“The Nobel Peace prize is announced to today , 280 nominations including Donald Trump, but he’s not likely to win”
– It’s bad enough that statement is just an unnecessary sneer but if you were tuned to Radio 4 at 5-6am you heard it 3 times within 35 minutes
5:05am ending the news 5:32 and 5:40 when they switched back from World Service
…What was the news value of that statement ?
It’s just BBC bias which turns into them expressing hate.
SJW’s and BBC’s beloved White Helmets …don’t win the Nobel Peace Prize
The Columbian president Juan Manuel Santos won instead
The award should also be seen as a tribute to the Colombian people who, despite great hardships and abuses, have not given up hope of a just peace, and to all the parties who have contributed to the peace process.
..even though he failed to win support of his public in the recent referendum on accepting peace terms with FARC Indy
No-one seems to have picked up on the fact that photos of Steven Woolf lying on the floor, appears to have his jacket still on, his overcoat is to his side, with his bag still in his hand. However, according to all the reports, and in the press, both men took off their jackets to square up to each other! SO was the crime scene tampered with ? seems like the perpetrator stuck one on Woolf while the guy was carrying his topcoat and his bag.
Of course DS, you’re right, he did collapse sometime after. Rather macabre that people find it fitting to take photos of the scene though. I would be most upset to see a picture of a family member in such a distressing situation plastered all over social media and the press. Funny how time is found to take the photo instead of trying to assist.
@Brissles I posted very early on that the collapse took place 2 hours after the meeting..
It’d taken me minutes to find that photo on twitter which shows he fell on that overhead bridge
I don’t know why the media with all their massive resources reported otherwise.
..Actually I do ..cos they can’t handle complexity ..and jump to narrative
..and for them Narrative trumps Truth.
..and once they’ve run with an attractive narrative they can’t get back to truth.
just in
“Woolfe did fall, but I didn’t punch him*”
“I acted in self defence”
“handbags at dawn”
… Mike Hookem quoted on R4 news minutes ago
* Yesterday Steven Woolfe is quoted as saying in the Daily Mail as saying he was pushed.
This morning his statement said that he had reached out to make peace with MH via email.
R4 just now “very public scuffle” ..that’s the whole point it wasn’t in public ..they stepped out from the meeting into a side room. SW walked back into the meeting and continued it shortly afterwards.
My critical typo on word “pushed”
“Woolfe is quoted as saying in the Daily Mail as saying he was PUNCHED.
However Mike Hookem has just been on R4 live explaining the whole thing
“No one threw any punches, it only lasted seconds”
..yes I agree to make up with him
..It was all over SW actually contemplating defecting to the Tories..which he decided against
..But to me it is strange that MH didn’t just put a calming message out on Twitter yesterday
I just turned over by accident to BBc 2 (BBC News) 11:07 BBC launch an all out attack on UKIP & are obviously trying to inflate and maintained the story which as BBc comment had no witnesses. Shock! Horror! Outrage!
Forget the troubles of the world. AlBeeb has a serious report on an important subject.
“Is magic’s glass ceiling vanishing? By Nicola Stanbridge”
Superfluous, in my opinion, women can make twenty pound notes disappear in five nanoseconds.
A man tells us that his granddaughter – who has been brought up in a non-gender-stereotyping household, which grandpa says he fully supports – nevertheless has a thing about the colour pink, as do many little girls.
Grandpa goes on to tell us about how old-fashioned it is to think that household chores be allocated along gender lines, with women dealing with shopping and cooking while men take the rubbish out and fix broken appliances.
Total waste of 3 minutes. Nobody who didn’t already agree with him would have been converted to his view. And those who already agree with him don’t need to hear it re-affirmed.
What a sanctimonious, virtue-signalling bore he was. Where do they get these people?
If we must have thought for the day, then I would like to hear much more bracing range of thoughts and thinkers: how about a traditionalist Imam on gender roles (now that would be interesting), Tommy Robinson on the proper limits of tolerance, an anarchist thinker on anything at all.
