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A B-BBC reader observes..,

“For the mostinsidious kind of BBC brainwashing-stroke-propaganda, you should take a closelook at a few episodes of Horrible Histories on CBBC. This ‘humorous’programme, aimed, naturally, at children, is rife with politically correctreinterpretations of history. 

Two days ago we were treated to a sequence demonstrating medicine in the MiddleAges. The black Arabian doctor invariably dispensed natural, workable herbalremedies, along with profound wisdom, while the white European doctor waspresented as a complete barbarian, hacking off limbs for no apparent reason. Incase we missed the message, we were then literally told, as fact, that Europeanmedicine was backward compared to the enlightened Arabian version.

Earlier today, we had a presentation about the British Empire . Need I even gointo detail? The sequence ended with Queen Victoria singing a song about’British Things’, only to be corrected by a courtier who informed her thateverything she assumed was British – such as tea, and cotton (?), etc – was infact stolen (their word!) from poor downtrodden overseas countries.

This series is shown daily, I believe, and repeated endlessly. The drip, drip,drip of daily, anti-British propaganda is shameful and sickening.” 

Following on from the scandal of CBBC Newsround’s awful 9/11

guide, first covered by Biased BBC back in June (see halfway down),

Dame Pauline Neville-Jones former BBC governor Dame Pauline Neville-Jones (a formidable lady with an immense record of public service at the highest levels) is quoted in today’s Daily Mail, BBC’s Newsround fed youngsters Al Qaeda propaganda, claims ex-spy chief, with all her guns blazing.

Speaking about the latest version of Newsround’s 9/11 explanation, a BBC concoction arrived at after a short sharp campaign led by Biased BBC with help from fellow bloggers and journalists, Dame Pauline says it’s even worse now:

It still says it’s all America’s fault, and now for daring to be involved in the Middle East at all.

It wasn’t ‘people linked to’ al Qaeda who killed 3,000 people that day, it was al Qaeda itself. Osama bin Laden even boasted of the attacks.

Is the BBC really saying that if you’re ‘unhappy’ it’s quite normal behaviour to murder people?

Is the BBC so naive as to take al Qaeda’s propaganda at face value? Or is there something more sinister at work here?

Daily Mail journalist James Chapman also quotes Dame Pauline saying:

Al Qaeda make the manifestly false claim that America is part of an enormous Jewish-Christian conspiracy to dominate the world and kill Muslims. This is no secret – Osama bin Laden has said as much himself.

We know that in the long run the struggle against terrorists is a battle for hearts and minds.

How can we expect to win when our national broadcaster is parroting their line to our own children?

There is only one set of people who are ever to blame for terrorist attacks and that’s the perpetrators themselves.

This very much reflects the view of Biased BBC – that our national broadcaster, paid for through a compulsory levy on the British viewing public, ought to serve our collective national interest – the interest of free people everywhere – when it comes to reporting on terrorism and covering terrorist atrocities.

Describing the BBC as a “national treasure”, Dame Pauline went on:

…from time to time I have found myself asking questions about BBC’s attitude to terrorism. It even orders its journalists not to use the word terrorist.

Mark Byford, the BBC’s head of journalism, responding to Dame Pauline’s complaint said that the current text is “clear and concise”. We’ve heard that before: during Biased BBC’s last campaign on this issue, Sinead Rocks, Newsround’s Editor, wrote on the BBC Editors Blog that “we stand by the more recent version”, before push came to shove from Biased BBC and its friends, followed by the BBC caving in and changing their 9/11 article to its current less than ideal version.

The annoying thing is that Sinead Rocks and the BBC in general have got away, so far, with so much obfuscation of the truth about CBBC Newsround’s 9/11 guide – neither Dame Pauline nor the Daily Mail seem to be aware of the real text of the original CBBC Newsround Why did they do it? page:

A lot of countries don’t like the way America gets involved with arguments in the Middle East.

