The head teacher of my 12 year old son told the school assembly that she would not have voted for Trump. Recently, one of his teachers told his class that she has signed a petition against Trump’s state visit.
It is vital to teach your kids to question and be their own person and not a drone. True, that will lead them to question your decisions but so long as you have a reasoned argument it’s fine. Kids enjoy rebellion and like to go against the flow – our Trump and Brexit supporting kids are cool with that.
I work in a Primary school, we are told not to express political attitudes, not even on Facebook,as parents will think it is school policy.
Yet on the day we voted to leave the EU our head teacher was calling all leave voters ‘idiots’.
Interesting – Once more the astounding, undiplomatic, self destructive, nihilistic, fuckin’ mental, BBC/Lefty/EU/Merkel Defective types seem to think no relationship with America is the way to go?
How ’bout being at the back of the queue? How ’bout having to pay for your own defense? How ’bout making your own way in this world and no longer freeloading?
Sound good? We’ll see.
The good people of flyover USA would dump Europe in a heartbeat. No doubt they have seen our screamers at work and quietly decided enough is enough.
Reality is about to hit our elites smack in the face and about time.
Yes – recall how much persuading, and offer of post war trade concessions, it took for them to bother in the two wars and that was then. We didn’t have hate campaigns going against the US Administration back then either.
@Cranmer re BBC softening
There was a WS Radio HYS prog discussing Trump’s controls and the presenter went out of her way to state Trump’s viewpoints instead of the normal misrepresentation.
They still couldn’t get the phones to work for Pro Trump callers tho.
Fear at work. The criticism of the BBc is everywhere now and that question by Kuensberg has blown it for them in the USA.
The schedules are full of rubbish No real sport anymore . Why the hell do they expect us to continue paying ?
The BBC has pots of money. Most companies conduct customer satisfaction surveys. In fact it’s a requirement for most companies and public organizations.
Come along BBC get those surveys out to your Licence fee paying customers or are you just too scared?
Hamas explosives chief said killed in accidental blast Terror group says Muhammad Walid al-Quqa, 37, died of wounds sustained while ‘preparing equipment’ in northern Gaza
BBC News – Trump calls for ‘careful’ border checks after his travel ban setback
“President Donald Trump says he has told US border officials to check people entering America “very carefully”, as his travel ban remains suspended. He said the courts were “making the job very difficult”, and should take the blame if something happened. The federal appeals court on Saturday rejected the Trump administration’s request to reinstate the ban”
BBC puts a “resist, resist” video? by Immigrant rights campaigner Thanushka Yakupitiyage in the report?? … is that for erm “balance” ???
Mind you, appeaser May bans a Muslim migrant from LEAVING the UK, wouldn t want that, after all he s only a suspected terrorist … (hand – forehead- slap)
“MAY has banned a Syrian migrant from leaving Britain because he is suspected of being a terrorist. The now Prime Minister “personally” ruled he should stay in the UK to protect national security when she was acting as the Conservative Party’s Home Secretary”.
“Yes, you read that right. Theresa May suspected this man of being a jihad terrorist, and so she wanted to keep him IN Britain. Theresa May sure does love her some jihad terrorists.
Britain has a steadily lengthening record of admitting jihad preachers without a moment of hesitation. Syed Muzaffar Shah Qadri’s preaching of hatred and jihad violence was so hardline that he was banned from preaching in Pakistan, but the UK Home Office welcomed him into Britain.
The UK Home Office recently admitted Shaykh Hamza Sodagar into the country, despite the fact that he has said: “If there’s homosexual men, the punishment is one of five things. One – the easiest one maybe – chop their head off, that’s the easiest. Second – burn them to death. Third – throw ’em off a cliff. Fourth – tear down a wall on them so they die under that. Fifth – a combination of the above.”
May’s government also recently admitted two jihad preachers who had praised the murderer of a foe of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. One of them was welcomed by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Meanwhile, the UK banned three bishops from areas of Iraq and Syria where Christians are persecuted from entering the country.”
R Spencer
I do not know if Trump has the power but, if he does, he should sack all the Left-wing judges.
As to that wanker Welby and most of the Church “leaders”, they almost seem to enjoy the genocide of christians. Welby and his ilk are worthless , dirty dogs, and should convert to Islam and bugger off to Saudi Arabia.
So now its been mooted that us elderly who are living in homes that are too big for us, should move out (given an incentive apparently) to make room for families ! My answer to that is….. Sod Off ! I shall continue to live alone with my dog in my 3 bed detached for ever, and I would have to be carried out screaming blue murder, before making way for a family that is unlikely to be of totally British descent.
Reading that 1 in 5 homes built are for migrants, was not a good move to publish because it will only make us oldies more determined to stay put rather than make it easy to give a migrant family a roof over their heads. Not in my name !
I’m probably older than you and luckily, live in a village where we don’t get affected by any migrant problems, but there again, I can be a smug old git when I want to be…
Why can’t the beeb try and ensure that all the LA and HA housing that the UK taxpayer funds, be put to better use though? They could really make a difference if they tried hard enough, but that wouldn’t be fair would it, they’re making a political point, and that would never do!
The Leftist plan will be to decant all white British people (excluding the Leftist elite, of course ) from their homes and give them to immigrants, preferably muslims. Anyone who can afford it should try and buy a house overseas. I hate to sound smug, but that is one of the reasons I built a house in Gambia and sold my property in UK.
In many ways Gambia is a much more civilised country than the current UK. Things may improve after the UK gets out of the EU evil empire but I feel that the Leftist infiltration of British institutions is so deep that it is too late. We need a Trump, but where is he, or her ?
I live in Thailand, where the culture has the right priorities — Thailand for the Thais. Everyone else is welcome, as long as they play by the rules. Civility is a requirement for everyone, Thais and non-Thais alike.
I am a second-class citizen here, which is fine. What I would not be able to accept would be being treated as a second-class citizen in my country of birth, the UK, which seems to be the experience of many people there.
I had a wonderful 2 weeks in Thailand some years ago. Bangkok, Chiang Mai , Phuket. Fantastic country and great people . So polite, so welcoming, so funny. And, as you know , the word ” Thai”, means free. Am I jealous of you ? Yes !
Report also adds “But more than half of Muslim households are in poverty, higher than any other social group, according to the Muslim Council of Britain”. Note “households” – maybe something to do with a culture that discourages women from working (and even learning English) and has many more children. Surely self-inflicted then at least in part.
About a decade ago, the Institute for Public Policy Research (effectively a Labour Party front plus a BBC favourite) published a report on immigration. Besides the casual racism (“Immigrants are better than native Britons etc.”), there was an interesting description they used of some communities, which were described as “economically inactive”. This was in relation to groups which were not unemployed per se, but rather which had a culture or lifestyle choice of not working but acquiring money by other means. The bottom three groups were Pakistan (51% inactive), Bangladesh (54% inactive) and Somalia (63% inactive). For reference, the level of inactivity for UK-born was 19%.
“Muslim men are 76% less likely to be employed than their white Christian counterparts, according to research by the Research Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship at the University of Bristol.”
Why should the white men referred to be ‘Christian’? How many job applications ask you for your religion ? I know many men who have no religion.
The article bears the usual caveat “Although the results were based on a small sample size, they tally with the findings of previous academic studies.”
Blue Peter could have done better.
In my personal experience of muslim men , in several countries, they tend to be lazier than non-muslims. If possible, they rely on women to do the work which they have to do, otherwise they will get beaten. Maybe the BBC could research that in one of their fearless investigative documentaries.
I knew someone who was in the ME during WW2. Told me, if they ran down a bullock or mule they had to report it. If they ran down a local man – they did not. Enough said.
“….they rely on women to do the work which they have to do,”
The Middle East: replete with Black Gold (for the time being). Were it not for the Black Gold the states of the Middle East benefit from they would be as resistant to improvement as are the states in Africa. And managed likewise. Without the ex-pats managing and doing the heavy lifting they would equally be failed states.
First thing this morning on Radio 4 is Prayer for The Day. It is a Christian bemoaning Trump’s travel ban and invoking how welcoming the twelve disciples were. The onslaught continues! Do we ever get a moment’s break from it? I am still waiting to here that gloriously jingoistic speech from Richard II in relation to Brexit:
This Royal throne of kings, this sceptr’d isle
This Earth of majesty, this seat of Mars
This other Eden, demi-paradise
This fortress built by nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war
This happy breed of men, this little world
This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings
This precious stone set in the silver sea
Against the envy of less happy lands
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England . . .
