.Reading Kerry’s post on David Frum I found what I felt to be a ‘money’ quote. Here ’tis:
‘How can you do a program that purports to study why British people are so hostile to President Bush – without taking note of the state broadcaster’s role in creating and magnifying that hostility? ‘
In other words, the Beeb foregrounds the debates we have in society. Now, hear this:
‘Ms. Doucete, who refers to homicide bombers as “honor” killers, believes “her job is to translate” rather than simply report the news, because “Israel is led by a Prime Minister who believes that it is not Israel’s policy that is wrong, just that they have to explain it better.” ‘
Well, it sounds very much to me like a case of playing at being judge and jury. Thanks very much to Barry Rab for both these snippets, who like so many BBBC commenters recognises when something stinks.
Anyone who refers to suicide bombings as “homicide bombings” is equally guilty of the stupid use of language for political ends (even James Taranto thinks it’s a ridiculous phrase, for [deity]’s sake), and therefore loses the right to be listened to.
Kirsy Warke (Newsnight 20/11/03) referred to Bush & Blair as the 2 crusaders.
Was she slyly wishing to inflame British Muslims?
So, john b, what do you think of “honor killers” as a legitimate description?
how about “urban rockers” ?
I’ve seen that Lyse Doucet quote about “honor killings” several times now, and I would like to see sone chapter and verse, please. The first time I saw the “quote” I spent a while hunting on the internet for it, and when I found it (I think – but by then I had more or less lost the will to live) it seemed to me that she was referring to the killing of females by male relatives. However it came shortly after a discussion on suicide bombings, so I suspect David Bedein has misinterpreted it. I shall decline to believe that she was referring to suicide bombings as honor killing until I see it in black and white.
I’ll agree with Lee Moore here: I’m highly sceptical that Lyse Doucet really did refer to suicide bombing as ‘honour killing’.
If (as in this case) the source for an accusation is unscrupulous enough with language to refer to suicide bombers as ‘homicide bombers’, this makes me reluctant to trust its reliablity with facts.
The use of the phrase ‘honour killing’ is also not one I’m comnfortable with: killing teenage girls for dating boys doesn’t seem particularly honourable behaviour. But that’s more of a social than a political point, and it is (unfortunately) a generally accepted term for the action.