The world that Newsnight portray is fictional aswell.
So Paul Mason’s CV
2017 Creating fictional narrative in the theatre ………….. to promote socialism.
2016 Creating fictional narrative in the Newsnight studio, to promote socialism.
Carrie Gracie is one of the BBCs more thoughtful presenters, and her piece from the Uighar Muslims in Xinjiang, China wasn`t that bad.
But it`s the BBC. So they think the Chinese have yet to lose enough people in random terror acts…and the BBC don`t think that enough have died to justify loads of police and security in the region.
How many WOULD allow the BBC to agree to the Chinese use of their own police? Well, that`s not going to be right-because ANY security presence might “provoke” and “radicalise” the ROP.
Silly Chinese-come and learn from Berlin, Nice and Rotherham.
And whatever you do-don`t you try and show Europe that you might have ways of dealing with the Islamists-we`d rather surrender,and all this “looking after your people” stuff must NOT be allowed to catch hold. The lefties might have to DO something-and they`ve no intention of doing that.
I agree. I enjoyed watching Carrie Gracie and Simon McCoy bounce off each other when they were anchors on the morning shift. Carrie then contracted cancer and was off air for many months. Thankfully she came through it, and looking completely different, now reports from China.
Long ago they said, in the future the country will be able to give their opinion on all kinds of things with a button next to the TV.
Well, we have that button, in the form of an internet connection and it would be a simple exercise and rather more 21st Century than petition signing.
I have to say that if the comments in The Scotsman are anything to go by, wee Nicola has definitely over-reached herself on this. I really don’t think there’s an appetite for this up here. She’s becoming a severe embarrassment to Scotland with her continual whinging, blustering and threats.
Wow already 168,746 sigs
Now on R5 Now FatBoy Nolan
Scots caller is calling in saying “Look I voted yes, but we are sick of the idea of SNP forcing a second referendum, so I’d vote no (cos they are so P-ing me off)”
Gamechanging explanation from later caller.
“At Indyref I voted Out, AT Brexit I voted Out
… I don’t want to be In EU if I voted for Scots Independence
to me the SNP are a joke now, there shouldn’t be a 2nd ref, I vote against the SNP in it if there is another one”
Other caller pointed out
..”You don’t spoil Brexit now, As Indy voter I want to see how Brexit goes first before we do another IndyRef.”
Yep! … saw the potted plant harridan squealing (nothing to do with any question),about Corbyn too, and Eagle virtually sniggering
…. political establishment business as usual.
Oh yes five minutes later, look everybody we should overlook more f-ck ups from Hammond.
…. political establishment business as usual
Do you remember the 5 Live phone-in last month when an old lady told Campbell she’d had a personal reply from the Trump team ?
‘I’ve never been for Trump, but the thing is I’m sick of the BBC bashing him, so I got hold of an email somewhere and emailed him, and within 40 minutes I had a personal reply signed Mike Pence and the Team…these peoplehad read my letter ..they are really on the ball”
Yet today on the BBC WS Click podcast (a sneerfest against Trump), I heard Mary Beard sneering
‘Trump lives in a fantasyworld and doesn’t engage you can see he has millions of follows yet follows no one.. Trump never engages with people’
The rest of the presenter/panel were also certain of that view.
Seems they’re a MetroBubbleworld.
So we’re told in the news that a BBC team had a narrow escape at Mount Etna – to prove it they show us the scorched holes in their name-brand anoraks – that’ll be another expenses claim.
All the viewer gets from the BBC news is an eruption of anti-Trump hot air from posh gal Katty Kaye and beta male Christian Fraser. More bitching than Crufts. Remind me who it was who started this security-themed stuff… oh yes, that’s right, it was Hillary Clinton’s Democrat campaign with their Trump/Putin smear.
And then there’s the avanche of demands for more government spending. Today the BBC go big on schools, another day it’s the NHS or Social Care.
There’s little point in actually detailing the liberal-left big government bias – it is obvious and relentless. The only escape is to switch off.
“Recent allegations made by media commentator Judge Andrew Napolitano about GCHQ being asked to conduct ‘wiretapping’ against the then president-elect are nonsense.”
Interesting then, despite Sean Spicer saying that when Trump used the word ‘wiretapping’ he was clearly referring to surveillance methods generally, that when GCHQ choose to make a rather exceptional statement they decide to deny specific claims of ‘wiretapping’.
Also interesting that the BBC have chosen to refer to the GCHQ statement on their news reports this morning as denying ‘spying’ and ‘surveillance’. Particularly since immediately after Trump’s initial tweet in which he mentioned ‘wiretapping’ I heard many BBC reports where they were very keen to take the word ‘wiretapping’ quite literally, and humorously paint a fantastic image of men in overcoats planting bugs in telephones.
QT last night – why is it all SNP politicians appear to find it impossible to stop talking once they start?
Salmond; Sturgeon; Robertson; Cherry; Nicholson and those Muzzies who’ve wormed their way in – none of them seem capable of using ten words when a hundred will do.
It’s an old Lefty tactic, Al. Talk and talk and talk about the simplest of subjects, insist on detail scrutiny of everything, not just conform to conventions for good meeting operation but obsess over minute details and then look at the clock. Then do some more of it, all over again. It shuts out any proper debate and overwhelms any opposition.
What could be properly dealt with in a two hour meeting then takes four or five hours, with ‘beer and sandwiches’ having to be brought (and bought on expenses) in to keep everyone alive. Sensible, non-Leftys, realise they are being warped at grave speed and stand down at the earliest opportunity.
For example here is the little bit they have on the Burka The burka is the most concealing of all Islamic veils. It is a one-piece veil that covers the face and body, often leaving just a mesh screen to see through.
The BBC could have gone further by adding It is the preferred choice of clothing for suicide bombers and housing benefit fraud. Muslim men also prefer it as it hides the bruises she may receive from her husband if she talks to another man.
@BBCNewsround Mar 9
.@roselawrence went to meet @AlfDubs to talk about child refugees in Europe Bet Newsround only cosy up to LibMob and never interviewer non-Libs
Their actual news-story is not terrible and actually resists their knee jerk sneer at Trump, but fails to mention that False-narrative construction, gate-keeping, lying by ommission are part of FakeNews ..Maybe cos NR do that all the time.
I notice that the SNPLab alliance on Question Time were on message last night, both using the adverb “screeching” to describe the”U-turn” on the NIC rise in the budget, well versed as always !
I think it was on Monday the word of the day was “Nativism”, used on the Today programme and by the Sainted James O’B on LBC, never heard it before. Isn’t it clever how the left seem to get first pickings on emotive language, (“progressive” being the prime example). Nativism seeks to degrade nationalism into primitive tribalism, populism actually refers to “of the population”, which is surely democracy at it’s finest, but the inference is twisted into popularism, ie people following a simplistic, too good to be true, narrative. To me a classic demonstration of populism is voting for Socialist “something for nothing “dogma !
I’m afraid the only way to describe what’s happening in Europe and the UK is, we are doubtless in the process of being ethnically cleansed. No other explanation in my view. But the irony is, mainly by backward, cult following people with alien behaviours. When the critical mass is exceeded, indications suggest 2055/2060 and the balance is finally tipped, just imagine what a state this country will be in: women slopping around everywhere in sandals and wearing enormous bin liners; Industry production – well forget that, praying five times a day has kicked any hope of raising ‘production’ (that illusive industrial goal), into touch. Contributing to the European Space Agency? – that will be halted as Allah and his followers have decreed there is nothing out in space: use the money to build more mosques. Take a look at Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Islamic states. Were in not for ex-pats running businesses over there, there would be little industry. They cannot function without ex-pats including the South Korean forces who they employ to defend some States borders.
