them of it . Where did I pick it up ? On this site of course.
This site is far better in news up dates than you find on Al Beeb .
Same here, though I’m not in the Swansea area. No one I knew had heard of it either, It was only by chance I saw it posted on here or else it would have passed me by too.
A ‘prima facie’ case for suspecting Al Beeb of censorship of the news . Just what else is going on that is unreported ?
Well done this site.
Although I regard the BBC – as the largest news agency in the country – as wholly biased I am becoming more aware that the entire media is in some way involved in suppression and distortion of the news. Look at the comments here on distortions in Sky and our regular newspapers from the Times to the Mirror.
It’s inevitable, I’m afraid. The drive to recruit graduates, in place of training people on the job, means that trades like journalism are now populated by shiny faced Marxist foot soldiers., fresh out of university departments completely dominated by socialists.
Now and then one of them sees the light (Janet Daley, Leo McKinstry, Rod Liddle) and realises she or he has been duped by Marxism, but most carry on quite happily, flitting from the Independent to the Guardian to the BBC, never hearing a contrary opinion and preaching the same dreary gospel.
Our MSM is dying. Thank heaven.
Exactly Taffers, I gave up the BBC some time ago. I get my news links from this site and Brietbart. The MSM have lost all credibility.
taffy duck and all posters,
This site is wonderful. Thanks to David Vance, Alan and all the posters who contribute here. I get so much information and links from you. And so much humour ! Naturally , I exclude the Trolls from that . No self-awareness or sense of humour at all.
You can bet that the BBC would close this site down if they could. I have only one thing to say to the BBC. A two-fingered salute !
Is it that dreaded Mary Berry gang again?
Ah, but Asians who live in London, with Icelandic/Norwegian/Japanese citizenship and passports, who are of Pakistani/Afghanistani descent, currently undergoing Cognitive Behavioural Therapy ………. and who can usually be found in Brixton market flogging a nice line in machetes, that will be useful when they are on their one day course for lorry ramming.
Lunch time news on Radio 4. The headlines…. objections to fracking payments. Later down the line turned out it was Greenpeace. To quote Mandy Rice Davis, “They would say that, wouldn’t they?” So not really news and hardly the most important thing happening in the world. Then we had Jeremy Corbyn objecting to the reintroduction of grammar schools. To which I thought ‘he would say that, wouldn’t he?” Again, so predictable, and from the unelectable it was hardly worth the prominence the BBC gave it. I used to believe many years ago that I needed the BBC to be informed but sadly it is no longer the case. There is the irrelevance of what they do broadcast and the relevance of what they chose to omit.
Just as an aside I did read Jeremy Corbyn’s article in the Sunday Telegraph today. He was obviously not taught, or failed to understand when you use ‘me’ in a sentence and when you use ‘I’. It isn’t difficult, but he got it wrong both times. A bear of very little brain (sorry Pooh but I have upgraded you to a PhD compared to Corbyn).
Yes, that was a fine example of the BBC’s approach to news: find someone who opposes a government policy and lead on that rather than the policy itself. Needless to say, there’s long queue of willing helpers.
“Then we had Jeremy Corbyn objecting to the reintroduction of grammar schools.”
What is it with Al Beeb, The Labour Party and grammar schools ? Many of my mates whose parents were staunch socialists were very proud that their children passed the 11 Plus to get into grammar school.
Corbyn’s article was supposed to be aimed at Tory voters. Well, it was misdirected for sure. Corbyn still believes in the money tree. At one point he castigated the government for piling up more debt ( true) but all his proposals would cost money – renationalise the railways, pump more cash into the bottomless pit called the NHS ( on which he wanted to end all efficiency incentives such as internal competition), build more houses etc etc he didn’t mention his evil henchmen McDonnell’s plan
to raise £350 billion in infrastructure bonds.
Incidentally how many Tory voters will the Telegraph retain as readers if it continues it’s precipitous decline in quality ?
I think that the DT’s cunning plan is to pick up Indie and Guardian readers faster then it loses Telegraph readers. Another failed strategy.
DT – decline in quality and swing leftward.
Same 5pm BBCNews channel #MoreTime4lefties
Item #1 first 5 minutes on Fracking, screen times was 4 mins of protesters and 1 min to the actual news about the fracking benefit fund proposals
Item #2.. 5 minutes on Politician Soubrey says Remainers should have mentioned immigration. footage was 4 minute Remain or antiBrexit vs 1 min Brexit
..but #WasThatNews ? cos the last words were : “You can see the whole programme tmw”
So actually it wasn’t a news item it was an advert for another BBC show. *
(Item #3 was the Russian paralympic ban, which was mainly a skype interview with a British swimmer, maybe she is a BBC special friend.)