Tom, what about the so-called, ‘Fake Sheikh’ delivering a thought for the day on his topic of ‘Taqiyya’? He is very obviously the World leading expert of the subject of lying to the infidel.
The beeb are in a fracking pissed off mood today over the fracking decision yesterday. The knives are out today. They are very quiet today over the labour reshuffle not really bigging up shami whitewash’s appointment to corbyns gang. If it was the tories doing the same thing the toys would be out of the pram.
They are making an attempt to polish another big turd in the form of diane abbott today what with her appointment as shadow home secretary. Laugh. They will give it a good go but its a lost cause i am afraid. Andrew Neil is going to have alot of fun with her.
They are really relishing the ukip problems with lots of sneering and made up shite when nobody is fully aware of what happened yet. Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Alas the poor white helmets didn’t win the nobel peace prize. Everybody say aaaahhhhhh. More mourning and what would jo think of that. Trump up for it as well but the beeb made sure we knew of their disapproval. Bono the messiah will be on by the end of the day to pour forth his self righteous drivel.
See people-if we all shout into our speakers…Support Our Lefty returns!
Welcome back mein furball!
Sir-now you`re gracing us Your Grace!
I have an idea for a rerun of On the Buses, starring
Jeremy Corbyn as Arthur
Dianne Abbott as Olive
Ian Mc Cartney as Stan
Margaret Beckett as Stans mum
Jon Snow as Blakey
John McDonnell as Jack.
The plot.
Arthur and Olive go on their scooter and sidecar over to the mother in laws gaff in Dresden.
Stan gets lost at the Blackwall Tunnel and ends up in Calais, as Jack makes out with the clippie in the back.
Clippie turns out to be Angela Eagle-who refuses his offer of the Karma Moocher, but gets Eddie Izzard to hide his Desperate Dana jawline under a hijab…and when Jack finds that Eddie is not Maria Eagle, as he`d been led to believe…he flashes his big teeth and greasy lank hair to camera and says…”Oi Stan…thought we agreed…no Bender buses again”
Gales of laughter and applause for this is a Question Time audience.
Er…that`s it….why do I bother?
Because the BBC does I guess-this is shit, but at least I know that.
Who`s going to tell the BBC?
Friend Chris! It is so kind of you to welcome me back here! Unfortunately, I am literally up to my eyes with all the work in advising Jeremy on the composition of his new Shadow Cabinet, which is notable for its sheer level of talent and expertise.
You are being far too modest re your proposed Comedy programme for the Hard-Right, Murdoch-controlled BBC, which is the envy of the world, and indeed elsewhere, and which Thatcher totally destroyed.
Who needs petit-bourgeois so-called “comedy” programmes like Porridge, Fawlty Towers and Yes Minister, when the likes of Jeremy Hardy and Mark Steel can keep us all – literally – in stitches with their fantastic quips re “Thatcher!” and “UKIP!”; the sort of humour, come to think, that has given, for instance, Radio 4 comedy programmes the kind of global appeal and reputation they have today?
Myself and your supplicating brainless and easily-led Red Cabbages do swear malfeasance to you-we are passionate, badly in need of a leader and just crave the milk of socialism.
In every sense, a Cornucopia of Communal Conscience Coveting Collective (oooh!…Leonard Sachs!…Victorian dress and a gavel),but one in which the leap from “Friend” to “Comrade” seems-well too much!
How do we obtain our Comrades Status…does one “Really have to drive a Rolls Royce to achieve superior vocal performance” as our dear Deaprted Brother Marc Bolan once said…indeed sang?
Me and the Magic Mushrooms covenant to stay stuck and spitting at those who betray the Corrs…literally( nearly forgot the magic word there!).
I roll my pink beret around the fountain, and channel Sir William Bragg of Burton Albion…
Yet again, no sign of “actions” in the BBC Executive Board minutes from July – just approval of the previous minutes and a continuing round of “updates”.
