The BBC provides 170 news-based lesson plans for teachers. Some strange force drew me towards the section on the EU. In this “myths or facts” quiz the pupil is asked to say whether each of five reports in which it is said that the EU does or does not wish to ban, change or rename some aspect of British life, are facts or myths. It turns out that number four is the only true one.
Answer the following questions. Use one side of the paper only.
(1) What is the general idea that this quiz is intended to convey?
(2) What other questions can you suggest that might convey different ideas?
(3) (For advanced candidates only) Write not more than 100 words on the background to any ONE question demonstrating how another very similar example might have been chosen giving quite the opposite result.
(4) Why is the BBC providing lesson plans anyway? Discuss.
(5) Remind me, who pays for all this?
Midweek 22nd January 2025
Marxists borrowed nearly 18 billion in December – 12 billion the month before . The 18 was meant to be…