. Perhaps it seems that this blog is wildly supportive of George Bush. Maybe it seems that we have a blind attachment to a Trans-Atlantic fantasy known as the ‘Anglosphere’. Or maybe it’s just the quality of the opposition (ironically, and weirdly, considering that we have a Labour Government in the UK- and I do mean Labour), and the way the British Press with ample encouragement from the Beeb snuggle up to the worst that the Dimmiecratic gossipers can come up with. Maybe it’s the genius of George Bush (machievellian illiterate that he is- probably couldn’t even read the Guardian, let alone revel in its literary magic. tongue. in. cheek.) to have the world focus on the reality or non-reality of a Turkey. As wise man say, ‘there are known unknowns and unknown unknowns…’ and whatever (sorry Natalie to mangle this genius of clarity). The serious point about the Rumsfeld quote is that what the Press can’t understand in a nanobyte (don’t bother, I made it up- I imagine), they feel utterly free to laugh at, ignore, or turn into front page news- whatever- so that garrulous people (me? Nooo) spend months on and off talking about it. Bizarro! (Truly, there are greater things to talk about)
And maybe it’s just the BBC’s tendency in the light of unwelcome geopolitical reality to raise insignificant rumour-mongering to acceptable canards- whether it’s over Kyoto, Private Jessica Lynch or, insult of insult to that august institution of British probity, a Turkey. Nicholas Vance alerted me to the Lynch story- and he has covered the BBC’s reporting of it on the BBC News previously with his usual thoroughness. For Turkey (the bird), see below post for casual anti-Bushisms. On Kyoto- a liberal consensus, a stick to beat the nasty Texan Oilman- it’s all been there on the Beeb. Update. Recycled, ‘pre-prepared’ Turkey. Ugh. For antidote, click original TURKEY above.
Jessica Lynch WAS raped. 2 Baath Party officials have ADMITTED it.
(strangely not reported by the BBC).
But of course, that doesn’t fit into the Left’s worldview, so they will stick their heads in the sand and hum real loud.