I’d call it ‘other worldly’, except that’s too generous a description.
Tony Blair has said he is considering returning to British politics – saying he is worried the country risks becoming a ‘one-party state’
It’s often said that the political elite are out of touch with the people, but BLiar would have to be out of touch with reality to think he stood even the slightest chance of even being elected, let alone leading a party to challenge the Tories. Even Jeremy Corbyn would have a better chance of getting elected!
The comments from a staunchly Labour city tell the true story!
A Lord you say?
Or “THE Lord” that he seems to think he is.
A special circle of hell is reserved for him and his suckups…start at Alum Michael, end at Geoff Hoon…with just a slick of slime and a puddle of blood inbetween.
What on earth could Tony Blair possibly think that he has to offer?
Roman Catholic Blair should be spending the rest of his natural in sackcloth and ashes, contemplating his sins.
It reminds me of a business event I attended not long after Labour lost the 2010 general election having trashed the economy. Ed Balls was the speaker. I had been looking forward to a spot of mea culpa, where we went wrong, lessons learnt, perhaps even an apology. Not a bit of it. Instead Balls focused on how the Coalition was making a difficult situation worse!
Centre left socialists are the most sinister. We know the hard left are sincere, albeit misguided. With the centre left, it’s impossible to know how sincere they are, how much of what they are saying is merely with a view to getting elected, versus what they would actually like to do once they got their sticky mitts on the levers of power.
BBC & Moron Stream Media #Narrative-Fail
..”ooh Florida is going to destroyed Hurricane ..Global Warming Global Warming”
..Nature didn’t play ball and the Storm passed by and stayed at sea
OTOH the BBC’s ambulance chaser reporter yesterday said ‘Only 3 people died here in Haiti ..so we are moving next to Cuba (which the storm passed as well but OK)
Now we learn today that Actually in Haiti 300 people died in remote badly prepared villages. .
Now on R4 News 5 almost 10 minute platform is being given to Activist Mother and Daughter* volunteering at the Calais camp
..Emotional blackmail about, hospital staff don’t respect the dead bodies of migrants who have stood in front of trucks on the highway ..”And the trucks have not stopped”
(that’s cos its not safe for trucks to stop of course )
hangon she just said “The jungle should have never existed”
* names Liz Clegg and daughter Izzie
But Stew-the Woolf kerfuffle gets TWENTY minutes from the bedside. Dr Mardell emoting over the beer gut, and assorted consultants called in to sign the death certificate for their hated UKIP party.
Oh dear-give Nigel and his gang 20 mins of prime lunchtime radio-and guess what the plebs say?
Great job, more UKIP and certainly more votes like Hartlepool.
Poor Mardell seems confused-afer all that spatting-how come the oiks STILL vote for UKIP.
Simple you BBC scum-because you don`t want us to…and so we do!
Mardell is THICK…as he frets over Woolfs bedside as if its Princess Louise with an ingrowing tongue-the rest of think “Women In Love”-and dream of Woolf and Nuttall with the purple gloves and yellow mouthguards. What more British way to settle this leadership stuff than a manly bar room brawl?
Nigel to ref, money to go to charity, Kellie Maloney doing the Inbetween rounds walk round the ring-and these two stout northern scrappers can take to the gym.
This far however-Woolf comes from my patch in Manchester and would have thought he`d have been used to a bop on the bonce.
And much as I`d rather back the home town boy of mine-my two cents would have to be out on Nuttall…even though most scousers are softer than Mancs…this I know….er yeas!
Neither would be allowed to go up the weights to face Dianne Abbott though-obviously!
Woolf has made a poor start-Hookam (who chooses these names like Nuttall and Hookam?)-is from Yorkshire-who, in a way can also be classed as being northern.
Enough from me there I think-I`m getting me coat….
Now-if only Ken Russell had filmed it in Brussels and the BBCs Gomperts lads had been given the baby oil eh?
UKIP are cocks of all Parties….the rest are ponces.