The twelve disciples may have been welcoming, but they were not themselves necessarily welcomed. If I recall correctly, 11 of them were martyred and only John died a natural death. There may be a lesson there, somewhere…
Interesting phraseology on the BBC this morning. On the subject of Health Tourism, our Dan Walker sums up a short segment on this issue on BBC Breakfast with:
“It’s a subject which I’m sure is of interest to people at home”
Let me attempt to translate. We (the BBC) have been running regular repeated reports about the lack of resources and the ‘pressure’ on the NHS. We get feed-back from viewers referencing Health Tourism, however, we rarely mention this as a factor in the problem. We rarely put on air health experts or spokespeople who mention Health Tourism as a factor in apparent NHS under-capacity in relation to patient demand. There is a widening gap in perception opening between public experience as NHS patients looking around GP waiting rooms, hospital A&E and in-patient wards seeing huge foreign usage of NHS resources and the message coming from the BBC either ignoring or denying this as an issue. Call this apparent contradiction between the public’s experience of reality and BBC presentation of the situation ‘cogitative dissonance’, if you will. In general terms such disparity between prevailing media narrative and reality is the reason why liberal elites misjudged the results of the EU Referendum and Donald Trump’s selection as Republican candidate and then his election as President. Who would have thought lanky Dan Walker was such a bright boy?
And over to Carol for the weather forecast:
“Gales of up to 100 knots – that’s not miles an hour, it’s knots”
Let me attempt to translate. BBC weather forecasting has evolved into a quest for superlatives. The number 100 has a powerful rhetorical significance for an audience who will find their attention grabbed by mention of this number. However, the audience will tend not to notice or recall the words around the magic 100, for example North Sea or Shetlands or possibly or perhaps or up to. The audience will however come away with the idea that our weather is becoming increasingly extreme.
Exactly. Another VD outbreak on the NHS just starting. In all the moaning about the waiting times for non-urgent ops, not a mention so far this morning about the impact from the “junior” doctors strike.
NHS tourists crackdown ‘to save £500m’ – says the BBC. Of course it won’t, they’ll be lucky to save 1/500th of that. The Government will quietly shelve it after a suitable period, much like Dave’s bonfire of the Quangos.
How many times have we heard the Govt is going to get tough on immigration, benefit fraud, this that and the other. In twenty years I don’t recall a single instance of any major ‘crackdown’ that’s made a blind bit of difference. Still the same socialists blocking progress, still the same lawyers with their snouts in the trough, still the same pusillanimous politicians.
BBC London tend to confirm the notion that News is not really their priority this morning. Their agenda tends to be leftist and special interest campaigning.
Just two headlines today :
A BBC investigation suggests people with a muslim surname are discriminated against in the jobs market. But.. Asad Ahmad, Rizla Teeth, Arthur Patel… how did they all manage to buck the trend?
And number two headline is about the NHS. Pressure, cut backs, blah blah blah.
‘Left’ is one thing – unhinged is quite another. Tony Benn was ‘Left’ and though a lot of what he said was, ‘in an ideal World’ – you couldn’t really argue with it.
R4 News this morning….”Members of the Catholic Church in Australia” being investigated for Child sexual exploitation going back many years, a senior member of the Australian Catholic Church expressed regret and said that action has been and will be taken to prevent it ever happening again. (public inquiry, litigation and compensation claims against the RC Church pending). The word “Catholic” emphasised repeatedly just to be sure we get the message.
Members of the faith that cannot be mentioned negatively, being processed through the courts in Rotherham (and elsewhere) for child sexual exploitation….. rebranded as “Asian” or “Pakistani heritage” get a quick mention nationally, then consigned to local news. No senior cleric asked to account for preventative measures, no court cases suing the local mosques, no public inquiry.
Considering what we are hearing a lot of on BBC news recently, you do realise there are only two things the Left can agree on: they don’t like Donald Trump; and they do like the NHS. It all makes sense.
They love Muslims*, gays*, 3rd wave feminism, indoctrination, one-world government. They hate UKIP, democracy, freedom, truth (not necessarily in that order).
Just logged on to the useless BBC website. Had a bet with myself that the first word would be “Trump” and I was not disappointed. They BBC and Lefties are mentally deranged about him. It is so funny and absurd. They are so childish. Pathetic.
“FGM problems found ‘every hour’ by GPs, says charity.”
“This means working in partnership with our colleagues in local authorities, health and education to share information and visit and support families with children deemed to be at risk of FGM.”
How much is this costing the NHS ? When are the feminazi taking to the streets ?
BBC Website still has the Louvre “attacker” as “Egyptian”. Egypt says it knows his identity , so why are we not being told by the BBC ? Could it be that he is of a certain “religion of peace” ?
I will repost this as soon as the start the week forum opens. Everyone in the BBC should read this and bow their heads …
(posted on a Times forum)
From a speech by Theodore Roosevelt, in Paris, 1910.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Shame on the man of cultivated taste who permits refinement to develop into fastidiousness that unfits him for doing the rough work of a workaday world. Among the free peoples who govern themselves there is but a small field of usefulness open for the men of cloistered life who shrink from contact with their fellows. Still less room is there for those who deride or slight what is done by those who actually bear the brunt of the day; nor yet for those others who always profess that they would like to take action, if only the conditions of life were not exactly what they actually are. The man who does nothing cuts the same sordid figure in the pages of history, whether he be a cynic, or fop, or voluptuary. There is little use for the being whose tepid soul knows nothing of great and generous emotion, of the high pride, the stern belief, the lofty enthusiasm, of the men who quell the storm and ride the thunder.”
Grant correct, accept they have invented him. And Farage and Gert Wilders and Boris Johnson and anyone else who might not entirely agree with the narrow BBC view of the world.
the swedish caroline lucas. The hate and arrogance is just dripping from her face along with the gathered idiots behind her. Its all ‘look at me i’m so righteous’
Is she erm “trolling” D Trump? … who gives a shit! – we don t, he certainly won t … ITS NOT NEWS!
It only the likes of the Al BBC, and the neo liberal fuckwits we have misleading our nation that do. Political cowardice, by a self serving political elite that sell off our nation, with no right to do so has left us here … Sweden is the biggest red flag you could have.
Warning to the remaining civilised countries.
Ban Swedes, do not allow them to enter our countries. Deport Swedes who are already here. They are worse than fanatical jihadists.
If immigration is so wonderful and morally correct at any price – how come the EU is giving another 200 million euros to help the Libyan Coast Guard and stop immigrants crossing the Med from Africa?
Looks like, RACISM and XENOPHOBIA to me. Hypocritical scum, they’ll be building walls next.
“But more than half of Muslim households are in poverty, higher than any other social group, according to the Muslim Council of Britain”. Note “households” – maybe something to do with a culture that discourages women from working (and even learning English) and has many more children. Surely self-inflicted then at least in part”.
Well Popeye, its well past due for a two strikes and out with child benefit, and the “big stick” ban implemented on all aspects of sharia,(in this case multi wives).
… But sadly due to the backward ideology, and due to it all being part of the plan,
it will have little effect.
Apart from areas looking more like a sh-tholistan slum than they already do, and that IS possible.
What “a wonderful addition to the multicultural tapestry of diversity”.
Don t forget, Appeaser May … I am so proud of the “CONTRIBUTIONS MUSLIMS MAKE” to this country – many Britons ‘BENEFIT GREATLY’ from Sharia Law etc.
Readers will be heartened to know that benefits are payable to multiple wives for certain groups of people, and that they stand to make more money due to changes in the benefits system. Here’s an article from the Daily Express plus the parliamentary paper it refers to:
The Express article reminds us that polygamous marriages are recognised in the UK only if they were made outside of these islands. That, in itself, is intolerable. The strict bigamy laws in this country should be adhered to by everyone, and there should be absolutely no ‘recognition’ of polygamy whatsoever. Even worse is that the benefits system recognises polygamous arrangements, and payments are made accordingly. This is discrimination in favour of a minority, and surely is itself unlawful? It is my opinion, and doubtless of many others, that only one ‘wife’ should be granted benefits, and if the family in question don’t like it, then they can depart this country for somewhere else.
