With the Clinton email scandal breaking again, the role of Clinton’s aid, Huma Abedin, is put in the spot light.
The beeb gave us this on Huma
Clinton emails: Who is top Hillary aide Huma Abedin? http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37822737
Good for the beeb I thought, they have taken the time to have a look. But of course the Beeb only give us part of Huma’s background. They dont even mention she is a muslim who married a jew – an interesting story for a start. Her parents are only described as “academic parents”. Given Huma’s potential position as the right hand person to the most powerful person in the free world a bit of digging might not go amiss BBC.
‘Oh well, not to worry, I’m sure there’ll be some compromise…’
A predictable BBC response this morning to the FIFA ban on English and Scottish football players wearing a poppy when they play a match on 11th November.
Afterall this is a corrupt supra-national organisation telling the UK what we can and can’t do in our former national sport – whatever our local traditions might be – and of course that’s all meat and drink to the BBC.
Never mind the bulk buy of poppies tipped out into the dressing rooms in W1A this week
Myself, I’m in two minds about this. I have a concern that if this apparently reasonable guesture of virtue-signalling is allowed then we will be only a step or two away from players donning pink corsets to celebrate transgender issues when a match happens to co-incide with a gay pride day – and boy, will the BBC love that!
If Trump wins I am going to ring up Father Christmas and cancel my presents as that win will be reward enough.
And before anyone asks, yes, I do have his phone number.
I was looking forward to that train set though, I must admit.
I heard people at work, many of whom voted for Brexit, sadly now parroting the same rubbish being trotted out by the media about Trump that these people correctly dismissed during the referendum. Someone claimed that there would be civil war and WW3 if he gets in, ignoring the fact that America is already on the verge of civil war due in large part to the Obama/Clinton policy of demonising police and white society while trying to find excuses for Black Lives Matter thugs and Islamic atrocities, as well as the fact that Trump is if anything an isolationist who has vehemently opposed the Iraq war and wants to avoid the conflict with Russia that is looking inevitable due to the baseless accusations that the Clinton camp has made about Putin supposedly rigging the election to get Trump into the White House. Another mentioned a tape of Trump saying to a ten-year-old girl “I’ll be dating you in six years.” Having not seen or heard the tape myself, I’ll admit it sounds slightly creepy and awkward, probably intended as a joke and a compliment but coming across badly when taken out of context, but it was 25 years ago as a private citizen which just further suggests that there is no relevant dirt to reveal about Trump and certainly nothing that compares to the revelations being made about the Clintons – not least the credible rape accusations being made about Bill. But again, liberals think that things Trump has said are worse than things Bill and Hillary have actually done, so it’s no surprise that they’re trying to spin this in such a way as well.
Trump has a lot of negative qualities but it’s very frustrating to hear these myths and unsubstantial speculations being portrayed as facts. What was even worse is that, after saying that it wasn’t really a good choice, one of my colleagues still insisted that Clinton would make a better president. If a lying, contemptuous, corrupt hack with a history of doing complete 180s on policy is considered a better choice than a successful businessman who has been entirely consistent and active with his political beliefs since the 80’s, you have to be concerned that even the best efforts by the online truthseekers may not be enough.
“….If a lying, contemptuous, corrupt hack with a history of doing complete 180s on policy is considered a better choice….” Please, please leave Mark Carney out of this…..
Even though your findings will be replicated right across the UK, I actually believe that even if everyone in the UK hated Trump, it’s utterly pointless. The only people that matter are the proud, patriotic Americans who have had enough at seeing the greatest country on earth being ridiculed, abused, and taken advantage of for most of their lives.
I have been shocked at the lack of counter argument regarding Trump. The entire media in the UK (on both sides) either genuinely believe they are morally superior to everyone in the US, and in turn show a disgusting level of supremacist thought towards Americans (basically bigotry), or they don’t see this as their fight and don’t want to get involved. I am getting tired of this spineless and cowardly approach by our media because what happens in the US is guaranteed to impact over here.
This lack of alternative voice on Trump leads to the sheeple and morons of our society just accepting the ‘agreed’ message of the devious MSM as truth, and do not spend any time actually finding out for themselves what is happening. Theres no excuse for apathy as apathy allows the bastard media to control us…..the US are not being apathetic ALM. They are doing what we Brits did to achieve Brexit.
Do not get too disheartened with the apathetic morons in your office. They will all learn soon enough about the media and elites treacherous ways, and it will be another nail in their coffin. Every time the media declare their hand they can never take it back….. Trumps going to win, and everyone is going to see that he was the person we have been waiting for to make our world better again.
The thin end of the wedge.
Since when has this ‘law’ been in operation in Great Britain ?
It appears that we have a parallel nation running in this country ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37830589
I see the BBC are worrying this morning about Comic Fatigue Syndrome.
Was Lenny Henry the first vector of this crippling disease?
Or was it Alexei Sayle and Ade Edmondson from their Oxbridge laboratories that first introduced this to the country?
Have they stopped doing this Comic Relief thing?
Because even THEY realise that raising a red flag isn`t funny, any more that they are-or ever were.
The USSR paid its licensed liars well too.As does the BBC.
Channel 4 news was on another level of shite last night. Snow was poncing about in an old abandoned factory in detroit with a drone flying around showing us the sights. Instead of investigating Hilarys emails we were just given a conveyor belt of anti trump supporters. Snow was just obsessed with Trumps language. The only real sign that there was any trouble with hilary was when Kylie Morris was reporting. Usually shes all bubbly with a big smirk across her face but last night she looked depressed and dejected having to mention Hilary.
But it was Matt Frei who was the icing on the cake with his report on trump and his supporters. Just watch the video and the words he uses and editing.
Don’t worry. Eight days to go, and Mr. Snow, Mr. Frei and their sad little friends will be in sack cloth and ashes, with tear stains streaming down their poor, leftie, ashen faces.
Here’s hoping – all the signs are pointing to a Trump Whitehouse. Poor old Shillary – that crooked, wounded hag – is in deep you-know-what and her Democrat cronies and brownshirts are flailing about helplessly, reduced to insulting the head of the FBI and blaming it all on the Russians. Hilarious.
The msm, meanwhile, continues with the deliberate lie that Hillary’s got this in this bag (they wish!). Poll after poll has been weighted against Trump to produce a narrative that suggests Clinton is going to win – alas, numbers on the ground in early voting suggest quite to opposite. Florida is headed for a Trump win if the early returns are anything to go by. None of this is a surprise to Trump followers; they’ve seen the huge rallies, seen the amazing voter enthusiasm amongst Trump supporters.
November 8th will be a punch in the face to the belligerent regressive left and I for one just cannot wait!
Not worth bothering with Frei’s views. They are predictable and belong to the ancien regime. The culture war for our civilisation is heating up somewhat and the Freis of this world are about to become casualties.
Not that I give a damn. His sneering sense of entitled superiority buttressed by his vast salary does not elicit any sympathy at all.
….Mayor Cavanaugh’s political and economic policies failed not only to resuscitate Detroit’s blighted neighborhoods, but also to assuage the percolating rage of local black militants. With every guilty gesture of appeasement and recompense that the mayor made, the radicals only grew more righteously indignant at the inadequacy of those gestures. In short, a “revolution of rising expectations” was intractably gaining momentum. And then, in July 1967, Detroit was the scene of the decade’s most horrific race riot—43 deaths, nearly 1,200 injuries, over 7,200 arrests, and more than 2,000 buildings destroyed. The effects of this calamity would not be short-lived. Indeed the riots triggered a massive “white flight” out of central Detroit, which saw at least 140,000 people move away within a mere 18 months. With a large share of its tax base thus depleted, the city would never be the same again.
Appiahs latest lying Fascist lecture is a calumny on the British people, provably untrue.
He claims that because the British were so ‘waycist’ they gave no respect to non whites and that even the native aristocracy was given no respect nor any deference.
This is of course a lie.
The Nizam of Hyderabad was held in great respect by the British as were the Maharajahs. The Indian leader Mahatma Ghandi was treated with great respect, and the same could be said for Haile Selassie stayed with the British Royal family !
It is just a lazy lie to suggest that British people in history were as ‘waycist’ as Appiah suggests, but the Fascists desperately need this lie to be believed in order to guilt trip the white British people into believing they have some kind of twisted responsibility for the former colonies which they are told were treated so badly.
He claims that because the British were so ‘waycist’ they gave no respect to non whites and that even the native aristocracy was given no respect nor any deference.
As Thoughtful says, that’s laughably untrue. If Appiah wants to stray from philosophy and ethical theory into history, he perhaps might like to read David Cannadine’s Ornamentalism: How the British Saw their Empire (2001), which details the respect and deference accorded native aristocracies and reigning houses. It’s a good, relatively short read.
The last Nizam of Hyderabad was a Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Star of India (GCSI), and a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE). Any number of maharajahs were as well. Post-nominal initials were hardly Gandhi’s line, of course, but Haile Selassie was installed as a Stranger Knight of the Order of the Garter (KG).
The Indian titles are the most prestigious ranks within their respective orders, and the Garter is the most distinguished order of chivalry bar none. They are the province of—the holders would expect to rub shoulders with—dukes and viceroys. It all seems a bit quaint and Ruritanian now, no doubt, but the epitome of racism? Nope.
The BBC are at it again. They just can’t leave children alone. A string of BBC paedophiles and now a national program promoting Transgender on CBBC is another BBC ‘milestone’ on Liberal progressive bias and sexual exploitation.
‘A new CBBC show, Just a Girl, all about one child’s “transition” from a boy to a girl, is promoting transgender ideology to children as young as six. Any child experiencing confusion about their gender should receive help, but pretending that a child is another gender and giving them hormone blockers, is not a solution.Director of Family Education Trust, Norman Wells, disagreed. He rightly said: “It is irresponsible of the BBC to introduce impressionable children as young as six to the idea that they can choose to be something other than their biological sex.”
He added: “The more we promote the idea that a boy can be born into a girl’s body and a girl can be born into a boy’s body, and that drugs and surgery can put things right, the more children will become utterly confused. Respecting and preserving a child’s birth sex should be seen as a child protection issue.”
The American College of Pediatricians have been clear about the dangers of transgender ideology; such as evidence based reports (not reported on BBC)
• extremely high rates of suicide, (even after “transitioning”), among the transgender population
• the dangerous effects of hormone treatment which includes infertility and is associated with an increased risk of blood clots, strokes and even cancer.
Sharia courts in Britain. Here is the proof of the double standards of the BBC which can absolutely see the problem when it investigates, but when it’s a Tory government, it cannot see it at all.
7th Spril 2013
“BBC Panorama has uncovered fresh evidence of how some Sharia councils in Britain may be putting Muslim women “at risk” by pressuring them to stay in abusive marriages.”
“Islamic rulings given here are not always in the interests of the women concerned, and can run counter to British law.”
Please read this page, and watch the panorama video, which I was surprised the BBC ran at the time. It now runs in direct opposition to what the BBC is reporting today, even though it confirms almost everything the May government is alleging is going on.
The BBC must have forgotten about this and what its motives are we can only guess, but again I have to wonder if someone in a position of influence hasn’t been ‘influenced’ by the Saudi Rials.
BBC were spending our tax money by being out in force over the weekend, desperately seeking anyone who has a stone to cast against James Comley of the FBI.