The UK will be a disaster zone and, I will be long gone by then so, best of luck, you reap what you sow.
As we know, the BBC inhabits a bubble of the politically correct and those who delight in ‘taking offence’. Poor Sir Roger Gale. On R4 he spoke of the close- knit team of ladies who run his office as ‘ the girls’. The Take Offence brigade soon swung into action it seems. The Today Programme felt obliged to interview one of the girls, who clearly was not offended, alongside a lesbian academic with an American accent who was mightily offended. Who best represents British life and cultural norms outside of The Bubble, I wonder?
“the girls” There they go again with the inverted logic! “the girls” is considered offensive where a hijab is not.
The phoney feminist brigade marches on.
BBC QT, again brings up the NHS … yet again carefully scripted questions and worse
even more scripted answers. Our public service broadcaster has once again avoided factually scrutinising the funding, provides superficial fluff instead if incision on health reform and instead simply regurgitates the Westminster spin, whilst continuing to peddle the scapegoat myths.
…. Political establishment business as usual
Westminster clear out requirement, “drain the swamp”
9am R5 phone-in subject ScotRef2… only 2 days after they did it
#BbcPetIssue #OperationBangingOn
That last time one guy mentioned Scot couldn’t afford it cos of oil price
So the SNP guy responded trying to list other Scottish Industries : whisky, tourism
and Campbell helpfully chipped in Scottish Renewables
…Totally unaware that wind/solar such money out of the economy not put money in.
Newsround Twitter feed is on with #BbcPetIssue #OperationBangingOn First Graphic Second Graphic
On subject of ScotRef2 their graphic artist made 2 different graphics.
“and Campbell helpfully chipped in Scottish Renewables
…Totally unaware that wind/solar such money out of the economy not put money in.”
The cunning plan as currently implemented is that Scotland generates the magic electricity and England and Wales have to buy it at inflated prices. Money is sucked out of our economy and pumped into Scotland’s – in return it is their landscape that is blighted by windfarms. At the moment the money transfer is hidden by being internal accounting within the electricity industry, but if the SNP win their referendum it will become explicit – and will end soon after when English and Welsh consumers refuse to be robbed.
Simon Sneer and Nick Robinson gave a mutual backslapping performance looking at an 20th century art exhibition 20th century American art…described as the American dream ….and nightmare….Pres. Trump got a bashing as you`d expect….there was a lovely little bit about how the US budget is going to defund the arts and public sector broadcasting…I`d call that an essential move in choking off the culture war that the subversive left fight with other peoples money!
Sneery Schama made several remarks about Andy Warhols “never being associated with anything serious”…No Simon, he was a regular churchgoer who helped in a homeless shelter as well as living his public life as an artist. BBC bias, bias, bias.
Good point about Warhol who did not make a song and dance about his religion unlike some people. As for Schama, difficult to think of a more revolting Leftist.
You’d have thought that Mr Sensitive – Simon Schama – would reflect for a few minutes after his humiliation by Mark Steyn in the debate over the “refugee crisis”.
Just the sneering , superior liberal-left speaking to itself, I’m afraid. After 40 years of using Today as my main choice of early morning listening , I’m gradually giving up on it. This reflects constant bias from its presenters and reporters . Unfortunately there’s no serious alternative for in- depth news coverage, which shows why broadcasting reform is so badly needed in the UK. Customer choice should be paramount.
Embolden, I think you’re being much too kind to Shama in your description of him.
I still enjoy the Munk debate where he was taken apart by Mark Steyn. The first half of this clip is Shama digging the hole and the second half is Steyn burying him in it.
Umbongo, my apologies. I’d posted this as soon as I read embolden’s post and before I’d reached your comment on the same debate.
Actually makes a serious point, if unintentionally.
I buy from charity shops, but seldom donate, after giving one a lovely leather coat and seeing it shunted out for a fiver when they could have easy snagged £50.
Plus I do not know where he buys his tools from, but Aldi or ScrewFix if in a hurry may save him a fair whack.
Rather suspect some PR people figured any idiot in the media desperate enough would run it, and lo…
MSM told Trump is an evil man for trying to vet people from some countries ..Waycist
MSM told me “There been no recent US terrorist attacks of people from these countries.”
but hangon
On September 17–19, 2016, three bombs exploded and several explosive devices were found in New York City and nearby towns. The bombings left 31 people wounded, but no fatalities.
Ahmad Khan Rahami was arrested on suspicion of planting the bombs, and injuring police when they tried to arrest him.
He is a US citizen, but was born in Afghanistan.
OK he’s not being tried yet, but the police aren’t looking for anyone else.
It’s convenient for LibMob that his story was reported once and then not selected for #OperationBangingOn
I caught a bit of Newsnight last night. It was a piece about racism, Evan Davies, a Dr Zubaida Haque from a ‘think tank’ The Runnymede Trust, and Prof Eric Kaufmann of the Birkbeck College, University of London. They waffled on for some time with Zubaida telling us that racists might not know that they are racist due to their unconscious bias, and then she started to say that a definition of ‘Britishness’ might be useful. This started me thinking, how do you define ‘Britishness’? Well it seems to me that being British is defined by whether or not you have a British passport. If you have one you can claim to be British, if you do not have one you can not. I was horrified when I applied for my first passport, in the 70’s to find out that I could not enter my nationality as ‘English’, and it still rankles to this day.
The friendly rivalry found between the home nations in sport are not caused by regional diferences in the UK, but are due to our different nationalites. The bBBC does not want to acknowledge that I am English, and yes it does feel personal.
“racists might not know that they are racist due to their unconscious bias”
A BBC thought police alert, the old BBC chestnut (eyes to the sky, hands up) what is Britishness? … it is so patronising and irritating
I see myself first and foremost English, I don t think the BBC can even bring
itself to ask about, Englishness they have for quite a while “no platformed” it.
Our monarchy, the church, our education, our rule of law, celebrating our history … our peoples innate notion of fairness, sense of humour, yes eccentricity, our often abused tolerance embodying characteristics, like fitting in together, this binds and distinguishes us the British people.
How much of that has been eroded, especially in the past decade as immigration has been increasing year on year and dividing people up the consistent mantra … and it is still ongoing
For me, the epitome of Englishness is village life in the 50’s fashion of St Mary Mead – home of Miss Marple. Cricket pitch, cream teas, CHURCH clock chiming, duck pond, flint built primary school, local shop/post office.
My soft focus memories all disintegrated after watching Extremely British Muslims last night. An ex white druggie turned to Islam and married a woman he brought over from Pakistan, complete with 2 teenage kids he has taken on; another family with twin boys who expected their mother to wear the Niquab; the rules of Islam that all are expected to follow; another portly Niquab wearer who was ‘born here’ yet proclaimed her right to dress as she pleases and lecturds Muslim women in her beliefs – hoping also to educate non-Muslim women too, but none turned up to the meeting !
All the rhetoric about we should all live together, is never going to work ! It would have been interesting if the reporter/narrator had asked the many Muslims he spoke to, if they had ever heard of Agatha Christie, or knew about Charles Dickens – highly unlikely, as those adult men we saw were either in street gangs, or wearing skirts managing the day to day life of living by Islamic rules. None appeared to be in wage earning employment, and as this way of life by them is replicated throughout all the Asian communities, I find it depressing and hard to swallow that migrants are a valuable asset to this Country. I just want someone to explain to me how ???