My eldest was doubled up the other day watching a very poor quality video on YouTube. “Dad, that man keeps saying, ‘Where’s me stepladder?’ and then blows up.”
It was, of course,’Allah U Akabar’ or some such but ……………
The election of Trump is not merely about his particular policies; it has encouraged a voice from those who have been ignored. People are beginning to respond to attacks on the white lower classes from the liberal left with their identity politics, intersectionality, and bollox about cultural appropriation, racism and white privilege.
I am sure Brillo Neil, Mishail and Marr woul make mincemeat out of this young lad, but he has something to say.
It has also, apparently, sparked off a whole new industry – Trump Anxiety, Trump-induced stress, Trump counselling. They tried ‘cry-in’ events, but that didn’t work. There are now Trump-era safe spaces. Would I like to march into one of them………
These are all aimed, of course, at people who have never experienced the real world — cosseted students, MSNBC viewers, Washington Post readers.
It is very rare to hear Ministers under pressure for spending too much, for presiding over government waste, for failing to find cheaper and better ways of doing things. There is nearly always an automatic assumption that spending a lot in any specific part of the public sector is good, and spending more is even better.
I now find myself screaming at the radio (usually Radio 4) ‘Ask them what they they would cut instead!’ whenever they have some Labour/Lib Dem/Green/Scots Nats/’Charity’ spokesman on demanding the government spends more money on their latest deserving cause.
Sadly, a question never asked so a good proportion of the population muddles along believing there is always a ‘more spending’ option – because this is the BBC they still trust.
A knife attacker has admitted killing a US tourist and wounding five others in a rampage in central London. Zakaria Bulhan, from Tooting, south-west London, carried out the attack in Russell Square on 3 August last year. The 19-year-old pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility and wounding. He had been charged with murder and attempted murder but the court accepted his plea.
The misdirection and perversion of justice continues in the name of cultural enrichment. Shame on all involved. Nothing to do with Islam, etc. Move along, nothing to see – just another ‘knife man’ with mental health issues, etc.
Both Lucy, Islam/low expectation implemented re – Islam so it is accepted, double standards nay triple, not only crime covered up/lighter sentences but YOU will be erm “criminslised” for drawing attention to them.
No … maybe quadruple standards, erm “crime” which is nothing of the sort is instilled not in sharia but our own legal system, as such.
A sausage, or a rasher of bacon outside of a building is no crime,
someone pulls a scarf, get over it … no crime
someone burns a book … and?, so what!
This epidemic of fake/hoax Muslim hate crimes, is absurd …
the main fault lies with No10 for taking this crap as in any way legitimate, these crimes are fake, hoaxes the MCB/Tell MAMA are proven liars.
Yet … Oxford, Rotherham, Bham, etc, etc, etc, GRRRR! don t get me started
Now that IS discrimination
Radio 4, 11.00pm were treading their usual propaganda trail with “The English Fix”.
The first part of the programme was being charitable to Cobbett, traditional Englishman with love of the rural, critic of injustices in the military, clever use of speaking newspapers to get message across, “overanxious” about loss of Englishness. champion of the common man, anti-elitist, anti-intellectual etc. Who could this be describing in modern day Britain? Could it be Brexiteers, UKIPers, Farage?
Shock horror!! Revelation that Cobbet was a jew-hater. All Brexiteers must therefore be anti-semites like Cobbett and so evil incarnate. QED
So the appropriate title of the offering should have been “Fix The English!” not “The English Fix”.
The midday news bulletin on Radio 2; a report of the conviction of the Russell Square killer followed by a report of a man being convicted of racially abuse for pulling off someone’s hijab. Clearly these offences are of equal gravity according to the BBC. When a black man was racially abused by Chelsea fans, the BBC led their news bulletin with the horrific story. Personally I would rather be offended than murdered.
BBC WS YESTERDAY – Why is the FAR RIGHT(?) on the rise in France and America and the UK (A BIT) ?
‘Well,’ said the French journo,’it has much to do with the lack of jobs and the prospect of their children not being able to get decent jobs and be able to afford housing.’
So, I ask, how does immigration help fix that? How is that attitude, racist or xenophobic?
The presenter did not pursue those questions but did go on to lay blame at the door of the NHS for not coping.
The BBC – ‘Brave Backseat Commentators’.
I’m giving this some thought. The Trump hate & the hate of his supporters is just that. Hate.
Why are so many (especially young) people exhibiting this level of hatred? I am thinking that a collective sense of self-respect has been “educated” out of them. They have been wallowing in self-flagellating white-guilt for so long that it is now easy for them to turn their hatred outward. They are finding it easy to hate others now because they already hate themselves. If they can offer up others for sacrifice perhaps they can justify their own hideously-white existence? Is there any cure?
I know, but I keep coming back to the thought that it doesn’t seem at all rational.
People often hate what they are afraid of – why would Trump and Brexit scare them? People often hate those who have hurt them in some way – how has Trump and Brexit hurt them? What do they think they might lose and how do they think their life and prospects of happiness be so irrevocably damaged by Trump or Brexit?
I am still struggling with this – many of us are.
He’s here! Someone restrain the BBC.
Jeremy Corbyn has not requested a meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu today, despite issuing criticism of him ahead of May’s meeting
There is such an imperative, a desperate but hopeless effort to convince us and moreover themselves that, the EU/Lefty/Globalist/Open Borders approach is the correct one, even in the face of rafts of evidence to the contrary.
The Emperor has no clothes and by the way, never was an Emperor.
TWATO today doing ZanuLab’s work on the NHS. Overcrowding likely to increase cross-infection, bed-blocking, yada yada. So Al Beeb commission Mori to ask why the NHS have problems, and Joe Public answers because of too many hospital cases and not enough funding. Putting aside that Al Beeb have been pushing this for the last six years, what the fuck does the public know about the NHS’ funding other than what Al Beeb pushes down our throats every fucking day?!!
This was followed by in-depth analysis (must be an Al Beeb first) as to why people voted leave. Al Beeb’s survey of course said it was because of low educational attainments. Ethnic minority voted remain in the main, probably because they are all PhD’s. Oxford educated Cambridge person suggested leave voters must be racist.
bBBC ‘News’ at One is pure leftie propaganda. Ten minutes on the lead item, the NHS wants more money (an advertisement for Panorama this evening). Five minutes on the Muslim invasion, showing hordes of men (they obviously couldn’t find a woman or child as there weren’t any) in Calais, trying to force their way onto lorries to get here (an advertisement for a SouthEast local programme this evening). Wheelchair rugby wants more money. The Queen passes 65 years as our monarch, but this year will have to endure a visit by Donald Trump. Then local NorthWest ‘news’. Liverpool social care wants more money. There was a ‘racist’ incident on a bus in Manchester. And so on. I can’t stand any more.
Our television aerial failed a few months ago so I hadn’t watched any bBBC TV, but coming back to it after a hiatus, the bias is so much more obvious. No real news, just advertisements for leftie causes and their own biased programmes.
And of course there will be NO mention of the two-faced Beckham scandal, as he was lionised for the 75th Anniversary of DID ! Must be some red faces now as to which idiot suggested he was the one to mark the event.
I’m loving this !!!! anything that happens to end the Beckham bandwagon and I’m happy.
World at One just explaining, to their own satisfaction, why people voted Brexit – they are thick and uneducated. They then offered their usual carefully collated vox pops to back up this biased nonsense.
Guess it’s a shame the following were too thick to reach university, as they all campaigned for Brexit:
Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Prof Patrick Minford, Prof Kevin Dowd, Ruth Lea, Martin Howe QC, Prof David Blake …argh , and so it goes on to until it reaches me.
Now, if the BBC were brighter it might countenance the view that people in the poorest areas were hardest hit by EU immigration and EU rules. That wealthy folk like, say, BBC reporters or Guardian columnists, benefit from reduced wages for the people they employ for home care, gardening, plumbing, etc.
Just putting that out there, but then again I am university educated and voted Brexit so why listen to me.
Got it here.
The stupid and the old voted leave and the majority of immigrants voted with the yooniversity educated to remain, says the BBC poll.
From this I conclude that the universities are failing in their function to create intelligent critical thought, and instead are indoctrinating their students to think like Geldorf and the bigots who joined him in his river Thames protest.
