. Glenn Reynolds has captured some BBC reaction– reaction I also caught live on TV. At times like this there’s so much to take in, and nothing much can take the edge off things for me over the capture of Saddam. On a serious note though, I also heard Saddam’s capture described by the BBC as a ‘propaganda coup’. I often feel that, as when someone calls someone else a liar or a cheat, there are words you can’t take back- they’re beyond balancing. Update. I thought I’d add Glenn’s link to the BBC reporters log here, so everyone can find their ‘favourite’ bits more easily. Update 2: As Glenn says, Tim Blair’s on a roll (scroll away).
Bye Bye Sadmad
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Well, yes, it’s not kosher to allow any of the euphoria that is associated with success to be milked by GWB- even for British viewers. I just watched the ten o’clock news on BBC1 and I heard about the ‘quagmire that is Iraq’ from Matt Frei, while between them Rageh Omar and Caroline Hawley stitched up the idea that the resistance had gone ‘way beyond’ supporters of Saddam Hussein.
Basically, the Beeb might call it a reality check, but I would just call it a travesty. I was just wondering how they might have regrouped to deal with the new situation, and then I got my answer! Every report was laced with a fatal dose of cynicism.
Interesting, as I recall Rageeh was very positive about the whole thing earlier in the day.
[semi-OT] World Service keeps saying that Rumsfield has said Saddam is a prisoner of war. In fact in the interview I heard, R. says that S. is being treated AS THOUGH he were a prisoner of war (Geneva Convention etc) despite his status not being yet determined.
(They also keep saying R. is the Sec of State..)
As long as the BBC has decided it’s going to spread lies and misrepresentation, they might as well do it with panache.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
And one really must admire the BBC’s dedication, on this issue at least.
When I looked at the BBC’s summary of UK press coverage this morning, Bremer’s ‘Ladies and gentlemen – we got him!’ was described as ‘soon to be infamous.’ This appeared to be linking matter, not a quote from a newspaper. Possibly the writer thinks ‘infamous’ = ‘famous’, in the same way as ‘inflammable’ = ‘flammable’. I’m sure you can get a writing job at the Beeb with that level of understanding of words.