It is a mystery to me and I cannot explain it. I cannot explain why Western Civilisation is committing suicide. This Death Wish is beyond belief. Which altar are they sacrificing themselves on ?
All the Dutch had to do was tick a box for Geert Wilders, but even that seems to have been beyond them. You can’t help people who won’t help themselves.
The unemployed lefty trolls have taken over this HYS. It’s all they have left. Time to redress the balance, folks. Start by reporting the many top rated comments openly attacking conservatives, which obviously break the BBC’s own moderation rules.
The two top comments are written by the same account 270+ likes each
…sock puppetrey ?
“When Clapper denied spying on Trump, I notice that the BBC did not think that it was worth pointing out in its report that Clapper had actually lied under oath to Congress.”
The comment below got 128 Down votes, then it is lunch-time in Cheltenham
\\”Britain’s GCHQ denies wiretapping Trump
Claims are “nonsense, utterly ridiculous and should be ignored”, the intelligence agency says.”
Sounds like the regard many hold for the ‘evidence’ of intelligence agencies which lied us into Iraq.//
It is interesting to note that all this activity took place neatly between it opening once most got to work and closing even before the TGIF crowd stumble back from the pub.
So yes, who was around to ‘comment’ in this window?
Doesn’t BBC Radio do enough to irritate its listeners with programmes such as “The News Quiz” and “The Now Show” without someone named Jonny Dymond (sic) treating “The World at One” as though it belonged to the Light Entertainment department?
What would be entertaining would be for this self-regarding cocker of snooks to come from behind Auntie’s skirts and present his shtick to Dr Sebastian Gorka.
I just finished watching the high budget star studded BBC production, Taboo. Don’t worry, I downloaded it off pirates bay, I wouldn’t pay for this crap.
Typical BBC right on ( that means left on ) production. The hero is an incestuous cannibal whose cultural enrichment at the hands of black Africans has led to a deep understanding of which craft. Assorted other “good guys” include a few staples of costume dramas set in London, a whore with a heart of gold ( German ) and a lovable mud lark ( half cast ). We also have a transvestite, a Mauri complete with face tattoos, a Scottish butler and a Negro abolitionist ( because you knew William Wilberforce was actually a Negro, didn’t you? ). We also have the compulsory ginger heroin, more on that in another post. Oh yes, and all these good guys are involved in a plot against the British crown in favour of the Americans ( who at the time the show is set are still enthusiastic slave owners ). So much for the goodies.
Now for the bad guys in the shape of the evil East India Company and the British Crown. Predictably, all white English men wearing gender appropriate clothing.
On top of all that bias, the show is predictable, slow pretensions and boring. And I used to like Tom Hardy.
I do like Tom Hardy,I do not like the bbc.
I watched 1066:a year to conquer England about battle of Hastings.
William’s second in command Robert de Beaumont was played by black actor
Jotham Annan.
Robert de Beaumont went on to become the 1st Earl of Leicester,he was a white man.
The beeb wouldn’t dream of having Peter Kay playing Saladin muslim defender of Jerusalem.
Distorting British history is now commonplace on the bbc.
The social engineering is shameful.
Nowadays I just refuse to even consider watching a BBC drama, even if I still had iPlayer available (which I don’t). Friends have said to me over the years you must watch such and such (Happy Valley, Line of Duty, Night Manager…countless others).
There’s not one that I didn’t find intensely irritating after 5 minutes. It’s usually the laughable politics, awful dialog or acting with studenty earnestness that’s so off-putting. I expected ‘Taboo’ to be no different – but thanks to Spacemonkey for watching it so the rest of us didn’t have to!
BBC Drama – guaranteed to be amateurish, derivative, clueless clumsy agitprop for a dumbed down population of the easily pleased and easily led. Those programs can be summed up as ‘The bad old white man did it’.
I’m happy to take one for the team. I can confirm you didn’t miss much with the Night Manager either. The first half of the first episode bore some resemblance to the book but then it went off on a tangent. But at least that was a self contained series, never to be repeated. No such luck with Taboo though, expect more PC tedium to come.
Much on the media and now they are all the same about how awful the English are in denying Scotland another referendum. Look dumbos most of us are fed up to the back teeth with Scottish whining.
it is so effing boring and my answer? Have a vote asap and make sure it gives the right result and just let them go and run their own country. Look they have elected the SNP in mass so there is no point in any further discussion. Where are the national parties MPs in Scotland?Nowhere so the case for ending the union is clear. They want it and we will be better off without the endless moaning and the chippy little Sturgeon’s barbs at us.
Let us make 2018 the year we leave the EU and the year we let Scotland go for good.
The Scots have already had their “once in a generation” referendum. Now let the rest of the UK have their’s and kick the peevish malcontents out of the Union.
Please don’t tar us all with the same brush or you may be accused of racism. It is not “The Scots”. It is the SNP. The rest of us hate them. They do not represent my country and they do not represent me.
No problem. Not much difference between a Scotsman and a ray of sunshine ! Here the SNP racist fascists are accusing the rest of us of being unpatriotic. It is like the Nazis accusing Germans of being unpatriotic if the German people do not support the Nazis. The SNP are poisoning my country with their hatred and I do not like it.
You are absolutely right to point out that the SNP do not represent the views of all Scots, But One of the great successes of the SNP is to convince the English that they do. They are aided and abetted in this by the BBC who present Sturgeon as the great politician of the age.The reality is quite different of course as the SNP are a bunch of clueless clowns when it comes to running the Holyrood government. But they are excellent at winding us English up and it can be difficult to remember that they don’t speak for all of Scotland and all Scots. Because they are a single issue party , whereas their opposition is fragmented across the political spectrum, they can rely on a good percentage of the vote at election time and so they won’t be easy to vote out even if a good majority of Scots oppose them. In my view Devolution has gone too far and is Just another of Blairs legacy of piles and piles of steaming liberal left shit.
Totally agree DT. Blair’s devolution policy was ill thought out and solely relied on Labour’s continuing Scottish dominance. The result is an unstable constitutional settlement that the SNP can ruthlessly exploit with their campaign focused, synthetic grievance politics . Giving further devolution cannot work becayse it will not placare the SNP and equally we cannot face the instability of referenda every few years. The grievance tactics of the SNP must be challenged robustly. Perhaps May will be tbe person to do this. Cameron certainly wasn’t .
Well said Grant, the meeja (which includes the 70% monopoly at the bBC) are as guilty of transposing “Scotland” or “The Scots” for “SNP” as they are with “Europe” for “EU”. Krankie, Fat Eck and company have never spoken for me. They are a one-trick pony doomed for the glue factory.
How can we be accused of racism? We are all the same race if indigenous to these islands. Anglo Saxon Celtic .Stop throwing that sort of inane charge around please.
Now this might just be me but has anyone noticed the predominance of red headed leading ladies recently? Either born ginger or out of a bottle, being a carrot top is definitely de rigueur in thesp circles these days. I could easily give you a list of a dozen of them but simply google “red headed actresses” and you will get the idea. Now, this might just be a fashion and I might just be loosing it big time but could this be more than just a fad?
Ladies a Gentlemen, I introduce to you the latest shade on the diversity pyramid of virtue, intersex. These unfortunate people are born with genitals of a confused nature, ranging from the quite trivial to the very profound and disturbing. Of course such people should be treated for their ABNORMALITY and they have my fullest sympathy. But the good news is it is very rare, approximately 0.05% or 1 in 2000 have some degree of genital abnormality and the severe cases are thankfully even rarer than that. Not so! cry the intersex activists. They insist intersex is much more common that that, indeed they say it is about 1.7% of the population that suffer from some degree of ABNORMALITY. In fact it is about as common as RED HAIR.