They think that the US unfairly helps Israel in its conflict with Palestine. Israel and Palestine have been arguing for many years over who owns what land.

America is seen to be sympathetic towards Jewish Israelis, so some Arabs and Muslims think America does not like or understand them.

…an explanation that was online, misinforming and corrupting British children for five years, from 2002 until June 2007, when it was first complained about here at Biased BBC.

Lack of time prevented me from writing an intended summary of the recent CBBC Newsround 9/11 events, setting out the unsatisfactory explanations and obfuscations of the BBC and Sinead Rocks. With Dame Pauline’s stature and influence coming to bear on the BBC there may yet be a chance to write a timely recap of events with a more satisfactory ending than had been foreseen. Let’s hope so.

A handy list of Biased BBC’s Newsround 9/11 articles:

June 18th, 2007: Natalie’s first report (see halfway down);

June 24th, 2007: Natalie reports an update at CBBC Newsround;

Sept. 12th, 2007: Following Drudge Report publicity, Biased BBC re-joins the fray, the BBC appears to respond positively;

Sept. 12th, 2007: Our record of the 9/11 guide that the BBC removed and replaced with a new page that turned out to be temporary;

Sept. 13th, 2007: Sinead Rocks infamous non-apology apology, misleading people, provoking many questions and a request for a full explanation;

Sept. 13th, 2007: Sinead Rocks responds to Biased BBC’s request, leading to yet more questions about gaps and obfuscations in her explanation. The CBBC Newsround 9/11 Guide that had apparently been removed is put back unchanged;

Sept. 14th, 2007: A Biased BBC megapost – setting out the whole story, the unanswered questions and double-dealing of the BBC, kicking off a campaign supported by Biased BBC readers, many fellow bloggers and mainstream newspaper journalists;

Sept. 16th, 2007: A result. Sinead Rocks and the BBC cave in, changing the 9/11 guide to its current version, leaving many questions about the BBC’s actions, behaviour and accountability unanswered;

Sept. 17th, 2007: Screenshot and full text of the original even more offensive version of CBBC Newsround 9/11 guide ‘Why did they do it’ page, retrieved from Internet Archive, after being online at the BBC for five years until June 2007.

Please do read the rest of James Chapman’s excellent article. Please also ensure that this new development in Biased BBC’s campaign highlighting CBBC Newsround’s 9/11 coverage receives the attention it deserves.

Thank you to an anonymous Biased BBC reader for the Daily Mail link.

The Daily Telegraph reports that children’s BBC presenter Kirsten O’Brien

has joked at the Edinburgh Festival that:

Everyone at CBBC is either gay or childless and don’t like kids.

…before going on to say:

Still, at least we’re better than Palestinian children’s TV, which gets kids to sing songs about AK-47 rifles.

…which is interesting, because for some strange reason the BBC always seems to be looking the other way when Middle Eastern broadcasters spew hatred about other people and nations at their viewers, children or not.

Does anyone fancy starting a book on:

a) whether or not this story is mentioned on BBC Views Online;

b) whether or not they’ll mention O’Brien’s reference to Hamas and AK47s?

Thank you to reader Anonanon for the link.

Tape shows US attack on UK army

reports BBC Views Online’s children’s CBBC Viewsround (or should that be ‘cbbc newsround’ in the dumbed down world of BBC News?), concluding with:


When troops on the same side fire at each other, it’s known as friendly fire, or blue-on-blue.

Although accidents like this do happen in war, this is seen as very important because it could show the Americans aren’t being honest about what happened.

Well, paint me cynical, but that headline is extremely misleading, as if the attack in question was deliberately and intentionally targeted at the British troops. At best this is a case of extremely poor headline writing (perhaps CBBC means it’s written by children rather than intended for them). At worst it’s a case of deliberate and intentional spin by someone straining to paint the US and the Iraq war as negatively as possible. I think it’s clear from our experience of BBC news spin which of these is the more likely case.

