BBC News – “Three Labour MPs have each won £54,000 High Court libel damages from UKIP MEP Jane Collins over remarks she made about Rotherham’s child abuse scandal. She claimed Rotherham MPs Sir Kevin Barron, John Healey and Sarah Champion knew about child exploitation in the town but did nothing to intervene.
The case was sparked by a speech the Yorkshire and Humber MEP gave at UKIP’s conference in September 2014”.
Did these MPs ever do surgery’s, over all those years,
have anything to do with the police,
the council, social services,
seeing as they all despise the BNP, surely watch the BBC docs vilifying them, and why?
Again why this Rotherham fixation MSM … its EVERYWHERE STATE IT! KEEP STATING IT!
how about Anne Cryer never heard of her?,
how about the Sikh community surely have listened to them
Can t be listening to the local electorate very much.
In the highly unlikely event that these three didn’t know what was going on, that should surely mean they were totally unfit to be MPs and completely incapable of representing the best interests of their constituents and the welfare of the female children of those constituents.
It is quite appalling, they should all be kicked out of the HoC – unfortunately the Labour sheeple in places like Rapingham continue to elect creatures such as these.
BBC NEWS – FGM victims need medical attention ‘every hour’ says charity
“A case of female genital mutilation (FGM) is either discovered or treated at a medical appointment IN ENGLAND every hour, a charity has said. Plan International UK said statistics showed there were 8,656 times when a girl or woman was assessed at a doctor’s surgery or hospital” …. England/NHS
“charity boss Tanya Barron said: “These figures are once again a reminder of the global prevalence of FGM.” … Global??
thought the story was about the NHS??
“An estimated 200 million women and girls worldwide are affected” …. worldwide??? I thought …
Protection orders – According to the World Health Organization (WHO)
… World Health Organisation??? what about the NHS?????
“the practice of FGM includes “the partial or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons”.
“The figures come as the world marks the international day of zero tolerance to FGM – a UN-sponsored event to raise awareness of the issue.”
^ It does indeed make the blood boil. I was born in Rochdale. I haven’t been back there in many years. It was obvious in the late eighties that something was going wrong. When neighbourhood roads began to be signed in large Arabic script. As if they were Arab neighbourhoods. Not English. But then I’m just a racist. I don’t want my child raped by Mohammed with the police looking on indifferently. This is my England. I live down South now.
Look, this has been going on for long enough – why haven’t the good remaining true indigenous Brits in, and around that town, got up and DONE something? The police are clearly useless. The time has well passed for some sort of vigilante-ism, before the whole system falls to its knees. Amazing how people get so nasty because Trump won his election fairly and squarely, yet don’t have the guts to stand up against a bunch of invading foreigners who are raping their daughters, and generally destroying the culture of Northern towns such as this. Words fail me.
People know that if they stood up for themselves, the state would crush them. Simple as that. The forces of the state support the status quo, which is pro-immigrant, pro-islam and pro-multiculti.
The true problem does not come from islamic immigrants, who are a symptom of the malaise, it comes from the insidious left wing takeover of all the organs of the state.
RiC – For proof of what you write, just ask Tommy Robinson what happens.
Then look at how differently he was treated by the Establishment, compared with their action towards Anjem Choudary.
Old Goat – if the police and the authorities hadn’t cracked down on “Paki-bashing” as hard as they did in the 70’s and early 80’s, then this “grooming” activity (i.e. the rape and prostitution of indigenous female children by Muslim immigrants) would never have happened.
They wouldn’t have dared initiate it outside schools; in takeaways or taxis – the Enrichers would have been too fearful. It may even have served to stem the flow of immigrants, once word filtered back to their delightful home country of the welcome they would receive when they arrived here.
It’s just unfortunate that the police didn’t show the same determination in dealing with the incoming child rapists and pimps as they did with Britons defending their society.
Then again, working class Whites have always been treated like cr@p here – just look back in history to the Great and the Good who railed against slavery in the U.S. yet were indifferent to the lot of the British people, including children under the age of ten, who were working in their mines and factories; in conditions as bad (in some cases worse) as the slaves did whom they fretted over in another country.
There are echoes of that behaviour in the middle class Lefty obsession with the condition and fate of “refugees” seeking to come here, whereas they don’t care a fig for ex-servicemen sleeping in cardboard boxes on the streets of British cities or old Britons living in fear due to the “enrichment” of the demographically altered areas in which they reside.