Could it be that the current fad for ginger movie and TV heroins is in fact subliminal conditioning in favour of, you know, diversity?
Wednesday's Palestinian terror car-ramming attack that NO ONE has heard of because the MEDIA IGNORED it!— Gabriel Rosenberg (@GabRosenberg) March 17, 2017
“Sweden! … looks what s happening in Sweden”
Woman found with severe injuries after gang (possible 5 man) rape–kvinna-hittades-utomhus/ …
No BBC Sveeden news yet.
This though
BBC Alt-right editor challenges journalists to visit Sweden
“Hundreds of people offered their services, including journalist Laurie Penny and comedian Al Murray”
Miss Penny tweeted – Oh, I love Malmo sign me up
“Five men detained
The men who have been picked up by the police is currently not suspected of any crime.”
yeh the police detain non suspects all the time
Meanwhile in the original shock case is coming for trial
Three young men suspected of gang raping a woman in Sweden and livestreaming the attack on Facebook are to face trial, Swedish prosecutors said on Wednesday.
Two of the men, aged 18 and 21 — both Afghan citizens — have been charged with raping the victim in turn in an apartment in Uppsala, 70 kilometres (45 miles) north of Stockholm in January.
A third man, a 24-year-old Swedish national, has been charged with being an accessory to rape by filming the attack and posting it on Facebook, and failing to try to stop it.
A friend advised me to read Jimmy Nail’s auto biography a short while back.
He said I would be interested what Jimmy had to say about the requirements
of the bbc when they took up AUF WEIDERSEHEN PET from ITV.
Wayne’s son should be black,Oz’s son should be gay,who beats up a thuggish white bloke who made disparaging remarks,when confronted by the gay son, the thugs mate took flight and ran away.
Denis would have an affair with the black sons mother.
Oz falls for a Cuban ballet dancer and so on and so forth.
Any one of these situations is fine with me,what isn’t fine is the agenda.
Its about time this bullshit came to an end.
4:30pm Feedback : what propaganda will they be feeding back into our brains ?
Many coincidental/orchestrated tweets to bbcR4Feedback re Jon Snow claim
“With exception of Andrew Neil, one wonders why the BBC so agresseively* avoided looking into the Tory Election expnses scandal for so long”
(* ooh those spellos Jonald Trump Snow !)
Despise the Tories but a Google date range search shows the story was mentioned on the BBC website : April, May, June, Oct, Jan, Feb ..not a 100% cover up given police inquiries were ongoing
C4 also covered story in June and Nov 2016
But not in Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec, Jan til Snow’s blog 14 Feb 2017
Prog also covers
– Murder in the Lucky Holiday Hotel : drama about that business killed by Chinese mayor
– “Ed Sheeran” Radio 1 Chart show composed of only Ed Sheeran songs
… and probably : some other LibMob Guff and a mention of the Archers
Talking of policing Facebook, BBC Asian Network tells us Zuckerberg has sent people to Pakistan to help
BBCAsianNetwork asks “What is the right punishment for blasphemy?
Tweet @ShaziaAwan with what you think using the hashtag #AsianNetwork”
Geert Wilders’ party, the PVV actually did quite well; it came second, not equal second as reported in MSM but second with 20 seats, a gain of 5. The ruling party, the VVD lost 8 seats while the big loosers of the day were the PvdA ( labour party ) who lost a staggering 29 seats! Wilders will never see power though as the system in Holland always delivers coalition governments and every other party has said it will refuse to work with him.
“The Sky News website was once quite active with many posts pointing out the obvious but shortly after the Brexit vote they removed commenting perhaps because posts frequently simply challenged their reporting often with data to make the point.”
I must relate the following as a metaphor for the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the biased BBC obsession with equality and diversity.
In this afternoon’s Cheltenham Gold Cup, Lizzie Kelly, the first female jockey in the race for over 30 years,……….fell at the second fence.
Still. Equality. That’s the thing. Not ability. Or best person for the job.
Tick. Tick.
An MP uses sign language.
This is used as an argument for giving legal basis to sign language. Which means people will then have a RIGHT to demand a signer, in schools, hospitals, at the dole office ….etc etc. Cue the employment of hundreds of signers on the offchance that a few times a year they might be needed.
At, of course, taxpayers expense. And you can bet there will be plenty to gold plate such a scheme and an outcry should funding ever then be reduced.
Apparently there are 50000 people in the UK needing sign language. In context, that is less than 0.1% of the population.
No wonder the public finances are in such deep shit. We have to cater for every combination of unfair circumstance, irrespective of cost.
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Why Do We The BBC Support Islamic State (Not So-Called)
Why Can’t We The BBC Get Our Heads Out Of Our Asses?
The ex BBC Newsnight Anger and Protests Editor gives up the day job:
“Infamy! Infamy!…..”
The world that Newsnight portray is fictional aswell.
So Paul Mason’s CV
2017 Creating fictional narrative in the theatre ………….. to promote socialism.
2016 Creating fictional narrative in the Newsnight studio, to promote socialism.
Carrie Gracie is one of the BBCs more thoughtful presenters, and her piece from the Uighar Muslims in Xinjiang, China wasn`t that bad.
But it`s the BBC. So they think the Chinese have yet to lose enough people in random terror acts…and the BBC don`t think that enough have died to justify loads of police and security in the region.
How many WOULD allow the BBC to agree to the Chinese use of their own police? Well, that`s not going to be right-because ANY security presence might “provoke” and “radicalise” the ROP.
Silly Chinese-come and learn from Berlin, Nice and Rotherham.
And whatever you do-don`t you try and show Europe that you might have ways of dealing with the Islamists-we`d rather surrender,and all this “looking after your people” stuff must NOT be allowed to catch hold. The lefties might have to DO something-and they`ve no intention of doing that.
Blimey, Mishal ‘Moral Equivalence’ Husain on BBC favoured casualty count tally duty again?
I agree. I enjoyed watching Carrie Gracie and Simon McCoy bounce off each other when they were anchors on the morning shift. Carrie then contracted cancer and was off air for many months. Thankfully she came through it, and looking completely different, now reports from China.
Long ago they said, in the future the country will be able to give their opinion on all kinds of things with a button next to the TV.
Well, we have that button, in the form of an internet connection and it would be a simple exercise and rather more 21st Century than petition signing.
Scots petition against another referendum 65K sigs so far
Over 168,000 in fact.
I have to say that if the comments in The Scotsman are anything to go by, wee Nicola has definitely over-reached herself on this. I really don’t think there’s an appetite for this up here. She’s becoming a severe embarrassment to Scotland with her continual whinging, blustering and threats.
Wow already 168,746 sigs
Now on R5 Now FatBoy Nolan
Scots caller is calling in saying “Look I voted yes, but we are sick of the idea of SNP forcing a second referendum, so I’d vote no (cos they are so P-ing me off)”
Gamechanging explanation from later caller.
“At Indyref I voted Out, AT Brexit I voted Out
… I don’t want to be In EU if I voted for Scots Independence
to me the SNP are a joke now, there shouldn’t be a 2nd ref, I vote against the SNP in it if there is another one”
Other caller pointed out
..”You don’t spoil Brexit now, As Indy voter I want to see how Brexit goes first before we do another IndyRef.”
Wow Rees Mog, and Tim Martin are on QT
Did you catch crazy student ?