Likewise, the concluding paragraph is a great example of malicious BBC news spinning. From my reading of this case, neither the US government nor the UK government have behaved honourably in dealing with this tragic incident, however, that is the nature of governments (and large institutions in general), rather than evidence of specific dishonesty solely on the part of the Americans as the BBC Viewsround journo suggests.

Hat tip to commenter pounce for the link.

“Why do so many people in the USA have guns?”

asks the Children’s BBC website. This treatment is plenty better than it was the last time I posted about CBBC coverage of the subject. This time if you follow the list of links to related mini-stories you’ll see they explicitly give the pro-gun side a hearing! Still, it’s fairly pathetic that the article does not even mention the very different laws in different states. Handguns are practically illegal in some notably high-crime areas such as New York or DC.

Whilst perusing the CBBC Newsround site

, I chanced up their story about Private Johnson Beharry, VC, UK soldier wins highest honour. In it they include the line:

Private Johnson Beharry, 25, becomes the first person to receive the award for more than 20 years.

Would it really have been too much to mention, even in passing, that the last two VCs were awarded during the Falklands War in 1982, perhaps even going so far as to remember their posthumous recipients, Colonel H. Jones, VC, and Sgt. Ian McKay, VC? It’s not like there’s any shortage of related material on the web, for instance,
this or
this or
this or

This isn’t an issue of bias, but to include this small but noteworthy detail (even as a link) would be part of the BBC’s mission to educate, entertain and inform, and might even provoke curious youngsters to go and find out a bit more about British history. But then again, maybe that’s why the BBC didn’t mention it. Or perhaps the CBBC hacks were too lazy to look it up, or worse, have low expectations of their audience’s ability and interests.

The reason I originally went to the CBBC Newsround site was to find out what they said about the Hair-braiding sparks school row story. Newsround’s TV coverage on Tuesday evening included viewer’s feedback on the story, although neither the recap of the story nor any of the selected feeback mentioned the race discrimination aspect of the story.

Even though it is obliquely mentioned in their web coverage, why omit the relevant detail, the nub of the story, from their TV coverage? It is the race discrimination aspect of this story that makes it a story – it wouldn’t be much of an issue were the policy applied consistently to all pupils at the school (although Shabina Begum may beg to differ!).

Further to this, while they say that “Olivia has been given the chance to work in a unit at the school”, they omit to explain that it is the chance to work separately from her friends and fellow pupils. Hardly an adequate solution.

Huddled Masses


Thanks to NCBBC in the comments who links us to this from Breitbart:

BBC Radio Drama Gave Tips For Illegal Migrants In Somalia

A BBC department that produced a radio drama giving practical tips to would-be migrants on how to cross from Somalia to Europe received nearly £90 million of British tax payers’ money.

The drama, broadcast to Somalia and Kenya at the height of the migrant crisis, featured one character advising a woman to travel only with small luggage to make the illegal crossing easier.  Another character is later advised that “this current time is the best opportunity to reach Europe”.  The drama is produced by BBC Media Action, the broadcaster’s charitable arm, which is funded by the British government’s foreign aid budget.  Titled ‘A Better Life than Today’, it follows the fortunes of a group of Somali youths and has more than two million listeners on BBC Radio Somali.

Here is Media Action‘s own report on the impact of that drama…you may believe it or not….they tell us that it has been effective in persuading Somalians to stay in their own country…..


Rather think that might just be the BBC justifying its government and EU grants with exaggerated tales of its own success.  Are there any independent studies of the effect of such programmes?  What are the chances that many listen when the BBC itself tells us the problems…

Although youth is the biggest segment of the population in Somalia, they are marginalised and excluded from decision making on family, community and national issues. This combined with high unemployment rates and low school enrolment rates means that Somalia has an extremely high proportion of disenfranchised youth.