I had the misfortune to listen, on the way back from town, to most of that preposterous piece from Calais (OK, it was my fault for turning WATO on). But the emotional drivel was world-class, and the language used was as convolute and ultimately meaningless as you could hear anywhere. Of course, those silly women were not questioned at all by Mr Mardell.
Hard hitting factual article on the accelerating African exodus to Europe. 11,000 in the past 48 hours being “rescued” in the game of ‘Pass the Parcel’ by people smugglers to the collection of European navy boats hilariously claimed to be in the Mediterranean to stop the same smugglers. Could it be a case of ‘large brown envelopes’ changing hands? http://newobserveronline.com/african-invasion-11000-48-hrs/
Another in a long line of negative BBC news features regarding Brexit. No mention of the Brexit opportunities and offers of world trade replacing European trade. No mention of the crumbling EU state. No mention of the threats to the Euro from the wobbly Deutsche Bank.
Gotta love how the beeboids show a picture of a ginger haired white kid, but given that he was admitted to Newham hospital, the reality is probably quite different. I wonder if the BBC definition of alternative medicine covers witchcraft & voodoo?
Yes, he was without a doubt the biggest mass killer in history. But he was on the left, so that’s all right. He meant well after all, and it’s just a shame that those thirty million people had to die along the way.
More good than harm? If you don’t like sparrows, students, or people eating too much, I suppose that’s right. The sparrow thing did not work by the way. Just as anything she does seems to turn out cr**.
Real News : Ex BBC head calls more “more Conservatives in the newsrooms”
The BBC needs more Conservative supporters in its newsrooms and at senior levels to counter a perceived “liberal bias”, Mark Thompson, the former Director-General*, has claimed.
* Now CEO of the New York Times Company I-newspaper
* The BBC was criticised during the EU referendum for giving equal weight to claims that Brexit would return £350m a week to the NHS * (a strawman argument made by loony Reamoaners))
– whilst Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, claimed that the BBC was “shamelessly anti-Brexit.” Mr Thompson, who left the BBC in 2012, said: “I don’t think you can ever achieve perfect impartiality.”
(no, but you the SJW BBC, cheat in almost every show)
A while back Thompson said the BBC had a massive bias to the left decades ago but had overcome that bias. Now he is apparently saying something different.
And what’s this cr*p about perceived liberal bias – as if bias is in the eyes of conservative beholders and they should just be given a carrot or two to make them realise that the BBC is in fact wonderfully balanced and impartial.
I guess there is a truth to be found in this convoluted maze: the fact that the BBC needs to employ conservative staff is, after all, an admission that it doesn’t employ any and there can only be one reason for that.
CEO of the New York Times is an apt post for Thompson since that publication is filled to the brim with leftie ideologues.
Lunchtime LoatherMar 16, 13:54 Weekend 15th March 2025 Thanks … and that is why they don’t get a penny from me.
MarkyMarkMar 16, 13:52 Weekend 15th March 2025 I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.…
DeborahMar 16, 13:43 Weekend 15th March 2025 The Spring Bank area of Hull has a large Muslim population, drive down there just after prayers and you would…
Guest WhoMar 16, 13:42 Weekend 15th March 2025 https://x.com/mishtal/status/1900855518136078344?s=61 Hey @bbcnews The judge explicitly said he was targeted for RELIGIOUS reasons because he was a Jew. 1. So…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 12:41 Weekend 15th March 2025 Migrant hotels, schoolgirls, police denials and “cultural expectations training” – what’s going on? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArdHzrk6lSs Residents in British towns like Earley,…
JohnCMar 16, 12:11 Weekend 15th March 2025 Yes Fed : they have said they will not accept NATO troops in Ukraine under any circumstances. A despite all…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 11:55 Weekend 15th March 2025 @20:46 “Imagine a world where every pound shop Jimmy Saville was able to coordinate with every other Jimmy Saville in…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 11:46 Weekend 15th March 2025 Time segregation on the streets? Unwritten new laws?