Its high time our Members of Parliament put the people of their own continuances and country first instead of ‘grandstanding’ on about the human rights and the Foreign Aid of the people abroad.
Responding to this afternoon’s statement by the PM on the recent informal EU Leaders’ Summit in Malta, Capt Irrelevant (Westmorland and Lonsdale) rose to offer the Lib Dem perspective:
On her walkabout with Angela Merkel, during which I’m sure she offered the Chancellor a state visit, did the Prime Minister [something about child refugees . . .]
That was the gist, anyway. There was a low murmur of complaint in the House; the Hon. Member sitting on the bench behind Farron winced; and close to hand, but sadly off camera, an Ulster voice insisted, ‘Not head of state, not head of state’.
So quick to signal his point-scoring virtue. So slow to engage his brain.
Bill : H.R.861 – To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.115th Congress (2017-2018)
… Not sure the relevance it could be just grandstanding, the sponosrs are not people I was expecting like Inhofe
Sponsor: Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL-1] (Introduced 02/03/2017)
Committees: House – Energy and Commerce; Agriculture; Transportation and Infrastructure; Science, Space, and Technology
Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY-4]* Rep. Palazzo, Steven M. [R-MS-4]* Rep. Loudermilk, Barry [R-GA-11]*
Remember to keep quiet about Rotherham and the child abuse victims. Nobody knew nothing, I tell you, nothing at all. The BBC never had a clue what was happening nor did the local MPs and no one knows if it is still happening now.
UKIP MEP to pay £160,000 to Rotherham MPs
That is a heavy fine for causing extreme distress to three politicians.
But as Manuel said to Basil Faulty ‘I know nothing’
I am sure none of the three deeply offended MPs ever got a memo from Rotherham council headed “Muslim rape gangs abusing 1400 local white girls”. However, if, as they argued, they had no idea that this was taking place in their constituencies, to their constituents, then clearly they were so unaware of what was going on that they were unfit to be MPs.
Let’s see how many of them resign in shame at their failures to help the 1400 white girls raped by muslims on their watch.
Rachel (Kings College, Cambridge – BA in social and political sciences, of course) effortlessly moving from a Laura K presumptive generalisation of a grateful nation to a Hugs Boaden laughable cliche in one sentence.
‘With the current fears about fake news, the BBC needs to be a trusted source, she says.’
Also on BBC WS in the small hours -‘ISIS are recruiting unaccompanied children from refugee camps’. I’ve had to resort to strapping up my jaw to prevent it from hitting the floor when I hear such astounding news reports.
Tonight 7:30pm BBC1 Inside Out ..Regional variations
#1 Muslim job discrimination : “Is it easier to get a job if you’re Adam or Mohamed? ”
#2 London What impact will Brexit have on nursing recruitment? with @JanetRCN
East Mids : Light therapy for the treatment of vitiligo(patches of white skin )
+ Girls at a Derby home may have faced experimental drug treatment, reveals
North West : Play called Graeae “boldly placing Deaf & disabled artists centre stage.”
+ Thomas Harrison House, the UK’s first rehab centre for veterans
West Mids : Black Sabbath’s story
West : Pop Up Brothels
South : Kent was at the forefront of the #Telehealth experiment. But what’s happened since? Tech ruled obsolete
Al Beeb
HC Speaker John Bercow against Trump speaking to Parliament.
What about the people of Great Britain ?
Is our Parliament completely out of touch with its people ?
With so much anti-Muslim hysteria flying about, and words like “keeping us safe”, “security” and “radicalisation” constantly being tied to Islam and Muslims, taking ourselves away from fake news and alternative facts, and into the real world inhabited by human beings is a crucial
“That building at the end of your street – it’s not scary, it is full of people just like you.”
“This is why events like Visit My Mosque day are so important. We are all – irrespective of faith and background – fed up of demagogues and hate peddlars dividing us. We know that actually we can get along quite well and live in peaceful, tolerant and celebratory societies.”
“We are ALL”?
So the independent speak for ALL do they.
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
BBC News – “Three Labour MPs have each won £54,000 High Court libel damages from UKIP MEP Jane Collins over remarks she made about Rotherham’s child abuse scandal. She claimed Rotherham MPs Sir Kevin Barron, John Healey and Sarah Champion knew about child exploitation in the town but did nothing to intervene.