Here is Media Action calling for film makers…judge for yourselves whether the BBC is enabling and encouraging migration……I think it might be……

Call for Proposals: Short Information Films for Syrian refugees in

Theme: Illegal Migration
Target group: Syrian refugees mainly, but it could include the Lebanese host community as well.
Age group: Adults, with a focus on youth.
Background: Many Syrians are pondering whether or not to join the exodus of refugees travelling to seek asylum in Europe. There is some content around the risks inherent in the journey to Europe but not much else about the challenges and opportunities once there.
This could include hearing from Syrians who have made the journey about their new lives abroad.
Objective: Help Syrian refugees make an informed decision about whether or not to attempt to seek asylum in another country. The aim isn’t to advise them either to stay or to go, but rather to help them reach an informed decision based on a realistic understanding of the potential risks and benefits.
Call to action: Look before you leap.

Here is the BBC website for the Somali programmes…

Inspiring young people through radio drama

Interestingly there is this from the BBC in 2011 where the presenter, Frances Cairncross puts the case for immigration…

CAIRNCROSS:  And every year, immigrant workers like Shagid and Olive, send billions of pounds home from money transfer centres like this one.  These remittances are one of the unsung success stories of the fight against poverty in developing countries – but as a tool of development, they raise as many questions as they answer.   At a time of  austerity and cuts, the government has decided to protect the aid budget. And yet at the same time the government wants to discourage migrant workers from coming to Britain. In this Analysis programme we ask whether there is a contradiction here. If we really want what’s best for developing countries, is it more important to encourage remittances than to protect state aid.



Saudi Arabian Delights


You can’t know whether to laugh or cry at the BBC’s tricks and desperate attempts to make us love Islam.

The latest is a rather sinister attempt to brainwash our children with a new version of the Arabian Nights...Jamillah and Aladdin..starting tonight on CBBC.

I noted the programme in the Sunday Times TV review.  I was going to ignore it though I suspected it was a programme with a message or two, not just a positive feminine role model with a ‘feisty girl’ in the lead, but perhaps the usual subtext about diversity, immigrants and of course Islam, it being set in the Middle East…love the characters, love Islam if just by default.  Then I had a look at the Independent’s write up and that just confirmed I was probably right about the motivation behind producing such a programme….

Why children should watch CBBC’s Jamillah and Aladdin this weekend

A new series based on the classic Arabian Nights story will air on Cbeebies and CBBC this weekend. It’s just the sort of diverse, positive series children need

Since the terror attacks in Paris two weeks ago, much has been written about what we should let children watch on television, and how much exposure to the news is advisable for young kids.

As the name suggests, it’s based on the classic Arabian Nights’ tale.

It’s perfect timing, I think. When we want to show children that other countries and cultures can be celebrated and enjoyed – and are not just places of bombs and fear. The cast looks like the Britain we recognise – the three lead rolls are played by black actors – and the characters are inquisitive. Genie translates Jamillah’s request for “an adventure” into a trip to the Middle East. She is transfixed in the bazaar by the snake charmers the belly dancers and the street vendors. Maybe some of the children watching will recognise the name Baghdad from the news and come to think about this city and others like it in a different light. And in Jamillah and Aladdin’s friendship they might see that while not all children look, talk or have the same beliefs as us, we can still all be mates and equals not foes.

Of course, it’s just a TV programme and we shouldn’t over-blow its importance, But, if we continue with positive, diverse programming, then it can play a role in shaping the next generation’s belief systems, values and morals.In an interview, 11-year-old Blossom was asked what her three wishes would be, given the chance. Her first? “Equality in the world.” Nice.

Sweet. But propaganda all the same, showing us loveable Muslims from which we, the children, are supposed to pick up the unspoken message that if ‘muslims’ are loveable then Islam could be as well.  What did the Jesuits, channelling Aristotle apparently, say?   Give Me the Child Until He is Seven, and I Will Show You the Man‘”

Shame the BBC is promoting another set of religious fanatics to young impressionable minds…..perhaps a better education about Islam would be more helpful to the children to make them understand what is going on in the world and what is the motivation behind terror attacks rather than a cosy little programme promoting love and harmony when unfortunately one side has no intention of ‘honouring’ such sentiments.


