Eric Svane has started Le Monde Watch. It’s mostly in French, but English translations of selected articles can be found at the fine multi-lingual group blog which often focusses on bias in the French media, No Pasarán!
OK. Someone tell me the HTML code for one of those upside down exclamation marks.
I must give another mention to another media scrutiny blog, Oh, that liberal media. Two of the contributors, Stefan Sharkansky and Patterico, have come up with a phrase “The Power of the Jump™” (I’m pretty sure that TM is ironic) to describe the practice where the bit of the story that the New York Times or whoever doesn’t like is buried at the end of the column after where it says “Turn to page A64.” Your Beeb-watching will be even more productive if you bear this technique and its internet and televisual equivalents in mind.
Media scrutiny blogs are quite a sub-genre now, and I think we can learn from each other.
The Inverted EXCLamation mark’s html code is:
“ampersand i excl semicolon”
Don’t know whether how this will come out once it’s been through the comment-mangler…. ¡
You can also get the ¡ by typing its Unicode position, ¡ (that is, ampersand, # sign, 161, and a semicolon).
By the same token, you’re missing a semicolon in your link to ¡No Pasará!. The á can also be coded as á (ampersand, # sign, 225, and a semicolon).
I’ve been desperate to get Natalie Solent’s attention for ages and now, at long last, I’ve finally done it!
As Howard Dean would say: Yeeaargh!
Hello, Douglas!
Look, sorry guys. I know I’m not so hot at answering or posting email at the moment. Still busy with that dratted “real life” business, I’m afraid.
Just testing!
In 1982 I met up with the FT’s correspondent in Moscow.He told me that Pravda stories were as you describe. You could skip the first three-quarters about how wheat production was up. The real news was near the bottom and very brief, saying something like ‘reports that much of the crop has been eaten by rats can be totally discounted’.