It’s nice to know one is not alone in one’s views. At about 5.50pm today Radio Four had on one of those “listeners’ feedback” programmes. It said that “few of those who wrote in supported the Plain English Campaign.” Then it replayed the Rumsfeld clip, followed by audio clips from three members of the public saying nice things about how Mr Rumsfeld was clear and concise.
I was left feeling quite benign towards the Beeb.
But as the Great Cham of the Blogosphere says, the BBC still hasn’t mentioned the other award Rummie won recently.
Just for you then Natalie:
This was supplied by the BBC, the media organisation who care.
BTW- I agree with your point entirely, even if I had an odd way of showing it in the post beneath.
Ahem. You no doubt refer, Sir, to my principled intellectual admiration of certain political stances taken by Mr Secretary Rumsfeld?
That manly profile has absolutely nothing to do with it.