Can you imagine the furore if Clinton had been elected president and only then the FBI said, “Oh, sorry, by the way, she is still being investigated on serious federal charges as we have uncovered new evidence. Sorry, did we forget to tell you before you voted?”
How would the BBC be reporting this story if Republicans were discrediting the FBI when investigating a republican figure?
I cannot help thinking that many democrats who have cast their postal votes would have had a rethink in the light of the latest scandals. Particularly the revelation that she bribed the FBI to reduce the nature of the charges in return for FBI postings into CIA territory overseas.
Hillary could be the first President who starts her term under investigation, unless Trump’s dreadfully maligned voters ensure they get to the polling booth. You know what? I suspect it will be like the Brexit vote. People will be bursting to vote against the establishment. You try and stop ‘em!
A heads up to the confused BBC: the person who broke the law was Hillary Clinton NOT the FBI.
I trust the readers of this blog are bracing themselves for the Black British borethon later this month. What is this supposed to achieve? The (re)beatification of Mary Seacole? The entry into the House of Lords of our own Sir Lenworth? Or, more probably, yet another damnation of whitey as the parasitic source of all the evil in the world?
I suspect that we are to be informed that before the docking of MV Windrush the inhabitants of the UK effectively lived in mud huts, were largely illiterate and existed in a permanent state of civil war. Moreover, before the blessed post-WW2 arrival of missionaries from the West Indies the few sparks of civilisation barely surviving in Britain were remnants of the contributions – forgotten or suppressed – of those who could claim a smidgin of black blood. Of course, the whole concept and execution of this celebratory series devoted to those with black skins is deeply, profoundly racist. OTOH, since it’s the benign anti-white racism of the BBC and all points left it will be embraced and applauded by the whole of Islington and the BBC’s over-influential friends in the political class.
Unfortunately for the ambitions of the BBC, I can foresee that (despite the predictable exaggerations and falsehoods in commission and omission) the reality of the paucity of the black contribution to British life (outside the areas of sport, entertainment and violent crime) thus revealed will be embarrassing to our black fellow citizens and will confirm – yet again – the BBC as propaganda central. It won’t stop there. After the “success” of this load of crapola, the BBC will create another avalanche of lies and exaggeration celebrating the contribution to British life of Moslem immigrants particularly in the fields of community cohesion and child care. I can’t wait.
Why has the Empire Windrush been renamed in ‘the narrative’, (the BBC tacitly acknowledges this by starting their piece with the correct name)?
It’s just as well that the Canadians aren’t racist or what to make of their Empress ships Asia, Australia, Britain, Canada, China, England, France, India, Ireland, Japan, Russia and Scotland?
Besides we all know that we are African and that the Roman legions were 90% black, as were the Norman aristocracy. Just the same as our coastal towns were 90% Muslim as the slave traders took a bit of ‘rest and recreation’ before the trip back home. History is what you want it to be after all.
Same question, old question: So long as people endlessly bat on about race – it will remain an issue because they’re making it a self perpetuating issue.
You mean this black history month nonsense hasn’t even started yet?! My R4 Roulette sessions seem to have hit something about black ‘issues’ with unfailing regularity for at least the past fortnight!
They report the release from prison of 75% of the 583 people jailed for terror charges since 9/11.
It says: “Among those released in recent years are three men who helped the four London suicide bombers plan the 7/7 attacks in 2005. Seven men who formed part of the wider circle around the failed 21/7 plot two weeks after the London bombings are also free. As are five people who plotted a dirty bomb attack in the capital in 2004.”
Ok, sufficiently troubling, but look at that figure of 583 people jailed for terrorist offences, ie out to harm us and change our society. The Muslim population is around 3 million people. Now let’s say only half are male, 1.5 million, let us say that half of these are too young, too old or too incapacitated to try and kill people. So, that’s .75 of a million fit Muslim males who are capable of attacks.
Remember there are many Muslims who would not engage in any attacks, but let’s run with that figure for now. 583 people from a population the size of Leeds are trying to kill us. Yet the BBC see them as victims.
If anyone is still wondering why the Clinton e-mail srver story is important, especially after the BBC’s effort to down-play it, I suggest this short article:
“Hillary Clinton set up a private email server, and a private email network for herself and her family and Abedin. Doing so could prevent her emails from being “accessible” to the federal government, not to mention Congress.
“The private network allowed Clinton, Abedin, and aides Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan to swap emails with the Clinton Foundation, various world leaders, and Doug Band’s global consulting firm Teneo Holdings, where Abedin also worked during her time at the State Department. This would have been problematic, considering Clinton’s 2009 ethics agreement, leaked on Cryptome, in which she vowed not to coordinate with the Clinton Foundation.
“The FBI investigation began with one simple premise: that Hillary Clinton violated the Espionage Act of 1913 by allowing national defense information to be “lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed” through “gross negligence.” Clinton team emails have now ended up in the hands of Julian Assange — a man who lives sequestered in an Ecuadorian embassy — and in the hands of detectives in the Anthony Weiner sexting case………..
“Hillary Clinton had a lot of classified information on that server.
“There was nothing marked classified on my emails, either sent or received,” Hillary Clinton told the House Benghazi Committee in sworn testimony in 2015.
“That’s not true,” FBI director James Comey told Congress, referring to Clinton’s sworn statement……..
“Hillary Clinton posted and shared the names of CIA-protected intelligence sources on her private email server, including a defense attache and other covert U.S. agents working on matters including Iran and the Taliban and Pakistan.
“Clinton’s server contained at least five different emails revealing the exact location or travel plans of U.S. Libyan ambassador Chris Stevens, who was murdered in the 2012 Benghazi attack. Stevens’ killers, of course, knew exactly where he was going to be when they got him.”
Here`s the thing….. When somebody bleaches emails it doesn`t mean that they are gone… Even destroying the data at both ends means they can`t be retrieved on those hard drives only and even then it is possible to still retrieve at least partial data packets from them…. The fallacy around deleting emails and whether they are gone for good is bollox tbh….. Once that data goes out there online it is always going to be out there…
Thanks RJ – the more one reads (especially this site or ones linked by posters on this site) – the more I understand….and the more I fear Hillary getting into the White House. I am not sure I want Trump either but he does seem the more honest of the two.
Deborah, just ask yourself a few simple questions:
How many people has Donald Trump killed in global conflicts?
How many ‘regime changes’ has Trump engineered?
How many refugees has Trump caused?
How much money has Trump taken from crony corporates in his campaign?
How much of her own money has Clinton spent on her campaign?
Which, of the two Presidential candidates, has not one but two FBI investigations into their possibly criminal behaviour currently underway?
Who best represents real change for America – Trump or Clinton?
How much money has Donald Trump taken from oil Rich Saudis? Well quite a lot actually after he sold a penthouse flat in Trump Tower to the Bin Laden family, and his yacht to Price Al Waleed.
He has also made remarks that he like Saudi Arabia ‘very much’ !
Sad but even a billionaire isn’t immune to the astronomical wealth the oil has brought.
“”US Election 2016: Is this cake the sweetest thing to rise from a bitter campaign?””
“”It’s a safe bet that Hillary Clinton has the trendy bakery vote sewn up – a brief non-scientific survey of OWL customers fails to find any vocal support for Donald Trump….””
You know that Milo vs BBC video
I searched for how it came out after the BBC edit
I couldn’t find any Milo vs James Cook on the BBC website
I did spot this phone interview last week on 5-Live where he gets about 10 minutes
from about 7m40s in.
That prog about the Alt-Right was as Beeboid as usual, but the guests in the studio were only Democrat supporting as far as I see.
Given the BBC has form for ‘vanishing’ actually published or broadcast material if the content goes South for the narrative, it is no surprise that if it cannot be ‘enhanced’ in the edit suite by suitably cuts, insertions and post-interview additions to suit, it simply gets popped on the shelf.
Nine years ago, bicycling homosexual David Carey was called names – oops, I mean “subjected to vile homophobic abuse” – by one of his neighbours, who jumped out in front of Mr Carey forcing him to veer towards oncoming traffic. To be fair, it turns out there was considerable “previous” between Mr Carey and his neighbour, who had a previous conviction for ABH having broken Mr Carey’s jaw a year or two previously.
Mr Carey complained to Met Police about the abuse, but the Met Police declined to investigate it. Almost a decade later Mr Carey has successfully sued Met Police for failing to take his complaint seriously.
Mr Carey got two minutes on air with Sarah Montague this morning. Obvious question: what was the value of your compensation payout from Met Police? But la Montague neglected to ask.
You can see why his answer might have been problematic for Al Beeb. Too high an amount and audience loses sympathy with victim, might even start to sympathise with taxpayer instead. But too low and audience concludes the incident probably wasn’t all that serious.
steady on : It was an out of court agreemnet made at the last minute, so almost certainly has a non-disclosure clause. So before the interview he would have told her prior to the interview that he could not discuss the money.
What the police were trying to was avoid paying their lawyers for another day in court and put an end to it. So the compensation would have been around that amount.
From the taxpayer point of view it might have been a wise investment.
From the practical law point of view you can’t expect the police to investigate “he said, she said”..so they were correct in the first place to ignore his complaint. He could have recorded it himself and stuck in on facebook or taken civil action.
If hhe’d got a video of his neighbour threatening violence then the police should have taken action.
If the agreement had a non disclosure clause then surely we could have been informed.
I understand that it was likely cost-effective to settle outside court. Different but related question: in whose interest is it that the value of the award should be subject to non disclosure? I would argue that taxpayer – who is ultimately footing the bill – has the right to know.
I agree 100% that police can’t be expected to investigate un-evidenced name-calling.
My problem with these earnest interviews with victims, is that I feel I am in some one sided court room where an absent individual is accused of all manner of crimes without the ability to offer a defence.
Just think of the BBC’s assaults on Sir Tim Hunt, Ched Evans, Nigel Farage, etc. people’s reputations and characters destroyed by the BBC because of imagined wrong doing.
It`s still a micro-aggression….. Invent a new gender decriptive of yourself.. Something not yet invented such as … Had sex with a woman last night and might do so again tonight… = HSWAWLNMDSAT there you go….
Go with my completely made up condition – ‘I’m transgenerational. I was born thirty years too late and I’m a 70 year old man trapped in a 40 year old’s body. I’ve felt this since I was 45.’
Just claim that the neighbour verbally assaulted you was an anti-geriatric hate crime.
Listening to WH this morning while bed making – joyous moment when Garvie suggested that Netflix was “coming for the BBC” – I do hope so.
Although, I imagine the BBC would demand a massive license hike if that get’s to be a danger because the World owes the BBC a nice living of course.
Stupid questions, I know but, since Britain is so Islamophobic – why are they dying to come here? Why don’t the do-gooders do the kind thing and discourage their immigration?
I rather hope that press accreditation is removed from a large number of the BBC’s usual suspects. If a Trump administration wanted to, it could make life very difficult indeed for the BBC. And it is most certainly overdue!
"Sharia is there to support women and communities… but I am concerned it is run for men" says @NazShahBfd on Sharia courts— BBC Radio 4 Today (@BBCr4today) November 1, 2016
Sharia might be a bit sexist. Who knew?
But anything that supports women and communities can’t be too bad.
Perhaps that’s why Naz Shah MP got such an easy ride on Today this morning. I lost count of the number of times the self-confessed anti-Semite said she was “on a journey”.
