When a mass-murdering thug is pulled from his hole, could the Beeb indulge in a little joy over the news? Not a chance. Here’s an item noticed by a reader of The Corner.
I’m am American expat living in London, and I was listening to BBC London (Radio 5) shortly after the announcement of Saddam’s capture. The host of a call-in show was going on about how the Americans unnecessarily subjected Saddam to humiliation by showing the video of him being given a medical exam and being unwashed and unshaven. She termed it “serial humiliation”, and asked “what’s next, beheading him and parading his head on a pole around Baghdad”? It’s absolutely amazing how so many here dredge up hatred for the U.S. no matter what.
Before Beeb reporters remark on American “triumphalism”, let them talk to those rejoicing Iraqis in the Bremer news conference, as Katherine Lopez observes.
By the way, if you are getting worn down by the spin, read Peggy Noonan’s unapologetic, unembarrassed, joy-filled reaction to the great news.
Midweek 12th March 2025
Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.