“when we are talking about racism, white people should be quiet”
“Scots Independence …English”
Yep! … saw the potted plant harridan squealing (nothing to do with any question),about Corbyn too, and Eagle virtually sniggering
…. political establishment business as usual.
Oh yes five minutes later, look everybody we should overlook more f-ck ups from Hammond.
…. political establishment business as usual
When grown-ups are talking…
many upvotes deserve to be yours AB
+ when tax payers talking ….
My cartoon take on the week and Scotland:
LOL ! “No means Yes ” !
Do you remember the 5 Live phone-in last month when an old lady told Campbell she’d had a personal reply from the Trump team ?
‘I’ve never been for Trump, but the thing is I’m sick of the BBC bashing him, so I got hold of an email somewhere and emailed him, and within 40 minutes I had a personal reply signed Mike Pence and the Team…these peoplehad read my letter ..they are really on the ball”
Yet today on the BBC WS Click podcast (a sneerfest against Trump), I heard Mary Beard sneering
‘Trump lives in a fantasyworld and doesn’t engage you can see he has millions of follows yet follows no one.. Trump never engages with people’
The rest of the presenter/panel were also certain of that view.
Seems they’re a MetroBubbleworld.
Luckily I don’t have to hear Mary Beard’s weedy voice and sad opinions on bugger all, because every time she turns up on the screen I turn off the TV!
The latest Ben Garrison cartoon:
Ha it’s this “The MediaFools & Their Credibility Are Soon Parted”
forgot the tag

So we’re told in the news that a BBC team had a narrow escape at Mount Etna – to prove it they show us the scorched holes in their name-brand anoraks – that’ll be another expenses claim.
All the viewer gets from the BBC news is an eruption of anti-Trump hot air from posh gal Katty Kaye and beta male Christian Fraser. More bitching than Crufts. Remind me who it was who started this security-themed stuff… oh yes, that’s right, it was Hillary Clinton’s Democrat campaign with their Trump/Putin smear.
And then there’s the avanche of demands for more government spending. Today the BBC go big on schools, another day it’s the NHS or Social Care.
There’s little point in actually detailing the liberal-left big government bias – it is obvious and relentless. The only escape is to switch off.
“Recent allegations made by media commentator Judge Andrew Napolitano about GCHQ being asked to conduct ‘wiretapping’ against the then president-elect are nonsense.”
Interesting then, despite Sean Spicer saying that when Trump used the word ‘wiretapping’ he was clearly referring to surveillance methods generally, that when GCHQ choose to make a rather exceptional statement they decide to deny specific claims of ‘wiretapping’.
Also interesting that the BBC have chosen to refer to the GCHQ statement on their news reports this morning as denying ‘spying’ and ‘surveillance’. Particularly since immediately after Trump’s initial tweet in which he mentioned ‘wiretapping’ I heard many BBC reports where they were very keen to take the word ‘wiretapping’ quite literally, and humorously paint a fantastic image of men in overcoats planting bugs in telephones.
Moira Stewart on the BBC just now “GCHQ denies spying against Donald Trump”.
Did they say they get it about honest?
GCHQ did not deny anything, they said they claims are “ridiculous”.
That is a classic non-denial denial. The question is not whether the claim is ridiculous or not, it is whether the claim is true or not?
Obviously, we will never get an answer to that question, because the secret state is answerable to no-one.
QT last night – why is it all SNP politicians appear to find it impossible to stop talking once they start?
Salmond; Sturgeon; Robertson; Cherry; Nicholson and those Muzzies who’ve wormed their way in – none of them seem capable of using ten words when a hundred will do.
It’s an old Lefty tactic, Al. Talk and talk and talk about the simplest of subjects, insist on detail scrutiny of everything, not just conform to conventions for good meeting operation but obsess over minute details and then look at the clock. Then do some more of it, all over again. It shuts out any proper debate and overwhelms any opposition.
What could be properly dealt with in a two hour meeting then takes four or five hours, with ‘beer and sandwiches’ having to be brought (and bought on expenses) in to keep everyone alive. Sensible, non-Leftys, realise they are being warped at grave speed and stand down at the earliest opportunity.
The Leftys have then won total control.
I think its called “building up your part” in acting, I believe Cherry was auditioning for Olive out of “On The Buses”.
And here, children, the BBC”s Jugend Channel ‘reports’ on the ongoing Brexit situation:
BBC Newsbeat
“So Theresa, your idea of a border – hard or soft – stick it where the sun doesn’t shine”
This MEP’s message had a pretty strong message about Brexit & borders for Theresa May…
Impartially, of course.
The PM’s enduring support for the national treasure is again made clear.
More #BbcVirtueSignalling #BBcPetIssue #PseudoInclusivity
and OperationBangingOn
second tweet same subject
Third Tweet tweet same subject
Stuck in their MetroBubbleworld forest the BBC can’t “see the wood for the trees”..people on the outside can
a few tweets later
That BBC guide isn’t informative enough.
For example here is the little bit they have on the Burka
The burka is the most concealing of all Islamic veils. It is a one-piece veil that covers the face and body, often leaving just a mesh screen to see through.
The BBC could have gone further by adding
It is the preferred choice of clothing for suicide bombers and housing benefit fraud. Muslim men also prefer it as it hides the bruises she may receive from her husband if she talks to another man.
picture 1 – Tarp
picture 2 – Tent
picture 3 – Tarptent
Another one
@GW what do you mean by “the BBC’s Jugend Channel” ?
ah Jugend , as in German word for Youth
………… so “BBC Hitler Youth Channel”
I of course didn’t say Hitler. Godwin may be watching. But he did love the young. Like some others.
or maybe even the Al BBCs much preferred Arabic
… Al (BBC) Shabab 😀
Al Shabab!, goodness don t we know a song about them?
Well Newsround will be participating in the FakeNews Conference
How is Europe’s Media fighting fake news and disinformation?
March 29 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Their actual news-story is not terrible and actually resists their knee jerk sneer at Trump, but fails to mention that False-narrative construction, gate-keeping, lying by ommission are part of FakeNews ..Maybe cos NR do that all the time.
I notice that the SNPLab alliance on Question Time were on message last night, both using the adverb “screeching” to describe the”U-turn” on the NIC rise in the budget, well versed as always !
I think it was on Monday the word of the day was “Nativism”, used on the Today programme and by the Sainted James O’B on LBC, never heard it before. Isn’t it clever how the left seem to get first pickings on emotive language, (“progressive” being the prime example). Nativism seeks to degrade nationalism into primitive tribalism, populism actually refers to “of the population”, which is surely democracy at it’s finest, but the inference is twisted into popularism, ie people following a simplistic, too good to be true, narrative. To me a classic demonstration of populism is voting for Socialist “something for nothing “dogma !
“Nativism” only applies to the British, presumebly ?
“Nativism” is ONLY applied as code for white people, and white majority nations…It means resistant to being outnumbered by non white immigrants.
I’m afraid the only way to describe what’s happening in Europe and the UK is, we are doubtless in the process of being ethnically cleansed. No other explanation in my view. But the irony is, mainly by backward, cult following people with alien behaviours. When the critical mass is exceeded, indications suggest 2055/2060 and the balance is finally tipped, just imagine what a state this country will be in: women slopping around everywhere in sandals and wearing enormous bin liners; Industry production – well forget that, praying five times a day has kicked any hope of raising ‘production’ (that illusive industrial goal), into touch. Contributing to the European Space Agency? – that will be halted as Allah and his followers have decreed there is nothing out in space: use the money to build more mosques. Take a look at Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Islamic states. Were in not for ex-pats running businesses over there, there would be little industry. They cannot function without ex-pats including the South Korean forces who they employ to defend some States borders.