The Home Affairs Committee is examining the effect of Sharia Courts on women. The BBC TV news reported on this today and to be fair , the report was balanced. But should this iniquitous legal system be equated with our national law, which surely must override it at all times? Indeed should parallel legal systems operated by religious groups be allowed at all if they divert, and in effect exclude, people from our national legal system? What dies this do to encourage muslim integration , which we know is a guge problem? What damage is fone to gender equality, which our law and culture fully accepts? We should maintain our vigilance of BBC coverage. Some woman from ‘Sharia UK’ was vigorously defending this malign system and the BBC will no doubt give such people plenty of airtime outside the main news bulletins.
Surely a law within a law is the same as a police force within a police force or government within government etc., – completely untenable and intolerable ?
lets be straight this is not about the equality of burka wearing idiots.
this is about which law is supreme british law or stoning/handchopping Sharia, and we had the anti-semite Naz Shaz implying its islamaphobic to oppose it this morning on r4
this is not even the thin edge of the wedge, its the middle of the wedge being hammered home.
Report by Martin Bashir ( the man who wanted to pooh in Sarah Palin’s mouth) mentions women who are complaining about the Government inquiry into sharia.
I wonder whether tonight’s “Arctic Live” (BBC2 8pm) will acknowledge that the programme is being made at the time of annual minimum ice cover as they show polar bears having to live on the contents of waste bins rather than yummy seals.
Unbe-effing-lievable ! The medieval Muslim on Radio 4 right now, “Mental health problems are taboo in Islam – we prefer to blame evil spirits …”
Halloween and we are forced to have a programme on, Middle Eastern, Muslim ghosts!
Not a chance. With the humble idiot and uber twat simon reeve present its going to be a full on climate change slurryfest. A nice two week jolly for these clowns as they indulge in their activism paid by us.
Don’t expect the BBC to let Dr Susan Crockford anywhere near its polar bear programmes. She is a real scientist who unfortunately, as far as the science-denying BBC is concerned, is seriously off message.
Friends! Well worth following the link in this – not for my piece, which was the usual Lefty nonsense, but by the very lengthy reply by JulietteDeSade who I think may actually be serious! I have thanked her in all sincerity, as she has used some very good terms/phrases which I shall gratefully incorporate in to my future posts:
"Friends! So-called "opinion polls" are utterly worthless, because they are literally nothing more than a neolib…" https://t.co/yiNLrBv6Gd
EDIT: Friend Juliette’s comment has completely disappeared! Not even the usual “This post has been removed …” bit. Perhaps she was too Left-wing for the Graun?
The US elections are little more than a week away, but the problem for the BBC news department is that their flawless, goddess, Hillary, is in turmoil. Her campaign has crunched in to the buffers and Trump is only 1% behind in the polls, ie equal place.
The BBC could cover many aspects of their Goddesses flawed campaign, eg Hillary breaking federal laws, losing voters or her cheating to beat Bernie Sanders.
In fact BBC viewers still don’t know who “Debbie” Wasserman Schultz is, nor why she had to resign just hours before the Democratic coronation of Hillary. Nor why the audience there booed the Debbie, nor how Obama had to force her to resign.
Ah, but no sign of anything about the Hilary campaign on World at One. So how do they fill the time? How about an excruciatingly tedious interview about an unknown Russian Author, through her dull, monotone translator. Reaching for Iplayer already? Hmmm.
BBC news! Report the news, even the bits you don’t like. Leave leaden book reviews to the myriad of book programs with which Radio 4 already bless us.
Just heard a bit of Naz Shah bubbling over in regard of Sharia courts for herself and those pals of hers in Bradford West.(Today, 7.55 am)
Apparently-when she was being so anti-Semitic that even the Lefty Anti-Semites in Labour had to suspend her(not from a crane mind), well she was on a learning curve.
Indeed, like her Great Party-she was “on a journey together”with them all.
Indeed they still ARE on a journey, so she`d rather NOT discuss her nasty Jew baits, her nasty party jibes against the best of British who happen to be Jewish.
I`m guessing that-like Drancy and Westerbork, like Belsen and Majdenek-they TOO are on a journey. And the likes of Labour and Naz Shah will be manning the cattle cars to squeeze a few more “journey men and untermenschen” into the carriages, so as to be more energy efficient.
MY grouse with all this-how does Nick Robinson allow a pretty thick Jew baiting gobshite to spout words like “journey”-for being an Anti-Semitic pleasure cruising gonk on the Labour ship of fools?
No-one seems to be doing their job at the BBC, unless creating conditions for a riot is the job as far a they see it.
My dear Friend Lefty above.
Got a bit skittish after the noontime sherry here with hubby asleep and snoring to no purpose.
So posted some tripe on the death of Heseltines dog…in a way that reflects your fooltommery above.
Nothing on the BBC yet about whipped Tory MPs voting Greasy Vaz to the Justice Committee.
Even amber Amber Rudd (pale shadow Home Secretary)voted for him.
I never liked Attenborough’s glorification of killing animals and view his participation in outfits like Population Matters as close to fascism.
‘Donald Trump may not be the only person Sir David believes would be better off dead. As a patron of the Population Matters, the veteran climate change alarmist is a subscriber to an organisation which in 2011 stated their goal of reducing the global population to a “sustainable” 5.1 billion. The present population is presently an estimated 7.4 billion’.
“I can’t think of a single problem that wouldn’t be easier to solve if there were less people”.
The great man said this at the very end of the article. Hmm!
First of all, Attenbore, a little lesson in English. People or persons are countable, being individuals or units. You should therefore say ‘fewer people’. If dealing with a commodity or an aggregate (e.g. coffee, salt or gravel) or an uncountable noun (e.g. luck, dignity) then you can say ‘less gravel’ or ‘less dignity’.
More importantly, do you subscribe to Stalin’s “No person – no problem” philosophy? In other words, if anyone complains or objects, isn’t it just easier to send them to a gulag or liquidate them? Do let me know!
If you think it is acceptable to shoot Donald Trump, do you think it would be ok to shoot Robert Mugabe, Jean-Claude Juncker and Hillary Clinton?
Idea! Why don’t you ‘do your bit’ for reducing CO2 and other gases and the human footprint and helping the polar bears? If there is no polar ice (or failing that, Fox’s Glacier Mints) left for them to stand on, why not let one of them eat you? And can I film it with a BBC crew?
Attenborough has never been the same since that gorilla sh*gged him. It is a little known fact that the amorous part of his famous encounter was edited out of the final version that was aired. The poor bloke had to be helped all the way back to the UK in the same manner as Hillary Clinton after her 9/11 overheating incident.
Meanwhile that Louis sports chappie has his career ruined for a snowflake triggering joke which was not a call to action from a BBC person of public ‘authority’.
(Just catching up) Fridays The Times
17 year old Daughter beaten and forced to wear traditional Islamic clothing by father a heart doctor ..cos she went to a Hallowean Party against his wishes and stayed out all night. DM
pg 2
Blacks 6 time more likely to be stopped
…(Yes you can twist a headline like that out of the data, but itnot really true ..when you take account of context etc. Like I don’t get stopped in UK and if my face was black I wouldn’t be getting stopped either, it’s more to do with where you live lifestyle, associates rather than skin colour)
It seems to me that Martin Bashir has been giving tacit approval to Sharia courts today.
One thing is clear though, and that is that he wants us to underestimate the number of these courts, and presumably therefore make us doubt our own instincts towards them. When he first said this morning that there are about 30 in the UK I spat my tea out, more like Bradford I thought.
He keeps repeating some flaky research by Reading University, suggesting the total is about 30, because repeating it must make it true.
“Without Sharia courts ..some Muslim women will have real difficulty in getting a divorce”
is The argument the woman tried to make on R4 Today this morning.
Of course the man can get a divorce by saying “I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you”
ah Bashir quotes her in his article
“”If tomorrow or next year you shut down Sharia councils, what would result is Muslim women stuck in marriages, abusive marriages sometimes, and the Sharia divorce service would actually go underground.”
Immigrants: Why oh why come to Britain, an advanced Western society, if you’re going bring with you your primitive way of life and then have temerity to try and impose it on us ?
Whether it be Sharia or killing African ‘witch’ children – stop it or go back to your own land.
Some religions like Jehovah’s Witnesses* also have conventions which come up normal law.
Like declarations of shunning against people who leave the faith.
* Probably Mormons and salvation Army etc.
Surely the main UK law must sit above such conventions to protect against abuse etc.
“”If tomorrow or next year you shut down Sharia councils, what would result is Muslim women stuck in marriages, abusive marriages sometimes, and the Sharia divorce service would actually go underground.”
Surely such women would have accesss to British law like the rest of us?
Wonder why.
And how could a parallel underground legal system operate in 21st century Britain?
Answers on a postcard, please, to the British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House….
I had a little experience with this. A student of mine came over from Pakistan as a bride in an arranged marriage, and her husband’s family saw her as a helper on their market stall. She, however, had the wit to apply for and obtain a place in university. But she rarely attended and explained to me that for most of the time she was locked inside the house and only allowed out to work under family supervision. I have no idea whether her case was reviewed by a sharia court, but when I tried to take the matter up with the authorities I was warned off and told that this happens frequently and the families always win. Fortunately she was bright and through various means I was able to assist her in escaping from the UK.
I want to emphasize the role that the UK authorities played in upholding these barbaric customs. That was 20 year ago. Today I would have the media, the feminists, and the antifa against any attempt to give her support.
And this bloody Prime Minister and Home Secretary are trying to tell us that sharia might be reformed.
£425,000 Milton Keynes council home for Black French guy, wife and 8 children DM
“A family-of-ten who receive an estimated £44,000-a-year on benefits”
“The couple, both aged 33, were born in Cameron but later moved to France ”
“moved from Paris to Luton in 2012 after Mr Sube got a place on a mental health nursing course at the University of Bedfordshire.
The NHS funds the annual £9,000 cost of the three-year degree. ”
…Actually that is an updated story cos other tabloids had on September 8th
Slavery: It’s a very fair bet say that a good portion of our ancestors were slaves of, Romans, Vikings, Saxons, Anglo Saxons, then Norman vassals, then surfs, then miners, farm labourers and sweat shop workers on starvation wages.
Do we get an apology ? Do we endlessly go on about it? Do we get ‘compensation’, special consideration or positive discrimination ? Well, no we don’t and never did, we just get on with it and not blame our, possibly shit, lives on what happened years ago.
Good point we can’t all go thru life with a massive chip on our shoulder.
…(except for the Scottish)
A black child in the 1950’s Southern US might have had a need for special help.
Slavery ended in the US in 1865.
But in 2016 welfare state there is a reasonably fair opportunity for all children.
And in Europe plenty of families of all races started with practically nothing after WW2
“we just get on with it and not blame our, possibly shit, lives on what happened years ago”
You can also add “do not blame it”
1: On people who weren’t responsible so have no responsibility for fixing it….to force them to do so is immoral, nasty and causes more division as we are blaming people who have no control over what they are being blamed for
2: On a entire group of people just because of the colour of their skin (which is racism).
