Norman Geras writes:
…Marr presented Blair as now going for the humanitarian dimension of the Iraq intervention because of how things had turned out with WMD and as though he had just discovered it. This is becoming one of the major components in the anti-war party’s current mythology. But that’s what it is: mythology. Blair stated the humanitarian argument plain as day, albeit as subsidiary.
Incidentally, there is no such thing as trespass in the noble sport of Beeb hunting. On the contrary. Extra spears always welcome.
One is wielded by Brian Micklethwait iin this Samizdata post. Actually, I think the likeliest explanation for this one is that offered by Dr Johnson when asked why he defined ‘pastern’ as the kneee of a horse. “Ignorance, Madam. Pure ignorance.” The writer just didn’t know what “rally” meant. Something to do with Indianopolis, innit?
As commenters to the Samizdata item state, the BBC is so full of subtle bias.
So subtle that we are obviously paranoid to be able to detect it. But its there, dammit, I tell you.
Jim McNaughtie (or similar)of the Today programme, introduces an item on air security by refering to “gun toting” marshals. Does that not conjure up an image of trigger happy nutters?
Why are the BBC spending millions on advertising hoardings advertising BBC programmes,when the licence fee is mandatory.This can only push the fee up even further.I think they are a shower of P C bastards.