The BBC states it will not publish comments of an offensive or inflammatory nature on its websites. I am fairly sure that an email calling, let us say, for the execution for treason of George Galloway would never appear, even though plenty of people have opined that he should be strung up. However this post from Black Triangle gives an insight into what does and does not immediately strike the BBC as offensive.
There are also some wise words on stealth editing.
UPDATE: Looks like me and Jackie D were posting simultaneously. Great minds think alike, and all that. I’ll leave this post up as evidence that we abjure stealth editing on this blog. (Except for misplaced apostrophes, spelling mistakes and jokes we only think of later.)
One can surmise that the name, email address, location, etc., of that rather imprudent poster are now happily entered into the Secret Service’s database of people who have made threats on the President.
BTW, is there any reason why the BBC doesn’t tell us how they select the “Have Your Say” posts that make it to the site?
After their success in the David Kelly affair, the BBC has every reason to believe that no target is beyond their progressive grasp.
Hoping, of course, that Andrew Gilligan feels up to it.
In the venn diagram of life we should consider the BBC & Blair in the same circle & never forget that regime change beings at home!!