3: Because of the colour of our skin… To do so means that you deserve a special status, only because of your skin colour. This again is racial supremacy…. It means that because of your skin you are not accountable for your own decisions, which means that you will only ever make bad decisions. It also means that a position is given to you solely on skin colour which means a regression in the ability and standard of work throughout the entire country on a world stage… Basically leading to parts not being bought and standards of living falling for everyone
These white hating, race baters are not looking for equality, only to hurt those they hate just because they have white skin
The online version is already up and is an extended 47 minutes vs the broadcast 30 minutes
Dr Salmon Butt of Islam 21C
“so you equated homosexuality with paedophilia as a sin”
He speaks quite smoothly as if the BBC wanted to air a lawyer type Muslim rather than one who speaks like a raving violent nutter.
They mention that the “Terraced/Terrorist House” mis-reporting.
The house was raided cos the child wrote that the uncle beat him …not cos of the Terraced spelling mistake.
Did anyone catch a trailer for a BBC Black film ?
..It seemed to star Lenny Henry
So #1 The BBC is continuing to patronise black people by portraying them as eternal VICTIMS
#2 It actually deprives a striving black actor of a job by casting BBC friend Lenny Henry again and again.
BBC News this morning said that Hillary Clinton was doing just fine.
She was leading in the polls in “two out of the four key states”-Ohio, Florida, N. Carolina and An other.
But our newsreader failed to mention who was winning in the other two of her four key states.
Poor BBC, having to continually make rope out of tapeworms.
Never stop will they?
But it`s all so telegraphed that we can only laugh,and then pity.
Until we see who`s stumping up for their junkets and endless lies.
The RoP has a long reach. You don’t have to be Pakistani and living in Rotherham to target white girls. You can be Somali and living in Bristol. It would be interesting to know how many of those convicted were born in the UK or came as asylum seekers, migrants or relatives of someone already here.Their ages were comparable to some of the ‘child’ Calais migrants.
In case the BBC ignores, downplays or misreports this court verdict, see below
They should be given the old jail sentence known as ‘hard labour’ then deported, not jailed in a British ‘hotel’.
Disgraceful that we are still giving asylum to people like these.
Det Sup Lisa Jones of Avon and Somerset Police said: “It is impossible to comprehend the torment and anguish these girls have suffered at the hands of these offenders.
“They are on a journey of coming to terms with this abuse and I have no doubt this will be a life-long journey.”
* Then there were 7 suspects
Sakariya Sheikh “Zak”, Abdirahman Galal “Ramsey”, Mohammed Osman “I-Man”
Mohammed Dahir “Kamal”, Nuridin Mohamoud “Ahmed”,Abdirashid Abdulahi “Abs”, Nasir Mahamoud “Ace”
Today’s names :Sheikh, known as Zak, Abdulahi “Abs”, Dahir “Kamal”,
So does that mean the other 4 got off ?
..or have sentences coming ?
Update: according to ITN 6.30 pm news, the convicted Bristol child rapists were originally from Somalia ie not born here . Yet we will not deport them when they get out of prison . On that basis I would like us to adopt the suggested Australian practice and deport any such future criminals to Somalia, Pakistan etc as appropriate.
So they’re looking for the new Chair of the new BBC Board?
“Prospective candidates for the role must be able to demonstrate a commitment to the independence, mission and public purposes of the BBC”
At the moment it is ‘independent’ (HAS IT’S VERY OWN AGENDA),
We shall see but I’m prepared for disappointment.
Unless the government strengthens our border force or brings in the armed force, we will have more coming across the Channel from France claiming ‘asylum’. They will then disappear into the country becoming another statistic among the hoards of illegals that are already here. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35513047 http://news.sky.com/story/jungle-migrant-picked-up-kayaking-towards-uk-10640884
We should adopt the Australian answer . “Australia has unveiled tough new plans to bar any asylum seekers who try to reach the country by boat from ever being able to enter.” Its almost as if our government is turning a blind eye . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-37814496
Louis Smith made a jokey reference to Islam and has been banned for 2 months.
It took the West a thousand years to crawl out from beneath the shadow and cosh of Catholics, culminating in the trail over lady Chatterley’s Lover in the 1960s to finally free us. It has taken us less than a decade to crawl under the worse shadow of Islam.
Don’t bother looking for anything in the BBC article to question why an athlete should be banned for a religious joke, the piece supports Sharia.
For Christs sake, God in Heaven, Good God, Heavens above.
My wife makes these blasphemous comments all the time, in response I often tell her that God doesn’t exist. It’s all fantasy without genuine evidence.
We often laugh, mockingly, as to why brainwashed naiive idiot ‘members of the cloth’ are taken so seriously in society. They foster their belief system in fairy stories from the Middle East.
Religion is an utter joke and religious people are fake, they live fake lives.
I await my death threats and expulsion from our allotment committee!
That’s your opinion and you are entitled to it and yes, be thankful, your derision is not out there and directed at Islam.
Archbishops, Popes say what they say and can not be held to speak for everyone.
As an agnostic, I have no problem with people mocking religion. What I despise, however, is so-called atheists who ONLY mock Christianity but are too scared to criticise Islam, or even worse they defend it because they see it as a threat to Western society and thus furthers their own aims. These are hypocrites of the highest order.
I’m appalled at the athletics authorities treatment of Louis Smith. De facto Sharia Law is being applied at one remove. We cannot make a religion free from criticism, in contravention of our hard won freedom of speech. Gradually as muslims become an ever larger proportion of our population , any criticism of Islam will become impossible . I fear for our future .
Yes, it is truly farcical. He’s apologised several times yet this isn’t enough. He went to a mosque and was ridiculed because the mosque in question was run by the likeable Ahmadi sect of Islam which is peaceful and promotes tolerance of all religions, which is supposedly what Islam wants after all. Instead he was told he didn’t go to a ‘proper’ mosque which basically proves everything being said on here that there’s actually only one Islam, and the only true Islam demands subservience from all others, something the BBC likes to deny usually. Not to mention that as a mixed-race man, Smith would usually be one of the BBC’s token victims, but because he’s a decent chap who works hard, doesn’t make excuses and clearly has a sense of humour, he’s portrayed as the villain of this piece despite his actions suggesting otherwise.
British sport fans should now boycott gymnastics until they reverse their decision.
9pm Storyville about Australian offshore refugee camps
I’m guessing in a re-badging of the ABC’s fourcorners “Australia’s Shame” doco from 3 months ago, cos same director Eva Orner which got some stick
“It was clear that these children were coached, and that the entire process of filming the refugees was stage-managed, as the program has not been to Nauru,” the statement said.
“Viewers could clearly see that the refugees featured were well dressed, well-groomed and healthy.
“No child is in detention on Nauru, and children live with their families in safe and comfortable accommodation, mostly in new housing close to shops, facilities and beaches.”
The statement said the Four Corners report featured incorrect images of schools on the island “in a deliberate attempt to misrepresent the facts” and referred to a hospital that is no longer being used.
OK the usual sources did not come out with an immediate debunk straight away.
And the above complaints were form the Nauru govt “they would say everything was OK”
There was probably something in in like a few rogue guards.
And the worst stuff has always said to be refugee on refugee ..as they do crazy things like set fire to their own rooms etc. and stage riots in attempts to escape.
According to the department’s review, 23 of the 2123 reports detailed so-called “critical’’ incidents where life or limb was at risk or where violence, sexual or some other criminal offence had allegedly occurred.
A further 281 were classified as “major’’, with the rest — 1819 — in the “minor’’ or unclassified category.
“the suggestion that such incidents are common, or not taken seriously by the department or its service providers, is not supported by a review of the documents.’’
“There are 1151 asylum-seekers and refugees held in Nauru, which was reopened as a processing centre for refugees in September 2013.
Most — 755 — live in the community, with the remaining 396 housed in the refugee processing centre, an open facility where asylum-seekers are free to come and go.”
“in the early days of the centre, bureaucratic confusion among service providers about who was responsible for what, coupled with a poor child protection guidelines, meant serious incidents did occur.”
An appalling interview on Radio 4 Today between Humphries and Noncy Soderberg a Clinton supporter, but even she cannot stomach the rank bias of Humphries.
Why aren’t Americans voting for Clinton because she is a woman (with the suggestion that anyone who does not for that reason alone is clearly a thought criminal who doesn’t deserve to live).
Soderberg seems genuinely shocked at this suggestion and countered that women in the US would be horrified and the only ones who might support this would be those close to retirement.
Then there was the claim that all of the Clintons terrible history was nothing more than mud slinging and that there was nothing behind any of it.
Again Soderberg was having none of it and explained that she thought Clinton was a weak candidate lacking the skills needed in several key areas.
So Humphries moves on to a heckler who should clearly have been an unperson who shouted “Bill Clinton is a rapist” at one of Hilaries rallies.
We are then treated to Hillaries response which was far from what the BBC claimed it was.
When the BBC bias is so great that you are even shocking the Democrat Deputy National Security Advisor and an Ambassador at the United Nations then you know that the bias is simply out of control !
Yes, the consternation of Humphries. The, oh this is such a strange and terrible thing that 1)Trump is where he is and 2)Clinton is not President by divine intervention ?
tomoMar 17, 11:34 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Give him a rusty rifle and a white flag [img]https://i.ibb.co/Kzh0rkF1/give-the-cunt-a-rusty-rifle.jpg[/img]
Fedup2Mar 17, 11:32 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Can you imagine the conversation between trump and Putin tomorrow …. Putin – what are we going to do about…
harry142857Mar 17, 10:24 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Why do reports need to be brief. It’s a 24 hour news channel, FFS. It isn’t a 15 minute slot…
tomoMar 17, 10:18 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Nuts This eejit is dangerous https://twitter.com/davidkurten/status/1901169388083961934
ScrobleneMar 17, 10:14 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Starmerstan doesn’t do options, Sluff, just chucks numbers and meaningless inanities like ‘willing’ around and calling them ‘plans’, which this…
vladMar 17, 10:04 Weekend 15th March 2025 Jordan Peterson speaks out on muslim rape gangs, muliticulturalism, and the suicidal delusion of woke liberalism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F9rZQtiZfY
“What’s really going on with Hillary Clinton, the FBI and Donald J. Trump?”
BBC News is offering ‘a simple explanation’ of ‘Emailgate’ on Facebook.
It could be going better for them and their client, TBH.
With the Clinton email scandal breaking again, the role of Clinton’s aid, Huma Abedin, is put in the spot light.
The beeb gave us this on Huma
Clinton emails: Who is top Hillary aide Huma Abedin?
Good for the beeb I thought, they have taken the time to have a look. But of course the Beeb only give us part of Huma’s background. They dont even mention she is a muslim who married a jew – an interesting story for a start. Her parents are only described as “academic parents”. Given Huma’s potential position as the right hand person to the most powerful person in the free world a bit of digging might not go amiss BBC.
‘Oh well, not to worry, I’m sure there’ll be some compromise…’
A predictable BBC response this morning to the FIFA ban on English and Scottish football players wearing a poppy when they play a match on 11th November.
Afterall this is a corrupt supra-national organisation telling the UK what we can and can’t do in our former national sport – whatever our local traditions might be – and of course that’s all meat and drink to the BBC.
Never mind the bulk buy of poppies tipped out into the dressing rooms in W1A this week
Myself, I’m in two minds about this. I have a concern that if this apparently reasonable guesture of virtue-signalling is allowed then we will be only a step or two away from players donning pink corsets to celebrate transgender issues when a match happens to co-incide with a gay pride day – and boy, will the BBC love that!