This cartoon in the Times illustrates the problem with the narrative which buries its head in the sand on one subject…..


The problem isn’t primarily the fact that Saudi is a harsh regime chopping off heads,  the problem is the reasons why they do it…and, more importantly, why they are allowed to come into this country spreading highly inflammatory fundamentalist Islamic propaganda through Mosques, universities, Islamic ‘information’ centres, madrassas and of course not forgetting the close ties with the great and the good in our society, not to mention the Government itself.

The problem is the theology behind the sword not the fact of the sword itself.  But who dares mention that?….except Rod Liddle in the Sunday Times who, jokingly, em, suggests we would be just as well to bomb Luton as the Islamic State because it is the ideology not IS itself that is the problem. Bomb IS and ‘radical’ Islam still exists….hoever bombing IS will stop a lot of killing on a grand and savage scale.













Demographics Demolishing Democracies



From the Guardian:

Martin Woollacott assesses the effects of immigration

Immigration on the scale that Europe has experienced constitutes a risky experiment to which we need not have submitted ourselves, and of which the final result is not yet clear. He is right that we frequently talk about it in stupid and dishonest ways. If his book sharpens a so far sluggish debate, it will have served an important purpose.

Cranmer in the comments succinctly summarises the BBC’s approach to ‘reporting’ the migrant ‘crisis’…

It’s just the same old cliches rolled out with little or no attempt to provide any insight into what is actually happening. Tabloid TV at its finest. I’m old enough to remember the days when foreign correspondents on television were restricted to a verbal report over a crackly telephone line, accompanied by a still photo of them holding a phone! This was much better because they couldn’t lard on the sentiment or play with our emotions so easily. They were restricted to who, what, why, where, when. This is what the BBC should stick to instead of trying to remake ‘Ghandi’ every bloody night!

Naturally it is not a ‘migrant crisis’ for the BBC, more an opportunity to further the liberal elite’s naive and childish, and very dangerous, social, cultural and political experiment that attempts to force multiculturalism upon societies that don’t want it and won’t accept it without force being applied in some shape or form.  The BBC’s deliberate attempt to hide the consequences for Europe of mass immigration of people who hold views and beliefs that are so at odd with our own is not just a betrayal of its legal obligations to inform and educate but a betrayal of 2,000 years of European history that has resulted in societies that, after much hard fighting and bloodshed, are reaching a level of sophistication, stability, prosperity and peace that is unparalled in history.  All that could be at risk as many predict that we are heading back to the vicious and terrible religious wars that we thought were buried in history.

Here Ed West in the Telegraph reminds us of what is being forced upon us without any debate or consent from the people of Europe…

Muslim immigration: the most radical change in European history

Christopher Caldwell is a mild-mannered Financial Times journalist who over the past decade has covered continental Europe (France especially) and its relationship with Islam in particular.

That Caldwell is so mainstream, well-respected and analytical makes his conclusion all the more devastating – that the mass migration of Africans and Asians into Europe since the Second World War was an unprecedented, economically unnecessary and ill-thought-out plan that has had a profoundly negative impact on our way of life.

Furthermore, he says, the mass importation of Muslims at a time when Europe has lost its own faith and Islam has developed a dangerous and powerful radicalism threatens the very freedom of Europe.

The collapse of Christianity, and the introduction of novel morals such as the belief in sexual freedom and gay equality, totally at odds with both contemporary Muslim culture and European culture of only half a century ago, has made conflict between Europe and the new Europeans even more unavoidable. That is why surveys consistently show Muslims and non-Muslims thinking the other side are “disrespectful” to women, or why a large minority of young British Muslims advocate the death penalty for apostasy or homosexuality.