The UK will be a disaster zone and, I will be long gone by then so, best of luck, you reap what you sow.
AND guess what word, the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg used to describe the ‘Tory’s U-turn’ on Wednesday’s DP…and also yesterday?
@BBC (Labour/SNP) Laura – right on message.
“Progressive” is music to my ears…
(Wasn’t “Dogma” Dennis’s bit of stuff in ‘Auf Wiedersehen Pet’…)?
Lovely lady, very, very attractive to red-blooded males!
Look what Jimbo started with his ‘unit’:
Of course, one may wonder what facts were before they all started ‘checking’ them.
As we know, the BBC inhabits a bubble of the politically correct and those who delight in ‘taking offence’. Poor Sir Roger Gale. On R4 he spoke of the close- knit team of ladies who run his office as ‘ the girls’. The Take Offence brigade soon swung into action it seems. The Today Programme felt obliged to interview one of the girls, who clearly was not offended, alongside a lesbian academic with an American accent who was mightily offended. Who best represents British life and cultural norms outside of The Bubble, I wonder?
“the girls” There they go again with the inverted logic! “the girls” is considered offensive where a hijab is not.
The phoney feminist brigade marches on.
So the BBC never says “old BOYS club” ?
BBC QT, again brings up the NHS … yet again carefully scripted questions and worse
even more scripted answers. Our public service broadcaster has once again avoided factually scrutinising the funding, provides superficial fluff instead if incision on health reform and instead simply regurgitates the Westminster spin, whilst continuing to peddle the scapegoat myths.
…. Political establishment business as usual
Westminster clear out requirement, “drain the swamp”
9am R5 phone-in subject ScotRef2… only 2 days after they did it
#BbcPetIssue #OperationBangingOn
That last time one guy mentioned Scot couldn’t afford it cos of oil price
So the SNP guy responded trying to list other Scottish Industries : whisky, tourism
and Campbell helpfully chipped in Scottish Renewables
…Totally unaware that wind/solar such money out of the economy not put money in.
typo : suck money out
BTW MetroBubbleWorld
shout “Little Englanders”
but never “Little Scotlanders”
It is so funny because many Scots are the most narrow-minded an parochial in the UK. Krankie is a perfect example .
The whole reason for London traffic pollution is the huge line up of juggernauts outside New Broadcasting House every morning
… delivering the new stock of irony meters.
I thought they were delivering 100,000 copies of The Guardian.
Newsround Twitter feed is on with #BbcPetIssue #OperationBangingOn
First Graphic
Second Graphic
On subject of ScotRef2 their graphic artist made 2 different graphics.
“and Campbell helpfully chipped in Scottish Renewables
…Totally unaware that wind/solar such money out of the economy not put money in.”
The cunning plan as currently implemented is that Scotland generates the magic electricity and England and Wales have to buy it at inflated prices. Money is sucked out of our economy and pumped into Scotland’s – in return it is their landscape that is blighted by windfarms. At the moment the money transfer is hidden by being internal accounting within the electricity industry, but if the SNP win their referendum it will become explicit – and will end soon after when English and Welsh consumers refuse to be robbed.
Simon Sneer and Nick Robinson gave a mutual backslapping performance looking at an 20th century art exhibition 20th century American art…described as the American dream ….and nightmare….Pres. Trump got a bashing as you`d expect….there was a lovely little bit about how the US budget is going to defund the arts and public sector broadcasting…I`d call that an essential move in choking off the culture war that the subversive left fight with other peoples money!
Sneery Schama made several remarks about Andy Warhols “never being associated with anything serious”…No Simon, he was a regular churchgoer who helped in a homeless shelter as well as living his public life as an artist. BBC bias, bias, bias.
Good point about Warhol who did not make a song and dance about his religion unlike some people. As for Schama, difficult to think of a more revolting Leftist.
You’d have thought that Mr Sensitive – Simon Schama – would reflect for a few minutes after his humiliation by Mark Steyn in the debate over the “refugee crisis”.
Just the sneering , superior liberal-left speaking to itself, I’m afraid. After 40 years of using Today as my main choice of early morning listening , I’m gradually giving up on it. This reflects constant bias from its presenters and reporters . Unfortunately there’s no serious alternative for in- depth news coverage, which shows why broadcasting reform is so badly needed in the UK. Customer choice should be paramount.
Embolden, I think you’re being much too kind to Shama in your description of him.
I still enjoy the Munk debate where he was taken apart by Mark Steyn. The first half of this clip is Shama digging the hole and the second half is Steyn burying him in it.
Umbongo, my apologies. I’d posted this as soon as I read embolden’s post and before I’d reached your comment on the same debate.
Re common language on QT – you would think they had previous meetings !
Parris, the SNP gobshite and Angela Eagle all used the same expression ‘when we crash out of Europe’
BBC News sets today’s news agenda
2nd Feature they list is
“What’s inside Black Girl’s Magazine ?”
#BbcVirtueSignalling #BBcPetIssue #PseudoInclusivity
Feature list shows 9 stories, 2 are about black skin
Yeah yeah, and some white kids doing the same for white kids would be waycists and nazis
We all know the BBC love getting their news from social media but this one stands out more than others.
Cat charity shop sells electrician’s £200 tools for £1
The electrician posted on Facebook what had happened.
After his post was shared almost 90 times, an electrical company on Ocean Way, Cardiff got in touch and offered him a new set of tools free of charge.
“You can’t write this stuff. I only posted on Facebook to have a laugh, but it’s gone viral.”
What is the threshold for ‘viral’ these days? Does the BBC ‘viral’ definition mean “we can’t be arsed to go outside and find real news – this will do”
Actually makes a serious point, if unintentionally.
I buy from charity shops, but seldom donate, after giving one a lovely leather coat and seeing it shunted out for a fiver when they could have easy snagged £50.
Plus I do not know where he buys his tools from, but Aldi or ScrewFix if in a hurry may save him a fair whack.
Rather suspect some PR people figured any idiot in the media desperate enough would run it, and lo…
Well it’s not a ha ha funny story
The guy who took the tools for £1 is a thief and should be on CCTV somewhere.
OK who is Ahmad Khan Rahami ?
How come I’ve never heard of him ?
MSM told Trump is an evil man for trying to vet people from some countries ..Waycist
MSM told me “There been no recent US terrorist attacks of people from these countries.”
but hangon
OK he’s not being tried yet, but the police aren’t looking for anyone else.
It’s convenient for LibMob that his story was reported once and then not selected for #OperationBangingOn
BBC/MSM = Little Metro-landers
Showing no tolerance of people who don’t think exactly like them.
Man held after father and brother found with throats slit in Paris
Man … heard shouting something beginning with A
Yes, I did check BBC Europe …. tumbleweed
Oh they have this though,
European relief at Dutch election result
Modest but steely,(fawn, fawn) how liberal Mark Rutte has shaped Dutch politics
Express has it
The BBC did report 2 Jews attacks by ethnics on Feb 24
I caught a bit of Newsnight last night. It was a piece about racism, Evan Davies, a Dr Zubaida Haque from a ‘think tank’ The Runnymede Trust, and Prof Eric Kaufmann of the Birkbeck College, University of London. They waffled on for some time with Zubaida telling us that racists might not know that they are racist due to their unconscious bias, and then she started to say that a definition of ‘Britishness’ might be useful. This started me thinking, how do you define ‘Britishness’? Well it seems to me that being British is defined by whether or not you have a British passport. If you have one you can claim to be British, if you do not have one you can not. I was horrified when I applied for my first passport, in the 70’s to find out that I could not enter my nationality as ‘English’, and it still rankles to this day.