MarkyMarkMar 16, 11:37 Weekend 15th March 2025 @18:40 “The vast majority of people don’t believe this shit.” …………… Father Ted writer Graham Linehan given harassment warning Published…
StewGreenMar 16, 11:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 The Graham Lineham speech about BBC’s obsession with trans etc. https://youtu.be/mSE4bpVmYUE?si=ih-X22aQLha1lMuD
Mr multi millionaire hypocrite speaks for another multi millionaire hypocrite
Bono,The peace loving, tax dodging millionaire
Like the Berlin Wall?
No Bono, the Berlin Wall was built to keep people in.
bonehead is a complete arse full stop
Final though on QT last night – ‘This all started with Thatcher!’
BBC SJW sneering early this morning.
– It’s bad enough that statement is just an unnecessary sneer but if you were tuned to Radio 4 at 5-6am you heard it 3 times within 35 minutes
5:05am ending the news 5:32 and 5:40 when they switched back from World Service
…What was the news value of that statement ?
It’s just BBC bias which turns into them expressing hate.
SJW’s and BBC’s beloved White Helmets …don’t win the Nobel Peace Prize
The Columbian president Juan Manuel Santos won instead
..even though he failed to win support of his public in the recent referendum on accepting peace terms with FARC Indy
Never mind the White Helments will get their money from St Jo’s memorial fund and Obama will help out.
No-one seems to have picked up on the fact that photos of Steven Woolf lying on the floor, appears to have his jacket still on, his overcoat is to his side, with his bag still in his hand. However, according to all the reports, and in the press, both men took off their jackets to square up to each other! SO was the crime scene tampered with ? seems like the perpetrator stuck one on Woolf while the guy was carrying his topcoat and his bag.
I believe that Woolfe collapsed after leaving the meeting, and this is what the photo relates to. The ‘altercation’ took place some time before.
Interesting that the Conservatives have been looking at recruiting Woolfe. Is this as much to do with damaging UKIP?
Of course DS, you’re right, he did collapse sometime after. Rather macabre that people find it fitting to take photos of the scene though. I would be most upset to see a picture of a family member in such a distressing situation plastered all over social media and the press. Funny how time is found to take the photo instead of trying to assist.
@Brissles I posted very early on that the collapse took place 2 hours after the meeting..
It’d taken me minutes to find that photo on twitter which shows he fell on that overhead bridge
I don’t know why the media with all their massive resources reported otherwise.
..Actually I do ..cos they can’t handle complexity ..and jump to narrative
..and for them Narrative trumps Truth.
..and once they’ve run with an attractive narrative they can’t get back to truth.
just in
“Woolfe did fall, but I didn’t punch him*”
“I acted in self defence”
“handbags at dawn”
… Mike Hookem quoted on R4 news minutes ago
* Yesterday Steven Woolfe is quoted as saying in the Daily Mail as saying he was pushed.
This morning his statement said that he had reached out to make peace with MH via email.
R4 just now “very public scuffle” ..that’s the whole point it wasn’t in public ..they stepped out from the meeting into a side room. SW walked back into the meeting and continued it shortly afterwards.
My critical typo on word “pushed”
“Woolfe is quoted as saying in the Daily Mail as saying he was PUNCHED.
However Mike Hookem has just been on R4 live explaining the whole thing
“No one threw any punches, it only lasted seconds”
..yes I agree to make up with him
..It was all over SW actually contemplating defecting to the Tories..which he decided against
..But to me it is strange that MH didn’t just put a calming message out on Twitter yesterday
I just turned over by accident to BBc 2 (BBC News) 11:07 BBC launch an all out attack on UKIP & are obviously trying to inflate and maintained the story which as BBc comment had no witnesses. Shock! Horror! Outrage!
Forget the troubles of the world. AlBeeb has a serious report on an important subject.
“Is magic’s glass ceiling vanishing? By Nicola Stanbridge”
Superfluous, in my opinion, women can make twenty pound notes disappear in five nanoseconds.
