Stephen Pollard was on a roll as he reviewed parts of BBC coverage of the US elections.
Some trademark Beebisms on display, from ‘no-one wanted to believe this was happening’ to ‘it was the religious nuts wot done it’ to ‘anyway, back to the ‘so-called’ war on terror’ to ‘didn’t everyone want Bush to lose anyway?’. Great stuff, if one can use that phrase about responses to blatant bias.
The “religious nuts won it idea” is fascinating. I watched (here in Blighty) much of the coverage from early evening onwards all available channels. Never heard any presenter or pundit make any serious reference to this idea. Next day it seems like the official explanation by the Beeb.
Why does the BBC waste our money sending so-called “reporters” to an English speaking country like the US?
Surely there are British people living there who have more understanding of that continental nation than arrogant ignoramuses of the “Kate Adie” school who think they know it all after five minutes in New York! American reporters are better placed and could be cost-effectively contracted by the high spending bean counters at the beeb!
I just heard on Radio 4 that the BBC sent 180 staff to the US for the election – stated by the Head of BBC Radio News.
I have an awful feeling that this figure covers only the radio staff. NOT the TV news empire.
I noted on an earlier thread that the BBC were spending £750,000 on US election coverage.
ITN were sending 19 staff
Sky News 26 staff
Thnx for the info John, Rob. Any suggestions about how to stop the waste? Perhaps a well-placed question in Parliament?
The matter should be aired before the nation!
The BBC Head of Radio News today quoted the £750,000 figure. But I fear that relates to radio only.
NO WAY was the BBC TV coverage within such a small figure. This is a £3 billion per annum spender – of OUR money. I’d guess the figure for TV was a multiple of £10 million.
But we have as much chance of seeing the true figures as we have of winning the lottery.
Burt: American-based reporters couldn’t be trusted to tow the BBC line, of course. You err in assuming they WANT to report accurate news about the US.
Did anybody see Jeremy Paxmans interview with Bill Kristol on election night?
I saw Kristol on fox. He said “I’ve just come from an interview with the BBC, they’re in mourning over there”