The case was sparked by a speech the Yorkshire and Humber MEP gave at UKIP’s conference in September 2014”.
Did these MPs ever do surgery’s, over all those years,
have anything to do with the police,
the council, social services,
seeing as they all despise the BNP, surely watch the BBC docs vilifying them, and why?
Again why this Rotherham fixation MSM … its EVERYWHERE STATE IT! KEEP STATING IT!
how about Anne Cryer never heard of her?,
how about the Sikh community surely have listened to them
Can t be listening to the local electorate very much.
… Can t even be bothered to type anymore
In the highly unlikely event that these three didn’t know what was going on, that should surely mean they were totally unfit to be MPs and completely incapable of representing the best interests of their constituents and the welfare of the female children of those constituents.
It is quite appalling, they should all be kicked out of the HoC – unfortunately the Labour sheeple in places like Rapingham continue to elect creatures such as these.
BBC NEWS – FGM victims need medical attention ‘every hour’ says charity
“A case of female genital mutilation (FGM) is either discovered or treated at a medical appointment IN ENGLAND every hour, a charity has said. Plan International UK said statistics showed there were 8,656 times when a girl or woman was assessed at a doctor’s surgery or hospital” …. England/NHS
“charity boss Tanya Barron said: “These figures are once again a reminder of the global prevalence of FGM.” … Global??
thought the story was about the NHS??
“An estimated 200 million women and girls worldwide are affected” …. worldwide??? I thought …
Protection orders – According to the World Health Organization (WHO)
… World Health Organisation??? what about the NHS?????
“the practice of FGM includes “the partial or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons”.
“The figures come as the world marks the international day of zero tolerance to FGM – a UN-sponsored event to raise awareness of the issue.”
^ It does indeed make the blood boil. I was born in Rochdale. I haven’t been back there in many years. It was obvious in the late eighties that something was going wrong. When neighbourhood roads began to be signed in large Arabic script. As if they were Arab neighbourhoods. Not English. But then I’m just a racist. I don’t want my child raped by Mohammed with the police looking on indifferently. This is my England. I live down South now.
Look, this has been going on for long enough – why haven’t the good remaining true indigenous Brits in, and around that town, got up and DONE something? The police are clearly useless. The time has well passed for some sort of vigilante-ism, before the whole system falls to its knees. Amazing how people get so nasty because Trump won his election fairly and squarely, yet don’t have the guts to stand up against a bunch of invading foreigners who are raping their daughters, and generally destroying the culture of Northern towns such as this. Words fail me.
People know that if they stood up for themselves, the state would crush them. Simple as that. The forces of the state support the status quo, which is pro-immigrant, pro-islam and pro-multiculti.
The true problem does not come from islamic immigrants, who are a symptom of the malaise, it comes from the insidious left wing takeover of all the organs of the state.
RiC – For proof of what you write, just ask Tommy Robinson what happens.
Then look at how differently he was treated by the Establishment, compared with their action towards Anjem Choudary.
Old Goat – if the police and the authorities hadn’t cracked down on “Paki-bashing” as hard as they did in the 70’s and early 80’s, then this “grooming” activity (i.e. the rape and prostitution of indigenous female children by Muslim immigrants) would never have happened.
They wouldn’t have dared initiate it outside schools; in takeaways or taxis – the Enrichers would have been too fearful. It may even have served to stem the flow of immigrants, once word filtered back to their delightful home country of the welcome they would receive when they arrived here.
It’s just unfortunate that the police didn’t show the same determination in dealing with the incoming child rapists and pimps as they did with Britons defending their society.
Then again, working class Whites have always been treated like cr@p here – just look back in history to the Great and the Good who railed against slavery in the U.S. yet were indifferent to the lot of the British people, including children under the age of ten, who were working in their mines and factories; in conditions as bad (in some cases worse) as the slaves did whom they fretted over in another country.
There are echoes of that behaviour in the middle class Lefty obsession with the condition and fate of “refugees” seeking to come here, whereas they don’t care a fig for ex-servicemen sleeping in cardboard boxes on the streets of British cities or old Britons living in fear due to the “enrichment” of the demographically altered areas in which they reside.
Rant over.
Its high time our Members of Parliament put the people of their own continuances and country first instead of ‘grandstanding’ on about the human rights and the Foreign Aid of the people abroad.
