B-BBC commenter, Susan, notices the friendly demeanor of our Beeb toward Mr Rumsfeld now that he seems to have strayed from the fold of Bush and Co. Unfortunately, Don has issued a clarification to what appears to have been a very mistaken inference. For a while there, he was singing their tune, and the BBC was feelin’ groovy. I hope this doesn’t ruin the day for Jonathan Marcus now that his theorizing is in vain. Paul Reynold’s ‘analysis‘ will need to be re-written (or deleted) if not stealth-edited.
(Hat tip: The Corner)
Chummy with Rummy.
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Quoted on the front page! Wow! A first:)
Yup, it was a mistaken inference all right. Only a fool would believe his bosses forced him to issue the clarification…
Interesting observations are worth noting, Susan.
john b, The BBC happily parses Rumsfeld’s every word for their hoped-for outcome –“See, Bush and Cheney really are liars”– Is this really all they can come up with? It was the lead story on NPR’s re-broadcast of the BBC yesterday, along with Bremer’s remarks. What a joke. This is a story that will not stick. Everyone knows Rumsfeld’s way of communicating. The BBC prefers some over others. His meaning is clear, even if they prefer not to acknowledge this.
See Sen. Jon Kyl’s rebuke to the “no Saddam–al Qaeda connection” spinners here citing CIA and 9-11 Commission reports: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/Commentary/com-10_5_04_JK.html