Can Europe be the same? Clearly not. Can we reach some happy compromise that peacefully integrates such large communities and avoids the conflicts that have plagued such multi-cultural countries in the past? Probably not.

This is a fascinating, earth-shattering account of the most radical change in European history.


NCBBC in the comments highlighted this video which demonstrates the dishonesty, the foolishness, the complete failure of politicians to grasp what is going on in Europe and what the future holds.  Merkel completely dismisses any idea that people should think there is a threat to European identity and culture, and in fact suggests that Europe is to blame as many of the Muslim ISIL members have come from Europe…we have apparently bred them so we are at fault.  The reality is that Merkel and her ilk have totally failed to recognise the threat such radical people posed and allowed them to not only keep coming to Germany but to freely practise their fundamentalist beliefs….in other words what she is doing now is merely repeating the errors of the past…brushing the problem under the carpet and hoping for the best….


Merkel and her foolish invitation to migrants to flood into Germany in unlimited numbers is at the heart of this migrant crisis, numbers wise….a problem of Germany’s making….however it is one that Germany is forcing upon other countries and then blaming those other countries for not doing the same…it seems Germany does think of itself as the ruler of Europe…

Germany’s foreign minister says it may consider use of “a qualified majority” to force Eastern European countries to accept quotas for migrants

But there is another factor here….Turkey is helping to flood Europe with migrants…

Rapid expansion of Turkish national carrier is in part behind surge in African migrants through the Western Balkans, EU agency says

We know that Gaddafi threatened to swamp Europe with migrants, that mass immigration is a weapon that the Islamic State is using to attack Europe, it is hardly beyond the realms of possibility that the Islamist Erdogan is not happy to flood Europe with migrants who will break down a cohesive and structured EU making it easier for Turkey to influence events and force an entry into the EU as a member state thus opening the door to even more immigration.

Is migration being used as a weapon of war against Europe?  Discuss.

These are momentous times in Europe’s history that presage a future that is increasingly looking to be uncertain and full of conflict.  However such important events and consequences seem to have passed the BBC by, or rather, the BBC chooses to downplay or ignore the growing dangers.  The BBC prefers more to ’emote’ about immigrants apparently than to report the issues surrounding them…H/T Craig at Is the BBC biased?…


Many have asked me how they can help these people. The majority, I would say.

But there has also been a sizeable minority of people who are concerned about this great migration. Some have questioned my objectivity.

But I do not think you lose balance just because you care about another human being. Surely, we can empathise with someone while still acknowledging there are difficult questions that need to be answered about how Europe and the rest of the world should deal with this.


‘Difficult questions that need to be answered’?  Don’t make me laugh…the whole thrust of the BBC narrative has been to bury such questions under a torrent of emotive words and pictures intended to induce sympathy and guilt that over-rides commonsense and reality.  The BBC wants to create an atmosphere where any people, especially politicians and media, who are critical of immigration have to think twice about doing so publicly for fear of being labelled at best inhumane and incompassionate and at worse a xenophobic racist or Islamophobe.

You can see an example of the BBC attempts to manipulate opinion in this article which has this eye-catching headline..‘Migrant clashes leave Hungary bitterly divided.’  Curiously if you read the piece you won’t find much evidence of a ‘Hungary bitterly divided’…..just the usual BBC attacks on anyone who has the guts to speak out about the real problem that is part of the immigration crisis...’Csaba Lukacs, the paper’s leader writer, depicts a Hungary under attack from young, stone-throwing Muslim men: “Hungary’s border was besieged by those who think they have the basic human right to march across Europe without documents.’  Can’t say he is wrong when you see the videos from the border….these are people intent on getting into Europe by whatever means possible and if violence is the answer they’ll use that….invasion or migration?

Obviously you’re meant to be shocked by such sentiments but you know that Hungary is the black sheep of the European family….as Hungary’s actions lead to its ‘deepening diplomatic isolation. ‘

The article ends with this…‘The dispute has further polarised an already deeply-divided society.’   Well not really….those who oppose the migrant policy are on the left and in a minority in Hungary.