* 9pm Monday :Brexit: The Battle for Britain : BBC Two with Laura Kuenssberg
The Radio Times blurb overdramatises a bit
“meltdown”..em no there wasn’t you daft BBC dildos… will it be 55 minutes against brexit and 5 mins of token Brexit voices ?
Having worked in the NHS there are several ways to save money instead of throwing billions at it, and it doesn’t affect the wages of clinicians ………………
Stop the insane payment of full wages to staff who are off sick for 6 months, return to work for a couple of weeks and then take another 6 months off;
Drastically reduce the number of ‘Managers’ – the majority of whom are nurses who have side stepped into management to increase their salary and chances of promotion;
Cut out the ‘away day’ conferences at hotels or country mansions with lunch – plenty of meeting rooms at the hospitals;
Return to ‘in-house’ cleaning and maintenance instead of contracting out – (I was quoted a cost of £500 to install a shelf in the stock cupboard !!!);
Reduce waste – it was shocking to see perfectly good sheets, unopened extra large cans of paint, chairs that weren’t broken or soiled, and much much more, all thrown into a skip on a regular basis because it was all being replaced.
And of course the biggest money pit of all, the Agency staff – that whole set up needs to be addressed because Agency owners know that its a cash cow of a well that will never run dry !
The Health Minister will never sort it out, as there are too many agitating clinicians on board now who will continue to hold the Government to ransom. It needs a Tsar and committee who have the balls to make changes. The crap about it not being able to function without migrant staff is bloody ridiculous too – during my time, those who took the most time off were in fact alien staff – they had a laid back attitude to the job, had a basic understanding of English, lived in accommodation on site, and their wages were sent ‘back home’ – which belies the fact that they were ‘adding to the economy’ of this Country.
Spot on , Spot on !
Same in the far West, with the added cost of the highly paid Trustees that manage the system for the Welsh Assembly .
Excellent post.
Agree with taffman and GWF.
Brissles, have you written to the new PM & Hunt with that advice, copied to your MP? Or would it be difficult for your work position? If OK work-wise and you have not written, I would encourage you to do so.
Maybe B-BBC-ers could use your information to do the same?
Mr D has just had a procedure at the private hospital which we have paid for. However on arrival we got the feeling he was the only non-NHS patient there. Good job we didn’t want a coffee because we couldn’t get near the machine. When I was there as an inpatient a couple of years ago I was very much treated like the NHS patients eg they wanted my room on the last day so much that they offered to pack my bag and said I could wait in out patients waiting room to be collected. When you are personally paying thousands the least to expect is a room. I digress, just how does Corbyn expect to make the Health Service government run only? Will the government produce its own drugs, do its own R&D, supply its own elastoplasts, etc. Until he answers those sort of questions he cannot say he is taking away private companies from the NHS.
A view from within, Brissles. Bravo!
Notice that Al-beeb’s fracking story is accompanied by a huge Texas-style nodding donkey behind Croxall (know F-all) When the reality is all there will be on the wellhead is a small xmas-tree set of valves which will easily be secured in a building and blended in to the surrounding countryside with a screen of trees.
They just don’t want the plebs getting cheaper energy.
I know what you mean. It seems the people running these stories and the ones they interview have never worked in Oilfields, never been to, or seen an oil rig or a post exploration facility. A long time ago I worked on an oil facility in Humbly Grove near Alton in Hampshire. From the main roads the entire facility was completely obscured and the storage was mainly underground. It is still running today and has been since the 1980s and I am pretty sure no one on the M3 or the A31 would even know it exists.
The R4 Clinton history drama yesterday probably wasn’t what the BBC buyer was expecting..It featured Hillary being deceptive as his team struggled to cover up all his past adulteries and the Clintons put on the happy family face ..There are 2 more episodes to come (episode 2 already online )
Stew, the BBC arm dealing with news, politics and the web-site, just does NOT listen to BBC Drama. Or if they do, they will be quite incapable of thinking and checking whether the drama is historically accurate and it ought to inform their stance on the US Election campaign and Hillary.
They are after all, just totally opposed to Republican Party politics and especially so with Trump as the nominated candidate. Hillary deceptive? Doesn’t matter. Republicans are worse. Trump more so. Just look at that hair!