Now that Sambrook has done his sandbagging and Greg has put his finger in the Dyke, Andrew Gilligan is pressed by Lord Hutton on the meaning of “Absolutely yes“. It must be hard for the mighty Beeb to have this story cycling in and out around the globe. Now the ‘storm surge’ approaches as even traditional BBC allies advocate greater accountability. Quite a storm.
Hurricane Watch on Gilligan’s Island.
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Ah, but will the storm die down like Anabel? Today for instance the News people leapt on Campbell’s diaries like drowning men for wreckage- not just the BBC, Jon Snow and every bulletin I’ve come across. That’s not because it’s really revelatory, but because Campbell’s diaries are mysterious and newsworthy in themselves. Anything to soften the landing for the Beeb and any dependent journalists. Obviously they wouldn’t be trying to influence what goes on in Hutton’s public-sensitive mind. Obviously.
Is the storm all spectacle and no public judgement? We’ll see. The grotesque spectacle of Portillo wheeled out promiscuously to confuse us all again was enough to fill me with doubt.