BBC News – Have they erm “no platformed” Bibi? ,
not on Home page
or the England page
tucked away right at the bottom of the Politics page
Responding to this afternoon’s statement by the PM on the recent informal EU Leaders’ Summit in Malta, Capt Irrelevant (Westmorland and Lonsdale) rose to offer the Lib Dem perspective:
On her walkabout with Angela Merkel, during which I’m sure she offered the Chancellor a state visit, did the Prime Minister [something about child refugees . . .]
That was the gist, anyway. There was a low murmur of complaint in the House; the Hon. Member sitting on the bench behind Farron winced; and close to hand, but sadly off camera, an Ulster voice insisted, ‘Not head of state, not head of state’.
So quick to signal his point-scoring virtue. So slow to engage his brain.
Music to my eyes:
Bill : H.R.861 – To terminate the Environmental Protection Agency.115th Congress (2017-2018)
… Not sure the relevance it could be just grandstanding, the sponosrs are not people I was expecting like Inhofe
Sponsor: Rep. Gaetz, Matt [R-FL-1] (Introduced 02/03/2017)
Committees: House – Energy and Commerce; Agriculture; Transportation and Infrastructure; Science, Space, and Technology
Rep. Massie, Thomas [R-KY-4]* Rep. Palazzo, Steven M. [R-MS-4]* Rep. Loudermilk, Barry [R-GA-11]*
Someone asked about old hyperbolic Climate predictions
Here’s about an ABC TV prog from 2008 predicating 2015
Remember to keep quiet about Rotherham and the child abuse victims. Nobody knew nothing, I tell you, nothing at all. The BBC never had a clue what was happening nor did the local MPs and no one knows if it is still happening now.
UKIP MEP to pay £160,000 to Rotherham MPs
That is a heavy fine for causing extreme distress to three politicians.
But as Manuel said to Basil Faulty ‘I know nothing’
Gradually the courts are working with the executive to protect some people.
I am sure none of the three deeply offended MPs ever got a memo from Rotherham council headed “Muslim rape gangs abusing 1400 local white girls”. However, if, as they argued, they had no idea that this was taking place in their constituencies, to their constituents, then clearly they were so unaware of what was going on that they were unfit to be MPs.
Let’s see how many of them resign in shame at their failures to help the 1400 white girls raped by muslims on their watch.
Still waiting…
Hope this tail end Charlie will not get lost in the STW rush, but it is a hoot:
Rachel (Kings College, Cambridge – BA in social and political sciences, of course) effortlessly moving from a Laura K presumptive generalisation of a grateful nation to a Hugs Boaden laughable cliche in one sentence.
‘With the current fears about fake news, the BBC needs to be a trusted source, she says.’
And the ‘problem’ is old white men?
Also on BBC WS in the small hours -‘ISIS are recruiting unaccompanied children from refugee camps’. I’ve had to resort to strapping up my jaw to prevent it from hitting the floor when I hear such astounding news reports.
Tonight 7:30pm BBC1 Inside Out ..Regional variations
#1 Muslim job discrimination : “Is it easier to get a job if you’re Adam or Mohamed? ”
#2 London What impact will Brexit have on nursing recruitment? with @JanetRCN
East Mids : Light therapy for the treatment of vitiligo(patches of white skin )
+ Girls at a Derby home may have faced experimental drug treatment, reveals
North West : Play called Graeae “boldly placing Deaf & disabled artists centre stage.”
+ Thomas Harrison House, the UK’s first rehab centre for veterans
West Mids : Black Sabbath’s story
West : Pop Up Brothels
South : Kent was at the forefront of the #Telehealth experiment. But what’s happened since? Tech ruled obsolete
Al Beeb
HC Speaker John Bercow against Trump speaking to Parliament.
What about the people of Great Britain ?
Is our Parliament completely out of touch with its people ?
Damn. I didn’t know it was “Visit your local mosque day” today!
With so much anti-Muslim hysteria flying about, and words like “keeping us safe”, “security” and “radicalisation” constantly being tied to Islam and Muslims, taking ourselves away from fake news and alternative facts, and into the real world inhabited by human beings is a crucial
“That building at the end of your street – it’s not scary, it is full of people just like you.”
“This is why events like Visit My Mosque day are so important. We are all – irrespective of faith and background – fed up of demagogues and hate peddlars dividing us. We know that actually we can get along quite well and live in peaceful, tolerant and celebratory societies.”
“We are ALL”?
So the independent speak for ALL do they.
Sounds like these people live in Fairyland to me!