The friendly rivalry found between the home nations in sport are not caused by regional diferences in the UK, but are due to our different nationalites. The bBBC does not want to acknowledge that I am English, and yes it does feel personal.
“racists might not know that they are racist due to their unconscious bias”
A BBC thought police alert, the old BBC chestnut (eyes to the sky, hands up) what is Britishness? … it is so patronising and irritating
I see myself first and foremost English, I don t think the BBC can even bring
itself to ask about, Englishness they have for quite a while “no platformed” it.
Our monarchy, the church, our education, our rule of law, celebrating our history … our peoples innate notion of fairness, sense of humour, yes eccentricity, our often abused tolerance embodying characteristics, like fitting in together, this binds and distinguishes us the British people.
How much of that has been eroded, especially in the past decade as immigration has been increasing year on year and dividing people up the consistent mantra … and it is still ongoing
“racists might not know that they are racist due to their unconscious bias”
And dim people are often unaware of their own dimness because it takes a degree of intelligence to know one’s own limitations.
“racists might not know that they are racist due to their unconscious bias”
When you use race as a political weapon then you are racist. I know the BBC is racist due to its conscious bias.
For me, the epitome of Englishness is village life in the 50’s fashion of St Mary Mead – home of Miss Marple. Cricket pitch, cream teas, CHURCH clock chiming, duck pond, flint built primary school, local shop/post office.
My soft focus memories all disintegrated after watching Extremely British Muslims last night. An ex white druggie turned to Islam and married a woman he brought over from Pakistan, complete with 2 teenage kids he has taken on; another family with twin boys who expected their mother to wear the Niquab; the rules of Islam that all are expected to follow; another portly Niquab wearer who was ‘born here’ yet proclaimed her right to dress as she pleases and lecturds Muslim women in her beliefs – hoping also to educate non-Muslim women too, but none turned up to the meeting !
All the rhetoric about we should all live together, is never going to work ! It would have been interesting if the reporter/narrator had asked the many Muslims he spoke to, if they had ever heard of Agatha Christie, or knew about Charles Dickens – highly unlikely, as those adult men we saw were either in street gangs, or wearing skirts managing the day to day life of living by Islamic rules. None appeared to be in wage earning employment, and as this way of life by them is replicated throughout all the Asian communities, I find it depressing and hard to swallow that migrants are a valuable asset to this Country. I just want someone to explain to me how ???
It is a mystery to me and I cannot explain it. I cannot explain why Western Civilisation is committing suicide. This Death Wish is beyond belief. Which altar are they sacrificing themselves on ?
All the Dutch had to do was tick a box for Geert Wilders, but even that seems to have been beyond them. You can’t help people who won’t help themselves.
The unemployed lefty trolls have taken over this HYS. It’s all they have left. Time to redress the balance, folks. Start by reporting the many top rated comments openly attacking conservatives, which obviously break the BBC’s own moderation rules.
The two top comments are written by the same account 270+ likes each
…sock puppetrey ?
“When Clapper denied spying on Trump, I notice that the BBC did not think that it was worth pointing out in its report that Clapper had actually lied under oath to Congress.”
The comment below got 128 Down votes, then it is lunch-time in Cheltenham
\\”Britain’s GCHQ denies wiretapping Trump
Claims are “nonsense, utterly ridiculous and should be ignored”, the intelligence agency says.”
Sounds like the regard many hold for the ‘evidence’ of intelligence agencies which lied us into Iraq.//
It is interesting to note that all this activity took place neatly between it opening once most got to work and closing even before the TGIF crowd stumble back from the pub.
So yes, who was around to ‘comment’ in this window?
Doesn’t BBC Radio do enough to irritate its listeners with programmes such as “The News Quiz” and “The Now Show” without someone named Jonny Dymond (sic) treating “The World at One” as though it belonged to the Light Entertainment department?
What would be entertaining would be for this self-regarding cocker of snooks to come from behind Auntie’s skirts and present his shtick to Dr Sebastian Gorka.
I just finished watching the high budget star studded BBC production, Taboo. Don’t worry, I downloaded it off pirates bay, I wouldn’t pay for this crap.
Typical BBC right on ( that means left on ) production. The hero is an incestuous cannibal whose cultural enrichment at the hands of black Africans has led to a deep understanding of which craft. Assorted other “good guys” include a few staples of costume dramas set in London, a whore with a heart of gold ( German ) and a lovable mud lark ( half cast ). We also have a transvestite, a Mauri complete with face tattoos, a Scottish butler and a Negro abolitionist ( because you knew William Wilberforce was actually a Negro, didn’t you? ). We also have the compulsory ginger heroin, more on that in another post. Oh yes, and all these good guys are involved in a plot against the British crown in favour of the Americans ( who at the time the show is set are still enthusiastic slave owners ). So much for the goodies.
Now for the bad guys in the shape of the evil East India Company and the British Crown. Predictably, all white English men wearing gender appropriate clothing.
On top of all that bias, the show is predictable, slow pretensions and boring. And I used to like Tom Hardy.
Business as usual then?
I do like Tom Hardy,I do not like the bbc.
I watched 1066:a year to conquer England about battle of Hastings.
William’s second in command Robert de Beaumont was played by black actor
Jotham Annan.
Robert de Beaumont went on to become the 1st Earl of Leicester,he was a white man.
The beeb wouldn’t dream of having Peter Kay playing Saladin muslim defender of Jerusalem.
Distorting British history is now commonplace on the bbc.
The social engineering is shameful.
Top post !
It’s one thing changing the race of a fictional character but changing the race of an historical figure is shameful.
I seem to remember people becoming all emotional about a white actor playing Micheal Jackson not so long ago.
So funny because Jackson wanted to have white skin !
Nowadays I just refuse to even consider watching a BBC drama, even if I still had iPlayer available (which I don’t). Friends have said to me over the years you must watch such and such (Happy Valley, Line of Duty, Night Manager…countless others).
There’s not one that I didn’t find intensely irritating after 5 minutes. It’s usually the laughable politics, awful dialog or acting with studenty earnestness that’s so off-putting. I expected ‘Taboo’ to be no different – but thanks to Spacemonkey for watching it so the rest of us didn’t have to!
BBC Drama – guaranteed to be amateurish, derivative, clueless clumsy agitprop for a dumbed down population of the easily pleased and easily led. Those programs can be summed up as ‘The bad old white man did it’.
I’m happy to take one for the team. I can confirm you didn’t miss much with the Night Manager either. The first half of the first episode bore some resemblance to the book but then it went off on a tangent. But at least that was a self contained series, never to be repeated. No such luck with Taboo though, expect more PC tedium to come.
Much on the media and now they are all the same about how awful the English are in denying Scotland another referendum. Look dumbos most of us are fed up to the back teeth with Scottish whining.
it is so effing boring and my answer? Have a vote asap and make sure it gives the right result and just let them go and run their own country. Look they have elected the SNP in mass so there is no point in any further discussion. Where are the national parties MPs in Scotland?Nowhere so the case for ending the union is clear. They want it and we will be better off without the endless moaning and the chippy little Sturgeon’s barbs at us.
Let us make 2018 the year we leave the EU and the year we let Scotland go for good.
The Scots have already had their “once in a generation” referendum. Now let the rest of the UK have their’s and kick the peevish malcontents out of the Union.