The BBC is once again trying to confuse the issue and present it as if there is a vast number of people who support uncontrolled immigration when that is palpably untrue.  The very fact that the Hungarian PM is apparently, according to the BBC, trying to out-Jobbik Jobbik says it all….the national consensus must be anti-immigrant….as in the Uk where 77% want controls and reduced immigration.

A view not reflected by BBC reporting….nor are they reporting this from the Mail…

Imam tells Muslim migrants to ‘breed children’ with Europeans to ‘conquer their countries’ and vows: ‘We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing’ 

“Europe has become old and decrepit and needs human reinforcement….they are not motivated by compassion for the Levant, its people and its refugees,” said Ayed, adding, “Soon, we will trample them underfoot, Allah willing.”

“Throughout Europe, all the hearts are enthused with hatred toward Muslims. They wish that we were dead, but they have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in our midst,” he added.

“We will give them fertility! We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries!”

Ayed stated that “whether you like it or not,” Americans, Italians, Germans and the French will be forced to take the “refugees”.

“We shall soon collect them in the name of the coming Caliphate. We will say to you: these are our sons. Send them, or we will send our armies to you,” concluded Ayed.





Feeding Lies To Children




The BBC has been caught feeding lies and misinformation to children….

First glance and this is just a story about a mistake, an over eager attempt to improve the image of an historical figure ‘forgotten’ by history but it is far more than that.  It is a perfect example fo the BBC’s world view and how they attempt to manipulate the audience, and quite sinisterly, especially young impressionable children who don’t have the ability to question what is put in front of them.  It is a huge political project of the Left that aims to change history, change how a nation sees itself and ultimately to make people feel less inclined to value that identity…all the more easier then to sell them the idea of handing over their ‘nation’ to the faceless rulers in Brussels.

A conspiracy…but so very real.  And the ‘British’ Broadcasting Corporation is playing a big role in that project.


CBBC sketch ‘inaccurately’ painted Florence Nightingale as racist, BBC Trust finds

The BBC has been accused of “insulting” the achievements of Florence Nightingale, after inaccurately showing her racially discriminate against fellow nurse Mary Seacole in a Horrible Histories children’s programme.

The show, a comedy aimed at primary school children, showed Nightingale rejecting four applications from Jamaican-born Seacole to join her nursing corps, saying it was only “for British girls”.

Viewers complained the show was “insulting to Nightingale”, debasing the memory of her achievements in order to bolster the reputation of Seacole.

The BBC Trust, which examined the complaint, has now partially upheld the accusations, confirming Horrible Histories portrayed Nightingale’s actions inaccurately.

In fact, it said, there was no sound evidence to suggest she had rejected Seacole’s application, nor that she had acted in a “racially discriminatory manner” towards nurses.



It’s a very serious finding.

Saying a charge of racism was “very serious”, it added the severity of “any imputation of racism” against Nightingale should have made it “incumbent on the programme makers to ensure that there was sound evidence”.

“In the Committee’s view, the programme makers had provided no such evidence,” it said.


The BBC’s actions are more than just a mistaken reading of history.  This was a deliberate, calculated attempt to manipulate what children think, to brainwash them, to make them look at Florence Nightingale as a racist and to downgrade her achievements and character in order to improve the image and standing of Mary Seacole.

It isn’t the first time the BBC have maligned Nightingale’s name and reputation….

BBC accused of slur on Florence Nightingale for labeling her ‘neurotic and sexually repressed’



It is all par for the course for the BBC…it has long made it its aim to undermine and debase British history in order to disparage ‘Britishness’ and thereby hopefully make the audience feel embarrassed and guilty to be British rather than proud.  The BBC, and the ‘Left’, work hard to try and erase the national identity which is grounded on that history…rewrite the history and you can destroy that national identity and feeling of belonging and unity.