Again, where comments are enabled on this vital story, on FaceBook, the BBC is not really coming out of it well.
R4 Today’s “thought for the day” this morning:
A man tells us that his granddaughter – who has been brought up in a non-gender-stereotyping household, which grandpa says he fully supports – nevertheless has a thing about the colour pink, as do many little girls.
Grandpa goes on to tell us about how old-fashioned it is to think that household chores be allocated along gender lines, with women dealing with shopping and cooking while men take the rubbish out and fix broken appliances.
Total waste of 3 minutes. Nobody who didn’t already agree with him would have been converted to his view. And those who already agree with him don’t need to hear it re-affirmed.
What a sanctimonious, virtue-signalling bore he was. Where do they get these people?
If we must have thought for the day, then I would like to hear much more bracing range of thoughts and thinkers: how about a traditionalist Imam on gender roles (now that would be interesting), Tommy Robinson on the proper limits of tolerance, an anarchist thinker on anything at all.
Tom, what about the so-called, ‘Fake Sheikh’ delivering a thought for the day on his topic of ‘Taqiyya’? He is very obviously the World leading expert of the subject of lying to the infidel.
The beeb are in a fracking pissed off mood today over the fracking decision yesterday. The knives are out today. They are very quiet today over the labour reshuffle not really bigging up shami whitewash’s appointment to corbyns gang. If it was the tories doing the same thing the toys would be out of the pram.
They are making an attempt to polish another big turd in the form of diane abbott today what with her appointment as shadow home secretary. Laugh. They will give it a good go but its a lost cause i am afraid. Andrew Neil is going to have alot of fun with her.
They are really relishing the ukip problems with lots of sneering and made up shite when nobody is fully aware of what happened yet. Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Alas the poor white helmets didn’t win the nobel peace prize. Everybody say aaaahhhhhh. More mourning and what would jo think of that. Trump up for it as well but the beeb made sure we knew of their disapproval. Bono the messiah will be on by the end of the day to pour forth his self righteous drivel.
“…diane abbott today what with her appointment as shadow home secretary. Laugh.”
Be fair Katie, Jeremy was advised that he needs at least one big beast in his shadow cabinet.
See people-if we all shout into our speakers…Support Our Lefty returns!
Welcome back mein furball!
Sir-now you`re gracing us Your Grace!
I have an idea for a rerun of On the Buses, starring
Jeremy Corbyn as Arthur
Dianne Abbott as Olive
Ian Mc Cartney as Stan
Margaret Beckett as Stans mum
Jon Snow as Blakey
John McDonnell as Jack.
The plot.
Arthur and Olive go on their scooter and sidecar over to the mother in laws gaff in Dresden.
Stan gets lost at the Blackwall Tunnel and ends up in Calais, as Jack makes out with the clippie in the back.
Clippie turns out to be Angela Eagle-who refuses his offer of the Karma Moocher, but gets Eddie Izzard to hide his Desperate Dana jawline under a hijab…and when Jack finds that Eddie is not Maria Eagle, as he`d been led to believe…he flashes his big teeth and greasy lank hair to camera and says…”Oi Stan…thought we agreed…no Bender buses again”
Gales of laughter and applause for this is a Question Time audience.
Er…that`s it….why do I bother?
Because the BBC does I guess-this is shit, but at least I know that.
Who`s going to tell the BBC?
Friend Chris! It is so kind of you to welcome me back here! Unfortunately, I am literally up to my eyes with all the work in advising Jeremy on the composition of his new Shadow Cabinet, which is notable for its sheer level of talent and expertise.
You are being far too modest re your proposed Comedy programme for the Hard-Right, Murdoch-controlled BBC, which is the envy of the world, and indeed elsewhere, and which Thatcher totally destroyed.