Never mind the bulk buy of poppies tipped out into the dressing rooms in W1A this week
Interesting point. I wonder if that is the case, or do they each buy their own?
If Trump wins I am going to ring up Father Christmas and cancel my presents as that win will be reward enough.
And before anyone asks, yes, I do have his phone number.
I was looking forward to that train set though, I must admit.
I heard people at work, many of whom voted for Brexit, sadly now parroting the same rubbish being trotted out by the media about Trump that these people correctly dismissed during the referendum. Someone claimed that there would be civil war and WW3 if he gets in, ignoring the fact that America is already on the verge of civil war due in large part to the Obama/Clinton policy of demonising police and white society while trying to find excuses for Black Lives Matter thugs and Islamic atrocities, as well as the fact that Trump is if anything an isolationist who has vehemently opposed the Iraq war and wants to avoid the conflict with Russia that is looking inevitable due to the baseless accusations that the Clinton camp has made about Putin supposedly rigging the election to get Trump into the White House. Another mentioned a tape of Trump saying to a ten-year-old girl “I’ll be dating you in six years.” Having not seen or heard the tape myself, I’ll admit it sounds slightly creepy and awkward, probably intended as a joke and a compliment but coming across badly when taken out of context, but it was 25 years ago as a private citizen which just further suggests that there is no relevant dirt to reveal about Trump and certainly nothing that compares to the revelations being made about the Clintons – not least the credible rape accusations being made about Bill. But again, liberals think that things Trump has said are worse than things Bill and Hillary have actually done, so it’s no surprise that they’re trying to spin this in such a way as well.
Trump has a lot of negative qualities but it’s very frustrating to hear these myths and unsubstantial speculations being portrayed as facts. What was even worse is that, after saying that it wasn’t really a good choice, one of my colleagues still insisted that Clinton would make a better president. If a lying, contemptuous, corrupt hack with a history of doing complete 180s on policy is considered a better choice than a successful businessman who has been entirely consistent and active with his political beliefs since the 80’s, you have to be concerned that even the best efforts by the online truthseekers may not be enough.
“….If a lying, contemptuous, corrupt hack with a history of doing complete 180s on policy is considered a better choice….” Please, please leave Mark Carney out of this…..
Even though your findings will be replicated right across the UK, I actually believe that even if everyone in the UK hated Trump, it’s utterly pointless. The only people that matter are the proud, patriotic Americans who have had enough at seeing the greatest country on earth being ridiculed, abused, and taken advantage of for most of their lives.
I have been shocked at the lack of counter argument regarding Trump. The entire media in the UK (on both sides) either genuinely believe they are morally superior to everyone in the US, and in turn show a disgusting level of supremacist thought towards Americans (basically bigotry), or they don’t see this as their fight and don’t want to get involved. I am getting tired of this spineless and cowardly approach by our media because what happens in the US is guaranteed to impact over here.
This lack of alternative voice on Trump leads to the sheeple and morons of our society just accepting the ‘agreed’ message of the devious MSM as truth, and do not spend any time actually finding out for themselves what is happening. Theres no excuse for apathy as apathy allows the bastard media to control us…..the US are not being apathetic ALM. They are doing what we Brits did to achieve Brexit.
Do not get too disheartened with the apathetic morons in your office. They will all learn soon enough about the media and elites treacherous ways, and it will be another nail in their coffin. Every time the media declare their hand they can never take it back….. Trumps going to win, and everyone is going to see that he was the person we have been waiting for to make our world better again.
Does Alan Yentob know about this?
Friends! A bit of a tongue-twister here – not easy to say out loud when you’ve had a couple of drinks …
The thin end of the wedge.
Since when has this ‘law’ been in operation in Great Britain ?
It appears that we have a parallel nation running in this country ?
I see the BBC are worrying this morning about Comic Fatigue Syndrome.
Was Lenny Henry the first vector of this crippling disease?
Or was it Alexei Sayle and Ade Edmondson from their Oxbridge laboratories that first introduced this to the country?
Have they stopped doing this Comic Relief thing?
Because even THEY realise that raising a red flag isn`t funny, any more that they are-or ever were.
The USSR paid its licensed liars well too.As does the BBC.
BBC Online News:
“”Mosul battle: Iraqi PM Abadi urges IS to surrender”” (OR DIE!)
“”Haider al-Abadi appeared on state TV wearing combat fatigues and said: “They have no choice. Either they surrender or they die.””
BBC double-standards. No BBC criticism of not taking prisoners.
But, but….if a US or British leader had said the same??
Islam always gets a free pass from the BBC. They and the BBC can do no wrong.
Presumably if they surrender then they are taken prisoner? If they don’t surrender then they must have chosen to carry on fighting to the death?
Channel 4 news was on another level of shite last night. Snow was poncing about in an old abandoned factory in detroit with a drone flying around showing us the sights. Instead of investigating Hilarys emails we were just given a conveyor belt of anti trump supporters. Snow was just obsessed with Trumps language. The only real sign that there was any trouble with hilary was when Kylie Morris was reporting. Usually shes all bubbly with a big smirk across her face but last night she looked depressed and dejected having to mention Hilary.
But it was Matt Frei who was the icing on the cake with his report on trump and his supporters. Just watch the video and the words he uses and editing.
Don’t worry. Eight days to go, and Mr. Snow, Mr. Frei and their sad little friends will be in sack cloth and ashes, with tear stains streaming down their poor, leftie, ashen faces.
Here’s hoping – all the signs are pointing to a Trump Whitehouse. Poor old Shillary – that crooked, wounded hag – is in deep you-know-what and her Democrat cronies and brownshirts are flailing about helplessly, reduced to insulting the head of the FBI and blaming it all on the Russians. Hilarious.
The msm, meanwhile, continues with the deliberate lie that Hillary’s got this in this bag (they wish!). Poll after poll has been weighted against Trump to produce a narrative that suggests Clinton is going to win – alas, numbers on the ground in early voting suggest quite to opposite. Florida is headed for a Trump win if the early returns are anything to go by. None of this is a surprise to Trump followers; they’ve seen the huge rallies, seen the amazing voter enthusiasm amongst Trump supporters.
November 8th will be a punch in the face to the belligerent regressive left and I for one just cannot wait!
Not worth bothering with Frei’s views. They are predictable and belong to the ancien regime. The culture war for our civilisation is heating up somewhat and the Freis of this world are about to become casualties.
Not that I give a damn. His sneering sense of entitled superiority buttressed by his vast salary does not elicit any sympathy at all.
What, this Detroit?
….Mayor Cavanaugh’s political and economic policies failed not only to resuscitate Detroit’s blighted neighborhoods, but also to assuage the percolating rage of local black militants. With every guilty gesture of appeasement and recompense that the mayor made, the radicals only grew more righteously indignant at the inadequacy of those gestures. In short, a “revolution of rising expectations” was intractably gaining momentum. And then, in July 1967, Detroit was the scene of the decade’s most horrific race riot—43 deaths, nearly 1,200 injuries, over 7,200 arrests, and more than 2,000 buildings destroyed. The effects of this calamity would not be short-lived. Indeed the riots triggered a massive “white flight” out of central Detroit, which saw at least 140,000 people move away within a mere 18 months. With a large share of its tax base thus depleted, the city would never be the same again.
But no doubt Snow put a slightly different spin on things, or ignored the inconvenient history altogether.
Appiahs latest lying Fascist lecture is a calumny on the British people, provably untrue.
He claims that because the British were so ‘waycist’ they gave no respect to non whites and that even the native aristocracy was given no respect nor any deference.
This is of course a lie.
The Nizam of Hyderabad was held in great respect by the British as were the Maharajahs. The Indian leader Mahatma Ghandi was treated with great respect, and the same could be said for Haile Selassie stayed with the British Royal family !
It is just a lazy lie to suggest that British people in history were as ‘waycist’ as Appiah suggests, but the Fascists desperately need this lie to be believed in order to guilt trip the white British people into believing they have some kind of twisted responsibility for the former colonies which they are told were treated so badly.
Typical left wing BBC bias!
He claims that because the British were so ‘waycist’ they gave no respect to non whites and that even the native aristocracy was given no respect nor any deference.
As Thoughtful says, that’s laughably untrue. If Appiah wants to stray from philosophy and ethical theory into history, he perhaps might like to read David Cannadine’s Ornamentalism: How the British Saw their Empire (2001), which details the respect and deference accorded native aristocracies and reigning houses. It’s a good, relatively short read.
The last Nizam of Hyderabad was a Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Star of India (GCSI), and a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE). Any number of maharajahs were as well. Post-nominal initials were hardly Gandhi’s line, of course, but Haile Selassie was installed as a Stranger Knight of the Order of the Garter (KG).
The Indian titles are the most prestigious ranks within their respective orders, and the Garter is the most distinguished order of chivalry bar none. They are the province of—the holders would expect to rub shoulders with—dukes and viceroys. It all seems a bit quaint and Ruritanian now, no doubt, but the epitome of racism? Nope.
The BBC are at it again. They just can’t leave children alone. A string of BBC paedophiles and now a national program promoting Transgender on CBBC is another BBC ‘milestone’ on Liberal progressive bias and sexual exploitation.
‘A new CBBC show, Just a Girl, all about one child’s “transition” from a boy to a girl, is promoting transgender ideology to children as young as six. Any child experiencing confusion about their gender should receive help, but pretending that a child is another gender and giving them hormone blockers, is not a solution.Director of Family Education Trust, Norman Wells, disagreed. He rightly said: “It is irresponsible of the BBC to introduce impressionable children as young as six to the idea that they can choose to be something other than their biological sex.”
He added: “The more we promote the idea that a boy can be born into a girl’s body and a girl can be born into a boy’s body, and that drugs and surgery can put things right, the more children will become utterly confused. Respecting and preserving a child’s birth sex should be seen as a child protection issue.”
The American College of Pediatricians have been clear about the dangers of transgender ideology; such as evidence based reports (not reported on BBC)
• extremely high rates of suicide, (even after “transitioning”), among the transgender population
• the dangerous effects of hormone treatment which includes infertility and is associated with an increased risk of blood clots, strokes and even cancer.
Sign this petition demanding the BBC end this social engineering. The left are all about social engineering. Not real life, just death… and sexualisation of minors and loss of identity.
Sharia courts in Britain. Here is the proof of the double standards of the BBC which can absolutely see the problem when it investigates, but when it’s a Tory government, it cannot see it at all.
7th Spril 2013
“BBC Panorama has uncovered fresh evidence of how some Sharia councils in Britain may be putting Muslim women “at risk” by pressuring them to stay in abusive marriages.”
“Islamic rulings given here are not always in the interests of the women concerned, and can run counter to British law.”
Please read this page, and watch the panorama video, which I was surprised the BBC ran at the time. It now runs in direct opposition to what the BBC is reporting today, even though it confirms almost everything the May government is alleging is going on.
The BBC must have forgotten about this and what its motives are we can only guess, but again I have to wonder if someone in a position of influence hasn’t been ‘influenced’ by the Saudi Rials.
BBC were spending our tax money by being out in force over the weekend, desperately seeking anyone who has a stone to cast against James Comley of the FBI.
Can you imagine the furore if Clinton had been elected president and only then the FBI said, “Oh, sorry, by the way, she is still being investigated on serious federal charges as we have uncovered new evidence. Sorry, did we forget to tell you before you voted?”