DaveS/ Space,
Please don’t tar us all with the same brush or you may be accused of racism. It is not “The Scots”. It is the SNP. The rest of us hate them. They do not represent my country and they do not represent me.
My apologies, Grant.
No problem. Not much difference between a Scotsman and a ray of sunshine ! Here the SNP racist fascists are accusing the rest of us of being unpatriotic. It is like the Nazis accusing Germans of being unpatriotic if the German people do not support the Nazis. The SNP are poisoning my country with their hatred and I do not like it.
You are absolutely right to point out that the SNP do not represent the views of all Scots, But One of the great successes of the SNP is to convince the English that they do. They are aided and abetted in this by the BBC who present Sturgeon as the great politician of the age.The reality is quite different of course as the SNP are a bunch of clueless clowns when it comes to running the Holyrood government. But they are excellent at winding us English up and it can be difficult to remember that they don’t speak for all of Scotland and all Scots. Because they are a single issue party , whereas their opposition is fragmented across the political spectrum, they can rely on a good percentage of the vote at election time and so they won’t be easy to vote out even if a good majority of Scots oppose them. In my view Devolution has gone too far and is Just another of Blairs legacy of piles and piles of steaming liberal left shit.
You are spot on as usual. By the way, some of my best friends are english !
Totally agree DT. Blair’s devolution policy was ill thought out and solely relied on Labour’s continuing Scottish dominance. The result is an unstable constitutional settlement that the SNP can ruthlessly exploit with their campaign focused, synthetic grievance politics . Giving further devolution cannot work becayse it will not placare the SNP and equally we cannot face the instability of referenda every few years. The grievance tactics of the SNP must be challenged robustly. Perhaps May will be tbe person to do this. Cameron certainly wasn’t .
Well said Grant, the meeja (which includes the 70% monopoly at the bBC) are as guilty of transposing “Scotland” or “The Scots” for “SNP” as they are with “Europe” for “EU”. Krankie, Fat Eck and company have never spoken for me. They are a one-trick pony doomed for the glue factory.
Spot on !
How can we be accused of racism? We are all the same race if indigenous to these islands. Anglo Saxon Celtic .Stop throwing that sort of inane charge around please.
K-Hoo Klueless Klan
Now this might just be me but has anyone noticed the predominance of red headed leading ladies recently? Either born ginger or out of a bottle, being a carrot top is definitely de rigueur in thesp circles these days. I could easily give you a list of a dozen of them but simply google “red headed actresses” and you will get the idea. Now, this might just be a fashion and I might just be loosing it big time but could this be more than just a fad?
Ladies a Gentlemen, I introduce to you the latest shade on the diversity pyramid of virtue, intersex. These unfortunate people are born with genitals of a confused nature, ranging from the quite trivial to the very profound and disturbing. Of course such people should be treated for their ABNORMALITY and they have my fullest sympathy. But the good news is it is very rare, approximately 0.05% or 1 in 2000 have some degree of genital abnormality and the severe cases are thankfully even rarer than that. Not so! cry the intersex activists. They insist intersex is much more common that that, indeed they say it is about 1.7% of the population that suffer from some degree of ABNORMALITY. In fact it is about as common as RED HAIR.
Could it be that the current fad for ginger movie and TV heroins is in fact subliminal conditioning in favour of, you know, diversity?
“Sweden! … looks what s happening in Sweden”
Woman found with severe injuries after gang (possible 5 man) rape–kvinna-hittades-utomhus/ …
No BBC Sveeden news yet.
This though
BBC Alt-right editor challenges journalists to visit Sweden
“Hundreds of people offered their services, including journalist Laurie Penny and comedian Al Murray”
Miss Penny tweeted – Oh, I love Malmo sign me up
“Five men detained
The men who have been picked up by the police is currently not suspected of any crime.”
yeh the police detain non suspects all the time
Meanwhile in the original shock case is coming for trial
Facebook has not handed the footage to police !
manky codpiece.
“Distorting British history is now commonplace on the bbc.”
Distorting English history.
As an aside, Robert de Beaumont was my 27th Great Grandfather.
A friend advised me to read Jimmy Nail’s auto biography a short while back.
He said I would be interested what Jimmy had to say about the requirements
of the bbc when they took up AUF WEIDERSEHEN PET from ITV.
Wayne’s son should be black,Oz’s son should be gay,who beats up a thuggish white bloke who made disparaging remarks,when confronted by the gay son, the thugs mate took flight and ran away.
Denis would have an affair with the black sons mother.
Oz falls for a Cuban ballet dancer and so on and so forth.
Any one of these situations is fine with me,what isn’t fine is the agenda.
Its about time this bullshit came to an end.
4:30pm Feedback : what propaganda will they be feeding back into our brains ?
Many coincidental/orchestrated tweets to bbcR4Feedback re Jon Snow claim
“With exception of Andrew Neil, one wonders why the BBC so agresseively* avoided looking into the Tory Election expnses scandal for so long”
(* ooh those spellos Jonald Trump Snow !)
Despise the Tories but a Google date range search shows the story was mentioned on the BBC website : April, May, June, Oct, Jan, Feb ..not a 100% cover up given police inquiries were ongoing
C4 also covered story in June and Nov 2016
But not in Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec, Jan til Snow’s blog 14 Feb 2017
Prog also covers
– Murder in the Lucky Holiday Hotel : drama about that business killed by Chinese mayor
– “Ed Sheeran” Radio 1 Chart show composed of only Ed Sheeran songs
… and probably : some other LibMob Guff and a mention of the Archers
……….. The US has – Donald Trump
Channel4 News have – Jon-old Chump
Talking of policing Facebook, BBC Asian Network tells us Zuckerberg has sent people to Pakistan to help
BBCAsianNetwork asks “What is the right punishment for blasphemy?
Tweet @ShaziaAwan with what you think using the hashtag #AsianNetwork”
That they are even asking this question is a disgrace, as if there is a “right” punishment for blasphemy.
A considerably more accurate report on the Dutch elections earlier this week and the upshot –
Geert Wilders’ party, the PVV actually did quite well; it came second, not equal second as reported in MSM but second with 20 seats, a gain of 5. The ruling party, the VVD lost 8 seats while the big loosers of the day were the PvdA ( labour party ) who lost a staggering 29 seats! Wilders will never see power though as the system in Holland always delivers coalition governments and every other party has said it will refuse to work with him.
“The Sky News website was once quite active with many posts pointing out the obvious but shortly after the Brexit vote they removed commenting perhaps because posts frequently simply challenged their reporting often with data to make the point.”
I must relate the following as a metaphor for the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the biased BBC obsession with equality and diversity.
In this afternoon’s Cheltenham Gold Cup, Lizzie Kelly, the first female jockey in the race for over 30 years,……….fell at the second fence.
Still. Equality. That’s the thing. Not ability. Or best person for the job.
Tick. Tick.
PH shows us how a grown up journo like Andrew Bolt reports on green energy in Oz
An MP uses sign language.
This is used as an argument for giving legal basis to sign language. Which means people will then have a RIGHT to demand a signer, in schools, hospitals, at the dole office ….etc etc. Cue the employment of hundreds of signers on the offchance that a few times a year they might be needed.
At, of course, taxpayers expense. And you can bet there will be plenty to gold plate such a scheme and an outcry should funding ever then be reduced.
Apparently there are 50000 people in the UK needing sign language. In context, that is less than 0.1% of the population.
No wonder the public finances are in such deep shit. We have to cater for every combination of unfair circumstance, irrespective of cost.
New Weekend thread is here