The Saturday 11th October edition of ‘Talking Politics’ (Radio 4), hosted by Sheena McDonald, was a model of BBC P.C. bias.
Let me say at the start that I have nothing against opinion programmes, so long as there is diversity in the kind of opinions offered, and opinion pieces are clearly sign posted as such. Talking Politics is not sign posted as an op-ed piece.
The programme was on the subject of women in politics (Westminster politics). A group of like-minded labour politicians and left-wing writers gathered together to discuss what is wrong with politics. Naturally, it is awful, and it’s those pesky men.
If I tell you that one of the contributors has written a book called ‘Why do women vote Conservative?’ you’ll understand the thrust of the programme. The assertions that ‘Affirmative Action’ was a good thing was hardly challenged – in fact we need more of it. That ‘Affirmative Action’ could also be called ‘State-Sponsored Discrimination’ was not discussed, nor was the irony that such policies fell foul of anti-discrimination law discussed either.
For me, the most remarkable thing about this programme (aside from the presenter’s lack of professionalism) was the fact that the ‘T’ word (Thatcher) was not mentioned. Love her or hate her, I believe she ranks with Clem Atlee as the most successful post-war PM, at least in terms of changing society. She is a woman (and a mother) but of course would have no truck with a bunch of lefties like these, and so is not worthy of mention.
As a final word on this poor programme, getting a group of like minded individuals together to discuss a political topic makes for poor radio.
I think you are laboring under a misapprehension when you refer to Maggie as a “female” Prime Minister. Although anatomically she may have been female, she rose to power by accepting and then epitomizing traditional male political notions such as power politics, war, physical abuse -albeit with a handbag- and social inequality. So she was not a Womyn Prime Minister. She was traitor and a male. =)
All kidding aside, how could they ignore Baroness Thatcher? She was PM for 15 or 16 years and was responsible for the re-emergence of the UK from economic decline. The mind boggles.
BBC. Buncha wankers. Nice site but topic is old, stale, antedeluvian. “BBC lies”=”Dog bites man”, almost a tautology. Now a site dedicated to “BBC tells truth”, while small, would be interesting.
If there are any journalism students out there looking for a research topic, how about investigating connections between opinion show formats and their perceived political orientation?
In the US, those broadcast organizations most commonly perceived as left-wing (National Public Radio, Public Broadcasting System, and college radio) tend to use a one-on-one or round-table format, while those most perceived as right-wing (talk radio) overwhelmingly use a call-in format. Fox News is perhaps a notable exception, but I started wondering about this connection before Fox News was on the air.
I have repeatedly seen the one-on-one format degenerate into an ego massage because the host was unwilling to have anyone who seriously disagreed with him. You know this is happening when questions take the form, “Do you believe that …?” rather than, “What do you believe about …?”
Getting back to the BBC, one thing you should have learned by now is that they don’t give a damn about the news/commentary distinction, and never will as long as the current bureaucracy is in place.
Thatcher? The one who could so easily be bribed? That one? You must be proud.
Thatcher was one of Europe’s most outspoken critics of Reagan’s 100+ billion dollar graft program for the defense contractors colloquially known as “Star Wars.”
Then Thatcher was promised 300 million USD of those contracts.
Thatcher turned on a dime, and became one of Europe’s most ardent supporters of Reagan’s 100+ billion dollar graft program for the defense contractors collquially known as “Star Wars.”
That “Thatcher?”
You really have to get a freaking principle. (Hint: Bribery is a sign of amoral greed, and corruption, hence, not a principle MOST people get behind)