‘Of course this assessment does not imply that Leave voters were almost all poorly educated and old, and Remain voters well educated and young.’
No, of course it doesn’t, BBC, just most of them, we’ve got the message … and this from the inbred village idiots who can’t tell a terrorist from (as President Donald Trump may have put it) a pussy.
[By the way, if Demon is hereabouts, I did give it a go but even the largest available sheet of card isn’t large enough.]
Louvre attack: My son is no terrorist, says suspect’s father.
Retired Egyptian police general Reda al-Hamamy accused the soldier who shot him of “using brute force with a poor young man”.
Always interesting to take note of what the BBC present as definite fact and what in our national broadcaster’s view is framed as dubious and open to doubt.
BBC TV news at 1pm brings us a report from outside court on the case of the Russell Square stabbings: ‘Zakaria Bulhan (19 from Tooting, south-west London) admits killing US tourist’ is the headline.
We are told with certainty and authority by a female reporter that: “It was not clear at the time whether this was terrorism or a case of mental insanity – which proved to be the case”. Apparently the authorities have presented expert witnesses who have put this interpretation beyond any doubt. Or so the BBC wants us to accept.
But then when a Police Officer gives evidence that when Bulhan was on the ground he was heard to say “Allah” our BBC reporter passes on this line of news but casts doubt on his evidence. This is presented by the BBC as an uncorroborated statement.
By the way, a question springs to mind: Why did the defence team for the killer of Jo Cox offer no plea of Insanity or, more realistically, manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility? Just asking because the BBC won’t ask this question.
WATO driveling on in the wrong direction about the problems faced by the NHS. They think it is about money.
UK health care spending has increased by 25% since 2012. Our spend per head of population is higher than Spain, Portugal, Italy, etc, and is just below that of France and Australia.
Yet our health service is crap. In just about any other European country you see a consultant within a few days of being forwarded by your GP, you have the MRI and X-Rays BEFORE seeing the consultant and have treatment within weeks.
Anyone would think it had nothing to do with money and more to do with trying to finance it through general taxation and having it run by civil servants along with the self-appointed ‘great and good’ in their financially plush Quangos. Just a thought.
BBC Wwebsite. Big headline ” Nigel and wife leading seperate lives “. The BBC , obsessed with Trump and Nigel. Beeboids just cannot help themselves. It is the drug they need to take .
If its not Trump is Farage
“Nigel Farage and wife Kirsten ‘living separate lives”
However …….
“This is a situation that suits everyone and is not news to any of the people involved.”
Drain the swamp Treeezer .
More Bad Brexit news
“Brexit vote already bad for firms, bosses say.”
Couched in that lot we find…………..
“However, 32% said their business would start to feel the positive effects of leaving the EU in five years’ time.”
“Most of the business leaders (96%) who responded said they were confident their company could adapt to the consequences of leaving the EU.”
The bBBC ‘news’ is advertising a ‘drama’ about the kidnapping of Shannon Matthews, but manages not to mention that her mother – who hid her child hoping to make money from a newspaper reward – was a benefits-junkie with seven children from five different fathers.
“Knifeman admits Russell Square killing”
Reports AlBeeb in a version of the “attacker” “shooter” diversionary tactic. Never a knifeperson though, if we have a female culprit the term used will be “stab”.
“Teenager admits killing US tourist”
Reports “The Advertiser and Daily Hand Out Beneficiary”.
Which also states that “he ran away from a mosque”, an attempt to disguise the Occidentophobia of this Islamic inspired killing.
The “mental health” angle was argued so successfully that no murder verdict was returned. This decision was taken “at the highest level”.
I bet it was because that is how high the public sector cover up department functions.
Plenty more of the usual excuses for the murder of whites by haters both black and Islamic (in this case both).
What got my attention is the appended picture from a Aug. 2016 Guardian report.
An Identikit picture which bears NO resemblance to the murderous black Islamic culprit.
This picture is of an Austrian with two Swiss Name(s) one of which is David.
A miscarriage of justice has taken place, more fees for Shiner types.
If this picture is typical it is no wonder the proportion of blacks in jail is so low.
No-doubt a white male was in the CSI style re-enactment of events.
Meanwhile the Labour politicians, who kooked the other way while tens of thousands of white girls were gang raped by Islamic perverts, receive damages. Disgusting reward for Commie treason. I do not know how they sleep at night, or why no action has yet been taken to prevent them waking.
A teenage paranoid schizophrenic who killed a tourist in a stabbing spree was taken to a mosque rather than a hospital when his condition worsened, it has emerged.
The court heard that Bulhan, from Tooting, south London, had been treated by the local community mental health team in April, but as he deteriorated, his father chose to take him first to the nearby Camberwell mosque and then to East London mosque on the day that he killed Ms Horton but he ran off.
Correct, I requested a daily thread some weeks ago.
Currently when I log in to reply I am returned to the start of the thread and then have to scroll through pages of earlier material Formerly I logged in and was returned to the insertion point, not an improvement.
Several suggestions to save time from what you describe.
1. On the main page it shows ‘Recent Comments’ on the side. If you click on one of those it will open whatever thread you want to access at that recent post.
2. Alternatively you can use a comment reader like Inoreader which shows you all comments since you last logged in.
Thank you for you well-intentioned contribution.
I was unaware of #2.
#1 The exponential increase in bias and treason necessitates more responses.
#2 Formerly the website software did this automatically.
You’re welcome TS
I’ve been using Inoreader for quite a few years now and I highly recommend it.
It enables you to see all the new comments since you were last online regardless of topic. Then you can just click on the comment to take you to it on the website where you can reply. It’s got a lot of other useful features too.
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
The head teacher of my 12 year old son told the school assembly that she would not have voted for Trump. Recently, one of his teachers told his class that she has signed a petition against Trump’s state visit.
School is where it all starts.
Kids used to rebel against teachers!
Guessing a Pink Floyd reference not appropriate?
It is vital to teach your kids to question and be their own person and not a drone. True, that will lead them to question your decisions but so long as you have a reasoned argument it’s fine. Kids enjoy rebellion and like to go against the flow – our Trump and Brexit supporting kids are cool with that.
I work in a Primary school, we are told not to express political attitudes, not even on Facebook,as parents will think it is school policy.
Yet on the day we voted to leave the EU our head teacher was calling all leave voters ‘idiots’.
If our, state sponsored, national broadcasters can do it …………….
That’s a classic
The “muslim-majority countries of Trump’s ban”
The “cough-splut grooming gangs that affect Northern towns”
And the beat of BBC disinformation goes on.
Interesting – Once more the astounding, undiplomatic, self destructive, nihilistic, fuckin’ mental, BBC/Lefty/EU/Merkel Defective types seem to think no relationship with America is the way to go?
How ’bout being at the back of the queue? How ’bout having to pay for your own defense? How ’bout making your own way in this world and no longer freeloading?
Sound good? We’ll see.
The good people of flyover USA would dump Europe in a heartbeat. No doubt they have seen our screamers at work and quietly decided enough is enough.
Reality is about to hit our elites smack in the face and about time.
Yes – recall how much persuading, and offer of post war trade concessions, it took for them to bother in the two wars and that was then. We didn’t have hate campaigns going against the US Administration back then either.
@Cranmer re BBC softening
There was a WS Radio HYS prog discussing Trump’s controls and the presenter went out of her way to state Trump’s viewpoints instead of the normal misrepresentation.
They still couldn’t get the phones to work for Pro Trump callers tho.
Wonder if she’s been warned about bias?
Fear at work. The criticism of the BBc is everywhere now and that question by Kuensberg has blown it for them in the USA.
The schedules are full of rubbish No real sport anymore . Why the hell do they expect us to continue paying ?
Dave S
Stop bleating – don’t pay .
I don’t.
The BBC has pots of money. Most companies conduct customer satisfaction surveys. In fact it’s a requirement for most companies and public organizations.
Come along BBC get those surveys out to your Licence fee paying customers or are you just too scared?
Industrial Injury!
Hamas explosives chief said killed in accidental blast Terror group says Muhammad Walid al-Quqa, 37, died of wounds sustained while ‘preparing equipment’ in northern Gaza
Compensation claim?