How would the BBC be reporting this story if Republicans were discrediting the FBI when investigating a republican figure?
I cannot help thinking that many democrats who have cast their postal votes would have had a rethink in the light of the latest scandals. Particularly the revelation that she bribed the FBI to reduce the nature of the charges in return for FBI postings into CIA territory overseas.
Hillary could be the first President who starts her term under investigation, unless Trump’s dreadfully maligned voters ensure they get to the polling booth. You know what? I suspect it will be like the Brexit vote. People will be bursting to vote against the establishment. You try and stop ‘em!
A heads up to the confused BBC: the person who broke the law was Hillary Clinton NOT the FBI.
I trust the readers of this blog are bracing themselves for the Black British borethon later this month. What is this supposed to achieve? The (re)beatification of Mary Seacole? The entry into the House of Lords of our own Sir Lenworth? Or, more probably, yet another damnation of whitey as the parasitic source of all the evil in the world?
I suspect that we are to be informed that before the docking of MV Windrush the inhabitants of the UK effectively lived in mud huts, were largely illiterate and existed in a permanent state of civil war. Moreover, before the blessed post-WW2 arrival of missionaries from the West Indies the few sparks of civilisation barely surviving in Britain were remnants of the contributions – forgotten or suppressed – of those who could claim a smidgin of black blood. Of course, the whole concept and execution of this celebratory series devoted to those with black skins is deeply, profoundly racist. OTOH, since it’s the benign anti-white racism of the BBC and all points left it will be embraced and applauded by the whole of Islington and the BBC’s over-influential friends in the political class.
Unfortunately for the ambitions of the BBC, I can foresee that (despite the predictable exaggerations and falsehoods in commission and omission) the reality of the paucity of the black contribution to British life (outside the areas of sport, entertainment and violent crime) thus revealed will be embarrassing to our black fellow citizens and will confirm – yet again – the BBC as propaganda central. It won’t stop there. After the “success” of this load of crapola, the BBC will create another avalanche of lies and exaggeration celebrating the contribution to British life of Moslem immigrants particularly in the fields of community cohesion and child care. I can’t wait.
Why has the Empire Windrush been renamed in ‘the narrative’, (the BBC tacitly acknowledges this by starting their piece with the correct name)?
It’s just as well that the Canadians aren’t racist or what to make of their Empress ships Asia, Australia, Britain, Canada, China, England, France, India, Ireland, Japan, Russia and Scotland?
Besides we all know that we are African and that the Roman legions were 90% black, as were the Norman aristocracy. Just the same as our coastal towns were 90% Muslim as the slave traders took a bit of ‘rest and recreation’ before the trip back home. History is what you want it to be after all.
Same question, old question: So long as people endlessly bat on about race – it will remain an issue because they’re making it a self perpetuating issue.
You mean this black history month nonsense hasn’t even started yet?! My R4 Roulette sessions seem to have hit something about black ‘issues’ with unfailing regularity for at least the past fortnight!
Morgan Freeman has it right, how to get rid of racism? “Stop talking about it!”
Another report the BBC is too busy to relay is on the Sky news web site (though buried).
They report the release from prison of 75% of the 583 people jailed for terror charges since 9/11.
It says: “Among those released in recent years are three men who helped the four London suicide bombers plan the 7/7 attacks in 2005. Seven men who formed part of the wider circle around the failed 21/7 plot two weeks after the London bombings are also free. As are five people who plotted a dirty bomb attack in the capital in 2004.”
Ok, sufficiently troubling, but look at that figure of 583 people jailed for terrorist offences, ie out to harm us and change our society. The Muslim population is around 3 million people. Now let’s say only half are male, 1.5 million, let us say that half of these are too young, too old or too incapacitated to try and kill people. So, that’s .75 of a million fit Muslim males who are capable of attacks.
Remember there are many Muslims who would not engage in any attacks, but let’s run with that figure for now. 583 people from a population the size of Leeds are trying to kill us. Yet the BBC see them as victims.
Worse there are 1,600 young Muslims under surveillance in the UK. So that could be seen as 1,600 people who may not have been imprisoned but are out to damage the UK and its people, all from a population, the size of Leeds
If anyone is still wondering why the Clinton e-mail srver story is important, especially after the BBC’s effort to down-play it, I suggest this short article:
“Hillary Clinton set up a private email server, and a private email network for herself and her family and Abedin. Doing so could prevent her emails from being “accessible” to the federal government, not to mention Congress.
“The private network allowed Clinton, Abedin, and aides Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan to swap emails with the Clinton Foundation, various world leaders, and Doug Band’s global consulting firm Teneo Holdings, where Abedin also worked during her time at the State Department. This would have been problematic, considering Clinton’s 2009 ethics agreement, leaked on Cryptome, in which she vowed not to coordinate with the Clinton Foundation.
“The FBI investigation began with one simple premise: that Hillary Clinton violated the Espionage Act of 1913 by allowing national defense information to be “lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed” through “gross negligence.” Clinton team emails have now ended up in the hands of Julian Assange — a man who lives sequestered in an Ecuadorian embassy — and in the hands of detectives in the Anthony Weiner sexting case………..
“Hillary Clinton had a lot of classified information on that server.
“There was nothing marked classified on my emails, either sent or received,” Hillary Clinton told the House Benghazi Committee in sworn testimony in 2015.
“That’s not true,” FBI director James Comey told Congress, referring to Clinton’s sworn statement……..
“Hillary Clinton posted and shared the names of CIA-protected intelligence sources on her private email server, including a defense attache and other covert U.S. agents working on matters including Iran and the Taliban and Pakistan.
“Clinton’s server contained at least five different emails revealing the exact location or travel plans of U.S. Libyan ambassador Chris Stevens, who was murdered in the 2012 Benghazi attack. Stevens’ killers, of course, knew exactly where he was going to be when they got him.”
Here`s the thing….. When somebody bleaches emails it doesn`t mean that they are gone… Even destroying the data at both ends means they can`t be retrieved on those hard drives only and even then it is possible to still retrieve at least partial data packets from them…. The fallacy around deleting emails and whether they are gone for good is bollox tbh….. Once that data goes out there online it is always going to be out there…
Thanks RJ – the more one reads (especially this site or ones linked by posters on this site) – the more I understand….and the more I fear Hillary getting into the White House. I am not sure I want Trump either but he does seem the more honest of the two.
Deborah, just ask yourself a few simple questions:
How many people has Donald Trump killed in global conflicts?
How many ‘regime changes’ has Trump engineered?
How many refugees has Trump caused?
How much money has Trump taken from crony corporates in his campaign?
How much of her own money has Clinton spent on her campaign?
Which, of the two Presidential candidates, has not one but two FBI investigations into their possibly criminal behaviour currently underway?
Who best represents real change for America – Trump or Clinton?
I think you get the idea.
How much money has Donald Trump taken from oil Rich Saudis? Well quite a lot actually after he sold a penthouse flat in Trump Tower to the Bin Laden family, and his yacht to Price Al Waleed.
He has also made remarks that he like Saudi Arabia ‘very much’ !
Sad but even a billionaire isn’t immune to the astronomical wealth the oil has brought.
Wow! Something we will never see on the BBC!
WARNING! Image may shock.
BBC Online News:
“”US Election 2016: Is this cake the sweetest thing to rise from a bitter campaign?””
“”It’s a safe bet that Hillary Clinton has the trendy bakery vote sewn up – a brief non-scientific survey of OWL customers fails to find any vocal support for Donald Trump….””
Using a tyre lever, the BBC always manage to force in an anti-Trump message into any innocuous feature.
Why? Because the BBC is biased heavily against Trump, of course!
BBC Online News:
“”US Election 2016: Is this cake the sweetest thing to rise from a bitter campaign?””
I’m relieved, there is no reference to Nadia. BBC missing an opportunity? ‘We cross over now to the author Nadia for her expert opinion…..’
You know that Milo vs BBC video
I searched for how it came out after the BBC edit
I couldn’t find any Milo vs James Cook on the BBC website
I did spot this phone interview last week on 5-Live where he gets about 10 minutes
from about 7m40s in.
That prog about the Alt-Right was as Beeboid as usual, but the guests in the studio were only Democrat supporting as far as I see.
Given the BBC has form for ‘vanishing’ actually published or broadcast material if the content goes South for the narrative, it is no surprise that if it cannot be ‘enhanced’ in the edit suite by suitably cuts, insertions and post-interview additions to suit, it simply gets popped on the shelf.
The BBC has integrity like that.
Typo : was NOT as Beeboid as usual,
BBC R4 Today this morning:
Nine years ago, bicycling homosexual David Carey was called names – oops, I mean “subjected to vile homophobic abuse” – by one of his neighbours, who jumped out in front of Mr Carey forcing him to veer towards oncoming traffic. To be fair, it turns out there was considerable “previous” between Mr Carey and his neighbour, who had a previous conviction for ABH having broken Mr Carey’s jaw a year or two previously.
Mr Carey complained to Met Police about the abuse, but the Met Police declined to investigate it. Almost a decade later Mr Carey has successfully sued Met Police for failing to take his complaint seriously.
Mr Carey got two minutes on air with Sarah Montague this morning. Obvious question: what was the value of your compensation payout from Met Police? But la Montague neglected to ask.
You can see why his answer might have been problematic for Al Beeb. Too high an amount and audience loses sympathy with victim, might even start to sympathise with taxpayer instead. But too low and audience concludes the incident probably wasn’t all that serious.
steady on : It was an out of court agreemnet made at the last minute, so almost certainly has a non-disclosure clause. So before the interview he would have told her prior to the interview that he could not discuss the money.
What the police were trying to was avoid paying their lawyers for another day in court and put an end to it. So the compensation would have been around that amount.
From the taxpayer point of view it might have been a wise investment.
From the practical law point of view you can’t expect the police to investigate “he said, she said”..so they were correct in the first place to ignore his complaint. He could have recorded it himself and stuck in on facebook or taken civil action.
If hhe’d got a video of his neighbour threatening violence then the police should have taken action.
If the agreement had a non disclosure clause then surely we could have been informed.
I understand that it was likely cost-effective to settle outside court. Different but related question: in whose interest is it that the value of the award should be subject to non disclosure? I would argue that taxpayer – who is ultimately footing the bill – has the right to know.
I agree 100% that police can’t be expected to investigate un-evidenced name-calling.
My problem with these earnest interviews with victims, is that I feel I am in some one sided court room where an absent individual is accused of all manner of crimes without the ability to offer a defence.
Just think of the BBC’s assaults on Sir Tim Hunt, Ched Evans, Nigel Farage, etc. people’s reputations and characters destroyed by the BBC because of imagined wrong doing.
Darn it again! I was abused by my neighbour but I’m not ethnic or LGBT so I’m suffering discrimination yet again !
It`s still a micro-aggression….. Invent a new gender decriptive of yourself.. Something not yet invented such as … Had sex with a woman last night and might do so again tonight… = HSWAWLNMDSAT there you go….
Smart thinking !
Go with my completely made up condition – ‘I’m transgenerational. I was born thirty years too late and I’m a 70 year old man trapped in a 40 year old’s body. I’ve felt this since I was 45.’
Just claim that the neighbour verbally assaulted you was an anti-geriatric hate crime.
Good advice, Cheers.
Listening to WH this morning while bed making – joyous moment when Garvie suggested that Netflix was “coming for the BBC” – I do hope so.
