reported here. The BBC seems ever willing to indulge the loony left, be it Red Ken or “antiimperialista” “militants” raising funds for the Iraqi “resistance”. Via InstaPundit
Latest exploits of Italian “anti-war militants”
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Off topic ….. sort of. Since we’re talking about “anti-war militants,” why not hear the latest adventure in BBC diction.
Tonight (local time in eastern US, very late) driving home I heard the 6 AM (UK) BBC world news. The report on Iraq mentioned that US forces had killed “six dissidents,” and there was one more reference to “dissidents”. They were referring of course to Ba’athist anti-coalition elements. “Dissidents”. You know — Andrei Sakharov, Natan Scharansky, Nelson Mandela. People like that.
I was wrong — I had thought the BBC, after becoming at times almost a parody of itself, could never again surprise me with their unprofessionalism or detachment from reality.
How can the BBC call them anti-war if they are RAISING MONEY FOR THE RESISTANCE? Hello? Is this thing on? Anyone, anyone? They are very much PRO-WAR. The have chosen a side, and are actively supporting it with funds. That can not possibly be considered “anti-war”.
The bbc original sub headline read:
“A group of Italian anti-war militants is raising funds to support the armed Iraqi resistance, the BBC has learned.”
The stealth edit now reads:
“A group of Italian militants involved in staging anti-war protests is raising funds to support the armed Iraqi resistance, the BBC has learned.”
Meaning: not all of the anti-war folks are militants.
the bbc has a problem now. by using the word ‘militant’ instead of ‘terrorist’ over the years, they narrowed their arsenal of words they might use in situations such as this, where the term is more appropriate.
I think now, despite the bbc’s intentions, people have a very bad connotation when reading the word ‘militant’.
the battle over restoring the M word its original meaning gave rise to new terms describing terrorists in this regard i.e insurgents and somwhere i even saw dissidents, lol.
In any case, my English teacher Katy would be very proud at the achievments i made since our ways had long departed.
Just a minor observation 🙂