Who needs petit-bourgeois so-called “comedy” programmes like Porridge, Fawlty Towers and Yes Minister, when the likes of Jeremy Hardy and Mark Steel can keep us all – literally – in stitches with their fantastic quips re “Thatcher!” and “UKIP!”; the sort of humour, come to think, that has given, for instance, Radio 4 comedy programmes the kind of global appeal and reputation they have today?
Myself and your supplicating brainless and easily-led Red Cabbages do swear malfeasance to you-we are passionate, badly in need of a leader and just crave the milk of socialism.
In every sense, a Cornucopia of Communal Conscience Coveting Collective (oooh!…Leonard Sachs!…Victorian dress and a gavel),but one in which the leap from “Friend” to “Comrade” seems-well too much!
How do we obtain our Comrades Status…does one “Really have to drive a Rolls Royce to achieve superior vocal performance” as our dear Deaprted Brother Marc Bolan once said…indeed sang?
Me and the Magic Mushrooms covenant to stay stuck and spitting at those who betray the Corrs…literally( nearly forgot the magic word there!).
I roll my pink beret around the fountain, and channel Sir William Bragg of Burton Albion…
As I take a break, time for an overdue in other news…
Not enough market rates to go around still?
The loss of the self-awareness gene will soon be forgotten, and unlamented.
Busy, busy, busy. At least if they are doing sod all on vast wedge, they can do less harm.
Yet again, no sign of “actions” in the BBC Executive Board minutes from July – just approval of the previous minutes and a continuing round of “updates”.
I’d call it ‘other worldly’, except that’s too generous a description.
Tony Blair has said he is considering returning to British politics – saying he is worried the country risks becoming a ‘one-party state’
It’s often said that the political elite are out of touch with the people, but BLiar would have to be out of touch with reality to think he stood even the slightest chance of even being elected, let alone leading a party to challenge the Tories. Even Jeremy Corbyn would have a better chance of getting elected!
The comments from a staunchly Labour city tell the true story!
Blair could become a Lord. There is a woman at No 10 who is trying to implement his vision of the middle ground. I am sure she would oblige him
A Lord you say?
Or “THE Lord” that he seems to think he is.
A special circle of hell is reserved for him and his suckups…start at Alum Michael, end at Geoff Hoon…with just a slick of slime and a puddle of blood inbetween.
What on earth could Tony Blair possibly think that he has to offer?
Roman Catholic Blair should be spending the rest of his natural in sackcloth and ashes, contemplating his sins.
It reminds me of a business event I attended not long after Labour lost the 2010 general election having trashed the economy. Ed Balls was the speaker. I had been looking forward to a spot of mea culpa, where we went wrong, lessons learnt, perhaps even an apology. Not a bit of it. Instead Balls focused on how the Coalition was making a difficult situation worse!
Centre left socialists are the most sinister. We know the hard left are sincere, albeit misguided. With the centre left, it’s impossible to know how sincere they are, how much of what they are saying is merely with a view to getting elected, versus what they would actually like to do once they got their sticky mitts on the levers of power.
BBC & Moron Stream Media #Narrative-Fail
..”ooh Florida is going to destroyed Hurricane ..Global Warming Global Warming”
..Nature didn’t play ball and the Storm passed by and stayed at sea
OTOH the BBC’s ambulance chaser reporter yesterday said ‘Only 3 people died here in Haiti ..so we are moving next to Cuba (which the storm passed as well but OK)
Now we learn today that Actually in Haiti 300 people died in remote badly prepared villages. .
google clintons cash Haiti
Now on R4 News 5 almost 10 minute platform is being given to Activist Mother and Daughter* volunteering at the Calais camp
..Emotional blackmail about, hospital staff don’t respect the dead bodies of migrants who have stood in front of trucks on the highway ..”And the trucks have not stopped”
(that’s cos its not safe for trucks to stop of course )
hangon she just said “The jungle should have never existed”
* names Liz Clegg and daughter Izzie
But Stew-the Woolf kerfuffle gets TWENTY minutes from the bedside. Dr Mardell emoting over the beer gut, and assorted consultants called in to sign the death certificate for their hated UKIP party.