‘Where There’s a BAME,
There’s a Claim’
BBC News – Trump calls for ‘careful’ border checks after his travel ban setback
“President Donald Trump says he has told US border officials to check people entering America “very carefully”, as his travel ban remains suspended. He said the courts were “making the job very difficult”, and should take the blame if something happened. The federal appeals court on Saturday rejected the Trump administration’s request to reinstate the ban”
BBC puts a “resist, resist” video? by Immigrant rights campaigner Thanushka Yakupitiyage in the report?? … is that for erm “balance” ???
Mind you, appeaser May bans a Muslim migrant from LEAVING the UK, wouldn t want that, after all he s only a suspected terrorist … (hand – forehead- slap)
“MAY has banned a Syrian migrant from leaving Britain because he is suspected of being a terrorist. The now Prime Minister “personally” ruled he should stay in the UK to protect national security when she was acting as the Conservative Party’s Home Secretary”.
“Yes, you read that right. Theresa May suspected this man of being a jihad terrorist, and so she wanted to keep him IN Britain. Theresa May sure does love her some jihad terrorists.
Britain has a steadily lengthening record of admitting jihad preachers without a moment of hesitation. Syed Muzaffar Shah Qadri’s preaching of hatred and jihad violence was so hardline that he was banned from preaching in Pakistan, but the UK Home Office welcomed him into Britain.
The UK Home Office recently admitted Shaykh Hamza Sodagar into the country, despite the fact that he has said: “If there’s homosexual men, the punishment is one of five things. One – the easiest one maybe – chop their head off, that’s the easiest. Second – burn them to death. Third – throw ’em off a cliff. Fourth – tear down a wall on them so they die under that. Fifth – a combination of the above.”
May’s government also recently admitted two jihad preachers who had praised the murderer of a foe of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. One of them was welcomed by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Meanwhile, the UK banned three bishops from areas of Iraq and Syria where Christians are persecuted from entering the country.”
R Spencer
I do not know if Trump has the power but, if he does, he should sack all the Left-wing judges.
As to that wanker Welby and most of the Church “leaders”, they almost seem to enjoy the genocide of christians. Welby and his ilk are worthless , dirty dogs, and should convert to Islam and bugger off to Saudi Arabia.
On top of all the cold weather in Spain affecting tomatoes etc we have …….
Global Warming anyone ?
Ah, 100 killed in Pakistan avalanches
So now its been mooted that us elderly who are living in homes that are too big for us, should move out (given an incentive apparently) to make room for families ! My answer to that is….. Sod Off ! I shall continue to live alone with my dog in my 3 bed detached for ever, and I would have to be carried out screaming blue murder, before making way for a family that is unlikely to be of totally British descent.
Reading that 1 in 5 homes built are for migrants, was not a good move to publish because it will only make us oldies more determined to stay put rather than make it easy to give a migrant family a roof over their heads. Not in my name !
You hang in there, Brissles.
I’m probably older than you and luckily, live in a village where we don’t get affected by any migrant problems, but there again, I can be a smug old git when I want to be…
Why can’t the beeb try and ensure that all the LA and HA housing that the UK taxpayer funds, be put to better use though? They could really make a difference if they tried hard enough, but that wouldn’t be fair would it, they’re making a political point, and that would never do!
Brissles and Scrobbie,
The Leftist plan will be to decant all white British people (excluding the Leftist elite, of course ) from their homes and give them to immigrants, preferably muslims. Anyone who can afford it should try and buy a house overseas. I hate to sound smug, but that is one of the reasons I built a house in Gambia and sold my property in UK.
In many ways Gambia is a much more civilised country than the current UK. Things may improve after the UK gets out of the EU evil empire but I feel that the Leftist infiltration of British institutions is so deep that it is too late. We need a Trump, but where is he, or her ?
I live in Thailand, where the culture has the right priorities — Thailand for the Thais. Everyone else is welcome, as long as they play by the rules. Civility is a requirement for everyone, Thais and non-Thais alike.
I am a second-class citizen here, which is fine. What I would not be able to accept would be being treated as a second-class citizen in my country of birth, the UK, which seems to be the experience of many people there.
I had a wonderful 2 weeks in Thailand some years ago. Bangkok, Chiang Mai , Phuket. Fantastic country and great people . So polite, so welcoming, so funny. And, as you know , the word ” Thai”, means free. Am I jealous of you ? Yes !
PS, Should say that the Thai people are very similar to Gambians and there is at least one Thai restaurant in Gambia. So ” Sawasdee ” !
BBC fake news/Muslim propaganda.
Report also adds “But more than half of Muslim households are in poverty, higher than any other social group, according to the Muslim Council of Britain”. Note “households” – maybe something to do with a culture that discourages women from working (and even learning English) and has many more children. Surely self-inflicted then at least in part.
About a decade ago, the Institute for Public Policy Research (effectively a Labour Party front plus a BBC favourite) published a report on immigration. Besides the casual racism (“Immigrants are better than native Britons etc.”), there was an interesting description they used of some communities, which were described as “economically inactive”. This was in relation to groups which were not unemployed per se, but rather which had a culture or lifestyle choice of not working but acquiring money by other means. The bottom three groups were Pakistan (51% inactive), Bangladesh (54% inactive) and Somalia (63% inactive). For reference, the level of inactivity for UK-born was 19%.
“Muslim men are 76% less likely to be employed than their white Christian counterparts, according to research by the Research Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship at the University of Bristol.”
Why should the white men referred to be ‘Christian’? How many job applications ask you for your religion ? I know many men who have no religion.
The article bears the usual caveat “Although the results were based on a small sample size, they tally with the findings of previous academic studies.”
Blue Peter could have done better.
In my personal experience of muslim men , in several countries, they tend to be lazier than non-muslims. If possible, they rely on women to do the work which they have to do, otherwise they will get beaten. Maybe the BBC could research that in one of their fearless investigative documentaries.
I knew someone who was in the ME during WW2. Told me, if they ran down a bullock or mule they had to report it. If they ran down a local man – they did not. Enough said.
“….they rely on women to do the work which they have to do,”
The Middle East: replete with Black Gold (for the time being). Were it not for the Black Gold the states of the Middle East benefit from they would be as resistant to improvement as are the states in Africa. And managed likewise. Without the ex-pats managing and doing the heavy lifting they would equally be failed states.
I posted below before I read your post ! Posted in reply to Taffy.
The nature of the job may be a factor.
And the irony of the author names in the byline and quotes is rather special.
Just ask the BBC Ahmeds in the cubicle garden.
Not surprised really.
First thing this morning on Radio 4 is Prayer for The Day. It is a Christian bemoaning Trump’s travel ban and invoking how welcoming the twelve disciples were. The onslaught continues! Do we ever get a moment’s break from it? I am still waiting to here that gloriously jingoistic speech from Richard II in relation to Brexit:
This Royal throne of kings, this sceptr’d isle
This Earth of majesty, this seat of Mars
This other Eden, demi-paradise
This fortress built by nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war
This happy breed of men, this little world
This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings
This precious stone set in the silver sea
Against the envy of less happy lands
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England . . .
The twelve disciples may have been welcoming, but they were not themselves necessarily welcomed. If I recall correctly, 11 of them were martyred and only John died a natural death. There may be a lesson there, somewhere…
Interesting phraseology on the BBC this morning. On the subject of Health Tourism, our Dan Walker sums up a short segment on this issue on BBC Breakfast with:
“It’s a subject which I’m sure is of interest to people at home”
Let me attempt to translate. We (the BBC) have been running regular repeated reports about the lack of resources and the ‘pressure’ on the NHS. We get feed-back from viewers referencing Health Tourism, however, we rarely mention this as a factor in the problem. We rarely put on air health experts or spokespeople who mention Health Tourism as a factor in apparent NHS under-capacity in relation to patient demand. There is a widening gap in perception opening between public experience as NHS patients looking around GP waiting rooms, hospital A&E and in-patient wards seeing huge foreign usage of NHS resources and the message coming from the BBC either ignoring or denying this as an issue. Call this apparent contradiction between the public’s experience of reality and BBC presentation of the situation ‘cogitative dissonance’, if you will. In general terms such disparity between prevailing media narrative and reality is the reason why liberal elites misjudged the results of the EU Referendum and Donald Trump’s selection as Republican candidate and then his election as President. Who would have thought lanky Dan Walker was such a bright boy?