Although, I imagine the BBC would demand a massive license hike if that get’s to be a danger because the World owes the BBC a nice living of course.
Stupid questions, I know but, since Britain is so Islamophobic – why are they dying to come here? Why don’t the do-gooders do the kind thing and discourage their immigration?
Predictably the BBC are taking Clinton’s side in the US election and over her problems with the FBI
Here is one of the latest BBC attempts to save our Hillary. Clintons blast the FBI, says the BBC
The most important sentence in the report is this.
‘The FBI declined to comment to the BBC’.
Why comment to the British Government’s biased media?
When Trump wins May and her Cabinet might be told to keep out of US politics
I rather hope that press accreditation is removed from a large number of the BBC’s usual suspects. If a Trump administration wanted to, it could make life very difficult indeed for the BBC. And it is most certainly overdue!
Sharia might be a bit sexist. Who knew?
But anything that supports women and communities can’t be too bad.
Perhaps that’s why Naz Shah MP got such an easy ride on Today this morning. I lost count of the number of times the self-confessed anti-Semite said she was “on a journey”.
She should read “Meine Reise”, by A Hitler.
Used to be known by another name but wasn’t selling well.
The Home Affairs Committee is examining the effect of Sharia Courts on women. The BBC TV news reported on this today and to be fair , the report was balanced. But should this iniquitous legal system be equated with our national law, which surely must override it at all times? Indeed should parallel legal systems operated by religious groups be allowed at all if they divert, and in effect exclude, people from our national legal system? What dies this do to encourage muslim integration , which we know is a guge problem? What damage is fone to gender equality, which our law and culture fully accepts? We should maintain our vigilance of BBC coverage. Some woman from ‘Sharia UK’ was vigorously defending this malign system and the BBC will no doubt give such people plenty of airtime outside the main news bulletins.
Surely a law within a law is the same as a police force within a police force or government within government etc., – completely untenable and intolerable ?
lets be straight this is not about the equality of burka wearing idiots.
this is about which law is supreme british law or stoning/handchopping Sharia, and we had the anti-semite Naz Shaz implying its islamaphobic to oppose it this morning on r4
this is not even the thin edge of the wedge, its the middle of the wedge being hammered home.
Report by Martin Bashir ( the man who wanted to pooh in Sarah Palin’s mouth) mentions women who are complaining about the Government inquiry into sharia.
As far as I understand it, the Jewish Beth Din (court of Law) is required by Jewish law to comply with the country it operates in.
I wonder whether tonight’s “Arctic Live” (BBC2 8pm) will acknowledge that the programme is being made at the time of annual minimum ice cover as they show polar bears having to live on the contents of waste bins rather than yummy seals.
Unbe-effing-lievable ! The medieval Muslim on Radio 4 right now, “Mental health problems are taboo in Islam – we prefer to blame evil spirits …”
Halloween and we are forced to have a programme on, Middle Eastern, Muslim ghosts!
Djinn (non-alcoholic, of course!) & Tonic all round!
Bound to be the usual “OMG – look what we are doing to the poor Poley Bears, by daring to live on the same planet, as them”
Not a chance. With the humble idiot and uber twat simon reeve present its going to be a full on climate change slurryfest. A nice two week jolly for these clowns as they indulge in their activism paid by us.
Don’t expect the BBC to let Dr Susan Crockford anywhere near its polar bear programmes. She is a real scientist who unfortunately, as far as the science-denying BBC is concerned, is seriously off message.
Friends! Well worth following the link in this – not for my piece, which was the usual Lefty nonsense, but by the very lengthy reply by JulietteDeSade who I think may actually be serious! I have thanked her in all sincerity, as she has used some very good terms/phrases which I shall gratefully incorporate in to my future posts:
EDIT: Friend Juliette’s comment has completely disappeared! Not even the usual “This post has been removed …” bit. Perhaps she was too Left-wing for the Graun?
The US elections are little more than a week away, but the problem for the BBC news department is that their flawless, goddess, Hillary, is in turmoil. Her campaign has crunched in to the buffers and Trump is only 1% behind in the polls, ie equal place.
The BBC could cover many aspects of their Goddesses flawed campaign, eg Hillary breaking federal laws, losing voters or her cheating to beat Bernie Sanders.
In fact BBC viewers still don’t know who “Debbie” Wasserman Schultz is, nor why she had to resign just hours before the Democratic coronation of Hillary. Nor why the audience there booed the Debbie, nor how Obama had to force her to resign.
Ah, but no sign of anything about the Hilary campaign on World at One. So how do they fill the time? How about an excruciatingly tedious interview about an unknown Russian Author, through her dull, monotone translator. Reaching for Iplayer already? Hmmm.
BBC news! Report the news, even the bits you don’t like. Leave leaden book reviews to the myriad of book programs with which Radio 4 already bless us.
Just heard a bit of Naz Shah bubbling over in regard of Sharia courts for herself and those pals of hers in Bradford West.(Today, 7.55 am)
Apparently-when she was being so anti-Semitic that even the Lefty Anti-Semites in Labour had to suspend her(not from a crane mind), well she was on a learning curve.
Indeed, like her Great Party-she was “on a journey together”with them all.
Indeed they still ARE on a journey, so she`d rather NOT discuss her nasty Jew baits, her nasty party jibes against the best of British who happen to be Jewish.
I`m guessing that-like Drancy and Westerbork, like Belsen and Majdenek-they TOO are on a journey. And the likes of Labour and Naz Shah will be manning the cattle cars to squeeze a few more “journey men and untermenschen” into the carriages, so as to be more energy efficient.
MY grouse with all this-how does Nick Robinson allow a pretty thick Jew baiting gobshite to spout words like “journey”-for being an Anti-Semitic pleasure cruising gonk on the Labour ship of fools?
No-one seems to be doing their job at the BBC, unless creating conditions for a riot is the job as far a they see it.
My dear Friend Lefty above.
Got a bit skittish after the noontime sherry here with hubby asleep and snoring to no purpose.
So posted some tripe on the death of Heseltines dog…in a way that reflects your fooltommery above.
Nothing on the BBC yet about whipped Tory MPs voting Greasy Vaz to the Justice Committee.
Even amber Amber Rudd (pale shadow Home Secretary)voted for him.
Guido gives the names
Why Why Why?
Does he have “something” on them, or what?
David Attenborough receiving a well deserved panning:
I never liked Attenborough’s glorification of killing animals and view his participation in outfits like Population Matters as close to fascism.
‘Donald Trump may not be the only person Sir David believes would be better off dead. As a patron of the Population Matters, the veteran climate change alarmist is a subscriber to an organisation which in 2011 stated their goal of reducing the global population to a “sustainable” 5.1 billion. The present population is presently an estimated 7.4 billion’.
“I can’t think of a single problem that wouldn’t be easier to solve if there were less people”.
The great man said this at the very end of the article. Hmm!
First of all, Attenbore, a little lesson in English. People or persons are countable, being individuals or units. You should therefore say ‘fewer people’. If dealing with a commodity or an aggregate (e.g. coffee, salt or gravel) or an uncountable noun (e.g. luck, dignity) then you can say ‘less gravel’ or ‘less dignity’.
More importantly, do you subscribe to Stalin’s “No person – no problem” philosophy? In other words, if anyone complains or objects, isn’t it just easier to send them to a gulag or liquidate them? Do let me know!
If you think it is acceptable to shoot Donald Trump, do you think it would be ok to shoot Robert Mugabe, Jean-Claude Juncker and Hillary Clinton?
Idea! Why don’t you ‘do your bit’ for reducing CO2 and other gases and the human footprint and helping the polar bears? If there is no polar ice (or failing that, Fox’s Glacier Mints) left for them to stand on, why not let one of them eat you? And can I film it with a BBC crew?
Attenborough has never been the same since that gorilla sh*gged him. It is a little known fact that the amorous part of his famous encounter was edited out of the final version that was aired. The poor bloke had to be helped all the way back to the UK in the same manner as Hillary Clinton after her 9/11 overheating incident.
Meanwhile that Louis sports chappie has his career ruined for a snowflake triggering joke which was not a call to action from a BBC person of public ‘authority’.
Funny old world.
(Just catching up) Fridays The Times
17 year old Daughter beaten and forced to wear traditional Islamic clothing by father a heart doctor ..cos she went to a Hallowean Party against his wishes and stayed out all night. DM
pg 2
Blacks 6 time more likely to be stopped
…(Yes you can twist a headline like that out of the data, but itnot really true ..when you take account of context etc. Like I don’t get stopped in UK and if my face was black I wouldn’t be getting stopped either, it’s more to do with where you live lifestyle, associates rather than skin colour)
Today’s Times headline :
Lithuanians train UK troops to fight Russian propaganda
My imagined headline :
British train Lithuanian troops to fight BBC propaganda
It seems to me that Martin Bashir has been giving tacit approval to Sharia courts today.
One thing is clear though, and that is that he wants us to underestimate the number of these courts, and presumably therefore make us doubt our own instincts towards them. When he first said this morning that there are about 30 in the UK I spat my tea out, more like Bradford I thought.
He keeps repeating some flaky research by Reading University, suggesting the total is about 30, because repeating it must make it true.
“Without Sharia courts ..some Muslim women will have real difficulty in getting a divorce”
is The argument the woman tried to make on R4 Today this morning.
Of course the man can get a divorce by saying “I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you”
ah Bashir quotes her in his article
“”If tomorrow or next year you shut down Sharia councils, what would result is Muslim women stuck in marriages, abusive marriages sometimes, and the Sharia divorce service would actually go underground.”
More Muslim women ‘will be stuck in abusive marriages’ if Britain shuts down Sharia councils Indy
Immigrants: Why oh why come to Britain, an advanced Western society, if you’re going bring with you your primitive way of life and then have temerity to try and impose it on us ?
Whether it be Sharia or killing African ‘witch’ children – stop it or go back to your own land.
Some religions like Jehovah’s Witnesses* also have conventions which come up normal law.
Like declarations of shunning against people who leave the faith.
* Probably Mormons and salvation Army etc.
Surely the main UK law must sit above such conventions to protect against abuse etc.
“”If tomorrow or next year you shut down Sharia councils, what would result is Muslim women stuck in marriages, abusive marriages sometimes, and the Sharia divorce service would actually go underground.”
Surely such women would have accesss to British law like the rest of us?
Wonder why.
And how could a parallel underground legal system operate in 21st century Britain?
Answers on a postcard, please, to the British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House….
I had a little experience with this. A student of mine came over from Pakistan as a bride in an arranged marriage, and her husband’s family saw her as a helper on their market stall. She, however, had the wit to apply for and obtain a place in university. But she rarely attended and explained to me that for most of the time she was locked inside the house and only allowed out to work under family supervision. I have no idea whether her case was reviewed by a sharia court, but when I tried to take the matter up with the authorities I was warned off and told that this happens frequently and the families always win. Fortunately she was bright and through various means I was able to assist her in escaping from the UK.
I want to emphasize the role that the UK authorities played in upholding these barbaric customs. That was 20 year ago. Today I would have the media, the feminists, and the antifa against any attempt to give her support.
And this bloody Prime Minister and Home Secretary are trying to tell us that sharia might be reformed.