Oh dear-give Nigel and his gang 20 mins of prime lunchtime radio-and guess what the plebs say?
Great job, more UKIP and certainly more votes like Hartlepool.
Poor Mardell seems confused-afer all that spatting-how come the oiks STILL vote for UKIP.
Simple you BBC scum-because you don`t want us to…and so we do!
Mardell is THICK…as he frets over Woolfs bedside as if its Princess Louise with an ingrowing tongue-the rest of think “Women In Love”-and dream of Woolf and Nuttall with the purple gloves and yellow mouthguards. What more British way to settle this leadership stuff than a manly bar room brawl?
Nigel to ref, money to go to charity, Kellie Maloney doing the Inbetween rounds walk round the ring-and these two stout northern scrappers can take to the gym.
This far however-Woolf comes from my patch in Manchester and would have thought he`d have been used to a bop on the bonce.
And much as I`d rather back the home town boy of mine-my two cents would have to be out on Nuttall…even though most scousers are softer than Mancs…this I know….er yeas!
Neither would be allowed to go up the weights to face Dianne Abbott though-obviously!
Woolf has made a poor start-Hookam (who chooses these names like Nuttall and Hookam?)-is from Yorkshire-who, in a way can also be classed as being northern.
Enough from me there I think-I`m getting me coat….
Now-if only Ken Russell had filmed it in Brussels and the BBCs Gomperts lads had been given the baby oil eh?
UKIP are cocks of all Parties….the rest are ponces.
I had the misfortune to listen, on the way back from town, to most of that preposterous piece from Calais (OK, it was my fault for turning WATO on). But the emotional drivel was world-class, and the language used was as convolute and ultimately meaningless as you could hear anywhere. Of course, those silly women were not questioned at all by Mr Mardell.
Hard hitting factual article on the accelerating African exodus to Europe. 11,000 in the past 48 hours being “rescued” in the game of ‘Pass the Parcel’ by people smugglers to the collection of European navy boats hilariously claimed to be in the Mediterranean to stop the same smugglers. Could it be a case of ‘large brown envelopes’ changing hands?
BBC Online News:
“”The turbulence of Brexit””
Another in a long line of negative BBC news features regarding Brexit. No mention of the Brexit opportunities and offers of world trade replacing European trade. No mention of the crumbling EU state. No mention of the threats to the Euro from the wobbly Deutsche Bank.
In fact, no mention of a lot of good things.
Gotta love how the beeboids show a picture of a ginger haired white kid, but given that he was admitted to Newham hospital, the reality is probably quite different. I wonder if the BBC definition of alternative medicine covers witchcraft & voodoo?
Fan of Chairman Mao is now Shadow Home Secretary
Chairman Mao’s death list makes Hitler look like a naughty schoolboy, only Stalin comes close!
Yes, he was without a doubt the biggest mass killer in history. But he was on the left, so that’s all right. He meant well after all, and it’s just a shame that those thirty million people had to die along the way.
More good than harm? If you don’t like sparrows, students, or people eating too much, I suppose that’s right. The sparrow thing did not work by the way. Just as anything she does seems to turn out cr**.
Real News : Ex BBC head calls more “more Conservatives in the newsrooms”
* Now CEO of the New York Times Company
Made on the Media Masters podcast ..direct mp3 download 59min
Note the usual bollocks in the i-news article
A while back Thompson said the BBC had a massive bias to the left decades ago but had overcome that bias. Now he is apparently saying something different.
And what’s this cr*p about perceived liberal bias – as if bias is in the eyes of conservative beholders and they should just be given a carrot or two to make them realise that the BBC is in fact wonderfully balanced and impartial.
I guess there is a truth to be found in this convoluted maze: the fact that the BBC needs to employ conservative staff is, after all, an admission that it doesn’t employ any and there can only be one reason for that.
CEO of the New York Times is an apt post for Thompson since that publication is filled to the brim with leftie ideologues.