And over to Carol for the weather forecast:
“Gales of up to 100 knots – that’s not miles an hour, it’s knots”
Let me attempt to translate. BBC weather forecasting has evolved into a quest for superlatives. The number 100 has a powerful rhetorical significance for an audience who will find their attention grabbed by mention of this number. However, the audience will tend not to notice or recall the words around the magic 100, for example North Sea or Shetlands or possibly or perhaps or up to. The audience will however come away with the idea that our weather is becoming increasingly extreme.
Exactly. Another VD outbreak on the NHS just starting. In all the moaning about the waiting times for non-urgent ops, not a mention so far this morning about the impact from the “junior” doctors strike.
Good news is that those in Tooting South have two surgeries to choose from with one doctor.
Tooting South?
Witch (sic) doctor?
NHS tourists crackdown ‘to save £500m’ – says the BBC. Of course it won’t, they’ll be lucky to save 1/500th of that. The Government will quietly shelve it after a suitable period, much like Dave’s bonfire of the Quangos.
How many times have we heard the Govt is going to get tough on immigration, benefit fraud, this that and the other. In twenty years I don’t recall a single instance of any major ‘crackdown’ that’s made a blind bit of difference. Still the same socialists blocking progress, still the same lawyers with their snouts in the trough, still the same pusillanimous politicians.
BBC London tend to confirm the notion that News is not really their priority this morning. Their agenda tends to be leftist and special interest campaigning.
Just two headlines today :
A BBC investigation suggests people with a muslim surname are discriminated against in the jobs market. But.. Asad Ahmad, Rizla Teeth, Arthur Patel… how did they all manage to buck the trend?
And number two headline is about the NHS. Pressure, cut backs, blah blah blah.
BBC “TENDS to be leftist ” ????
‘Left’ is one thing – unhinged is quite another. Tony Benn was ‘Left’ and though a lot of what he said was, ‘in an ideal World’ – you couldn’t really argue with it.
R4 News this morning….”Members of the Catholic Church in Australia” being investigated for Child sexual exploitation going back many years, a senior member of the Australian Catholic Church expressed regret and said that action has been and will be taken to prevent it ever happening again. (public inquiry, litigation and compensation claims against the RC Church pending). The word “Catholic” emphasised repeatedly just to be sure we get the message.
Members of the faith that cannot be mentioned negatively, being processed through the courts in Rotherham (and elsewhere) for child sexual exploitation….. rebranded as “Asian” or “Pakistani heritage” get a quick mention nationally, then consigned to local news. No senior cleric asked to account for preventative measures, no court cases suing the local mosques, no public inquiry.
Spot the difference? that’s BBC bias.
Considering what we are hearing a lot of on BBC news recently, you do realise there are only two things the Left can agree on: they don’t like Donald Trump; and they do like the NHS. It all makes sense.
They love Muslims*, gays*, 3rd wave feminism, indoctrination, one-world government. They hate UKIP, democracy, freedom, truth (not necessarily in that order).
*Except for conservative ones that they hate.
Pretty much sums it up. And they really hate Milo ! Lefties are the haters. Lefties are the Fascists.
Just logged on to the useless BBC website. Had a bet with myself that the first word would be “Trump” and I was not disappointed. They BBC and Lefties are mentally deranged about him. It is so funny and absurd. They are so childish. Pathetic.
It might have been Brexit.
That is tomorrow !
“FGM problems found ‘every hour’ by GPs, says charity.”
“This means working in partnership with our colleagues in local authorities, health and education to share information and visit and support families with children deemed to be at risk of FGM.”
How much is this costing the NHS ? When are the feminazi taking to the streets ?
And how many people have been prosecuted so far ?
At the last count, errrmm ………. one.
The NHS is already busily setting up clinics up and down the country to deal with this, ‘New-found’ affliction/sickness brought in from overseas.
BBC Website still has the Louvre “attacker” as “Egyptian”. Egypt says it knows his identity , so why are we not being told by the BBC ? Could it be that he is of a certain “religion of peace” ?
Grant – correction: ‘religion of pieces’, pieces of humans.
Correction accepted !
John Redwood MP gets it:
“The BBC regularly says it must be getting it right because both sides accuse it of bias. The problem is there are more than two sides in many cases.”
I will repost this as soon as the start the week forum opens. Everyone in the BBC should read this and bow their heads …
(posted on a Times forum)
From a speech by Theodore Roosevelt, in Paris, 1910.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Shame on the man of cultivated taste who permits refinement to develop into fastidiousness that unfits him for doing the rough work of a workaday world. Among the free peoples who govern themselves there is but a small field of usefulness open for the men of cloistered life who shrink from contact with their fellows. Still less room is there for those who deride or slight what is done by those who actually bear the brunt of the day; nor yet for those others who always profess that they would like to take action, if only the conditions of life were not exactly what they actually are. The man who does nothing cuts the same sordid figure in the pages of history, whether he be a cynic, or fop, or voluptuary. There is little use for the being whose tepid soul knows nothing of great and generous emotion, of the high pride, the stern belief, the lofty enthusiasm, of the men who quell the storm and ride the thunder.”
They make very few men like that these days.
Grant – Eddie Izzard or Russell Brand possibly? …… Or possibly not.
If Donald Trump did not exist, Lefties would have to invent him.
Grant correct, accept they have invented him. And Farage and Gert Wilders and Boris Johnson and anyone else who might not entirely agree with the narrow BBC view of the world.
So, Swedish Deputy PM has feminist dig at Trump, much to the delight of bibistan. Dahling, so drôle!
Meanwhile rape and other sex crimes against the Sisters are soaring in her country.
Her name is Isabella Lovin, would you believe? Nice one Isabella, keep on chuckling against the man trying to prevent the same in the US.
Nice to know that Sweden has a more stupid politician than Treezer. Does she know that most of us wrote off Sweden years ago ?
the swedish caroline lucas. The hate and arrogance is just dripping from her face along with the gathered idiots behind her. Its all ‘look at me i’m so righteous’
Is she erm “trolling” D Trump? … who gives a shit! – we don t, he certainly won t … ITS NOT NEWS!
It only the likes of the Al BBC, and the neo liberal fuckwits we have misleading our nation that do. Political cowardice, by a self serving political elite that sell off our nation, with no right to do so has left us here … Sweden is the biggest red flag you could have.
Warning to the remaining civilised countries.
Ban Swedes, do not allow them to enter our countries. Deport Swedes who are already here. They are worse than fanatical jihadists.
She looks dim – they all look dim.
The Midwich Cuckoos ?
Don’t want to be sexist but it is women like that who would drive a man to bestiality !
Could be worse – how about this?
Warning – viewer discretion required, do not allow minors to view.
To paraphrase Alan Bleasdale, the one on the right has definitely been enriched by some ‘stuff from the black boys’.
If immigration is so wonderful and morally correct at any price – how come the EU is giving another 200 million euros to help the Libyan Coast Guard and stop immigrants crossing the Med from Africa?
Looks like, RACISM and XENOPHOBIA to me. Hypocritical scum, they’ll be building walls next.
and why do the saudis not want any of the millions of arabs marching northwards
“But more than half of Muslim households are in poverty, higher than any other social group, according to the Muslim Council of Britain”. Note “households” – maybe something to do with a culture that discourages women from working (and even learning English) and has many more children. Surely self-inflicted then at least in part”.
Well Popeye, its well past due for a two strikes and out with child benefit, and the “big stick” ban implemented on all aspects of sharia,(in this case multi wives).
… But sadly due to the backward ideology, and due to it all being part of the plan,
it will have little effect.
Apart from areas looking more like a sh-tholistan slum than they already do, and that IS possible.
What “a wonderful addition to the multicultural tapestry of diversity”.
Don t forget, Appeaser May … I am so proud of the “CONTRIBUTIONS MUSLIMS MAKE” to this country – many Britons ‘BENEFIT GREATLY’ from Sharia Law etc.