£425,000 Milton Keynes council home for Black French guy, wife and 8 children DM

“A family-of-ten who receive an estimated £44,000-a-year on benefits”
“The couple, both aged 33, were born in Cameron but later moved to France ”
“moved from Paris to Luton in 2012 after Mr Sube got a place on a mental health nursing course at the University of Bedfordshire.
The NHS funds the annual £9,000 cost of the three-year degree. ”
…Actually that is an updated story cos other tabloids had on September 8th
Slavery: It’s a very fair bet say that a good portion of our ancestors were slaves of, Romans, Vikings, Saxons, Anglo Saxons, then Norman vassals, then surfs, then miners, farm labourers and sweat shop workers on starvation wages.
Do we get an apology ? Do we endlessly go on about it? Do we get ‘compensation’, special consideration or positive discrimination ? Well, no we don’t and never did, we just get on with it and not blame our, possibly shit, lives on what happened years ago.
Good point we can’t all go thru life with a massive chip on our shoulder.
…(except for the Scottish)
A black child in the 1950’s Southern US might have had a need for special help.
Slavery ended in the US in 1865.
But in 2016 welfare state there is a reasonably fair opportunity for all children.
And in Europe plenty of families of all races started with practically nothing after WW2
“we just get on with it and not blame our, possibly shit, lives on what happened years ago”
You can also add “do not blame it”
1: On people who weren’t responsible so have no responsibility for fixing it….to force them to do so is immoral, nasty and causes more division as we are blaming people who have no control over what they are being blamed for
2: On a entire group of people just because of the colour of their skin (which is racism).
3: Because of the colour of our skin… To do so means that you deserve a special status, only because of your skin colour. This again is racial supremacy…. It means that because of your skin you are not accountable for your own decisions, which means that you will only ever make bad decisions. It also means that a position is given to you solely on skin colour which means a regression in the ability and standard of work throughout the entire country on a world stage… Basically leading to parts not being bought and standards of living falling for everyone
These white hating, race baters are not looking for equality, only to hurt those they hate just because they have white skin
Yes , you cann’t blame the child for the sins of the father.
Rather you can’t blame the child for the sins of a few rich aristocrats who lived at the great great great great great great great great grandfather
BBC R4 16:10 01/11/16 and a Muslim speaking what could only be described as, homophobic hate speech. I won’t hold my breath ……………..
The online version is already up and is an extended 47 minutes vs the broadcast 30 minutes
Dr Salmon Butt of Islam 21C
“so you equated homosexuality with paedophilia as a sin”
He speaks quite smoothly as if the BBC wanted to air a lawyer type Muslim rather than one who speaks like a raving violent nutter.
They mention that the “Terraced/Terrorist House” mis-reporting.
The house was raided cos the child wrote that the uncle beat him …not cos of the Terraced spelling mistake.
Trumpy & Pence, live at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania:
Did anyone catch a trailer for a BBC Black film ?
..It seemed to star Lenny Henry
So #1 The BBC is continuing to patronise black people by portraying them as eternal VICTIMS
#2 It actually deprives a striving black actor of a job by casting BBC friend Lenny Henry again and again.
By showing Lenny Henry all the time the BBC isn’t being very DIVERSE.
BBC twisting the truth again
Headline – Trump closes the gap
Underneath – ‘ poll suggests Trump has a one-point lead nationwide’??!!
In my book that is leading, not closing the gap!
That must mean he is way in front then.
BBC News this morning said that Hillary Clinton was doing just fine.
She was leading in the polls in “two out of the four key states”-Ohio, Florida, N. Carolina and An other.
But our newsreader failed to mention who was winning in the other two of her four key states.
Poor BBC, having to continually make rope out of tapeworms.
Never stop will they?
But it`s all so telegraphed that we can only laugh,and then pity.
Until we see who`s stumping up for their junkets and endless lies.
Trump might fire nukes – Clinton would sell them.
The RoP has a long reach. You don’t have to be Pakistani and living in Rotherham to target white girls. You can be Somali and living in Bristol. It would be interesting to know how many of those convicted were born in the UK or came as asylum seekers, migrants or relatives of someone already here.Their ages were comparable to some of the ‘child’ Calais migrants.
In case the BBC ignores, downplays or misreports this court verdict, see below
They should be given the old jail sentence known as ‘hard labour’ then deported, not jailed in a British ‘hotel’.
Disgraceful that we are still giving asylum to people like these.
It’s on the BBC England page and on the BBC Bristol page for a couple of hours
It’s not on the UK or Home page ..You could push it up BBC’s most popular I guess.
Three jailed for ‘chilling’ sexual abuse of teenage girls in Bristol
2 Previous reports :
: Girls as young as 12 ‘raped and abused’ in Bristol 26 September 2016*.
: Bristol and Newport child sex exploitation suspects charged 19 October 2015
* Then there were 7 suspects
Sakariya Sheikh “Zak”, Abdirahman Galal “Ramsey”, Mohammed Osman “I-Man”
Mohammed Dahir “Kamal”, Nuridin Mohamoud “Ahmed”,Abdirashid Abdulahi “Abs”, Nasir Mahamoud “Ace”
Today’s names :Sheikh, known as Zak, Abdulahi “Abs”, Dahir “Kamal”,
So does that mean the other 4 got off ?
..or have sentences coming ?
Update: according to ITN 6.30 pm news, the convicted Bristol child rapists were originally from Somalia ie not born here . Yet we will not deport them when they get out of prison . On that basis I would like us to adopt the suggested Australian practice and deport any such future criminals to Somalia, Pakistan etc as appropriate.
all foreign criminal should be deported … end of
So they’re looking for the new Chair of the new BBC Board?
“Prospective candidates for the role must be able to demonstrate a commitment to the independence, mission and public purposes of the BBC”
At the moment it is ‘independent’ (HAS IT’S VERY OWN AGENDA),
We shall see but I’m prepared for disappointment.
Legoland Windsor sex assaults: Boy arrested after girls attacked
..fits the description white, UNDER 5ft 8in tall.
Bailed ..so I guess a minor
“two six-year-old girls” “touched inappropriately” on Thursday 11 August.
Unless the government strengthens our border force or brings in the armed force, we will have more coming across the Channel from France claiming ‘asylum’. They will then disappear into the country becoming another statistic among the hoards of illegals that are already here.
We should adopt the Australian answer . “Australia has unveiled tough new plans to bar any asylum seekers who try to reach the country by boat from ever being able to enter.” Its almost as if our government is turning a blind eye .
Sharia law arrives in the UK for non muslims.
Louis Smith made a jokey reference to Islam and has been banned for 2 months.
It took the West a thousand years to crawl out from beneath the shadow and cosh of Catholics, culminating in the trail over lady Chatterley’s Lover in the 1960s to finally free us. It has taken us less than a decade to crawl under the worse shadow of Islam.
Don’t bother looking for anything in the BBC article to question why an athlete should be banned for a religious joke, the piece supports Sharia.
Say and do whatever you like about God, Christ, the Bible though. Yeah, real progress.
For Christs sake, God in Heaven, Good God, Heavens above.
My wife makes these blasphemous comments all the time, in response I often tell her that God doesn’t exist. It’s all fantasy without genuine evidence.
We often laugh, mockingly, as to why brainwashed naiive idiot ‘members of the cloth’ are taken so seriously in society. They foster their belief system in fairy stories from the Middle East.
Religion is an utter joke and religious people are fake, they live fake lives.
I await my death threats and expulsion from our allotment committee!
That’s your opinion and you are entitled to it and yes, be thankful, your derision is not out there and directed at Islam.
Archbishops, Popes say what they say and can not be held to speak for everyone.
As an agnostic, I have no problem with people mocking religion. What I despise, however, is so-called atheists who ONLY mock Christianity but are too scared to criticise Islam, or even worse they defend it because they see it as a threat to Western society and thus furthers their own aims. These are hypocrites of the highest order.
Mocking religion and criticising our ex Archbishop and assorted hand-wringers is not the same thing.
“Life of Brian”
I’m appalled at the athletics authorities treatment of Louis Smith. De facto Sharia Law is being applied at one remove. We cannot make a religion free from criticism, in contravention of our hard won freedom of speech. Gradually as muslims become an ever larger proportion of our population , any criticism of Islam will become impossible . I fear for our future .
Yes, it is truly farcical. He’s apologised several times yet this isn’t enough. He went to a mosque and was ridiculed because the mosque in question was run by the likeable Ahmadi sect of Islam which is peaceful and promotes tolerance of all religions, which is supposedly what Islam wants after all. Instead he was told he didn’t go to a ‘proper’ mosque which basically proves everything being said on here that there’s actually only one Islam, and the only true Islam demands subservience from all others, something the BBC likes to deny usually. Not to mention that as a mixed-race man, Smith would usually be one of the BBC’s token victims, but because he’s a decent chap who works hard, doesn’t make excuses and clearly has a sense of humour, he’s portrayed as the villain of this piece despite his actions suggesting otherwise.
British sport fans should now boycott gymnastics until they reverse their decision.
9pm Storyville about Australian offshore refugee camps
I’m guessing in a re-badging of the ABC’s fourcorners “Australia’s Shame” doco from 3 months ago, cos same director Eva Orner
which got some stick
“It was clear that these children were coached, and that the entire process of filming the refugees was stage-managed, as the program has not been to Nauru,” the statement said.
“Viewers could clearly see that the refugees featured were well dressed, well-groomed and healthy.
“No child is in detention on Nauru, and children live with their families in safe and comfortable accommodation, mostly in new housing close to shops, facilities and beaches.”
The statement said the Four Corners report featured incorrect images of schools on the island “in a deliberate attempt to misrepresent the facts” and referred to a hospital that is no longer being used.
So, a bit like the BBC’s coverage of the Jungle Camp in Calais then.
OK the usual sources did not come out with an immediate debunk straight away.
And the above complaints were form the Nauru govt “they would say everything was OK”
There was probably something in in like a few rogue guards.
And the worst stuff has always said to be refugee on refugee ..as they do crazy things like set fire to their own rooms etc. and stage riots in attempts to escape.
Two weeks ago Australian Immigration reported its own Inquiry
Immigration officials have savaged claims asylum-seekers on Nauru are subject to routine physical and sexual assault.
An appalling interview on Radio 4 Today between Humphries and Noncy Soderberg a Clinton supporter, but even she cannot stomach the rank bias of Humphries.
Why aren’t Americans voting for Clinton because she is a woman (with the suggestion that anyone who does not for that reason alone is clearly a thought criminal who doesn’t deserve to live).
Soderberg seems genuinely shocked at this suggestion and countered that women in the US would be horrified and the only ones who might support this would be those close to retirement.
Then there was the claim that all of the Clintons terrible history was nothing more than mud slinging and that there was nothing behind any of it.
Again Soderberg was having none of it and explained that she thought Clinton was a weak candidate lacking the skills needed in several key areas.
So Humphries moves on to a heckler who should clearly have been an unperson who shouted “Bill Clinton is a rapist” at one of Hilaries rallies.
We are then treated to Hillaries response which was far from what the BBC claimed it was.
When the BBC bias is so great that you are even shocking the Democrat Deputy National Security Advisor and an Ambassador at the United Nations then you know that the bias is simply out of control !
“An appalling interview on Radio 4 Today”
Erring on tautology, there.
Yes, the consternation of Humphries. The, oh this is such a strange and terrible thing that 1)Trump is where he is and 2)Clinton is not President by divine intervention ?