This needs remarking on, even just for the sound byte we’ve all thought but rarely heard spoken by a public figure:
“Getting the BBC to admit it is wrong is like squeezing blood from a stone.” – Ben Bradshaw, former Beeb journalist and [current UK Government] Fisheries Minister.
I wonder whether the Government will let the BBC off the hook when the Charter renewal discussions begin? Maybe they are just enjoying making the Beeb squirm for a change, or Greg Dyke (Boss Hogg to his friends) do some work.
Many thanks to Nigel Holland who brought this to light in the thread below.
I so wanted to read that but they make me pay for it as I am in Hong Kong – anywhere else I can see it?
This comment is out of place, but I wanted to note the BBC’s use of scare quotes here:
The headline is:
Iraqis rally against ‘terrorism’
I guess the BBC is taking a neutral stance on whether the attacks on the Red Cross, the UN, oil pipelines, etc. actually constitute terrorism.
OT: Those greedy Americans
(this is actually front page news at the moment)
The woman is fine, btw.
OT: Those greedy Americans
It is hard to imagine that this story would make national news even if it had occured in the UK.
It does smack of an attempt by the BBC to use any story that will produce a hurrumph from a US-sceptic audience