Readers will be heartened to know that benefits are payable to multiple wives for certain groups of people, and that they stand to make more money due to changes in the benefits system. Here’s an article from the Daily Express plus the parliamentary paper it refers to:
The Express article reminds us that polygamous marriages are recognised in the UK only if they were made outside of these islands. That, in itself, is intolerable. The strict bigamy laws in this country should be adhered to by everyone, and there should be absolutely no ‘recognition’ of polygamy whatsoever. Even worse is that the benefits system recognises polygamous arrangements, and payments are made accordingly. This is discrimination in favour of a minority, and surely is itself unlawful? It is my opinion, and doubtless of many others, that only one ‘wife’ should be granted benefits, and if the family in question don’t like it, then they can depart this country for somewhere else.
My eldest was doubled up the other day watching a very poor quality video on YouTube. “Dad, that man keeps saying, ‘Where’s me stepladder?’ and then blows up.”
It was, of course,’Allah U Akabar’ or some such but ……………
The election of Trump is not merely about his particular policies; it has encouraged a voice from those who have been ignored. People are beginning to respond to attacks on the white lower classes from the liberal left with their identity politics, intersectionality, and bollox about cultural appropriation, racism and white privilege.
I am sure Brillo Neil, Mishail and Marr woul make mincemeat out of this young lad, but he has something to say.
It has also, apparently, sparked off a whole new industry – Trump Anxiety, Trump-induced stress, Trump counselling. They tried ‘cry-in’ events, but that didn’t work. There are now Trump-era safe spaces. Would I like to march into one of them………
These are all aimed, of course, at people who have never experienced the real world — cosseted students, MSNBC viewers, Washington Post readers.
View at
Excellent article by John Redwood on the BBC being blind to its own bias
It is very rare to hear Ministers under pressure for spending too much, for presiding over government waste, for failing to find cheaper and better ways of doing things. There is nearly always an automatic assumption that spending a lot in any specific part of the public sector is good, and spending more is even better.
I now find myself screaming at the radio (usually Radio 4) ‘Ask them what they they would cut instead!’ whenever they have some Labour/Lib Dem/Green/Scots Nats/’Charity’ spokesman on demanding the government spends more money on their latest deserving cause.
Sadly, a question never asked so a good proportion of the population muddles along believing there is always a ‘more spending’ option – because this is the BBC they still trust.
A knife attacker has admitted killing a US tourist and wounding five others in a rampage in central London. Zakaria Bulhan, from Tooting, south-west London, carried out the attack in Russell Square on 3 August last year. The 19-year-old pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility and wounding. He had been charged with murder and attempted murder but the court accepted his plea.
The misdirection and perversion of justice continues in the name of cultural enrichment. Shame on all involved. Nothing to do with Islam, etc. Move along, nothing to see – just another ‘knife man’ with mental health issues, etc.
Does Islam make them mental, or are nutcases just attracted to Islam?
They certainly seem to have more than their fair share.
Diminished responsibility. Or double standards in favour of Muslims?
Both Lucy, Islam/low expectation implemented re – Islam so it is accepted, double standards nay triple, not only crime covered up/lighter sentences but YOU will be erm “criminslised” for drawing attention to them.
No … maybe quadruple standards, erm “crime” which is nothing of the sort is instilled not in sharia but our own legal system, as such.
A sausage, or a rasher of bacon outside of a building is no crime,
someone pulls a scarf, get over it … no crime
someone burns a book … and?, so what!
This epidemic of fake/hoax Muslim hate crimes, is absurd …
the main fault lies with No10 for taking this crap as in any way legitimate, these crimes are fake, hoaxes the MCB/Tell MAMA are proven liars.
Yet … Oxford, Rotherham, Bham, etc, etc, etc, GRRRR! don t get me started
Now that IS discrimination
is this the mental Norwegian?
I wonder whether such such a plea would have been accepted by the court had it been entered by Thomas Mair at his trial?
Radio 4, 11.00pm were treading their usual propaganda trail with “The English Fix”.
The first part of the programme was being charitable to Cobbett, traditional Englishman with love of the rural, critic of injustices in the military, clever use of speaking newspapers to get message across, “overanxious” about loss of Englishness. champion of the common man, anti-elitist, anti-intellectual etc. Who could this be describing in modern day Britain? Could it be Brexiteers, UKIPers, Farage?
Shock horror!! Revelation that Cobbet was a jew-hater. All Brexiteers must therefore be anti-semites like Cobbett and so evil incarnate. QED
So the appropriate title of the offering should have been “Fix The English!” not “The English Fix”.
The midday news bulletin on Radio 2; a report of the conviction of the Russell Square killer followed by a report of a man being convicted of racially abuse for pulling off someone’s hijab. Clearly these offences are of equal gravity according to the BBC. When a black man was racially abused by Chelsea fans, the BBC led their news bulletin with the horrific story. Personally I would rather be offended than murdered.
BBC WS YESTERDAY – Why is the FAR RIGHT(?) on the rise in France and America and the UK (A BIT) ?
‘Well,’ said the French journo,’it has much to do with the lack of jobs and the prospect of their children not being able to get decent jobs and be able to afford housing.’
So, I ask, how does immigration help fix that? How is that attitude, racist or xenophobic?
The presenter did not pursue those questions but did go on to lay blame at the door of the NHS for not coping.
The BBC – ‘Brave Backseat Commentators’.
I’m giving this some thought. The Trump hate & the hate of his supporters is just that. Hate.
Why are so many (especially young) people exhibiting this level of hatred? I am thinking that a collective sense of self-respect has been “educated” out of them. They have been wallowing in self-flagellating white-guilt for so long that it is now easy for them to turn their hatred outward. They are finding it easy to hate others now because they already hate themselves. If they can offer up others for sacrifice perhaps they can justify their own hideously-white existence? Is there any cure?
I know, but I keep coming back to the thought that it doesn’t seem at all rational.
People often hate what they are afraid of – why would Trump and Brexit scare them? People often hate those who have hurt them in some way – how has Trump and Brexit hurt them? What do they think they might lose and how do they think their life and prospects of happiness be so irrevocably damaged by Trump or Brexit?
I am still struggling with this – many of us are.
it would appear some people dont know how to lose, perhaps its the lack of competitive sport in schools?
I agree, this behaviour isn’t rational. And I am sure you are right. Fear must be a key component.
“…Why are so many (especially young) people exhibiting this level of hatred?”
This might help explain…
Sunday 5th Feb 2017
Chuck Norris arrives in Israel & Senior HAMAS commander dies in “work accident”
He’s here! Someone restrain the BBC.
Jeremy Corbyn has not requested a meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu today, despite issuing criticism of him ahead of May’s meeting
There is such an imperative, a desperate but hopeless effort to convince us and moreover themselves that, the EU/Lefty/Globalist/Open Borders approach is the correct one, even in the face of rafts of evidence to the contrary.
The Emperor has no clothes and by the way, never was an Emperor.
“rafts of evidence” LOL (I see what you did there) 😉
TWATO today doing ZanuLab’s work on the NHS. Overcrowding likely to increase cross-infection, bed-blocking, yada yada. So Al Beeb commission Mori to ask why the NHS have problems, and Joe Public answers because of too many hospital cases and not enough funding. Putting aside that Al Beeb have been pushing this for the last six years, what the fuck does the public know about the NHS’ funding other than what Al Beeb pushes down our throats every fucking day?!!
This was followed by in-depth analysis (must be an Al Beeb first) as to why people voted leave. Al Beeb’s survey of course said it was because of low educational attainments. Ethnic minority voted remain in the main, probably because they are all PhD’s. Oxford educated Cambridge person suggested leave voters must be racist.
bBBC ‘News’ at One is pure leftie propaganda. Ten minutes on the lead item, the NHS wants more money (an advertisement for Panorama this evening). Five minutes on the Muslim invasion, showing hordes of men (they obviously couldn’t find a woman or child as there weren’t any) in Calais, trying to force their way onto lorries to get here (an advertisement for a SouthEast local programme this evening). Wheelchair rugby wants more money. The Queen passes 65 years as our monarch, but this year will have to endure a visit by Donald Trump. Then local NorthWest ‘news’. Liverpool social care wants more money. There was a ‘racist’ incident on a bus in Manchester. And so on. I can’t stand any more.
Our television aerial failed a few months ago so I hadn’t watched any bBBC TV, but coming back to it after a hiatus, the bias is so much more obvious. No real news, just advertisements for leftie causes and their own biased programmes.
And of course there will be NO mention of the two-faced Beckham scandal, as he was lionised for the 75th Anniversary of DID ! Must be some red faces now as to which idiot suggested he was the one to mark the event.