The ‘Nation State’ is the enemy of the BBC.


Mary Seacole was ‘Black’…or at least that is what the BBC and her supporters want, need, you to think, and is the reason fo their ever growing desperation to strip Florence Nightingale of her reputation and replace her with Seacole…who was in fact a store keeper with a canteen providing meals…for officers….she did indeed help the wounded and sick but not in any way comparable to the professional care of Nightingale.

And Seacole wasn’t ‘Black’…..she was more Scottish than black, 3/4 white….describing herself as ‘Creole’…

Now celebrated as a “black Briton” and black heroine, Seacole never described herself as black: “I am a Creole, and have good Scotch blood coursing in my veins,” she states on page 1 of her memoir, further describing her father’s status as being “of an old Scotch family,” Her mother was Creole, or of mixed heritage (WA 1), but she was swift to explain that her “energy and activity” came from her “Scotch blood,” characteristics “not always found in the Creole race” (WA 1). The “lazy Creole” description “applied to my country people,” while she did not know what it was to be “indolent” (WA 2). Roughly one quarter African in heritage, Seacole described herself as being “only a little brown–a few shades duskier than the brunettes whom you all admire so much” (WA 4).

Seacole frequently referred to “blacks” in her memoir, always for other people, often her own servants–her maid, her cooks (WA 12, 21, 36, 37, 39, 45, 58, 113, 138, 180). There are references also to “good-for-nothing black cooks” (WA 141), a “grinning black” (WA 38) and “excited nigger cooks” (WA 20). When she described, the roasted monkey which was “natives’ fare” in Central America, Seacole found its “grilled head bore a strong resemblance to a negro baby’s,” while in “a stew made of monkey meat” was a piece that “closely resembled a brown baby’s limb” (WA 69).


The pro-Seacole campaign is self-evidently highly political and intended to provide an inspirational role model for the Black community as well as to alter White people’s perceptions of history trying to downgrade ‘British’ achievements while attempting to give the credit to a ‘minority’ figure.

It is racial propaganda that the Nazis would have been proud of….the ‘rubbishing’ of White history in order to create a myth of racial superiority of Black people in Britain.


The Nightingale Society has long had to deal with these attempts to defame her name and reputation.


And it isn’t only on CBBC that the misinformation is peddled...however…but if you don’t complain within 30 days the BBC refuses to alter the material even if proven misleading…just too much effort apparently:

Re: BBC School Radio. History–The Victorians. 9. The Life of Mary Seacole. BBC 2010. Still available.

‘Clause 2.3 of the BBC’s complaints framework clearly states that complaints about content currently published on a BBC website should be made within 30 working days of the date when it first appeared online.

The notes and activity you refer to have been online continuously since 2010. Therefore we do not feel that it is practicable and cost-effective to investigate this part of your complaint.’

That’s Okay then…4 years of misleading information and ithe BBC will keep pumping it out.

The BBC also dismisses complaints about the veracity of dialogue…it may be fictional but as there was a Crimean war at the time and Seacole was there we can pretty well guess what Seacole might have said if we put ourselves in her boots…..we don’t want to be ‘shackled by the lack of documentary evidence’ do we?….

‘The dialogue and the specifics of events are of course fictional but that is in keeping with the nature of the content which is, as I’ve stated above, clearly presented as a dramatised account of history.’


Of course we have heard all this before:

The BBC’s Lisa Jardine gives us her point of view…..

A point of view: When historical fiction is more truthful than historical fact

Fiction has the power to fill in the imaginative gaps left by history, writes Lisa Jardine.

In my search for understanding the motivation of those who joined the race to produce the bomb whose use at Hiroshima and Nagasaki appalled the world, I eventually decided to turn from fact to fiction. If historians could not fill the gaps in the record that made the knowledge I was after so elusive, perhaps storytellers less shackled by documented evidence might do so.