I’m loving this !!!! anything that happens to end the Beckham bandwagon and I’m happy.
World at One just explaining, to their own satisfaction, why people voted Brexit – they are thick and uneducated. They then offered their usual carefully collated vox pops to back up this biased nonsense.
Guess it’s a shame the following were too thick to reach university, as they all campaigned for Brexit:
Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Prof Patrick Minford, Prof Kevin Dowd, Ruth Lea, Martin Howe QC, Prof David Blake …argh , and so it goes on to until it reaches me.
Now, if the BBC were brighter it might countenance the view that people in the poorest areas were hardest hit by EU immigration and EU rules. That wealthy folk like, say, BBC reporters or Guardian columnists, benefit from reduced wages for the people they employ for home care, gardening, plumbing, etc.
Just putting that out there, but then again I am university educated and voted Brexit so why listen to me.
Got it here.
The stupid and the old voted leave and the majority of immigrants voted with the yooniversity educated to remain, says the BBC poll.
From this I conclude that the universities are failing in their function to create intelligent critical thought, and instead are indoctrinating their students to think like Geldorf and the bigots who joined him in his river Thames protest.
‘World at One just explaining, to their own satisfaction, why people voted Brexit – they are thick and uneducated….’
To which uneducated list one could add duffers and dunces such as: Sir Roger Scruton, FBA, FRSL, Daniel Hannan MEP, Jacob Rees-Mogg MP…
If only we could all be as intelligent and educated as Lefties. But, we have to accept that we are thick as shit.
Some more WATO drivel detail for you scribblingscribe
BBC publishes analysis of Brexit survey:
‘Of course this assessment does not imply that Leave voters were almost all poorly educated and old, and Remain voters well educated and young.’
No, of course it doesn’t, BBC, just most of them, we’ve got the message … and this from the inbred village idiots who can’t tell a terrorist from (as President Donald Trump may have put it) a pussy.
[By the way, if Demon is hereabouts, I did give it a go but even the largest available sheet of card isn’t large enough.]
Louvre attack: My son is no terrorist, says suspect’s father.
Retired Egyptian police general Reda al-Hamamy accused the soldier who shot him of “using brute force with a poor young man”.
BBC Website news , another “knifeman” found guilty of murder. “Paranoid schizophrenia”. No mention of religion.
The BBC and their Diminishing Responsibility
Always interesting to take note of what the BBC present as definite fact and what in our national broadcaster’s view is framed as dubious and open to doubt.
BBC TV news at 1pm brings us a report from outside court on the case of the Russell Square stabbings: ‘Zakaria Bulhan (19 from Tooting, south-west London) admits killing US tourist’ is the headline.
We are told with certainty and authority by a female reporter that: “It was not clear at the time whether this was terrorism or a case of mental insanity – which proved to be the case”. Apparently the authorities have presented expert witnesses who have put this interpretation beyond any doubt. Or so the BBC wants us to accept.
But then when a Police Officer gives evidence that when Bulhan was on the ground he was heard to say “Allah” our BBC reporter passes on this line of news but casts doubt on his evidence. This is presented by the BBC as an uncorroborated statement.
By the way, a question springs to mind: Why did the defence team for the killer of Jo Cox offer no plea of Insanity or, more realistically, manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility? Just asking because the BBC won’t ask this question.
Good question about Mair – no defence, no plea for diminished responsibility. I wonder where he is now?
WATO driveling on in the wrong direction about the problems faced by the NHS. They think it is about money.
UK health care spending has increased by 25% since 2012. Our spend per head of population is higher than Spain, Portugal, Italy, etc, and is just below that of France and Australia.
Yet our health service is crap. In just about any other European country you see a consultant within a few days of being forwarded by your GP, you have the MRI and X-Rays BEFORE seeing the consultant and have treatment within weeks.
Anyone would think it had nothing to do with money and more to do with trying to finance it through general taxation and having it run by civil servants along with the self-appointed ‘great and good’ in their financially plush Quangos. Just a thought.
BBC Wwebsite. Big headline ” Nigel and wife leading seperate lives “. The BBC , obsessed with Trump and Nigel. Beeboids just cannot help themselves. It is the drug they need to take .
PS. Any more news on Andrew Marr’s “Love child ” ?
If its not Trump is Farage
“Nigel Farage and wife Kirsten ‘living separate lives”
However …….
“This is a situation that suits everyone and is not news to any of the people involved.”
Drain the swamp Treeezer .
The BBC are sinking so low that they are having a go at Nigel’s private life. Every step Beeboids take is further down the sewer. They are losers.
Fuck Treezer. Let’s get the Mogginator as PM and clean the Augean stables.
They need their own country – call it, REMANIA.
LOL !!!!
More Bad Brexit news
“Brexit vote already bad for firms, bosses say.”
Couched in that lot we find…………..
“However, 32% said their business would start to feel the positive effects of leaving the EU in five years’ time.”
“Most of the business leaders (96%) who responded said they were confident their company could adapt to the consequences of leaving the EU.”
The bBBC ‘news’ is advertising a ‘drama’ about the kidnapping of Shannon Matthews, but manages not to mention that her mother – who hid her child hoping to make money from a newspaper reward – was a benefits-junkie with seven children from five different fathers.
They seem quite proud.
Shannon Matthews’ grandparents aren’t happy about the new BBC series starring Sheridan Smith
Drama about Shannon Matthews’ disappearance called ‘sick and disgusting’
This says everything that is wrong about Al Beeb’s bias in The Vulcan’s own, understated way!
“Knifeman admits Russell Square killing”
Reports AlBeeb in a version of the “attacker” “shooter” diversionary tactic. Never a knifeperson though, if we have a female culprit the term used will be “stab”.
“Teenager admits killing US tourist”
Reports “The Advertiser and Daily Hand Out Beneficiary”.
Which also states that “he ran away from a mosque”, an attempt to disguise the Occidentophobia of this Islamic inspired killing.
The “mental health” angle was argued so successfully that no murder verdict was returned. This decision was taken “at the highest level”.
I bet it was because that is how high the public sector cover up department functions.
Plenty more of the usual excuses for the murder of whites by haters both black and Islamic (in this case both).
What got my attention is the appended picture from a Aug. 2016 Guardian report.
An Identikit picture which bears NO resemblance to the murderous black Islamic culprit.
This picture is of an Austrian with two Swiss Name(s) one of which is David.
A miscarriage of justice has taken place, more fees for Shiner types.
If this picture is typical it is no wonder the proportion of blacks in jail is so low.
No-doubt a white male was in the CSI style re-enactment of events.
Meanwhile the Labour politicians, who kooked the other way while tens of thousands of white girls were gang raped by Islamic perverts, receive damages. Disgusting reward for Commie treason. I do not know how they sleep at night, or why no action has yet been taken to prevent them waking.
Obviously nothing to do with his religion. (£)
A teenage paranoid schizophrenic who killed a tourist in a stabbing spree was taken to a mosque rather than a hospital when his condition worsened, it has emerged.
The court heard that Bulhan, from Tooting, south London, had been treated by the local community mental health team in April, but as he deteriorated, his father chose to take him first to the nearby Camberwell mosque and then to East London mosque on the day that he killed Ms Horton but he ran off.
675 responses? I think a new thread is urgently required !
Correct, I requested a daily thread some weeks ago.
Currently when I log in to reply I am returned to the start of the thread and then have to scroll through pages of earlier material Formerly I logged in and was returned to the insertion point, not an improvement.
Several suggestions to save time from what you describe.
1. On the main page it shows ‘Recent Comments’ on the side. If you click on one of those it will open whatever thread you want to access at that recent post.
2. Alternatively you can use a comment reader like Inoreader which shows you all comments since you last logged in.
Thank you for you well-intentioned contribution.
I was unaware of #2.
#1 The exponential increase in bias and treason necessitates more responses.
#2 Formerly the website software did this automatically.
You’re welcome TS
I’ve been using Inoreader for quite a few years now and I highly recommend it.
It enables you to see all the new comments since you were last online regardless of topic. Then you can just click on the comment to take you to it on the website where you can reply. It’s got a lot of other useful features too.
The subscription URL on Inoreader for Biased BBC topics is
For comments it’s